(ABS-9) EXPLORATION OF MULTICULTURALISM VALUES WITHIN CHILDREN LITERATURE IN INDONESIA Abdurrahman, Yenni Hayati, Zulfadhli Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang
[email protected] Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to describe how multicultural values are explored in Indonesian Children Literature. The method used in this research is the content analysis method used to interpret the literary works. This research data is taken from the literary works that are intended for children which appeared in the 2000s in Indonesia. Based on the data analysis, the researchers found that Children Literature in Indonesia considerably explores multiculturalism values such as gender, religion, ethnicity, race, culture, and economy. In the Children Literature, there are messages to respect each others differences. These differences are illustrated by events, depictions of characters and characterizations, and the languages spoken by characters and authors in literary works. Keywords: multicultural values, Indonesian children literature, exploration Categorized in Children Literature (ABS-104) BUILDING A CULTURE OF LITERACY WITH A CULTURAL APPROACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1) Susi Hermin Rusminati; 2) Cholifah Tur Rosidah Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya Abstract. Interesting in reading and writing Indonesians increasingly declining, as described in the research results in the faild of literacy conducted by the Central Connecticut State University di New Britain, Conn, Amerika Serikat, that put the five countries on the best position i.e. Finlandia, Norwegia, Islandia, Denmark, dan Swedia (The Jakarta Post, 12 Maret 2016). Data presented by the BPS in 2006 shows that the community chose 85.9 percent watching television than reading or writing.