r^- - '•.*■ , Myql. xxxi. No. 33. Highlslown, N. J„ Thursday, NOVEMBER U-, 1875. Whole Mo. 1574 M drsa^ioN A i. c a r d s . ________INSDRANOE A. J. ASHTON, a bad condition and evcrvihiug in disor­ DftrNKING IILUOD. DANIEL WEBSTEtt’S FRlENBf. C HAs' f . DESHLEE. >EOPLE'S PIEE INSURANOE CO |o R r ii. der. Mr. IVillis Htul ('mistnlilM (uiugH ; It tiTiy be gf'ncnilly known, sayft‘tlm Ho wasn’t stioh an old .man, but hta OF TRENTON, N .J. Main St.,opp.HaptistUIiuroh, fnllnwed him into Ihe !lou^o and Im s:it I G'iiicininilti Covuinrc'ml^ llmt CincimuUti face wns very siul, his hair was long, and HmUTSTOWN, N. J. I M down at n slanil lo Ihsuo a iirecepl for a he was fw'tit nver. lie entered a store oof T H ii: i u a i 3>i -:n . I 1ms it.s Hotul ilrin k era—-conRumplivcfl and OFFIOE-NO. 30 (J-REENB STREET. jury in order lo hold a n ‘iiuiiu'sl. Okpiob U o uk s: IH iglrtstovY rii N . J., I o th e rs vvho dixilv v isit tho slau g h ter ! Ji iTorsoii nvnuo Saturday, and after he 'was wriling Willis cull ouU Gri-iis la ; ;Uo ohtsin the vidorous drauglH of j warming his hands at Ibe Stove be iix^Uir- , ■WoflQOBdaya 'ftud Saturdays from 2 to 5 P. M., Capital & Surplus Dealer In nil kinds of •l. Qooo upon a midnight chi'i'iy, bo careful onil ihe K.-qulre looked up and ami on Other days at 9 A. M. uiul 6 1\ M., at his I ruddy liD-elixir fresh , rrhm tho veins^of j cd for the proprietor ; . While 1 omirtcd my sweet tleaiy, s:vw Mary G tul- v siding up to him wiih offlooon Mala St. beeves. I/\wreiiec’fl slaughter hnu.se, qp- I ^‘Will yon give me n htlle advice ?” 0ver-$450,000. BOOTS Upon an old and orar.y rooking chair, 'll dmwu la/. ir iu I dt hand bidiind her. I Ihe. (H iv i'r stre e t sln tio n , has its I “ I guess so ; what iS I t? ” was the J. P. JOHNSON, M. D. ~ OHAB. SCOTT, P r b sid b n t. Ki'lio of forgi'Uun hive ;— She lluur' walked into the kilchcu and ! d'lily visit'jntft who drink blood, and the ' cheerful rep:y. ’ ’ , . AND MTiilo wo eiuittod, clia'r a grunting, throw Ihti vie/.-'i’ on tbo .stove. The F.s- HOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN., JOHN K. SMITH. Vice Prosidont. ! !-jangliler hoiiHe of Ihe lim -w eiisleins on ( The slrnngor bucked iip to llio stove, Suddenly tlioro ciinu'a tliuinping. quire then picked up tlie r:izor niid nut it j John Htinet, a few squares away, has per- j wipCMl his nose on hia hand, and after a once in DAWES llA fili, Iflnin Street 0. V. 0. MURPHY, Sse, 0. S. Green, T reat. in IWH poekol. lie then fio-hside her com­ Risks taken as low ns any other roliablo Co., SHOES, As of some one wildly stamping, hmpK Imlfa dozen daily visitants of the niomcnt continued : Olhoohours from 7 to 9 a. m.,6 to 8 p. m., aa d a t and all losses promptly adjusted, SlaUiping now upon the lluor. ing in ,llie fPiom nnd she di'i not. mild llie I a:\me class. 'Phn later places, indeed, i “ If wou \yanlod tn dio \vniild yoii juto|f all tiours whop nob profoa.'iloTially ‘^iigiij^cd. I je.ry*nrrived. The Jury avito ( ’hnrle'T II. apl-ly J. ll. NORTON, Agent, Ilightstownx TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac “ 'Tisstunc crazy fool,'’ ! mnttmvil, 1 have (he principal custom of this kind {if I into tho river or take piz'ii C riin b n ry O lllce.—at Mrs Roboooa Borpen, ■ Conover. .)“hn \ ’’. N. Willis, I’». S. Van- Inquire a t 0- M. NORTON'S Store. ‘‘ Thumping ’pun the cl.ambor Hour— ■ custimi it may ho termed wlu'i'e llie n'cip- I “ Will, I don’t know about that, i Main St., 2d door above Methodist Churh ut A good as.eartmcnt nlwayson hand at tbob'wrpi deryeer, Khvanl Ifendrick^^on. A. W. , gu -sal'd ralher live, on than do Aiiih'or 1 to 3 P. M. prico.s. ap 1-ly Only tills and nutliir.g mure." I ienl. is charged nothing), for the reason COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Ifohnrt, (diales M. Tluunpson, Geotoi* C. llmt nil hoeves are slaughiered tlicre by a mm. Why, do you feel like dying V” . \ Gordon, Kliaa IHewor. .Dti-iiua .Smijli, r . a . DAWES, SUHGEOJS'DEN'T Tho old skinflint rnostod in tho room almvo u.«, I Sh(»rhe|. Many who can drink the blood I “ I do, mister !’’ anid the man lo a defip TEETH. 1 John Fieiiler, Clmiles K. Hutler. 