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Media Articles Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Welcome Molestation Testimonies This is a Website that seeks to bring to any interested Letters of Resignation reader, several aspects of Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Sleight-of-Hand Videos , , that were not known generally to the public previously. Myths, Facts and 4 Famous As most readers may know, Sri Sathya Sai Baba is Explained probably the most followed spiritual Guru of India, and has a sizeable following in more than a hundred countries. He Sai Baba speaks out about claims to possess miraculous powers of creation, healing, "Internet Rumors" raising the dead, and says that he is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. He has been claiming for the Sai Baba Expose Websites past 60 years that he is Almighty in human form and The Messiah. Cult-Related Material He has also done a few creditable charity works , over the Cult Information Booklist decades, and a lot of his followers experience real spiritual transformation and lead inspired lives. Discussion Room The purpose of this website is not to discuss his spiritual discussion room archives philosophy, the teachings that he preaches, or his welfare activities. This website does not seek to take any particular Yahoo discussion board: position on any religious thought or beliefs, or to pass SathyaSaiBabaExposeHeal judgement on the followers of Sathya Sai Baba. Email Madeleine Albright The only purpose of this website is to document the experiences that several long time followers of Sathya Sai Spiritual Overviews Baba have had with him , which could be described as completely in contradiction to what Sathya Sai Baba publicly professes to be. The intention is to inform the readers about these experiences of several former followers of Sathya Sai Baba. The readers should, of course, analyze this information and form their own opinions about Sathya Sai Baba. Some of the accounts of former devotees may be quite graphic and explicit in nature, and strong reader discretion is advised. Every effort has been made to verify the (1 of 2) [24/12/2000 5:31:17 PM] Sai Baba Guru - SATHYA SAI BABA

experiences recounted by the former followers, and several media agencies around the world too have found the authenticity of the contents of this website, good enough to publish. I thank you for visiting this site, and I sincerely hope that you leave a better informed person. May Truth and Love Guide us all. If any sincere inquirers would like to get in touch with some of the individuals whose experiences are described in this website, please email me at the address below and I can provide you with their contacts. Thank you. [email protected]

visitors since August 2000 (2 of 2) [24/12/2000 5:31:17 PM] Untitled Document Governmental Developments

December 2000, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's office is now fully aware of the situation with Sai Baba. On a daily basis, their office receives emails from former devotees seeking action. 'When contacted by INDIA TODAY, a State Department official in Washington said, "Our embassy in Delhi and our consulate in have been made aware of these allegations. But this appears to be an issue for the Indian courts."' (quoted from India Today, 'A God Accused')

November 6, 2000 Parliament activity ..."following The Daily Telegraph story, Labour MP Tony Colman raised the issue in Parliament. A former home office minister Tom Sackville also took up the matter saying, "The authorities have done little so far and that is regrettable." There is a movement now to urge the British Government to issue warnings to people wanting to visit Baba's ." (quoted from India Today, 'A God Accused')

September 15 UNESCO Press Release Unesco announces it's withdrawal of support from a Sept. 2000 Conference and includes... "the Organization is deeply concerned about widely-reported allegations of sexual abuse involving youths and children that have been levelled at the leader of the movement in question, Sathya Sai Baba." International Media Developments

NEW December 4, 2000 'India Today' Front-Cover Investigative Story, " and Controversy" A five-part article in one of India's most recognized and respected magazines.

Part 1: "Test of Faith" Part 2: "The Decision That Changed It All" Part 3: "P.C. Sorcar: 'Baba's a bad trickster' , 'Factsheet Sai Baba' and 'Devoteespeak' Part 4: "A God Accused" Part 5: "Allegations and Their Status, and Shadow Play"

NEW November 29, 2000 'Tehelca' 3-part article "Sathya Sai Baba, The Truth Unfolds"

Part 1: "Is the Sai Baba's Empire Beginning to Disintegrate?" (1 of 2) [24/12/2000 5:31:23 PM] Untitled Document Part 2: "Ashram Mandiram: fortress of solitude" Part 3: "Sathya Sai Central Trust: grab as grab can"

