HORT 4011 Common Medicinal : Classification, Identification and Application



“Medicine and food share the same origin”. There is a significantly increasing use of herbs in cooking as people keep seeking diverse food sources for health benefits. Accordingly, the number of herbal farms has been kept raising in the past decades, in which highly demanded herbs are grown as specialty crops. More and more herbs are distributed through grocery stores; many of the herbs, however, are still collected from the wild, which lead to medical cases involving in herb adulteration, contaimination, or just simple misidentification. The goal of this course is to provide information of classifying, identifying and applying Herbs and herbal products for human health. This course focuses on the classification and identification of approximately 120 common medicinal plants, which covers 20 key medicinal families. With over 50 dry herbal samples being distributed to the class, participants of the class have the opportunity to learn essential skills of identifying and practicing fresh herbs and the processed herbal products. The information of herbal names (English, Chinese, scientific, and pharmaceutical names), morphology, properties (flavors), therapeutic actions, dosages, chemical components and cautions is provided for each herb. In addition, the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and herb uses, systems and methods for Chinese herbal classfication, identification will also be introduced. Together, this course is set to provide useful information to students who study plant science, agriculture, pharmacy, and food systems.


This is a lecture-lab course. Informative course materials including lecture slides, lecture notes, assignments and instructions and quiz materials will be provided and distributed to students by instructor through the online course platform--Canvas, which include more than 600 PowerPoint-slides and 1,200 color images. This class has two field trips to local herbal clinics and ethnic grocery stores. There are also several short field trips to garden plots, wood hills, and campus mall on St. Paul campus. In addition, more than 90 dry herbal samples will be demonstrated to each participant in class for practices and examination, which provide students opportunities to experience the “tried-and-true” Chinese herb uses. A handbook with more than 100 recipes for kitchen practices will be available for class participants to make herbal tea, soup, dish, cake, and meal. The class forum provides students a channel for exchanging ideas and materials, especially images for local grown herbs, as well as commenting on the course improvement.


1. To identify some 125 common herbs and herbal products (a total of 195 species will be introduced). 2. To learn the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal uses. 3. To learn food balance and herbal properties: flavor, energy, and movement. 4. To practice some 50 of the distributed herbal samples as dietary supplements for health promotion and diseases prevention. 5. To identify and collect herbs in the wild and gardens.

D. COURSE TOPICS The course will cover the following topics or modules (Table 2): 1. Introduction of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs: history, construction, philosophy, and the systems of herb classification. 2. Reviews of medicinal plants: Terminology, properties, distribution, evolution, and Keys for determination. 3. Herbs of non-flowering plants: Fungi, Algae, , and Gymnosperms. 4. Medicinal plants of Magnoliidae. 5. Medicinal plants of Hamanelidae, Caryophyllidae, and Dilleniidae. 6. Medicinal plants of Rosidae. 7. Medicinal plants of Asteridae. 8. Medicinal plants of Alismatidae, Aracidae, Commelinidae, and Zingiberidae (I). 9. Medicinal plants of Zingiberidae (II) and Liliidae. 10. Review and final term paper.

E. TEXT AND REQUIRED SUPPLIES 1. Required text: no textbook is required for students. All text materials will be developed and distributed by instructors as POWERPOINT lecture slides, lecture notes, and flashcards, and video clips. 2. Supplies: Some 50 herbal samples will be distributed in the class and practiced in the lab/kitchen section. 3. Advanced readings: I. Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1989, 1997), Medicinal plants in China—a selection of 150 commonly used species. World Health Organization, regional office for the Western Pacific, Manila. (This book will be sent to students by instructor electronically.) II. Chen JK and Chen TT (2004), Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. Art of Medicine Press, Inc, City of Industry, CA. III. Keys JD (1976), Chinese Herbs—Their Botany, Chemistry, and Pharmacodynamics. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, VT. Tokyo. Japan. VI. Lu HC (2005), Chinese Natural Cures. Black Dogs & Leventhal Publishers, Inc, New York, NY. V. Lu HC (1986), Chinese System of Food Cures—Prevention & Remedies. Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., New York, NY.

F. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Online forum discussions with instructors and classmates. 2. Plants photo taken at the early of the semester before all gone. 3. Written assignments: 4 reports with short field trips and herbal practices. Each lab has a topic of discussion in the course site. 4. Two field trips: The class will visit one herbal clinic (AAAOM) and three grocery stores (Truong Thanh, Shanghai Wholesale, and Hmong Markets) to survey about the fresh vegetables and dry herb products that are sold in twin-cities area, discuss on one of the given topics and write a field trip report. 5. Research papers: work on one project for a final project paper (10 suggested titles are available). 6. Short field trips: Four short trips to the medicinal plant garden plots and St. Paul campus attractives (wood hill, campus mall, display garden, greenhouse facility, etc). 7. Lab and home kitchen practices every week and a final potluck party.

G. LEARNER OUTCOMES: Through this course, learners should be able to: 1. Identify 90 of the most commonly used herbs (~120 medicinal plant species will be introduced) by sight and of 20 plant families. 2. Distinguish genuine, fake, and contaminated herbal products. 3. Know the flavor, energy properties, and potential treatment of some 50 herbs. 4. Practice common herbs as food supplements in their daily living following the recipe book. 5. Promote the diet by balancing food sources and health conditions. 6. Understand the basic theories of the herb uses in TCM. 7. Know herbs to treat some common health conditions, such as fatigue, stress, and sleep disorder, etc.

H. GRADING: 2 field trip reports 20% 4 classroom quizzes (herb ID, and property determination) 20% 1 group project of photo sharing 10% 1 kitchen practice demonstration (final party) 10% 1 Final paper 40%

A 93% or greater A- 90% or greater B+ 86% or greater B 83% or greater B- 80% or greater C+ 76% or greater C 73% or greater C- 70% or greater Pass 60% or greater Non-grade/Failed below 60%

Table-1 Course objectives and activities and grading points.

Objective Lesson Percent of Course Points Activities, including Assignment Achieved 1. To identify some 2-14 50 points (50%) Two field trips and field trip 120 common herbs Part of the two field trip reports. and herbal products. reports (10%); 4 quizzes Four quizzes. (20%), part of the final Final paper. paper points (15%) ; and Group project for photo sharing. part of the group project (5%). 2. To learn the 1 10% (10 points) Taste samples and feel about the philosophy of Part of the final paper (5%), herbal properties, energies, and Traditional Chinese and part of the field trip movements. Medicine and herbal reports (5%). Field trips. uses. 3. To learn food 1, 3-14 20 points (20%). Two field Kitchen practices for dry herb balance and herbal trip reports (5%) and a final application and identification. properties: flavor, paper (15%). Field trips to herbal clinics, Lab energy, and reports, final paper for herb movement. identification. 4. To practice some 1-14 10 points (10%). Kitchen Final party, and all classroom 50 of the distributed practice demonstration. practices. herbal samples as dietary supplements for health promotion and diseases prevention. 5. To identify and 2-5 10 points (10%). Group One group project of photo collect herbs in the project of photo sharing sharing. wild and gardens. (5%), short field trips to Garden and wood land field tips. gardens and woods, and the final paper (5%). Final paper. Forums, practice for making Keys and other online activities such as forum discussion.