1ST, and Manufaoturor of' Incorruptible J|0UNT & JIMESON, PHOKFRHOU Hl'Tt’UINRON, M. D. and knowing that I was mnking love (o his “ rare ofnntmnls siaugblered according lo the j toned voive. “ Yes, I ’ve staid arbubdlbo')^ QumD Teeth, j Alter half an liourV dolihmalion the jti- I). D. S., the PJULAnKLVuiA P kv and radiant maiden.” took Ibis dtdicato way nf I ILibrew fnslmm can not sLoinacb that of .enough.” Office next to IRA SMOCK’S Store.— Wholesale Commission Dealers in all kinds of TiST, m anufacturers ilio best and ; ry rcndiwed n verdict that Mlclmel G.iidev suggesting that I had better • iui;ko iiiy-soU’ ; hnllocks felh'd with the nx. The blood of “ Wliat’s the mattef—xfrby do #ant Bntranoe on Main Street, oposite the COUNTRY PHODUCE, choapoet A utiimcial T betu lu thu onme to Ids ilenih by blows upon tin* head to die ’’ queslioned the hiiTchant. Univorsalist Church. United Slntoe. scarce.” tijc latter Is black and thick and lifeless; I3 P* Teeth oxtraoted WITHOUT PAIN, by the 212J & 213 M ER C H A N TS’ ROW , Ho makes m ost hoantlfulU nm ploto Sot.s, ijo to inflicted by some weapon iu tlio hands of that of Urn funner brightly rudy ami clear “ W hat’s there to live for ?” deroafuTed ♦15, and aunrauteo tlicm to for ton year.s. his wife, jMary (Hmloy, Ule ef Laughing Has. Weal W nehingfenlflnrlirt. N. V. 2 Ah distinctly I remember. as new wine. the sad mam “ There hain’t no such N. B.—The new Patent Hum Base, so valuable T kuth Kx-mAOTKi)auti F iui.ku, freo of obarge, Ivqidro Jolmson llu'rcnpnn issued a Between Vosoy and Fulton Streets. No charge but for material. T'alnloss extraction “ Wolmvo two young ladies and one Umes aa thefe used to bo—no such men aa !for its lightness,oorafort, and cleanliness,is alae Tho old man liad lost his temper. a coinmilmeiit for the confinement, of Mii- ABIJAR O. MOUNT. JOSEPH II. .lIMKRON by Nitrous OXltle Gii.t—SO contfi pi-r InotU. young nmn com ing here every day -Ui there once was.” applied. An examination is invited. apl OOLKOK Hun.DiNO, 614 PlMK ST., P mILA’DA. And at evi ry liUb' noise wr mado rv Ganiev and t.’oiihl ihio Griggs hrmiglil ‘‘ Well, tho times nro a liltlo hard, bui I3 T AR orders received will he punctnally at­ Opi'n fromOa. ui., toO p. in. IMoaso cut this nut Fbtijhod hi.s boot «]>un tho fluor, drink blood,“ ('bserved a sliughter liouse tended to. f n p l - l y r and give us a call. apr u Ohio h<*r lo Freehold and lodgml lior in the proprietor yesterday. “ We used to have there lots ofgood men loft I guess.” M, SCHANCK, Eagerly I wi.xhod him slumber, county jail to await llio action of the a great many more, hut (hoy got well and “ Party good, maybe,” said the 6h( s . IIIGHTSTOWJV He’d no longer us encumber— Grand Jury. * man us lu; Iclt of the stovepipe, “ but I IIIGHTSTOWN, N. .1 , etr'*!i>; imd slopped com ing. pEDDIE INSTITUTE, Ami anuther ki.-s I’d pluniler, The ijtd) with wliicli tho deed is .siip- O i; (V « E r li t» R A T fi A W, “ One woman came licro for a Vf'nr, and can’t flociulo With 'em r After a £ban has Then lier pardon I’d implore past'd to have been commilled is a ]>ioco of got wondeiTiill^ healthV am! fat; she used knockeii iirmmtl wilh Daniel ^yeb^Ite^ ain'd MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CII.\NCErtY. HIGHTSTOWN. N. J., G-'tU'pia pine, sixti'en inehoH long and A SCHOOL fOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- M arBle Y.^ard, Here 1 da.sped llm radiant maiden. lo he a skctclnn, a comsnni]it'Ve flkclton. ili'iiry Clay ho can’t como down oh a level .8piie tlie unise upon ilie floor-- three inches wide. It vvas coveicd vvilli wii.il Lheao every day plugs and feer SOCIETY j^EETINHS. Fall Terms begiim Sept. 2rf, 1875. We nlwavs shnmhler in the llrhrew way; 1EW A.HT Jt e<>., Jleioly tliis uinl notliing more. l)lood and on the, end was a clot of luiir end llie lilo'.d ufcaltlo bia killed is more, goo.l.” Students are prepiired I'orCiillogc, lor Toaohera. which adluo’ed to the stick. f d. OF 6. F. for Professional Study, and for Husiuess. IMur'Io heabliy. It lu.-Tcs like new m Pk from a “ l)id you nssneinw wtlli lho8e rfi'en ?’^ Feeling ns Ihongh a storm was brewing over­ One of the nejelihora says tiie Hood in 1 # WINDSOR LODGE.
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