Guards Tank: The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

Turn 1A

The SS Panzer Corps is charged with by E.R. Bickford breaking through the Soviet fortifi ca- The fi rst business is to bust through tions and pushing on northward to the fi rst line of Soviet fortifi cations Production: ultimately capture Prokhorovka as which is defended by the 52nd Guards C.J. Doherty well as positions on the eastern and Corps and the 375th Guards Corps. western fl anks, which are marked with The defense looks formidable. © 2010 Decision Games the German cross. The Panzer Corps Bakersfi eld, CA. is made up of three divisions and will Turn One 5 July 1943 launch a three-pronged attack. The Totenkopt Division is deployed on German Player Turn the left fl ank and will proceed on the western side of the Donets River, eeven-ven- Reinforcements: tually crossing the Psel River ttowardoward The Axis player receives 8 air mis- the road to the west of Voroshilov. The sions. Three are medium bombers center is covered by the LAH Division and 5 are ground attack missions. which must push through the fi rst line of fortifi cations and then cross Movement Phase: the Donets ppressingressing alongalong thethe railroadrailroad None toward Prokhorovka. The right fl ank is assigned to the Das Reich Division Final Protective Fire Phase (Soviet): which must also cross the river. Then The 23rd Guards Corps is able to place moving along the eastern fl ank toward two artillery units in command. The the objective hex near Maloyablonovo. 52nd Guards Artillery Regiment misses,

WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 A1 Guards Tank recon battalion (1st SS Recon) is elimi- nated. The LAH units advance. The fi nal attack on the line is led by the 680 Engineer Battalion. The 375th GD AT is eliminated as it must retreat through an enemy ZOC (Zone of Control)

Remaining Axis artillery bombard- ment manages to suppress the Soviet 375 Guards artillery. The Luftwaffe makes an appearance to barrage the 52nd Guards Artillery, which is just north of the fi rst line of fortifi cations. Somehow the pilots miss the target.

Since all of the German units continue to be in command, they may all participate in the 2nd wave combat phase with the exception of the suppressed units from the LAH.

Axis Second Wave Combat: The Totenkopt launches attacks on Turn 1B the western position, which is held by the 3/375 GD Regiment. This attack but the 375th Guards Regiment manag- to launch against the fortifi cation employs the Mobile CRT. TThehe SSovietoviet 3rd es to suppress part of the LAH Division. hexes. One of these attacks will be Regiment is forced to retreat. Next the satisfi ed by an artillery unit using Totenkopt goes after the 28th AT Brigade Axis First Wave Combat Phase: ranged fi re ssoo tthathat ggroundround fforcesorces ccanan which has been suppressed by artillery On the German right, Das Reich be concentrated. The fi rst attack is fi re. The Soviet AT is still holed up in opens the attack against the 52nd launched on the Assault CRT aagainstgainst fortifi cations, but is completely sur- Guards. All of the defenders are in the westernmost position, which is rounded. The Assault Table is used and fortifi cations, which gives the defender held by the Soviet 3/375. The Totenkopt unfortunately, the result is Exchange. a 2 column shift. The fi rst battle units have the advantage of using The 0-6-7 (28th AT) is eliminated but so results in an Exchange. A Soviet 3-6-2 engineers against the fortifi cation. is the German 4-4-8 (T 2/6 infantry bat- infantry (2/52 Rgt) is eliminated and (Engineers gain a favorable column talion). Next the 680 Engineer and the a German 4-4-8 motorized infantry shift when assaulting fortifi cations). 2/2 LAH attack the suppressed artillery battalion is sacrifi ced. The Axis This forces the 3rd Regiment to fall unit using the Mobile CRT. The Soviet gains one VP and the Soviets gather back. The second attack is an Assault artillery manages to escape via retreat. 2 VP’s, but lose a fortifi cation hex. against the 2/375 Regiment, again in On the eastern fl ank, the DR division fortifi cations. Artillery is used as fi re attacks a lone artillery regiment that is Tally: support. The defender survives but situated behind the fi rst line of fortifi - Soviets 2-1 must retreat. The artillery handles the cations. The artillery retreats one hex. Soviet 28th Anti-tank brigade, which In the fi nal attack, the Axis 2/4 and 3/4 The attacks continue and the Axis becomes suppressed as a result. battalions attack the 52 GD AT and 6th commander employs three ground GD Army artillery. Both sides retreat. support missions as well as three Next, the LAH attacks the center of the artillery units fi ring in support. By Soviet fi rst line fortifi cations. The 1/375 Recovery Phase: the end, Das Reich forfeits two 4-4-8 Guards Regiment is fi rst. The LAH The suppressed LAH units automati- infantry battalions while the Soviets has suppressed (by Soviet FPF) units cally recover as they are in command lose two 3-6-4 infantry regiments involved which is a disadvantage. (A control range. With the recent losses eliminated. Four fortress hexes have negative column shift on the attack.) the score stands at Soviets 9 VP and been captured from the fi rst line. Despite this the 1/375 is forced to the Germans 5 VP’s. (Not counting retreat. (This retreat is for an additional terrain objectives.) (Photo 1) Tally: hex due to over-stacking). In the next Soviets 6-3 VP’s. attack, the LAH strikes the 27th AT Score: Brigade. The German artillery adds Soviets 9 Axis 5 VP’s The German left fl ank attacks next. its weight to the attack and the result This is handled by the Totenkopt is Exchange. The 0-6-7 (27th AT) is Division, which has three attacks eliminated and the German 5-3-12

