We Want to Promote People Cycling to This Park Using the Pathway Network. What Features Would You Like to See at This Park That Would Help Promote This?
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Verbatim Responses – Inglewood Pump Track: Spring 2021 1 We want to promote people cycling to this park using the pathway network. What features would you like to see at this park that would help promote this? Not everyone will cycle here, parking needs to be factored in. Design features to ensure a safe access/egress is essential. is critical to ensurea Water fountain, bike repair station with a pump, shade Put more green spaces, and also picnic tables and benches. A multi functional area over by the river for those not using the pump track would be great. This track should be placed at the far west end so the river can be enjoyed by those using the green space and not the track. Open up the design a bit compared to the south Glenmore track to allow for more strait sections to help build pumping skills. You have a large site so why build it so tight. bike racks, washroom There aren’t enough pump tracks so people are going to drive there. It’s most fun on a dirt jumper or bmx bike which isn’t conducive to commuting on a bike path. There needs to be parking. Please build one by Telus Spark. It’s the perfect location! You need to get the business community and Inglewood community to support it. Right now businesses are so opposed and the community is so angry. I don’t think they’ll offer any help. What additional capacity of vehicle access and parking are you planning for the surrounding residential area? Does this question address a potential concern. Local residents deserve to understand the effect of place/impact to where they live. Integration with the natural space. Great idea for the bike park! Nose hill or Bike path in Charleswood would be a great location to build and is in high demand An outdoor gym and more green space for games and other sports. Seems too single use as a bike track. Keep the track at the West end of the field so picnics being had are close to river side Keep the cycle track at the West end of the field and keep the East end open green space or multi-use field and seating areas. My preference is a multi-functional area with unique amenities found in cities around Europe. Multi- use field (soccer, ultimate frisbee, football, baseball), tennis/pickleball courts, ping pong tables, bocce ball lanes (used for curling in winter). For a family with extremely young children, people using the pathway network would need: locations for washrooms (if there are existing, wayfinding) or opportunities to stop and rest. However, I also think parking should be offered as well. Will the project go to public, competitive open tender? Why are we playing Swiss companies for pump tracks when there are multiple Alberta companies that employ local people, with the proven track records of building the same amenities for half the price? Dog park! Water fountains or water feature, garbage cans/recycling, picnic area with shade structure I would like to suggest an alternative to wasting this peaceful, pristine piece of our community, the the cross-country ski loops area by Fort Calgary, would use a popular central hub already accessed by families and youth alike. Thank you for your consid move this pump park somewhere else it does not belong in this area at all Picnic table, a covered rest / eating area the three recently installed in Fish Creek Park, public washroom maps of cycle network and major routes in the area incl 9 av cycle route We just moved to this neighborhood and are very disappointed how there was no engagement with the community on this project. This is going to add to the parking problems and create a noise and garbage nuisance. We are totally against this project. Verbatim Responses – Inglewood Pump Track: Spring 2021 2 Maybe you could move the park and pathways to a city that doesn't have 8 months of winter? How can someone from northwest Calgary be expected to bike 1 hour to get to this pump track. I think parking is needed paid parking A dirt style track like the one in Chestermere Promote mountain biking for kids and youth. Wide pathway, so that kids and fast adult checkers don’t have to compete for limited space. Multiple other attractions on the way there, like scenic benches, water fountains, bathrooms Make it huge and with some scale. Make three different separate skill sections. Sharps disposal for the druggies that will be moving in from the river encampments Bike parking, a tool stand, theft prevention measures. Access from 9 Ave in Inglewood!! water Better way finding and lighting FInd a different site that has better parking lot. Plentiful bike parking, great signage and wayfinding (signs in parking lot with neighbourhood travel times by bike for next time?), entrances from the BRT pathway on the West side and the Bow pathway in both the Northeast and Southeast. Ideally, no parking... Increased traffic to this quiet, residential street is a MAJOR concern... People will drive so traffic/parking is HUGE issue. Not sure how to convince a parent or child to ride across the city to go to a pump track, then expend all their energy there and have to somehow convince their kids to ride all the way back home... Parents will be driving their kids here unless they live in the neighbourhood...Take a poll at the other pump tracks to see how many people bike from other parts of the city... Moms with kids drive to pump tracks. There is nothing you can do to convince a parent or child to ride across the city to go to a pump track, then expend all their energy there and have to somehow convince their kids to ride all the way back home... Put the track in another site that does not have parking.. Ideally, no parking... Put the track in another site that does not have parking.. Ideally, no parking... Washroom facilities so people can plan on being there all day. If you can come all day, then it becomes worth it to ride your bike. If you're limited to the size of your bladder, you'll usually drive. Just a port a potty would work. Like to see a dog park and green space with benches/tables. have separate bike and pedestrian pathways from Pierce estates park and the Inglewood Bird sanctuary If you also added some small chin up bars and dip rack The cycle pathway needs to be separate from the walkers. Electric bikes or scooters not allowed. Seating and shade areas for parents Picnic tables, secure area to lock bikes, benches to watch cyclists/skaters/scooters. Signage and seating (picnic tables) Continue asphalt bike path trough to the park. I think it’s mostly gravel now. Water bottle filling station. Bike rack. Skills/progression area and a decent bike lockup area would be nice! Verbatim Responses – Inglewood Pump Track: Spring 2021 3 Benches (places for parents to watch or use their phones safely), garbage cans (lots... people use the a lot in Inglewood), aesthetic features - prairie plants/env. architecture, interpretive spaces re. River, ecosystem health, etc., dog waste dispenser Places to lock up a bike. Outdoor benches. Garbage and recycling receptacles. Bike parking and lockup areas; crosswalk lights to make crossing the roads safer I would like to see it located somewhere else, This side of Inglewood has lost enough of its green space. Leave this area natural for soccer and picnics etc. It would create a parking nightmare for the residents. Why not old refinery park? Alignment with the NEWLY INSTALLED green features. So much money has gone to planting and updating the area, that paving over it without consideration of the overall park area would be crazy More dedicated and separated bike lanes on streets that lead to and from the area. Signage on the river pathway North and South of the pump track Signage from the pathway system, bike racks. Areas for families to sit and picnic while their kids use the track. I do NOT want to see this happen. I live directly across and the in coming traffic will adversely afftect the area. We need a dog park or even a soccor park for the locals. The green space is also a natural playground to the kids in the area. Vote NO!!!!! Some addition cycle track access to the area. Currently there is only one bike path along the river and there aren't many/any communities upstream or downstream. Impoving cycle access over/under Blackfoot Trail to Inglewood would be great!d would be Bike pumps, quality lighting, picnic tables, outdoor restroom, charging ports, snack hut, any outdoor programs to engage young and old cyclists Generally: improve the pathway network connectivity. It would be nice to have a built-in bike repair stand present at the park (like the one at the university). A community garden Permit Parking so we don't lose our spots in front of our houses, Greenery/planting to provide both visual and sound buffering for residents of 7th ave, adequate garbage disposal. Good easy access to the track from existing bike path/lanes, bike racks, tables and maybe a washroom Bathrooms Good bike parking; good interface with the river. This space needs to be multi use for everyone. We need a small kid friendly park and even a senior work out space or an enclosed dog park, We need way more trees make this feel more nature space A large green space for resting, with shade planned into the landscape plan.