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A Study to Determine the Interests and Concerns of Senior Students in Relationship to the Thirty-Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System

James Frank Killian Brigham Young University - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Killian, James Frank, "A Study to Determine the Interests and Concerns of Senior Students in Relationship to the Thirty-Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System" (1964). Theses and Dissertations. 4845.

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thirtyfiveTHIRTY FIVE directional objectives OF


abstract presented to the department of religions instruction brigham young university

in p8palrtialartialpartial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of religious education

by james F eliliankillian 1964 2

ABSTRACT needmeed for the studzstudy it was felt that if the interests and con- cerns of seminary students could be determined in relationship to the curriculum guides of the LDS seminary system curricula could be con- structedstructed better to meet the needs of the seminary students purposeabeobease ajiqjiof the stustudy the purpose of the study was to deter- mine what the interests and concerns of LDS seminary students were in relationship to the objectives used in developing the curriculum of the LDS seminary system methods and proceduresprqcedures opinions as to the interests and con- cerns of LDS senisepiqeniseniorsenionor seminary students were solicited as the source of data in carrying out this study an instrument was constructed for the purpose of securing the data and was called the student inveanveinventory the student inventory was constructed by obtaining the statements of the interests and concerns of the students in relationship to the thirtythirty66 five directional objectives used to develop the seminary curriculum delimita&ilonsdelimitatiqns 2gilf the sstudzstudy this study was limited to twelfth grade students registered at the arirnoariano andandend burley idaho seminaries and the bonneville and weber seminaries in ogden utahutahn

f11adififeFififleefifidingsdingss 1 it was found that there was a difference in the amount of interest in the directional objectives 202 it was found that rural students usually rated the state- ments under each objective higher than urban students 330 it was found that boys ranked the objectives in a different order than the girls 3 conclusions 1 many of the interests and concerns of the students were different from those generally expectedoexpectexpecteldoedoeldoeido 2 the directional objectives which contained the statements of greatest concern for LDS senior seminary students dealt with areas in which seminary teachers were in a unique position to assist the students in coping with their problems

lacrecommendationtionlon lo110 it is recommended that the administrators and teachers of the LDS seminary system consider and apply the findings of this study in an effort to improve the seminary curriculum and make it conform to the needs of the students

abstract approved bydytbysdys

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thirtyfiveTHIRTY FIVE directional objectives OF


A thesis presented to the department of religious instruction brigham young university

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of religious education

by james F killian 1964 illlillii acknowledgements

the writerwriterwisheswishes to express sincere appreciation to the follow- ing persons who contributed in so many helpful ways to the completion of this studsstudystudys to dr lamar CG berrett chairman of the thesis committee for his valuable suggestions encouragement and patient consideration to dr james M harris member of the committee for hishi suggestions friendly encouragement and personal interestinterests to mr ernest eberhard jijr the director of curriculum for the LDS seminary system for the selection of the problem and constant encouragement throughout the study

to lemar 0 hanson kay V fellows and M richard maxfield fellow seminary teachers who assisted in the development of the instrument used in this studiostudystudyo to mrs janne K webster the writers sister for the typing of the manuscriptmanuscrlpto finally and above all to my wife dorothy for her patient support and encouragement iin0 n so many ways throughout the study iv



OF USED LI1 THE PROBLEM AND definitions TERMS 0 0 0 0 0 1

the problem 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

statement of the problem 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 6 e 1

importance of the study 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 2

definitions of terms used e 0 e e 0a 0 e 0 e 3

LDS 10 0 01 senior seminary students 0 0 ae 0 0 0 0a 0 0 0 0 3

seminary system a 0 faf& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 3

rural and urban LDS senior seminary studentsstAdents 0 0 is 0 3

thlthithirtyfivethirtyrty6 fivelvefive directional objectives 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

student inventory 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 oonsgons delimitatldelimitatedelimitationsDelimitatl of the study 0 0i 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 4

saarysiolsuoiSimimary a 0 ow 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 4

iioliolloilo REVIEW OF THE literature 0 15 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 the need for studies concconcehingconcedingconceadngehing adolescents and their

problems e P e s 9 4& & & 0 P 0 5

literature on the use of checklistscheekcheck lists 0 7

religious problems of youth 0 10

summary 6 0 10 0 a 0 40 ID ae 0 0 0 0a 0 6 0 0 0 15

METHODS AND 1.1 16 lililiIIIlile111 procedures 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0

research design 0 0 e b 0 a 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 16

population 0 a fa 0 0 a 0 a 6 a 0 0 6 6 0 0 a i 0 a 0 16

sample 0 6 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 16

discussion of the instrument 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17

obtaining the data 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 19

statistical analysis 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 v


IVTV e RESULTS OF THE STUDY 0 10 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 21

the rank order of the directional objectives 0 0 0 0 21 the rank order of statements under each directidirectsdirectionalonalonai

objectiveON ectiveactive 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 26

voV SUMMARY FINDINGS conclusion AND recommendationsRECOMVDATIONS 0 0 0 0 91

simlSimisummarysumimarymany 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91

need for the study 0 a 10 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 91

purpose of the study 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0i 010 10 91

methods and procedures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 91

delimitations of the study 0 0 0 0 92

findings 0 0 0 0 10 to 0 0i 0 0 0 0 0 if 0 92

conclusions 0 eID 0e & 0 0 0 0 0 0Is 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 010 96

recommendations 0 0 10 0 0 0 0a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 97

bibliography 0.0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98

APPENDIX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ae Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0e 0 0 0 101 vlvi


TABLE PAGErage I1 mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each individual directional objective ranked

according to the means e e 0 0 0 0 22

II11 0 mean scores of LDS female senior seminary students

for each individual directional objective 5

ranked accordaccordingllnglang to the means 0 0 0ID 0 0 10 0 010 0 23 iliIII111 mean scores of LDS male senior seminarsseminaryseminarys students

for each individual Directdirectional1 JonalbonalJ objectiveob ectiechiivelve

ranked Acaccordineaccordinaaccordingcordinecordina to the means 0 0 0 0 0 0e 0 0 ae 24

IV 0 mean scores of LDS senasenioror seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

111161y ablyeglyegiyhbly ghost ranked according to the means 0 0 27

voV mean scores of LDS seniorseniorseminaryseminary students for each statement under the directional objective

Forgivenforgivenessessit ranked according to the means 0 0 28 VIvio mean scores of LDS seniorsen lor seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

testTestimonytestimony11imonytl11 ranked accordineaccordaccordinpaccordinging to the means 30 vilVIIdiioviio mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

itgod god y ranked according to the means 0 ae 0 0 0 e 31 vilivillVIIIviiiovidio mean scores of LDS seniorseniorbior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective means joseph snithsmithsmiths ranked according to the 0 0 32 vii


IXixocixo mean scores of LDS senior seminary studestudentsntsants for each statement under the directional objective

eternal truths ranked according to the meanmeanss 0 35 X mean scores of LDS senior seminarystudentsseminary students for each statement under the directional objective

freedom ranked according to the means 0 0 0 0 0e 36 xio mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

prayer ranked according to the meansmoans 0 0 0 6 37 XIIxiiodiio meanmecan scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective spirituality ranked according to the means 39 XIII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

41 priesthood 0 ranked according to the means 0 414.1

XIV 0 mean scores of LDS senior seminaryserainaryserpinarySerasarainary students for each statement under the directional objective

satan ranked accordaccordingI1ng to the meansmoans 0 0 0 424 2

XV 0 mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

repentance ranked according to the means 0 44 avioxvioXVI mean scores of LDS seniorsemlor seminary Stustudentsdentsdento for each statement under the directional objective worship and reverence ranked according to

the means 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 viiiviii TABLE PAGE

evliexvlieXVII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

t1work vorkwork P ranked AccordiaccordingtietleXivb to the means 0 0 0e 0 a 0a 0 484 8 XVIIL mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

revelation ranked according to the means 0 0 0 a 50 XIX mean scores ofoc LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objectsobjectaobjectiveve

covenant people ranked accordaccordingng to the meanmeonme in 0 52

XX 0 mean scores of LDS senior seniSemiseminarynarv students for each statement underandorundor the directional objective

temple work y ranked according to the means e 0 0 53 XXI mean scores of LDS senior seminary studentsforstudents yorfortorton each statement under the directional objective

feerpeer group ranked according to thetche means 555 xxiioXXII mean scores of LDS senior seminarystudentsseminary students for each statement under the directional ONobjectiveectiveactive

baptism ranked according to the means 6 0 56 xxiiioXXIII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

ll jesus christ ranked according to the means 0 0 0 57 XXIV mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directionalDirect donaijonal objective

standard works ranked11canked according to the means 0 0 59

XXV mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for eachench statement under the directional objective

consecration ranked according to thetche means e 60 ix


XXVI mean scores of LDS senior seminarySemasenaInary students for each statement under the directional objective

progress ranked according to the means 0 0 0 0 61 xxviioXXVII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

missionary vorkworkwork11 ranked according to the means 0 64 xxviiioXXVIII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for eachstatementeach statement under the directional objective

morality ranked according to the means 0 0 0 a 66 xxixoXXIX mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

sabbath day ranked according to the means 0 0 68

XXXxxxo mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

service ranked according to the means 0 0 70 xxxioXXXI mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

marriage 3 ranked according to the means e 0 0 72

xxxiio mean scores of LDS senior seminarystudentsseminary students for each statement under the directional objective

free Agenagencyeyllcyll y ranked according to the means 0 e 76 xxxiiioxxxiii0 mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

Knowlknowledgeedgell p ranked according to the means 0a 78 x


xxxivoXXXIV mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objctiobjectivee lve

ll word of wisdom p ranked according to the meanmeansmeane e 81

XXXV 0 mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

lovelovelllovett ranked according to the means 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 xxxvioXXXVI mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

honesty ranked according to the means 0 0 0 0 0 84

xxxviioXXXVII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

11 tithes and OfferingOfferingsofferingsliofferings11stisiislI p ranked according to

the means 0 0 0 0 ae ae 0 0 a 0 0a 0 0 0 0 0a 0 0e 0 89 XXXVIII mean scores of LDS senior seminary students for each statement under the directional objective

welfare 9 ranked according to the meansmeano 0 0 0 0 0 90 CHAPTER I1

elleelieehidTHIS PROBLEM AND DMUITIOUS OF TERMS USEDUSKD among the many problems that have confronted the administrators and seminary teachers of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints has been the problem of detedeterminingmining what the interests and concerns of seminary students wereworeworeo if these interests andendand concerns were detedetermineddebemined in relationship to the curriculum guides of the LDS seminary system curricula could be constructed to neetnoetmeetmoetmoot the needsneedebeede of the seminary studentsstudentsostudentsetso since 1961 the LDS seminary teachers harehave been in the process of evaluating organizingreorganizingre and writingrewritingre the curriculum As a result of the Iincreased1 interest in curriculum this studyhasstudy has been made to determine what the interests and concerns of seminary studentsstudentsdente were at a particular igeage leveievelevel1.1 seizedserved by the LDS seminary system


statement 0190Drodroblemproblemblem was the purpose study 1 1 ofCIO the k olgoblenbien it of this to determine what the intinterestsinterestoeresto and concerns of LDS senior seminary students were in relationship to thelhirtythe thirtyfivethirty five directional objectives of the ddsLDS seminary system 2 to show what the interests and concerns were of urban LDS senior seminary studentsstuderits and rural LDS senior eeminax7semlnayy students 3 to determine the interests sndendand concerns of male and female losiosLDS senior seminary students

1ldsoldsLDS is used throughout this study to designate the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints 2

importance of the sfeadssneadsS there has been a need to determine when to teach certain principles and concepts to LDS senior seminary students william A koppe and carolyn mooers have stated that there is a best age to learn every religious concept and attitude 2 there has been little if any research made to determine when the best age is to teach certain concepts to LDS senior seminary studentsforstudents for optimum learning of those concepts herman E wornom has said that there may be certain years favorable to optimum learning of cer- tain insights or practices we have little tested knowledge of what to expect in the ligiouslegiousreligiousre growth of the average child with average learning opportunities 5 and even less understanding of what he might achieve under maximum learning conditions perhaps the spiritual potential of aurour children is largely unrealized research done by the character research project has shown something of the potentials in character education at variousveariousatvearious childhood and adolescent levels we need far moenonemoremone knowledreisnwledgeknowledgeknowl edeeedRe of what mazmay bebg ex rested jyI1n reitareilyrelayijallsIj AllSouszsssffehkak0owthhowthZ ata ISSISMvariousclousnious 1&tg& citalitalicsles notnot in the original

in a more recent article the same writer said 0 we need research on the potentials of youth for underunderstandingstanding and living the christian faith at various age levels every one of the U24 nationalnn Lional 3bjgireligiouslous bodies with whoawhonwhom I1 met has expressed need for far more help about the developmental levels and potentials of children and youth the concern here is not just to know the average behavior and attitudes which are characteristic of each age we need to know the spiritual potentlpotentapotentialsaisals of each age in the maximimmaximum educational context4contextcontexts A4

awilliam2williamwilliam acA koppe and carolyn mooersmooersy fruits of A research curriculum fisii&iougreli keilskellslq1ab mlis&tlpil 545055400554 505 bherman3herman E wornom highlights of recommendations for research ll ssl10relrei tus educationmllsfimss 5553 411orman4411hernanbernanhcrmanernanornanorman E wornom the potential role of research in religious education filigi95reiigiousremigious mbsasi0education 5630656306o563060 drdx ernest M ligon has indicated that the bible is not easily learned yet much of it is taught long before it can possibly be understood in recent yearseyearsqyear85 however awour curriculum planners have tried to grade material according to its fitness for the ageoge levelleveilevelebevele 1mthatbabbub such a process is a very diff- icult one it will not be achieved around a conference tabletableyfabley but by careful and laborious research studies with the childrenchildrericerlcorl them- selves there have been very few studies made in the past to determine the terestainterestsin and concerns of LDS seminarystudentsseminary students at the different age levels served by the LDS seminary systemsystemssystemo nowo studiestudlestudieshavestudiesshavehave been made in relationship to the thirtyfivethirty five directional objectives of the ldaddsLDS seminary system aichalchmichwhich were formulated by the administrators andwidmid minaryseminarybeminaryBe teachers of the LDS seminary system during the rommer of 1961

iioilollolio110 definitions OF TERMS USED

the lowingfollowingfo termsvernis and meanings were applicable throughout the study

LDS 11 n a LLDS who dds il at students were enrolled in their lastjast year of highschoolhighschool study sffliafi &ggfie the weekdayweek day religious education program of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints sadaadasagadaga mam& 4&1dxaats0slagalag1lag the welweiwolrural students were those who lived in two areas where there were no cities of more than 20000 populationpopulationspopulationo the urban students were thosewhothose whomho lived in or adja cent to the city of ogden itahoutahoutah6

ernert5erne8ternest mo ligondigon A gratagraga fismeafeisfige nevnovnow yorkyonkyorks the macmillan Compacompanynyynyp 196039603.960 p loo130100 4

smsiz0thli fivelve srmon&ldireetional kjmjs0objectives1.1 statements of principle and direction that served as curriculum guides for the LDS seminary Sysystemstenistent they were femulatedfonaulated in the sminerswimeremper of 1961 by a electedselected group afof seminary teachers and seminary coordinators underonder the dirdirectionction of ernest eberhard jrjroajro the curriculwfigurridulum director of the LDS seminary system

le developed to studentMSHSA inventoryinventoyysisjifesjez0 the instrument obtain infor- mation for this study

illoilioiilo11101110 DELIMdelimitationsNATIONS OF THE STUDY

LDS senior seninaseminaseminary studentstudentss from the brimo and turleyburley semilserainberain 0o ariesarles in idahoidahop and the bonneville and weber seminaries in ogden stahyutahsjtahyutahp were wedused inln thisthib studiotudyotudykstudyo

howo summhrsudvarysummerSUMsumvaryharybaryVaRY

there was a need to deteminedetdetenrdnedetermineemine tafthfthe interests and concernsconeconceoneelmseims of LDSLD seminary students in1 n vital areas of anderstandingunderstandinganderunderstandingsandenundenstanding in the pastpastspasta vextvex7vely little research bashasban been made to determine the interests andalidarldarid concernconcerns of the students for the purpose of preparing outlines used in thetho LDS seminary systemsystomo if the LDS seminary system is to provide maxinmmmaximumm&ximum training for the youth of the LDS chiirchchurchy the needs of the studentsstudentsdento drustwustmust be consider ed iniiilrilla relationship to the courses studied the objectobjejobjeot of this study was to determine what the interests and concerns of LDS senior seminary students werecereowereo CHAPTER II11

REVIEW OF literature

in the review of literature the writer has covered three major

areas which appeared to be related to this study these areas vevewereworewecewove 1 1 thetho need and importance of research and studies concerningconcernineernina adolescents

and their problems 2 the liseusetuse1100 of checkeheekcheek lists for the ascertaining of personal problems and 3 religion in thelivesththe liveselives of adolescents

theIM need jrforfoc studsstiidiesstudjsstiidiesidles abnisconceacnisacnidEniS adolescentsado lesiescente andaindajnd their arproblems&roblemsobrems in 1948 WAlliawilliamjn S sadler indicated that in recent years there haahahap appeared an extensive literature dealing with different phases of adoles- cence but it is still an allallbutneglectedbut neglected field so far as sociologic

e and psychiapsychiatripsychiatricpsychiatriatritrl c research 900gogoo tiltii1111l since the time of the above cited work there has appeared to be an upswing in the umbernumber of studies made on adolescents and their problems in the educational field there have been a number of recent studiesstudiesostudiosostudieso among these were boy scouts of america study of adolescence 1955 j purdue opialopinionopinl on poll by remmers and radierradlerbadler 1957 and the utah white bousehouseflouse conference of children and youth study 1959 all of the above atudiesstudies were made to better under- stand youthyouthsyouthy bring youth programsprogranogramagramo up to date and meet the needs of todays youthyouths one of the better known studies in the field of religious education

hrilliamlwilliamawilliamhwilliamHrlW Ssc problems s Cge Vve adolescence mk01.01 lillantillanilliam sadler MoJsemojsefifi 01 st louis the mosby company 194819481 P 13 6 is that of the character research project founded by dr ernest M ligon this particular project has done research for the past 2545 years in trying to determine better ways of developing the christian character one of drdro ligonligonisligon1ss associates herman E wornom on the need for farthercarthercarthen study and research has indicated that 11 00forfor those who feel their first responsibility is to provide curricula which will be effective in the lives of children research will be indispensable 2 he decried the methods used in the pastpa at to devise curriculum in religious education sasayingbayingying that it hshashns beenboenboon done on the basis of guesses and not facts learned from ottilystudyottidy and researchresearch3rcseareh33 drsdrydr LJLligondigongon iiss quoted by wornom as saying we cauldcould come closer and closer to the will of god in chal- lenging our children to a stature far beyond that which nostlhostrhostmostroost us have been able to achiachieve0 eve t4ta 4 bowman felt there was a need for studies of youth and their problems in order to develop a curriculum which would help youth in solving these problems and developing lives consistent with christian teachings she said that curriculum must be wittengittenwritten to fill the needs of each age level during iescenceadolescenceado lesIescence she summarisedsummarized her point of view in these wordswordss thus the growth cycle of young persons is the workers in a local church who fail to provide these graded materials keyed to each age levelareleirelooarele thereby robbing their youth of helps they need at just thosevelarestages of present development 1 they are shutting out guidance that will make christianity and the ablembiemble come alive in the thought forms possibly in the living of these teen years now5nowl5nowd

2wornom oty 2rar0 slasl96t9slyglyci peP 305 0 aim3im31bid 41bi4jbmod9odsoda pop 302302e 5clariceclarice M boubowbounanbownanboumanbowmanaannan KM yout1iyutl learnheggskeggs new yorkyorks harper & brothers 1952 p 69 7 literature afi2fi nisthenesMIS use of stesfclasjschesechesj listlists inlri111 the literature reviewed by the writer there were divergent views on the value of the use of the selfselfreportreport check11checklistcheckcheek 11list0stast in gatheringgatherina information and determining problems there were writers who were very conservative and warned against acacceptingcaptcepting the checklistcheeklistcheckcheekcheok list as a completely valid instrument for deter- mining problems bedell cautioned against overenthusiasmover enthusiasm in evalua- ting the checklistcheck list type of instrument whethewhenheuhenwhen he statedstatedp no chec- klists can present definitely all problems and users of this mooney problem checklistcheck Llist1000 as well asez other checklistscheck lists should bear that fact in0 mind 6 froehlich and darley drew attention to the important questions of validity reliability and usefulnessusefttlness when theytbeyabey aslod8askedsaskews

ec houhow vaivalidld for example isLs the information secured by means of a personal data blank how reliable are the facts found in an autobiography how useful is the evidence appearing in these self report documents answers to such questions unfortunately are difficult to find in professional literature because so few research studies hhavelveave3ve been reported in this particular field7fieidefieldefielda harold E jones waiwalkedwaz ned against expecting too much of the chec- klists when he stressed that the list should not be expected to disclose

problems that the individual is unwilling to admit j either to himselfhinshimselfyhimselfy or to others and that such an inventory can only be representative of self perceived and selfselfreportedreported foci of difficulty 8

jralph6ralphralph C bedellthetho the mooney problem checklistcheck list cited by oscar buros ededo the third msstalmastalmental measurementsmeasugments xgarbsskyearbook nevmevnewmew blaswichbraswichbrusbruswichsBrasvichviehwich rutgers universltmssuniversiarsity feSS 19194977 P lti7itle1 liffordclifford Ppo froehlich and john G darleyparley studsfcudyjjineina students p eky chicago science research associates 1952 tl 0 haroidcharold8haroldharold E jones Lcitationsmitationslimitations1IMitationslons of the mooney problem checklistcheckcheek listdist M citeda1vedted by oscar buros ed 1zbgzag ulu0m3& e a haeabuum&uumeqtj iasbaaxgartook highland parkparks the griptongrypton press 195319531 Ppe 73 8 in speaking of the check istisblistlisb1 as an instrument for research the same writer declared that if the list is to be used for research

purposes s it would be desirable to supply item frequencies for various samples the interpretation of group diffedifredaffedifferencesbencesrences is by no means simplersimpleo 19 those writers who approved using the checklistcheck list method were quite numerous lentz stressed that the check list helped the students in the expressionexpressianionlon of their personalpersonalproblemsproblems and that the results aimed at were suggestive and not definitedefinidefiniteoteo heilellelie also gave hilahhigh commendation and approval to the unique purpose and contribution of check lists in the followfollowinging words the reviewer knows of no alternative or comparable instrument designeddesigned for the same purpose it seomstoseensseems to constitute a unique contribution to our counseling aids and techniquestechniqaeso it is an instrument for an area of research that must not be overlooked As it stands j the instrument is highly commendable to the seriouspractitionerserious practitioner of guidance or the research student in social psychologypsychology1010 probprobablyably the widest study that has been done in connection with selfselfreportreport instruments was one by allport the ffindingsindings of allport and others seemed to indicate some basic conclusions first self report centsdocumentsdo have reasonably satisfactorysatneatn factory levellevelsleveis of validity re litilcabilityliability and use especially if the students responses are givengivexiginexi careful consconsiderationlderationLderation secondly students will consistently and accurately report facts concerning themselves if conditions are favor- able 11

9jonesbjones ageegeo citeiteltsilt p 730739 iothcodore10thoodore F lentalentz thehe functions of the problem check list cited by oscar buros edeededo thehe third mental meagMeasvserementsvrementrement yearbookyearbooks bewnewnevnew press pop 25055055o BrunsBrunswicbrunswichbrunswickbrunswichsulchwlchwichhs rutgers universiuniversityuniverseUniversi t9t71747 popim 1 0 11gordon11 gordon W allport zhahy q rheqs&tas of eaaaleagalper 0 documents jin pcholpgipoych2logicalcaloaioal science bulletin 49 new yorkyorks social science research council 1941942 9 mooneymooneye the author of probably the widestusedwidest used of problem chec- klists supports the conclusion of allport he indicateindicatedds prior to the actual use of the check list is the tendency of many adults to assume that youth will be unwilling to mark their personal problemsproblensieneleme suchdoessuch does not turn out to be the case however the average number of problems marked by college students is thirty by high school students twenty seusevsevenen and by junior high school students is twenty three the range of responsiveness isI1s well over a hundredhundredshundredohundredo furthermore students indicate that they enjoy using the lists over ninety per cent of the college students responded 11yesyes to the questions have you enjoyed filling out the list A higher percentage holds for the lighkighhighhigh school ninety five per cent on the basis of 1028 cases 1 mooney also indicated that the proportion asking for help with their problems at the highschoolhigh school level was 78 per cent he also said that there is little indication that the students tried to hide their problems or to play1playuplay with the check lists he stated too that they were sur- priprisinglysingly serious and constriictconstructivelyively interestedinterested11I1 exposing far more problems than he originally anticipated 133 lee J cronbachjcronbach pointed out thatethat8thatg selfselfreportreport techniques have a long histhistoryhistoryooryo medicine has long used the patients report of his symptoms for diagnosis and evalua- tion of treattreatmentstreatmentsementse in psychology almost the entire development of modemmodern hypotheses about personalityhingespersonality hinges on selfselfreportreport freud for example based his findings and theories almost wholly on inter- views reports of dreams and other introspective dataudatabatau 14

