r^- - '•.*■ ,

Myql. xxxi. No. 33. Highlslown, N. J„ Thursday, NOVEMBER U-, 1875. Whole Mo. 1574 M drsa^ioN A i. c a r d s . ______INSDRANOE A. J. ASHTON, a bad condition and evcrvihiug in disor­ DftrNKING IILUOD. DANIEL WEBSTEtt’S FRlENBf. C HAs' f . DESHLEE. >EOPLE'S PIEE INSURANOE CO |o R r ii. der. Mr. IVillis Htul ('mistnlilM (uiugH ; It tiTiy be gf'ncnilly known, sayft‘tlm Ho wasn’t stioh an old .man, but hta OF TRENTON, N .J. Main St.,opp.HaptistUIiuroh, fnllnwed him into Ihe !lou^o and Im s:it I G'iiicininilti Covuinrc'ml^ llmt CincimuUti face wns very siul, his hair was long, and HmUTSTOWN, N. J. I M down at n slanil lo Ihsuo a iirecepl for a he was fw'tit nver. lie entered a store oof T H ii: i u a i 3>i -:n . I 1ms it.s Hotul ilrin k era—-conRumplivcfl and OFFIOE-NO. 30 (J-REENB STREET. jury in order lo hold a n ‘iiuiiu'sl. Okpiob U o uk s: IH iglrtstovY rii N . J., I o th e rs vvho dixilv v isit tho slau g h ter ! Ji iTorsoii nvnuo Saturday, and after he 'was wriling Willis cull ouU Gri-iis la ; ;Uo ohtsin the vidorous drauglH of j warming his hands at Ibe Stove be iix^Uir- , ■WoflQOBdaya 'ftud Saturdays from 2 to 5 P. M., Capital & Surplus Dealer In nil kinds of •l. Qooo upon a midnight chi'i'iy, bo careful onil ihe K.-qulre looked up and ami on Other days at 9 A. M. uiul 6 1\ M., at his I ruddy liD-elixir fresh , rrhm tho veins^of j cd for the proprietor ; . While 1 omirtcd my sweet tleaiy, s:vw Mary G tul- v siding up to him wiih offlooon Mala St. beeves. I/\wreiiec’fl slaughter hnu.se, qp- I ^‘Will yon give me n htlle advice ?” 0ver-$450,000. BOOTS Upon an old and orar.y rooking chair, 'll dmwu la/. ir iu I dt hand bidiind her. I Ihe. (H iv i'r stre e t sln tio n , has its I “ I guess so ; what iS I t? ” was the J. P. JOHNSON, M. D. ~ OHAB. SCOTT, P r b sid b n t. Ki'lio of forgi'Uun hive ;— She lluur' walked into the kilchcu and ! d'lily visit'jntft who drink blood, and the ' cheerful rep:y. ’ ’ , . AND MTiilo wo eiuittod, clia'r a grunting, throw Ihti vie/.-'i’ on tbo .stove. The F.s- HOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN., JOHN K. SMITH. Vice Prosidont. ! !-jangliler hoiiHe of Ihe lim -w eiisleins on ( The slrnngor bucked iip to llio stove, Suddenly tlioro ciinu'a tliuinping. quire then picked up tlie r:izor niid nut it j John Htinet, a few squares away, has per- j wipCMl his nose on hia hand, and after a once in DAWES llA fili, Iflnin Street 0. V. 0. MURPHY, Sse, 0. S. Green, T reat. in IWH poekol. lie then fio-hside her com­ Risks taken as low ns any other roliablo Co., SHOES, As of some one wildly stamping, hmpK Imlfa dozen daily visitants of the niomcnt continued : Olhoohours from 7 to 9 a. m.,6 to 8 p. m., aa d a t and all losses promptly adjusted, SlaUiping now upon the lluor. ing in ,llie fPiom nnd she di'i not. mild llie I a:\me class. 'Phn later places, indeed, i “ If wou \yanlod tn dio \vniild yoii juto|f all tiours whop nob profoa.'iloTially ‘^iigiij^cd. I je.ry*nrrived. The Jury avito ( ’hnrle'T II. apl-ly J. ll. NORTON, Agent, Ilightstownx TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac “ 'Tisstunc crazy fool,'’ ! mnttmvil, 1 have (he principal custom of this kind {if I into tho river or take piz'ii C riin b n ry O lllce.—at Mrs Roboooa Borpen, ■ Conover. .)“hn \ ’’. N. Willis, I’». S. Van- Inquire a t 0- M. NORTON'S Store. ‘‘ Thumping ’pun the cl.ambor Hour— ■ custimi it may ho termed wlu'i'e llie n'cip- I “ Will, I don’t know about that, i Main St., 2d door above Methodist Churh ut A good as.eartmcnt nlwayson hand at tbob'wrpi deryeer, Khvanl Ifendrick^^on. A. W. , gu -sal'd ralher live, on than do Aiiih'or 1 to 3 P. M. prico.s. ap 1-ly Only tills and nutliir.g mure." I ienl. is charged nothing), for the reason COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Ifohnrt, (diales M. Tluunpson, Geotoi* C. llmt nil hoeves are slaughiered tlicre by a mm. Why, do you feel like dying V” . \ Gordon, Kliaa IHewor. .Dti-iiua .Smijli, r . a . DAWES, SUHGEOJS'DEN'T Tho old skinflint rnostod in tho room almvo u.«, I Sh(»rhe|. Many who can drink the blood I “ I do, mister !’’ anid the man lo a defip TEETH. 1 John Fieiiler, Clmiles K. Hutler. 1ST, and Manufaoturor of' Incorruptible J|0UNT & JIMESON, PHOKFRHOU Hl'Tt’UINRON, M. D. and knowing that I was mnking love (o his “ rare ofnntmnls siaugblered according lo the j toned voive. “ Yes, I ’ve staid arbubdlbo')^ QumD Teeth, j Alter half an liourV dolihmalion the jti- I). D. S., the PJULAnKLVuiA P kv and radiant maiden.” took Ibis dtdicato way nf I ILibrew fnslmm can not sLoinacb that of .enough.” Office next to IRA SMOCK’S Store.— Wholesale Commission Dealers in all kinds of TiST, m anufacturers ilio best and ; ry rcndiwed n verdict that Mlclmel G.iidev suggesting that I had better • iui;ko iiiy-soU’ ; hnllocks felh'd with the nx. The blood of “ Wliat’s the mattef—xfrby do #ant Bntranoe on Main Street, oposite the COUNTRY PHODUCE, choapoet A utiimcial T betu lu thu onme to Ids ilenih by blows upon tin* head to die ’’ queslioned the hiiTchant. Univorsalist Church. United Slntoe. scarce.” tijc latter Is black and thick and lifeless; I3 P* Teeth oxtraoted WITHOUT PAIN, by the 212J & 213 M ER C H A N TS’ ROW , Ho makes m ost hoantlfulU nm ploto Sot.s, ijo to inflicted by some weapon iu tlio hands of that of Urn funner brightly rudy ami clear “ W hat’s there to live for ?” deroafuTed ♦15, and aunrauteo tlicm to for ton year.s. his wife, jMary (Hmloy, Ule ef Laughing Has. Weal W nehingfenlflnrlirt. N. V. 2 Ah distinctly I remember. as new wine. the sad mam “ There hain’t no such N. B.—The new Patent Hum Base, so valuable T kuth Kx-mAOTKi)auti F iui.ku, freo of obarge, Ivqidro Jolmson llu'rcnpnn issued a Between Vosoy and Fulton Streets. No charge but for material. T'alnloss extraction “ Wolmvo two young ladies and one Umes aa thefe used to bo—no such men aa !for its lightness,oorafort, and cleanliness,is alae Tho old man liad lost his temper. a coinmilmeiit for the confinement, of Mii- ABIJAR O. MOUNT. JOSEPH II. .lIMKRON by Nitrous OXltle Gii.t—SO contfi pi-r InotU. young nmn com ing here every day -Ui there once was.” applied. An examination is invited. apl OOLKOK Hun.DiNO, 614 PlMK ST., P mILA’DA. And at evi ry liUb' noise wr mado rv Ganiev and t.’oiihl ihio Griggs hrmiglil ‘‘ Well, tho times nro a liltlo hard, bui I3 T AR orders received will he punctnally at­ Opi'n fromOa. ui., toO p. in. IMoaso cut this nut Fbtijhod hi.s boot «]>un tho fluor, drink blood,“ ('bserved a sliughter liouse tended to. f n p l - l y r and give us a call. apr u Ohio h<*r lo Freehold and lodgml lior in the proprietor yesterday. “ We used to have there lots ofgood men loft I guess.” M, SCHANCK, Eagerly I wi.xhod him slumber, county jail to await llio action of the a great many more, hut (hoy got well and “ Party good, maybe,” said the 6h( s . IIIGHTSTOWJV He’d no longer us encumber— Grand Jury. * man us lu; Iclt of the stovepipe, “ but I IIIGHTSTOWN, N. .1 , etr'*!i>; imd slopped com ing. pEDDIE INSTITUTE, Ami anuther ki.-s I’d pluniler, The ijtd) with wliicli tho deed is .siip- O i; (V « E r li t» R A T fi A W, “ One woman came licro for a Vf'nr, and can’t flociulo With 'em r After a £ban has Then lier pardon I’d implore past'd to have been commilled is a ]>ioco of got wondeiTiill^ healthV am! fat; she used knockeii iirmmtl wilh Daniel ^yeb^Ite^ ain'd MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CII.\NCErtY. HIGHTSTOWN. N. J., G-'tU'pia pine, sixti'en inehoH long and A SCHOOL fOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- M arble Y.^ard, Here 1 da.sped llm radiant maiden. lo he a skctclnn, a comsnni]it'Ve flkclton. ili'iiry Clay ho can’t como down oh a level .8piie tlie unise upon ilie floor-- three inches wide. It vvas coveicd vvilli wii.il Lheao every day plugs and feer SOCIETY j^EETINHS. Fall Terms begiim Sept. 2rf, 1875. We nlwavs shnmhler in the llrhrew way; 1EW A.HT Jt e<>., Jleioly tliis uinl notliing more. l)lood and on the, end was a clot of luiir end llie lilo'.d ufcaltlo bia killed is more, goo.l.” Students are prepiired I'orCiillogc, lor Toaohera. which adluo’ed to the stick. f d. OF 6. F. for Professional Study, and for Husiuess. IMur'Io heabliy. It lu.-Tcs like new m Pk from a “ l)id you nssneinw wtlli lho8e rfi'en ?’^ Feeling ns Ihongh a storm was brewing over­ One of the nejelihora says tiie Hood in 1 # WINDSOR LODGE. No. 69, taught by an accomplished Germun Professor. C.'W.” ‘‘Did I V I've shaken hands with Clay,’ Tvrm.s 4250.00 a year. Accommodations oxoelloiit. M crcei' S troe', 11 iyli1 e o w n . head, ilolerniim'd to eoiiidiulu tlio pcrformaiiL'oS the kiielum was caused by llui killing of a “ WIiv, (lid yon ever drink it ?“ Calhoun, and Patrick Henry more tlmetf Moots over Hutclilnaon'a Hall, on TtnisnAr E vk- Send fur Catalogue. eldckei!. KiNQLOf each wook. a t 7J.-t o’clock. L \ ROY F. GRIFFIN, Principal. and ]>ri-“vont, wliat I sorely droailcd-(tlio gi.rl’s “N '\ no I—wiml sliouM I drink it for ? then you’ve got linirs ou your head !” The sub.«crU)ors arc pro- It is sui p'>sed that the murder occurred Degrees conferred the la.'jt'I’liesday Evening In August 12,1875. npr 1-lyr ‘'Daddy” wear's doulile soled No. nines,) n ordlis- I am too flit as it is. And>you know”— “ T'dii have,’’ ell ?j’ each montn. JOHN VAN HORN, N. U. paroil to Inriilsh siun bolween mysiiraml the ‘'old man,' which betwei'ii cirhi o’clock .Mi uday iiielit ami wilh a j'l'Risiinl laUi»h—“ Moses lorbid llnj “ And I knew Ginoral Lafa^eUe and iny2C -tfISAAC WOLCOTT, Soo'y. iny2C-tfISAAC i g h t s t o w n y o u n g l a d i e s ^ might rosuU dis;rlruus!y to—soindy. But 1 om; o’clock Tuesday niotning. T'hc feel­ lli'hrcw.s to ime blood us a diel.’’ nil those fellers, luui now to have locome MONUMENTS, SEMINARY. wanted to “ pop the (jncslion,” and lo make a ing anmng the neiglibors is v(*ry much Tlu! Shochet passed liy willi his ionu down on a par with these no accounts is O O D T G M L A K S.—IIiaHTSTOWN H against lliu wife, and llie prcvailng opin­ In this Institution are nifordoil tlio best I'aeMI- ‘■sure I'up’’ of il, I •• popped ull ” in protly much knife, “I am goinu lo cut a Imllock killing mo by inches. I don’t care if X G LODGE, No. 27. tlos for a tliorougli education In Hngllsli branelu'S, HEADSTONES, ion is (liat she, is the auilmr of tlm crime. die lo-niglil.” Meets EVERY MOx'IDAY EVENING, In the Old Mathematics, Sclonces, Latin, French, Alufcio. this stylo : ■ now,” liiMjbserved, “if you want a glass The post moi tciu cxiiininaliim was hidd “ I gnr mcrclinnt. “ Voli aru an iguornaut old Tel! mo truly. 1 impluro— TKX.VS CU lM iTSllfl’. ed lo ns. hrimmiii:! over wilh llie clear, TAILOR, clfowhure, Call ami oxauiluo our work and prices ni'hly lifeslrcam whudi warmed (lie vea- drunkard !” Main St., op. Baptist Church. ami save your mun«y. Toll iwo truly, will unit /i,irr me I fob 41yr lie sat, on otie sirlo I lie room in n liH' wlii te M'l Lliiouiih and llm n-ln 'I'here was no “ I am I'h ?” nliouted the old man, and, Your “ Dad i.-* ri'di ami I am poor,” MainHt. l-Iijrhtstowii, oak rocking ehair. .Slu* on Ihe oilier side, odor, c.o I hickenini:, no conai qom l feeling hn backed tho nicreliant over a box of The subscriber would call attention to his assort Guolh tho ^Maiden, ‘''Notermoro ” tuont of goods, to which ho Is ooiustaiUly making in a liltle whll.e oak r'lckinR chiiir. A o( in u s ia , and llie lirsl nionilil'iil HWullaw- palm leaf Ians. Tho clerks haulded liiiu OVER Tu b d r u o s t o k e . fresh additlon.s, consisting of Gold &. silver W atch­ long eared deerl.onml. snapping ;il Ibe.-. hy ed the glass waH la'-ily drained. oil ituil threw him out doors; and as Um es, Guard Chains, Modnlllons. Droiist Pinaof every This wns rt damper ! I went homo not to sleep OUTTINIl PKO.^IHTLV ATTENDED TO. ADVERTISE Ids side; a h;a-kct of sewine jjy hers. A nd lioiv did it la«H -/ F an c y llio ric h ­ police, loi.)k him thu old man said ; Stylo, Ear and Finger Rings of various patterns, hut In decide wodicr to euinmit siiioido nr take to silver and plated Tea A Table Spoons & Forks, Gun April 1,1873. ly ’ Itotdi rocked incessiiiiMy, llnil, i-s. llie est em un. AvaWU, AVitli a lart of swcet- “ I ’m ready to die ! Daniel Webster is R.tturo8, Pocket and Knivh.s, Ncoilles, Violins drinking. Fortunately 1 fell asleefi lieftiro I had young pe.iple, not Ihivdog iiml llu: haskel. noss, and ihc lieallhy aireiiglli o| l!a‘ pn,-i. up ihiTC with the angeU, and I hear him in d fixtures, Toys, &.c. yVlso largo stook of Spoo- (jnmo tn any tlcfinite cbiujlu.