
The News of All 8 Pages Today ' Ik Township Jtaitejmttotrt Sporting News, Page 5 VOL. X, No. 2\. WOODimiDOR, N. J., FRIDAY. AUGUST 24. 1028 PRICE THREE CENTS Parsons' Hunch Leads To Arrest Of 4 In Stolen Car Find Body of Man Woodbridge Officer Finds Car U Recovered Here An Hour After It Was Taken And Big Delegation Of Democrats To Floating In Sound •*Tampton Avenue Job Car Stolen From Stelton Nearly Two Hours Before It Was Missed By Owner And Reported To Police of Newark. Four Boys Arrested Had The body nf an unidentified man A Hupmohile coupe valued at Stolen A Car (n Bayonne Which Was Captured In Newark. Attend Smith Day At Sea Girt was found floating in the Bound Awarded To Keyes $1,000 was found abandoned in Lin- near the P. & R. docks, at Port coln Highway' in Column Sundny They Escaped The Police And Immediately Stole Second Special Train Chartered By Local Club On Pennsylvania Reading, Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'- Township Committee At Ad- night by Officer Balint. An inves- Machine. Twenty Cents, Two Packs of Cigarets, Two Dic» 1 Railroad. Delegation From Woodbridge clock. Railroad police reported the journed Meeting Gives Con- tigation revealed that it is ttit prop- And Steel-Jacketed Bullet Found On Boys. Oldest 18; May Reach 1,000 Mark find to the township police who, in tract To Lowest Bidder. Re- erty of jlohn Dnlrymplc, of Strlton, turn, notified Coroner J. J. Lyman, and that H was stolen from Stfttcm Youngest 12. of Carteret. He removed the body lief Promised Hopelawn. ,M. J. Trainer, chairman of the j morning and will lay over at Rah- at 10, A, M. Sunday. • to hiB morgue. It is thought that The police here notifWd the j»o- One of the mtfst amjijinjf catches The pnjpssiun of the st«'d-no*ed sp A! Smith Day Committee, of way junction until 11.SO or "as aoon ontract to pave Crampton |l)( the body is that of a boatman who lice of Raritan township and later in-the agniili uf the Woodbridge po , cartridge by one of thp hoys led jhe Wi lkridge Democratic Club, thereafter as a special from New avenue, held up at the meeting 6t fell overboard. Efforts are being the ca(*Was turned over U> th« own- lice department wn? made yesterday the police to make a careful search h«K chartered a special train of nine York goes through. Then it will go the Township Committee on August made to ascertain the identity. { er. afternoon at 4 o'clock when Traffic ( of the Fiwtiar for a ( but none coaches on the Pennsylvania Ilail- to the Pennsylvania station at 13, wa3'awarded on Monday after-j Sergeant Benj»min Parsons anv& j was found. Th« Newark police were rnad to convey the Woodbridge del- Green street. The train may not noon of this week at an adjourned cd four youths in a stolen- car they] told to search th» cur captured egation of Democrats to Sea Girt to- leave Woodbridge until close to meeting of the Township Commit- had taken in Newark after having there. morrow to attend the big gathering noon. teo to Andrew Keyes. Keyes was been driven by Newark police from More than an hour after Parsons in honor of the party's presidential Accident Costs Bus Colonia Home Robbed The round trip tickets will cost the lowest of several who presented a car they, wtth another boy, had made tne catch, the Newark polcie candidate. Up to Wednesday after- fl. The return trip from Sea Girt bids on the job at the former" meet- stolen in Bayonne, The boys oon- railed up, telling that the owner of noon ubout 800 had arranged" to go. will start at 8 o'clock Daylight Sav- Driver P. S. Bonus ing but the contract was not award- While Owners Steep fossed. They described themselves tho Pontiac had just reported the Sincu that time probably as a re- ing Time tomorrow night. ed because his bond was furnished fts: Joseph Supino, 18 years old, theft. sult of the candidate's speech broad- Mayor Ryan and the other town- Fred Zullo Had Two More by a New York concern that, it was Thief Enters House By Way driver, of 3fiO Clove road; William' According to their own stories all cast Wednesday night, many^nore chip officials will be included in the Suttner, IT), of 210 Clove road; John Days T o Complete S i x thought then, could not do business of the boy* have both parenti liv- hBve notified the committee ortheir delegation. in New Jersey. of Cellar Using Skeleton Foley, 16, of 142 Bedine street and ing except Supino who has a moth- intention to go. At present it is In arranging for the special train Month Prize Period When At the meeting this week Attor- Key—Takes Diamond Ring Paul Dugan, 12, of 67f> Carey ave- er but no father. Supino said that estimated that from 900 to 1,000 the Woodbridge Club announced that Bus Hits Traffic Booth. ney Lavin explained that the bond- Watch and Cash. nue, all of New Brighton, Staten Is- he spent some time in « home but will go. the Democrats of Carteret would be ing concern has the proper crcden land. had boen released. Hejhad Wen in The Woodbridge special wMl welcome to join in the trip if they Fred Zullo, of Third street, Port tials to do business in this state and While Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hcn- These four told the Woodbridge nther trouble and had been nrrest- felt sff inclined. leave Jersey City early tomorrow Reading, missed a Public Service is represented by Boynton Brothers, nessy, of North Hill roud, Colonia, police of a fifth boy, Albert Owens, ed on different occasions. Foley and of Perth Amboy. The