Black Metal: Conservative Revolution in Modern Popular Culture

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Black Metal: Conservative Revolution in Modern Popular Culture BLACK METAL: CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION IN MODERN POPULAR CULTURE ALEX KURTAGIC _______________________ From the viewpoint of racial nationalism, the musical genre known as Black Metal is one of the most significant popular culture phenom- ena of the last two decades. Yet it has been seldom discussed by po- litically congenial scholars and commentators. This is surprising, since Black Metal runs counter to the post-World War II trends toward the progressive marginalization, condemnation, and psychopathologiza- tion of overt racial consciousness among whites. It is even more sur- prising when one considers that Black Metal is inspired by and sus- tains the same cultural and literary traditions that inform modern ra- cial nationalism. Moreover, Black Metal, by means of its highly styl- ized, frankly European aesthetics, offers an effective weapon operat- ing at the all-important pre-rational level with which to counter the assault on white identity. I have written before about the need to create a parallel universe outside contemporary mainstream culture, and this involves not only choosing our own topics of scholarship, but anticipating their being defined through appropriation by the establishments own conformist scholars.1 I write, therefore, in hopes of introducing Black Metal as a topic of scholarly analysis within the anti-egalitarian tradition. Black Metal has not been entirely ignored by mainstream scholars. It is discussed, for example, in Extreme Metal by Keith Kahn-Harris, founder of the New Centre for Jewish Thought;2 in The Meaning and Purpose of Leisure: Habermas and Leisure and the End of Modernity, by Karl Spracklen;3 in Commodified Evils Wayward Children: Black Metal 1 Alex Kurtagic, Mastery of Style Trumps Superiority of Argument, TOQ Online, May 4, 2009, and Alex Kurtagic, I am not racist, but . , The Occidental Observer, June 7, 2009, 2 Keith Kahn-Harris, Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007). 3 Karl Spracklen, The Meaning and Purpose of Leisure: Habermas and Leisure and the 24 The Occidental Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2010 and Death Metal as Purveyors of an Alternative Form of Modern Escapism by Jason Foster;4 and in Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke.5 It has also been dis- cussed by a few popular writers, including Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind, whose Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground is available from mainstream booksellers.6 While Moynihan and Søderlind rely on Jungian archetypes for what is otherwise a sensationalist and journalistic analysis of Black Metal, the other texts rely on analytical frameworks derived from the Freudo-Marxist scholastic tradition, which includes Marxist theorists like Louis Pierre Althusser, postmodernists like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, critical theorists like Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, and so on. It is not difficult to see that interpretations of cul- ture from these quarters, while containing many astute insights, are necessarily limited and distorted by the theorists unquestioning belief in equality as a good in itself, by their rejection of evolutionist insights as nefarious and ideological, and by their alienatedwhen not merely alienattitudes towards traditional Western culture. The limitations and distortions built into this body of theory are ex- acerbated by its status in Western academia as the institutional ortho- doxy, a closed universe of theory where alternativee.g., inegali- tarian, evolutionistperspectives are rejected in advance as discred- ited, outmoded, prejudiced, or lacking in scholarly rigor. When the subject of study is a cultural phenomenon that explicitly rejects the first principles upon which such a body of theory is predicated, there is always the danger of analysis degenerating into moralizing incom- prehension. DISSIDENCE AS A STYLE What is Black Metal? Black Metal is a radical outgrowth of Heavy Metal. During the 1980s bands playing commercialized forms of Heavy Metal entered the mainstream, attaining lofty positions in the End of Modernity (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009). 4 Jason Foster, Commodified Evils Wayward Children: Black Metal and Death Metal as Purveyors of an Alternative Form of Modern Escapism (Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2008). 5 Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity (New York: New York University Press, 2001). 