
J. Chem. Sci. Vol. 128, No. 10, October 2016, pp. 1519–1526. c Indian Academy of Sciences. Special Issue on CHEMICAL BONDING DOI 10.1007/s12039-016-1160-7 PERSPECTIVE ARTICLE

Bonding and Reactivity Patterns from Electrostatic Landscapes of

SHRIDHAR R GADREa,b,∗ and ANMOL KUMARa aDepartment of , Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208 016, India bInterdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra 411 007, India e-mail: [email protected]

MS received 28 July 2016; revised 11 August 2016; accepted 12 August 2016

Abstract. The topographical analysis of molecular density (MED) and molecular electrostatic poten- tial (MESP) offers insights into the bonding and reactivity patterns through the critical points (CPs) of these scalar fields. The MESP is found to be particularly useful for describing sites of electrophilic attack and weak intermolecular interactions. MESP is also shown to clearly distinguish between the lone pairs and π- delocalization. The concept of atoms in molecules (AIM) which has so far been primarily based on the gradients of MED, has recently been extended via the use of MESP. The portrayal of AIM through MESP clearly reveals the electron rich atoms in the and also provides the details of the preferred direction of approach of an electrophile. This perspective briefly summarizes the prominent features of MESP topography and provides a future outlook.

Keywords. Molecular electrostatic potential; molecular electron density; critical points; lone pairs; atoms- inmolecules.