12rossross lo10L mooney exploratory research on students problemsproblems11 journal Sof educational reachresearch 3821822438218385218 224224y november 1943 131bidoibm 14leelee J cronbachgronbach Santisessentialslg 21of llsisasgisal tetestingssti new york harper and brothers 1949 ppo 3130 10

froehlich and darleyuarley seemed to sudslunstunsum tiplipzip the value of problem check

lists when they indicaindicatedeindicabechtedetechbechA

etheatheothe paperandpencilpaper and pencil test Wuiliulliwillwiiliiilii111 YLyieldeideld surprisingly useful 0the 0 results if the following conditions existexistsa first the teacher or counselor has established good relations with his students and second these students are actually seeking bhethebhe help of their teacher or counselorcounselorscounselorocounseloreloroioro one of the basic principles of counseling as stated earlier is thantthaxtbhafc the counselor can proceed successfully only if he has good relareiarelationstims with students 0 if he has such rapport the chances arearcancane that hlielleile can make effective use of paper andpenciland pencil tests 15 other quotations could be clcj tedwdbed thatbhat were found in reviewing the literature on the subjectsub eat but thevchevthey aliallail led to the conclusion that though there were linlimumibatjonsltationsstations jnan the check list technique for obtaining infor- mation andruidpuld data on studentstiident problemsprobproblemsylensslensylemsy its merits and advantages far outweighed its inadequacies for gathering the ditaditodata for this studiostudystudyo

sslislpjl8btljzj2us erm08cobleobl em 9 of iseihisjihmth therethene appeared to be two schools of thought among writers as to the religiousreligiouts problems of youth there werewore writers who felt that young people had little interest in religion and had very few problems in this areaareaoarcao other writers felt that young

people were interested in religion andond had many religious problemproblemsproblemsoso bothdoth view points areaxe presentedprosentedopresenprosentedo alberty cited students which led hiuhimmm to belbeIbelievebelleveieveleve there is little 810tio16 or no interest in religreligiousiouslous Pproblemsroblemsproblems at any levellevei 0 he summarized these studies in this observationobservations Religreligiontionllon current problems govern- ment history learning a foreign language and problems involving moral

standards received relativerelativelylv low nkingsrankingsakingsnk ings tv 17

15froehl15Froehlfroohuchch and darley lpc aacltaltelteita1 P 320320 1611arold1611haroidmaroldharoldaroldaroid bertybortylibertyalbertyAl rssrsshamssjqar&qnlzing tq&T he fiigliigulstiuksti schoolS 000coo curriculum new yorkyorks the macmillan 00co 1719477 apppppe 686968 69 abide171bidaibide 11

alberty is joined bylimbertby linbertlimbert who has relegated religious problems to a very minor role in the lives and thinkingthinkingr of youth in the following appralappealappraisals religreligiousbellg lousious behavior is closely related to the social structure the church is a community facility like the bowling alley religious beliefs are quite vague and dimly related to conductconductoconductio seven out of eight are not troubled by questiquestionsons about relireilreligionreligionereligionergione religion is a compelling experience to not more than ten per cent of these young people 18 landis seemed to be in harmony with alberty and limbert for he said that as life has become increasingly socialized religion has disappeared as a major factor in the mentalconflictsmental conflicts of the adolescent and that major conflicts now center injn problems of social adjustment rather than adjustment to a godcenteredgod centered world of religious reality9reality 199 hechinger joined with the above cited writers in observing thatthatochatothato there is every indication that the much talked revivalrevivallrevivalsrevival8revivall8 of teenagersteen agerlsagersageros interest0 in religion is misleading and exaggeratedexaggexatedeort20 cole and morgan notedrioted disinterest among the youth as far as re

ligiouslegious activity was concerned in1nan their statement thatthats at each age beyond fifteen fewer and fewer boys and girls go to churchchurchy and more and more become ccritical of religionreligionsoso adolescents want to find something in religion but most of them fail to do so and their reaction to failure often takes the form of intolerance 21 cynicism j and withdrawal from contact with church activitiesactivitieso

paul Mme limbertI1 new lightdight on the needs of adolescentsadolescents88 re lizkqqilfiipjia educationseducationg 55289552289 sept oct 1950 19p&ulaul hoH landislandiselandisy adlgfignceadole ence qaq&anaamammad lai2hj&youth new yorkyordyonkyorksyonks memcgrawmegrawmcgramgrawgram hill book co 19475194.751947 ppe 186 20grace and fred moM hechinger te2zlamxsgage tjrgtarg new yorkyorks william morrow and company 1963 ppa 210210 i 21 lueiladuella21luellaluella cole and Jjo Bbo morgan Pachpgyhogzpathologypachologyology of fiChildhood laslagSESlndand if MlS nemnewknewvuew yorko company ao adolescencemojlescencje york 0 rinehart and incinceinco 1947 ppe 366736670366 77o 12

there were inanynanymany writers whoho expressed the vjviewew thatthat youth did have rellireligionsreiliiiilir iouslous problems andwadmad that these probler4problemsis were recolmizedrecognisedrecognized by young people and that they vecevoceworew re consideredconsideredideaed teaitealreacea probienproblemproblemsproblemsoso kuhlen in his studiesstudios of adolescents and their religious problems and concerns found the problems listed welemelewebewe3eweresweros a disliking churchurchcrunchchurellellclieil serviceservices s Wb failing tobo go to church c getting help on religious problemproblems d wantingwanting to know the meaning of religion e heaven andwidmid hellbelibeilheilheii f sin2nan Wg science and religion h wondering what becomes of people when theythoy die and other prob-proib N 22 lems of minor importance 0

uhlenkuhlenKl gave further evidenceev lderider leetee of tinthatim existence of relreireligious14zious problems in the livesjives of youth when he stated that the sources of many of these problemsproblomopro biensbienoblomo were to be found in the inconsistencinconsistencemconsisbencios0 les within religreligiousous teachingsbeachlngs or between religious teachireachiteackmgsngs and vriousvariousnious areas of knowledge or social practicpracticepracticeopracticedeo helielleile furthfurtherir declared that problems veireweirewerewece apeapt to ariseearexr 1.1 e when the child1 hashao maimedV I1intellectuallyintellect1ntellecttiallybially tobo the point wherewhore he recognisesrecognizesrocognizes the inadequacy1n adequec y of specific beliefs2 taught earlier and vaswaswn S sensitive tat0bo the jnconsisfcencies thatthal exist and the problems that arise uhenwhen he beginbeginsbegin s to encounter elements in his culture 3 or in lashisibs leclearningrningrnaning ing that do notnob doffdovctaijdovf tailtaii uthwith his earlerearlorearlier tettjachingachin9 23

0 agreement w kuhleanioan I1laidlyid1 ceabed thafcs teadtoad inin af4reeraen11 t vithwithith euhkuhlen indicatedI ated that it is not necenecocesaryxiecesaryriexie nsaryansary to cite jlatiflics here on how many yoiingyokingyoungyonng people attend this church ooroxx that olLurchchurch at ablitalloooltalalloo olt is important for us to rocognjerecogirize that thlthibaisbhiss generation of youthallitlItlike all gener atonsakonsatjons before ltibb 10 searchs archingaching2 ng for moralB and sinalnalAspiritualritual values by which tobo jlee11700

22raraymondtpnond G kuhlen the Ppgjctoogjcliocliolog9112 logiod199 7y ofQJ adolescent devel2mrntsslshpis new york i llorper11axper and brothers 1952 Tp 80448ao8o

23jmd231 ideida q DOpo 4490 o 12 there eorewerewore many writers who expressedespreeqpre ssedased the view thbhatthatt youth did have reLigreliceliceilreliplousreliglousreligiousplouslousious problems and that thesethose problemproblems verevoreweremerewore reerecneejecogniodognized by young people

nens and that they weverevecewerere considered real pro hemsblademsaemseras 0 kuhlen inalnainyin insiuslushiishlis studies of adolescents and their rellireligiousbiousgious problems

andalnainaloA concernconcernss found the problems 1lisledaisled1 sted verciviereveret0 a disliking church serviserviceservicosocesocoso b failing to go to churchy c getting help on religious problems d wantingwant aligllig to know the meaning of religion e heaven and hell f sin g sciencesciance and religreligioniori h wondering what becomes of p1papeopleatlectleodieodle when they diedle and other prob-pro lems of minor importanceimportancoo 22

kukuljlonhlenbienblen gavegaye further evidenceevalovaldeneedence ofoc tiutivthe existence of religiollreligious problems in the lilivesvesveoVOS of youth when he statedctaacta ted thatbhat the sources of many of these problemspxoblems were to be found in the inconsistencies within religious teachlteacheteachingsrigs1190 or between lalgiousreligiousre teachings and various arareasas of knowledge or socialsocia practice heitelie urtherfurtherf declareddec 1aredbared that proble18problerrib weverevoreworere aptzapt to arise uhenulionwhen the child has mcaturmaluiodmcatureded intellectintellectuallyintel ecbua31yually tobo the moinipointpoini where he iccogniosrocognizesrecognizes tiletlletaiethet1ie inadequacy of specific beliefs taught earliercurlier and vasvoswaswos senssensitiveiti ve tobo tiletllebhe inconsistencies that exist and the problems that aliseariseariso uhenwhen he beginsbogins to enooimterenrxnmter elements in his culteuitculturetire or in his learning that do not dovetaildovetallalidil with hishj s earlier teachingtcachmtcachmgogor 233 tead in11 agreement othvithwithi kuhlenKWaienalennien I1indicytcdridlridi gated thrahrthafcgt-

itib is not ecessarynecessarynecessarynecessaryessany to adtecdte statist A oss here on how many young people attend this church or 1ihtahthat churchaljcljurch at allaliailaileoalloo oltit is important for us to recorecognizerecognisegnizeagnize that thisuns ggenerutlonrieraTIeratieratjtjlonaonzon of youthyolyoi ith like all gener- aref ations before it iiss sarchingstarchingsoarchingsoarcI Ing for norcamoxajmoxan1 l and spiritualspiritua1 values by ulouiowhichich to lieolleocioe1ioelive 0

22 raynondraymond Ggo kuhlen theThe Pspgjchgjogcholodychology ofoj adolescent alseselgetelgesSlslsessetgetSESedtodtostantany nevnewnewnow york t harper and brotherbrothers 195291952 po 4480448o

dmd23jjdjmd ppo0 49449 13 these great imperatives that underly youths quest for reiarelareligiongion to be intelligent to be loving to be reverereverentnt coincide in a waxuayway 0 mandate to meaning wonderful 1 0 with the didivinevine learn the of the ulliuliiwill of godo sustaining the thought that youth is essentially religious Hho

H remmers tida Ppo E johnson 0O tidv.1 ld ho and others in a ststudy1 abstracted by sasaidt A sample of 2500 replies from a nationwide poll of high school students shows a typical teenageteen age student has a favorable attitude toward the churchchurchy says his prayers twice a day thinks of god as an omnipotent and omniscient bodylessbodyiesleslos spirit existing everywhere who guided the writing of the bibledibiedibleb1bledibledibiebable and helps man in the building of a good society e he is ready to admit thatbhat study of sextaincertaincextain sciencessciences may alter his beliefs that one may question hihiss religious beliefs and often be perplexed by the confusion of opinionopinionsopinopinionoionolono differences are noted between sex grade rural urban ndand geographigeographygeographical1 calealeai location 25 in discussing the process of maturation and the chchalleniacharleniachallengealleniaze of findinafandinafinding a philosophy of life hamrinhamrin andondnand paulson implied that youth do have religreligiouslousiousloun probienproblemproblemsproblemsoso they said-saldoo in the process of maturing spiritually some young people ques- tion their religious training or argue about ethicsethicso even in their dedeepestdeestdpest doubts however they are seeking a philosophy of life which will give them strength and vlvivisionslonsionsjon they want a belief stronger and more important than themselves for without such belief life lacks meaningneanmeaningsmeanmeaningoingo 26 pixley and beekman as a result of a survey carried autoutoub by sseniorenior problemsclassesproblems classes of the public schools of los angeles on the faith of ruthwuthyouth indicated that the great mamajorityj ortvoravorty2 of our youth were religiously minded even though nanymany of them did not go to church or

240rdway240rdwray t youthyouthlsyouthes s quest parent anji tead ls for religion nationalnaommaomw padpaa and teacherteachen 4848s12626271262726 27 december 952e1952.1952

25h25 11he remmers M S meyers and E M bennett some personality aspects and religious values of high school youth cited by P Eeo john- son y emqji2lopezsqsasallealicalleai abstractsme&smeas 2795927 9 19521.95219520 26shirley26shirley A hamrin and blanche B paulson caunselgaunselcj0jjgelngjgn adoadsslsfisas1 scent chicago 0 science research associates inc 1950 ppe 61 14 consider going to church regularly as an essential part of religion they conceded that therethero may be a very small number of young people who may be considered unbellunbelieversievers but that many of those who never attended church stilstiistill acknowledged the values of re331aionre33gion272727.27 they concluded their study when they said the evidence isI11 s sufficientsuffaufflelent to state that the majoritymaj0 brotyorotyI1 of los angeles seniorsseniorsbors are igiouslyrelreireligiously minded and that dis-I1 believers are a minority t2828

the utah white bousehousehoiisetiseilse conference on children and youth study 5 listed ten religious problems of youth they verewereveresweres

1 1 we need greater spirituality and less importance given to material things and possessions 2 religion should be practiced in the homehornehonnehorme 3 religion should be an everyday thingthings 4 we need more religious concepts and values taught in the home 5 poor example set by parents who do not attend churchchurchy 6 parents have givon the responsibility of religious training to the churchchurchy 7 the family needs to do more things together 8 we need more emphasis oiion chastichastitychantity 9 there Is a need for greater understanding of different religious faiths 10 we need better coordinationbetweencoordination between church school and community who ask for young peoplespeopled timeatime4timektimetimeo294 very little has been done to determine what the religious problems of LDS young people are johnson concluded in his study that ldsyoutlddsLDS youth did have rellreiarelareligiousociousogious problemsproblemso305oao andersen who also did a study on LDS youth found similar resultsresults3131 thesethose two writers worked together in

27erma pixley and emma beekman the faith of youth as shown by a survey in the public schools of los angelesAngelesslesp rereligiousiouslous edjatjyeducation 44341Us 341 194919490

ebido281ibidobid Ppe 33733700370 9ntah29utah state report 1960 golden Anniversaranniversaryyp white house con- ference on children and youth salt lakellekeslakes 1959p1959 pep 30 30james wallace johnson A comparison of selfseifselfperceivedperceivedP0rceirheiercelved religious problems of ninth and twelfth grade seminary students unpublished easterMastereastersmasters1 s thesis BYUbyuoBYbauobybe Uo 195691956 pep 57570 31wlson31wilson31wlsonwisonWilson Kke andersen A study of general and religious personal problems of tenth eleventh and twelfth grade seminary students umituipublishedunpublished eastersmasters thesis busbbsBYUbuo 1957p1957 pep 85985 15 formuformulatingiat2ing a check list instxmcntinstriinastriInstriment to be useuscusedd inIM their studiesstudiesestualeseaiesediese the instrument waswaa called the LDS youth inventory cndtuideuid listed the following problems of ddsLDS youthyouths0

1 1 dating and heterosexual relations 2 religion and science 3 word of wisdom 4 military service 5 social RelationrelationshrelationshipsshIPSO 6 general religiousreligions alooplooproblemsbiensblemsbeems 7 helping parents 8 adult example 9 emotional andond personal problems 10 marriage in the temple 11 recreation and the use of ticetatimemelmeo 12moral12 noralnoraimoral and sexual standards 13 sabbath day observance 14 family Relationrelationshrelationshipsshipso 32 1515 missimlssimassimissionaryonar Y activity and 1616 general Standardsstandards32standardse32

stmimasamimasyjmao there hhaveive been numerous studstudiesiesLes done on youth and their problemsproblemslemo yet minuchmuchiehlehtch research needs to be done in this fieldfielde many things have been written both pro and con on the use of check lists for detedeterminingmining problems it appears to the writer after a careful review of literature thatbhat the advantages of the check list far out weigh the disadvantages the literature on the problems of youth is of a diverdivergentgentgont nature there are arlvrlwritersterstera who feel that young people have little interest in religiireligionon and have very few problems inihiihl this vitalvitai area other writers

i are on record that young people are interested1 in religion and have many religious probienproblemproblemsproblemsese

32johnson32 johnson op 9 cit9citacito pepa 240 capterCHAPTER iliIII111

14lothodsMETHODS audMMAND procedures

the purpose of the research of this study was to determine what the interests and concerns of LDS senior seminary students were in re- lationlationshipship to the thirtyfivethirty five diredirectionalationalactional objectives of the LDS seniseminarySeminarynany syynyysystemreiaretaaeta the two questions investigated were 1 1 what are the interests and concerns of male and female LDS senior seminary students 2 what are the interests andarad concerns of rural and urban LDS senior seminary stustudentsdentisdentas


PPultpuitpultnopulano2mu1atlon1 no LDS senior seminary studerstudarstudentsits from four different seminaries were selected for this study 0 thesethose four sonisemisomiseminariesmariesmarles wereweres

1 1 the arimoakimo idaho seminary 2 the burley idaho seminary 3 the bonneville ogden utah seminary and 4 the weber ogden utahsutah seminarioseninaseminaryseminaseminaryoryo the first two seminariesanariemanariememanary es named are rural seminariesseninsemincariescarles and the last two are urban seminariesseminariesoseminarieso these seminariessemirtaries may be consicons1consaconsidereddered representative of other ruralnaralduraldurainural and urban seseminariesoseminamincrylesrieseriesoclese

salssaissaljmaljswpjs1 one htahuahuuhundredidredadred ninetyeightninety c1lcaleightrhtaht LDS senior seminary stustudentsdentsdenta were involvedJ in this sample one hundredthreehundred three students 58 girls and 45 boys took the B section of the inventory and ninetyfiveninety five students 51 girls and 444 4 boys took the A section of the inventory 17

II11iioilollo discussion OF THE instrument

inasmuch as no instrument was available that could be effeffec-ec ttively used to obtain data for the study a new instrument was constr- ucted and was called the tildenstudentb inentoctoinventoryInventorvory A copy of the instrument is found inan appendix I1lo10 the four Ppersonsdersonsersons who participated in constructing

veV 0oo Mmo the instrument were kay fellowfellows 5 lemar 00 hanson richard maxfield and the writer

PESSSMSSSprocedures used in3 51slllcirl&construettana thehe iselebissssnstrwnent1 Iini00 oderorder to facilitate the construction of the instrument 5 the thirtyfivethirty five objectives

1 2 31c ullum LDS used injn developsdevelop2developingdevelop ng the curieurieurlcurriculum of the seminary system 5 were divided into four areas containing ninenlneine objectives each except one area which had eighteighty each teacher was assigned one of the above areas with the responsibilityresponsibility of determining the interests and concerns of studentsstuderits in0 that particular area two methods vetevoteverewerewore used to jetermacletemjncpetermaJeterma ne the interests and concerns of the students in relationship to the directional objectives the first method was to provide the students with the key word of a particular objectiobjectsobjectiveveqveyuey such as satan and have them write down all of the interests and concerns they had on this particular objectiveobjectivesobjectiveo these were then reviewed by the teacher who eliminated all duplications and made a list from the remainder of the itemsibemse the other method used to determine the interests and concerns of the students was through group discussiondiscussionsse students were placed in

1 r small groups of five or sixs 1cac and each group was given a copy of each directional objective appendappendixjxax iilolilIII111 the students in each group djsdis- cussed the interests and concerns they had on each objective and the 18 interests0 and coheconceonecoheernsconcernserns they felt that other students of their same age might have on these objectives A scribe was appointed in each group to wrwifegitegifeite down all of the interests and concerns the group discusdiscussedsedesedA in order to obtain the interests and concerns of the entire age group served by the LDS seminary system groups were obtained from each of the classes in1nan seminary from freshmen through seniorssenioxse many types of groups were used in the discussion methodmethods these included groups of all girls and all boyrboys groups containing both boys and girlsgirisgirlsj groups corncowneowncon- taining all ailattallA studentstudentsq elleilallail 111311 students all C students and groupsgroupe made up of all three types of studentsstudentsostudentso following the group discussions the teacher collected the written statements from the scribe for each groupgroupe the statements erewere sorted and placed into the objective areas all duplications were eliminated as was done in the aforementioned methodmethode the teacher made every effort to preserve these statements in the language of the students an iiiatrtmientitistnuyient was constructed from the above mentioned state- ments with a five point rating scalesealescaleascalej 1 1 indicating no concern 2 little concern 3 concern 4 quite concerned and 5 highly concerned the instrument was then given to the students for the purpose of having them rate the statements according to the five point sealescalescaleoscalco the students were also instructed to write any additional interestainterests and concerns they nightnaghtmight have and to underline any word they didnt understandunderstandsunderstandounderstandestando after the completion of the test the teacher scored the tests and any of the statements that didnt neetmeet a median value of 252.5205 after the ratings were sunnedsummedbummed was eliminated from the instrumentinstramonttrumont on the basis of not being a real interest or concernconcfernoconeconceoneferncferno the criteria of 252.5 was arbitrarily chosen by the teachers who were constructing the instrumentinstranstrument as the basis for 19 eliminating the statements of littlejitblejirble orox no concerioconcernconcernoconeoncerno the four individuals involved in the construction of the instrument met at various times to share ideas and to tnobtote the progress mademadeo con- sultations were made poxiodleallyperiodica11v withith facility members of the brigham young university to gain suggestions and adviceadvleevice on the constructionconstrtiation of the instmmentinstruments during one of these etingsbetingsmeetingslneine the teachers who were constrtictingconstxnicting the instdinstjnsfcruracntulment combined their revised lists of the state- ments of the interests and concerns into otieorieorteorieorle 3ristrizientjnstxzmiento many duplica- tions lrewrewerewece eliminated and the wordingwniin checked tcto give better clarity and memeaninajeaninameaningmoaninganineanina to each taterateratementtatemonboAatenentmentrentomonbo

when S studentpudent was completedcomeom altait 560 statements the tudentt imontiimontcinveritclu Pletedfeted it contained divided into sectsectionsionslons A aiandid B vithvath 280 stntemeritsstritemterlts in eacheacho appendix ililiiIII111 contacontainseffisimmiaiffis an analysis of each section of the inventory abca6caccordingording to category and the number of statementostatements in each categorycatecuteoatefiory the students rated each statement as to their own interest and concern by means of the five point scale mentioned aloveaboveoabove

lilliiiliIIIiilo1111110 OBTAINING tokTBETOE DATA

the completed Stustuderitstuderitesjllidenjderit inventl&ynti12 was glengiengiven to students in the above mentioned seminariessemlffiaries by the individuals who constructed the instruinspru nentmentmento those who gave the test tresedtreseatrestressedpresedsedsea the importance of the information desired in order that the students nightmight put forth an honest effort in taking the test seesee instriactionsinstruct 1 ons appendix io1 twtvotwo methods were used in giving the tests to the studedentotudeniotudentostuderitsstuderitetudenteritsrito one group of studentsytudents completed eithereitherelther1 A or B13 section and the othetothelother group completed both A andend BD sectionsectionsoso any test that was not completed or appeared to be arkedmarkedmcarced without readingrendingneading

11 0 arfvrfwasi s eliminatedeliminatedoelimina tedo the inventories2 serewereworewece given 3identificationderitifderitis 1 cation numbers which 20 were used to facilitate the key punching of the dedatadetata obtainedobtainobtainedoedo

woIV statistical ANALYSIS

means were determined for each of the 560 statements contained in the instrimentinstrumentinstrumentsinstrumento this data was obtained for both boys and girlsgirisgirlsygirlsey and for rural and urban studentsstndentso the nebilneanmean of the frequency was determdegermdeterminedined for each of the thirtyfivethirty five directional objective cate- gories 0 detailed analysis of the above statistics with accompanying tables is givengiven in3110 the succeedsucceedisucceedssucceeding1i ng chaehachapterschapterochappterteroteno chalepchatepCHATE IV


the resultsre1 sultssuits of thlethiathiethipthig study were obtained fromcron the use of the aforementioned student ilventoinventoryinvento there were pinety7fvepdnetyrfive students fiftyfiftyftfty one girls mdand fortyfourforty four boys who tooktoo the A section of the inventory dmdpmdnd one huladredthreehundred ethree students fiftyeightheight girls and fortyfiveforty five boys who took the B section of the inventory

the dated will not be reported in theth order of the centoryventoryinventoryventorytopy but will be given n the order of the importance of the interests of the students in relationship tqaq thehe thirtyfiveThirty five directional obobjacobjayjeojoc OW tives

LI1 TFTHE RANK owrOWBORDER 0OOF THE directional obgctiveobj1gtive

the rank order of the thiryfivethirtyfiveThiryThirty five directional objectiveobjectives by means was determined by obtaining tietlethe average neanmeanmoan for each of the thirtyfivethirty five directional objective categories the pireconalPirepirectdionalconal objec- tive titled holy ghoulghowlahotghot rapkqdyankedyankqd erstirstjrst vithwith an average mean of 35345 1 the directionalDireptional objective titled welfare ranked last with an average mean of 2892.89 table I1 page 22 the directionalDireptional rbjeptivesqbjeptives were also placed in rank order by meanneansmeanss for both male 9ndandnd female students tables II11 and illlililiIIIilly111 pages 23423

A om two tablop parisonomparisoncomparisonc1 of these tabletabiotablq will show a cumbernumber of differencesdifferpncesdifferpncjes in the ranking of the categories between male and female stustudentsdentsdepts the male students placed holy1111oly ghost as the first category or the one in which

1 4 10 1 itotto ovoidqvoidyvoid repetitionrepetitionaition of the word mean all numbers inn this chapter are understood to be means unlessimless oieroleroienotherwisewise indicatedindicaindicatodetedetode 22



objective M 31 ans holy ghostgho st 3453.453 045 forgiveness 343433.4330433 testimony 3383.383038 god 3223223.22 josephjo seph smith 3173.1730 17 eternal trothstruths 3123.12 freedom 3113.11 frayerprayer 3063.06 spiritualitysp 11 rJ tuality 3053.05 pripriesthoodesthoodestwood 3033.03 satan 3013.013001 repentance 3003.003000 worship and reverence 2962.962096 work 2942.942094 revelationrevelreveibevel ationaaion 2932.9321032093 covenant people 2892.892089 temple work 2893892.8920893089 peer group 288 baptism 2872 0 87 jesus christ 2842.842084 standard works 2822.82 consecration 2772.77 progress 2074 missionary work 2732.732073 morality 2732.732073 sabbath day 2702.702070 service 2702.702070 marriageearrimarri age 2682.68 free agency 2672.67 knowledge 2632.632063 word of wisdom 2592059 love 2562.562056 honesty 2502.502050 tithes and offerings 2432.432043 welfarewelfare 2072072.07 23


NMI objectiveobaobj activeective means forgiveness 3543.543054 tetestimonycs timony 3473.473 v47 holy ghostgho st 3453.45 god 3253.253025 joseph smith 3233.233023 eternal truths 3223.223022 sp au spiritualityI1 rituality 3u3 0 14 priesthood 3113.11 prayer 3083.08 freedonfreedom 2982.98 worship and reverence 2982.98 baptism 2962.962096 revelation 2942942.942094 covenant fboplepeople 2892892992.892089 repentance 2882.882088 jesus christ 2872872.8725872087 satan 2862086 temple work 2082 work 288280280200 peer group 2080 standard works 2782.782078 sabbath day 2742.742 74 consecration 2672.672067 prgoross 2672.672067 morality 2582.58 servisbrw1cece 2562.562056 marriage 2562.56 knowledge 2542.54 free agency 2532.53 issionarymissionaryM work 2u2o442044au word of wisdom 2422.422042 love 2362.36 honesty 2362062.36 ithesathestithesT and offerings 2352052352.35 welfare 2072.07 24 TABLE iliIII111

