The Ukrainian Weekly 1988, No.10 Published by the Ukrainian National Associatibn Inc., a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Weekly Vol. LVI No. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1988 25 cents New unofficial Lviv journals Meshko arrives in Australia JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Oksana invitation from her niece, Maya Hrudka focus on culture, religious rights Meshko, 83, a founding member and of Melbourne. Ms. Hrudka was assisted chairperson of the Ukrainian Helsinki in her i4-year-oid efforts to obtain a Group, arrived in Melbourne, Austra visa for Ms. Meshko by the Committee lia, on Thursday, February 25, on a in Defense of Human and National three-month visa for medical treatment. Rights in Ukraine, according to Dr. She is visiting Australia thanks to-an (Continued on page 3) A lifetime later, the freedom fight goes on Editors of three new unofHclal journals being published in Lviv, Ukraine: (from left) їгупа Stasiv Kalynets, Mykhatlo Osadchy and ivaii Неї. JERSEY CITY, N.J. - News has phedra (Cathedral), the third unofficial terichi,^d the We?i o^ the урреагалсе n^ jouniul ii) appeal in Lviv, wa^ pub three new unofficial journals in Lviv. lished under the aegis of the Ukrainian bringing to four the total of such Association of Independent Creative publicaiions testing the limits of glas- Intelligentsia (L'ANTJ), according to nost m that western Ukrainian city, the Ukrainian Central information Ser according to var'-ous sources. vice in London. The three new publications, in addi Mykhailo Osadchy, a 51-year-old tion to the first such journal, The poet, literary critic and former political Ukrainian Herald, which reappeared in prisoner, serves as chief editor of the August after a 15-year interruption, new literary and cultural journal, attempt to cover the socio-political, created to publicize the works and cultural and religious aspects of move activities of members of UANTI who ments seeking to speed up the process of hail from all over the Ukrainian SSR, democratization, called for by General and focus on the arts in general, past Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.
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