^inn. Next itiurning taoloB of the celobratod make of LaKiirns ht Morris. JAMES McGALLlAllD, lie .sighs liglitiy and looks oiil the eu'-l wine, “llmt gluddeiioiii the heart of culling me to gel out o’ this one horso Particular attention paid to all kinds of ivo hini hnt Ijiiikvvheat cakes for broakl'.ist and—- window — aL ilic Virnii) palcli. A L hint hn maul” It was a drsuiglit simply - crowd.” —.DtDo/T Free Vress. aplt'f REPAIRING, JUSTICE o r THE PEACE, r didn’t suiuido wnrtli a et'iil. Sim is niarrieil remarks : cimiR, swoidor th a n any coiioo-lion of lO lIN 0. .TOHNSOX. now. Her liivliaml vvntt.-* Ills hair sliinl. Mo- Wlion it commenced to rain Fdddy ti WlNDb'UK, TV. .1. “ This is miglit.y good weiither to pick clwmi.'l, Ihe confci lioiii'i', the wine-maker lliinks 1 siiioli a mnii-'o. cotton,” Oolloctlons promptly attended to. nir‘i')~um — it waa th e vm-y elix ir of lih' ilsidf. man sli pped into an ollice on Griswold “ ’Tis thal, if we only had any to pick.’’ 'Phe popular idea lliai. blood is cifll'nll htreef, RKil remarkul .* FARMERS T’hfi rocking coniimics. YOUR BUS1N]«S lo (li iak D an (Utei faliney ; and the most “ 'i’his ralu Will cool the atmosphere,' Y y iL L SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR ‘‘W hat's your d< g’s nam e?” timid wilh gl ihs in Ids hand mnat be re- El(scdl;inf0us. “ Coony.” won’t it? ” Hightstown, N. J, assnrwil h) one glance at its contents, lie The proprietor agreed that it would. PLOW'S & PLOW CASTINGS Another si:.;]i-brokcn si illness, will forget all Ihe familiar feeling of sick­ “ Wliat is he eo 'iHoncd wilh tobacco for tlu-* past two years ho had done no lilUii rocking I’liair vvei'ti j.iinmcd biiJe hy “.T ills rain will cool tlio alidospbore, an 1 h;ul Ihjuor) Hint i fivoked tho mon- won’t il f'' work except on his own place, and by his side. si I oils cnu'll ies of e(*l'lain Augu.slino J'lm -, The Cheapest Eortilizer “ Ifmv r-.iny lias your nm got ?'* perors. Peiliapsit was aiicli a passion' ■“ No, Rir !” yelled tho office man at.the Lbrii't and iniiusLry iiiul succoeded until he top of his voice, und ho said he would had money and to spare, lleajidliis wife “ IIow iiiAUV what ?” that, iiK De C^iiiney has iL icit Caligula, ‘‘(Jhicketia'’’ while toying wilh Urn polished tliront of wollni) the next man w!io Imd 3aid ‘rain’ in the Market. had lived touetber foT about rourioeii “ Nigh on to a 'hundn d. ’ I his wife, (.RMoida, lialf dihlractiid lielweim 10 him. He lind turned hia letier over years, but it socnia, from wliat \V'' •• old “ The minks cat ail mtrs,” ! Ihe I'leasure of cares.sing it, which he when along cam-e a tall young man, wiil» I T i ’A V S ! uli-an, that lliey liad not lived amictbly 11 long nose. He looked into the office, Adroas AVin. QUICKSAl.!., Then a long silence reigns. At laat he ndgi t do fr qirn'ly, «ifd of cuttiog it lOi’cLher—ilml this lite was not all sun- observes: which lie cuuKl do but once. halted, and us lie stood 11 thb door aud shino to liu'in. Wo learned that they “ Makin’ quiUs ?” shook lii.s umbrella, he said : Gknbral Aqknt, bolh Wore addieled Lo drink, from vvhence “ Yes,” she replhs. luiLdibniitg tqi, “ Dou’l you think this rain will cool- arose all ihcir misery and sorrow. The “I ’yaju-^t fini-shed a •il iunn’ -lAgul of A YKAil AGO ANT) NOW. the a t----- Y” “ N}i ! blast your two white eye*, F liornersiowv .N J. aurroundinjis of the liouse were not attrac­ Ilnizeal,’ a ‘Si|,Mng Sim,’ and a ’NuHion’s 'I’liey lingered at I'm gain until be could tive. Too fence was diilupidated and the Pride.’ Have yon ever saw the ATlluw don’t !” yaUed the man who was writing/ I'mish lliat last remark, and she toyed and ho throw down his pen and made' to - Agent nt Hightstown, J. S. ROGERS. yard exhibiled no desire on the part of the Hose of tlu; I’.irai'y ?‘ ” with her fan, While her oyca were looking ownt-r Lo cultivate anythiiiu ni the way of “ No.” ready for tho next qne. Oct.fi, 1S70., ly . M llosB ) iflfffiisfi! down from hi tmatli a jaunl v hnt (hat on­ Along came the man who has an hflffce 111 tlowere. The warden is cultivafcd in cab­ More sil'-ncG i then he say.s ; ly partially shaded her bice from the light above, and who is a very good man anil a EM B E R r 0 N /M AR L ! bages and in Mie rear of the liouse is a “ T)o yon love ciihbugc ?” of the Hilvery moon. pom crib well filled —the result of this “ I do llmt.*’ W orthy citizens,’ and he stuck his head Int He .'Mood gfaccfnily on the outsido vvllii the door and called out : years Iiibor. The houAe is etitured on the Presently hin hand is aeeidenlally placed one imnd re.^ling on the gnte-posl, and “ All 1 we’ll all sieep better to-night i— west end. The door which leads into the on hers. She does md, know it—at Ic.-ist Urn olher Iraeing unintidligiblc hicroglypli- To raise d Whea t and Ryo.andEN^VByourGraF Don’t you Ihink the rain will------?” kUeben was spallen d r/ith blood. This docs not seem to ite aware of it. Then af­ ios on the paiineN, They were looking Seed take well, room is about ten by fourtebn feet; It is ter a half hour spent in sighs, cmigiiing No, you old liar,” yelled the office very seulimental, and neither upoko for man, ami lie sluiL the door with such farnialied vvifh the neccessary kllclun and clearing of thrnals, ho smldenly says : some mmuiesv unlil she broke tho silence No.«'SRHBNB STBEBI, ABOVE STATE, uteusils, and Llio Avails nru decorated with ‘‘I ’so a gtenl a-mind to l.ito you!’’ suddennesa that tho inquirer fell off tbe (J sE P e m b e r t o n M a r l in a nweet iiiiisical voice ; slops, i-jplled over his umbrella and sat TRENTOSr, X, J. various pietures. ' On the cu]»board which “ What you great a-mind to Lite me “And will you always think ns you do Parties supplied with Cake, loo Cream, Water To double your crop of Buckwheat u§o 25 or 60 faces ibe door. Liure arc large spots of fiir ?” down on bis hat. Ho got up and Wanted bushels per acre of now, (.Jeurge ?” '' lo lick somebody, and said lie thirsted for loos. Confootionories, Oysters, 4o , Ac. blood. The wall uiulcr the window is^niso “ ivaHo yon won’t have me.’’ “ Kvi*r, dearest; yniir imago ia impressed Orders promptly attooded to. To double your Hay Crop, use from 6 to 8 ton RATES REASONARLE! spaltered with blood, as is al.^o the’wall blood, and the pillce man lobked his door / jel6-ly T-C.'HILL. .1/. per acre, applied on young graasin the fall. “K'lse you ain’t axed me,” ’ upon iny luMirt so indelibly that nothing and hung uji a sign reading; neaf tho casi'inonl bf ihc door. This, how­ “ Well, now, I ax you.” can ever efl'ace it. Tell me Julia, InvligHt z ever, is a Rnmll clot of blood. Tho ap- Nut a blamed bit cooler than before.” E BONK. COLB. CuAS.ll.COLB BERING SHANGLE, Agent, “ Then, mnv, I Ims you.” of your .sex, that I have n right Lo wear it THE HIGHTSTQWN pearniice of Ibis room indicates that a Then Coony dreams hu hears a somid It ilicrc.” Furnishing Undertakers Hightstown, N . J. struj^gie has taken pIncQ there. As we of kissing. James Gnrlaiid, of E aet’Brunswick', N . OOT’FIN’S oonstabtlyon hand, such as Motallc, D P MEASUROLL, General Agent. “(>, you men aroRO deceitful,” she an­ J., having shot his wife in the head three leave the kUchbn wo pass into a small box The next day tlm young man goes to swered, coquetti.shly. ■Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut covered with Cranburt, N . J, times ihe olher day, “ locked himself in a White Olothj Velvet or PoUaliod. entry and fron|i iheuce into the room Tigcrviilo after a marriage liccnso. Wed- “Truly, men arc deceitful ?'’ ho said, J. c. OASKftiL, H u p t., whore the murdered man lay. This room room, shot hiMiHelf three limes in (behead^ CASKETS handsomely finished according to Photograph Gallery nesd^, tile following week. No cards. drawing a tillle nearer to her and insibu- opened a mum afterv, and crushed bis the most improved stylos. Jy21-ly BirmintF ov. Ifl comfortably furnislied—the walls being ating liimsclf inside the gate, “ but who, adorned with various pictures of the skull wiih a hammer.” If he had then Over Mr. II. Ashton’s boot and shoo store, having A good story Is lately current here of darling, could deceive you ?” swallowed half^in ounce of strychnine tnd ca-e>0 . E !. E»1 © I*SC >H , been closed so long, has undergone thorough ren­ Oalbolic faith. It is about fourteen foet “ And if#! were to die, George, would­ ovation, square. On the North side of tho room bno of our city clergymen who is famous melled lead, Rod Jnm p^ out of a niwe-* a r o iiit e o t a n d b u i l d e r , for bis manly earnest good fellowship. n’t you (Ind some one else you could lovo story window, He would have coom very were two tables on which the corpse was as well ?” HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. placed. On the floor on tlio •pposite side He was traveling on the cars on tliu New near rousing a suspicion that he intended York and New-Haven road, hot long “ Never, never. No woman could ever Jobting promitfly attended to, and Baildinga pul IS NOW RE-OPENED of the room there was a spot or pool of to injure himaelfseriously.—OHirier-Jdtfr- Q j^n a superior manner. since, engaged in a jrhmsfint qimt with a nu your place iu my heart.” Hal. blood and iho trunk just by was besmear­ “ O, quit now I that aint right,” she Also,Shrouds. Gloves, Crape, Cashmere, Merl* Shop on Mercer street, above Dawes’ Ilal 1 • ed with blood. The i'ace of the murdered friend, when he was repeatedly annoyed fio and SatlUvOi the best m aterial. n p l-ly BY by a drunken bummer in tho seat in front, ronrmereJ, ns she made a feint to remove T he Ornamental vs. IftB A fifSt-clasB Corps Preserver standlnglnroadi- roan was bruised in several phices, the left Ids arm from around her waist. ue34 fn o%»e q1 way neoBssltyr—ArH-ord^tH»rontpti who persisted in nitcmpiing to engage —Servant; “ I supp^, X^a’ato, 1 shall tide having received most of tho blows. “Let mo hold you to my heart,” he ly tMnded to a t all hours with handsome hoarse On the outside and just uuder the left eye him in conveisation. A t last, wearied not.have to wait at tdtto Lady : “ O,- in atUndanoo. ALLING, THE PA L T E R , beyond endurance, the clergyman arose, whispered, passionately, “ until you have Also on hand and toordor Book Oases. Ward­ ME. J. E. SMITH, there was alarge bruise. About two no I I want a housemaid.’” ServabI robes, Writing Desks, and all manner of Cabinet w and, turning the man sharply away from con8cnLed"lo be niiue,” and he drew her “ ^suppose. Ma’am. I ghall net bate id has removed his shop Co Pearce’s H all, on TVIercor inches above tlie left ear there was a deep Work promptly attended to In a hlghworkman- Street, second door from thocornor of Morrison St. him, said, “You arc drunk, and I don't nearer to him, and held her tightly until make- tho beds?” Lady (8urp.rieed, but Uko manner. Also, UphoU^erlng and Repairing Ho intends In future to give his personlaattontlon who will spare no expense to make it a cut about two inches in length. This ho had obtained the coveted boon. oT Fur^illure. Ploture FrfchliS oi all grades finish- cut was supposed to bo the cause of his wish to hear nr see anything more of composedly): “ Certaiflly not l”.^r^ant Haase and Sign painting. you.’* ’ The bummer sank Into silence for Il seemed hut yesterday siuco our weary MtUhortnotloe. b , R. OOLE, For further particulars see smadl bills. • mr6 death. There were also two smaller cuts (tbiuking the place ‘i^ill suit): “ Aud 1 a moment, and then obce more turned footsteps intern pled that tbiiching little suppose, Ma’am, 1 shall not be expected • p r l t j l 0 . E. OOLE. on the back part of tho head. It seems scene, but when we passed near the same that on Monday night he had been down and, gazing reproachfully at the clergy­ to answer the door F’‘ Lady; • “ df ' FIHST-GLASS GALLERY. man, exclaimed so-as to bo heard nearly locality ycBlerday rnorniug, ere the moon course not The fact is, X wabi a servant ANTZ’S HOTEL, to the distillery and got a quart of whisr the whole extent of the car by tho passen­ and stars had puled, Lte beard a geiHle p o r S a le . key and came home about eight o’clock to look dt, aud 1 don’t Ibiuk yob HiU The main feature aboUt It now is that ho has se­ gers, whoso attention had generally been voice exclaim : d o !”