tfO. 497 BROAD WAY, (Owe door north of Maiden Lane.) ITCitizens mid Strmipsi-N desirous of prncarbyr jfenteel Ready mmle Clothing, will find an extensive assortment as above, inc? _nng a variety of styles of Coats. Vests and-PHiitaloor., Cravats, Scarf*, UOHOIUH, Collars, Handkercbiefrj, Gloves, Stocks, Sec. AH of tvliiiJi will bo sold .it a small advance tor CASH. ERASTUS H. PEASE, ^MSM^eWK^M^_!U^_._*___U_**V _P _ •"•,*• 4„iti* __ . Mt__fM. _*P*",__ 4HV* _ *___ ' 82 STATE STRE_T, THEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND _ssc_ J__:__>«_»__ __«_D< CLASSICAL k STANDARD WORKS—MITCHELL'S OUTLINE MAPS— Globes—Brown's k Baglny's Gold fens, k

SAIiifl „_M_)(DI_9 BHIB_E ft _EMf DEPOSITORY. IE7_I_NK ROOKS ruled-ami bound to order.

JOSHUA I. JONES, AUCTIONEER. £, M. F._._12_E, __ _LJ «_ _T* -"_ «_» _«r ___ J__ _3_. COMMISSION MERCHANT, REAL ESTATE AND BANK STOCK BROKEN, OFFICE NO. 73 STATE-STREET, ALBANY. I S H PARKE, continues to make liberal cash advances on all goods left wiili^ him to he sold at auction or pi ivate sale. Prompt rctu.oB made of all Cash or Credit sales; and security given for con- ! sigmnenls when required . Regular days for sale of Groceries, Liquors, Fnrmlure, &c , Tuesdays and Frr- dnyB of each wock. ... ,. , Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Drogans, Hats, .fcc, one day each week. Wednesday in each week, ttetarjart for the sale of Real Estate, Bank Stock, fte»_ Commodious Storage Kooms free ot eipense, ^ _i ^rTW_hM! _ W . W i^r.^S1 ./T-V ______-_ VAN SCHAACK'S

AND HOUSEKEEPER'S EMPORIUM, 385 BROADWAY, tth door below Iludson-st., I ALBANY, N, Y.

I The assortment at the above well known and very I extensive establishment embraces all kinds of |j:|^>. if Wooden Ware, Baskets, Iron Hollow Ware, WSJL m Brushes, Shaker Manufactures, Japanned |f_? and Planished Tin Ware, 1$ And almost every necessary article for housekeeping. B Pocket Cutlery. Scissors, Razors, Combs, _ alley Goods, IS Portable Writiiis Desks, Work Boxes, Shaiitis Cases, Per- f turnery, Toys, m And suitable Articles for Presents to Old or Young. SJ* WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE jM MADE TO ORDER. £ MRS. J. W. PAEPKE is employed at this Estab- | lishment, and will attend to orders for Embroidering-, & Marking, and all kinds of _ J3T!H__ M_«H_ TO© __. * She will also give instruction in any of the above I branches. I BAGS and PURSES made to order, equal to the best ||§ I French manufacture. j^jf- A general assortment of Marking Cottons, Wor- $3r? HB'| sted, Patterns, &c, constantly on hand. .i-gTS , jjjt Strangers passing through the city are particularly ||| i invited to visit this establishment, though they may J|| 81? not wish to make purchases. $i E. VAN SCHAACK. £4|t_ S4£^ s*fe *&; *Mj **£ •"#£ **£ J*i ;%i •*« "•** '^ **£ ^t) %£ **S |#6


The Subscriber, Proprietor of tlie

IAMM0TH VARIETY ST U .. 385 (new number,) Broadway,


Informs the members of the Order that he is prepared to furnish Lodge and Encampment Regalia, Robes, Caps, &c- of every description, of the best quality, at the lowest possi­ ble rates. New Lodges supplied with full suits at short notice and on favorable terms. Mr. B. C. THUE, an Artist of much experience and taste will attend promptly to all orders for Seals. The following articles always on hand: Gold & Silver Hullion Fringe, Gold and Silver Lace, all widths do do Tinsel do do do Braid & Thread, ' do do Hullion Tassels, do do Bullion Cord, do do Tinsel do do do Tinsel do . do do Stars & Rosettes. do do Hearts. do do Bullion for Etnb'ry. do ilo Spangles, All new articles of Trimmings received as soon as intro­ duced. The best qualities of Silk Velvet, and all necessary articles for Initiation. E. VAN SCHAACK.

. awx> Dry Goods Establishments.

Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, SO. 477 & 479 BROADWAY, Wm. Smith, Isaac H. Cary, B. F. Mosely. J. H. E ACKER, Dealer _\ Fa__

Peoples' Store, by M . SHLOSS, Dealer in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 342 BROADWAY, (formerly 89 Market.) Limes, Hosiery, Notions, &c Milliners and Pedlars will find it to their interest to call here befoie purchasing elsewhere

B. R. & R. L. SPELMAN, Manufacturers of Combs, and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy Goods, No. 494 BROADWAY. Thread, Pins. Needles, Buttons, Jewelry, Cutlery, Perfu­ mery, &.c. Merchants and Dealers will please call and ex­ amine our slock. Grocer Establishments. WILLIAM CRAPO, & Co, W_o\esa\e Grocers &_ Fruit Dealers, No. 17 STATE-STREET, Corner of Dean. AMOS AVERY & Co. Dealers in Frnit, "Nats and Groceries. Wholesale and Retail, No. 353 BROADWAY. Amos Avery, G. W. Benjamin, WILBER & SELKIRK, Deaiers in Groceries and Provisions, COR. CHURCH & LYDIUS-STS. S V. R. Wilber, ) Alex. Selkirk, \ HEN IFY WRIGHT, Wood Measurer, and dealer in Groceries, Stone, Water Lime, Roman Cement, dfc. No. 163 BROADWAY, Corner of Westerlo Street. JAMES TAYLOR, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Sfc, $fc COR. GREEN & SOUTH LANS1NGSTS. The subscriber informs his numerous friends llint he is still at the old stand, where he continues to keep a general nssnrt- ment of Groceries and Ptovisions of the very best quality, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms WASHINGTON GIBSON, Dealer in Provisions, Groceries, Sfc, ^r.

Constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices, &c. Every article warranted of the best quality, and sold on the most favorable terms.

Public Houses. MAM SIO_T HOUSE. 470 & 472 BROADWAY, By Griffin and Smith, Wm. Griffini, Jr., ) mith. , Le Grand Smith. FRANKLIN HOUSE, EDWIN BEEBE, Nos. 136 & 138 STATE-STREET, CAJRL.TON HOUSE, "W. D. _ arsons, COR. STATE AND SOUTH PEARL-STS.

BUNKER-HILL HOUSE, Nos. 1 & 3 CHURCH-STREET, Corner of Dennison. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends that he lias taken his old stand, where he will be happy to have them call and see him. He pledges himself that nothing shall be wanting to please those who may favor hi n with a call. P. VANDERLIP. DAYTON HOUSE. Nos. 250 & 252 BROARWAY, This House is pleasantly situated in the immediate vicini­ ty ofthe Steamboat Landings, lt has been thoroughly re­ paired and newly furnished. The travelling community are rcipactfully invited t. call. J. C. DAYTON, Proprietor. Single Meals 25 Cts.

RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, No. 4 DEAN-STREET, This house is located within the square used as a depot by the Mohawk and Hudson Rail-Road Company, and distant only a few feet from the ticket office of the Boston Rail Road, and quite contiguous to the Steam boat Landings. JAMES JENKINSON, Druggist Establishments. JOSEPH DAVIS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Drugs, Varnishes, Brushes, Sfc. NO. 78 STATE-STREET, (Directly opposite the State Bank.) Painting and Glazing executed at the shortest notice. FREDERICK INGMIRE, IDIBWdK&ttS© <& S_!BI_W_l__.$> No. 303 BROADWAY, General Agen{ for Allebasi's Medicines, and Knapv's Indian Strengthening Plasters, and Agent for BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. N. B. Physcians' Prescription accurately prepared. Dealers in Hardware. DANIEL FRY, Importer and Dealer in Hardware and Cut­ lery, Hair Seating, Tinman's Bright Anvils Hammers, cy-c., cj-c. No. 40 STATE-STREET, CARMICHAEL & SPENCER, Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, and dealers in Steel, Iron, Nails, c]'C. No. 46 STATE-STREET, DAVIDSON & VIELE, General Importers of Hardware, (At the Sign ofthe Broad-Axe,) No. 50 STATE-STREET, ETTron, Steel, Nails, &c, &c. HUMPHREY & CO. __iL-PW_^i_ 0_l_^©____. Nos. 41 & 43 STATE-ST.


WILLIAM BROWN, Silver Plater, and Manufacturer of Coach and Harness Plated Ware, No. 15 CHURCH-STREET, Silver-Plated and Brass door Plates engraved complete. Metallic Sash Moulding for Store Fronts.Show Cases, &c. Plating of Lock and Bell trimmings, all on the most reason­ able terms. Drapers and Tailors. RELYEA & KENNEDY, DRAPERS & TAILORS, No. 8 BROADWAY. WILLIAM THORN, D__?m _ND _____&, No. 316 BROADWAY. J. HERMANS, W\vo\esa\e and "Retail CiotYiing Store, No. 417 BROADWAY. All kind .of ready made Clothing low for Cash- WILLIAM CONNELLY, DRAPER & TAILOR, No. 423 BROADWAY. Garments made to order in tho most approved manner. NEWTON & STEAD,

No. 311 BROADWAY. Fashionable articles of Ready.Made Garments, kept con­ stantly on hand. J S • N E W B U R G , Kew and Second Hand C\oi_ing, Nos. 237 & 333 BROADWAY, Keep generally on hand a good assortment of the above articles, and sell lower than any other establishment in this city. Also, Clothing made to order, in the latest fashion, and the most modetate prices. Cutting done m the most fashionable manner, and at low charges. Second hand clo­ thing bought, sold, and exchanged for new. S. F . SHEPARD _>!___L_ :«_> TAMLTMOB No. 313 BROADWAY, Dealer in all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing. Produce Dealers.

Flour and Commission Merchants. No. 102 PIER, I Bakers and Family Flour, extra, always on hand. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments. C. W. GODARD _ CO., No. 106 PIER, Dealers in Flour, Grain a?id Western Salt, Also, Agents for Syracuse and Oswego Line of Lake and Canal Boats. WARDWELL & BARDWELL, Produce Dealers and Shipping and Commissimi Merchants. No. 85 QUAY-STREET, J". H. Wardwell, ) * J.. A. Bardwell, i 0 __L RUFUS K. VIE LIE, CO_.MlSSIO.< __A\C_„_T,

No. 86 QUAY-STREET. Refectories,

MAIDEN LANE REFECTORY, WILLIAM A. HOUSE. No. 7 MAIDEN LANE, Has fitted up this establishment in superior style, and w 111 at all times be happy to furnish his old and new friends with re­ freshments of all kinds. GRACE ANDERSON, Ice Cream Saioons, ORNAMNTAL CONFECTIONER, No. 516 BROADWAY, Pastry, Jellies, Charlotte Russe, Creams, &c., served up daily. Wedding Cakes, Ornamental and Plain, Ornamental Pyramids, &c, and every other requisite for parties. CLIMAX HOUSE, PIER, FOOT OF STATE-STREET.' 3o_n M'Carocii, Would respectfully inform his fiends and the public, that he has returned to this popular and well knovvu establish­ ment, where he will be happy to wait on his OLD friends and as many HEW cnes, as may give him a call. His liquors and .olher condiments, are all ofthe 0. K. brand.

GEORGE ANDERSON, Wliolesale and Retail Confectioner, Cor. BROADWAY & LYDIUS-STS. Has constantly on hand during Ihe season, Ice Cream and Soda Water of the first quality. Candy by the hundred, a» cheap as at any other establishment. Fruit, Pound and Sponge Cakos, and other articles furnished for weddings and parties. MARBLE PILLAR, N. REMOND, COR. BROADWAY & STATE-ST. Within a few steps of the Mohawk and Hudson, and Boston Railroad Depots, Steamboat Landings, &c, Warm meals can be obtained at any hour during the day, after 5 A. M. RICHARD THOMPSON, Temperance Refectory, No. 96 STATE-STREET, Refreshments of all kinds, served up in the choisest style. Fruit, in its season, ofthe rarest quality, may at all times be found at this Establishment. Boot and Shoe Establishments. OSCAR DUNHAM, ROOT ft. D .AO_ STORE, No. 234 BROADWAY. All orders thankfully received, and executed in the best manner. Particular attention paid to custom work.

BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER. The Subscriber would inform his frinds and the public, that lie has, on hand a large assoitment of Boots and Shoes of bis own manufacture, and Ihat he has also purchased for this spring's business, ofthe best Eastern manufacture, the largest usssort- ment of Boots and Shoes ever before offered for sale in this city, including every article in the trade, which will be offered for sale in lots to suit purchasers, on the most reasonable terms, and lowest New-York piices. Also, on hand and for sale a large assortment of Spanish and slaughter Sole Lea;her. Dealers would dowelltocall and examine my slock before purchasing elsewhere. G. CONKLING, No 23 Dean St. Cor.. Maiden Lane, near Western Railroad Depot. N. B. Constantly on hand J Patiidge's thick kip, calf and pump Boots. KELLEY & WILKINS, ALBANY BOOT % SHOE STORE No. 392 BROADWAY, Corner of Hudson-street. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shots of every discription, of our own manufacture, which will be sold as low as at any Eastern Establishment. N. B. Particular "attention paid to Custom Work. Miscellaneous. LEMUEL STEEL Sc SON, Importers and Manufacturers of French and American Paper Hangings, and Benders, Nos. 362 & 364 BROADWAY,

WILLIAM GRAY, STONE CUTTER, CORNER OE WESTERLO & FRANKL1N-STS. Would inform his friends and the public, that the Stone Cutting Business, in all its branches, is continued by him at the above place, where orders will be premptly executed. S. T . THORN, Manufacturer of Rosin, Spirits Turpentine, and the best of Camphene Oil, Wholesale and Retail. No. 268 BROADWAY,

JAMES HENRY, Bookseller, Stationer and Blank Book Manufacturer, No. 67 STATE-STREET, Keeps constantly on hand, Day Books, Journals, Ledgers. Cash Books, Invoice Books, Registers, Letter Books, ana a gensral assortrrent of half-bound books of all sizes. Books ruled and bound to anypattern, on tbe shortest noticer. HEATH & WHITE'S Window S\\ade Factory No. 80 1-2 STATE-STREET, Over Pease's Book store. Shades of all descriptions, from $1 to $50, wholesale and retail, at New-York prices. Also, Wire Window Shades, Doors, Grates, Screens, &c Banners, Fire-Boards of all sizes from $1,75 to $10.

NATHAN STARKS, BLACKSMITH, , No. 82 QUAY-STREET, Ship. Steam and Boat work of all kinds, particularly atten­ ded to. Also, Edge Tools, Iron Hailing, House Work and Heavy Jobbing of every description. A. large assortment of Ready Made work kept on hand.

WM. A. C ORBIERE ' (Successor to James Kidd,) Dealer in Carpetings and Oil Cloths, 548 BROADWAY, cor. Steuben-st. Opposite the Delavan ) S House. ) W. S.ELLISON, OFFICE FOR PATENTS, No. 56 STATE-ST., up stairs. Drawings and specifications for Patents, Caveat*.. Assign­ ments and all p.ipers necessary to the procuring or conveying patent rights, made with,accuracy and dispatch. JOHN W. H. CANOLL, Mo n ufacturer of Silver Work and Jewelry, No. 80 SOUTH PEARL-STREET, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, German Silver, Plated and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. repaired in the best mannei. i Carpenter and Joiner's Shop, No. 26 ELM STREET, CRAHAM K. VAN HEUSEN, Master Builder, will attend personally to all orders en­ trusted to him in the above business. Building by contract, arid Jobbing generally, promptly attended to. Orders may be left at Shop, or House, _ Elm-street. ALBANY BR USH FA CTOR Y. J. B. ARMOUR, , (Late Brinkeihoff & Armour.) BRUSH MANUFACTURER, No. 16 Green Street. Keeps constantly on band a large assortment of Brushes of every description. Also, machine brushes made to order. Cash paid for Bristles. JOHNSON & GODLEY, Manufacturers of Silver Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives rf-c, 8fC. No. 128 STATE-STREET, J. N. M. HURD, Exchange Office; ' No. 15 HUDSON-STREET. HAGAMAN & COWELL, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Foreign and Domes­ tic Fruits, Oysters, Clams, tyc, No. 345 BROADWAY, Garret Hagaman, ) Walter Cowell. £ G. &nc7_UR_ANKsT Wltolesale Dealers in

_ ru'O, Ousters, C\a\ws, &cc.; &ce. No. 104 QUAY-STREET. THE OLD 1798 Woo&en Ware _ e\>o\. awd Housekeep­ ing "Notions. All goods in this line furnished to order at the earliest notice, and at moderate prices by JAMES S. GOULD. No. 411 Broadway, junction Beaver St., Albany. ~~D. & R. L. HOWE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Chairs, C]T., §C, No. 98 STATE-STREET, HENRY GROOT, GUNMAKER, No. 9 BEAVER-STREET, H. G. respectfully informs his friends, and the public, that he is at all times ready to execute JOES of any kind in his line at the-shortest notice, in tbe best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. S. B. ELLITHORP, JEdfZ* JSJ\JB ___» JEJUJPORM-PJV, No. 373 BROADWAY, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Hats and Caps as low as any oilier establishment in the city. JOHN TRACEY, Distiller and Rectifier, and Wholesale dealer in LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, CORDIALS, TEAS, &o. Corner of Exchange and Dean-street, THOMAS LEE'S. No. 98 STATE-STREET, j General dealer in China, Glass, and Earthen ware. Wliich will be disposed of c_ the most reasonable terms. f r~— — ;^^_.—-. ... . / • ' 7.-^~~~ ': - ILPANI Line, Independent Opposition! ! Through without Landing.

The new and Splendid Steamer

Capt. SAMUEL SCHUYLER, Will run through the season, leaving the new Steam boat la?idi?ig, (Broadway,*) late Market-st. Schuyler & Co., Old Line Tow Boats,

_____» Running on the Hudson, will leave New-York and Albany daily, for season 1846. ("THOS. SCHUYLER, 29 Quay-st., Albany. AGENTS. \ JOHN SCHUYLER, I WM. SCHUYLER, (_ 7 South-sL, New-York, JAMES SCHUYLER, Coa\ Yard, COR. FRANKLIN & BASSET-STS, All kinds of Coal in Lumps, Eggs Grate,-or any _er «_al size, at wholesale or retail. 1846 SMYTH'S COMMERCIAL LINE OF ALBANY AND BOSTON PACKETS, for this soason, will be composed ofthe following vessels, viz : Schr. Convert, Asa Coleman, master. " _riel, C. W. Boult, " " Tigris, J. Lovell, " " Mary, A. Bearse, " " Benj. H. Field, S. L. Boult, " Amanda, J. R. Nickerson, " " Utica, John Bates, " " Elizabeth, James Otis, " The above vessels are of the first class, are commanded by men oiperienced in the trade, and will commence making their regular trips between Albany and Boston, on the opening ofthe river, a vessel leaving each port on Wednesday and Saturday of each week through the season. Grateful for past favors, the masters, by prompt attention to their business, hope to merit and receive the patronage of their f'ormor friends as well as others who may wish to ship goods cither way. C. T. SMYTH, Agent, No. 40 on the Dock. B. Harding, Agent, Long Wharf Boston.

1846. SYRACUSE & OSWEGO LINE. 1846. INSURED. Goods and other property will be shipped by this line daily, (Sundays excepted,v for Syracuse. Oswego, and intermediate places r also for Canada, and the various ports on Lake Ontario and the River St. Lawrence; also for Lake Erie and the upper Lakes, by steam propeller or vessel from Oswego, as jnav be required. PROPRIETORS. C. W. Goddard& Co., 10G Pier, Albany, L. B. Robe & Co. Syracuse. FOR FREIGHT &c. APPLY TO A. H. Hovcy & Co., > ,,3 Broad.street, New-York. T. M. Humphrey, J Merick, Davis & Co., Oswego. tfackett & Hall, Sacketts Harbor, J. C- & K. W. Brush, Ogdensburgh. 1846. NEW-YORK AND ERIE LINE. 1846. A Boat leaves Albany and Buffalo Daily. PROPRIETORS : WILKIE, PARSONS & Co. Buffalo. T. A. JEROME, N. York. NOTTINGHAM, WILKIE & Co. Albany. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,, ON THE ERIE CANAL AND WESTERN LAKES. AGENTS. T. A. JEROME, (109 Broad-st, M. B. SPALDING, 5 New-York. Nottingham, Wtlkie, &, Con, 61. Quay-stre*t., Albany. Wilkie, Parsons & Co., Buffalo. R. Ferrin Palmyra. H. Field <& Co., Brockport. J. L. ELWOOD, Rochester. Ford & Grant, Newark. J. W: Goodrich Lyons. A. L. Smith, Weedsport. H.'VV. Di rnford & Co., Syracuse. Hyile 4" Lefiingwell, Rome. L. R; Darrow, Utica. 0_°THIS LINE IS INSURED- AGAINST ALL LOSS OR DAMAGE O*Mark Package? " N. Y. and Erie Line," and ship by the. Eckford Line Tow-Boats, which leave the foot of Broad-street, N. Y., daily, at 5, P. M. "WESTERN T_i\SPORTATM COMW, < INSURED. //. J. Meeeh& Co, PROPRIETORS. J.. Myers, AGENTS. S. Card, No. 12n Broad-street, N. Y., H. T. Meeeh & Co., Albany. } H. L. Fish, Rochester. 5 J. Myers, French, Meech Sf Co., Buffalo. ,*»Mark Packages " W. T. Co." and ship by Swiftsure line,- of low Boats, foot of Broad-street, New-York.. CAK__ ANB _AKE TRANSPORTATION AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION Co.,

INSURED. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE APPLY TO JOHN RICE, 117 Broad-street, New-York. BALDWIN & CALEB, 96 Pier Albany.. H. WRIGHT, Rochester, S. PARMELE, Lockport, Hiram Niles; > „ „. . J. Russell Wheeler, \ Buflal°" SHIP BY ALBANY & CANAL LINE TOW BOATS. Which leaves the foot of Broad-street, daily, at 5 P. M, Mark Packages, "A. T. Co."


1846 LAKE BOATS 1846 No. 43 QUAY-STREET, Lee Chamberlain, ) L. W; Olmsted. ( 1846. FOR PMLADELPIIIA, 1856. VIA DELEWARE AND RARITAN CANAL.

The Iron Steam Propellers of the Iron Steam Packet Line will leave Albany for Philadelphia tti-vveekly, and will run regularly during the season of navigation, transporting goods of oil descriptions at low rates of freight, with quick despath. Goods destined for Baltimore, Md., will also be carried through at low rates of freight- Merchants and others will find it to their decided advantage in shipping by this line, as it is unquestionably the cheapest and most expeditious mode of transportation between the two cities ever offered to the public. (T_For rates of freight or other information, apply at the Packet Line Office, No. 78 on Pier, below Columbia St.



WILLIAM •ffflfi No. 20 NORTON-ST., Opposite to the Centre Market, Wliere all Shades of Colors are doners usual. SCOURING Of all kinds done at the shortest notice. All Orders will be thankfully received and carefully at­ tended to. M. S. WADLEY, & CO.


. 357 BROADWAY, ALBANY.. Dealers in Teas, Wines, Oils, Foreign Fruits,, Nuts, Segars, Sfc. • JOHN HURDIS-.-.

HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GLAZIER AND GILDER, No. 9 Church-Street, Keeps constantly for sale, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c, of the best quality. Also, JAPANNING in all its branches, executed with, neat­ ness and despatch. : J„GALL,ALBANY OTTIOAJff:

Most respectfully informs the citizens of Albany, and the Public in general, that be has opened the Store No. 535 Broad­ way, two doors North of Uleeker Hall, as a general depot for the Manufacture of every kind of Optical Instruments. His knowledge and experience in Optical Science, will enable him to afford useful advice to persons of weak or diseased eyes, or defective or irregular vision, and to furnish them with glasses adopted to their lespective eases,by which, the eyes may be benefited, and thu injuries which frequently occur from injudicious and illy adapted glasses avoided. J. G. lias an-extensive assortment of optical instruments and glasses for the relief of physical deficiencies it; vision, and applies them with that accuracy and facility which can alone be obtained by a thorough knpwledge of the science, and long expetience. Short sighted persons and such as have been operated upon for cataract can also be suited. Glasse* of a superior quality re-set in old frames at short notice. J. G. solicites the patronage of all in want of his articles. Opti­ cal instruments of every description carefully repaired at moderate charges. Church Bell Foundry.

NO. 19 CHURCH STREET Tho subscriber is prepared to furnish Church Bells, With improved cast-iron Yokes, warranted in tone and durability equal to any made. Steamboat and Factory Bells constantly on hand. Also, Brass and f Composition Castings. He also makes and keeps on hand Anti-friction Bushes for Tackle Slocks, superior to anything ofthe kind. DANIEL CURTISS* C. W. BENTLEir,

Commission and Shipping ^Merchant,

No, 86' Quay-street, Albany. Agent New Line Boston, Albany Sf Canal Packets, and Commercial Line Packets to Providence It. I. Merchandize or Produce forwarded to care of C. W. Benlloy., Albany, N. Y., will be forwarded with dispatch ,at the lowest rales and by responsible lines.

P.H. GRIFFIN. Coppersmith, Plumber d\ Sheet-Iron Worker!. Corner of Steuben and James-streets,

Has.constantly on hand Copper Cistern Pump?, Bras* Fassetts, Brass Valves, 1 Inch Hose &o., &.C. Steam Engine Work Made to Order and warranted. hil Otders thankfully received and Promptly attended to. JAMES GOADBY.

8rE_te an_ _e\vdeY l\iauu?aeU\rer:..



Soap Stone, Fire Irons, Stair Rods and Sheet Brass, always on hand. Also, Hot Air Furnaces for heating buildings.


lit;all its various branches, neatly executed; BY ANDREW HOFFMAN, COR. BROADWAY & DIVISION, (Entrance in Dicision-st.')

Business Cards printed from $2,50, to &5 per- thousand, on the shortest notice. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. ON SALE AT THE TEA WAREHOUSES OF THE

lb Sf 77 Fulton-st. New-York, and 379 Broadway, Albany. GREEN TEAS. ! BLACK TEAS. YOUNG HYSON, good, 38 POUCHONG, good full flavor, - - - ' _ - do. do. sweet cargo, ------r>o do. fine, - - ' . - - _ . _ _ _ £0 do. do. do. do, finer, ------62 1-2 do. very superior, ------75 do. do. fine cargo, -...----. 75 do. SOUCHONG, good, I .33 do. em fine, - - ' - - * - - - fe7 1-2 do. extra fine, --....,. .. • . 50 do. do. Silver Leaf, ------100 SILVER LEAF—Seldom sold, even by large dealers, because of the OOLONG, strong flavor, fine, --'---.. 60 very small profits made on its sale. This is a xery superior tea. OOLONG—This Tea is a great favorite, and gives universal satisfaction, do. do Colden Chop. Plantation or Garden growth, - - 1 50 do. very fine, --.---.-- 621-2 fJOLDEX CHOP—This is the finest green tea cultivated in China. It do. extra fine, ------75 in of the first pickings, and excel, all othjjr green teas for its delicacy of NE PLUS ULTRA] ------1 50 flavor, strength and aroma. Heretofore this tea has never reached this NE PLLS ULTRA—This tea is as flagrant and sweet as a nosegay. country, except in small lots as presents to importers. It yields a perfume that is truly delightful. It is of garden growth, aa* HVSOX, very fine, - - 75 superior to any thing of the kind ever sold in this country. do. Plantation growth, ------1 00 GUNPOWDER, cood, ------75 ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA—, extra fine. 75 do. superior. - _.-•-_, -•--- 1 CO ] HOWQUA'S MlXTl'Hft * strong and rith black tea, do. small leaf, plantation growth, - - - - - 1 25 i Pekoe flavor, -!•_.-. -_.-- 75 IMPERIAL, pood, 75 1 CONGO, good : t7 1-3 do brisk and fragrant,, ----.-- » » . 10000 do. verj' fine, - - ~ - - - -- do. curious leaf, vrry maperipr, i"- - 1 '2525 PEKOE rLOWERS. good, 1 oo 38 HVSON SKIN, good, fine flavor, do. do. garden grcwib, - - - - » • *ti dp. do. extra line. - - - ••6*22 1 2 - f JKBUm (BlIiB ©a »

.S7f Lumber, dressed aDd rough, Lath Turned Pickets, Posts, &c, of best seasoned timber, at wholesale and retail. II © F F Itl A. N' S 1 ALBANY DIRECTORY. AND City Register,



CONTAINING The mines, occupation and place of residence of all heads of families, firms, and those doing business in the City, in correct alphabetical arrangement. Also much other useful and interesting matter.

ALBANY : PUBLISHED BY L. G. HOFFMAN, Cor. Broadway and Division-sts., (Up sUirs.) 1846. Andrew Hoffman, Printer. CALENDER FOR 1846-7.

P a s w P o « K K> 1 c a pa, P •i H C

STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS, &c. All the streets running west from the River, com­ mence their numbers at the eastern boundary. All those running parallel with the river, (excepting Broadway, North Pearl, Montgomery and Water, which commence their numbers at the southern boundary,) commence numbering at the northern boundary. Several of the streets have no build­ ings upon them. Academy Park, fronts on Eagle and E!k streets and Capitol Park' Alexander st., from s. Pearl to Eagle, 1st s. Bassett Aim House Square,fronts on Gansevoort,Snipe,Perry and Ferry Arch street, from River to Alms house square, 1st south Ferry Bassett street, from River to s. Pearl, 2d south Schuyler Bleecker street, from River to s. Pearl, 1st south Lydius Beaver street, from Market to Eagle, 1st south State Bradford st. Snipe to western boundary, 1st s. Sch'y turnpike Broadway, from north boundary to seuth boundary. Broad Street, from Lydius to s. boundary, 1st iv. s. Pearl Canal Basin, fronts Water, Lawrence, Montgomery and Dewitt Canal-street, from n. Pearl to Snipe Cupitol Park, fronts oulEagle and State sts and Academy Paric Catharine street, from Clinton to Swan Center street, from Lumber to Canal Basin Cherry street, from River to Franklin, 1st south Schuyler Church stroet, from Ferry to Market, 1st west Market Chapel street, from Slate to Patroon, 1st west n. Pearl Chesnut street, from Hawk to Lark, 1st south State Cortland street, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Sqaro. Colonie street, from Water to western boundary Columbia street, from River to Eagle, 3d norlh State Clinton Square, fronts on n Pearl, Patroon and Orange Clinton street, from southern boundary to Arch Dallius st, from southern boundary to Lydius 1st east Green Daniels street, trom Beaver to Eagle Dean street, from Steuben to Hudson, 1st west Quay Delaware square, fronts on Delaware turn. Ferry, Lark, Lydius Delaware-street from Clinton to Eagle Donoiston-streot, from Market to Liberty Da Witt- street, irom Canal Basin to Broadway Diagonal-street, fromLiberty to junction of Hudson and Union; l)ivisio_treet, from'River to s. Pearl 3d south of State Dore-»t, from northern to southern boundary, 3d west Eog _ Eagle-street, from southern boundary to Canal A 0«. HOFFMAN » CITY MCISTEI. Elizabeth-street, from Arch to southern boundary Elk-st, from Eagle to western boundary 2nd north Washington Erie-street, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpik. Exchange-street, from River to Broadway, 1st north State Fayette street, from Academy Park to Swan Feny-street from River to Eagle, 3d south Lydiu#* First street, from Ten Broeck to western boundary Franklin-st, from Lydius to southern boundary 1st east s. Pearl Fulton St., from Lydius to Plain, 1st w. south Pearl Gansevoort-st, River to western boundary, southernmost st Grand st, from Beaver to Arch Hawk-st, from northen to southorn boundary, 1st west Eagle Hamilton-st, from River to western boundary 1st north Lydius Hare-street, from head of Orange to western boundary Herkimer-street, from River to south Pearl Howard- street, froins. Pearl, to Eagle, 1st south State Hudson-street, from River to western boundary Hudson Square, fronts on Washington, Partridge and Ontario High-street, from State to Lydius, 2d west Eagle Jackson-st,Colonie to Spencer, b, Broadway and Montgomery James street, State to Columbia, between Broadway and Pear! Jay-street, from Eagle to Lark, 3d south State John-street, from River to Franklin, 1st north Ferry Jefferson st, from Eagle to Delaware Square, 1st 5. Lydius Knox-streot, from Elkto southern boundary, first west Lark Lark-st, from southern boundary to Patroon. 4th west Eagle Lawrcnce-streot, from River to Broadvvay,lst north CanalBasin Lewis AWoy, from Grand, west, Lumber-st, from River to western boundary 3d s. Canal Basin Lydius-strcot, from River to western boundary Lancaster-st, from Eagle to western boundary, 2d south State Lodge-street, from Beaver to Columbia, 2d west n. Pearl Liberty-st, from Hudson to Lydius, 1st west Broadway Maiden-lane from River to Eaglo, 1st north State Mercer-st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Montgomery-street, from Steuben to northern boundary Morris-street, from Delaware Square to northern boundary Morton-street, from Clinton to Dove Mulberry-street, from River to Franklin, 3d south Lydius North Fcrry-st., from Bath Ferry to Broadway North Lansing-st, from River to Broadway, 2d s. Canal Basin North Pearl-street, from State to n. boundary North Square fronts on Lark, Fox, Knox and Elk Norton-street, (late Store Lane) from Green to * Pearl Nuc^lla-street, from River to Gansevoort HOf?J£AN's CITY »BCIIj__... 7

Oiitario-at, northern to southern boundary, 2d v. Alms House Orange-street, from River to Hare, 4th north State Park street, from State to Lancaster, 1st west Eagle. Patridge-st, from southern boundary to Schenectady tumpikq Patroon-st, from Broadway to western boundary 6th n. Stats Perry-st, beginning at Aim-house Square, s. to n boundary Pier, runs from foot of Hamilton north 4323 feet, and 80 feet broad to the foot of Lawrenco-street, forming a basin of an area of 32 acres and 1-10th Pine-street, from Chapel to Eagle, 2 north State Philip-street, from Lydius to Hudson, 3dwest s. Pearl Plain-street, from s. Pearl to Philip, 1st south Hudson Pleasant street from Western to Schenectady turnpike. Plumb-street, from River to Franklin, 1st south Basset , Providence st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Quackenbush'st. from River to Broadway 1st north Orange Quail-st. from northern to southern boundary, lstw. Alms h Quay-st. along the dock, from southern to northern boundary Renssolaer-street, from river to a. Pearl, 2d south Ferry Robin-st, from Almshonse square to Washington lstw. Snipe.- Rpse-street, from Hamilton to Lydius, 1st west Green Sand-street, from Lark to western boundary Schuyler-st, from River to Clinton, 4th south Ferry Second-street, from Ten Broek to western boundary South Lansing- st, from River to Franklin, 1st south Herkimer South Pearl street,from State to Gansevoort Spencer st, from River to Broadway, 1st south Lumber Spruce-st, from Eagle to Lark, 1st north Elk State-street, from River to wostern boundary Steuben-st, from River to Eagle, 2d north State Snipe-st, beginning at Alms house, to northern boundary Swan-st, from southern to northern boundary 2nd w Eagle Ten Broeck street from Patroon to Colonie, 1st w. n. Pearl Third street, from Ten Broeck to western boundary Union street from Lydius to Hudson, 2d west Broadway Van Tromp-st from Broadway'to n. Pearl 1st north Columbia » Van Schaick-st from n. Pearl to Hare, 1st west Canal Van Woert-st. from Broadway to western boundary Vine-street, from River to Franklin, south Nucella Warren-st, from Eagle to Almshouse Square, 2d south Ferry Washington-st, Academy and Capitol Parks to w. boundary » Washington Square, fronts on State, Knox, Lydius and Willet ^^^^^^^^^ C1TT 1EG1BTR*. Water st. from northern boundary 10 Steuben, 1st west Quay Westerlo st. from River to Delaware Square, 2d south Lydiis William it. from Hudson to Howard, 1st west s. Pearl Wilson st. from Broadway to Ten Broeck, 1st sooth Lumber Willett st. from State to Lydius, 1st west Lark TK&Uisi. from Dataware square to vrsstem toundwy AN-ACT For the division and equalization of the wards of the city of Albany, and for other purposes. [Passed March 30, 1841.] FIRST WARD.—Beginning at a point where the south bounds ofthe city intersect the west line of Rensselaer street, thence running north along the east bounds ofthe city to a point op­ posite the centre of Archstreet; thenco westerly through the centre of Arch street to »he centre of Hallenbake street; thence northerly through the centre of Hallenbake street to the centre ot Arch street from the' west ; thence westerly through the centre of Arch street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly through the centre of Eagle street to the south bounds of the city ; thence easterly along said south beunds to the place of beginning. SECOND WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of thf. centre of Arch-street with tbe east bounds of the city, and running thence northerly along the said bounds ofthe city to a point opposite the centre of Herkimer-street ; thence westerly along the centre of Herkimer-street to the centre of Pearl-street ;— ihence southerly along the centre of Peatl-street to the centre of Westerlo-street; thence westerly along the centre of Westerlo- strejit to the centre of Hallenbake-street; thence northerly along the centre of Hallenbake-street to the centre of Westerlo-street from the west; thence westerly along the centre of Westerlo- street to the centre of Eagle-street ; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle-street to the centre of Arch-street, thence east­ erly along the centre of Arch-street to the centre of Hallenbake- street ; thence southerly along the centre of Hallenbake-street to the centre of Arch-street from the east; thence easterly along the centre of Arch-street to tbe east bounds of the city and place of beginning. t . HOFFMAN** CITY\ REOlSTEt. THIRB WARD.—Beginning at a point in the easterly bounds- af the city opposite the centre of Herkimer street; and runnins thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the aentre of Hamilton street; thence westerly along the centre of Hamilton street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle street lo the centre of Westerlo street thence easterly along the centre of Westerlo street to the cen­ tre of Hallenbako street; thence southerly along the centre of Hallenbake street to the centre c.f Westerlo street from the east; thence easterly through the centre of Westerlo streetto tho centre of Pearl street; thence northeily through the cen­ tra of Pearl street to the centre of Heikimer street ; thence easterly along the centre of Herkimer street to the place of

FOURTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the cast<>ounds ofi the city opposite the centre of Hamilton street, and running thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite tb» centre of State street bridge ; ihence westerly through the centre of State street bridge and State street to the centre of F.agle street; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle street to the centre of Hamilton street; thence easterly along the cen. tfo of Hamilton street to the east bounds of the city and place' of beginninj. FIFTH WARD —Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of State street bridge ; thence running noitherly along said east bounds lo apoint opposite the centre of' Columbia street bridge; thence westerly tflong the centre of said bridge and of Columbia street to the centre of Pearl street ;— thence northerly along the cen'.re. of Pearl street to the centre of Fox street ; thence westerly along the centre of Fox street to tho centre of a street thirty six Ryland feet in width, and lead­ ing from Canal to Spruce streets ; ihence southerly through the centte of said street to the centre of Spruce street; thence- easterly through the centre of Soruce street to the centre of. Eagle street ; thence southerly through the centre of Eagle street to the centre of State street ; thence easterly along the centre to State street and ofthe State street bridge to the east- bounds of tho city and place of beginning. SIXTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of the Columbia street bridge, and run­ ning thence northerly along said cast bounds to a point opposite the centre of Lumber street; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the centre of Ten Broeck street; thence southerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Patroon street ; thence easterly along the centre of Fatrooo- sttcet to the centre of Chapel street ; thence southerly alone HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. Il

Hie centre of Chapel street to the centre of Canal street; thence snsterly along the centre of Canal street to the centre of Pearl street ; thence southerly along the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Columbia street; thence easterly along the centre of Columbia street and of the Columbia street bridge to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. SEVENTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of Lumber street ; and running thence northerly along the east bounds of the city until it strikes « point opposite a red cedar post with brick around it, standing on the west bank of the Hudson river, which post is distant twenty-two chains and thirty-six links from the south-east cor­ ner of the storehouse of Siephen Van Rensselaer on a course, north forty degrees and twenty minutes west ; thence westerly to the said cedar post; thence north forty-eight degrees west to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie ; thence southerly along said west bounds to the centre of Lumber treet ; thence easterly along the centre of Lumber street to the east bounds of »aid city and place of beginning. EIGHTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the centres of Canal and Chapel stree's; thence running northerly along tho centre of Chapel street to tho centre of Patroon street ; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the centre of Ten Broeck street ; thence northerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Lumber street; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the West bounds ofthe late town of Colonie ; thence southerly along said west bounds to tha cen­ tre of Patroon street : thence easterly along the centre of Pa­ troon street to the centre of Lark street; thence southerly along ihe centre of Lark street to the centre of Spruce street; thence easterly along the centre of Spruce street to the centre of a street leading from Spruce to Canal street of thirty-six Ryland feet in" width'; ihence northerly along the centre of said street to the centre of Cmal st; thence easterly along the centre of Canal street lo the place of beginning. NINTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of Eagle and Stale streets, and running thence northerly along the centre of l'.agl<> street to the centre of Spruce street ; thence westerly a- !ong the centre of Spruce street to the centre of Lark street;—> thence northerly along the centre of Lark street to the centre of Patroon street ; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie-"; thenco southerly to tho south side of Patroon'street; thence westerly along the north range of the city to the west bounds thereof; Ihence southerly along said west bounds to the centre of Lydius •street ; thence easterly along tho centre of Lydius street to the . ntre of Main-avenua ; thence northerly through the centre 12 HUFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER thereof to the centre of State street ; thence easterly along thfc centre of State street to the place of beginning. TENTH WARD.—Beginning at tlje intersection of the centre of Eagle street with the south bounds of the city, and running thence north through the centre of Eagle street to the centre of State street ; thence westerly through the centre of State street to the centre of Main avenue ; thence southerly through the centre of Main avenue to the eentie of Lydius street ; thence westerly along ihe centre of Lydius street to the west bounds ot the city; thence southeily along said west bounds to the south bounds of the city ; thence easterly along said south hounds to the place of beginning. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.


"^County. Sheriff's. Clerks. Albany, Christopher Batterman, William Mix. Allegany, David Brown, William Windsor, Broome, Joseph Bartlett, George Burr. Cattaraugus, George W. White, Francis E, Baillet. Cayuga, Augustus Pettibone, Philip Van Arsdale. Chautauque, Orrin McClure, Alvin Plumb. Chemung, William R. Judson, Simeon L. Rood. Chenango, Joseph P. Chamberlain ,Burr B. Andrews. Clinton, John Fitzgeinld, Charles H. Jones. Columbia, Henry C. Miller, John I. Traver. Cortland, Christian Ets, Samuel Hotchkiss. Delaware, Green Moore, Crawford B. Sheldon. Dutchess, Alonzo H. Mory, Robert Mitchell. Erie, Ralph Plumb, Manly Cotton. Essex, Chilion A. Trimble, Edmund F. Williams. Franklin, Benjamin W. Clark, Lauriston Amsden. Fulton, Michael Thompson, Stephen Wait. Genesee, John Sprague, Hezekiah H. Carpenter. Greeno, Samuel Dubois, William Picrson. •Hamilton, Ephraim Phillips, John C. Holmes. Herkimer, Jeremiah Cory, Erwin A. Munson. Jefferson, Herman Strong, Charles B. Hoard. Kings, William Jenkins, John M. Hicks. Lewis, Elihu Parsons, Julius A. While. Livingston, William H. Scott, William H. Whiting. Madison, Samuel French, Zadock T. Bently. Monroe, Hiram Sibley, Tharles J. Hill. Montgomery , Lynds Jor.es, Chester S. Brumley. New-York,' William Jones, James Connor. Niagara, Franklin Spalding, John Van Horn. Oneida, Palmar V. Kellogg, Dtlos DeWolf, Onondaga, Heher Wethcrby, Charles T. Hicks. Ontario, Eri Densmorc, Alexander H. Howell. Orange, Adam H. Sinsbaugh, Join. C. Wallace. Orleans, Aram Bebee, Elijah Dana, Oswego, Alvin Lawrence, John Carpenter. Otsego, John Brown, George li. Wilsoru Putnam, Reuben Ii. Barns**. lames Smith, 14 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. County. Sheriffs. Clerks. -Queens, John A. Searing, Abraham D. Snedcker. Rensselaer, Gideon Reynolds, Ambrose H. Sheldon. Richmond, Israel 0. Dissosway, Joshua Mersereau, Jr. Rockland, Archibald Cassedy, Abraham Hogenkamp, St. Lawrence .Noble S. Elderkin, Martin Thatcher. Saratoga, Isaac Frink, James W. Horton. Schenectady, Anthony H. Van Slyck, Silas H. Marsh. Schoharie, Tobias Bouck, Thomas McArthur. Seneca, Benjamin W. Adams, Daniel H. Bryant. Steuben, Hugh Magee, Paul C. Cook. Suffolk, Henry T. Penny, J. Wickham Case. Sullivan, William Gummaer, Hervy W, Howell, Tioga, Charles R. Barstow, Moses Stevens. Tompkins, John P. Andrews, Henry Weaver. Ulster, John H. Schryver, Joseph H. Tmhill. Warren, Timothy Bowen, Thomas Archibald. Washington, Horace Stowell, Henry Shepherd. Wayne, John Borrodaile, Alexander B. William* Westchester, William H. Briggs, Munson I. Lockwood. Wyoming, Roswell Gardner, Walter Howard. rate*. Smith L. Mallory, David H. Buel HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 15

PRACTISING ATTORNEYS. The residence or office will be found under the proper letter of the alphabet. James McKown, Recorder. John Van Buren, Atf'y Gen'i, Samuel Stevens, Marcus T, Reynolds, Bradford R. Wood, Julius Rhoades, Solomon Hosford, Wm. Cassidy, William D White, E..C Litchfield, Jonas Wickes, Wm. W. Frothingham^ George W. Weed,. Oharles B. Lansing, E. A. Doolittle, James L'Amoreaux, James R. Rose, Azor Tabor, Wm. R. Cantine, Peter Ganesvoort, Alexander Sheldon-,. Peter Cagger, C. A. Pugsloy, Cyrus Stevens, Robert H. Pruyn, John A, Livingston, Otis Allen, Nathan Hawley, John Percy, Henry G. Wheaton, John J. Hill, A. D. Robinson, Peter Carmichael, Henry Q- Hawley, A. J. Colvin, Levi H. Palmer, H. H. Martin. John Q- Wilson, John V. L. Pruyn, John I. Burton, Orlando Meads, Wm. Parmelee,. Mctyot, R. W. Peckham, Robert H. Wells, Calvin Pepperr Wm. J. D. Hilton, Calvin Pepper, Jr., Horace Wyman, Heman C. Wheplcy, Lewis Benedict, Jr, _inos Dean, Tfiomas D. James, A. Blanchard, Surrogate, James B. Sanders, John Davis, Alfred B. Street, Charles M. Jenkins, Willis Hall, Cornelius Ten Broeck, R. L. Joice, Geo. W. Peckham, James M. Whelpley, Dennis P.. Gaflhey, Stephen Groesbeck, James Edwards, Henry J. Colvin, Robert J. Hilton, Robert D. Watson, Jaceb Lansing, John M. Collier, Dudley Burwell, James H. Collier, Lucien Birdseye, D. Wright, Wm. J. Dodge, John Koon, James Brown, Samuel H. Hammond, Richard H. Northrup, A. C. Y. Paige, Hamilton Harris, F. H. Hastings, HI BOWMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Nicholas Hill, Jr., S.H. H, Parsons, Joseph S. Colt, Oran Ott. Isaac Edwards, C. L. Austin, Matthew McMahon, Albert Gallup, John J. Tvler,. E. S. Willett, William C. Schuyler, S. O. Shepard, JOBD: Howes, M. Trotter, John Newland,. J. J. Werner, Jacob M. Settle, A. McMartin, Wm. J. Hadley, D. McMartin, L. D. Holstein, WL Learned, Charles H. Bramhall, John fole, H. C. Van Vorst, Wm. L. Dodge, A. Morrell, A. D. L. Whipple, Daniel Cady, Hale Kingsley, John E. Hermans, Wm. G. Weed. Ira Harris, S O Shepard, COUNTY JUDGES. Peter Gansevoort, First Judge; Robert J. Hilton, John Wi ©arty, Chafles H. Bramhall, Benj. Nott.

RECORDER. James McKown. EXAMINERS IN CHANCERY. Solomon Higgins, Thomas D. James, Mathew McMshee, Jphn E. Hermans. COMMISSIONER OF LOANS. Barent P. Staats. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Samuel H. Gardner, Stephen D. Law, Charles M.Hall. Chauncey B Sabin, Duncan Campbell, John Cele, Charles Vt_ Zandt, Sherman Croswell. NOTARIES. Nicholas Bleeker, jr., Joseph M. Lovett, Isaac Fonda, Jama* H. Mallory, Josiah B.PUimb, B. Rush Wendell, John B. Wa»- »on, Francis H. Tows, Henry S. Lansing. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 1?


Inspectors of Lumber.—Willliam H. Smith, John Lormor, jr. B. P. Hilton, Abner Whitney, Smith Quackenboss, John Cor- mlck, Henry Kimberly, Wm. B. Gourlav Nelson Salisbury, Isaao Frink, Thos. J. McCall, Jas. N. Straw, G. R Vanderlip, G. U. Stevens, John Maher, Henry Fitchlett. Inspectors of Beef and Pork.—Alex W, Beattv, Eli Perry James Ostrander. Inspector of Flour and Meal Cornelius Vosburgh. Inspector of Staves and Heading.—Richard Parr. Inspector of Domestic Spirits James A. Buckbee. Inspector of Hides fyc.—James Muir. Inspector of Hops—William Amsdell. Inspectors of Sole Leather.—Benjamin Van Benthuysen, Lo» »en K. Norton. Inspectors of Pot and Pearl Ashes.—Geo. J. Smith, Asa Fa»- sett. Justices of Justices Court Gerrit Gates, Abraham MorreB, Wm. C. Schuyler. Measurer of Wood and Timber.—D. W. Talcott, Measurer of Stone—Joseph Courtney. Assistant State Sealer.—Joseph C. Bom.



BANK OF ALBANY. JACOB H. TEN EYCK, President. JELLF3 WINNE, Jr , Cashier. Directors—J. H. Ten Eyck, Tennis Van Vechten, Hermon Pumpelly, Henry Bleecker, Volkurt P- Oouw, William Walsh, Mathew Gregory, tenjamin Tihbits, DavidNewlands, J. Winne Jr., Andrew 11. Lansing, Daniel Cady. Clerks—E. R. Phelps, teller; N. Bleecker, Jr. book-keeper ; John Gill, discount clerk; Hamilton B. Dox, clerk. Discount day, Thursday.

MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' BANE. THOMAS W. OLCOTT, President. E. E. KENDRICK, Cashier. Directors—T. W. Olcott, Robert Shepherd, Samuel S. Fow­ ler, Thomas Hillhouse, Lemuel Steele.James Kidd, II. Newman, F. Humphrey, W. W. Forsyth, H. H. Humphrey, H. Bleecker, J. B. Jermain. Clerks—Thomas Olcott, teller; O. M. Beach, 2d teller; James H. Mallory, book-keeper; James A. Pratt, 2d book-keeper; Wm. McHench, discount cltrk; Alex. Olcott, clerk; John Masterson, porter. Pension Department—Lercuel Jenkins and R. M. Shepherd, accountants. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

EXCHANGE BANK. G. VV. SANTON, President. NOAH LEF, Cashier. Directors.—G. W. Stanton, John M. Newton, Galen Batchel­ der, Gaylor Sheldon, Samuel :3!cvcns, lehabod L. Judsort, Samuol M. Fish, Henry Greene, Lansing G. Taylor, James II« Naughton, Oliver Steele, Jobsf Taylor, Samuel Pruyn, F.J Barnard, William McElroy. Vlerks—A. P. Palmer, Teller ; J. M. Lovett, book-keeper Wm. H. Lee, discount Clerk; George Chapmun, clerk. l)i» sount daya Tueadays and Frid HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 1.

CANAL BANK. JOHN KEYES PAIGE, President. THEODORE OLCOTT, Cashier. Directors—Thaddeus Joy, E. Croswell, C. Van Benthuysen, E. C. Russell. E. N. Pratt, A. McClure, T; Olcott, James Ed­ wards, H. T. Mesick, J. K. Paige, Shuler Cady, Edward Art­ cher S. W. Hoag, Wm. J. Fryer, D. H. Ford. Clerks—John L. Crew Teller, R. M. S. Pease, discount clerk; A. S. Hills, book-keeper ; T. H. Knower, general clerk. Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

COMMERCIAL BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. J. L. SCHOOLCRAFT, Vice President. JAMES TAYLOR, Cashier. Directors.—Lewis Benedict, Augustus James, James Home;, Giles Sanford, John Davis, John-Gott, J. D. Wasson, Andrew White, Robert II. Pruyn, Anthony M. Strong, and Anthony Gould. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. Clerks.—John B. Wasson, teller; F. S. Pease, book-keeper; John F. Batchelder, discount and Savings' Bank clerk ; J. H. Smilh and George C. Lee, clerks,

ALBANY SAYJNGS BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. JOSEPH ALEXANDER, 1st Vice-President. TEUNIS VAN VECHTEN, 2rf do SAMUEL STEVENS, 3d do. Directors.v-Williau Newton, William McHarg, John Ll Winne, James Taylor, Rufus H. Sing, Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Gen rit Y. Lansing, John I. Boyd, Frederick J. Barnard, Benjamin Tibbitts, James Stevenson, William E. Bleecker, Robert II. Pruyn and Harmon Pumpelly, Jas. D. Wasson: James Tey for. Treasurer ; Robt. H. Pruyn, Secretary.

NEW YORK STATE BANK. RUFUS H. KING, President. J. B. PLUMB, Cashier. , Directors—Rufus II. King, Gerrrit Y. Lansing, Joel Rath­ bone, P. Gansevoort, Win. E. Bleecker, Robt. Boyd, A. Mc­ lntyre, Wm. Adams, Wm. C. Miller, Henry L. Webb, Lymao Chapin, Marcus T. Reyneids, A. C. Flagg, comptroller. Clerk—Henry A. Allen, teller, Samuel P. Stokes, Wm. Mo- Hirg, book keepers, H. Lyman Lansing dbount clerk( Isaac Fondey. Jr., Jas. A. Chestney, western Money depart- men?. Thos. F. Morris clerk. Discount day, Wednesday. *$•', •OIMAS'B orrr nxaumok. ALBANY CITY BANK. * ERASTUS C0RNIN3. President. WATTS SHERMAN, Cashier. Director*—Erastus Corning, Ellis Baker, Martin Van Alstyrxs, Bradford R. Wood, William Seymour, John V. L. Pruyn. Johm Knower, James M. Cook, mitts Sherman, William Smith, William Humphrey, H. H. Martin. Clerks—C. L. Garfield, teller; F. H. Town, book-keeper; D. W. C. Rice. asst. book-keeper; Isaac Fondey. discount elerk; and Notary public, Simeon J. Leake, corresponding clerk ; T< A. Knower in western department; Jacob Downing Jr. «!._. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER, 3&


ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY. James Dickson, president; James Taylor, 1st vice president;. Bobt. Taylor, 2d vice president; Rev. Dr. Bullions Chaplain;; Dr. P. Mc. Naughton, Physician; William Gray, Treasurer;, Hugh Dickson, Secretary; Wm. Brooksby, Assistant Secreta­ ry; David D. Ramsey, George Young, Alexander Gray, Jamea Wilson, Peter Smilh, Managers.

ALBANY BIBLE SOCIETY.. • Rev. Wm. B. Sprague, D. D., president; Rev. J. N. Camp­ bell, D. D. 1st vice president; Rev. I. N. Wyckoff, D. D., 2d, vice president; Philip Phelps, esq., recording secretary, Lem­ uel Jenkins, corresponding secretary; William ,C. Miller Treaa- urer. Rey. Ezra % Huntington, Rev. Duncan Kennedy, D. D, Rev. William H. Campbell, D. D. Rev. Henry N. Pohl­ man, D. D., Rev. Edward Mayer, Rev. Allen Steele, Rev. Timothy Benedict, Rev. John Lindsey. Rev. Peter, M- Hitch- «ock, Archibald Mclntyre, Peter Boyd,'Rensselaer Westerlo, Nathaniel Davis, Isaac Smith, Denison Worthington, Manager*.

HIBERNIAN PROVIDENT SOCIETY. James Maher, President; Charles O'Conner, 1st vice-presi­ dent; Michael Pbyfe, 2d vice-president; Daniel Boyle, Treas­ urer ; Simon Daly, Recording Secretary; John Daly corres­ ponding Secretary; John Byrne, James Quin, John Prender-. gist, Patrick Hagen, Peter Strain, John Donohoe, John Blown. executive eommmittee. William Cooney, Richard Brown, Patrick McNamara, finance committee.

ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT. V. Ten Eyck, 67 State Street, R. S. Cushman, 7 Hudson street, Charles Joy, 80 Washington street, G. A. Englehart,, 43 Quay street, Wm. Bruce . Second street, Edward Visscher,. 4p Columbia slicet. M

ST. JOSEPH'S ORPHAN ASYLUM. Rev. Joseph A. Schneller, President; Rev. James McDo­ nough, vice-president; Matthew McMahon, secretary; Charles £,, Austin, Treasurer; Jeremiah Nowlan, John Higgins, Mat­ thew O'Brien, Thomas McWilliams, Anthony McQuade, Dan­ iel Boyle, John Banett, Patrick Murray, and Christian Colmey, managers.

ALBANY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY Dr. Thomas Hun, president; Dr. Mason F. Cogswell, vts*= president; Dr. John Camphell, secretaiy; Dr. Edmund B. Oi Callaghan, treasurer; Dr. Richard H. Thompson, librarian; Dm. Peter Mc Naughton, James P. Boyd, Peter Van Buren, Leoro- G. Warren, of Bethlehem, Samuel Dickson, of New Scotland, eeoeors.

YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION.. William A. Rice, president; H. C. Van Voast, 1st vice-pr_-» dent; R. L. G. Bancroft, 2d vice-president; A. L. Harrison, W vice president: L. D. Holstein, corresponding secretary; O. M. Ballard, recording secretary; John E. Crew, treasurer. George Jones, J. A. Post. Wm. Deyermand, Richard Merry- fcld, Charles D, Rathbone, J. D. Wetsell.E. R. Phelps, Alex­ ander B. Van Gaasbcok, H. L. King, Paul Cushman, manager*. DEBATING SOCIETY. J. Hyatt, Smith, president; R. G. Beardsley, 1st. vice-pres­ ident; Win. J. Cunningham, 2d vice-president; M.S. Wadley, secretary.

ALBANY GALLERY OF FINE ARTS. Erastus Corning, president; Edward Saterlee, vice-president Herman Wendell, secretary; Watts Sherman, treasurer; J. D. Mclntyre, Win. IV. Forsyth, David Newcomb, Orlande Meads, counsel:

ALBANY GAS LIGHT COMPANY. _enry L. Webb, Joel Rathbone, Watts Sherman, _rman Pumpelly, Joseph Batien, Richard Van Rensselaer Robert Boyd, Daniel Fry, Erastus H. Pease, directors. n

LIST OF THE CLERGX J. N. Campbell, 1st Presbyterian. Wm. H. Campbell, South Dutch. W. S. Clapp, Green-street Baptist. Edward Selkirk, Trinity. E. A. Huntington, 3d Presbyterian. Duncan Kennedy, 1st Dutch. Wm. I. Kip, St. Paul's. James McDonough, St. John's. Edward Meyer, 2d German Evangelical Luthera H. N. Pohlman, Evangelical Ebenezer Lutheran. H. Potter, St. Peter's. P. M. Hitchcock, West Station Methodist Timothy Benedict, Ferry-street Methodist J. A. Schneller, St. Mary's. Wm. B. Sprague, 2d Presbyterian. Allen Steele Hudson-street Methodist John Lindsay, Pearl-street Methodist. B. T. Welch, Norm Pearl-street Baptist Stephen Wilkins, South Pearl-street Baptist " I. N. Wyckoff, Middle Dutch. S. W. Fisher, 4th Presbyterian. Marrow, Associate Presbyterian. Henry F. .Harrington, Unitarian. John H. Miles, Bethel. John Conroy, St. Joseph's. M. Van Rensselaer, Free Episcopal. M. Bates, Wesleyan Chapel. T. R. Rawson, City Missionary. S. P. Brittan, Universalist. COLORED CLERCST. Wm. Surrington, Baptist. Mr. Buler, Methodist Episcopal. $4 uorwHA.*'* CITY EEOIBTM.


Salatf. Silas Wright, Governor, 4,000 'Addison Gardiner, Lieutenant, $6 for each day'* attendance,- Nathaniel S. Benton, Secretary of State, and Superintendent of Common Schools, 2,500 Azariah C. Flagg, Comptroller, 2,500 ^Thomas Farrington, Treasurer, 1,500 John Van Buren, Attorney-General, 1,000 Hugh Halsey, Surveyor-General, 1,000 Henry Storms, Commissary General, 700 Robert E. Temple, Adjutant General, 1,000 Robert H. Pruyn, Judge Advocate-General, ISO Nathaniel Jones, > > Stephen Clark, \ J Canal Commijsioners, from the J Daniel P; .Bissell, ) 3d or February, 1845. ) 2,o6o Jonas Earll, Je. f j Chester Hayden, ^ Ambrose Salisbury, \ Canal Appraisers, $4 per day, and five David Hamilton, J cents per mile tor travel. Archibald Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State, and Clerk. of the Land Office, " 1,500 Phillip Phelps, Deputy Comptroller, 1,500 George W. Newell, Chief Clerk ofthe Canal Dcpartmtnt, 1,500 Samuel S. Randall.General Dep. Sup. of Common Schools, 1,500 John F. Bacon Deputy Treasurer, 1,300 John L. Tillinghast, State Librarian, 600 Elisha W. Skinner, Assistant do 325 Horace Moody, Private Secretary to the Governor. 600 Henry Rankin Messenger of the Governor, $3 each day. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 25


ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY. Teunis Van Vechten, president; Gerrit Y. Lansing, Rufus H. King, Augustus James, Marcus T. Reynolds, Lewis Bene­ dict, Archibald Mclntyre, John Townsend, William C. Miller, Charles D. Townsend, Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Herman Pumpelly, John T. Cooper, John E. Lovett, Secretary.

FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY. > James Stevenson, John Taylor, Peter Gansetoort, Thos. McElroy, Hugh Humphrey, George W. Stanton, Lemuel Steele, Egbert Egberts, Conrad A. Ten Eyck, Wrn. Adams, Lansing Pruyn, John M.Newton. Lyman Chapin, Benjamin Tibbets, Stephen V

iETNA INSURANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Incorporated 1819. — Capital $250,000 Invested in the lest possible manner. THOMAS K. BRACE, President. S. L. LOOMIS, Secretary. The undersigned having been appointed Agent of this Company for the City of Albany, as the successor of Messrs. Ten Broeck & Hermans, will insure Buildings, Household, Furniture, Merchandize, &c, on terms, as favorable as oth­ er offices in this city. It is believed that the character of the Company for re­ sponsibility, integrity, liberality in adjusting and promptness in paying losses, needs no guaranty. The liberal patronage it has thus (ar receiyed from our citizens, evinces their con­ fidence in its character. The subsetiber respectfully solicits from bis friends and the public a share of their patronage. S. H. H. PARSONS, Agent. OFFICE CITT HALL. 3 . HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

PROTECTION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. D. W. CLARK, President. Wm. CONNER, Secretary. The subscriber, agent for the Protection Fire Insurance Company, Insures houses, stores, mills, factories, barns and their contents, and other descriptions of insurable property, against loss*or damage by fire, on as favorable te»ms as any office in the city. All losses sustained by this office will be ptomptly paid. ' " * JOHN F. JENKINS. Agent, No. 7 Commercial Buildings.

ARE YOU INSURED. Fire Insurance. THE HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ELIPHALET TERRY, President, JAMES G. BOLLES, Secretary. Continue to Insure against loss Ordamage by Fire, Build­ ings, Meichandise, .Household Furniture, and all other de­ scription of Properly on favorable terms. Albany Agency, 378 Broadway, opposite the Townsend House. STEELE & DURRIE, Agents.

CROTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OF N. Y. J. G. STACEY, President. N. CARRALL, Secretary. The undersigned having been appointed the only agent of this company, in this city has been authorized to take Fire, Marine and inland Risks on as favorable terms as any respon­ sible Company. Merchants, Forwarders and others wishing te insure on any ofthe Canals or Lakes of this State or the Wes­ ton Lakes, will do well to call at this Agency. Marine Risks also taken to or from any of the Northern or Southern ports.— Applications for Fire Risks in this city will meet with prompt attention. S.McKISSICK, Marine Inspector, Office No. 65 Quayst. C. T. SMYTH, Agent No. 40 Quay st.

WILLIAMSBURGH INSURANCE COMPANY. LEMUEL RICHARDSON, President. A. B. HODGES, Secretary. x The undersigned is duly authorized to take risks against lose br Fire on the most favorable terms. C. T. SMYTH, Agent No. 40 Quay street Albany. , HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 27

THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. No. 11 Wall Street, New York. Policies issued the first year $1701. Premiums received $154,269,25 Losses two in number $7,000 R. L. PATTERSON, President. B. C. MILLER, Secretary. This company transacts a larger business than any other, English or American, and offers the following unequalled ad­ vantages ; The entire profits annually divided among the insured.— Where the premium is over $50, only one quarter is required to be paid in cash. The balance is paid by a note bearing six per cent interest, subject to assessments, if required. No person liable beyond the amount of premium, Rates of premium as low as any otherjoffice. Married woman may insure the lives of their husbands, free from any demands of creditors. Three fourths ofthe premium (when over $50) loaned to the insured at six per cent interest, on the taking out of the Poli­ cy. JAMES P. BOYD, M. D. Medical Examiner, Alb. S. GROESBEECK, Agent, 56 State street.

NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSRANCE CO. ROBERT AINSL1E, President. JOHN McBRAIR, Secretary. The North American Fire Insurance Company ofthe City of New York, with a cash capital of $250,000, continue to insure against loss or damage by fire in this city, at the rates estab­ lished by the Albany companies. S. GROESBECK, Agent, 56 State street.

MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. Office 460 Broadway, opposite City Hotel. This company continues to insure against loss and damage by Fire at the lowest rates. The profits are divided annually among the insured. Importers of goods from Europe can obtain Insurance policies on the same terms as in New York. JOHN W. FORD, Agent. 28 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. , MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Erastus Corning, president, Matthew Trotter, secretary. Erastus Corning, Batent P, Staats. Eli Perry, Watte Sherman, Daniel Fty, Henry H. Marlin, Giles San­ ford, John Knower, Joshua G.Cotrell, Peter Relyea„Tbom- as 1. Mesick, John Van Valkenburgh, Jared A, Post, direc­ tors.

MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Willard Phillips, president, Jonathan Amory, secretary, George Hayward physician. The New Mutual Life Insurance company have established an Agency in the city of Albany, for the state of New York, and are ready lo insure on the most favorable terms. The holder of a policy in this Company, is a member thereof and entitled to a vote at its annual meetings. The piofits are equally divided among the insured. The Company have effected insurance within the last year to the amount of nearly $2,000 000, and have not sustained a sin­ gle loss! :<4 " GEO. W. WEED, Agent, 10 Broadway, Albany.

FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. C. W. BENTLEY, No. 86 Quay st-, (Agent of Boston and Providence Packets,) is appointed Agent for the National Fire Insurance Company ofthe city of New York, and will take such risks for account of said Company as may be proper,and at as low a rate of premium as other good companies. INLAND RISKS ON CANALS AND LAKES, also taken for account of said Company, from Albany to Buffalo and the Western States. Marine Risks will be taken for account of Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company ofthe city of New York, on property ship­ ped to ports in Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, Pennsylvania and Maryland* The above Companies are of the first class, and will meet claims for damages promptly. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 29


THE GRAND CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF N. Y. Ezra S. Barnum, of Ulica, M. E. G. H. P. Robert R. Boyd, of New York, M. E. D. G. H. P. Achille J. Rosseau, of Troy, M. E. G. K. Lewis G. Hoffman, of Albany, M. E, G. S. John O. Cole, of Albany, Grand Secretary, Gerrit W. Ryckman, of N. Y. Grand Treasurer. Rev. Salem Town, of Cayuga, Grand Chaplain. John Bull, of Lebanon, Grand Marshall. Ebenezer Wadsworth, W. Troy, ? ,, , Tr. . T , ,^ ,, ? Grand Visitors. Joseph Lnos, Genesee, j John Pierce, of Albany, Grand Sentinel. THE GRAND LODGE OF S. N. Y. Alex. H. Robertson Grand Master, John D. Willard Dep. G. Master, Richard Carrique Sen. G. Warden, Ezra S. Barnum Jun. G. Warden, James Herring Grand Sec­ retary, John Horspool Grand Treasurer, Rev. Salem Town Grand Chaplain. s

THE INEFFABLE AND SUBLIME G. L. OF PER­ FECTION. Thomas D. James S. G. Master, Jetur Gardner G. S. Warden, Cornelius Ten Broeck G. J. Warden, Gxorge Young G. M. of Cer. David Newcomb G. Tre^rer, Lewis G. Hoffman G. Secretary, William Ferguson G. C. of G. John Pierce G. Tyler.

UNITAS—CONCORDIA—FRATRUM. David Newcomb M. Eq. Grand Sovereign, Lewis G. Hoffman Eq. Subs. Gr. Sovereign, Thomas D. James M. Em. Sen G. Waiden. Jetur Gardiner, Jun. G. Warden, P. M. Eq. Giles F. Yates G. Chancellor, P. Eq. William Bay, G. P. Cornelius TenBroeck IlI.Recorder.P. Eq. Killian H. Van Rensselaer M. F. George Young M. C. Hiram Arnold Herald, William Ferguson S. B. John Pierce P. &G. Archibald Bull M. Em G. Coun. Giles F. Yates G. Ora. 30 TEMPLE CHAPTER No. 5. John M. Hughes High Priest, Alexander Gray, King, Lewis G. Hoffman Scribe. Richard Parr, Capt. Host, John Iggetl R. A. Captain, Francis Finnegan P. Sojourner, William Ferguson, Secretary, Elias Vanderlip Treasurer, John O. Cole, Aug. Wilder, Wm. Connelly, Mast. Veils.

MOUNT VERNON LODGE NO. 3. John Hurdis W. Master, Richard Lovell Sen. Warden, S. Jenkinson Jun. Warden, Elias Vanderlip Secretary, Alexander Gray Treasurer, Lewis G. Hoffman, Master Ceremonies, Richard Parr, Sen. Deacon, Wm. Connelly Jun. Deacon.

WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 85. John A. Sickles VV. Master, Luton Shaw S. Warden, Henry Blattner Jun. Warden, Moses Shloss Secretary, G. T. l.dt Treasurer, George Humphrey Sen. Deacon, M. Campbell Jun. Deacon, G. T. Williamson Tyler.

TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 14. John W. H. Canoll, W. M.; Jetur Gardner, S W; James Dickson, J W; D.< 1 McCullock, Secretary; C. W. Ben­ der, Treasurer; George R. Finn, S D; W. A. House, J J): John Pierce, Tiler.

MASTER'S LODGE, NO. 5. John Keyes Paine W. Master, Wm. Seymour, Sen. Warden, E. Wes^plo Jun. Warden, Hamlet H. Hickox Secretaiy, David Newcomb Treasurer, David Morgan Sen. Deacon, Corns. Te« Broeck Jun Deacon, John Pierce Tiler. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 3l

I. O. OF O. F.

R. W. G. E. OF 0. F. OF THE STATE OF N. Y. The R. W. Grand Encampment, of the Stiite of New York, meets semi-annually, at National Hall, New-York, on the Mondays following ihe first Wednesday in August and February, and has under its jurisdiction some twenly-fiye •subordinate Encampments. John Green. G. P. Daniel P. Barnard, G. H. P. Gilbert D. Smith, G. S. W. W. N. Lewis, G. Scribe. Richard Sharp, Treasurer. Timothy Parson, G. J. W. Charles McGowen, and F. M. Gilley.G. Rep. CITY OF ALBANY. En hakkore Encampment, of Patriarchs, No. 5, meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month, at Commer­ cial Buildings, in the city of Albany. A. Heyer Brown, C. P. Charles Holt, M. E. H. P. 4 J. Gardner, S. W. H. D. Curran, Scribe. Thomas Brooks J. W. Stephen Van Schaack, Treasurer, The R. W. Grand Lodge o( the State of N- Y., is com­ posed of 1,600 members; has under its jurisdiction 220 working Lodges, and 20 degree Lodges, and meets on the 1st Wednesday of August, Nov., Feb. and May, at National Hall, in the city of New.York. William L. G.Smith, of Buffalo, M. W. G. Master. Joseph R. Taylor, of New-York, R. D. G. Master. Daniel P. Bassard, " R. W. G. Warden, John G. Treadwell, " R. W. G. Secretary. Moses Anderson, " R. W. G. Treasurer. N. B. Mountfort, " R. W. G. Chaplain. Benj C. True, No. 1 of Albany. » - w David D. Eagan, " 2 of New-York, \ v ' James M. Hicks, of New York, W. G. Mar. Royal C Millard, " " W. G. Con. William N.Lewis, " W. G. Guar. 38

District of Albany, Elijah Cobb, D. D. Grand Master. Hope Lodge No. 3, meets every Tuesday even'mg, at the Atheneum. City Philanthropic Lodge No. 5, meets every Friday eve­ ning at the Atheneum. Union Lodge No. 8, meets every Thursday evening at the Atheneum. German Colonial Lodge, No. 16, meets every Monday evening at the Commercial Buildings, fireman's Lodge, No. 19, meets every Monday evening, in Commercial Buildings. American Lodge No. 32, meets every Wednesday eve­ ning at the Atheneum. Watervliet Lodge, No. 38, meets every Monday evening, at West Troy, O. F. Hall. Phoenix Lodge, No. 41, meets every Tuesday evening at the Commercial Buildings. Spartan Lodge, No. 62, meets every Friday evening nt Cohoes, O. F. Hall. Samaritan Lodge, No. 93,meets every Monday evening at the Atheneum. Laure'. Lodge, No. 209, meets every Tuesday evening at West Troy. O. F. Hall. Albany City Degree Lodge, No. 11, meets every Satur­ day evening at the Atheneum. Excelsior Degree Lodge, No. 15, meets every Friday at the Commercial Buildings. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 33


ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY. Trustees—Hon. Greene C. Bionson, Edwin Croswell, Esq., Thomas W. Olcott, Ira Harris, Hon. John Q. Wilson, Marcus T. Revnolds, Esq. Herman Pumpelly, Rev. B. T. Welch, D. D., Rev. 1. N. Wyckoff, D, D , Hon. W. L. Marcy, L L D., Rev. W. B. Sprague, D. D., Rev. Duncan Kennedy, Jataes Mc Naughton, M. D., President—Hon Greene C. Bronson. Secretary—S. L. Parsons.

ALBANY FEMALE SEMINARY Rev. 3. M. Garfield, principal; D. D. Barnard, J. M. Gar­ field, William L. Marcy, William P. Van Rensselaer, Har­ manus Bleecker, Jas. L'Amoreux, Thomas Wright, Ro­ bert Whitlock, John O'Cole, Oliver Steele, and John F. Townsend, trustees.

ALBANY ACADEMY. Trustees—James Stevenson, president; T. Romeon Beck, Peter Gansevoort, Rev. W. B. Sprague, Richard V. De Witt, Archibald Campbell, James Gould, Wm. C. Miller,Rev. John N. Campbell, Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff,Thos. W. Olcott, Rev, Ho­ ratio Potter, Teunis Van Vechten, Rev. Wm. H. Campbell, the Mayor and Recorder ex officio. Teachers—T. Romeyn Beck, principal; Rev. Peter Bullions, professor of languages: Philip Ten Eyck, M. D., professor of mathematices and natural philosophy ; S. Sidney Smith, tutors : Julian Molinard, professor of the French language ; Austin H. Jfells, teacher of penmanship.

ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. Officers—Alden March, president; Thomas Hun, register, T. R. Beck, librarian. Professors-A\dcn March, M. D., professor ofthe principles and practice of surgery ; J. McNaughton, M. D., professor of the theory and practice of Medicine; T. R. Beck, M. D., profes­ sor of materia Medica ; E. Emmons, M. D., professor of ob­ stetrics and natural history; L. C. Beck, M. D., professor of chemistry and pharmacy; J. H. Armshy, M. D., professor of anatomy ; T, Hun, M. D., professor of the institutes of medi- c;ne; A. Dean, Esq., professor of medical jurisprudence. 34 _*TMAN'S CITY REGISTER. MECHANICS BENEFIT SOCIETY. John Dixon, president, William Vosburgh, 1st vice-pres­ ident, William A. Carr, 2d vice-president, James A. Buck­ bee, Treasurer, Robert S. Cushman, Secretary, H. E. Brower, Assistant Secretary, J. W. Hinkley, Physician. S. G. Mink, 1st ward. Henry W. Silsby, 2d ward, L. II. McChesney, 3d ward. Richard Brown, 4th ward, Robert Server, 5th ward, William Ferguson, 6th ward, Robert Ste­ venson, 7th ward, Oliver Houll, 8th ward, George Traver, 9th ward, Daniel Cameron, 10th ward, Stewards. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 3a

PRACTISING PHYSICIANS. The reader is referred for office or residence to the proper let­ ter in the Alphabet. Jonathan Eights, Joel A. Wing, William Bay, Charles D. Townsend, las. P. Boyd, Jas. McNaughton, P. Van Olinda, Herman Wendell, Henry Van Olinda, Peter P. Staats, Masnn F. Cogswell, G. N. Dox, John W. Hinckley. J. H.Chase, Peter McNaughton, C. C. Griffin, Alden March, Isaiah Breakey. James H. Armsby, E. B. O'Callaghan, John F. Towsend, Nicholas Markey, David Martin, Alms H. Phys James Cox, Patrick Gannon, R. H- Thompson, Josias Graham, George Cook, L'k Hospital, Peter Van Buret), Dr. Lacrbix, L'k Dispensary John Van Buren, J. M. Ward, Homoeopathy, Barent P. Staats, John Campbell, John H. Trotter, W. K. Taylor, U. G. Bigelow, Alfred J. Green, David Springsteed, Abel Lyon, Thomas Hun, John Fonda, 1 William J. Young, A. W. Russell, [ J.O.Flagler, A. N. Burton, ) Botanic. J. V. P.Quackenbush, G. Westervelt, ? Peter Wendell, W. B. Stanton, > —— Smith, Catlin, ——— Fonda, E. Porter, C. C. Yates, Payn, Homoeopathy DENTISTS. Josephus Brockway, J. S. Wood, J. M. McAllister, J. C. Austin, Alex. Nelson, C. Copeland, David Newomb, Beale, * Robert Nelson, Monroe, Geo. Brockway, 36


Silas Wright, Commander-in-Chief. Robt. E. Temple, Adjutant-General. .Henry Storms, New-York, Commissary-General. Robert H. Pruyn, Albany, Judge-Advocate General. Spencer S. Benedict, New-York, Quarter-Master-General. James McNaugh'.on, Albany, Surgeon-General. Day Otis Kellogg, Troy, Paymaster-General. David Hamilton, Wm. Horace Brown, and Thos. B. Myers, Aids-de-Camp. C. W. Bouck, Military Secretary. Fourth Division of Cavalry. John F. Townsend, Major-General. Colonel Charles B. Lansing, Judge-Advocate, " H. Wendell, Iuspector. Lt. Col. Isaac Fonday, Quarter-Master. " David Newcomb, Hospital Surgeon. Majoi Howard^Townsend, j Aides.de.Camp. Theodore S. Townsend, Paymaster. ALBANY MILITARY ASSOCIATION. Brig. Gen. J. Groesbeck, president; Col. E. Fiisbee, 1st vice- president; Lt. Col. De Forest, 2d vice-president; Capt. Pad­ dock, Judge Advocate; Capt. King, Auditor ; Adjutant Tuton, Treasurer ; Major Stewart, Adjutant. THIRD BRIGADE ARTILLERY. George W, Weed Brigadier General. Peter Moakley, Brigade Major. A. J. Green, Hospital surgeon. W. N. Strong Aid de camp. J. Taylor, Paymaster. — Thompson, Quarter Master. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALBANY.




Clerk—S. II. II. Parsons. Chamberlain—Christopher W. Bender. Deputy Chamberlain—Hamlet H. Hickcox. Attorney—Lewis Benedict, Jr. Surveyor—George \V. Carpenter. Assistant Surveyor—John D. Elliot. Marshal—Nelson Scovel. Police Justice—John 0. Cole. Deputy Excise Officer— C. W. Bender. Overseer of the Poor—Thomas Kirkpatrick. Superintendent of the Aims-House—John Morgan. Superintendent of the S. D.—Philander Coley, Superintendent of thcN. D.—David Benson. Superintendent of the Markets— Chief Engineer of the Fire Department—James P. Gould. Assistant Engineers—Cornelius MeLoughlin, Philip Hilton, John II. Chadwick. Alms-House Physician—David Martin. City Physicians—1st District, Peter Van Buren; 2d District, William K. Taylor; 3d District, Samuel H. Freeman; 4th Dis­ trict, Abel Lyon: oth District, Christopher C. Griffin. Police Constables—Isaac Winne, George Jenkins, Elisha Mack 3d, Walter B. Thayer, David Osterhout, John Upton. Street Inspectors—1st and 2d Wards, William H. Mink; 3d and 4th Wards, James Murray; 5th and 6th Wards, Herman G. Wyn­ koop; 7th and 8th Wards, John Gates; 9th and 10th Wards, John Griffin. Captains of the Night Police—Giles K. Winne, Adam Stewart, John Van Dervolgen, Gideon H. Dyer, George T. Ladew, Gil­ bert Van Denburgh. Assistant Captains—Levi Ewing, Henry Pottenbuigh, A. M. Sharpe. John Gray, Matthew Chambers, Nicholas Groot. Inspector of Weights and Measures—Philip Schuyler. Weighers and Measurers—Peter Cure, George Strong, John 0. Smith, Sylvester Trowbridge, WilliamC. Johnson, Isaac Lansing, Adam Russ, Samuel G. Payn, John Noble, Samuel R. Swain, Charles VV. Dillingham, Enoch Bailey, William D. Ferris, James Cummings, Henry Lathrop, Abraham Pinckney, John McKay. Measurers of Wood—Hugh McCollum, Earl P. Pease, Henry Wright, John J. La Granje, David Terry. Ciiy Guager—Austin Spencer. Inspector of Bread—Joseph Pladwell. 51

Fence Viewers— John Morgan, Robert Lotridge. Weighers of Hay—Leonard Beardsley, La Grange McClasky. Supervisors—1st Ward, Bernard Lynch; 2d Ward, Andrew Moore; 3d Ward, Sylvester F. Shepard; 4th Ward, Charles S. Olmstead: 5th Ward, Thomas McMullen; 6th Ward, Samuel Pruyn; 7th Ward, John Van Valkenburgh; 8th Ward, William Jjpnes; 9lh Ward, Isaac N. Comstock; 10th Ward, Willian. Beardsley. Assessors—1st Ward, James McCaffary; 2d Ward. Abraham M. Purdy; 3d Ward, James P. Gould; 4th Ward, David McCulloch; 5th Ward, Levi Chapman; 6th Ward, Robert McCollum; 7th Ward, Josiah Patterson; 8th Ward, Thomas Gillespie; 9th Ward, Philo Booth; 10th Ward, John Gray. Receiver of Tares—Hamlet II. Hickcox, Dep'yCham'n. Ward Constables—1st Ward, John Baker; 2d Ward, John Kin­ ney; 3d Ward, Marshall Scott; 4th Ward, Joseph R.Cross; 5th Ward, George Jenkins; 6th Ward, Nathaniel K. Leavitt; 7th Ward, Matthew Gillespie; 8th Ward, Francis Bray; 9th Ward, William Pearcy ; 10th Ward, Edward Williams. School Commissioners—Gerrit V. S. Bleecker, John O. Cole, John N. Wilder, Denison Worthington, John Simpson, Eli Perry, Henry C. Haswell, John O. Flagler, James Maher. Justices of the Justices' Court—(iorrit Gates, William C. Schuyler, Abraham Morrell; David Holt, Clerk. Harbor Master—John Hitchcock. Dock Master—John L. Hyatt. Postmaster—James D. Wasson. U. S. Collector of Customs—Albert Gallup. 52


Academies and Schools—Messrs. Greene, Van Ness, Root. Accounts—Messrs. Pease, Harrison, Dorr. Aims-House—Messrs. Jones, Chapman, Hewson. Applications to the Legislature—Messrs. Hewson, Rooney, Mc­ Elroy. Board of Health—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Root, Hunter, Mc­ Elroy, Harcourt. Board of Magistrates—Recorder, Messrs. Greene, Whelpley.. Chapman, Dorr, Livingston. City Hall—-Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Hewson, Watkins, Har­ rison, Jones, Greene. Engines—Messrs. Goold, Van Ness, Dorr. Ferry—Messrs Whelpley, Chapman, McElroy. Finance—Messrs. Goold, Chapman, White. Flagging and Paving N. S.—Me3srs. Livingston, Harrison, Hun ter. Flagging and Paving S. S.—Messrs. Dorr, Rooney, Pease. Lamps—Messrs. Pruyn, Parr, Whelpley. Land—Messrs. Livingston, Harcourt, McElroy. Law—Recorder, Messrs. Pruyn, Whelpley. Levels—Messrs McElroy, Chapman, Goold. Markets—Messrs. Hewson, Van Ness, Pruyn. Navigation—Messrs. Root, Harcourt, Pease. Night Police—Messrs. White, Parr, Jones. Police—Messrs. Pruyn, Harrison, Jones. Streets—Messrs. Watkins, Parr, White. Wells and Pumps—Messrs. Jones, Rooney, Livingston. Mohawk and Hudson-Railroad—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Uo<. Van Ness, White. PUBLIC NURSES.

ELIZA WOOD, 27 Van Woert. MARY SICKLES, 174 n. Pearl. CATHARINE SMITH, 205 Green. WIDOW PWKERTON, 47 Mulberry. RACHEL BROWN, 21 William. CHRISTIANA MILLS, 92 Hamilton. ANN CURN, 237 n. Pearl. MEHITABEL ABBOTT, 21 Hamilton SALLY CAPRON, 95 Beaver. RACHEL WANDS, 74 Liberty. CATHARINE WILLIAMS, 116 Canal ELLEN MARTIN, 33 Steuben. SARAH LEWIS, 45 Maiden Lane. ANGELICA BELL, 29 Van Schaick. HOFFMAN'S TENTH ANNUAL DIRECTORY, 1846-7.

A ABBEY ELY, coachmaker, 127 Jefferson Abbernethy Hugh, laborer, 155 Howard Abbott James, mason. 314 State Abbott Melritable, 21 Hamilton Abel John, 140 Franklin Abel William, 112 Church Abell Lansing D., 37 Dallius Abeel James, proprietor of Albany City Hall Cof­ fee House, corner of Eagle and Maiden Lane Abeel Waldo, City Hall Coffee House Ableman Christopher, laborer, 14G Jefferson Ableman Christian, carpenter, 50 and 52 Spring Ableman S. V. R., carpenter, 113 Lumber, shop 164 n Pearl Acker P., at Townsend House Ackerman Gerrit, bookbinder, 64 Franklin Ackley Orrin, 39 Colonie Adair Hugh, 36 Van Schaick Adair James, 137 Arch 56

Adair Hugh, spring maker, 1 Orange Adams Charles H., bds, Eagle Tavern Adams & Welch, keepers of Cornucopia, cor. State and Green Adams & Ten Eyck, attorneys, &c, 450 Broadway Adams John, B. tailor, 63 s Pearl Adams E. S., teacher, 49 Grand Adams George, painter, 88 Hamilton Adams Amos, under sheriff, 73 State, h. 184 Wash­ ington Adams Christopher, builder, shop rear 244State., h. 37 Swan Adams Henry, currier, Hamilton s. Hudson Adams John, Blacksmith, 85 Third, Arbor Hill Adams William, 70 Hudson Adams Rowland, accountant, 23 Lancaster Adams William N., proprietor Cornucopia, corner State and Green, h. 86 Hudson Adcock William, shoemaker, 6 Broad ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, State-Hall AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, Hamilton, west of s, Pearl AFRICAN METHODIST CHURCH, State, rear of School District Building, No. 2 Agnew Charles, cartman, 301 Patroon Agnew, widow of John, grocer, 55 Church Ahearn Patrick, 48 Rensselaer Aikens James, printer, 38 Herkimer Ainsworth , 39 Columbia Ainsworth Ira W. & Northrop John G., merchants, 15 State Ainsworth Ira W., res. 43 Dallius Ainsworth Anson F., 35 Westerlo Akerman George, 89 n. Pearl Akin E. C, merchant, 76 Quay, res. Greenbush ALBANY ACADEMY, at Academy Park 57

ALBANY ARGUS, Exchange Building, first floor ALBANY CITIZEN 50 State ALBANY' REPUBLICAN ARTILLERY, Armory, Rail­ road Building, State ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS, Armory, corner Market and Division ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, 67 State ALBANY FREEHOLDER, 34 Washington ALBANY MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Broadway, fool of State ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY, n. Pearl ALBANY FEMALE SEMINARY', 67 Division ALBANY AND BOSTON RAILROAD OFFICE, Stanwix Hall, corner Maiden Lane and Dean ALBANY ATLAS, cor. Market and Beaver ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY, 56 State ALBANY APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, Commercial Build­ ings, cor. Market and Hudson ALBANY LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton ALBANY BETHEL, Montgomery ALBANY WATER WORKS, Eagle, Columbia and Steuben ALBANY POST OFFICE, Merchants' Exchange ALBANY MINERAL SPRING, Ferry, near s. Pearl ALBANY ALMS-HOUSE, S. Lydius continued ALBANY SAVINGS BANK, at Commercial Bank ALBANY MEDICAL College, Eagle, between Lan caster and Jay ALBANY MUSEUM, cor. State and Broadway ALBANY NURSERY, Western Turnpike, two miles out of city Albee Samuel, laborer, 123 Broad Albert Joseph, 210 Washington Albertson Japhet, brick-maker, 6 Morton Alcott Jane, widow, 33 Maiden Lane Alcott Anthony, 66 S. Lansing 58

Alden Mrs. Caroline, 11 Dallius Alden William, mason, 129 Lydius Alden Stephen H., painter, 10 Rose Aldrich Herman, shoemaker, 150 Broad Aldrich Adam, fruit store, 297 Broadway Aldrich Zaccheus, 297 Broadway Allanson Peter, carpenter, 1 Elm Allanson George, shoemaker, 2 Owen's Alley Allen Hiron W., clothing store, 215, Broadway res. 59 Union Allen George B., 787 Broadway, Allen Robert, 62 Quay, up stairs, res. 5 Montgomery Alexander Joseph, boarding house, 1 Montgomery Alexander Hezekiah, carpenter, 143 Orange Alexander Cornelius, carpenter, 181 Orange Alexander David, 103 Orange Allen Henry A., teller in New-York State Bank. res. 95 Lydius Allen, widow of Horace, 20S Broa '.way Allen Thomas, laborer, 139 Church Allen Otis, attorney, &c, res. 11 Patroon Allen James, carpenter, 79 Orange Allen BenoniC, crier of courts, 36 Fayelle Allen Chloe, widow of Nathan, 787 Broadway Allen (Otis) and Hastings (Frederick H.) attorney?, &c, 5 and 7 Douw's Buildings, corner State ami Broadway Allen Patrick, laborer, Washington s. b. Allen, widow of John, 129 Beaver Allen, widow Harriet, 106 Green Allen Lucius, 48 Orange Allen Dennis, carpenter, 32 Van Schaick Allen Mrs. Barbara, 230 State Allen Moses, tailor, 20S Lumber Allen Andrew, shoemaker, 15 Dove Allen Mrs. Jane, milliner, 48 Orange 59

Allicott Samuel, 113 Green Alvany Michael, laborer, 69 Van Woert Alstrean George, Hamilton s. Hudson Alvin Robert, gardener, 104 Willett Alvord Chas. H., bds. Churchill's Alvord Edmund, cabinetmaker, 25 Green,res. 42J Ferry Alvord Mary E. widow, 27 Columbia AMERICAN HOTEL, 100 State Ames Angclo, 3 Plain Ames Julius R., 3 Plain Ainsdell Wm., brewer, Western turnpike Amy , whip maker, 5 Bleecker Anderson James, 172 Broadway Anderson John, laborer, 18 Wilson Anderson James, draper and tailor, 4 Delavan House, bds. same, 561 Broadway Anderson George, carpenter, Lumber w. Swat, Anderson Absalom, 80 Third Arbor Hill Anderson George, agent Chenango and Fulton Lake Boat Line, 68 Quay, res. 72 Herkimer Anderson, widow Charles, confectioner, 516 Broad­ way Anderson Daniel B., 142 Hamilton Anderson William, blacksmith, 14 Rail Road .'. ve­ nue Anderson John, moulder, 21 Knox Anderson John H., dry goods, 4 s Pearl, Anderson George, confectioner, cor. Lydius and Broadway Andree Augustus, barber, 650 Broadway Andree John laborer, 126 Franklin Andrews Theron, 20 Beaver Andrews Miss, 64 Montgomery Andrews Michael, moulder, 42 Canal Andrews Elisha, 64 Montgomery 60 HO_MAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Andrews Amos, 61 Beaver Andrews Fairman, baker, 166 Washington, res. 97 Spring Andrews Joel W., machinist, 156 Hudson, shop High near Hudson Andrews Truman, printer, 130 Green Andrews Orrin, baker, 26 Second, Arbor Hill Andrews widow Christina, 68 Second, Arbor Hill Angus widow Sarah, 74 Jackson Angus Charles, printer, Orange Angus Miss, Millinery, 21 Steuben Angus John G., segar maker, 10 Jefferson Angus Stephen, 60 Jackson Annable & Smith, dealers in leather, oils, &c, 30 State Annable Samuel, jr., 76 Division Annesley William, gilder, 59i Jackson Annesley William, shipbuilder, 150 n. Pearl Annesley Lawson, looking-glass warehouse, 504 Broadway, h. 148 n. Pearl Anstee George, shoemaker, 107 Washington Anthony C. H., classical institute, 17 n. Pearl, h. 55 Hawk Anthony Robert, waiter, 2S Dove Anthony Abram, boatman, 28 Dove Appel Charles, 140 Franklin Appel Sebastian, tailor, 166 Broad Appleton William, produce dealer, 195 Washington, res. 238 Appleton WTilliam, 43 Van Woert Armatage William N., grocer, 58 Canal Armer Robert, mason, 21 First, Arbor Hill Armour John B., brush maker, 16 Green, h. 219 Hamilton Arms, widow Noadiah L., tailoress, 56 Division Arms Nelson T., watch maker, 42 s. Pearl 61 Armsby James H., M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Col. res. 669 Broadway Armington, widow Charlotte, 103 Lydius Armstrong, widow Jane, 24 Hawk Armstrong Robert, grocer, 22 Washington Arnold Isaac, 142 Franklin Arnold Seth, shoe maker,-42 Westerlo Arnold Moses, tailor, 332 Broadway Arrowsmith John W., pedler, 241 s. Pearl Archifault John, 53 Clinton Artcher Michael, merchant, 63 Quay, h. 25 High Artcher Edward, 65 Quay,h. 1 Pine Artcher John, brickmaker, 220 State Artcher, widow Mary, 21 High Arts John, cabinet maker, 102 Spring Arts Michael, 312 State Ashley, widow M., cor. Water and Lawrence Aspanell Robert, mason, 162 Lumber Ashley Sylvanus, 21 Patroon Atherall Isaac, wood screw cutter, cor. Lodge and Howard, res. 54 Howard Atkins Henry, 66 Arch Atkins Francis, brick maker, Chesnut s. State Atkinson Thomas, blacksmith, 794 Broadway Attington George, shoemaker, 48 Fayette Atwood D., 108 Green Ault John, jeweller 46 Green Austin Andrew, rectifer, 138 Montgomery Austin Angel, grocer, 27 Liberty Austin Abraham, cartman, 164 Washington Austin Jeremiah, skipper, 92 Beaver Austin Charles L., attorney, &c, 94 State, res. 15 Beaver Austin J. C, dental surgeon, 578 Broadway Austin William, tin and sheet iron worker, shop Green corner Hudson, h. 64 Westerlo 62 " HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Austin Henry, bds. Dayton House Austin John, tin and sheet iron worker, 64 West­ erlo Austin Benjamin F., carpenter, 46 Franklin Avery Benj., 71 s. Pearl Averill & Marshall, merchants, 38 Quay Averill Horace, grocer, 99 s. Pearl Avery & Co., (Amos) groceries, provisions, fruit, 353 Broadway, h. 41 Chapel Avery Francis, coach lace weaver, 6S s. Lansing| Ayer Mary and Julia, select school, 31 Dove Ayer Samuel, 31 Dove Ayer J. W., patent medicines, 518 Broadway, h. 67 Second st. Ayer Winslow, 67 Second B BABBITT SETH C. 266 s. Pearl Babbitt S., 41 Lumber Babcock Benjamin, painter, 207 State Babcock Horace H., 11 Plain Babcock Wm. J., grocer, Little Basin Babcock Benjamin jr., 207 State Babcock Richardson, carpenter, 22 Hawk Bacon John R., 8 Maiden Lane Badgley Joseph, bds. at J. P. Wilson's Bagley James, laborer, 74 Van Woert Bagley Thomas, 33 Second, Arbor Hill Bailey Joseph, paver, 145 Broad Bailey Jamrs, coach maker, 170 Jefferson Bailey Franklin, 16 Union Bailey Charles, grocer, cor. Franklin and John Bailey Edward, tinsmith, 84 J s. Pearl, residence 14 Broad Bailey Joseph, cartman, 48 Herkimer 63

Bailey Joseph, cooper, 32 s. Lansing Bailey Lemuel, furrier, 81 Orange Baker Charles, tin and sheet iron dealer, 590 Broad­ way, h. 59 Columbia Baker John, State Marshall, 202 Green Baker Joseph W. carpenter, 153 Lumber Baker Allen, 27 Lancaster Baker John, mason, 210 Jefferson Baker John, mason, 57 Rensselaer Baker Clark, 59 Colonie Baker John, cooper, 7 Steuben Baker Ellis, 756 Broadway Baker James, liquor dealer, 7 Steuben Baker Solomon, printer, 29 Fayette Baker T. S., forwarding merchant, 64 Patroon Baker John C, coach maker, 27 Lancaster Baker Miss Patience A., 10 Lumber Bald James, 144 Spring Baldwin William, M. D., 182 s. Pearl Baldwin Jedediah, 63 Lodge Baldwin & Caleb, proprietors of Am. Trans. Co., 96 Pier, in winter, 16 Com. Building Baldwin J , jr., res 63 Lodge Baldwin Brunson A., cartman, 315 State Baldwin A. T., teacher, 7 Van Tromp Baldwin widow, 357 State Ball John, laborer, 160 Jefferson Ball widow Mary, boarding-house, 46 Beaver Ballantine James, 344 Lydius Ballard Ambrose, carpenter, 83 Bleecker Baltimore James, white washer, 98 Franklin Banker Frederic, laborer, Wash. s. b. Banker William U. 1 Park Bancraft John, carpenter, 108 Patroon, near Swan Bancroft R. L. G., attorney, &c, 3 Broadway h. 17 Franklin 64 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Banker Frederick, 20 Daniel BANK OF ALBANY, State BANK NEW-YORK STATE, 69 State BANK COMMERCIAL, State BANK CANAL, State BANK MECHANICS' AND FARMERS', Broadway, cor. Exchange BANK CITY, State BANK EXCHANGE, Merchant's Exchange Bannan widow Mary, 77 Rensselaer BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST, Green, between Hamilton and Division BAPTIST CHURCH SECOND, n. Pearl BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTH, S. Pearl Bantam John, whitesmith, 2 Canal, h. 64 n. Pearl Barclay William 171 s. Pearl Barclay Robert, laborer, Hudson cor. Dove Barber ./., 373 State Bardwell John A., 2 Dallius Barhydt Richard, 6 Canal Barker George R., bds. Eagle Tavern Barker Abraham B., intelligence office, 47 £ Hud­ son, res. 5 Daniel Barker Patrick, 31 n. Lansing Barker widow, 37 Chapel Barlow John, 46 Hamilton Barlow William, keeper Albion Hotel, cor. Herki­ mer and Broadway Barlow James, shoemaker, 52 Ferry Barnard Daniel D., attorney, 1 Academy Park Barnard Phi'ip, 138 Franklin Barnard Amier, 16 Lumber Barnard Geo. A., carpenter, 69 Eagle Barnard Fredrick J. & Son, lumber dealers, 159 Water, h. 724 Broadway Barnard George T., skipper., 60 n. Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 65

Barnes Marquis, agent for Swiftsure Line, office foot of State, on the Pier, h. 49 Columbia Barnes Samuel S., printer, 18 Liberty Barnes Martin, 16 Jackson Barney Paul C, 104 s. Pearl Barney Lewis, moulder, 57 Broadway Barney William, jr., segar maker, Lydius, near Knox Barney Lewis Moulder, 270 Washington Barney William, 104 s. Pearl Barragar Harriet, nurse, 163 Hamilton Barrell Elisha, engineer, 21 Ferry Barrett Michael, laborer, 51 Canal Barrett Wyman R., 23 High Barrett Richard, 63 Canal Barrett John, 630 Broadway Barrett William, gold beater, 49 Hudson Barrett & Brown, merchants 31 Quay Barrow Thomas, joiner, Hamilton s. Hudson Barry Thomas, 49 Mulberry Barry William, porter house, 62 Green Bariskill John B., laborer, 359 State Bartholomew Andrew, 26 Maiden Lane Bartholomew Charles, grocer, corner Hudson and High Bartholome v Riley, 65 Lydius Bartlett Martin, bds. U. S. House Bartlett Joseph, bds. Carlton House Bartlett David. 626 Broadway Bartlett B. L. & Co., dry goods,428 Broadway, h. 68 Hudson Bartlett Dennis N., 44 Lawrence Bartlett Mary. 34 Westerlo Bartley Patrick, 31 n. Lansing Bartley James, grocer, 65 Colonie Barton Joseph, mason, 115 Snipe 66 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Barton Thomas, harness maker, 3 Patroon Barton L. M., 29 Jay Baskerville John, tailor, 22 Canal Basler Frederic,bds. Carlton House Bassett Daniel, brick maker, corner Swan and Westerlo Bassett Daniel, globe maker, Westerlo above Swan Bassett Horace, corner Swan and Westerlo Batcheldor Edward C. (J. S. and Co.) 23 Fayette Batcheldor John F., 23 Fayette Batcheldor Thiel, 23 Fayette Batcheldor Galen, (J. Sherman and Co.) bds at American Bateman Richard, carpenter; 53 Jefferson Bateman Edward, 4 Clinton Bates Sarah, 164 Broad Bates Daniel, 112 s. Pearl Bates Slawson, comb-maker, rear 53 Fayette Bates Amasa, gardener, 94 Basset Bates Merritt, pastor of Washington Methodist Church, 28 Second Batten Joseph, Superintendent of Gas Works, 77 Ferry Battel Mellon, machinist, shop cor. of Orange and Water, h. 100 Water. Battersby John, Butcher, 118 Third, Arbor Hill Battersby John, jun., 62 Third Batterman Christopher, sheriff, office jail, res. 17 High Batterman James, 17 High Baum widow, Julia, 119 Broad Bay William, physician, 32 n. Pearl Bay John jun., 32 n. Pearl Bayard Killian, saddler, bds. Eastern Railroad Hotel 67

Beale John, 215 Jefferson Beals Diadorus, S. M. D., 76 n. Pearl Beals Sarah, widow, 27 William Beardsley R. K., bds. Miss Carters Beardsley Nelson, 24 Norton Beardsley William 26 Washington Beardsley Leonard, 38 Spring Bearup Andrew, engineer, 47 Colonie Bearup James, blacksmith, 47 Lydius Beatty Alexander W., cooper, 176 Spring Beavens Peter, shoemaker, rear 220 State Beavens Elizabeth, widow, rear 220 State Beavor Betsey, widow, 385 State Bebee Thomas T., carpenter, 24 Orange Bebee Thomas W., carpenter, 24 Orange Bebee Edwin, proprietor Franklin House, 136 and 138 State Bebee Asaph, 46 Hudson Bebee William C, shoemaker, 267 Washington Beebe, widow Rebecca, 68 Arch Bechtel Peter, shoemaker, 276 Washington Beck T. Romeyn, Principal of Albany Academy, south wing, 1 Fayette Beckel Moses, pedler, 277 s. Pearl Becker Henry P., 58 Udion Becker Francis, 58 Union Becker Peter, laborer, 62 Schuyler Becker Henry P., 38 Spring Becker Martin, brick maker, 74 Patroon Beckwith Henry O., 78 Lawrence Bedell Daniel, produce dealer, Washington, co. Snipe Bedell Richard, victualler, stall 5 Centre Market, h. 71 Knox Beekman Misses, preceptresses, 56 Westerlo 68 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Beekman Hannah, (widow of Douw P.) 56 Wes­ terlo Beers Benjamin, cartman, Garden w. Dove Beetham John, 335 Lydius Beggan Thomas, tailor, cor. Church and s. Lansing Belden Erastus, 146 Lydius Belden Sclah, boot & shoe manufacturer, 21 Patroon Belew Phineas, confectioner, 149 n. Pearl Belew widow, 191 Broadway Belew Thomas, 57 Church Belleng Peter, carpenter, 99 Rensselaer Belknap M'Kercher & Campbell, coal dealers, cor. Spencer and Montgomery Belknap Zabina, res. 25 De Witt Bell John, carpenter, 120 Second Bell G. W.,3 Lancaster Bell G. W. & J. W., dry goods, 482 Broadway Bell Joseph, 3 Lancaster Bell John, machinist, 11 Van Tromp Bell James N., saddle harness and trunk maker, 473 Broadway, res. 37 Canal Bell James, carpenter, Westerlo w. Swan Bell James, Exchange office, 22 Green, h. 63 Di­ vision Bell John W., cor. Hamilton and Eagle Bell Joseph S., clerk in post office, 26 Maiden-lane Bell widow Angelica, 29 Van Schaick Belsher John, 52 Ferry Belsiner Solomon, pedler, 135 Broad Bement Caleb N., proprietor of American Hotel, 100 Stale Beman Sylvester, , 14 Ferry Bemis A., blacksmith, 60 Lawrence Benard 12 Orange Bendal Henry, pedlar, 119 Broad Bendal Job, cor. Union and Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 69

Bendall Henry, hair cutter, 29 s. Pearl, h. 308 State Bender Justice, sexton Lutheran Church, cor. Steu­ ben & Lodge Ben Peter, white-washer and crier for lost children, 76 Grand Bender Christopher W., chamberlain, bds. Pearl- Street House Bender E. II., bookseller and stationer, 75 State, bds. Delavan Bender Matthew W., 70 s. Pearl Bender William M., Lark, cor. Lydius Benedict Robert T.,76 Feny Benedict Lewis, hardware merchant, 64 State, res. 8 Capitol park Benedict Lewis, junior, attorney, &c, 79 State, Elm tree corner, res. 8 Capitol Park Benham George, 129 Jefferson Benjamin Caleb. White Hall, Bethlehem Benjamin G. W'., (A. & Co.) 353 Broadway, h. 54 Union Benjamin Jacob, hair-dresser, 379 State Benne (D. F.) & Van Alstyne, (T. W.) dry goods, 448 Broadway Bennett Michael, mason, 17 Lodge Bennett Richard F., carpenter, 884 Broadway Bennett Ezra B., merchant, 65 Quay, residence 39 Dallius Bennet James, cartman, 64 Van Woert Bensen John, segar maker, 49 De Witt Bensen David, plane maker, 42 Howard, bds. 212 Lumber Bensen (Nicholas) & Crannel (Matthew) jr., plane makers, 116 State, cor. Lodge Bensen Mrs. Jennetle, 42 Grand Benson Joseph, carpenter, 1084 Water Benson Henry, 35 Grand 70 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Benson Samuel, 9 Van Woert Benson Joseph, laborer, 99 Green Bentley Charles W , agent for Boston packets, 86 Quay, res. 110 Hamilton Bentley, widow of Randall, cor. Liberty and Di­ vision Bentley James R., cor Liberty and Divison Benton J. B., 47 Division Benton, widow Rachel, 210 Broadway Benton Joseph, bookbinder, 65 Herkimer Bergen Timothy, laborer, 73 Mulberrry Bergen Patrick, cooper, 44 Arch Bergeron Joseph, grocer, 108 Quay Bergeron M., grocer, 117 Arch Berigan Wm., 74 Orange Berley Wm., w. c. Van Woert Berry James, grocer, cor. Franklin and Rensselaer Berry T. S., bds. 55 Columbia Berry Royal, produce buyer, 360 State Berry Michael, laborer, cor. Canal and Eagle Berry Samuel, 150 Spring Bertrand Louis, barber, 162 Jefferson Bertrand Lewis, 260 Lydius Betman Jetah, 4 Alexander Betts 5 Dewitt Betson Oscar C, shoemaker, 94 Colonie Betts Richard D., 101 Columbia Bew Launcelot, clothing store, 307 Broadway Bicknell Becker, 4 VanTromp Big Henry, 8 Broad Bigly George, tobacconist, 20 Second, Arbor Hill Bigelow Thos., laborer, 117 Broadway Bigelow U. G, physician, 33 s. Pearl cor. Hudson Biggam Andrew S., 1 Grand, Billbruek George, 114 Water Bill Charles, 44 Division 71

Billson Abraham jr., mason, 144 Spring Bilyieu, widow Margeret, 66 Patroon Bilyieu Cornelius B., builder, 66 Patroon Billson Abraham, messenger to Chancellor's room, Capitol, res. 35 Steuben Billson Adam II., mason, 35 Steuben Bingham George W., 3 Daniels Birch Polly, widow, 49 Washington Birdseye Lucien, attorney, office 59 State, bds. 95 Columbia, Birdsall George, shoemaker, 52 n. Lansing Bird H. .F, carpenter, 97 Orange James, cartman, 15 Rose Bishoff Wm., Farrier, 81 Rensselaer Bishoff Henry, agent, 42 Third Bishop William G., printer, bds. Townsend h. Bissel William, cradle and spinning-wheel factory 268 s. Pearl Blace G. locksmith, 224 Washington Blackall Mrs. Sarah Hoffman, 66 Patroon Blackall Charles, shoemaker, 265 Washington, n. Branch Blackall widow Elizabeth, 265 Washington Blackall Robert, 111 Hamilton Blackall William J., 70 Fulton Blackall J. & W. J., bell-hangers and locksmiths, cor. Hamilton and Fulton Blackhall Joseph, jr., 92 Arch Blackman John, baker, 323 Washington Blackman George, laborer, 107 Washington Blackwell E.,bds. Clinton Hotel Blair Albert, undertaker and upholsterer, 34 Green, res. 33 Van Zandt Blake George T., hatter, 12 Wendell Blake Owen, grocer, 15 Columbia Blake John, grocer, 666 Broadway Blake John, dentist, 59 Dewitt Blake Henry, Franklin, near Cherry Blake Barnum, straw dealer, 540 Broadway, h. 689 Blake Ezekiel, coppersmith, 108 Third, Arbor Hill Blake John, carpenter, 160 State Blake Adam, 111 Third, Arbor Hill Blakeman E. C, 4 Daniels Blanchard Anthony, attorney and surrogate, office, City Hall, res. 99 Washington Blanchard Justus W., wig and curl maker, 499 Broadway, res. 4 Quackenboss Blanchard Elisha, baker, 7 Church Blanchard Reuben J., 96 Church Blanchard Alonzo L. stove merchant, 64 Liberty Blatner & Schloss, dry goods, 350 Broadway Blatner Henry, merchant, 17 Hamilton BLEECKER HALL, 531 Broadway Bleecker Chas. E., 101 Pier Bleecker James, 46 John Bleecker Gerrit V. S., 93 s. Pearl Bleecker George M. wholesale dry goods 406, Broadway, res. 58 n. Pearl Bleecker Henry, (R. H. King & Co.) merchants, 49 State, res. 58 n. Pearl Bleecker John R. 123 State Bleecker Nicholas, clerk Albany Bank, bds. at Delavan Bleecker William E., wholesale dry goods, 53 State res. 20 Pine Bleecker Harmanus, 42 Chapel Bleecker Harmanus jr., 613 Broadway Bleecker, widow of Henry, 58 n. Pearl Blessing Frederic, cartman, 285 Washington, s. b. Blessing Catharine, widow, 14 Willett Bliss Harvey, City Hall Saloon, 82 Maiden Lane Bliss Eleazer, butcher, 4 Rose Bliss George W., hatter, 289 State Blodget Henry, 3 Montgomery Blood John, shoemaker, 266 Washington Bloodgood William, Pine Grove, at the Junction Bloom John, provision store, 4 Exchange street, h. 85 Columbia Bloomingdall, Jacob, teamster, 413 Lydius Bloomingdall Gerrit, 145 Lumber Blumheart Michael G., gardener, 292 Washington Boardman Elizabeth, 10 High Boardman Henry M , commission merchant, 39 Quay, res. 680 Broadway Boardman & Gray, piano forte manufacturers and music dealers, 4 and 6 n. Pearl Boardmr.n John II., stone-cutter, 96 Spring Boardman William,builder 91 Hudson Boardman William G., 6 n. Pearl, res. 79 Columbia Boardman & Van Voast, carpenter, 46 Howard Boardman John, builder, 91 State Bodine David, coach painter, 18 s. Pearl Bodine Mrs. Mary, Milliner, 18 s. Pearl Bogart John, 177 Broadway Bogart JYicholas, 66 s. Lansing Bogett William, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Bogue Charles, fishmonger, 10 Grand Bogue F. S., bds. Townsend House. Boll Richard, 64 Clinton. Bolles Thomas, laborer, 41 Colonie Bolles Edward R. 50 Hamilton Bond Robert T., tinman, 617 Broadway, h. 21 Hawk. Bond Thomas C, 21 Hawk. Boner John, cooper, 22 Bleecker Booge C. P., Bowling Saloon, 98 State, basement Boom, widow Mary, 22 Franklin Booth Elisha, 47 Hawk Booth A. L.,47 Hawk 74 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Booth Alfred, harness maker, 129 Broad Booth H. D., 162 Washington Booth Philo, 162 Washington Booth William, merchant tailor, h. 66 n. Pearl Border Nancy S., 41 Lumber Borden J. R., bds. Eagle-street Hotel Born, widow Mary, 184 Broadway Born Joseph C, tinman, assistant state sealer, 90 Green, h. 184 Broadway Borthwick H., grocer, 918 Broadway Borthwick Harvey, 175 Hamilton Bortle George, -steamboat agent, 123 Pier Bortle John, furnaceman, 829 Broadway Botham Shuffle, carpenter, 66 Eagle Boughton Daniel, hat store, 409 Broadway Bounds Cornelius, shoemaker, 7 Union Bouse Robert, Blacksmith, 14 Willett Bouton Charles F., printer, 30 Jay Bow Oliver, hatter, 66 Westerlo Bowe Michael, laborer, 75 Arch Bowen J. T., bds. Carlton House Bowers Augustus, at Eagle Tavern Bowers David N., confectioner, 760 Broadway Bowers Benjamin, carpenter, 760 Broadway Bowhay Mrs. Mary, nurse, 39 Philip Bowhay James G., 39 Philip Bowman Peter E., flour and provision merchant, 49 Quay, res. 52 Division Boyd Samuel, plane maker, 23 Lawrence Boyd Samuel, Jr., 23 Lawrence Boyd John, laborer, 3 Lawrence Boyd David, coachman, 52 Montgomery Boyd Thomas, hatter, 386 Broadway, h. 4 Liberty Boyd Robert, brewer, 61 Ferry Boyd Peter, 71 Ferry HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 75

Boyd James P., physician, office and res. corner Hudson and Grand Boyd John I., res. Eagle Tavern Boyd Barent S., waterman, 44 Union Boyd Isaac, tailor, 73^ Quay, res. 72 Lydius Boyd J. C, lumber merchant, res. 215 n. Pearl Boyd and Whittemore, lumber merchants, cor. Wa­ ter and n. Ferry Boyd and Cunningham, lumber dealers, cor. Orange and Water Boyd S. V. dry goods, 430 Broadway, res. 46 Beaver Boyd William, sail maker, 11 Lawrence Boyd Howard, 77 n. Pearl Boyd Mrs., millinery, 46 s. Pearl Boyd Thomas, chandler, 174*. Pearl Boyland Dennis, laborer, 45 Rensselaer Boyle Felix, 355 State Boyle Patrick, 42 n. Lansing Boyle Daniel, coppersmith, 32 Chapel Boyle Francis, 36 Van Schaick Boyle James, malster, 36 Rensselaer Boyle John, blacksmith, 210 s. Pearl, h. 84 Schuy­ ler Boyle James, butcher, 2 Clinton Boyle John, butcher, 2 Clinton Boyle James, 156 Orange Boyle Richard, laborer, 149 Orange Boynton, widow Jonah C, 7 Ferry Boynton Phebe, 7 Ferry Boynton Calvin, bookbinder, 7 Ferry Bracken widow, grocer, 12 Clinton Bradford William, 154 s. Pearl Bradley William, keeper of National Hotel, 248 Broadway Bradley James, laborer, Washington, west Asylum Bradley, widow Ann, 159 Jefferson 76 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY'.

Bradstreet William H., mason, 24 William Bradstreet, widow Mary, 24 William Bradt John L., 47 Cherry Bradt John, baker, 136 n. Pearl Bradt Francis, 136 n. Pearl Bradt John L., 12 s. Lansing Bradt William, 94 Bassett Bradt, widow, 205 Broadway Bradt John, boatman, 201 Lumber Bradt widow Catharine, 210 Jefferson Bradt Miss Catharine, 69 Hudson Bradt Garret, 74 Liberty Bradt Peter, mason, 306 5. Pearl Bradt Ellenor, 2 Daniel Bradt Peter A., pilot, 276 s. Pearl Bradt Adrian, carpenter, 405 State Brady Francis, tailor, 3 Eagle Brady Philip, laborer, 71 Arch Brady, widow, 50 Lawrence Brady Barney, laborer, 5 Chesnut Alley Brady, widow, 60 Schuyler Brady Cornelius, laborer, 3 Bleecker Brainard Daniel, 256 s. Pearl Brainard Elijah, block and pump maker, 23 Quay, h. 16 Orange Brainard George, 11 Park Brainard widow Elijah, 75 Fulton Brainard B. C, com. merchant, 29 Quay, res. Greenbush Bramhall Charles H.,attorney,&c. county judge, 1 Exchange, h. 38 Broad Brammall Geo. G.. grocer, 29 Van Schaick Brannan John, grocer, 237 Broadway Brannion Margaret, widow, 55 First Brassale John, porter, 36 Third Brassure John W., lamp maker, 17 Church, h. 7 Broad ALBANY DIRECTORY. 77

Bratt Daniel, jr., mason, 391 Lydius Bratt Gerrit T., wholesale and retail dealer in li­ quors, 8 Beaver, res. Ill Green Bratt Henry, mason, 10 Ferry Bratt Daniel, mason, 12 Daniels Brawley Hugh, tailor, 44 John Bray Francis, shoemaker, 100 Orange Bray widow, 57 Van Schaick Bray Thomas, boatman, 137 Church Bray Martin, mason, Westerlo, w. Eagle Brayton Stephen, grocer, cor. Green and Lydius Breaky Isaiah, physician, Green, cor. Westerlo Breen Moses, coppersmith, 110 Third Breen Patrick, 25 Rensselaer Breen Edward, coppersmith, 54 Philip Breenan, widow Ann, 24 Van Schaick Brenan Alexander, blacksmith, 87 Church Brenan James, maltster, 133 Arch Brentnall Charles, oil-cloth painter, 397 Lydius Bressett Fabian, 143 Orange Breton Henry, shoemaker, 782h Broadway Brew Robert, jr., teamster, 367 Washington n. b. Briare's Ice Cream Saloons, 39 n. Pearl Briare Joseph, confectioner 121 state, under normal school Briare Benjamin, 39 n. Pearl, and saloon Bleecker Hall, Broadway Briant John, brickmaker, 180 Lydius Brickner John, potter, Washington, north branch Bridgeford John, mason, 325 Washington, n. b. Bridges Earl, portrait-painter, 101 Orange Bridgeford Samuel L., shoemaker, 46 Second, Ar­ bor Hill Bridgeford Benjamin, mason, Washington, n. b. Briggs Isaac B., livery stable, 79 Maiden Lane, res. 64 Chapel 78 HOFFMANNS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Briggs Hannah, 18 Canal Briggs Sidney, 26 Union Briggs Richard B., druggist, 4 Exchange, h. 639 Broadway Briggs & McNab, Maiden Lane Saloon, 28 Maiden Lane Briggs John, 196 Lumber, Arbor Hill Brightman Adolphus, mason, 52 Arch Brill Smith, 7| Diagonal Brinckerhoff Abraham S., 112 State Brinckerhoff, widow Lydia, 37 Steuben Brinckerhoff Edward, 62 n. Pearl Brinckerhoff John, brushmaker, 181 Hamilton Brinckerhoff Mrs., day and boarding school, 112 State Brinckerhoff Mrs. Elizabeth, 62 n. Pearl Brissett Francis, hat and cap store, 363 Broadway, h. 29 Quackenboss Brittan Mrs. Jane E., tailoress, 95 Beaver Brittan Rev. S. B., pastor Universalist Church, res. 22 Broad Broad , 587, Broadway Broad Charles, shoemaker, 162 s. Pearl Brockway Samuel H., tailor, 148 Lydius Brockway Lyman, carpenter, 156 s. Pearl Brockway & Sons, dentists, 16 n. Pearl Brockway George, dentist, 104 s. Pearl Broly Patrick, tailor, 32 Quay Bromley Daniel, 143 Swan Bromley Hiram, forwarding merchant, 121 Pier, h. 102 Green Bronk Henry, blacksmith, 104 Herkimer Bronk Wm. H., caipenter, 210 Hamilton Bronson Greene C, Judge of the Supreme Court, 141 Washington Brooks John, cor. Swan & Patroon ALBANY DIRECTORY. 79

Brooks John, 15 Plain Brooks Peter, 39 Elm Brooks Miss Elizabeth, 96 s. Pearl Brooks David, coppersmith, 83J Wash. Brooks Jonathan, jr., provision and grocery store, 61 Quay, h. 128 Green Brooks Jonathan, 13 Plain Brooks Thomas, alley, 21 Norton, h. 85 Herkimer Brooks J. W. & Co., stove dealers, cor. Beaver and Green, h. 173 Hamilton Brooksby David, at Albany Nursery Brooksby James, Albany Nursery Brooksby William, stone cutter, corner John and Franklin Brower, Mrs. 36 Green Brower & Teelin, manufacturers of tobacco, snuff, and cigars, 35 Washington Brower Albertus, coach painter, 194 Broadway Brower Hessel E.,47 Swan Brower Nicholas, carpenter, 247 s. Pearl Brower, widow of Hessel, 47 Swan Brown James, attorney &c, 3 Broadway, res. cor. Canal and Chapel Brown J. W., bds. Carlton House Brown S. W., 185 Hamilton Brown A. E , res. 2 Clinton Square, 90 n. Pearl Brown A. Heyer, office 17 Commercial Buildings, res. 2 Clinton Square Brown John C, keeper Eastern Hotel, 144 Broad way Brown James, tailor, 25 Fayette Brown Joseph W., segar maker, 21 Van Schaick Brown Albert, do. 40 Van Schaick Brown Edward, 35 Beaver Brown Eleanor, 92 Columbia Brown George S., piano forte polisher, 160 State 80 Brown Stephen A., 12 Lodge Brown John, coachman, 19 Hawk Brown John, 38 Van Zandt Brown James, laborer, 113 Third Brown James, teamster, Hudson, near Lark Brown James H , blacksmith, 20 Dallius Brown Joseph, mustard manufacturer, 83 Canal Brown S., shoemaker, 12 Quay Brown Horace, carpenter, 239 n. Pearl Brown Albert, 174 n. Pearl Brown Matthews, grocery and provision store, cor. Chapel and Canal Brown Moses, carpenter, 79 Lawrence Brown Mrs. Rachael, nurse, 2l William Brown Richard, Beaver Brown William, silver plater, shop 13 Church, res. 51 Lydius Brown Wm. G., dry goods, 490 Broadway, res. 20 Grand, cor. Hudson Brown Daniel, grocer, 25 Lawrence Brown Thomas A., flour merchant, 31 Quay, bds. 46 Beaver Brown Samuel F., bds. Delavan Brown John, carpenter, 29 Van Zandt Brown John, laborer, 145 Spring Brown James M., physician, cor. Chapel and Pa­ troon Brown Jane, 170 Broad Brown John, 327 Lydius Brownell Erastus, 69 Jackson Brownlee Samuel, grocer, 517 Broadway, res. 54 Columbia Brownlout John, carpenter, 190 n. Pearl Bruce William, 35 Second, Arbor Hill Bruce, widow Janet, 7 Canal Bruce Alonzo, res. S. Peck's, Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY' DIRECTORY. 81

Bruston Daniel L., carpenter, 45 Washington Bryan Michael, keeper of refectory, basement Ex­ change Bryan John, Schuyler, west of s. Pearl Bryan Charles, bds. at John Bryan's Bryan John, 3 Wendell Bryant Smith, mason, 719 Broadway Bryant William, tallow chandler, cor. Church and Arch Bryerly Robert, tailor, 27 Dewitt Buchan James, 117 Canal Buchanan John, laborer, 125 Franklin, Buchanan James, moulder, 63 Broadway Buchanan Peter, currier, 182 Lumber, Arbor Hill Buchanan Alexander, painter, 15S Broadway Buck Darius, 13 Green, h. 147 n. Pearl Buck William II.. MlGreen Buckbee Joseph, 838 Broadway Buckbee Gourlay, pilot, 33 Dewitt Buckbee Edward, 7 Van Woert Buckbee H. II., agent for railroad line, res. 59 Green Buckbee John T., boatman, 81 Lawrence Buckbee Enos, skipper, 27 Dewitt Buckbee John E., chairmaker, 13 Fayette Buckbee Joseph B., pilot, 838 Broadway Buckbee James A., 45 Montgomery Buckbee John, 7 Van Woert Buckbee John C, skipper, 37 High Buckley Patrick, 106 Jefferson Buckley William, grocer, 172 Montgomery Buckley Herman, laborer, 14 Rose Buckley John, 12 Union Buckman John, 246 Washington Budd John P., shoemaker, 312J State Buel W. C, 62 Hudson Buel Jesse, 19 Fayette 82 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Buel Mrs. L., boarding-house, 62 Hudson Buel Susan, widow of Jesse, 122 Washington Buel Charles, Albany Nursery, north of railroad Buel Wm. P., 4 Dove Bulger John, grocer, 25 Quay Bulger R., grocer, 1 State, h. 21 Orange Bulger Thomas, 75 Westerlo Bulgin Arthur, accountant, &c, 17 Blunt's Build­ ings, res. 84 Beaver Bulkley John, bds. Dayton House Bulkley & Crapo, merchant's, 50 Quay Bulkley Abel, cor. Patroon and n. Pearl Bulkley Henry H., 99 Orange Bulkley William, 55 s. Lansing Bulkley John W., teacher district school, 172 n. Pearl, h. 72 Second, Arbor Hill Bulkley & Tuton, merchants, 45 Quay Bull John, cabinet maker, 217 Washington Bull Montgomery, 26 Union Bullions John C, 10 Elk Bullions William G., 10 Elk Bullions Rev. Peter, Professor of languages in Al­ bany Academy, res. n. wing Academy, 10 Elk Bullock John M., 45 Philip Bullock Joseph N., 176 Washington Bulson David A., rope maker, 201 Lumber, Arbor Hill Bulson Nicholas, 13 Van WToert Bulson Misses, 856 Broadway Bulson Peter, 107 Van Woert Bulwer Jeptha, moulder, 37sDewitt Bunyan John, 29 Van Schaick Burbanks C. & G., oyster dealers, 104 Quay Burbanks Robert, 17 Lodge Burbanks Chester, 18 Lumber Burbanks Harvey, 1 Columbia Burbanks Margaret, Church, cor. Ferry HOFFMAN'S ALBINY DIRECTORY. 83

Burdick John G., moulder, 26 Ferry Burdick Jonathan, carpenter, 203 Green Burdick Thomas, builder, 140 Lydius Burge James, segar maker, 120 Snipe Burge William, carpenter, Washington s. b. Burgess, widow, 4 Eagle, Burgess, widow Sarah, 24 William Burgess, widow Ann, 191 s. Pearl Burgess, widow Sarah, 35 4 Fayette Burgess Edward G., 35 i Fayette Burgess Leonard G., jeweller, 45 Dallius Burgess Robert H., porter house, cor. Green and Lydius Burhans David, 130 „ Pearl Burk James, laborer, 13 Lumber Burk Thomas, laborer, 617 Broadway Burk James, laborer, 189 Broadway Burk Patrick, laborer, 47 Van Zandt Burk Thomas, 57 Montgomery Burke Joseph, 37 Division Burke Bernard, tailor, 69 Rensselaer Burke James, laborer, 105 Orange Burke James, 226 n. Pearl Buike William, furrier, 347 Broadway Burley John, painter, 263 State Burnett George, 326 State Burnham Henry, 25 Westerlo Burnham Eddy, carpenter, 8 Lumber Burnham Joshua P., 82 Spring Burnham E. J., printer, bds. U. S. House Burnop, widow Philip, 98 Church Burnop William, 50 Hamilton Burnop John, bds. 98 Church Burnop Miss C, milliner, 30 Hudson Burn L., shoe maker, cor Lydius and Broadway Burns, widow Alice, rear 221 s. Pearl Burns Michael furrier, 162 n. Pearl 84 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY'.

