i _ntr:tm in PR__tTflR¥ f is CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, GRANGE SARD, tfO. 497 BROAD WAY, (Owe door north of Maiden Lane.) ITCitizens mid Strmipsi-N desirous of prncarbyr jfenteel Ready mmle Clothing, will find an extensive assortment as above, inc? _nng a variety of styles of Coats. Vests and-PHiitaloor., Cravats, Scarf*, UOHOIUH, Collars, Handkercbiefrj, Gloves, Stocks, Sec. AH of tvliiiJi will bo sold .it a small advance tor CASH. ERASTUS H. PEASE, ^MSM^eWK^M^_!U^_._*___U_**V _P _ •"•,*• 4„iti* __ . Mt__fM. _*P*",__ 4HV* _ *___ ' 82 STATE STRE_T, THEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND _ssc_ J__:__>«_»__ __«_D< CLASSICAL k STANDARD WORKS—MITCHELL'S OUTLINE MAPS— Globes—Brown's k Baglny's Gold fens, k SAIiifl „_M_)(DI_9 BHIB_E ft _EMf DEPOSITORY. IE7_I_NK ROOKS ruled-ami bound to order. JOSHUA I. JONES, AUCTIONEER. £, M. F._._12_E, __ _LJ «_ _T* -"_ «_» _«r ___ J__ _3_. COMMISSION MERCHANT, REAL ESTATE AND BANK STOCK BROKEN, OFFICE NO. 73 STATE-STREET, ALBANY. I S H PARKE, continues to make liberal cash advances on all goods left wiili^ him to he sold at auction or pi ivate sale. Prompt rctu.oB made of all Cash or Credit sales; and security given for con- ! sigmnenls when required . Regular days for sale of Groceries, Liquors, Fnrmlure, &c , Tuesdays and Frr- dnyB of each wock. ... ,. , Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Drogans, Hats, .fcc, one day each week. Wednesday in each week, ttetarjart for the sale of Real Estate, Bank Stock, fte»_ Commodious Storage Kooms free ot eipense, ^ _i ^rTW_hM! _ W . W i^r.^S1 ./T-V ______ __-_ VAN SCHAACK'S AND HOUSEKEEPER'S EMPORIUM, 385 BROADWAY, tth door below Iludson-st., I ALBANY, N, Y. I The assortment at the above well known and very I extensive establishment embraces all kinds of |j:|^>. if Wooden Ware, Baskets, Iron Hollow Ware, WSJL m Brushes, Shaker Manufactures, Japanned |f_? and Planished Tin Ware, 1$ And almost every necessary article for housekeeping. B Pocket Cutlery. Scissors, Razors, Combs, _ alley Goods, IS Portable Writiiis Desks, Work Boxes, Shaiitis Cases, Per- f turnery, Toys, m And suitable Articles for Presents to Old or Young. SJ* WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE jM MADE TO ORDER. £ MRS. J. W. PAEPKE is employed at this Estab- | lishment, and will attend to orders for Embroidering-, & Marking, and all kinds of _ J3T!H__ M_«H_ TO© __. * She will also give instruction in any of the above I branches. I BAGS and PURSES made to order, equal to the best ||§ I French manufacture. j^jf- A general assortment of Marking Cottons, Wor- $3r? HB'| sted, Patterns, &c, constantly on hand. .i-gTS , jjjt Strangers passing through the city are particularly ||| i invited to visit this establishment, though they may J|| 81? not wish to make purchases. $i E. VAN SCHAACK. £4|t_ S4£^ s*fe *&; *Mj **£ •"#£ **£ J*i ;%i •*« "•** '^ **£ ^t) %£ **S |#6<i flo ®. ®o \F. RI-ALIA.® The Subscriber, Proprietor of tlie IAMM0TH VARIETY ST U .. 385 (new number,) Broadway, ALBANY, N. Y. Informs the members of the Order that he is prepared to furnish Lodge and Encampment Regalia, Robes, Caps, &c- of every description, of the best quality, at the lowest possi­ ble rates. New Lodges supplied with full suits at short notice and on favorable terms. Mr. B. C. THUE, an Artist of much experience and taste will attend promptly to all orders for Seals. The following articles always on hand: Gold & Silver Hullion Fringe, Gold and Silver Lace, all widths do do Tinsel do do do Braid & Thread, ' do do Hullion Tassels, do do Bullion Cord, do do Tinsel do do do Tinsel do . do do Stars & Rosettes. do do Hearts. do do Bullion for Etnb'ry. do ilo Spangles, All new articles of Trimmings received as soon as intro­ duced. The best qualities of Silk Velvet, and all necessary articles for Initiation. E. VAN SCHAACK. awx> Dry Goods Establishments. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, SO. 477 & 479 BROADWAY, Wm. Smith, Isaac H. Cary, B. F. Mosely. J. H. E ACKER, Dealer _\ Fa__<j &_ Stable __Nf Goods, No. 488 BROADWAY,' ' Silks, Safins, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Millhiary articles, Clotlis, Cassimeres, Salinetts, &c. Peoples' Store, by M . SHLOSS, Dealer in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 342 BROADWAY, (formerly 89 Market.) Limes, Hosiery, Notions, &c Milliners and Pedlars will find it to their interest to call here befoie purchasing elsewhere B. R. & R. L. SPELMAN, Manufacturers of Combs, and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy Goods, No. 494 BROADWAY. Thread, Pins. Needles, Buttons, Jewelry, Cutlery, Perfu­ mery, &.c. Merchants and Dealers will please call and ex­ amine our slock. Grocer Establishments. WILLIAM CRAPO, & Co, W_o\esa\e Grocers &_ Fruit Dealers, No. 17 STATE-STREET, Corner of Dean. AMOS AVERY & Co. Dealers in Frnit, "Nats and Groceries. Wholesale and Retail, No. 353 BROADWAY. Amos Avery, G. W. Benjamin, WILBER & SELKIRK, Deaiers in Groceries