Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1969-1970

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1969-1970 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1969-1970 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1970 Eastern Progress - 28 May 1970 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1969-70/31 . •• i ■ National Observer Council's Letter Views Eastern / Settinj The Pace In A Progressive Era / ■ Put 4 . 47th Year, Number 31 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. Twelve Pages Thursday, May 28, 1970 Regent Elections Today Attorney General Breckinridge Finds 'Alien' Scorsone Ineligible both his parents are naturaliz- Other than the exclusion of (Photos by Schley Cox) BY JOHN PERKINS ed citizens. He was born In Scorsone's name from the bal- Babbage Baldwin Palermo, Italy, but has been lots, today's election is to pro- Austin Eastern students voting today an alien resident of the United ceed as planned. Scorsone In the special student election States since i960. He Is also may be surprised to discover registered with the Selective Candidates for the position that there are now only three Service System. are Jim Austin, a sophomore Martin Hall Is the polling place names on the ballots. Both Scorsone's parents are pre-law student from Louis- for male residents In Martin, Four Regent Candidates Debate Tuesday, Ernesto Scorsone, who until faculty members at Eastern. ville; Bob Babbage, a freshman Combs, Miller, Beckham, Mc- yesterday afternoon had been Scorsone told The Progress political science major from Creary, Matt ox and O'Donnell actively campaigning for the yesterday afternoon, "I'm sor- Lexington; and Ron Baldwin, a Halls^ non-voting seat on the Board of ry that I won't be able to run junior law enforcement major Students In Keene, Dupree, Student Rights One Of The'Issues' Regents, Is ineligible to run. for the office," but that "I from Covington. Todd, Palmer, Commonwealth Scorsone's lnellglbility was hope whomever is elected will A debate of the three candid- and Stateland Halls should vote discovered yesterday morning keep the needs and desires of ates and former candidate in the Dupree Hall recreation when J.C. Powell. Secretary students always In mind." Scorsone was held Tuesday room. The remaining poll Is present Issues have been ig- Babbage was asked by Scor- of the Board of Regents, re- night in the Grise Room of the in the lobby of the Student Union. sone why he had not taken is- The former candidate - said nored and not directly presented ceived a letter of legal opinion that he had been surprised by Combs Building (See adjacent Residents of McGregor, Brock- BY STUART REAGAN to the Regents, Instead of a mat- sue on controversial subjects the Attorney-General's decision. storjj._ ton and commuters will vote in during Council meetings dealing from Kentucky Attorney Gen- ter of speeding the process. eral John Breckinridge which There are five available this location. Babbage asked the extent of with student rights. Babbage polls on campus for today's said he had discussed resolu- said that "...a resident alien The question of Scorsone's .All full-time students are Austin's Involvement in Stud- cannot hold the position of eligibility had been raised by election. Students in Burnam, eligible to vote In this election The four candidates for the ent Council committee work. tions pertaining to the Student Case and Clay Halls should vote Court. student member of the Board James Pellegrlnon, a member at the Indicated polling place. Eastern student regent seat met Austin said that other commit- of Regents." of the Special Election Comm- In Burnam. Residents of Tuesday evening in the Grise ments to students had kept him Joyce Graves was the first Walters and Telford should vote student to present a question Scorsone Is not a cltiren ittee and past president of the Room to debate and discuss from participating on any Coun- of the United States, although Student Association. In the lobby of Walters Hall. what could be termed "the is- cil committees. Babbage asked to a candidate. She asked Bald- sues." Several mentions were Ronnie Baldwin how he felt con- win whether be planned to at- made during the evening sug- cerning the student Regent not tend Council meetings next year gesting that the student regent possessing the voting right on even though he would not be a should be willing to press for the Board. Baldwin thought that member; Baldwin replied that he student rights. he would be successful in using would. The affair was moderated by the right to discuss and listen Greg Osborne asked Scorsone Commencement Weekend Begins Tomorrow, Steve Stanley. Each candidate with the Regents without neces- what he felt the Board of Re - was allowed Introductory re- sarily having to have the voting gents could do to improve Rich- marks followed by a periC privilege. mond-University