—Punc/i. A Large Number of Trees, 0pp. Iron B. B. Bridge, M ain St., cured the services oi Mr. S- M. Robinson, former­ and gob into a quarrel with Mary, his directed that way, “ Mr. T----- , 'pears to “ No, s ir ; you’ve stayed out this long, ly of Phlladelphfo, and recently of Plltsburg^wbo wife, and from that they came to blows. iBOludUkg•one seventy varletiosof Apple, Pear, me you dou^'t care anything at all ’bout and you may just as well make a night of will have solo oontrol of tho gallery, and particu­ It appears that aout 12 o'clock she went “ As I .was gbio’ over lha bridge the .Md-dlivry.Att^^vergreen, Pine, Maple, Spanish High-tstownUST. J. lar attention will l>e paid to toy soul.” it. I ’ll tench you to slay at the lodue bu- other day,” said a native.of Sidrf “X m il OherthST'ArlwVitae, ko.. which wfllbesolrtln on-r to johiLMcCue’s and gave the liil three o’clock in the morning, and then toM to loU parokfuiera and upon reasonable terms D. A . L a n t Z, Proprietor. Pat Hewins. *He#ine,* X«.*koir V^ben tho neighbors came in be wa# lay­ come fooling around my door to worry me Apply to ^ nv26-tf “Yes.” hesaid, dreamily, “we are al­ are you ?’ ‘Pretty Boo- JAMES'H; EASTMAN, Supt. All Branches of the Business. ing on a sort of lOunge.—He asked fora and wake the baby. Now take that and HEALS AT ALL XOVBSIH THE DAT. ways striving for a subjeclivo goal. Un­ nelly,’ Bays be. akti I; State Reform School, JamesburR, N. drink of water about half-past four o’clock sleep on U.” "I . ‘______BofToshmontB, Cigars, ko. on Tuesday mortiing. Esquire Johnson consciously, it may bo, but still we strive. ‘thav’s not fhy b*iii&’ ‘iTaith. then,, no ■Wo solicit the patronage of tho pnbliO and was called, by Johu 'Wiliis on Tuesday We lean over the Verge of the iufioite, more I. mine, Hewinul^ So witb- Ibat wo Good etabling for 73 horses, with ample looked it each i^n. no’ outt yard room. itTbrning |about ^ o’clock. Willis said longing to grasp Us mysteries and lost iq A railkman was awoke by a wag in ihe there bad been a ttmrder committed sit the profundities of its immensity.” night with the auoucemeut that hie beai enotlga it w u naytittr tf d a ’* ' AND THE ONLY DROVE YARD IN TQWN. Satisfaction will be Guaranteed Gnnley’s, and he wanted the Esquire to “Yes,” she replied, thoughtfully, “but, cow was choking. lie forthwith jumped July'lM t ‘'Union Ib not alnoyi W BI0H8 W aSK BOXED OVER ONE THOU- go op. The esquire says he went up and ; .Tobn, would you mind my putting a up to save life of bis animal, when lo I be •A»D Pd»j».|». , lUbierailw W ral torrajUrras to dralcri*. Tho sample piolurca on ox!iibilJon"'willfl1iow tho foimd no one there but RJrs. Ganiev and : brown patcli on ihe seat of those oM black found a turmp siaek io Ibe mottlb of tbe Chailes Napier said, Sendstnm pfor Clronlailar. Aodress DAjiiBL 10C1 ETY FAJNSING A SPECIALTY stylo oi work done. Call and oxaznino fur your­ Mrs. Conroy* Uu found the the room in ' punts of yours ¥” pump. Oi- pur*er o ^ n a tM tw * F . BjulATTYt t t Yi WasnlhgtOB, N, J 3 ll the Gaxelte office selves. ocl 7-U ftieU ibe tlngert of IovmI onee eluttfblog at ft Mciion of the fiittoD and Amboy Rtfil An irttelUgMt nrijclo on Kew Jereey IIAIIKOHKOXSAIID OHBOX HOOKa, Mi ««&(<•( hilt for breMi and aqtotherlog the cryinga roftd. A i Aey sit tu the car, saddeDly poUlics Wbleli appeared in tbe New York the boiler of the engine boritg, there i^un sa3re incidentally, that ”Kevr Jersey of bia maiiibood bo ucccpU and the deed la haftJtiKt t'lected bur hindre'dih Ijegiala- Qeotral Hailroad of N- Jersey. pENNHlLTAj^ SA ILS^ DB.KEALI. jWVSMVISINa RATM. dono. Whither of this twain i$ the comes a whir! of nir and steam and then ture.” Looking up the fscU we find that DENTIST, scoundtel the man who tPinpiaor the all is over. More than one man is killed the Nun \$ right bistorichlly. TUD first HEW YORK *«> L05Q BBANOll DIVIHIOK/- aw AJIl) AM«B HOKDAt, aCT. 4, ISfd. No. im Ti.. stm t, ttOKTfllt Faueoger and Freight Sti»t1un In New York PmXjLX»IdSftU,.PA. . t 1 S 8 6 12 noan who by force of circumstaocea yii ldsf outright while several ure wounded. Lcglsluinre of New Jersey under Ihe lilA llis L kaVb Biamvowf AS Fottows; General Congress was chosen on the 21st 'foot of 8t„ N. R. Aniflolal Taatk Insartad Ineli ?• IS5 160 2 00 8 69 450 600 810> Can there be two ways aboqt it ? Among these latter wan Col. Palmer P For PhiUdslphla at and tl27 A. Iff, wltboat eilfMtIftft. 8lM '. incl'M t 25 3 00 250 8 60 6 00 7 00 10 00 17. of SeptemU-r, 1775, nnd tbe Legislature Time Table commeodag Novi 4th, 1875. 150 *nd6 4lF.M ., rU Bordantow&.BatliDx- roots, by ft saw proaMSi S " 1 75 2 75 8 60 4 60 6 50 0 00 14 00 22. But iftys the poliliclou tl>e other party Thompson, the foreman of the labor elected is siricily Centennial in that New York Avb South Amboi*. Taath 0ir«n oa trlftl. ton and C aoidtii; and 7 20 andOSO A. Id., 6 46 T eeth rapairad ftftd ra-< ^OOl. 8 50 5 2S 7 008 50 12 60 16 26 26 00 06. do it tind 00 must we if wo would i^in the gang. Col. Thompson was formerly in St use. B ut 187fi, in which year the Ijeavo Now York for South Amboy at 6:40,9:15, P. M ,vla Psmbsrton and Mt. Holly. ^ •ooUdietl. O a i ftdminla- ^eol. 100 8 0 1260 18 6(1 26 00 87 60 60. eteclion. la this the Hort of noorality command of a regiment of the Penniyl Legislature wij] sit, is alsoBl'Centennia), 13:oO M., #Jl5, 6:80, P. M. tered. Brioes moderate. Clip thia ont and donH ool. . to 01 15 CO 1919 22 (K) 82 00 41 00 62 00 100. for In 1670 occurred the division into Leave South Ambov Jor New York at 7:32, 9:01. For New York, 6 40 and 8 32 A. M. and .4 00 forget the namber. bovU-12w , which decent men on^ht to take their vania t^iate militia. He hud resided only A. M., 1:40, 4:00, 6:30 P. M. P. M., t U Monmouth JunStion or Perth Amboy. Notlfloi 1 ooluoinit 12 oenU A line, East and West Jersey and the organiza­ poiiiicftl cue from ? Will honorable men a simrl time in Bound }irook, but was tion of their redpectlve governments.— N»w York, Matawah and Keypout. BsTURiviKa, ' ■ ' TH08, D. APPLKGKT, slay at homo any longer and permit this highly esteemed, and had numeroos Tbe coincidence Is worthy of notice. Leave New York for Matawao at 6:40, 9:18. A. Leave Philadelphia from HSrhet Street Perry IN M., 12:00 M.,4:16, 5i30 P. M. at 6 30 A. M., 2 ahd 6:30 P . M , viaB urlington IlightitowB, K. J. ktnd of argumeut to get the upper band ? friends, lie leaves a wife—she was lying ------I • ------T ili BtmiAL ojr GuiMOiin.—Pasto- Leave Matawau for New York at 7:18, 8:61, and fiordentown ; and 6 A. M., and 3 45 P.M., Now Honorable Particular PUilta, you sick at the time of the accident—and ona A. M., 1:27, 8!86, 8:07 P. M< Stage? to and from via Mt. ^pU 7 »nd Pemberton. FURNITURE! rali) were rend Sfinday in all French Keyport oounect ai Matawan with all trains. Leave New Y ork.at 6 66 A. M and 3.65 P. M., 1836. UId St Establiabed. 1836, who presume lo “ do” politics for the rest child. When he whs upprooched by Dr, churches of Montreal advising all good TiaM onmoaih Junotion : 6,66 A. U . and 2 26P. H m iSrow N , NOV, ii, 1875. N kw York Awd Long BnAHOlt. aOOD, RELIABLE. of the coramonity, Hint is too low a posi- Field soon after the explosion, he said Catholics to stay away from the funeral M. via Perth Arabov. L eave New Y ork Jnr Long B ranch a t 6:40. 0:16., Trains on Kinkora branoh leave Klnkora at *8 02 PARLOll, LlBEARt. liou for this ngc. WhcTi you buy a vote, “ attend to ilie others first. I am not of tho unfortunate Ouiboro, who is to be A. M,. 12:00 m., 4:15, S:30 P, IVt. A. M ., 3:20 and 6;10 P. M.; K eturniog, leave CbAMBEK AND DiNtNO WHAT TH E POLITICIANS HAVE buried some lime during the coming rp S N IT D K N the (Iced so fnr ns you nrc concerned is as hurt as badly as they are.” Before he L eave Lnmc Brivnoli forNoW Y ork a t 6:40. fi’16 New Lisbon at 10:80 A. M, and Lewiitown at 7:07 TO HO WITH BRIBEEY. week. It IvS thought that this warning 12!5o A. M., 2:20. 4:30 P. M. ' A. M., and 6 :lt P. M. All the newest Styles and patterns selling at eoi4 bad na though no one o)se had committed (lied he described the way in which the A passenger train leaves Trenton at 7 00 P. M. to reduce stock. W9K. H. LBi:. will have the opposite effect, however, Nkw York and Ska Qmt, 190 Fulton St., near Church, and 277 Oftnal St.. We »ro fiiiok to admit tliat any obscrv- it before you. When vou-steal tho law of explosion had thrown him through the and Hint there will bt a larger gathering Xonvo Now ):ork for Soft G irt at 9 I5 A. M . oonneotinQ atBordentown for Hightstown at 1 lO 1 door oast of Broadway. New York, nv ll*4t^ 415P.M. P . M. Rnt man might have aetm more evuicncee your land will punish you ns severeiy ns roof of the caboose and 30 feet into the on that account. Anoihc^r pastoral letter A mixed passenger and-freight train will leave from Bishop Bourgot was read il) all the Leave Sea Girt for New York at 740 A.M “ TjSYOHOMANOY. or^OUL CHARMING.” (if bribery at tbe laslj eifction than ever though thousands of others had not done air. In f iliitig he saw the telegraph wires 1 15, .3 00 P. M. Hightstown for South Afiiboy at 6v37 P. M. JL How either sex may fascinate and gain tfad Catholic r hurclics, going Into some ex­ love and aff'eotlotis of any person they choose In­ before. In East Windsor township it is For fu rth er parUc.uIarflPOO Tim e Table a tstittlo n s. FRANK THOMSON, 1). M. BOYD, Ja ., the same lliing and the trod nbovo you hcncatli him, and tliougiit of clutching planations, ns 1)1 fore, regarding the sacred, Gcn’l Manager. Gen’1 Pass. Agent. stantly. This simple, mental acquirement all edti H. P. BALDWIN, possess, free, ty mail,’ fOr 25d, totfethof with ft said that 125 voteis stood ready to lie will hold you just as accountable as though them lo stay his fail, but instantly con ness of a cuimeciut' d cemeter|r, and that, July 8-tf (Jon’l I’nseenKCr Afrent, P.W. JACKSON, 1 8.BUCKELBW, marrlnge guide, Egyptian Oracle, DnDrceinB, Hlnta bought, and ,on tiio streets we heard men to premtrve .its smciity, the Guiborcl Gen’l Supt. ofN . J. DiV. Supt. Amboy DiV. to L adles,, Ac.&o._ A queer boOkj Addres* T. W IL ­ ytiU were Ukj first to lnv(mt the detestable eluded that it would be useless,! and re- LIAM & Oe., Pubs,, Plilla, nv ll-4 t boldly declare that unless they were given crime. Becuuso,your brother acts badly fruinctl. Tie struck on a railroad tic, burial lot would be forever cursed. The jan 1 ly Bishoii cimeludud by counseiilng the great­ money they would not vole at all. One Agents for the best sell­ there is no rinson why you sliould follow which lijoke his ribs and nijitincd one est furbearKnee on ihu partgf the petiplu PIANO. ILL HBA ALL STlLfiB, PRINTED ing Prize Package In the B e a t t y WANTED world. It contains 15 set of men in our midst do not licsilalo to B • a t th e G aSette Office his example and when you prate about of his lungs, produong fatal iiucnia at tlie approaching burial. On no ac- sheets paper, 16 envelopes, golden pen,pen holder, Bay that their complete roni was due to reform and honesty and then muko out h( ruorthfigc. coiiiiL wi’ie tli(‘y to tiUerferc, Hlid he LND0K8BD BY THE IirGIIEST MUSICAL , patent yard measure, and a piece of jewcL ry. Single paekiige with elegant prize, poslpaldj the greater amount of nmnoy used by the warned them not to attend the funeral.— nulhorllloB, throughout tho world a«T»iK jibst canvasH’bookH and buy voIch on elcclion D.F. J^ULLER & PULLEN, 26ot8. C ircular fFee, oe£l4.4w THE NEW JERSEY ELECTION. Th(i Montreal police have been furnisliod ' ” Bkatty, Proprifetor. WafihJnifton. N. J. BitiDB & Oo , 789 Broadw ay, N. Y. opposing parly. In saying this they day good people who can sco Llrrnughyour will) U,0 bre< ch-I()H(ling rifles to be used, either forget that they admit using some thin crust cannot help hohling their noses Tlie (IfcLion in tins State resulted in a if necessary, at the Guihord burial. The QORN, OATS, &c., GENERALINI PRODUCE mohey or else tlieit consciences have be­ and old Tliomns Carlyle if ho knew you cornpU'te reversal of the Democratic vie nuihnritieH have resolved upon prosecuting W I F E m . 