MEMmeanMEAV SCORES OF LDS MALE SENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH individual directional OBJECTIVE RANKED ACCORDING TO tiieTHE MEANS objective means holy ghost 3463.463046 forgiveness 3333033.33 testimony 3303.303030 freedom 3243.24 god 3203.203420 satanSatan 3163.16 joseph smith 3123.123912 repentance 3123.12 work 3093.09 prayer 3043013.04 missionary work 3033.033003 eternal truths 3023.023002 spirituality 2972.97 temple work 2972972.97 peer groupgrotipatip 2972.972097 priesthood 2962.96 worship and reverence 2942.94 revelation 209920932932.932o93 covenant people 2902.90 morality 2882.882088 consecration 2872.87 standard works 2862.862086 service 2842.84 Ptprogressogress 2822.82 free agency 2822822.82 jesus christ 2822822.822e82 marriage 28o2802802882.80 baptism 2792792.79 word of wisdom 2772.772077 love 2762.76 knowledge 2722722.72 sabbath day 2672.67 honesty 2652.652065 tithes and offerings 2622.622062 welfare 2502.50 25 they were more interested and concerned with a mean of 343466 the female students however ranked holy ghost as thirdthirdy and forgiveness as the patgatcategoryegory they were most concerned about with a mean of 354 the aiealenalenaiemalem students ranked forgiveness as second wdand testimony was third with a nealmealmeaipi of 30 teptilaonyteybiinaony was placed second by the female students with a nennonmen of 373047 it was noted that the teietelefeletemiefemie students rated these items higher than the naienalemaiemale studentstudentsof as was shown by the mean of each category it was of special interest that the females rtedritedartedr4ted priesthood eighth with a mean of 311 while the males rated priesthood sixteen th vithwtwith a mean of 296 the males rated missionary vorkvonkwork eleventh with a mean pf 3033 03 while females rated missionary vockworkwock thirtieth with a mean af9ff 244 this was perhaps due to a greatreat number of questions relatingrebating to preppepye paratonparationvation and financing a missionm salony which appeared to be of little or no concern for girls both male and finale studentstudents rated marriage twenty seventh

the nalesmalesmb lesies whvithwith a nemneanmewmemmeannewn of 2802802.80 and the females with a mean of 206 one might suspect that females would have greater interest andalid concern

about marriage than nalesnaleamaiesmalesmalea but the attidstudyottidY indicates the opppsiteopposite to be truetrueithuei A contrast wswasmas noticed in the comparative rackingranking of sabbath day the males ranked it relatively low at thirty second while the fenicenifemalesalesaies placed sabbath day twentvtwentysecondtwenty second in their ratiratingsratingsingsi this shovedshowed that female students were more concerned about activities on the sabbath day than were male students it was interesting to note that honesty tithes andwaw& offerings 26 and welfare were listerllsterlisted thirty third thirtyfourththirty fourth and thirty fifth respectively by both male and female studentstudentssl both groups rating these items of little concern


the statements within each of the directional Objectobjectiveve cate- gories were ranked according to the amount of concerned placplacedionplacededionedgonom them by the students the data is reported by order of ranking of the cate- gories as given in table I1 page 22 the mean scores for eacheaph statement in the category holy ghost are given in table IV page 27 the statement of most concern was telling the difference between our thoughts and those promptedprompter byy the holy ghost with a mean of 383 this statement was followed by looking to the holy ghost for guigulguidancedancedanoe mean of 382 andemd recognizing the promptings of the holy ghost mean of 3763.76 the statement with the lowest rating in this category was meaning of receive the holyhoily 2 ghostlghosalghost1 it with a mean of 119797 the stastatementtemento what it would be like to always be prompted by the holy ghost ll11 was the median point with a mean of 3443 44 forgiveness was the second ranked directionalDirect onalonai objective with a mean of 3434334303.4303 the students seemed to be concerned with how to get rid of thoughts of anger towards others for they rated this statement with a mean of 371 the statementstatements carrying grudges was given the lowest rating with a mean of 325 the statement being able to forget past errors was the median with a mean of 341 table V page 28 the directional objective testimony was ranked third for all students two statements were given a mean rating of 3543.543 54 asoso s the top 27


mehnMEANMEAM SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SKIINARYSEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE HOLY GHOST RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban grand rural average telling the difference be- tween our own thoughts and those prompted by the holy gho ghostst 0 3733.73 3823.82 3723.723972 4074.0746074407 3833.83 looking to the holy ghost for guidance 3823.82 3843.843 84 3843.84 3803.803080 3823.823082 recogninzingreoqgninzing the prompt- ings of the holy ghost 3733.733973 3753.753075 3743 74 3733.733973 3763.760 ao understandunderstandinging the holy ghost 3533.533 0 53 3633.633963 3583.58 3603.60606o 358 whatwhat it would be like to always be prompted by the holy ghost 3433.433043 3473.47 3463.46346306 3403.403840 3443.443044 understanding the gifts of the holy ghost 3453453.45 3243243.24 3313.31 3473.47 3373.37 people doing evil after receiving the holy ghost 3253.253025 3413.41 3353.3505 3273.273927 3323.323032 understanding the holy ghost as an individual being 3343.34 3223.22 3243.243024 347 3323323.32 how evilevi1 l affects ones re- lationlationshipship with holy ghostghosto 3233.23 34434443044 3383.38 3133.133913 3293293.29 meaning of receive the holy ghost 3113.113011 2732.732073 2852.8520852853853085 3203.20 2972.972097 28


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR elohelobEACHEACIT STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE forgiveness RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban rural grand averageAve e how to get rid of thoughtsofthoughts of anger towards others 3613.613061 3803.80 3713713.71 3733.73 3713.713971 knowing when we are 1 ry 12 forgiven 3403.40 3733.73I 0 3583.583958 3673673.67 3593.59 gaining forgiveness 34834.8 3603.603060 3503.503050 3673673.67 3563.563056 beingbeing able to forget partpast errors 3273.273027 2472.47 3323.32 3603.60 3413.413941 overcoming jealousy 3143.14 3523.523052 3323.32 3603.60 3393.393039 forgiving when the other person does not repent 3353053353.35 3403403.40 3373.37 3273027 3353.353935 being punished by god 3413.41 3163.163016 3253.25 3523.52 3343343.343934 carrying grudges 2952.952095 3513.513051 3143.14 3533.53 3253.25 29 rating these two statements eorewerewore desiring a testimony and under- standing how people with strong testimonies sometimes fall away from the church desiring a testimony was rated 345 by males 370 by females 363 by urban students and 343400 by rural students the state- ment understanding how people with strong testimonies sometimes fall away from the church was rated 359 by males 3523523.52 by females 338 by urban students and 380 by rural students two statements hidhad the lowest rating in this category these two statements were whether a member must have a testimony to getgot to the celestial kingdom and the place of miracles in gaining a testimony each received a neannoanmeanmoan of 322 the former had means of 312 for males 329 for females 317 for urban and 333 for rural the latter had neansmeansmoans of 307 for males 3233.23 for females 3063.063006 for urban andond 353 for rural table VI page 30 the directionalD irectdirectionallonallonai obaobjobjectiveactiveective ranked fourth for all students was god the highest ranking statement was futureputure relationship with god ti with a neannoanmeanmoan of 383 the means were 384 for raiesralesrialesmales 374 for females 374 for urban and 400 for rural the lowest mean was 2762076 for the statement understanding god the father jesus christ and the holy ghost as separate beings the means were 268 for males 2642064 for females 256 for urban and 3073.073007 for rural table vilvii5viigVII page 31y31 the fifth ranked directional objective was joseph smith with a mean of 317 the students were most concerned with convincing others that joseph smith was foreordained to be a prophet with a mean of 3163.163016 the students were concerned with knowing that the president and apostlesApo stiesotiesotles of the church are true prophets with a mean of 3123.123012 the students seemed to feel thatthot joseph smith didnt write the book of formonnornonnormonmormon this statement received a rating of 250 the lowest rating given in the 30


mehnmehmMEANMEAM SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARYSTUDEUTS STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMTSTATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE TESTIMONY rangedRANKEDRANXED ACCORDING TO THE neknsneansMEANS statement male female urban grand rural aveaverageavenage desiring a testitestimonytestimonyomonyo 3453.453045 3703.70 3633.633963 34034.03440 3543.54 understanding how people with strong testimonies sometimes fall away from the church 3593593.59 352 3383.38 3803.80 3543.543054 understanding how to gain a testimony 3433.43 3553553.55 3453.45 3473.47 3473.473947 know when youyon have a testimony 3323.32 3533.53 3403.40 3533.533053 3443443.443044 understanding the value of a testimony of the gospel 3163.16 3523.52 3373.37 3293.293029 3333.333933 the value of study in gaining a better testimony 3233.23 3393.39 3333.333033 3133.13 3273.273027 whether a member must have a testimony to get to the celestial kingdom 3123.123012 3293.29 3173173.17 333 3.333033 3223.223022 the place of miracles in gaining a testimony 3073.073907 3233.23 3063.063006 3533.533053 3223.223022 31


MEMMEAN SCORES OF LDS senorSHOOKSENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDERUVDER THE directional OBJECTIVE GOD RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban grand rural average future relationship with god 3843.8430883084 3743.743074 3743743.74 4004004.00 3833.83 my possibility of becoming perfect 3953.95 3513051 3693693.69 3803.80 3743.74 what we must do to become likeilke11ukeoke god 3483.48 3563.563956 3483.483448 3933.93349334 93 3613.613061 hovhowflow god can have 0a personal relationship with each personpersonspersone 3513.513051 3533.533053 345 3873.87 3593.59 understanding how god answers prayers 332 341314130413144 3263.263826 3673.673867 3413.413041 whether or not wewo have a mother in heaven 3233233.23 3383.38 3213.213021 3473.473047 3323.323932 understanding gods plan for hisills children 3113.113011 3353035 3133.133013 3673067 3513313.313031 understanding god as an eternal father 2952.95 3243.24302431843182 3033.03 3363.36 3143243.14 understanding christs relationship with and to god 2842.84 2922.922092 2792.79 3203.20 2942942.94 whether we are praying to god the eternal father or jesus christ 2582.582058 2942.942094 2672.67 307 2812.81 what god looks like 2802.802080 2802.80 2762.76 2872.87 2312.31 understanding god the father jesus christ and the holy ghost as separate beings 2682.682068 2642.642064 2562.562056 3073.07 2762.76 32


millnmehnMEANMJEAK SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMIMAMSEMINARY STUDEMSSTUDENTS FORTOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE JOSEPH beitbeltSMITSMITHliti1111 RANKED ACCORDING TO THEtiiktilk MWSMEANS statement grand male female urban rural average convincing others that joseph smith was fore ordained to be a prophet 3123.123012 3023.023002 2942.942994 3573573.57 3163.163016 knowing that the president and apostles of the church are true prophets 3093.09 2942.94 2902.90 3573.573o30ao 57 3123.123012 gaining a testimony of joseph smith as a divine prophet 3243.243024 2962.96 3013.01 3213.213021 3103.10 understanding the effect of the mission of joseph smith on our lives 3163.163016 2882882.882088 2922.92 loo2432002.43 3093493.09 how prophets receive their divine authority 2952.952095 2922.9229922092 2762.76 3643.64 306346 understanding why joseph smith was chosen to be a prophet 2972.97 2842.84 2852.85 3133.133013 2942942.94 understanding the full mission of joseph snithesmithssmithe 3053.05 2612.612061 2682.68 3293.29 2902.90 sustaining our prophet in hisbishiahla work 2882.882888 2632.632pap 63 2642.642064 3213.213921 2842.842084 why we need prophets 2932.93 2722.722072 0802802802.802 2862.862986 2822.822082 what a prophet isiseiso 2602.602960 2822.82208220022008 2572572.57 3293.293029 2822.82 understanding why god revealed his plansplanepianaplana to such a young boy 2702.70 2602.60 2502.50 3433.43 2802.80 33

TABLE VIII continuedcontinuedcontinned whether or not the lord protected jojosephseph smith 2772.772 a77 22252 2512951 3014 2732.73 wondering how jojosephseph smith withstood the persecutionpersecutiono 2602060 2672467 2512051 314 22752.75s75 whether josephjo seph smith could have written the book of mornonemormone 2652065 220 2252025 293 250 general authorities being too old 2262.262026 17611076076 202 1931.931993 1971.971997 343 category was for the statement general authorities being too oldoidoldy with a mean of 197 table VIII page 32 e the directional objective eternal truths was ranked sixth with a mean of 312 the students were most concerned with the statementstatementsstatementsmenty finding truths to guide my life with a mean of 3333.33333o343033303433 the means for this statement were for males 3223.223e22 for females 3313.313031 for urban 1153015 and for rural 3643.643064 the statementstatestatementsstatementymenty understanding what eternal truths are based onton was rated 3003.003000 as the lowest statement of concern table lysIX page 35 freedom was given a rating of 3113133.11 and was ranked seventh for all categories the students were most concerned about knowing how to oppose the forces who are taking away our frocrecrofreedoncreedonfreedomedonodonodom it received a mean of 3983.9830980 A close second was allowing communism in the united states with a neannoanmeanmoan of 33ft95oq5 the last statement received means of 407 3843084 384381 andond 4006 for males females urban and rural respect- ively the students seemed to be concerned with appreciating freedom

ti knorimornoreenormoree 0 this partparticularI1 culareular statement received a mean of 343499 the statestate0101 ment students were least concerned about was having trouble keeping some laws with a mean of 2462.462460 males rated it 2812.812081 females 1981.98lo98y urban 2262.262026 and rural 282 zabiezabletabledtabletablexTableXX page 363 60 the students ranked prayer as the eighth directional objective the two highest statements in this category were wanting a deeper desire to pray and wanting to feelfeolfool close to god both received a mean rating of 363644 the statement the students were the least concerned about was concerned about how long I1 should pray with a mean ratingcating of 276o27672760 meansmoans for this statement verevorewerewore for males 284 for females 253 for urban 2612.61 andnd for rural 307 table XI page 37 35


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR MINARYseminaryshminarysiisliminarysisShSli STUDMTSSTUDENTS FOR EACH STATMENTSTATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE ETERNAL TRUTHS RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male femalefemsbems e urban ruralra grand Averalayerageayerageaveraprepre finding truths to guide my life 3223223.22 3313.31 3153.15 3643.643064 3333.333033 how to use eternal truths in0 our lives 3093093.09 3353.353035 3153.15 343473.4730477 3263.263026 feeling a need to accept truth and live by it 3333.33 3083008 3103.1033810blobio 34034.0 3233233.23 what is the meaning of eternal truth 3003.00 3333.33313 3.13 3403.40 3213213.21 understanding the meaning of truth 2932.932093 3253.25302532253022 3023.02 2402.402040 315 understanding the value of eternal truth 2792.792079 3293.293029 2972.972097 3403.403040 3113.113111 understanding what eternal truths are based on 2832.83 3043004 2872.87 3273.273027 3.00300300 36



statement male female urban grand rural average

knowing how to oppose the forces who are taking away our freedom 4024.024002 3963.963096 3903.90 4064.06 3983983.98 allowing communism in the united statesstatesostateson 4074.07 3843.84 3943.94 4064.064006 3953.953095 communism being a threat to my freedom 4004.004000 3553.55 3733.73 3763.763076 3763.763076 knowing more about our country I1 s freedonfreefreedomfreedomsfreedomodonodomo 3883.883088 3663.66 3653.65 3763.76 3733.733073 worrying about our country remaining free 3893.89 3483.48 3573.5730553057 3763.76 3673.673067 appreciating freedom noremorenorcomorco 3393.39 3513.51 3373073373.37 3713713.71 3493.49 wondering if the lord will always keep america freefreeo 3703.703070 3053.053005 3253.253025 3653.65 3413.41 being more patrioticpatripatrioticspatrioticootico 33230323 32 3403.40 3293.293029 3593.59345934 59 3403.40 too many people inln govern- ment are not honesthone 8 to 3573.573 57 3193.193019 3293.29 3353.353035 3353053.35 eelheihelhelpingping people in other countries get more freedonfreefreedomfreedomsfreedomodomo 3163.16 3043043.04 3063.06 3063.06316306 3083.083008 too much money going into taxes a 3023.02 2302302.30 2572.572957 2592.59 2622.622062 small crimes should carry heavier benaltpenaltiespenaltlesies 2572.572 a 5 2132132.13 2182.18 3183.183 618 2512.51205121052101 having trouble keeping some lawslavsolawso 2812081 1981.98 2262.262026 2822.82 2462.462046 37


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE PRAYERGRAYER RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement grand male female urban rural average wanting a deeper desire to praypraye 3533.53 3763.76 3663.663e66 3064 3643.64 wanting to feel close tobo god 3503603.50 3663.66 3483.48 3933093 3643.643064 keeping my mind on what I1 am praying aboutaboutsabouto 3353353.35 3563.563056 3423.42 33643.6464 3493.493049 concerned about whether I1 receive answers to my prayers 3333.33 3523523.52 3353.35 3793.793079 3049 recognizing promptings from the lordo 3353.35 3513.51 3343.34 3713.713071 3473.473047 how prayer helps you gain happiness 3403.40 3083038 3043034 3071307130773001 3453.45 knowing how prayers are answered 3213.21 3034 3143.14 4000 3042 praying when we really dotdont feel like it 3283.28 3223022 3026 329 3263.26 concerned about what I1 should pray for 3213243.213.24 3028 3213213.21 3293.293629 3253.25

f using repetition in prayers 3233.233023 3203020 3203.20 3293.293029 33233.230 23 being original in my prayers 3163.16 32230223203.20 3020 3136 3023 saying personal prayers when others are prepresentpro sent 3263.26 3183.18 3213.21 3143.14341434.14 3193.193019 how fasting adds power to pray 3003003.00 3203.203020 3053.05 3433.43 3173.17 how god can hear and answer everyonelseveryoneeveryones ls prayerprayers se 2912.91 3143.14 288 3643.64 3163.163016 38

TABLE XI continued getting family prayer started 3053053.05 3223.223022 3163.163016 3003.003000 3103.10 outside influences disrupt prayers 3093.09 3023002 299 3143.143014 3063.06 knowing how to prayprayo 274 2742.742074 266 3293.29 2852.852085 doubting the value of worship and prayer 2912.912091 254 256 3363.36 284 Is it necessary to kneel to prayprayo 3003000 2e75 2802080 2792.79 2832083 concerned about how long I1 should pray 2684 2532.53 2612.61 30073 0 07 2762076 39

TABLE XII eluelunmehneeanMEANN SCORES OF LDS sentorSINIORSENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATIVENTSTATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE spirituality RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban rural grand average the place of fasting and prayer in developing spiritualityspiritmlityo 343423.422 3263.26 3283.28 30573 c57 3383.383038 believing in gods principles and not following them 3423342.342304242 3123.123012 31631.63016 3713071 3035 being more spiritualspiritual at one time thanthen otheroanotheranotheroan 3473.47 3083.08 3223223.22 343 3303030 understanding why I1 need to live god principles 329 3083183018 3153.15 3573573.57 3293.29 understanding bovhovbowhow to live gods principles 326 31631.6 3123012 3e57 3273.27 handling ridicule of ones religireligiousreliga us principles 2932.93 324 2992094 3863860863.86 3243.24 understanding whytwho it it means to be spiritual 2952952.95 303.0302 2902.902090 3363.36 30053005 whether it is easier for one to be more spiritual than another 277 3083.08 2912.91 3293029 3013.01 whether activity in the church brings spirituality 2932.932093 2882088 28z2842.84 3213.213021 2099 whether spirituality guarantees a position in the churchchurchocharcho 286 2582.58 270 2932.932093 27b21862o762076 40 the ninth ranked directional objective was spirituality with a mean of 3053.0530050 the students were most concerned with the place of fasting and prayer in developing spirituality with a mean of 3383.3830380 they were least concerned with whether spirituality guarantees a position in the churchchurchy with a mean of 2762.762e76o the statement understanding how to live gods principles received a mean of 3273.27327o02703270 male rating was 325 female 3163.16 urban 3123.123 el 2 and rural 357 table xiiixii5XII y page 39 0 priesthood was ranked tenth by all students however females ranked it eighth and males sixteenthsixteenths the students were most concerned withwith1 the statements Is the sacrament ileallyeallyeailyreally blessed if the boy I1jss not worthy 0470.47347 how girls can help boys honor their priesthood 0463460.46 and those who bless the sacrament and arearcancane not worthy 0460.463o46304603060304 in spite of the present racial problem the statement understanding why the negros canicantfc hold the priesthood 11 received the lowest rating with a mean of 2672.67267o26702470 males rated it 2792.79279j females 231 urban 244 and rural

3143.14 table XIII page 41 e the eleventh ranked directional objective was satan with a mean of 3013.013e01o students were most concernedconcenieddenied about overcoming the influence of satan 0653650650.65 and resisting temptation 06136103136l061ogi0.61 the means for the first statement were for males 382 for females 353 for urban 3593.593059 and for rural 378 and for the last males 3713713.71 females 360 urban 3663.663066 and rural 3503.503050 the statement whether satan tempts teenagers more than adultsadul ttotsotom seemedscorned to be of moderate concern with a mean of 3153 15 the students were least concerned with whether satan is as powerful as god with a mean of 275 table XIV page 42 0 table XV page 44 gives the meanmoan scores for the directional ob- jective repentance most students are concerned about making co- mplete repentance which received a mean of 3693.6930690 the males rated I1itt 41



sa statstatementement male ferforfernalefonbernalelalelaie urbanurban ruralrairal randgrand ti A vebrogeeroge JWlafltf aimitsasuwtiiee Is the sacrament reajlyreadlyrbcally blessed if the boy is not worthyworthyaworthyo 3333333.33 30443 44 3283.283 2828.28 3863.863 8686.86 3473 4747.47 how girls can help boys honor their priesthoodpriesthoodo 3283283.28 30183 48 3a303 3030.30 307900793 7979.79 3463.463 6 those who bless thebhe sac- rament andalidazid arearc not worthy 3363163.1633.6316336 3443443.443 44 3 17.17 4074 0707.07 3ijkdijk3 6 how serioussc rious to commit onerousgrievous sinsan while holding the priesthoodpriesthoodo 3473.47 30163 16 3o2730273 2727.27 30793 7979.79 3o42330424242.42 importance of ththetho prapriesth-est ood in a honehomehomco 3213.21 30333 33 3oi63 lgig16.16 30793 7979.79 3373 3737.37 understanding the power and blessings of the priesthoodpriesthoodo 295 33430 34 30053 0505.05 30793 7979.79 30283 2828.28 canconoanoon the priesthood powers be ttakenkerlkeri away 2952095 3283.283 28 2098298gb98.98 3863 86bg86.86 3263 2626.26 blessing of the melchmelehmelchizedek1I zedek priesthood for a familyfoamily 3233.23 3 16 3300606og06.06 30573 5757.57 30253 2525.25 priesthood works in an .22 unworthy personporson 3093.09 3o630630030 06 2 09494.94 30793 7979.79 3223.223 2222 value of the melchizedek ptiesthoodPriestpylestpriesthoodeiestlesthoodhoode 3163.16 360834083 of 2942.94 3a7l3 7171.71 3o9230923 2222.22 how authority is trans- mitted from god to man 2562.56 2982.98 2a692 69gg69.69 3o1430143 14.14 20842 8484.84 why the power of the priesth- ood is more noticeable in some vordawordswordawordsowordsw 2912.91 252552.5515 2712.712 7171.71 2862.862 8686.86 2752 7575.75 understanding why the negroes cantcan9cana hold the priesthood 2792.792079 20312 31 2442442.442044 3143 14.14 2672.672067 42



atementratementstatement male female urban rural nmirfulirrgrandgranlemrlemm iliiiiiiillliiliiiuo average overcoming the influence of satansatano 3823.823082 3533.533053 3593.593059 3783.78 3653.653065

resisting temptation 371 36036o3603.60 3663.663066 3503.50 3613.613061 satan tempttemptinging us where we are weak 3673.67 3533.53 3573.573057 3503.503050 3563.56

satansatansgatansI1 s connection with communism 3343.34 3243.24 3223.223022 3443.443 c zd 30133133.1 helping thothosese who are tempted by satansabanosatano 3023.02 3473.473047 3243.243024 3223.22 3233.23 whether satan tempts teen- agers more than adults 3243.243024 2862.86 2892.89 3613.61 3153.15 knowing when you are tempted by satansatanecatane 3013313.31 2952.952095 3093.093009 3113113.11 3113.11 understandinrunderstanding how satan1satanssatana s power operatesoperaoperatesoopenateso 3273.273 27 2642.6420 6zaz 2752.752 7 5 3673.673 67 3083.08 the influence of satan onontons gossiping cheating sports onorrory sundaysundayssundayo 303.03805 2912.91 2862.862086 2472.47 3073.073007 satan8satanssatana s tempting us more when we are unhappy or discouraged 3273.273027 2822.82 3023.02 2892.89 3003.003000 dealing with an evil sspiritpirparit 3093.093009 2742.742074 2752.752075 3443.4430 3003.003000 knowing if satan can put evil thoughts in our minds 3073073.07 2692.692069 2832.83 3063.063006 2912.912091 whether there would be sin if there were no satansatano 2932932.93 2742.742074 2712.712071 3223.223022 2902.90 satan8satanssatana s influence on children 3133.133013 2472472.47 269 2942.94 2802.80 43

TABLE XIV continued whether satan is aas powerful as god 2842.842084 2059 2069 278207820772.78 2752075 satan1satanssatana s performing miraclesmiraclesomiraclesoieso 2884 2059 2069 2782078 22075c7ca 5 what satan looks likeilkelikiolikoo 2082 2602.602060 2622.622062 2782078 20712071 whether ouiaouijouijaa neejneeaeoweeweo jjeeee boards work andond if it is wrong to use thenthemthenothemo 2059 2049 239 3223022 2672.672067 knowing whether satan 1 existsex1ostieostse 2892.892089 2282.284028 2572.572057 aj2j2 0 4 2542 blaming satan for my wrong doingso 271 2342.34 2552055 2050 252 44



tksasaaswss statement male fefemalenalenaiemale urbanurban ruralburaiburalruralrai grand avelaveeaverageavenagea e making complete repen- tance 3623623.62 3713.713 7171.71 330656565.65 30783 7878.78 3693693.69 not living up to my idealideals 3313031 30183 1818.18 3193 ig1919.19 3443 4444.44 3283.28 getting a desire to repentdepenterepente 329 balk3alk3 lgig16.16 30093 09og09.09 30563 5656.56 3273.273027 being able to remember at 11u all times to do better 3163.163016 30143 1414.14 3103.103 C 3593 5959.59 3243243.243024 need for repentingrepentineentina of my 0 .08 11littlettleatle sinssinasinsohinso 3273.270 27 30053 0505.05 imoeimo83 0808 3443 4444.44 3213.213021 willw3wa11 god hiep us ifweif we have sinnedsinnedn 3343.34 20752 7575.75 20902 90go90.90 3613 glgi61.61 3153.153015 repenting of a fault a second time 3163.163 16 22098gb98.98 2982.982 9898.98 3 44eoje4j 3143.14 how can we find out what our weaknesses areareoabreo 3273.27 20962 96gg96.96 aall3all3 li1111.11 3 ilii111.11.1 3113.113011 repenting of evil thoughtsthoughtsothoughtSo 3223.22 20802 8080.80 20932 9393.93 30333 3333.33 3073.07 how to express sorrow for wrong doingdoingo 2962.96 30023 0202.02 20892 8989.89 3333 3333.33 3053.05 having a certain bad habito 2962.962096 2912.91 ibo1801.801 bo8080.80 30503 5050.50 3043.043004 taking repentance too lightlylightlightlyelyeiyolyo 3033023.023002 2822082 20802 8080.80 30413 4444.44 3023.023002 thinking bad things prevent repentingrepentingo 3203.203020 258 2682 6868.68 30613 glgi61.61 3013.01 overcoming feelings of guiltguiltoguilbo 2952.952095 2752075 2662.662066 30563 5656.56 2982.982098 failing to keep a promise to repentdepentorepento 2932.932093 2822.822082 2792.79 3033 3333.33 2962.962096 15

TABLE XV continued understanding what repentance ISOis 3073073.07 2542.54205254 2692.692069 3113.113011 2852.85 learning how to tell right from wrong 2732.732073 2702.702070 2532.53 3333.33 2822.822082 repenting when the other person does not forgive 2822.82 24724.720 r 2502.50 3113.11 2722722.72 not having a desire to repent 2912.91 2302.30 2452.45 3063.06 2682.682068 hard to do what is right 2592.592059 2412.41 2322032 3183.183018 2622.622062 4616 362 females 371 urban 365 and rural 3783.78378o37873780 gettinggettingsgettingaGettingaa desire to repentrepent1repents1 was rated third inn ththiss category whlewhieuhliewhile not having a desire to repent was rated next to last the statement learning how to tell right from wronallwrong received a low rating of 282 indicating that most students know how to tell right from wrong the lowest ranked state- ment was hard to do what is right with a mean rating of 2622.62262o262020602062 the mean scores for the directional objective worship and reverence are shown in table XVI page 474 7 the two main problems or concerns were related the first was being reverent in meetings when the speaker isnt interestinginteresting11 vithwithw ith a mean of 336 the second was becoming more interested in church meetingsmeetings11 with a mean of 3323.32332o332033303332 the statement obtaining reverence through my speech actions and attendance with a mean of 304 was near the ldpointmidpointmimidld point in the ratings the statement understanding the place of singing in church meetings was the last statement in the category with a mean of 254 males rated it 292.92492.49 females aj2jriq2iq urban 2112.11 and rural 280 young people seemed to be concerned about future occupations table XVII page 48 shows that their main concern was obtaining train- ing for future jobstjobs1jobs with a mean of 377 the next two statements were also related to jobs the statements were being able to get a job in thefuturethe future 3683.683068 and there being enough jobs for young people 345353453.45 the boys were more concerned than girls in the first two statements while the girls were more concerned than the boys in the thirdthirdobhirdo the last statement getting something for nothing received a mean of 2282.282e28 the males were the most concerned with a mean of 264 while the girls least concerned with a mean of 186labo1.86l8bo the urban students had a mean of 214 and the mean for rural students was 25020o2.50205200 474


