Kawaleryjskie barwy i tradycje współczesnych jednostek wojskowych… #0# DOI: 10.18276/pz.2020.4-02 PRZEGLĄD ZACHODNIOPOMORSKI ROCZNIK XXXV (LXIV) ROK 2020 ZESZYT 4 ARTYKUŁY Katarzyna Rembacka ORCID: 0000-0002-4009-3390 Instytut Pamięci Narodowej e-mail:
[email protected] Collective or individual biography? A communist in “Regained Lands” just after the WW2 Key words: Western and Northern Lands in Poland, Polish Government Plenipotentiaries, communists, biography, 1945, human resources policy Słowa kluczowe: Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne w Polsce, Pełnomocnicy Rządu RP, ko- muniści, biografistyka, 1945 rok, polityka kadrowa It would be appropriate to begin by explaining the research perspective outlined in the title. The key to the analysed problem, i.e. the biographies of people taking over and being in power after the end of the Second World War on the Western and Northern Territories, were ideological choices made by them. They deter- mined their fate, and it is through their prism that we can look at the history of regions which, as a result of the post-war transformation of Europe, found them- selves within the borders of Poland. It should be noted, however, that the subject under consideration is only a research “sample” as it is limited to a relatively small collection. It is made up of biographies of people who, in March 1945, were appointed government plenipotentiaries of new administrative districts.1 Of this group, special attention will be paid to one of them – Leonard Borkowicz (until 1944 Berkowicz). It is his personalised history that will allow us to analyse the 1 Archive of New Files (hereinafter: AAN), Ministry of Public Administration, Excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of 14 March 1945, ref.