19. BOUGHT AT come so seared that they ate incapiilde of wc-iild call j’(m a liypncrillc and a siiam tory of 1'\rL year, and the Uepublicaiis (he (iuihord rlolers, and so far have ar­ rested ilvo who took part in the disturb- BT ANX ELIZA YOTTXO, perceiving the di pth of moral inftiinv con­ now carry the State. The next Senate Brigham Young's jnatns In; 1ms called many of your Eng ance of the 2d of Meptomber. Seventeen OUTCALT’S HOMINY MILLS. II Rebellious Wife. nected with the business of buying will stand 12 Republicans to 9 Democrats M Sr The only complete Expose of all the sxosxTft iish cousins who do tlm snmo,'lhlug. The iniuli will tie prosecuted. This unlocked of B kioham’b H arkm over written. Born In Mor- Grain roceivcd nt and bags sent to any depot o New Nos. 59, 61 & 63 Centro Row, nk liza votes. only excuse you offer for your conduct — tlie DcrmicriUs gaining one member in fnr acLion caused some commotion among the United Hallroadfi of N. monifim. A E now exposes to the worldi J. AS woornKH woman can the S uobbts, M v a rn w In either party can be found a certain is tiuis shown to bo as thin as your Intel .Somerset. The House of AK.sembIy wilj the Frencl) people, who were concerned in IKS and OiuMits of (ho horrible system of Polgamy the trouble, but it will be productive of W hite Coen, Yellow F lint from tlie very boginning. Nearly 200 lllustrattons class of men, alike in eycry particular of lectuiil and ns low as your moral stand- stand 37 Republicans to 23 Deinocrals.- WEST WASHINGTON MAEKET, beau Llfy thu work. Il U the best soiling book pub­ no rc.siiUs ot her Uian of spending money lished. 10,000 mdi’e mon nnd women can have em- mind or heart and dilfering only in tl.c iinl. Von do not appear to bo awnn; that Tlie last .Senate stood 13 Reja lo 8 Dciw. a s p e c i a l t y . unnec.cshaniy, ns the jury system demands N e w Y o rk . ploym enlrtnd m ake fronujifito #10 dally. A l l L iv s ticket they vote. They arc Democrats be­ when you buy u vote or even tempt n find tlie Assembly 41 Deni, lo 19 Rej).— the. trial of aFrenduuan by Frenchmen, Call on or address Agknts nre writing lor Illustrated Ulrculars with aiifj yii arquitiul will be the result of their L augis T icumh Sent free. Do not delay, b ut ad­ cause their fathers were and so far ns man with a bribe you are breaking the The RepubltcHiiH make large gains all JOHN OU'CCAI.T, A. D. F u llbr. W . H. H.PULLKN dress DUSTIN, OILMAN & (JO., Hartford, O t. they are concerned tire crunib'iing bom;s oyur the .State, and most if nut all the (lejiberalions. The funeral, it is now )an 14-lyr ooi 14-8w law of tlio land and BO far as the intention posilividy asserted, will take place ou octl5-tf Spotswood, N of Ucmral .Jackson are ns vital ns lire liv­ got'.-i yoii arc no more deserving the re- Deinocralic nienihers who voted for the yaturday or early in next week. FOK ing issues around. Or they arc Uepubli- Kpi-ct or the countenance of your feliow- Protectory bill were biiiiteii-. TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES IN FURS AT COUOHS, COLDS, E0ARSENE38, AND ALl. 'XmiOAT DISEASES. cans because tlieir fatliers never voted tlie cUizens Lliaii is the most low-bro.ycd The llejmblicanH elect .SlunifTt in At' Wlibm tl.e past three moiuhs tho TIon. Secretary of Wo,r, Gen. B Iknnp, accom EXCELSIOR EEE EM EOEIEM USE Democratic ticket and wearing the pasty and abandoned wretch in our county jai), lantic, Camd(;n, Essex, Mercer, MidiWesex paniod by Gens. Ferry, Marcy, Forsythe, NO. 718 ARCH STREET, WELLS’ OAEBOLIO TABLETS diamond of fancied consistency on ilieir IJkc him you have brokon tlie law. He Morris, Passaic, Salem, and SomerHet; Strong and others, made a tour of inspec- P u t up only In b l u b boxes. Bot. 7tb and 8th, South side, Philnd’a. bosoms they iutoud to slick to tlial parly may liavo Hlolon fifty cents, you have Counly Clujkrt in Allantie and Camden, li'in oi’ tho military posts of tbe North A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Our large stock of F or sale by D ruggists generally, and oc28-4t no matter what its principles may be, or mmipteil the fountains of universal suf- and .Surrogate itn Passaic. Thu Demo- west. Fort Abnilmm Lincoln, in Daco- ISAACS, Tohnstuiv Houg)WAY k Uo., Philadelphia, Pft by whom led which bears on ils hannora tali, is the largest post in the Department, SABLE & SEAL FEES irnge. ilc bus deprived somebody of a crnlH Sheriffs iii' Jbn-gen, JRirlingtun, and is commarHlcal by Brevet Maj-General Successor to “ Death to bcfuocracy.” They rim llio fuw dollars; you hiwo kept from honor Capo Miy, Cumberland, (rioucester, Geo. A. Custer, wluj.so uaino and fame JOHN FAIIEIRA, Is unsurpassed. ESTABUISHISD 1840. parly. They know tlio inside Ivleka and and consideration every m.'in of fine foeb Hudson, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Ocean, have passed into history ns a most success­ I.oportor and Mnnufneturor of Tho reader Is moat res^'ecta A IN O Y 1 - U 1 4 S . fully Invlteil to call and examin* STINER’S they do not hesitate to say so. They im» in tlio community who being rich will ful General during our late war, and who Sussi X, Uui'-n mid Warren ; Cierkii in of nil doeorlptionfl, » our large slook of goods. R make out slates and when lieaving nnclior, has sine*e distinguished himself in subdu not or being poor cannot if ho would, buy B(}rgcn, Ocean, Somerset and Warren, tile Indians in tho Washitaw—iti WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Uiey sot sail for the opposition you would votes enough to secure an cloclioii. Are and Surrogates in Hudson and Ocean,— taking an important part In tho expedi­ Furs Altered and Hopalrod. SelHnjf at lowest Cash prlops. All goods gunranteed ne represented. N e i M aiS CUm Tea Co, On the general county tickets the Jle- REiM FM BEK T H E STO K E, 718 A RCH S T R E E T . Also, Branch Stores at 828 ARCH nnd This long iinil wuH established house is now scll^ think that they had every vessel in the you any butter tbun he is? In fact are tion of iho YYliiO.wslooe—and more re­ Ing cxeellunt Tons of tho nulilicans carry tliirlccn and tlie Demo­ 16 SOUTH EIGHTH ST8., PHILADELPHIA.* nov l l- 2in Atlantic squadron at lljcir back aiii/_tliat you ns good? IIo lias only committed cently, in entering that dreaded terra m- ISICW C l ^ O P , crats <‘ighi of Hk? counties. In Atlantic, tho Black Hills, and who is now the enemy had no more cliauce tlmn a an individual offenco against W'liich every rofputay Solootod by thoir own Agents, In China & Japan/ Capo Jil-iy, GloucesUr and Monmouth, lying on hia arms waiting the orders of chipmunk in thu claws of an eagl.‘. They man is on llie lookout and at wliiuh only a there was no opposition lo the iSberifis. AT PRIOICSTO SUIT THE TIMES. hu Govrrnm(‘.nt. A young man bruvelted STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! C O F F E E S nre Rtonm Roasted fresh DrtllVy run the caucus and having agreed liclorc- few of his comrades connive ; yon have T lil) HKNATE. Miijor-Geneml of the U. S. Army when leas and tiollocs sold by tho Chest, Package and hand wUh .a few of thoir own ilk in the coinmiLlud a ten-fold greater crime bo- 24 years old for gallant service in th(? field, ...... I orJ Coi'Nrv. N.wb. Tr.iiM Ex’s M. H, M (^K9ki A neighborhood they unauimouaiy nominate cauBO your victim also assenla Lo the ar- At lull lie...... Jlrjson Madden. D ...... 1879 A hero, feted and toasted, and in every ____ , . , , XI JU ,V. *0 ~Vnsa1hu)i.».. ,t.. Lonii Abhml 1)...... Wlii-n the Secretary and his party were for uvory hniu--N work. Full particulars, terms, Ac., .som ireo. Send u.s your address lU once. Don’t nmnd that everybody else shall mceklv isoii shoiiB. They doubt if you lluiitcrdi>ii...... F. A. Potts I t...... appmaohirig Lliis fort, the sutler of the m onr jMitoit...... fohn 11 Hliickwcll D...... 1878 Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, &c. delay. Now Is the time. Don't look for work or receive the ticket and vole it under Uio ace aH good. They think it would do no .Muldioi^cx...... imsLscnt to Gen. Caster’s headquarters business el.si wlmro, until you have learned w h at ,.L(!vi D Jii'rrurd it... ..1877 we oiler, a . S'j'iNaoN k Co., Portland, M aine. f.'iir of excommunication. If ihey can harm Lo turn the tables and set you mak­ M'liituiaith...... W. Il, IImifirick--oii*D.. .. [K71J two boxes and ono basket of champagne J a iu - ly r with a polite note HUggesting that it might succeed in whipping in Ihose accustomed ing slines for the benefit of the stale.— >ui at)...... J.ilii) S Scliulia K...... 1878 bo Hccp.ptabic to hi^ guests. The General DVEKTISINU : C h e a p ; Syste tic.—A ll* I’llAHilio...... John Hooper (>...... 18(7 AT SMOCK’S STOVE STORE, A persons who oo___itomplate making trnoti to vote their tiok.'t, they liave gained n You couU do less Imrm Unit way than ...... -Cljjirliw S. Plummer R.. ,.1879 immediately returned it, saying “ he with nowapapers for the Insertion oradvertlse- point in these days. They then set abpul by aeliiig as you do now. ' Sonuiii'iiL...... C. B Mooro D. gain...... 1879 DcitluT drank wine himself nor entertaiu- meiits, should send 25 cents to Ooo. P . RoweH ft. SUHHCX...... Snrnuel T Smith D... ,.s..1877 ed his guests wilh it.” Oo., 41 Park Row, Now York, for their Pamphi.xt- to win votes from the epposition and if The people, however, iiru gcUing quite Union...... Book (nlnety-seventh edition), containing lists of ,Wm.J Miigio R...... 1879 Wherj \VG remember that tho noblo man M ain Street, BCigTatstowii, X . J, over-iooo newa])apers and eBtirarUos, showing th« they are nafuraily in Ihe minority this is tired of your circumgyrations. Y our day Wart.-n...... V/m, Silvurthorno 1)...... 1879 wliose name honors the post was also an cost. Advertisements tiikon for leading papers In Uop. 12 ; bi*iu ; Dorn gain. 1; ♦re-oioctod. many Slates at n tremendous reduction w'om pub- llieir only liopc. The best men in tlio is about coming to its close and milese exemplary temperance man, it soema a llBhers’rates. Get the book. janT-ly ojiposition cannot be- hoiiglit. There are you W'lhe up to the fact and to use a THE AS.SEMBEY. hippy coincidence that the present com­ AU the MOST APPROVED PATTERNS at VERY LOW PRICES. those who will sell thomselves, liowevcr, Atlantic—L'^onard H. Ashley, R. mander is us earnestly a i)racHcul Leraper- iiautwa! Jigure quite current with yon, anco man. and around this cla.ss, like hungry dng.s steer in the t'PP^^ite direction there will Bcrgiu—lai, Jniir. H. Wiiiani, D. ; 2 I, Barney N. Furdon, IX Another incident may not bo inappro­ Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. T a y l t r , around a meatless bone, do tlieso polili- fine of tliesQ r A DOt bo enough men on Burlingmn—Ut, Daniel L. Platt, R. priate ijere. VViiile the General was sta­ BCJi 30-2m Hiivlng miuloLirge Improvements and Addi­ ciansfliick. Tlien comes the tug of war. your old hulkIW un tin! let tioned at Fort Riley in 1867 ho had a tions to their EsLalillsiimcnt. Invito the aitm tlon gain ; 2d, Edward P. Matthews, D. ; 3 1, of purohasors lo their Immense Stock consisting of A long pull’ a strong pull, a phll altogelli- Sammd Taylor,* R. ; 4ih, John W. Cavi- severe attack of illness and the physician idutio to weather Iho storm i.’ow gatlier- pre.'icribod brand, “No,” said tbe General, cr may get the greater mioiber ntui Ibo ing around you. Ooraplaint is leer, R., gain. GENERAL DRY GOODS, C.uudeu—iHt, Akh'n C. Scovul,* R.; “ I will die first.” tlection is won or lost. On election night N ilL L IN E R Y, fiom all sides. You make o u t a canvass 2Jf Oliver C- Jmnd, R ;3i, Richard N. PEARCE’S NEW GROCERY STORE, one class of them parade tlie slrects wliilu and you tliink to smite the enemy hip and Thr Authors of the “ Spelling 11, -riiiR,* it CIORMKR irtAlIY AND 8TOCKTON STREETS. Youths Eeady Made CLOTHING, tlio other class slink snllenly lionie to (jupj M.iy—William T. Stevens, R., Manta.” —And now it U said that the tliigli. Your voters, as you call them, do publishers of Webster’s Diutionarii s arc CARPETS, bed. In barns and alleys, on street cor- not couio tip the rack om) long before gain. responsible for thu recent “ Spelling Bee” Cumbuflaod—1st, Isaiah Richman, D., FURNITURE AND BEDDING^ n. rs and ont-nf-liio-way-i'Iiices are our a!l the returns arc in on election night it excitement. Whether this is true or not. A Full Line of Choice Family GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gain ; 2il, tP‘o. ^V. Paym-,* R. Iho spelling mania was a good thing, and The whole o( which having been marked at oat- clcetioriS decided and the very ninn is you who in sadness and madness go 1'Pri‘x—1st, Albert 1). Traphngon, R. ; tremely low prices, they are enabled to ollor at who descend to Ibis business are often­ it undoubt,ediy had a very excellent influ­ quietly and sulkily home to bed. Elec- O'. D.ivid bond,* D. ; 31, Francis K. ence. or all educaiionai accomplish­ I>Ii:Cll>K l> W ^VliOAIIN©- times members of State Central eommit- •t'ona do not go to suit you. Your predic­ 11 mV.'ll, R., gain ; 4i.T S. V. C. Van ments, a proper knowledge of Llie orthog­ Otls Bros. Improved Patent R. R. Passenger El­ tocs and are engaged in spreading lliming R.