1. Preamble interpretative tools is felt even more acutely. Quan- tum chemists have engaged themselves in developing A molecular system comprising of N is such methods for the analysis of complicated molecular described by its wave function, dependent on 3N spa- wave functions. Here are some examples. tial co-ordinates apart from the spin variables. The dif- (i) The charge density bond order matrix3 in the ficulties in even listing out such a wave function as a Hückel theory function of 3N spatial co-ordinates numerically were (ii) Population analysis developed by Mulliken4 highlighted1 by Hartree’s historical remark that ‘if we (iii) The frontier orbitals introduced by Fukui5 were to print the wave function values for the ground (iv) Density matrices and natural orbitals systemati- state of the iron atom with sufficiently small intervals cally developed and popularised by Löwdin.6 in all the electronic coordinates, we should require a whole library to house the books in which they were printed’. There are much larger practical difficulties 2. Molecular Electron Density (MED) and its involved in the tabulation and analysis of the wave func- Topography tion of a large molecular system. However, as succinctly put by Coulson,2 the aim of a theoretical chemist is to The development of density functional theory (DFT) obtain ‘primitive patterns of understanding’ offered by by Hohenberg and Kohn7 introduced a revolutionary such a complicated, multi-dimensional wave function idea of employing the three-dimensional electron den- and not to get lost in the ‘horde of numbers gushing out sity ρ(r), as a basic variable, in place of the multi- of a computer’. With the advents in computational hard- dimensional wave function ψ(x1, x2, ...... xN).Here ware and software, the computation of accurate molecu- xi denotes the combined space-spin co-ordinates of the lar wave function has become practically feasible in the electron i, with N being the number of electrons. Within last few decades. Due to this, the need for developing DFT, the properties of the ground state of a many- electron system emerge as functionals of the corre- sponding electron density, ρ(r). The three-dimensional ∗For correspondence scalar field of the molecular electron density (MED), Celebrating 100 years of Lewis ρ(r), thus assumes a fundamental role. The entire 1519 1520 Shridhar R Gadre and Anmol Kumar edifice of density functional theory (DFT) was erected MED, viz.,(3,+1) and (3, −1). For a lucid introduction on the basis of the theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn,7 to this subject, see the book by Bader16 and a mono- followed up by the work of Kohn and Sham.8 Several graph by Gadre and Shirsat17 as well as a semi-popular density functionals have become available9 12 in article by Stewart.18 Bader and co-workers have car- the last 30 years or so for accurately describing the elec- ried out extensive topographical investigations13 16 on tronic structure of atoms and molecules. The search for MED since 1970. The highlights of Bader’s atoms-in- the elusive Hohenberg-Kohn functional is still continu- molecules (AIM) studies can be briefly summarized as ing, with a hope that highly accurate practical computa- follows. tion of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules would be feasible in the near future. (i) A pair of bonded atoms of a molecule always − Methods for the interpretation of the features of exhibits a (3, 1) saddle point between them. MED, such as chemical bonds, lone pairs, π delocalisa- Such a saddle point was called by Bader as a tion etc., were pioneered13 15 by Bader and co-workers. bond critical point (BCP). A unique gradient This work culminated into a treatise, viz., Atoms in path traversing through BCP connecting the two Molecules: A Quantum Theory by Bader.16 The MED, bonded atoms is termed as the “Atomic Inter- action Line” (AIL) or “Bond Path” in the AIM ρ(r), extracted for a many electron wave function ψ(x1, x ,...... x ) is defined by the equation picture. A network of such AILs of the whole 2 N    molecule is known as the molecular graph. 2 3 3  ρ(r) = N |(x1, x2, ..., xN )| d r2...d rN (ii) A ring structure in a molecule shows up as a = σ x1 x (3, +1) saddle point, called as a ring saddle point (1) (RCP). Here, xi stands for combined space-spin co-ordinates (iii) A cage structure appears as a (3, +3) cage of the electron i, N is the number of electrons and  critical point (CCP), viz., a minimum in MED. denotes the summation over the spin co-ordinates of all (iv) The MED exhibits maxima at the nuclear sites. the electrons. The basic bonding features of a molecule However, there are some molecules exhibit- were brought out by Bader13 16 in terms of the critical ing non-nuclear maxima.16,19 Such maxima are points (CP) of the corresponding MED. A critical point shown by Li2,C2,Na4, etc. (CP) of a function f(x1, ···xn) is defined as a point, P, (v) Bader found that the value of MED, ρb at a bond where for i = 1ton,  saddle point may be used to define the order n, ∂f   of the corresponding bond by the relation ∇i f(x1,x2,...,xn)|P =  = 0(2) ∂xi P n = exp[A(ρb − B)] (4) A further characterisation of the CP at the point P is done by inspecting the nature of the eigenvalues of the where A and B are fitting parameters. The eigen- values of the Hessian matrix at the BCP can be corresponding Hessian matrix, Hij where   used to define the bond strain, bond ellipticity, ∂2f = etc.16 Hij ∂ ∂ (3) xi xj P (vi) Most fundamentally, AIM defines the existence of atoms in a molecule based on the properties The rank of a CP is the number of non-zero eigen- of gradient of MED. An atom in the molecule values. Thus, for the three-dimensional scalar field of is defined by a region of molecular space which MED, the maximum rank equals 3. A CP is said to be is limited by zero flux surface of gradient of degenerate if at least one of the eigenvalues is equal MED, which obeys the Equation ∇ρ(r).dS = to 0. Thus, for a nondegenerate CP, the rank, R equals 0. Such a region of molecular space is called 3. The signs of the eigenvalues determine the signa- the atomic basin. The set of gradient paths ture of the CP, for instance for a nondegenerate CP of MED originating in an atomic basin termi- that corresponds to a maximum, all the eigenvalues are nates at the enclosed nucleus.16 However, as the negative. Thus such a CP is labelled as (3, −3). In zero flux surface of ∇ρ(r) does not enclose an general, a CP is labelled as (R, σ), where σ , the signa- atom completely, Bader suggested use of low ture stands for the excess number of positive eigenval- valued-isosurface of MED for limiting the size ues over the negative ones. A nondegenerate minimum of atomic basins. carries a label of (3, +3). If some of the eigenvalues are positive and the others are negative, such a CP is termed Some of the features of MED topography are illus- as a saddle point. There are two types of nondegenerate trated below in Figure 1 with the examples of three saddle points for a 3-dimensional scalar field such as molecules, viz., methanol, cycopropane and cubane. Bonding Patterns and Electrostatic Landscapes 1521

Figure 1. Critical points (CPs) of the electron density for (a) CH3OH, (b) C3H6 and (c) C8H8 molecules. The grey, green and red dots denote (3,−1), (3,+1) and (3,+3) CPs. See text for details.