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVEWRSHIP WORSHIP AND REVERENCE RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban grand rural average being reverent in meetings when the speaker 10 isntisnt interestinterestingoingo 3163.163016 3403.403040 3163.163016 3733.731 72 3363.36 becoming more interested in0 church meetings 3183.18 3333.333033 3203.203020 3603.60 3323.323032 being reverent when friends are notno to 3173.17 3123.123012 3123.123012 3403.40 3203.20 example of reverence by adulfadultscs 302 3233.23 3073.073007 3473473.47 3193.193 0 19 hearing the same testi- monies every fast day 2932.93 3203.20 2912912.91 33673.6767 3173.173817 developing a desiredes irelre for worshipwo iship and reverence for oodogodo 3193193.19 2942.94 3033.03300331033 o03 3363.36 3133.13 stressingstr essing reverence in the seminary 3053.053005 3003.003000 2972.972097 2402.40 310 obtaining reverence through my speech actions and attendanceattendattendancesattendanceoanceo 3023.023002 2922922.92 2922.92 3333.333033 3043.043004 knowing how to worship at a church meetingmeetings 2952.95 2942.94 2892.89 3203.203020 2992.992099 understanding the purpose of the sacramentsacramentssacramento 2912.91 2922.92 282.82085 3273.273027 2982.98 knowing where to show reverence 2882.882088 2802802882.80 2792.79 0203203.203020 2912.912092 knowing what reverence really meansmeassomeanso 2702.70 2762.762076 2682968 3003.00 2782.782078 showing respect for church buildings 2772.77 2672.67 2692069 2932.932093 2762.76 understanding the place of singing in a church meetingmeetings 2042492049 9 24z2ouaou 2442442.44 28o2802882082080 254 4881



statement aih814 c 9 aameamo c 0 gqaflU arndvaud grandarognandargpu malemaie female urbangrafl ruralvand average obtaining training forrojror qo wye futureanrnjandnja Cjobsao s a 3803.80e wo 3723.72e 3693.69 3893.89e 68 3773.77e ulleyt aq qe oq qo beingoutgut ableabieaeabaebaa to 402teggettog a jobC ao TIT 19 inirllri the futuresfutureoqjrlqnjD 3733.73e uioulonio 3673.67c 10 3663.66 3673.67 3683.68C 860890 althereqlialehlleht being enoughnouenouatq2 jobs roiforrofaoi young people 3313.31e 3543.54e 75 3363.36ileiee 9 3613.61e t91l 3453.45c 10 517 managing noneymoney wellowelio 3533.53e c5ca 3183.18e to 3193.19 3893.89e 63 3443.44C knowingcadouxcaoux oln whatehaaha odrtooooccupationsSUOT ogs 72 to chooseschooseoooooooqo as 3603.60C 09s 3313.31e 11 ce 3243.24e 3523.52e z5za 3413.41 earning SMmy ounuvoownUAO spending boneyomoneyououjudouj io 3022e zv 3483.48e 3323.32ze 3503.50e Q 05 3353.35e hifhhiahI1I1 i tqrltarlihrl sschoolaoqoohoo0 providing moreeromorom 1 95p au T C Jfields1 spie ofJO trainjngogjqarteuienieur 2u 3133.13CT 3213.21C 0 3103.10oneoveome 3563.56e 3223.22 knowing how to0 develop

puepne C 10 e laoogoalss anddue vorkjaaxworkjaox forrofnoj thenthem 3183.1881 302zole3.02zoie 2062.06602902 3333.330 cc 3143.14 yoo goe 11 lxouvknowing2uau hovhowmoh to vorkwork 3093.09e 600900 2932.93e c6ca 2942.94176 3223.22C 0 n 3043.04e 400 inventioncquo&ujuo makingulappp s9usau fewer 0 iavalava0 611911 z 116 z jobs availableoeavaaaavat- blabaa a 3163.16e 0 miz284VIZ2.84mez 291 3173.17li 3023.02c a 0 teenagers being0 quittersqui tiersosa9qq 3023.02C ZO 2692.69660690960 6952692.69665995 3443443.44 2982.98Z 60 whether soneenosonossomeomos epclassessesssass areeraora ofjo anyuv benefit forroffocroj futurenqnjea

814811 11 zo z 0mamworkcirclr 3183.18e 10 266 2772.77U 3283.28e 2972.97 beinghaquaq iaui9u 0ableobieobletqaq0 to staystoy epibpiwithqq omvorkwork1aaa 3163.16e giegle 2762.76 2912.9177. t6ta 3003.00000 2952.95z getting discouraged with 5 ige160 e vorkworkOA dirdia 3043.04170 2522.5210 2612.61Z 3223.22n 2842.84 schoolTOOIJOS duldnaandPUL church activ- itiesC r seiSGT interinterferringul jagja9rferringUT 2 withhrim 71 work1110111 3043.04ido170 2602.60 2742.74Z ID 7lal 2942.946 2832.83 49

TABLE XVII continued jobs being replaced by nachimachimachinesnes 2762.762076 2712.712071 2632632.63 3063.06 2792.79 obtainingObtainineinalne help from parents in job preparation 2712.712071 2722.72 2632.63 3113113.11 2792.792079 realizing that work is f 217420742077 a blessing 3093.09 22362.360 3 D 2622.622062 2892892.89 2742.74 shirking responsiresresponseresponsibilityponsibilitybiabilitylity 2772.772077 2672.6720672267 2662662.66 2832.832083 2732.73 enjoying work 2822.82 2592.59 2652.65 2832.83 2722.72 being idle 3113113.11 2282.282028 2572.57 2782.78 2682.682068 gettinggetting bored with work 2932.93 2382.382038 2572.57 2782.782078 2662.662066 everyone having to work around the home 2872.87 22342.34034 2552.55 2612.61 2592.592059 beldeldeibeingng lazy 240zao2.40zoo 231 2262.26 2612.61 2392.392039 gettinggetting something for nothing 2642.64 1861.861 13 6 2142.14 2502.50 2282.28 50



statement male female urban rural grand averzjaverzajxsssfi8 knowing how completely god directs the activities of the clchurchechurchyitrichitrrch 3mam3 6zaz 3313313.313031 3363.36 400 3057 knowing when a prophet is speaking by revelreveirevelationrevelcationcationcatlondation 350 3039 3037 3803.80 3513.513051 Understandunderstandiiunderstandinunderstandingiing how to gain divine revelationsrovelationso 3303.30 3e393039 3353035 3333033 3034 underundenunderstandingstanding how divine revelation affects me 3023.02 2902902.90 2912891 3e20 30003000 whether divine revelations ra r7 always come from godgodo 273 3273641364 1 302 3003000 3003e00 understandingunderstanding what tion is andnd how it comosecomeom s 2662066 30003000 2772.772 77 3020 20902090 whether allailaliajl church officers 2 9.393 2088 receive reveirevelrevelationcatlonCation 2930 93 2742.74 2782078 3xax3007 whether the presidpresidentent always calls people by velatrevelatrevelalionorerevelant ionlon 2802882002080 2208800oo 8 2842.84 287 2084208 whether we recereceiveivelve as many revelations as in the pastpasto 2522.522052 2612.61M 2542.542 54 2073 2602062.600 wanting to have a reve 1antion3ntiontiantionti0n 2302.30 1090legologo 1941.94 287 2252025 51

the students seemed to hebe concerned about god directing the church andfandband how this is donedonee table XVIIIXV lililiillIII111 page 50 shows that the prob- lem with which students were most concerned wabwabywaswasy knowing how completely

1 1 god directs the activities of thebhe churchchurch1churchy ww3wa1 th 099. meameeneanmean11 of 353.530577 rulrufrualruai5.5 al students rated ththisis statement 40044000000ooo whwhilelie urban students had a rating

1 of 3363036 manalesmalesmaieslesies 3613.61 andnd females 3313.3130310 the students1 seemed to bebo con earnedcecornedrnedarned wwithith knowing when a prophet is speakingspookingspeokingaking by revelationrev oationbation boblo3613613.613oblo it appeared thatflint nostnootmostmoot students were not concerned withsiisllw11 th nlietherwhether we

receive as nanymanymamy zovclations1 c9ca thonsbons ass in thobhebnoulm pastlnastpast for it1 receivedroeeireeereceroeer3 redmedivedtvedmhd en ratratinging

of 260 or was plpiecedplacedplacedecedacedaeed next to lallakiaklastcltalt jnin this ccateorycategoryo the lowest ranking statement waswosWOZ wanting to havohavehave a revievelationievetevilationrevelationTevir ev lationelation with a mean of 2252.2522 apparently mosti sttidentstridentsstudents do not desiredesiro a revelationrevclationo LDS senior serninarseminaryperninary students seemed to be concernedconcernednod about what other people think of them and how they ivedlived their religion TttabiibiIbL xix9xiaqxixq page 52f chowwhowchowswhows5 thfchitit othelothenthey were most concerned about setting a good exampleecampexamp ie aoto3050oto3oto3453 050 they were alsoaisoalboatso conceconcernednied aloultiloutpilout beingbeing narriedmarriedmarimaciledaedied nderunderu thethelthei covenantcovenant1covenants1 and gave it 0a imneanmean3anaan of 3453e4 5eae most students didanddnd not desire to take the church for grankgrantgranstedgranktedgrnntedoted ththisj S particulara tI1 culnaxmulnax ststatementC bement received a nioraniormme n of 3271273327030270 the studestudentsntsants ranked the ternenttoternentstatementto keeping covencovenantsnants

1limitsL lriyri I1t s ffuntm 1lastlosta st wwithith aea mmeanmoanean of0f ebe2 e4e42

tabletabie XX page 53p53 shows the ranking of the ststatementscementsmentstetements inderunderlindertinder1 the directional objective teiteytenpietempletempiealevievle vorkworkvorkoworko it wnwass interesting loto10 note that the students weleweloverez most concerned about understandingunder standing the fecesneces sity of temple garments 3623.623062003060030623o62o male students 3603.6030600300 were more concerned thtchanin female students 034333403343343.34334o the second statement serious- ness for breaking temple covenants 30510051030503013513o51 would have been ranked first except for the highhaghigh rating given by rural students for statement oneoneo 52



00oo seaeemsnfS aue ment koekweiveteiveneT yelasPejaspejasctemaCT e trhanr an isaralisuralra grandGran toe average setting a good example 3343.34303 3613.613061 3533533.53 3333.333033 3453.453045 being married tederunder the covenant c 3093.09 3493.493049 3273273.27 3603.603060 3343.34303431343133 taking the church for grantedgy anteanted 3073.073007 3313.313031 3123.12 3603.60310 3273.273027 responsibilities for making covenants 2982982.98 3123.123012 2992.99 272472.47 3143.14 understanding covenants to be made with the lord 2982.982098 3133.13 2952.952095 3473.473047 3133133.13 understanding why there is a covenant people 3073.073007 2982982.98 2922.922092 3473.47307 3113.113011 feeling blessed of the lord 2952.95 3063.06506 2932.93 3333.33 3073.07 covenants are hard to liveliveeliveo 2912.91 2922.92 2852.85 3273.27 2982.982098 understanding what a covenant is 2772.77 2942.94 2712.71 3403.403040 2962.96 tolerating other peoples beliefs 2982.98 2802.802080 2862.86 3133.13J 0 2942.94 seeingseeing the results of keeping covenants 2792.79220772079o79 2652.652065 2672.672067 2932.93 2762.7629762.9762876 feel that members of the church are not blessed any more than other peoplepeopleopeopled 2602.60 2272.27 2332032332.33 3133133.13 2582.58 being too religious 2522.52 2452.45200 2452.45 2802.802080 2552.55 being criticized for certain covenants 2932932.93 2692.692069 2712.712071 3133.133013 2062362.36236 keeping covenants limits fulfunfuu 2712.712071 2042.042004 2272.272027 2672.67 2422.422042 53



statement grand male female urban rural aveaveragerage understanding the necessity of temple garmentsgarnengarmengarmentsotso 3603.60 3343.34 3333.33 4214.21 3623.623062 seriousness for breaking temple covenants 3433.433043 35430553054 3463.463046 3643643.64 3513.51 those who are not worthy of temple garments 3333.333033 3263.263026 3163.163016 3793793.79 3393093.39 if you can get a temple recommend if you have not fully repented 3143.143014 3463.46304630063004 3273.27 3643.643064 3353.35 converting a person to temple marriage 3163.16 3373.373037 3223.223022 3573.57 3333333.33 understanding the need for genealogy 3143.143014 3203203.20 3073.07 3433.43 3213.213021 understanding the neces- sity of a temple endowment before temple marriage 2792.79 3333033.33 3053.053005 3573.57 3183.18 understandings the rewards and blessings of temple vorkworkworko 2932.93 3063.06 2912.912091 3573.57 3113.11 understandingUnders banding why temple work is sacred 3023.023002 3023.02 2942.94 3213.213021 3043.043004 influencing parents into a temple marriage 2982.98 2682.682068 2742.742074 3143.143014 2882.882088 why are the requirements for temple recommends so highhighohagho 272.72074 2802802882002.80 2702.702070 3143.14 2842.842084 wanting a civicivilelvil marriage before a temple marrimarriageageo 260 2022.022002 221 7979.79 2402.402040 54 the students felt that the requirements for temple recommends were not too hihigheaghogh the statement dealing with this subject was placed next to last with a neannoanmeanmoan of 284 it appeared that most students desired a temple marriage rather than a civil marriage and rated this particular statement last 2400240240o0 students of this age group were very interested and concerned about their peerspeersopearso having friends who were the right kind of friends seemed to be important the students were most concerned with what a good friend is 0303304303043433433.43 and choosing friends with high standards and norals 326 sharing the gospel with friends was also rated high withvithwith1 a mean of 337 the students were least concerned with datindating9 nonmembersnon members of the church 242433 and liking friends who smoke and drink tt 2422422.42 table XXI page 55 table XXII page 56 gives the means for the statements under the directional objective baptism the statement of most concern was understanding how we get the holy ghost after baptism if we sin with a mean of 329 the female students were most concerned with a mean of 347 the urban students rated itI1t 333 the rural students 320 and the male students 3163.16 the statementstatementsstatestatementymenty why I1 was baptibaptizedsed at eighteighty received a mean of 254 for the lowest rating indicating very little concern with this statement the study showed that students arent too concerned with prob- lems relating to the directional objective jesus christchristy the highest mean of any statement waswessweas 318 which appeared to be a rather low ratingratings it was interesting to note that the rural students rated all statements

groupso except the last one 9 higher than all other group so the highest mean for rural students was 367 for the statement my lacking ambition to 55


MEAN SCORES OF LDS sealorSENIORSEVIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE PEER GROUPGROUF RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male grand female urban rural lageaveanaageaveag what a good friend istiso181 3673.67 3173.17 3323323.32 3563.563456 3433.433043 sharing the gtspelgbspelgospel with friends 3323.32 3573.573 e 57 3453.453045 3223.223022 3373.37 choosing friends with high standards and morals 3233.233023 3163.163016 3093.09 3563.563056 3263.26 encouraging friends to raise their standards 3273.27 314 3103.103010 3443.44 3233.23 seeing the proper example for nonmembernon member friends 33133.131- 3 3233233.23 3143.143014 3223.223022 3183.183018 whether religion is impo- rtant in selecting friends 2982.98 2912.912091 2772.772077 3613.613061 3063.06 khowinghowknowing hovhow to get friends 3233.23 2862.86 2972.97 3173.17 3053053.05 being with friends who help me 3093.09 2842.842084 2852.852085 3283.283028 3013013.01 fitting in with the kind of people I1 like 2982.98 2772.77 2672.6720672.067 3563.563056 2992992.99 influence of friends to not live the principles of the gospel 2892.89 2502.50 2562.56 3063.06 2752.75 having nonmembernon member friends 2712.71 2592.59 2552.55 2942.94 2672.672067 wantingwantawantj nfr better friends 2642.642064 2482.48 2452.45 2942.942094 2622.622062 influence of friends to lsobeylesobeydisobeyd commandments 2532.532053 2292.29 2242.24 3113113.11 2542.54 dating nonmembersnon members of the church 2472.47 2232.23 2212.212921 2832.83 2432.432043 liking friends who smoke and drink 2522.52 2262.26 2292.29 2612.612061 2422.42 56



statementSt T ement malemaie female urban rural Ggrandrand iveaveaveraze

underunderstondjngstanding how we get the holy ghost after baptism if we sinsinesino 3163.16 3473.47 3033033 3203203.20 3029 eight year childechildxchildrenen andcrslandingunderstanding and being c1ca3 ready for baptistobaptibaptismoboptisniosmo 2772077 3293029 220989 ajo3jo3 fa 40 3113011 knowing when a person is ready foforlr baptibaptismbaptistobaptismosnosmo 289 30043 004 2094 3027 3003 the of reelreetrect baptism should havehc e on neonoomoomo 274207 3003 0 0 2872087 3273aaa 27 2982.982098 underUndersunderstandstandllngtandband ing the purpose of baptisbaptisriibnpb ismlilitirii for the deaddoadoboado 30053005 2762076 286 300030001 20912091

Is a person better ifi L baptized ateroterlaterotec in lifeilfedifeo3ifeo 2802080 005075205o752075 0692692092069oggo69 30133013 2208 why god requires such an ordinance as baptismbaptistobaptibaptismosmesmo 2502050 2622061 20492493492.49 2802.80 260 why was I1 baptized at 8 2412.412041 2592592.59 20462416 2732073 2542.542054 57


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIORSEVIOR MINARYShSEMINARY STUDENTSSTUDEVTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE JESUS CHRIST RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban rural grand average the necessity of a testim- ony of christ 3003.003000 3203203.20 3043.04 3473.473047 3183183.18 understanding christ as our representative with god the eternal father 2982982.98 3083x83083.08 20952952.95 3203.203020 3053053.05 understanding christ as the creatercreator 3143043.14 2732.732073 2782.782078 3473.47 3033.033903 findigfinding out that jesus is the christchristoohristo 2802.80 2922.92 2802.80 3203.203020 2932932.93 my lacking ambition to ststudytidy and leamlearn about christ 2812.812081 2652.652065 2542.54 33673.6767 2922922.92 understanding the authority of christ 2822.82 2942.942094 2842.84 3073.073007 2912.912091 what is meant bychristby christ being our personal savior 2912.91 2802.80 2782.78 3133.133013 2902.902090 comprehending how jesus suffered for ususo 2772.77 2822.822082 2712.71 3273.27 202892.89 why christ had to die 2772.77 2842.842084 2732.73 3203203.20 2882.882088 why a savior was necessary 2592.592059 2842.842684 2602602.60 3273.273027 2822.822082 christ bringing his church to earth 2t2732.73at 2902.902090 2752.752075 3203.20 2792.792079 why we pray in the name of jesus christ 264206206.2062642.64 2842.84 2682.682068 2932.932s93 2772.77 being sure christ is the son of god 2672.672067 2692.69 2642.64 2672672.67 26r2672.67 58 study and learn about christchristechristoohristo the statements the necessity of a testimony of christ and understanding christ as the creatorcreaoreacreator11tort11 were givengI1ven identical means of 343477 by rural studentsstudentsestudentsetso most students seemed to have littlelittleproblemproblem with the statement being sure christ is the son of godagod1god it and ranked it last with a mean of 2672067 table xxiiiyXXIII page 57 table XXIV page 595 shows that the students had little concern for the statementsstatestatementpstatementymenty doubting some of the stories in the biblebibiebiblerbible1 ranking it last wvithwithL th a mean of 21520150 most students lacked a desire to read the scriptures and seemed to have difficdiffindifficulty uity in understanding the scripturescripturesso they rated the statement scriptures are not interesting at 275 perhaps the students did not understand the value of the scripscriptscripturessscripturesyturessuressuresy for they were coneeconceconcernednied with the statementsstatementsmenty understanding the value of read-reading1ing the scriptures giving it a mean of 3022

devotion to the LDS chcharchchurcharchurch shows up in table xxv5xxv9 page 60 0 the students were concerned about houhow1111ow much young people are expected to be devoted to the churchy tt and rated this statement at 3293029 the state ment whether an individual award means trietnietrue devotion or notnoty was rated at 2122.12212e this indicates that the students were concerned about thiethleth le particular program of the LDS churchy students seemed to be con- cerned about knowing what the law of consecration is 307 and how difficult it Iis1 s to live the law of consecration 303d3e03o most students were not concerned with the statement being considered odd if I1 am loyal to the church 2632063

the most importantmportant10 concern of the students under the directional objective progress was succeeding in life with a mean of 3753075 the rural students rated this statement 4294.29 males 36493.649 females 36l3e61361 and8nd urban 3463.46346o34643460 another statement of significant concern was taking advan- tages of opportunities with a rating of 344434403044 the students indicated 59



0 a rnmram trnFRI 1 tri I t s ement grand batementtatementstatementtat male emalefemale urban rural average developing a desire to read the scriptures 3553.55 3273.27 3383.38 3473.473047 3413.41 difficulty in understanding the scriptures 3183.183018 3393.393039 3193.193019 3873873.87687 3403.40 understanding the value of reading the scriptures 2982.98 3363.36 3143143.14 3403403.40 3223.22 Discdiscupsidiscussingussiupsiag4g the scrturesscriptures more 3023.02 3243.24342434 24 3093.093009 3203.20 3rl33 43 understandunderstandinging importance of committing scripture to memory 3090093.093909 2722.72 2822822.82 3273273.27 2972197 finding time to read the scripturescripturess enough 2772.77 3043.043904 2912.91 2932.932093 2912.91 understanding need for the 11 standardstendard11stendard works of the church 3003003.00 2732.73 2802.802980 3073.073907 2902.90 people not reading the scriptures enough 2612.612061 2762.76 2602.60 3203.203020 2792.792079 neglecting scriptures for other books 2742.742e74 2722722.72 2652.652465 3003.00 2772.77 scriptures are not interesting9 2702.70 2612.612061 2572.57 3133.133013 2752.752075 criticism of mormon scriptures 2802802.80 2542.54 2592992.59 3073.07 2752.75 interpreting scriptures to suit oneselfone selfseif 2762.762 rar6 2522.52 2562.562056 3003.003900 2712.712071 doubting the truthfulness of the scriptures 2642062 06 2732.73 2692.69 267 2682.68 repetition in the scriptures 2682.682068 2062x62.06 2242.24 2932.93 2472.47 doubting sonesomesorne of the stories in ththpohp bible 2392.39 1961996 213201 2132.13 2152.152915 60



ilslis110 statement male female urban hurelhucelhucaluralucal 1 7 grandgrangnandgnan averageavenage houhowhiouhiow much young people are expected to be devoted to the church 3333.33 3003.00 308348 3573573.57 3293.29 influence of friends on my sacrificing for the church 3123.123012 2u214au 3023.02 3363.363036 3163.163016 whether an individual award means true devo tlontionalon or not 3143.14 3163.16 3163.16 3073.07 3133133.13 the importance of sacrificing for theththo gospelgospels 3193.19 2962.962996 2942 094 3433043 3133.13 what the law of consecration is 3003.00 2822082 2782.782078 2712.71 3073073.07 how difficult it is to live the law of consecration 3023.023 02 2842.84 2772.77 3503.50 3033.033003 whether devotion to the churchbringschurch brings neglect of family 3093.093909 2632.63 2692.69 3573.573057 2992.9929992.999 being too busy to be devoted and dedicated to the churchchurchechurchy 2912.912091 2662.66 267 3213213.21 286 people devoting themselves too much to one part of the church genealogy mutual etc 2742.742074 2702.702070 2792792.79 2362.36 2642.64

I1 being considered odd if I1 am loyal to the churchchurchechurchy 2812.81 2322.322932 2472.472047 2932932.93 2632.63 61


MMInemMEM SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SMUNARYSEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE PROGRESS RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statementtenenment laibbalblalb jfemateemienremr urban fturai randgraiidgravid average F succeedingSucoeeding in life 3643.64 3613.61 3463.46 4294.294291 3753.75 taking advantages of opportunities 3593.59 3193.19 325 3763763.767676.76 3443.4430 how far I1 can progress 3193193.19 3023.02 2952.95 3763.76 3233.233423 importance of goals in achievement 3303303.30 2932.93 3013413.01 2652.65 3223.223922 what real progrprogaprogressess is 3183.183018 2892.892089 2912.912091 3533.53 3123.12 desiring progress 2932932.93 2952952.95 2802.80 3473.47 3023.02 why there is so much suffering in life 2822.82 2812812.81 2702.70 3243.24 2892.89 the effect of habits on progress 3093.09 2562.562056 2692.692069 3183.18 2882882.88 why progress is necessary 3023.023002 2442.442044 2562.56 3243.243024 2812.81 problems of life making progress hard 2692.69 272 258 3183.18 2792.79207720792089 the influence of friends on progress 2772702002.70 2622.622062 2552.552055 3123.123912 2772.772977 whether progress makes people think they are better thanthen others 2612.612061 2502.502050 2402402.40 3293.293029 2702.70 the effect of sin on progress 2522.52 2632.632063 2472.47 3063.06346306 2672.67 life beingtoobeing too discouraging 2552.55 2562.56 2452.45 3003003.00 2642.64 whether all personal advancement is selfish 2712.71 2432.432043 2412.41 3003003.00 2632.632063 resenting the progress I1 of others 2612.612061 2342.342034 2402.402e40 2822082 2542.5454 62

TABLE XXVI continued satan limiting my progress 2552.55 2232.232923 2252.25 2882.882088 2472.47 progress bringing more i problems 2592592.59 2232.23 2292.29 2762.7620762077 2462.462046 feeling of being forced to progress 2572572.57 207zer2.07zem 2172.17 2882088 24224.2 life being more difficult for me thathann for my parents 2452452.452045 2122122.12 222 2412.41 2302.3030 63

that lifeilfeilife111fe being more difficult for me than my parentsparentsyteptey was a statement of little concern and received a mean of 230 table XXVI page gilgiegle61o61061 one of the important programs of the LDS church is that of missionary workworko the directional objective missionary work received a rather low ranking of twenty sixth with a mean of 273 it was interesting to notednoteynote however that the male students rated nearly all statements higher than any of the other students the highest mean for boys was 402 for the statementstatements explaining the gospel to non members other high ratings for boys were for the statements thethetho need for a testimony in doing missionary work 368 and preparingpreparing to go on a mission 348148y most of the students felt that the statestate4statesstatem4 ment too much sacrifice in going on a mission ll11 was a statement of very little concconoconcernern and rated itL 1841.84 table XXVIIXXVIII page 64

A major problem in the united states and xi the LDS church is that of morality 11 the students didnt feel this is too great a problem for they gave it a ranking of twentyeighttwenty eight out of thirty five with a mean of 273 the students seemed to be least concerned with wearing strapless goansgovnsgowns tl the means for this statement were for females 171 for urban 1831.831083 for males 2162.162016 and for rural 239 with an average mean of 202 giving into temptation was ranked first with a mean of 333 followed by trying to stop a bad habit 0260263260.26 and sometimes not beingbeingsbeingy as honest as I1 should be with 318 table XXVIII page 66o660gge66 the study showed that the students were concernedconcenied boutabout creating a desire to observe the sabbath day with a mean of 329 they were also concerned about the results of not keeping the sabbath day holy 322 and interesting less active members to observe the sabbath 646



sateichgabeiSH me 7enaemaenateemateamateemarele orurbaneanban dairalpairaliral srrandarrand Satsabsateish average explaining the gospel to non members 402 3903.903090 3953.95 380 3913.913991 developing the qualities of a good missionary 3303.30 3123.12 3113113.11 3713.71 3313.31 the need of a testimony in doing missionary work 3683.683468 2752.75 3163.163016 3203.20 3193.19 Developdevelopingirig missionary sspiritpirit at homehoneehoneo 3523.52 2822.822982 3014 3203.203020 3173.17 understanding the res- ponsieponsibponsibilitiesllities of a missionary 3433.433043 2722.722072 3083.08 2932.93 3043.04 blessings from mission- ary service 3093.093009 2802.80 2862.862086 2142.14 2972.97 realizing the value of missionary work 3323.3236323032 2672.672067 3003.00 2802.80 2942.94 desiring to go on a mission 3333.333033 2512.512051 2882.88 3003.00 2932.932493 for a girl to go on a mission 2712.71 3083083.08 2872.8787 3133.13 2942.942994 what a missionary does 2952.952095 2902902.90 2922.922092 2932.93 2922922.92 going on a mission unworthily 2842.842084 2832.83 2842.842184 3073.07 2892892.89 preparlpreparingpreparena to go on a missionnissmissionemissionomiss ionolono 3483.48 2202.20 2822.8220 82 2872.87 2842.84 knowing where one can serve on a nissmissmissionionlon 3163.163016 2392.39 2702.70 27320732.73 2772772.77 financing a mission 3073.073007 1941.941094 2402.40 2732.732073 2532.532053 family support on missionnissmissionemissionomiss iono 2682.682068 3943.941094 2172.17 2872.872987 2412.4141 65