Burns Christopher, laborer, 18 Second Burns Walter, skipper, 23 Rensselaer Burns James, grocer, 120 Broadway Burns Morris, 156 Broadway Burns Matthew, bds. U. S. House Burns John, laborer, 57 Lark Burns Francis P., piano forte maker, 81 State, res. 101 s. Pearl Burns John, cooper, rear 379 Lydius Burns John, grocer, 117 Broad Burns John, cooper, 67 Third, Arcor Hill Burnside J. E., drover, 96 Spring Burrans Dennis, laborer, 10 Howard Burroughs Mrs. Eliza, 87 Hudson Burrows William G., bds. 101 s. Pearl Burrows & Nellegar, druggists, 43 s. Pearl, cor. Plain Burt John, shoe maker, 146 Lydius Burt James D., brewer, 19 Lumber Burt Edward, confectioner, 572 Broadway Burt John, shoemaker, 22i s. Pearl Burt Uri, brewer, 57 Lumber, brewery 21 Burton Wm. & Co., Cohoes office, 3 Green Burton William, 273 s. Pearl Burton Matthew, carpenter, 814 Broadway Burton A. N., Thompsonian physician, 66 Chapel Burton Charles E.. 75 Green Burton James, looking-glass manufacturer, 3 Green, h 45 Hudson Burton II., dry goods, 36 i s. Pearl Burton John I.,, attorney &c, 48 State, res. 39 Swan Burton S. P., merchant, 198 Broadway, house 65 Grand Burwell Dudley, attorney, &c.,5 Exchange Build­ ings, 2d floor, res. Delavan HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 85

Bush Walter R. (J. Goold & Co.) res. 71 Hamil­ ton Bush A. C, lumber dealer, 70 Pier Bush John, brickmaker, rear 180 Lydius Bursce Abraham, baker, 69 s. Pearl Butler Thomas, laborer, 36 Washington Butler Calvin, cartman, 107 Snipe Butler John, grocer, 270 Broadway Butler John W., cartman, 31 Liberty Butler Patiick, laborer, 52 Rensselaer Butler John, laborer, rear 79 Ferry Butler James C, dry goods, 16 s. Pearl, bds. Clin­ ton Hotel Butler John, boatman, 1S8 Lumber Butler Richard, painter, 100 Canal Butler Thomas, laborer, 79 Ferry Butler Peter, 236 Broadway Butterfield & Britlorr, proprietors Clinton Hotel, cor. s. Pearl and Beaver Butters Daniel, shoemaker, 176 Broadway Buttrey James, teamster, 39 Van Zandt Butts George, 71 Maiden Lane Buxton John,accountant, 47 J Hudson, h.41 Church Byer Henry, piano forte maker, 95 Schuyler Byers Presley, carpenter, 141 Orange Byers William, 824 Broadway Bygate Richard, grocer, 170 Jefferson Bygate Richard, 53 Plain Byington Samuel, agent, 62 Green Byrne Michael, grocer, 217 Broadway Byrne & Connich, coopers, 95 Pier Byrnes John, cooper, Garden, near Dove


CABBAGE JOHN, butcher, Delaware turnpike Cade Walter, 184 s. Pearl Cadner, widow, 24 Canal Cadwell Miss, 166 Orange Cady George E., proprietor Northern Hotel, cor. Broadway and Orange Cady Daniel, attorney, &c, 44 State, residence. 15 Montgomery Cady John, inn keeper, 154 Washington Cady John D., proprietor Otsego House, 74 Wash­ ington Cafferty William C, tailor, 30 Ferry C'affrey James, 58 s. Lansing Cagger William, bds. Miss Fitch Cagger Peter, attorney, &c, office 57 State, res, 733 Broadway Cahill James, laborer, 53 Broadway Cahill John, grocer, 180 Broadway Cahill Robert, laborer, 79 Orange Cahill Thomas, contractor, 85 First, Arbor Hill Cahill Thomas, moulder, 24 Van Woert Cain James, laborer, 11 Spring Cain William, shoemaker, 62 s. Pearl, house 17 Clinton Cain John, shoemaker, 99 Eagle Cain William M., shoemaker, 211 s. Pearl Cain John, 18 Orange Caldwell James, turner, corner Swan and Second Caldwell Wm. J., carriage maker, 66 Green Caldwell William, when in city, Mansion House, country res. Caldwell, Lake George Caleb M. M., 96 Pier, h. 81 Green Callanan John, tailor, 4 Lawrence court Callanan James, jr., Commissioner Deeds, 94 Slate Callender David, grocer, 122 Water HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRCCTORY. 87

Calloney Thos. laborer, 32 Jefferson Calvin Patrick, grocer, 183 Water Calvery, widow Charles, res. 35 Howard Cameron Ann, milliner, 30^ Chapel Cameron William, 23 Canal Cameron Robert, bds. Pearl Street House Cameron Angus, carpenter, 150 Jefferson Cameron Daniel, 65 Hamilton Cameron John, laborer, 128 n. Pearl Cameron Alida, rear, 56 Second Campbell George, 92 Patroon Campbell Andrew, laborer, 49 Alexander Campbell Archibald, Deputy Secretary of State, office State Hall, res. 60 Chapel Campbell John, physician, office 37 Columbia, h. 60 Chapel Campbell John, dealer in fish, bds. Dayton House Campbell D. N, bds. U. S. House Campbell Duncan, attorney, &c , Exchange Build­ ings, res. 60 Chapel Campbell John W. grocer, 9 n. Ferry Campbell James, boot maker, 209 s. Pearl Campbell Stewart, 5S Hamilton Campbell Wm. laborer, 75 Colonie Campbell George, grocer, 643 Broadway, h. 92 Patron Campbell John, moulder, 54 Water Campbell John, 67 Orange Campbell Miss, Harriet, dress maker, 40 Green Campbell Mrs. Christina, confectioner, cor. Hamil­ ton and Green Campbell Michael, Pearl Street House, 70 s. Pearl Campbell Harmon, 6 Dove Campbell Rev. John N., pastor First Presbyterian church, res. 93 Hudson Campbell Robert C, 158 Hudson Campbell Robert, dyer and scourer, 26 Beaver 88

Campbell Rev. William H., pastor Third Dutch church, res. 39 Broad Campbell Thomas, rear 72 Eagle Campbell William, 8 Canal Campfer Paul, 196 s. Pearl Campion John, 9 Colonie Canna Michael, laborer, 763 Broadway Cannaday James, 36 Wash. Cartnavon Edward, laborer, 221 n. Pearl CANAL COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 19S Water Caneely Daniel, carpenter, 71 Broadway Canfield Edward, laborer, 45 Water Canfield John, 65 Fulton Canfield Thomas, laborer, 138 Swan Canoll James, exchange office, 23i Hudson, h. 31 Church Canoll John W. II., watchmaker and jeweller, 80 s. Pearl Canon William, laborer, 71 Colonie Cantine Misses, 18 Van Tromp Cantine William R., attorney, &c, 5 Douw's Buildings, res. 19 Steuben Cantwell Thomas, stone cutter, 64 Van Woert Cantwell John, laborer, 45 Washington Cantwell Wm. laborer, 45 Washington Capron Benjamin, 82 Lawrence Capron, widow Clarissa, 105 Spring Capron Charles, 96 Willett Capron Edward C,carpenter, 60 Dewitt Capron, widow Sally, nurse, 95 Beaver Cargen James, 50 Fayette Carhart William, provision store, 357 State Carhart Elisha, 244 Washington Carhart Thomas D., 86 Washington Carley, widow, 5 Lawrence Carlin John, laborer, 189 Broadway 89

Carlin Patrick, 189 Broadway Carnagu Alexander, carpenter, 33 Van Schaick Carls John D., blacksmith, 61 Grand Carls John, cartman, 59 s. Lansing Carls & Hartman, stoop rail manufacturers, 18 WJ liam Carlow Wm. blacksmith, 100 Washington Carlton William T., artist, cor. Steuben and .lamer, bds. Delavan Carman Theodore, 6J s. Pearl Carmichael, widow of James, 44 Beaver Carmichael Peter, attorney, &c, 106 State, res. 148 s. Pearl Carmichael Peter M., bds. City Hotel Carmichael (Peter M.) & Spencer (Daniel,) dealers in hardware, 46 State Carnduff James L., grocer, 293 Broadway Carmody Richard, professor of music, 808 Broad­ way Carmody Jerry, shoemaker, 184 Montgomery Carpenter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 123 n. Pearl Carpenter George W., surveyor, 33 Patroon Carpenter Henry, (Carpenter & Kirk) 74 Lumbir Carpenter & Kirk, merchant tailors, 512 Broadway. Carr John, 158 Jefferson Carr William A., ship carpenter, 23 Westerlo Carr Mrs. Catharine,, 99 Green Carr Christopher, laborer, 231 Washington Carrigan John, cooper, 40 Franklin Carroll James, rear 72 Eagle Carroll Arlond, dealer in lumber, 51 Pier, res. 754 Broadway Carroll John, laborer, 66 Arch Carroll John, grocer, Church, cor. s. Lansing Carroll Patrick, cooper, 101 Hamilton Carroll Bryan, 50 Lawrence H* 90 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Carroll William, 39 Chapel Carroll Patrick, moulder, 107 Beaver Carroll John, laborer, 26 John Carroll John, tobacconist, 111 Canal Carroll William, blacksmith, cor. Spencer „ Mont­ gomery Carroll Wm. D., cartman, 134 Canal Carroll & Cook, printers, coiner State and n. Pear! Carroll James, mason, 4.2 Canal Carroll Anthony, 49 Jackson Carroll John, moulder, 24 n. Ferry Carroll Lawrence, laborer, 4.2 Philip Carroll Philip, laborer, 53 Lawrence Carroll John, laborer, 45 Washington Carknord John, harnessmaker, 270 Washington Carson Thomas, watchmaker, 98 State, res. .. Fayette Carson David, jeweler, 98 State, res. 36 Fayette Carson Julius, pedlar, 70 Ferry Carson John, laborer, 187 Orange Carson G. W., bds. at Miss Balls Carter Joseph I., office cor. Quay and Hudson, h. 74 Division Carter Samuel, jr., painter, 53 n. Lansing Carter Charles, livery stable, 26 Steuben, bds. Clin­ ton Hotel Carter George T., confectioner, 22 s. Pearl Carter Misses, 140 State Carter Robert, cabinet maker, 55 Montgomery Carter S. P., agent telegraph, 62 Hudson Carter Henry, grocer, 166 Broadway Carty Bernard, laborer, 9 Colonie Carty Cornelius, 52 Lawrence Cary Patrick, baker, 55 Church Cary John, sawyer, 67 Fulton Cary David H., 91 n. Pearl HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 91

Cary Isaac H., 91 n. Pearl Cary Joseph, 24 Plain Cary Joseph and David II., flour, provision and produce dealers, 41 Quay Cary Samuel, flour and provisions, 13 State, h. 28

Cary Dennis, laborer, Bradford Cary Henry, Hamilton s. Hudson Cary Michael, laborer, 61 Fulton Cary Thomas, carpenter, 67 Fulton Cary don Isaac, 51 Jackson Case Jonathan II., physician, office and res. 85 Ly­ dius, cor. Rose Case George S,grocer, 37 Quay, res. 11 Lumber Casey Barney, 45 Liberty Cashman Wm., wheelwright, 153 n. Pearl Cashman John, laborer, 43 Dewitt Cassidy Cornelius, 115 Broad Cassidy Michael, 137 Swan Cassidy Charles, 63 Chapel Cassidy Henry, victualler, 63 Chapel Cassidy James, S4 Water Cassidy Margaret, 63 Chapel Cassidy William, attorney &c, editor of Atlas, 63 Chapel Cassidy Patrick, laborer, 78 Franklin Cassidy Michael, laborer, 29 Van Woert Cassidy William M., grocer, 58 Washington Cassidy Francis, 112 Orange Cassidy John, malster, 54 Bradford Cassidy John, 70 Schuyler Cassin John, shoemaker, cor. Spencer and Broad­ way Castendyke Lewis 261 Greene Castle William, 3 n. Ferry Castle William, butcher, 10 Dove 92 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Catlin W., physician, 74 Green, bds. Delavan Catchpole Corliss, laborer, 51 Bradford Caughy William, chandler, 69 Cherry Cavanagh John, laborer, 18 Park Cavanagh Michael, laborer, 105 Orange Cavanagh Andrew, 43 Van Schaick Cazeau Charles, grocer, 169 Montgomery Center Rev. Saml. 21 Columbia Centre John, teamster, 357 State CENTRE MARKET, S. Pearl, between Howard ami Beaver Cerf David, pedler, 165 s. Pearl Chadsey G. W., keeper of Saratoga House, 719 Broadway Chadwick Ashel, printer, 21 Lodge Chadwick John H., printer, 162 State Chadwick Lucy, widow, 162 State CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, City Hall Chamberlain John, sexton, Universalist Church, res. 66 Swan . Chambers John, hair-dresser, 106 Willett Chamberlain & Olmsted, Agents for N. Y. and Se­ neca Falls Line, and N. Y. and Genesee Valley Line, 43 Quay Chamberlain Lee, bds. Stanwix Hall Chambers David, Westerlo, above Hawk Chambers, widow, 360 Broadway Chambers William, grocer, 279 s. Pearl Champine Lewis, 71 Lumber Champlin J. D., 9 Lancaster Chandler Samuel T., grocer, 178 Broadway Chapin Lyman, merchant, 22, h. 105 State Chapin O. N. & Co., 97 Pier, h. 104 Green Chapman Henry E., boot and shoe maker, 48 Wash­ ington Chapman Peter, gardener, Lydius con. HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 93

Chapman William, grocer, 11 Lydius Chapman George M., 50 Chapel Chapman Charles, tobacconist, Aid. 7th Ward, 521 Broadway, h. 278 Broadway Chapman John, carpenter, 10 Catharine Chapman Isaac A., merchant, 5 State, residence 50 Chapel Chapman John W., 81 Quay, h. 10 Quackenbush Chapman Levi, coroner, 50 Chapel Chapman William & Son, merchants, 81 Quay, h. 24 Broad Charles Thomas, butcher, stall 130 Broadway, h. 397 State Charles D. D. T. (Van Heusen & Co.) crockery dealers, 62 State, res. 176 s. Pearl Charles George, 176 s. Pearl Charles George, jr. butcher, 397 State Chase John W., moulder, 24 Van Zandt Chase Amasa, mason, 81 Lawrence Chase Samuel, 54 Water Chase Jabez, blacksmith, 23 Hawk Chase Sylvanus G., 18 Quackenbush Chase L. A. & Co., coffee and sjiice factory, 9 Ex­ change strtet (•base L. A., bds. 50 Division Chatfield T. F , 351 Schenectady turnpike Chatfield William, Schenectady turnpike Chatterson Joseph, merchant tailor, 310 Broadway, res. 61 Union Cheesbro & Elmendorf, coach makers, 25 Church Cheesebro Ebenezer G., coach makei, shop 25 Church, res. 81 Cheeney James M., printer, bds. 41 Philip Cherry Moses, sadler, 23 Rensselaer 94

Chestney James, 8 William Chestney James A., bds. 96 s. Pearl Chesnut William, 169 s. Pearl Chester Patrick, brewer, 73 s. Pearl Child Rebecca, teacher, 21 Park Childs Daniel, fruit dealer, 644 Broadway Chism Ebenezer, mason, 795 Broadway Chism J. D., shoemaker, 235 Lumber Christian David, 674 Broadway Christian Thomas, shoemaker, 163 Spring Christie John, 24 Broad Christie John A., 34 Hamilton Church Andrew J., 16 Third Churchill Petrus, 64 n. Pearl Churchill O., gunsmith, cor. Beaver and Green Churchill Alansing C, propiietor of Hudson street Temperance House, 10 and 12 Hudson Churchill Isaac, carpenter, 215 Jefferson CITY HOTEL, 23 Broadway CITY HALL, Eagle, fronting Washington CITY MARSHAL, City Hall CITY SURVEYOR, City Hall Clapp Rev. Wm. S., 47 Philip Clapp Elias, upholster, 87 Bleecker Clapp & McBain, builders, 68 Bleecker Clapp Ruel, builder, h. 95 Herkimer Clapper Africa, boatman, 55 De Witt Clark John, tin smith, 100 Washington Clark Samuel, bds. Townsend House Clark Stephen W., bds. City Hotel Clark Matthew, shoemaker, 33 Quay Clark J. S., 46 Quay, h. 7 Daniel Clark Edward, laborer, 212 s. Pearl Clark M. A., tailoress, 40 Green Clark Mrs. C, 4 Lydius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 95

Clark Lyman, dry goods, 410 Broadway, h. 12 Park Clark James, grocer, 686 Broadway Clark Nathaniel, provision store, 311 Washington Clark Eli C. & Co., lumber dealers, 120 Water, res. 69 Ten Broeck Clark Silas, bds. Townsend House Clark Jeremiah H., 49 Washington Clark Thomas, 40 Green Clark A. S., flour dealer, 46 Quay, res. 7 Daniels Clark Charles V., agent N. Y. and Utica line, 96 Pier, res. 99 Grand Clark Daniel P., boat inspector, 40 Fayette Clark Francis, carpenter, 44 Franklin Clark Hugh, mason, rear 117 Broad Clark James, 737 Broadway Clark John, baker, 214 s. Pearl Clark John, cor. Chapel and Orange Clark John, carpenter, Lydius continued, corner Dove Clark John A., provision store, cor. Chapel and Orange, h. 57 Orange Clark Joseph, fruit dealer,79 State & 82 Washington Clark Josiah, 33 Hamilton Clark Lewis, auction and commission merchant, 4 Green, h. 55 Green Clark Mrs. Sally, 51 n. Lansing Clark Patrick, grocer, corner Maiden Lane and Lodge Clark John C, shoemaker, 24 Howard Clark William, tinman, 24 John Clark Thomas, 119 Canal Clark Thomas L., Mineral Spring Garden,58 Ferry Clark Thomas, 88 Orange Clark James J., coach-lace maker, 16 Park Clark William, tinman, 2 Eagle 96 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Clark Denman, physician, 47 Union Clark John .T, supt. R. R. bds. Eagle Tavern] Clark W. W., bds. Carlton House Clark Marshal J., bds. Churchill's Clark John, laborer, 99 Canal Clark Thomas, tinman, 88 Orange Clarke Wm. cartman, 344 Lydius Clarke John S., stereotyper, 17 Park Clarke Michael, tea, wine and provision dealer, cor. Pine and Lodge, h. 17 Lodge Clarkson Matthew, confectioner, 98 State Classen II. distiller, 842, Broadway Claudius Julia, tailoress, 50 Church Clawson Robert, 99 Knox Clear Patrick, laborer, 63 Fulton Cleary Daniel, laborer, 69 Rensselaer Cleary Thomas, shoemaker, 716 Broadway Clement Henry A., cabinet maker, 168 Hudson demons George, livery stable, Howard, bds, Franklin House Clemshire John, carpenter, 33 Second, Arbor Hill Clemshire William, cabinet-maker, 107 Second, Ar­ bor Hill Clench, family of Benjamin, Patroon continued Clendenning Wm., saddler, 2 Water, h. 62 Clifton Charles, cutler, 30 Green Cliker Francis, carpenter, 10 High Cliker William, 825 Broadway Clinton Joseph, 5 Little Basin Clinton, widow, 41 Colonie Clonan Michael, laborer, 123 Water Closter Theodore, tailor, 52 Clinton Clow John E., tailor, 276 Washington Cluett John W., (WThitney and Cluett,) 82! Broadway Clute Peter R., shoemaker, 5 Grand HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 97

Olute Amelia, teacher, 7 Van Tromp Cluxton Matthew, 65 Arch Cluxton Matthew jr., Cherry Clyde Samuel, laborer, 58 Third, Arbor Hill Coates Charles, 14 Hudson, h. 76 Division Coates James, 132 Lydius Coats John, farmer, 301 Washington Coats W. I., bds. Churchill's Cobb Elijah, flour and commission merchant, 116 Pier, res. 89 Church Cobb Sanford, bds. City Hotel Cobb William, 192 Washington-street Furnace, h, 188 Coburn Peter, 341 State Coburn Thomas, 126 Spring Coburn Mrs. Thomas, 126 Spring Coburn Robert, painter, 152, Spring Cochrane Mrs. Ellen, 92 Hudson Cochrane Michael, 32 Rensselaer Cockburn Alexander, laborer, 407 State Cockburn Ely, laborer, 407 State Cody Michael, butcher, 57 Van Schaick Coffee James, 15 Quackenbush Coffee William F., lumber dealer, office cor. Quack­ enbush and Water, h. 15 Quackenbush Goggle Benson, janitor Albany Female Academy, n. Pearl Cogswell, widow Smith, 21 Fayette Cogswell George II., dealer in paper, &c, 21 Fay­ ette Cogswell Mason F., physician, office 29 n. Pearl Cohen Jacob and Isaac, merchants, 74 s. Pearl Colborn Peter, morocco manufacturer, Arch, cor. Dallius, h. 32 Ferry Colborn & Jones, lumber dealers, cor. Water and Lawrence 98 Colborn Ephraim, 17 Ferry Colborn Daniel K., lumber dealer, h. 68 Patroon Cole, widow Frederick W., 55 Maiden Lane Cole Wm. K., 55 Maiden Lane Cole Matthew, 52 i Philip Cole John, attorney, &c. 442 Broadway, h. 144 n. Pearl Cole & Shuster, merchants, 346 Broadway Cole John O., police justice, 144 n. Pearl Cole, widow Jane, 55 Lydius Cole Charles H., 8 State, h. 171 Lumber Cole Jacob, 336 Washington, north branch Coleman Patrick, 31 Van Zandt Coleman Thomas, painter, 241 Lumber Coleman Henry, cabinet maker, 97 State, res. 19 Lodge Coleman Walter, mason, 118 Spring Coleman John, moulder, 128 Orange Coleman John, carpenter, 67 Fulton Coley James, 3 High Coley Philander, Superintendent Southern District, 441 Lydius near Lark Colmay Christopher, grocer, 53 First, Arbor Hill Colinburgh Edward, furrier, 46 Patroon Collier Jason, piano forte tuner, 48 Philip Collier John A. & Sons, (Henry M. & James H.) attorneys, &c, 480 Baoadway Collier John A., res. Miss Fitch Collier Henry M., res. Miss Fitch Collins James, 32 Wilson Collins Robert, butcher, 23 Lodge Collins Thomas, laborer, 30 Clinton Collins John, laborer, 190 Broadway Collins Patrick, laborer, 42 Canal Collins James, laborer, 42 n. Lansing Collins Bryan, locksmith, 59 n. Lansing DIRECTORY. 99

Collins E. D., Railroad, 58 Montgomery Collins Cornelius, baker, 71 s. Pearl Collins Francis, 14 Van Zandt Colmay Patrick, grocer, 34 Canal Colros Jacob, 33 Fayette Colt Joseph S., attorney, &c, commissioner of deeds for the State of Massachusetts, 92 State, res. 192 State Colter James, cartman, 63 Colonie Colton Matthew, laborer, 351 Washington, n. b. Colvin (Andrew J.) & James, (Thomas D.) attor­ neys, &c, 66 State Colvin Andrew J., district attorney, &c, 73 Ferry Colvin Henry J., attorney, &c, res. near s. Rail­ road Colvin, widow James, near s. Railroad Combe William, brewer, (J8 Ferry Combs James M., tailor, 32 Hamilton COMMISSIONER IN BANKRUPTCY, R. J. Hilton, office 50 State Comfort Richard, brewer, 157 Green COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, State Hall Comstock Andrew, 59 Washington Comstock Isaac N., 59 Washington Comstock Alexander C, 59 Washington Comstock & Son, proprietors Stanwix Hall, 491 Broadway Comstock E. & Co., Agricultural Warehouse, 23 Dean Condon James, dyer, &c, 36 Orange Condon William, butcher, Schenectady turnpike Cone Abraham, pedler, 83 Ferry Cone Henry R., 151 Hamilton Cone Solomon, teacher, 151 Hamilton Conger M'Kinney, 33 Van Schaick Conkling Joseph, carpenter, 32 Westerlo 100

Conkling Charles, 142 Broadway Conkling Isaac, 56 Second, Arbor Hill Conkling Josiah, blacksmith, 69 s. Lansing Conkling Aaron, blacksmith, 91 Eagle Conkling T. & A. blacksmiths, 89 Green Conkling G., shoe and leather dealer, 22 Dean Conkling J. P., bds. Delavan Conlan James, laborer, 8 Colonie Conlan Patrick, laborer, 11 Spring Conlan Patrick, widow, 49 Jackson Conlis John, shoemaker, 17 Lumber Conine Philip, mason, cor. Eagle and Elm Connaughton James, 12 Colonie CONNECTICUT COMMISSIONER, (11. J. Hilton,) 50 State Connell Thomas, carpenter, 43 Water Connell James, laborer, 3 Bleecker Connelly John, fringe and tassel maker,502 Broad­ way Connelly Thomas, tailor, 186 Broadway Connelly Frederick, 8 Steuben Connelly Edward, 135 Church Connelly Martin, 167 Green Connelly John, 187 Orange Connelly James, laborer, 136 Jefferson Connelly John, furrier, 22 Canal Connelly John, mason, 27 William Connelly Peter, 15 Lumber, cor. Centre Connelly, widow Catharine, 175 Orange Connelly William, draper and tailor, 423 Broad­ way, 5 Dean Conner Barney, 111 Canal Conner Michael, 75 Canal Conner Matthew, 75 Canal Conner Peter, laborer, 53 Van Schaick Conner Wm. laborer, 61 Fulton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 101 Conner Ann, widow, 360 Lydius Conner Joseph, mason, 360 Lydius Conner Patrick, Westerlo, to. Eagle Conners Daniel, laborer, 184 Montgomery Coniff M., grocer, 235 Broadway Conrad Peter, gardner, 51 Fayette Connick John, lumber inspector, Pier, h. 48 High Connick Patrick, 50 High Conover Abel, teamster, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Conover Nicholas, stove mounter, 37 Steuben Conroy John, Elm Tree Saloon, cor. State and n. Pearl Conroy, Rev. John J., pastor St. Joseph's Church, res. 103 Colonie Constanboom Simon, pedler, 100 Nucella Constanboom Moses, pedler, 198 Broad Constanboom Nathan, pedler, 171 Broad Conroy, Stephen, furrier, 55 Howard Converse Jared S.,48 Lawrence Conway widow. 38 n. Pearl Conway Michael, laborer, 89 Van Woert Conway Arthur, 39 Van Zandt Conway Edward, laborer, 152 Montgomery Conway Michael, mason, 12 Jefferson Coogan, Mrs. Mary, 670 Broadway Cook Asher, grocer, 31 Division, res. 23 Westerlo Cook Anna D., widow, 56 Westerlo Cook Giles, 49 Washington Cook Hobart P. typefounder, 104 Hawk Cook, widow Harriet, 289 State Cook John, blacksmith, 93 Second Cook Joseph, 36 s. Pearl Cook (William J.) & Wing (Albert) grocers, 12 State Cook William J., 43 Philip 102 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Cook John, bookbinder, 205 State Cook John, Bowling Saloon, 164 State Cook Hiram A., 21 Spring Cook Thomas, shoemaker, 170 s. Pearl Cook Mrs., millinery, 36 s. Pearl Cook Michael, shoemaker, 257 s. Pearl Cook John, mason, 100 Washington Cook Geo. shoemaker, 109 Washington Cook Alanson, printer, cor. State and n. Pearl fa. 21 Jay Cooke Thomas jr., bds. Am. Hotel Cooke George, M. D., Lock Hospital, 3 Norton, bds. Stanwix Hall Cooley Calvin, lumber dealer, 191 Water Cooley James Lewis, 441 Lydius Coon Jeremiah J., mason, 204 State Cooney Michael, draper and tailor, 485 Broadway. res. 25 Columbia Cooney William, Exchange clothing store, 323 Market, res. 37 Rensselaer Cooney Barney, 55 Canal Cooper John, tailor, Westerlo, w. Eagle Cooper Richard, moulder, 41 n. Lansing Cooper J. & W. W. shoe store, 25 s. Pearl Cooper Heber T., cabinet maker, 31 First, Arbor Hill Cooper William, 3 Pine Cooper W. W., basement Albany Academy Cooper David M., engraver, 175 Hamilton Cooper John T., office and h. 134 State Cooper [Margaret, widow of Charles D., 22 Pine Cooper James, Steward of Albany Academy, res. in basement of Academy Cooper Aaron _, waiter, 262 Lydius Cope James, laborer, 17 Quackenbush Copeman Chas. brickmaker, 115 Knox 103

Copp N. P.,76 State Copp & Curtis, dry goods, 76 State Copp Godfrey, laborer, 39 Clinton Corbet, widow of Waldo, 66 Westerlo Corbett Elijah, 54 s. Lansing Corbit Charles, printer, 393 Lydius Corbitt Hamilton, pedler, 96 Colonie Corbiere William A., dealer in carpeting and oil cloths, 548 Broadway, h. 66 Columbia Corbiere Wm. accountant, 64 Patroon Corbitt , 10 Cross Cordell Charles Z , 21 Hamilton Cordell Elizabeth, 3 Union Cordell John, 181 Orange Corgin John, 99 Eagle Cork Charles, 282 s. Pearl Corkill, widow James, 70 Fulton Corkran Dennis, laborer, 7 Lawrence court Corkran Lawrence, laborer, 350 State Corliss Roswell B., painter, 22 Park Corliss and Hutchins, painters, 48*. Pearl Corker Joseph, 7 Bakers court n. Ferry Corland, 78 Arch Cornell Levi, victualler and justice of peace, cor. Herkimer and s. Pearl, h. two doors below s. railroad Corning Erastus, 102 State Corning E. & Co., (Erastus C., James Horner,& G. C. Davidson,) dealers in hardware 451 and 453 Broadway Cornock Joseph, carpenter, 164 Orange Cornwell William, carpenter, 44 Eagle Cornwall William A., attorney, &c, 3 n. Pearl Corrigan Edward, laborer, 42 Colonie Corrigan Edward, furnaceman, 150 Franklin Corrigan Owen, shoemaker, 4 Lydius 104 Corrigan Michael, laborer, 47 Van Schaick Corrigan John, 100 Pier Corriston James, fruit store, 126 Washington Cory George F., 64 Fulton Cory James H., res. Cornucopia Cosby Arnold 15 Lodge Cosgrave Michael, gardener, Washington s. b. Cosgrave James, 99 Canal Cosgrave Patrick, 134 Broad Costello John, 74 Van Woert Costello Thomas, blacksmith, cor. Second and Swan Costello John, 74 Van Woert Costigan William, stone cutter, 32 Rensselaer Costigan James, tailor, 64 Rensselaer Costigan John, wholesale and retail grocer, 106 and 108 Orange, h. 14 Cross • Cotrell Joshua G., hat and cap store, 400 Broadway, h. 52 Jay Cotrell William, 109 Water Cotter James, laborer, 360 Lydius Cotter Oliver, grocer, 42 Canal Cotton Michael H., grocer, 230 Broadway Couch John, grocer, cor. Washington and Snipe Coughlen Edward, grocer, 24 Quay Coughlen Patrick, laborer, 112 Canal Coughlen Timothy, boatman, rear 37 Liberty Coughlen Patrick, laborer, 245 Brodway Coughlin John, laborer, 46 Liberty Coughtry William D., store 93 Pier, house 82 s. Pearl Coughtry Arthur H.,'clerk of post-office, residence 32 Grand Coughtry, widow, 140 s. Pearl Coughtry William, 109 Lydius Coughtry Joseph, 317 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 105

Coulson Thomas, glue and glass paper manufactu­ rer, 29 Dove Coulson Thomas, jr., glue manufactory and resi­ dence, Schenectady turnpike Coulter Steward, cartman, 59 n. Lansing Coulter Matthew, cartman, 81 Broad Coulter William, laborer, 25 Canal COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, City Hall COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, City Hall Courter Miss Ann, milliner, 47 Washington Courtnay Peter I., 125 Canal Courtney Robert, res. 50 Dallius Courtney Joseph, grocer, cor. Dallius and John Courtright E.M., carpenter, 15 Dallius Courtright Peter, 10 Jefferson Courtright Joseph, boot and shoe dealer, 166 Hud­ son, h. 18 Green Couse Catharine, 215 s. Pearl Couse Miss Catharine, 265 s. Pearl Couse Miss Charity, 209 Green Covert Hoffman, 103 Patroon Covert Abraham, leather and findings, 664 Broad­ way, h. 22 Van Schaick Cowell Edward, turner, 62 Second, Arbor Hill Cowell & Young, grocers, 58 Green Cowell Royal, grocer and dealer in oysters, fish, &c, 263 Broadway Cowell Robert, 56 Green Cowell (Walter H. & C.) res. 42 Liberty Cowley Thomas, carpenter, 179 Spring Cowieson Adam, blacksmith, 84 Canal Cox Peter, iv. end Van Woert Cox Robert, 48 Church Cox Abraham J., 72 Lawrence Cox Dr. James, physician and surgeon, 233 Broad- wav 106 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY .

Coy Catherine, tailoress, 68 s. Pearl Coyle Paul, 150 n. Pearl Coyle Patrick, laborer, 140 s. Pearl Coyle Terence, grocer, 13 Columbia Coyle Cornelius, pedler, 40 n. Lansing Coyle Terance, grocer, 29 Water Coyle Patrick, bung turner, 9 s. Lansing Cozzens George H., turner, 62 Jackson Cozzins William, carpenter, 52 Orange Craft William, shoemaker, 215 Lumber Craft B. F., commission merchant, 114 Pier, h. 48 Steuben Craig Daniel H., 42 Lawrence Craig W. H., cor. Green and Hudson Craig Daniel H., 42 Lawrence Craig Samuel, mason, 89 Third, Arbor Hill Craigin A. II., 5 Douws' Buildings, bds. 66 Chapel Crall John, 78 Bassett Crampton Thomas, tailor, 1 Lawrence Court Cramer Patrick, grocer, Arch, cor. Green Crane Jeremiah, Van Woert, w. e. Crane, widow of H. H., 88 Hudson Crane Robert, shoemaker, 38 s. Lansing Crane, widow Elisha, 125 Hamilton Crane Henry D., 5 Chapel Crane William, 46 Lydius Crannell Henry, 22 Quackenbush Crannell Matthew, hair-dresser, basement Franklin House, h. 28 Lodge Crannell John W., 71 Westerlo Crannell Matthew jr., plane maker, 190 Hamilton Crannel William W., jr., hair dresser, cor. Deen and Steuben Crapo John M., 68 Hudson Crapo Seth, dry goods merchant, 354 Broadway,h. 68 Hudson DIRECTORY 107

Crapo William & Co., wholesale grocers, 17 State, cor. Dean Crapo William, 28 Plain Crapo C. V. bds. 28 Plain Craven Matthew,45 Liberty Crawford 11. B., produce dealer, 65 Quay, h. 204 Hamilton Crawford Robert, cartman, 140 Green Crawford Archibald, 35 Hamilton Crear, widow Hannah, 124 Jefferson Crear William A., weaver, Herkimer, . Swan Crear W. A., 73 Cherry Cremer Richard II., Lark near Willett Cresman Casper, 23 Alexander Creswell Mrs. Sarah, 12 s. Pearl Crew John L., teller in Canal Bank, h. 55 Divi­ sion Crew John T., jeweller, 40 State (up stairs) h. 133 Lydius Cringan James, laborer, 61 n. Lansing Crippen Amos, teamster, 83 Washington Crocker Nathaniel, 40 Chapel Crocker George L., livery stable, Steuben, house 40 Chapel Crocker Mason I., blacksmith, 17 Ferry Crocker James C, 778 Broadway Crocker Frederick, 51 Montgomery Crocker Ansel, cartman, 50 Water Cromwell Stephen, 160 Washington Cromwell, Adam, 135 Washington Cromwell George J., 79 Schuyler Cronnvell Peter W., barber, 401 Patroon Cronan John, tailor, 41 Water Cronley Philip, laborer, 126 Water Crook Thomas P., merchant, 9 State, res. 160 Ly­ dius 108

Crook George, Carpenter, Liberty Crosby Alonzo, 15 Jay Cross Joseph R., 67 Beaver Cross, widow, 72 Liberty Cross Perley, 24 Ferry Cross Henry, 103 Knox Crossle Mrs. 7 n. Pearl Croswell (Edwin and Sherman) proprietors of the Albany Argus, Exchange Building Croswell Edwin, 31 Elk Croswell Sherman, 31 Elk Crotty Patrick, 139 Broad Crough Patrick, 116 Green Crounse Henry, 80 Washington Crounse Conrad, 30 Spring Crow William, tailor, 20S s. Pearl Crowell John, bds. Franklin House Crowley John, shoemaker, 51 Church Crowley John, jr., 5 Dove Crudden Daniel, butcher, 6 William Cruise Morris, shoemaker, 16 s. Lansing CrummieJohn, furrier, 78 Colonie Cuffs John, moulder, 65 Broadway Cullen Daniel, laborer, 95 Schuyler Cullen Ralph, tailor, 73 Colonie Cullen William, cor. Greene and Rensselaer Cullen Patrick, shoemaker, 5 n. Lansing Cullen George, 183 Montgomery Cullen John carpenter 142 Jefferson Cullings Alexander, 55 First Cumer Lyman G., 93 Beaver Cumming William, 187 Washington Cumming John, 187 Washington Cumming Alexander, flour store, at 187 Washing ton Cumming James, 187 Washington HOFFMANN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 109

Cumming, widow Margaret, 1S7 Washington Cummings John, mason, Delaware turnpike Cummings George, grocer, cor. Division and Un­ ion Cummings Joseph, laborer, 8 s. Lansing Cummings Michael, 141 Church Cunliff Simon, blacksmith, cor. Steuben and Water Cunningham George, brickmaker, rear 220 State Cunningham Samuel, well borer, 97 Nucella Cunningham James, rear 145 Broad Cunningham Ichabod, carpenter, shop 90 Bleecker, h. 130 Lydius Cunningham William, hatter, 66 Canal Cunningham Michael, tailor, 3 Chesnut Cunningham Andrew, mason, 63 Grand Cunningham Michael, laborer, 114 Canal Cunningham John, 63 Arch Cunningham Samuel, laborer, 84 Water Cure Peter, weigher and measurer, 41 Philip Cureton John L., brass-founder, 27 William Curly James, 181 Montgomery Curran H. D.,agent for J. G. White, 211, Broad­ way, h. 206 Curran Patrick, laborer, 40 n. Lansing Curran John, 385 Stale, Curran John, 3 Lawrence Court Curnan John, 388 State Curran Murtick, laborer, 40 Franklin Curran Patrick, laborer, 158 Jefferson Curry Dennis, 56 Lawrence Curry F., bds. Delavan Curtin Bartholomew, cartman, Westerlo, near Dove Curtis William, pedler, 101 Green Curtis Samuel, 41 Dallius Curtiss Daniel, pewterer and bellfounder,23 Church, h. 132 Green K 110 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Curtiss Joseph, pewterer-, 136 Green Cusack Martin, hatter, 332 Broad vay Cushman Charles, 102 Water Cushman Paul, (C. . Co.) house cor. Chestnut & Hawk Cushman & Co., merchants, 20 & 22 State Cushman William M., corner Hawk & Chestnut Cushman R. S., 20 State, h. cor. Hawk & Chesnut Cussick John, shoemaker, 52 Orange Cutler Leyden, 81 Cherry Cutler T. A., bds. Carlton House Ostler M. L., bds. Carlton House Cutler John jr., cartman, 57 Second Cutler Benjamin, laborer, 78 Cherry Cutler John N., watchmaker, 48 Green Cutler John N., pharmaceutist and druggist, 44 State, res. 26 Division Cutler Stephen, 50 Spring Cutler Lyman, laborer, 98 Water Cuyler Cornelius J., 128 Green Cuyler George, (P. & C.) 12 Liberty Cuyler, widow of John, 810 Broadway Cuyler John, 59 Colonie


DAGARIN JEREMIAH, 177 Montgomery Daley J. S., 81 Church Daley Geo. W. & Co., forwarding merchants, 97 Pier Daley Geo. W., res. 92 Green Dailey Robert, bone dealer, 10 Clinton Dailey Michael, 145 Broad Daily James, laborer, 98 Water Daily Jeremiah, butcher, 57 Howard HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Ill

Daily John, laborer, 18 Van Zandt Daily, widow, 52 Rensselaer Daily Patrick, 114 Canal Daily Michael, 85 Bleecker Dailey Owens, stone cutter, 48 Dallius Dailey Patrick, laborer, 77 Schuyler Dale William A. Tweed, 173 Lydius Dalton William, lumber dealer, 13 Ten Broeck Dalton, widow, 55 Beaver Dalton Hiram, waiter, 162 Spring Dana John, stone-cutter, 57 Church Dangel Andrew, barber, 236 Broadway Daniel Spencer, 66 State, bds. 13 Daniels Daniels Thomas, carpenter, shop cor. Lydius and Church, h. 76 Canal Daniels Warner, office and house 13 Daniels Dare Samuel, 31 Division Darling, widow, Wm. 81 Hamilton Darlington J. S., bds. Eagle Tavern Danty Wm. Chandler, 23 Van Schaack Dater J. H., bds. American Dash John, moulder, 104 Broad Dash Conrad, 53 Fayette Daveline Edward, 155 Jefferson Davey Ann, 69 Maiden Lane Davey William, bricklayer, 162 Hudson Davidson (Alex.) & Viele, (Maurice E.) hardware merchants, 50 State Davidson Christiana, 7 Van Tromp Davidson John M'B., 40 Beaver Davidson Miss, milliner, 46 Hudson Davidson George, printer, 68 Second, Arbor Hill Davidson, widow Anna, 40 Beaver Davidson Alexander, 202 Lydius Davidson Gilbert C, 40 Beaver Davidson Robert, carriage-maker, 51 Lawrence 112 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Davidson Samuel, 166 Orange Davis Isaac, porter-house, 274 Broadway Davis Nathaniel, 54 W.sterlo Davis Joseph, dealer in paints, oil, drugs. &c. 78 State, h. 57 Columbia Davis Abner, lumber dealer, office Water, near Ca­ nal Lock, res. 755 Broadway Davis Wrilliam, 7:^ Patroon Davis Charles, 42 Orange Davis Daniel S., 29 Westerlo Davis (D. & Philleo L ) tobacconists, corner Church and Lydius Davis J."L. G ,72 Patroon Davis James, baker, 69 and 71 s. Pearl Davis William, (W. & D.) res. 153 Hamilton Davis Margaret Ann, 126 Orange Davis John C, grocer, 28,'J. Broadwav, house . . Elm Davis Samuel, briek maker, Westerlo w. Swan Davis John, (hy gootls, 388 Broadway, house 755 Broadway Davis James N. moulder, 93 Church Davis William, shoemaker, 62 Rensselaer Davis (John) & Rhoades (Julius) attorneys, &c,, 8 Exchange buildings, 1st floor Davis William If., dry gooils, 396 Broadway, h. 755 Broadway Davis John, attorney, "&c. 12S Hamilton Davis Joseph, 2d, 78 State, h. 13 Beaver Davis George, 8 Dewitt Davis N., jr., 54 Westerlo Davison Andrew, 252 Washington Davison 15. C , sexton, rear,*. Pearl Baptist Church Davison John M., register in chancery, 44 Chapel Davyr Thomas, printer 211 Jefferson Day Eliza Ann, tailorcss; rear, 11 Van Tromp HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 113

Day Cornelius, tailor, 99 Third, Arbor Hill Dayton James C. keeper Dayton House, 250 and 252 Broadway Dayton Chas. bds. Dayton House Deal Wm. moulder, Westerlo w. Swan Dean and Newland, attorneys, &c, Commercial Buildings Dean Amos, attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, res. 77 Ten Broeck, Dean M. 15., shoe store, 401 Broadway Dean Dr. Noah S., botanic dispensary and bathing house, 19 Norton Dean Oliver, bds. 76 Eagle Debaile Henry, waiter, 14.2 Hudson Dearstine Abraham, carpenter, 59 s. Lansing Decker J. II., provision store, 696 Broadway Debois John, 14 John Dee Matthew, shoemaker, 101 Beaver Dee Matthew, moulder, rear 113 Beaver Deforest Jacob T., 13 Park Deforest Richard A. (T. & D.) 20 Quackenush Deforest Richard I., 51 Lydius Deforest Charles A., grocer, cor. Green and Hamil­ ton, res. 82 Green Deforest Curtis, grocer, 256 Broadway, bds. at Dayton House Defreest Abraham, cartman, 852 Broadway Defreest, widow Anna, 71 n. Lansing Defreest John, 99 Van Woert Defreest Wm. 98 Colonie De Groff John I., carpenter, 123 Lydius Degan Michael, 41 Dallius Deitz Jacob, 381 State Delamare Francis, carpenter, cor. Swan and Jeffer­ son 114

Delaney Patrick, machinist, rear 109 Beaver Delaney Edward, bds. Miss Carters Delaney Michael, moulder, 113 Beaver Delaney Michael, mason, 24 Jefferson Delaney Michael, laborer, 62 Lawrence Delavan Edward C, office Temperance Rooms Delamuck Peter, cabinet-maker, 3 Holmes Alley Delehant Andrew D., 112 Orange Delehant John, 75 Canal Delehanty John, 217 Broadway Delehanty John, stone-cutter, cor. Dallius and John Delehanty Michael, tin and coppersmith, shop 1 Green, h. cor Arch and Green Delehanty Daniel, grocer, cor. Arch and Green Delong Peter, teacher, 61 Lumber Demming, widow Francis, 190 Broadway Demming Martin, 26 Bleecker Dempsey Patrick, grocer, 48 Van Woert Demsey John, laborer, 58 n. Lansing Demsey John, grocer, cor. Van Zandt and Fulton Dennick Joseph, boatman, 176 Lumber Dennick Solomon, laborer, 403 State Dennis Francis, laborer, 78 Church Dennis , porter house, 94 Quay Dennison George, 39 Jefferson Denn son Samuel, 15 Daniels Dennison Stephen, 14 Van Zandt Dennison Hugh, shoe store, 371 s. Pearl, 169 Hud­ son Dennison William, cabinet-maker, 94 Second, Ar. Hill Denniston Gerrit V., attorney, &c, when in town, res. Westerlo, cor. Hawk Denniston Isaac, Westerlo, cor. Hawk Denniston John H., Westerlo, cor. Hawk Denniston Hugh, Westerlo, cor. Hawk HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 11-5

Denniston James, carpenter, 131 Lydius Dermody Henry, laborer, 25 First, Arbor Hill Dermody Thomas, cutler, 58 Arch Derrick Albert, painter, rear 268 Lydius Derrick James, painter, 9 Dallius Derrick William, painter, Westerlo, w. Swan Desmond Timothy H., furnaceman, 32 s. Lansing Deuell .1. W., student at law, 44 State Deuell Benjamin, 71 Beaver Devereaux James, grocer, 54 Colonie Dcvitt Ann, 75 Colonie Dewitt William H., dealer in lumber and staves, office 67 Pier, h. 745 Broadway Dewitt Richard Varick, 61 Hawk Dewitt, widow of Andrew, boarding house, 515 Broadway Dewitt Andrew, 264 Lydius Dexter James, attorney, &c, office and res. 33 Bea­ ver Dexter George, druggist and Apothecaries' Hall, 57 State, h. 8. n. Pearl Dexter Anthony, 59 Liberty Dexter Chester, moulder, 339 Lydius Dexter Jabez B., baker, 798 Broadway Dexter Chauncey, agent for Albany and Troy steamboat day line, foot of Hamilton, on the Pier, res. 38 Liberty Dexter Chauncey, livery stable, cor. Hamilton and Liberty Deyermand William & Co., manufacturers linseed oil, 13 Dean Deyermand & Young, merchants, 51 Quay Deyermand John, (D. & Y.) 51 Quay, house 21 Columbia Deyermand W. G , (W. & D.) Congress Hall Deyermand John, baker, 64 Union 116 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Deyermand James, baker, 94 Swan, Arbor Hill Deyermand, widow Elizabeth, 4 Eagle, s. Canal Deyo Henry, 89 Franklin Deyo David jr., carpenter, shop and residence 101 Patroon Deyo David H., 15 Chapel Diamond & Hoes, dry goods, 58 State Diamond P. H., 58 State Diamond William, bds. 7 Plain Diamond William M., dry goods, 32 s. Pearl, res. 14 Jay Diamond Thomas, carpenter, 14 Jay Dibble Silas T., Exchange office, 27 Maiden-Lane Dibble Joseph, night scavenger, 8 Clinton Dick Jenny, fruit cellar, basement, cor. Hudson and Green Dickie John H., dry goods, 336 Broadway, house 6 Liberty Dickey Catharine, widow, 18 High Dickerman Hezekiah, dry goods, 55 Washington Dickerman Joel R., stone-cutter, shop cor. Wester­ lo and Green, h. 208 Lydius Dickinson Isaac, 26 Wilson Dickinson Wm., farmer, 95 Knox Dickinson John, farmer, Lydius continued Dickson John K., 829 Broadway Dickson James, slater, shop 44 Lodge, house 51 Howard Dickson Hugh, hat and cap warehouse, 52 J State bds. at Mrs. Buel's Diell John, barber, 23 Daniels Digman James, 25 Lodge Dillingham Charles W., weigher and measurer, rail­ road, near Broadway Dillon John B., painter, 12 Orange Dillon John, rear, 188 Montgomery HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 117

Dillon Patrick, 12 Orange Dillon James, 149 Broad Dillon, widow of Charles, 132 s. Pearl Dillon Patrick, 140 Lydius Dillon John, 115 Broad - Dillon Christopher, laborer^ 61 Van Woert Dillow Richard, cabinet-maker, 27 First Dinga! John, moulder, 93 Gansevoort Dingman Jacob, teamster, 344 Washington Dingman Jacob M., 275 Washington D:sney John, sail maker, 65 Quay, up stairs 183 Hamilton Dispecker Moses, pedler, 146 Broad DISTRICT SCHOOL, NO. 2, 218 State Diver Henry, teamster, 297 Washington Dix Joshua G., boot and shoe store, 404 Broadway Dix Perry, clothing store, 403 Broadway, h. 579 Broadway Dix Samuel, laborer, 16 J Clinton Dixon John, marble works, cor. Lodge, and res. 36 Howard Dobbs Thomas, machinist, 4 Phcenix Place, w. Eagle Dobf Andrew, musician, 252 Washington Dodge Catharine, boarding house, 86 Beaver Dodge Wm. I. & Wm. J.,'Attorneys &c. 9 Douw's buildings Dodge Amos, police constable, 80 Beaver Dodge William J., attorney, &c, 57 s. Pearl •Dedy James, buck maker, 115 Broad Dolan Owen, laborer, 11 Fayette Dolan Patrick, laborer, 66 Swan Dolan Patrick, grocer, 22 Quay Dolan James, laborer, 36 Canal- Dolan Michael, 30 Clinton Doland John, painter, 148 Jefferson 118

Dollar Robert G., 135 Eagle Dommery William, laborer, rear 140 Broad Don John, 112 Orange Don Patrick, mason, 12 Jefferson Don William, tailor, 20| Second Don Peter C, carriage maker, 90 Green, res. Wes­ terlo, „. Eagle Donald James, bds. Pearl-street House Donehue John, grocer, cor. Chapel & Van Schaack Donehue Wm. laborer, 5 Chestnut Alley Donehue, widow, 3 Hawk Donehue James, 15 Columbia Donehue Bernard, laborer, 71 Colonie Donehue, widow Elizabeth, 709 Broadway Donnahoo Edward, 8 Dove Donnegan Dennis, laborer, 75 Arch Donnegan Owen, baker, 33 Rensselaer Donnelly Patrick, shoemaker, 43 Van Schaack Donnelly Patrick, cooper, 88 Arch Donnelly Edward, laborer, 163 Orange Donnelly Patrick, laborer, 3 Chestnut, near State Donnelly Francis, 112 Quay Donnelly Edward, 106 Quay Donnelly James, 211 Lumber Donnelly Peter, furrier, rear 14 Clinton Donnelly Daniel, laborer, cor. Swan and Patroon Donovan John, 233 n. Pearl Donovan John, mason, 141 Church Donovan Michael, saddler,, 53 Dallius Donovan Ellen, 32h Howard Donovan Patrick, laborer, 218 Broadway Donovan Randall, 332 Washington s. b. Dooley Richard, grocer, 88 Quay Dooner Thomas, 8 Van Woert Doolittle E. A., attorney, &c, 83 State, res. 28 Spring 119 Doolittle Norman G., 11 Liberty Doras William, laborer, 134 Broad Doren William, waiter, 52 Fayette Dorgan, widow, 66 Arch Dorr & Englehart, commission merchants, 43 Quay Dorr Alfred, 315 Lydius Dorr Elisha, merchant tailor, 399 Broadway, res. 315 Lydius Dorr Edmund, alderman tenth ward, 315 Lydius Dorrance Michael, laborer, 8 Morton Doud Thomas, paver, 40 Canal Doud Thomas, Washington, s. b. Douge Michael, barber, 100 Franklin Dougherty Robert, tailor, 226 n. Pearl Douglas, widow Margaret, boarding-house, 26 Maiden Lane Douglass George, dentist, 31 Dallius Douglass James, (O. & D.) 348 Broadway Douglass Ann, widow of Robert, Quay Douglass Major, bds. Delavan Douglass James, laborer, 312 Washington, s. b. Douling William, tailor, 34 Rensselaer Doves Thomas, 61 Chapel Douw John D. P., office Douw's buildings, res. 107 State Douw Volkert P., office 1 Douw's Buildings, res. Greenbush Douw, widow of J. D. P., 107 State Dow J. L., Western Hotel, 123 Pier Dowd Lawrence, 4 Hawk Dowd Henry N., 5 Montgomery Dowd John, grocer, 182 Water Dowd Richard, 9 Lydius Dowd William, 5 Montgomery Dowling Maria, Westerlo w. Swan 120 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Dowling Alice M., Westerlo to. Swan Downey Patrick, butcher, Washington w. Asylum Downie James, teacher, 336 Washington Downing George, brickmaker, 87 Orange Downing Jacob, 87 Orange Dowsett J., shoemaker, 204 Broadway Dowsett George, 42 Hamilton Dox Hamilton, 51 Spencer Dox Gerrit L., 51 Spencer Dox Peter G., 51 Spencer Doyle William, 242 Lydius Doyle John C, moulder, 125 Green Doyle Peter C, giocer, 158 s. Pearl Doyle Hugh, laborer, 69 Maiden Lane Doyle James, shoemaker, 254 s. Pearl Doyle Mary, 192 s. Pearl Doyle William, grocer, n. Feny Drain Mary, widow7, 60 Washington Dray Matthew, laborer, 75 Schuyler Drake, widow Ellen, 6 Wendell Drake David, segar maker, 45 Van Woert Driscoll Patrick, laborer, 184 Montgomery Drohan Martin, 18 Second Drummond, Miss, tailoress, 64 Hudson Drum Andrew, carpenter, 82 Maiden Lane Drum Nathaniel, laborer, 290 Washington Drum Peter, 64 n. Pearl Dryer Alanson, book keeper, 2 Norton Dubuc John, band box maker, 365 Broadway Dudley John E., 670 Broadway Dudley, widow of Charles E.,59 n. Pearl Dudley Catharine, 750 Broad.vay Duesler Daniel, tailor, 29| Green Duff Thomas, 71 Church Duff John A., First Ward Hotel, 307 s. Pearl Duffey Peter H., printer, 166 Jefferson 121 Duffey Edward, paver, Lydius con. Duffey Owen, rear of 87 Third Duffey Michael, laborer, 80 Arch Duffey Miss M., fancy dry goods, 498 Broadway Duffey James, printer, office corner Hamilton and Broadway, res. 31 Hamilton Duffey Owen, 180 Lumber, Arbor Hill Duffey James, shoemaker, 848 Broadway Dugan Thomas, 108 Arch Dugan Cornelius, laborer, 109 Broad Dugan James, laborer, 73 Schuyler Dugan Andrew, 126 Orange Dugan Daniel, rear 259 s. Pearl Duley, widow, 40 Canal Duley Henry, carpenter, 27 Lancaster Dunbar Alexander, 210 s. Pearl Dunbar John, pilot, 6 Eagle Dunbar Maria, 5 Ten Broeck Duncan Myron, laborer, 3 Bradford Duncan James, carpenter, 10 Daniels Duncan James, tailor, 19 Dallius Duncan Radcliff, tailor, 103 Hamilton Duncan Henry, tailor, 82 s. Pearl Duncan & Jackson, merchant tailors 387 Broad­ way Duncan James, shoemaker, 21 Quay Duncan, widow Susan, 48 Westerlo Dundan James, 14 Union Dundan William, 75 Broadway Dunden, widow, 223 Broadway Dunfee John, 5 Broad Dunham Oscar, boot and shoe dealer, 234 Broad­ way, h. 15 Lydius Dunlop Robert, office 28 Quay, h. Troy road three miles from the city Dunn James, tailor, 109 Hudson L 122 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Dunn Patiick, rear 94 Water Dunn Anthony, laborer, 14 Centre Dunn John, 95 Gansevoort Dunn Thomas, laborer, 703 Broadway Dunn Dennis, laborer, 31 Westerlo Dunn Thomas, 78 Hudson Dunn Joseph, gardener, rear 57 Montgomery Dunn Philip, jr., grocer, 323 Stale Dunn Philip, grocer, 365 State Dunn Christie, laborer, rear 45 Canal Dunn Charles, boatman, 34 Herkimer Dunn Lawrence, 122 Broad Dunn James, laborer, 22 Van Zandt Dunn Timothy, bds. Mansion House Dunn Joseph, carpenter, 49 Van Schaick Dunn John, 34 Canal Dunnigan Thomas, paver, 69 Van Woert Dunning Frederick, carpenter, 764 Broadway Dunster Oliver, cooper, 134 Orange Durant Edward A., merchant, 119 Pier, house 88 Green Durant Clark, 35 Quay, cor. Maiden Lane bds. Citv Hotel Durant, Lathrop & Co., merchants, 35 Quay Durant Charles W., 35 Quay, house 793 Broadway Durant Wm. C, flour merchant, 9 Hudson, h. 47 Steuben Durrie Joannah, widow of Horace, 44 Westerlo Durrie D. S., 51 Market, h. 44 Westerlo DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (First) n. Pearl DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (Middle) Beaver DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (South) Ferry Dutcher Egbert, bds. Dayton House Dutson Thomas, 180 Lydius Dwight A. F., (R. & D.,) bds. American Dwyer Thomas, 159 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 123