A2 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

Soviet Player Turn

Reinforcement Phase: The Soviet player rolls the die to release his reinforcements. The 183rd Division and 9th Guards Airborne Division are both released. These units also bring along one asset each from the 6th Guards Army. Since the Germans have units north of the 1st FFortifiortifi eded Line,Line, tthehe Soviets also roll for the release of the mechanized units from the 5th Guards Tank Army. Only the 5th Mechanized Corps Detachment is released with an attached AT regiment (chosen randomly) from the 5th Guards Army. The Soviets receive no air power until the launch of the Orel Offensive via the event phase. The Soviet commander uses his one Replacement Point to attempt a rebuild of the 0-6-7 27th AT Brigade, but this fails and the unit is permanently destroyed. Turn 2A Movement Phase: The 23rd Corps attempts to fall back The turn ends with the Soviets is out of command, so the rest have toward the north. Enemy ZOC’s lock leading 9 to 5 VP’s. their full movement allowance. some of the units which must use disengagement to break free. Two Photo 2 Soviet Final Protective Fire: units manage to cross the Donets Only two of the Soviet artillery units River vviaia thethe railroadrailroad trestle.trestle. InIn Turn Two 6 July 1943 can fi re. The fi rst fi res at the DR the rear, the 5th Mechanized Corps units due west of the Donets River. IItt advances forward to Stalinsk. The Events Phase: misses. The second 6-3-3 fi res at the 183rd Rifl e Division advances toward No Event LAH in the center. This is somewhat the 6th Guards Army HQ which is in successful and the target retreats. the 2nd Line Fortifi cations. Last, the Axis Player Turn 9th Airborne advances to Stalinsk. Axis First Wave Combat: These units do not get very far Reinforcements Phase: The fi rst attack is against the with their slow movement rates. The Axis receives 2 RP’s plus an addi- 3-6-4 infantry regiment which is tional RP for capture of the fi rst line holding the Soviet army’s right Final Protective Fire Phase: fortifi cations. The fi rst replacement is a fl ank. The Totenkopt has brought There is none since none of the Soviet 4-4-8 infantry from Das Reich, but it is overwhelming strength to bear units are adjacent to German units. permanently eliminated, failing the die and uses the Mobile CRT. The roll. Another 4-4-8 infantry battalion is 3/375th Guards retreats one hex. Soviet First Wave Combat: eliminated too. The LAH replaces the The commander of the 6th Guards 5-3-12 recon battalion. Two additional Another Soviet 3-6-4 infantry Army orders his available artillery Ground Attack missions are received as unit is defending in forests in the to bombard the advancing Germans are three Medium Bomber missions. center. The Totenkopt and LAH join with ranged fi re. The 28th Artillery in an attack employing the Mobile Brigade fi res at the DR Engineer Movement Phase: CRT. This results in a DE and the Battalion which becomes suppressed. Since the Soviets have attempted to fall 2/375 Guards is eliminated. back from the fi rst line fortifi cations, Second Wave Combat Phase: the Totenkopt Division will continue The 6th Guards Army HQ is caught off None to press forward on the German left guard by the LAH. It lies exposed with fl ank. The LAH strikes the center only the 96th Tank Brigade. Fortunately, Recovery Phase: in conjunction with the Totenkopt, Soviet FPF has forced half of the The 375 Guards Artillery Brigade auto- while Das Reich sets up to cross the German attackers to fall back, giving matically recovers from suppression. Donets aatt tthehe rrailroadailroad crossing.crossing. OnlyOnly these guys a break. The Axis com- the suppressed engineer battalion mander is still able to bring formidable attack strength by employing available


Turn 3A artillery assets. The Mobile CRT is also released. One replacement point commander orders artillery fi re on used. The Soviet defenders are forced is received. The 28th Anti-Tank brigade the Axis frontage. The 28th Artillery to retreat 4 hexes. The LAH cautiously fails its replacement die roll and is fi res a barrage against the Totenkopt advances. Next, the DR attacks the permanently eliminated instead. The forces on the western fl ank. The Axis Soviet left across the Donets River. TThehe is no Soviet air support at this point. engineer battalion is suppressed. There defenders are forced to fall back. is no further combat and the Soviets Soviet Movement Phase: have no suppressed units to recover. Axis Second Wave Attack: The Soviets continue to fall back to The LAH attacks the Soviet center their second line fortifi cations. The [Photo ] again. A 3-6-4 infantry and 0-1-4 western fl ank’s forces do not quite artillery defend. The Soviets forces get there. The 3/275 Guards has to Turn Three 7 July 1943 successfully fall back. The DR engineer disengage and has only half of its battalion recovers from suppression. movement points available. The 52nd Event Phase: GD AT battalion retreats to Ternovka There is no event. [Photo] while the artillery moves just to its rear. Then the 5th Mechanized Corps moves German Player Turn Soviets lead 9-6 VP’s to Komsomolets. The 2nd Tank Corps deploys in the 3rd Line Fortifi cations Reinforcements Phase: Soviet Player Turn as the 95th Guards Division advances The 1/4 Motorized Infantry southward toward the Psel River. Battalion receives replacements Soviet Reinforcement Phase: and returns to action via the The 95th Guards Division is released as There is no FPF Phase as none of turn record chart. The Luftwaffe reinforcements. The 2nd Tank Corps is the units are adjacent. The Soviet provides 5 air support missions.

