BNewsletterACH ofN theOTES American Bach Society FALL 2020 • No. 33 2020 • No. FALL TINY BACH CONCERTS he American Bach Society New England Conservatory), and Tis pleased to introduce Tiny by Paul Walker (ABS board mem- Bach Concerts, a new video series ber and retired faculty member at launched in September 2020. Each Notre Dame). episode, planned for monthly re- The ABS welcomes suggestions lease on our new YouTube channel, from its members for future epi- will feature a video performance of sodes of Tiny Bach Concerts. Please a Bach work and a spoken introduc- get in touch with Carrie Tipton at tion by an ABS expert. Our aim is
[email protected] to pair well-informed and engaging to suggest performances we should presentations about Bach’s music consider featuring, or if you are in a with compelling performances of position to offer commentary in an the repertory. episode. Please also share the series The series is meant to help with friends and colleagues. the ABS reach a broader constitu- ency, including general audiences and performing organizations. We also hope to promote the work of performers and ensembles cultivating “Dona nobis pacem” from the Mass in B In This Issue: Bach’s music. Recent pandemic-imposed Minor are introduced in a talk by former limitations on concerts have shown that ABS president George Stauffer. Tiny Bach Concerts 1 there is a large appetite for music online, The ABS is fortunate to have Car- Barbara Wolff (1936–2020) 2 and it seems likely that this interest will rie Allen Tipton serving as coordinator continue.