adjourned 13 years old, of Cherry avenue, New Suttaer admitted having been ar- bonus by two days and instead were sleeping Monday night, a thief meeting was held principally to dis- Brighton, who was captured by tho' rested before. Dugan, the youngest, N a lay-ioff. Zullo drives a Pub- entered their home and escaped with pose of the Crampton avenue mat- Newark police when the others es- had never been arrested, he e»id, lic Service bus, There,is a prize of- loot valued at $165. Entrance to Offered 30-Acre Isle Linden and Rahway ter. caped from the car stolen in Bay. and had never been in any trouble. fer mad,e by the company to drivers the home was yarned by way of the • Andrew "Clausen, of Hopelawn, cellar, the outside onne. The hoys will be turned over to in the interest of safety and careful door of whlfh nppeared before the committee, was unlocked. Sergeant Parsons had no knowl- the Newark police today and the In Champlain For $500 Drivers In Crash driving. Each 'driver who drives making a vigorous protest against Having reached edge of a car being stolen in New- car will be returned to *he owner. steadily for six months without an the cellar the the condition of Florida Grove toad. ark. He was at the traffic booth at Tho car is the property of Frank Speaker Tells Rotary of Can- Two Are Slightly Injured In accident of any kind receives a cash thief ascended the stairway to the He said the road is impassable and Main and St. George avenue when Schmulti, of 153 Leslie street, New- bonus. Zullo had driven the six first floor. Here he encountered a adian Trip And Real Estate Smash At Thirst Haven— has created a deplorable condition he noticed a Pontiac sedan, E-09781 ark. Mr. Schniultz came to Wood- months lacking two days without ac- locked door with the key'in the lock. ES many persons who depend on the N. J., headed toward Perth Amboy, bridge today anO took possession of Bargain—Humorous Debate Cars Are Badly Damaged cident. Then, on Saturday as he The thief pushed the key out of the road for an outlet are shut in. He lock; then, using a skeleton key he Persons had a "hunch" that some- his car. It is valued at f&OQ, Floid Howell, of the Woodbridge Two persons were slightly injured was turning out of Green street, protested that this condition has ex- opened the door. thing was wrong. He put the stop into Amboy avenue, he turned too Lumber Company, described to the and two cars were badly damaged isted for a long time and that such The articles taken as listed in a signal against* the Pontiac but the short and struck the police booth, Rotary Club yesterday his trip to Monday afternoon at ^.30 o'clock efforts as have been made to repair report to the police include a wo- driver went on. Parsons blew his damaging it. Canada (on a motorboat with Orlando when the cars came together on the the road with cinders has been fu- man's diamond ring wortK $136, a whistle which was not heeded. Then Fire Truck In Race H. Dey, of Rahway. They went up highway at Thirat Haven. William The other end of the Puhlic Ser- tile. silver watch worth $15 and $15 l« he threw on a stop signal at the the Hudson River, through the canal C. A. Pang, of 431 Washington av- vice offer for careful driving is that Mayor Ryan said he knew that currency. next block controlled from the Main to Lake Champlain, and up the lake enue, Linden, was driving one of drivers who have accidents for which Clausen's statements were true. He street booth. To Save Girl's Life to St. Johns, Qubec. He told of the cars and was accompanied by they are in any way to blame, are explained that the Township Com- When the Pontiac went through exploring around the numerous is- his daughter, Virginia, 4 years old, destined to be laid off for a period mittee was averse to spending the this red light also, Parsons jumped Second Street Girl Ha* Nar- lands in the upper part of Lake who was taken to the Perth Amboy proportioned to the extent of their taxpayers' money for repairs for Surprise Party Given for his motorcycle and pursued. The row Escape But Lungmotor Champlain and seeing one of 30 City Hospital and treated for sev- negligence. So Zullo was laid off. the benefit largely of Perth Amboy Pontiac hud reached Strawberry Hill acres for-sale for $500. eral minor cuts. Christopher G. He left word with the police depart- people. Several efforts have been nearly a mile from Main street when Is Not Required ment to send him the bill for repair- George Merrill, chairman of the Saal, of 70 Stearns street, Rahway, made, it was explained, to get the Parsons caught up to it and stopped ing the damaged booth. To Former Guild Head Thy truck of Fire Company No. program committee, explained thnt was in the other car and was cut City of Perth Amboy to share a it. 1 made a flying trip with the lung- a promised speaker had disappointed on the left side of the head and in portion of the expense, not only be- Mrs. L. V. Buschman, of St. He asked the driver, Supino, why motor to Sewnren at 2 o'clock Sun- him and called for a debate on "Re- front of the ear and was badly cause the road is on the boundary Louis, Guest of Honor At he did not heed the signal and re- day afternoon in response to an solved that the program committee shaken up. He was unconscious between the two municipalities but ceived a muttered reply. "You stole Appointments Made At Function Monday alarm that a young woman was be not criticised for not providing when