A4 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

Turn 3B

artillery must retreat and the only hope Movement Phase: First Wave Combat Phase: of survival is to cross the Donets River. All of the German units are in com- The Totenkopt’s left attacks the 3-6-4 Unfortunately, there is not enough time mand except the suppressed engineer infantry (3/375) with artillery sup- (die roll 3 failure) and the unit is elimi- battalion. Das Reich is able to cross port. The Soviets give a little ground nated. The German commander orders the Donets River aatt tthehe rrailroadailroad trestle.trestle. retreating one hex. Next the Totenkopt the 3/5 Panzergrenadier Battalion to Nonetheless, it stays out of contact with Division attacks the 3-6-4 Infantry attack the 6th Guards Army HQ with the Soviet forces. Next, in the center, (3/52nd) The Soviet infantry retreats fi re support from the artillery and two the LAH rolls the armored engineers which allows the 3/5 Panzergrenadier ground attack air strikes. The Soviet up to the Donets ttoo assembleassemble bridgesbridges Battalion to infi ltrate. Now 1/375 is HQ and artillery regiment retreat two for a crossing. The rest of the LAH surrounded, and the main thrust of hexes toward the second line. German advances to ready for a river crossing. the Totenkopt’s attack is directed to artillery satisfi es a diversionary The Totenkopt advances toward the center. The 1/375 is eliminated. attack against the 3-6-4 (3/52 Guards) the north on the Axis left fl ank and infantry. There is no effect. A last attack strikes the 375th Guards Infantry. Second Wave Combat Phase: is against the westernmost Soviet posi- All of the Axis contact units are in tion. The Soviets have a 3-6-4 infantry Final Protective Fire: command control radii so the second against a strong Totenkopt force. The 6th Guards Army HQ orders wave strikes the 6th Guards Army. The The Soviet defenders are eliminated artillery fi re on the lead units of the commander of the Totenkopt Division by overwhelming attack strength. Totenkopt Division. The 52nd 6-3-3 artil- orders an attack. The Soviet left is lery Regiment barrages the Totenkopt’s defended by the 52nd Guards Artillery The commander of Das Reich Division right. There is no effect. Likewise the Regiment anchored off of the Donets orders the artillery barrage against 375th’s 6-3-3 artillery has no effect. River. TThehe PPanzersanzers strike.strike. TheThe SovietSoviet the Soviet 0-3-4 anti-tank battalion

WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 A5 Guards Tank Movement Phase: The Totenkopt Division is in command and moves forward along the western side of the Donets River, ttoo engageengage thethe Soviets in the 2nd Line Fortifi cations. On the German right fl ank, Das Reich crosses the Donets wwithith thethe aidaid ooff the DR engineer battalion. Its recon battalion probes toward the city of Khokhlovo. The LAH Division also makes a river crossing to the west of Ternovka. This advance is stemmed by the Soviet 52nd Guards AT battalion.

Soviet Final Protective Fire: The 28th Artillery Brigade fi res at Das Reich without effect.

First Wave Combat Phase: Das Reich Division assaults the 52nd Guards AT Battalion in Ternovka. The result is DA, Defender Shot Up. The Soviet AT unit is eliminated Turn 4 and Ternovka falls to the Axis com- mander. To the west of the Donets on the railroad leading to Ternovka. the 3rd Brigade stops in Oktiabrskii. River, TTotenkoptotenkopt DivisionDivision hashas pinnedpinned There is no effect. The corps artillery Last, the 95th Infantry Division the Soviet 3/52nd Guards Regiment is successful in fi ring on the 28th moves into the 3rd line fortifi cations on the river bank. Two artillery units Artillery Brigade which becomes but remains out of command. supply close support. The Mobile suppressed. During the Recovery CRT is used and the Soviet 3-6-4 Phase, the 3rd SS engineer battalion First Wave Combat Phase: regiment is eliminated. The recon removes its suppression marker. There is no Axis Final Protective Fire battalion advances to the river banks. as none of the units are adjacent. The [Photo ] commander of the 6th Guards Army Totenkopt has also pinned the orders his artillery to barrage Axis 6th Guards HQ in the 2nd Line Score: targets. The Group A rocket brigade Fortifi cations. The Luftwaffe provides Tied 9-9 fi res on the 3/5 PG. The German one Ground Attack mission. The unit becomes suppressed. The Soviet HQ is forced to retreat. The Soviet Player Turn balance of the artillery remains out Totenkopt Division rolls into the 2nd of range. There are no Second Wave Line Fortifi cations. On the left fl ank, Reinforcements Phase: Attacks. During Soviet Recovery the Totenkopt continues its attack The 42nd Division is released as Phase, the 28th Artillery Brigade against the Soviet fortifi cations. The reinforcements. The 2/375 Guards recovers from suppression. 96th Tank Brigade defends, but it has Infantry Regiment receives replace- been suppressed by Axis artillery, so ments and returns on game turn 7. [Photo] is disadvantaged. The Soviet tanks are No other reinforcements are released. dislodged as a result and the German There is still no Soviet Air Force. Turn Four 8 July 1943 forces move into the fortifi ed positions.

Movement Phase: Event Phase: Second Wave Combat Phase: The 6th Guards Army HQ and artillery The Soviet 96th Tank Brigade The Totenkopt Division remains in fall back to the second line fortifi ca- runs into its own tank ditch and contact with the Soviet forces to the tions. The 3/52nd has to disengage becomes suppressed as a result. west. These units are all in command fi rst, so it remains exposed along the control range and thus continue fl anks of the Donets River. TThehe 118383rd German Player Turn their attacks. The 6th Guards HQ and Division’s advance is painfully slow artillery are attacked again using as it is now out of command range. It Reinforcements Phase: the Mobile CRT. This is supported slowly trudges along toward the 2nd The Axis has no replacements and by Luftwaffe ground attack air units. line fortifi cations to the east. The 1st draws three Medium Bomber missions The result is D3 and the Soviets fall and 2nd Brigades of the 9th Airborne and three Ground Attack strikes. back toward Luchki. After the German Division move into Komsomolets while advance, the Soviet 96th Tank is found

A6 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943 surrounded. It is still suppressed, and the commander of the Totenkopt orders an attack. Ju-87’s fl y in as more ground attack is called in to support the assault. The Soviet 6-4-9 Tank brigade is forced to retreat through ZOC and is subsequently eliminated.