NEW B.B.C. Radio transcript from November 19, 2000

November 12, 2000 Article in The Age (), "Divine Downfall"

November 11, 2000 article in The Age (Australia), "Scandal Engulfs Guru's Empire"

Oct. 28, 2000, The Telegraph U.K., "Divine Downfall"

September 28, 2000 The Hindu Article, "UNESCO withdraws From Conference"

September 6, 2000, Article in the Trouw, "The Downfall of a Guru Sai Baba" (transcribed)

Aug. 21, 2000,'s BILD Article, "Resident From Munich Ran Away From India - Guru All of a Sudden Wants Sex" (transcribed)

August/September 2000 Nexus Magazine Article, "Sai Baba Exposed- Fraud, Fakery & Molestation (transcribed) Important Recent Personal Accounts

"Open Letter to Sathya Sai Baba" by Conny Larsson, October 25, 2000

October 2000, To Anyone Who May be Concerned about the sexual abuse involving youths and children that have been reported about Sai Baba. A document from the point of view of an ex-follower of Sai Baba; about how Sai Baba sexually molesting young men became known in Sweden, and consequences thereof; about having been one of those who, in complete faith to Sai Baba´s pure divinity, involved profoundly in the Sathya Sai organisation and in the Education in Human Values program and about being blind to signs about the sexual abuse that is now known. By Britt-Marie Anden (2 of 2) [24/12/2000 5:31:23 PM] Untitled Document From the November 6th U.K. Parliament details: 372 N Mr Tony Colman (Putney): To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many representations requesting that Her Majesty's Government take action against Sai Baba he has received in the last 12 months. (136849) 373 N Mr Tony Colman (Putney): To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he will make a statement on the activities of Sai Baba involving UK citizens in (a) the UK and (b) India. (136848) 374 N Mr Tony Colman (Putney): To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he will issue guidance to UK citizens travelling to India about visiting the Sai Baba Ashram. Extracted from this website with the full day's proceedings: [24/12/2000 5:31:24 PM] BBC Radio 4 - Sunday 19th November 2000 - 7:30am BBC Radio 4 - Sunday 19th November 2000 - 7:30am This is Sunday on BBC Radio 4; the time is now just after 7.33 am … Sai Baba, holy guru whose wisdom is profound. Or a sexual predator? "He then abused my stepson, so I then knew that these stories I'd been told by the students were true. The students turned to me, and said 'Please sir, will you go back to England and help us?' (Five minutes of other stories...) We’ll return now to a story we reported on two weeks ago about serious allegations of sexual abuse made against Sai Baba, the popular leader of a religious organisation in India, who claims to have up to 50 million followers around the world. A campaign waged on the Internet by disillusioned former devotees is seeking to warn families of the dangers they face when visiting the Sai Baba Organisation. The allegations are hotly disputed. Stephen Perry investigates, in this week's special report: Sai Baba is one of the most revered in India and has a following that is estimated to be between 10 and 50 million. Most of the devotees are from India, but many travel from the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world, in the hope of being granted an interview with the man who claims he is the reincarnation of a revered saint, Baba who died in 1918. He is himself now worshipped as a god, an . "I know that Baba is my saviour. I know that Baba is within me. I know that Baba will direct me. I know that Baba will protect me. I love you father. I need you Father Sai Baba."

"I believed that he was the Avatar, and I believed also specifically that he'd called me to be close to him and to be a follower of his, so I felt that there were divine forces at work in bringing me to him, and in giving me a new direction in my life."

Jed Geyerhan from Massachusetts in the United States was close to his 16th birthday when he first met Sai Baba a few years ago. Jed had travelled with his aunt to the ashram in Puttaparthi in the southern state of .