picked up. because Perth Amboy is almost en- this car, didn't you?" said Parsons. nearly drowned. A party of four a speaker." Hugh Kelly, Hafry Van Saal was brought to Woodbridge tirely responsible for the bad con- Evening "Yes, in Newark," replied the were in a boat which upset and th« Iderstine, Louis Neuberg and I. T. police headquarters and was con- School Board Meeting dition of the road—the road having driver. four were in the water some time Spencer debated humorously on the been ruined when th» Perth Amboy - Mrs. L. V. Buschman, of St. Lonis, The sergeant searched the {our siderably dazed for a time. He said Four Grade Teachers And before aid came. When the truck subject. he was on the way to Cliffwood reservoir was being constructed. Mo., who is visiting Mrs. H. A. Tap- and the search yielded two or three arrived with the lungmotor, the girl Leor. E. McElroy was presented where his wife and baby are spend- Physical Director Named Attorney Lavin said that the open- pen, of Schoder avenue, was tender- packs of cigarettes, twenty cents in who hda been nearly overcome had with a rug as a belated wedding ing the summer. He was on the way May Buy Lots At ing of Elm street might give much ed a delightful surprise party on nickels, a pair of dice, a steel-jack- recovered. She gave her name as present. to the beach with a bottle of milk relief but this improvement is block- Monday evening by the Lillian etod 112 calibre cartridge and a Anna Zayer, of Second street, Colonia Buschman Guild of the Presbyterian New York driver's license issued Walter Hamilton, of Roaelle, Wts for the baby, he < said, when the ed because some of the property that Woodbridge, crash came. Pang-was bound toward would have to be purchased belongs Church. Mrs. Buschman was the to. Walter Fleming, of 3G Main uve- The others in the party were: a visitor. The regular monthly meeting of Linden. to a church organization and the- former counsellor of the Guild. The nue, Westerleigh, Staten lslund. Frank Lemko and William Fedor or the Board of Education was held on township has been unable to get to- party was held at the home of Mrs. This license is believed to have been Foder, of Carteret, and Rose Simko, Saul could not give a very clear Monday night with all members gether with this organization on a Tappen. The evening was spent in stolen but the boys said that one of of Fords. Firemen and police snid account of the accident. He said he present except F. T. Howell and satisfactory basis. playing games, and with musical se- their number found it. that Foder showed little gratitude Carteret Girl Hostess recalled making a sharp turn to James Filer. The teachers' commit- Committeeman Grausam reviewed lections. Delicious refreshments Parsons took them" and thi» car to for their efforts to aid. avoid another car—after that every- tee reported the following appoint- the entire situation and told of a were served by the hostess. headquarters where Desk Sergeant thing was a blank. After remaining ments for the grade schools: John The Zayer girl was able to go At Surprise Shower plan attempted some time' ago to Harvey Romond called up the New- at headquarters for a while he was Doble, Pauline Prestup, Loretta The guests present were: Mrs, L. riding in an auto Sunday night but have the street repaired, the ex- ark police and gave the registration sufficiently recovered to leave. The Blewitt and Lily Green, Orrin V. Buschman, Mrs. William Rowe, n the week she became- ill pense being shared by the town- of the captured car. The theft of Miss Kathryn Conran; Holds damaged car was towed to a garage. Price was appointed physical di- Mrs. H. A. Tappen, the Misses Grace ship, the city of Perth Amboy and the Pontiac had not been reported rector. It was decided that the C. Huber, Georjfie Beam, Irene Shower For Bride-To-Be the county. It was finally decided to the Newark police but th&y told Board shall purchase nine lots in Walling, Ethel Chase, Winifred to make another attempt to carry of having recovered a car stolen in the rear of the Colonia school Brennan, Florence McAusland, Anna Miss Kathryn Conran, of High Two Arrested For Dut this plan. Clausen was prom- Bayonne, adding that when the Bay- street, Carterdt, entertained at a grounds, if the lots are available. Hart, Myrtle Howard, Grace Rankin, onne car was stopped four of the Police Court Notes ised that in any event some relief Melba Howard, Florence Baldwin, surprise miscellaneous shower on The contract for transportation would be given. five boys in it escaped and the fifth Lillian Richards, Pearl Filer, Grace Thomas Hopkins, 40 years old, of Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Reckless Driving was awarded to John Cerbo, Public was under arrest. Kearny, was released yesterday in Jane Kingberry, of Woodbridge, Service Co-Ordinated Transportation F. Huber, Ruth Leber, Bertha Oh- Tho boys captured by Parsons ad- lott; Charlotte Howard^ Dorothy i police court under suspended sen- whose marriage to Jack Dowling, of One Fined $27.60; Case of Co., George Hagadotn and Paul mitted that they were the four that tence. He was charged with being Carteret, will take place on Septem- Maurer. Fords lions Have Leonard, Adele Warter, "ETIzabetk| had escaped in Newark and that Other Laid Over To Next Donnelly, Ruth Lorch and Anna intoxicated. Leonard M. Trujillo, 35 ber 1 The guest of honor received J. K. Jensen, Architect, vas au- immediately