A PARTIAL LIST OF EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS PASTICHES (Originally compiled for the National Capital Panthans Journal #3, 29 Dec. 1996; Revised for ERB-apa #69, 21 Mar. 2001, last updated 15 Dec. 2020) A. PROSE 1. “Aaron, Anthony” (Bozarth, David Bruce), “To Balance the Books” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 2. Adams. Chris L., “Tarzan and the Behemoth” in ERB-apa #140, Winter 2019 3. Adams. Chris L., “Tarzan and the Forest of Stone” in ERB-apa #141, Spring 2019 4. Adams, David, “Are You Tarzan?” (Barsoomian Blade, 1997) 5. Adams, David, “Dear Sigmund” (Barsoomian Blade, 1997) 6. Adams, David, “The Death of Tarzan” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 7. Adams, David, “A Desert Tale” (ERBlist.com, 1998) 8. Adams, David A., “Ed’s African Journey” in ERB-apa #72, Winter 2002 9. Adams, David, “ERB Meets Mark Twain in Heaven” (ERBlist.com, 1999) 10. Adams, David A., “Mark Twain’s Visit to Barsoom” in ERB-apa #63, Fall 1999 11. Adams, David, “Memoirs of an Ape-Child” (ERBlist.com, 1997; expanded version 2003) 12. Adams, David, “Morgor Wars #1: The Skeptic” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 13. Adams, David, “The Revelations of a Certain Lord” (ERBlist.com, 1998) 14. Adams, David, “The Scientists Revolt Against #13 for 7 Years in Tibet” (ERBlist.com, 1998) 15. Adams, David, “She’s at It Again” (ERBlist.com, 2005) 16. Adams, David, “Tales of N’kima” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 17. Adams, David, “Tic & Toc Talk” (ERBlist.com, 1998) 18. Adams, David, “T’zan and the Invisible Men” (Barsoomian Blade, 1997) 19. Adams, David, “A Visit to Barsoom” (ERBlist.com, 1998) 20. Adams, Jim, “A Warrior Walks Barsoom” (ERBzin-e #3191, n. d.) 21. “Aelfwine, Andrew yclept”, ”John Carter of Hogwarts” in National Capital Panthans Journal #170, 5 Dec. 2010 22. Allen, Mark Brandon, “The Dregs of Mars” in Ahlhelm, Nicholas, ed., Heroes of Mars (Cedar Rapids, Ia., Metahuman Press, 2012) 23. Allsup, Steve, “A Bridge too Far”(ERBzin-e #6092, 2017) 24. Allsup, Steve, “Greystoke’s Jungle Folks” (Play) (ERBlist.com, 2006) 25. Allsup, Steve, “Lord of the Waziri” (ERBlist.com, 2006) 26. Allsup, Steve, & Martin, John, “John Carter and the Mount of Olympus” (ERBlist.com, 2010) 27. Alonso, George Walter, Tarzan and His Friends Go to Opar (supplement to ERB-apa #50, 1996) 28. Anderson, Kevin J., & Hoyt, Sarah A, “Tarzan and the Martian Invaders” in Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs (Riverdale, N. Y., Baen, Oct. 2013 29. Anon., Adventures of Tarzan (ERBville Press PB, Pulpville Press HB), Feb. 2005 30. Anon., Disney Adventure Magazine (special Tarzan issue), July 1999 31. Anon., Disney’s Pop-Up Adventures (New York, Disney Press, 2001) 32. Anon., Disney’s Pop-Up Animals (New York, Disney Press, 2001) 33. Anon., Disney’s Tarzan -- Jungle Hero (Franklin, Tenn., Dalmatian Press, 2001) 34. Anon., Disney’s Tarzan Sticker Book with 18 sticker (Panini, 1999) 35. Anon., Disney’s Tarzan Sticker Book with 33 stickers (Panini, 1999) 36. Anon., “The Iron Troops” in Tarzan Annual, 1975; reprinted in National Capital Panthans Journal #206, 8 Dec. 2013 37. Anon., The New Adventures of Tarzan (Racine, Wis., Whitman Big LittleBook, 3 printings, 1935) 38. Anon., Tarzan (Whitman premium, 1936) 39. Anon., “Tarzan” in Disney Adventurers Story Collection (New York, Disney Press, 2003) 40. Anon., Tarzan and the Crystal Vault of Isis (Holt, Mich., Mad Kings, 1994) 41. Anon., Tarzan and a Daring Rescue (Whitman premium, 2 printings, 1938) 42. Anon., Tarzan and His Jungle Friends (Whitman premium, 1936) 43. Anon., Tarzan and the She-Devil in 3-D (Topps Bubble Gum Cards, 1953, reprinted as Tarzan in 3-D as a souvenir of the Dayton, Ohio Dum-Dum, 2009) 44. Anon, “Tarzan and the Time Trap” in ERB-apa #46, Summer 1995 45. Anon., “Tarzan and