Recovery Phase: The suppressed unit from Totenkopt recovers from suppression. The score is now German 13-9 VP’s

[Photo 7]

Soviet Player Turn

Soviet situation report: The 52nd Guards Division has been all but wiped out while the 375th Guards Division is greatly weakened. The 1st LLineine FFortifiortifi ccationsations aarere llostost and the 2nd Line is breached to the west of the Donets River. Turn 5A

Soviet Reinforcements Phase: plans an assault against the eastern Due to the breach of the second line First and Second Wave Combat: portion of the 2nd Line Fortifi cations. fortifi cation, the Soviet commander is None Meanwhile, engineers of the LAH have more likely to release forces from the constructed a pontoon bridge across 5th Guards Tank Army. Consequently, Recovery Phase: the Donets River wwestest ofof Ternovka.Ternovka. TheThe the 18th Tank Corps is released. The None LAH works its way across the river. Soviets attempt to salvage the 96th Tank Brigade with replacements The turn ends with the Soviet Final Protective Fire: but this fails on the die roll, so the Axis ahead 13-9 VP’s. The 28th Artillery is successful unit is permanently eliminated. in suppressing the 2/2 LAH Turn Five 9 July 1943 infantry which is retreated. This Soviet Movement Phase: prevents the Group B anti-tank The 23rd Guard Corps HQ falls back Event Phase: form becoming trapped by ZOC. with the artillery toward Luchki. The Soviet 24th Tank Brigade Since it wants to disengage it doesn’t runs into its own tank ditches Axis First Wave Attack Phase: have enough movement points to get and becomes suppressed. The Totenkopt Division takes care to the city itself. Units from the 51st of the 23rd Corps HQ which has been Guards Division attempt to defend German Player Turn treading on water for a while now. Both the 2nd Line Fortifi cations on the the HQ and the 375 Guard Artillery eastern side of the Donets River with Reinforcements Phase: Regiment are eliminated. On the right the 6th Guards Army. Meanwhile, The Axis receives 11 Air fl ank, the DR attacks the easternmost the 183rd Division is moving toward support missions. part of the 2nd Line Fortifi cations. It is Gostishchevo. It is slowed due to defended by the 2/51 Guards Regiment. Command Control issues. Units from Movement Phase: Artillery and ground attack Stukas are the 5th Mechanized Corps begin Part of the Totenkopt has outrun used. The attack results in DE, and the to move toward the west to absorb its headquarters and is temporarily 3-5-4 infantry is eliminated. The Soviet the spearheads of the approaching out of command. This will halve its position is now compromised. About Totenkopt Division. They are deployed movement allowance. This does one mile to the west of this battle, the along the road from Komsomolets not stop the commander of the Soviet 51st GGuardsuards AATT BattalionBattalion fi nndsds heading westward. The 42nd Guards Totenkopt Division from surrounding itself under attack by the DR division. Division holds the fortifi cations outside the 23rd Corps HQ near Luchki. This is resolved on the Assault CRT of Prokhorovka while the 95th Guards as the Soviet position is within the Division sets up a defense on the Psel Das Reich Division advances to the fortifi cation. The Soviet AT is forced to River. There is no FPF Phase by the right fl ank and assembles near the retreat two hexes. The LAH is facing Axis as no units remain in contact. city of Khokhlovo. The commander another part of the 2nd Line which is


Turn 5B defended by a 0-[6]-7 AT unit. This the western fl ank, preparing for a results in the Group B AT unit’s retreat. Score: counterattack against the Totenkopt. Axis 18-9 VP’s The 95th Guards Division mans the The Luftwaffe has Medium Bombers western part of the 3rd Fortifi cation attack the 5th Mech HQ to the north [Photo] Line. The 2nd Tank Corps deploys in of the Totenkopt Division. This is the fortifi cations near Maloyablonovo, ineffective. Then ground attack Soviet Player Turn and the 18th Tank Corps takes the aircraft strike the 6th Guards Army center of the fortifi ed position. HQ near Gostishchevo. As a result, Reinforcements Phase: Last, the 2nd Guards Tank Corps the Soviet Army HQ is suppressed. The 2nd Guards Tank Corps and the transfers to the city of Oktiabrskii. ARKO fi res at the Soviet anti-tank and 5th Guards Tank Corps are released artillery units just to the north of the to the theater. Replacements for Final Protective Fire: fortifi ed line. The result is DE and the the 3/375 are received and the None Soviet units are eliminated. The rest unit will reappear on turn 6. of the artillery fi re has no effect. First and Second Wave Combat: Movement Phase: There is one artillery barrage by the Second Wave Attack Phase: The Soviet 6th Guards Army has all 6th Guards artillery. This causes the The Axis units in contact have out but lost the 2nd Line Fortifi cations DR recon battalion to be suppressed. run their command control lines and decides to fall back. The HQ has and therefore may not attack. been suppressed so none of these Recovery Phase: units are in command. Meanwhile, The 24th Tank Brigade recovers Recovery Phase: the newly arriving 5th Guards Tank from its suppression. The 6th None Corps moves up to the Psel River oonn Army HQ also recovers.

A8 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

Turn 6

beleaguered 1/51 Guards regiment unit is eliminated. Then the LAH [Photo Soviet defense] in the 2nd Line. Then to the east, follows up with a mobile attack the DR advances into contact with against the 1487th AT Regiment to Turn Six 10 July 1943 elements of the 51st GGuardsuards DDivision.ivision. the south of Gostishchevo. LAH artillery supports the combat. The Event Phase: Final Protective Fire Phase: AT unit falls back four hexes. The Soviet 24th Tank Brigade There is no effect from the gets caught by its own tank Soviet artillery fi re. On the German right, the DR attacks ditch and is suppressed. what is left of the Soviet resistance. First Wave Combat Phase: Two anti-tank units remain, hold- German Player Turn The Totenkopt Division spearheads ing the fl ank. Anti Tank Group A an attack against the 5th Mech Corps is forced to fall back. The 51st AATT Reinforcements Phase: HQ, and is supported by artillery. Battalion also gives ground. Apparently burned out from Using the Mobile CRT the HQ is yesterday’s action, the Luftwaffe only quickly overrun, which cuts off Second Wave Combat Phase: has three air missions available. the 24th Tank Brigade. The German A Soviet rocket artillery unit lies commander orders an attack against exposed to Totenkopt. The Axis Movement Phase: the suppressed tankers on the Soviet artillery performs a diversionary The Totenkopt Division is entirely right. The Soviet tanks are wiped out. attack against the powerful 10th in command control and advances Mechanized Regiment so that toward the Soviet 5th Mechanized In the center, the LAH assaults the the German combined arms can Detachment. The LAH advances 1/52 Guards Regiment in the second destroy the Soviet artillery. Despite on the center and surrounds the line fortifi cations. The Soviet rifl e the overwhelming odds, the attack


German Player Turn

Reinforcements Phase: The Luftwaffe has eight available air strike missions. The 1/T bat- talion is slated for replacements and will return to action on turn 9.