Dwyer Edmund, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Dwyer Timothy, 11 Baker's Court, n. Ferry Dwyer Dominick, shoemaker' 42 Arch Dwyer Patrick, Westerlo, w. Eagle Dwyer, widow, 125 Lydius Dwyer Fdmund, laborer, 18 Van Zandt Dwyer Michael, 5 Broad Dyer Gideon G., mason, 80 Spring Dyer Thomas, 12 Pier, bds. Lumber Exchange Dyer Quincy, sala;ratus factory, 61 Jackson, resi dence 64 Dyer & Bill, grocer, 56 Washington Dyer Stephen, carpenter, 111 Beaver

»/< li BACKER JOHN II., dealer in fancy and dry goods, 48S Broadway, res. 45 Steuben Eagan John, grocer, 99 Canal Eagan John, stone cutter, 11 Pine Eames Milo R., merchant, 80 Quay, h. 14 Van Tromp Early Patrick, laborer, 55 Canal Early widow, 55 Canal Earley Richard, 69 Maiden Lane Early Thomas, grocer, 44 Colonie Early Terrance, 105 Quay Earles Michael, painter, 76 Eagle Earley Thomas, 55 Canal Easterly James, grate factory, 29 Green, res. 96 Herkimer Easterly William, carpenter, 134 Lydius Easterly, widow of Martin, 96 Herkimer Easterly Thomas, sash maker, 115 s. Pearl Easton James T., Hermitage Hall, 25 Maiden Lane 124 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Easton Ephraim, 128 Orange Easton Charles P., 128 Orange Eaton Josiah, mason, 34 Clinton Easton Miss Betsey, milliner, 69 n. Pearl Eaton James W., mason, 182 Lydius Eaton Daniel O., 7 Union Eaton John E., Snipe Edge Samuel, shoemaker, 22 Orange Edgerton Ebenezer, painter, 105 Patroon Edgerton Henry, 20 Beaver Edgerton & Andrews, dry goods, 390 Broadway Edgerton W. S., painter, 105 Patroon Edgerton Robert, painter, 231 n. Pearl Edick Henry, printer, 55 Columbia Edinger John P., laborer, 2S9 State Eddy Joseph, farmer, 179 n. Pearl Edwards William, 87 Church Edwards Francis S., bds. Eagle tavern Edwards Charles,[saddler, &c, 637 Broadway Edwards J. & I., attorneys, &c, 46 State Edwards James, 42 n. Pearl Edwards Isaac, Delavan House Edwards Patrick, laborer, 47 Columbia Eels John, painter, 124 Spring Effner Nicholas F., carriage smith, 31 James, res 29 Canal Effner Abraham, coach maker, 87 Lydius Egan Mrs. Mary Ann, 72 Liberty Egan Patrick, laborer, 17 Lumber Egan Daniel, laborer, 17 Lumber Egan John, laborer, 39 Van Woert Egan John, furrier, 106 Orange Eggleston, Putnam & Co., brewers, 9 Dean Eggleston William, brewer, bds. Franklin House Eggleston John M., 33 Church Ehrich Joseph & Co , dry goods, 165 s. Pearl DIRECTORY. 125

Eights Jonathan, physician, office, 75 Columbia, h. 60 n. Pearl Eights James, res. 60 n. Pearl Eights Misses, 23 Columbia Elder George, grocer, cor. Water and Lumber Ellard, Eugene, tailor, 66 Canal Ellenson Nancy, rear 121 Arch Elliott William, 43 Van Schaick Elliott John, shoemaker, 14 Lydius Elliott Hugh, 15 Beaver Elliott John D., surveyor, 379 Lydius Elliott Harvey, 360 Washington Ellis William, 78 Third Ellis widow William, 624 Broadway Ellis William, carpenter, 162 Jefferson Ellis Edmund, boatman, 402 Lydius Ellison Andrew, civil engineer 496 Broadway, bds. Mansion House Ellison WT. S., civil engineer and patent agent, 56 State, bds. Delavan Ellilhorp S. B., hat & cap store, 373 Broadway Elmendorf John V. R., 331 State Elmendorf Harman W., coachmaker, 36 Herkimer Elmendorf Dr. P. E., apothecary and druggist cor. Broadway and Steuben, res. Cherry Hill Elmendorf John S., cabinet maker, 71 Lumber Elmendorf Peter, stove cleaner, 139 Swan Elton John T., Seneca Falls Line, 106 Pier Emery James, hair dresser, 136 Broadway Emerson William B., dry goods merchant, 384 Broadway, bds. Mrs. Pease's Emmons Ebenezer, state geologist, 159 Hudson Emslie William, tailor, 65 Hamilton ENGINE NO. 1, 50 Montgomery do 2, 43 Chapel do 3, attached to Alms-house 126 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

ENGINE NO. 4, 75 Grand do 5, cor. Washington and Lark do 6, cor. Hawk and Fayette do 7, 41 Hudson do 8, Market do 9, cor. Howard and Lodge do 10, Wilson do 11, 106 Arch do 12, Arbor Hill England George, laborer, Westerlo w. Swan Engle Jacob, boarding house, 164 Broadway Englehart widow Caroline, 92 Lydius Englehart George A. II., 92 Lydius English Robert, 30 Canal Ennis William, mason, Westerlo w. Eagle Ennis Thomas, 132 n. Pearl Enos Levi N., segar maker, 922 Broadway Enos James W. segar maker, 922 Broadway Enos Edward, laborer, 109 Canal Enos Margaret, widow, 922 Broadway Enright Cornelius, 3 Catharine Ensign Lewis, pilot, 62 Franklin Ensign Guy, sexton, Methodist Church, Ferry Ensminger John, grate-maker, rear 53 Fayette Epson Lewis, cartman, 43 Colonie Ertsberger William, 165 Lumber Ertsberger Christoper, 31 Union Ertsberger Christoper, cooper, 884 Broadway Erwin John, 91 Lydius Erwin Lavina, widow, 34 Eagle Erwin William II., dry goods, &c. 238 Washing­ ton Erwin Robert, grocer, 23 Lawrence Esmay Isaac, grocer and provision store, 28 Dean. h 16 Jay Estes D. C, bds, Columbian HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 127 Evans Robert, tailor, 103 s. Pearl, h. 60 Basset, near Green Evans Henry, shoemaker, 66 Swan Evans J. W. portrait painter, 101 Colonie Evans Lewis E. & Co., forwarding merchants, 94 Pier Everett Eldridge G., 696 Broadway Evers John, 253 s. Pearl Evers John, laborer, 109 Van Woert Evertsen A. T. 601 Broadway Evertsen E. stage office, 436 Broadway, bds. City Hotel Evertson Jacob, jr., agency and exchange office, 8 Exchange B., res. 823 Broadway Ewing Perry, 39 High Ewing Lawson, laborer, 33 Division Ewing Levi, carpenter, 2 s. Lansing, h. 70 Grand Ewing Henry E., bds. 70 Grand F

FAGAN PATRICK, laborer, 43 Dewitt Fagan Patrick, laborer, 192 Broadway Fagin widow, 112 Broadway Fairchild Hezekiah, fruit dealer, 14 Center Fairchild George, moulder, 27 Van Woert Fairchild M., attorney, &c, 496 Broadway, h. 18 Third Fairchild H. P., carpenter, 46 Patroon Fairchild Lewis D., 107 Green Fairchild William B., office 31 Quay, res. 66 *. Lansing Fairlie Rose widow, 75 Mulberry Falk George, 1S6 Broad Falk Jacob, shoemaker, 117 Arch 128 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Falke Henry, grocer 844 Broadway Fanning Charles, 33 Steuben Fanning Hiram, dealer in coal, 619 Broadway, r 591 Fanning Amos, 25 Franklin Fanyou Joseph, 20 Union Farnham Daniel, gardener, 131 Washington Farnham, widow Elizabeth, 93 Dallius Farnham Henry, boatman, 89 Third, Arbor Hill Farnham Henry H., carver, 96 Water Farnsworth, widow Lavina,4 Quackenbush Farrell Mrs. dress maker, 15 John Farrell John, 37 Liberty Farrell Patrick, waiter, 42 Canal Farrell Michael, 34 Canal Farrell Wm. 185 Montgomery Farrell James, laborer, 19 Clinton Farrell James, gardener, 41 Jackson Farrell John, grocer, 89 Quay Farrell Thomas, porter house, cor. Church and Ly dius Farrell Matthew, porter, 42 Canal Farley James, laborer, 104 Canal Farley Thomas, engineer, 195 Hamilton Farren Patrick, 36 Van Schaick Farren Richard, 157 Jefferson Farren Dennis, laborer, rear 36 Van Schaick Farren Barney, 167 Orange Farrenbank Francis, Delaware Turnpike Farrol Patrick, 11 Clinton Farrey Owen, waiter, 14 Bleecker Fassett Benjamin, 16 Daniels Fassett William N., 47 Pier, res. 209 State Fassett Amos, 209 State Fassett, widow Timothy, 25 Patroon Fassett Asa, 209 State Fassett Chas. A., 37 Pier, res. 25 Patroois HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 129

Fatterly George, carpenter, 306 s. Pearl Faulder Thos. C, piano maker, 51 Maiden Lane Faust Philip, moulder, 110 Broad Fay Henry B., physician, cor. n. Pearl and State Fay Heman Allen, h. and office 71 Second, Arbor Hill Fay John, 201 Broadway Faulker Misses, 130 State Fayle Thomas, 126 Broad Fealy Thomas, moulder, corner Rensselaer and Church Fealy William, laborer, 226 Jefferson Fealy John, teamster, 113 Knox Feary Joseph, 56 Chapel Feary Thomas, shoemaker, 651 Broadway Feary Thomas, shoemaker, 56 Chapel Featherly Jacob, boatman, 95 Bassett Featherly Jacob, 27 Montgomery Featherly John, butcher, 8 William Featherly Jacob, 26 Howard Featherstone Joseph, mason, 40 Water Featherstone Martin, mason, 22 Canal Feely William, 75 Rensselaer Feeny Martin, grocer, 84 Quay Feeny MichaeJ, shoemaker, 64 Green Feeny Michael, gardener, Delaware turnpike Feeny Michael, shoemaker, 83i Quay Feeny John, laborer, 132 n. Pearl Feeny Michael, jr. Delaware turnpike Fegan Patrick, porter house, 76 Westerlo Feheley Michael, laborer, 82 Lumber Fenner Elizabeth, milliner, 27 Lodge Fellows Joseph, 7 Dove Fellows J. C, bds. American Hotel Fellows Miss Julia, milliner, 800 Broadway Feltman J. C. jr., 98 Hudson 130 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Feltman John C, provision store, 98 Hudson Fenn Elbridge, 77 Wash. Fenner David, 27 Lodge Ferguson Charles, cabinet maker, 19 Washington Ferguson William, carpenter, 70 Jackson, shop Si Patroon Ferguson John, 87 Church Ferguson Samuel, blacksmith, 60 Church Ferguson James, shoemaker, 71 Arch Ferguson Henry M., 21 Quackenbush Ferguson Peter, carpenter, 112 Canal Ferguson Samuel, plasterer, 350 State Ferris William D., 58 Union Field Joseph, grocer, cor. Lydius and Union Field George, cor. Nucella and Broad Field John, carpenter, 50 Liberty Field Nancy, widow of Thomas, 49 Lydius Filkins Orrin, coachsmith, 114 Jefferson Finan John, laborer, 35 Canal Finch Nathaniel, boarding house, 84 Beaver Finch John K., earpenter, 25 Division Findan Joseph, 108 Arch Findley Richard, butcher, 32 Howard Findley Mrs., milliner, 223 Market Findley John, butcher, 32 Howard Finley James, laborer, 3| Maiden Lane Fink F., portrait painter, cor. Steuben and James Finn Timothy, grocer, 255 Broadway Finn Matthew, laborer, 49 Van Schaick Finn George 11., 102 Church Finn Michael, cartman, 36 Canal Finn Thomas, paver, 101 Hamilton Finigan Francis, 154 s. Pearl Finnigan John, cartman. 24 Franklin Finnigan James, waiter, 68 Third HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 131

FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, Concert Hall, State Fish Amos, iron railing manufacturer, 63 and 65 Beaver, res. 87 Beaver Fish Artcmas, boarding-house, 26 s. Pearl Fish Thomas, hatter, 66 Liberty Fish Samuel M. & Co. (N. A. Fish) cor. Exchange and Quay Fish N. A., res. 106 n. Pearl Fish Samuel M., 2 High Fisher John D., bds. Washington Hall Fisher Martin, tailor, 129 Franklin Fisher Thomas, 53 Liberty Fisher William, 45 Beaver Fisher Emanuel, grocer, 163 Montgomery Fisher John, merchant, 6 Ferry Fisher Hugh, 98 Orange Fisher Rev. Samuel W., pastor Fourth Presbyte­ rian Church, res. 108 n. Pearl Fisher Michael, laborer, 105 Snipe Fisher, widow Mary, dealer in crockery, 37 J Wash­ ington Fishhag John, coppersmith, 336 State Fisk Joseph, grocer, 119 Slate, house 28 Second, Arbor Hill Fisk & Houghton, proprietors Townsend House, 369 & 371 Broadway Fisk O. W. proprietor Townsend House Fisk, widow Jemima, 108 Jefferson Fisk Anthony, clerk, 82 State, res. 9 Chapel Fitch Frederick, 91 Herkimer Fitch Stephen, 64 Hudson Fitch Misses, boarding-house, 126 State Fitch Solon, bds. Washington Hall Fitzgerald Thomas, tailor, 195 Water, n. side of canal Basin Fitzgerald Simon, 35 Canal 132 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Fitzgerald Ann, widow, 35 Canal Fitzgerald David, laborer, Hudson near Dove Fitzgerald Patrick, gardener, 81 Orange Fitzgerald Mary, 161 Montgomery Fitzgerald John, carpenter, 3 Chestnut Fitzgerald Thomas, carpet weaver, 42 Church Fitzpatrick William, 11 Fayette Fitzpatrick Patrick, tailor, 51 Van Schaick Fitzpatrick •, carpenter, rear 76 Canal Fitzpatrick Terence, 87 Canal Fitzpatrick Francis, cartman, 90 Second Fitzpatrick Peter, mason, rear 339 Lydius Fitzpatrick James, caulker, 9 Westerlo Fitzpatrick widow C, grocery, 9 Westerlo Fitzpatrick ( hristopher, 91 Schuyler Fitzpatrick Philip, laborer, 174 Hudson Fitzpatrick Samuel, grocer, 59 Broadway Fitzpatrick John, mason, Eagle near Hawk Fitzpatrick Hugh, laborer, 278 Washington, s. b Fitzsimmons John, blacksmith, 61 Van Woert Fitzsimmons Thomas, laborer, 257 s. Pearl Fitzsimmons William, 16 Center Fitzsimmons James, blacksmith, 68 Arch Fitzsimmons Patrick, cartman, 46 Water Fitzsimmons Patrick, 417 State Fitzsimmons James, 23 Howard Fitzsimmons Thomas, shoemaker, 17 Quay Fives Michael, moulder, 69 Broadway Flagg Azariah C, Comptroller, 123 Washington Flagler John O., physician, 12 High Flaherty Michael, tailor, 30 Van Woert Flaherty William, grocer, 62 Beaver Flanagan W., bds. Delavan Flanagan Daniel, 22 Van Woert Flanagan Stephen, agent Philadelphia Line, 78 Pier, below Columbia, h. 751 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 133

Flanigan Walter, laborer, 43 Dewitt Flanigan John, laborer, 41 Colonie Flanigan Patrick, 39 Rensselaer Flanigan Patrick, 27 Lodge Flanigan Felix, grocer, 169 Green, cor. Arch Flanigan John, 140 Orange Flansburg Peter, carpenter, 136 Broad Flansburg David, carpenter, 130 Arch Flansburgh Dolly, 58 Church Flavor Peter, grocer, 27 Van Woert Fleatstree Wm., carpenter, 106 Jefferson Flemming Gerrit, 189 Orange Flemming David, moulder, 64 Fulton Flemming Martin, 65 Rensselaer Flemming William, laborer, 77 Canal Flemming Peter, surveyor, 37 Jefferson Flemming James, mouhhr, 155 Broadway Flemming Edward, laborer, 38 Canal Flemming John, carpenter, 37h Fayette Flemming James, grocer, Washington, s. b. Flint Mrs. Ann, bds. Dayton House Flood Mary, widow, 40 Canal Flood Barney, cor. Church and Lydius Flood Michael, 162 Orange Flood James, tailor, 112 Hamilton Flood Michael, grocer, cor. Orange and Water Floor William, piano forte maker, 95 Schuyler Flower Zeno, tailor, 66 n. Lansing Fly I., exchange broker, 144 Broadway Flynn James, ostler, 25 Lodge Flynn Daniel, 74 Jackson Flynn Patrick, laborer, 19 Canal Flynn John, laborer, 65 Broadway Flynn Michael, nail maker, 419 State Flynn John, laborer, 11 Canal Flynn Edward, 49 Second, Arbor Hill M 134 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Flynn Francis, 79 Canal Flynn John, porterhouse, 3 Hamilton Flynn John, laborer, 8J Ferry Fogel Moses, 270 s. Pearl Fogerty Matthew, 80 Colonie Folger John B., last maker, cor. s. Pearl and Hamil­ ton Follett John, carpenter, 61 Van Woert Foland David, 42 Fayette Foley William, laborer, 57 Lark Foley James, grocer, 220 Broadway Foley Jeremiah, waiter, rear 43 Second Foley Patrick, carpenter, 56 Arch Folsom Alexander, tobacconist, 54 Dean, res. 130 State Fonda D. E., physician, 97 s. Pearl Fonda Dr., bds. Pearl Street House Fonda Rebecca, 51 Lumber Fondey John, M. D.,8ll Broadway, office 672 Fondey Isaac, jr., 57 Colonie Fondey Isaac, discount clerk and notary public ii- City Bank, h. 57 Colonie Foos Edward, segar maker, 48 Montgomery Foot Truman, grocer, 291 Broadway, h. 29 Hud­ son Footman Patrick, blacksmith, 67 Fulton Forbes Elisha, engraver, 4 Exchange Buildings, h. 88 Eagle Forbey John, sawyer, 91 Eagle Forbey William, butcher, 44 Spring Force George W., 19 Lawrence Force John E., 634 Broadway Ford, Mrs., 47 Philip Ford Thomas, 96 Water Ford George, 52 Clinton Ford Eliakim, jr., skipper, 120 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 135

Ford Daniel H., dealer in carpets and oil cloths, 462 Broadway, h. 77 Hamilton Ford John W., attorney, &c, agent Mutual Safety Insurance Company, 460 Broadway, residence 77 Hamilton Ford (William R.) & Grant (Richard J.), dealers in drugs, paints and oils, 32 and 34 Washington Ford Edward W., physician, 77 Hamilton Ford William R., 172 Washington Forrester John, Beaver street Shades, 19 Beaver Forrester Michael, 158 Stale Forsyth William W., attorney, &c, 6 State, h. 65 Ferry Fortune Edward, grocer, 326 Lydius Fosket Alexander, 42 Spring Fosket Mrs. Sarah Ann, dressmaker, 68 s. Pearl Fosket Alexander, 68 s. Pearl Fossard William, shoe store, 99 State, house 61 Chapel Foster Chandler, proprietor of the City Hotel, 23 Broadway Foster A. L.3 teacher, 62 Orange Foster George, laborer, cor. Swan and Patroon Fow Christian, 35 Grand Fowler Elijah, 40 Ferry Fowler William, 59 Ferry Fowler Samuel S., office 46 State, res. near Green­ bush village Fowler Charles M., Saloon, Greenbush Fowler Charles II., cartman, 77 Lawrence Fowler Gilbert C, sash maker, 96 Herkimer, res. 103 Eagle Fowler, widow Isaac, 54 Union Fox Thomas, carpenter, 1 Dallius Fox Thomas, laborer, 5 Little Basin Fox Peter, 51 Van Schaick 136

Fox Barney, 114 Nucella Fox John, carpenter, 112 Van Woert Fox Roger, laborer, 35 Van Schaick Fox Rigden, mill wright, 109 Second Arbor Hill Fox Edmond, carpenter, 324 Lydius Foy Philip, laborer, 36 Rensselaer Foy Patrick, teamster, 57 Broadway Frabigh William II., 6h Ferry Francis Cyrus T., bds. 88 Hudson Francis William, blacksmith, 93 Church Francis Joseph B., tailor, 92 Hudson Francis Mrs. Elizabeth, fortune teller, 14 Van Zandt Francis Thomas, laborer, Washington, s. b. Francis Jacob, 211 Broad Frank Joseph, pedler, 172 s. Pearl Frank John, 94 Bassett Frank Isaac, pedler, 78 Arch Frank Jacob, laborer, 138 Franklin Frank William B., cooper, 53 Spring Franklin, cook, 373 State Fraser A., bds. Washington Hall Fraser John, 27 Canal Fraser James, 27 Canal Fraser M. II. & W. B., book binders, 3d story, li n. Pearl Fravor Peter, cartman 25 Van Woert Frechete N., 34 Hamilton Freckleton James, laborer, 50 Second, Arbor Hill Fredendall Mathias, carpenter, 350 State Fredendall Frederick, tailor, 328 State Fredendall Jacob, tailor, 328 State Fredendall John, carpenter, 6 Wendell Fredenrich John C, bds. Columbian Fredenrich Philip, victualler, Centre Market, res. 51 Knox HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 137

Fredenrich John, butcher, stall 325 Broadway, res. 57 Division Fredenrich George, butcher, 4 William Fredenrich Jacob, bds Washington Hall Freeman William, plasterer, 146 Jefferson Freeman S. II., physician, 669 Broadway Freeman Robert, draper and tailor, 471 Broadway res. 18 n. Pearl Freeman John, 266 Lydius Freeman Richard 164 Broad French Abel, bds. Congress Hall French James M., attorney,&c, res. 29 Elk Friday John, furrier, 41 Colonie Friday Abram B., 20 Franklin Friday Benjamin, hatter, 81 s. Pearl Friedman Moses, pedler, 15 Hamilton Friend Joseph, pedler, 223 s. Pearl Friend Samuel, pedler, 125 Arch Friend Joseph, pedler, 70 Ferry Friend Moses S., jeweler, 7 Washington FRIENDS SCHOOL, Ann E. Spencer, 10 Plain Frink Sydney, tailor, 94 Canal Frink Alexander, pedler, 89 Schuyler Frisby Edward, livery stable, 161 s. Pearl, res. 7 Catharine Frisby John B., attorney, &c, Exchange Buildings bds Mansion House Frisk Wm., 108 Jefferson Frost Martha M., widow, 57 Knox Frost Lot, leather dealer, 18 Hudson, house, 66 Grand Frost David, grocer, cor. Lydius and Grand Frost Datus E., bds. 39 Columbia Frothingham C, druggist, 1 Delavan House, Broad­ way


Frothingham William W., attorney, &c, office 442 Broadway, res. 53 Ferry Frothingham Charles, druggist, 4 Broadway, oppo­ site Mechanic's Bank, residence 37 Maiden Lane Frothingham (& Co.,) fashionable hat store, 444 Broadway Frothingham William, 35 Montgomery Fry Joseph, 199 s. Pearl Fry Daniel, dealer in hardware &c, 40 State, res. 53 Green Fry Wm. G., 18 Jay Fry George, laborer, Washington, n. b. Fryer Wm. J., cor. Market and Hamilton, res. 43 Lydius Fryer John, grocer, 778 Broadway Fryer, widow of Isaac I., Railroad Avenue Fryer Isaac, cartman, 266 Washington Fryer Isaac, teamster, 413 Lydius Fuhr John, shoemaker, 79 Canal Fuhr George W., shoemaker, 48 Fayette Fuller Miss A., & Miss Westcott, millinery, 6 De­ lavan Building Fuller H. P., 36 Spring Fuller widow Susan, 207 State Fuller Orrin, coach trimmer, 160 Hudson Fuller William IL, 74 Canal Fuller W7m., laborer, 27 Bradford Fuller Richard, 101 Washington Fuller S;:muel W., painter, 168 Lumber Fuller Philo, 41 Hawk Fuller Mrs. S. S., boarding house, 579 Broadway Fuller David T., merchant, 357 Broadway, h. 27 Dallius Fuller William M., carpenter, 365 Washington Fuller George, laborer, 23 Bradford Fuller Simon, carpenter, 26 Dove HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 139

Fuller S. W., bds. Delavan Fuller Wm., shoemaker, 50 Canal Fulton Walter, 61 Division Furguson John II., carpenter, 147 Lumber Furman James, carpenter, 345 Lydius Furnald Samuel, boarding house, 51 n. Pearl FURNACE TOWNSEND'S cor. Hawk and Elk FURNACE HUDSON RIVER, 126 Quay FURNACE EAGLE AIR, 106, 108 and 110 Beaver FURNACE TEMPERANCE, O. G. DeGroff & Company, Water FURNACE, Joel Rathbone & Co., lower end Broad­ way FURNACE ALBANY CITY, Hoffman & Potts, cor. of Grand and Hamilton FURNACE, Cobb's 190 and 192 Washington G GABEL NICHOLAS, laborer, 142 Montgomery Gaddes Henry, grocer 323 Broadway Gaffney Dennis B., attorney, &c, master in Chan­ cery and taxing master, 450 Broadway, residence Washington Hall Gaffney John, 72 Swan, Arbor Hill Gaffney Patrick, cooper, 24 n. Ferry Gage Philip B., 24 Dallius Gage Wm. D., carpenter, Hamilton Gale Edmund W., physician, 99 Lydius Gale Thomas, carpenter, 32 Water Gall Joseph, optician, 535 Broadway, h. 579 Galligan James, shoemaker, 42 Beaver Galligan James, laborer, 45 Van Zandt Galligan Bryan, laborer, 109 First Galligan John, engineer, 110 First Galligan James, laborer, 112 First 140

Galligan widow Peter, 172 Broad Galliger Richard, tailor, 1 Bleecker Galliger Thomas, laborer, 166 Broadway Galliger, widow Susanna, 768 Broadway Galliger John, 162 Orange Galliger James, laborer, 45 Water Gallup Albert, attorney, &c, collector of the cus­ toms, Exchange Buildings, first floor, res. 84 Westerlo Gallup Nathaniel, United States Hotel, 91 W?,sh- ington Galpin Miss Francis, bandbox manufacturer, 43 Maiden Lane Galpin George, printer, 43 Maiden Lane Galvin James, laborer, 177 Montgomery Gannon Patrick, physician, 690 Broadway Gannon John, laborer, 253 s. Pearl Gannon widow, 30 Van Woert Gannon Michael, pavtr, 107 Green Gannon Thomas, carpenter, 38 n. Pearl Gannon John, 38 n. Pearl Gansevoort Peter, attorney, &c, 1st judge county courts, 13 Douw's Buildings, h. 115 Washington Gansevoort (Peter) & Hill (John J.) attorneys, &c office 13 Douw's Buildings Gardner William, 264 Lydius Gardner Samuel II., bds. 27 Columbia Gardner Samuel, laborer, rear 116 Chesnut Gardner Henry, coach painter, 62 Franklin Gardner John, laborer, 383 State Gardner George W., pattern maker, 211 Green Gardner Philip, moulder, 51 n. Lansing Gardner Robert, cooper, 7 Washington Gardner Jetur, in Comptroller's office, 106 Green Gardner William, barber, 5 Church 141

Garfield Rev. John M., principal Female Seminary, 67 Division Garfield Charles L., teller City Bank, 145 n. Pearl Garhan Dennis, 50 Lawrence Garling Jehoiakim B., tailor, 66 Eagle Garrett Edward, 3 Wendell Garrett Francis, moulder, 11 Westerlo Garrison Ira, com. merchant, 68 Quay Garrison Andrew S., laborer, 47 Cherry Garrison Thomas, 276 s. Pearl Garrison Isaac P., hair-dresser, 47 Cherry Garrety Catharine, 20 s. Lansing Garry John, 36 n. Lansing Garvey Patrick, stone-cutter, 25 Lumber GAS LIGHT COMPANY'S WORKS, cor. Arch and Grand Gates Albert W., 33 Elm Gates Gerrit, justice of justice's court, 37 First Arbor Hill Gates John, 37 First, Arbor Hill Gates Owen T., giocer, 37 Liberty Gates George, mason, 348 Washington n. Branch Gates Charles, musician, 350 Washington n. b. Gates Lewis, teamster, 264 Washington n. b. Gauge Jacob, 81 Third Gavit Daniel E., daguerreotype artist, Exchange Buildings, h. cor. Hudson & Union Gavit John E., bank-note engraving and printing, Exchange Buildings, res. 97 Columbia Gay Charles (G. & M.) 34 Grand Gay George E., (Boston Packet Office,) 101 Pier, bds. at Mrs. Pease's Gay Wm. B. S., clerk at Pomeroy's Express, Ex­ change Buildings Gay G., bds. Churchill's Gay Lusher, lumber and stave dealer, 32 Pier 142 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gay & Mygatt, dealers in dry goods, 522 Broad­ way Gaylor Hiram, 178 Second, Arbor Hill Gaylor James, 53 n. Lansing Gaynor Patrick, 14 Centre Gaynor Thomas D., grocer, 34 Quay Gaynor Lawrence, laborer, 26 Elk Gaynor Andrew, laborer, 45 Van Schaick Gazlay Albert, confectioner, 142 s. Pearl Geary John, laborer, rear 126 Orange GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, under Museum, Broad­ way- George Wm. machinist, 105 Broadway George Geary, grocer, 320 State George George, mascn, 40 s Lansing Geran Anthony, grocer, 67 Broadway Getty Miss, milliner and dressmaker 63 Maiden Lane Gibbons Esther, widow of James, 744 Broadway Gibbons T. J. 744 Broadway Gibbs Alonzo L. 92 s. Pearl Gibbs Samuel W., pattern maker, 80 Green Gibson Washington, grocer, 149 Broadway Gibson Wm. baker, 67 Beaver Gibson James, bds. 4 Dean Gibson Cornelius V., victualler, 41 Lark Gibson John, steam planing and plaster mill, and plane factory, cor. Water and Spencer, and on the dock, res. 6 Quackenbush Gibson W. H., victualler, 309 Spring Gibson Joseph, plane maker, 184 n. Pearl Gibson James A., pilot, 13 Lancaster Gibson William, plane maker, 34 Fayette Gibson Robert, 71 Jac'son Gibson John, farrier, 711 Broadway Gibson William, carpenter, 154 rear s. Pe?.rl DIRECTORY. 143 Giffin John, tinsmith, 2 Hawk Giffin William, dyer and scourer, 20 Norton Gifford Abraham, Schenectady turnpike Gifford Daniel, carpenter, Schenectady turnpike Gifford Isaac, 140 Hamilton Giguerre Isaac, 288 Washington Gilbert Bradley, laborer, 71 Cherry Gilbert Thomas, gardener, Washington, corner Robin Gilbert Edward, printer, U. S. House Gilbert Lucien M., commission merchant, 38 Quay, res. 91 Lydius Giles David, 111 Knox Giles George L., 3 Plain Gill William, moulder, Hamilton s. Hudson Gill Eliza, widow, Hamilton s. Hudson Gill Charles W., printer, 51 Spring Gill Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, 68 s. Pearl Gill Robert, 68 5. Pearl Gill, widow of Matthew, 564 Broadway Gill Michael, 55 Colonie Gill John G., 32 Third Gillen Thomas, laborer, 69 Maiden Lane Gillett, widow Cyrrel, keeper Washington Hall, 29 s. Pearl Gillespie TVhomas, painter, 31 Dewitt Gillespie Matthew, 31 Dewitt Gillespie Josiah, captain Indiana, 62 Westerlo Gillespie Hugh, shoemaker, 163 Hudson Gillespie Matthew, 204 Broadway Gillespie Thomas, shoemaker, 101 Second, Arbor Hill Gillespie William, 49 Dewitt Gilligan Edward, 48 Herkimer Gilligan Robert, 48 Herkimer 144 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Gilligan John, 131 Lumber Gillis James, 169 Orange Gillman John, carpenter, rear 132 Broad Gillon James, 70 Second Gilson Wm., carpenter, 47 Van Woert Gillson Samuel E., cartman, 264 Washington, n. b, Gilman Henry J., 106 Pier, h. 3 Chapel Gilmer Gann, laborer, rear 725 Broadway Gilmore, F. H., bonnet bleacher, 542 Broadway Gilmore F., bds. Carlton Gilmour Patrick, cartman, 43 Water Gilroan Thomas, 53 Canal Girvan Alexander, moulder, 20 Ferry Given A., watchmaker and jeweler, 550 Broadway, res. 99 Hudson Given James, furnaceman, 52 Montgomery Glackwire Felix, 128 State Gladding William, house, sign, and ornamental painter, 10 Beaver, h. 127 Hamilton Gladding Timothy C, painter, 49 Hawk Gladding George W., painter, 51 Hawk Gladding Joseph, painter and glazier, 93 State, h. 49 Hawk Gladding, widow, Timothy, 24 High Gladding Timothy A., portrait painter, 41 s. Pearl, h. 23 Park Gladding Freeman, painter, 12 William, house 4 Jay Glary Henry, Owens Alley Gleason Frank, 65£ Arch Gleason Dennis, 46 Ferry Gleason Matthew, carpenter, 131 Jefferson Gleason Edward, teamster, 70 Cherry Glen George W., 32 Van Schaick Glen Henry, printer, Glen Samuel, 111 State Glen Cornelius, Argus office, res. 131 Hudson DIRECTORY. 145

Glen John, Weaver, 55 Liberty Glennon John, tailor, 69 Rensselaer Goadby James, grate and fender manufacturer, 584 Broadway, bds. 27 Columbia Gock Dedrick, confectioner, 62i Green Godard C. W., agent for Syracuse and Oswego Line Lake boats, 106 Pier, bds. Stanwix Hall Godden Barbara, widow, 45 Fayette Godden William, cartman, 313 State Godden David, 330 State Godfrey William, 134 Jefferson Godley Richard, bds. 140 Broadway Godley, widow Patience, 140 Broadway Goewey John P. pilot, 25 J Ferry Goewey Magdalen, 20 Orange Goewey Solomon, 225 n. Pearl Goewey John I., accountant, 53 Columbia Goewey Jacob, mason, 34 Howard Goewey Solomon, 922 Broadway Goff John E., grocer, 15 Clinton Goffe William, coffee and spice manufacturer, 10 Exchange-st., h. 39 Orange Going Patrick, carpenter, 177 Hamilton Golden W. H., cooper, 150 Washington Golden Thomas, cooper, 105 Washington Golden Peter, laborer, 131 Broad Goldsworthy Thomas, carpenter, 23 Franklin Goldwait, widow Jonathan, 106 Herkimer Goldwait John, printer, 106 Herkimer Gombel Conrad, cabinet-maker, 321 State Goodhue John, mason, 69 Rensselaer Goodland Edward, 32 Spring Goodman , 78 Arch Goodman Philip, moulder, cor. Westerlo & Swasa Goodno Luther, 143 Third Goodno Calvin, 143 Third N 146 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Goodno George N., 11 Pine Goodno Mrs , dressmaker, 11 Pine Goodrich Sidney, 6 Rose Goodrich Alexander M., 19 Philip Goodrich, widow Sarah, 6 Van Schaick Goodrich Moses, shoemaker, 96 Canal Goodrich James, 96 Canal Goodrich David, lumber dealer, 43 Pier, h. 31 Patroon Goodwin & McKinney, hat and cap store, 3 Ex­ change Goodwin Stephen, moulder, 271 Washington Goodwin Thomas S., in Swiftsure Line 48 Union Goodwin Albert, mason, 100 Washington Goold James and Co., (John S. Goold & Walter R Bush) coach manufacturers and carriage ware­ house, on Division, Union, and Hamilton Goold James, Alderman 4th ward, 47 s. Pearl Goold John S., 34 Ferry Gould, Banks and Gould, law book sellers, 104 State Gould Mar}' Ann, widow, 77 Lawrence Gould James P., chief engineer fire department, res. 5 Rose Gould, widow Job, 39 Beaver Gould James, grocery and provisions, 310 South Pearl Gould James S., 411 Broadway, h. 44 Beaver Gould Anthony, (Gould, Banks, & Co.), 104 State, h 91 Columbia Gould, widow Mary, 104 State Gould William, (G. B^ & G.,) 104 State, h. 42 Eagle Gould Charles D., steam planing and plaster mills, 55 and 57 Water, res. 113 State Gould Lester S. Z., painter, 308 s. Pearl 147

Gordon, widow, 1 James Gordon John, laborer, 33 Westerlo Gordon John, coachman, 42 n. Lansing Gordon Archibald, cartman, 107 Nucella Gore Michael, malster, 64 Union Gores Lewis, 219 s. Pearl Gorman Thomas, 6 Eagle Gorman Thomas, 2 Cross Gorman Charles, laborer, 36 n. Lansing Gormley Jeremiah, bds. 4 Dean Gormley Patrick, cartm.an, 164 Jefferson Gosman & Van Valkenburgh, lumber merchants, 1 n. Ferry Gosman Henry R., 55 Spencer Gott John, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, store 59 State, res. 13 n. Pear! Gough Daniel D., cor. Hamilton and Philip Gough Thomas, exchange broker, 15 Merchant's Exchange, h. 83 Columbia Gough John T., res. 10 Wilson Gough James, attorney, &c, res. cor. Hamilton and Philip Gough, Mrs., millinery and worsted, cor. Maiden Lane and n. Pearl Gourlay James, lumber agent, office 88 Water, h. 85 Washington Gourlay Wm. B., lumber inspector, 117 n. Pearl Goyen Francis, tailor, 22 Quackenbush Gracie, Mrs., milliner, 608 Broadway Grady Patrick, cartman, 39 s. Lansing Grady Patrick, cartman, 35 Dean Graham Josias, physician, 66 n. Pearl Graham, widow, 63 Canal Graham John Q., 71 Jackson Graham John, publisher, 8 Canal Graham Philip, laborer, 711 Broadway 148 Graham Richard, laborer, 344 Washington Graham Edward W., State Hall, res. 43 Spring Granger Barlow, printer, bds. Townsend House Granger R. D., bds. American Grant Richard J. (Ford & Grant,) res. 271 State Grant Alexander 0., provision store, 31 Washing­ ton, res. 29 Hawk Grant Mr. boarding house, 2 Water Grant W. H., bds. Delavan Grant Patrick, 67 Bassett Grant James, nail maker, 163 Spring Grant Philander, printer, 30 Jay Grant William, laborer, 51 Schuyler Grassie W. C, book keeper, 53 Montgomery Grasley Thomas, laborer, 96 Franklin Grattan Patrick, grocer, 326 Washington, cor. Snipe Graves Anthony G., professor of music and danc­ ing, 89 Hamilton Graves Edward U., printer, 114 Broad Graves John S., baker, 94 Green Graves Richard, steamboat agent, 12 Grand Graves George, cabinet maker, 12 Broad Graw William, tailor, 79 Church Gray James, painter, 64 n. Lansing Gray James A., bds. 95 Columbia Gray James, coppersmith, 42 Plain Gray John, sheet iron worker, 32 Jay Gray James, grocer, cor. Lydius and Lark Gray James, painter, 589 Broadway Gray Alexander, cor. Franklin and John, res. 43 Broad Gray Thomas, tailor, 41 Rensselaer Gray John, laborer, 49 Spring Gray William, stone cutter, 88 Westerlo, shop, cor. Franklin and John, h. 45 Broad Gray, widow Margaret, 39 Spring HOFFMANS ALBANY DIRECTORY. 149

Gray, widow, 19 Park Green Lucinda, 231 Wash. Green Bridget, Orange Green Seth, 38 Arch Green Merritt 11., skipper, 74 Canal Green Carr B., tailor, 98 s. Pearl Greene Henry F., attorney, bds. Miss Carters Greene, widow Samuel, Nucella Greene Thomas L., 97 Lydius Greene Edward, grocer, 20 Washington Greene William, bds. 97 Lydius Greene Henry, Aid. of 3d Ward, bds. City Hotel Greene & Co., (Thomas L. & Henry,) wholesale grocer , 24 Dean, 2 doors s. Stanwix Hall Greenwood & Rodgers, saddle, harness and trunk establishment, 37 s. Pearl Greenwood Robert J , saddler, 37 s. Pearl Greer Alexander, segar maker, 30 Patroon Greethurst George, baker, 85 Lawrence Greggtn Matthew, gardener, 95 Van Woert Gregory William IT., bds. Stanwix Hall Gregory Elias, 64 Chapel Gregory Charles, 190 n. Pearl Gregory Stephen B., 11 High Gregory William M., 67 Hudson Gregory David E., 746 Broadway Gregory, widow of Lewis,45 Hudson Gregory, widow Elizabeth, 89 n. Pearl Gregory & C... (William M. & Stephen B. Gre­ gory), wholesale and retail dealers ,n Crockery, 51 State Gregory Richard, 4 Canal Gregory John, blacksmith, 161 Lumber Gregory Thomas, shoemaker, 332 State Gregory L. R., painter, 589 Broadway, h. 27 Wil­ son N* 150

Gregory Matthew , 7 Capitol Park Gregory Samuel, carpenter, 50 Philip Gridley Ira, shoemaker, 12 Union Griffin Samuel, boarding house, 149 Hamilton Griffin Thomas, bds. 149 Hamilton Griffit Edward, jeweller, 24 Norton Griffin C. C, physician, 91 Washington Griffin Richard, shoemaker, 9 Park Griffin Richard M , grocery and provision store, cor. Church and Bleecker, res. Greenbush Griffin Patrick II., coppersmith, cor. Steuben and James, res. 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, laborer, 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, street inspector, 1 Park Griffin Jacob, grocer, 9 Park Griffin Seth, M Union Griffin Michael, cartman, 72 n. Lansing Griffing William, jr., res. Mansion House Griffing William C. J., accountant, 291 State Griffing Geo. bds. Mansion House Griffing & Smith, proprietors Mansion House, 470 and 472 Broadway Griffith Charles C, printer, 21 Chapel Griffith, widow, 69 Eagle Griffiths John, 338 Washington, n. b. Grigsman John, 131 Franklin Grilley G. L., res. Churchill's Grimes Owen, laborer, 167 Green Grimes John, teamster, 42 Philip Grimes Edward, laborer, 42 Philip Grimwood, J. C, 13 Jay Griner Stephen, moulder, 140 s. Pearl Griswold Francis II., 51 Hudson Groat Edward, moulder, 274 s. Pearl Groat, widow, 16 Jackson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 151 Groesbeck & Brother, stock and monty brokers, 13 Exchange Building Groesbeck Abraham, physician, 80 n. Pearl Groesbeck John, bds. Mrs. Dewitt's Groesbeck Alanson, broker, 69 Hamilton Groebeck John & Abn.ham, dealers in coal and pig iron, 45 Columbia Groesbeeck, widow Catharine, 158 Lydius Groesbeck, widow Harriet, 9 Canal Groesbeck David W., 11 Daniels Groesbeeck Stephen, attorney, &c, office 56 State, res. 58 Westerlo Groesbeeck C. W., commission merchant,*68 Her kimer Grogan Robert, 54 Montgomery Groot Harvey, painter, 19 Steuben Groot John A., tearmter, 308£ State Groot Henry, gunsmith, 9 Beaver Groot Philip W., Exchange Office, 3 Maiden Lane, h. 14 High Groot Nicholas, 25 Westerlo Gross Si muel jr., last and finding store, 34 Hudson, h. 46 Dallius Grout Patrick, laborer, 3 Lawrence court Groves J. F., shoemaker, 102 Hawk Groves Wm. bds. U. S. House Grovestein Abraham, carpenter, Dove near Hud- sou Grown Patrick, cor. Green and Mulberry Grugen Hugh, cartman, Westerlo continued Grux D., 169 Orange Guardinier Abraham, 209 Green Guardinier Elizabeth 29 Union Guardinier William H., moulder, 40 Orange Guardinier Mrs Elizabeth, 8 Pine 152

Guest & Laney, morocco manufacturers, 53 Dean Guest James, nailer, 276 Washington Guest Thomas, morocco manufacturer, 53 Dean Guest Sidney, leather dresser, 21 Rensselaer Gullen widow Mary, 70 s. Lansing Gumph George, musical instrument maker, 354 Ly­ dius Gumlop Jacob, piano maker, 92 Willett Gunn Arthur, malster, Washington, north branch, near Schenectady turnpike Guysal Frederic, State con. Guyer Mrs Harriet, 93 Orange Guyer H"ugh, brass founder, 584 Broadway, h. 106 Patroon II HACKET Mrs., 39 s Lansing Hackett Christopher, 51 Bassett Hackley Philo A., 179 Broadway Hackstaff Mrs. Percy, boarding house, 20 Lydius Haddock Jabez, tallow chandler, 17 s. Lansing Hadley James R., 72 Fulton Hadley William J., attorney, Sec, 83 State, res. cor. State & Hawk Hadley Ambrose, 16 Lumber Hafer Casper, baker, 41 Clinton Hagan Patrick, malster, 12 Cross Hagan Francis, painter, 12 Cross Hagan John, blacksmith, 187 Montgomery Hagan Paul, laborer, rear 161 Montgomery Hagaman John, 83 Orange Hagaman Hiram, 51 Spring Hagaman & Cowell, fruit dealers, 345 Broadway Hagaman Gerrit, 8 Union Hagadorn Mary, nurse, 125 Jefferson HOBFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 153

Hagadorn George, laborer, 20 s. Lansing Hagadorn David, 203 Green Hagerty, widow, 36 Chapel Hagstoty John carpenter, 49 Fayette Haight E., bds. City Hotel Haight James O., blacksmith, 13 Church, house 24 Bleecker Haine Michael, potter, 144 Washington Hakes Chapman, shoemaker, 36 Spring Halderman Samuel, moulder, 151 Broadway Hale Elias, carpenter, 247 State Hale Silvester, dealer in provisions, cor. Quay and Hamilton, h. 47 Montgomery Hale William, chairmaker, 5 Wendell Hall (Green) Hewson (John D.) & Brower (S. D.) silversmiths, 10 Plain, cor. William Hall Green, 11 Plain Hall, widow Eliza, 92 J Beaver ' Hall Chas. M., attorney & commissioner, 40 Union Hall Joseph, 16 Third, Arbor Hill Hall John II., lithographer, 6 Exchange building, bds. 41 Hawk Hall Samuel, pedler, 66 Lawrence Hall James, professor, 248 Lydius Hall Willis, attorney, &c, Broadway Hall Margaret E., Ill State Hall Thomas, segar-maker, 177 Hamilton Hall widow Amy, cor. Dallius and Schuyler Hall James, laborer, 65 Liberty Hall Ozias, 57 Van Woert Hall Wm. B., machinist, TO Colonie Hall Wm. E., shoemaker, 201 Washington Hallenbake Lawrence, 104 Washington Hallenbake George, shoemaker, 104i Beaver Hallenbake James, 292 Washington w. 6. Hallenbake James M , 30 Maiden lane 154 Hallenbeck John H., blacksmith, 51 Montgomery Hallenbeck Matthew I., produce dealer, 4 Hamil­ ton, res. 55 Broadway Hallett Samuel, 40 s. Lansing Halliday Hiram, clock repairer, 46 Westerlo Halpen Peter, 3 Catharine Halpen Michael, butcher, 45 Liberty Halpen John, boatman, 107 Broad Halpenny, widow, 218 Broadway Halse Wm. C, stove mounter, 110 Spring Halse Wm. C. jr., 154 Washington Halsey Hugh, surveyor-general, State Hall, bds. Congress Hall Halsey Josiah, 22 Dallius Haly Charles, 37 Rensselaer Ham Hugh, carpenter, 47 Van Woert Hamburgh Andrew, barber, 225 Washington Hamer , 257 s. Pearl Hamilton Samuel, 60 Howard Hamilton Andrew, shoemaker, 188 Broadway Hamilton James, cartman, 55 Colonic Hamilton Andrew, shoemaker, rear 220 State Hamilton James, grocer, 33 Fayette Hamilton Catharine, widow, 63 Chapel Hamilton Wm. A., physician, 54 Division Hamilton Wm., shoemaker, 688 Broadway Hamilton Andrew, shoemaker, Little Basin Hamilton Andrew, mouhler, 49 Alexander Hamilton James, 17 Chapel Hamilton Robert, w. entl_Van Woert Hamilton 0.,hat and cap store, 489 Broadway,bds City Hotel Hamlin Russel N., 60 Second " Hammet George, laborer, 250 n. Pearl Hammond Christopher Y., 21 Wil iam Hammond James, tailor, 64 s. Pearl 155 Hammond Samuel II., attorney, &c, 450 Broad­ way, h. 53 Chapel Hammond & Weed, attorneys, &c , 450 Broad­ way Hammond & Hays, Exchange eating house, base­ ment Exchange Hammond C. G., h. 21 William Hance William, 14 Oiange Hand Isaac P., lumber dealer, 60 Pier, res. Pa­ troon Hand Edward, laborer, 102 Water Hand Henry, 325 Washington Hand &Murta, soda manufacturers. 312 Broadway Handrihan Jeremiah, cooper, 86 Church Handrihan Thomas, laborer, 61 Fulton Hanford John E. & Co , clothing store, 429 Broad­ way Hanford George, merchant, 31 Green Hanigan Thomas, laborer, 36 Arch Hanigan John, laborer, 715 Broadway Hanley James, carpenter, 110 Canal Hanna John, 70 Jackson Hannabury Martin, laborer, 65 Fulton Hanneman Simeon tailor, 129 Franklin Hansard Thomas, 114 Orange Harbison Samuel, pedler, 8l Church Harcourt John W., agent for People's Line, Al­ derman 2d Ward, res. 118 Green Hard Jacob, 120 Second Hardick Elizabeth, widow, 87 Fwan Harden Miss Ann C, dress maker, 95 Hamilton Harden Morris, 130 Hawk Harden Michael, laborer, 246 Lydius Harden Jacob, waiter, 246 Lydius Harder Richard, boatman, 190 Lumber Harder Robert, 9 Spring 156 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Hardy William J., carpenter, 154 Market, h. 83 Church Hare Silas W., teamster, 235 n. Pearl Hare George, cartman, 169 Spring Hare John, rear 66 s. Pearl Hargan Patrick, porter, 45 Liberty Harkin Felix, 158 State . Harley Edward, variety store, 807 Broadway Harmer Samuel, mason, 86 Hamilton Harned Samuel W., ship builder, 19 Rensselaer Harpes Abraham, 24 Clinton Harper Robert, gardener, res. n. Patroon Harper widow Maria, tailoresss, 109 Hudson Harrigan Daniel, 634 Broadway Harrigan John, 11 Van Tromp Harrington Abraham, 90 Ferry Harrington Henry, pastor Unitarian Church, 353 Lydius Harris Edwin A., dealer in furniture, 533 Broad­ way, res. 72 Lumber Harris Ira, attorney, &c, residence 722 Broad­ way Harris Daniel, paper hanger, 1 Diagonal Harris Daniel, jr., paper hanger, 6 Green Harris Ira & Hamilton, attorneys, &c, 6 Ex­ change, 1st floor Harris Hamilton, attorney, &c, 6 Exchange Build­ ings, res. 722 Broadway Harris James B., Rival Pillar, basement Douw's Buildings, res. 45 Green Harris widow Robert, 103 Green Harris, Mrs., milliner, 45 Green Harris Stephen, grocer, 111 Beaver Harris George, livery stable, cor. Maiden Lane and James, res. 59 Lodge Harris Stephen, moulder, 42 Westerlo Harris Thomas, 98 Herkimer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 157

Harris John, soda bottler, under Exchange & 1 Church, h. 1 Broadway Harris Seth, soda bottler, 1 Broadway Harris Win. R., soda bottler, 1 Broadway Harrison Wm. S. furnaceman, 96 Bassett Harrison Anthony L., book-binder, 75 State, res. 50 Water Harrison John, grocer, 71 Canal, h. 73 Harrison John Smith, 132 Lydius Harrison Wm., carpenter, 263 State Harrison Patrick, cartman, 20 Canal Harrison Peter A., comb maker, 49 Fayette Harrison George, carpenter, 247 State Harrison James, shoemaker, 127 Green Hartnet Wm., victualler, North Market, res. Sche­ nectady Turnpike Hart William, landscape painter, 22 Steuben Hart Hugh, waiter, 19 Orange Hart James, 29 Van Woert Hart Thomas, tailor, 355 State Hart Michael, laborer, 7 Bleecker Hart James, carpenter, 50 Lydius Hart Patrick, cartman, 8 s. Lansing Hart John, laborer, 55 Church Hart John, grocer, cor. Maiden Lane and Lodge Hartigan John, laborer, 14 Bleecker Hartigan James, laborer, 8 Plain Hartigan John, laborer, 218 Broadway Hartley Robert, 40 John Hartman Adam, locksmith, 252 Lydius Hartman George, moulder, cor. Swan and Westerlo Hartness John & Co., soap and candle manufactu­ rers, 58 Jackson Hartness John, 741 Broadway Hartness James, soap manufacturer, 125 n. Pearl Hartness, widow Maria, 125 n. Pearl o 158 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Harty Patrick, 18 s. Lansing Harty James, 16 Van Woert Harty Edward, 3 Bleecker Harty William, grocer, 241 Broadway Harvy James, 54 Swan Harvey William, stove-mounter, 24 Union Harvey Robert & Francis, stove-dealers, 7 Green, h. 8 Norton Harvey L. Z., grocer, 159 Broadway, h. 75 Lydius Harvey James, hairdresser, 475 Broadway, h. 57 Canal Harvey James M., tailor, shop 8 s. Pearl, bds. Franklin House Harvey Francis, 6 Jay Hasbrouck Peter, clerk in the Comptroller's office, res. 187 Hamilton Hascy Alexander R,, watchmaker 33 State h. 126 Green Hascy Nelson, watchmaker and jeweller, 34 State h. 87 Haskell William P., carpenter, 30 Third, Arbor Hill Haskell Mrs., boarding-house, 39 Columbia Hasley Michael, 266 Broadway Hastings S. P., carpenter, 50 Fayette Hastings Hugh J., editor of Knickerbocker, 420 Broadway, res. 43 Beaver Hastings Frederic H., (A. & H.) attorney, &c.,743 Broadway Hastings Seth, office 5 and 7 Douw's Buildings Haswell Mrs. Ann, 65 Liberty Haswell Justice, pedler, 38 Union Haswell John H., at Whipple's office Haswell Henry B., attorney, &c , 87 s. Pearl Haswell John E., cartman, 60 Union Hatch G. W., bds. Hermitage Hall 159

Hatch Albert, pedler, 148 Broad Hatcher Edmund, laborer, Westerlo w. Swan Hatcher Wm., shoemaker, Westerlo w. Swar- Hatcher William, tobacconist, Westerlo w. Swan Hatten Patiick, laborer, 31 Westerlo Havens Benjamin F., 44 Patroon Havens Augustus, carpenter, 61 Maiden Lane Haver John, laborer, 10 Colonie Haverty Patrick, tailor, 19 Canal Hawe Matthew, cooper, 59 Dean, h. 30 Division Hawes Peter S., porter-house, 104 Pier Hawes Henry, 58 Schuyler Hawkins Henry, bds. 70 s. Pearl Hawkins & Groesbeck, grocers, 70 s. Pearl Hawkins (II, D.) & Walker, (II. R.) wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 24 State Hawkins II. D., cor. Eagle and Hamilton Hawley Leman S., 262 s. Pearl Hawley Elias Y., printer, 17 Park Hawley Cyrus, produce merchant, 193 Washington res. 238 Washington Hawley N., attorney, &c, 21 Douw's Buildings Hawley Aaron, builder, Delaware turnpike Hawley Samuel, 17 Park Hawley David A., 110 Pier, h. 73 Westerlo Hawley Gideon, office 4 Exchange, 1st floor, h. 673 Broadway Hawley Henry Q , attorney, &c , office 4 Exchange 1st floor, res. 693 Broadway Hawley George W., 21 Patroon Hawley David E., painter and glazier, rear 6 Daniels Haws P. S , porter house, 104 Pier, h. 43 Union Hawthorn G. W., grocer, 20 n. Lansing, opposite Basin HAY SCALES, cor. Plain and Philip 160 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Hayden Michael, laborer. 22 Van Woert Hayden John, 766 Broadway Hay

Hemburgh B., 52 s. Lansing Hempsted Mrs. E., milliner, 124J s. Pearl^h. 78 WTesterlo Hempsted Isaac, physician, 78 Westerlo Henderer Myers, tailor, 33 Canal Henderson William W., moulder, 19 Ferry Hendricks, widow Catharine, 127 Beaver Hendrickson, widow of William, 165 Hudson Hendrickson John, jr., 36 State, res. 84 Hamilton Hendrickson John, exchange office, 36 State, res. 63 Division Hendrickson Jacob, 133 Green Hendrickson M. & J., grocers, 2 and 4 Hudson and 59 Quay " Hendrickson Matthew, 201 Lydius Hendrickson Margaret, widow of George, 84 Ham­ ilton Hendee R. S., bds. Townsend House Henly Patrick, cooper, 63 Maiden Lane Henly Henry, pedler, 280J s. Pearl Henly Edward, printer, Citizen office, house 36 Green Hennessey Peter, 131 Montgomery Hennessey Michael, 25 Canal Hennessey Timothy, laborer, 179 Broadway Hennessey Edward, laborer, 141 Church Hennessey John, mason, 41 Van Woert Hennessey Timothy, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Hennessey, widow, grocer, 401 State, near Knox Hennessey Michael, keeper Oregon House, 551 Broadway Henry William, carpenter, 56 Union Henry James, bookseller, 67 State, residence 98 Lydius Henry Christian, potter, 192 Hamilton Henry James T., printer, 66 Ferry 162

Henry Robert, carpenter, 54 Willet Henry & Van Allen, proprietors of Salamander Works, cor. Hudson and Hawk Henry Jacob, res. 191 Hamilton Henry John, shoemaker, 215 Lumber Henry James, tobacconist, 75 Lydius Henry William, 50 Montgomery Henshaw Joseph, porter house, 27 Church, house 18 Bleecker Henshaw William, carpenter, 55 Second Hepinstall Christopher, 203 Washington Hepinstall George, leather dealer, 25 Hudson, res. 30 Hudson , Hepinstall Richard, 369 Wash. Herald Michael, moulder, 132 Hawk Herbert Joseph, boatman, 14 Union Herbert George II., gunsmith, 11 Beaver, res. 57 s. Lansing- Herkenheirn Michael, baker 11 John Herman Morris, grocer, 87 Lydius Hermans John, clothing store, 417 Broadway, h. 47 Union Hermans Cornelius I., saw filer, 127 Beaver Hermans John E., attorney, &c, 66 State, house 7 Dallius Heermance, G. G , stove dealer, 8 Green Herner Mis. Hannah, 85 Church Heron Samuel, printer, 6 Canal Heron Daniel, 71 Church Herrick Lewis R., physician, 53 State, h. 66 Ly­ dius Herrick Edmund S., hat store, 349 Broadway, h. 79 Hamilton Herrick Abraham, morocco dresser, 95 Dallius Herrick Edwin, res. 79 Hamilton Herrick D. A., 2 Delavan, h. Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Herrick Christina, widow, 35 Knox Herring Wm., skipper, 92 Bassett Herring John, 268 Broadway Herrington Mathew, laborer, 44 Montgomery Herrington Jacob, laborer, 115 Snipe Herrington John, mason, 255 Washington Hersbergh Henry, pedler, 81 Rensselaer Hertell Jane A., 39 Hudson Herzog Christian, cabinet maker, 3 Park Herzog Jacob, grocer, 109 Washington Heslin Michael, cooper, 86 Arch Hetrick Michael, 10 Broad Hewett H. B. & Co., forwarding merchants, 105 Pier, bds. Stanwix Hall Hewitt Thomas, shoemaker, 64 i Washington Hewitt Patrick, shoemaker, 221 s. Pearl Hewson John D., alderman 4th ward (Hall & H.) bds. Townsend House. Hewson, widow Mary, 69 Hudson Hewson Nancy, widow of Robert, 65 Lydius Hewson Daniel, tinman, 41 Liberty Hewson, widow Mary, 41 Liberty Hewson David, 1S4 Broadway Hickey Mercer, 82 Ferry Hickey Jocelyn, shoemaker, 27 Dean Hickey Edward, shoemaker, 225 Broadway Hickox Charles S., 26 Broad Hickox George A., 8 High Hickox Hamlet H., Deputy Chamberlain, h. 26 Broad Higbie, Hemmonds & Co., lumber dealers, office above n. Ferry Higbie Nathan T.,bds. Delavan Higby Cornelius M., 144 Market Higginbottom, widow Judith, 74 Liberty Higgins Mathew, stone-cutter, 13 Westerlo 164 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Higgins Michael, laborer, 35 Van Schaick Higgins, widow Eleanor, 313 Washington, s. b. Higgins Robert, 313 Washington s. b. Higgins Michael, laborer, 777 Broadway Higgins Thomas, grocer, 15 Lawrence, n. side of Canal Basin Higgins Stephen, laborer, 312 Washington s. b. Higgins Michael, 229 Washington Higgins Solomon F., 92 State, h. 48 Second, Arbor Hill Highgate Charles, barber, 632 Broadway Higham, widow Mary, 13 Dallius Hilabrant Martin, combmaker, 55 Fayette Hilebrant John, 300 Washington Hill & Cagger, attorneys, 57 State Hill William, silver plater, 305 s. Pearl Hill & Thomas, lumber dealers, Water, above n. Ferry Hill James B., Temperance cellar, 7 s. Pearl Hill Joseph, carpenter, 227 Wash. Hill Thomas, glover 81 State h. 83 Herkimer Hill James, tailor, 6 Union Hill George, grocer, 61 Pier, h. 43 Canal Hill Thomas, 81 First Hill Henry, grocer, 45 Pier, h. corner Hawk and Orange Hill Nicholas, attorney, &c, 57 State, h. 116 Washington Hill Robert H., 189 State Hill widow Edith, 108 Water Hill Ebenezer, (H. & S.) 12 Wilson Hill William, laborer, 8 Eagle Hill William II., 102 Herkimer Hill Thomas, lumber dealer, office above n. Ferry Hill John J., attorney, &c, office 13 Douw's Build­ ings, res. 102 Lydius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 166

