Faroe Islands in figures 2019/2020 “Faroe Islands in Figures” is a pocket-size statistical summary of the Faroe Islands in tables and graphs. It contains key information about population, labour market, industry, culture, communication, international trade, economics, geography, climate etc. Furthermore the booklet has an overview of key figures on all the Nordic countries. All the statistics are the lates figures available when published in July 2019 Our statbank is kept updated and might contain newer figures. Faroe Islands in figures 2019/2020 July 2019 Published by: Statistics Faroe Islands Kvíggjartún 1 P.O. Box 2068 FO-165 Argir Phone +298 352800 Fax +298 352801 www.statistics.fo e-mail:
[email protected] Country Codes: Symbols: FO: Faroe Islands - Nil DK: Denmark 0 Less than half GL: Greenland . Not applicable FI: Finland .. Data not available AX: Åland IS: Iceland NO: Norway SE: Sweden © 2019, Hagstova Føroya Fotos: By Faroephoto Design and print: Føroyaprent KT UM DS HV N ØR E V L I R S U M Ð E R R K O I N ISSN 1603-8479 541 705 4 Contents Key figures, Nordic countries . 6 Population . 9 Labour market . 14 Social affairs . 18 Health . 19 Culture and religion . 20 Justice . 22 Election . 22 Economic activities . 24 Transport and communication . 26 International trade . 29 National accounts . 30 Public finance . 32 Consumer price index . 34 Geography . 36 Climate . 38 Key figures, Nordic countries FO DK GL FI AX IS NO SE Population and area 1 jan. 2019 Population in 1 000 51 5 806 56 5 518 30 357 5 328 10 230 Females in pct.