-nb.sFl.ier, R., gain ;' Oilh . M. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! evator (tho larg^'st in tliu U nited S tates) will ta k e tions do not seem to bo w#rth n copper.— raphy of our own language is certainly the Custom ers to each floor. proclamaliims Uireatouing to impale the Paterson, R.. gain ; 0th, Charii::^ iL JTar- most d sirablc, and of afi the deficiencies A false prophet in these latter days'you riflon, R. ; 7ih, Eikanah Drakn, R. : 8'b, The Jersey City, Franklin, Trade, Pater­ Goods ft. Samples sunt free to all parts of thw first mull they calcli buying a vote. When in our educational methods, that ruhuing country. oct21.10w seem lobe. You cannot midersiaml it, Marcus S. l{ichnnls| U., gain ; OLb PhiJip LO this study is the most marked. And son, Mercer Mutual, Freehold they take Lire stump their only cry is re­ W. Cross, R., gain. you say the oUior sid-i had the most we vTcre therefore going to say that Mutual, ami Princeton ILiord & T aylor, form and their idea of reform is merely to Glnuccsicr—1st, Thomas B. Lodge, D.; money. I^ociilly you may bo right ; whether the 8|>lay- RS Webster’s Pocket Dictionary, sold for Short Cut to Wealth. gain. Olio D )l!ar, and to be had of almost any OFFICE COR. MORRISON * MERCER STS. buy it and lliis is tlieir stiitemansliip.— mg ihe polbicmn in any of lliu usual ways, Uuninrdnn— .T-imes Bird,* D. ; 21, Chances for all I Male end Fem ale A gents an S'ato Prison “ out of poli­ loose oats. lu some manner a coll of 2 5 . 0 0 A t the Nauesa Hotel, In the Borough of Prince­ each a state of things exists ? S6 long as The story has never died as did its hero, tics.” T r y n ” ” ton, nt 2 o’clock P.M ., this class o f men tqn ow local politics but history find poetry and eloqnenco ever ^ence wire had became mixed with the Senator Jarrard of Middlesex and Potts nati and thrown iuto tbe machine All that Certain Lot of Land, Jo it aq kRtg trill the same olaes of men, recur to it as ono of the noblest eXAmpjes In the above brands of Cigars, as far as tbe quabty and price ia of Ilunierdod are spoken of for President unseen by tho farmer. One end of the eltuate In tbe Borough of Princeton, ftnd bonoded endo4reil;wftli a IR ^ mpire brain but not oflarge- heartednees and of high-roind- of tbe Senate. Mr. Jarrard has been at wire iDstanlly fastened around the oylio* concerned, we defy competition. Also, I am putting up a ft« follows: fiegUmlng atn st»ks on fonmr off a wbll |iq«r«/>( ihoral py|ncitlle, rnn the ednese on record. Trenton for 11 years—five in the House der of the tbreeher aod the other end Hiram W. Neary’s lot, on Oanal street, being (M caught about Mr. Bndltione made known on day of.eaie. . ii;* hard add the wolf It at For ihe other )ki*1i Ioos tbe oomber is ,of the mauhiue stopped the horses, and mhrkot for tho same money. * ■ ia>wfN“S. GOOD, - Jlibior. ' Wlu^n the tempting jidlDiraltmi of the ipMd as haa Sir Philip. legion- Geijis J . Madiaon Drake of Eliza­ g**ing back found the beaira floor.— '"Ii UtfHtt &ti luiiiie be Some meu me juat atai ting out to work od beth wants to be Eugrosaiug Clerk. , ’' [ll M ., il\ ^ ...... ' 1 . ; B. B. Kofaa.—Onatihr, ihs Amboy I nduction o r t s | | K bw Sh e r if f in ­ i*i7RCi^/8hf^‘GOCM—Wk*a Itkh , da. TtuECKATioltaMadT tu»r»nt««d J^KW JJKRSK; THE GAZETTE. lefafaRV nm aU siu: HioTOii/>{.sraor ibrUovgiia, Division operator, sUtes ottcinllr that to Of f ic f .—T he Sherifl eloot, Mr. Jo- horns to portbkss nii •rtle*e'4r sriirn'es #« noI(llan.t Broiteliltiki KiDSCVP«>«mAi..ljlPlin«'nt •u p P ills. NuM by W. N. UiU’iNiNeuAM. Iliahlfr- THOS. li. APPLKGRT. BbifoH AftD PpiunriKR. eleciricity Is a shocking tiling to take, •eph S. Mount, made bis nppoBrance at m e moat iipt to gd where are acquBfnt- ibwn, and J. Wa !JCK1Ii Orkitbury. aiMns' Middlesex Co'. Surrogaie’rf Olflce and a little of It goes a gr^At ways. This Ibo Court House Tuesday, to be qualified efi Riuj have a friendly preference, or eliio Upon the ivppllo'uronor J to»»b Vfj oiLadniin. T «rrai,. Mpy^ ' $• fifr J»» iqto ofiK e. , M astko Y oru Cotraa ,vt O.vok with flaW t Hon- Dtri^tarKtarol ol Wipiiihi .Huun:, l«tv of ihl Oouu- R EED & gi! “ i Id lO dopfe*. . 1 60 “ “ npplibs equally io Ulib tole^fnph and Jer-. we will shop ithevc welielleve th at wo Alilf fy o/ ifoivAwUHt/ dffrt T«r. Every afTrciIiui oT the lyofMijfMitIdlelox! a cc lao't, L Wlllfam Ron«y, .Ir., ** . to of aided odp!«ii> I'OQ ** sey lightning. Hla boiuU for I^ns prpsppted, iuDK*. cheMtnr t h r ^ t .tondlut; to coniiumpHoi', i« HnrruifutS t>1 l7iu Bvfd county of Miadlvm-x. (Iu H arn iltofit be fairly denll by, and have a first riass to t only rt'Uorml.hul abi'olntp y i.tJlIWniiou hy iliUi liorviiy ordet -uijj tlirret liio Raid adm laiRtruuir to iMi»dttTAorl* otof Ititt Britton says Ihb blde&i bUHufie is signed by Joseph M-iUnt,' Major Voor- variety of goods to choose from, But liorfttJ imluunilo. SoM t>y oil dni;r- j BJvo j.ublhs uo’tRo to tha cre^litor* of the iaid de. C.m le.*«:«» . : : J : . . . „ m r i^llrtr S Im thnrho D>-ium oiiro in I nUuuWr I iDaa(«il, III hrlnif.lutUulrdahtR.doniamlaniidrlaltaa OUH TERMS ABE OAaa tS AbVAlTdE “ TtckelffH (;eo8,, Lewis Ivlonckncr, Rolwrt L. Ilnich- upon the basis of the best value for the oci 'J8-4W ftuder oat?j,o^ irtrrmRMoo ikst^lnat the laid estnio' Rerftaftornn ntmo will bo entered lipnn our w ithin nine inontlie front tlio d ate of IhiR onorder, hy Ihvet*y Tlm Vsday/r The other day, a mother in the cars at msdn, blsirk fl*. Formau ‘and Reuben Nor­ least mbnejr, I invite you to Inspect 9«tUn m en bonk w ithout the eOflh. From thU fdle wo THE NEW DENTIST. sotting up » copy Qf tUa,order wUhlotwenty (lays •hen not derinto. •' Camden depot, tried to quiet her unruly ris. The bond was approved, and then Stock of one hundred thousand dollars aTior Ihu dale bereuL Id. tire ol thu must ptihfio^ Til" D j't artirt'iai too'h on the most plfim|)l!im a& inIn' «:lld«:(M eoun' y for the space of two inunlhi, We eliAirgire daenotfee rf the expirktidtiof 6aoh boy by telling him that the G a ze fte the oath was taken by the new Sheriff worth of Dry Goods at retail. Please and also hy advorlioinir theaaino for the like space C00£ STORE of S. IE4RU3, tubrariplilon end hope that oar fribnda will he maiori ila for b iilutos. Tooth oxtracted with­ uC time in the Hlglit^town O akbtti, ouo o f tbe wlihafuIliChdf^rchufi' l\ntn>ru^i*ht:^ ^ prom pt! Q renowipg ao m not to miM • nambor of rules made It the duty of conductors to and he was qualified according to law. remcnaber that this enormous stock Is at out pnlrt. Alt opcriUlnns guaranteed. Fricoa nowspapera printed In ll»ls S la te . Apu l|> i\y hred- moderate, lit Dr. U. J. U.vzari>'» olftcfi above th e papor swallow all little boys that did uot behave J. R. C. Johuson, Hezekiah Mount and IT. G. Scu d d e r ’r, lutr clmll negloet .to M hlM t Ijl^ .oT, bSr^eOt. do- Cloths, Cas^iaiurb*. OvffeoHlIttgif Vett­ r ‘ M’'R HEREBY OFFER Railroad DrlJgc, Stockton Siroo't, lllj^htatown, N. and orolalth, ivltilln SiUd period a* themselves. Just then the majestic form Jesse E. Bodine, the Coroners elect, were O l d n e w jK u s iy r S t o r e , ftflor public n(T{tc« gtven rts arore.«Hltr,’fuoh erodlt- ing**. to tnrwerd the R ioiitiitowk SAr-FTTr, poataire J. novSO-H or shnll bn fort*vi*r barred of his dr h'er action prepaid b j ua, to all aabaerlhera whoae aubaorlp- of extra doilductor Levi made il6 a[ipeAf- present and also took tbe oath of oMcOi No, 45 Greene street^ Trenton, N. UKuliisf tho^-,(Ul luliniiilHivatnr. i?hTc1i fic i^ill Soli c.'ct^onjclv loir ^riee4 X per- Dr. L. WfLniTlt-Omoo JuyR. ;fao8dny« and fcM fit amt emjr>- salkstaoU.)); guarailtO'd. rtvae* tinna areVeeeired before Jannarr tat, ance on the platform, when the lad whim­ The Sbufiff Gidn invited his secnritlcs, Oiveii under my In*ml LhlB-tlli tluyol'AugustjlSTO. Oftil uiul oxamuio. AT THE OLD RATE, |1 fiO PER ANNUM IN All sliades Zrphyr and Gorman Salnrd a; WILLIAM REILEY, Ju., Surrogate. advance. ______pered in a tone just audible throughout the officers of the court and other county an}T town Wool ai Blackwell’s. thQ; car, “ Look, infl; I ’ll bet he’s ju st officers and a number of friends to dine if^Y For ]>\rgoaH.HOitonjnt ufKiiil GIovch <^CHEAPEST AND BEST D CO to Blackweil’iH. t, 0OMMISSIONEUS’ SALK “ X O C ^ L . ' swallered a b o y - ’cause see how he is with him at the American House. The M kn’s ni'flisrsH S(mt8, a very large stock. swelled.” Invitalion was accepted by d large nura Y outh’s UiiKSS uml School cJciTs, an elegant assortment. ber and the party sal down to a splendid Items and Comments. A sad accident happened to the special R oys’ J ackkts. P ants and ^■l;s^8, a full line. T lin w ie d , RE AT. ESTATE. All hnniL’omely and fashlonaltly im ute,'or ilcalr- P ursuam III an order ol Iho OrphniiR* Ihiurl, ol inspection train on Tuesday. The nssis- din ner. lliniUimni y ot .Un-cM'r, made on Ihn •.’■J l (hiy i*rOc- T hanksgiving.—By refere^ to an­ able and ilurahlc goods. tao^Bond Foreman -of engines fell fiom Jiiilge Buchanan presided and conduct I’OTT.S-FISU FIL —At Iho rcsMonco ol tho t'lho. A. D. 1875, the S uhx'ribers. (h'lumipsloiioi'p, Peterson’s Magizlrifl other column it will be seeiijjHBt Gov. SiNCLAia, Van.nkrt a W k st, will e.vpo:r 1^7^ wfH pfwicnif :d v a 11 M w all't '•'iporb, l irg-sir,oc| siooi eugrnvIngofTroiri- Tet Tindall, formerly of this place, was gineers Lukens and Bannerd, and Super­ pointment it 18 said meciB with goLoru) Purchases heavy 1 DomesUi.-s purchas wf or:‘; i. ,^aht ileiV'iired idj* rorided; plhiafe In ; bull’s uob'hratBd plot lire ol '’fiic Signing of tha 1,1'•■a lb.'''. i DcejaraUim of Imlopondcuoc.” This will be• Pc- seterely injured at Jamesburg by being visors Wright and Longstreet started on approbation. ed hiOfitly by I’filkages, Casus a n d BaU-s, the Tiiwnphii) of WePl Wiiidhor. ill the County of .lO llN SO N . —Al .Ijimcr'burn'. ('ll the lnl iii.xt., .Meiei’i'. ('ll tlie road Iculing from Lawrence J,lalc>^ 12 color',-d JlyrRn piy.^- until Friday. Allantio A Mu.^Jlin, 8;|c. by the piece. tM»RY.—Oet. iM, 1875, nt New i’rovideroc. N. .1., t'' ; niivmmti >|ored fashion plates, 24 pages •Lec t u r e and F estiv a l.