the Winged Heads” in ERB-apa #45, Spring 1995 46. Anon., Tarzan the Avenger (Dell Fast Action Book, 1939) 47. Anon., Tarzan Escapes (Racine, Wis., Whitman Big Little Book, 1936) 48. Anon., Tarzan the Fearless (Racine, Wis., Whitman Big Little Book, 1934) 49. Anon., Tarzan the Fearless, the Complete 12-Chapter Serial Script (ERBville Press, 2005; reprinted HB Mar. 2008, PB Aug. 2008) !1 A PARTIAL LIST OF EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS PASTICHES 50. Anon., Tarzan in the Golden City (Whitman premium, 2 printings, 1938) 51. Anon., Tarzan in 3-D (Dum-Dum 2009 souvenir) 52. Anon., Tarzan the Mighty (ERBville Press PB, Feb. 2005, HB Jan. 2006) 53. Anon., Tarzan the Mighty/Tarzan the Tiger Serial Synopses (ERBville Press PB, Dec. 2003) 54. Anon., Tarzan’s Revenge (Racine, Wis., Whitman Big Little Book, 2 printings, 1938) 55. August, Ed, “The Emerald of Mars” (incomplete) in Odwar #1, 1964, reprinted in ERBzin-e, n. d. 56. “Baked, Harold Fitzgerald” (Julius, Kevin C.), “One Day Late Last Summer” in Tarzine #42, Jan. 1986 57. “Bards of Barsoom” (Bearden, Don, Bozarth, David Bruce, & Nunez, Andy), “The Caverns of Mars” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 58. “Bards of Barsoom” (Bearden, Don, Bozarth, David Bruce, & Nunez, Andy), When the Princess Disappeared (ERBlist.com, 1997) 59. Barker, N. P. R., Under Crimson Moons (ERBlist.com, 2005) 60. Barnard, ?, The Corpse at the Haworth Tandoori (New York, Scribner, 1999) 61. Barnes, John, “Ras Thavas #6: The Great Ape” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 62. Barnes, John, Bozarth, & David Bruce, “Barsoom: The Untold Stories, Vol. I” (ERBzin-e #858, 2003) 63. Barnes, John, & Elliott, Jean, “Barsoom: The Untold Stories, Vol. II” (ERBzin-e #859, 2003) 64. Barnes, John, & Elliott, Jean, “Barsoom: The Untold Stories, Vol. III” (ERBzin-e #857, 2003) 65. Beecher, Elizabeth, Tarzan of the Apes & Little Konga (New York, Simon & Schuster, 1954); reprinted in National Capital Panthans Journal #20, 7 June 1998 66. Bergen, Lara, “Three of a Kind” in Disney Friendship Stories (New York, Disney Press, 2006) 67. Betts, Matt, Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. HB & PB, 2020) 68. Blaylock, James, The Digging Leviathan (New York, Ace, 1984; HB repr. New York, Morrigan, 1988) 69. Blaylock, James, Zeuglodon (Subterranean Press, Aug. 2012, limited & trade eds.) 70. Blizard, Frank, Jack of Time (ERBzin-e #280, 2000-#663, 2000) 71. “Bloodstone, John” (Stuart J. Byrne), Tarzan on Mars (Bloodstone HB & PB, 1955; reprinted by Bob Madle, n. d., by Joe Lukes, n. d., & by Lohae Press, 2001) 72. Blosser, Fred, “Castaway of Pellucidar” (ERBzin-e #2059, 2009) 73. Blosser, Fred, “Lost Empire of Pellucidar” (ERBzin-e #2161, 2008) 74. Bluhm, Matthew, “A Panthan’s Story” (ERBzin-e #536, 2003) 75. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Amar vs. La” (ERBlist.com, 2002) 76. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Bulan: The Case of the Plaintiff Pirate” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 77. Bozarth, David Bruce, “The Chat” (ERBlist.com, 2018) 78. Bozarth, David Bruce, Dead Cities of Mars (ERBlist.com, 1997) 79. Bozarth, David Bruce, “A Fight in the Forest” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 80. Bozarth, David Bruce, The Land That Darwin Forgot (ERBlist.com, 2000) 81. Bozarth, David Bruce, La of Opar (ERBlist.com, 2002) 82. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Morgor War: Timeline, History of the Morgor War” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 83. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Morgor Wars #2: Frustration” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 84. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Morgor Wars #4: Star of Death" (ERBlist.com, 2000) 85. