P/I'spect,/I Merry Christmas

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P/I'spect,/I Merry Christmas University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP The Prospector Special Collections Department 12-17-1965 The Prospector, December 17, 1965 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.utep.edu/prospector Comments: This file is atherr large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. HolidaysHolidays Begin Tomorrow THE Merry Christmas P/i'SPECT,/i/IROI/IECTOR Everyone "Assayer Of Student Opinion" VOL. XXXII EL PASO, TEXAS, DECEMBER 17, 1965 No. 13 Student Handbook Causes Confusion The inclusion in the Student Handbook of 1965-66 of an outdated section on the Campus Police was the cause of con-con­ cern and confusion on the part of the Campus Police, city police, TWC students and members of the College staff. The section reads: "The Campus policemenpolicemen are fellow stu-stu­ dents. They also hold Special Commissions from the City of EIEl Paso Police Department and 4e>-------------------------­ are empowered toto enforce all reg-reg­ ulations prescribedprescribed herein." (Sec-(Sec­ tiontion 3, Page 33, under Respon-Respon­ Senate sibility). Senate Capt.CapL Robert MInnieMinnie of the El Uoerri des Paso Police Department checked OverridUIe .s recordsrecords inin thethe officeoffice ofof thethe Chief of Police downtown and found D'·T-'St T thatthat thethe TWC Campus Police are .L' j " /eto4 not commissionedcommissioned as special offi-offi­ First VetoI cers, as stated in the handbook. cers, as stated in the handbook. The Student Senate overrode Capt. MInnieMinnie pointedpointed outout that SA president Fred Craft's first thethe Campus policepolice .d~n't.d~n•t actualityactually vetoveto of thethe yearyear lastlast Thursday in need theth e CommlSSJODS,COJllllllSSlODS, which regularregular session. wouldwould give them no more au- CROWNCROWN COEDCOED KING-AmIdstKING-Amidst a wbatrytry ...wonderland_.Iand atmosphere,atmosphere, Lee Porter was crownedcrowned CoedCoed thority.thority, The commissionscommissions are Resolution No.No. 7, affirming thethe KingKing dlll'lqdu.rinc tilethe UBuatauual Coed BallBall heldheld lastlast Friday IDin thethe SUBSUB BaJIrGom.Ballroom. M_1lenMembers orof thethe courtcourt granted onlyonly toto securitysecurity officerSofficers rightright of students, faculty andand staff were,were, left 10to r1cht,rl&'ht, 11mJim CIar1Clary aadand EdEd Plter,ffler, dukes; KIngKing Porte'r;Porter; Frances VauVan WickIe,Wickle, whowho crown-crown­ on Campus and give them powerpower toto free expression, carried thethe ed thethe kiq;king; aada.ad Bob IkownBl'Own aadand Garr Thompson,Thompson, jesters.jesters. TheThe daDeeclance waawas _sponsored ........ hyby _AMD­ toto wearwear guns.guns. necessarynecessary twotwo -- thirdsthirds majority ciatedciated WOlDenStudenta.Women Students. .. with aa votevote ofof 3535 forfor andand 9 HeHe also pomtedpomted outout thatthat hehe seessees against,against, after re-introductionre-introduction on no~o probl~pr~bleJI?- about the~e Campus Po-Po- thethe floor,floor. TheThe original vote,vote, PIeri-previ­ !icebce ~tingdirecting traffictraffic onon Campus,Campus, ousous toto Craft'sCraft's veto,veto waswas 2826 for 'Sun Bowl, Humble 11 Coeds ~~=~eC~~=' ~.;=~and0 14 against. 'Sun Bowl, Humble 11 Coeds there~?.fu~~~::=:ut· might be some question as The:~·r=b~beenre-in- resolution had been re-in- toto theirtheir authorityauthority onon thesethese dedl-dedi- troducedtroduced afterafter Craft'sCraft's objections ' , SEE' JJ -t·t EEnhnhance ance catedcated streets,streets, butbut aa specialspecial com-com- toto thethe resolutionresolution werewere readread byby Stara r tt saav ~'\f.'Ss u,ul' oror mission~~?enswBJ.od.uld would notnot solvesolve It,"it," Capt. Senate PresidentPresident BobBob Thomas. ,' ..,'J ,' Minnie said. CraftCraft feltfelt thethe resolutionresolution diddid notnot TWCTWC Vice-PresidentVice-President MiltonMi 1 ton clearlyclearly statestate itsits objective andand thatthat ByBy MARTYMARTY LAURELL UREL prestige,prestige, thethe SunSun Bowl,Bowl, withwith thethe •Sun Court LeechLeech hashas contactedcontacted TexasTexas West-West- thethe wordingwording Impliedimplied thatthat thethe fac-fac- ThirtyThirty yearsyears agoago BobBob Ingram,Ingram, exception ofof thisthis year'syear's game,game, isis . So th ern'sern's attorneyattorney inin AustinAustin toto getget ultyulty couldcould demonstratedemonstrate asas aa body,body, nownow sportssports editoreditor ofof thethe ElEl PasoPaso airedaired viavia nation-wide.nation-wide t~levisiontelevision TheThe ~unSun CityCity andand thethe SouU.