Hill Aaron, civil engineer, 83 Herkimer Hillis John, moulder, 113 Orange Hills A. S., attorney, &c, 22 Jay Hills Erastus, hatter, store 60 State, h. 51 Wash­ ington Hills, widow William Riley, 124 s. Pearl Hillman William, shoemaker, 251 Washington Hilman Hercules, shoemaker, 614 Broadway Hilman H. 251 Washington Hilman John, porter, 10 Denniston Hilman John, shoemaker, 536 Broadway Hilson James, shoemaker, 37 Canal Hilson Robert, coroner, res. 32 Chapel Hilson Thomas, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilson Thomas, jr., supt. ferry, ferry house Hilton Jacob, laboier, 350 State Hilton Michael, moulder, 59 Broadway Hilton widow of Philip, 310 State Hilton VV. J. D., attorney, &c, 450 Broadway Hilton widow Jane, 73 _ ulton Hilton John, 84 Hudson Hilton Robert J., Judge of County Courts, attor­ ney, &c, United States' Commissioner in bank­ ruptcy, and Commissioner of deeds, &c. for the States of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island, office 50 State, res. 102 Hudson Hilton Benjamin P., inspector of lumber, 14 John Hilton Simon V. A., grocery and h. 839 Broad­ way- Hilton & Van Vorst, law office, 50 State Hilton Philip, carpenter, 73 Lumber Hinds Christian, moulder, 5 Phcenix Place, w. Ea-

Hiney Lewis L., furrier, 116 Canal Hinkley Charles A., printer, bds. Carlton house 166

Hinkley & Homes, painters, Trotter's Alley Hinkley John, painter, 80 Green Hinkley John W., physician, 33 Hudson Hinkley Joseph, painter, 17 Rose Hinlay George, tailor, 140 s. Pearl Hinsmiller Henry, baker, 41 Clinton Hitchcock Rev. Peter N., 18 Swan Hitchcock, widow, 69 Eagle Hitchcock Nicholas, pilot, 47 Church Hitchcock David, 21 Ferry Hitchcock John, harbor-master, foot of State, 14 Ferry Hitchcock Capt. A., 28 Ferry Hoag D. R., dry goods, 328jBroadway, h. 177 State Hobbs George W. 93 Eagle Hocknell Isaac, cartman, rear 865 Broadway Hodge John, baker, 665 Broadway Hodge William, bds. 665 Broadway Hodgens Thomas, cartman, Westerlo, w. Dove Hodgkins Stephen L., painter, 44 Ferry Hoffman John N., painter, 61 Second Hoffman Andreas, laborer, 45 Clinton Hoffman Benjamin, 202 Lydius Hoffman Lewis G., editor American Masonic Re­ gister and job printer, cor. Broadway and Divi­ sion, house cor. Dallius and Bleecker Hoffman Andrew, job printer, cor. Broadway and Division, res. 16 n. Pearl Hoffman Henry R., bookbinder, 71 State, h. 135 Lydius Hoffman Thomas, moulder, 91 Church Hoffman, widow Susannah, 33 Canal Hoffman (Levi S.) & Potts (Jesse,) furnace, corner Hamilton and Grand Hoffman Levi S. (H. & P.), 204 Lydius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 167

Hogan Gerritt, Bethlehem Hogan Thomas, laborer, 46 Union Hogan Bryan, morocco dresser, 48 Rensselaer Hogan George, ferryman, 3£ Maiden Lane Hogan William, blacksmith, 14 Rose Hogan John, hatter, 48 John Hogan Daniel, moulder, Westerlo, „. Eagle Hogan Edward, laborer, 49 Jackson Hogan Michael, 24 Jefferson Hogeboom Peter, 16 Bleecker Hogeboom David, 32 Third, Arbor Hill Hogeboom Dinah, 67 Mulberry Holbrook F. D., shoe store, 28J Green, res. 124 Eagle Holcomb H. T., bds. Townsend House Holcomb H. A., 101 Pier, bds. 103 Green Holden Henry, cartman, 51 De Witt Holden Hiram, 51 De Witt Holden William, cartman, 66 Lawrence Holden Reuben, 71 State Holdridge David F., 74 Eagle Holland Henry W., 310* State Holliday James K., carpenter, 14 Broad Holman Henry, mason, 165 s. Pearl Holmes Benjamin, Phcenix Place, w. Eagle Holmes Robert, 215 Hamilton Holmes Rutger, carpenter, 96 Water Holmes Joseph M:, 215 Washington Holmes Samuel, Boston Railroad Temp. House, 37 Dean Holmes Alexander, baker, 48 Chapel Holmes Calvin, carpenter, 150 Franklin Holmes W. J., bds. U. S. House Holsapple D. E., 136 s. Pearl Holstein L. D., attorney, &c, 83 State, residence 8 Grand 168

Holt & Smith, leather and finding store, 48 Hudson Holt Daniel B., carpenter, 138 Lydius Holt Jared, 48 Hudson Holt Charles B., 6 Rose Holt David, clerk justices' court, 57 Liberty Holt Francis, boatman, 5 Lawrence Homan Valentine, laborer, 39 Clinton Home John, painter, 372 Washington, n. b. Home Thomas, painter, 105 Washington Homer William P., auctioneer, 355 Broadway Honneysett James, bread and cake baker, 24 j. Pearl Horn Miss M,, silk and worsted trimming, 23 n. Pearl Home William, laborer, 15 Van Woert, w. e. Hood & Tobey, watchmakers and jewellers, 68 State Hood Benjamin L., 6 Norton Hooghkirk James, mason, Lydius, near Knox Hooghkirk Elizabeth, 85 Hudson Hooghkirk Mary Ann, widow, 124 Jefferson Hooghkirk Maria, 34 Spring Hooker, widow of Philip, 128 State HOOK AND LADDER, No. 1,41 Howard HOOK AND LADDER, No. 2, Patroon Hope William, shoemaker, 140 Franklin Hopkins Thomas, laborer, 39 Van Woert Hopkins Patrick, laborer, 110 Van Woert Hopkins Robert, laborer, 108 Water Hopkins Thomas, 110 Van Woert Hopkins John, tailor, Westerlo w. Eagle Horner James, (E. Corning & Co.) 34 n. Pearl Horner John, nailer, 227 Washington Horton James M., bds. 130 State HOSE COMPANY, NO. 1, 53 Lodge Hosch Agnes, 750 Broadway 169 Hosford David, attorney, &c., 149 Swan, Arbor Hill Hosford Solomon, attorney, 66 State Hosford James, attorney, &c, 68 State Hosford William, mason, rear of 56 Second Hosmer G. P., commission merchant, 67 Pier, bds. Townsend House Houck Peter and John, keeper Farmers' and Me­ chanics' Lunch, cor. State and Pearl Houck Daniel, 32 Eagle Houck Hannah, tailoress, 11 Van Tromp Houck Peter P., 6 Daniels Hotaling David, 146 Spring Hough, widow Elizabeth, boarding house, 123 Lyd­ ius Hough Charles, printer, bds. Dayton House Houghtaling Stephen, rear 145 Broad Houghtaling Elias, blacksmith, 212 Broad Houghtaling Peter D., shoemaker, 65 s. Lansing Houghtaling Wm., teamster, 142 Lydius Houghton Silas, grocer, 207 Green Houghton Silas, 267 s. Pearl Houghton Edward, 14 Owen's Alley Houll Oliver, grocer, Third, corner Swan, Arbor Hill House William A., porter and eating house, 7 and 9 Maiden Lane House Joseph, furnaceman, 8 Lumber House Henry, laborer, 3 Orange Houston, widow Christiana, 87 Herkimer Howard Sanford, Cultivator office, res. 11 Swan Howard Joseph H., bds. Delavan House Howard Nathan, Jr., attorney, (fee, 57 Hawk , Howard & Carson, grocers and commission mer­ chants, 8 Maiden Lane Howard Jerome B., 39 Ten Broeck p 170 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Howard Ransom S., 32 Canal Howard Zephaniah, carpenter, 850 Broadway Howard, widow Mary, 158 State Howard Matthew, carpenter, 768 Broadway Howard Ephraim, 81 Bleecker Howard Alexander, carpenter, 353 State Howard & Brimhall, bakers, 47 Canal Howard, widow, 290 Broadway Howe J. K., tailor, 340 Broadway Howe Silas B., woolen draper, 481 and 483 Broad­ way, h. 28 Division Howe D. & R. L., furniture warehouse, 98 State Howe R. L., bds. Carlton House Howe D., res. 14 Park Howes John, attorney, &c, over Apothecary's Hall, cor. n. Pearl and State, res. 23 Ferry Howes & Northrop, attorneys, corner n. Pearl and State, h. 3 n. Pearl Howell John, laborer, 99 Bassett Hoy Patrick, shoemaker, 99 Beaver Hoy Patrick, shoemaker, 125 Canal Hoy James, laborer, 47 Water Hoyland James, printer, 13 Dove Hoyland George, butcher 47 Cherry Hoyle Jeremiah, moulder, 237 n. Pearl Hoyt George B., silversmith and jeweller, 394 Broadway, h. 73 Hudson Hoyt William, jr. 151 n. Pearl Hoyt L. C, 51 Howard Hoyt J. N. M., 26 Plain Hubbard Henry L., paper hanger, Phcenix Place, w. Eagle Hubbel Noble D., clerk on Pier, res. 33 Church Huddleston Geo., proprietor U. S. House, corner Broadway & Church Huddlestone Peter, bds. U. S. House ALBANY DIRECTORY. 171

Huddlestone Hugh, baker, 186 Montgomery HUDSON RIVER STEAM BOAT OFFICE, Chauncey Dexter agent, Pier, foot State HUDSON STREET TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 10 and 12 Hudson Hudson George, laborer, Washington continued Huff Lewis, cooper, Hudson, w. Dove Huff widow, boarding house, 10 Norton Huffey Bensit, 69 Rensselaer Hughes Thomas, grocer, 94 Water Hughes Thomas, shoemaker, 6 Broad Hughes James, carpenter, corner Dove and Wes­ terlo Hughes Uriah, cooper, 117 Arch Hughes Francis, laborer, 121 Broad Hughes Thomas, 39 Lark Hughes James, laborer, 121 Broad Hughes John, shoemaker, 1 Dallius Hughes Peter, laborer, 12 Lydius Hughes William H., preceptor district school 9, cor. Ferry and Dallius, h. 128 s. Pearl Hughes Charles, grocer, cor. Lumber and Montgo­ mery Hughes John, laborer 35 Dean Hughes John M., boards Carlton House Hughson John C, clerk 809 Broadway Hulse, widow Elizabeth, 131 Beaver Hulse Aaron, 166 Broad Hulson Frederic, 154 s. Pearl Humphrey Friend & Co., (Robert Thomson,) deal­ er in hides and leather, 16 State Humphrey Charles, 55 Chapel Humphrey L. L., 43, Fayette Humphrey Friend, 14 n. Pearl Humphrey Hugh, 39 Maiden Lane Humphrey John, 39 Hudson 172 IIOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Humphrey Evens, bds. Congress Hall Humphrey George, 117 Beaver Humphrey William, (H. & Co.) 57 s. Pearl Humphrey & Lansing, hardware merchants, 63 State, cor. James Humphrey, widow Catharine, 43 Fayette Humphrey J. R., 43 Fayette Humphrey E. J., exchange office, 2 Exchange, res. 203 State Humphrey David (C. & L.,) bds. American Humphrey Barnet C, 18 Orange Humphrey & Co., (William Humphrey, James L, Humphrey and George Humphrey,) dealers in hardware, 41 and 43 State Humphrey John I., 486 Broadway Humphrey John, 26 Elk Humphrey Daniel, 292 Washington Humphrey Eve, 226 State Humphrey Robert, 226 State Humphrey John R., 43 Fayette Humphrey Chauncey, 203 State Humphrey F. W., 203 State Humphrey James L., 75 Beaver Humphreys William 109J Lydius Hun Thomas, M. D., office 36 Maiden Lane, res. cor. n. Pearl and Maiden Lane Hunderman Jane, widow, 24 Wilson Hungerfor d Elisha, laborer, cor. Dove and Hudson Hunt Francis, 705 Broadway Hunter Elkana, 71 First Hunter Thomas, 38 Third Hunter Robert, baker, 36 Washington Hunter Robert, soap manufacturer, 39 Lumber Hunter, widow of Robert, 11 n. Pearl Hunter John, watchmaker and jeweller, shop and h. 42 s. Pearl HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 173

HUNTERIAN DISPENSARY, 5 Maiden Lane Huntington Edwin T., 67 State, bds. 144 n. Pearl Huntington Rev. Ezra A., pastor 3d Presbyterian church, res. Ill n. Pearl Hurd J. N. M., exchange office, 15 Hudson, h. 26 Plain Hurd Samuel C, carpenter, 91 Dallius Hurdis John, painter, 9 Church, h. 31 Church Hurst & Young, grocers, 23 s. Pearl Hurst William,' 23 s. Pearl Hussey N., bds. Carlton House Huson Joseph, farrier, 38 n. Pearl Hustcd Mary, witlow, 40 Green Hutchins, witlow Lavina, 69 s. Lansing Hutchins, widow Sarah. 43 Orange Hutchins Stephen B.j painter and glazier, 102 Hawk Hutchinson Henry, cartman, 804 Broadway Hutchinson Robert, moulder, 213 Jefferson Hutchinson James, blacksmith, 12 Dewitt Hutchinson David, moulder, 373 Lydius Hutchison Thomas, laborer, 189 Orange Huxley, widow, 20 Bleecker Huyck Miss, milliner, 338 Broadway Huysinger Barcnt, cor. Schuyler and s. Pearl Huysinger Henry, cor. Schuyler and s. Pearl Hyard Wm,. 158 Spring Hyatt Thomas S., 343 Lydius Hyatt John L., 45 Montgomery Hydeman Michael, pedler, 131 Green Hymen Henry, pedler, 97 Schuyler Hymiller, Nicholas, cabinet maker, 213 s. Pearl Hynds David, 53 Van Schaick Hyler Wesley, wheelwright, 33 Herkimer 174 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. I ICKLAN PATRICK, baker, 117 Arch Iggett John, tin and coppersmith, 133 Hudson Igginton William, carperrter, 1S2 5. Pearl Ilsley Ferdinand I., teacher, 20 Broad Ilsley F. I. & Co., piano forte Room, 525 Broad­ way, Bleecker Hall Ingen John, 232 s. Pearl Ingles Walter, cooper, 46J Arch Ingmire Frederick, druggist and perfumer, 3(. Broadway, h. 48 Union Ingraham Wm., boatman, 108 Green Ireland Daniel, 66 Jackson Irwin Oliver, 49 Westerlo Irwin Theophilus, painter, 51 Liberty Irwin Wm paper hanger, 51 Liberty. Irwin John, paper hanger, 51 Liberty. Irwin widow Wm., 44 John Irwin John, 10 Union Irvin widow Henry, 8S6 Broadway Isaacs Myer, pedler, 221 s. Pearl Isaacs Benj., pedler, 203 s. Pearl Isdell James, grocer, cor. Hudson and Daniels Isdell Samuel, morocco dresser, 128 Arch Isdell Reuben, 201 Broadway Ives Hiram R., grocer, 45 Washington J Jackson John, potter, shop and residence Lark, near State Jackson Wm., grocer, 350 State Jackson John, 103 Orange Jackson John, 4 Douw's Buildings, residence, Si- Hudson Jackson JVancy, widow, 41 Second HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 175

Jackson Samuel W., 7 Cross Jackson Henry, 38 First, Arbor Hill Jackson Henry, 170 Spring Jackson John, rear 14 Van Zandt Jackson John I. 93 Fulton Jackson John, 74 Fulton Jackson John, 88 Canal Jackson John, 14 Van Zandt Jackson James, 14 Van Zandt Jackson widoio, 75 Cherry Jackson Christopher, 61 Fulton Jackson Julian, 115 Snipe Jackson Francis boatman, 41 Second Jacobs Samuel, bds. Mansion House Jacobs Lester, 47 Liberty Jacobson Evert, 12 Willett Jacobson Simon, Mechanic's and Farmer's Recess cor. s. Pearl and Howard Jacoby John, laborer, rear 10 Daniels Jacquay Joseph, 151 Orange Jaggers Ira, proprietor Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Beaver, res. 207 Hamilton JAIL, cor. Eagle and Howard James Henry, 50 n. Pearl James Even, boatman, 33 Swan James Augustus, office 45 and h. 47 n. Pearl James Edward, 43 n. Pearl. James Rev. Wm.,21 Montgomery James Edward, book-keeper of Canal Department. h. 1 Plain James Thomas D., attorney, &c, 66 State, res 134 s. Pearl James Thomas, flour merchant,49 Quay, h. 33Sw£n James, widow of Wm., 43 n. Pearl James Amos C, piano forte maker, 6 Chesnut James William, teacher, 154 Broad 176

James Edward, printer, bds. 9 Beaver Jameson Miss, milliner, 73 Canal Jameson James B., 9 Spring Jameson George, grocer, cor. s. Pearl and Hudson, h. 61 Division Jaquith James M., at Climax, foot of State Janes Wm., district school No. 1, 233 s. Pearl Jarvis John, carpenter, 188 n. Pearl Jenkins Ira, 25 Montgomery Jenkins John F., office 7 Commercial Buildings, res. 154 State Jenkins Lemuel, counsellor and Pension office, Me­ chanics' and Farmers' Bank, res. 73 Division Jenkins Charles M., attorney, &c, office Broad­ way, rear Merchants' Insurance Company, res. 27 Quackenbush Jenkins George, 7 Pine Jenkins John, hatter, 47 Liberty Jenkins John P., bds. Mrs. Dewitt's Jenkinson John S., tailor, 4 Dean Jenkinson James, Railroad House, 4 Dean Jennings Robert, 29 Green, h. 42 Eagle Jennings John, Dove . Lydius Jeroloman Alfred, 354 Lydius Jeroloman James, mason, 129 Eagle Jermain S. P.,40 Quay, bds. City Hotel Jewell Volkert D., Troy road Jewell Henry L., blacksmith, 233 s. Pearl Jewell Jeremiah P., superintendent State Hall, of­ fice State Hall Jewett J. H., bds. Townsend House Jewett William, laborer, 201 Green Jewett Miss, confectioner, 71 n. Pearl Johns Thomas, shoemaker, 56 Howard Johnson Jeannette R., select school, 10 Rose Johnson George, 70 Liberty DIRECTORY 177

Johnson James, laborer, 40 Van Zandt Johnson Hester, 64 n. Pearl Johnson Capt., 37 Division Johnson John, 14 Rose Johnson John, 172 Broadway Johnson Catharine, widow, 99 Orange Johnson Gilbert, grocer, 60| Quay Johnson Ann, grocer, 47 Eagle Johnson Daniel, cartman, 76 Eagle Johnson Robert L., bds. 2 Norton Johnson John, briekmaker, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Johnson Daniel C, victualler, h. 231 Broadway. Johnson Samuel, 79 Herkimer Johnson Henry, grocer, 10 Daniels Johnson George R., proprietor Lumberman's Ex change, 192 Water Johnson Francis, 229 n. Pearl Johnson William, cartman, 228 Broadway Johnson Ann W., 155 Hamilton Johnson Richard J., painter, 52 Van Schaick Johnson John I., grocer, 236 Broadway Johnson George. B., keeper Tompkins Saloon, 264 Broadway, h. 204 Broadway Johnson, witlow Mary, 47 Hudson Johnson Jane, 79 Herkimer Johnson James I., clerk Argus office, h. 155_Hamil- ton Johnson John, waterman, 108 Nucella Johnson Thomas, 102 Beaver Johnson John, cartman, 51 Bassett Johnson & Godley, manufacturers of silver ware, 128 State Johnson John, cartman, cor. Hudson & High Johnson William, 72 Lydius Johnson O. 1L, (S. & J.) Ill Hudson Johnson Mrs., 61 Fulton 178 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Johnson Henry, 76 Grand Johnson Henry, cook, rear 5 Park Johnson James, 52 High Johnson Abram, 52 High Johnson Ely, 379 State Johnson John, 202 Lumber, Arbor Hill Johnson Abram, 97 Basset Johnson Mary, 6 Fulton Johnston Robert, laborer, 28 Van Woert Johnston Peter, laborer, 43 Dewitt Johnston Wm. C, weigher and measurer, 3 Grand Johnston Peter, baker, 68 Green Johnston Thomas, moulder, Willett Johnston John W., coach pa;nter, cor. Church and Lydius, h. 142 Lydius Johnston Michael, accountant, 23 Park Joice Rodman L., attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, res. 79 n. Pearl Jollie James, saddler, Townsend House Jones John, rear 85 Canal Jones John, oyster dealer, 99 Quay Jones Wm., cooper, 24 Daniels Jones Wm., harness maker, 8 Union Jones Abram, tin smith, 98 Water Jones Geo. E. tinman, 101 Eagle Jones Abraham, laborer, 10 Wendell Jones Ezatus, tailor, 54 State, up stairs, res. 23 Park Jones Peter C, shoemaker, 85 Canal Jones John, tailor, 287 Washington n. b. Jones James D., stone-cutter, 82 Canal Jones John, Washington, w. of Asylum Jones Wm., 32 Second, Arbor Hill Jones Joshua I., auctioneer, 73 State, Alderman 10th ward, res. 5 High Jones John, tailor, 33 Steuben Jones Robert, 48 Second, Arbor Hill 179

Jones William, coachman, 8 Lumber Jones Ezra, grocer, 3 Little Basin Jones Smith, blacksmith, 112 Church Jones James, boatman, 121 Arch Jones Samuel, butcher, Washington, w. Asylum Jones Richard, plain and ornamental plasterer, 50 Canal Jones John, provision store, 675 Broadway Jones Thomas M., carriage maker, 65 s. Lansing Jones Benjamin P., commission merchant, 120 Pier Jones George, turner, 52 Chapel Jones George, agent for periodicals, Marble Pillar h. 83 Hamilton Jones N., surveyor general, office State Hall Jordan Christopher, 63 Slate, h. 215 s. Pearl Jordan Matthew, auction and commission merchant, 71 State, res. 14 s. Pearl Jordan Edward A., carpenter, 141 Third, Arbor Hill Jordan Barney, laborer, 188 Green Joseph Amos, grocer, cor. Swan and Second Joslin C, exchange office, 104 Pier Joslin A. C, Congress Hall Joslin Thomas, laborer, cor. Orange and Quay Joy Lewis, 130 State ^^ Joy and Monteath, Albany and <_nal Line Tow- boats, 3 State Joy Thaddeus, 74 n. Pearl. Joy Charles, provision store, 68 Washington, h. 15 Swan Joyce George, laborer, 51 Van Woert . Joynt John, 140 s Pearl Judd Lucy, widow of Chester, 42 Ferry Judd Franklin, silver plater, 162 Green Judson, widow Elizabeth, 53 Lumber Judson Levi, Brewer, 9 Dean 180 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Judson Ichabod L., provision store, 128, h. 134 Washington Judson W. A., lumber dealer, 72 pier, bds. City Hotel Judson Isaac E., wood dealer, 36 Quay,h. 53 Lum­ ber Jupp Langdon, 58 Howard JUSTICE'S COURT, over Centre Market, s. Pearl Jutkins George, iamp lighter, 66 Chapel K KAFFENBERGER JACOB, pedler, 198 Broad Kaaf Thomas, 71 Cherry Kain Thomas, 158 s. Pearl Kanally John, butcher, 355 Washington Kane James, laborer, 65 Broadway Kane William A., 863 Broadway Kane Charles, painter, 76 n. Pearl Kane Hazael, physician, 53 Washington Kane John, 2 Hawk Kane James, laborer, 43 Dewitt Kane James, 37 Columbia Kark Henry, shoemaker, 106 Nucella Kantz Fredenrick, 220 Washington Kasson Thomas, ujfcplsterer, 126 Orange Kay David C, 372Schenectady turnpike Kearn Richard, 88 Church Kearn Charles, 56 Lawrence Kearns Timothy, 75 Arch Kearns Patrick, laborer, 125 Canal Kearney Elizabeth, widow, 129 Orange Kearney Robert L. Exchange Office, 17 Exchange Buildings Kearney Robert, laborer, 75 Third Kearney Patrick, cartman, 87 Third Kearney Francis, mason, 173 Montgomery 181 Kearney Christopher, engineer, 31 Union Kearney, widow, 7 Bleecker Kearney Thomas, hotel, west side Little Basin Kearney William H., looking-glass and oil cloth ~~ store, 575 Broadway, h. 5 Canal Kearney William, laborer. 58 Lawrence Kearney John, mason, 57 Rensselaer Kearney Patrick, laborer, 80 Arch Kearnin Daniel, 6 Maiden Lane Kearnon Thomas, laborer, 60 Schuyler Kearns Patrick, laborer, 6 Centre Kearns James, laborer, 76 Franklin Kearns Owen, 2 Water Keefe James, 115 Canal Keefe Michael, laborer, 58 Lawrence Keefe John, laborer, 77 Schuyler Keefe Thomas, carpenter, 73 Cherry Kegan John, 108 Broad Kegan Michael, laborer, 110 Canal Kegan Patrick, 221 n. Pearl Keeler Henry, master boat Indiana, 38 Grand Keeler Theodore J., 50 Westerlo Keeler Jasper S., office 108 Pier, h. 75 Hamilton Keeler Frederick A., saddler, 344 Broadway, res. 75 Hamilton Keeler Isaac, baker, 50 Ferry Keeler Noah, 27 Lumber Keelin Theodore, 285 Wash. s.b. Keelin John, grocer, cor. Arch and Dallius Keeling William, 363 State Keith Francis H., res. 52 Division Keenan Patrick, laborer, 8 Colonie Keenan Owen, laborer, 51 Schuyler Keenan widow, 3 Eagle Keenan Michael, 283 Washington Keenan Michael H., printer, 14 s. Pearl Q 182 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Keenan M., 171 "Montgomery Keene Aaron, laborer, 132 Canal Keeran William, laborer, 123 Broad Keith Laban W., 15«Knox Kellogg Burr S., 53 State Kells William, laborer, 221 n. Pearl Kells Francis, grocer, 65 Colonie Keller Michael, 9 Wendell Keller Madice, shoemaker, 124 Broad Kelly Daniel D., 72 Chapel Kelly Thomas, laborer, 8 Morton Kelly SethF., Ill Church Kelly Michael, laborer, 26 Fayette Kelly James, mason, Chesnut, near State & Hawk Kelly Patrick, shoemaker, 600 Broadway Kelly Thomas, grocer, 40 Montgomery, corner Orange Kelly Edward, grocer, 104 Water Kelly Patrick, laborer, 3 Chesnut Kelly John, shoemaker, 36 Water Kelly, widow, 41 Canal Kelly Thomas, nail maker, 163 Spring Kelly Julian, 21 Hawk Kelly Daniel, carpenter, 155 Jefferson Kelly James, nailer, 229 Wash. Kelly Edward, 26 Van Woert Kelly Hugh, blacksmith, 58 Church Kelly & Wilkins, shoe store, 392 Broadway Kelly James, 371 State Kelly Thomas, blacksmith, 28 Canal Kelly Sylvanus, 144 Lydius Kelly George, chandler, 42 John Kelly William, laborer, 189 Broadway Kelly James, laborer, 8 Van Woert Kelly Patrick, 223 Broadway Kelly Robert, laborer, rear 43 Jackson Kelly James, engineer, 52 Fayette HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 183

Kelly Michael, mason, 18 John Kelly Forrester, 204 State Kelly Thomas, shoemaker, 36 Jefferson Kelso John, blacksmith and wheelwright shop 95. h. 83 Washington Kemp William, coach lace weaver, 129 Broad Kemp Alexander, chair-maker, 76 Canal Kendall William, baker, 50 Canal Kendall Erasmus, 49 Liberty Kendrick James, pewterer, 308 s. Pearl Kenna Peter, carpenter, rear, 22 Hawk Kendrick E. E., cashier Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, res. 19 Exchange Kennedy James, grocer, 115 Quay Kennedy John, grocer, 140 s. Pearl Kennedy Dennis, grocer, 71 Swan, Ar. Hill Kennedy Robert, cooper, 165 Green Kennedy Patrick, 43 Jackson Kennedy William, furnaceman, 20 Hawk Kennedy Michael, laborer, 3 Hawk Kennedy Peter, laborer, 121 Broad Kennedy William, shoemaker, 13 Lawrence Kennedy Michael, 8 Cross Kennedy Francis, grocer, 140 s. Pearl Kennedy James C, bds. Delavan Kennedy James, 1 Bleecker Kennedy Edward, 114 Quay Kennedy Michael, laborer, 128 Broad Kennedy Philip, teamster, 49 Mulberry Kennedy Rev. Duncan, pastor 1st Reformed Dutch Church 55 n. Pearl Kennedy, widow Catharine, 195 Broad Kennedy Michael, laborer, 26 Union Kennedy Daniel, bds. Delavan Kennelty Patrick, laborer, 76 Franklin Kenny John, marble works, 230 J State 184 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Kenny Thomas K., marble cutter, 232 State, res, 142 Washington Kent Elias, 25 Rensselaer Kent Isaac, 125 Green Kenter, witlow Cynthia, 39 Elm Kenyon, widow John, 812 Broadway Kenyon Moses, ship carpenter, 79 Green Kerker Mary, tailoress, 53 Van Schaick Kerker Benjamin B., 53 Van Schaick Kerr William, 7 Lancaster Kerr James, laborer, 151 n. Pearl Kerr W. & J., groceries and provisions, corner s. Pearl and Howard Kessal Joseph, shoemaker, 107 Washington Ketchum R. &, Son, lumber dealers, cor. Montgome­ ry and Spencer Ketchum Ephraim, hotel, 291 Washington Ketchum Rensselaer, 69 Ten Broeck Ketchum J. G.,69 Ten Broeck Kewin Robert, carpenter, 218 s. Pearl Keyo Patrick, tailor, 135 Orange Keys Henry, grocer, 60 Beaver, cor. William Keyser Peter, 59 Hawk Keyser Abraham, 194 Hamilton Keyser H. D. W., 15 Daniels Kibbe Elizabeth R., 135 Washington Kiley Jeremiah & Patrick, grocers, cor. Broad and Schuyler Kidd James, county treasurer, cor. Broadway and Steuben, res. 101 Clinton Square Kidd Elizabeth, 73 Division Kiernan William, Westerlo, w. Eagle Kiernan Thomas, grocer, 100 Canal Kiernan Thomas, 81 Cherry Kidney Jonathan, rear 82 Hudson Kidney Jonathan, jr., rear 82 Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 185

Kilbourn Ashbel, bookbinder, 169 Green Kilbourn George, 111 Orange Kilbourn James, carpenter, 111 Orange Kilboy Owen, laborer, 10 Catharine Kiley Patrick, mason, 62 s. Pearl Killon John, grocer, cor. Dallius and Arch Killon Martin, laborer, 40 n. Lansing Kilmer Cornelius, job printer, Com. Building, h.'73 Westerlo Kimball Misses, milliners, 189 Washington Kimber, Mrs. Hannah, milliner, 622 Broadway Kimber Thomas 622 Broadway Kimmey John, carpenter, 246 s. Pearl King It. M , 362 Broadway, res. 51 Cnapel King Henry L., 1 Park Place King A. C, furrier, 26 Liberty King William, blacksmith, 125 Water King John, bds. 149 Hamilton King, widow Vincent, 12 Pine King Samuel, bds. 12 Pine King Charles, printer, bds. 9 Washington King Samuel W., dry good and provision store, 52 Second, Arbor Hill King James, laborer, w. e. Van Woert King Kenneth, cor. s. Pearl and Alexander King M., 3 Swan King Rufus H. & Co. (Rufus H.) Bleecker (Henry) and Mc Harg (John), wholesale dealers in dry goods, 49 State King Rufus H., 1 Park Place King Erastus T., East Albany King James B., lumber merchant, 13 Pier, h. 72 n. Pearl King Nathan G., merchant, 6 State, res. 158 Lydius Kingsbury William, coachmaker, 97 Church Kingsbury Samuel, chandler, 79 Orange Q* 186 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Kingsbury James, coachmaker, 97 Church Kingsley Hale, attorney, &c, 55 State, h. 59 Dewitt Kingsworth Henry, Washington, w. Asylum Kinney Michael, laborer, cor. Green & Mulberry Kinney John, constable, 7 Ferry Kinney John S., screw dock, Columbia-street bridge, h. 25 Dallius Kinsala Michael, tailor, 355 State Kip Rev. Wm. I., rector St. Paul's church, h. 126 State Kip John, 105 Broadway Kirby Matthew, laborer, 154 Broadway Kirby Alfred, coachmaker, 39 Bleecker Kirk , laborer, 20 Canal Kirk Andrew, brewery, 904 Broadway Kirk Abram, draper and tailor, cor. Hudson and Broadway, res. 5 Chapel Kirk Joseph C, 18 Plain Kirkland Joseph, 39 Van Zandt Kirkland Alexander, 115 Knox Kirkpatrick Thomas, overseer of Poor, 22 Beaver Kirkpatrick Margaret, provision store, 3 doors s. Centre Market, 15 s. Pearl Kirkpatrick Robert, 351 Washington Kirkpatrick Edward, victualler, Centre Market, 15 s. Pearl Kirkpatrick Mary, widow, 24 Van Schaick Kirtland Benjamin, carpenter 309 State Kittle W. S., bds. Townsend house Kittle Gerrit, 29 Canal Kittle James E. 81 n. Pearl KlinckMrs.,85 Hudson Kline Catharine, widow of Matthias, 50 Columbia Kline George P., bds. 50 Columbia Kling John L., 217 Hamilton Kling Henry M., (M. & K.) 19 Jay HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 187

Kling Joseph, pedler, 91 Schuyler Klos Jacob, 43 Plain Knapp Hubbel], store 27 Quay, h. 50 Hudson Knapp Robert, blacksmith, corner William and Hamilton, h. 47 Van Schaick Kneffly Martin, tailor, h. 53 Fayette Knibbs Joseph, 62 Eagle Knickerbocker Hiram, mason, 240 Lumber Knight James, tailor, 69 Rensselaer Knight Thomas, hatter, store and h. 114 Water Knight Henry, builder, 132 Hamilton Knoff Edward, musician, 252 Washington Knower Timothy A., bds. 128 State Knower John and Benjamin, hat store, 386 J Broad­ way, wool store 31 Hudson, res. 132 State Knowles Horace, 59 Broadway Knowlton Hosea, rectifier of whiskey, wholesale dealer in liquors, lamps, oil and gas, 197 Broad­ way, res. 119 Green. Knox John, 138 State Knox William, laborer, 52 n. Lansing Kolenbergh Edward, furrier, 46 Patroon Kolp Charles, pedler, 133 Broad Kolster Abraham, silversmith, 78 Cherry Koon John, attorney, &c, 3 Exchange Buildings, res. — Patroon Koonz William, 70 Schuyler Koonz Abram, manufacturer of coverlets and car­ pets, 44 Grand Korte Christian, cabinetmaker, 198 Washington Kowalskie C, bds. City Hotel Krantz John, porter and boarding-house,280 Broad­ way Krebs Charles, cor. Hudson and Lark Kreuder George, grocer, 110 Pier Kyle James, laborer, 63 Van Woert 188 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY-.

LACKEY EUNICE, 91 Franklin La Brush Lewis, 240 Broadway Laclare James, furrier, 65 n. Lansing Lacy William, office American Citizen, res. 10 Van Schaick Lacy Daniel, laborer, 65 Fulton Lacy Myers, laborer, 110 Canal La Croix Dr., Galen's Head, 56 Beaver Laehy Thomas, cooper, 35 Dean Ladenburgh Henry, laborer, 113 Knox Lade Philemon, blacksmith, 70 Fulton Lalby Patrick, malster, 372 Washington Ladew John C. F., victualler, cor. Green and Her­ kimer Ladew Stephen, accountant, 26 William Ladew George T., carpenter, 18 Union Lagrange Stephen, stove and tin and sheet iron ware, 92 State, res. 206 Hamilton Lagrange Gerrit, exhange office, 455 Broadway, h. 72 Hamilton Laisdell John A., 94 Columbia Lake Wm. H., printer, 39 High Lake L., grocer, 44 Green Lamb James, 13 Alexander Lamb Patrick W., grocer, 37 Howard Lamb George, 41 Broad Lamure T. & C, grocers and provision dealers, 39 Washington, res. 27 Fayette L'Amoreux James, attorney, &c. 8 Douw's Build­ ings, h. 76 Hudson L'Amoreux widow, 112 Hamilton Lancaster Cyrus, globe maker, 144 Hamilton Landers Joseph, laborer, 283 Washington DIRECTORY. 189*

Landon William, proprietor Congress Hall, corner Capitol Park and Washington Lane James II., 332 State Lane Thomas, teamster, 104 Water Lane Timothy, milkman, 219 s. Pearl Lang David, 119 Franklin Lang William, carpenter, Westerlo w. Eagle Langrish William, blacksmith, 173 s. Pearl Langor Chester, laborer, 96 Bassett Langwood Daniel, 243 State Laney Lucien B., (G. & L.) 216 s. Pearl Lannen Barney, laborer, 63 Arch Lannigan James, mason, 89 Fulton Lansing Jacob, shoe store, 80^ State, h. w. e. Pa­ troon Lansing Henry B., hatter, 154 Broad Lansing Andrew D., agent, opposite Patroon's Mansion Lansing Henry Q., com. deeds, 4 exchange, res. 165 Broadway, (old oumber) Lansing H. S., bds. Miss Carter's Lansing W. J., shoemaker, 45 Union Lansing Abraham A., gentleman's furnishing store, 2 Delavan, 21 Columbia Lansing Wm., (II. & L.) bds Miss Carter's Lansing Isaac, 15 Van Tromp Lansing Jacob, attorney, &c, office 68 State h. 683 Broadway Lansing Christopher Y., attorney, &c, office 1 and 3 Douw's Buildings, h. 667 Broadway Lansing Abraham F., librarian Young Men's Asso­ ciation, 6 Van Schaick Lansing Jacob J., exchange office, Stanwix Hall in Maiden Lane, res. 1 Montgomery Lansing Gerrit, 49 Van Zandt ,190 Lansing Jacob, 103 Patroon Lansing Gerrit Y., attorney, &c, office 442 Broad­ way, res. 52 n. Pearl Lansing Gerrit, carpenter, 138 Spring Lansing Charles B., attorney, &c, 442 Broadway, h. Watervliet Lansing H. S., 140 State Lansing and Pruyn, attorneys, &c, 442 Broadway Langloss Lewis, comb maker, 13 Fayette Lante Joseph, 121 Franklin La Paja Peter, mason, Chesnut Lape John I., carpenter, 79 Colonie Lappeus Wm., laborer, 66 Union Laramee James, 213 Lumber Larcher Samel W., merchant tailor, 75 Hudson Larkin Thomas, laborer, 59 Lawrence Larkin Michael, tailor, 703 Broadway Larkin Thomas, laborer, 29 Van Woert Larkins Martin, 5 Columbia Lasell &. Meadon, dry goods, 534 Broadway Lasell S. H., bds. Delavan Latham Wm. G., confectioner, 11 Wilson, h. 134 n. Pearl Latham Jasper, pedler, 814 Broadway Lathrop Henry, 585 Broadway Lathrop Gideon, 691 Broadway Lathrop Dyer, merchant, 89 Washington, h. 132 Lathrop Septimius, merchant, cor. Quay & Maiden Lane, h. 29 Patroon Lathrop Allen I., tinman, 24 Daniels Latta John, 278 s. Pearl Latour William, white-washer, 32 Canal Latour Henry, cook, 5 Lark Lattimore Benjamin, groceries and provisions, 9 Plain Laut John, shoemaker, 39 Green, h. 56 Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 191

Laughren Felix, 223 Broadway Lavendall Isaac, butcher, 220 s. Pearl Lavender W., oil cloth painter, 101 Patroon Lavender Christopher, laborer, 16 Clinton Lary James, laborer, 18 Park Lary John, 104 Canal LAW BUILDINGS, cor. Broadway and Beaver Law Stephen D., attorney, &c, Exchange Building bds. American Law Miss Mary, milliner, 38 Green Lawler Daniel, segar maker, 18 Second Lawler, widow, 186 Green Lawler Joseph, mason, Westerlo w. Eagle Lawler Martin, grocer, cor. Park and State Lawler Fanton, provision store, 261 State Lawless William, porter, 21 John Lawless James, laborer, 71 Church Lawless John, 223 Broadway Lawless Matthew, moulder, 55 Church Lawliss John, mason, 76 Arch Lawrence Alpheus L., 113 Pier, h. 102 Green Lawrence, widow Ira, rear 105 Beaver Lawrence, widow Thomas H., grocer, 44 Liberty Lawrence Jane, widow of William, 61 Lydius Lawrence Richard, 75 Rensselaer Lawrence Peter, 41 Second Lawson Edward, teacher, 59 Canal Lawton George H., 34 Philip Lawton Gardener, 1 Franklin Layton Thomas, blacksmith, 17 Hawk Lea John, 85 Green Leach Edward, cartman, 56 s. Lansing Leach Henry, 77 Colonie Leake William, 130 State Leake, widow of John W., 39 Ferry Leake John S., 39 Ferry 192 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Leake Simeon J., 39 Ferry Learned Wm. L., attorney, &c, 18 Commercial Buildings, resides Delavan House Leary John, laborer, Westerlo, w. Eagle Leary Timothy, laborer, 41 Rensselaer Leask John, lace store, 598 Broadway, h. 630 Leavings Patrick, laborer, 82 Canal Leavitt Andrew, barber, 42 Orange Leavitt Stephen, shoemaker, 39 Canal Leavitt N. K., constable, 628 Broadway Leddy Peter B., dyer, 55 Green Leddy Barney, laborer, 161 Green Leddy James, harness maker, Little Basin Leddy Bryan, laborer, 79 Ferry Leddy, widow James, 709 Broadway Leddy James, 8 Columbia Ledwidge Patrick, 9 Dewitt Ledwidge Matthew, laborer, 33 Van Woert Lee, Mrs. Hannah, corset maker, 90 s. Pearl Lee John segar maker, 90 s. Pearl Lee Thomas (E. & Theodore) merchant tailors, 83 State, h. 20 Van Schaick Lee Noah, cashier of Exchange Bank, and notary public, res. Watervliet Lee James, laborer, 8 Wendell Lee William, baker, 41 Canal Lee Dennis, 326 Lydius Lee Thomas E., 20 Van Schaick Lee John, crockery packer, 42 Patroon Lee Theodore, 20 Van Schaick Lee Thomas, 20 Van Schaick Lees Thomas, dealer in china, glass and earthen­ ware, 98 State, res. 17 Jay Lees Charles, stone cutter, 164 Green Leflaick David, currier, 72 Canal Legg Silas, cooper, 79 Canal HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 193

Leggat William, boarding-house, 49 Herkimer Leipman Joseph, pedler, 133 Broad Leister William, laborer, 165 Orange Leman, widow Charlotte, 106 Herkimer Lemily Henry, cabinet maker, 62 Church Lendebner Joseph, 825 Broadway Lend Angel, pedler, 272 s. Pearl Lenderson, widow Jane, 5 Wendell Lennahon Thomas, carpenter, 51 Jefferson Lenox Miss, dressmaker, 88 Beaver Lenox, widow, 88 Beaver Leonard Cynthia, 27 Lodge Leonard Francis, 89 Franklin Leonard Thomas, grocer, cor. Franklin and Rens­ selaer Leonard Wm. L., bds. Delavan Leonard Philip, laborer, 29 Lumber Leonard S. Southwick, Lark near Lydius Leonard Christopher G., painter, 132 Hawk Leonard Harman, 106 State Leonard Daniel I., 76 Colonie Leonard Paul C, mason, 93 Dallius Leonard Mark, wagon-maker, 60 Church Leonard Thomas, shoemaker, 49 Canal Leonard Nicholas, tinsmith, 12 Broad Leonard John, saddler, 40 Colonie Leopard Gideon, 105 Third, Arbor Hill Lepoint Francis, furrier, 61 Second Leslie, widow, 53 Canal Leverts Joseph, cartman, 31 Van Woert Levi David, hairdresser, 223 s. Pearl Levi Solomon, pedler, 261 s. Pearl Levi J., optician 19 Hamilton Lewis Miss, 89 Herkimer Lewis Benetlict, milkman, 13 Canal Lewis William, shoemaker, 13 Canal R 194 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lewis Lewis J., 9 Wendell Lewis Charles W., segar maker, 40 Green, bds. 13 Canal Lewis Henry, grocer, 103 Quay Lewis, widow Jane, 24 Hawk Lewis, widow Sarah, nurse, 45 Maiden Lane Lewis Jacob, 60 Patroon Lewis Henry, produce buyer, 272 Washington Lewis Morgan, produce buyer, 272 Washington Lewis John, shoemaker, 182 Montgomery Lewis Margaret, rear 197 Hamilton Libman William, pedlar, 125 Lydius Liebe John, 44 Dennison Lighthall William A., engineer 133 Washington Liggett John, 59 Church Lillie E. L., watch maker, 7 Pine Lillie Charles, 125 Hamilton Lillie Rufus W. 97 s. Pearl Lillie Jonathan W., 55 Grand Linacre John, 43 Washington Linacre James, 74 Lawrence Linacre Elizabeth, 37 Steuben Lincoln George F. 10 Pine Lindsey John, pastor n. Pearl st. Methodist Church, res. 75 n. Pearl Linsley Joel, teamster, 343 Washington, n. b. Linsenbolz John, 113 Franklin Lipman Moses, pedlar, 112 Broad Litchfield Edwin C. Attorney, &c, 4 Exchange Buildings, bds. Delavan Litchfield John, sexton, North Methodist Church res. in rear Little John, 65 Orange Little Geo. W., Deputy Treasurer, office State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 195

Little Weare C, bookstore and literary rooms, cor. State and Broadway, bds. Eagh Tavern Little Daniel, bds. American Little Lemuel, type founder, third floor Exchange Buildings, res. 41 Hawk Little John, tailor, 44 Fayette Littlefield, John, carpenter, 104 Patroon Littlejohn Levi S., 106 Pier, res. Arbor Hill 19 Second Littlejohn W'illiam, proprietor Steambout Hotel 122 Pier Livingston W. A., Agent Express, 11 Exchange, bds. Delavan • Livingston John A., attorney, &c, alderman 6th ward, office 66 State, h. 3 Clinton Square Livingston John D., 94 State, h. 15 Lancaster Livingston, widow of Edward, 68 n Pearl Livingston William, laborer, 71 Broadway Livingston Aaron, merchant, 268 Washington Livingston & Wells, Express office,' 11 and 12 Ex­ change Building. Livingston Samuel, lock maker, 8 Alexander Livingston C, bds. Delavan Lloyd Lyman John, saddler and harness maker, 347 Broadway, res. 320 Lydius Lloyd Alexander C., bds Stanwix Hall Lloyd widow Sally, 170 n. Pearl Lloyd Rowland, 45 Plain Lloyd Samuel II., coachmaker, 96 Green Lloyd widow Wiilard, 90 Schuyler Lloyd Thomas, machinist, 15 Lydius, shop 34 Lloyd A. J., saddler, bds. U. S. House Loatwell Jacob, 73 Lawrence ' Loatwell James, 73 Lawrence Lochlin John, weaver, 16 Centre Lochlin, Stephen, 30 s. Lansing 196 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lochner George, grocer, 62 Washington Lochner Christian, tailor, 14 Owen's Alley LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton Lockerty William, 93 Beaver Lockley Richard, wheelwright, 70 Lumber Locklear Robert, barber 327 Lydius Lockrow Peter, shoemaker, 88 Swan, Arbor Hill Lockrow Van Buren, patent medicines, 54 Beaver, 2 doors above Pearl, h. 46 Philip Lockwood Mrs. Sarah, 60 Patroon Lockwood I., grocer, 11 Washington Lodewick Simeon, grocer, 288 Broadway Lodewick Simeon, 99 Herkimer Lodowick Simon D., grocer, 288 Broadway Lodge Benjamin, 95 Second, Arbor Hill Loevy Charles, 9 Liberty Logan Mathew, shoemaker, 32 Chapel Logan William, 7 s. Lansing Logue John, moulder, 100 Nucella Long Charles P., coachsmith, 265 s. Pearl Long Michael, 16 Van Zantlt Long John, cartman, 65 Third, above Swan, Long William, cabinet maker, 17 Hawk Long Henry, tailor, Schenectady turnpike Long William, 164 Jefferson Long James, coach maker, 243 s. Pearl Longley James, 912 Broadway Longley William F., 782 Broadway Loomis Willis, 117 Knox Loomis Jedathan, painter, 21 First Loomis S. A., grocer, cor. s. Pearl and Hamilton. res. 56 s. Pearl Ltf>omis George J , book-store, printing office and res. 9 Washington Lord T. S., 18 Pier, res. 4 Van Schaick 197

Lord David E', 179 Montgomery Lord Matthew A., bds. U. S. House" Lord Miss E., dressmaker, 30 Hawk Lord Edmund, crimper, 19 Philip Lord Edmund J., bds. cor. Hawk and Washington Lord Joseph, shoemaker, 19 Philip Lord Joseph & Son, dealers in provisions, 29 Wash­ ington Lorigan Bartholomew, maltster, 40 Canal Lossing John, whitesmith, shop 217, h. 253 Wash­ ington Lottridge Robert, 797 Broadway Loucks John H., innkeeper, 15 Washington Love Andrew, carpenter, 190 s. Pearl Lovee Townsend, 55 Dewitt Loveridge Mrs. C.,68 Herkimer Loveland Amos, 35 Jefferson Lovell Richard, porter house, 10 William Lovell Christopher, mason, 303 s. Pearl Lovett John E., attorney, &c, secretary of Albany Insurance Company, office 56 State, h. 148 State Lovett Joseph M., book-keeper in Exchange Bank, res. 353 Lydius Lovie Alexander, lockmaker, shop 86 Green, res. 31 Division Low William II., accountant, 111 Hudson Low Addison, 41 Ferry Low Francis S., stove dealer, 10 and 12 Green, res. 62 Lodge Low (F. S.) & Leake (J. S ) stove dealers, 12 Green Low John, shoe dealer, 268 s. Pearl Low Charles, 268 Lydius Low Charles, 105 Broadway Low Warren S., 20 Dallius Lowell Iltram M., rear 53 Fayette 198 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lownsberry Charles, 84 Montgomery Lowrey John, 164 Washington Lucas Davis, 274 s. Pearl Luce Walter, boarding house, 21 Hudson Luce Edward, carpenter, 91 Dallius Lueky Henry, tailor, 28 Hamilton Luke Henry, bds. 70 s. Pearl Luke S. & H. dry goods, 2 s. Pearl Luscom Daniel, river-wrecker, 28 Van Schaick Lush William, 684 Broadway Lush, widow of Samuel S., 123 State Lush Stephen, 684 Broadway Luther Nicholas, barber, 97 Beaver Luther J. P., bds, 64 Montgomery Luther George, 93 Third, Arbor Hill Luther Jeremiah, carpenter, 91 Third, above Swan Luther George W., wood dealer, office 26 Quay, h. 64 Montgomery LUTHERAN CHURCH, cor. Pine and Lodge LUTHERAN CHURCH, (German) State, near Swan Lyall Alexander, tailor, 46 Church Lyall David, tailor, 86 Jefferson Lyle Robert, 64 Third, Arbor Hill Lyman Charles R., bds. 17 Liberty Lyman Patrick, 179 Broadway Lyman Richard, laborer, 179 Broadway Lyman William, dry goods and carpet store, 374 Broadway, bds. Franklin House Lynch Michael, 107 Broad Lynch P., shoemaker, 13 Lumber Lynch Owen, clothing store, 7 Little Basin Lynch William, mason, 22 Jefferson Lynch Michael, laborer, 36 n. Lansing Lynch Patrick, 158 s. Pearl Lym h Martin, laborer, 55 Schuyler Lynch James, moulder, 214 s. Pearl 199 Lynch Hugh, boatman, 83 Church Lynch James, laborer, 152 Montgomery Lynch Daniel, 62 Rensselaer Lynch John, carpenter, 329 Lydius Lynch John, grocer, l07 Beaver Lynch Cornelius, ship carpenter, 28 Water Lynch Daniel, 2 Water Lynch John, clothing store, 10 Little Basin Lynds Aaron G., piano-forte maker, 854 Broad­ way Lyon Aaron, commission merchant, 78 Washington Lyon L., variety store, 211 s. Pearl Lyon Philo D., grocer & provisions, cor. Beaver and William Lyon George, painter, 18 Lydius Lyon Dr. A., Little Basin, h. 4 n. Lansing Lyons William, wheelwright, 65 Fulton Lyons, widow Jane, rear 70 Eagle Lyons Mary, grocer, 18 Centre, cor. Colonie Lyons Joseph, 30 Canal M MCALLISTER ALEXANDER, 583 Broadway Mc Allister Wm, A., 8 Catharine McAllister Daniel, collector for Evening Journal, 160 Orange McAllister Charles, blacksmith, 55 n. Lansing McAllister Anson, 50 Westerlo McAllister J. Mairs, dentist, 587 Broadway McAnally , 154 Broadway McAneeny James, 11 Bleecker McAravay John, shoemaker, 168 Montgomery McArthur, widow Marion, 32 Patroon McAuley Michael, wood dealer, cor. Arch and Dal­ lius 200 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McAuley John, grocer, 6 Little Basin McBain Daniel, 12 Morton McBain George, 104 Herkimer McBride John & William, jr., grocery and provi­ sion dealers, 262 Washington McBride William, 262 Washington McBride George, shoemaker, 31 Liberty McBride Thomas, 4 Catharine McBride Edward, laborer, 27 Van Woert McBurney Joseph, carpenter, 114 Jefferson McBurney James, grocer, cor. Hudson and Green McCabe James, 37 Van Schaick McCabe Patrick, laborer, 77 Orange McCabe Richard, dealer in dry goods, 382 Broad­ way McCabe, widow Margaret, 32 Hudson McCabe Lawrence, 75 Colonie McCabe John, 186 n. Pearl McCabe James, widow, 66 n. Lansing McCabe John, shoemaker, 62 Third McCabe Francis, cartman, 18 Second McCabe Patrick, grocer, cor. Water and Spencer McCafferty (Michael) & Holmes (Alexander,) ba­ kers, 26 n. Pearl McCafferty James, laborer, 69J Colonie McCafferty Michael, 26 n. Pearl McCafferty Edward, laborer, 103 Van Woert McCafferey Francis, furnace man, 52 Fayette McCaffrey Owen, laborer, 161 Lumber McCaffrey Francis, 22 Van Woert McCaffrey Christopher, 39 n. Lansing McCale John, 158 s Pearl McCall Terence, brickmaker, 413 Lydius McCall Patrick M , grocer, 86 Second, Arbor Hill McCall Thomas, lumber inspector, 9 Van Woert McCall II. S., teacher, 213 n. Pearl 201 McCall William, porter, 15 Columbia McCambly John, 18 Second McCammon Cyrus, 7 Fayette McCammon William, machinist, 7 Fayette McCammon, widow Enoch, 7 Fayette McCammon Charles, moulder, 7 Fayette McCammon John, carpenter, 7 Fayette McCammon Alexander, machinist, 7 Fayette McCann Cornelius, cartman, 113 Jefferson McCann Henry, laborer, 55 Colonie McCann Patrick, 6 Maiden Lane McCann John, 102 Water McCandra John, laborer, 43 Jackson McCandry Daniel, mason, Westerlo w. Eagle McCardell Joseph, 245 Broadway McCardell John, Climax House, foot State McCardell James, 73 Third, Arbor Hill McCarron Peter, laborer, 61 n. Lansing McCarthy Patrick, laborer, rear 104 Water McCarty Jeremiah, laborer, 75 Schuyler McCarthy, widow, 45 Rensselaer McCarty James, mason, 155 Broadway McCarty Lawrence, laborer, rear 104 Water McCarty John, laborer, 369 State McCarty James, 60 Schuyler McCarty Patrick, rear, 84 Water McCarty Owen, pedler, 24 Van Woert McCarty James, mason, 24 Howard McCasky William, shop 22 Church, h. 182 State McCaughlin John, grocer, 215 Broadway McChesney Lucas H., chair manufacturer. 108 and 110 State, res. 24 Dove McChesney Elijah, harness-maker, 21 Steuben McClaskey Edward, mason, 4 Morton McClaskey William, 163 Spring McClaskey James, laborer, 189 Market 202 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. McClaskey C. L., hay scales, cor. Montgomery and n. Lansing, h. 187 Hamilton McClannan David, 55 Howard McCleary Michael, laborer, 58 Arch McClelland Joseph, 61 Eagle McClelland William, 64 Green McClelland James 64 Spring McClintock Ralph, 13 Beaver McCloud Charles, tailor, 61 Lancaster McCloskey Owen, mason, 6 Morton McClure Archibald, wholesale dealer in paints, oils and dye woods, 74 State, h. 198 McClure James, widow, 196 State McClure James, copper, (in and sheet iron manu­ facturer, 627 Broadway, res. 68 Jackson McClure James E., 72 State, bds. cor. Steuben and Pearl McClure Jonathan, tinman, 83 Orange McClure John, 195 Broad McClusky Michael, 27 Montgomery McClusky Cornelius, mason, 4 Morton McCluskey Bernard, grocer, 7 Lydius McCollum Robert, confectioner, 176 n. Pearl, res. 73 Ten Broeck McCollum, widow Ellen, 150 Jefferson McCollum Hugh, merchant, store and residence 22 Quay McCollow, widow of Patrick, 55 Beaver McConnell William, carpenter, 71 Arch McConnell George, baker, 31 Herkimer McConver Felix, 98 Colonie McCord James, builder 6 De Witt McCormick Patrick, laborer, 137 Church McCormick Patrick, laborer, Lancaster Alley McCormick Michael, 61 Broadway McCormick James, 39 Rensselaer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 203

McCormick Michael, cooper, 86 Church McCormick Robert, 787 Broadway McCotter Neil, laborer, 10 Colonie McCotter Neal, at Little Basin, 167 Montgomery McCotter John, tailor, 64 Orange. McCoy, Clarke, & Co., 13 Green McCoy William, bds. City Hotel McCoy S., bds. City Hotel McCready William, 16 Bleecker McCrossan John, mason, 47 Dallius McCue Francis, 107 Canal McCue, widow of Michael, 145 Broad McCue Daniel, laborer, 107 Canal McCuen Joseph, laborer, 31 n. Lansing McCuen Francis, 108 Broad McCullock & Smith, grocers, 8 s. Pearl McCullock P., bds. Carlton House McCulloch John, 310 Washington s. b. McCulloch John, merchant, cor. Lydius and Lark McCulloch Walter S., printer, 340 State McCulloch David, 10 State, bds. Clinton Hotel McCulloch, widow Isabel, 340 State McCulloch John, laboier, 179 Broadway McCusker Thomas, laborer, 78 Church MrCusker Arthur, laborer, 78 Church McCusker Hugh, turner, 34 Water McDermott John, laborer, 35 Canal McDevitt An+hony, 49 Van Schaick McDonald Erastus, 29 Van Schaick McDcnald Patrick, 28 Van Woert McDonald Patrick, 65 Rensselaer McDonald James, painter, 22 Bleecker McDonald James, shoemaker, 612 Broadway McDonald Jacob, baker, 11 Columbia McDonald James, grocer, cor. Quackenbush and Broadway 204 McDonald Henry W., pedler, 160 Washington McDonald Patrick, laborer, 85 Canal. McDonald Simon S., 27 Swan, McDonald William, plasterer, Westerlo continued McDonald Patrick, 33 Westerlo McDonald Thomas C, 605 Broadway McDonald Patrick, laborer, 112 Canal McDonald Francis, laborer, 72 Arch McDonald Patrick, grocer, 7, Canal Basin McDonald Peter, laborer, 47 Van Schaick McDonald John, teamster, 73 Rensselaer McDonald Barnard, wheelright, 210 s. Pearl, res. 137 Broad McDonald Angus, 31 Water McDonald Michael, laborer, 82 Spencer McDonald Cornelius, 70 Cherry McDonald James, 11 Ferry McDonald John, laborer, 28 Canal McDonald Bridget, Lancaster Alley McDonald Daniel, plasterer, 5 Phcenix place McDonald carpenter, 10 Cross McDonald Benjamin, carpenter, 62 Jackson McDonald Thomas, laborer, 114 Canal McDonald Michael, laborer, 78 Orange McDonough rear 87 Third McDonough James, 22 Bleecker McDonough Roderick, tailor,5 Church, h 9 Westerlo McDonough James, laborer, 3 Bleecker McDonough Rev. James, pastor St. John's Church, res. 51 Dallius McDonough Patrick,laborer, Westerlo above Eagle McDowell Andrew, 12 Morton McDowell Abraham, 99 Third, Arbor-Hill McElroy Alexander, 156 Broadway McElroy William, dealer in dry goods, 645 Broad­ way cor. Orange, res. 640 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 205

McElroy Thomas, wholesale and retail grocer, Maiden Lane, cor. Dean, h. 156 Broadway, Aid. 6th ward McElroy Henry, brass founder, 12 Beaver, res. 10 William McElroy William, brass founder, 12 Beaver, res 10 William McElroy Peter, merchant tailor, 58 Howard McEntee Thos. S., skipper, 100 Spring McEntee John, 14 Lodge McEvoy John, cor. Green & Rensselaer McEwen George, 146 Lydius McFall, Frederic, 64 Fulton McFarlan Robert, Editor Mechanics' Mirror, 200 Hamilton McFarlen Leslie, baker, 105 Herkimer McFarlin John, laborer, 68 Orange McFarlin James, blacksmith, rear 76 Canal McFarren Robert, moulder, 9 Baker's Court,?* Ferry McFlanagan, Michael, laborer, 51 Columbia McGan Patrick, laborer, 38 Rensselaer McGarvin Daniel, 259| rear s. Pearl McGarvey James, 45 Lumber McGee Thomas, tailor, 31 Herkimer McGee Jane, widow, 84 Church McGee Terence, laborer, 51 Church McGee Patrick, teamster, 3 Hawk McGee Patrick, teamster, 116 Canal McGee Edward, 43 n. Lansing McGeough Michael, grocer, Maiden Lane McGill Henry, brickmaker, rear 220 State McGin James, grocer, 93 Quay McGinn John, tailor, 7 s. Lansing McGinn Michael, grocer, J00 Schuyler McGinnis John, laborer, 72 Orange McGinnis, widow, 70 Arch 206 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McGinnis Patrick, teamster, 244 Lydius McGinnis John, laborer, 36 Arch McGinnis Constantine, laborer, 13 Bleecker McGlen John, laborer, 43 Water McGlyn Richard, 84 Church McGonagee Daniel, 6 Lydius McGourkey Wm. G., clerk in canal office, State Hall, res. 72 Eagle McGoverin Thos., laborer, 95 Gansevoort McGowan Minos, 20 Lawrence McGowan John, 153 Orange McGowan John, painter, Bradford McGowan John, laborer, 14 Columbia McGowen, M., 20 Lawrence McGrath Henry, 8 Lydius McGrath Thomas, 4 Dean McGrath Michael, 13 Bleecker McGrath Martin, laborer, 62 Schuyler McGrath James, leather dresser, 60 Arch McGrath Morris, carpenter, shop 80 Arch, bds. 60 Arch McGrath Morris, cartman, 709 Broadway McGraw, widow, 65 Maiden Lane McGraw, widow, Patrick, 61 Fulton McGue Owen, laborer, 36 Water McGuerck Cornelius grocer, 187 Broadway McGuigan Francis, victualler, Centre Maiket, h. 128 Slate McGuin Francis, 44 Van Schaick McGuire James, laborer, 119 Canal McGuire James, laborer, 61 Canal McGuire, widow, Bridget, 45 Liberty McGuire Charles, 56 Third, Arbor Hill McGuire Philip, 74 Swan, Arbor Hill McGuire Michael, 170 Montgomery McGuire Patrick, 48 Second McGuire Eugene, laborer, 44 Van Schaick HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 207

McGuire James, blacksmith 66 Schuyler McGuire Anthony, waiter, 41 Canal McGuire Thomas, cabinet maker, 116 Sttate, h. 26 Lodge McHarg Wm., clerk State Bank, res. 24 n. Pearl McHarg Alexander, silversmith, 327 Broadway h. 19 Franklin McHarg John, merchant, 49 State, h. 24 n. Pearl McHarg Misses, 42 Green McHarg Wm., 81 State McHench William, clerk in Mechanics' and Farm­ ers' Bank, res. 77 Hudson McHench Alexander, carpenter, 170 Hudson Mcintosh D., shoemaker, 77 Canal Mcintosh W. S. & E. C. (Walter S. and Ezekiel C.,) wholesale and retail dealers in crockery, 364 and 366 Broadway Mcintosh Ezekiel C.,37 Ferry Mcintosh Walter S., 38 Lydius Mcintosh, widow of Peter, 220 Washington Mclntyre Philip, laborer, 33 Van Woert Mclntyre Archibald, 97 n. Pearl Mclntyre John, cartman, 11 Ferry Mclntyre John McD., 99 n. Pearl Mclntyre Terence, laborer, 165 Orange Mclntyre Archibald, 19 Park Mclntyre John, laborer, 154 Montgomery Mclntyre William P., 101 Knox McKaig Hugh, laborer, 50 Orange McKaig Andrew, teacher, 36 Grand McKay John, 53 Hudson McKannan John, looking glass manufactory, £7 Green, h. 41 Columbia McKeever Peter, blacksmith, cor. Hamilton & Rose McKearnarf, widow Catharine, 135 Broad McKeever Peter, 15 John i08 DIRECTORY.