Movement Phase: Since the Totenkopt Division has outrun the other two Axis divisions it cautiously proceeds. While setting up a defensive perimeter, the panzers prepare to take out the 10th Mech Regiment. In the center, the LAH surrounds the 3/51 Division which holds the eastern side of the Donets. Attacks are ordered throughout the 6th Guards Army’s position by both the LAH and Das Reich divisions.

Final Protective Fire Phase: Turn 7 The 28th Artillery manages to strike the LAH recon battalion and it goes poorly and the rocket artillery position anchored near Shakhovo is suppressed. The other artil- manages to wreck a German infantry and the nearby river westward to lery is out of range. battalion. The diversionary artillery Gostishchevo and toward the Donets attack also fails to damage the target. River. TThishis iiss a wweakeak position.position. First Wave Combat Phase: In the west, the Totenkopt uses a The LAH has a shot at the 6th Guards Final Protective Fire: mobile attack against the 10th Mech. Army HQ, but the headquarters The Totenkopt Divisional artillery The Soviets are forced to retreat two manages to retreat toward the north. fi res at the 10th Mechanized Regiment. hexes. Axis forces advance and prepare Then three air missions strike the The Soviet unit is forced to retreat, for a second wave attack. In the center, 28th artillery brigade with no effect. so it will have to postpone its attack the LAH attacks the anti aircraft unit against the 3/T panzer battalion. west of Gostishchevo. This is also a Recovery Phase: mobile attack. The 1487 AA is forced DR’s recon battalion removes First Wave Combat Phase: to retreat. Then to the east of this its suppression marker. The 6th Guards Army com- battle, the 2/183 is attacked using the mander orders his artillery to fi re at Mobile CRT. Several LAH artillery Score: the 1/DR panzer unit. A supply depot units join in. The Soviet infantry German 22 Soviet 11 VP’s is expended to put the hurt on these retreats and the LAH advances into panzers. As a result, the 9-5-10 panzer contact with the 28th Artillery Brigade. [Photo DR and LAH advance] battalion is suppressed. Next the 28th Artillery fi res at the 3/T panzers Das Reich attacks on the Soviet left. Soviet Player Turn again using a depot. (The supply This is defended by the Group A AT depots move quite slowly and have Brigade. It is forced to retreat 4 hexes Reinforcements Phase: been in danger of being destroyed.) while the DR units advance. The 1/183 There are no reinforcements released. This battalion is also suppressed. and the AT units both retreat. The The 3/375 has received enough replace- last attack is against the 3/19\83 and ments to become combat effective Second Wave Combat: an AT battalion in the forest east of again. It arrives near Maloyablonovich. None Gostishchevo. There are no panzers so The 5th Mech HQ is taking replace- the Assault CRT is used. The result is a ments and will reappear on turn 10. Recovery Phase: D1, but there is no retreat path. Instead None the Soviet forces are eliminated. Movement Phase: The 6th Guards Army orders a Turn Seven 11 July 1943 Second Wave Combat Phase: general retreat and consolidation of The Axis commanders press their the 183rd Division and 51st DDivision.ivision. Event: attack knowing that time is against These units form a loose defensive None them. Das Reich in the east attacks the

A10 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

1/183 and its AT battalion. The DR artil- lery lends its support. The two Soviet units fall back four hexes, carefully avoiding a dangerous retreat across a minor river. The LAH takes advantage of the compromised 28th Artillery Brigade. The Soviet artillery retreats. Next, west of the railroad embank- ment, the LAH attacks the 1487th AA Regiment. Again the Soviet troops choose the better part of valor and fall back toward the north. On the eastern side of the Donets, the LAH attacks the 3/51 Guards Regiment which is now surrounded. The Soviet regiment is eliminated with no retreat path.

The ARKO Artillery fi res a bar- rage at the 6th Guards Army with no effect. The Luftwaffe attacks the 689th AT Regiment in the west. This also has no effect.

Recovery Phase: Turn 8 Both Axis units recover from suppression. Second Wave Combat: Final Protective Fire: None The 6th Guards Army com- Score: mander issues FPF against Das Axis 25 Soviets 11 Recovery. None Reich panzers to no effect.

[Photo Totenkopt] Score: First Wave Combat Phase: Axis 25 Soviets 11 VP’s The Totenkopt attacks the 10th Soviet Player Turn Mechanized Regiment with a Turn Eight 12 July 1943 combined arms force. Using the Reinforcements Phase: Mobile CRT, this attack forces the The 2/375 is returned after receiving Event: 10th Mech to fall back four hexes. suffi cient replacements. The 24th Orel Offensive Next, the Totenkopt artillery units Mechanized Brigade receives replace- barrage the Soviet tanks which are ments and returns on turn Eight. German Player Turn poised for counterattack. As a result, the Soviet armor is suppressed. Soviet Movement Phase: Reinforcements Phase: The Soviet 5th Guards Tank Corps The Germans receive only two Ground The LAH attacks in the center. The advances toward the Totenkopt Attack missions from the Luftwaffe. 1487th AA Regiment is completely Division. Meanwhile the 6th Guards There are no other replacements surrounded. Since the unit cannot Army continues to fall back. retreat it is destroyed. Soviet 6th Guards German Movement Phase: Army is near to being overrun Final Protective Fire: Several of Das Reich’s units are sup- again by the LAH. A mobile attack None pressed, so the commander moves is launched against it and the them out of harm’s way. Nonetheless, 2/183 Regiment. Two JU-87 ground First Wave Combat: the assault on the Soviet left will attacks are used to support the The 454 Mortar Regiment joins rocket continue, anchored on the city combat. The Soviet forces retreat. artillery and fi res at the Totenkopt Shakhovo. The LAH also advances in units. Both the 2/T and recon units the center, again gearing up for the The DR attacks the Soviet left fl ank are suppressed. The 6th Guards Army attack. To the west, the commander with combined arms, forcing the commander orders his artillery to of the Totenkopt Division is begin- Group A AT unit to fall back. Then the fi re at Das Reich Division. The DR ning to think defensively. He forms 1/DR panzers attack the 3/375 Guards units become suppressed as well. a perimeter to absorb any Soviet Regiment with artillery support. Next the 183 Artillery barrages aggression from the northwest. The Soviet forces are wiped out. the DR but this has no effect.

WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 A11 Guards Tank

Axis Reinforcements Phase: The Luftwaffe has one ground attack mission today. The 1/5 T motorized infantry is received as replacements.

Axis Movement Phase: If all things remain the same, the Axis will win a Tactical Victory. This is assuming that the Soviet counterat- tack is unsuccessful. Still there are objectives to the north and the German Army has not taken too many losses.

The DR moves forward to force the remnants of the 6th Guards Army back. They are already giving ground generously. The DR moves into contact with elements of the 6th Guards while the LAH assists from the west. The LAH also pushes forward toward the 3rd Line Fortifi cations. The commander of the Totenkopt Turn 9 Division is starting to worry about the Soviet counterattack and Second Wave Combat Phase: Soviet Movement Phase: looks to fi rm up his defenses. The LAH redoubles its efforts against It is time for a counterattack. The the 6th Guards Army HQ. With full artil- commander of the 5th Guards Tank Soviet Final Protective Fire Phase: lery support the Soviet units are elimi- Corps drives into contact with lead None of the fi res are effective nated. ( HQ and the 2-4-4 elements of the Totenkopt Division. infantry) The LAH artillery issues bar- The 6th Guards Army continues to fall Axis First Wave Combat: rage fi re against the Soviet rockets with back toward the 3rd Line. Meanwhile In the west, the Totenkopt launches 6th Guards Army. Soviet Group A Rocket the 2nd Guards Tank Corps moves a small counterattack against the 5th artillery is suppressed. ARKO HQ toward the south of Oktiabrskii. Guards Tank Corps. The 21st TTankank orders its artillery to fi re on 6th Guards Brigade is eliminated. Then the LAH units. The 28th Artillery retreats. Final Protective Fire: attacks the 1/183 and it is destroyed The Totenkopt Division throws all of with the anti-tank battalion. Artillery Recovery Phase: its FPF at the Soviet tanks. As a result Group B follows suit. Next the DR Three units from the DR the 21st TTankank RegimentRegiment isis ssuppressed.uppressed. attacks the 6th Guards in the east part recover and two units from the of the battlefi eld. The 2/375 and the Totenkopt division recover. Soviet First Wave Combat Phase: 183 Artillery regiment are destroyed. 5th Guards Tank Corps attacks the Meanwhile artillery Group A falls back. [Photo Chaos] Totenkopt units on the north edge of the Axis position. The 1/T Motorized Second Wave Attacks: Score: Infantry battalion falls back toward The Totenkopt artillery fi res barrage German 29 Soviet 11 VP’s the south. Next the 18th Tank Corps at the 5th Guards Tank Corps and attacks the 3rd SS AA units along the manages to suppress them. ARKO Soviet Player Turn railroad. Artillery and ground attack fi res artillery at the 18th Tank Corps units join. The German 88’s win the day and forces them to retreat. Then Soviet Reinforcement Phase: and only have to yield a little ground. the LAH artillery suppresses the The Soviets receive three air missions, Soviet 28th Artillery Brigade. which are now available due to the There is no Second Wave. Orel Offensive. Also the 24th Tank Recovery Phase: Brigade returns to action after receiv- Soviet Recovery Phase: None ing equipment and replacements. Four units recover. The 3/375 Regiment is receiving Score: replacements and returns on turn 11. Turn Nine 13 July 1943 Axis 36 Soviet 11 VP’s

Events: No Event

A12 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

[Photo More Chaos]

Soviet Player Turn

Reinforcements Phase: The Soviets receive three air missions. The 29th Tank Corps is released as reinforcements. The 21st TTankank BrigadeBrigade is rebuilt with replacements and becomes available on turn 10.

Soviet Movement Phase: The 5th Guards Tank pushes ahead into the Totenkopt Division’s posi- tion. The 29th Tank Corps slides in along the western fl ank. Soviet commanders anticipate fi erce FPF from the Axis defenders.

Axis Final Protective Fire Phase: The German artillery has no effect.

