Blog - of the World at the Bowers Museum

Come face-to-face with real mummies and artifacts from Europe, South America and , some dating back more than 4500 years in Mummies of the World at the Bowers Museum. Experience the largest traveling exhibit of real mummies ever assembled! Embark on a journey into the world of mummies through engaging interactive and multimedia exhibits. The exhibition runs through September 5, 2016.

Inside every is a story waiting to be told. Mummies of the World highlights these stories through scientific methods used to study mummies, including Computed Tomography (CT), ancient DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating, all of which allow researchers to learn about the lives, history, and cultures of the mummies. Who were they? Where did they come from? And what can they teach us? A journey awaits as we unravel their mysteries.

Described as “fascinating, intriguing, and inspiring” by NBC, “absolutely extraordinary” by NPR, and “a must see” by Fox TV, Mummies of the World will instill a sense of curiosity and wonder in each and every visitor. Cutting edge 3-D animation provides a window into the lives of ancient people from every region of the world.

The exhibition features a group of fascinating mummies and artifacts on loan from 12 world-renowned museums, organizations and collections coming from 5 countries. The exhibition includes:  The Vac Mummies, a mummified family from Hungary believed to have died from tuberculosis  The Burns Collection, a group of medical mummies used to teach anatomy in the early 19th century  Egyptian animal mummies including a falcon, a fish, a dog and a baby crocodile, many of which were deliberately preserved to accompany royals for eternity  MUMAB, the first replication of Egyptian mummification done on a body in 2800 years  And much more…

ART 19 takes you from the Disneyland Resort Transportation Center to/ from the Bowers Museum.

By: Anaheim Resort Transportation