Captain Rh Wilkinson Is New Chief of Staff

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Captain Rh Wilkinson Is New Chief of Staff ian Vol. V, No. 23 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 22 September 1951 WASP BACK IN SERVICE CAPTAIN H. 0. PARISH TO COMMAND THE ROANOKE - OF STAFF (AFPS)-Brooklyn, N. Y.-Once CAPTAIN R. H. WILKINSON IS NEW CHIEF again the "stinger" of WWII will roam the seas. In brief ceremonies Relieving Captain Herman 0. Parish as Chief of Staff to Commander, at the New York Naval Shipyard Naval Operating Base this week was Captain Robert H. Wilkinson who here, the aircraft carrier USS arrived on board the USNS Pvt. E. H. Johnson on Monday. Wasp CV-18 was recommissioned. Captain Parish; who came to - _ ___ The 32,000-ton flat-top, modern- Guantanamo in January of 1950, of Naval Operations in 1949. ized under a speed-up program six has been ordered to duty as Com- Arriving with Captain Wilkin- months ahead of schedule, has an son were his wife, the former increased displacement of 5,000 Gladys Duvall of Annapolis, Mary- tons and will be capable of hand- land and their daughter, Letitia, ling jet-propelled planes. ADM Lynde D. McCormick, Cin- CLantFlt., the principal speaker, said it was his opinion that even- tually all aircraft carriers "will be equipped with atomic bombs." He added that the "size of the atomic bomb has been reduced and its availability increased." In placing the big carrier in the Atlantic Fleet, ADM McCormick said the carrier task force "ex- emplifies modern sea power" and, * together with other ships of the Captain Robert H. Wilkinson, USN fleet, produces a formidable fight- age 3. The Wilkinson's eldest ing team. child, Robert H. Junior, 19, is a Changes in the Wasp include attending William & Mary College strengthened flight deck for jet Captain Herman O. Parish, USN aircraft, heavier armament, mod- at Williamsburg, Virginia as a manding Officer of the U.S.S. sophomore. ern fueling system for planes, Roanoke (CL-145). stronger elevators and improved Captain Wilkinson comes to the communication control for air- Base from ComPhibGrp Four in THANKS FROM JAMAICA craft. A 1 s o, tougher arresting which he served as Chief of Staff RED CROSS cables to handle jet planes have and Aide. He is a native of New been installed. Smyrna Beach, Florida and is a USS Wasp, eighth Navy vessel graduate of the New Smyrna Rear Admiral Murphy, Base to carry that name, was commis- Beach High School. He entered the Commander, received a letter this sioned in November, 1943. Soon Naval Academy in 1924 and grad- week from Lady Sylvia Foot, Presi- after, she was engaged in many uated with the Class of '29. dent of the Jamaica Branch of the battles and air strikes, continuing His first duty was aboard the British Red Cross, and wife of the to harass the enemy throughout the Governor of Jamaica thanking the Pacific campaign. On one occassion U.S.S. California (BB-44) followed by continuous sea duty until 1936 personnel of the Base for the $1,000 a bomb hit her flight deck causing contributed to aid disaster victims when he was transferred to NOB, many fatalities, but the "lady" was Norfolk. The Captain's of the recent hurricane there. launching planes in less than an sea duty to that time had consisted of air- The hurricane caused extensive hour. craft carrier and destroyer duty. damage that ran into millions of Commanding USS Wasp and its In 1938 he returned to sea and dollars in property damage and crew of 2,000 is Capt. Burnham C. during World took the lives of over 150 persons. McCaffree of Canova, S. D., War II he served as a ve- Commanding Officer teran of more than 29 years service. of the de- Lady Sylvia Foot's letter read stroyers Ward and Compton, also in part, ". we are deeply touched as Commander Transport Division that you and your people at Guan- TIME CHANGE 21 and Destroyer Division 110. His tanamo should think of us in our last sea duty was Commanding distress and we are quite over- * At 2:00 a.m., Sunday, 30 Septem- Officer of the U.S.S. Canisteo whelmed by the generosity of your ber, 1951, the Naval Operating (AO-99). gift. To you and to all those at Base, in accordance with Base Captain Wilkinson served on the Guantanamo who have subscribed Order No. 4-51, will revert to Military Staff Committee of the to this sum I say a very sincere Eastern Standard Time and all United Nations at Lake Success, 'Thank you' from the Jamaica clocks will be set back one hour. New York, in 1948 with the Chief Branch of the British Red Cross. Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 22 September 1951 Sunday, 23 September 1951 Administration Bldg., Editorial Office, NOB Masses Room 209 - Phone 254 0 L Catholic 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 22 September 1951 0900-Naval Base Chapel Daily Mass - U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE N ' 0630 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Confessions before all Masses Rear Admiral M. E. Murphy, USN Commander Protestant Services A. G. Jones, JOSN------------ Editor KR Sunday: 0930-Sunday Sshool J. M. Mason, LT__--_ ----- Staff Advisor 1000-Adult Bible Class THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- anced by non-appropriated funds, printed 1100-Divine Worship on government equipment, for free distri- Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, Of all the evils that mar the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the Chaplains at this Activity Base Commander. mind of man, prejudice is one of CDR John F. Hagen, ChC, USN THE INDIAN is published in compliance the worst. It is so blind, so bigoted, (Protestant) with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 so brutal. It wears the black patch (Rev) 1945. which darkens the mind to the light LCDR J. J. Tschantz, ChC, USNR THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press of truth. As its very name indi- (Catholic) Service material which may be reprinted with the credit line: AFPS. cates, it pre-judges before the evidence is heard and refuses to BROWNIE SCOUTS reopen the case. REGISTER HOSPITAL NOTES Like a cat, prejudice has nine lives, more often nineteen. It curls up in the very lap of our living and Since school has started, the Elizabeth Ann Heirport News: who disturbs it. familiar question being asked is, to ENFN scratches anyone George born 6 September Born of ignorance, prejudice is "When are we going to meet again and Mrs. J. E. George; Janet Lee for the Brownies?" For the benefit to BM2 stubborn and cruel. It is judge, Taylor born 7 September jury and hangman, three in one, of the new arrivals on the Base, Taylor; Christopher Ger- and V. B. and without mercy. It is a fixed the Brownie Scouts are for the ald Cheek born 9 September to idea, a petrified feeling which little girls seven to nine years of W. H. Cheek; QMC and Mrs. knows knowledge and decides with- age. Because there are so many Heath Blackiston born 10 Septem- out reason. girls of this age on the Base we ber to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Blackis- We meet a man of another race are going to try and make it fair ton attached to the Foreign Service for each one since registrations and decide not to like him. Why, in Haiti; Karen Ann Mossey born nobody knows. He is different and for all have expired. 11 September to TECA and Mrs. rubs us the wrong way. That Registrations will be accepted R. M. Mossey; Fernando Roldan, settles it. We sentence not only Monday, September 24th, from 9:00 Jr. born 16 September to FP3 and the man but his whole race to a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the Girls Mrs. F. Roldan; and Mary Lou contempt. Scouts Building on Marina Point DeLorenzo born 17 September to next to the Little Theatre. Phone We love to read the papers, TSGT and Mrs. V. P. DeLorenzo. listen to speakers and meet the registrations will not be accepted. William R. Poe, HM1 has re- people who agree with us, never Parents are requested to register enlisted on board for six years. once thinking that we and they their daughter who must have R. Day, HMC has received orders could both be wrong. reached her seventh birthday by to ComOne and T. W. Little, HM2 the 30th of September. S "Can any good come out of has received orders to Corpus Nazareth?" was asked a long time We are badly in need of assistant Christi. ago. Give a place a bad name and leaders and helpers in order to J. P. Crawley, EMPi and J. D. we can find no good in it though make the organization a success. Troutman, HN have departed for God may walk there in the shape If you are interested drop by the leave in the States. of man. building on Monday morning. You H. E. Hart, HM2, V. F. Frazee, To the General Confession it do not have to have a child in the HM2 and R. L. Stinson, HM1 are might be well to add the prayer: Brownies to be a leader and pre- among the lucky ones whose fami- "Forgive our false and foolish pre- vious experience in Scouts isn't a lies arrived on the Base recently. judices which make us so narrow, necessity. LT J. E. Herman, MSC; LT S. L. so mean, so cruel." The little girls look forward to Moschella and family; and J. C. these meetings, therefore it isn't Shaw and family have departed Washington (AFPS)-Flag offi- fair to disappoint them in not for Stateside duty.
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