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Oldest War Correspondent of WW II” (ERBlist.com, 1999) 86. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Pirates at Xanator” (ERBlist.com, 1985, 1997) 87. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #1: The New City” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 88. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #2: Among the Therns” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 89. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #3: The Bowman” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 90. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #4: The Desert” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 91. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #7: The Arena” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 92. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #8: The Morgor” (ERBlist.com, 2004) 93. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #9: The Odwar’s Wife” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 94. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #10: The Competition” (ERBlist.com, 2008) 95. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #11: Treasure” (ERBlist.com, 2008) 96. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #12: The Mother” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 97. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #13: The Hunted” (ERBlist.com, 2004) 98. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #14: The Scientist” (ERBlist.com, 2008) 99. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #15: Lost in the Marsh” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 100. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #16: Fatherhood” (ERBlist.com, 2006) 101. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #17: The Murderess” (ERBlist.com, 2004) 102. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #18: The Kaldane” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 103. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #19: Marsh Hunt” (ERBlist.com, 2008) !2 A PARTIAL LIST OF EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS PASTICHES 104. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #20: Relic” (ERBlist.com, 2008) 105. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #21: The Panthan” (ERBlist.com, 2004) 106. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #22: The Dungeon” (ERBlist.com, 2004) 107. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Ras Thavas #23: The Helper” (ERBlist.com, 2003) 108. Bozarth, David Bruce, “The Sane King” (ERBlist.com, 2007) 109. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Sanoma Tora: Jeddara of Jahar” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 110. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Summer, 1936: Elmo in Paris” (ERBlist.com, April 2013) 111. Bozarth, David Bruce, “The Sword” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 112. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Texas Pete: Life after the Gun” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 113. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Thuvia’s Treasure” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 114. Bozarth, David Bruce, “To Find a Wife” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 115. Bozarth, David Bruce, Trover (ERBlist.com, 1999) 116. Bozarth, David Bruce, “The Tunnels of Gathol” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 117. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Voyage to Zodanga” (ERBlist.com, 1997) 118. Bozarth, David Bruce, “Zanda: The Marriage” (ERBlist.com, 2000) 119. Bozarth, David Bruce, & Bozarth, James D., “Beyond Poloda” (ERBlist.com, 1985) 120. Bozarth, David Bruce, & Hillman, Bill, “The Ratnaz Files” (ERBlist.com, 2001) 121.
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