6 Michael Moynihan and Didrik Soderlind, Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground (Los Angeles: Feral House, 2003). Kurtagic, Black Metal 25 music charts and selling millions of albums. This prompted funda- mentalist elements within the Heavy Metal scene to reclaim it as an underground praxis by developing extreme variants of the Heavy Metal sound, perceived to be more in tune with the genres original anti-commercial and countercultural values.7 Black Metal was one such variant. It is deemed Black Metal because it originally defined itself in terms of Satanic and occult themes and aesthetics. Black Metal does not sound like Heavy Metal. Both musical forms rely on the same core sonic components (guitar, bass, drums, and vo- cals); both are characterized by sonic intensity, extreme vocal per- formances, and the use of heavily amplified, distorted guitars. Heavy Metal musicians, however, tend to favor predictable song structures (verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, verse, chorus), as well as sung/screamed, melodic vocals. In addition, Heavy Metal guitarists, although often incorporating influences from classical music in their style, play in a manner that still evinces Heavy Metals roots in Rhythm and Blues. Heavy Metal lyrics tend to deal with relatively su- perficial matters associated with youth: love, growing up, sex, rebel- lion, fun, drinking, etc. Black metal, on the other hand, is much darker and much more ex- treme, favoring a rawer, noisier, and much harsher guitar sound; un- predictable song structures; classically-influenced melodies that sug- gest grimness, mysticism, sorrow, and misanthropic hatred; and in- human, demonic screeches for vocals, unintelligible and heavily re- verberated. In addition, Black Metal lyrics tend to be serious and ar- cane, dealing with the occult, pre-Christian mythology, pagan pride, war, misanthropy, genocide, and hatred of Christianity. Black Metal also significantly differs from Heavy Metal aesthetically. Black Metal favors black above any color. Black Metal logos tend to be tortuous and elaborate, almost always unreadable, and laden with oc- cult and/or pagan symbols, such as runes, swastikas, inverted crosses, pentagrams, and mjölnirs. Tortuous blacklettering (gothic letters) are nearly ubiquitous. Musicians use esoteric mythological stage names and obscure their faces with corpse-like black and white face paint. They appear on their albums in nocturnal, wooded, mediaeval, and/or wintry settings, clad in studded black leather and laden with bandoli- ers. It is not uncommon for the most extreme and misanthropic Black 7 Deena Weinstein, Heavy Metal: The Music and its Culture (New York: Da Capo Press, 2000). 26 The Occidental Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2010 Metal bands to engage in self-mutilation (usually with hunting knives, around the arms and torso) and to have themselves photographed cov- ered in blood after having performed such acts. The object is always to create images likely to inspire fear and horror among observers in the cultural mainstreamalthough this is merely preaching to the choir, of course, an effort to distinguish themselves as radically as possible from the despised mainstream, for otherwise Black Metal is nearly invisible outside its subcultural milieu. ORIGINS OF BLACK METAL Early Black Metal bands were Bathory, from Sweden, and Venom, from England. Venom are credited with inventing the term Black Metal, which first appeared as the title of their 1981 album. Bathory, however, proved far more influential. Although Bathorys early works were dominated by Satanic themes and aesthetics, these were gradu- ally displaced by the infusion of elements from classical music (par- ticularly the Romantic period) and a growing fascination with pre- Christian Scandinavian mythology and history. Albums like Blood Fire Death (1989), Hammerheart (1991), and Twilight of the Gods (1992) even- tually inspired the development of an entire new genre, now known as Viking Metal. Similarly influential was the Swiss trio, Hellhammer, and its subse- quent incarnation, Celtic Frost. Hellhammer was a prototype of such 1980s outgrowths of Heavy Metal as Thrash Metal, Death Metal, and Black Metal, but cannot be categorized as any one of them. Through their highly poetic and esoteric lyrics and increasingly elaborate musi- cal compositions (peaking in 1987s Into the Pandemonium), Hellham- mer/Celtic Frost pioneered the transformation of Metal music into a sophisticated popular art form. At a time when Heavy Metal seemed preoccupied mostly with base, low-brow, hedonistic excess (beer, girls, partying), Celtic Frosts albums dealt with gods and ancient civilizations, and Bathorys with Asatru, Vikings, and World War II. The British Thrash Metal band, Skyclad, was also significant, instigating the development of Folk Metal, a genre which incorporates traditional Folk music into a Black Metal framework, and whose musicians
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