and Provisions, COR. CHURCH & LYDIUS-STS. S V. R. Wilber, ) Alex. Selkirk, \ HEN IFY WRIGHT, Wood Measurer, and dealer in Groceries, Stone, Water Lime, Roman Cement, dfc. No. 163 BROADWAY, Corner of Westerlo Street. JAMES TAYLOR, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Sfc, $fc COR. GREEN & SOUTH LANS1NGSTS. The subscriber informs his numerous friends llint he is still at the old stand, where he continues to keep a general nssnrt- ment of Groceries and Ptovisions of the very best quality, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms WASHINGTON GIBSON, Dealer in Provisions, Groceries, Sfc, ^r. Constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices, &c. Every article warranted of the best quality, and sold on the most favorable terms. Public Houses. MAM SIO_T HOUSE. 470 & 472 BROADWAY, By Griffin and Smith, Wm. Griffini, Jr., ) mith. , Le Grand Smith. FRANKLIN HOUSE, EDWIN BEEBE, Nos. 136 & 138 STATE-STREET, CAJRL.TON HOUSE, "W. D. _ arsons, COR. STATE AND SOUTH PEARL-STS. BUNKER-HILL HOUSE, Nos. 1 & 3 CHURCH-STREET, Corner of Dennison. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends that he lias taken his old stand, where he will be happy to have them call and see him. He pledges himself that nothing shall be wanting to please those who may favor hi n with a call. P. VANDERLIP. DAYTON HOUSE. Nos. 250 & 252 BROARWAY, This House is pleasantly situated in the immediate vicini­ ty ofthe Steamboat Landings, lt has been thoroughly re­ paired and newly furnished. The travelling community are rcipactfully invited t. call. J. C. DAYTON, Proprietor. Single Meals 25 Cts. RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, No. 4 DEAN-STREET, This house is located within the square used as a depot by the Mohawk and Hudson Rail-Road Company, and distant only a few feet from the ticket office of the Boston Rail Road, and quite contiguous to the Steam boat Landings. JAMES JENKINSON, Druggist Establishments. JOSEPH DAVIS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Drugs, Varnishes, Brushes, Sfc. NO. 78 STATE-STREET, (Directly opposite the State Bank.) Painting and Glazing executed at the shortest notice. FREDERICK INGMIRE, IDIBWdK&ttS© <& S_!BI_W_l__.$> No. 303 BROADWAY, General Agen{ for Allebasi's Medicines, and Knapv's Indian Strengthening Plasters, and Agent for BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. N. B. Physcians' Prescription accurately prepared. Dealers in Hardware. DANIEL FRY, Importer and Dealer in Hardware and Cut­ lery, Hair Seating, Tinman's Bright Anvils Hammers, cy-c., cj-c. No. 40 STATE-STREET, CARMICHAEL & SPENCER, Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, and dealers in Steel, Iron, Nails, c]'C. No. 46 STATE-STREET, DAVIDSON & VIELE, General Importers of Hardware, (At the Sign ofthe Broad-Axe,) No. 50 STATE-STREET, ETTron, Steel, Nails, &c, &c. HUMPHREY & CO. __iL-PW_^i_ 0_l_^©____. Nos. 41 & 43 STATE-ST. ALBANY. WILLIAM BROWN, Silver Plater, and Manufacturer of Coach and Harness Plated Ware, No. 15 CHURCH-STREET, Silver-Plated and Brass door Plates engraved complete. Metallic Sash Moulding for Store Fronts.Show Cases, &c. Plating of Lock and Bell trimmings, all on the most reason­ able terms. Drapers and Tailors. RELYEA & KENNEDY, DRAPERS & TAILORS, No. 8 BROADWAY. WILLIAM THORN, D__?m _ND _____&, No. 316 BROADWAY. J. HERMANS, W\vo\esa\e and "Retail CiotYiing Store, No. 417 BROADWAY. All kind .of ready made Clothing low for Cash- WILLIAM CONNELLY, DRAPER & TAILOR, No. 423 BROADWAY. Garments made to order in tho most approved manner. NEWTON & STEAD, No. 311 BROADWAY. Fashionable articles of Ready.Made Garments, kept con­ stantly on hand. J S • N E W B U R G , Kew and Second Hand C\oi_ing, Nos. 237 & 333 BROADWAY, Keep generally on hand a good assortment of the above articles, and sell lower than any other establishment in this city. Also, Clothing made to order, in the latest fashion, and the most modetate prices. Cutting done m the most fashionable manner, and at low charges. Second hand clo­ thing bought, sold, and exchanged for new. S. F . SHEPARD _>!___L_ :«_> TAMLTMOB No. 313 BROADWAY, Dealer in all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing. Produce Dealers. Flour and Commission Merchants. No. 102 PIER, I Bakers and Family Flour, extra, always on hand. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments. C. W. GODARD _ CO., No. 106 PIER, Dealers in Flour, Grain a?id Western Salt, Also, Agents for Syracuse and Oswego Line of Lake and Canal Boats. WARDWELL & BARDWELL, Produce Dealers and Shipping and Commissimi Merchants. No. 85 QUAY-STREET, J". H. Wardwell, ) * J.. A. Bardwell, i 0 __L RUFUS K. VIE LIE, CO_.MlSSIO.< __A\C_„_T, No. 86 QUAY-STREET. Refectories, MAIDEN LANE REFECTORY, WILLIAM A. HOUSE. No. 7 MAIDEN LANE, Has fitted up this establishment in superior style, and w 111 at all times be happy to furnish his old and new friends with re­ freshments of all kinds.
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