TABLE XXVII continued fear of missionary work 2412041 184 210241024.10 2202.202920 21329132.913 going on a mission for selfish needs 2322.322932 1711071 1941.941994 2272.272027 2062.062562906 pressured to go on a mission 2432.43 1451.45 1931.93 2002.00 1951.95 too much pressure in mission field 2282.28 1551.551055 186 212132.13 1951.951095 too much sacrifice in going on a missmissionioneiono 2192.19 1391039 1741.74 2072.07 1841.841084 66


MNnehnMEAN SCORES OF LDS SMIORSENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMTSTATEWT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE MORALITY RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statementFatmitement malemateaejangj venialeyenialefenaienalemale ururbanur&an rural firahdd nit lveraverageaver e giving into temptation 343423.422 3173.17 3203.20 3563.56 3333.333033 trying to stop a bad habitshabito 3473.473047 3053.05 3163.163016 3393.39 3263263.26 sometimes not being as honest as I1 should bebeebeo 3203.20 3123.12 3093.09 3333.33 3183183.18 feeling ashamed of something ive done 3093.093009 297 2932.932093 3283.28 3063006 notmot being sure about social etiquetteetiquetteo 3043.04 2972.97 2922.922092 3223.22 3033.033003 lacking selfseif controlcontrolecontrone 2932.932093 282842.8 2732.73 3563.56 3013413.01 the importance of modesty 3203203223003.20 2742.74 2872.87 3063.06 2962.962096 thinking too much about the opposite sex 3183.18 2062362.36236 2612.612061 3063.06 2802.80 lacking selfseif confidenceconfidencco 2792.792079 2712.71 2692.6926692.6692869 3023.02 2802.80 finding it hard to talk about my troublestroublesotroubiesoleso 3073.07 2452.45 2642.642064 2892.892089 2762.76276226 influencing others to have modest speech 2732.7320 73 2692.692069 2562.562956 3063.06 2762.762076 swearing and dirty stories 3093.09 2212.212021 2492492.49 3173.17ov 2742.74224 modesty and popularity 2892.8920892.089 2472.47 2592592.59 2942942.94 2722.7220722077 wondering bovhovbowhow far to go with the opposite sexaex 2802.80 2432.43 2482482.482948 2942942.94 2662.662066 offcoloroff color jokes 0 2672.67 2282.28 2292292.29 3113.113911 2582.58

Nnotot knowing what to do on a date 2692.69 2382.382038 2432.432043 2782.782078 2572.572057 67

TABLE XXVIII continuedcontinuedinked getting our dates to double date 2492.492049 2502.50 2382.38 2892.892089 262.6256 too easily led by other peoplepeotieoTle 2492.492049 2212.212021 2262.262026 26l26120122061061ogi 2392.392039 wearing bermuda shorts etc 1961.961096 2122012 1921.92 2672672.67 2162.162016 wearing strapless gownsgo wns 2162.162016 1711.711071 1831.83 2392.392039 2022.022902 q0qa



statement glendgrand male female urban rural aerageaverage creating the desire to observe the sabbath day 3253.253025 3203.20 3203.20 3533.533053 3293.2930223029 results of not keeping the sabbath day holy 3053.053005 3183.183018 3083008 3601603.60 3223.223022 interesting less active members to observe the sabbath day 3023.023002 3083.08 3053.053005 3363.363036 3123.123012 understanding what our church leaders want us to do on the sabbath 2822.822082 3023023.02 2822.822082 3333033.33 2992.992099 knowing certain things are wrong on the sabbath daydayedayo 2642064 2862.862086 2682.682068 3333033.33 2872872.87 beinabelnabeing hard or impossible to keep the sabbath day holyholyobolyo 2682.68 2672.67 2562.562o56205620552046 3533.533053 2862.862086 worrying what to do on the sabbath 2322022.32 24124.12041 2262.26 3333033.33 2832.832083 understanding what is meant by resting on the sabbathsSabbatha 2592.592059 2882.882088 2692.692069 2932.932093 2772.77 veatWeatwatchingching TV on the abbath&bbathsabbath 2092392.39 2732.732073 2442.44 3273.273027 2702.702070 what to do after church meetings 24324.32043 2552.552055 2432.432043 2932.932093 2582.58220852058o58 purpose of the sabbath day 2632.632063 2412.41 2472.472047 2732.732073 2562.562056 attending movies on the sabbath 2272.2720272022 1781.781078 190igo1.901090lego 3073.073007 2252.252025 69 day 312 they had littlelottle1 concernconceconeern about attending the movies on the sabbath 2252252.25 and what to do after church meetings 258 table xxixpXXIX page 68

table XXXIXXX page 70 points out the mean scores for each statement under the directional objective serviceserviceoservicedServiceoleeo the students were most con- cerned with getting the right job to serve in 344 and being satisfied with a job ivelve been called to do 326 knowing how I1 can best serve my countrycountry1countryllcountrytiryll1 receogreceoreceived1ved a mean of 299 this was ranked highest by urban students 322 and males 304030040304o3o04o spending time

0 servservinging onionlyY my friends insteadinstead of my churchchurchy received the lowest mean 20192192192.19 and teeltHelhelpingthelpingthelningping others sometimessonet nesmes for the publpublicitypublicity1cityg 1 222220222222222.22 was rated next to the westinlowestinlovestlolowestlowestilvestinin this category the subject of Marrimanrimarriageagellagert is one of seemingly great importance to most people it was significant to note that the study revealed that marriage was not of great concern to senior seminary studentsstudentsostudentso this objective was ranked twentyeighthstwenty eightheighths table XXXI y page 72 shows that the greatest concern of the students was learning what is necessary to be a good parent with a mean of 3803.80380o38083800 this statement was followed by standards for choosing a marriage partner 3623623.62 and be ready for marriage 3550355o3553 55 the students were aareaware of the rising amount of immorality0 and rated this statement with a mean of 3373.373037 knowing when one is in love ranked fifth with a mean of 3373.373o37i the statement show- ing affection without petting received a relatively moderate rating of 209929992.999 indicating that this was not a problem of great concern going steadysteady11 with a mean of 266 seemed to be of relative concern except for rural students who rated it high with 3333.33333o3330 most students plan on getting married or were not concerned with the problem of wondering 70



statement male female urban rural grand average

getting the right job to erveserves in 3313.31 3433.433043 3243.24 3783.7830783278 3443.4430

bebeing1Ing satisfiedattisatlisfiedfled with a jjobI1 ob rvevve been called tobo do 3203.20 3163.16 3073.073007 3613.613061 3263.263026 seitingseizing and helping others asasiaciacs I1 shouldshouldeshoulder 2872.87 276 3713.71 3173.173017 3123.12 wanting to help without being thought as forwardfonwardforwards 3093.093009 291 2872.87 3393.393039 3063.06316306 understanding of what service I1 could be 3043.04 2842.84 2842.842084 302230283283283.28 3003.003000 knowing how I1 can best serve my country 3043.04 2862.86 2862.8620862088 3223.223022 2992.992099 having the desire to be of service to others 3053.05 2722.72 2782.78 3173.17 2932.932093 getting along with the people I1 work withwifchowischo 3003.00 2672.67 2782.78207820772008 2942.942994 2842.842084 having ttinetimeimeinelne to serve norenonenonomoremoro 2762.762076 2832.832083 2782.78 2892.892089 2812.81 how much service I1 should be to the church and to others 2872872.872 087 2552.552055 2592.592059 3113.11 2782.782078 waauaywaywaitingting to be asked before I1 serve others 2872.87 2382.382038 2482.48 3003.003000 2682.682068 my service not beingboing d 2 wantedowante 1 2912.9191 2382.382038 2552.55 2782.78 2652652.65 understanding how service can help me 2562.562056 2682.68 2592.592059 2672.672067 2622622.62 whether all erviceservicesserviceshervicess isnisntcisnt foforr selfishsel flsh reecreqcreasonssons 2692069 2312.312031 2362.36203621362133 2892.89 2562.562056 my service to others being too jraitedijmited 22672.676rar 2002302.30 2432.43 261 2502.50 71

TABLE XXX continued seeing the benefit of service to othersothersootherson 2492492.49 2482.48 245 2502050 2482.482048 thinking that I1 am trying to make points tl when I1 offer helpheiphelpochelpo 2562056 1097 2092.09 278 2352.352035 urningturningI1 down a jjobob iin the church untuntil11 1getagetI1 get more tintimtinetimee 2492049 10931093 2092009 2442044 2232023 helping others sometimes for the publicity 264 1083 2152.15 228 222 spending time serving only my friends instead of my church 2402.402040 1091 2032003 244 2192.192019 72



Sstatement EamalemaieTe fenafemaemalee urean rilrgilrneurala1 grandgrand afement average learning what is necessary to be a good parentparenteparento 383843.84 3723.7230723077 3713.713071 3943.94 3803.803080388030803.080 standards for choosing a marriage partner 3643.64 33603.60u 3573.57 3673.67 3623623.62 be ready for marriage 34734.73047 3563.563056 3373.37 3823.82 3553.55 worried about the amount of immorality prevalent with young people today 3073.07 3543.54 3223.22 3763.76 3373.37 knowing whenwhon one is in ioveloveloveilover 3323.32 3213.21 3083.08 3883.88 3373.373037 wanting to improve my appearance 3323.32 3203.203020 3123.12 3823.823082 3363.36 wanting a more pleasing personality 34134.1 3053.05 3083.08 3763.763976 3323023.32 how to be able to talk things out with mom and dadedado 3203.20 3303.303030 3163.16 3533.53 3293.293029 gaining selfselfconfidenceconfidence on dates 3343043.34 3123.12 3113.113011 3533.53 3293.29 Infinfluentinflueneinfluencinglueneing my friends to have higher morals 3253.2534 25 2892.89 2922092 3593.59 3163.163916 conversatconversetconversationConver sat on in datingdatingodamingo 3223.22 2912.912091 2942912.942.91 3393.393039 3113.113011 how to stop dating without hurting seelifeelingsangsongs 3163.163016 2812.81 2832.832083 3563.5630563055 3093.09 best age for marriage 3113.113011 3003.003000 2982.98 3223.22 3073.07 gaining popularity or being pularopopularpopularopo 3233.23 2732.732973 2862.862086 3293.293029 3023.023902

1 1 good manners on a date 3133.1330 F 1 288 2972.972097 3063.06 3013.0130101 73

TABLE XXXI conticontinued0 auednued showing affeffaffectionectionaction without petting 295 2712.712071 2622.62 3713.71 2992992.99 marriage before or after mission or army serservicesewvicel 3163.16 2722.72 2842.8420814 3173.173017 2972.972097 where to go on a date 3203.20 2522.522052 2682.682068 3283.28 2922.922092 refusing a date without hurting feelings 2782978 2862.862086 2692069 3283.283028 2902.90 dating many or few 2962.96 2642.64 2642.642064 3223.223922 2862.86 iliIIIildiid111 atciteitait ease at social functionfunctionsso 2832083 2642.642064 2572.57 3413413.41 2862.8620862886 keepkeepinging friendship without going steady 2912.912991 2672.672067 2722.722072 3003.003900 2822.82 how to start family evenings at homehomeihomey 202808 c 2742.742 e 74 2682682.68 2942.942094 2792.792079 maintaining dates on a high leuellevel 2732.73 2432.43 2372.372037 3353.35 2722.72 getting home at the proper time 2512512.51 2602.60 2352.35 3393.3930333039 2712.712071 being popular ithvithwiwith littleI1 money 3043043.04 2332.332033 2622.62 2722.72 2672.67 going steady 2642.642064 2372.372037 2312.31 3333.33 2662.66 knowing how to start family evenings at honeohomco 2612.612o6i 2622622.62 2552.55 2822.82 2652.652065 learning how to dancedaneedanceldaneel 2802802.80 2252.252402526025 2312.31 3243.24 2652.65 how to get skedasked for a datedateo 24324.3 2882882.882088 2672.672 67 2612.61 2642.64 helping parents to get along 0 2842.842 0 84 2402.40 2592.592059 2472.472047 2572.572057 how often to date 2602.602060 2282.282028 2252.252025 3113.113011 2562.56220562856856 wanting to getgot married first then go to the temple 2702.702070 2232.232023 2312.312031 2822.822082 2512051 dating non members 253205320552093 2312.31 2302.302030 2782.782078 2482.48 74

TABLE XXXI continued hewhoweemeow to ask for a date 3093.09 1951.951095 2432.43 2392.39 2462.46 dancing with one partner all evening 2422.42 2212.21 2132.13 3003.00 2442.44 too strict discipline at home 2892.89 2014 2472.47 2242.24 2432.432043 leaving school for marrimarriagesmarriageomarriage1ageeageo 2472.47 2282.28 2312312.31 2612.612461 22412.4141 wondering if ever get married illiliiii 2442.44 2292.292029 2382.38 2352.352035 2362.36 parents disapprove of choice of datesdotes 2412.412941 2182.18 2182.18 2532.53245324.53 2322.32 wanting to live above family reputation 2522.52 1881.88 2072072.07 247 2232.23 age to begin dating 2402.402040 1971097 2132.13 2392392.39 222 wawantingntinpr to know more about boysboyaoyao I1 1831.83 2482.48 2142.142014 2412.41 2212.212021 hotnot being likedliked by boys 2142.144 2112.112011 2032.03 2412.41 2172.17 dating a smoker who is otherwise acceptable 2292.292029 1951951.95 22002.002000sooooo 2442.44 2172.172017 knowing how to refuse a kiss 1751.751075 2212.212021 1871.87 2592.592059 21020102 sloplo beidheldbeldhelddovmdown too much by parents 2062362.36 1881088 2082.082008 2002.00 2082.082008 girls dont seem to like me 2092392.39 1581.58 1881.88 2252.25 2022.022002

Wwantingntinpgnp to know more about girls 22732.73w 73 iei123e 23 11841.84w84 2122.122012 1981.9810981.098 not allowed to go out at nightnights 1821831.82 1531.531053 1064 1711.711071 1671.67 75 if ill ever get married 236 the males desired to know more about gigirlsoris 273 than the girls desired to know about boys 28282.8248 knowing how to refuse a kiss was a greater problem for girls 221 than for boys cieole1751751.75 as might be expected most young people of this age are allowed to go out at night for this statement received the lowest mean of 167 of interest however waswn s the fact that males ratedrated this higher 1821821.82 than did females 15311530l53l153o the principle of free agency is deemed as one of the greatest principles in the LDS church the students in the study apparently did not understand or appreciate this principle for thevchevthey ranked it twenty ninth out of thirtythirby fivefileofiveo two statements were rated almost the same feelthatfeel that people really need to lsetwisefwiseise upaptupt in their use of free agency 30083083083.08 and knowing the ltnitslipiitslipsits13 of free agency 307 these statements were given the highest ratings in vilvirthisthibs category the students felt they would likeilkelaike to be able to say what I1 think more often in school at home etc 298 most of them on the other hand felt that they could do about what they pleased 2602602.60 in spite of the oftoftquotedquoted im being forced to go to churchchurchy this particular statement received the lowest rating in the category with a mean of 23a234231 table xxxiiyXXXII page 76076 the study indicated that the students were concerned about the statement knowing what iiss necessary to obtain the celestial kingdom ll11 and gave it the highest ratinaratinprating of any of fivefivehundredsixtyhundred sixty statements contained in the sudestudentnt ISSSEXInventaa with a mean of 4084.08 table XXXIII page 78 the rural students rated itt 413 males09nalesmalesmaies 40909 femalesfenafemalelyfemalesyfemaleSy 406 and urban 406 the second ranked statement under knowledge was obtaining finances to continue my education olioiioil0110.11311 this was more of a problem with girls 3363163163.16 than with boys 295 two statements 76


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARY STUDENTS FOR EACH STATMENTSTATEMENT UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE FREE AGENCY RANKEDBANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban rural grand aceraeaveraeazissj6 feel that people really need to visewisese upitupilup in11 their use of free agency 3093.09 2922.92 297 3333.333033 3083.08 knowing the limits of free agency 3053.053005 3023.02 2942.942094 3273.273027 3073.07 knowingkhowenowlneinaine how to keep our free agency 3053053.05 2842 104sonyoaof 2792.792079 34034.03910 3023.02 bebeinging able to say what I1 think more often in school at home etc 3123123.12 2712.712071 2902.902490 3203.203020 2982.9820982.098 results of my unwise use of free agency 3093.09 2712.712071 2842.842681 3073.073007 2922.92 understanding the impor- tance of free agency in the lords plan 2912.91 272.72788 2692.692069 3273.273027 2912912.91 dodoinging wrong because of free agency 2762.762 e 76 2582.5820552058 2592.59 3133.133913 2762.762976 understanding what free agency means 2862.86 2572.5720572055 2602.60 2932.932093 2742.7420712971 other people making too many of my decisions 2792.79 242412112.41241 1 2552.552055 3273.27 2752.75 understandunderstandinging why we have free agency 2672.672067 2382.382438 2442442.442041 3073.073907 2672.67 being able to use more free agency at honehome 2862.862086 2252.25 242477 2932.932093 2652.652065 feeling that I1 really cantcan11 do as I1 please 24724.7242 24024.020402 040 2042342.34 3203.203020 2602.602060 Fefeelingellnaelina that we really do not have free agencyagencyo 2822.82 2122.12 2392392.39 2872872.872087 2552055 77

TABLE XXXII continuedcontI1auednued feeling we have too that 1 I much free agency 0 202044 203 228 2802.802080 2462046 feeling that church leaders take away otouroteouww free agency by forcing us to attend neetimeetingsngs etcetcoecco 2512.512051 1981.981098 2014 1973 2342.342034 78



w k 0 0 staiemerrs hatehalegatee tshatsei a e tffbanr n nhura orandgrand lveraveraverageavenage knowing what is - essary to obtain the celestial kingdom 4094.094009 4o644064. 06 4064.06 4134.13 4084484.08 obtaining finances to conticontinuetruerrue my educationeducatiorioeduqation 2952.952095 3163.16 3013.01 3333033.33 3113113.11 learning as an important part of the gospelgospelsgospelo 3313.31 2922.922092 3113.11 3003.00 3083.08300308 knowing how to studiostudystudyo 3183.183018 2782782.78210820782107 2902.902090 3333.333433 33043.043204204 intingwantingW more subjects taught in schoolscholloschoolo 3143.143014 2762.762076 2892.892089 3203.203020 2992992.99 havinghaving enough time to study 2932.93 2942.942094 2922.922092 3003.003000 2943942 0 finding it hard to study about the gospelgospelsgospelo 3003.00 2622.6220622.062 2712.7121 3363.363036 2922.922092 feeling that it is really fun to learn 2772.772077 2822.822682 2792.792079 2872.87 2812081 understanding the impor- tance of educationeducationseducationo 2932.93 2753752.752075 2892892.892089 2532.53 2772.77 whether marriage is more important9 than education 2502.50 2592.592059 2442442.442044 3133.13 2662.66 whether teaching methods need to changeochangco 2612.612061 2572.572057 2542.54 2872.87 2642.64 under what conditionscond ltionslations we receive11 the promptings of the holy ghostghosteghoske 2572572.57 2292.29 2302.30 3073.073007 2552.55203529552935 teachers offering challenges to their students 20302030 2392.3921332039 2252.25 2872.87 2452.45 feeling guilty about how much I1 learn 2362062.36 24324.3 2392.39 2472.472047 2412.4120412044 79

TABLE XXXIII continued too much pressure to obtain a colleaecolleancollege degreedegrecodegraco 24724.7 2009 22222320222023 2532053 2322022.32 being handicapped because of inabilinabilityanabil ity to read vellveliwellvelloveliowello 218 227 2029 1093 2162016 having too much home workworko 2022032 1651065 1871987 2402040 206246 whether doing my best in school will cause me to lose my friends 2112.11 le821e82 194Is1.94 207 1981.98lgb1098 not having enough home work 2422022.02 1841.841084 1095 10791 M iegolego1 0.0 90 not enough encouragement from home to continue my educationseducationoeducatiouo 2016 1641.64lieg1064 lv194 160igologo 1083 80

related to homework were rated rather low 9.9 having too much homework 206 and notnotmot having enough homework 190igo1090lego1901.90lo 90 most parents have urged their students to continue their education for the students rated the statement not enough encouragement from home to continue my educa- tiontiong as the lowest in the category with a mean of 1831.83lo83e table XXXHXXXIV page 81 contains the means for the directional objective word of wisdom which received a surprisingly low ranking by the students of 2592.592550259o2590 this placed it thirtyfirstthirty first out of thirtyfivethirty five categories the greatest concern waswithwadswithwas with the statement concerned

over the great number of young people who break the vordword of viedWiedwisdomorriorrl iti111 with a mean of 3063.06306o306030663000 many people have stated that the church stresses the word of wisdom too nuchmuchnuchomucho the students did not feel this was a major problem and rated the statement with a mean of 2272.27227o247224702270 it was surprising to find that the statement rated last in this category was

11 smoking gives feeling of being grown up 5 which received a low mean of 149 only one other statement received a lower ranking than this statement about smoking and that was the last statement under honesty found in table XXXIVxxxivy page 81 many young people have felt that they have been unable to talk withwith1 their1 parents about personal problems the study indicated that the students were concernedconcernednod about being unable to discuss problems at home this statement was given the highest ratirating0 ng under the directional objective love with a mean of 307 table XXXV y page 83 the students gave the statement parents not understanding me a moderate rating of 2502.50250o25002550 the boys felt this to be more of a concern than the other students for they rated it at 28028062.806 the study indicated the students parents old fashioned and rated that 1 felt their arentarent I 81



statement male female urban rural grand Aveaveragelveyisyisssaveraaeraderaaess concerned over the great number of young pepeopleopleopie who break the word of wisdomwisdomswisdomo 3053005 2962.962096 2942094 3293.293029 3063006 understanding how I1 can be blessed spiritually by 11livingving the word of wisdom 3053005 2064 2692692.69 3059 2992.99 more enforcement of liquor aaadandanaaaaad tobacco lasslawslawso 20732973 2702070 257 329 2822082 underunderstandingstanding the impor- tance of living the word ofofwisdomowisdom 3023.023002 2392039 2552.552055 3293.293029 2812081 Understandunderstandinaunderstandingineinalne the serious- ness of not evinghvingliving the word of wisdomWismisdoniowisdoniodonio 3020 2192019 2e39 3029 2e722a72 knowing how we got the word of wisdomwisdomswisdomo 2084 2012 2022032 2942.942094 2055 affect of liquor tobacco and coffee advertladvertsadvertisingsing 2252.252 2e49 20172017 3029 2o520555 having will power to live the word of Wisdowisdomwisdoirioirio 2822082 2052005 203 2882088 2052 understanding why people smoke and drinkdr lnkank 2045 2049 2412041 2692469 2051 understanding what the word of wisdom is 2067 209 2162.16 30123012 20512051 influence of friends in breaking the word of wisdom 266 219 233203 2532.53 2422042 example set by adults in breaking the word of wisdomwisdomswisdoma 2642364 209 2032033 2024 232202 82

TABLE XXXTV continued the churhchughchurph stresses smoking and drinking too much 20241 200 214914 253 2272.27 understanding why some things are not good fprcpr the body 239 1961.96 20606oao6 2592.592059 22 having a desire to break the word of wisdom 23 1821.821082 190 259 21215 understanding why prnqkingpmpidng is so wrong it only hurts neameemcanewmew 200 12810281.028 155 ioel171io7l1.71 1631613 smoking gives feeling of being grown up 108418 126226 1531.53 1351035 1491.49 833



4pap 01 W statement male female urban ruralruval grand

10 P 1 O avgragg P k 4 0 0 Av P WP 1 f 4.4 0 wo 4 01 gragg 0 f fi 4tat af1f io kojfiq ae 4ewetmetweawe1 unable to icussdiscusspcuss problems at home 3093.09 2892.8989 2862.86 3443.44 3073473.07 disliking someone 2822.822082 3053053.0505 2902.90 3223.22022 2992.992099 hurting peoples feelingsfeedings 302 2752752.75 2802.80 3223.22 294 being jealous 2862.86 2962.962096 262862.86 3113.11 294 being stubborn with my family and friends 282q82 2862862.86 2842.84 2899892.89089 285 understanding the reason why parents akaekaak us to0 do certain things 2952.95 241 2602692.602.69 28 2692.69267 talking back to my parents 2712.7171 2452.45 2532.53 272782.78 2612.61 parents not under standing me 280 2182.182918 2462.4620462644 2562956 250205 being criticized by my parents 2822.82 2052.05 204234 2672.672967 2472.47 never having any fwfrnfunrun with mother and dad 2962196 1981.98 2432043 2172017 208238 being treated likebike a child at hocqhomqhonhom 289 191igi1.911091 2312.312931 2392.392039 2372072.37 worried about someone in the family 2232.23 2332.33 212 2832.83 2372.372937 Pareparentsrits expecting tootop much of me 244 214 2302.30 2332.33 2302.3030 parents not trusting me 282.82058 1821082 2092.09 2282028 2172.172917 parents oldfashionedold fashioned in their ideas 2532532.53 1841.841084 210 2222.222022 217 wanting things my parents wontwon11 give me 2312312.31 1891891.89 2092.09 2002.00 2072.0707 0461 TABLE XXXVXXXVII1


11 0 emen i male enalenaemaemaltop Uuranurenban a1 grsranctand statementenen nalenaieie brenr fttattrural average

1 M I i 1 10 1 1 1 I .4 11 A M i W M 4 IM I1 lvmbvm T M 14 1 ow70 M 1 being more honest with myself 3023.023902 2862.86 2802.80 3503.50 3043.04 whether those who admit wrong doing should still be punished 2892.892089 2872822.87 2702.702070 3503503.50 299 bebeing1ng truly honest 2872.872987 2822.82 2772.772977 328 2932.93 concerned about people gossiping about me 300 2772702.70 2802082.80 2942.94 2102862.866 white lies growing into big lies 2842.84 2842.84 2812.81 2942.942994 2852.85 understanding honesty 2872.87 2622.622862 2622.62 328 2842.842084 how important is honestyhone sty 2892.892089 2702.70 2692.69 3113.113011 2842.84 influence of friends on being honest 2912.91 2572.572957 2612612.61 3113113.11 2802.80 how I1 can learn to be honesthonestfhonesta 2932.93 2572.572057 2652652.65 3063063.06 2802802882.80 how easy it is to lie 2612.612061 2752.75 2572572.57 3113.113011 2762.76 being honest with my parentparentsfparentsSf 2872.872987 2412.412041 2482482.48 3173.17 2732.732973 problem of spreading falsehoods by gossipgossips 2682.68 2582.58 2492.492049 31717 2732.73 whether everyone is a little dishonest 2782.78 2522.52 2562.562956 2742.74 2702.70 whether background determines my honestyhone sty 2802.80 2412.41 2492.492049 3003.003000 262672.67 cheating on tests 2692.69 2342.34 2342.34 3223.22 2642.64 problem about cheating while under pressure 272.72782.78 2352.35 2432.432043 2942.942094 2622.62 85