Table-2, Course Planner-HORT 4011

Course: Common Medicinal Plants: Classification, Identification and Application

Week Topic Title Learning Objectives Content Student Activities What will students be expected to do, e.g., Textbook, articles, audio, video, Discussions, papers, group list/describe elements, discuss a concept, etc. work, quizzes, interviews, analyze themes, identify elements, summarize a research, calculations, etc.) discussion, compare and contrast concepts/themes, differentiate one concept/theory/method from another, apply a theory to a case study, provide examples, translate a passage, create a plan, etc. 1 Introduction: Traditional Students are expected to learn the > Distributed materials: survey 1. Submit comments by Oriental Medicine and herbs. system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and form, lecture slides (PDF), completing the survey form its relationship to Chinese herbs, and to notes, and PDF handouts. including why you study understand the philosophy and theories of >Freshy materials to explain Medicinal Plants and what do TCM: Yin and Yang balance: you like to learn about oriental herbal medicine, any allergy to I. A brief history and the system of Traditional Mangosteen (Garcinia herbs and food. Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its relationship to mangostata) and fruit Chinese herbs () 2. Review this lecture and >Dry herbal materials: write down your understanding II. Theories of TCM: the balance: Yin and of the systems of Traditional Pepper (Spicy, Hot); Yang; the vital substances: Qi, Blood, Fluid, Chinese Medicine and Herbal Essences, and Shen; the five elements: Water, Ginger (Spicy, Warm); Remedies. Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal; the five flavors: Tea (Bitter, Cool); 3. Freshy and dry herb taste Pungent, Salty, Sweet, Sour, and Bitter; the Peony (Bitter, Cold); (Lab, Friday) and flashcard five energies: Hot, Warm, Neutral, Cool, and exercise for understanding the Cold; and the four movements: Upward, Licorice (Sweet, Neutral); basic balance, vital Downward, Inward, and Outward. Sea weed (Salty, Cold); substances, five elements and


III. TCM in the US: Chinese Herb uses in the Hawthorn fruit (Sour, Warm). the classification of herbal United States—Health benefits and market. properties. Classroom Quiz-1. (Taste and determinate herbal IV. Treatment based herb classification and a properties, 5%) list of herbs that will be introduced in this class. 2 Reviews of medicinal Students are expected to learn the >Distributed materials: lecture 1.Visit greenhouse and plants: Terminology; method of plant classification and slides, notes, and PDF medicinal plant garden plot; Properties; Distribution; identification: handouts, including keys to find plant samples that match Evolution; and Keys for I. A key glossary for plant organs: root, stem, determine the plants to the terminology and determination leaf, flower, fruit and seed; families and keys for the morphology that you learned determination of common from the lecture, list the names II. plant names and classification; medicinal plants. of all the plants that you III. evolution of plants; believe match at least one IV. learning plants by families; term you learned from the class. V. using the plant determination tool: keys. 2. Draw evolutionary trees based on your understanding of the morphological factors, which would be reinforced in the following lectures. List names of plant families that you have learned before this class (homework practice). 2. Group project: Take as many pictures as you can while visiting greenhouse, and the garden plot (class visit or the garden of your choice) you visit and submit your photographs of at least 10 different plant species to the Canvas site, all the pictures will be used later to review the plants grown in your


neighborhood, especially later semester while all greens are gone. (Photo submissions are accepted within one week and due at the following Friday, 10%) 3 Herbs of non-flowering Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Examine (smell, bite, chew) plants and fungi: Fungi; identify the following common herbs of slides, notes, and PDF the dry herbal samples Algae; ; and non-flowering plants: handouts, herbal samples (see distributed by the class. Write Gymnosperms. > Fungi: Tremella fuciformis, Auricularia the herbs with bolded fonts), down the results of your auricula-judae, Ganoderma lucidum, Poria recipes. examination, point out the key cocos, Cordyceps sinensis (with larval of (9+8, 6 species can be used phenotypes that would help Hepialus varians.). for food, and one species can you to remember the plants in wild and the dry products in an > Algae: Ecklonia kurome, Laminaria be used for tea) herbal store. japonica, Pyropia tenera, P. yezoensis, P. In addition to the medicinal hantanensis. uses, herbs are used for Food, 2. Try to make a dish by using the distributed dry fungus of > Ferns: Equisetum hiemale, Lygodium , and Tea marked with Tremella, seaweed of japonicum, Cibotium barometz, Dryopteris specific underlined. Bolded Laminaria, or Ginkgo seeds. crassirhizoma, Osmunda japonica. fonts indicate heavily used herbs. 3. Write a report regarding the Gymnosperms (conifers): Ginkgo biloba, experiences you have learned Platycladus orientalis, Ephedra sinica. from this lecture and submit it through discussion forum in the course web-site. 4. Upload the pictures to the forum that you think those are non-flowering plants or . 4 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Go to a nearby park Magnoliidae: Magnoliaceae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF (campus mall in front of St. Myristicaceae, Lauraceae, plants in Magnoliidae: handouts, herbal samples (see Paul student center and the Piperaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Magnolia liliflora, M. officinalis, Myrostica the herbs with bolded fonts), Chinese medicinal plant Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, fragrans, Cinnamomum cassia, Lindera recipes, reference material garden) to find out plants of


