5 Toau) Secret Talks a Possibility
r FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1972 PAGlfi TW5!NTY;F0UR > iiattrtfPBtpr iEttming l|?ralb At the Center The Weather Coventry With Glenti Gamher Fair arid humid tonight, lows In the 70s with a 20 per cent iPage 5 lEupnt« 5 to a U ) chance of rain. Hazy and humid, a chance of showers Sunday, Tax Deadline Aug. 1 Manchester— A City of Village Charm high 95. Gardening Tax Collector 'Audrey Bray ting by Qreg Locke, Curt Le VOL. XCI, NO. 243 (FOURTEEN PAGES— TV SECTION) ts reminding Coventry residents Doyt smd Dwayne Beagla. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS and property owners that tsuc- Other members of the Coven- es on the Grand List of Octo- try All-Stars are Dave Blwell, ber 1, 1971 are due and payable Ken Qoodale, Kevin Qraen, l^u prior to August 1. , LaBrec, ^Lee Martin, A1 i Frank Atwood Payments may be made dm Nominees Open either at her office In the Town Tomanelll, Sm U W^*®ce, Bill ■'What Is the of the automatic controls, twice a day. Mr. Devanney points out, Is Hall or by mall. In which case Seatim pretty flowers?" summer; If the winter basically residential, which Is these wishing a receipt should ^ become elec- ' r / " sun Is unusually bright, the his reason for not putting up a enclose a stamped, self-address- PP i„ the ReaU Secret Talks This Is a quesUon asked many ^^tered three Umes sign. It Is a reason also for the ed envelope with their payment. of M l Campaign Race times a day at the checkout a day.
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