·th- finalfinal clarificationclarification onon thisthis matter,matter, aa principleprinciple hehe doesdoes notnot agreeagree Herald-Post,Herald-Post, wrotewrote thethe programprogram toto approximatelyapproximately 7575 nullionmillion peo-peo- westwest WIllwill soonsoon bebe caughtcaught upup min accordingaccording toto EdwardEdward C.C. Hughes,Hughes, with.with. article on the first Sun Bowl ple over thethe NationalNati·onal Broadcast-Broadcast- thethe actlvl.tiesactivi_ties ofof thethe Southwest a local attorney who was working article on the first Sun Bowl Ple Over TWC a local attorney who was working inging Company.Company. ThisThis putput thethe SunSun SunSun Carruval..Carnival., SeveralSeveral TWC ,co.,co- onon thethe question.question. OpeningOpening withwith the statementstatement footballfootball game.game. BowlBowl in thethe samesame categorycategory asas eds,e_ds, representingrepresenting l?call~cal orgamza-orgamza- thatthat forfor "these"these twotwo meagermeager rea-rea- "The Sun Bowl football game-­ "The Sun Bowl football game-s- thethe GatorGator Bowl,Bowl, playedplayed inin Jack-Jack- ~ons~ons andand surroundingsurrounding comm~-comm~- TheThe questionquestion ofof jurisdictionjurisdiction onon sonssons wewe havehave waitedwaited allall thesethese today!today I 0U Fla playing second on- ties, have Been chosen for posi- the TWC Campus was summed up sonville, Fla., playing second on- tt~es, havtehoesen cChooursent for posl- the TWC Campus was summed up weeks,weeks,"tI senatorSenator RoyRoy ChavezChavez pres-pres­ 1'5"5 yearsyears laterlater .. .. .. 10 yearsyears Ivlyvtc to ~hethe fo'~rfour majormajor bowlsbowls, thethe tionsions onon thee Sunun Court.· byby Capt.Capt. MinnieMinnie whenwhen hehe pointedpointed entedented AndyAndy Kozero.Kozero. HeHe saidsaid thethe ...... 2525 years!years! WhatWhat willwill thethe SunSun Cotton,Cotton, Rose,Rose, OrangeOrange andand Sugar.Sugar. RoyalRoyal DuchessesDuche_sses forfor thethe 1965-661965-66 outout thatthat thethe officersofficers havehave au-au- objectiveobjective ofof aa resolution,resolution, byby die-die• BowjBowl gamegame bebe then?then? FOREMOSTFOREMOST FACTORFACTOR SunSun CourtCourt mclude:include: CharlotteCharlotte thontythority toto enforceenforce rulesrules andand reg-reg- tionarytionary definition,definition, waswas toto expressexpress "Sponsors"Sponsors forfor thethe famedfamed Tour-Tour­ ClairClair Hays,Hays, thethe Women'sWomen's Com-Com- ulationsulations ofof thethe College,College, butbut thatthat thethe willwill ofof thethe bodybody (Senate)(Senate) namentnament ofof RosesRoses atat Pasadena,Pasadena, OfOf course,course, thethe foremostforemost factorfactor mitteemittee ofof thethe ElEl PasoPaso SymphonySymphony ElEl PasoPaso CityCity PolicePolice havehave jurisdic-jurisdic- "not"not toto reflectreflect PresidentPresident Craft'sCraft's California,California didn'tdidn't visualizevisualize thatthat inin thethe growthgrowth ofof thethe SunSun BowlBowl Association;Association· LillaLilla CarolynCarolyn Fisk,Fisk, tiontion overover allall partsparts ofof thethe Campus.Campus. personalpersonal whimswhims oror intents."intents." Cha-Cha­ thethe eyeseyes' ofof thethe sportsport worldworld toto Itsits pres~ntpresent statusstatus waswas t~et~e SunSun thethe Women'sWome~'s AuxiliaryAuxiliary ofof TWe;TWC; ItIt isis onlyonly thethe CityCity PolicePolice whowho cancan vezvez thenthen readread severalseveral UUnitednit e d wouldwould bebe focusedfocused OIlon thethe NewNew BowlBowl Stadium,Stadium, mademade possiblepossible byby ShielaShiela KayKay Harris,Harris, willwill bebe rep-rep- handlehandle suchsuch mattersmatters asas traffictraffic ac-ac- StatesStates SupremeSupreme CourtCourt opinionsopinions onon Year'sYear's classicclassic 3232 yearsyears afterafter itsits thethe taxpayerstaxpayers ofof EIEl ~a~o~9:1° whenwhen resentingresenting thethe BigBiggs g s Officer'sOfficer's cidents,cidents, thefts,thefts, assaults,assaults, etc.etc. thethe subjectsubject ofof academicacademic freedom.freedom. theythey passedpassed aa $1.75$1.75 million~lion bondbond WivesWives Club;Club; VirginiaVirginia AnnAnn Schul-Schul- ________ ReferringReferring toto oneone opinionopinion whichwhich inauguration.inauguration. issue for the construction of what ler the Junior Women's Club of "And it did languish for a pe­ issue for the construction of what ler the Junior Women's Club of statedstated academicacademic freedomfreedom waswas fUn-fun- "And it did languish for a pe- NBC'sNBC's RayRay ScottScott describesdescribes,, asas EI'El' Paso'Paso; MargaretMargaret AnnAnn Marsh,Marsh, HOLIDAYSHOLIDAYS damentaldamental toto thethe U.S.U.S. Constitu-Constitu- riod of years. But today it is the riod of years. But today it is the lithe perfect football stadium." Women'~ Clubs of the Lower Val- tion, Chavez said that maybe annualannual footballfootball classicclassic ofof thethe "the perfect football stadium. Women's Clubs ofK the Lower Th Val- AccordingAccording toto thethe
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