SummerJuly 2017 ’s here

Traditions explained. Andalucía Carmen and summer ferias at its best Further afield. The Andalusian Long days on the beach and nights of coast beyond the music under the stars - the best part of Costa del Sol spending summer in southern


Cover photo. Puerto Banús, where luxury yachts line up alongside a string of designer boutiques and exclusive restaurants. ’s iconic marina comes to life during the summer months.


José Luis Romero Director General: RACHEL HAYNES tourist attractions too? Editor in Chief: Manuel Castillo After all, those of us who live here have Publications Director: Pedro Luis This year the summer seems to have come an advantage. We’ve done our field work Gómez all of a sudden. After an unsettled start to and we know what time we need to go to spring, with storms battering the beaches the beach and where to park to avoid the Editor: Rachel Haynes which by then we should have been lying crowds. We know that the best place for an on, when the hot weather came in June we ice cream is not necessarily the one on the Commercial Director: Jorge Artero didn’t really trust it, leaving it till the last main drag with the long queues and high Advertising Manager: Emma Vera minute to dig out the flip-flops and the sun prices. And at the same time we’re able to Art Director: Francisco Ruano cream. take advantage of all the attractions this Now though, with the school year at its area has to offer. How often do we find that Contributors to this magazine: end, exams over and the San Juan fires all tourists have seen more in their week’s Daryl Finch, Debbie Bartlett, Jennie burnt out, it’s time for summer proper. holiday than we have in years as residents? , Tony Bryant, Denise Bush, This time there’s no doubt about it: it’s hot We’re always reading and even boasting of Marlene Wörner, Ken Campbell, and the season’s in full swing. Malaga’s growing number of museums Gabriela Berner, Uwe Scheele, Kishan A quick survey of the international com- and monuments, but when was the last Vaghela, Rachael Breaks, Patrick munity on the Costa del Sol reveals mixed time we enjoyed them ourselves? The Stamann feelings towards the summer season. For same can be said for waterparks, river many who work in the tourism industry walks, white villages and relaxing spas, all Date: June 2017. this is the busiest season; the pace is the of them on our own doorsteps. same or even faster than the rest of the Neither do we need to go far to take a year - life goes on, work goes on, it’s hot, break and discover somewhere new: Cadiz, but that’s the point. , Granada and Almeria all have Then there are those who escape, the beautiful coastlines that are easily reach- winter sun lovers who flee the hot able from the Costa del Sol. weather for as long as possible, and there- So let’s stop complaining about the heat, fore are unlikely to be reading this. And the crowds and the traffic and enjoy what Published by Prensa Malagueña S.A. then there are the rest, who may have southern Spain has to offer, whether we’re their summer holidays, or their well-de- here for a week, a month or the rest of our @SUR_English served leisure time that the Spanish so lives. Perhaps this magazine will provide Advertising: [email protected] nicely call “jubilation”, but stay put on the some inspiration to rediscover the area. 952649669 Costa del Sol. This is where everyone else Just remember to keep out of the midday Editorial: [email protected] wants to be, so why not enjoy our many sun and stay cool! 952649600



The holidays provide us with plenty of spare time to travel a little further afield, beyond the typical Costa del Sol re- sorts and discover what the rest of Andalucíadalucíaíaa has to offer.offer. This summer magazine takes us cyclingng on anan old railwayrailway line in Cadiz province as well as provingng howhow there’s more to than surfing. 58

By the sea Thousands of tourists flock to the Costa del Sol and the entire Andalusian coastline every summer to enjoy a range of sandy beaches and the . In this issue we reveal more about the lesser known beachesacheschheses easteaseas of Malaga as well as a guide to where it’s okay to stripstrip offoff completely. Meanwhile others prefer spotting celebritieselebritieslebritielebritiess in the busy and extravagant beach clubs of Marbella.eella.6lla.

My summer We asked a cross-section of international residents on the Costa del Sol to tell us what they loveoe(ad (and hate) ate) about the summer,ummer,ummer, wwherehere they like too chillchill and whatwhat they do to kkeepeep cool on a hot day. 52 Beach food Music and

A day on the beach in the more province of Malaga is not In town complete without a tradi- From music festivals to fairs Summer evenings, once the midday heat has given way tional ‘espeto’ of sardines and : if you want to cooler temperatures, are ideal for strolling through cooked on a cane skewer some ideas about how to fill towns and villages. In this edition we look at why the over an openenen ButBut re- your long summerummerummer eveneveningsings town of is known as the gardenardenn ooff thethe CostaCosta member too checkcheck there’sthere’s nono with entertainmentttaiainmentnment thenthen del Sol, as well as taking a trip back throughouughgh the historyhistory R in the monthonth and to pputut there are plentyleeentynty of ideas iinn of an iconic holiday high street, Callelle SSanan MMigueliguel inin your knife28 and fork away.away. this section.nn.80 . 32



Unspoilt beaches and a large dose of history

Many tourists and day-trippers heading east jump from Malaga to , ignoring the quiet stretch of coastline in between

