CHAPTER 10. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION Northwest Arkansas’ Population Is Growing Rapidly
NWARPC 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan CHAPTER 10. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION Northwest Arkansas’ population is growing rapidly. Public support and advocacy for improved conditions for bicycling and walking have grown even faster, as evidenced by community input and community funding towards facilities. This emphasis on non-motorized transportation reflects a desire by the region’s population for livable walkable communities, in which young and old alike are able to move about. Almost every transportation improvement is an opportunity to enhance the safety and convenience of walking and bicycling. Bicycle and pedestrian needs must be given "due consideration" under Federal surface transportation law (23 U.S.C. 217(g)(1)). This consideration should include, at a minimum, a presumption that bicyclists and pedestrians, including persons with disabilities, will be accommodated in the design of new and improved transportation facilities. The benefits of non-motorized transportation include health and environmental as well as economic. Businesses are increasingly concerned about locating in livable communities in order to attract and retain employees. Bicycling and walking are important elements of an integrated, intermodal transportation system. Constructing sidewalks, installing bicycle parking at transit, teaching children to ride and walk safely, installing curb cuts and ramps for wheelchairs, striping bike lanes and building trails, all contribute to our transportation goals of safety, mobility, economic growth and trade, and to the enhancement of communities and the natural environment, and security. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS REGIONAL BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN The Northwest Arkansas Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was adopted by the RPC/Policy Committee on December 1, 2015 and is considered part of the 2045 MTP.
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