relations. where the candidates quest!'" When Babbage confronted Scorsone mentioned that he did each other. The program ./as Scorsone asking what efforts he not believe these relations were Record Number - 1,519- Graduate Sunday brought to a conclusion with had made In the direction of a matter of primary concern audience questioning of aspir- student rights, Scorsone re- with the Board. ants and brief closing state* ferred to his work on the Stud- Bob Babbage was questioned ments by the candidates. ent Rights Committee where he by Al Clark and Joyce Graves Judge of the 35th Judicial Dis- Kentucky. has established a lecture about his involvement in the, BY PATRICIA GARR trict, composed of Clark, Jes- series in her honor. The introductory, remarks by had done work concerning wo- -< He Is the president of the . the candidates were general in men's'hours and inquiries Into student march following th'e samine and Madison Counties. Harlan Appalachian Regional Dr. Stratemeyer, who is re- nature, giving each participant "vague" portions of the stud- memorial service to the slain The Eastern and University Hospital Advisory Council; tiring this year, will receive an opportunity to say that he ent handbook. Kent State students. Babbage A record number of grad- of Kentucky graduate was member of the Appalachian Med- an honorary doctor of letters Is the candidate able to provide Baldwin was Interested In said due to many other com- uates-1,519, will receive de- . admitted to the Kentucky Bar ics! Foundation Board of Trus- degree at the commencement the "most qualified and rep- comflrmlng "a rumor" that he mitments that week he was un- grees at eastern's 63rd in 1947. He has served as tees; chairman of the board of exercise. An honorary doctor resentative voice" of the stud- heard which Implied Scorsone able to be an active partici- spring commencement May 31. Commonwealth attorney and directors of the Harlan Coun- of law degree will be com*ered ent body. had been the originator of the pant. However, Babbage said he President Robert R. Martin Richmond city Prosecutor. ty Community Action Agency. upon James L. Sublett, Frank- Jim Austin was the ini- resolution to send a letter to had been to the memorial ser- will confer the degrees at the He also teaches the Kiwanis fort executive secretary of the tial questioner. He asked Bab- high school seniors proclaiming vice for a short time. graduaton program, beginning The 15th Outstanding Alum- Sunday School of the Air over Kentucky Teachers Retire- bage how he would speed up the the "unsatisfactory conditions" Roger Click said mat the at 4 p.m. In Alumni Coliseum. nus of the year award will be WHLN, Harlan. ment System. processes of change. Babbage at Eastern. Scorsone indicated Board of Regents was much like The program will climax presented at the banquet. The 1969-70 graduates are: Indicated that he would take that the rumors were true. the controlling board of a cor- commencement weekend, which Alumni President Earl Smith Dr. Florence B.Stratemeyer, begins tomorrow with a senior THE GRADUATE SCHOOL some committee work out of Scorsone returned a question poration. With this in mind of Jackson, supervisor of Haz- Eastern's distinguished profes- committees by Instigating some Click wanted each student run- luncheon.Members of Eastern's ard City Schools, will preside. sor of education, will deliver the DOCTOR OF EDUCATION to Baldwin wanting to know graduattngclasses of SO and 60 63 rd spring commencement investigation of issues through why he had not been at Stud- ning for the Regent seat to re- Members of the 1910 and 1920 (Joint doctorate with U.K.; spond also whether they would years ago and the Outstanding classes will receive gold pins. address at 4 p.m. in Alumni Jim G. Henry the Board. ent Council meetings and been Alumnus for 1970 will be hon- Coliseum. Austin asked Ernesto Scor- an active participator. Baldwin become simply another Board Members of the classes of 1930, MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION member or remain a student. ored at the annual Alumni Day 1945 and 1955 will also be reco- Dr. Stratemeyer, who has sone how he thought the Board said he was not a Council mem- program Saturday. Andrea Shane Abbott, Bentley could be stimulated to alter All four candidates Indicated gnized. been at Eastern for five years r and mat the Grise room The Reverend William P. spent more than four decades at Adams, George Thomas Adams, present policies. Scorsone ex- was too small to accomodate that they would maintain their Marlene M. Adams, John Cal- plained that it was his belief student identification. Registration for returning Bruns rector of Christ Epis- Columbia University, New York, all of Eastern's students. copal Church, Harlan will make as a professor of education in vin Aker, Wlllard Allen, Mild- alumni will begin at 9 a.m.
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