—T he enter­ bers of the Order from BordclUowii, CoriiPliu,-* l.evci-ii!dp^ „„|y of ai. nud * -S 0 5 r^ AoTT^itful, ol lliuslc,. tmd uoo d cuts. “Lethargy” is a new railroad word aud Atlantic (( dluo, Rju, ...... J wW he iHado in ISTfl.. AiAon'g tainment in Pearce’s Hall, on Thursday Hebron and Windsor Ijodges, aud a largo E. .1. GoIV, and grand ehlh! ol the hue R-'v. K. W- nboul yo acres of which Is Woodland, tho ba’aiioc Conductor Durand has a patent on it. Massachusutts double BB., 8c. mostly lillahie land, in ptatu of eu]|iviitUin; them will bo a sitIoh of llluBirated artlolcR on tft« evening was a success although the atten* delegation from Allentown Lodge, paid a Fotiu-lhridupjaged 10 years, '1 moiUhs ami days. well adapled to grain and graps. wltti Friyiio tlreM Exhibit ion a t riiM ivlehihls, w Itloh will alonio The employees at the Camden oftice AppluU’ii A. 0-. Dwelling House, 'l'w«> llarus, Cow House. Wilyon ho worth tho subscription price. They wilt b'i'ap- dance was not large. The lecture by fraternal visit to llamiUon Lodge at the Honort*d oh canli nud '•••ot lu-d in Hen \ en. pro|.rliiiely oullod turned out the other day to hear a brass Genuine Old Siatulard M(‘rlitnuck Cali House ivml other oni-biilMlng. The abovo proper- Kev. B. T. Tanner, D. D., on “Rome and Square. Old Ilamillon Lodge room was ty will Im iilUu ud ill I wo [HU is, ilto i>iirt with Uio hand, but found it was thebaDdsome con­ ones, 7|c. by the piece nr 8c. hy Iho yard, KELUHOUri SFRVtOE.^ hulldlngp coiUaing about P£1 acre.*; t he olhor eun- THE CENTENNIAL IN VBN AHK the ifegfp,’^ -'was a very One production, filled to Its utmost capacity, and a vefy liilng oboiii h4 aeres, with a g'md lowuhm for PENCIL! ductor snoring in the receive’r room. 5,00U yards n( good, fine, fast colored Ha TisT O h ). P. Eauuk.'i buihliii.:.'* on Ihe public road. very forcibly delivered. Dr. Tanner is pleasant Uine vvas had. Short, good-na hlia vie ling n o’ehx: k. Evo Persoii.s th'.-iirlug to view the i»mpetty prqvloiM TIio Ifnrflensp Hffrulntlb'u.of *'T!ctcf«qn" entities GingliJilhs lU 10c. D‘j do M. Pr IO tlu) il.i V ril ,s;i le, will bo shown (lio ?aiitc liy e i ’- Its propi'loior to .Hpeud m ore .money on cmj'olllfih-; plainly a cultured specimen of the race he Wouldn’t T e l l .—I n the absence of lui’(3d speeches were made, and jokes were din null-- CANTON KLAN.NELS ,Me< Uiig on .loliii ( ‘onouT, on the fa nn, or i.}enrgt^ K. mords. .‘‘if'ries. AC., ftc.; ihnn any qth’er. Itglvoi represents, and having given careful study ihe editor we take the liberty of telling a abundant. We noticed on the fioor the M. I' Rev. .1 L kWi.-. I»a 1 'ook, one of I ho ( 'onuuissloners. on the adioiulng more fi'r tR«? iiiotioy than any In the world. Its purduised by the case, llie very best in hiilli .H ■b'e,«.’ iioi-nlnu u»'.i o'eu.ek, eaing 7' farm. Uoudillous niole kiiownoii iliwday of rale. to the subject of his lecture, was able to little joke we heard about^him. Ho was following named perHons who represented o'elovh ..iMtelmol P. M. 1 i'ohM CO D EOHUF. H. t'OUK., the nuirki-t, nt 10 ami 12 jc. liurT h sd’.'iy'! 7L, o’olnek. .inilN D, RUE. Thrilling Tales aiid Novelette^ make it very interesting. The festival out gunning last week in company with a tlieir respective Lodges by short speeches ; miv4 Sw .ULSEPll H. URDVER. ^ AMOSKKAO I'RINTS P R«v. .r. H. D a are ilih beiR pnfdlshed anywborc. All fhe tnoilf held by the ladies during the evening prominent judge of the Mercer Courts, G. M. Dye, Wm. E. Miller, Wni. H utch­ S abbath sorvi tag r i'll' , n-. lOl.LU, 187.'). (;0MMl^^He0^KUS. ^ nophlar wrltyrs am om(duyud to write orlglnalljj in good nIyluH niid dark CoUirs at fi je. 7 o’wloek. S idiool. •. 's i‘- M lor “ Pe(crspn," In l>7tl In aihlUlijii lo th o u su u l cleared about Afty dollars, which will be Mr. Frederick Farr of ScoUs’Corner, Gen. inson, James Gillem, Smith Eldiidge, F, Meulltut Thill .day 1 iting. 7 /eloek.. qnantliv of short stories, F ivk OimtiNAi/lUirT- YARD IVIDK ULEACIIKD MfSUN J^urniture & Upholstery ituiUT Nm-w.nTTH* will bo given, by Mrs. Ann S. appropriiited to the . use of St. James A. Karge of Princeton, Mr. J. Madison Pulh-n V. WeUierill, E. B. Rogers, ami oHuts F !ev. n.lIiUh 8 and 1 0 *. tor—Ha ld.nl lUiK at. 11 <1 'eloek .stcplu'iis. p ran k L b o IJcrtcdlrtl, Alifi. i \ M. R 6t- M. E. Chapel. of this place and one or two others. As from GrovevilU’, whose names wc did not -HCllOOl. 10 A. M. t Ko largest and nio.-t coiupleto nssortment of neU, tttid othcis. GREY TWIM.KD KLAJtNlR.'f’, I': the venerable judge displayed remarkable learn. These were responded to on be­ T iunity ('n,ve l(m n ; tiv.r F reehold.—T he case of G. W. P at­ double weigh', at “oc; A good Grey Sunday Servi ml 4 P. A. agility in tbe woods and carried Imme half of ILmulton Lodge by Joseph S. ihiy .Se'liool, FllRNlTUKE. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plate^i terson having gone to the Supreme Court Twilled Flannel at 18e. AeuKiAN—-\l. !• naore gome than all the others together, Mount, Sheriff elect ; Wm. L. Pearson, m-K, Pa: Consisting ol ahcmi of another'*. Tlmsp plal e.s nro ongrnvod on All-wool Scarlet 'Pwill.-d Fiamiuls, the Vl.'i .Vldek':' Evening is off for the term. On Saturday last Slew- Fiiclor ^VdlmiL Cliamber .Suiis, steel, rwii'K THK esr.u, h'/.k. inid aro iincqualed the editor set himself to work,to find out G. R. Robbins, James C. Robbins, Rev. )'eh)' ’ P. M. 1 i lof bmiut y. They will be superbly colored. A Iso*, art Browu was sentenced to pay a fine of best yot offered, al 20 aml.lUc. Ing Ti )’elnek. how old the guest might bo. The inter­ W. W. Case, R. F. West and others. UOTT.'VGK 'o H a MBER SUITS, lloii.'‘elndd at d ol her rrceipls ; In short, everything ;S500 and costs on the Longstreet case MedifUlcd, A nti-rhoiimalic, Double liueri'.silng to lu'lics. view lasted for some time and was qull(^ Iluii'j llu h k luul t'L m w /MdlLfewbOs, N. H.—A.s Iho I'ubllslipr imiT pre-pnvs Ihopoti- and was gran.ed a new trial on the B’eed A n OCTOOENARrAN.—Lydia Eld ridge,^ Weiglit and Sbnker Seal let Twilled Flan­ exciting at times, but we believe that the y^DAMINlSTRATORS’ SALE lugc to a 'l nmii sula crihcrl. “ Peterson'^’ Is cttKAP- nels, ut 5(V. ,‘fi'ltIN il ill!!>S,J KU THAN liVKll; 111 luvlLs Ulc CnUAl'KST 1» THk Cii^se. widow of the late Wilson Eldridgt^, died wolli.b. judge came off victorious in the cro.ss ex­ OF Prim e Feydli 's, \Vhidow Shades, l^oolilng (Dass- at Hamilton Square on Saturday, at the WJIIT]'. wool. FLANNELS e.s. ( ’hiMieii . ('iiri'l'ges. The oelchralod Brown F astin g .and P raVER.—I n accordance amination as well as in the hunt, and up age of 87 years. She was the niece of at 18, 25, 3t and ;i7ic. und Bliss Terms (always in advanced $2 a Tear. with the request of Messrs. Moody and to the last accounts the editor did not Captain AloxiUider Dnugln.s, who was a Gilbtirl’rt, IStevuns’. Biillarxlvnli* and REAL ESTATE. ■WALNUT EXTENSlOH TABLES, 2 Torf^il.fRL or S for with a Sankey, to-moirow (Friday) will be gen­ find out his age. » Piir>-iriiit lo an cnhirof Iho ()rp!ian''< ('ourt I'f copy ol thu premium iiiy^r'jtinl (‘21.x2it) “tlnniHT- personal friend of Genernl Washington, .Shaker Flaiinclp, in fill tlic difll^cnt the I'ciuiity ol' Mere-er, luiido on liie iw eiiiyjirnr Tog.it her with nil goods pi-rDi lii'iig Id t he Fit nil siA.s Mo u m n u ," II/irc thylhiy viKjravinij, to Iho per- erally observed by the Christian people of day of-Novemli- r. A. D. eiglUeen immlreil and tnrelliie. ; .son getting up (he tUub. I mprovements.—Mr. Wm. T. Brown and at whoae house, which is still stand­ widths and qimlitiu.*?, nt from Lo 75c. A,11 my rpUiiLSTiiRV v'"rk Pinadc under my j the United Slates a« a day of fasling and sevoiily.lour. Die KubMTllhT. ailmiiil.-^lr Iior of •I 4'opioN f o r gO.KO, o r 7 f o r wltl\ .ip has been beautifying his residence with a ing on Broad street, Trenimi, the coun­ PANTALOON STL'FK.S. .lame.i M urray, di-eoaso,|. will expo.-uj to pale nl own .mpervlBloii, m which itiu bc.st m au rlals only | e.xtrii copy ol i Iu* Magarim! for.l87ii, ua li jifemiu'm, prayer, with especial n ference to a gen­ puldie vendue. are nsi'.l. to D'*- i.bt.son getliim up tlie ('ih'lF new coat of paint. cil of war was held the night before the ICcMitiK-ky Jeans, at 1?L IS and 25c. ( M.l Solas u n d o over un-l ar good ns new. eral revival of religion in the land. Notice (>Ji Fridiiy, neconihor 10, 1S75, All my gu'oU being IhiuuIiI and .'-old lor cash, eii- ^ C'opiOH for 9S..SO. H lo r 812..T0. Or 12 for In several places around town the battle of Princeton. Overall Denims, at 12jc. ah lesm eto iiiidcrf-ell tliosu who buy mid sell on (jilH.OO, wltlijboih HU extra copy ot tho lUngnydno wite given out in our local churches on ut 1 <'.1 lo''k P. -M al the lull re.'idenec of said de- ercflii. tor ls7(i. anil iJie premium mi'T'./otint, a /t-r dollar planks and stones which, protruding from CASHI.MftHKS. CCilS' d. all tlint certain niijniiu/io, to the pcr.-'uii g e ttin g up the Uluh. Sunday and noeetlngs will be held on that i la V iiig bough! Lirgi'ly i>f goods al jiuiile pricer t luir true posithms (’lulungered only the S()CiAnLJ2.—The sociable In aid <>f the The very hesi ihnl can [losgibly bo pur- r v i i A i . r r o a * A,TV a>, 1 am pri'pared to oiler gn'ut bargatii.-<, and shiill A ddress, poKl-piild. day. take ploaMiiro in showing lh"sc Who may favor me tllA K J.H S ,t PH TERS0N, limbs of travellers, have been removed Y, M. C. A ., held at llie house of Mr. ased, at 50, 02f and 75c. lyiiiK nil the old 'i'ork ro;i loW im l-oi. ad.p'lo: wltli a call. John McMurran la.stevening was well a t­ l.'iiid.i of J ai'ob St nil.-* and le'i'.-i, containing al-i A. V. M ANMNtJ. 3u*l riiestiiut vSt., Philiviteiphia, Pti. Co n fer e n c e.—T he editor is absent in and tbe holes they covered are elegant Fine Clothn, Business Siiillngs and 17 acres of lainl, .■=tj*celmens sent g ratis if wrlUciJ tor. tended notwithstanding the rainy weatlmr I'he Imimivi’iiienls i-oii'-lst ol a I’l'anm Dwelling, oct SH-lyr 47 ( D ei-ne St , Trenton, N. .1. attendance, upon rtve Sessions of the Con places in which to get killed outright. Overcoatings. Biirii and other ouibuildlngs. t'oiidliloiis iiiiiUo of the day and w asW success financially. known ou da\ ol sale. •ference of the Methodist church, at This is put under the head of improve­ Great Bargains in J’lnid ami Mottled The expenses of the Association are quite DAVID Al’PLF.DATE, Bridgeton. The session opened on Tues­ ments as to die at once is an improve­ Mnhnir Dress (Jo'-ds, at 12^, ami I 8Jc. nv 11-4W A 'tm iiiislriito r. day morning at 10 o’clock. During the ment on lingering along after nn accident. considerable and havo lately been increas­ Elegant new shades of linn Heps, Sur year the president. Rev. Henry Watson Dr. C. F, Deshler is also repaiuLing bis ed by the circumstance that fire both.night gi-8, Mohair aud Alpaca Dicas Goods, at proclaimitioii by the Governor. ami day eceratf necessary to render the 25f\ iias opened a of Glassboro, has died, and the delibera­ bis residence. Recognizing Hoii a.^ Ihn S Shaiigle & Son have very thoroughly reading room comfortable. Caslimorna, in all the choice ricli colors Si’iirecanrl (ilvorof all our tions of the body are directed by his suc­ hlissings, iiii'l th at by Hi" cessor, Rev. T, T. Ileiss, of Bridgeport repaired their foundry. A new founda­ ount imeson at 27^ and 50c. will (rovormnent Is orJaiiicii M & J .—By reference to and uphold. 1. .lO.HKPH 1), A number of prominent visitors from tion has been laid aud several inside im­ onr advertising columns it* will bo seen A great variety of SJUs, Poplins, Rat­ HhDLH, tDivoriiori/of the STATIONERY and NEWS DEPOT Ohio, New York aud other Confui'ences .Stiitu of New .fursny, do provements have been made. that this old firm has been dissolved. teens Plaids, French Merinos and other lierebv desigiiilto TtlUllSDAY are iu attendunce. fine Dress Gnods. They have been prominent commission the tweiit y-illlli day of No- ON STOCKTON ST., NEAR MAIN, .Exchanged.—Hajv. E, Iliiehcock of Ladies’, Guiils’ and Children’s Merino voinhor, instant, and reeuminmul Uio liOoplo of this Y. M. C. A.