TABLE XXXVI continued cheating the lord 304 2292.292029 264 250200 2612061 getting cussed for things I1 dont do 20762077276 2142.14 2272027 3113.113011 257 whether certain lies are justifiedjustifled 2442.442eae 255 241 208289209 2572457 being believed when I1 tellteliteilteal the truthtruthstruthe 273 216 225 3067060o 2552055 being dishonest and telling myself that just once vontwontwont hurthurtohuntehunto lil I 2622.622062 236 23720372077 2832083 254 being honest with thetite bishop 2672.672 6rar 2412041 2492049 2261oaio6i 254 sometimes knowing what is honest and what is dishonest 260 234 233 2892089 254 how much of a struggle it is to be honest 256 237zon 2322032 2942094 2542054 having more temptation than others 2802080 2322032 251295 250 253 being accepted by others when impm always honest 258 2072007 216 3003.003000 2452045 finding it hard at times to tell the truthtroth 2362036 243 236 261 244 friends stealing little things 2622062 202 2142.142914 3003.00 244 having to lie to protect myself 0 2512951 2212021 200230 272 2432043 breaking promispromisesebeeboeso 258 2182018 233203 22.244 238 blaming satan for most of my dishonesty 249 2042.042904 2172172.17 2672o672067 234 tattling 2072.072007 1981098 1871087 261 213 beingbe ng dishonest for exciteexcitementnentementemento 2272027 1651065 1871.871087 2062462.06 196 86

TABLE XXXVI continued problem about havinghaving shopliftershopliftedshoplifted 2002.00 1591591.59 1771.771077 1831.83 1791.79 stealing because of lack of money 168lgb1.681068 1251.251025 14614.6 109139log1.39 1441.441944

1I 87 this statement at 2172172.17 the last statement in the category was ranti-went-ventvant ingthingsingng things my parents wotwont give me with a mean of 2072.072007 wantingmantingthe study showed that when the students steal it istisnt because of lack of money for this statement was rated the lowest of all the fivefivehundredsixtyhundred sixty statements in the student I1inventoryrvmz1 ry with a mean of 141441.44 the students were most concerned with being honest with myself 304 and being truly honest 1 293 As is shown in table XXXVI page 84 the directional objective honesty received a very low overallover all ranking of 250 or placing it thirtythirdthirty third out of thirty five the directional objective titled tithes and offerings table XXXVII page 89 is rated thirty fourth out of thirtyfivethirty five categories the statement of most concern in this category was whether I1 should pay fast offerings without stingetingfafasting with a mean of 291 the rural students appeared to be the most concerned for they rated it 340 followed by males 286 females 273 and urban with 267 the rural students rated all of the statements in this category except two higher than all other groups of students the two statements rated higher by male students than by rural students were feeling guilty about not paying tithtithingingI 291 and asking poor members to pay tithing 263e263 the students didntdidnt feel that the LDS church was spending too much money on elaborate church buildings for they rated it at 225 table XXXVIIIXXXVIIII page 90 contains the directional objective welfare which isLs rated last of all the categories with a mean of 207 the problem of most concern was unworthy people receiving welfare help at 259 followed closely by welfare aid benefiting 88

lazy people the nostmostmosty with a mean of 2582.582 58 the students were the least concerned with serving as a family on welfare projects 219 the low rating of this category might be because of lack of under- standing of the welfare program of the LDS church


tpfiil M T 4t4 41 inkanklnk lniatrt 90


MEAN SCORES OF LDS SENIOR SEMINARY STUDIZTSSTUDENTS FOR EACH STATEMENTSTAT T UNDER THE directional OBJECTIVE WELFARE RANKED ACCORDING TO THE MEANS statement male female urban rural grand averamaverage unworthy people receiving welfare help 2992992.99 225222.2 247 278 2592.59 welfare aid benefiting lazy people the most 2892.89 2162016 236206 294 2582.58 understandingunderstanding spiritualspiopiritual benefits of the welfare program 2692.692069 2182.18 2322.32 2832.83 250 knowing how the welfare program works 2532.53 2182.18 2232.23 2832.83 2462.46 understanding value of welfare program during these modern times 2472.47 2092.09 2192019 2672.67 2352.352035 borrworryingworrYing11 about acceptingaccept lngang welfare aid and being considered poor 2532.53 198 2122.12 2442.442044 2262.262026 getting enough chance to serve on welfare projects 2382.38 2042.042904 2142.142014 292392.39 2232.23 serving as a family on welfare projects 2242.24 2002000 2032903 2502050 2192.19 CHAPTER V

SUMMARY FINDINGSFINDINOS conclusions AND recommendations


need for the study it was telffellrellreilreiffeif that the teachers in the LDS seminary system could do a more effective job of teaching if they were made aware of the interests and concerns of the students they teach it was further felt that if the interests and concerns of the students could be determined in relationship to the curriculum guides of the LDS seminary system curricula could be constructed to better meet the needs of the seminary students this study partially fulfills these needs

purposemose af2f tsthe atudyaoudyuleukoume the purp9sepurposepurpqse of the study was to determine what the interests and concerns of LDS seminary students were in rela- tiontionshipship to the objectives used in developing the curriculum of the

LDS seminary system


methods and procedures opinions as to the interests and con-aw cerns of LDS senior seminary students were solicited as the source of data in carrying out this study an instrument was constructed for

the purpose of securing the data and was called the wam90wwstudent Inventinventorvinventoryorv appendix I11 the student inventinyentoyy was constructed by obtaining the statements of interests and concerns of the students in relationship to each directional objectiveobjectivco the students were asked to rate each of the statements contained in the instrument on a five point scale indicating 1 1 no concern blittle2little2 little concern 03 concernconcernocenno 4 quite concerned and 5 highly concerned after the raw data was assembled 92 the means were obtained for each of the directional objective categor- ies and for each of the 560 statements contained in the instrumentinstruments in order to facilitate a more graphic presentation of the data tables were constructed for each set of data the statistical population for ththiss study consisted of one hundredninetyeighthundred ninety eight students ninetyfiveninety five students 51 girls and 44 boys took the A section and onehundredthreeone hundred three students 45 boys and

58 girlsgirisg1ris took the B section of the instrumentinstruments

PliMplim0118delniidelnioI1 tationslationsoris0118 S0f rnthtjfegtufeg gtudygatudy9tudy this study was limited to twelltwelftwelfthth grade students registered at the aninoanimo and burleydurleyburleyy idaho seminaries and the bonneville and weber seminaries in ogden utahtjtaho this study was limited from the standstandpointstandpopo lnttntant that it was an opinion type study and may not be the final answer definite limitations and weaknesses were recognized in the in- strustrumentment used to obtain the data for thistbis studystudyystuddy thus limiting to some degree the usefulness of the results of the studiostudystudyo


1 this study revealed that LDS senior seminary students had religious problems in relationship to the objectives used to develop the curriculum of the LDS seminary system about which they were con cernedbernedcernedecernese 2 the fact that there was a difference in interest in the objectives and the amount of the difference was foundfogde 93 3 it was found that the students ranked in the order of interest10 the objectives that were used to develop the LDS seminary curriculum as follows 1 holy ghost 19 baptism 2 forgiveness 20 jesus christ 3 testimony 21 standard works 4 god 22 consecration

5 joseph smith 23 progress

6 eternal truths 24 missionary work 7 freedom 25 morality 8 prayer 26 sabbath day

9 spirituality 27 service 10 priesthood 28 marriage 11 satan 29 free agency 12 resentencerepentenceRepentence 30 knowledge 13 worship and reverence 31 word of wisdom

14 work 32 love 15 revelation 0333 honesty 16 covenant people 34 tithes and 17 temple work offerings 18 peer group 35 welfare 4 it was found that boys ranked the objectives used to develop the LDS seminary curriculum in a different order than girlisgirlsogiroso the rank order for boys and girls is given belovbelow the boys ratings were as folsolsoifollowslowse0 1 holy ghost N3 testimony 2 forgiveness 4 freedom 94

5 god 20 morality 6 satan 21 consecration 7 josepjoseph smith 22 standard works

8 repentance 23 service

9 work 24 progress 10 prayer 252 feefree agency 11 missionary work 26 jesus christ 12 eternal truths 27 marriage

13 spirituality 28 Baptibaptisiabaptismsiasra 14 tenpietempietemple work 29 word of wisdom

15 peer group 30 love 16 priesthood 0131 knowledge 17 worship and 32 sabbath daypay

reverence 33 honesty 18 revelation 34 tithes and offerings 19 covenant people 35 welfare therhorhe girls ratings were as followfollowsso0 1 forgiveness 11 worship and

2 testimony leverancereveranceroveranceReRoverance

3 Ilolyholy ghost 12 baptism 4 god 13 revelation

5 joseph snithsinithsmith 14341 4 covenant people 6 eternal truths 15 repentance 7 spirituality 16 jesus christ 8 priesthood 17 satan

9 prayer 18 temple work

10 freedom 19 work 95

20 peer group 28 knowledge

21 standard works 29 free agency 22 sabbath day 30 missionary work

23 consecration 31 word of wisdom

24 Rrprogressogressogness 32 love

25 morality 33 honesty 26 service 34 tithes and offerings 27 marriage 35 eelfarewelfare 5 it was found that the ten statements outofbutof the 560 state- ments contained in the instrument which were rated by the students as items of greatest concern werewevetweveweres a knowing what is necessary to obtain the celestalcelestial kingdom b knowing how to oppose the forces that are taking away our freedom

c allowing communism in the united states d expl4iniexplainingng the gospel to non members e telling the difference between our own thoughts and those prompted by the holy ghostghosts f future relationrelationshrelationshipsh with god g looking to the holy ghostgho st for guidance h learning what is necessary to be a good parentparentsparente i1 obtaining training for future jobsabsobs j Sqcceedingsucceeding in life 6 it was found that the ten statements out of the 560 statestates ments contained in the instrument which the students rated as items of least concern wereweveweres 96

a stealing because of lacklaok of money

b smoking gives a feeling of being grown zipuipup c understanding why smoking is so wrong it only hurts me

d not allowed to go out at nightnights1 f not enough encouragement from home to continue my education g not having enough home work

h pressured to go on a mission i too much pressure in mission fieldfieldafieldo j being dishonest for excitement 7 it was found that rural students generally rated the statestated ments under each objective higher than urban students 8 it was found that the male students gave a higher rating to the directional objective marriagemarriage1111 than the girls the male students had a mean of 280 and the female students had a mean of 26256 9 it was found that the eirlsfirlsgirlsgiris gave a higher rating to the objective priesthood than the boys with a mean of 3113.113 11II for grisgirls and 296 for boys 10 As might be expected the boys rated the objective missionary work much higher than the girls with a mean of 303 for boys and 244 for girls

IIiioilo11 conclusions

1 many of the interests and concerns of the students were different from those generally expected 2 female students were more concerned about the priesthood and its functions than were the male students 97

3 male students were more concerned boutabout9bout9 marriage than the female students 4 the directional objectives which conta3contagcontainedned the statements of greatest concern for lpsalps seniorseniorseminaryseminary students had to deal with areas in which seminary teachersteacdeachers were in a unique position to assist the students in coping with their problems

illIII111 noomamdationsrecommendations

it is recommended that further research be made to determine if the findings of this stubystu4y are indicative of the problems and con- cerns of the majority of LDS senior seminary students 2 it is recommended that further comparisons be made between urban and rural LDS senior seminary students to determine if rural students are more concerned than urban students as was found in this study 3 it is recommended that the student inventinventory be refined and shortened and given to LDddsLDS seminary students of all ages to deter- mine the problems of greatest concern fotfortorfoxtoy each age group 4 it is recommended that the administrators and teachers of the LDS seminary system consider and apply the findings of this study in an effort to 4improvenerovenprove the seminary curriculum and make it conform more to the needs of the students 5 it is recommended that the problems of religious concern of LDS youth be given more attentionattentilontalontaion by seminary and auxilliaauxiliiaryauxilliaryry teachers parents and counselors of LDS young people 6 it is recorecommendedmended that further study b made tp determine whether the students were concerned and had problems with the state- ments or if they were just interested in and wanted to know more about the statements contained in the instrument bibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHI 99 bibliography

A dooksbooksDOQKSBOQKS alberty haroldharoidgarold reorganizingroorop aniziagizi tfieafie ijifih schoolSchoacho2 1 Ccurriculumcuyriculumit um new york the macmillan co 1941947 bowman clarceclarice 1 4 kavayswaysys youth rayfllearnalearnpeayfl new yorkryorkayork9r harharperor & brothers 19520iyay cole lnoalno4074qot4 and morgan jboLBabo psvcholopsychology 2of chiohiohlchildhood1dhoudhood and ad2l2s2adolqsqcncencenee nevnavnewnawnow torkvorkyorkyonk rinehartRineharthayt pnd company 19419477 cronbach leeloeloo100 J RibsentiasissenIBsensaentldaentltiasalsalaaia 0 f Pspaycholqicalvcho lozlog 1 c tetinp new york harper c prqfhebrothersrs 19491949 froqhlcfroehlicli clifford P and parley john G sudyinSudshudyinatudyngginyingln stustudent g chicago scienc enopenqp search associates 19529529 haarhamrhairnhamrn phihirlyvloy A and fulsonfnlsonenlsonvpmlson lanohejanolejanohe B counselingoomiselinp alolegegydoegcentpltg9ga chicagochipagoohlohichipagosChi pagopagos science research as90iats195qasso44tpsp 1 beoHeohephingerheohlngerheohingerhinger grwecrapeqrape and fred M tqobapzeanhonhon 4 teratyraneeynewy nw yark vollanvoltamwilliam marrowmprrow pendnd cqmpanycpmpanycompany 1963 eulenkulen raymond G yi pgychqlorypsychologypsych2logy of j3pegcento docenteocent ayelodyelodyeojmentent new york harper & brokersB 1952 0 adisa4disp paulpaux H adoadqlesoence an t911hoyhyoyhth new torkvorkyork magrawmpqrawmpgraw hill apolbpolaoqo idisldis000coeco 1947

M A ge N pw llonlion arnosternost srateraraterwreatgreat0 er genrgitionyn2ranara 41 ml nw york the macmillan company 19670196 sadlersadlorsaillorsadllorSadsaellor william SP adoleoadqescnco Pobpoblomglomgcinnsginns st louis the 0 V mosbymos y company p 1948

boB fu13licationpublications OF tiletlleTHE government p LEADEDLEARNED SOCIETIES AND OTHMOTHER organizations utah state report 960 golden annlversanniversaryetyexy white house popfereqonfopenppappnge 040 Cl hUdren cin4 nouhyouh salt lalelakelajehake 199loio1959 psp 3f3pap


periodicals1 I

ATIallportatiportPort gordon W ueillo uso of personal Dooendooentsdoouwentsts in PsychopsycholqpsychologicallQ calc4l sbienpplseisciencschencScienceno nexneyke torktonkyork socsociala science research council billbulletinetin 49 194219420

I1 100 bedell ralph C the mooney problem checklistchecklistlcheck listldistldistylistdist cited by oscar buros ed the third mental meameasurementsourementarementj yearbookyearbooks new Brunsbrunswichbrunswickbrunswulchwichwlchch rutgers university press 1949 p 118 jones harold E limitations of the mooney problem checicchedicchecklistlist 11 cited by oscar burosburps jedl1heed the fourth mentamentalI1 meameasurementssuren ts yearbook highland park the griptongrypton press 1953 ppc 73073 koppekoppelkoppey william A and mooers carolyn fruits of a research MAR .10 11 552505 curriculum eelhelbelreligiouslsis10 iouslous education4 55505 lentz theodore F the functions of the fr9blempr9blemproblem check listliotll cited by 9scarascarqscar buros ed the third mentamentel measurementrementsuserementsurement yearbook new brunswickbrunswichBrunswich rutgers university press 1949 pop 1201200 limbert paul M new light on the needs of adolescents religiousrelig us education 55289552289 septdeptesepte oct 1950 mooney ross L exploratory research on students problgroblproblemensems ll11 journal 2of educational reresearcharch 3821822438218 224 nov 1943 pixley erma and beekman emma the faith of youth as shown by a survey in the public schools of los angeles fictitiousreliereliarelle ggs educatlweducation Us44041341 1949 remmers ahihhiHH meyers ms1MSmstmso and bennett EM some personaltypersonality aspects and religious values of high choolpchopl youth cited by PEP- E johnson psychologicalasvpsvchoeho gicalealeai abstracts 27052795 1952 teadtteadteady ordway youthayouths quest for religion nationalnat gnal parent and teachalteacheriTeateacherycherichevicherb 482674826 7 dec 1952 vornonwornom herman E highlights of Recommendrecommendatrecommendationsationslons for research in 111 religious education milemllereligiousou educatimeduoatigno1 5553 wo3nomwornomwornomq herman E the potential role of researchResearoh inn religious education religi2uarelijgiqus educatioeducationrl 56306

D unpublished MATERIALS andersen visonwison K A study of general and religious personal prob- lems of tenth eleventh and twelfth grade seminary students unpublished masters thesis brigham young university proveprovo utah 1957 johnson james wilacew4lacewallace A comparison of selfselfperceivedperceived religious problems of ninth and twelfth gradegnade seminary students unpu- blished masters thesthesissj brigham young university proveprovo utah 1956 APPENDIXVAPPENDTX APPENDIX I1

A STUDENTSTUDEMT INVENTORYIMYENTQRY circle the appropriate number or if you use the separate answer shesheett mark appropriate number on the answeranswersanswero 141 4 student identificationidentifleation number 5 0 school 4 123451 2 3 4 5 66eae year in schoolschools stojilsthjilath8th t1ta athat9t9thh 121tsy lothlabrtit1lith 12th 15 3123452 3 4 5 70 number of years in seminary include thath3thiss year 112342 3 4 5 8 2 123451 2 3 4 born in the church 1 l or a convert member how many years la 1 yes no 123452 3 4 5 9 0 father member of the church 0 1 noj2j2 123451 2 3 4 5 10loeioe mother member of the church yes Jal11H1l no jaj22 1123452 3 4 5 11 how often does yourour Ffatheratherthor attend church neverneverjjj occasionallyoccaslonallyiaboutJ2jabout half thetho t1tatinetimeme JJlquitejjquiteQuite regularjjawaysjregular AJ alwaysjoelvayelwayAlwayslosjo 1 2 3 4 5 120 how often does your eothermother attend church neverjilneverJIL1 occasionally 122.2laboutabout half the ttinetimeI1meqlquite3 quite regularvla1414 always W5 1 22343 4 51305 13130 how often do you attend sacrament meeting same as above 1 2 3 4 5 14140 how often do you attend priesthood meeting 11 11 11 u 1 2 3 4 5 15e15 how often do votivorivouyou attend MIA if 1 2 3 4 5 16016igo how often do you attend sunday school 11 tt 1123451-2 3 4 5 7 Is family prayer held regularly in your home yesiiiyesyos iliiiicli1 l nomo iglasaim2 13 2 3 4 5 w iaolao18180 with whom are you living at thekheth present tinetimetanetame parents 1 1 mother and stepfatherstep father 2 father and stepmotherstep nothermother 3 cardianuardianguardian 4 ototherher 5 1 2 3 4 5 19190igo how often do you date neverlneveribeverlneverNe 1 once a month 2 twice a monthamonth3month 3 date regularregixlarjjjsoingverlverix going steadtjlsteadsteadT 0 Jl 3I1 2 3 4 5 20200 sexseassexs femalefemalejhj ealemalemaiemalel121 instructions the purpose of this survey is to plpinpointnpqlnt the main concerns and interestinterestss of the youth of the churchcharchochurcho the infoinformationmationmatlon now needed is infoinformationmationmatlon which only youyon can givegiveogideo what is wanted is your own honest response to the following statementstatementsstatementsoso this is your opportunity to make known your feelings in a way that will really count all information will be treated as confidentialconfidentialoconfidentialolalolaio the information you give will be pooled with that given by many other young peoplepeopleopeopled we will greatly appreciate your help in providing us this information for our vertvextveryveny important projectprojects all of the following statements have been supplied by young people indicate the amount of concern or interest you have in each statement mark all statements 0 if you are using separate answer sheets mark appropriate numbers on the answer sheet

MARK ITEMS ACCORD ING TO THE FOLLOWING SCALE MAALITEMnark alkalb I1 A 1 no concern 220 little concern 3 concerned 4 quite concerned jyslzhi concernSSSSSSed

1 2 3 4 5 21 0 knowing what is necessary to obtain the celestial kingdom 1 2 3 4 5 22 0 findingfindinpr it hard to study about the gospelgospelegospeler 11234523123452 3 4 5 232300 having enorahenouahenough time to studeestudystudye 12345t24o1 2 3 4 5 240 not enough encouragement from home to continue my educationeducationseducationo 123452-1 2 3 4 5 knowing how to study 0 5 god 123452-1 2 3 4 5 2606 0 knowing how completely directs the activities of the churchcharchochurcho 1 2 3 4 5 27 0 knowing when a Pprophet is speaking by revelationrevelationerevelationarevelationala 1 2 3 4 5 28 understanding how to gain dldivinevlne revelations 1 2 3 4 5 29 whether all church officers receive revelation 1234530123451 2 3 4 5 30 wanting to have a rovelationrevelation 1 2 3 4 5 31 recognizing the promptings of the holy ghostghosto 1234532123451 2 3 4 5 32320 lookinglookobooko ng to the eolholbolyholyv ghost for guguidanceMance 1 2 3 4 5 33 e teilatellatellingxiiixiiz the difference between our own thoughts and those prompted by the holy ghostghosto 1 2 3 4 5 34340 meaning of receivereceiveRecereeeivelveivo the holy ghost 1234535o123453501 2 3 4 5 35 understanding the holy ghost as an individual being 12341 2 3 4 5 36 learning as an important part of the gospelgospelsgospelo 1 2 3 4 5 37 0 feeling guilty about how much I1 learnlearnelearno 1 2 3 4 5 3838e whether teaching methods need to changechangeochangco 1 2 3 4 5 BB 39 0 whether doing my best in school will cause me to lostloot my lendsfrfriends 1 2 3 4 5 wa 4040e having too much home vorkworkworko 1 2342 3 4 5 41 being handicapped because of inability to read ueliuellwellveliovellowello 123451 2 3 4 5 420 understanding the I1importancemportance of educationeducataducat ionlon 1 2342 3 4 5 43430 obtaining finances to continue ray education 1 2 3 4 5 wa 44 whether marriage is1 10 more important than educationeducatloncation 1 2 3 4 5 45 feeling that it isLs really fun to learn 1 2 3 4 5 46460 understanding how divine revelation effects me 12345 0 12341 2 3 4 5 47 whether we recelreceivevo as many revelations now as in the 547 pastpastepasto 1 22343 4 5 484 understanding what revelation is and how it conecomeconescomes so 1123454-2 3 4 5 90490 whether the president always calls people by revelation 1 2 3 4 5 w 50500 whether divine revelation always comes from godgodegodo 1 2 3 4 5 51051 understanding the holy glasstglaostghosts 1 2 3 4 5 5252e how evil affects ones relationship with the holy ghastghgstghosto 1 2342 3 4 5 53 0 people doing evil after receiving the holy ghostghosts 1 2 3 4 5 54540 understanding the gifts of the holy ghost 1 2 3 41 5 55 what it would be like to always be prompted by the holy ghostghosts 123451 2 3 4 5 56560 under what conditions we receive the promptings of the holy ghostsghosto 123455-1 2 3 4 5 7 e not having enough homework 1 2 3 4 5 585810 teaching offering challenges to their students 1123452 3 4 5 59959 0 too much pressure to obtain a college degree 0 1 2 3 4 5 60 wanting more subjects taught in school continue marking all the questions as followfollowsfollowstst lo110 no concern 220 little concern 3 concerned 4 quite concerned J5tat iilshje4zhllylizliy oncgrdconcerned A 123451-1 2 3 1 5 10 understanding responsibilities of a missionarioinissionarymissionaryo 1 2 3 4 5 2e2ae realizingRealising the value of missionary workvorkoworko 123451 2 3 4 5 330 what era missionary doesdoesoboeso 1 2 3 4 5 440 fory a irilri9girigirlirl to Pgo on a missionnissniosnioslonomiss lonoiono 1 2 3 4 5 550 developing the qualities of a good missionary 1 2 3 4 5 660 understanding thetheithes value of reading the scripturescripturesscripturesoso 1 2 3 4 5 70 difficulty in understanding the scripturescripturesscripturesoso 1 2 3 4 5 8mam8 popiepoplepeoplee not reading the scriptures enoughenougho 123459-1 2 3 4 5 90 doubting the truthfulness of the scripturescripturesscripturesoSo 1234510123451 2 3 4 5 10 0 finding time to read the scripturesscripscripturosoturoso 1 2 3 4 5 lloiioilo11011 finding out thathqthatt jesus is the christchristo 1 2 3 4 5 12120 comprehending how jesus suffered for ususeuso 1 2 3 4 5 13 my lacking ambition to study and learn about christchristeohristo 1 2 3 4 5 14140 why christ had to diedledieedleedleo 1 2 3 4 5 150 the necessity of a testimony of christoohristochrjchaj st 1 2 3 4 5 16016igo why was I1 baptibaptizedsedeed at 8 1 2 3 4 5 17170 why god requires such an ordinance as baptism 1123452 3 4 5 18 0 the effect baptism should have on lneineneomeo 3 2 3 5 ppersonenson tecbec zed 1234519123454 19 0 Is a erson betbetterbettorter if baptizedbaptised later in life 1 2 3 4 5 20 0 knowing when a person is ready for baptismbaptlsme 1 2 3 4 5 21021 0 what to do after church meetingmeetingsmeetingsoso 3 Ice 1 22343 4 5 22022 0 results11esults of not keepingeping the sabbath day holyholyobolyo 31 2 3 4 5 23 0 creating tho desire to observe thetho sabbath day 3123452 3 4 5 2424e interesting lelessss active membersmerdbers to observe the sabbath daydayo 11234525123452 3 4 5 25 0 attending the movies on the sabbathsabbathoSabbatho 1 2 3 4 5 260 desiring tottofcotco go on a nissmissmisslonomlssionolono 1123452-2 3 4 5 7 0 developing missionary spirit at honehomehonee 1 2 3 4 5 28 0 financing a inisinissionnissmisslonomisssionslonlonoiono 1 2 3 4 5 29290 family support on a nissmissionemisslonomissionomiss lonoiono 1 2 3 4 5 30300 going on a mission tmworthilyunworthily 1 2 3 4 5 31310 underunderstandingstanding oodgod as an eternal fatherfatherafathero 31 2 3 4 5 320330 whether we are praying to god the eternal father or jesus christoohristo 1 2 3 4 5 33330 understanding gods plan for his childrenchlldreno 1 2 3 4 5 34 my poesibilityedibilitypossibility of becobecomingningbing perfectperfecto 1 2 3 4 5 35350 future relationship with godo 1 2 3 4 5 3636e Iiovlovlowbovbowhowilow god can have a personalpersonalersonalersonalonai relationship with each person 1 2 3 4 5 37 0 understanding how god answers prayersprayerboerso0 112342 3 4 5- 38 e why we pray in the name of jesus christchristo 0 1 2 3 4 5 39390 christ bringing his church to eartheeartho 1 2 3 4 5 m4ma 40400 understanding christ as the creacreatorcreatoretoretoro 12 2342 3 4 5 41 preparing to go on a nissmissionmisslonomiss lonokono 1123454-2 3 4 5 20420 the neednood of a testimonytestimonyin in doing missionary vorkevorkoworkeworko 1 2 3 4 5 43430 explaining the gospel to non members 1 2 3 4 5 440 blessings from missionary servservicedservlceeserviceoiceo 1 2 3 4 5 M 45450 knowing where oneono can serve on a mission 1 2 3 4 5 460 understanding need for the standard works of the churchchuroho 1123452 3 4 5 470 scriptures are not interestinginterestlngo 1123452 3 4 5 4e48ae developing a desire to read the scripturescripturesscripturesoSo 1 2 3 4 5 49490 discussing scripturesocriptures norcomoreomorco 1 2 3 4 5 50500 repititlonrepititionrepetition in the scripturescripturesoso 1 22343 4 5 51 understanding christ as our representative with god the eternal fatherafathero A 1 2 3 4 5 52520 why a savior was necessarnecessarynecessaryoyo 12345 son godo 1123452 3 4 5 53 0 being sure christchrohrohn ist is the of god 1123452 3 4 5 54 understanding the authority of christ 1123452 3 4 5 55550 what is meant by christ being our personal savior 1123452 3 4 5 5656e understanding purpurposepucpose of baptism for the deadobeado 123451 2 3 4 5 570 understanding how ve get the holy ghost after baptism if we sinsino 1123452 3 4 5 58059058 eight year children understanding andendemd being ready for baptismbaptistobaptibaptismosmo 1 2 3 4 5 59590 worrying what to do on the sabbathsabbathoSabbatho 12345 purpose 1123452 3 4 5 60 0 of the sabbath day 123451 2 3 4 5 61610gioglo watching TV on the sabbath 1123452 3 4 5 62620 understanding what our church leaders want us to do on the sabbathsabbathoSabbatho 1123452 3 4 5 63 being hard or illilipossibleimpossible to keep the sabbath day hoihoaholyobolyoYO 123451 2 3 4 5 640 knowing certain thinasthings are arongvrongwrong on the sabbath daydayo 1123452 3 4 5 656o60ao understanding what js meant by resting on the sabbathoSabbatho 1 2 3 4 5 66660 pressured to go orlortoxonoxlL a missmisemissionioneloneiono