Soviet First Wave Combat Phase: The 5th Guards Tank attacks the Turn 10 Totenkopt Division with support from the rocket artillery. Mortars will assault is repulsed and the DR perform a diversionary attack on the Soviet Final Protective Fire Phase: units retreat. A preview perhaps? right fl ank. The assault is repulsed The 269th mortar fi res at the DR engi- and the Soviet Tanks pull back. The neers which have been brought up to Next the DR continues its assault diversionary attack has no effect use against the fortifi cations. No effect. on the fortifi cations. The 2nd Tank either. The 18th Tank also assaults the Corps defends with two tank brigades, Totenkopt’s right fl ank. It is defended Axis First Wave Combat Phase: which are forced to retreat. The units by an AA unit. The result is Exchange. The Axis attack resumes. DR is fully in the city of Maloyablonovo are The Soviets lose a unit as does the Axis. supported by artillery and the Soviet destroyed. In a fi nal Second Wave There are no Second Wave Attacks. 58th Motorized infantry is forced to Attack, the LAH assaults the 736th AT fall back. Artillery is used to conduct battalion. It defends in the fortifi ca- During the Recovery Phase the a diversionary attack on the right tion and subsequently retreats. 6th Guards Artillery fails to fl ank. It has no effect. Das Reich recover from suppression. continues to attack the fortifi cations Recovery Phase: and assaults the 169th Tank Brigade. None Score: The Soviet armor falls back. Next Axis 38 Soviet 13 the last vestige of the Soviet 6th Score: Guards Army is attacked. The 28th Axis 30-13 Turn Ten 14 July 1943 artillery brigade falls back as well. Soviet Player Turn Event: In the center, the LAH assaults None the 18th Tank Corps in the 3rd Line Reinforcements Phase: Fortifi cations. The result of the assault Two units which received replacements Axis Player Turn is an Exchange. Both side lose a unit. return to the fi eld. One RP is expended A little farther west and the Totenkopt to rebuild the 161st TTankank Brigade,Brigade, Axis Reinforcements: attacks the 18th Corps. As a result the which will be available on Turn 11. The Axis receives fi ve air attack Soviet 40th Tank Brigade retreats. Two air missions are awarded. missions. The AA battalion will return on Turn 12 Axis Second Wave Attacks: Soviet Movement Phase: In the east, the DR attacks the The 5th Guards Tank Corps resumes Axis Movement Phase: Soviet left fl ank, which is embed- its attack on the Totenkopt Division. The DR Division advances into ded in the third line fortifi cations. The 29th Tank Corps moves in contact with the Soviets 3rd Line Three Stuka units are called in behind to continue the assault. Near Fortifi cations. Then LAH moves into to support the assault, but the Maloyablonovo, the Soviet troops contact with the center of the 3rd Line. move back into the fortifi ed positions.

WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 A13 Guards Tank Axis First Wave Combat: In the center, the LAH attacks the Soviet 694 AA battalion in the fortifi cation forcing a retreat. Just to the east of this battle, the LAH attacks the 736 AT battalion, also in the 3rd Line Fortifi cations. The result is D2 and the AT unit falls back.

On the right fl ank, Das Reich resumes its push toward Maloyablonovo. One ground attack is called in and the assault has artillery support. The Soviets defend with two AT units. The Axis has engineers to assist with demo- lition. In the end, the Soviets fall back and the DR moves into the 3rd Line. Maloyablonovo is defended by the 99th Tank Brigade. The DR assaults. The Soviet armor is forced out. In the fi nal attack, the DR faces the 31st MMotorizedotorized Infantry Regiment. The Axis calls in full artillery support. The result is EX. Turn 11A The Soviet 4-6-7 infantry is eliminated. The Axis AA battalion is also lost. are largely using the Assault CRT as Axis Final Protective Fire: the Exchange result favors them. Second Wave Combat: The Germans unleash their Since the VP objective is so close artillery but to no effect. Soviet Recovery: to Axis control, the commander of The Soviet 6th Guards Army the DR decides to attack the two Soviet First Wave Combat: artillery fails to recover. AT units that retreated out of the The 48th Heavy Tank Regiment attacks 3rd Line Fortifi cations on the right the Totenkopt’s left with artillery Score: fl ank. The Mobile CRT is selected support. The 4-4-8 Motorized infantry Axis 33 Soviet 23 VP’s and the Soviet units fl ee to the rear. is forced to fall back. Nearby, the 5th GD The Objective is captured. Tank assaults the lead elements of the [Photo Totenkopt nearly broken] Totenkopt Division, resulting in DA, In the center, the commander of the defender shot up. A 5-4-10 unit is elimi- Turn Eleven 15 July 1943 LAH realizes that the recon battalion is nated and the rest of the force retreats. in a dangerous position so it is ordered Event: to attack the 75 AT battalion in the Next, in the center, the 18th Tank None fortifi cation to the east. LAH artillery is assaults the LAH. The attack opens called to provide support. The 75th bat- against the SS Panzer battalion. The Axis Player Turn talion is forced to retreat. The advance panzers end up in retreat. Soviet after combat alleviates the recon unit’s artillery issues fi re in a diversionary Reinforcements Phase: danger. The ARKO rocket artillery fi res attack against the LAH. This is The Luftwaffe has two air strikes on the Soviet tanks on the railroad ineffective. On the eastern fl ank, available. A 5-4-10 PG unit is slated south of the 3rd Line Fortifi cation. The the 2nd Tank Corps assaults Das for replacements on Turn 13. two tank units are forced to retreat. Reich near Maloyablonovo. This The Totenkopt Divisional artillery results in an Exchange. A German Axis Movement Phase: fi res at the Soviet front line. The 75th 4-4-8 Motorized infantry is lost The commander of the Totenkopt is Motorcycle Battalion is suppressed. as is the Soviet 58th Regiment. no longer able to sustain the offensive and he decides to settle into defensive Recovery Phase: Second Wave Combat Phase: positions. Meanwhile the LAH presses None The 5th Guards Tank Corps resumes its ahead into the center while the DR attack on the Totenkopt Division. The focuses on capturing Maloyablonovo. Score: 1st HHQQ aandnd aann eengineerngineer bbattalionattalion hhaveave Axis 34 Soviet 25 VP’s been caught in the open. The result Soviet Final Protective Fire has is Defender Eliminated. The Soviets no effect on the LAH and DR.

A14 WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 The Battle of Prokhorovka, July 1943

[Photo Objective Hex]

Soviet Player Turn

Reinforcements Phase: The Soviets attempt to recover a rocket artillery unit but it is eliminated instead. The 3/375 Infantry regiment and the 181st TTankank BrigadeBrigade returnreturn toto action after taking replacements. The Soviets are awarded three air missions.