The MED and molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) clusters. Contours of MED are projected in the planes values for all the illustrations in this perspective are containing the atoms of these clusters to bring out their computed using the Gaussian09 suite of programs20 unusual pattern. The two bond CPs can be observed 21 and DAMQT package, employing MP2/6-31+G(d) between the two Li atoms in the Li2 molecule (cf. level geometry optimization and property evaluation. Figure 2(a)) i.e. the atoms are not bonded directly, but Figure 1(a) shows all the bonded atom pairs in the rather through a non-nuclear maximum (orange dot). methanol molecule connected with a (3, −1) CP Similarly, six bond CPs can be noticed in Na4 cluster (BCP) each. Apart from such BCP’s, the cyclopropane (cf. Figure 2(b)) containing two non-nuclear maxima. A molecule (cf. Figure 1(b)) is seen to display a (3, +1) heuristic explanation for the case of Li2 has been offered CP (RCP) in its MED topography. A (3, +3) cage by Edgecombe et al.,19c in terms of the Li atoms retain- CP (CCP) in MED is a signature of a topographical ing much of their atomic character during the molecule cage as may be noticed for the case of the cubane formation. molecule displayed in Figure 1(c). Several years ago, it The above discussion is a very brief summary of the was noted22a,b that the bond paths for strained molecules voluminous work done by Bader and his associates. such as cyclopropane are bent outwards w. r. t. the Many further details are provided in Ref. 16. AIM has straight lines joining the ring atoms, in agree- become a widely used tool for the analysis of bond- ment with the ‘bent banana bonds’ proposed by Coulson ing features in molecules as well as crystals. Exper- and Moffitt.22c The MED bond CP’s of the cubane imentally measured electron densities have also been molecule are also seen to lie outwards w. r. t. the straight subjected to AIM analysis.23 lines joining the carbon atoms (cf. Figure 1(c)). It may be pointed out that some other molecular As summarized in (iv) above, non-nuclear maxima scalar fields have also been investigated in the literature. in MED have been observed16,19 in Li and Na clusters. These include the bare nuclear potential (BNP)24 and 25 Figure 2 shows non-nuclear maxima in Li2 and Na4 molecular electron momentum density. However, the

Figure 2. Schematic representation of non-nuclear maxima in molecular electron density along with contours of MED in (a) Li2 and (b) Na4 molecules. See text for details. 1522 Shridhar R Gadre and Anmol Kumar scalar field of molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) by the use of Gauss’ theorem. In conjunction with the has been used extensively in the chemical literature Poisson equation, it leads to for exploring the features of bonding and reactivity in   molecules.17 ∇V.dS = ∇2Vd3r S    3 = 4π ρ(r) − ZAδ(r − rA) d r 3. Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MESP) A and its Topography = 0(6)