—Remember that Dr. C, merchants for mnuy years and we need S tate gratcfnllv to obHurve It.as a Day oi Thank, Newark, prenclied in the Universalist L^mlerwoar—n large new stock, clieap. giving and Pr.’i'lso lo Alinighly (Jod. for Ills innu- F. Deshlcr delivers his lecture, “A Phy­ hardly say that they have acquired an merablii itouiilL'S ami mercies to us during tli« church last Sunday, in the absence of the Pattern Druggets. year drawdiu to a Hose, and ol hiimhlo j'rayor that Iff i a i T T S T O 5'T. J.i sician’s Complaint,’' in Pearce’s Hall, ou enviable reputation. Mr. J. II. Jimeson, Ho m ay continue to pro.s|iei' and bless us. pastor who preached at Stamford, Conn. Bordered Oil Cjolh Rtigs. Wednesday next at 7;30 P. M. As the on account of continued ill health, retires (Jiven under iiiy hiuul niol sr.tL at Fluor Od Cloths, at 37i and .50c, Thu E.xeciitivo ('haiiihor, IiithoCMlyof A.ND WU,I, KEKI’ UN JIANI) A KUl.L LINIi OT Doctor is no doubt first-class, when he en­ Moody and Sankey and their work, from business. Mr. A. C. Mount has Trunton, ihi.s brurl'li day of. Novomlior, A SPLENDID STOCK OKOAHPlCi'S. [L. III tho yinrol our lionl one thonsiind ters the lecture field, we bespeak for him a is the subject of a discourse in the Univer- formed a t/urternershii) with Mr. Tull eight humlred mid seventy live, and ol Ingrain Carpets, at 50, (32^ and 75c. the lii'b-pondt'iii'o of the riilftol States large and appreciative audience. salist'church next Sunday evening by the and will he glad to see his friends at the E xtra Rnper Ingrain Carpets, irl.OO, LllO one Jilllliliodlll. BOOKS BY POPULAR AUTH6r S.; Snadnj', Now.mber 14th, has been set pastor. He attended the Rink on Mon­ old stand. J . D. JIEDLE. .'?1.10iimU^L15. A ttest; lT()Vcrn''r. *apart as a day of prayer for Young Men’s day uight and the Tabernacle on Tues­ .lon.N A. llAf.r.. AMUNO iYllfOII AIIE Tim WOIiKS ot. liruRsols Carpels, ®1.25, 81.30, 81.35 Private .serrolnry. Chrisiian Associations. The day will be day morning and expresses himself highly Ce l e r y .-M r. D. W. Perrino left and 81.40. ohseirveci here by a service in the Baptist pleased with their work. The services some fine celery at the editor’s house the Will open m a few days a large stock of h^ew Jersey Stiprenie Court. (.'uAHTivs Dickkxs, ((.’mioloti’s new IllusIrnU’dj, meeting house, on Sunday afternoon at were of a quiet order and Mr. Saokey’s other day. We make this statement on - GLUAK.S AND FURS. Maiiy j . UOL.Mic.q, -Mahion nAiu.ANii, "3^ P. M. John McMurran, Esq., will singing was grand. the authority of those wlio tasted the de­ TIIO-MAS th I’ICAIICI' V8. AltiM'liment iu Ctiso. preside at the meeting and addresses wHl licious article of food. It was not a m at­ Eeavey Vhtk Cloakinqs, RlCN.f. P. hlot'NT, C.Ai'T. AIa Y.n e H k iI) (Ilh)alriil.i'ii), .losii Iln.i.iM ifi, The papers are just now filled with at from 81.50 lo 80,00. be delivered by Revs. Messrs. Lewis, Da­ ter of taste to us. Nolieo l.s horehy given liml a writ oratiaclnnont JU a u y A o n EiS Fi.EjiiNn, FAnNV FiciiN, reports of seizures of whisky disUlleries in (Lise at thu suit of Thomas iL I’lMree vs. Ben- vis, Applegot, Dr. Deshler, and others. A general slock of F a a ii l y G r o c e r i e s iiinln P. Mruiit wns issuul mu, of thu .Supreme and tbe indictment of their owners. Mil* T he WBATUl^k.—There was a com­ onrt ol Now .lerscy on the nliictoouih day of Sm Wa l t e r HiioTT (Wnvurly {Tolitil.s), Among the papers which are regularly in the B isoinciil o f Rtom. Ictober, A. D, 7''7’>. anti flnruahlo on llic Ihlr- lions of gallons of illegal whisky have plete and well-defined ring aroVind the Farming Produve taken in exchange lloth day of r).'h.i,,.r A. n. 187.), lor tlilrloon tain- on the tables at the Y. M. C. A. reading drod ami eigbi j dollars. been discovered and the government has moon on Tuesday night and inside it there for Goods. and the cumiiii POPULAR .DIJIK NOVELS, with a full supply of room, are the following : BKN.IANIN F. LEE, been defrauded out of thousands of dollars was uot a star visible. Ou the followingday Please inspect this great variety. of M. SeaA.vi ic, Clork. Dailies—Tribune, Ilerald, Witness, In­ the storm came and the prophetic old wo­ , Atlornev. quirer, Phila. Timee^ud Telegraph. of revenue. These facts have a double Goods, at Dptod October .lUih', 1875. nv ll-am men have scored one' more point in favor Wbeklies—Hightstown Gazette, Har­ significance. They upset the idea that II. G. SCUDDEII'S, STATIONERY, per’s Weekly, Illustrated Weekly, Fire­ whisky selling is of any material aid to of their well-known sign. No. 45 Greeno St., J^issolution of Co-rartuersliijn side Companion, N. J. Good Templar, including Scliool IStfok.s, Blank BookA Drawing Book.'(, Portfolios, the government in a financial point of L ost.—A Shawh about Nov. 1. JJb- oct28-lm Tt'cuton, N. J. Notlco ifl hereby given that tho cn-i>nrtnoi>hlp Bordeniown Register, Princeton Press, view. Add to thjHhousands of dollars herotoluro existing umlor the ijrm name of .Mount Public Opinion. eral reward will be given for the return of A .limcHon, was this flay itD^olvod by m utual eon- ■“ Copy BookiS, Writing Desks, Paper, Envelopes, which never reach the 'rreasury at all it at Mqson’s Store. It S IL K S and S i T k P O P L IN S ! sorit. Tim hii.diR'ss will bo {:oiiUntu.d a t ilic old MonlMy—Harper’s, Scribner’s and Mor­ stand by MouiU io Tull. that enormous sum expended in finding , Iiik.s, Pen Holders, , Bristol Board, Cards; Gaiilftg, ning GlGry. The largest Block ever offered, compris­ ABr.i AH r M o u n t , About St e e l P en s.—F ew persons v ll-yw .msEPH ll.JlM FSDN. out and bringing to justice the defrauders ing all the leading makes, both in Groa Nuv. lsi\ ]8T0. Toy Books, Crayons, Slates, &c. P astoral Ga l l .—T he F irst Presby­ and you will have very little of tbe whis­ doubtless are aware of the fact that the Grain and Cashmere finish, Lyons Ravlor terian church of Dayton bus extended a key revenue left in the bands of govern­ original inventor of Steel Pona is still liv­ A Silk Poplins, fir.sk quality, nil at ex­ PUBLIC SALE call to the Rey^ Mr. Westveer, of Ulster ment. Then again they show on which ing. Sir Josiah Mason, now the great ceedingly low prices, whitih we can rec­ OF Co., New York, and that gentleman has side of the fence the lawless belong. They pen manufacturer of Birraingbara, E ng­ ommend to be the beat value in the mark­ DULY m ffSEILY ffiffSPAPAlS, aM all accepted. show that in no branch of trade are there land, enjoys that distinction. He is now et. A look*'will satisfy you of the same, AT LOWEST CASH RATES; so many who areendeayoriag to cheat tbe very old, being above eighty. I t is in bis at D. R. BAKKli'.s, Valuable Heal Estate. F kddib I n st itu t e.—a r a th ^ select w in ho sold at]niblle snlo OfUho brcmisiui; nt Ortlors for nnytliinR in my lino promptly filluil. I nm (letbrmined tliat tlie pod- government of its just dues. A man who great factory that several of the moat pop­ 38 Fast Slate St., 3 doom from Greene. onn’h Aeck, West Wliulaur Township, Mercer audience gathered in the chapel oj^||riday {ile ofLhia lowu iluitd iiut h«j miywheru dae for lluiir roadiii^^ matter and statulnery. attempts to evade the payment of his ular of the widely famed Spencerian aunty, New .tcr.scy, on night lastyto Usteo to the musical and de­ Double Elastic Steel Pens are made, tbe Wednesday, November 17, 1875, clamatory exercises of the students. We taxes is a dangerous man and society has Cloalc.^! CloaJcs! iil»r De W ayne Pullen. little need of him. Wendall Phillips said models being supplied by the proprietors All Lliflt ccrtiiln litrm or tnict.-! of tnndjilL.. to in know the declamations were good for we Special announcement to (ho Ladies! ...... uaerlbbd, whereof...... luha (L .SeheHcit>k, latelate of fl.i.bl the other night in New York that the only of the pens, Messrs, Ivison, Biakeman, townshipIp tiled,...... rotzed or ■ ...... oscribml...... a mi heard thetp Ml. We 'don’t know about Just open ! Onr 3R1 and Winter styles of buumlod by-tliu H. R .froin I’rtnoolon .1 unction way to abolish “the evil was to close the Taylor & Co., the Educatloual Publish­ ’rtneetoh, tho Dolawiiro and Raritan Oniial, tho XLm/'.fm.TWTMP'or:*®- all the music for while some of it was be­ Paris and Berlin made Cloaks, the nbW- road loadin- -- . doors of tbe grogshops by legislation,” and ers of New York. The 8poDceriAn Pens ling from Fcnn’H Nock lo PrJnooton, ant ing performed we were shut out iu the ost styles in endless variety, at the old by 1 oUniuiul sS. Voorhtion. be is right. have attained their, great popularity from hall and tbe sound coming through the established Cloak Emporium of Containing 130 AeUes, a varietv of reasons, all of which will be rtiol or lorn. TIjo luiin-ovotiiontfl oonslsi ol a thick chapel doors was somewhat modu­ D. S. B ak^ r^ -6 THE WHEELER & WILSON MFC CO., R equiescat in P ace.—I t is asserted apparent to any one who may try them. r,(,oMM..Ion, ooiilalMlug u room. wlUi Kootl ool- lated by the Ume It reached our auricular 38 East State St., 3 doors from Ofreenet r under thu wlinlo Jiouso, a well oriastliiir wator, that Hightstown has never before been so Cff one number alone more than six mil­ 111! now piiiniiUiorolii.at tlioilo.ir. Alto, n ]ar«o OJT jpniLA D ioLtiigi; appendages. It was fuu, though, to wait arn, 40 by 64 luot, a n«w |„iy i„„„o .2, 35^ „„„ quiet and orderly, so free from any dis­ lions were Bold last year. We use them To Housekeepers ! )UBO 20 by 40, hor.o rtliblo 10 by 30, wagon hou,o ouialde while soipebody played a piece of turbance. We have it from tbe Mayor in our office, and are so well pleased with 1th cornorll.B on cnoli rido, anolllor corrturit■Ibi.lui We would invite special attention to cow Bhoili chlckon houao, oxuollunt wall ot.r wat ilfe de,siroms of securing a number of Agents to introduce arid sell mosic that seemed to us as long as a good that only jour persons have been before them that we have no hesitation in saying t tho burn with now iiuinp Ihoroln, a now garden onr large and varied stock of Sheetings, -oil laid out with a variety of amull fruit, aspara. sized section of eternity. him on complaint since the fir^t of last that they are, in our opinion, superior to gusbod, oto., jplcndld orchard oontalillng about their new Sewing Alachines. To men who are active, e’fiergetic, ShiHlngs, Table ijiuens, Napkins, Flan­ ootreoj, suohasanplo, poar, oherry, oto. Tho April. Make a note of this and may our any other article of the kind with which farm l« hoaiitlliilly luoiitod In a dry, hoallhy slltla. Cir The Silver-weddiug of Rev. L. 0. nels, Blankets, Cloths and Cassimeres, in town remain in peace. WP are acquainted. Their chief cjiarnc- thin about 100 yard* Irnm llio abiivo nainod fall- and willing to work, and can furnish a Horse and Wagon, tin entire­ O re o elle\p d wife will be celebrated on endless variety, standard makes and road station whoro tralrt> pass 10 times » day, Another notable fact is that the author­ terlstics seem to be flexibility, ejasticity, Oonvonlent to .Sohoolfi, DImrclies, fto.. and about i Thursday evening, to-night. The twen- tbe best value. iflUes never so low, at mllo from the toWn ol Prlncuton. The land Is of a ly new plan of operation will be ofleWd. We are now prepared to' ty-flnb aniiiverMry of their married life ities have not been bothered with tramps durability and evenness^of point, and a superior quality nnd Is In a high stale of onltlva- D. S. Ba k e r ’s, lion. Much post■ und rail and lajnrd fonoo has tbe last Qlautb. They have gone into nearer approximation to the real quill ac­ ut up recently supply our New Family No. 6, ot Nd. 7 Machines, and Lave theftf will bring together at their residence, at 38 East State St., 3 doors from Greene. by tho subrorlbor. It is winter quarters. tion than has been heretofore attained in Ihooght a good stono quarry could he blioned on a I Penn's Neck, a large gathering of their o f t form. Tho larui Is well watorodat friends from their congregation and else- a steel pen. Tbe Spencerian are compris-, u ith rr OD(] h^ springs and by the Uolawaro and adapted to tho ordinary Family use, or to any 6f the’ bfaridheS Organs.,— A new Estey organ, of fine The Standard Makes. Korilnii canal wbefe. ed in fifteen numbers, all diffeiiog in flex­ P«iraou8 wiihlD] tune, has been procured for tbe Baptist ,, ,, , rlow Ho property will ploaso ibility and fineness of point, and for tbe Best Imported Lupins’ Black Cash­ call on Veter J. VVyckofl, on the premises. of the Shoe or Clothing Miinufacturo. We donsider this ’ ti Sunday School. Sale to commence a ll o'clock P. M. Terms Easy Hooper’s aiore building at Hamil­ convenience of those who wish to try them meres and Merinos—40 pieces—the best Dr. J. K. KEIP. We understhod that 8500 have been value ever offered, from '75c. to 81.75 pe S. AOQ-ERS, Auctioneer. better opportunity th»n we have ever been able to ofler rneri of abil-' ton Square, caught Are on Satorday raor- Messrs. Fvisoo, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., raised by the ladies of the Presbyterian Tbe Sre was extinguished with but 138 and 140 G y n d Street, New York, will yard. D. 8. Ba k er ’s, TWO jnoniTIlSi FUEI:;!! church for m|jj|iorpo8e of aecuring a new ity to do a profitable business. No investment or capital is required^ little low io the buUdiog. send by mail a sample card, securely en­ 38 East State St., 3 doors from Greene. organ. Tbe moaihly meeting of the Women’s closed, cooUining one each of the differ­ TBE NEW TOHK THIBUNEi and we are able to give a choice of location from a lar^ aniouilt bt The proceeds of the entertainment on Tempenooe Union of this place will be ent numbers, od receipt of Twenty-five Attention, Ladles / “Tho Loading American Newopnpor.” ' beUln tbe hall of .the Y. M, C. A. Thanksgiving night will be devoted to the On rococo of $2 and this advertlBement. THfi territory. Letters addressed, or parties calling bn liS will ttibeive cents. WEEKLY TRIBUNE will he sent, postage paid •ftemooti. Let tfaere be s full attendanee purchase of an organ fo^faeM. E. church. Your own choice in iJrose Ooodi, to any address until Ueuember 31, U76. or for #12.60, six boplfls; for #22, eleren; for #3o, thirty- immediate attention. HfaUlDtereited. The Hightstown Ga zette is not an Dress Sil k s.