McKeever Patrick, blacksmith, 47 Grand McKelser George, 34 Howrrd McKenna Hugh, grocer, 185 Montgomery McKenna John, cartman, 100 Swan, Arbor Hill McKenna Bernard, 184 Green McKenna Bernard, 28 Chapel McKenna Patrick, wheelwright, 127 Orange McKenna Bernard, laborer, 138 Broad McKennan Solomon, 41 Columbia McKenzie George, 17 Daniels McKenzie, Wm. Lyon, 32 Lancaster McKenzie William, trimmer, 17 Daniels McKercher Duncan, 22 Orange McKeveney Daniel, grocer, 11 Lawrence McKiernan Felix, laborer, 4 Chesnut Alley McKiernan Patrick, waiter, 16 Second McKinley Alexander, 35 Dean McKinney Francis, carpenter, 32 Water McKinney Elijah S., 44 s. Pearl McKinney, Miss, millinery and dry goods store, 44 *. Pearl McKinsie John, 132 Orange McKissick S., agent Troy and Michigan Line, 65 Quay, res. 40 Grand McKnight John, brewery, 95 and 97 Canal, corner Hawk, res. 93 Canal McKnight George W., 19 Dallius McKnight Catharine, 43 n. Lansing Mc Knight George, furrier 19 Dallius McKnight Andrew, carpenter, 97 Schuyler McKown James, attorney, &c, Recorder of city, office 94 State, res. 150 State, country seat Ly­ dius continued McKown, widow, Chesnut, near Hawk McKown James, jr., 150 State McLachlan John, 83 n. Pearl HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 209

McLachlan Patrick, 45 Water McLachlan Terence, mason, 3 Eagle McLane John, laborer, 359 State McLaughlan, widow Abigal, tailoress, 114 Broad McLaughlin, widow Mary, 63 Orange McLaughlin, widow Eliza, 70 Lumber McLaughlin Henry, furrier, 18 Swan McLaughlin James, furrier, 18 Swan McLaughlin Patiick, 133 Bread McLean Alexander, 10 Broad McLoughlin James, 180 Broadway McLoughlin Cornelius, tin and coppersmith, 22 Hudson, bds. Townsend House Mc Mahon Michael, 162 n. Pearl McMahon Matthew, attorney, &c, 57 State, res. 51 Ferry McManama Edward, 174 Broadway McManamee & Johnson, oyster dealers, 100 Quay McManmon Francis, grocer, 47 Water McMann Ann, widow, 97 Bassett McManus James, grocer, 222 Broadway McManus James, laborer, 65 Canal McManus D., 273 Washington, s. b. McManus Daniel, laborer, 79 Ferry McManus Thomas, blacksmith, 25 Orange McManus Philip, 99 Orange * McManus Barney, laborer, 46 Rensselaer McManus Owen, mason, 99 Swan, Arbor Hill McMarron James, 125 Jefferson McMartin D., attorney &c.,44 State, res. 15 Mont­ gomery McMartin A., attorney &c, 66 State McMichael Richard, dealer in dry goods, 326 Broadway, 13 Hamilton McMickin John, saddle and harnessmaker, bds. at Townsend House 210 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. McMicklin Jacob Retailor, 70 Division McMickin Letitia, 70 Division McMillen Catharine, 109 Hudson McMillen Wm., cooper, near railroad, residence s, Pearl McMillen Wm., 29 Dean McMullen James, 73 Fulton McMullen Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 595 Broad­ way, res. 593 Broadway McMullen James, jr. 73 Fulton McMullen John, Colonie, Arbor Hill McMurdy George J., teamster, 18 Dove McMurdy Isaac, clerk in the post office, res. 72 Eagle McMurdy, widow Catharine, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McMurdy Dr. R. S., corner of Broadway and Mai­ den Lane, res. 17 Philip McMurray Michael, laborer, 126 Water McMurray A., dry goods, 95 Market McMurray John, 71 Hamilton McNab, family of Peter, deceased, cor. Knox and Washington McNamara , 132 Canal McNamara—Patrick, 32 Alexander McNamara Matthew, moulder, n. Ferry McNamara Hugh, grocer, 277 Washington, s. b. McNaspic James, fruit store, 329 Broadway McNaughton Alexander W., 54 n. Pearl McNaughton James, physician, office and h. 54 n. Pearl McNaughton Peter, physician, office and house 556 Broadway McNaughton Angus, (S. & McN.) res 27 Van Schaick McNelly Henry, blacksmith, 55 Lawrence HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 211

McNulty Hugh, 42 Arch McNulty Patrick, moulder, 77 Broadway McPherson, widow Harriet, 130 State McPherson Lachlan, res. State Hall McPherson John, res. State Hall McQuade Patrick, paver, 153 n. Pearl McQuatle Anthony, paver, 32 Canal McQuade Anthony, paver, 31 Canal McQuade Patrick, 38 Van Shaick McQuade James 399 State Mi Queeny Matthias, grocer, 199 Water McQuinn, Francis, furrier, 63 Second, Arbor Hill McQuren, Walter, 47 Colonie McRoberts Williams, 67 Eagle McShane Felix, 41 Liberty McShane James, carpenter, 137 Church McShane Felix, grocer, 74 Quay McTague Barney, 50 Lawrence McTyde Patrick, laborer, 6 Colonie McWilliams Michael, jr., 40 Van Zandt McWilliams John, cartman, 45 Van Zandt McWilliams Thomas, 47 Van Zandt Maben Misses, tailoresses, 42 Spring Maccar Rachel, grocer, 75 Church Mack W. II., grocer, cor. Water and Lawrence. h. 208 Water Mack Elisha, 1 Lawrence Mack Elisha, 3d, police constable, 69 Jackson Mack Henry, shoemaker, 38 n. Pearl Mack , tailor, 73 Canal Madden Archibald, carpenter, 20 Jefferson Madden George, pedler, 215 Broad Madden John, tailor, 185 Montgomery Maddigair Michael, moulder, Washington, s. b. Magilton Joseph, 80 Colonie Mahan William, moulder, 155 Broadway, 212

Mahan Thomas, 41 Van Woert Mahan Thomas, Jr., 39 Van Woert Mahar Lewis, Hudson Rive r House, cor. Lydius and Quay Maher John, mason, 188 Green Maher Thomas, carpenter, 59 n. Lansing Maher M. T. tailor, 1 State Maher Patrick, laborer, 128 Franklin Maher James, wholesale and retail grocer, 52 State, cor. Green, res. 19 Columbia Maher Thomas, tailor, 56 Rensselaer Maher Michael, laborer, 96 Arch Maher Thomas, eaitman, 72 n. Lansing Maher Thomas, malster, 87 Canal Maher Dennis, potter, 61 Lancaster Maher widow Mary, 61 Lancaster Maher Robert, laborer, 155 Broadway Maher John T. lumber inspector, 670 Broadway Maher Lawrence, paver, 118 s. Pearl Maher Michael, cooper, 69 Rensselaer Maher James, laborer, 7 Little Basin Mahoney Cornelius, 180 Montgomery Mahoney Matthew, 101 Beaver Mahoney David, victualler, 46 Eagle Mahoney William, Cartman, cor. Lumber and Montgomery Mahoney William D., painter. 659 Broadway Mahoney Dennis, victualler, 46 Eagle MAINE COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, R. J. Hilton, 50 State Main, widow, 143 Swan Main David, 361 State Malalby Thomas, paver, 34 Rensselaer Malany Daniel, 46 Rensselaer Malcomb Stephen, segar store, 294 Broadway, h. 46 s. Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 213

Malburn Francis & Co., wholesale dealer in liquors, &c, 18 Lydius, res. 11 Rose Malburn William P., 47 Westerlo Malburn Francis G., 11 Rose Maley John, 102 Arch Malone James, grocer, 78 Beaver Malone Cornelius, laborer, 152 Jefferson Mallen Thomas, laborer, 74 Orange Malone Edward, laborer, 96 Franklin Malone Patrick, 1 n. Lansing Malone Michael, laborer, 312 State Malone Henry, 46 Rensselaer Malone Michael Jr., blacksmith, 46 Fayette Malone Lewis, moulder, 55 Jefferson Malony John, laborer, 135 Church Malony Patrick, 188 s. Pearl Malony John, painter, 239 Broadway Maloy Gerrit, laborer, 71 Maiden Lane Maloy Arthur, 101 Swan Arbor Hill Maloy Joseph, grocer, 3 Dean Maloy William, grocer, 9 Howard Mangan Cornelius, 16 Jefferson Mangin John, laborer, 16 Jefferson Mangin Henry, laborer, 16 Jefferson Marion James, laborer, 250 n. Pearl Mando Samuel, 97 Bassett Mann James, tailor, 64 s. Pearl Mann James, bds. Carlton House Mann William, bds. Eagle tavern Manning James, printer, 46 Eagle Manning Peter, grocer, 226 Broadway Manning, widow Ellen, 46 Eagle Manning Catharine, 1 Dove Manning John, laborer, 1 Dove Mansfield Peter, 81 Bleecker Mansfield Nancy, 168 s. Pearl 214

MANSION HOUSE, Broadway Manshure Myers, pedler, 125 Lydius Mantline Peter, Confectioner, 33 Van Zandt Mantline Daniel, confectioner, 205 n. Pearl Manuel Joseph, bds. Miss Fitch's Many Michael, laborer, 8 Plain Many , painter, 28 Canal Many William V., res. 73 Hamilton Many D. J., 54 Second Arbor Hill March Alden, physician anil surgeon, 72 Hudson Marble Joel, district school, 218 State,h. 206 State Merchant Michael, laborer, 2 Centre Markle George, carpenter, 108 Lark Marker Jacob, shoemaker, 216 Washington Markey Thomas, tailor, 804 Broadway Marrin John J., merchant, 291 Broadway, h. 32 Division Marrin George, merchant, 4 Hamilton, house 104 Beaver Marlow Luke, grocer, 6 Lydius Marroney Thomas, laborer, rear 49 Jackson Marston James, blacksmith, 60 n. Lansing Marsh Charles D., teacher, basement Universalist Church Marsh William, mason, 4 Chesnut Marsh Benjamin, watchmaker, 405 Broadway, bds. Townsend House Marsh William, bds. U. S. House Marshall Charles, Jr., carpenter, 109 Orange Marshall Alonzo, bds. 99 s. Pearl Marshall Charles, 5 Van Tromp Marshall Alfred, 204 s. Pearl Marshall William C, corner Hamilton and Union h. 35 Hamilton Marshall William, 99 s. Pearl Marshall John T., bds. Mansion House Martin James, cutler, 38 s. Lansing ALBANY DIRECTORY. 215

Martin James, 9S Orange Martin Thomas, laborer, 11 Liberty Martin Eliza M., widow of Robert 60 Union Martin William, cartman, Washington, n. b. Martin John R., widow, 65 Grand Martin Bovd, grocer, corner Third and Swan Martin, widow, William, 32 Union Martin John, grocer, 40 Water Martin Ellen, nurse, 33 Steuben Martin William, carriage-maker, 53 Hudson Martin David, physician, cor. Columbia and Broad­ way, res. 33 Columbia Martin Peter, carpenter, Westerlo, near Dove Martin Homer, carpenter, 217 Hamilton Martin Thomas, furrier, 40 n. Lansing. Martin Samuel, 156 Lydius Martin David W., shoemaker, 72 s. Lansing Martin Henry H., (P. & M.) attorney, &c, 152 State Martin Patrick, laborer, 50 Lawrence Martin Abraham, 334 Washington Martin Terence, 277 Washington Martin widow Robert, 21 Chapel Martin widow, 55 Colonie Martin William, mason, 168 Spring Martin David, cor. Third and Swan Martin Wm. L., bds. 27 Columbia Martin, widow of Thomas, 26 Union Marvin Joseph C, bds. Washington Hall Marvin John, 80 Hudson Marvin Uriah, 14 Lumber Marvin Uriah, jr., attorney, &c, res. 14 Lumber Marvin Alexander, res. 49 n. Pearl Marvin George, printer, 11 Dove Mascord Edward, wholesale dealer in wines, liquor, &c, 27 s. Pearl 216 Mascord Wm., variety store, 620 Broadway Mascraft Wm., wheelwright, 23 Washington, h- 318 State Mason Sarah, widow, 247 State Mason Louis, 63 Second, Arbor Hill Mason Gregory, shoemaker, 359 State Mason Miss Hannah, tailoress, 69 Colonie Masten Wm. L. physician, 2 Broad Masten Mrs. Oscilla, fortune teller and as-trologist 2 Broad Masterson James, laborer, 161 Montgomery Masterson Philip, shoemaker, 1 Chesnut, near State Masterson Patrick, 1 Chesnut Alley Masterson Thomas, 1 Chesnut Alley Masterson Patrick, Westerlo w. Eagle Masterson Michael, laborer, 5 Chesnut Alley Masterson Patrick, laborer, 5 Chesnut Alley Masterson Frank, laborer, 5 Chesnut Alley Materna{ihan Wm., 70 s. Lansing Mather John G., bds. City Hotel Mattimore Thomas, clothing store, 21 Lawrence Mattimore John, laborer, 5 Little Basin Mattimore, Michael, 195 Water Mattimore Thomas, grocer, 17 Lawrence* Matthews Samuel, Dove near Hudson Matthews Samuel, cor. Swan and Patroon Matthews Elizabeth, dry goods and childwn's cloth­ ing, 32 Green Matthews William, 169 Hudson Matthews Mrs., 96 Beaver Maxwell James, brass-founder, 50 Green, h. 94 s. Pearl Maxwell Joseph, laborer, 12 Lydius Max Jacob, 278 s. Pearl May Edward, grocer, 158 Montgomery HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 217

May Semantha, 8 Dennison May Oliver D., joiner, 19 John Mayell John, 61 Hudson Mayell Wm. jr., hatter' 21 Hudson Mayell Henry, hat and cap store, 34 s. Pearl, h. 21 Hudson Mayell Jefferson, hat and cap store, 402 Broadway h. 16 Quackenbush Mayell Alfred, hat store, 426 Broadway, h. 7 Rose Mayell Wm., 102 Herkimer Mayer Frederick H., baker, 29 Union Mayer Conrad S., 19 Jay Mayer Wm. II., merchant tailor, 23 Jay Mayer Philip A. 29 Chapel Mayer Peter H., sheet iron worker, 150 Hudson Mayer Henry, upholsterer, 53 Fayette Mayer Valentine, 39 Clinton Mayer (C. S.) & Kling ( H. M.) drapers and tai­ lors 377 Broadway Maynard John, 336 Washington n. b. Meacham Horace, 84 State Meacham, widow John, 76 Hudson Meacham Roswell S., music and military store, and piano-forte manufacturer, 84 State, h. cor. Sec- cond and Lark Mead R. H., 53 Washington Mead Harvey, 60 Schuyler Mead Oliver, office 22 Quay, h 106 n. Pearl Mead Seleck, shoemaker, 17 Daniels Mead Owen, laborer, 118 s. Pearl Mead Charles O, grocer, 19 Quay Mead Orlin, bds. Mansion House Meade, Biothers, daguerreotype artists, 3d floor, Exchange building Meade Henry W., daguarreotype artist, &c, third floor Exchange, bds. 177 n. Pearl 218 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Meade Henry, 177 n. Pearl Meads John, 99 Columbia Meads Thomas, 201 Green Meads John, 35 Church Meads John jr., dealer in mahogany and cabinet ware, 547 Broadway, h. 99 Columbia Meads Orlando, attorney, secretary and treasurer Albany Water Works, 44 State, residence 2 Pine Meads James, 99 Co'umbia Meadon John, bds. 579 Broadway Meadon WTilliam, 825 Broadway MECHANICS' BENEFIT SOCIETY, DOUW'S Buildings MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' BANK, Broadway, cor. Exchange Mee John, mason, 66 Schuyler Meech Horace T., forwarding merchant, 102 Pier, h. 30 s. Pearl Meech Henry T., oil cloth manufacturer, 5 Grand, res. 82 Hamilton Meech Henry T. & W. F., proprietors of Museum, cor. Broadway and State Meech Ralph, brush maker, 219 Hamilton Megan Thomas, laborer, 6 Colonie Mehan Edward, laborer, 2 Water Mehan John, 37 Van Schaick Meighan John, porter, 49 First, Arbor Hill Meigs Isaac V. L., 133 Washington Meigs John, crier of courts, 133 Washington Meigs Miss E. & M., 133 Washington Melius Adam, boarding house, 43 Division Melton George, rear 47 Dallius Melady Patrick, 257 Broadway Melew John L., 72 s. Lansing Mellen John S, wheel right, 40 Chapel Mellius William H., coach maker, 17 Dallius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 219

Member Walter, moulder, bds 76 Eagle Mensies Robert, 61 Colonie Merchant S. D. & M. A., grocers, 70 Quay Merchant S. D., grocer, bds. Townsend House Merchant (Lansing & Walter) grocery and pro­ vision store, 71 Quay- Merchant Lansing, 29 Dallius Merchant Marcus A., 34 Montgomery Merchant Walter, 58 Division Merchant BiJdlc, painter, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Merchant William, painter, 40 Second Merchant Horace, attorney, &c, 62 n. Lansing Merchant, widow Ann, 77 n. Pearl Merriam John C, printer, 119 Canal Merrick, widow, 58 Church Merrifield George O., 55 s. Pearl Merrifield Gardner, cabinet maker, 76 Eagle Merrifield & Wooster, cabinet makers, 49 s. Pearl Merrifield Richard, collector of Albany Water Works, res. 207 Lydius Merrifield, widow of James, 55 s. Pearl Merrifield William, giocer, Eagle, near Lydius-, h. 207 Lydius Merrifield Miss Elizabeth, select school, 125 Ham­ ilton Merrill Nathaniel, carpenter, 112 Hamilton Merrill, widow Fliza, preceptress, 88 Lydius Merritt Charles W., 43 Columbia Merritt Mrs. C. W., milliner, &c, 43 Columbia Mesick Henry I., 360 State Mesick Henry T., dealer in dry goods, 340 Broad­ way, h. 41 Lydius Mesick Peter, painter, 334 Washington Mesick Stephen, dry goods merchant, 380 Broad­ way h. 17 Jay Mesick Henry B., mason, 107 Washington 220 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mesick Thomas I., dealer in dry goods 544 Broad­ way, h. cor. Green and s. Lansing Mesick Stephen J., dry goods, 424 Broadway, h. 130 State Messenger Jacob, 176 Broad Metcalf John, laborer, 5 Lawrence Metz John, cabinet maker, 321 State METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (FIRST) Hudson above Pearl METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (SECOND) North Pearl METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (THIRD) cor. Ferry and Franklin METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (FOURTH) corner Washington and Swan METHODIST AFRICAN CHURCH, State, rear, of school building Meyer Theobolt, tailor, 224 Washington Meyer Rev Edward, pastor German Lutheran Church, 248 Wash. Meir S., shoemaker, 122 Franklin MICHIGAN STATE COMMISSIONER, 11. J. Hilton, 50 State MICROSCOPE OFFICE, 1 Green Middleton Gerrit, teamster, 136 Spring Middleton Richard, 136 Spring Midtlowre Geo. ship carpenter, 80 Bassett Middlewood Geo. carpenter, 16 Park Miers John, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Middleton John, 800 Broadway Mildrich Patrick, laborer, rear, 145 Broad Miles Rev. John, chaplain of Bethel church, res. 33 Ten Broeck, cor. Wilson Miles Noah B., dealer in hardware, 94 State, res. 49 Steuben MILLERITE HOUSE OF PRAYER, Grand 221

Milan Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 58 n. Lan­ sing Millan William, furrier, 11 Spring Millbank Phannel, 28 Bioad Miller E'-astus, 209 Hamilton Miller Andrew, silver-plater, 22 Ferry Miller Andrew, 56 Rensselaer Miller William C, office 56 State, h. 200 Lydius Miller Daniel, shoemaker, 27 Bradford Miller Harvey, 55 Knox Miller Nathaniel, flour store, 599 Broadway, res. 7 Canal Miller Samuel, harness maker, 52 Union Miller Charles, grocer, 796 Broadway Miller George, pedler, 126 Broad Miller Philip, bds. City Hotel Millerick John, tailor, 75 Schuyler Milligan Owen, 159 Lumber Millett William F., cartman, 42 n. Lansing Milligan Barney, tailor, 244 Lydius Milliman John,'278 s. Pearl Millington John, 10 Van Schaick Millington William, currier, 10 Van Schaick Millington Jarnes, 10 Van Schaick Mills John, carpenter, 25 Orange Mills John W., 44 Hamilton Mills Christina, 92 Hamilton Mills Thomas, cooper, 43 Jackson Mills Philip, 97-^ s. Pearl, res. 6 Rose Mills Ebenezer, 2S Fayette Mills Daniel W., exchange office, 4 Green, h. 54 Howard Milwain Elijah, grocery and provision store, 17 *. Pearl, h. 204 Hamilton Milwain James, hat store, 84 State, h. 204 Hamil* ton 222

Milwain & Fisher, grocer and provision store, 17.«. Pearl Milwain John, carpenter, 204 Hamilton Milwain John, jr., 49 High Mink David, ship cnrpenter, 88 Schuyler Mink David F., ship carpenter, 207 s. Pearl Mink Stephen G., 231 s. Pearl Mink William H., 262 s. Pearl Mink Charles W.,56 Howard Mink Oliver, carpenter, 96 Green Mink Robert, 88 Schuyler Minott Wm. B , 152 n Pearl Minster S., dry goods, 38£ s. Pearl Mitchell John, furnaceman, 51 Mulberry Mitchell John, shoemaker, 126 Spring Mitchell Francis, baker, 251 Wash. Mitchell Daniel, 83 Third, Arbor Hill Mitchell Hugh, 80 Arch Mitt hell Jesse P., boot and shoemaker, 375 Broad­ way, h. 59 Hudson Mitchell John, barber, 168 Spring Mitchell G. II., physician and druggist, 21 s. Pearl Mitchell William, wholesale and retail grocer, 11 Hudson, h. 149 Lydius Mitchell John J., 50 Water Mitchell Alexander, grocer, J50 *. Pearl Mix & Thornton, painters, 25 Green Mix Stephen, painter, 42 Franklin Mix Heniy, 99 Nucella Mix Henry & Stiles, grocers, 285 s. Pearl Mix James, jeweller 18 Green, res. 15 Plain Mix James, jr., jeweller, 18 Green h. 15 Plain Mix William, county clerk, res. 283 s. Pearl Mix Stiles, 281 s. Pearl Mixter Daniel W., provisions, &c, 113 Pier, re*. 7 Church HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 223

Moakler Michael, porter, 30 Chapel Moakler John, 120 Broadway Moakley Thomas II., 25 Ferry Moakley Peter, sailmaker, sail-loft 104 Pier, res. 25 Ferry Moffel William II., mason, 79 First Moffit John, baker, 58 Church Moffett George, blacksmith, 55 Church Mohoney John, laborer, 52 Lawrence MOHAWK AND HUDSON RAILROAD, office, cor. Dean and Maiden Lane Molinard J., professor of French in Albany, and Albany Female Academy, res. 2 Park Place Monagan Peter, carpenter, 157 Orange Monnahan John, grocer, 5 Little Basin Monroe Joshua, cabinetmaker, 24 Liberty Monteith George, 78 Hudson Monteith Peter, (Wilson & M.) h. 86 Hudson Monteith William, Clinton Line, 100 Pier, h. cor. " Wilson and n. Pearl Monteith John II., bds. 78 Hudson Montgomery, widow of Jesse, 154 Broad Montgomery James, J29 Orange Montoney William, carpenter, 353 Washington, n. b. Montross Henry, 328 State Moody James, locksmith, 87 Green Moody Nancy, 65 s. Lansing Moon Richard, potter, 4 Chesnut Mooney Michael, 18 John, Moore Andrew, 258 s. Pearl Moore William, teamster, 195 Broad Moore Andrew P., victualler, 37 Dewitt Moore Thomas, grocer, 21 Canal Moore Chester, 54 Fayette Moore Marquis D., 15 Park 224

Moore John, 109 Green Moore John, laborer, 45 Water Moore Charity, 35 Union Moore Elizabeth, 63 Rensselaer Moore Alexander, laborer, 137 Broad Moore John 113 s. Pearl Moore Francis, mason, Hamilton s. Hudson Moore, widow Sarah, 98 Water Moore Edward, carpenter, 16 Daniels Moore, widow Harriet, 35 Maiden Lane Moore Jasper, 176 Montgomery Moore Samuel B., groceries and provisions, cor. Division and Liberty Moore Philip, 190 Green Moore Philip, 139 Swan Moquin Joseph, 60 Orange Moquin Joseph, 78 Second, Arbor Hill Moir Joseph, tailor, 338 Lydius Moran John, 2 Dove Moran Michael, 5 Bleecker Moran Jeremiah, 3 Bleecker Moran Edward, mason, 168 Jefferson Moran John, 47 Van Schaick Moran witlow, 40 Canal Moran John, 74 Swan Moran John, 29 Van Woert Morange Peter M., upholsterer, 502 Broadway, h. 42 James Morange Edward A., upholsterer, 28 Chapel Morange & McDonald, upholsterers, 605 Broadway Morenski , bds. Miss Caiter's Morgan Thomas, 7 Chapel Morgan Isaac, carpenter, 285 Washington s. b. Morgan Abel G., 32 Union Morgan Seymour, 86 Green Morgan (W. & M.) bds. Mansion House HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 225

Morgan William, dyer, 50 Orange Morgan John, superintendent alms-house Morgan Richard, nailer, 365 Schenectady turnpike Morgan Patrick, dyer, 33 Westerlo Morgan Barney, Westerlo w. Swan Morgan widow, 60 Orange Morgan George, barber, 85 s. Pearl Morgan Henry, Clinton Morigan Andrew, laborer, 40, n. Lansing Morley Thomas C, dry goods, 408 Broadway res. 26 William Mornahan Thomas, 33 Van Woert Mornahan Daniel, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Mornehan Michael, cartman, 59 Broadway Morley Thomas C, dry goods, 92 s. Pearl Morey Miss, 27 William Moroney Thomas, laborer, rear 84 Water Morrell James, carpenter, 40 Arch Morrell Matthew, 214 5. Pearl Morrell Richard,stone cutter, 5 Van Tromp Morrell A., attorney, &c, 15 Douw's Buildings, h. 49 Jay Morrell Catharine, 447 Lydius Morrill Edward A., ornamental painter, 136 Lydius Mork Philip, pedler, 209 s. Pearl Mork Solomon, grocer, 239 s. Pearl Mork Jacob, 209 s. Pearl Morris Lewis, 117 Lumber Morris Isaac, carpenter, 4 Jay Morris Lewis I., dry goods, 913 Broadway Morris Charles, 50 High Morris Charles, carriage-maker, 6 Daniels Morris Edward, laborer, 66 Arch Morris Peter, 49 Jackson Morris Samuel, 131 Jefferson 226 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Morrison Hugh, tobacconist, 372 Lydius Morrison Matthew, mason, 143 Second, n. of Lark. M Arbor Hill Morrison James, blacksmith, 115 Nucella Morrison John, mason, 47 First, Arbor Hill Morrison Adam, mason, 372 Lydius Morrison Robert, marble cutter, 142 Washington Morrow Rev. Samuel F., pastor Associate Presby­ terian Church, 33 Columbia Morrow Leonard, cooper, 14 Rose Morrow George, grocer & provision, 148 Broadway Morrow Francis, grocer, 221 Broadway Morrow James, turner, 94 Spring Morrow Robert, 73 William Morrow James, grocer, cor. Market and Ferry Morrow Patrick, 226 n. Pearl Morse Henry, builder, shop Lancaster, opp. Park, h. 14 Park Morse George A., carpenter, 11 Lancaster Morton William, joiner, 1S6 n. Pearl Morton Anthony, 73 Rensselaer Morton Thomas, engineer, 20 Washington Morton Charles, barber, 273 6\ Pearl Mosely B. F., dry goods merchant, 477 Broadway- res. 692 Broadway osely Henry, 21 Dallius Mosely Mrs. Edwin, 21 Dallius Mosely Rupert, moulder, n. Ferry Mosely Edwin, 21 Dallius Mosely C. C.,21 Dallius Moses Samuel, 222 s. Pearl Mosher Mrs. Maria, 101 Green Mosher Henry H., 34 Spring Moshier John, segar-maker, 331 Washington s. b. Moss Dennis, laborer, 89 Van Woert Moss Thomas, grocer, 253 n. Pearl 227

Mott Lydia, gentlemen's furnishing store 524 Broad­ way Mould John, shoemaker, 19 Norton Moulthrop John, painter, 57 Second Moulton William, butcher, 310 State MOUNT VERNON LODGE OF FREEMASONS, cor. Hud­ son and Broadway Mount David, grfoccr, 315 State Mountain James, laborer, Lawrence Court Moylan Dennis, 59 n. Lansing Muddle William, mason, 6 Broad Muir William O., draper and tailor, 5 n. Pearl, h. 181 Hamilton Muir William, leather dresser, 6 Van Tromp Muir James, tanner- and currier, 56 Van Schaick Muir James, 56 Van Schaick Mulcnhey Patrick, 57 Lark Mulford John W., 22 Third, Arbor Hill Mulford John II., watchmaker and jeweller, bds. Delavan MulfordjSt W'endell, jewellers and silversmiths, 480 Broadway * Mulhall Thomas, laborer, 85 Franklin Mulholland John, shoemakei, 99 Pier Mulholland John, shoemaker, 36 Water Mulholland Owen, laborer, 52 Rensselaer Mulholland Elizabeth, 50 Lydius Mull Cornelius, carpenter, 152 Franklin Mull Walter, pilot, 138 Broadway Mull Hannah, 43 Van. Schaick Mull John, carpenter, 21 s. Lansing Mullany John, 17 Lumber Mullaney Patiick, grocer, 17 Lumber Mullaney Thomas, laborer, 17 Lumber Mullcahey Patrick, 97 Van Woert Mullen John, grocer, 126 Water 228

Mullen James, 78 Third, Arbor Hill Mullen William, baker, 138 s. Pearl Mullen Edward, laborer, 97 Third Mullew Terry, 56 Arch Mulligan Peter, grocer, cor. Jefferson and Swan Mulligan John, laborer, 150 s. Pearl Mulligan James, laborer, 60 Schuyler Mulligan Michael, 32 Howard Mulligan, widow, 51 Colonie Mulligan Terence, laborer, 87 Franklin Mullpeters Edward, 79 Canal Mully John, 143 Church Munro A., boarding house, 72 Chapel Munsell Joel, book and job printer, 58 State, res 19 Lancaster Munsell William, 173 Hamilton Munsell Joseph, 173 Hamilton Munsell Harrison, 173 Hamilton Munsell James A., 173 Hamilton Munsell Timothy, 173 Hamilton Munsell Joel, sen., Delaware turnpike MunsiorlPLewis, furrier, 62 Second Murden & Hoyt, porter house, 109 Pier Murdock & Rosekrans, mustard manufacturers, cor Dean and Exchange Murdock Andrew, 125 Broad Murdock Andrew, 165 Third, Arbor Hill Murdock Bradford, cor. Dean and Exchange Murghter, Michael, cartman, 21 Clinton Murphy James, 35 Dean Murphy John, laborer, 55 Schuyler Murphy John, laborer, 91 Franklin Murphy John, mason, 19 Park Murphy Peter, laborer, 160 s. Pearl Murphy Martin, laborer, 51 Chuich Murphy Patrick, tailor, 35 Dean HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY 229

Murphy John, grocer, 106 Beaver Murphy Patrick, laborer, 42 Rensselaer Murphy John, moulder, 58 n. Lansing Murphy Patrick, laborer, 140 Orange Murphy Edward, grocer, 187 s. Pearl Murphy John, moulder, 113 Beaver Murphy Peter, laborer, rear 11 Van Tromp Murphy Daniel, 70 Swan Murphy Richard, laborer, 162J Pearl Murphy Peter, cartman, 113 Franklin Murphy Patrick, tavern and livery stable, 99 Church Murphy Thomas, laborer, 161 Green Murphy Morris, laborer, 113 Hudson Murphy Abraham, laborer, 19 Dewitt Murphy Edward, laborer, 9 Spring Murphy Mary, widow, 162 State Murphy William, 61 Maiden Lane Murphy John, blacksmith, 183 Montgomery Murphy Edward, pedler, 39 Van Zandt Murray Edward, laborer, 20 Canal Murray John, grocer, 110 Quay Murray John, Lark w. Third Murray Eben R., hairdresser, 142 Hudson Murray James, street commissioner, 27 Church Murray Patrick, 3 Bleecker Murray John, bds. Churchills Murray Lawrence, grocer, 101 Canal .^ Murray John, grocer, 8 Columbia Murray John, laborer, 37 Van Woert Murray James, laborer, 62 Union Murray, widow, 65 Rensselaer Murray John, 112 Beaver Murray Hugh, 9 Union Murray James, cartman, 64 Washington Murray James, printer, 47 High 230 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Murray Mary, widow Patrick, 168 Jefferson Murray Patrick, laborer, 28 Canal Murray John, laborer, 8 Columbia Murray Owen, grocer, cor. Hamilton and Philip Murray P. & J., merchant tailors, 367 Broadway Murray Dennis, 115 Broad Murray Edward, 34 Jefferson Murray Samuel S., tailor, 22 Green, h. 367 State Murtaugh John, laborer, 18 Wilson Murtaugh Thomas, 34 Van Woert Murtaugh James, laborer, 166 Green Murthick Peter, 75 Canal Muyer John C, brush maker, 273 s. Pearl Myer George, 8 Owen's Alley Myer Frederic, laborer, 127 Franklin Myer Isaac, tailor, 172 s. Pearl Myers John, moulder, Westerlo w. of Swan Myers John, 91 Orange Myers John jr., 641 Broadway Myers John, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Myers Stephen, basement 128 State Mygatt, Wm. G., 26 Jay Mygatt Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 58 Broadway res. 26 Jay Myron Thos., shoemaker, 76 n. Pearl Myron Thomas M., shoemaker, 11 Beaver, h. 37 Steuben N NAGLE DANIEL M., 64 Second Naley James, laborer, 21 Canal Nally James, grocer, 166 Montgomery Nash George, carpenter, 34 s. Lansing Nash, widow Philip, 29 Van Zandt Neagle Michael, rear 113 Beaver Neagle Michael, 250 n. Pearl Neal James, laborer, 2 Van Zandt 231 Neal Michael, 101 Beaver Near Henry F., moulder, 144 Broad Neil Patrick, laborer, 20 Van Zandt Neely Robert, gardener, 99 Schuyler Neely Joseph, cartman, 49 Westerlo Nelligan John, mason, 15 Rose Nelligan Joseph, druggist, 15 Bleecker Nelligan David, shoe store and h. 225 Broadway Nelligar William, cabinet maker, 208 s. Pearl Nelligar Cornelius, 203 Green Nellis John, 85 Bleecker Nelson James, moulder, 104 Hawk Nelson Jeremiah A., Congress Hall Nelson Robert & Alexander, dentists, 22 n. Pearl Nelson John, piano maker, 50 Canal JVelson Judith, 14 Van Zandt Nemire George H., leather dresser, 95 Third, Ar­ bor Hill NEPTUNE ENGINE CO., 10 Wilson Nesbitt John, proprietor Columbian Hotel, 244 Broadway, Nessle William, merchant, 566 res. 564 Broadway Neudorfer Nicholas, shoemaker, 10 Alexander Neville John, grocer, 8 Lydius Neville Isaac, grocer, cor. Water and n. Lansing Nevills Christopher, 140 Orange New John, editor Switch, 37 Hudson New James, blacksmith, 23 Van Zandt Newitt Thomas, carpenter, 243 State Newberry Frederick, 31 Elm Newburgh Jacob & Simon, clothing store, 287 Broadway Newburg Jacob, 19S Broad Newburg & Freidenham, clothing store, 333 Broad­ way Newcomb D., dentist, 576 Broadway 232 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Newell George W., chief clerk of canal department. State Hall, bds. Congress Hall Newland Luke F.. music store, 531 Broadway, res. 115 n. Pearl Newland David, 456 Broadway Newland David jr., 46 Chapel Newland John, attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, h. 23 Patroon Newman John, laborer, 4 Laurence Court Newman Mary, widow, 46 Union Newman Henry, leather dresser, factory 44 Water, store 19, res. 679 Broadway Newman George, leather dresser, 21 Patroon Newman Thomas, porter, 37 Liberty Newman Thomas, 121 Canal Newtorr& Stead, merchant tailors, 301 Broadway Newton William, 52 Washington Newton John M., merchant, res. Watervliet Newton Dyer, steamboat agent, 38 Union Newton Robert, tailor, bds. 70s. Pearl Newton Miss Rena, milliner, 352 Broadway, cor. Division Newitter J., Dundee Warehouse, 40 s. Pearl NEW-YORK, ALBANY and TROY LINE OFFICE, foot of Hamilton NEW-YORK STATE ARSENAL, corner Broadway and Lawrence Niblock John, dyer and scourer, 43 Hudson Niblock Robert, clerk, bds. 61 Grand Nichols Alexander, 125 Green Nichols J. P., machinist, 160 State Niel James, cooper, 251 s. Pearl Nichols Henry, 73 Quay, h. 45 Division Nichols William, carpenter, 185 Lydius Nicholson John, pedler, State continued Nixon Robert, 20 John Noble Sarah, widow, 634 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. - 233

Noble John, measurer, agent for Old Line Liver­ pool packets, 32 Water Nolan Edward, 43 Water Nolan John, blacksmith, 217 Broadway Noonan Thomas, general agency, office cor. Chap­ el and Steuben, res. 38 Sleuben Noonan Matthew, laborer, 123 Canal Norcutt Anson, 54 Arch Nordin William, ice dealer, 265 s. Pearl Norgrove Richard T., 106 Patroon Norris James J., barber, 10 5. Pearl Norris Henry B., barber, 64 Washington Norris W. C, bds. Eagle Tavern North Abiram, 130 Broad Northrop John G., merchant, 71 Lydius Northrop, widow Eunice, 73 Beaver Northrop R. H., attorney &c, cor. State and n. Pearl, res. Greenbush Norton Patrick, machinist, 113 Hudson Norton John T., bds. Delavan Norton Edward, com. merchant, 15 Green, boards Delavan Norton Michael, cooper, 30 Hamilton Norton Loran K., leather inspector, 4 Norton Norwood David, grocer, 81 Orange Nott Benjamin, 11 Douw's Buildings, res. Bethle­ hem Nottingham, WTilkie & Co., agents N. Y. and Erie Line, 61 Quay Nottingham Jeremiah, bds. Stanwix Hall Nowlan Hester, 127 Orange Nowlan Jeremiah, grocer, cor. Philip and Van Zandt Noyes Robert L., 69 Herkimer Nugent Henry P., attorney, &c, State Hall, res. 38 Fayette v* 234 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Nugent Robert, engineer, 14 Bleecker Nugent James, mason, 6 Centre Nugent James, moulder, 95 Dallius Nugent, widow, 28 Van Woert Numan Joshua, 261 Washington s. b. Nye Gilbert, carpenter, 109 First o O'BRIEN JOHN, shoemaker, 55 Church O'Brien Patrick, laborer, 42 Water O'Brien Timothy, 24 John O'Brien John, carpenter, 38 n. Pearl O'Brien Matthew, blacksmith,.shop 25 Washing­ ton, res. 26 Hawk O'Brien, widow of Daniel, 22 Clinton O'Brien John, mason, 74 Rensselaer O'Brien Thomas, 95 Church O'Brien Patrick, tailor, 148 Church O'Brien John, carpenter, 52 Rensselaer O'Brien Thomas, N. E. Tavern, 276 Broadway O'Brien Alexander, blacksmith, 42 Canal O'Brien Michael, shoemaker, 22 Canal O'Brien, widow, grocer, 67 Fulton O'Brien James, carpenter, 77 Rensselaer, O'Brien Michael, 36 Arch O'Brien Thomas, laborer, 57 Lark O'Callaghan Dr. E. B., office corner of Lydius and Green O'Callahan John, 56 Rensselaer O'Connell, widow Hannah, 162 Green O'Connell Dennis, 108 Water O'Connell Michael, 10 Union O'Conner Charles, mason, 97 Beaver O'Conner Patrick, laborer, rear 18 Park O'Conner Martin, shoemaker, 243 Broadway O'Conner John, grocer, 37 Division 235

O'Conner John, blacksmith, 221 n. Pearl O'Conner Michael, baker, cor. Chapel and Steuben O'Conner , laboier, 22 Second O'Conner Patrick, 19 Jefferson O'Donnell William, grocer, 158 State O'Donnell James, laborer, 3 Maiden Lane O'Donnell Wm., 158 State O'Gorraan P., 58 Church O'Hagen John, carpenter, 5 Bleecker O'Hagen Charles, carpenter, 231 n. Pearl O'Hagen Charles, carpenter, 114 Third O'Hagen Thomas, carpenter, 97 Swan O'Hagen James, pedler, 39 Van Zandt O'Hanlon Michael, blacksmith, 15 Bleecker O'Hanlon widow, 5 Columbia O'Hanlon & Treadwell,blacksmiths, 18 Quay,near Columbia-street britlge O'Hare Peter, 155 Jeffeison O'Hare Bernard, laborer, 138 Swan O'Hare Patrick, laborer, 703 Broadway O'Hare Daniel, laborer, 104 Canal O'Kirk Michael, farmer, 312 Washington O'Neil Michael, grocer, 119 Franklin O'Neil Nicholas, 235 Washington O'Neil Michael, laborer, 79 Orange O'Neil Patiick, 22 Van Zandt O'Neil David, segar maker, 48 Swan O'Neil widow, 76 Canal O'Neil Michael, shoemaker, 78 Church O'Reilly Henry, office Exchange, res. 48 Lancaster O'Sullivan Michael, teacher, 63 Third O'Toole James F., attorney &c, 4 Exchange Buil­ dings Oberest Jacob, laborer, 303 State Ogden Mrs. Margaret, 4 Rose Ogden Thomas, shoemaker, 39 Fayette 236 Ogden Merritt, 34 s. Pearl OHIO STATE COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, &C, R. J. Hilton, 50 State Olcott, Thomas, 80 Hudson Olcott Thomas W., president Mechanics and Far­ mers' Bank, 47 n. Pearl Olcott Theodore, cashier Canal Bank, residence 154 State, cor. Park OLD GALEN'S HOSPITAL, Beaver, corner of Wil­ liam Olena Francis, 197 Broadway Olena Misses, dressmakers, 29 Dewitt Olendorf John, grocer, 870 Broadway, h. 1 Van Woert Olindorf & Beckwith, grocers, 870 Broadway Olindorf, Beckwith & Welsh, junk shop, 174 Montgomery Oliver James, baker, 24 Van Schaick Oliver F. G. carpenter, 654 Broadway Oliver Richard, 77 Wash. Oliver John W., 278 Washington, *. b. Oliver Charles, 205 n. Pearl Olmsted Charles S. & Co., (H. A. Williams) agents for Albany and New-York line tow-boats, 66 Quay Olmsted George G., widow, 35 Green Olmsted John I., 211 State Olmsted CharlesS., forwarding merchant, 66 Quay, res. 106 Hudson Olmsted L. W., bds. Stanwix Hall Olwan Lewis, pedler, 208 J s. Pe<_ Ophernan Mathias, 94 Willett Oppenheim Cassin, grocer, Franklin, cor. Herki­ mer Orcutt L. A., 26 Ferry Orcutt N. H., moulder, 65 s. Lansing ALBANY DIRECTORY. 237

Orcutt J. B., 65 s. Lansing Ormston John, baker, 284 Lydius Orr Samuel, 58 Church Orr William, brass-founder, 32 William, h. comer Hudson and William Orr David, mason, 145 Lydius Orr, widow of Robert, 89 Hudson Orton John J., 67 Pier, bds. 21 Columbia Orsler John, shoemaker, 126 Jefferson Osborn & Douglass, boot and shoe dealers, 348 Broadway Osborn William L., 18 Lydius Osborn Jeremiah, boot and shoe store, 348 Broad­ way, h. 35 Dallius Osborn John, baker, 205 Broadway Osborne John, laborer, cor. Swan and Second Osborn John, 205 Broadway Osborn James II., grocer, corner s. Pearl and Ly­ dius, res. 71 Fulton Osborn George, Lumber 237, Arbor Hill Osborn Nehemiah, 205 Broadway Osborn Nehemiah, jr., baker, 205 Broadway Osgood Jonathan, carpenter, 7 Westerlo Osgood John, laborer, 164 Broadway Osterhout, David, Arcade, basement Apothecaries' Hall Osterhout Geo., engineer, Broadway, near R. Road Osterhout James, engineer, Broadway, near R. Road Osterhout Wm. 1L, teamster, 854 Broadway Osterhout David, police constable, 10 Grand Ostram Wm , pilot, 38 Franklin Ostrander Gertrude, 12 Grand Ostrander Rensselaer, 92 Lydius Ostrander W. Alex. L., printer, 92 Lydius Ostrander Caroline, widow, 92 Lydius Ostrander Andrew, 353 State Otis Samuel A., sash-maker, 89 Lawrence 238 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Ott James C, 729 Broadway Ott Oran, com. of deeds, 5 Douw's Buildings, bds. Dayton House • Outwin, widow John, 308 Wash. Oura Thomas, carpenter, Westerlo, w. Swan Ovens G., inkmaker, cor. Exchange and Dean Overton Charles, baker, 284 Lydius Overly Jacob, 121 Franklin Owen James T., 8 Broad Owens Ira, cartman, 144 Lydius Owens Thos. T., 37 Green Owens Edward, cutler and surgical instrument ma­ ker, 5 Green, h. 113 Hamilton Owens Edward, co; chman, 55 Howard Owens, widow of John, 54 s. Lansing Owens James, carpenter, 8 Broad Owens Wm., baker, 74 Franklin Owens Wm., shoemaker, 338 State Owens, widow Ann, 32 J Howard Owens John, laborer, 54 Canal Owens John, potter, 138 Spring Owens James, basement, rear 84 Water Owens B. J., 28 Beaver

PACKARD ISAAC, widow, 40 Union Packard Rawson, office third floor Exchange Packard Nathaniel R., accountant, 19 High Packard Eugene M., printer, 51 Hudson Packard Russell, teacher vocal music, 124 Wash­ ington Packard Chester, 37 Spring Packard John C., printer, 40 Union Packard Misses, 97 Columbia Packard Benj. F., 97 Columbia Packard John C, segar maker, 37 Spring HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 239

Packard Wm. I., painter, 37 Spring Pacy Edward, ship carpenter, 29 Dean Pacy Edward, jr., cor. William and Howard Paddock Wm. S., com. of deeds, 83 State, h. 88 Fullon Paddock Stephen, bake-house Van Zandt, h. 77 s. Pearl Paddock Stephen, jr., 77 s. Pearl Paddock Henry, rear 66 s. Pearl Paddock Henry, 88 Fulton Paddock Joseph W., attorney, &c, 8 Douw's Buildings, h. 9 Swan Padlo Thomas, laborer, 63 Broadway Padon Miss Maria, dress maker, 21 Quackenbush Paff Wm. P., Exchange Coffee House, cor. Hamil­ ton and Broadway Page David P., principal of Normal School, 122 State Page Geo. W., tallow chandler, 70 Canal, h. 8 Van Schaick Page Nicholas, skipper, 122 n. Pearl Paige John Keyes, res. Lydius continued. Paige J. C. Y., attorney, &c, 5 Exchange Buil­ dings Paine Henry D., physician, 70 Chapel Pajjart J. J., bds. Churchills Palmatier Bartholomew, cartman, 64 Water Palmer Jerome, painter, 11 Spring Palmer Levi H., attorney, &c, No. 8 Commercial Buildings, res. 86 Lydius Palmer, widow Jane, 25 Howard Palmer John A., 86 Lydius Pangburn Wilhelmus, sexton, 59 Maiden Lane Pangburn John, cartman, 20 Dove Papson James, laborer, 294 Wash. n. b. Parent, widow Mary, Ann, 128 s. Pearl 240

Paris John, Exchange Hotel, 31 Dean Park William, Little Basin Parke Samuel, Lydius continued Parke Samuel, boatman, 66 Third, Arbor Hill Parke Samuel, Hudson, near Willett Parke S. M., auctioneer, 73 State, h. 108 Parke Martha, 26 Dove Parke William, 117 Lumber Parker Levi, agent, 27 Canal Parker Jacob, cartman, rear 141 Broad Parker Robert, grocer, 1 Columbia Parker Joseph, 14 Columbia Parker Charles, laborer, 35 Rensselaer Parker Oscar A., 29 Dewitt Parker William W., 36 Eagle Parker, Hon. Amasa J., Judge, &c, 143 Washing­ ton Parker & Cook, drapers and tailors, 493 and 461 Broadway Parmelee William, Mayor of city, 442 Broadway, bds. Mansion House Parnell Willard, chair maker, 16 Van Schaick Parr Richard, cooper, inspector general of staves, &c, alderman 1st ward, shop 94, house 102 Franklin Parr Horace, cooper, 102 Franklin Parry William, 14 Rose Parry William H., 152 Hudson Parsons Harvey, cabinet ware house, 586, h. 601 Broadway Parsons S. H. H., clerk common council, attorney, &c, 182 n. Pearl Parsons John D., printer, 171 n. Pearl Parsons James W., tailor, 829 Broadway Parsons James, laborer, 49 Jackson HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 241

Parsons L. Sprague, Academy, 879 Broadway, cor. n. Ferry Parsons W. B., keeper Carlton House, 90 State Parsons Cynthia, teacher, 206 State Passinger Peter, wheelwright, 45 Fajette Patch Eli H., res. 355 Broadway Patrec Samuel, grocer, 174 Broad Patrick James, carpenter, 31 Alexander Patten John, teamster, 41 Canal Patten Moses, 54 Washington Patten Samuel, flour merchant, 37 Quay, h. 791 Broadway Patten Robert J., book keeper, 64 Water Patten M. & S., merchants, 37 Quay Patterson Alfred, tailor, 141 Broad Patterson Daniel, 91 Beaver Patterson George, undertaker, 52 Hudson, h. 62 Liberty Patterson William, chairmaker, 65 Chapel Patterson John, printer, 62 Lydius Patterson Josiah, wood measurer, 63 Lawrence Patterson Robert, 4 Morton Patterson John, shoemaker, S9 Swan near Second, Arbor Hill Patterson, widow Martha, 23 Orange Patterson John, cor. Hamilton and Dove Patterson John, 29 Columbia, res. 16 Van Tromp Patterson William, carpenter, bds. 76 Eagle Patterson Richard, 89 Swan, Arbor Hill PATRIOT PRINTING OFFICE, Commercial Buildings Paul Samuel, 100 Hawk Paul Benjamin, barber, 28 Green Paul, widow Diana, 5 Park Pauls Dedrick, leather dresser, 86 Green Payn John II., millwright, 32 William Payne John, 16 Van Schaick 242

Payne Sophia, widow, 170 n. Pearl Payne Warner L., 84 Montgomery Payne George R., ixchange office, 43S Broadway, h. 41 Swan Payne Samuel G., coachmaker, 24 Liberty Payne Abraham, carpenter, 151 Orange Payne Samuel N., 698 Broadway Peacock John R., 46 Second Pearce John, fancy turner, 45 Maiden Lane Pearcy William, constable, 72 Spring Pearl David L., painter, 40 Church Pearl Jacob, carpenter, 188 n. Pearl Pearson Mrs. George, 51 Columbia Pearson J. C, bds. Carlton House Pease Erastus II., bookseller and stationer, 82 State, h. 75 Ferry Pease Earl P., wood measurer, 510 Broadway Pease Frederick S., book-keeper Commercial Bank, 17 Lancaster Pease R. M. S., clerk Canal Bank, Circulating Li­ brary and thread and needle store, 506 Broad­ way, h. 40 £ James Pease J. H. & Co., agent for Merchant's and Mil­ ler's line, 121 Pier, up stairs, bds. at Ilubbel's Pease Richard II., great variety store, and engraver on wood, 510 Broadway Pease Mrs. C. L., boarding house, 2 Liberty Peat William, tailor, 20 Dove Peck Allen F. moulder, 124 Green Peck, willow of Daniel, 90 Lydius Peck Peter, hatter. 797 Broadway Peck Samuel S., Farmer's Hotel, 42 Washington Peck Riley W., grocer, 40 Washington, res. 300 State Peckhams & Colt, attorneys, &c, 94 State 243

Peckham George W., attorney, &c, office 94 State h. 188 State' Peckham Rufus W., attorney, &c, office 94 State, h. 186 State Pecone Samuel, baker, 162 n. Pearl Pedinger Robert, laborer, 71 Cherry Peebles John, porter-room, 14 Beaver Pekill George, 94 Willett Pekin Tea Company, 379 Broadway Pelton L. II., carpenter, 60 William Pemberton (E. & J.) provision store, cor. n. Pearl and Columbia Pemberton Eienezer, cor. Ten Broeck and Wilson Pemberton John, 71 Ten Broeck Pemberton Thomas L.,.postoffice messenger, res. 326 State Pemberton James S., silversmith, 55 Van Schaick Pendegrast Patrick, maltster, 353 State Pendegrast John, 71 Broadway Pendleton William, carpenter, 200 Green Pendleton Lansing, carpenter, 9 Catharine, oppo­ site J. Bryan's Penniman Sylvan us J., 799 Broadway Pennie John, cooper, 42 John Pennie James, cooper, 34 s. Lansing PENSION OFFICE, at Mechanics' and Fatmers' Bank Penshard George, carpenter, 50 Philip Henry, pedler, 125 Arch PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMBOATS, foot of Hamilton and State Peoble Frederic G., tailor, 341 Lydius Pepper Calvin, attorney, &c, 16 High Pepper Calvin, jr., attorney, &c, 16 High Pepper George 16 High Pepper William P., brickmaker, 16 High Pepper William, painter, 35 Steuben Pepper Rev. John, 16 High 244 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Percival George, blacksmith, 251 Broadway, h. 48 Franklin Percival Gordon, blacksmith, west side Canal Ba­ sin, h. 239 n. Pearl Percival Jabez, cartman, 49 n. Lansing Percy & Higgins, attorneys, 94 State Percy John, attorney, &c, office 94 State, res. 71 Fust, Arbor Hill Perden Alexander, teamster, 36 Washington Perdue Thomas, 71 Rensselaer Perkins George R., bds. Delavan Perkins Horace, agent New-York and Western Line, 104 Pier, res. 2 Franklin Perkins John H., 402 Broadway, bds. 163 Hudson Perkins Joseph, 25 Rensselaer Perkins Edward, carpenter, 185 Lydius Peron Jeremiah, 88 Swan, Arbor Hill Perrine Lewis, carpenter, 19 Hawk Perry Cyrus, moulder, 81 Cherry Perry John S., proprietor Eagle air furnace, 110 Beaver, h. 51 Jay Perry Erastus, res. 51 Jay Perry Hiram, 174 Washington Perry Eli, provision dealer, 87 Washington Pester Thomas, baker, bds. 342 State Pester William, baker and giocer, 342 State, cor. Lark Peters Jesse, 157 Green Peterman Jefferson, bds. Carlton House Peterson Andrew, blacksmith, 53 Clinton Peterson Susan, 164 Broad Pettengill Michael, baker, 89 Beaver Phalin John, blacksmith, 79 Ferry Phelps George Y., bds. Pearl Street House Phelps Charles, cooper 101 Washington Phelps Homer R., Clerk in Comptrolle'rs office, h. 127 Broad 245

Phelps Philip, deputy Comptroller, 189 Hamilton Phelps W. F., bds. Carlton House Phelps Win. F., Normal School, SO Maiden Lane Phelps Eliza M., teacher, 19 Second ' Phelps Samuel F., dealer in paints and oils, 53 Stale, res. 63 Lydius Phelps E. 11., Washington Hall Phelps Addison, 68 Jackson Philleo Lyman, tobacco factory, cor. Lydius and Church, h. 29 Westerlo Phillips Rev. Zebulon, pastor Hudson street Me­ thodist Church, res. 58 Green Phillips & Cuyler, merchants, cor. Hamilton and Quay Phillips Levi (P. & C.,) merchants, cor. Quay and Hamilton, res. 93 Lydius Phillips Henry, 91 Beaver Phillips John, victualler, stall 204, res. 298 Wash­ ington, s. b. Phillips, witlow Frances, 284 Washington Phillips Patrick, shoemaker, 54 Arch Phillips John, tailor, 219 s. Pearl- Philips widow 157 n. Pearl Philips Jacob, carpenter, 94 Herkimer Philips Charles, 91 Beaver Philips John, comb maker, 23 Hawk Phillips Peter, cook, 25 Alexander Philpct John, carpenter, 196 Hamilton Phipps Samuel, 26 Dove Picket Mark, laborer, 47 Van Schaick Pierce William B., attorney, &c, 3 n. Pearl, cor. State, h. 36 Lancaster Pierce Alfred, coach lace manufacturer, 32 Hud­ son, bds. Wilson's Hotel Pierce William H., druggist, 4 Stanwix Hall 246 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIP.ECTORY.