Nymphaeaceae, strychnifolia, Piper nigrum, Aristolochia regarding the cases of Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, Ranunculaceae, fangchi, Asarum sieboldii, A. heteropoides var. Aristolochia and Stephania, Aristolochiaceae, and Lardizabalaceae, mandshuricum, A. canadense, Illicium and forms for herbal properties Ranunculaceae, filed out the Menispermaceae, verum, Schisandra chinensis, Euryale and energy. form; examine the fresh plants Papaveraceae ferox, Nelumbo nucifera, Aconitum (18+9, 4 species can be used by twisting a piece of tissue kusnezoffii, Cimicifuga foetida, Clematis for food, and 4 species can be and smelling it. To review the chinensis, C. apiifolia, Coptis used for ) flashcard to see which plants chinensis,Paeonia lactiflora, P. are grown in your hometown? suffruticosa, Pulsatilla chinensis, Epimedium 2. Lab: to examine (smell or sagittatum, Akebia quinata, Stephania taste) distributed samples of tetrandra, Corydalis yanhusuo, Papaver Cinnamomum, Piper, Illicium, somniferum. Nelumbo, Coptis, Paeonia, and complete the form. 3. Lab: Write your comment regarding that many herbs used in oriental medicine are not simply dried herbs referring to examples such as Aconitum to describe the importance of detoxification of some poisonous herbs in the class forum. 4. Comment on the cases of Aristolochia and Stephania. 5. Flashcard exercise and Quiz-II. 5 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Go to a nearby park (wood Hamanelidae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF hill and Hort display garden) to Caryophyllidae, and plants in Hamannelidae, Caryophyllidae, handouts, herbal samples (see find out plants of Dilleniidae: and Dilleniidae: the herbs with bolded fonts), Polygonaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Liquidambar formosana, Eucommia recipes. and Cruciferae, filed out the Eucommiaceae, ulmoides, Cannabis sativa, Morus alba, form; examine the fresh plants Cannabaceae, Moraceae, Juglans regia, Phytolacca acinosa,