—We are offering a full Shawli, * 0., Ao. All the Noreltles of one. Address organ. line of Dress Silks Id all the New Shades, the Seaeon in Fall and Winter styiee. both )an 7-ly THE TKIBU*NE, New Yprk. *HTB»TAtNJtENT.—The members of iocludiog Seal Browns, Plums, Marine In French, Engliah nnd American DreM eharch wiU 'gir« u eD tertain - The Services on rbanksgiviog day Blue, &c., at 8L2^t 91.50 and 81.*^5 per Pahrica, now openin;(, at comparatively RANTED* i-JVMt^WtliyliUDg o fa oODcert, tableanx, will consist of a sermon ip the Baptist & WILSON MF‘G GOf, yard. Those goods are exceptionally low prices at D. S. B a k e b 's, church by the Bev. J. Lewis. UiHMlHomosforatlmUedntimber Of bow. Ad A e.. G reat pre- cheap and desirable. Also Trimming 38 Bast State St., 8 doors from Oreene. drcM, mn being made to preaent. A JAfi.H. EASTMAN,So^lt., 3STo. 914 Gilestiiut Street, (9*'Fine assortment of Ladies and Silks in Seal Browns and Marine Blues. o tt l i - t f N. 7. State Rerurm School, , . progr»mni#«Bd we confidently pte- m ay 28 tf Children’s Merino Vests and Fanis, at Gr a n t & Cole, Jam es btiVg,N. J i 4Mi a Urge MKHeaen, For the best uaortment (Tiii|iure PHILADELPHIA^ Blackwell’s, successor lo Crego. tf uv4-2w 88 Greeno St., Treulon. I.ace, HU to Blackwell, m cesioc tu 6rego; AND KBCEItTS. NEATLY 4e«.lJ-ljrr i . ' SR A bl^rtsxTOOR mmiHnB ■ l i l t ' s : gLACKSfflITma. PROSPECTUS {’or Sale or Exchange. io tb« Hlghiifcoir*' Ga'MtU ThvlBbserlber«,*t A good two-itory dwelling, 10 roome and oeilar, OP THE on Stockton St., Hlghtstown. Hae bam and fU- Ko. 2 DET 8TEEET, CKAHBTJEY, bUng ftir 0 bOTiei* The Ip^onU lne %bout -one Scribners Hont&lyl 1876. acre. Price reaionabto. NYdl exchange for a NATIONAL THANKSGIVING DAY. •re prepared to do (hrm. Inquire of or add rree _ JOB PRINTING The pabliibort invite atUniion to the follow­ suiDi stmt D n t a JOS.V. APPLEOATE, ing l|et of the attraetive artioles eeeured for ThefoliowiogprocUmationby the Pres­ Blackmuthing of all Kinds, sep 2*tr Hlghtetown, N. J. Boribper’i Monthly, for the coming year. In the Hei M WeeBy Herai field of flotion beiiaei namerous novelette^ and ident WM leaned on Tueada)i: Horffo-Bboelng, Carriage and Waj(^ Work, Re­ shorter storiei, there will be m ib pairing and no forth. Now Farm WagonB, Iron MASON & HAMLIN E x b c it t iv jb D b p a r t m r n t , ) and wooden arm, always on hand. Two Remarkable Sorial Stories W a s h i n g t o n , Oct. 27tb, 1875. f All kinds of EdgeToels made or repaired, and B, AnBBlCAIV AtrvnoBs. w arram ea. j . N. REID k SON ORGANS! A {MroelamattoQ by the President of the Tho first of these now complete In our hands, JulyS-lyr • JAMES GORDON BENNETT, The subscriber respeolfully announoes th a t he ITnlted States ol America : can furnish the In accordance wvth a practice at once' TRENTON I’HOPIHKTOR. w ise and beautiful, we have been accus­ MASON ft HAMLIN OROANS IN ALL ,ITS VARIETIES, ‘GABRIEL CONROY’ tomed, as the yeac^is clniwiuj? to aldose, BUSINESS ON BETTER TERMS TUAN EVER BEFORE, By BBET. IIABTE, to devote ,an occasion to the hiimhle ex- either for long or short lime payments or for cash. B ogins in tho November No , pressiOD of our thanks to AlraUhty God COLLEGE, Organs rented until rent pays for organ. and will run for twelve months. This Is Mr. for the ceaseless and distinguishud bene­ BKOADWAY AND .ASK STEEET. A person roav havo an organ on trial three or H arte's first extended work. The seene WM N. CUNNINGHAM, fits bestowed upon us as a nation, ixnd for TBKKTON, W. J. six months before deciding to pprohase. nnd oharnoters, which the author has chosen Ton now nnd Improved styles, both Musloally from his favorite field, California, are painted His mercies and protectioi^ during the Safl^ion Commences September let, 1875. and In >losign of case, olfored this month. with ohnrnoieristio vividnesa and power ; and closing year. Students rooelvod at any ttmo. For Information One thousand leading Musicians in Europe and the work is without doubt tho moat graphic record now offers to the public a POSTAGE FREE. Amerloa say those Organs are the ubbt. of enrly California life that has yet appeared. Amid the rich ami free enjoyment of iiddrOBB ^ aLLKN, Prlnolpiil, of all oor advantages wo should not forgot .Send for circulars, giving prices an*l full Infor AT THE We shall also begin in the January number, ru!yl6-7tn ______P. O. Box 443. mntlon, to the source from whence they are derived, ,OEO. E. SNEDEKER. ^ L I N E O F and the extent of our obligation's to the ANNUAL HUBSOKimON PRICE, »2.0O. my 27-6m Dutch Nock, N. J. Father of all mercies. Wo have full rea­ Orgsnfl always on hand for sale, exchange or “PHILIP NOLAN’S FRIENOSTl son to renew our thanks to Almighty God ront, with privilege of purchnse. Or, Show Your Passports.” ■ for favors bestowed upon us during the M o d i c n l H a l l ! Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ptvst year. CLUB RATE.S. Br EDWARD EVERITT DALE. By His continuing mercy civil and re­ .MERCER ST., mOUTSTOWN, N 3 The scone of this story is laid in the southwest- ligious liberty hayo boon maintained ; TlirccCoples, 1)01“ annum...... f5 orn territory now foil^iing the States of Louisana fto., and all the Five Gojilus, ‘‘ ...... 8 ONTINUES to manufacture CUEAP FOR and Texas, at the time of Aaron Burr’s Treascfi. peace has reigned within our borders; la­ Ten Copies, “ ...... 15 C CASH, The characters lived in a soollon which was now bor and enterprise have produced their Twenty (JopUx-, *' ...... 25 LADIES'* GENTS’ FANCY and PLAIN American, now French, and now Spanish, and merited rewards, and to Jlis watchful BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS Ao, this record of their adventurous lives makes a story of intonsQ and unflagging interest through­ providence - wo ore Indebted for security An oxt.ra copy will l»o aout to every club ol ton Beet materials used, and satlsfaotlon guaranteed. GAZETTE OFFICE. from peslilenco and other nalioual culam- or moro. out. A Good assortment of Ready-Made Boots and ity. Thesn riitea make the IVerkli/ Herald Uio cheap- shofisoonstnntly on hand. A Second “Farmer’s Vacation,” A part from national blessings, each in- cat publlcullun In the country. Boots and Shoos repaired at short notice. flividual am ong ns Ims occasion to LhougliL- A oall from my old riends and ouatomerais res By Col. GEO. E. WAlilNG, Jr. Torma eaali In advance. Money aentby mail will fully recall and devonily recognize the peofully solicited Co!. Waiiing is now in Europe, visiting in a bo uL tlio rl.^K of Iho Hcmlor. PATENT m e d ic in e s favors and protection which ho has en­ IlighUiewn, April 1, 1870- ly row-boat ride oftwo hundrod and fifty miles, one joyed. Now, tberoforo, HARVEY G. RUE, A gonorous portion of the Weekly Herald will bo of the most fertile and intoresting of tho vino- npproprlntOfl to AKrIcuUuro, IlMrlieulturo, Florl- growing valleys of Europe This second series of of the Say. I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the culluro, pomology and Ihe managemont ol'domoH- JJISS ABBIE A. WILSON, papers promises to bo oven more interesting than United States, do recommend that on ll« Hill mil If*. Ibirilc'uliir lUlontlon will bo paid aUo that which our readers are already familiar. to J'cports o! tlio jMarkrtH. TAILOBESS, Thursday, the 25th day of November, the -CENTENNIAL LETTERS” TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS people or tlio United States, ahsti^ining The aim will bo to miilto tlio Weekly Herald an- ann*)unccs that she hss eomniencod bualncps at Irom all secular pursuits and from Ihcir pcrlortoiiny othor agricultural and laiiilly iicwa- Mr. Henry Dye’s, Stockton St., llightstowii. Hav­ Edited by Johb Ydiic^ Cheney. puporIn the country. ing conslilcrublc oxpurk'ncoIn The capabilities [of this Office for accustomed avocailona, do assemble in Successor to Elwood Stratton, A rare collection of Revolutionary Letters, of all sizes, on hand and to order Kvery miniber of the Weekly Herald will contain MAKING AND REPAlllING CLOTlilNG mainly from stores in lho hands of the desoend- their respective places of worship, and, aadool alory and tho IuIchI and moat Important in such form as may seem most appropri­ newH liy t(!lograi)o from all parts of tho worltl up FOn MB.V A.VD HOYS. nntsof Col. Joseph ‘Ward, They aro full of in­ ate in their own hearts, offer to Almighty to tlio hour ol'jiubllculIoD. Sbo hopes to liavo Iho iiatronago Of her friends terest, and will be read with a rare relish in con­ In tho vicinity. Reason nblo cash nrices. nection with the Centennial celebration of tho God their acknowledgments and thunks During tho BoaHlnn of (JnjiRreaa tho Weekly Herald Inquire of year PERFUMERY, for His mercies, and their humble pray­ will coni a In a Hum in ary ol tho proovod Inga ami tho oct 14-3m A. A. WILSON. Into.'ii Nows by ToIcKritjih from Wushington, Pu- BRILLIANTLY ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES ers for a continuance of His divine favor. IlUonl, llollgioUH, FaKhlonahloif Artiatio, LItorary ON In witness whereof I have hereunto set rcHpcctlully oflcrs Lo liio public, at tlio old stand and Sporting Intwlllgeiioo ; Obituary, NoUcch, Vh- A. 8. VOORUBBS. J. S. Rogers. ail Klndsand all prices—anew afld olegantassort^ ricUca, AmuHcmonls, FliUtorlnl Artloloa on tho mentjuatroooived. my hand and caused the Beal of iho United prominent toploa ol tlio day, a review of tho Uattio AMERICAN COLLEGES Slates to be ndixed. and Dry Ooods MarkolH, i'limnclal and Oomincr- Written respectively by their friends, will ap­ Dona ni the City of Wnahington, this clal Intolllgcnoo nnd accounts of all tho Important pear during tho year. The revived interest in col­ 27th day of October, in Llio year of our anil Interesting events of tho week. lege life makes tKeso papers especially timely, T O IL E T SOyVI’S Tlio prlco of pubVcriptlon. whenevor practicable, & aud will secure for them unusual attention. Lord one thousand eight linndred and should bo tr.inamiUcd by Post UIllco Orders. It Is PLAIN AND seventy-Ilvo, and of tlic indcponderico of Next Door to the Railroad Hotel, Llio HafcRt nuidc of tratiHinlltlng moiioy by innll. the United Slates tlio one hmidn-dth, OLD NEW YORK. In all varieties, and atallprloea At Rinall PdhI, OlIlcciH in t.ho country wlicro Post Near tho Iron Bridge, Main St., Elegantly illustrated articles on Old New York By the President, U. S. GUANT. Olflco Onlors ennnot be obtnineii money may bo by John F. Minos, will appear at once, and will « H a m il t o n F is h , Sec’y of Stale. rcmillcil In llcglKtirod Loiters. attract tho attention of all, in city or country AdvortlscmonlP, t** a limited number, will bo In­ who mark wilh interest the development of the Tf'a.v JFlower M atcriaU f serted in tho Weekly Herald. DEATit oi