The MESP, V (r), is defined as since ∇V(r). dS = 0. As a consequence, the net charge N    3  on the anion resides outside this minimal surface, S. ZA ρ(r )d r V( ) = − Gadre and coworkers32 proposed that this surface could r  (5) |r − RA| |r − r | A be used for describing the spatial extent, anisotropy and reactivity of molecular anions. In particular, such a min- where {ZA} are the fixed nuclear charges placed at {RA} and ρ(r) is the corresponding continuous electron den- imal surface and the details of the MESP minima were sity. Classically, the MESP, V(r), at a point r in space used by them for providing insights on the cation bind- 33,34 is defined as the work done in bringing a unit test pos- ing to anionic systems. This valuable information of itive test charge from infinity to the reference point r. cation binding sites is obtained more directly by map- As seen from Eq. (5), MESP can attain positive (includ- ping the locations of the most negative minima, viz., the ing zero) as well as negative values. MESP is positive (3, +3) CPs of MESP of anions. in the regions wherein the first term on the r.h.s. of The salient topographical features of MESP investi- Eq. (5), viz., the nuclear contribution, dominates. On gated by Gadre and co-workers are summarized below. the other hand, MESP becomes negative in the regions (i) There are no non-nuclear maxima in MESP. where the electronic contribution (the second term on This is in contrast with the scalar field of MED, the r.h.s. of Eq. (5)) overrides the nuclear contribu- wherein such non-nuclear maxima indeed exist tion. This as well as other properties of MESP were for several molecular systems, as discussed exploited by the early pioneers26 28 of molecular elec- above. trostatics, viz., the Pullmans, Tomasi and Politzer, for (ii) Similar to the feature shown by MED, a pair investigating reactivity patterns of molecules, includ- − ing the sites of electrophilic and nucleophilic attacks. of bonded atoms always shows a (3, 1) CP Weinstein et al.,29 proved that the spherically averaged between them. + + atomic electrostatic potential (ESP) is a monotonically (iii) Akin to the MED, the (3, 1) and (3, 3) ring decreasing function of the radial distance, r. In a similar and cage CPs, respectively, appear for MESP spirit, Sen and Politzer30 showed that the atomic anions as well. exhibit a negative-valued minimum in the spherically (iv) However, in contrast to the MED, the lone pairs π averaged MESP, V (r). They correlated this position of and bonds always show up as negative-valued the minimum, r with the radius of the atomic anion. local minima in MESP. m + Gadre and co-workers derived a generalisation of (v) In addition, there exist (3, 1) saddle points , + both of these results to molecular systems.31a b Their that connect the (3, 3) MESP CPs. Thus in + first result states that the electrostatic potential of any contrast with MED, the existence of a (3, 1) molecule cannot show a non-nuclear maximum at any CP in MESP is not always indicative of a ring point in space. The proof of this theorem is quite structure (Figure 3). straightforward and hinges upon the Poisson equation (vi) As described above, molecular anions exhibit and non-negativity of the corresponding electron den- a minimum in any outward direction from a sity ρ(r). The second result due to Pathak and Gadre nuclear site and a neutral minimal surface exists. deals with the MESP of molecular anions,31b wherein it (vii) There exists a relation among the number of was shown that every molecular anion is surrounded by non-degenerate CPs of a scalar field such as a sheath of negative potential on all the sides. In par- MED or MESP, viz., ticular, there exists a minimal surface, S enclosing the n+ − n+ + n− − n− = n− − n+. = χ (7) nuclear framework of the anion, which obeys the equa- 3 1 1 3 tion ∇V(r). dS = 0. It was shown by them that the Here, χ is called the Euler characteristic and integral of ∇V(r). dS over the surface, S can be con- n+3 denotes the number of (3,+3) CP’s and n− verted to a volume integral over the enclosing volume, denotes the number of asymptotic maxima, etc. Bonding Patterns and Electrostatic Landscapes 1523

Figure 3. Critical points (CPs) of molecular electrostatic potential for (a) cyclopropane (C3H6), (b) methanol (CH3OH) and (c) cubane (C8H8) molecules. The grey, green and red dots denote (3, −1), (3,+1) and (3,+3) CPs, respectively. See text for details.

