Rebecca Peters

Born in Preston, Lancashire, Rebecca began dancing at the early age of three at The Carol May academy of dance, following the RAD ballet syllabus and the ISTD tap and modern syllabus. Rebecca gained distinction at all levels of RAD and achieved the ARAD (associate of The Royal Academy of dance) in 2006.

Rebecca danced as an associate of School, and then went on to gain a place at White Lodge, The Royal Ballet lower School. Whilst at The Royal Ballet School, Rebecca danced with The Royal in The Nutcracker for three seasons. She also danced at the opening ceremony of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in front of her majesty the Queen. Another highlight of her time at White Lodge was dancing in the opening of Mick Jagger's performing arts school, and being in a BBC documentary with Jennifer Saunders.

Rebecca continued her training at Elmhurst School in association with The . Here she gained her Trinity Diploma in professional dance. Whilst at Elmhurst Rebecca went on tour with The Birmingham Royal ballet and danced numerous roles whilst doing so.

Upon graduation Rebecca successfully auditioned for The Estonian Vanemuine Ballet company. Rebecca danced as a professional ballet dancer here for three years;dancing many roles in numerous classical and neo-classical ballets. Rebecca danced with Cork City Ballet and London Ballet Ensemble.

Rebecca went onto complete the Professional Dancers Teaching Diploma with the Royal Academy of Dance, gaining a Distinction and her RAD registered teacher status.

Most recently Rebecca has helped to establish the juniors syllabus for School and is their current juniors tutor.

Rebecca loves sharing her passion for dance and passing on her performance and technical knowledge with the children she teaches.

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