Birthright D20 Campaign Setting Rulebook FIRST

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Birthright D20 Campaign Setting Rulebook FIRST Birthright d20 Campaign Setting Rulebook FIRST RELEASE PLAYTEST RULES (DRAFT VERSION; UNSANCTIONED) Version 0.0; Jan 30, 2003 d20 team: Travis Doom, Arjan Duijs, Duane "irdeggman" Eggert, Ian "raesnae andu" Hoskins, Jan "mark aurel" Juvstad, Terry "morgramen" Keith, Jason "lawgiver" Klotz, Elton Robb, Mike Spehar, and William Ross "ellendael nightstalker" Watson d20 chapter developer/editors: Travis Doom (ch. 1, 3-7, overall), Duane Eggert (ch. 2, 8), Jan Erik Juvstad (ch. 5, 9) Cover art and layout: Arjan Duijs Interior art: All interior art is copyrighted TSR and used by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Special Thanks: goes to Wizards of the Coast, all members of, and the birthright-l listserv sponsored by the Wizards of the Coast. Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. Based on and including BIRTHRIGHT material created by Rich Baker, Colin McComb, Jean Rabe, Ed Stark, Dale Donovan, Duane Maxwell, and Carrie Bebris. This rulebook contains copyrighted material used with permission of Wizards of the Coast. This rulebook is to be made available as a freely available download on the official WotC–sponsored fan website, It is not for sale or resale and no profit can be made from the use of this material. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER, BIRTHRIGHT, and the BIRTHRIGHT logo, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are registered trade- marks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 System logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organiza- tions, places, or events is purely coincidental. Visit our website at 2 Contents Forward........................................................5 The Shadow World ........................... 51 Domain collections................................95 Introduction ................................................6 Arcane magic.......................................... 53 Domain regency collection ..............95 What is this document? .......................... 6 Magic and society............................. 53 Domain income collection ...............96 The land of Cerilia ................................... 6 Spell research..................................... 55 Domain expenses....................................97 A brief history of Cerilia ................... 6 Divine magic .......................................... 56 Regency expenses..............................97 Bloodlines ............................................ 9 Clerics ................................................. 56 Domain asset maintenance costs.....97 Domains and regency....................... 10 Druids.................................................. 56 Military payroll..................................97 Magic in Cerilia................................. 10 Paladins............................................... 56 Court costs ..........................................97 The Shadow World ........................... 10 Rangers ............................................... 57 Domain action rounds...........................97 Chapter one: Characters .......................11 Resurrection....................................... 57 Playing a domain round....................98 Ability scores.......................................... 11 Creating magic items ............................ 57 Events and news ................................98 Character race......................................... 11 Spells of Cerilia ..................................... 57 Domain actions................................101 Humans, Cerilian .............................. 11 Cleric domains................................... 57 Resolving actions.............................103 Dwarves, Cerilian ............................. 14 Magician spells .................................. 59 Domain actions with source holdings Elves, Cerilian (Sidhelien) .............. 15 Spell descriptions................................... 62 ............................................................103 Half-Elves .......................................... 16 Chapter four: Gods and religion .........68 Domain action descriptions................104 Halflings, Cerilian............................. 16 Worship................................................... 68 Character actions .............................104 Character classes.................................... 17 Divine spellcasting ........................... 68 Court actions ....................................105 Barbarian ............................................ 17 State religions.................................... 68 Standard actions...............................106 Bard ..................................................... 17 Patron deities ..................................... 69 Chapter six: Armies and warfare .....111 Cleric ................................................... 18 Time, seasons, and holidays................ 69 Military units.........................................111 Druid ................................................... 18 Cerilian deities ....................................... 70 Unit statistics....................................111 Fighter................................................. 18 Human deities......................................... 72 Combat basics ..................................112 Monk................................................... 18 Avani................................................... 72 Army units ........................................113 Paladin ................................................ 18 Belinik................................................. 73 Naval units ........................................117 Ranger................................................. 19 Cuiraécen............................................ 74 Managing military assets ....................118 Rogue.................................................. 19 Eloéle .................................................. 74 Mustering military units .................118 Sorcerer, Wizard ............................... 19 Erik...................................................... 75 Maintaining military units..............119 New character classes........................... 20 Haelyn................................................. 76 Special musters ................................119 Magician............................................. 20 Kriesha................................................ 77 Military domain assets....................121 Noble ................................................... 21 Laerme ................................................ 78 Strategic warfare...................................122 Skills ........................................................ 23 Nesirie ................................................. 79 Military intelligence........................122 Feats......................................................... 25 Ruornil................................................ 80 Strategic movement.........................123 New feat descriptions....................... 26 Sera ...................................................... 80 Strategic adjustment........................124 Equipment............................................... 30 Other powers .......................................... 81 Battle resolution...............................125 Chapter two: Blood and regency.........33 The Cold Rider.................................. 81 The aftermath ...................................125 Passing the bloodline........................ 33 Kartathok............................................ 82 Tactical warfare ....................................125 Bloodline derivation.............................. 33 Moradin .............................................. 83 Battlefield setup...............................126 Variant: Random bloodline traits ... 34 Torazan ............................................... 83 The battle ..........................................128 Bloodline strength................................. 34 Halfling spirituality .......................... 83 Characters on the battlefield ..........129 Blooded scion template.................... 35 Sidhelien spirituality ........................ 83 Chapter seven: Realm magic..............132 Increasing bloodline strength.......... 35 Celestials, demons, and other powers Arcane realm magic .............................132 Level Adjustment.............................. 35 .............................................................. 83 Magic potential................................132 Bloodline score ...................................... 36 Faiths of worship ................................... 84 Sources ..............................................133 Bloodline score and regency........... 36 Faiths of Haelyn................................ 84 Ley lines ............................................134 Behind the curtain: Bloodline ability Cosmology of Aebrynis........................ 85 Casting arcane realm spells ............134 score .................................................... 37 The Shadow World ..........................
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