Pierce Henry, grocer, tea and fruit store, cor. n. Pearl and Van Schaick, res. 2 Van Schaick Pierce Joshua M., 47 n. Lansing Pierce James, cartman, 17 John Pierce Horace, contractor, 835 Broidway Piercy Alexander C, carpenter, 180 Washington Pike Moriah, 20 Broad Pike Joseph, 17 Washington Pike George, tailor, 99 First Pike James, shoemakr, 43J Green, h. 37 Hudson Pilsbury Luther C.,54 Pier Pilsbury Amos, Superintendent of Penitentiary, 375 Lydius Pilson William, furrier, 239 Lumber Pinckney Abraham, laborer, 310J State Pinckney William, tailor, 53 s. Lansing Pitman II. II., exchange office, 3981. Broadway, res. 41 Jay Pittinger Abraham, boot and shoe-store, 107 Lydius Pizer Thomas, machinist, 27 Lumber Place Anson, 57 Dewitt Pladwell, widow Jane, 30 Patroon Pladwell Joseph, furrier, 96 Swan Plank J., bds. cor. Broadway and Hamilton Platner Henry, merchant, 17 Hamilton Piatt Lauren R., comb maker, 169 Hudson Piatt, widow of Ananias, 98 Lydius Piatt Erastus E., 18 Third Arbor Hill Platto Frederick, carpenter, 57 Grand Platto Jacob V., dry goods, 36i s. Pearl, h. 22 Dallius Plum Eli, 18 Union Plum, Mrs. Elizabeth, 95 Church Plumb J. B., cashier State Bank, res. 69 State Pochin John, baker, 25 Bradford Pohlman, Rev. Henry N., pastor Lutheran church, res. 136 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 247

Pohlman Cuarles, merchant tailor, 319 Broadway, res. 47 Hudson Pohlman Jacob D., 20 Van Schaick Poiner Joseph, 12 Dove POLICE OFFICE, over Centre Market Pollard Calvin, machinist, 47 High Pollock, D. J., provision store, 229 Broadway Pomeroy George E., express office, 9 Exchange, res. 87 Hamilton Pompier John, cook, rear 91 William Pope Nicholas, 9 Owen's Alley Pool Jeremiah, cor. Swan & Lumber Poole John, cartman, 65 n. Lansing Poole Thatcher, carpenter, 76 Lawrence Port Frederick, comb-maker, 198 Washington Porter Frederick, street commissioner, 38 Ferry Porter Ira, painter and glazier, cor. Broadway and Maiden Lane, res. 49 Division Porter Giles W., 86 Westerlo Porter John, laborer, 45 Van WToert Porter David P., shoemaker, 230 s. Pearl Porter Jeremiah, cartman, 369 Washington, s. b. Porter Sarah, widow of Ira, 49 Division. Porter George, 49 Division Porter Henry, 11 Van Tromp Porter Joseph, boatman, 187 s. Pearl Posson William F., boarding house, 387 Lydius Post James R., carpenter, 13 Van Schaick Post Jared A., dry goods, 474 Broadway, res. 37 Westerlo Potris John, moulder, 76 Van Woert Pottenburgh Henry, sexton, rear North Methodist Church Potter Benjamin, baker, 59 Lydius Potter Henry, curl-hair manufacturer, 172 Hudson 248 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Polter Horatio, Rector St. Peter's Church, 68 Mai­ den Lane Potter Harman B., passage agent, 56 Church Potts John D., coach painter, 36 Herkimer Potts Jesse C, (Hoffman & Potts) 206 Lydius Potts, widow Elizabeth, 61 Lydius Pouge, widow, 33 Maiden Lane Powell David, mason, 59 Second Power John, butcher, 92 Franklin Power Christian, laborer, 145 Sjring Power Peter, laborer, 39 Clinton Powers Pa'rick, baker, 118 s. Pearl Powers Edward, laborer, 257 s. Pearl Powers John, 109 Broad Powers Thomas, engineer, 24 John Powers Thomas, cooper, 12 s. Lansing Powers Patrick, 45 Liberty Powers Philip, cooper, 90 Beaver Pratt Nehemiah, baker, 45 Washington Pratt Ralph, 69 Ferry Pratt John, 63 State, res. 9 Rose Pratt F. W., bds. 25 Lancaster Pratt, Mrs. Mary, 31 Maiden Lane Pratt Nathaniel, 55 Liberty Pratt Samuel, carpenter, 148 s. Pearl Prentice, Finn& Co., (John H. Prentice and James H. Prentice,) fur and cap merchants, 105 Water Prentice Ezra P., res. Mount Hope PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (FIRST) cor. s. Pearl and Beaver PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (SECOND) Chapel PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (THIRD) cor. Clinton Square n. Pearl PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (FOURTH) Broadway Prest John, boot and shoemaker, 90 Colonie Prest John, shoe store, 816 Broadway HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 249

Prest David, 96 Colonie Preston Sylvester, cabinet-maker, 98 Swan Price Robert, polisher, 330 State Pridy John, laborer, 152 Montgomery Prime Augustus, portrait painter, 14 Dove Prime Joseph, carpenter, 18 Liberty Prior Thomas, 123 Canal Prior Wm., tailor, 83J Washington Pritchard, widow Lydia, 37 Spring Proctor Joseph, 144 Washington Prosser E. S., 94 Pier, res. 101 Hudson, office in winter, 18 Com. Building Pruyn, (Lansing) & Vosburgh, (Isaac W.) hard­ ware dealers, 39 State Pruyn Lansing, 105 n. Pearl Pruyn CasperusF., agent Wm. P. Van Rensselaer, res. Bath, Rens. county Pruyn Samuel, (Barkei & Pruyn,) office 7 Patroon, h. 109 n. Pearl Pruyn Misses, 113 n. Pearl Pruyn Wm., rope-maker, 174 Lumber Pruyn Baltus, rope-maker, 79 Third, Arbor Hill Pruyn John T., tailor, 27 Van Woert Pruyn Wm. I., baker, 212 Lumber, Arbor Hill Pruyn J. V. L., 105 n. Pearl, Clinton Square Pruyn, widow of David, 107 n. Pearl Pruyn R. II., attorney, &c, Alderman 5th ward, 442 Broadway, h. cor. Chapel and State Pruyn John, 30 Maiden Lane Pruyn (John V. L.) & Martin (Henry H.) attor­ neys, &c, office 55 State Puffer Mary, widow, 106 Herkimer Ptigh Thomas, laborer, 138 Broad Pugsley Cornelius A., attorney, &c. 442 Broadway, bds. Stanwix Hall Pulver Jesse carlman, 229 n. Pearl Pulver John, boatman, Ills. Pearl 250

Pulling Henry, druggist, 351 Broadway, residence 5 Dallius Pumpelly H., 57 n. Pearl Purinton Louisa, widow, 62 water. Purdy Mrs. Catharine, teacher, 13 Dallius Purcell John, moulder, 69 Broadway Purcell Edward, 164 Green Putman Peter, draper and tailor, 484 Broadway. up stairs, residence 53 s. Lansing Putnam Mrs. Elizabeth, 109 Hudson Putnam Charles, baker, 805 Broadway Putnam Elisha, 96 Hudson Putnam R. P., patent medicines, 518 Broadway. h. 39 Jay Putnam Jacob, 60 Jackson Putnam Elisha, victualler, 701 Broadway, h. 152 se- cond, above Swan, Arbor Hill Putnam James A., victualler, ?>. Market, h. 104 Second, above Swan, Arbor Hill a QUACKENBOSS WALTER II.,52 Columbia Quackenboss Mis. F. E., 68 Columbia Quackenboss Charles, 68 Columbia Quackenboss Augustus, stove dealer, 14 State, h. 194 State Quackenboss Henry, bds. Eagle Tavern Quackenbush John II., cor. Church and Herkimer Quackenbush Gansevoort, 631 Broadway Quackenbush John N., lumber merchant, office cor. Water, residence 5 Quackenbush Quackenbush Nicholas N., 631 Broadway Quackenbush Smith, lumber merchant, 60 Pier, h. 55 Lumber Quackenbush Cornelius, brushmaker, 173 Lydius Quackenbush Gerrit, printer, 106 s. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 251

Quackenbush John V. P., physician, 657 Broad­ way, h. 5 Quackenbush Quayle Mathias, laborer, 60 Rensselaer Quin Charles, cartman, 40 Orange Quin Hugh, 36 Arch Quin Patrick, rear 154 s. Pearl Quin Peter, laborer, 6 Centre Quin (liarles, tavern and boarding house, 14 s. Pearl Quin Andrew, laborer, 4 Steuben Quin Owen," 26 Van Woert Quin Solomon, stone-cutter, 70 Arch Quin Michael, blacksmith, 86 Green Quin Arthur, 165 Broadway Quin Francis, boarding house, 40 Liberty Qtiingley Thomas, 36 Arch Quinlan Michael, cartman, 103 First Ii RABLTN WIDOW ANN,83J Washington Raby Robert, hairdresser, basement 100 State, h. 59 Maiden Lane llabson John, paver, rear 252 Washington Radcliff Stephen, segar maker, 824 Broadway Radcliff David V. N., attorney, &c, office and res. 184 n. Broadway Radkins Thomas, laborer, 51 Van Woert Radley Adam, teamster, 142 Spring Radley William, oyster dealer, 299 Broadway Radliff Charles II., cooper, 18 Daniels Radliff Thomas J., cooper & inspector of heading, 52 Philip Radliff Jacob, cartman, 659 Broadway Radliff James, cooper shop, 11, Philip, res. 131 Hudson 252 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Radliff Thomas J., 131 Hudson Radliff, widow Naomi, 82 Beaver Raem Adam, cartman, 14 Jefferson Rafferty Ann, widow, 81 Orange Rafferty Edward, laborer, 9S i\rch Rafferty Charles, grocer, corner Columbia and Quay Raftray William, cooper, 41 Water Ragan Patrick, 5 Lawrence • Ragland William, carpenter, 304 s. Pearl Ramsay David D., shoemaker, 559 Broadway, res. 58 Second, Arbor Hill Ramsey Conrad, 190 Orange Ramsey James, 78 Colonie Ramsey James C, 173 s. Pearl Ramsey Rachael, teacher in Orphan Asylum Ramsey, widow Jacob, 8 W'illiam Ramsey John jr., cartman, 7 Columbia Ramsey Mrs. M.,4 William Ramsay Philip, cartman, 216 State Rancour Edward, carpenter, 6 Dove Rand Jacob B., sawyer, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Randall Jacob, potter, 38 s. Lansing Randall, widow Jesse, 17 Franklin Randall & Seymour, carpenters, 41 Grand Randall Sarah, 66 s. Pearl Bandall George, oil cloth manufacturer, 37 Beaver Randall Horace, carpenter, 16S Orange Randall Samuel S., deputy superintendent common schools, 250 Lydius Raney William I.j cabinet maker, 44 Second Rankin S. & A. A., grocers, 10S s. Pearl Rankin George A., boot & shoe store, 39S Broadway Rankin Albert A., grocer, 108 s. Pearl Rankin William, shoe store, 394 Washington Ransom, widow, 56 Green 253

Ransom A., (R. & Co.) bds. Delavan House Ransom S. H. & Co., dealers in stoves, &c, 26 and 28 State Ransom Samuel H., (R. & Co.) bds. Miss Fitch Rapp Sebastian, grocer, 139 Broad Rapp John, fruit and oyster dealer, res. Canal con­ tinued Rapp Christian J^bulcher, 306 Washington, s. b. Rapp Christian, 306 Washington, s. b. Rasey, widow Amnion, 25 Columbia Rathbone John F., (R- & Co.) res. 753 Broadway Rathbone, widow, Jared L., 28 Eagle, cor. State Rathbone Joel, res. Bethlehem Rathbone Sylvester^ merchant, 76 Washington Rathbone & Baker, dealers in stoves, &c, 9 & 11 Green Rathbun Joshua, dealer in lumber, 67 Pier, res. 745 Broadway Rattry Robert, carpenter, 160 Jefferson Raums Misses, 37 Columbia Rawls Henry, commission merchant, 118 Pier, h. 90 Lydius Rawson, James M. & Co., dry goods, 594 and 596 Broadway, h. 384 Fayette Rawson Rev. T. It., City Missionary, 45 High Ray Levi, furrier, 302 Washington, s. b. Raymond Joseph, 283 Washhington, s. b. Raymond 1>. C, 16 Hudson, h. 731 Broadway Read M. H., res. 27 Jay- Read and Rawls, commission merchants, 118 Pier Ready Wm., carpenter, rear 23 Canal Ready John, 63 Third Arbor Hill Reagan Jeremiah, laborer, 39 n. Lansing Reardon Thomas, shoemaker, 101 Green Reardon Patrick, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Reardon Timothy, grocer, 213 Broadway w 254 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Reardon, widow of John, 31 Van Zandt Record Mary Ann, widow 172 Franklin Rector Jacob H., laborer, 1 Bradford Rector Isaac, laborer, 332 Washington Redden , laborer, 189 Broadway Redden John, 31 Van Zandt Redden D. jr., grocer, cor Liberty and Lydius Regan John, pedler, 87 Third # Rector William II., architect, 83 Hudson Rector Henry, architect, office and h. 83 Hudson Rector John, porter-house, 189 s Pearl Rector William, 61 State, h. 101 s. Pearl Rector Jacob J., 83 s. Pearl Redden David, 117 Canal Redfield Asa, harness-maker, 87 Bleecker Redhsiein Isaac, dry goods, 32 J s. Pearl Redman, widow Catharine, 53 Fayette Reece William, hat and fur store, 419 Broadway h. 38 Steuben Reece John, coach lace weaver, 2 Division Reed Mrs. 25 4 Quay Reed Thomas E., cabinetmaker, 50 n. Lansing Reed David, blacksmith, 50 Liberty Reed William, cartman, 221 State Rediker John, 41 n. Lansing Reed widow Martha, 617 Broadway, Reed William H., cartman, 221 State Reed John, bds. Dayton House Reed Elisha, moulder 47 n. Lansing Reed John, shoemaker, 55 n. Lansing Reed George, carpenter, 40 Spring Reed, widow Sarah, 26 Howard REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 27 Westerlo Reese Michael, mason, 72 Canal Reese John, mason, 12 Lodge Reeves Israel M., painter, Greenbush HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 255

Reid John, 104 Patroon Reid John, variety store, 656 Broadway Reid, John, coach lace weaver, 158 Orange Reid Charles, shoemaker, 44 Division Reid William, painter, l58 Orange Reid James, machinist, 16 Orange Relyea & Kennedy, merchant tailors, 8 Broadway opposite Mechanic's Bank Relyea David, 82 Spring Relyea Myndert, jr., 118 Snipe Relyea Simon, 36 Union Relyea David M. Ill Snipe Relyea Myndert, 118 Snipe Relyea Peter, jr., merchant tailor, 8 Broadway, res. 23 Montgomery Relyea Lodewic F., 21 Lodge Reil Charles, laborer, 216 Washington Remington Alpha J., 30 Broad Remer Benjamin M., New-York and Albany Line, 32 Quay, res. 273 State continued Remond Narcisse, proprietor Marble Pillar, corner State and Broadway, residence 11 Norton Rennie Adam, carver, 265 Slate Reno Rensselaer, liquor store, 11 s. Pearl Reston John, professor of languages and music, 16 Union Renter George, porter house, 193 s. Pearl Requa, widow of James, 60 Lydius Reynolds Thomas, laborer, 114 Canal Reynolds Francis, 181 Montgomery Reynolds Elizabeth, 48 Philip Reynolds Thomas, laborer, 142 SpriMJ^ Reynolds Marcus T., attorney, &c, 25 n. Pearl Reynolds Rev. John, teacher, 101 Patroon Reynolds, widow of Edward, 21 William Reynolds James, baker, 117 Broad 256 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Reynolds John, cooper, 49 Liberty Rheinhart Martin, 14 Clinton Rhoades John, 1 Broad Rhoades Jason, 44 Van Schaick Rhoades H. B., 44 Van Schaick Rhoades, widow Jane, 9 Washington Rhoades Julius (D. & R.) attorneys, &c, office 8 Exchange Buildings, res. 33 n. Pearl Rhoades Joseph, 25 Lumber RHODE ISLAND COMMISSIONER, R. J. Hilton, office 50 State Rice F. S., bds. American Rice Dewilt C, bds. Eagle Tavern Rice Chas. S., coach maker, 30 Ferry Rice Fordyce, cabinet maker, 60 Rensselaer Rice George E., Ferry House Recess Rice W. A., 74 State, h. 198 Rice Joseph T., silversmith and watchmaker, 20 * Pearl, h. 20 Jay Rice Thomas, shoemaker, 168 Orange Rice Wm. H., 59 Division Rice Charles, ship joiner, 44 Ferry Rice widow, grocer, 249 s. Pearl Richards Wm., laborer, 78 Bassett Richards, widow of William, 52 Orange Richards Alfred G., piano maker, 48 Orange Richards Wm. M., tobacconist, 107 Orange Richards Seth, printer, 128 Beaver Richardson John, undertaker, 92 Hamilton Richardson Wm., paper hanging store, 60s. Pearl. cor. Hamilton, h. 173 Lydius Richard sorl|ta_low Jane, 73 Colonie Richardson John, laborer, 152 Jeffcson Richardson Thos. It., paper hangings, 75 Washing, Richard;on Wm., carpenter, 47 Spring Richardson Robert A., 100 Pier,bds. Carlton house HOSFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 257

Richey Elizabeth, 325 Washington Richey Geo., laborer, 142 n. Pearl Richmond Charles, moulder, 211 Green Ridder Thos. B., general dealer in tobacco, snuff and segars, 78 s. Pearl Riddle, widow Mary, 104 Nucella Riddle Thomas, blacksmith, 107 Nucella Rider Aaron, moulder, 227 n. Pearl Rider John, weaver, 9 Owen's Alley Rider Chauncey, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Rider George, tailor, 211 Washington Rider Stephen, J., 135 Green Ridgway J. & F. W., plumbers, 117 State, res. 8 ami 10 Pine R;ley & Arts, chair and cabinet makers, 114 State Riley, widow Bridget, 62 Schuyler Riley Paul, laborer, 87 Franklin Riley John, 72 Arch Riley, widow, 163 Green Riley Patrick, waiter, 51 Church Riley Robert, furrier, 31 Canal Riley James, laborer, 14 Lydius Riley C, shoemaker, 20 Quay Riley Luke, grocer, 70J Quay Riley John, laborer, 61 Canal Riley Owen, waiter, 57 Howard Riley James, laborer, rear 32 Jefferson Riley Wm., furrier, 49 Van Schaick Riley George, chairmaker and looking-glasses, 114 State and 1 Green, res. 6 Pine Riley James, carpenter, 41 Water Riley Richard, mason, 116 Green <• Riley Patrick, mason, 32 Canal Riley James, carpenter, 48 Van Woert Riley Patrick, 9 Colonie Riley James, cooper, 159 Lumber w* 258

Riley James, laborer, 150 Jefferson ley John, coachman, 11 Spring ley Michael, laborer, 43 Washington ley Michael, laborer, 8 s. Lansing ley John, mason, 149 Broad ley William, 19 Orange ley Christopher, 66 Jackson ley Michael, hatter, 83 Quay ley Bernard, furrier, 68 Arch ley Edward, grocer, Second, Arbor Hill ley Owen, mason, 99 First, Arbor Hill ley Charles, laborer, 6 Maiden Lane ley Wm., shoemaker, 29 Herkimer ley Peter, laborer, 154 Jefferson ley Daniel, mason, 41 Rensselaer ley John, laborer, 6 Steuben ley John, rear 94 Water ley James, laborer, 9 Spring ley Barney, 48 Van Schaick ley Barney, plasterer, 137 Church ley James, laborer, 61 Third, anove Swan ley Edward, tailor, 54 Second ley John, laborer, Westerlo, w. Eagle ley Owen, morocco dresser, 42 Rensselaer ley James, mason, 69 Beaver- ley Charles, grocer, 53 Canal ley Luke, 217 Broadway nehart Abraham, laborer, 5 Lawrence ng Michael, laborer, 3 Lawrence Court nes Barney, 102"Canal ng George W., grocer, 187 Montgomery p VAN )jjp*rKLE steamboat office, s. steamboat landing pley Seman, brickmaker, rear 109 First sing David, brickmaker, First, Arbor Hill Roach William, laborer, 180 Broadway 259

Roach John, 14 Railroad Avenue Roach David'101 Hamilton Roach Michael, laborer, 177 Lumber Roach Michael, 23 Renssela; r Roark Barney, 195 Hamilton Roark John laborer, 50 Lawrence Roark John, grocer, comer of Grand and Hamilton Robe John, carpenter, 20 Jefferson Roberts Joseph, musician, 24 Second Roberts John T., bowling saloon, 334 Union h. 65 Division Roberts, widow Amey, 123 n. Pearl Roberts Mrs., milliner, 74 Chapel Roberts A. C, 74 Chapel Roberts John, laborer, 23 Bradford Robertson Wm., 12 Van Tromp Robertson James, shoe store, 758 Broadway Robbins, widow Mary, 82 Beaver Robins Caleb, cartman, Washington, n. branch. above junction Robins John S., hat store, 415 Broadway, h. 14 s. Lansing Robinson and Dwight, shoe store, 372 Broadway Robinson Samuel, Exchange office, 16 ExchangeB. Robinson Edmund A., 6 State, res. 77 Columbia Robinson James, coachmaker, 15 Church, res. 52 Plain Robinson John, dealer in tin ware, 116 Canal Robinson A. D , attorney, &c, office, 94 State, h. 743 Broadway Robinson J. C, Boston shoe store, 372 Broadway, res 33 Green Robinson Hamilton W., 81 Columbia Robinson Edward, 17 Jackson Robinson Primus, fruit stand, basement 83 State Robison John, carpenter, 200 Hamilton 260 Robison Joseph, grocer, 20 Washington Robison Robert, 186 Lumber, Arbor Hill Robus George, iaborer, Washington, w. Asylum Roche James, shoemaker, 127 Hudson Roche John, moulder, 117 Arch Rockenstyre John, spruce, beer manufacturer, 52 Church Rockwell Charles, bds. United States House Roderick, widow Eleanor, 52 Ferry Rodgers John, machinist, 39 Colonie, shop 33 Lum­ ber Rodney Patrick, laborer, 140 Orange Roe Ezra, shoemaker, 28 Canal Roe James, shoemaker, 166 Jefferson Roe Wm. M., boatman, 48 Ferry Roe widow Rebecca, 13 Grand Roff John I., silver plater, 32 Spring Roff Peter D., coach trimmer, 32 Spring Roff, widow of John, 32 Spring Rogers & Callender, lumber merchants, 116 Water Rogers Thomas 40 Patroon Rogers Nathaniel, keeper Delavan House, corner Broadway, Steuben and Montgomery Rogers & Fuller, painters, 139 Broadway Rogers Elizabeth, widow of James, boarding-house 76 Eagle Rogers Barnard, Van Woert w. end Rogers Sherlock, shoemaker, 214 Broad Rogers Norman, livery stable, Diagonal, res. 33 Liberty Rogers widow of H. G. O., 303 s. Pearl Rogers Marquis L., mason, Herkimer w. Swan Rogers Lewis, 796 Broadway Rogers John, laborers, 93 Swan Rogers Owen, 73 Colonie Rookey Isidore, laborer, 162 n. Pearl DIRECTORY. 261

Rogers Samuel, harness maker, 201 Green Rogers William, 142 Hudson Rogers Stephen, painter, 131 Broadway, res. 166 Lumber Rogers, widow Mary Ann, 168 s. Pearl Roland John, grocer, 9 Lydius Rolen John, printer, /7 Orange 9 P.onan Michael, laborer, 52 Lawrence Romaine John P., lumber dealer, 72 Jackson Romaine B. F., Ed. Spectator, 72 Jackson Rooney Peter, furrier, 26 Chapel Rooney T., bds. Churchills Rooney Patrick B , grocer, alderman 1st Ward, cor. Schuyler and Broad, h. 94 Schuyler Roorbeck Henry, brickmaker, 43 Second Root Josiah G., Tivoli Hollow Root Arthur II., commission merchant, 5 Hudson. res. 3 Park Place, Aid. 9th Ward Rork Edward, grocer, cor. Water and Lumber Rork Kern, malster, 372 Washington Rork William, laborer, 41 Water Rork Charles, brewer, 4 Colonie Rork Andrew, 12 Union Rose Robert F., tailor, 107 Orange Rose David, 130 Hamilton Rose James R., attorney, &c, 106 State, res. 130 Hamilton Rose Elizabeth, 130 Hamilton Rose Henry, 63 s. Lansing Rose Stewart, 130 Hamilton Roseboom Gerrit, sashmaker, 94 Hudson, h. 35 Elm Roseboom Jacob, tinsmith, 94 Hudson, h. 148 Ly­ dius Rosekrans & Ovens, blacking, varnish and ink manufacturers, cor. Exchange and Dean 262 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Rosekrans A. D., 24 Jay Rosekrants Abraham, surveyor, 23 Spring Rosekrants Abraham, jr., 23 Spring Rosekrants Samuel F., 23 Spring Rosenbaum Raphael, tailor, 66 s. Pearl Rosenbergh Christian, 123 Franklin Rosttjgarden Joseph, pedler, 223 s. Pearl Rosendale Sampson, pedler, 4 Alexander Roosevelt Cornelius J., bds. Delavan Rosevelt Susan, rear 8 Pine Roser Richard, jr., accountant, 46 Lydius Roser Richard, mason, 46 Lydius Roser John, caulker, 46 Lydius Roser James, mason, 46 Lydius Ross Sydney, coachmaker, 111 Hudson Ross , 174 n. Pearl Ross, widow, 187 Broadway Ross John J., 145 Third, Arbor Hill Ross William H., lumber merchant, office 69 Pier, h. 13 Van Tromp Ross Robert, laboier, 52 Orange Ross Simon, laborer, 29 Herkimer Rounds Charles, carpenter, Broadway, near railroad Rourk Samuel, laborer, 84 Water Rourk Daniel, laborer, 1 James Rourk Patrick, grocer, 42 Water Rouse Casar, white washer, 119 Broad Rouse J. C, 227 n. Pearl Rouse J. H., 227 n. Pearl Rousseau John, hat store, 80 Washington, house 1 Swan Rowbotham Robert, wagon maker, 209 Broad Rowe Andrew, shoemaker, 88 Church Rowe, widow, 36 Water Rowe George, laborer, 34 Spring Rowe Erastus, wheelwright, 209 Hamilton Rowley Charles, chair maker, 65 Chapel HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 263

Rowe Peter, cabinet maker, 334 Broadway Rowe Bradford, 7 Orange Rowland Hugh, carpenter, 299 s. Pearl Rowland Henry, engineer, 14 s. Lansing Ruby Robt. cooper, Third, w. Lark Ruby John C, shoemaker, 776 Broadway Rudes Jason, 44 Van Schaick Rudes B. H., 44 Van Shaick Rull John, milkman, Washington continued Rull Nicholas, blacksmith and wheelwright, 432 Lydius Rudd W. N., bds. Mansion House Rudden, Peter, brickmaker, cor. Second and Swan Ruddy Bernard, 125 Water Ruddy Michael, grocer, 181 Water Ruggles & McCormick, coopers, cor. s. Lansing Rull Henry, 186 Broad Russ Adam, weigher and measurer, 150 Lydius Russ James, bookbinder, 82 State, res. 150 Lydius Russ John P. carriage smith, 9 Philip, h. 152 Lydius Russell William, 68 Eagle Russell Robert C., dealer in paints, oils, drugs and dye woods, medicines, 72 State, h. 17 Steuben Russell Elihu & Son, (Henry) dealers in paints, oils, glass, also manufacturers of oil-cloths, 501 and 503 Broadway Russell Elihu, 55 Columbia Russell James, lumberer, 162 Lumber Russell Elizabeth, widow of Joseph, 37 n. Pearl Russell Henry, 15 Patroon Russell Jubel T., carpenter, 164 Hudson Russell Andrew W., botanic physician, 88 Beaver Russell George, 85 Hamilton Russell George, druggist and painter, 70 State h. 85 Hamilton Russell Jason, grocer, 146 Washington Russell Hubbard L., mason, 208 Hamilton 264 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Russell David, deputy sheriff, s. Pearl, lower end Russell John, butcher, 25 Howard Russell Dominick, 124 Snipe Russell, widow Thomas, 81 Hamilton Russell W. D., 384 s. Pearl Rust Asa, at Boston Shoe Store Rust Wm. S , carpenter, shop Dean Ryan Patrick, grocer, 138 Jefferson Ryan James, laborer, 74 Arch Ryan Jeffrey, cooper, 64 Fulton Ryan, widow, 41 Canal Ryan Michael, 73 Rensselaer Ryan Thos., grocer, cor. Hamilton and William Ryan John, 7 Lawrence court Ryan John, laborer, 110 Canal Ryan Daniel, moulder, 32^ Howard Ryan Cornelius, engineer, IS s. Lansing Ryan John, moulder, 32 Rensselaer Ryan Patrick, laborer, 61 Broadway Ryan Wm,, mason, 51 Ten Broeck Ryan David, moulder, 139 Church Ryan David, moulder, 13 Baker's Court, n. Ferry Ryan Michael, moulder, 11 Baker's Court n. Ferry Ryan Patrick, laborer, 80 Arch Ryan Michael, laborer 65 Third Ryan Edward, coachmaker, 56 Lawrence s SABIN CHAUNCEY B., attorney, &c, 94 State res. 3 High Sacia, widow Jane, 308 State Sachagrin Charles, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Safford Levi, Lydius continued Safford Peter, gardener, Washington continued Safford & Goodrich, lumber dealers, 43 Pier HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 265

Safford Nathaniel, lumber dealer, 43 Pier, h. 767 Broadway Safford Henry, bds. Carlton House Sager Peter, laborer, 278 Washington, s. b. Sager, widow, 33 Van Schaick Sager Daniel, laborer, 102 Water Sager Jacob, 18 Lumber Sager Peter, 292 Washington Sager John, 148 Washington Sager Jacob, carpenter, 3084 Stale Sager Peter, tinsmith, 88 Washington Sager John, laborer, rear 220 State Sager Garret, Swan near Lydius Sague Samuel, 254 Broadway Salisbury Nelson, 29 Pier, h. 36 s. Lansing S. sbury Benajah T., carpenter, 55 Lydius Salisbury Henry, 17 Knox Salisbury Daniel, 21 Van Woert Salisbury Wm., laborer, 37 n. Lansing Salisbury Martin, carpenter, 81 Lawrence Salt Samuel, wagon maker, 209 Broad Sammcms, widow, 80 Arch Sample John, brickmaker, 116 Spring Sampson Wm. C, carpenter, 208 Lumber, Arbor Hill Sampson Thomas, boatman, 27 Van Woert Sanders James, watchmaker, 32 Steuben .Sanders James B., attorney, &c, 11 Douw's Build­ ings, res. Miss Fitch, 126 State Sanders Barent, cor. Lydius and Grand Sanders John, gardener, stall s. Market, res. Wes­ terlo island Sanders J. B. & Co., (G. V. S. Sanders) merchants, 72 Quay, res. 143 Lydius Sanders G. V. S., 143 Lydius Sanders John B., 143 Lydius x 266 Sanders John, paper-stainer, 183 Lydius Sanders B. B. 143 Lydius Sandford Giles, .lumber office, above n. Ferry, res. 43 Montgomery Sandford George D., hat and trunk maker, 368 Broadway, h. 23 William Sanford Joseph, bds. Miss Fitch's Sanger Louis, pedler, 119 Broad Sard Grange, draper and tailor, 497 Broadway, res. 205 State Sargent Parker, deputy sheriff,442 Broadway, h. 864 Satterlee Edward R., h. 20 n. Pearl Satterlee E. It. & E., merchants, 61 State Satterlee E., Kane's park Savage John, skipper, 38 Green Savage Simeon, tinman, 2 Hawk Savage & Giffin, tinman, 617 Broadway- Savage & Benedict, commssion merchants, 117 Pier Savage Roland, shoemaker, cor. Lydius and Swan Savage James, commission merchant, 117 Pier, h. 68 Chapel Savage Jeremiah, laborer, 76 Orange Sawyer Abraham, 27 Montgomery Sawyer William, shoemaker, 54 s. Pearl Saxer Leonard, physician, 7 Howard Say Gordon, stone-cutter, 99 Schuyler Sayles Alexander, shoemaker, 8 Ferry Sayles James, 2 William Sayles J. & G. M., (John & G. M.) merchants, 62 Quay Sayles George M., 30 Lancaster Sayles John, 29 Jay Sayles Charles, shoemaker, 289 s. Pearl Sayles Charles, shoemaker, 83 s. Pearl Scannel William, nailor, 409 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 267

Scanlan John, grocer, 4 Columbia Scanlan William, grocer, 5 Maiden Lane Scanlan Dennis, grocer, 13 Quay Schaddelle Frenz, boarding house, 19 Montgomery Schase Sebastian, 276 Washington Schermerhorn Cornelius, agent New-York, and Penn Yan line, 51 Quay, bds. City Hotel Schermerhorn Morgan L., 21 Columbia. Schermerhorn John, cartman, 30 Fayette Schermerhorn Elizabeth, 29 Ten Broeck Schermerhorn Thomas, laborer, 266 Lydius Schiffer II. H. & Son, coffee and spice dealer, 86 Washington Schill John, 162 Broad Schilling Charles, tailor, 154 s. Pearl Schley Philip, file culler, £21 s. Pearl Schneider Antlrew, 46 Lawrence Schneider George, 46 Lawrence Schnell James, 38 Van Schaick Schneller, Rev. J. A., pastor St. Mary's Church, res. 41 Columbia Schoolcraft, Raymond & Johnson, wholesale gro­ cers, 14 and 16 Hudson Schoolcraft Abraham S., grocer, 339 Broadway Schoolcraft John L. (S. R. & J.) bds. City Hotel Schoonmaker Christopher, laborer, 119 Snipe Schoonmaker Peter, silver plater, 157 Broad Schoonmaker Peter, 305 s. Pearl Schoonmaker John, cor. Broadway and Orange Schoonmaker Jacob, jr., 157 Broad Schroeder Henry, 7 Howard Schry Henry, coachmaker, 52| Philip Schultz Edward, laborer, 6 Centre Schultz John F., book-keeper, 83 Green Schuyler Cortland, grocer, 865 Broadway Schuyler & Co., tow boat office, 29 Quay 268 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Schuyler Thomas, forwarding merchant 29 Quay, h. 264 s. Pearl Schuyler Philip L., 18 Jackson Schuyler William C, attorney, &c, 1 Phcenix Place, w. Eagle Schuyler, widow Samuel, 250 5. Pearl, Schuyler James, grocer, cor. Bassett and Franklin Schuyler Mrs. S. P., 18 Jackson Schuyler Lawrence L., 122 Water Schuyler Samuel, 90 Bassett Schworer John, grocer, 200 Washington Scobie William, Park House, 27 Hudson Scofield John, tailor, 53 Second, Arbor Hill Scott Hugh, cartman, 224 State Scott William, 52 Union Scott Henry, laborer, 51 Jackson Scott Mrs. Ann, 31 Maiden Lane Scott David I , silver plater, 582 Broadway Scitt William H., jr., 119 Church Scott George C, blacksmith, 136 Lydius Scott John, 19 Van Woert Scott Richard H., 132 Lydius Scott Marshall, fishmonger, Centre Market Scott William B., grocer, cor. Swan and Second. Arbor Hill Scott Jacob, shoemaker, 164 s. Pearl Scott Philip, 84 Broad Scott William J. & R. H , gunsmiths, 3 Beaver, b. 21 John Scott Patrick, tailor, 99 Bassett Scott James 50 Lawrence Scott John, harness maker, w. side Little Basin, res. 69 Colonie Scott Jane, tailoress, 364 s. Lansing Scott John, segar-maker, 91 Second, Arbor Hill Scott George, 381 State ALBANY DIRECTORY. 269

Scovel Ashley, dry goods and groceries, 486 Broad­ way, res. cor. n. Pearl and Steuben Scovel Nelson, City Marshal, h 20 Park Scovel Charles, with M. & J. Hendrickson Scovel Jared, innkeeper, 202 Washington Scovil Oliver, 31 State, h. 28 Fayette Scrafford George H., carpenter, 49 Spring Scraffer John D., cartman, 1084 Water Scribner Benjamin C, 23 Dallius Scriven Gardner, 42 n. Lansing Scriven Joshua M., 3 Lawrence Seagrave James, tailor, 28 Quay Seath James, 83 Lawrence Seaton George, painter, 205 Green SECRETARY OF STATE, office State Hall, cor. Eagle and Pine Seaver Benjamin, 678 Broadway Seely Abel, bds. U. S. House Seely Isaac, shoemaker, 28 Patroon Seely John, drayman, 35 Lumber Sedam Charles, 72 William Segue William, shoemaker, 215 Washington Selby Thomas, mason, 325 Washington Selby William, 261 Washington Selkirk Alexander, (W. & S.) 26 Dallius Selkirk Rev. Edward, 68 Herkimer Seltz Louis, pedler, 150 Broad Sentzenieh, John, tailor, 123 Hamilton Serrington William B., pastor Colored Baptist Church, Hamilton Server Robert, n. Ferry Serviss William, grocer, cor. Beaver and Lodge Settle Jacob M., attorney, &c, 79 State, bds. Amer­ ican Sexton Charles, carpenter, 162 Hudson Sexton John, carpenter, 162 Hudson x* 270 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Seymour John, baker, 150 s. Pearl Seymour James, cartman, rear 42 Philip Seymour Lewis, carpenter, 25 4 Ferry Seymour William, inspector of the port, office 1st floor Exchange, h. 107 Columbia Seymour & Russ, bookbinders, 82 State Seymour Timothy, bookbinder, 62 Patroon Seymour Robert M., bds City Hotel Seymour (Robert M.) Forsyth (W. W.) & Co., (E. A. Robinson) hide merchants, 6 Stale Shaddiek Thomas, 31 Van Woert Shaen Patrick, furrier, 109 Canal Shaen Patrick, 19 Park Shafer Belinda, variety store, 67 Green Shaler O. J. W., pedler, 105 Herkimer Shanahan Michael, grocer, 124 Broad Shanks Robert, fruit dealer, 51 Union Shanley William, laborer, 79 Ferry Shanley Patrick, 125 Canal Shannon John, 69 Eagle Sharkey Michael, 15 Lodge Sharp Absalom M., cartman, Westerlo „. Swan Sharp Jacob, 65 Canal Sharp Margaret, 63 Maiden Lane Sharp David, cartman, Westerlo „. Swan Sharp Jonathan, laborer, 344 Washington Sharpe David, rear of 252 Washington Sharts Joseph, 7 Owen's Alley Sharts John, 74 Green Shattuck James A., mason, 25 Orange Shaver William, potter, 169 Hudson Shaver John, 80 Washington Shaver Conrad, 348 Washington, n. b. Shaver Charles I., 886 Broadway Shaver V. P., portrait painter, 25 Van Schaick Shaver Lewis, moulder, Bradford Shaver George, laborer, 56 Schuyler ALBANY DIRECTORY. 271

Shaw Eleanor E., teacher of music arid dancing, cor. Lancaster and Eagle Shaw, Harriet, widow, 11 Park Shaw Leonard D. & Co., ship chandlery, 8 State, res. 694 Broadway Shaw Sidney R. H., shoemaker, 166 Orange Shaw Robert, 171 Hamilton Shaw Ralph, pedler, 203 Lumber, Arbor Hill Shaw Mrs. Eleanor, boarding house, 1 Lancaster Shaw Luton, blacksmith, shop 99 Green h. 1 Lan- caser Shaw John, 189 Orange Shaw Richard, ropemaker, 61 Colonie Shaw William, pattern maker, 66 Lumber Shaw Daniel D., weighmaster, 8 Quackenbush Shaw Royal, 41 Jay Shaw Abel, tin smith, 122 Spring Shaw Harmon, 216 State Shaw Ann, tailoress, 750 Broadway Shaw Oliver G., professor music, 95 Columbia Shaw John H., ropemaker, 22 Second Shaw Elkanah, blacksmith, 115 Canal Shay John, 49 First, Arbor Hill Shay John, 77 Broadway- Shay Patrick, laboier, 135 Church Shea William, moulder, 3 Rensselaer Shear Leroy, tailor, 181 Hamilton Shear J. H., stove dealer, 17 and 19 Green, b. 151 Lydius Sheegog Samuel, stove mounter, 75 Broadway Sheldon G. & Co., dry goods merchants, 467 &469 Broadway Sheldon Gaylor, 76 Lydius Sheldon Smith, 74 Lydius Sheldon Alexander, attorney, &c, 59 State Shelly Richard, laborer, 63 Fulton 272 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Shepard %lvester F., merchant tailor, 313 Broad­ way, res. 89 Lydius Shepard S. O., attorney, &c, 3 Broadway, bds. American Hotel Shepard J. G.,21 Lancaster Shepard Daniel W., 191 Slate Shepard Alfred D., Tivoli Shepard Geo., bds. Mrs. McPhersonls Shepard & Bancroft, attorneys, &c, 3 Broadway Sheperd Sydney, 130 State Shepherd Alexander, cabinet maker, 7.2 Patroon Shepherd Robert, 661 Broadway Shepherd Mrs. Catharine, 30 Lodge Shepherd Samuel M., 837 Broadway Shepherd John, carpenter, 355 Lydius Shepherd & Long, cabinet makers, 97 Green Shepherd Briee, carpenter, 53 Plain Shepherd John, rear of 5 Park Sherbenner Anthony, tin smith, 6 Union Sheridan William, 164 Lumber Sheridan William, laborer, 51 Mulberry Sheridan James, laborer, 13 Westerlo Sheridan Matthew, stucco-plasterer, 26 Canal Sheridan John, cor. Dallius and s. Lansing Sheridan Barney, cartman, 74 Swan Sherman Henry, druggist, 597 Broadway, bds. 58 Division Sherman Ann, 33 Division Sherman Thomas, confectioner, cor. Schuyler and *. Pearl Sherman Watts, cashier City Bank, res. 4 Academy ^ Park Sherman Josiah J., (J. & Co.) Congress Hall Sherman Epaphras J., attorney, &c, office 5024 Broadway, bds. Delavan HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 273

Sherman J. & Co., (Galen Batchelor) merchants, 18 State SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Jail Sherry John, grocer, 89 Canal Sherwood William, 24 Van Schaick Sherwood Stephen, Troy Stage Office 454 Broad­ way, bds. U. S. Hotel Sherwood Richard, segar maker, 83 Canal Sherwood Joseph, segar maker, 17 Van Woert Sherwood Thomas J., tobacconist, 4 Canal Sherwood Stephen A., skipper, 115 Church Sherwood William, tailor, 136 Green Sherwood Lemuel, 59 Division Shields Francis laborer, 775 Broadway Shields Bernard, cooper, 159 Lumber Shields Adam, 22 Van Schaick Shields Adam, jr., tobacconist, 58 Van Schaick Shields Henry, grocer, 345 State, cor. Lark Shields, widow Elizabeth, 139 Green Shields Francis, laborer, 62 Howard Shiffer Henry W., bds. Mansion House Shlerth Nicholas, cabinet maker, 224 Washington Shloss Moses, dry goods, 342 Broadway, h. 15 Hamilton Shoemaker William 880 Broadway Shoemaker Jacob, Fountain Inn, 926 Broadway Shonts John A., grocer, 210 Water Shonts John, 13 Lawrence Short Patrick, laborer, 9 Spring Shortis George R., bds. Townsend House Shrader John, carpenter, 208 Washington Shultz J. A. & Co. dry goods, 538 Broadway Shulter Hannah, Washington n. b. Shum Joseph 108 Water Shumway Alfred, mason, 102 Spring Shumway Elijah, teamster, 18 Spring 274 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Shwartz Simson, grocer, cor. Ferry and Green Sickles James, bds. U. S. House Sickles George, bds. 4 Dean Sickles John A., grocer, 76 s. Pearl Sickles Mrs. Sarah, 27 Montgomery Sickles Abraham, 41 Union Sickles Alexander, ropemaker, 178 Lumber Sickles Abraham, butcher, 12J Second, Arbor Hill Sickles, Abram, jr., blacksmith, 13 s. Lansing Sickles William, 10 Columbia Sickles Mary, widow of Stephen, nurse, 174 n. Pearl Signay John, 81 Third, Arbor Hill Sigsby Nicholas, 122 Spring Sill , bds. Miss Fitch Silliman John, pilot, 64 Church Silsby Henry, blacksmith, 16 John Silsby Thomas, skipper, 66 Church Silwell Jeremiah, cartman, 30 Alexander Sim Francis, blacksmith, 76 Canal Simmons Elijah, fish stall, Centre Market, h. 23 s. Pearl Simmons Walter3 46 Ferry Simmons Erastus, cartman, Westerlo continued, near Dove Simmons Ives L. 95 Church Simmons, widow Mary, 15 Dove Simmons Francis, 206 Broadway Simons Morris, carpenter, 175 Orange Simons Patrick, laborer, 71 Rensselaer Simons John, tobacconist, 805 Broadway Simons George, cartman, 164 Spring Simons John, grocer,"780 Broadway Simons Henry, cartmen, 166 Spring Simons Peter, cartman, 183 Orange Simpson James, waiter, 113 Nucella Simpson James, laborer, 134 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 275

Simpson Robert, nailor, 115 Nucella Simpson Wm., laborer, 102 Water Simpson Moses, pedler, 277 s. Pearl Simpson John, grocer, 235 s. Pearl Sinclare Mary, widow, 64 n. Pearl Singer Jacob, pilot, 97 Church Sipple John, carpenter, 52 Canal Sisson Noel E., Dauguerotyping, 496 Broadway, h. 41 Union Sitterly Isaac, teamster, 261 Washington Siver Martin, blacksmith, 81 Orange Siver Jacob, coachmaker, 83 Bleecker Siver Wm., 261 Washington Skelly James, laborer, 14 Bleecker Skelly Wm., 217 Broadway Skelly Andrew, laborer, 85 Van Woert Skerritt Margaret, boarding school, 4 High Skerritt Jane, preceptress, 4 High Skerritt Mary, preceptress, 4 High Skillicorn Thos., shoemaker, 330 Wash., cor. Snipe Skinkle John, laborer, 49 Dallius Skinner Charles, bds. 7 Montgomery Skinner Elisha W , 7 Montgomery Skinner Charles, cartman, 213 Broad Slack Granville, merchant, 12 Exchange, h. 134 Hamilton Slain Daniel, laborer, 13 Bleecker Slason Edward B., saddle and harness-maker, 88 State, h. 1 Wendell Slatterny Michael, laborer, 43 Van Schaick Slatrey William, laborer, rear 145 Broad Slaven Patrick, carpenter, 138 s. Pearl Slaven Henry, laborer, 34 Jefferson Slaven Michael, grocer, cor. Broadway & Schuyler Flawson Jonathan, cake pedler, 123 Lydius Slawson William, laborer, 617 Broad Slawson John, 42 Montgomery 276 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Slawson W. F., livery stable, 79 Maiden Lane h 29 Fayette Slawson Selleck, shoemaker, 85 Green Slingerland witlow, D. B., 84 Lydius Slingerland A. M., 84 Lydius Sliter Wm., harness maker, s. side Basin, h. 40 Co­ lonic Sloan Edmund, 202 Hamilton Sloan Patrick, 165 Lumber Slosson Charles, at City Hotel Small Hugh, grocer, 121 Quay Small James, shoemaker, 725 Broadway Small Peter, 725 Broadway Smith Thomas, 97 Swan Smith, widow, 174 Broadway Smith Peter, grocer, 192 Broadway Smith James, 187 Broadway Smith Romeyn, 379 Broadway, h. 514 Smith R. W., attorney, 83 State, h. High Smith Simeon L., 65 Eagle Smith Peter, moulder, 46 Fayette Smith & Brickner, stone ware manufacturers, 221 Washington Smith Patrick, laborer, 60 Schuyler Smith Ira, agent, 8 Dewitt Smith Patrick, laborer, 11 Canal Smith John, stove mounter, 8 Nucella Smith Wm. F., locksmith, 110 Broad Smith Richard, tailor, 78 Dallius Smith & Hawley, builders, 54 Bleecker Smith E. Willard, 759 Broadway Smith James, laborer, 47 Water Smith Arthur A., cartman, 17 Quackenbush Smith, widow Sarah, tailoress, 105 Spring Smith Oliver, potter, 124 Spring Smith Monmouth, pedler, 24 Clinton HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 277

Smith Sumner, exchange office, 20 Green, h. 35 Smith David, 36 Third Smith, (Wm.) Cary (Isaac H.) & Moseley, (B. F.) wholesale dealers in dry goods, 247 & 249 Broadway Smith William, moulder, 6 Alexander Smith Matthew, cooper, 75 Rensselaer Smith Sarah, 69 Arch Smith Mark, 159 Green Smith Wm., waiter, 25 Liberty Smith Aaron B., 27 Liberty Smith John, moulder, 61 Broadway Smith Elisha, moulder, 7 Baker's Court, n. Ferry Smith James, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Smith William, (S., C. & M.,) 31 s. Pearl Smith Andrew, 81 Canal Smith Samuel, 36 Van Schaick Smith Peter, coppersmith, 16 Beaver Smith Benjamin F., carpenter, 203 Lydius Smith Barney, laborer, 24 Howard Smith Jacob, pedler, 261 s. Pearl Smith Wm., blacksmith, 36 Montgomery Smith Israel, 759 Broadway Smith Henry, laborer, 53 Lawrence Smith John, carpenter, 169 Hudson Smith Daniel, produce dealer, 39 Quay, res. 110 s. Pearl Smith Thomas, piano maker, 35 Swan Smith Jeremiah, 79 Washington Smith Theodore D., 75 Hudson Smith John, laborer, 15 Lumber Smith Barney, grocer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Smith Henry V., carpenter, Swan, near Arbor Hill Smith Ezekiel, grocer, 17 Washington Smith Ralph, grocery and provision store, 72 Washington, res. 59 Spring Y 278 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY'.

Smith Jonas N., 443 Lydius Smith John, 75 Van Woert Smith Gotliff, 163 s. Pearl Smith Morgan Lewis, grocer, 67 Orange Smith John G.. cartman, 21 Hawk Smith Zachariah, merchant, 61 Washington Smith Samuel, moulder, 19 Ferry Smith John, weaver, 850 Broadway Smith Bernard, grocer, 269 s. Pearl Smith Henry M., 105 Columbia Smilh Charles R., 277 s. Pearl Smith Dr., 614 Broadway Smith Wm. L., slater, 13 Fayette Smith George victualler, 60 Washington Smith William, boatman, 36 Spring Smith Edwt.rd laborer, 109 Knox Smith Elisha, moulder, 7 Baker's Court, n. Ferry Smith Isaac B., bds. Mansion House Smith David, teamster, 78 Orange Smith James, teamster, 78 Orange Smith John B., 6 Dewitt Smith Wm. G., harness maker, 134 Green Smith David, 13 Plain Smith Wm., carpenter, 1 Dallius Smith John, mason, 5 Catherine Smith , 67 Arch Smith James, Lydius, cor. Green Smith Stephen, 48 Hamilton Smith David, 244 Washington Smith Wm., harness maker, 321 Broadway h. 134 Green Smith J. Stanley, editor Citizen, 50 State, h. 170 n. Pearl Smith Anthony, shoemaker, 107 Snipe Smith Jacob, cartman, cor. Eagle and Westerlo Smith Le Grand, proprietor Mansion House HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 279

Smith Owen, Lydius, near Knox Smith Thomas, Lydius near Knox Smith Albert C, boarding house, ]3 Montgomery Smith J. S., exchange office, 20 Green Smith Daniel, 46 Washington Smithurst Henry, 32 Hamilton Smyth Patrick, reporter for the Atlas, h. 38 Wes­ terlo Smyth, widow Charles, 38 Westerlo Smyth Charles T., merchant, 40 Quay, h. 720 Broadway Smullan Peter, laborer, 39 Canal Snell James, shoe store, 370 Broadway Snooks, Daniel, 413 Lydius Snow Philo, carpenter, 25 Wilson Snowden Henry, 115 Third Arbor Hill Snyder L. C, 81 Canal Snyder Sarah, 96 Bassett Snyder, widow Henry, 3S Union Snyder Joseph, 351 Washington, n. b. Snyder Peter, cabinet maker, 37^ Washington Snyder Charles, wheelwright, 16 Willet Snyder Henry W., 43 Union Snyder Peter, S8 Schuyler Somners John, mason, 128 Broad Soulden WTilliain, book keeper, 64 State, h. 79 Lydius Southen Stephen, laborer, 349 Washington, n. b. SothamWm. 11., bds. American Southwick William, book binder, 20 Dallius Southwick, widow of Solomon, Buel farm Southwick Henry C, Buel farm Southwick Henry C, canal collector, Little Basin, res. 22 Norton Spalding Nancy, 280-i s_ peari Spalding Gilbert R., 88 s. Pearl 280 Spanier Lewis, cider and vinegar yard, 801 Broad­ way, h. 803 Sparks George, 97 Third, Arbor Hill Spears William, 58 Lawrence Spears Timothy, 12 Little Basin, h. 40 Lawrence Spaun & Moseley, merchants, corner s. Pearl and Lydius Spelman, (B. R. & R. L.) dealers in combs and fancy goods, 494 Broadway Spelman R. L., 105 Columbia Spelman B. R., 59 Orange Spencer Mrs. Catherine, 61s. Lansing Spencer Brown, painter, 79 Church Spencer John C, 111 Washington Spencer C. T., superintendent railroad, 92 Second Spencer John P., 62 Herkimer Spencer, widow of Martin, 42 Liberty 8pencer Hosea, carpenter, 17 Liberty Spt ncer Daniel, bds. 60 Division Spencer Susannah, 60 Division Spencer Austin, inspector distilled spirits, 32 Dean, res. 35 Hawk Spencer Philip, grocer, 199 Washington Spies John, tailor, 326 Lydius Spintler David, locksmith, 110 Nucella Spooner Samuel, Hudson near Lark Sporborg Louis, 142 s. Pearl Sporborg Joseph, 36 s. Pearl Sprague Horace, 47 Montgomery Sprague Rev. William B., pastor Second Presbyte­ rian Church, h. 58 Chapel Sprague Henry, 27 Columbia Sprague (Horace) &. McNaughton (Angus) manu­ facturers of tobacco, snuff, segars and chocolate, 7 Broadway Spratt Horatio N., carpenter, 54 Rensselaer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 281

Springsteed David, dealer in drugs, medicines, and oils, corner Lydius and s. Pearl, residence 116 s. f Pearl Springsteed, widow Sarah, 2334 s. Pearl Springsteed John, 59 Fulton Sprinks James, glover, 163 Hamilton Sprung Hiram, wheelwright, 58 Schuyler Squires Thomas, exchange office, 123 Pier, res. 49 Lydius Squires, widow Betsey, 49 Lydius ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, S. Pearl St Peter Nicholas, engineer, 57 Broadway ST PETER'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, corner State and Lodge St Clair Charles, 359 State ST. JOHN'S (Catholic) CHURCH, Ferry ST. MARY'S (Catholic) CHURCH, corner Pine and Chapel ST. JOSEPH'S (Catholic) ORPHAN ASYLUM, 14 Lodge ST. JOSEPH'S (Catholic) CHURCH, cor. Lumber and n. Pearl ST. JOHN'S (Catholic) SCHOOL corner Dallius and Rensselaer St. John David, superintendent Capitol St. John John W., proprietor Boston Hotel, 15 & 17 Dean, and 11 Maiden-Lane Staats John, 74 Green Staats Peter P., physician, 64 Ferry Staats Barent P., physician, 53 n. Pearl, cor. Steu­ ben Staats John B., bds. Townsend House Staats John L.,4 s. Pearl Staats William N., 172 Franklin Staats, Mrs. Mary 27 Church Stack Richard, 6 Lydius 282 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY-.

Stackpole John, cartman, 346 Lydius Stafford, widow of Spencer, 11 High Stafford Richard, shoemaker, 66 Canal Stafford Spencer, 46 Jay Stalker Martin, 134 Spring Standish Zachariah, globe maker, 226 Washington Stanford Josiah, Schenectady turnpike Stanford Leland, 83 State Stanford Charles, grocer, 44 Washington Stanford A, P., 275 State Stanhardt F. W., rear 139 Broad Stanton D. H,, livery stable, 114 s. Pearl Stanton Charles H., 110 Washington Stanton G. W. & son, (George W. jr.,) merchants, cor. State and Quay Stanton G. W., 110 Washington Stanton George W., jr., cor. n. Pearl and Steuben Stanton William B., botanic physician, 109 s. Pearl Stanton Thomas, laborer, : 19 Snipe STANWIX HALL, cor. Broadway and Maiden Lane Stanwix George, brick maker, cor. Broad and Arch Stanwix John, brick maker, 31 Alexander Stapleton , 63 Fulton Stark David J., bds. Churchills Stark Meser, 10 Alexander Starks John, tailor, 77 Orange Starks Nathan, blacksmith, 82 Quay, res. 36 Wes­ terlo Starr A. G. S., blacking maker, 93 Washington Starr Lazarus, pedler, 148 Broad STATE LOCK, Little Basin STATE ARSENAL, Broadway, cor. Lawrence STATE HALL,Eagle, corner Steuben and Pine Stead William, 37 Hawk Stead Martin, 59 Liberty Steele John F., (W. & S.) 66 State, h. 80 Lydius DIRECTORY. 283

Steele (Lemuel) & Son, (George B.) paper hanging warehouse 360 and 362 Broadway, h. 80 Lydius Steele George B., 80 Lydius Steele Rev. A., pastor Methodist church, 29 Plain Steele Oliver, 8 Liberty Steele (Levi) & Durrie, (Daniel S.) dealer in books, stationery, &c, 378 Broadway Steele Roswell, coach and saddlery hardware, 420 Broadway, h. 48 Jay Steele Samuel, keeper of district school, 55 Union Steele Mary, widow of Daniel, 16 Rose. Steele, widow of Levi, 27 Division Steele Levi, 27 Division Steele Charles H., 27 Division Steet Wm., laborer, Willett Steinson S., 3 Grand Stene John, carpenter, 58 Arch Stephenson Wm., laborer,49 Dallius Stephenson Richard, 67 Eagle Sterling John, mason, cor. Swan and Second Sterling William F., 34 Union Sterling & Co., passage office, 122 Pier Sternbergh Jacob, attorney, &c, residence, 59 s. Pearl Sternberg David L., 66 Hudson Sterne Martin, baker, 123 Arch Sterne Martin, pedler, 272 s. Pearl Sterne Isaac, Dutch boarding house, 153 Broad­ way Sterne Moses, pedler, 112 Broad Sterne Charles, pedler, 272 s. Pearl Sterne Jacob, moulder, 93 Gansevoort Sterne Aaron, pedler, 102 Nucella Stevens George, moulder, 109 Beaver Stevens Henry P., proprietor Eagle Tavern, car. Broadway and Hamilton 284 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stevens Peter D., turner, 30 Church, residence 296 State Stevens George M., turner in general, 50 Howard, h. 296 State Stevens Enoch J., type founder, 39 Plain Stevens Cyrus, office 4S0 Broadway Stevens Samuel, attorney, &c, 6 Academy Park Stevens James, cartman, 54 Montgomery Stevens James, shoemaker, 114 Canal Stevens Jacob, 81 First Stevens O..F., bds. U. S. House Stevens, S. & C, attorneys „c, 480 Broadway Stevens Geo. W., People's Line agent, 27 Hud­ son Stevens W. & Co., ball alley, James Stevenson James, 113 Third Stevenson Robeit, moulder, 113 Orange Stevenson William 25 Orange Stevenson James, cartman, 54 Montgomery • Stevenson Samuel, 156 Broadway Stevenson Robert, painter, 53 n. Lansing Stevenson James T., 121 Pier, 171 Lydius Stevenson James, president Firemen's Insurance Company, office 44 State, h. 146 State Stevenson James, laborer, 48 Dallius Stevenson John, 29 Quackenbush Stevenson John, gardener, 179 Second, Arbor Hill Stevenson Mark, 48 Jefferson Stewart James, tavern and grocery, 22 Westerlo Stewart Thomas, corner Green and Lydius Stewart Alexander, carpenter, 148 Jefferson Stewart Adam, cartman, 45 Fayette Stewart Michael, 114 Orange Stewart John, carpenter, 49 Ferry Stewart Samuel, carpenter, 254 Ferry Stewart Samuel F., 70 Spring Stewart Wm. A., carpenter, 385 State Stewart Geo., moulder, 214 s. Pearl Stewart John, barber, 170, Montgomery Stewart John G., barber, 46 Spencer, Stewart Charles, gardener, 183 Van Woert Stiekney Moses W., spice store, 9 Exchange, h. 47 Green Stiles Ethan, patent leather manufacturer, 104 Spring Stiles Isaac, shoemaker, 21 Washington Stiles Maria, ornamental hair factory, 23 Hudson, h. 12 Liberty Stiles Chas. P., shoemaker, 93 Spring Stilman H. F. & G. H., provision store, 90 Wash­ ington Stilwell Thomas B.., tobacco and segar factory, 196 Water, h. 808 Broadway Stilwell William B., dry goods, 80 State, res. Mrs. Ball's Stilwell, widow, William, 808 Broadway Stitt David, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Stockton John, accountant, 17 Dallius Stoker Richard, porter, 25 First Stokes S. P., 138 Washington Stompe John, 125 Franklin Stone & Henly, proprietors American Citizen, 50 State Stone Francis M., 3 Chapel Stone Alfred, Citizen office, res. 37 Beaver Stone John, forwarding merchant, 17 Quackenbush Stone Henry D., book and job printer, cor. State and Green, res. 37 Beaver Stone Philip, shoemaker, 161 Green Stone Joseph, printer, 69 Hudson Stone Keyes, 37 Beaver Stonehouse Johci B., cabinetmaker, cor. Green and Hamilton 286 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stores William, waiter, 38 First Storey William, bellow maker, 237 State Storey Richard, gardener, 156 Spring Story Terence, cartman, 47 Van Schaick Storey Robert, shoemaker, 56 Green Storey William, shoe store, 43 Washington Storey Michael, laborer, 24 Franklin Storey Benedict A., 160 Spring Storey Benjamin, barber, 160 Spring Storm Sarah, 5 Canal Storrs A. A., 60 State Strain Joseph, manufacturer of soap and candles. 69, h. 63 Church Strain John, pedler, 55 Howard Strain John F., keeper of the arsenal, residence 57 Dewitt Strain Henry, 101 Orange Strain Hugh, brickmaker, 115 Lumber Straney Patrick, laborer, 42 Rensselaer Strass Joseph, pedler, 171 Broad Stratlon Samuel, teacher, 66 Lydius Stratton Austin, baker, 798 Broadway Streval Will'am, 40 Spring Street William, porter house, 305 Broadway Street Richard, merchant tailor, 446 Broadway, h. 29 First Street Alfred B., attorney, &c, 19 Commercial Buildings, h. 32 Dove Street John R., boartling house, 30 Union Streeter Christopher, carpenter, 1S3 Lydius, near Philip Streeter Philip, plater, 183 Lydius Streeter Samuel, rear of 38 First Strong George VV., 150 n. Pearl Strong Thomas J., 75 Division Strong Anthony M., (A. M. & W. N. S.) 44 n. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 287

Strong William N., (A. M. & W. N. S.) 75 Divi­ sion Strong Robert 75 Division Strong, widow Jane, 32 Patroon Strong Samuel, mason, 57 Fayette Strong A. M. & W. N, importers, wholesale deal­ ers in dry goods, 3 and 5 Broadway Strong James, N., 31 Van Woert Strong Alexander, mason, 9 Park Strong Walter, 25 Ferry Strong Geo. W., keeper October House, 8 Hud­ son Strumbull John, cooper, Schenectady turnpike Stryker James, saddler, 340 Broadway Sturtevant A. C, 192 Water Sturtevant John, 57 State, bds. Carlton House Sugden William M., 190 Hamilton Sullivan Timothy, clothing store, 2 n. Lansing Sullivan Murky, boatman, 71 Church Sullivan, widow, 79 s. Pearl Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, 1 Lawrence Sullivan David, gardner, 95 Van Woert Sullivan Julia, 38 Canal Sullivan James, shoemaker, 6 William Sullivan Michael, laborer, 63 Third Sullivan William, shoemaker, 14 Bleecker Sullivan Daniel, 77 Third, Arbor Hill Sullivan James, moulder, 250 n. Pearl Sullivan John, laborer, 204 s. Pearl Sullivan Peter, laborer, 19 s. Lansing Sumner Alanson, 103 Herkimer SUPREME COURT CLERK'S OFFICE, City Hall SURROGATE'S OFFICE, City Hall SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, City Hall Sutliff Ezra A., provision store, 29 Lancaster, h. 12 High 288 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sutherland, widow C, 43 Orange Swabacker Moses, 239 s. Pearl Swain Samuel, 34 Montgomery Swain Robert, tailor and draper, 616 Broadway- Swan Esther, 55 Colonie Swan Catharine, rear, 33 Maiden Lane Swan Daniel, cook, 33 Maiden Lane Swap Frederick, 12 Willett Swart Frederick, mason, 206 Hamilton Swarts Frederick, butcher, 94 Willett Swartz Lewis, pedler. 239 s. Pearl Swartz Figuer Samuel, 58 Rensselaer Swartzfigurn Daniel, tobacconist, 110 Hamilton Swartz Abram, pedler, 220 s. Pearl Swayne, John, laborer, 50 Orange Swasey Stephen, dyer, 13 John Sweeny Miles, grocer, 68 Green Sweeny Thomas, grocer, 213 Broadway Sweeny Margaret, 50 Arch Sweeny Wm., clothing store, 7 n. Lansing Sweeny Bernard, ship carpenter, 121 Orange Sweeny Nory, 253 s. Pearl Sweeny Wm. moulder, 7 Van Woert Sweeny Owen, laborer, 36 Chapel Swift Hugh, clothing store, 55 Quay, res. 32 Clin ton Swift James, 32 Clinton Switzer Henry, hairdresser, 249 Broadway Switzer Conrad, 249 Broadway Swords John, laborer, Lancaster Alley SYNAGOGUE JEW, 8 Rose HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 289