In 1997 Mick Brown, the Daily Telegraph journalist, joined the 10,000 or so who regularly gathered at the small town that been formed to accommodate devotees at the Sai Baba Centre. He was there to conduct research for his book 'The Spiritual Tourist.' He (1 of 4) [24/12/2000 5:31:25 PM] BBC Radio 4 - Sunday 19th November 2000 - 7:30am became aware of the wide embrace of the leaders' influence. "Sai Baba is without question, the most important and the most significant religious figure in India. He's also a very significant political figure in India, and his followers have included previous Prime Ministers and the present Prime Minister. Among the board of trustees of his ashram are senior politicians, former politicians, members of the judiciary, senior members of the armed forces... so on and so forth. So he is a very estimable figure in Indian public life, and a very powerful figure actually in the Hindu nationalist movement in India."

David Bailey, a concert pianist from North Wales… (David’s music plays behind David as he speaks for a few seconds). "When I got to India to see him, there was a fantastic moment in my life, because I believed that I was in the presence of a very great being. He was claiming to be God on earth... At that moment when I saw him... There was a huge welling up of an energy... I can only say, of love. It was a moment that made me think - am I here on earth at the same time as another figure like Jesus? "

David Bailey found favour with Sai Baba and was asked to play at music festivals in India and around the world on his behalf. He says he was granted over a hundred private interviews with the guru. Most devotees are lucky to have one such opportunity. But he claims when young students started coming up to him with tales of how they had been sexually abused, he became troubled. "He then abused my stepson, so I then knew that the stories I'd been told were true. The students turned to me, and said "Please sir, will you go back to England and help us?" This he did, and set up a website on the Internet, and he began to publish testimonies by those who alleged they'd been molested by Sai Baba. What has emerged is a pattern of behaviour by the guru, leading on to sexual abuse of devotees. On his first visit to the ashram, Jed Geyerhan had several interviews with Sai Baba in the company of his aunt. At the third, he was invited into a private room, alone. "He actually grabbed my groin direct through my clothes and in that interview he asked me to take my pants down and he materialised this grey ash called vibhuti and rubbed the vibhuti on the side of my groin." Two years later he went back and was granted a further interview. "But looking for some sort of explanation as to what these sexual experiences were. He asked me what I wanted and I said "I want your love" and he took it completely wrong and sort of just peculiarly advanced his body towards me and said "you know I'm all yours, take me." ah .. you know "take me" but not .. ah .. sort of in any sort of spiritual way but looking at me in a flirtatious way." (2 of 4) [24/12/2000 5:31:25 PM] BBC Radio 4 - Sunday 19th November 2000 - 7:30am With Jed it went no further than that, but another American family who wish to remain anonymous, claimed Sai Baba had oral sex with their son and attempted to rape him. The boy's father was at the time an important official within the organisation in the United States. He himself, at the age of 18 had had similar experiences to those of Jed Geyerhan. "What happened many years later to my son, proved to me that really what had happened to me was just the initial part of what Sai Baba does, and that it seems that that's the way he starts out with boys. When we began questioning our son we found out that in fact Baba had been forcing him to engage in more intimate sexual behaviour than we had ever known about and when our son would refuse, Baba would get angry, and he would say "oh, you don't like me and so I'm never talking to you and your family again." and her son would say "oh please Baba don't - I .. I do love you, but not like that." We contacted the Sai Baba Organisation in India but a senior official there made it clear they were not willing to talk to the BBC.

Ashok Baganni, a trustee of the UK organisation vigorously denies there is any substance to the allegations, and so has the anointing of the genitals of young men by Sai Baba was out of the question. "It is not acceptable in any form of language and this sort of behaviour does not agree with spirituality. You know, Sai Baba is a spiritual leader and I can tell you categorically this sort of thing doesn't happen there. These are disgruntled people. They may have been previously Sai Baba devotees, but they are disgruntled, with an axe to grind and I welcome anyone to contact me if they've got a serious allegation, and errr ... We will talk to them."