Soviet Movement Phase: The 5th Guards Tank Corps and the 29th Tank Corps must resume their attack against the Totenkopt Division. Attrition will help with the Soviet VP’s. The center position is threatened by the LAH, so the Soviet commander decides to reinforce the area with the 2nd Guards Tank Corps.

Final Protective Fire Phase: The Totenkopt’s divisional artillery Turn 11B misses. The LAH artillery fi res with no effect. The ARKO artillery is ineffective. In the center, there are two small Soviet The DR divisional artillery misses. attacks against the LAH. Soviet tanks Soviet Recovery Phase: So much for powerful Axis artillery. from the 2nd Guards Tank Corps attack The 75th MC Battalion recovers the LAH engineer battalion. The Axis The 6th Guards artillery fails. Soviet First Wave Combat: engineer battalion retreats. Then the In the west, the 5th Guards Tank Corps 23rd MC battalion and a heavy tank Score: attacks the Totenkopt division. The regiment attack the LAH recon battal- German 35 Soviet 45 VP’s opening rounds are using the Assault ion. The recon battalion also retreats. CRT hoping for some EX results. Soviet [Photo Totenkopt is almost done] combined arms forces assault the On the Soviet left fl ank, the 2nd Totenkopt 4-4-8 motorized infantry Guards Tank Corps attempts to The German commander is in a battalion. The result is DE and the reverse its fortunes near the city of diffi cult position. The Soviets now German infantry disintegrates. The Maloyablonovo. The objective hex is have superior strength and numbers. second wing of this attack is farther attacked by four tank brigades, sup- Attritional battles will be won by east and the Soviet tanks engage a ported by Shturmoviks. The Assault the Soviet army. The German com- Totenkopt 7-4-10 panzer battalion. CRT is employed. The result is DE and mander orders a retreat to the 2nd Line Another DE result. The panzers the Germans lose three battalions. Fortifi cations. With only two turns smolder across the plain. Soviet rocket left, a general retreat will probably artillery launches a diversionary attack There are two more prongs the this limit the Soviets to a tactical victory. in support of the 1499 AT Regiment attack. The 2nd Tank Corps sends a against a 4-4-8 motorized infantry regiment of heavy tanks and the 26th Turn Twelve 16 July 1943 battalion. The Assault CRT is used Tank Brigade to assault the a German and the result is EX. The Soviet AT PG battalion and a panzer battalion. Event: and the German infantry are both This time the Soviet assault is repulsed. Light precipitation eliminated. Totenkopt’s right wing The second attack is also repulsed. faces two more attacks. The 40th Tank German Player Turn Brigade strikes a 5-4-10 PG battalion. Second Wave Combat Phase: The German unit retreats. Then two In the western sector, the 29th Tank Reinforcements Phase: remnants of the Soviet 6th Guards Corps attacks the Totenkopt’s 3rd HQ The Totenkopt Division replaces the AA Army attack a 5-4-10 panzer battalion. and armored artillery. These units battalion. The Totenkopt 5-[4]-10 pan- It is surrounded. The Soviets must retreat toward the south. Next the zer battalion receives replacements. assault as they have non-armored units 20th and 22nd tank brigades attack the Due to the weather, the Luftwaffe involved. The result is Defender Shot Totenkopt panzer forces holding the is providing only one air attack. up ssoo tthehe GGermanerman unitunit iiss eeliminated.liminated. German left. The attack is repulsed and the Soviet tanks retreat.

WORLD at WAR 13 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2010 A15 Guards Tank aircraft in barrage. The rest of the barrage has negligible effects.

Recovery Phase: All suppressed units recover.

Score: Soviets 45 Axis 35 VP’s

[Photo Germans in full retreat]

Turn Thirteen 17 July 1943

Event: No event

German Player Turn

Reinforcements Phase: Two Totenkopt units have received enough replacements to be combat effective. The Luftwaffe has one Ground Attack and one Medium Turn 12 Bomber mission available.

Axis Movement Phase: There is no Second Wave Attack nor Axis Movement Phase: The commander has ordered a general Recovery Phase for the Axis side. All three German SS Panzer Divisions retreat. Das Reich falls back, but due fall back in general retreat. Although to the weather conditions and the Soviet Player Turn the Soviets can catch some of them, need to disengage, they do not get very it is unlikely that they will get more far. The LAH covers the center while Reinforcements Phase: that a Tactical Victory so the game is the Totenkopt uses the Donets River The Soviets receive two Medium called. Soviet Tactical Victory. The to anchor the western fl ank. Their Bomber missions, which Axis did not get any of his Objective artillery and HQ are trapped on the are limited by the rain. Hexes. The War of Attrition favors western side of the Donets aandnd ffallall backback the Soviets on the VP tables. On the farther than the rest of the forces. Soviet Movement Phase: positive, the Soviets did not hold any of All of the Soviet forces advance, but due the VP fortifi cation hexes either. There is no Final Protective Fire as to the weather, suppression and poor there are no adjacent enemy units. command and control, they are unable to close on the Axis without substantial Axis First Wave Combat: risk. Instead they consolidate and The Axis commander uses all available prepare for a major attack tomorrow. ordnance to bombard the Soviets in order to cover their retreat. Two tank Axis Final Protective Fire: brigades of the 29th Tank Corps are hit The Soviet 18th Tank Corps has closed by the Totenkopt artillery. These are with the DR on the Axis right fl ank, forced to fall back. The ARKO artillery so DR’s artillery conducts defensive suppresses two units of the 5th Guards fi re. This has no real effect. Tank Corps as well. Artillery from the LAH and a squadron of Stukas Soviet First Wave Combat: suppress the 40th Tank Brigade and The 18th Corps goes ahead with a the Group A tanks on the center. premature attack on the DR’s eastern fl ank. There is some artillery support by the Soviet rocket artillery. The two DR units fall back one hex. The Soviet commander lets them run.

Second Wave Combat Phase: The Soviet commander unleashes all of his available artillery and