TAAFFE & GOUGH, hat and cap warehouse, 1 Exchange Buildings Taaffe John J., Exchange Building, res. 17 Jeffer­ son Taaffe Timothy, laborer, 101 First Taaffe Wm., 32 Jefferson Tabor Azor, attorney, &c, office and residence 109 State Taggart J. G., portrait painter, 22 Steuben Taggerty Patrick, grocer, 50 Van Schaick Talcott Daniel W., 201 n. Pearl Talcott S. V., 748 Broadway Talcott & Hosmer, lumber dealers, 53 Pier Tallman Wm. T., carpenter, 57 n. Lansing Tallman Darius, groceries and provisions, Little Basin, 8 n. Lansing, res. 47 Dewitt Tallman Brittan B., 2 Wilson Tallman Jonathan, 128 Water, corner Colonie Tallmadge George, 18 n. Lansing Tanner John, 169 Hudson Tanner John, printer, Ed. Gavel, 9 Ex. Build­ ing Tappan Christopher, pedler, 152 Franklin Tappan, witlow Martha, 64 Liberty Tarrant George, cooper, 40 Franklin Tate John A., hairdresser, 141 Swan Taylor & Higgins, stone yard, 175 Broadway Taylor Robert, cartman, 48 Ferry Taylor Robert, moulder, 20 Daniels Taylor Jonathan, 15 Canal Taylor Jonathan, victualler, cor. Canal and Chapel Taylor R. J., 83 Green Taylor Robert, variety store, 51 *. Pearl z 290 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Taylor Charles W., 2 Rose, cor. Hamilton Taylor William, teamster, 338 Washington Taylor James, grocery and provision store, corner Green and s. Lansing, h. 129 Green Taylor James, wood and coal dealer, 166 Broad way, h. 137 Green Taylor John & Sons, brewers, soap and candle manufacturers, 83 Green, h. 73 Lydius Taylor George F., carpenter, 85 Church Taylor Dr. William K., 33 Hamilton Taylor Elvin, 31 Elm Taylor James, cashier Commercial Bank, res. 104 Hudson Taylor Baker, Exchange office, 16 Exchange Buil­ dings, res. 22 Dallius Taylor Justus F., (T. & D.,) 97 Herkimer Taylor James G., combmaker, 52 Fayette Taylor James, tobacconist, 99 Van Woert Taylor Phillip, shoe store,41 Washington, res. 148 Spring Taylor John, tobacconist, 203 n. arl Taylor Thomas, 90 Patroon Taylor Thomas, livery stable, 40 Church Taylor J. W., bds. Washington Hall J Taylor Joseph, 83 Green Taylor & Deforest, dry goods, 422 .Broadway Taylor William, cook, 10 Canal Teall Augustus T., 64 Park Teall E.M., res. 6S0 Broadway Teall E. M. & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, proprietors Erie Canal Company, 38 Quay Teelin, widow 16 Jackson Teelin James, segar maker, 37 Washington Teelin, widow, 26 Union Tefft Asa C, bds. Miss Fitch's HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 291

TEMPERANCE RECORDER OFFICE, 81 State TEMPERANCE ENTERPRISE OFFICE 81 State TEMPLE CHAPTER of R. A. MASONS, St. Johns Hall, cor. Steuben and Broadway TEMPLE LODGE, cor. Steuben and Broadway Temple Robert E., attorney, &c, office 4 Ex­ change 1st floor, res. 5 Clinton Square Tcmpleton Philip, 62 Church Ten Broeck C, attorney, &c, 9 Douw's Building's h. 51 Columbia Ten Broeck Wesley, carpenter, 207 Green Ten Eyck Conrad A., dealer in anthracite coal and pig iron, cor. Montgomery and Columbia, res. 17 Montgomery Ten Eyck Harman, 61 n. Pearl Ten Eyck Jacob II., 35 n. Pearl Ten Eyck Jacob, White Hall Ten Eyck L. G., White Hall Ten Eyck Phillip, professor in Albany Academy, res. 476 Broadway Ten Eyck, Lorenzo, 42 Third Ten Eyck, Anthony, 17 Montgomery Ten Eyck Visscher, (W. & T.'E.) proprietor Eve­ ning Journal, 67 State, h. 93 Columbia Ten Eyck John 476 Broadway Ten Eyck & Brinkerhoff, dealers in anthracite coal, cor. Columbia and Montgomery Ten Eyck Mathias II., tallow chandler, 70 Green, res. 117 Green Ten Eyck Jacob L., White Hall Ten Eyck Abraham 11,, 476 Broadway Ten Eyck Leonard, 17 Montgomery Ten Eyck Isaac, 147 n. Pearl Ten Eyck Thomas, 22 Clinton Terbush Henry, 16 Ferry Ternan Win., tailor, 169 Green 292

Terney Jeremiah, laborer, 86 Columbia Terrell Holland, 29 Elm Terrell Thomas, tailor, 71 Church Terrell Holland, saddler, 29 Elm Terry David, cartman, 81 Broad Terry David, cartman and wood measurer,8S Church Terry Oliver G., 82 Lydius Terry & Durant, commission merchants, 119 Pier Thatcher O. A., dry goods, 646 Broadway, h. 851 Thatcher George W., 5 Swan Thayer Isaac W., 15 Park Thayer Isaac, 15 Park Thayer Walter B., police constable, 37 Church Thies Edward, 28 n. Ferry Thomas H., bds. Delavan House Thomas Edward 11 Columbia Thomas William G., (H. & T.) bds. Delavan Thomas Richard, cooper, 3 Division, h. 100 Green Thomas Thomas J., cooper, 64 Church Thomas David, 84 Church Thomas David, moulder, 95 Dallius Thomas John, laborer, 11 Columbia "Thomas G. U., 77 Ten Broeck Thomas David, cooper, rear 50 Ferry Thomas Benjamin, 69 Westerlo Thomas John, jr.,flour and provisions, 8 Exchange, h. 112 Green Thomas Chs., straw hat manufacturer, 86 Broadway Thomas John E., moulder, 43 High Thomas William II., 332 Broadway Thomas George L., dealer in oysters and fruit, 96 Quay Thomas David, cooper, 53 Liberty Thomas John 112 Green Thomas John, jr., 112 Green Thomas John, 179 n. Pearl Thomson Charles N., grocer, 101 s. Pearl 293

Thomson Oliver, waiter, 39 Fulton Thompkins Joshua, 252 Lydius Thompson Alexander, 40 Liberty Thompson Ann, widow, 67 Orange Thompson Reuben R., bone dealer, 10 Clinton Thompson Royal, 5 Washington Thompson & Co., Express agents, 12 Exchange B. Thompson Robert (Friend Humphrey- & Co.) 16 State, res. 231 Broadway Thompson Benjamin, boarding house, 9 Beaver Thompson Archibald, tobacconist, 43 Orange Thompson William, shoe store and h. 6 Canal Thompson James, laborer, 1S9 Broadway Thompson Robert, 761 Broadway Thompson Francis E., i36 Broad Thompson George, Railroad Avenue Thompson Thomas, tailor 48 Hamilton Thompson Thomas, shoemaker, 116 Lydius Thompson Mary, near Railroad, Broadway Thompson Robert, grocer 360 State Thompson Francis, 162 Spring Thompson Thomas, cook, 130 Hawk Thompson, widow. 8 Clinton Thompson Richard, fruiterer, basement 96 Slate Thorburn William, Albany seed store, cor. Broad­ way and Maiden Lane Thorn John H., laborer,233 n. Pearl Thorn Stephen T., dealer in provisions, 268 Broad­ way, h. 258 Thorn William, merchant tailor, 316 Broadway, h. 56 s. Lansing Thorn William, plane maker, 35 Swan Thornton Philip, cartman, 32 Jefferson Thornton Joseph, 237 Broadway Thornton William, painter, 73 Lumber Thorp John, 749 Broadway 294

Thorp, widow of Aaron, 749 Broadway Thurber Charles, carpenter, 70 Spring Tibbets Benjamin, 152 State Tice John P., carpenter, 47 First, Arbor Hill Tice Isaac, blacksmith, 126 Hudson, res. 49 High Tice Jacob, cartman, 3 Dove Ticknor Elisha, 60 Liberty Tiernan Patrick, 132 n. Pearl Tiernan James, laborer, 41 Van Woert Tierney Dennis, tailor, 62 Union Tiffany widow of William Z., mantuamaker, 77 Orange Tiffany, Mary, dressmaker, 77 Orange Tillinghast John L., attorney, &c, and State libra­ rian, bds. Franklin Tillinghast William, merchant, 17 State, h. 162 Lydius Tiler Thomas, 52 Orange Tingley & Co., manufacturers of patent bedsteads. Tivoli Tingley Otis, Tivoli works Tinker Mary P., teacher 206 State Titchenor Henry, 12 Pine Title Thomas, shoemaker, 94 Willett Tobey Edward M., res. Miss Fish Toben Miles, brickmaker, 101 Swan, Arbor Hill Tobin Joshua, hatter, 9 Columbia Todd Robert C, mason, 338 Lydius Todd Adam, mason, 9 High Todd Hibbard, 161 Washington Todil Robert, victualler, 261 Broadway, res. 243 s. Pearl Todd William, mason, 71 Fulton Toles Lyman, 150 Washington Tolman Elijah, 266 s. Pearl Tome Jacob, 3 Holmes' Alley 295

Tomkins Edwin A., bds. Eagle st. Hotel Tompkins Daniel D., mason, 165 Jefferson Tompkins John, moulder, 92 Bassett Tompkins Robert, shoemaker, 3 Rensselaer; Tomsini Henry, 31 Second Toole Patrick, grocer, 83 Quay Toomay Jeremiah, butcher, 40 Rensselaer Toomey Patrick, blacksmith, 55 Schuyler Topp John, 60 Fayette Topp William H., 143 Green Topp Wm. II , merchant tailor, 546 Broadway, res. 143 Green Topping Sylvester, saw-filer, Norton, res. 46 Plain Tosoni Clement, bust manufacturer, 610 Broadway Town, widow Mary Ann, 16 Jackson Town Samuel, bds. 76 Eagle Towner J. O. & Co. lumber dealers, 37 Pier Towner J. O., 57 Spencer Townsley Gad, merchant, 73 Quay, h. 105 Grand TOWNSEND'S FURNACE, cor. Hawk and Elk TOWNSEND'S PARK, junction Washington Townsend Franklin & Co., iron store, 64 State, furnace cor. Hawk and Elk Townsend Theodore, office 64 State, h. 142 Townsend John, iron store, 64 State, h. 142 Townsend, widow of Isaiah, 144 State Townsend Howard, 144 State Townsend Frederick, 144 State Townsend Absalom, attorney, &c, bds. 57 Colo­ nie Townsend Charles D., Physician, office and house 125 State Townsend John P., druggist, 1054 s. Pearl, res. 138 Hamilton Townsend John F., physician, h. 2 Academy Park 296

Townsend James, pedler, Third, cor. Lark, Arbor Hill Townsend Jessup, carpenter, 69 Second, Arbor Hill Townsend Stephen, 138 Hamilton Townsend Tappen, 81 State, h. 138 Hamilton Townsend Isaiah, 144 State Townsend Franklin, 144 State Tows William 11. 68 Lumber Tows Francis II., clerk City Bank, res. 48 Colum­ bia Traber Charles, oyster house, 19 Lodge Tracey Patrick, pedlar 49 Van Schaick Tracey John, distiller and rectifier, wholesale deal­ er in wines, liquors and groceries, cor. Exchange and Dean, bds. Stanwix Hall Tracey William, 40 Franklin Tracey Erastus, turner, 203 n. Pearl Tracy John, laborer, 110 Canal Trager Christopher, grocer, 259 Washington Trainor Patrick, shoemaker, 14 Liberty Trainor Hamilton, shoemaker, 63 s. Pearl Trainor Wm., 37 Hamilton Trainor John, grocer, 188 Broadway Trainor P., shoe store, 412 Broadway, res. 14 Lib­ erty Trainor Robt., shoemaker,-34 Van Schaick Traner Margaret, 30 Hamilton Traver George, saddler and harness-maker, 18 Washington, 45 Spring Traver Stephen, 5 Dean Treadwell Wm, B.,Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Beaver res. 23 Lancaster Treadwell, Jagger & Perry, proprietors Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Beaver Treadwell George C. & Co., fur and cap merchants 449 Broadway, h. 735 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRCCTORY. 297

Treadwell Thomas, 95 Columbia Tredo Alexander, 38 Third, Arbor Hill Tremere James, tinsmith, 337 State Tremper Charles, moulder, 76 Eagle Trimble George, 29 Quackenbush TRINITY CHURCH, Episcopal, cor. Herkimer and Franklin Tripp Giles, carpenter, 6 Van Woert Tripp Hannah, widow, 56 Union Tripp John, dealer in hats, shoes &c, 57 Wash­ ington Tripp Jonathan, merchant, 41 Washington Trop Rev. Feas, 78 Arch Trott Benjamin, shoemake;, 34 Third, Arbor Hill Trotter Matthew, attorney, secretary Mutual Insur­ ance Co. &c, 450 Broadway, res. 677 Trotter John, 677 Broadway Trotter John H., physician, residence 11 Mont­ gomery Trotter E. W., physician, 677 Broadway Trotter Alexander, carpenter, 111 Beaver Trowbridge, witlow of Henry, 67 Hudson Trowbridge Sylvester, weigher and measurer, 85 *. Pearl Trowbridge Charles, coach maker, 707 Broadway h. 23 Wilson Truax Ezekiel, cartman, 360 State Truax E. II., 7 Plain Truax John I., machinist, 129 Eagle Truax Cornelius, 11 Hudson, bds, 505 Broadway Truax Cornelius V. S., cartman. 101 Lydius Truax Isaac, teamster, 804 Broadway Trudean Peter A., carpenter, 57 First True Benjamin C.,67 Fulton True. Daniel, die cutter and door-plate manufactu­ rer, 585 Broadway 298 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Trumbull Robert, district school No. 8, 157 Ly­ dius Trumbull Geo., printer, 2 Jay Tuck Charles, laborer, 66 Union Tucker James, Colonie, con. Tucker Wm. S., 215 Lumber Tucker Elisha W., 39 Ten Broeck Tucker F. G., 51 State, bds. Eagle Tavern Tucker Joshua P., 215 Lumber Tucker W., chair factory, 95 State, house 168 Hudson Tucker Robert, chair maker, 29 Lodge Tucker Perry, 40 Colonie Tucker Edward 1L, master of towboat, 211 Broad­ way Tucker Luther, editor Cultivator, office 407 Broad­ way, res. Bethlehem Tucker Chas., carpenter, 327 Washington, n. b. Tuedney Robert, laborer, 288 Lydius Tuey Thomas, cor. Hamilton & High Tuffs Lucien, 23 Ferry Tuffs Joseph, merchant, 77 Quay, bds. Dayton h. Tullidge Benjamin, city wig, curl, and perfumery. cor. Beaver and Green, res. 134 Green Turley James, mason, 55 Mulberry Turnbull John B., gilder, 317 State Turnbull widow Sarah, 266 Washington Turner Daniel, mason, 2 Daniels Turner James, chairmaker, 188 s. Pearl Turner H. W., bds. American Turner Benjamin, laborer, 72 Lawrence Turner John, pilot, 81 Herkimer Turner Isaac, gardener, 47 Thirl, Arbor Hill Turner Cornelius, cartman, 21 Dewitt Turner Pasco, cartman, 19 Dewitt Turner John, baker, 56 Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 299

Turner widow, 74 Lawrence Turner Jas. M., hatter, 159 Broadway Tuton William, 17 James Tuton, widow Jane, 17 James Tweddle William, 60 Schuyler Tweddle John, 87 Quay, res. 4 Dallius Tweddle & Darlington, merchants, 87 Quay Twitchell A. W., 618 Broadway Tyler, Bullock .& Co., lumber dealers, 76 Water Tyler Thomas, coachman, 40 Orange Tyler John J., attorney, &c, Blunt's Buildings, State, res. 177 Slate Tyler > , 84 Montgomery Tyler Moses, manufacturer jf stone ware, 237 Washington * u

UDELL ABRAM, carpenter, 83 Third Underner, widow of Conrad,74 Herkimer Undirner Lewis, musician, 74 Herkimer Underner John, pianist, 74 Herkimer UNITARIAN CHAPEL, Division UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, 1st, Green near Hamilton UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER, R. J. Hilton, 50 State Updike William, jr., 187 Hamilton V VAIL SAMUEL, 75 Green Vail Francis, engineer, 75 Green Valentine Thomas W., teacher, 96 Washington Valentine William, land agent, 385 Lydius Valentine Wm., piano maker, 97 Orange Valiant Peter, 9 Liberty 300 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Van Allen Conrad, dealer in dry goods, cor. s. Pearl and Hudson, res. 104 Beaver Van Alstyne John R., shoemaker, 167 Hudson Van Allen York, 365 State Van Alstyne Martin, 655 Broadway Van Allen Adam, 34 Lancaster Van Antwerp, widow, 544 Rensselaer Van Antwerp Gertrude, dress maker, 6 Daniels Van Alstyne Catharine, 14 Van Zandt Steuben Van Antwerp Abram, carpenter, 6 Daniels Van Antwerp John H., clerk, 103 Grand Van Aernam Benjamin, grocer, 242 Washington Van Aernam John T-. 285 Washington Van Arnam N. J., w_desale and retail grocer, 283 Broadway, bds. Mansion House Van Benthuysen Benjamin J., 23 Hawk Van Benthuysen John H., carpenter, 374 Fayette Van Benthuysen Enoch, baker, 65 Orange Van Benthuysen, widow Catharine, 25 Van Schaick Van Benthuysen widow, Obadiah R., 65 Herkimer Van Benthuysen C. & Co. (P. V. B.) printing office and bindery, 407 Broadway Van Benthuysen Charles, res. 94 Lydius Van Benthuysen, Henry, ship carpenter, 65 Orange Van Benthuysen, Packard, 407 Broadway, res. 33 Dallius Van Benthuysen Benjamin, leather inspector, 171 Hamilton Van Bramer Peter, oystr.rman, HI Pier Van Bramer, widow, 93 Beaver Van Buren John, attorney general, office State Hall, res. 5 Academy Park *_*$*<«-* Van Buren John, physician, officeand h. 3 Wash­ ington Van Buren James, 20 Clinton 301 Van Buren Catharine, widow, 140 Lydius Van Buren Peter, 89 Canal Van Buren S. G., grocer, 102 Beaver Van Buren Alexander L., 39 Jay Van Buren Peter, mason, 197 State Van Buren Peter, physician, cor. Green and,Ly­ dius, res. 115 Green Van Buren, widow Abigail, 34 Fayette Van Buren John S., 44 Lawrence Van Buren widow Ephraim, 74 Liberty Van Buren Cornelius, teamster, 35 Knox Van Buren Smith T., 3 Academy Park Van Buren, widow, 197 Hamilton Van Buskirk Daniel, bds. U. S. House Vance John, segar maker, 164'Lumber Vance George, shoemaker, 606 Broadway Vance John, shoemaker, 233 Lumber Van Cott Edward, S7 Swan Van Cott David, segar manufacturer, 52 Philip Van Cott Philip T., segar maker, 615 Broadway Vandenburgh Gilbert L., 12 Willett Vandenburgh , widow, 63 Broadway Vandenburgh Rachel, widow, 104 Nucella Vandenburgh Lyman, 59 Grand Vandenburgh Wynant, cabinet maker, 35 n. Lansing Vandenbergh Gerrit G., 89 Church Vandenbergh Richard, shoemaker, 33 n. Lansing Vandenbergh Andrew, sexton Middle Dutch Church res. 69 Hudson Vandenbergh Mary. 35 n. Lansing Vandenbergh Henry, 58 Columbia Vandenburgh A. F., druggist, cor. Broadway and Hudson Vandenbergh John A, ship carpenter, 151 Broadway Vanderbelt, widow Cornelius, 16 John Vanderbilt John R., 5 Montgomery AA 302 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Vanderbogert John, 44 Fayette Vanderhoof, widow Eve, 62 s. Pearl Vanderhoof, widow Elizabeth, £29 Wash. Vanderlip Wm., paper hanger, 274 Washington Vanderlip, Rev. Elias, 63 Lumber Vanderlip Philip, porter house, 1 Church, res. 5 Vanderlip DionysiusR., 49 Philip Vanderlip Elias, jr., dealer in groceries, provisions and fruit, cor. Hudson and Green, h. 17 Philip Vanderlip, widow Anna, rear 58 Washington Vanderlip Rensselaer, 93 Spring Vanderlip George R., inspector of lumber, 63 Lum­ ber Vanderpoel, widow Hon. James, 5 Academy Park Vanderpoel Isaac, attorney, &c, 92 State, h. 5 Academy Park Vandervolgen John, fur cutter, 76 Second, Arbor Hill Vanderzee Jacob, carpenter, 170 Hudson Vanderzee Cornelius, boatman, 21 Park Van Dewater W. H., Oswego Line, 101 Pier, res. 100 Herkimer Vandusen John, 98 Franklin Vandusen Stewart, ropemaker, 80 Lawrence Vandusen Peter, 12 Norton Van Dyck Peter, coach lace weaver, 53 Spring Van DyckHuldah, widow, cor. Montgomery and Orange Van Dyck Henry H., cor. Lydius and Eagle Van Epps H. V. D., bds. Columbian Van Epps, Francis, 60 Fayette Van Gaasbeck A. B., bds. at Eagle Tavern Van Gaasbeck A. B. & brothers, dry goods, 452 * Broadway Van Gaasbeck William, dry goods, 48 State, h. 98 Herkimer 303 Van Gaasbeek John, 40 n. Pearl Van Every I. M., 56 State, h. 81 n. Pearl Van Guysling Peter, 274 s. Tearl Van Heusen Theodore V., dealer in crockery, 90 Hudson Van Heusen Harman, laborer, 92 Swan, Arbor Hill Van Heusen Graham K., carpenter, 35 Elm Van Heusen (Theodore V.) & Charles, (D. D. T.) dealers in crockery, 62 and 64 State Van Heynigen Thomas, F. Church Van Heynigen John, glass cutter, 51 Liberty Van Hesen, cor. Westerlo & Broadway Van Hoesen & Mesick, merchants, 212 Broadway Van Horn Fredus, Temperance Porter House 258 Broadway Van Huysen Cornelius, carpenter, 323 State Van Keuren, widow Margaret, 27 Van Schaick Van Keuren Edward, 91 Third, above Swan Van Kleeck Peter, potter, 257 Washington Van Loon Jacob, 42 Lydius Van Loon Peter, 42 Lydius Van Loon Peter, jr., cabinet warerooms, 19 Church res. 66 Lydius Van Loon James, 42 Lydius Van Namee S., dentist, 82 Hudson Van Namee Nancy, widow, boarding house, 19 Steuben Van Natten John, 20 Hamilton Van Ness John jr., dry goods and groceries, 250 Broadway, (new No. 788 & 790) res. cor. Lum­ ber and Broadway, Alderman 7th ward Van Ness, widow, 212 Broadway Van Ness John, shoemaker, 17 Patroon Van Ness Jacob, carpenter, 38 Patroon Van Olinda J. T., bds., Churchill's Van Olinda Peter, physician, Hamilton, cor. Green 304 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Van- Olinda Henry, physician, Hamilton, corner Green Van Olinda Aaron B ,-bds. Washington Hall Van Patten S., widow 66 Union Van Rensselaer Bernard S., attorney, &c, 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer Schuyler, clerk in post office Van Rensselaer John S., attorney, office 2 Douw's Buildings, h. 169 State Van Rensselaer Philip Schuyler, 136 Hamilton Van Rensselaer Richard, Secretary of Fire Insur­ ance Company, office 44 Stale, res. 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer Stephen, Mansion head of Broad­ way Van Rensselaer, widow of P. S., 87 State Van Rensselaer Solomon, res. Cherry Hill Van Sandford Anthony, 678 Broadway Van Sanford Anthony, confectioner, 51 Dewitt Van Sanford Henry, w. of Lark in Third Van Sanford Cornelius, carpenter, 13 3d, Arbor Hill Van Schaack Stephen, 98 Green Van Schaack Egbert, proprietor Mammoth Variety store, 385 Broadway, res. 93 Green Van Schaack John, leather and finding store, 43 Dean, res. 29 Division Van Schaack Stephen D., attorney, &c, 25 n. Pearl res. cor. Eagle & Hamilton Van Schaick Tobias, 118 Broadway Van Schaick John H., 22 Park- Van Schelluyne, widow, 47 Jay Van Schelluyne R., 47 Jay Van Schoonhoven & Shiffer, druggists, 458 Broad­ way Van Schoonhoven James, cartman, 43 Van Woert Van Schoonhoven John C, druggist, 458 Broadway res. 322 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, 305

Van Schoonhoven Phebe, 868 Broadway Van Schoonhoven D. B., 6 Van WToert Van Sickler R. M., & Co. (Samuel Hanna) com­ mission merchant, 12 Maiden Lane, h. 10 Lodge Van Steinburgh, widow, 205 Green Van Tromp Anson, painter, 16 Park Van Valkenburgh Susan, 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh R., 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh S., gunsmith, 12 Beaver, res. 17 Van Valkenburgh John res. Greenbush Van Valkenburgh & Frost, dealers in leather, hides &c, 18 Hudson Van Valkenburgh, Mrs. tailoress, 687 Broadway Van Valkenburgh Ransom, 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh Eli, 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh John, 858 Broadway Van Valkenburgh Henry, 858 Broadway Van Vechten Abraham, attorney, &c, office Broad­ way, bds. Eagle Tavern Van Vechten & M'Martin, attorneys, &c, 44 State Van Vechten Teunis, attorney, &c, office 44 State res. 11 Montgomery Van Vechten Teunis, jr , cor. Patroon and Broad­ way- Van Vechten Gerrit W., exchange, office, 28 Green res. 298 State Van Vechten Samuel S., clerk, 63 ?i. Lansing Van Vlack William, saddler, shop 83\ s. Pearl, res. 138 Lydius Van Vleeck Joseph, lumber dealer, 192 Water Van Vliet Win. G., book keeper, 13 Hamilton Van Voast Albert (Boardman & V. V.) 48 How­ ard Van Vorst Andrew, 71 Broadway jr ;


Van Vorst Hooper C, attorney, &c, 50 State, res. 102 Hudson Van Vranken Rebecca, 59 Jackson Van Vranken A., 39 Columbia Van Vranken F., hair dresser, cor. Hudson and Dean, res. 100 Franklin Van Wie Gerrit, carpenter, 69 Fulton Van Wie Gerrit S., mason, 29 Elm Van Wie Margaret, tailoress, 13 Broad Van Wie Lansing, attorney, commissioner, &c, res. 86 Beaver Van Wie Cornelius II., carpenter, 125 Green Van Wie John, carpenter, 207 Green Van Zandt B. F., 66 Green Van Zandt Barent F., boarding house, 138 Broad­ way Van Zandt Benjamin B., Tivoli Hotel 914 Broadway Van Zandt Charles, 866 Broadway Van Zandt John, 71 Hudson Van Zandt, widow Elenor, 60 Liberty Van Zandt William W., 11 Ten Broeck Van Zandt Abraham, carpenter, Chesnut, w. Hawk Van Zandt, widow Garret R. 41 Union Van Zandt Peter G., 48 Dallius Van Zandt William L, 324 State Van Zantlt John, silver smith, 56 Elm Van Zandt Lawrence L., 11 Ten Broeck Van Zandt T. K., portrait painter, 324 State Vaperson Frederick, carpenter, 49 Fayette Veazie, widow of Henry, 31 Dallius Veazie Provost, steamboat agent, 31 Dallius Veeder James, mason, 43 High Veeder V., porter house, 25 Liberty Vedder Myndot, 112 s. Pearl Vedder, John S., painter, 35^ s. Pearl house 23 Van Zandt HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 307

VERMONT STATE COMMISSIONER DEEDS, R. J. Hil­ ton, 50 State Vernan John R., (Wait & Vernan,) residence 5 Pine Vernor John T., 311 State Vibcrt Wm C, painter, 132 Spring Vibbert Wm. C., painter, 132 Spring Vickers John, grocer, 259 s. Pearl Vickers, widow Ann, 42 Lawrence Viele Rufus K., commission merchant, 86 Quay res. 746 Broadway Viele Maurice E. (D. & V.) bds. Delavan Vilber Josiah II., 22 Hawk Vincent Robert, bds. Carlton Vine James, 56 Elm Vine Robert, cartman, 80 Washington Vines Joseph, chairmaker, Washington s. b. Viney WTm., 6 Lawrence Court Virgil Ebenezer, 3 Exchange, h. 5 Union Visscher Eliza, 7 Catherine Visscher, widow Gerrit, 782 Broadway Visscher Misses, 9 Patroon Visscher Harman, 58 Orange Visscher Catharine, 46 Columbia Visscher Edward, 46 Columbia Visscher John V. S., shoemaker, 66 Liberty Vose Samuel D. & Co., iron founders, &c, 14 Maiden Lane Vose Samuel D., bds Delavan Voorhees, widow Wm., 85 Herkimer Vcsburgh Cornelius, flour inspector office, 114 Pier, res. 42 Union Vosburgh William, 6^ Ferry Vosburgh Isaac W., (Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh,) res. 721 Broadway Vosburgh John, mason, 140 n. Pearl 308 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Vosburgh, widow William, 739 Broadway Vosburgh Abraham, 21 Van Woert Vosburgh John, bds. 42 Union Vrooman Lawrence B., furnaceman, 361 State w

WACKERHAGEN GEORGE,teacher,400 Lydius Wachter John, hair dresser, 266 Broadway, h. 77 Fulton Waddel James, grocer, 190 n. Pearl Waddell Samuel, grocery and provision store cor. n. Pearl and Orange Waddy Samuel, blacksmith, 24 Canal Wade Abner, 40 Bleecker Wade & Carroll, shoe store, 376 Broadway Wadhams Edward, 120 Pier, bds. Stanwix Hall Wadley George, saddler, 54 Willett Wadley Moses S. & Co., (David T. Fuller) whole­ sale grocers, 357 Broadway Wadley Moses S, 15 Liberty Wadley, widow of Eben S., 109J Lydius Wager Michael, 58 s. Lansing Waggoner Martin, 129 Lydius Waggoner Jacob H. carpenter, 14 Jay Waggoner Levi, 123 Canal Waggoner John, tailor, 26 Van Schaick Wainwright Charles, 172 Washington Wainwright David C., 172 Washington Wait Christopher B., 40 Van Schaick Wait S. & H. shoe dealers, 552 Broadway Wait Samuel, dealer in boots and shoes, 37 State, up stairs, also 522 Broadway, res. n. Ferry Wait George, (W. & V.) res. 67 Herkimer Wait (Geo.)

Wardrobe Thomas, mason, Hamilton s. Hudson j Warden Samuel, laborer, rear 43 Jackson Wardell Richard, shoemaker, 290 Broadway Wardwell John H. bds. 22 n. Pearl Wardwell & Bardwell, merchants, 85 Quay Warford Ely, Bull's Head, 157 Washington and cor. Lark Warner Wm., bookbinder, 7 n. Pearl, over Apo­ thecaries' Hall, h. 130 Hamilton Warner Ransom D., 12 Broadway Warner Samuel, architect, 165 Hamilton Warner Calvin N. grocer, 31 n. Pearl Warner Owen, produce buyer, 238 Washington Warner Ebenezer C, 12 Broadway Warner James II., tailor, 196 Hamilton Warren R. S., clerk American Hotel, h. 51 Maiden Lane Warren George, dealer in hardware, 66 State, res. 71 Division Warren, widow Sally, 24 Fayette Warren (George) & Steele (John F.) dealers in hardware, &c. 66 State Warren Clements, steam saw-mill, cor; Water and Quackenbush, res. Patroon above Ten Broeck Warren Hannah, 14 Van Zandt Washburn & Co., exchange office, basement City Bank Washburn N. S., 184 State Washburn Hiram, carpenter, 399 Lydius Washington Patrick, 43 Second, Arbor Hill Wasson Chauncey, 16 Fayette Wasson James D., post master, 16 Fayette, corner Hawk Wasson John B., 395 Lydius Wasson Christopher C, attorney, &c.,44 State, h. 16 Favette 312 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wasson Mrs. J. G., 207 State Waterbury R. P., bds. Mrs. Alvord's Waterman , 98 State Waterman Mary, 750 Broadway Waterman James, carpenter, 225 n. Pearl Waterman Robert H., dry goods, 56 State, h. 81 n. Pearl Waterman Miss M., milliner, 20 s. Pearl Waterman Robert, boot and shoe store, 53 s. Pearl Waterman George (W. & W.) 20 Jay Waterman Jeremiah, merchant, 63 Washington Waters, widow Phoebe, 27 William Waters Isaiah Rev., 751 Broadway Waters Thomas P., 21 Franklin Wtters Alexander, 40 John Waters James, shoemaker, 43 Van Zanclt Waterson Benjamin, leather dresser, 184 Lumber, Watkins Theophilus, produce dealer and aid. 9th ward, 235 Washington Watson W. H. & C, dry goods, 54 State Watson William H., 61 Union Watson Stephen, jr., sexton St. Peter's Church and superintendent of public vaults, 23 Dove Watson William 90 Columbia Watson William 11 Patroon Watson William & Co., leather dealers, 59 Dean Watson Wm. K., dry goods, 6 s Pearl,bds. Franklin Watson Stephen T., grocer, 327 Washington Watson Thomas, 83 Lydius Watson Samuel, carpenter, cor. Franklin and Wes­ terlo Watson Robert D., attorney, ccc, 94 State bds. American Watson P. V., tailor, 86 Green Watson Simeon, cartman, 9 Daniels Watson Chauncey C, res. 95 Columbia HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 313

Watson Elias, 150 Washington, h. 291 State Watson Charles, 14 Van Zandt Watts Horace, coachman, 29 Ten Broeck Waugh Elizabeth, 342 Washington, n. b. Waugh George, grocer, 346 Washington, n. b. Weaver Daniel L., umbrella maker, 65 Green Weaver Nicholas, cartman, 53 Dewitt Weaver Isaiah L., clerk, 54 Church Weaver Joseph, laborer, rear 18 Park Weaver Stephen, carpenter, 58 Rensselaer Weaver William, stone-measurer, 165 Broadway Weaver Daniel L., sexton First Baptist Church, h. 65 Green Weaver Jacob I., grocer, cor. Lark and Spring Weaver, widow of John, boarding-house 9 Dallius Weaver William, 242 Lumber Webb S C, bds. Carlton House Webb Henry Y., jr., 267 Washington Webb Thomas, victualler, Centre Market, res. 27 Howard Webb James, tailor, 186 Green Webb Henry L., 51 State, bds. Eagle Tavern Webster Peter, mason, 21 William Webster Lewis, 11 Liberty Webster Henry W. boot and shoe store, 5 n. Pearl Webster, widow Geo. C, 9 Chapel Webster William, 19 Van Schaick Webster Chas. 19 Van Schaick Webster Joseph H., 53 Howard Webster William, mason, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Weed He'nry W., 34 Hamilton Weed J. R., bds. American Weed Wm. G., attorney, &c, 59 State, house 119 Beaver Weed Henry, bds. City Hotel Weed & Parsons, job printers, 75 State BB 314 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Weed widow of Smith, Dove, cor. Washington Weed Thurlow, editor Albany Evening Journal, office 67 State, h. 100 Hudson Weed Grant, 34 Hamilton Weed James B., printer, 100 Hudson. Weed George W., attorney, &c, 450 Broadway, h. 119 Beaver Weidman, Daniel,-35 Fayette Weinsteen Joseph, segar maker, 106 Broad Weir Joseph, 121 Canal Weidman Daniel, wholesale grocer, 6 Hudson Welch George H., at Cornucopia, res. 86 Hudson Welch Patrick, 3 n. Lansing Welch Benjamin, junk shop, 198 s. Pearl Welch Morris, laborer, 35 Rensselaer Welch Charles, blacksmith, 255 Washington Welch Bartholomew T., pastor of Second Baptist Church, h. 52 Westerlo Welch James, carpenter, 77 Canal Welch Patrick, laborer, 63 Arch Welch Nicholas, laborer, 61 Fulton Welch J., provision store, 52 s. Pearl Welch James, 22 Van Zandt. Welch James,grocer, cor. Van Woert and n. Pearl Welch Edward, 63 Arch Welch Michael, 122 Hamilton Welch Geo. W., 63 Colonie Welch Lewis D., 624 n. Lansing Welch Thomas, laborer, 74 Arch Welch Edward, laborer, 332 Wash. Welch Wm. carpenter, 12 Cross Welden James, steamboat agent, 25 Ferry Weller James, pedler, 303 Washington, n. b. Weller, Mrs. Mary, 152 Lydius Wellington Jonas C., baker, 305 Washington Wellington Margaret, widow, 156 State 315

Welsted James, 112 Van Woert Wells Leonard, 29 Hamilton Wells Austin H.,39 Columbia Wells W. E., bds. U. S. House Wells Thomas D., 40 Westerlo Wells Agur, soap and candle, factory, 177 s. Pearl, h. 40 Westerlo Wells Robert H., attorney, &c, 94 State, res. 40 Westerlo Wells Daniel A., 53 Van Schaick Wells Olive, 72 Lydius Wells Sidney, barber, 234 Washington Wells J. A., 40 Westerlo Wemple James, scale beam maker, 6 Catharine Wemple John D. W., coachmaker, 53 Hamilton, res. 16 Broad Wendell Robert H. L., 150 Broadway Wendell Peter, physician, 7 Academy Park Wendell Herman, physician,7 Academy Park Wendell John L., bds. 7 Academy Park Wendell William, 480 Broadway, res. 9 Montgo­ mery Wendell Mrs. C, 9 Montgomery Wendell JohiiL, 40 Lydius Wendell Philip, 108 State Wendell Cornelius, book and job printer, cor. State and n. Pearl, bds. 9 Montgomery Wendell Martin, coach painter, 42 Philip Wendell Henry, laborer, 336 Washington n. b. Wendrum Benjamin, painter, 228 State Wensley John, carpenter, Washington s. 6. Wensley, Richard T., carpenter 15 Spring Wentworth Isaac, cartman, 58 Montgomery Wentworth Jacob, carpenter, Lark, Arbor Hill Wentworth Henry, 31 Water Wentworth Gibbons, 58 Montgomery 316 HOFFMAN'S VLBANY DIRFCTORY. Wentz Peter, 55 Mulberry Wenzell Christian, lockmaker, 29 Alexander Wescott Samuel, brewer, cor. Arch and Franklin res. 159 s. Pearl Wesley Edward B., 50 Jay Wesley Asa, shoemaker, 2 Holmes' Alley West Rensselaer, miller, 856 Broadway West John E. laborer, 48 Herkimer West Miss, dress maker, 23 Steuben Westeimer Abram, pedler, 125 Arch Westen G. N., tailor, 46 Patroon Westerlo E., 41 n. Pearl Westerlo Rensselaer, attorney, &c,41 n. Pearl Westervelt Gerrit, botanic physician, 19 William Westfield James, carpenter, 242 Lumber Westfall Elizabeth, widow, 19 Hawk Westfall John S., laborer, 9 Lumber Wetherbey Reuben, pewterer, 304 s. Pearl Whalen Joseph & Thomas, grocer, 84 Church Whalen Charles, segar maker, 156 State Whalen James, jeweller, &c, 82 State, res. 38 Orange Whalen B. B.,784 Broadway Whalen, widow of Nicholas, 91 Beav.er Whalen Wm„ cartman, 97 Orange Whalen Jeremiah, 784 Broadway Wharton Wm. A., druggist, 381 and 383 Broad­ way, h. 88 Westerlo 1 Wheaton, Doolittle & Hadley, attorneys, &c, 83 State Wheaton Henry G., attorney, h. 174 State Whetsell Ira, carpenter, 14 Jay Whelan Darby, grocer, 102 Quay Wheeler A. A., professor of music, 63 Broadway, res. 4 Paik Place Wheeler Thomas V. L., 35 Columbia HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 317

Wheeler Luther, moulder, 274-| s. Pearl Wheeler Horace It., produce dealer, 6 Exchange h. 197 s. Pearl Wheeler & Waterbury, dry goods, 581 Broadway Wheeler , 39 Columbia Wheeler Joseph, 113 Washington Wheeler William, 55 Liberty Wheeler Andrew, grocer, 113 Snipe Wheeler Peter, shoemaker, 225, s. Pearl Whelpley Heman C, attorney, &c, 59 State, res. Bleecker Mansion, alderman 2d ward Whelpley James M., attorney, &c, 59 State, bds. Franklin House Whipple Barnum, res. cor. Broadway and Westeilo Whipple Solomon, dealer in Lumber, Water, n. Canal lock, h. 119 n. Pearl Whipple A. D. L., attorney, &c, 81 State, bds. Delavan Whipple Abel, bds. United States House Whipple Wm., chairmaker, 131 Beaver Whipple Lewis, 270 s. Pearl White Robert, 350 State White George, 49 Spencer White & Edwards, attorneys, &c, 1 Commercial Buildings White Isaac, clothing store, 337 Broadway White A H., bds. City Hotel White & Morgan, dry goods, 554 Broadway White N. B. B., res. 20 Lumber White Isaac, carpenter, 62 Spring White John, mason, 121 Orange White James, 10 Union White Oliver, coach-lace weaver, 68 s. Lansing White Nathaniel, bookbinder, 57 Union White (William) & Ten Eyck, (Visscher) proprie­ tor Evening Journal, 67 State BB* 318 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

White William, (W. & T. E.,) 89 Columbia White James, mason, 64 Orange White Andrew, alderman 5th ward, 87 Columbia White Frederick W., block and pump-maker, 2 Division, h. 24 Van Zandt White Jonathan, 52 Spring White Peter, laborer, 49 Van Woert White John G., coal yard, cor. Philip and Hudson. also Broadway, h. 96 Hudson White John, mason, 651 Broadway White Joel, Pearl street Lunch, 79 s. Pearl White, widow John, 20 Lumber White Benjamin, 46 Division White Henry, carpenter, Westerlo, w. Swan White Wm. D., attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, bds. Congress Hall White Hugh, laborer, 101 Beaver White, widow Prudence, 97 Swan White Harrison printer, 90 Patroon White Charles, 147 Broad White J. M.j shoe store, 78 State, res. 2 Liberty White James, boatman, 284 Washington Wrhite C. E., printer, 27 Dallius White William It., 242 Lydius White James It., brickmaker, 240 Lydius Whitesides James, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Whitecar Joseph, fruit dealer, 583 Broad'.vay • Whited Stephen G., 109 s. Pearl Whiteley James, laborer 140 Green -Whitlock U., 13 Patroon -Whitlock Geo., 2 Jefferson i Whitlock Robert, lumber merchant, office corner oi •\ Water and Quackenbush, h. 13 Patroon Whitney Chauncey, (W. & C.) 18 Beaver Whitney Hezekiah W., 67 Beaver « hitney (Chauncey) & Cluett (John) tin and sheet iron workers, 18 Beaver IIOFFMANS' ALBANY DIRECTORY. 319

Whitney James F., grocery and provision store, 200 Water n. side Canal Basin, h. 190 Whitney James, shoemaker, shop 39 s. Pearl, h. 5 Plain Whitney Selick, 20 Dallius Whitney William, manufacturer of hames, black­ smith, &c, 84 and 86 Green Whitney Edward, harnessmaker, 36 Washington, h. 43 Spring Whitney Stephen, 48 Westerlo Whitney Abner, carpenter, inspector lumber, h. 10 Dewitt Whitney Edward, 73 Quay Whitney Charles, saddle and harness maker, 6 n. Lansing, opposite Basin, h. 13 Dewitt Whitney Amuziab, pattern maker, 37 Church Whitney James A., 103 Grand Whitney Isaac, 13 n. Lansing Whitney William 11., 39 u. Pearl Whitney James, saddle and harness maker, 36 Washington, h. 13 Swan Whittemore James II., 70 Lawrence Wickes Henry N., 15 Van Schaick Wickes Chauncey B., 121 Beaver Wickes & Robinson, dealers in oil, 13 Hudson Wickes Eliphalet (W. & R.) 13 Hudson, res. 88J Hudson Wickes Jona«, deputy county clerk, office City Hall, h. 121 Beaver Wickes Silas It., 121 Beaver Wickham Elias, cartman, 113 Canal Wickham Jacob, white washer, 246 Lydius Wier Andrew, segar maker, 53 First Wier Robeit, 178 Lumber, Arbor Hill Wier John, rope maker, 178 Lumber, Arbor Hill 320 H0FFMANTS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wight John P., 136 s. Pearl Wiggins Mrs., milliner, 10 Cross Wiggins John, slater, 129 Beaver Wightman, Mrs. H., 6 Rose Wilber Thomas, 364 Fayette Wilber & Selkirk, grocers, cor. Church and Lydius Wilber Rensselaer, (W. & S.) res. 28 Dallius Wilber Samuel, bds. 149 Hamilton Wilbur Alvin, boarding house, 57 Hudson Wilcox John M., 8 Ferry Wilcox Wm. wheelwright, 37 Chapel Wilcox J. M., 215 Hamilton Wilcox Simon, 149 Hamilton Wilcox Horace S., 36 Montgomery Wilcox A. N., turner, 19 Van Woert Wilcox James, carpenter, 247 s. Pearl Wilcox William, butcher, Lydius, near Willett Wilder Nathaniel, dry goods, 37 Washington, h. 49 Wilder James, laborer, 353 State Wilder Hiram, Eagle st. Hotel Wilder John N., 53 State, h. 36 n. Pearl Wilder Augustus, 45 Union Wildrman William W., combmaker, 57 Fayette Wiles Fetnah,5l Herkimer Wiles Elijah, confectioner, 149 n. Pearl Wiles R. P., 30 Plain Wiles Thomas Hft 61 Grand Wiles Lewis dry goods, cor. s. Pearl and State, h. 7 Chapel Wilhelm Peter, tailor, 220, Washington Willis Frederic, nailor, 28 Dove Wilkes Thomas, painter, 23 Lodge Wilkes widow, 37 Liberty Wilkes Joseph, printer, 37 Liberty Wilkes, John printer, 59 Fayette HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 321

Wilkins Samuel, 50 Herkimer Wilkins Albert, blacksmith, 61 Chapel Wilkins Elder S., pastor 3d Baptist Church, res. 50 Herkimer Wilkins Henry, grocer „. side Little Basin, h. 177 Montgomery Wilkinson William II. joiner, 207 s. Pearl Wilkinson Abraham, groctr, 201 s. Pearl Vvilkinson Ann, 231 s. Pearl Wilkinson Jacob, distiller and rectifier, 27 Dean, h. 43 Swan Wilkinson James E., blacksmith, 109 Beaver Will Jacob, cabinet maker, 338 Lydius Will Ellen, widow, 132 Jefferson Wiley William, sexton, basement Ferry street - Methodist Church Willard Thomas S., bds. City Hall Coffee House Willett Edward S., attorney, &c. 48 State, res. 301 s. Pearl Williams Chauncey P., 51 n. Pearl Williams William, shoe store, 165 s. Pearl Williams Henry A., forwarding merchant, Patroon Williams C. P. & Co., lumber dealers and agents for Ithaca line, 29 Pier, also cor. Spencer and Montgomery Williams, widow of Israel, 23 Columbia Williams John, shoemaker, 105 Beaver Williams John H., grocer, 9 n. Pearl, h. 11 Lan­ caster Williams William, provision store, 289 Washing­ ton s. b. Williams Robert E., 21 High Williams Mis. Catharine, nurse, 116 Canal Williams Mrs. corset making lO Pine Williams Richard, 67 Eagle 322 Williams John, stove mounter, 53 Dallius Williams Eliakim F., printer, 13 Lancaster Williams Robert, potter, 145 Spring Williams W. H., wooden warehouse 397 Broad­ way, res. 30 Broad Williams William H. 30 Broad Williams & Strong Capitol Recess, 160 State Williams John, brickmaker, 2H8 Lvdius Williams David E., 117 n. Pearl Williams William, carpenter, 10 Pine Williams William D., printer, 13 Lancaster Williams Edward, constable, 13 Lancaster Williams Dennison, dealer in furs, &c, residence 124 Green Williams John J , 196 Lumber Williams, widow, 25 Alexander Williamson Andrew, leather dresser, 14 Morton Williamson John G., book agent, 174 s. Pearl Williamson Barney, cartman, 65 Arch Willsey Henry C. 87 Herkimer Wilson John, 53 Dean, h. 46 Hudson Wilson James, 38 Jay Wilson Gilbert L., attorney, &e.,5 Exchs nge, res. 63 n. Pearl Wilson Stephen, teacher, 209 Green Wilson William, lace store, Broadway, h. 77 Ly­ dius Wilson Benjamin, Exchange office, 27 Maiden Lane Wilson Jesse P., 505 Broadway Wilson John Q., attorney, &c, 5 Exchange, res. 63 n. Pearl Wilson James, 42 Third Wilson Abraham F., 723 Broadway Wilson Henry L., bds. 63 n. Pearl Wilson James A., 738 Broadway Wilson James, boatman, 198 Hamilton DIRECTORY. 323

Wilson, Mead & Romain, lumber dealer, 4th office above n. Ferry Wilson Chas. L.,bds. 63 n. Pearl Wilson William, laborer, 178 Montgomery Wilson Benjamin (W. & G.) 53 Spencer Wilson (James A.) & Monteath (Peter,) merchants 48 Quay Wilson George W., shoemaker, 49 Canal Wilson John, painter, 23 First Wilson L. G., 99 Colonie Wilson Edward, 41 Jefferson Wilson James, florist and nurseryman, Lydius, op­ posite Knox Wrilson (Benjamin) & Grimwood (J. C.,) grocers, 7 State Wilson Robert, shoemaker, 46 Van Schaick Wilson John A., grocer, 747 Broadway Wilson Stewart, 31 Hamilton Wilson W. R., U. S. A., 33 Water Wilson George, butcher, 124 Snipe Wilson Claudius V., exchange office, Exchange, Buildings, res 9 Beaver Wilson James E., globemaker, 12 William, res. 144 Hamilton Wilson Benjamin, 741 Broadway Wilson Richard, 93 Swan, Arbor Hill Wilson Stephen L., 63 n. Pearl Wilson John, ship carpenter, 237 State Wilson James, planemaker, 3 Dove Wiltse Henry, 57 Church Winants Josiah, 18 Van Schaick Winants Josiah E., soap and candle manufactory 22 Chapel,res. 18 Van Schaick Winants Henry L., 21 Van Schaick Winchester Samuel, 33 Dewitt Winfield Matthew, 344 Washington 324 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wing D. L., 131 Green WTing Joel A., physician-, office 1 Washington, res 7 Capitol Park Wing Jonathan K., flour and grain store, 90 Quay, res. 6 Dallius Wing Albert, 66 Grand Winn Mark L., confectioner, 100 s. Pearl Winne Wm. B., post office messenger, at post of­ fice, h. 87 Orange Winne John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 15 n. Pearl, opposite Baptist Church, h. 15 n, Pearl Winne Daniel D.,287 Washington Winne John L., 137 n Pearl Winne, widow of David P., 25 Hamilton Winne D. P., 7 Broad Winne Adam, carpenter, 9 Broad Winne, widow Agnes, 9 Broad Winne David, victualler, 84 s. Pearl Winne Adrian, laborer, 109 First Winne, widow Cornelia, 33 Herkimer Winne Jacob J., deputy sheriff, at jail Winne WTilliam B., chairmaker, 83 State, h. 32 Fayette Winne Giles K., printer, capt. watch, 38 Patroon Winne Isaac, police constable, cor. Green and John Winne Elizabeth, grocer, 251 s. Pearl Winne Simon P., carpenter, sexton 4th Presbyteri­ an Church, 118 n. Pearl Winne Gerrit L., 14 Wilson Winne Jacob L., merchant, 734 Broadway, h. 55 Jackson Winne Gilbert, skipper, 53 Dewitt Winne David F., waterman, 33 Herkimer Winne Jellis, jr., cashier of Albany Bank. res. 710 Broadway 325

Winne William I., merchant, 112 s. Pearl Winne Daniel K., 63 n. Lansing Winne Walter, waterman, 45 Dewitt Winne Jacob, carpenter, 113 s. Pearl Winning Alexander, 73 Fulton Winslow Richard, 818 Broadway Winters William P., grocer, 5 s. Pearl, res. 12 Park Winters John, barber, 12 Van Tromp Winters James, carpenter, 208 Lumber Winters Albert I., grocer, 36 Jefferson Winton Jane, 40 Canal Wise John, pedler, 82 Ferry Wisley James,53 Jackson Witbeck, widow, 18 Liberty Withers Francis, engineer, 94 Arch Witt Merrick, blacksmith, 120 Spring Wish William, cooper, 161 Green Wolf John H., Hudson, near Lark Wolverton George A.& Co.,32 State, h. 161 Lydius Wolverton Edward, 76 Division Wolverton Chas., 32 Slate, h. 76 Division Wood & Scott, carpenters, 120 Franklin Wood, widow, Francis 278 s. Pearl Wood Eliza, nurse, 27 Van Woert Wood Henry, bds. Townsend House Wood, widow, 115 Canal Wood James, laborer, 67 Third Wood Peter, carpenter, 66 Franklin Wood Bradford It., attorney, representative in Con­ gress, &c, 59 State, res. 149 Washington Wood Henry, laborer, 4 Colonie Wood Eliphalet, (G. S. & Co.) 8 High Wood George, printer, 50 State Wood Robert, piano forte maker, h, 902 Broadway Wood John S., dentist, office and res. cor. Hudson & 5. Pearl cc 226 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Wood James, laborer, rear 41 Canal Wood Jonathan, 49 Union Wood, widow Sarah, 40 Blocker Wood William, laborer, 299 s. Pearl Wootl John, Lark, n. Lydius Wroods John, grocer, 107 Quay Woods Thomas, laborer, 75 Arch Woodbridge, Mrs. Sarah, 46 s. Pearl Woodburn Lewis, 736 Broadwav Woodburn, (Lewis) (W. & G. Dcy Ermand,) wholesale dealers in dry goods, 35 and 37 State Woodman Edward, bds. Stanwix Hull Woodbury Miss Hannah, 69 s. Lansing Woodhall William, carpenter, Westerlo, it'. Eaale Woodstock William, brickmaker, 124 Broad Woodruff Halsey, mason, dealer in lime and plas­ ter, cor. Plain and Hallenbake, h. 72 Division Woodruff Cyrus L., mason, 30 Grand Woodruff David II., mason, 16 Plain Woodward Benedict, piano maker, 23 Spring- Woodward John, carpenter, 149 Orange Woodward Klein, printer, bds. cor. Broadway and Hudson Woodworth David, 67 Lumber Woodworth, Hon. lohn, 113 Slate Wollenman Augustus, 134 Second W'oolensack Andrew, locksmith, 49 Van Zandt Woolensack John, locksmith, 15 Van Zandt, h. 77 Fulton Woolensack J., bell-hanger, 15 Van Zandt Woolensack Charles, porter-house, 7 Howard Woollett William L jr., architect of the Delavan House, office 14 Steuben, bds. 21 Columbia Wcolman Augustus, 134 Second, Arbor Hill Wooley & Harris, cedar cooper, 120 Washington h, 118 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. o2 «

Wooley G. N.,54Js. Pearl Woolford William W., Farmer's Inn, 38 Hawk, cor. Sta'e Wooster Samuel, carpenter, 173 Hamilton Wooster, widow Susannah, 22 s. Lansing Wooster, witlow David, 67 Fulton Wooster Benjamin, cabinet maker, 67 Fulton Worcester Eldatl, attorney, &c, 30 Spring Worcester John, wholesale grocer, dealer in West India goods and American produce, 10 State, res. 97 Eagle Worden Alexander, 211 Hamilton Worden Robert, 45 Centre Worden Joseph, 199 Washington Wormer Daniel, Knickerbocker house, 3 s. Pearl, h. 64 Howard Wormer & Winne, refectory basement 92 State Wormer Peter V., dealer in dry goods and grocer­ ies, 15 Washington Worth William E., boarding house, 11 Beaver Worthington .Davis, wholesale grocers, 11 Stale Worthington Dennison, 61 Lodge Wosser Thomas, carpenter, 46 Arch Wright William, Glob* porter house, cor. Hudson & Broadway, h. 13 Liberty Wright Ebenezer, 171 Lydius Wright & Fassett, lumber dealers, 47 Pier Wright John, 109 Washington Wright Wm., laborer, 152 Jefferson Wright Geoigc, shoemaker, 70 Lydius Wright Samuel, 52 Arch Wright Nathaniel, importer and manufacturer of coach and saddlery hardware, 414 Broadway Wright Silas, Governor of State, res. 103 n. Pearl, Clinton Square Wright George, veterinary surgeon, opposite Medi­ cal College, h. 358 Lydius 328

Wright John, 94 Herkimer Wright George, 11 Washington Wright Deodatus, attorney, &c, 59 State, h. 87 n. Pearl Wright & Co., dealers in flour and grain, 50 Quav res. 57 Lydius Wright Charles, 57 Lydius Wright Henry, grocer and wood-measurer, 163 Broadway, res. 15 Ferry Wright, Thomas, 70 Division Wright Samuel, cartman, 235 n. Pearl Wright Roswell, 133 Hudson Wright Richard, shoemaker, 367 State Wrightson Thomas, shoemaker, 8 Van Tromp Wrightson Thomas, jr., printer, 8 Van Tromp Wrin James, 111 Van Woert Wrin Patrick. Ill Van Woert Wyckoff, Rev. Isaac N., pastor middle Dutch church, h. 100 Lydius Wyatt John, carpenter, 123 Green WTyman Horace, attorney, &c, 111 State, res. 53 Maiden Lane Wyman & Werner, attorneys, 111 State Wynkoop Harman G., rear Eastern Railroad, h. 14 Orange Wynkoop Evert, 111 s. Pearl Wynkoop Peter, carpenter, 299 s. Pearl Wynkoop & Young, grocers, 114 s. Pearl

YAGER PETER, laborer, 36 Washington Yale Sarah, rear of 291 State Yale F. G., bds. 45 Steuben Yapp George, carpenter, 99 Second Yates Joseph, coppersmith, 66 Church Yates Eliza, widow of J. V. N., 106 .State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 321*

Yates, widow Rachel, 103 s. Pearl Yates, Mrs. J. W., 1 Clinton Square, 8S n. Pear! Yates Metcalfe, 1 Clinton Square, 88 n. Pearl Yates William, attorney, &c, coal office corner of Water and Quay, res. 27 Patroon Yates Hiram, 50 Montgomery Yates Henry, attorney, &c, Kane's Park- Yates Richard, 51 Montgomery Yates Henry, livery stable, Montgomery, abc-v« Columbia, res. 51 Montgomery Yates Benjamin, coppersmith 22 Lydius Yates Benjamin, jr., coppersmith, 20 Lydius Yates William II., 50 Montgomery- Yates John A., 49 Phillip York Andrew, gardener, 261 State York John, coachman, 261 State Youlett Alexander, painter, 23 First Younger William, shoemaker, 41 Van Zandt Young James, cooper, 10 Denniston Young George, bds. Clinton Hotel Young Robert, proprietor National Garden, 771* Broadway Young John L., merchant, 39 Chapel Young Henry, shoemaker, 3S3 State Young Perry, shoemaker, 41 Lark Young Charles, laborer, 15 Knox Young John L., 408 Broadway Young Wm. A., attorney, &c, 1st floor Exchange Building, res. 736 Broadway Young and Server, shoe dealers, 520 Broadway Young Priestly, bds. 2 Liberty Young George, upholsterer, 67 Hamilton Young John L., 117 Arch Young John laborer, 45 Colonie Young Eli, (Y. & S.) 75 Ten Broeck Young Nelson W., printer, 670 Broadway 330 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRLCTGHY .

Young Sidney, grocer and provisions, 63 Hawk Yout James, 29 Fayette


ZEH DAVID, dry goods, 7 High, h. 40 Hawk Zeh John, 228 State Zielman John A., brickmaker, 115 Lumber Zielman Gabriel, carpenter 145 Lumber Zielman John A., carpenter,.160 Lumber Zieser Michael, shoemaker, 42 Philip Syhia, fortune teller, 51 Van Zandt __ - . EARE & LITTLE, & CO.,

^S8 _•_.__&=___,_• is _ I 14 i i y l%l GREAT DETOX FOB 588 CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, PERIODICALS • AND FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS, §M H~-) I'AW BOOKS.—A foil apr.rim.il of all Ihe Standard Law Books, tbe Reports, dj|?j Digests, &c. Law Lil>r;iri»s furnished complete. L .lii'ci-s, Journal., Ui.iy-_.ofcs, Letter-Hooks, Registers, Cash-Boots, Recti Books, &c, Merchants, Forwarding ItooRfce _id Public Offices, supplied with Cooks and Stationary of the Lest qnalil., and on liberal terms. BOOKS HOLED TO ANY PATTERN. School Rooks and School Libraries, for sale ns above, on liberal terms. Agents for ail (lie American and Foreign Magazines and Reviews. H. . JORDAN, Al'CTMEEB AKD MISSION WIIA\T, And General Agent for the Sale of Imported tmd FJomeslic If Hi' GOODS Hardware, Liquors, Boots, Shoes, Furniture, Bank Stock, EEAL ESTATE, &c, Se. By Auction or Private Sale. ~gg OFFICE & STORE NO. 71 STATE-STREET, XT Sates of all kinds in any part pf tbe country made on liberal terms, ami short notice •V; Liberal cash advances made on consignments. O* Days for out door sales of Furniture, Groceries, <&c, Tuesdays and Fridays of each weeV O" Insurance end Storage free for all goods, left for sale, except i. tice to _e contrary is given on the receipt of them.

WILLIAM BICHARDSOiY, . m S0\mi\__&i\_-ST1\_W\\ \__ivj. Wholesale and Retail dealer in FREXCII _ AMERICAN PAPER IIA\filNG>, Is constantly receiving from the beit Manufactor es, la .re SUJ- plies of Paper Hangings, Borders, Views, Fireboard _b_ Cui-tain Papers, &c, .it the LOWEST NEW-YORK CASH PRICES. •1 Philadelphia Hangings (extra wid.h) oflfahe mosi nt to put up Hangings on _hgrt notice, and a_h_ lowest prices. Work wai ranted. ©jffJ