12345 1 2 5 67067 go ingang on mi 1123453 4 0 too much sacrifice in goingIlng orlort a missionesalon 1123452 3 4 5 68 going on mission for selfish needsonoedseneedson 1123452 3 4 5 69690 too much pressure in mission fieldcleido 1123452 3 4 5 70 fear of missionary worko 123451 2 3 4 5 71710 interpreting scriptures to suit oneselfoneseltoone seitoseltoselfo 123451 2 3 4 5 72720 criticism of mormon scripturescripturesscripturesoso 1123452 3 4 5 73730 understanding importance of committing scripture to nenorynemorymemorymomoryo 1123452 3 4 5 74 neglecting scriptures for other books 1123452 3 4 5 7515 doubting some of the stories in the bible 1123452 3 4 5 76076 what we must do to become like godgodo 1123452 3 4 5 77770 whether or not we havehalveh6lve a mother in heavenhoaveno 2 3 5 78 vitch 1123454 0 understanding christs relationship vithwith and to godgodo 1123452 3 4 5 790 what god looks likiolaikelikco 123451 2 3 4 5 80 understanding god the father jesus christchristy and the holyghostholy ghost as separate beingsbe ingsoingao oont3continuelnuejnue answering all the questions as folcolcoiCollowfollowsecollowsslowsess 1lo10 no concern 220 little concern 330 concerned 440 quite concerned jlsljosl stilzsfilz ffl&s&b1concertconcerxladlediad 1123452 3 4 5 1 understanding why joseph smith was chosen to bebo a prophet e 1123452 3 4 5 220 gaining a testimony of joseph smith as a divine prophet 1 2 3 4 5 330 understanding the effect of the mission of joseph smith on our lives 1123452 3 4 5 440 why we need propheprophetsprophetistisbis 1123455-2 3 4 5 50 knowing that the president and apostles of the church are traetrue prophetsprophetteprophetseprophetSe 1 2 3 4 5 660 knowing how prayers are answeredansweransweredoedo 112345-2 3 4 5 7 getting family prayer started 0 1 2 3 4 5 808 knowing how to pray 1 2 3 4 5 990 how fasting adds power to prayerprayersprayero 1 2 3 4 5 loeioe10 recogninzingrecogninking promptings from the lordlordo 1 2342 3 4 551111 the place of fastfastingirig and prayer in developing spiritualspiritualityspirltuality ityofityo A 1 2 3 4 5 12120 understanding what means to be spiritualspiritualsspiritualospiritualo 123412345 2 it 1 2 3 4 5 00 1313e whether activity in the church brings spiritspiritualityualitybality 0 1 2 3 4 5 14140 understanding holhorhouhow to live gods principles 1123452 3 4 5 15 handling ridicule of ones religious principles 1 2 3 4 5 igi16 understanding the power and blessings of the priesthood 112345tttt172 3 4 5 17 priesthood works in an unworthy personpecson 0 1123452 3 4 5 1818e those who blessbiessblesablesq the sacrament and are not worthydorthyeworthye 12341 2 3 4 5 19 how serious to commit greviousgre viou sin while holding the 519 priesthoodpriesthoodo 1 2 3 4 5 2020e Is the sacrament really blessed 3iff the boy is not worthy 1123452-2 3 4 5 1 can the priesthood powers be totakentokentokankerikerl away 1 2 3 4 5 22220 value of the melchizedekmolchizedekmolchiaedek erlestPriestpriesthoodpriesthoodshoods 1 2 3 4 5 23230 blessing of the lehizedekmelchizedekme lehiachlachizedek priesthood for a familyfarfajdilynily 1 2 3 4 5 24240 influencing parents into a temple nacrinaczimarrimarriagemarriagesmarriageoageo 1 2 3 4 5 25250 understanding the necessity of temple garments 1 2 3 4 5 260 those who are not worthy of temple garments 1 2 5 you get recommend you 123453 4 27 0 if can a temple if have not arllyfully repented 1123452 3 4 5 28280 seriser1seraseriousnessseriousnessausnessousness for breabreakingcing temple covenants 1123452 3 4 5 29 understandingunderstanding the need for genealogy 1 2 3 4 5 30300 understanding why temple work is sacredsacredosauredo 112345123453102 3 4 5 3103131o what the law of consecration is 112342 3 4 5- 32 being too busy to bebo devoted and dedicated to the churchcharchochurcho 112342 3 4 5 u 33 being considered odd if I1 am loyal to the church 0 112345 2 3 4 5 34 people devotingdemoting themselves too much to one pdportpantpontatxt of the church genealogy mutual eteetceteo 1 2 3 4 5 35 whether an individual award nearismearlsmearisneansmeans true devotion or 123453 notnotenoto 1 2 3 4 5 36360 how godGOAgom can hear and answer everyoneeveryones88 prayersprayprayersoerso 1 2 3 4 5 37370 keeping my mind on what I1 billbiliam91719.171 praying aboutaboutsabouto 112345123453802 3 4 5 3838o using repititionrepetition ixin prayers 1 2 3 4 5 39390 concerned about what I1 should pray forforo 1123452 3 4 5 40 saying personal prayers when others are presentpresents 1 2342 3 4 5 41 convincing others that joseph smith was foreordained to be a prophetpropheteprophetopropheto 1 2 3 4 5 42420 what a prophet isiselseiso 1 22343 4 554343 how prophets receive their divine authorityauthorityo 1 2342 3 4 5544044440 understanding why god revealed his plans to such a young boyboyo 1 2 3 4 5 45450 whether the lord krotecprotecprotectedted joseph smitlesmitlusinI1th 1 2 3 4 5 46460 doubting the value of worship and prayer map 1 2 3 4 5 47470 o vantiwantiwantingmarnap to feel close to godcodegodegodo 1 2 3 4 5 48 how prayer helps you gagainin happinesshappinessohappinesso 112342 3 4 5- 49 e concerned about whether I1 receive answers to my prayprayersoerso 1 2 3 4 5 50 0 wanting a deeper desire to prayprayeprayo 1 2 3 4 5 51510 understanding why I1 need to live godsgod principrinciplesopleso 1 2 3 4 5 52520 being more spiritual at one time than anotheranotbero 1 2 3 4 5 ww 535.3530 believing in godsgod s principles and not following themthenothemo 1123452 3 4 5 5454e whether it is easier for one to be more spiritual than otheroanotheranotheroan 1 2 3 4 5 55550 whether spirituality guarantees a position in the churchcharchochurcho A 1 2 3 4 5 w 56560 understanding why negroes cntcant hold the priesthoodpriesthoodo 1 2 3431 5 57o57570 shythewhythewhy the power of the prlesthlprlosth3odod Is more noticeable in sonesome wordswordsowordsw god 12341 2 3 4 5 58 0 how authority is transmitted from to mannanenanomane 2 5 eoveow 123451 3 4 59 e hawhoweav girls glncaneaneen help boys to honor their priesthoodpriesthoodo 1234123451 2 3 4 5 600goo importance of the priesthood in a honehomehoneo 123456-1 2 3 4 5 1 why are requirements for teniletenpietempletemj1e recommends so high 1123452 3 5 62620 understanding the rewards and blessings of temple workvorkoworko 1 2 3 4 5 63 e Converconvertlconverthconvertingtlne a person to tenpietempleternple marriagemarrimarriagesmarriageoageeageo 1 2 3 41 5 am 64640 wanting a civil marriage before a temple nadrimarrimadrimarriageageeageo 0 1 2 3 4 5 65 0 underunderstandingstandandinging necessity of a temple endowment before temple karrisoomarriaeimarrisoonanrinarrmarrimanrimarriseoisOoatiattaEire 1 2 3 5 wa 66660gge whether joseph sjttithsalthsoithsmithetith coulacould have written the book of morminomormonmormono 1123456-2 3 4 5 7 0 understanding the full mission of joseph snithsmithsnithesmithe 1 2 3 4 5 68680 sustaining our prophet in his workwordmordhorkoworko 1 2 3 4 5 69 0 general authorities bellnghobelanging too oldoidoldo 12 2 3 4 5 70700 wondering howbowhom josephjooeph smith withstood the persecutionpersecufciono 1 2 3 4P 5 71710 how difficult it is to 11illliwve the law of consecrationconsecrafclono 1 2 3 4 5 72720 the importance of sacrificiisacrificingig for the gospelgospelsgospelo 1 2 3 4 5 73a73 e how nuchmuch young people are expected to be devoted to the gfarohcharchurohareho 1 2 3 4 5 74740 influence of frifrondsfrondafriendserdsends on my sacrificingsacrifiaingsacrificing for the churchcharchochurcho 1 2 3 4 5 75015 whether devotiondemotion to the church brings neglect of family 1 2 3 4 5 76076 outside influeneuinfluencess d1sruptdisrupt prayersprayersoprayerso 1 2 3 4 5 77 e concerned alaboutout how long I1 should preyprayo 123453 2 3 4 5 780 IsLs it necessary to kneelknealknoal to prayprayo 1 2 3 4 5 79 0 prryingprayingparryingpreying when wewo really dont feel like itito 1 2 3 4 5 80080 0 being original in my prayersprayersopray erso continue answering all the questionsquesqueetlona as follows 1ie no concern 220 little concern 30 concernedConcoconce medmod 440 quite concerned 5jbjhmhlz jissrsernedarned8

1 2 3 4 5 lo110 cevelodevelodevdovelopingPing a desiredesira for worship ariaundarlauna reverence for godgode 1123452 3 4 5 20 being reverent in meetings uhenwhenwhon the speaker isnt interestinterestinginterestingoingo 112345-2 3 4 5 303 becoming noremore interested in church meetings 0 1123452 3 4 5 440 hearing the baneeuhebamesame testinjoiilestestlyiionies every fast daydayo 123455-1 2 3 4 5 0 knowing where to show reverence 0 1 2 3 4 5 660 gaining forgivenforgivenesssa 0 123451 2 3 4 5 770 being able to forgetforgot past errorserrorso 13 2 3 4 5 880 being punished by godgode 1 2 3 4 5 990 how to get tidrid of thoughts of anger towards othersothersootherson 12345123453001 2 3 4 5 10300 carrying grudges 0 112342 3 4 5 lielioiloiio110 the value of study in gaininggaining a betterbettor testimony 0 1 2 3 4 5 1212e desiring a testtestitostitostimonyotestinoinolmomonyony 1 2 3 4 5 13 0 understanding thetha value of a testimony of the gospelgospelegospeler ajtonyalmony 112342 3 4 5 hi laoiao14014 understandingunderstandiitgunderstandimg hawhow to gaingajin a ajmonytettestimonyAJ mony 0 1 2 3 4 5 151500 know when you have a testimonyteefcimonyo igo 1123452 3 4 5 160igo understanding what free agency neansmeansmeanemoanse5 1 2 3 4 5 17e17a knowing how to keep our freefreofroe agency 0 11 2 3 4 5 181.8iglg180190igo knowing the limits of free agencyagencyo 1 2 3 4 5 19190igo resultsresulto of my unwise use of free agencyagencyo A 1 2 3 4 5 20 0 feeling that we really do not have free agencyagencyo 1 2 3 5 21021 covenant 123452112344 0 understanding what a isiso 1 2 3 4 5 22220 responsibilities for making covenantscovenantsocoveneovenantso 1 2 3 4 5 23 understanding why ththelethereeieele is a covenant peoplepeopleopeopled 112345123452402 3 5 210290294240 setting a good example 0 11234525123452 3 4 5 25 0 tolerating other peoples beliefbellefbeliefs so 1 2 3 4 5 26260 feeling that the church dossuldoesntdoesul need my boneyomoneymoneyo 2 5 27 making money pay so 1123453 4 0 to church donationdonatidonatldonationsodonatiorisooriSo 1l234528o123452802 3 1 5 28 eraphasemphasiss of the church on boneyononeymoneymoneyo 1.1 2 5 money goes 1234529123453 4 29 0 knowing where the tithing of the church 1 2 3 4 5 30300 having enough faith to give noneymoney to the churchchurche 123453-1 2 3 4 5 1 0 understanding thebhebho value of eternal truthbruthtruths 112345320123452 3 1 5 320 what is the meaning of eternal truthtruthetrutho 2 5 tia andinganddng memoaninganing 0 1123453 4 33 0 underunderstandingst the of truth 1 2 3 4 5 340 finding truths tobo gtguideguldetidetlde my lifeilfellfeoalfeo 112345123453502 3 4 5 35350 how to use eternal truths in our livesilveslivesolivedo 1 2 3 4 5 36360 feelinpfeeling that we bnvuhceive too much free agency 0 1 2 3 4 5 37370 underszunderstandinganding the importance of free agency in the lordlordi s plan 2 5 more agency himeohomeo 112343 4 38 0 being able to use free at home 1 2 3 4 5 39390 being able to say what I1 thlthinknk more often at school c at honehomehoinehorne etc 1 2 3 4 5 400 other people makinglllaritaklingkaing too many of my decisiondecisionsso 1 2 3 4 5 41410 knowing what reverence really meansmeassomeanso 1 2 3 4 5 42420 understanding the purpose of the sacramentsacramento 1L 2 3 4 5 430 knowing how to vorsvoroworshipworsship at a church meetingmeetlngo 123451 2 3 4 5 44440 understanding the place of singing inan a church meetingmeetings 112345 2 3 4 5 450050 obtaiiobtainobtainingning reverence through my speech actions and attendanceattendattendancesattendanceoanceo 1 2 3 4 5 46460 overcoming jjealousealousyzealousyjealousyoealousyyo 1 2 3 4 5 474o40ao forgiving when the other person does not repentdepentorepento 12341 2 3 4 5 48480 knowing when wewo are forgivenforgforgivenoiveno0 123451 2 3 4 5 1949019.fgdg the place of miracles in gaining a testtestitestimonyo1111011monyoyo 112345g050o2 3 4 5 500 whether a member must have a testimony to get to the celestial eingningkingdomKingkingdomskingdomodomo 1 2 3 4 5 51510 underunderstandingstandstandlingscandlinglIng how people w1waithwith strong testimonies som- etimes fall away from theI1 lielleile church 0 1 2 3 4 5 M 52520 example of reverence by adultsadultso 1 2 3 4 5 53 0 showing respect for church buildingbuildingsoSo 12345 0 5 ng when noto 11234 2 3 4 54054 0 belbeing reverent friends are not 1 2 3 4 5 550 stressing reverence in the seminarioseminaryseminaryoSeminaryo 1123452 3 4 5 56560 understanding why we have free agencyogencye 1 2 3 4 5 5rar570 feeling that church leaders take away our free agency by forcingforcjng us to attend meetings etcoretcetcoo 1123452 3 4 5 58580 doing wronawrong because of free agencyagencyo 1 2 3 4 5 59590 feel that people reallyneailyneally need to wise up in their use of free agency 1 2 3 4 5 600goo feeling thatbhatthelt I1 really canicant do as I1 pleasepleaseapleaseo 1 2 3 4 5 61610glogio seeing the results of keeping covenantsocovenantso 1 2 3 4 5 62620 understanding covenants to be made with the lordlordolondo 1 2 3 4 5 63630 being criticized for certain covenantscovencovenantsoantso 1 2 3 4 5 64640 taiTaltakingclIng the church for grantedgrantedograntedo 12341 2 3 4 5565065650 covenants are hard to liveo 11234566123452 3 4 5 66066 feeling guilty about not paying tithing 0 112342 3 4 5567067670 spending too much noneymoney on elaborate church buildings 0 A 1 2 3 4 5 68068 whether I1 should payfastpay fartfarr offerings without fasting 1 2 3 4 5 69690 knowing what a truetime tithing is 1 2 3 4- 5 u1ua 70 0 knowing what happens to the fast offering money 0 1 22343 4 5 71710 understanding what eternal truths are based ononeono 1123452 3 4 5 72720 feeling a need to accept truth and live by itito 1 2 3 4 5 73 e asking poor members to pay tithtithingoingo 1 2 3 4 5 747400 attendingAttendina titithingthaina settlementsettsettlementssettlementolemento 112345123457502 3 4 5 75750 worrying about parents not paying tithtithingingeingo 1 2 3 4 5 76 feeling blessed of the lord 1 2 3 4 5 77 being married under the covenantscovecovenantonanto 1 2 3 4 5 78780 beinabeinebelnebeing too religiousroliglouso 1 2 3 4 5 79790 keeping coven&covenacovenantsat limits fullfurifurlfuno 1 2 3 4 5 800 feel that members of the church are not blessed any more than other peoplepeopico APPENDIX I11

B st2dmtSTUDENT iwii0INVEVTORY cclecircle the appropriate number or if you use the separate answer sheet mark appropriate number on the answer sheetsheeto

141 4 0 student tdentifidentificationidentifica iealeaicationlionllon nibernumber 0 50 school 0 Z 5 year 1k 1 2 3 4 6 o in1ak school stojilsthjilath8th ath9th9thj2t2ta ioth3i5rsllothh il 12 h fj 1 2 3 4 5 070 number of vearsyears in sebseminarysem1naryinaryenary include ththisS year 12341 2 3 4 1T 3 4 5 8 0 I 2 born iin the church hllljlllP or a convert jjlajl member how many years 0 chuncho yes noN g 1 2 3 4 5 9 0 father member of thethoutieutle church 0 s liilill11111jqjl 0 j 1123452 3 4 5 liozioloo1001010o mother member of the church yes liijjlajl111.111 no Jj21 1 2 3 5 11011o11 0 how does your tendlend church never 123454 lloliomiimil often father attendat 1l Occasionoccasionalloccasionallyallali al212l about half the time jjruajj5u1 qutequite1 jl dij I1 alwaysS regular la11jijl1 alway alil 1 2 3 4 5 iao12012i2o how often doesdoestdoess your mother attendatfcend church never 11 12345 0 jl occasioccasooccasionallyonallyj2jaboutiai2 about half the time 1211 quitequite regular Jiali4lJ always 1 2 3 4 5 k13e13 how often do you attendjlsacrament meeting same asassasoaus above 1123452 3 4 5 14 0 howbowilowliow often do you attend priesthood meeting 123451 2 3 4 5 15150 how often do you attend MIA 1123452 3 4 5 lao160igohig16l6o how often do you attend sunday school 123451 2 3 4 5 1701717o Is family prayer held regularly in your home beslyeslyesillyesile no 2 1123452 3 4 5 18 0 with whom are you living at the present tinetimefcimescime parents jl1 Ivlotheriothermother and stepfatherstep father 1121 father and stepmotherstep mother JSI guardian other 51 1 2 3 4 5 190igo19o19 0 how often do youjidate nevernever 1 once a month 2 12345 go J twice a month jjuj date regular fl going3 ng ststeadyeady JL 123451 2 3 4 5 2202002020o sexsext female iliillcli male jl instructions the purpose of thithis1 s survey is11 to pinpoint the main concerns and interests of the youth of the churchcharchochurcho the information now needed is information which only you can givegiveogideo whatwhal is wantedwonted is your own honest response to the following stritestatementstritementsstatementsomentsso this is your opportunity to make known your feelings in a way that will really countbountocounto all information will be trectreatedted as confidentialconfidentialoconfidentialolaiolalo the information you givegoivelve will be pooled with that given by many other young peoplepeopleopeopled we willw1 greatly appreciate your help in providingprovidinrz3 us this information for illliililour very important projectprojecbo all of the following statements have been supplied by young peoplepeopleopeopled indicate thetho amount of concern or interest you have in each stastatementstatementsstatementotemento alcabcaicmark &3j2eslesallaliail statements if you are usingsangsing separate answer sheets mark ajopropappropriateri1 ate nujn1numbersers on the answeranswon sheetsheeto mislaliljlspmareNARK adladdALL ITEMS ACCORDING TOlthloliajfTHE FOLLOWING SCALE lo110 no concern 220 litlittlellelietle concern 330 concerned 4 quite concerned jil&tsiljissshie111 V concerned B 123451 2 3 4 5 1021 knowing whether satansotanscatanszatanscaean exists 123453 2 3 4 5 220 lowingknowingKr if satan can put evil thoughts in our lindsemindsmindse 123451 2 3 4 5 2323e blaming satan for my wrong doingsdoingso 123451 2 3 4 5 24 whether satan is as powerful as godgodo 1123452 3 4 5 25250 satansgatans performing miraclesmiraclesomiracieseleseleso 1123452 3 4 5 260 not beingbeing sure about social etiquetteetiquetteo 123451 2 3 4 5 27270 not knowing what to do on a dateda teoten 123451 2 3 4 5 28280 too easily led by other people 123451 2 3 4 5 29290 trying to stop a bad habithabile 123451 2 3 4 5 30300 sometimes not being as honest as I1 should be 123451 2 3 4 5 31e31 helping those who are tempted by satan 123451 2 3 4 5 320 overcoming the influence of satansatano 1123452 3 4 5 33330 satan tempting us where we are weakbeakoweako 1123452 3 4 5 34 resisting temptationtempfcationo 123451 2 3 4 5 35350 satansgatans connection with communism 1123452 3 4 5 36360 finding it hard to taiktalk about my troublestroublesotroublesoieso 123451 2 3 4 5 37370 wondering how far to go with the opposite sexlexosexo 123451 2 3 4 5 38380 wearing bermuda shorts etc 123451 2 3 4 5 39390 wearing strapless townsogownso 1123452 3 4 5 40400 modesty and popularitypopularityo 123451 2 3 4 5 41410 what satan looks likeilkelikeoaikeo 1123452 3 4 5 4242e whether ouija wee jee boards workansworkandvorworworkkandand if it is wrong to use them 123451 2 3 4 5 43 dealing with an evil spiritspirito 123451 2 3 4 5 440 o the influence of satansatan on gossiping cheating sports 0onn sundaysundby 123451 2 3 4 5 44505 0 knowing when you are tempted by satansatano 1J 23452 3 4 5 46460 givingglv ng into tempttemptationationo 123451 2 3 4 5 47 lacking self controlcontrols 131. 23452 3 4 5 48 feeling ashamed of something dvervevve donedonee 123451 2 3 4 5 49 0 lacking self confidence 123453 2 3 4 5 50050 swearing and dirty storiesstoriesostorieso 1123452 3 4 5 510 understanding how satans power operates 123451 2 3 4 5 52520 whether satan tempts teenagers more than adults 1 223453 4 5 53 satansgatans influence on childrenchilehllehlichildrenschildrenodreno 1123452 3 4 5 54540 satanssatan11 s tempting us more when we are unhappy or dis- couragedcouraged 123451 2 3 4 5 55550 whether there would be sin if there were no sstanestanso tano 112345 2 3 4 5 56560 thinking too much about the opposite sexlexosexo 1123452 3 4 5 570 the importance of modesty 112345 2 3 4 5 58580 offcoloroff color jokesjokesojoneso 1123452 3 4 5 590 influentinfluencinfluencingmr others to have modest speech 1123452-2 3 4 5 600goo getting our dates to double datedateo

na sssmjiy&sfisssijmcontinue answer2 n4 JLILskilall thebhe sueguequestionsstionsscions accordacco elbl to the followlfollows1 scale lo101 no concern 220 little concern 330 concerned 4 quite concerned 5e5ae highly concerned

1 2 3 4 5 lo110 age to begin datdatinging 0 1 2 3 4 5 20 leaving school for marriage 1 1123453-2 3 4 5 30 how to stop datidatingdatadat1ng without hurting feelings e 1123454-2 3 4 5 40 marriage before or after mission or armyarrayaneny service 1 2 3 4 5 505 good manners on a datedatcedaice 123456-1 2 3 4 5 60 there being enough jobs for young people 0 B 1123452 3 4 5 21210 knowing whether satan exists 123451 2 3 4 5 2222e KItiowingtrowingknowing if satan can put evil thoughts in ourOUT minasomindso 123451 2 3 4 5 23 blaming satan fortorfoctoc my wrong doingsdoingse 1123452 3 4 5 24 whether satan is as powerful as godgodegodo 1123452 3 4 5 25250 satansgatans performing miracles 123451 2 3 4 5 260 not being sure about social etiquette 1123452 3 4 5 27270 not knowing what to do on a date 123451 2 3 4 5 28280 too easily led by other people 123451 2 3 4 5 29290 trying to stop a bad habithabito 1123452 3 4 5 300 sometimes not being as honest as I1 should be 1123452 3 4 5 31 helping those who are teitertemptedteraptedapted by satansatanecatane 1123452 3 4 5 32320020 overcoming the influence of satansatano 1123452 3 4 5 33330 satan tempting us where we are veakweakbeakoweako 123451 2 3 4 5 34340 resisting temptationstemptationotempfcationotemptationo 1123452 3 4 5 350 satansgatans connectconnectioconnectionion wiwithth communismcommancommunlsneisme 1123452 3 4 5 36360 finding it hard to talktaikunikubik about my troubles 1 223453 4 5 3737e37. wondering how far to go with the opposite sexlexosexo 123451 2 3 4 5 38380 wearing Berbermudarauda shorts etc 123451 2 3 5 39390 vearingwearing strapless gowns 1123452 3 5 40400 modestyandModestmodestyyandand popularitypopularityo 1123452 3 4 5 41410 what satan looks likeilkelikeoaikeo 123451 2 3 4 5 4242e whether ouija wee jee boards work and if it is wrong to use themthernocherno 1123452 3 5 43 dealing with an evil spiritsplritosporito 123451 2 3 4 5 440400o the influence of satan on gossiping cheatcheatingingy sports 0 on sunday 1 223453 4 5 44505 knowing when you are tempted by satansafarionafario 1 2 3 4 5 46460 giving into temptation 123452 1123453 4 5 47 0 lacking self controlcontrols 1123452 3 4 5 4848e feeling ashamed of something dvevve donedonee 1123452 3 4 5 49490 lacking seilsellselfseifseij confidence 123451 2 3 4 5 50500 0 swearing and dirty storiesstoriesostorieso 112345133452 3 4 5 51510 understanding howho satanssabSafcansbans power operatesoperaoperatesoopenateso 1123452 3 4 5 52520 whether satan tempts teenagers more than adults 1 23452 3 4 5 53 satanssatan11 s influence on childrenchilchiichildrenschildrenodreno 1123452 3 4 5 54540 satansgatans tempting us more when we are unhappy or ddisasasoO coucouragedcourcouragedocouragerragedagedo 1123452 3 4 5 55550 whether there would be sin if there were no Scstanitan 1123452 3 4 5 56560 thinking too much about the opposite sexlexosexo 123451 2 3 4 5 5757e the importance of modestynodemode sty 123451 2 3 4 5 58580 offcoloroff color jokes 123451 2 3 4 5 590 influencing others to have modest speech 123451 2 3 4 5 60goegoo getting our dates to double datedateo sssmisissssascontinue answee2n& au&uailall the1 iuestionsquestionsymsilasjlssaccordineaccordin& jirJLSto tothe followlfollowsfollowingfollpwing scale lo110 no concern 220 little concern 303 concerned 4 quite concerned 55eae highly concerned