From the west of Torre del road, which was once the only one con- to Zafarraya, stopping at El , Rincón Mar to Chilches, authentic necting Malaga city with its eastern de la Victoria, Chilches, Benajarafe, To- province, curves around the cliffs and rre del Mar, Vélez-Málaga and , chiringuitos mix with fields, almost appears to be a continuation of before ending its journey in Zafarraya, fishermen’s cottages, 18th the beach in some parts. up in the mountains on the border of Generally there’s no organised Granada province. century watchtowers and parking and nobody trying to charge The old train station buildings have a former train station buildings you to park. Parking is, just off the road, uniformity about them; each one al- JENNIE RHODES on a first-come first-served basis. By the most identical in design and size. The end of the day, any vehicle perched on ones in Rincón de la Victoria and Bena- the side of the road will be covered in jarafe are used today as tourist informa- dust, if not from the slow moving trafic tion offices and lifeguard bases and in The coastline that stretches out along of the N340, from sand blown on to Torre del Mar and Vélez-Málaga they the N340 coastal road from Torre del them from the beach on which they are are home to the towns’ bus stations. Mar, through Almayate, Valle Niza, Be- practically parked. In February 1937 the N340 wit- najarafe and Chilches is not only stee- This section of the N340 was, from nessed hundreds of thousands of people ped in history but also a treat for the 1908 until 1968 shared with ‘La Cochi- from Malaga trying to flee to Almería as eyes and soul in the 21st century. The nita’, the train that ran from Malaga up news that Franco’s and Fascist Italian

Benajarafe beach and town. :: SUR


troops had enetered the city. The event is known as the Desbandá and it is mar- ked every year on the anniversary of what was to become one of the greatest losses of lives in the Spanish Civil War. The fleeing civilians were bombed from the area and attacked from land and sea; several thousand were massacred. This coastal road takes us back even further in history, however, as it is also lined with watchtowers. Most of them date back to the 18th century, when the Spanish military used them to warn of attack during the French-Spanish and Anglo-Spanish wars of the time. This Almayate beach, surrounded by agriculture. :: SUR stretch of coastline has also been used heavily by pirates over the centuries. Now the beaches simply offer wide stretches of sand, calm waters and a na- tural backdrop for those wishing to avoid the noisier and more crowded beaches of neighbouring towns.

Playa de Almayate From the mouth of the Río Vélez on the western most point of Torre del Mar, heading in the direction of Malaga, high-rise buildings and trendy beach bars disappear altogether and are repla- ced by reeds, followed by fields growing peppers, tomatoes and other local pro- duce and the occasional boatyard. The first beach on this journey has Torre del Mar train station. :: SUR Old train track near Rincón. :: SUR become a favourite among dog owners since Vélez-Málaga Town Hall designa- ted the space up to the Río Vélez as a dog beach in 2016. A little further along and the beach-goers change somewhat to naturists; a section of beach around the Almayate campsite has been a long- term favourite for those seeking a nu- dist beach. A row of hidden chiringuitos lines Playa del Hornillo, also in Almayate, a wide expanse of beach accessible via minor roads off the N340. The famous Osborne black bull has been overloo- king sunbathers from the hill on the other side of the road since the compa- ny launched its famous advertising in...and Spaniards voted en masse to keep them where they were when the company stopped the publicity.

Valle Niza On one side of the N340 is a series of Chilches, where the main road and beach run side by side. :: SUR large-modern looking housing deve-

8 lopments and on the other, the wide beach continues, with the occasional authentic looking beach-shack, no wor- se equipped than any in a larger town. It’s also home to the large Puerto Niza restaurant and a campsite.

Benajarafe Fields, the occasional housing deve- lopment and sporadic fishermen’s co- ttages give way to the town of Benajara- fe. For many years the beach has been awarded blue-flag status and the Spa- nish ‘Q for Quality.’ La Estación hostel and cafeteria displays old photos of the train as it passed through the town bringing daytrippers from Malaga. Tho- se daytrips continue today; locals say that the town’s fish restaurants are hu- gely popular with Malaga CF players who allegedly regularly dine there, as does Mayor of Malaga, Franisco de la To- rre. The town is also frequented by Spa- nish singer and actress, Victoria Abril, who has a summer home there. The beach itself is equipped with lei- sure facilities and has lifeguards on duty (using the old train station as their base) and is probably the widest part of the N340 stretch.

Chilches - the final stop After leaving Benajarafe the beach be- comes narrow again and the N340 feels like it almost forms part of it. Limited off-road parking is available on this un- developed stretch of coastline. Once again fields and the occasional cottage form the landscape on the other side of the road, before reaching Chilches. Fields give way to sand - El Hornillo beach, Almayate. :: SUR


Sunset over Valle Niza, a narrow and quiet beach close to the campsite of the same name. :: SUR

Much less developed than its neighbours Benajarafe and Rincón de la Victoria, Chilches is the last stop for unspoilt, completely natural beaches along this fascinating stretch of Mala- ga’s coast, before entering Torre de Be- nagalbón, Rincón de la Victoria and eventually the eastern suburbs of Mala- ga city. For unspoilt and award-winning bea- ches with a large dose of history, train sta- tions and watch towers still providing re- minders of the past, a visit to some or all of the N340’s lesser-known beaches is well worth the effort. Buses from Malaga have replaced the train service and stop at The Almayate Osborne bull. :: SUR The dog beach in Torre del Mar. :: SUR all the aforementioned places.