In this respect also MESP differs from MED. defining the lone pair. For this purpose, Kumar et al.,37 For MED, χ always equals −1 whereas for utilized the topographical characteristics of MESP, not- MESP, the Euler characteristic, χ can attain pos- ing that lone pairs as well as π-delocalisation exhibit a itive as well as negative values including zero. negative-valued MESP minimum viz., (3, +3) CP. (viii) It was pointed out by Lebouf et al.,35 that the It was observed by them that the directional nature Euler characteristic, χ can be determined by and sharp variation of MESP are distinctive features of texturing the MESP on a sphere of large radius the lone pair vis-à-vis those of π-delocalisation. They centred at the centre of mass of the molecule. proposed the following criterion for identifying a lone Denoting the number of asymptotic maxima pair. The magnitude of the eigenvalue at the (3, +3) CP (regions wherein MESP dies to zero negatively) that corresponds to the lone pair is numerically greater to be n− and the number of asymptotic min- than 0.025 a.u. and the eigenvector associated with it < ◦ ima by n+, they showed that the Euler charac- nearly points in the direction (angle 5 )oftheatom teristic, χ = n− − n+. This treatment was later on which it is localised. This was illustrated by them modified by Roy et al.,36 in terms of the corre- with the help of several examples. For instance, the sponding gradient vectors of MESP. A region- ‘rabbit ears’ (i.e., the lone pairs) of the water molecule wise Poincaré-Hopf (PH) relation was also have the largest eigenvalue of 0.14 a.u. and the cor- ◦ proposed by them wherein the Euler characte- responding eigenvector makes an angle of 1.4 with ristic, χ is expressed as χ = n –n. The terms the line joining the MESP minimum with the oxygen o i · n and n denote the number of islands show- nucleus. CH3NH radical also shows similar character- o i π ing outflux and influx of ∇V(r) w.r.t. to the istics. However, the CPs denoting -delocalization in σ radial vector r of a finite sized sphere centered benzene and -aromaticity in cyclopropane molecules do at the centre of mass of the molecule. It may be not follow the above attributes of lone pair (Figure 4). It is noteworthy that such a general definition of lone pointed out that the PH relation is only a nec- pair is offered in terms of the scalar field of MESP essary condition for ensuring the mapping of rather than in terms of molecular orbitals. It is known all the critical points for a given molecular sys- that molecular orbitals are not unique and also are heav- tem. It does not offer a sufficient condition for ily dependent on the basis set used. The scalar fields this purpose. of MED and MESP do not suffer from this drawback. In particular, the topographical features of MESP have 4. Lone Pairs, Lone Pair...π Interactions been shown to be only feebly sensitive to the level of and reaction mechanism theory and basis-set.38 The lone pair... π interactions have been extensively A recent work37 by Kumar et al., proposed the defi- investigated in recent years.39 41 The above definition nition of a lone pair and suggested a method to dis- of lone pairs, in conjunction with the MESP picture of tinguish it from π delocalisation. It is noteworthy that electron-deficient π-systems, offers valuable insights in such a general definition did not exist in the litera- this type of weak bonding. The prototype electron defi- ture although the term ‘lone pair’ has been an essential cient test systems employed in the literature for study- ingredient in any discussion of chemical bonding. Most ing lone pair... π interactions are hexafluorobenzene, of the chemists rely on the picture for tetracyanobenzene, trinitrobenzene, etc. Typical anions 1524 Shridhar R Gadre and Anmol Kumar

