The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989-2004, Part 1

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The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989-2004, Part 1 CZECH ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AGENCY The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989–2004 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 This publication was published with the kind support of the consultancy firm DHV CR, spol s.r.o. © CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency, Prague 2005 The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989–2004 Contents 2 | 3 Foreword 5 INTRODUCTION 7 STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC BETWEEN 1989–2004 9 ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY – LAW – PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 33 INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT 43 FINANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 53 PAYMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 65 RIGHT OF ACCESS TO ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 77 PUBLIC OPINIONS AND ATTITUDES TO THE ENVIRONMENT 83 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION – ROLE OF THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS 91 VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES OF COMPANIES AND PUBLIC SECTOR 97 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN NATIONAL AND LOCAL CONDITIONS 103 Conclusion 109 Bibliography 111 The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989–2004 Introductory word 4 | 5 Fifteen years – is it a short or a long period of time? It always depends on the frame of reference. Sub speciae aeternitatis a year is a drop in the ocean of time or a long time period, during which a lot can be achieved. From the environmental point of view the last fifteen years have been long enough for us to become a standard European country, whose inhabi- tants can breathe relatively fresh air and drink quality water. On the other hand this time period has not been long enough for forests to become heal- thy and for soil to be cleared of an abundance of pesticides and pollutants. The youngest generation of people, who still remember yellow fog in the surroundings of the North Bohemian power plants and who used to go to “curative stays” away from their homes, is not even in their thirties yet. Their children do not know such fog, which means that the positive envi- ronment changes that have occurred from their childhood up until now can undoubtedly be evaluated as having been quick, fundamental and visible. In the past fifteen years we have had the chance to witness or take part in the process concerning environmental protection, the creation of the basic conceptual and legal framework for this environmental protection and its enforcing at home as well as in terms of international cooperation. We know that it was not easy to achieve this and to put through good ideas. Not all of the work performed with good intent had adequate effect. Nevertheless this publication proves that the huge amount of energy invested in the en- vironmental protection has paid off. The Czech Republic is no longer the “grimy heart of Europe” or, in the parlance of the nineties the “country of the Black Triangle”. People can see and feel it. Besides, the impact of the improved environment on the quality and length of their lives is provable. Everyone who has taken part in this achievement deserves our thanks. Libor Ambrozek Minister of Environment 01 Although protection of the environment The advent of industrial civilisation also producers of pollution, they also expended the has existed as an individual field of study only caused bigger territorial demands – agricultu- most resources on remedying the pollution and approximately since the mid-20th century, ral and forest lands were required and the ha- their citizens showed the greatest interest in protection (and regulation) of some environ- bitats of animal and plant species were getting living in a healthy environment. In the second mental elements has a very long tradition. This smaller. In addition, the demand for mobility half of the 20th century these countries star- especially includes water and water law, forests of people and goods grew, and it was necessary ted to adopt environmental protection laws, and forest law, mineral resources and mining to build a transportation infrastructure which implemented them and initiated international law which are clearly related to the develop- would hold an increasing number of vehicles. activities, international conventions and rela- ment of human civilisation and the need to The development of scientific research and ted protocols. regulate the management of these vitally and new technologies brought new phenomena Conditions in today’s Czech Republic were in- economically important commodities. Polluti- – artificial radioactivity, chemicals not found fluenced by the geo-political situation in Euro- on of some parts of the environment was not in nature, and later also non-existing-in-the- pe after 1945. Czechoslovakia, one of the most a problem back in history and original regula- nature living organisms (genetically modified developed countries in the world with a strong tory measures were aimed at preserving these organisms – GMO). manufacturing industry before WWII, was for- commodities as to their quantity or quality for The anthropogenic influence started to be ced to shift its orientation within the Soviet economic reasons. visible at the end of the 19th and in the mid- bloc to heavy industry, especially metallurgy, Things changed as industrial production de- 20th centuries, and active and systematic pro- steel industry, coal carbonisation, heavy che- veloped and it became obvious that the absorp- tection of the environment as a whole became mical industry and mechanical engineering. The tion capacity of the atmosphere and surface a necessity. enormous energy demands of heavy industry water was not unlimited and that pollution was The most favourable conditions of envi- were satisfied by electricity produced mainly in harmful, especially to public health. An increa- ronmental protection were in the developed brown coal-fired power plants, emitting extre- sing number of produced and consumed goods countries of Western Europe and North Ameri- mely large amounts of pollutants and affecting resulted in an increasing problem with waste. ca. Although these countries were the biggest a big part of the country with strip mining. The Environment in the Czech Republic 1989–2004 INTRODUCTION 6 | 7 The objective of this publication is to eva- luate the development of the environment in the Czech Republic over the past 15 years. However, if we want to understand the situ- ation of the late 1980s we have to look at a broader historical context. The Soviet-type socialistic farming had sitors to Usti nad Labem in Northern Bohemia In the second half of 1990s the vast majori- a similarly adverse impact on agricultural could not miss the unnatural colour of the ri- ty of citizens became conscious of the fact that landscape (land reallotment, melioration) fol- ver water; the areas of strip mining were called the environment was not in good order. Envi- lowed by excessive use of fertilizers and che- “moonscape”. The life expectancy of people ronmental protection became a recognized pri- mical pest control. living in polluted regions of North-Western Bo- ority in society after November 1989. In quick Although some of the environmental ele- hemia and Northern Moravia was significantly succession ... ments were formally protected (water law, fo- lower than the national average, which itself rest law, laws on the state protection of nature was much lower than the average in Western … but you can read more about what happe- and agricultural land, measures against air Europe. In response to this situation, a number ned in this publication. pollution), the development of industrial and of professional and civic environmentalist acti- agricultural production was always a priority. vities emerged, some of which were tolerated Environmental problems were often addressed by the communist regime, some of which were by issuing saving clause (this often applied to banned and their members punished, someti- the discharge of industrial waste waters). On mes imprisoned. In the late 1980s, the impor- one hand there was a national park and nature tance of the problem was evident and “soluti- reserves, on the other hand none of the brown ons” were put into practice, e.g. environmental coal-fired power plants had desulphurisation committees of the communist party represen- equipment and forests including those in pro- tations were established, and the Ministry of tected areas were damaged by air pollution. the Interior was changed to the Ministry of the Adverse effects of the pollution became very Interior and Environment. Some tangible me- visible during the 1970s and 1980s. Anybody asures were taken as well. For example fly-ash passing through the Ore Mountains (Krušné separators were installed in power plants. hory) had to have noticed dead trees and vi- 02 Founding Period (1989–1992) Implementation Period (1993–1998) The Founding Period started with the so-called Rainbow Program, The first wave of new legislation was followed by the Implementati- a political document focused on preparation and approval of new en- on Period. The environmental laws had been drafted and their imple- vironmental laws (especially new laws on waste, air, nature and land- mentation started. Unsafe landfills were closed, purification devices scape protection and environmental impact assessment) and amend- were installed in power plants and other pollution-producing facilities, ment of some laws from the previous period. New regulations struggled gas pipelines were installed in cities and in the country within a global to achieve the best possible improvement of the environment in the programe, and waste water treatment plants and sewer systems were shortest time and contained a number of transformation features (e.g. built in some places. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) be- very strict rules of trans-border waste shipments, temporary emission came a common practice. Annual investment costs made up between 2 limit values or temporary unsecured landfills). The assessment of re- and 2.4 % of the GDP. The condition of basic environmental elements, sulting economic impact was not a priority. It was a period of economic namely air and water, started to improve fast (values of some pollution transformation which made the economic impact assessment almost indicators were decreasing by more than 10 % a year).
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