! ! ! How do I get to la Potosina? ! In the next part we will explain you which route is the best option to get to our office in or to our ecological accommodation Aldea Huasteca. ! ! From Distrito Federal ! The most comfortable option is Turistar Ejecutivo of ETN and Omnibus de México Servicio Plus. The seats are more comfortable and the bus has a single line of individual seats, leg rests and the seats recline backwards to be more comfortable like in a bed.! The departures are in the northern terminal at night, the arrival is between 6 and 7 a.m.! For your return to City from Ciudad Valles, we recommend these two services with operating hours during the night.! ! TURISTAR ETN ! Contact! 01 800 8000 386! http://www.etn.com.mx/ ! ! Estimated price $850! Estimated time of travel: 9 hrs ! ! Schedule:! DF - Ciudad Valles! 21:45 ! Ciudad Valles Ð DF! 21:45 ! ! OMNIBUS DE MÉXICO ! Contact! 01 800 765 6636! !http://www.omnibusdemexico.com.mx/! Schedule of Servicio Plus:! DF- Valles! !22:50 y 23:30! Estimated price $800! !Estimated time of travel: 9 hrs ! From Toluca ! ! OMNIBUS DE MÉXICO! Contact! 01 800 765 6636! !http://www.odm.com.mx/ ! Schedule:! Toluca-Valles! !20:30 Servicio de primera! Estimated price $750! !Estimated time of travel: 10 hrs! If you have some time, we recommend you to move to the North Central ( Central del Norte) in Mecxico City and take the bus to Ciudad Valles from there, to travel more comfortable.! ! From Guadalajara! ! OMNIBUS DE MÉXICO! Schedule of Servicio Plus! Guadalajara-Valles! !22:15 ! Ciudad Valles-Guadalajara! !22:50, 23:30 ! Estimated price: $800! Estimated time of travel: 9 hrs! ! From ! ! TRANSPAIS! Contact:! 01 800 713 1000! !http://www.transpais.com.mx ! Schedule:! Monterrey-Ciudad Valles! 22:30, 23:30! Ciudad Valles-Monterrey! !21:30, 22:30, 23:15 ! Estimated price:! !Estimated time of travel: 8 hrs! Senda! Contact:! 01 800 890 9090! !http://ticket.gruposenda.com ! Monterrey-Ciudad Valles! !22:30, 23:15! Cd. Valles- Mty! !22:10, 23:00, 23:30! Estimated price: $750! Estimated time of travel: 8 hrs ! ! Desde León ! ! Omnibus de México! Schedule:! León- Ciudad Valles! !20:00 Servicio de primera! Ciudad Valles-León! !00:50 hrs! Estimated price: $600! !Estimated time of travel: 7 hrs! If these time do not comply with your schedule. Maybe you can take the bus from San Luis Potosí, there are departures every hour with Transportes Vencedor. To buy tickets for Vencedor, just ask any of our travel agents, we shall gladly help you to buy your ticket!! ! From Querétaro! ! Omnibus de México! Schedule:! From Querétaro! 20:55 hrs Servicio Plus! !23:40 hrs Servicio de Primera! From Ciudad Valles! 22:50, 23:50 Servicio Plus! 23:50 Servicio de Primera! Estimated price: $600! !Estimated time of travel: 6 hrs! For which ever of the opciones of autobús you chose, we recommend you to buy your ticket of return with a return later than 21:00 hrs.! Because in general our activities end between18h and 19h, with the exception of the expedition of the surrealistic garden in and the event of returning birds to Sotano de los Huahaus, this expedition ends between 20h and 21h, depending of the season !(summer or winter).! Tip:! The mayority of bus lines give a discount of 20% if you buy the tickets online.