Edition 16 - November 2020 Free copy, not for sale Our voice, Our image, Our place Email:
[email protected] | us AutonomousBougainvilleGovernment | www.abg.gov.pg MARAPE: NatIONAL ABG 4TH HOUSE OF WOK IGO HET LONG BANA GOVernment COmmITteD REPRESENTATIVES FREE TRADE ZONE TO BOUgaINVILLE Page 3 Page 10 Page 15 President Toroama: ‘Winds of Change have arrived’ Chief Dr John Momis, may go out and monitor and outgoing Minister to ensure laws or policies for Post Referendum are implemented as Albert Punghau, for the planned,” he said. remarkable work that President Toroama has been done so far that when speaking on law and enabled the delivery of order, said Bougainville a successful, credible can only prosper socially and peaceful referendum and economically if for Bougainville. He people recognize and he Autonomous to you, as your new process and improving further announced that respect the rule of law. TRegion of President for the next five fiscal self-reliance of his government will “Our dream of being Bougainville has a new years. This is the highest Bougainville.” be working in close masters of our destiny President who will lead consultation with the will amount to nothing if the aspiring region in the The people’s choice in leaders has two leaders for their we cannot behave in civil next five years. clearly shown a cry for change and my continued guidance in the ways. We have signed “ post-referendum process. the Peace Agreement, we Ishmael Toroama government will work hard to build trust claimed the presidential President Toroama also have contained weapons, and confidence to the people.” seat in a victorious win highlighted Corruption we have reconciled in the recently concluded as a key focus for his amongst ourselves as well Bougainville General - Hon.