LENT 2013 COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS Give thanks and celebrate the good things in your life this Lent with our thought-provoking Count Your Blessings calendar enclosed in this edition of the Review. Each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, forty bite-sized reflections will inspire you to give thanks for the blessings in your life, and enable you to step out in prayer and action to help FKDQJH WKH OLYHV RI WKH ZRUOG·V SRRUHVW communities. To order more copies please ring 611 0801 or write to us at: Christian Aid, 17 Clanwilliam Terrace Dublin 2 8 9 9 6 Y H C www.christianaid.ie CHURCH OF IRE LAND UNITE D DIOCE S ES CHURCH REVIEW OF DUB LIN AND GLE NDALOUGH ISSN 0790-0384 The Most Reverend Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop of Glendalough, Church Review is published monthly Primate of Ireland and Metropolitan. and usually available by the first Sunday. Please order your copy from your Parish by annual sub scription. €40 for 2013 AD. POSTAL SUBSCRIIPTIIONS//CIIRCULATIION Archbishop’s Lette r Copies by post are available from: Charlotte O’Brien, ‘Mountview’, The Paddock, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. E:
[email protected] T: 086 026 5522. FEBRUARY 2013 The cost is the subscription and appropriate postage. I was struck early in the New Year, while leafing through a newspaper, to find the following statement: Happiness and vulnerability are often the same thing. It was not a religious paper and in COPY DEADLIINE no way did the sentiment it voiced set out to be theological. However, it got me thinking, as often All editorial material MUST be with the I find to be the case with certain things which say something from their own context into another Editor by 15th of the preceeding and quite different context, about something important to me.