Figure 4. The negative-valued (3,+3) CPs of MESP (red dots) denoting lone pairs and π-cloud in (a) −) ) sulphide (H2S), (b) nitrate (NO3 ion and (c) naphthalene (C10H8 molecule, along with the respective grey coloured MESP isosurfaces of values −0.020, −0.24, and −0.021 a.u. The (3,+1) and (3, −1) CPs are not shown for the sake of clarity. See text for details. employed in these investigations include cyanide, azide, energy and the MESP minimum value corresponding to thiocyanide, fluoride, nitrate, etc. The lone pairs as well the lone pair. as π-electron clouds in such systems are brought out The distinction between the electron localization pat- as (3, +3) CPs of MESP. The corresponding eigenvec- tern of lone pair and π charge was exploited earlier by tors and the associated eigenvalues permit a distinction Balanarayan et al.,44 who explored the reaction mech- between these two kinds of electron concentration. anism of cycloaddition reaction. The reaction paths of Recent electrostatics-based studies by Mohan et al.,42 two prototype 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions viz., and Gadre et al.,43 have brought out the details of these HCNO + HCCH and NNCH + HCCH were probed by lone pair...π weak bonding interactions. It was found by them through MESP topography (Figure 5). The picture them that the lone pairs get oriented towards the most of electronic shifts brought out by MESP topography positive potential on the van der Waals surface of the offered a direct correspondence with the curved arrows electron-deficient π-systems. Further they noticed42,43 drawn in the organic reaction mechanisms.45 This study a linear correlation between lone pair...π interaction brought out the use of MESP as an effective tool for

Figure 5. Reaction mechanism of a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between HCNO and HCCH as depicted by MESP topography.44 Blue isosurfaces denote electron-rich regions. See text for details. Bonding Patterns and Electrostatic Landscapes 1525 understanding the reaction mechanisms and requires recently proposed by the present authors indeed holds detailed follow-up investigations on a variety of organic promise. It brings out the anisotropy in the gradient reactions. paths for the molecule under consideration which could be employed for understanding the stereodynamics of the interacting molecules. It goes beyond the examina- 5. MESP-based Gradient Paths and AIM tion of only the scalar features of MESP and, in our opinion, holds enormous potential for understanding As discussed above, the MED-based AIM theory the molecular properties and the reactive patterns. developed by Bader and coworkers16 has gained wide MESP is known to be a valuable tool for predicting acceptability in the and molecu- directionality of approach of two interacting species. A lar physics communities. The recent works by Kumar model named as Electrostatic Potential for Intermole- and Gadre46,47 have attempted the use of the gradi- cular Complexation (EPIC) has earlier been proposed ent paths of MESP, viz., ∇V(r), for developing MESP- and extensively utilized for assembling molecular based AIM. It may be noted that -∇V(r), the nega- aggregates.50 It has been recently generalised into a tive gradient of MESP is the internal electric field of molecular cluster building algorithm.51a This has been the molecule generated by the nuclear charges and the successfully used for a step-by-step growth of molec- continuous electron density distribution. The molecular ular clusters of benzene, CO , etc.51b,c In our opinion, space is thus partitioned into atomic basins based on the 2 this approach would be immensely useful for building zero flux surfaces (ZFS) of ∇V(r). Unlike MED-based up large molecular clusters and eventually shed light on AIM, MESP-based one shows that the ZFS of ∇V(r) the likely atomic contact patterns in molecular crystals. completely encloses the electron-rich atoms or groups of atoms in the molecule. For instance, the oxygen atom in the CO molecule has a naturally closed MESP-based Acknowledgments atomic basin around the oxygen atom. On the other SRG is thankful to the Department of Science & Tech- hand, as seen above, MED-based atomic basins of both nology (DST), New Delhi for the award of J C Bose the atoms in CO are open and only virtually limited Fellowship. AK thanks the Council of Scientific & by the isosurface of MED in the asymptotic regions. Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi for the award of Similarly there is a single closed ZFS of ∇V(r) around a Research Fellowship. the BF3 group in the co-ordination complex, NH3BF3. Very good qualitative correlation is found for the closed nature of ZFS of ∇V(r) and the NMR chemical shifts References of the corresponding shielded atom/s. An atom possess- ing a closed ZFS of ∇V(r) around it shows lower value 1. Hartree D R 1947 Rep. Prog. Phys. 11 143 2. Coulson C A 1960 Rev. Mod. Phys. 32 170 of chemical shifts in NMR studies indicating shielded 3. Coulson C A 1939 Proc. Roy. Soc. London A169 413 nature of that atom. Although much work yet remains 4. 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