Juglandaceae, Achyanthes bidentata,Celosia argentea, (18+6, 7 species can be used by twisting a piece of tissue Phytolaccaceae, Polygonum cuspidatum, P. multiflorum, for food, and 5 species can be and smelling it. Amaranthaceae, Rheum officinale, Rh. rhabarbarum, used for tea) 2. Lab: to examine (smell or Caryophyllaceae, Camellia sinensis, lychnophora taste), and prepare distributed Polygonaceae, Theaceae, ( affine), Citrullus vulgaris, samples of Eucommia, Sterculiaceae, , Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Momordica Polygonum multiflorum, Violaceae, Tamaricaceae, cochinchinensis, M. grosvenori, Rheum, Cammelia chinensis, Cucurbitaceae, Cruciferae, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Isatis tinctorial, Sterculia (make tea and Primulaceae Raphanus sativus. liquor), and complete the form. 3. Write a paragraph of what you understand about Tea and its medicinal uses. 4. Lab: to examine and experience Gynostemma and its products, and use Gynostemma as an example to explain how the new herbs are discovered. Commont on the experiences of making Tea and medicinal Liquor in the discussion forum. 6 Medicinal plants of Rosidae Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Go to Chinese medicinal (I): Saxifragaceae, Rosaceae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF plant garden and Agricultural Leguminosae plants in Rosidae: handouts, herbal samples (see research field to find out plants Dichroa febrifuga, Agrimonia pilosa, the herbs with bolded fonts), of Rosaceae and Chaenomeles speciosa, C. lagenaria, recipes. Leguminosae, filed out the Crataegus pinnatifida, Eriobotrya japonica, (10+7, 5 species can be used form; examine the fresh plants Prunus armeniaca, P. persica, Rosa for food, and 4 species can be by twisting a piece of tissue laevigata, Sanguisorba officinalis, Albizia used for tea) and smelling it. julibrissin, Astragalus mongholicus, Cassia 2. Lab: to examine (smell or tora, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Vigna angularis, taste), and prepare distributed V. radiata, Pueraria lobata, Sophora japonica samples of Crataegus, (Styphnolobium japonicum). Astragalus, Glycyrrhiza,


Phaseolus calcaratus, P. radiatus, and Pueraria (make tea, liquor, and soup), and complete the form. 3. Reading the materials proved by instructor, and use Pueraria as an example to explain how the herbal application in the US may help to control some noxious weeds. 4. Flashcard exercise with no formal report or other assignment, prepare for a middle-term paper. 7 Review, Field trip I, and Students are expected to review all the Distributed materials: audio, Write the field trip I middle term paper species included in the previous lectures, video (to show Shanghai report/middle term paper. All take a field trip to AAAOM and Shanghai Wholesale and AAOM), and the middle-term papers will be Wholesale, and write a middle term paper PDF handouts with the uploaded online for comments based on the field trip to discuss herbal instruction of field trip from the class after grading. uses, marketing by comparing an herbal report/middle term paper pharmacy and herbs in an oriental grocery writing. store. 8 Medicinal plants of Rosidae Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Visit Como park (or (II): Thymelaeaceae, ID the following common medicinal plants slides, notes, and PDF Agricultural research plots, Myrtaceae, Punicaceae, in Rosidae: handouts, herbal samples (see field) to find out plants of Combretaceae, Alangiaceae, the herbs with bolded fonts), Euphorbiaceae, filed out the Cornaceae, Santalaceae, Aquilaria sinensis, Eugenia caryophyllata, Loranthaceae, Celastraceae, Punica granatum, Quisqualis indica, recipes. form; examine the fresh plants Euphorbiaceae, Achariaceae, Terminalia chebula, Cornus officinalis, (8+10, 6 species can be used by cutting the leaves or stems Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, Santalum album, Taxillus chinensis, for food) to see the milk-like juice. Polygalaceae, Sapindaceae, Tripterygium wilfordii, Croton tiglium, 2. Lab: to examine (smell or Simaroubaceae, Meliaceae, Euphorbia pekinensis, Ricinus communis, taste), and prepare distributed Erythroxylaceae. Hydnocarpus anthelminticus, Ziziphus jujube, samples of Ziziphus,


