Joint Report on Air Quality in the Tri-Border Region of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany in 2004 (Former Black Triangle Region)
Joint report on air quality in the Tri-border region of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany in 2004 (former Black Triangle region) Společná zpráva o kvalitě ovzduší v příhraniční oblasti České republiky, Polska a Německa v roce 2004 (bývalá oblast Černého trojúhelníku) Gemeinsamer Bericht zur Luftqualität im Dreiländereck der Tschechischen Republik, Polens und Deutschlands 2004 (ehemals Schwarzes Dreieck) Wspólny raport o jakości powietrza w trójgranicznym regionie Republiki Czeskiej, Polski i Niemiec w roku 2004 (były region Czarnego Trójkąta) Editing agencies: Český hydrometeorologický ústav (ČHMÚ), Wojewódzki Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska (WIOŚ), Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (SLfUG), Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Authors: Jan Abraham, Frank Berger, Róża Ciechanowicz-Kusztal, Grażyna Jodłowska-Opyd, Dagmar Kallweit, Josef Keder, Waldemar Kulaszka, Jiří Novák Cover design: Wiesława Morawiak, Artur Krajewski Photo: Janusz Moniatowicz © WIOŚ Wrocław 2003 Data sources: ČHMÚ, WIOŚ, LfUG, UBA, Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (IMGW), Urząd Marszałkowski (UM) URLs: Czech: German: Polish: © 2005 ČHMÚ, WIOŚ, LfUG, UBA Introduction About 15 years ago the Tri-border Region of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany was called the Black Triangle (covering Northern Bohemia, part of Lower Silesia and Saxony) and was characterised by the highest air pollution in Europe. So it was necessary to find an approach for solving the transboundary air quality problems. Consequently a joint declaration of cooperation in solving environmental problems in the Black Triangle Region was signed by the ministers of environment of former Czechoslovakia, Germany and Poland in June 1991. The European Commission was invited to become the fourth partner in this initiative and to assist the region through PHARE project funding worth 13 million ECU.
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