Steen Piculeli, the Sai Baba organisation co-ordinator in the Russian speaking countries, speaking from Copenhagen in a personal capacity, says the allegations are sheer madness. But he does believe the stroking of the male genitals can be acceptable in India. "Gurus have always, as part of their job, put some oil on the er .. upper.. er ... Part of their ... Right hand and g .. ... and gone down in the chakra be .. be .. behind the testicles to er .. er .. . adjust the .. chakra there. This is a normal thing. And this I suppose Baba has also done because this is part of his job. That's all." and Steen Piculeli dismisses those who are organising the campaign against Baba as representing no more than a divine test, sent by God. "Of course, they're playing the role of Judas or the 'doubtful Thomas.' I mean that they are picked to play this role, from a .. a .. d…divine play. The time of Jesus, with the doubt for Thomas, with the Judas, is repeating itself now, in this time. And they're doing a perfect... job, and Baba knows only the best ones to pick out for that .. To date, no one making the allegations against Sai Baba has attempted to prosecute him. Mick Brown thinks the guru is in some measure invulnerable in his own country. (3 of 4) [24/12/2000 5:31:25 PM] BBC Radio 4 - Sunday 19th November 2000 - 7:30am "I think there is a degree to which Sai Baba is a law unto himself, if you like. I think it's probably very hard for anyone to make these allegations in India, because he is a figure of... held in such high esteem." With legal action unlikely, Jed Geyerhan and the many others who made the allegations of indecent assault and abuse of trust, are limiting themselves to warning others against following a path. "My motive at this point is just sort of continue down that road trying to get as many people to know about it as possible, and realise that there's something terribly wrong here." Jed Geyerhan ending that report by Stephen Perry. (4 of 4) [24/12/2000 5:31:25 PM] THE DOWNFALL OF A GURU SAI BABA THE DOWNFALL OF A GURU SAI BABA

By: Koert van de Velde Published in dutch newspaper on September 6th, 2000 Copyright TROUW, the , e-mail address TROUW:[email protected] (translation by Ella Evers)

Welcome to the club of mourners, e-mailed ex-Baba devotee Leo, a new victim(of betrayal). He does not want his (full) name in the newspaper. "For me it has been a week since I have been an ex, and that after eleven years. In regard to all the rumors he heard, he had surfed the net despite Sai Baba's ban on doing so. It was shocking. "I could not push it away as being a plot of negative forces and disappointed devotees. He is now in mourning (grieving)." Baba was not only my mother and father, but also the base of my view of the world. I have torn up all his photos". Hundreds of Dutch devotees did the same tearing up all the Sai Baba photos off the walls and throwing out his books. The amounts of testimonies on the internet of regular devotees is growing as well as those in "higher places", who knew Baba well.

Swami regularly pulled their pants down and fondled their genitals. Some were forced to perform oral sex. (Generally speaking) any one who meets Sai Baba in private is a lucky one. Thousands had to satisfy themselves with a fleeting glance of this God when he was giving his blessings (darshan). Ranada van Kralingen, who broke up with Sai Baba a month ago understood why it could remain a secret for so long. Many of the misused (sexually molested) men are adults and hetero sexuals and are incredibly ashamed. Now that others are coming out of the closet, more will follow. Having noticed the decline in (numbers) of devotees, the country's Sai Organization sent a mail-out. This letter of August 8th, by the local coordinators, suggests that the disappointed ex-devotees are trying to measure acts by God with human measurements. Swami always remarks that between him and his devotees no other person can bring a message. "We have a direct line to God". That is why his (the devotees still with him) devotees have no message to the accusations, according to the Head (of the Sai Organization) in the Netherlands. Sai Baba is God in human flesh, and can do no wrong.

Rananda van Kralingen who is trying to organize the opposition against Sai Baba in the Netherlands says filled with indignation: "According to the leadership you best only look at yourself". An (all too) easy strategy to bury your head in the sand not seeing any of the misery Baba is causing others. Van Kralingen together with other ex-devotees has mailed a letter to all the (still with Baba) devotees they knew. They call all these devotees to please watch the video in which it is very evident (plain) that Sai Baba does not materialize anything but (only) plays tricks. "Many friendships have been ruined, the stress between ex-devotees and devotees can be cut with a knife, they are writing.

Spiritual coordinator Wim Goedbloed faithful to Sai Baba says that