1 2 3 4 5 1io age to begin datingedatingodamingo 1 2 3 4 5 20 leaving school for marrimarriagemarriagesmarriageoageeageo 123453-1 2 3 4 5 0 how to stop dating without hurting feelings 0 12345-1 2 3 4 5 4 marriage before or after missionm1 ss 1on or army serviceserviceeiceo 1123455-2 3 4 5 50 good manners on a datedateo 1 2 3 4 5 660 there being enough jobs for young peoplepeopleopeopled B 123451 2 3 4 5 61giegle bettlgettlgettingng discouraged with workworko 12341 2 3 4 5 62620 getting bored with workwonkworko 123451 2 3 4 5 63063 enjoying vorkworkvorkeworke 123451 2 3 4 5 6464e whether some classes are of any benefit for future work 13 23452 3 4 5 65650 realizing that work is a blessingblesingoblebie singo 123451 2 3 4 5 66660gge helping others sometimes for the publicitypublicityo 5 67 1 wifchowischo 1123452 3 4 0 gettinggetiinggething along with the people I work with 123451 2 3 4 5 68068 knowing how I1 can bestbe t seiteselteserve my country 0 1 2 3 4 5 69a69 having the desire to be of service to othersothersootherson 12345 my 123451 2 3 4 5 70 e service to others being too limitedlimilimitedslimitedotedo 123451 2 3 5 71710 influence of friends to disobey commandment so 123451 2 3 4 5 72072 wanting better friendfriendsfriendsofriendsonSo 123451 2 3 4 5 73730 fitting in with the kind of people I1 likeilke13keo 123451 2 3 4 5 7474e dating nonmembersnon memberslmembers of the churchchurchy 123451 2 3 5 75750 setting the proper example for nonmembernon member friendfriendsfriendsofriendsonso 123451 2 3 4 5 76760 conversation in &detingodotingovingbinging 1123452 3 4 5 77770 keeping a friendship without going steadysteadyo 1 2 Y 4 5 78078 how often to datedateo 1123452 3 5 79790 going steadysteadyo 1123452 3 4 5 800 being popular with little boneyononeymoneymoneyo oontcoptsatinesktineSKtinetunebune ansvter1ffipx3&lli lariaz allailali thexeqegtjq4ss accol4obrainaccolaoprainoptainrAin to ththe fo l1owin& slegascalesaale- 1lo10 no concern 220 little concern 330 concernedconcernedoConcernedo 4 quite concerned 550 highly concerned

123451 2 3 4 5 lo101 how to be able to talk things out with mom and dad 123451 2 3 4 5 220 gaining selfselfconfidenceconfidence on datesdatesodateno 123451 2 3 4 5 330 gaining popularitypopulaxity or being popular 123451 2 3 4 5 440 dancing with one partner all eveningeveningseveningoeueneveningeingo 123451 2 3 4 5 505 helping parents to get alongalongo 123451 2 3 4 5 6 the effect of sin on progressproprogressogressegresso 123451 2 3 4 5 70 problems of 11lifeilfeilcefe nakmakmakinging progress hardhardobardo 1123452 3 4 5 80 life being too discauragingdiscouragingdiscouragingo 123451 2 3 4 5 990 why there is so much suffering in lifeilfelifeodifeo 123451 2 3 4 5 10loo100 life being more diff1cultdifficult for me than for my parents 123451 2 3 4 5 11 knowing how to refuse a kisskisekissekisso 1123452 3 4 5 12a12e glarisorisgirls dontdoni seem to like memeo 1123452 3 4 5 13130 not being liked by boysboyst 123451 2 3 4 5 14140 not allowed to go out at nightnightodighto 123451 2 3 4 5 15150 wanting to know more about girlsgirlsogiroso 1123452 3 4 5 16 smoking gives feeling of being grown up 1123452 3 4 5 17170 understandingunder standing why smoking is so wrong it only hurts me 123451 2 3 4 5 ibo18180 more enforcement of liquor and tobacco lawslawso 123451 2 3 4 5 190igo affect of lit111liquorquor tobacco and coffee advertising 123451 2 3 4 5 20200 influence of frlarlfriendsends in breaking the word of wisdomwisdomswisdome 123451 2 3 4 5 21o21210 why progress iiss necessary 123451 2 3 4 5 22022 feeling of being forced to progressprogresso 123451 2 3 4 5 23023 desiring progress 123451 2 3 4 5 244 the effects of habits on progress 123451 2 3 4 5 25 how far I1 ctlncolncan droprogressprogresaprogressoprogrecsoprogressgresa 1123452 3 4 5 26260 understanding chatwhat the word of wisdom is 112345 2 3 4 5 2727. understanding why some things are not good for the bodaobodybodyo 123451 2 3 4 5 28280 knowing how we got the word of wisdom B I1 2 3 4 5 w 29290 understanding the seriousness of not living the word of wisdomwisdomswisdomo 1 2 3 4 5 30 0 having a desire to break the word of wisdom 1234 71 1 1234301 money I 2345312342 3 4 5 313100 too much going into taxes 0 1 2342 3 4 5 32320 0 helpinhelpingg people in other countries get more freefreedomfreedomsfreedomodomo 2342234.2343 4 53305 330 appreciating freedom noremorenoreemoreemoreo 2 3 4 5 bw 34340 Beingbeing more patripatrioticotico0 23452345.23452 3 4 5 350 too many people in government are not honesthonesty 2 3 4 5 36360 learning what is necessary to be a good parentparento 2 3 5 370 homco T 4 too strict discipline at home 2 3 4 5 3838e bereadybebereacyready for marrimarriagemarriagesmarriageoageeageo 1234539123451 2 3 4 5 39 0 wanting to get married first and then go to the temple T 2342 3 4 540o540054045 40 how to start family evenings at home I1 2 3 4 5 41 0 wanting to live above family reputation 1 2 3 4 5 42420 learning how to dance 1 22343 4 5 43430 knowing when one isI1 s in loveo T 2 3 4 5 aj4j440 parents disapprove of choehochoiceiceieelee of datesdatesodateno 1 2 3 4 5 45450 held down too much by parents 1 2 3 4 5 46 Ptprogressogress bringing more probienproblemproblemsproblemsese 1 2 3 4 5 47470 succeeding in 11lifeilfeofeore 1 2 3 4 5 48480 taking advantages of opportunitiesopportunitieso 5 490 mento 1 2342 3 4 549049 importance of goals in achieveachievement 0 500 I1 2 3 4 5 50 0 what real progress isiso 123451 2 3 4 5 515100 wanting to know more about boys 1 2342 3 4 5 52520 0 illiiilillii111 at ease at social functionsfunctions 0 1 2 3 4 5 53 0 vantwantwantinging a more pleasing personality 0 my 123451 2 3 4 5 54540 wanting to improve appearance 0 1 2 3 4 5 55055 wondering if ever get married 1 2 3 4 5 56560 example set byilladults in bieblebleakingbreakingaking the word of wisdom 1 2 3 4 5 57570 having will power to live the word of wisdomwisdomswisdomo 1 2342 3 4 5 58 0 concerned over the great number of young people who break the word of wisdom 123451 2 3 4 5 59590 the church stresses smoking and drinking too muchmucho 1 2 3 4 5 60600goegoo understanding why people smoke and drinkdrinko 1234561123451 2 3 4 5 61 0 whether progress makes people think they are better than others 1 2 3 4 5 620 resenting the progress of othersothersootherson 1123452 3 4 5 63 0 whether all personal advancement is selfish 1 2 3 4 5 64640 satansatan limiting my progreskeprogressprogresseprogresse 1 2 3 4 5 65650 the influence of friends on progress 0 1 2 3 4 5 660660 understanding the importance of living the word of wisdom 1 2 3 4 5 w 67670 understanding how I1 can be blessed spiritually by living the word of wisdomwisdomswisdomo 1 2 3 4 5 aw 680680 communism being a threat to my freedonfreefreedomfreedomsfreedomodonodomedomo 1123452 3 4 5 69 0 allowing communism in the united statestates so 112342 3 4 5 70700 0 knowing how to oppose the forces who are taking away our freedonfreefreedomfreedomsfreedomodonodomo 1 22343 4 5 71 e knowing more about our countrycountrys s freedonfreefreedomfreedomsfreedomodonodomo 123451 2 3 4 5 72720 worrying about our country remaining freefreeefrebe 12341 2 3 4 57305 73730 wondering if the lord will always keep america freefreeo 123451 2 3 4 5 740 having trouble keeping some lausiauslawslausolawso 123451 2 3 4 5 75 0 small crimes should carry heavier penaltiespenaltieso0 1 2342 3 4 5765 76 0 maintaining dates on a high level e 1 2 3 4 5 77770 knowing how to start family evenings at homehomco 0O B 1 2 3 4 5 78 0 showlshowingng affection without petpettpettineopettingotingoI1ng 1 2 3 4 5 79 0 worried about the amount of immorality prevalent with young people todaytoday 0 1 2 3 4 5 w 8800 influencing my friends to have higher noralsmoralsmoralsomoraldo sfiemjsricontinue answerinaansweransweringlneinaine allali the imisssspjes ionslons accorim& to the followlfollows scaleseale Is 1 no concern 220 little concern 303 concerned 4 quite concerned S igllziim&lK L concernedfipjp00 123451-1 2 3 4 5 0 white lies growing into big liesllesllesoaleso 1 23452342 3 4 5 220 influence of friends tm beingbeing honesthonesto 1123453-2 3 4 5 0 whether background determines layrhymyray honestyhone sty 0 1123454-2 3 4 5 04 how I1 can learn to be honest 0 123451 2 3 4 5 550 cheating on tests 0 1 2 3 4 5 660 overcoming feelings of guiltgulitguiltoguilbo 1 2 5 7-70 how wrong do 123453 4 0 to express sorrow for ing 0 1 2 3 4 5 8080 makmakinging complete repenropenrepentancetance 1 2 3 4 5 99.90 not living tipup to my idealidealaidealo 1 2 3 4 5 10loo100 learning how to tell right from wrongwrongs 2 5 who wrong 112343 4 11 0 whether those admit doing should still 511 be punished 1 2 3 4 5 12120 understanding honestyhone stye 1 2 3 4 5 13130 how importeimportantant is honestyhoneshonestyotyo 1 2 3 4 5 14140 problem of spreading falsehoods by gossipgossipogossipy0 1 2 3 4 5 150150 problem aboutabol lt cheatcheatinglngang while under pressurepressurespressureo 1 2342 3 4 51605 16160igo getting enough chance to servserve on welfare projects 1 2 3 4 5 17170 serving as a family on welfare proiprojectactect 11 23453tc18e2 3 4 5 180 knowing how the welfare program works 0 123451-1 2 3 4 5 90190 welfare alaidaldod benefiting lazy peoplethepeople the nostmostmosto 0 1 2 3 4 5 2020e borrworryingworrYing1 about accentiacceptiacceptingng welfare aid and being con- sidered footopoorpooto 1 2 3 4 5 21 0 never having any fun with mother and daddadedado 123452112345 pa 0 1 2 3 4 5 220 rentsparents not underunderstandiunderstandsunderstandingstandistandlng me9menesmes 9 1 2 3 4 5 23230 being treated like a child atab honehomehoneo 112342 3 4 5 24240 wanting things my parents wont give me 123452 3 4 5 2525e parents expecting too much of nconeome 1123452 3 4 5 2626e stealing because of lacklaeklack of money e 1 2 3 4 5 27027 0 finding it hard at times to telltelitbell the truth 1 2 3 4 5 28280 whether certain lies are justljustijustifledofiedfledfledo 1 2 3 4 5 29 being truly honest 1 2 3 4 5 30300 having to lie to protect myselfmyselfo 0 1 2342 3 4 553131 0 failing to keep a aromipromipromisese to repent 1 2 3 4 5 3o3032ao taking repentance lightlylightlightlyelyelyoiyo 1 2 3 4 5 33 repenting of a fault the second timetimcotimeo 1123452 3 4 5 34 hwhovhoweov we caneann find out what our weaknesses are 1 2 3 4 5 35350 need for repenting of my little sins problem r 1 2342 3 4 5 36 0 about havinghav ln shopliftershopliftedshoplifted 1 2 3 4 5 370 breaking promisespromisesepromis ese 1123453-2 3 4 5 83800 having more temptation than others 1 2 3 4 5 39 sometimes knowing what is honest and what is dishonestdisdishonestodishonestyhonesto 1 2 3 4 5 40400 concerned about people gossipiigossipinggossipiing about me 1 2 3 4 5 41410 how easoeasy it is to lie 1 2 3 4 5 42420 friends stealiaplinpling little thingsthingsothingbo 1 2 3 4 5 4343e how much of a struggle it is to be honest 123454-1 2 3 4 5 440 being more honest sithvithwith myselfo 1 2 3 4 5 45 whether everyone is a little dishonestdisdishonestodishonestyhonesto 1 5 hn b B 123452 3 4 46 0 having a certain bad habitoit 1123452 3 4 5 47470 e hard to do what is right 123451 2 3 4 5 48480 getting a desire to repentdepentorepento 123451 2 3 4 5 490 bebeingingang able to remember at all times to do better 123451 2 3 4 5 50ae0e thinking bad things prevent repentingrepentingo 1 2 3 4 5 51 0 being dishonest and telling myself that just once 12345 1 11 I wontwon t hurt 0 123451 2 3 4 5 52530520 being believed when I1 tell the truthtrutho 121.2123453 4 5 53530 tattlingtattlingoTattlingo 123451 2 3 4 5 54540 getting cussed for things I1 dont do 121.23 23453 4 5 5555e being accepted by others when fmvm alfayealwaysalwaye honesthonesto I11 3 4 5 56 understandunderstandinging spiritualspirlirair1tualtuai belefbenefbenefitsits of the welfare progranioprogrampro granio 1 23452 3 4 5 57570 bishop beinabelnabeing unfair with welfare funds e 1123452 3 4 5 58580 unworthy people receiving welfare helpheiphelpochelpo 123451 2 3 4 5 59590 understanding value of welfare program during these modern timesetimesotimmse 123451 2 3 4 5 60 worried about someone in the family 123451 2 3 4 5 61 being criticisedctiticizedcriticized by my parents 123451 2 3 4 5 62 parents not trustatrustingfigrig me 123451 2 3 4 5 63 e parents old fashioned in their ideasidelsoideaso 1123452 3 4 5 64640 unable to discussdJS CUSS certain problems at homehimeohomeo 1123452 3 4 5 65 talking back to my parOnparentsparontsparenpa rentts60 1123452 3 4 5 66660 cheating the lordlordolondo 123451 2 3 4 5 67 being honest with my parentsparenparentsotso 123451 2 3 4 5 68068 blaming satan for nosinostmodimost of myray dishonestydishonestdishonestyoyo 1123452 3 4 5 69ggsgge being dishonest for the excitementexcitements 1123452 3 4 5 700 being honest with the bishopbishopebishopo 1 2 3 4 5 71710 repentidepentirepentingRepentiapnp when the other person does not forgiveforgiveeforgforgivenivee 123451 2 3 4 5 72 repenting of evil thoughtsthoughtsothoughtso nothing else involved 1123452 3 4 5 73 not having a desire to repentdepentorepento 123451 2 3 4 5 74740 understanding what repentance is god wewo 123451 2 3 4 5 75 0 will help us if have sinned e 123451 2 3 4 5 76760 being stubborn with my family and friends 1123452 3 4 5 77770 hurting peoples fellingefeelingsfeelingefeelinge 123451 2 3 4 5 78780 being jealous 1123452 3 4 5 79 Ddislikingis1ikingaking someonesomeoneosomeoneeoneo 1123452 3 4 5 80800 understanding the reasonrenason why parents ask us to do certain thinasthinesthingsothingbo 109






212521 25 knowledge 414541 45 knowledge 263026 30 revelation 465046 50 revelation 313531 35 eblyholy ghost 515551 55 holy ghost 364036 40 knowledge 566056 60 knowledge


colbinCOLUINCOLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 15 missionary work 414541 45 missionary work 6106 10 standard works 465046 50 standard works 111511 15 jesus christ 515515551 555 jesus christ 162016 20 baptism 565856 58 baptism 212521 25 sabbath day 596559 65 sabbath day 26302643026 30 missionary work 667066 70 missionary work 313731 37 god 717571 75 standard works 380384038 400 jesus chrchristst 768076 80 god


151 5 joseph smith 414541 45 joseph smith 6106 10 prayer 465046 50 prayer 111511 15 spirituality 515551 55 spirituality 162016 20 priesthood 566056 60 priesthood 212321 23 priesthood 616561 65 temple work aj2j243024 30 tetenpietempletempiemple work 667066 70 joseph smith 313531 35 consecration 717571 75 consecration 364036 40 prayer 768076 80 prayer PAGE 4

COLUMN 1 colmCOLWCOLUMN 2 151 5 worship and reverence 414541 45 worship & &reverencereverence 6106 10 forgiveness 464846 48 forgiveness 111511 15 testtestimonyimonyemony 495149 51 testimonyT estimo ny 162016 20 free agency 525552 55 worship & reverence 2125 covenant people 566056 60 free agency 263026.30 tithes and offerings 616561 65 covenant people 313531 35 eternal truthstroths 667066 70 tithes & offerings 364036 40 free agency 717271 72 eternal truths 737573 75 tithes & offerings 768076 80 covenant people iloiio110





2125 satan 41454.14541 45 satan 263026 30 morality 465046 50 morality 313531 35 satan 515551 55 satan 364036 40 morality 566056 60 morality



151 5 marriage 414541 45 marriage 6106 10 work 465046 50 work 111511 15 service 51555115551 55155 service 162016 20 peerpeep group 566060go 60.60 peer group 212212521 252 work 616561 65 work 263026 30 service 667066 70 service 3640 marriage 717571 75 peer growgroup 768076 80 marriage PAGE 3


151 5 marriage 4145 marriage 6106 10 progress 465046 50 progress 111511 15 marriage 515551 55 marriage 162016 20 word of wisdom 566056 60 word of0f wisdom 212521 25 progress 616561 65 progress 263026 30 word of wisdom 666766 67 word of wigdom 313531 35 freedom 687568 75 freedom 3634036403 40 marriage 768076 80 marriage PAGE 4


151 5 honesty 414541 45 honesty 6106 10 repentance 465046 50 repentance 111511 15 honesty 515551 55 honesty 162016 20 welfare 565956 59 welfare 212521 25 love 606560 65 love 263026 30 honesty 667066 70 honesty 313531 35 repentance 717571 75 repentance 364036 40 honesty 768076 80 love SEMINARY directional objectives iliiii111 with sub obaobjobjectivesectiveactive s 7 exaltation exaltation is to become as god is 1 APOSTASY a god eternal life following satan instead of bbo celestial alory5lory61ory a satanestansotancatan is the author of apostasy c eternal increase b apostasy is a constant danger dod power to create and threat e gods and godessesgoddessesGo c apostasy of the individual ffollows desses the sainesame pattern as the apostasy of the church 898 FAITH faith is the motivation force in our lives a desire to do shatswhaswhats right 2 BAPTISM b god entrance belief in baptism is essential for into c live by faith on earth the lordslorddord kingdom dod healings accomplished through faith a renewal of the covenant to keep e miracles commandments see covenant people b proper thgltzauthorityau c0cac by immersion 9 forgiveness dod of sins remission sim develop and understanding of and a capacity for forgiving others a forget when forgiving 334 consecration beb sympathize with others give of your titinetimeaiediedleqie and talents in coc try to understand building the kingdom of god others a cooperate with others bbe be selfishunselfishlaniantan 10 FREE AGENCYAGBHCY c prepare to the law of live accept responsibility for your own acts consecration a make right choices and decisions dod sacrifice b do not compel others e toysiiitoyiToySayaloyalIiIyil nevot coc indureendure to the end f devotionionlon dod be just gog ab7bobe3teiee d ience e be responsible fof hoorhonor the rights of others ggo exercise self control 4 COVENANT PEOPLE h be obedient members of the church are a covenant 41 1 accept the ffallfali of man as part of the people eternal planallailali a who are the covenant people b what is expected of the covenant people 11 FREEDOM c do you have the spirit of destiny develop patriotism in promotingpramotpromoting the cause of freedom a be actively 5 DEATH interested in lo110 america as the promised land death is an important phase of gods 2 governments eternal plan for mankind 3 liberty a why deadeathh 4 politics b world spirit 5 world condtbondtconditions1 ionslons c life after death b oppose evil forces dod resurrection

6 ETERNAL TRUTHS 12 oodGODGQB do not change eternal truths god lives and is our eternal father he is a fact and theory a of our mercy and father spirits b lawlam of justice bob A personal being c plan of salvation c A loving father dt Niuniversalversalversai laws dod unchanging 112

13 HOYbolyboy GHOST 1911 MARRIAGEMARRIAGJS kiiveJ tiveJ ve worthy to receive the marriage parenthood and home life are guidanceidanceadance of the holyrolroihol haghosth2sj of divine origin the holy ghost is a a preppreparelreire for templetempie marrimarriagep age a comforter b realize the evils olof01 divorce b spiratinspiritinspiratIninspirationalI1 on 1 l guide c honor your parents c mediatmedhatmedimedlmodi a lorboror d strengthen family ties through home d distinct personcpersonaiidliddllydilyalby11idlbyty evenings family sociasocialssociatsls and Dimilyfamily 0 revelator13evelator togetherness in religious activities e realize the obligations and sacredncssacrednessacrsacrednessednes 441441 uototy of ixplrcnlhoodirenchood borborovfljalj T be honest with yourself f boruvhaikai uVI1 and others a be sincere 20 missionary WORK b doDT 0 ilorio110notnobt become dedicated tobo the great missionary 1 bobi aisipP movement of the church 2 lie a become a part of the destiny of the 3 steal lords kingdom through preparation fo- i A foreign mission 15 JESUS CHRIST 2 lifetslife mission jesus is our savior b share the gospel with friends and a birth encourage them to be active in the b boyhood church education program c minministrylstryastry d atonement 21021 mofiajjrMORALITYff e lord of all the earth live a clean lifeilfee a have purelifthoughts JOSEPH SMITHSMIPH b be modest in dress r1ftollfilPROPHKTS113 c let your donductkonduct be in harmony with joseph smithsrnilhsrnish indent cind church teachings modern prophets were and are d avoid unclean speech divinely authorized 0C chastityghastily accept and sustain ancient and modern prophets as being 22 PEORPKKRpeer GROUP a divinedivinelyjy authorized servants make friends with those who live the b revelafcorsfteveeteve 1 itorsigors gospel standards c interpreters of truth a yield only to the right when under d seers social pressure b choose wholesome friends knowleiknowlenKNOWLEDGEDGI c follow church standards on dating beilelle diligent in seeking truth d be a good follower a acaclaelaei lively parpanpirtairt1lidlimbimcapatecjpatecj pate inn e make many lasting friendships 11. auxiliary c-classesss es f be a dynamic leader 2 church schools b seek 233 PRAYKRprayer 1 study pray sincesincerelynelsneisrety P 1nte1jjintelligently7entjy and often 2 learning a learn how to pray individualindividuallyy and 3 wisdom in groups 4 intjnbellifiencee lligalig eneenc e b learn to discern answered prayers 5 understandUnders band ing c great people prayfirstpray firstarstfirstfirso vision 8.8 101.0loioioklokIDWoj 24 priesthood love god your fellow man and make the power and benefits of the yourself priesthood an active part of your life a be 1J courteous 2 kind A aaronic 3 understanding b authority 4 selfselfrespectingrespecting c christchristfschristas organization b keep godsgod commandments d church organization e melchizedek 1131.1313

25 PROGRESS 31 SERVICE give opposition is necessary for progress divedivejivegivelve of yoursyourselfI1 lf freely in helping a learn to accept and rise above all people 13 defdefeateat 3 trials a accept opportunities to serve 202 failure 4 opposition b cooperate with others b avoid procrastination c use your talents freely c work towards d be selfishuhselfishunselfishuh 1 achievements e do that for others which they cant 2 eternal progression do for themselves 3 hanaihappinesshanpi1 ness 4U becoming as oodgod now iisS 323 2 SPIRITUAspiritualityLITY d personal record build a dynamic spiritual attitude e selfselfevaluationevaluation a be humblehumbbumbuleuie b live the teachingst of the gospelL 26 1vsligi0tRELIGIONft & SCIENCE c obey religious authority there is no conflict between true d radiate rligionreligione 1 and true science a god is the author of both religion 33 STANDARD ureswresORKSWRKSdresores and science the standard works contain the gospel b religion gives us the way of ifelifeilfe plan cCO science a bible h cannonizationcannonizabion b old testament of scriptures 27 repentanceREMPTANCE c new Testtestamentanentament i doctrinal repentance is necessary for growth d book of mormon explanations and happiness e doctrine & j ancient records a recognize your errors covenants k use of scrioturesscrinturesscrinscripturestures b be willing to face reality f pearl of great c make wise decisions price d be willing and capable to change g spriedinspriedIn version ofdf e seseek1 forgivnessforgiveness when in error the bible

28 RErevelationrevktationrevolationVOLATION 343 TEMPLE TORKinoindTAO RK claristchristst s church is built and operates temple work iis1 s necessary for exaltation on divine revelation a genealogy accept the principle of revelation b purpose of temples which consists of c construction of temples a dreams d restoration b inspiration e spiritual 353 TESTIMONY c prophecy confirmations achieve a strong testimony of the divin- modemmodern & ancient f visions ity of the gospel of jesus christ bear your testimony often 29 SABBATH DAY a that is it keep the sabbath day holy b how achieved a attend all church meetings c how kept or lost b let your sunday activities be in keeping with the sabbath 36 TITHES AND OFFERINGS c gain an understanding of thelords lord share your material blessings through will concerning thebhe sabbath the payment of tithes and offerings e historyt of a the fast and fast offerings b tithing 30 SATAN c lardfarduardilardwardI budget avolavoldavoidd satans influence and the very d necesscnecessenecessary for celestialceles tiaiblaibial exaltation appearance of evil understand that he is1 i s the father of asa apostasy e fear i sin b deceit f fatehate j sunerstitionsuperstitionsimerstitjon c envy g indifference d evil h jealousy k worldliness 37037 WELFARE PIANPLAN the welfare plan is of divine origin0ri g 1 n aca provide for worthy poor b1 donate your labor c find employment for others d prepare for future needs 0 practice frugality and thrift I1i care for your own fantlyamilyfamily

3388 WORDWO RD OF WISDOM the word of wisdom was given by god for owlown physical and spiritual weweliwellwehlzhi711zyi bebeinging Cat do not 1 use tobacco 2 drink tea coffee or cholicalalcholicalcoholic beverages b1 eat wholesome foods cl keep physically fit

39 WORK accept the dignity of work C 1 aCletlel setget righteous goals and achieve them b1 develop initiative c enjoy working

40 WORSHIPWOR 15hip AND KEWRAWCEREVERAAME develop the capacity for worship and leveranceverancerereverance Ca1 build a personable relationship with god 1b show respect in church buitbuilbultbuildingsdings c honor the sabbath day


I1 APOSTASY 5 4 deatedebthdf4athDEATH 26260 IMIGIONRELIGION AND SCIENCE 8 FAITH 7 exaltation