. Z. spinosa, Polygala tenuifolia, Dimocarpus Dimocarpus longan (soup), longan, Melia azedarach, Erythoroxylum and complete the form. coca. 3. By understanding the toxicity of Euphorbia family plants, discuss how to avoid poisonous herbs during daily uses. Often the cases, the poisonous herbs are used to treat some severe health conditions. 4. Discuss the reason that Croton is not good to be used weight loss, although it is a very good herbal medicine. Submit your comments online through the class forum. 9 Medicinal plants of Rosidae Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Visit the herb-section of (III): identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF greenhouse, and exchange Rutaceae,,Balsaminaceae, plants in Rosidae: handouts, herbal samples (see photos taken early of the Araliaceae, Umbelliferae Citrus reticulate, Citrus aurantium, Evodia the herbs with bolded fonts), semester, and revise the rutaecarpa, Phellodendron amurense, recipes. method of identifying Impatiens balsamina, Acanthopanax (10+6, 7 species can be used Rutaceae, Araliaceae, and (Eleutherococcus) gracilistylus, A. for food) Umbelliferae. Complete the senticosus, Panax , P. form; examine the fresh plants quinquefolius, P. notoginseng, Angelica by twisting a piece of tissue sinensis, Bupleurum chinesis, Cnidium and smelling it. monnieri, Daucus carota, Ligusticum 2. Lab: to examine (smell or chuanxiong, Saposhnikovia divaricata. taste), and prepare distributed samples of Citrus, Eleutherococcus, Panax, Angelica, and Ligusticum, (make liquor, tea, and soup), and complete the form.


3. Create a key to distinguish all available herbs from Araliaceae and Umbelliferae. Discuss it in the forum. 10 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Visit the herb-section of Asteridae (I): Loganiaceae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF greenhouse, and exchange Gentianaceae, Apocynaceae, plants in Asteridae: handouts, herbal samples (see photos taken early of the Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Gentiana macrophylla, Datura metel, Lycium the herbs with bolded fonts), semester, post the photos that Convolvulaceae, barbarum, L. ruthenicum, Cuscuta chinesis, recipes. you believe are the plants of Verbenaceae, Labiatae, Pharbitis nil, Agastache rugosa, Leonurus (16+5, 8 species can be used Solanaceae, Labiateae, Plantaginaceae, Oleaceae, artemisia, Mentha haplocalyx, Ocimum for food, and two species can Oleaceae, and Scrophulariaceae, basilicum, Perilla frutescens, Pogostemon be used for tea) Scrophulariaceae, filed out the Orobanchaceae, cablin, P. patchouli, Prunella vulgaris, Salvia form. Acanthaceae. miltiorrhiza, Scutellaria baicalensis, 2. Lab: to examine (smell or Stachys floridana, Plantago asiatica, taste), and prepare distributed Forsythia suspense, Rehmannia glutinosa, samples of Lycium, Cuscuta, Scrophularia ningpoensis. Agastache, Perilla, Prunella, Salvia, Plantago, Forsythia, and Rehmannia, and Scrohularia, and complete the form. 3. Discuss the properties of medicinal plants in Labiatae and create your own Key for determining them. 4. Group project-I: Visit a grocery store or oriental store to investigate the vegetables and dry plant products (Truong Thanh Great Wall Grocery), such as spices. In each group, you can discuss in a group only forum and form a report


regarding the plants, especially medicinal plant uses in the store your visited. 11 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Share the photos taken Asteridae (II): Pedaliaceae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF earlier this semester and Campanulaceae, Rubiaceae, plants in Asteridae: handouts, herbal samples (see indicate that the species you Caprifoliaceae, Sesamum indicum, Adenophora stricta, the herbs with bolded fonts), believed are plants of Valerianaceae, Compositae. Codonopsis pilosula, Platycodon recipes. Campanulaceae, Rubiaceae, grandiflorum, Gardenia jasminoides, (17+5, 5 species can be used Caprifoliaceae, and Morinda officinalis, Rubia cordifolia, for food, and two species can Compositae, filed out the form. rhynchophylla, Lonicera japonica, Arctium be used for tea) 2. Lab: to examine (smell or lappa, Artemisia annua, A. argyi, taste), and prepare distributed Aucklandiae lappa, Atractylodes lancea, A. samples of Sesamum, macrocephala, Carthamus tinctorius, Codonopsis, Gardenia, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Chamaemelum Lonicera, Carthamus, nobile, Inula japonica, Senecio scandens, Chrysanthemum (tea, liquor, Taraxacum mongolicum, Xanthium or soup), and complete the sibiricum. form. 3. Following the recipe, make some salad by collecting some fresh Taraxacum and Tofu.

12 Field trip II Visit Truong Thanh and Hmong Markets Handouts about the trip detail, Preparation for the final paper learning points topic. Field trip report II. 13 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Exchange the photos taken Alismatidae, Arecidae, identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF at the earlier of this semester, Commelinidae, and plants in Alismatidae, Arecidae, handouts, herbal samples (see post images of plants that Zingiberidae (I): Commelinidae, and Zingiberidae (I): the herbs with bolded fonts), belong to Palmae, Araceae, Alismataceae, Palmae, Alisma orientalis, Areca catechu, Acorus recipes. Cyperaceae, Gramineae, and Araceae, Juncaceae, granmineus, Pinellia ternate, P. pedatisecta, (10+9, 4 species can be used Orchidaceae, filed out the Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Juncus offusus,var. decipiens, Cyperus for food) form; examine the fresh plants Typhaceae, Amaryllidaceae, rotundus, Coix Lacryma-jobi, Imperata by twisting a piece of tissue (If


Stemonaceae, cylindrica, Indocalamus tessellatus, you are going to a greenhouse Dioscoreaceae, Orchidaceae. Lophatherum gracile, Oryza sativa, display, please don’t taste Phragmites communis, Typha angustifolia, fresh plants of Araceae, Dioscorea bulbifera, D. polystachya, Bletilla Amaryllidaceae, and striata, Dendrobium nobile, Gastrodia elata. Dioscoreaceae, most of plants from those families are toxic while eating fresh). 2. Lab: to examine (smell or taste), and prepare distributed samples of Pinellia, Coix, Imperata, Dioscorea opposite, and Gastrodia (liquor and soup), and complete the form. 3. Flashcard practice (using common heath problems to find medicinal plants to treat) and Quiz-III. 14 Medicinal plants of Students are expected to learn how to Distributed materials: lecture 1. Exchange the photos taken Zingiberidae (II) and identify the following common medicinal slides, notes, and PDF at the early the semester, post Liliidae: Zingiberaceae, plants in Zingiberidae (II) and Liliidae: handouts, herbal samples (see all images you think are the Liliaceae Alpinia officinarum, A. oxyphylla, Amonum the herbs with bolded fonts), plants of Zingiberaceae, tsao-ko, A. villosum, Curcuma longa, C. recipes. Liliaceae, and Iridaceae in the rcenyujin, Zingiber officinale, Allium (11+6, 11 species can be used forum. You can ID the plants fistulosum, A. satium, Aloe vera, Asparagus for food) yourself or some others in the cochinchiensis, Fritillaria cirrhosa, class can ID them. Hemerocallis fulva, Lilium brownii, 2. Lab: to examine (smell or Ophiopogon japonicus, Polygonatum taste), and prepare distributed kingianum, P. odoratum, Belamcanda samples of Amonum tsao- chinensis. ko,Lilium brownie, and Polygonatum (soup), and complete the form. 3. Discussion: go to a nearby grocery store such as CUB or


RAINBOW (not an oriental store) to find out how many dry herbs (spices) are sold in the store, discuss in your group forum. This will be evaluated depending on the discussion and participating. 4. Flashcard practice to review all the herbs learned in this class and Quiz-IV. 15 Review, final paper, and a Students are expected to review all the Distributed materials: audio, Follow the instruction provided potluck party (Kitchen herbs learned from this course, write a final video, herbal samples, to write a final paper. practice) term paper to discuss a group of medicinal plants that would be used to treat a certain type of health problems. The paper should include the classification, properties, and distribution of herbs; the theoretical bases of uses; dosages, risks, and cautions; the potential market in the region who lives.