 Chilches. The first ‘out of town’ beach after Malaga.

 Benajarafe. Popular among local and na- tional celebrities and famous for award- winning beaches and restaurants.

 Valle Niza. Relaxed chiringuitos and wide beaches.

 Almayate. Fields give way to beaches and hidden beach bars.

 Torre del Mar. Near the Río Vélez is best for dogs. Almayate beach looking towards Valle Niza. :: SUR



Money, money, money... always sunny... in the rich man’s world Yachts line up in Puerto Banús, which acts bella and the mix of nationalities”. Talking about the type of ‘stars’ who tend to visit, he said, “In the 60s, 70s, The beautiful sea reflects a world of and 80s we had royalty visiting Mar- luxury with a millionaire’s appeal bella almost, and true stars roaming the ports. We do still have a lot of this now but it’s generally overshadowed by the TOWIE wannabes; it’s become a Mecca A playground for the rich and pretentiousness - that Marbella is so fa- for people who like to be extravagant famous, a stage set to enact life mous for. Walk along the port itself on a (without class).” ‘normal’ day during summer and the ex- It is difficult to talk about Marbella as a millionaire - even just for a travagant yachts, boats and su- these days without some refer- day, a battlefield for the wealthy; per cars will drown you in ence to TV shows such as opulence. TOWIE (The Only Way is Marbella is more than just a Essex) and, more re- ‘holiday in the sun’ destination Famous faces cently, Life on Marbs, RACHEL ARMSTRONG Having been a top cropping into the con- choice of holiday versation. Of course, destination for ce- whether the percep- With its enviable micro-climate, di- lebrities over the tion of ‘Marbs’ that is verse beaches and stunning views years, Marbella is the generated from the pub- across the Mediterranean Sea, it is not place to be to catch licity of such ‘celebrities’ difficult to see why Marbella attracts so sight of footballers and is beneficial for the local many tourists. TV personalities. Peter community or not divides But, aside from daytime tanning ses- Andre, Baywatch legend Pamela Anderson in opinion. sions and traditional chiringuitos Pamela Anderson, and real- Marbella. :: J. L. Lina Hodgkins, Marketing (typical beachside eatery or bar) serv- ity TV stars Abbie Holborn Director for Linekers Group ing and tinto, Marbella boasts an- and Megan McKenna are just a few loves the tourists and “watching them other string to its bow as a celebrity names to have graced the Marbella have a great time”. She said: “I am sure party hotspot. sands already this summer. it’s a mixed reaction from different resi- Events such as the Marbella Luxury Glenn Ward, founder of Things2Do dents, but without the tourists Mar- Weekend, which took place in Puerto Marbella, said it’s “the nightlife and bella wouldn’t be what it is today; you Banús at the beginning of June, epito- beach clubs” that attract people nowa- only have to look at the winter months mise the affluence - and some may say, days, as well as “the diversity of Mar- to realise how quiet it is here when

12 there are no tourists.” The 56-year-old looks forward to the summer months every year. Having lived on the Costa for 14 years after she “came on holiday and fell in love with Marbella”, Lina is a huge fan of the big opening parties and can’t wait to see the effort people make to dress up in line with the colour codes this summer. “Although there are some extremely wealthy people living here and the port and boats make it extremely attractive for the rich and famous,” Lina doesn’t view Marbella as a millionaire’s para- dise. In fact, it is the accessibility that she thinks is the main attraction for tourists these days. “Marbella is accessible to all, regard- less of wealth and background as all re- gional airports in the UK fly to Malaga these days,” she said. as a magnet for those with money to spend. :: R. ARMSTRONG Another real lover of summer in Mar-


One of Marbella’s popular summer themed parties at La Sala by the Sea. :: SUR

bella is Sandro Morelli, owner of Villa Tiberio on the Golden Mile, and he agrees that the tourists help to make it so special. “The best industry in the world is the tourists - they come, go, are happy to be here and provide wealth for restau- rants, hotels and shops,” he said. Sandro has welcomed the likes of Sean Con- nery, Prince Rainier of Monaco and the King of Saudi Arabia (among many oth- ers, photos of whom adorn the Tiberio walls) into his restaurant over the years and had television crew there earlier this month filming for an ITV show.

Splashing out in Marbs Marbella attracts men and women of all ages, a lot of whom seem to save up a small fortune to splash out in ‘Marbs’, whether it be on golfing, beach clubs or exclusive opening parties. Louisa Gar- rett, 24, from Northern Ireland, has been to Marbella seven times over the A glitzy show at Marbella’s new Club Teatro. :: JOSELE-LANZA past few years and admits that she can’t get enough of the bars, restaurants and, to be what most ‘millionaires’ come Love it or loathe it, there is no de- in particular, events such as the Ocean here for!” nying that Marbella is a headline- Club Champagne Spray. She said, Originally from London, the 32- grabbing destination. And even more “There is so much luxury and wealth year-old loves the “buzz” of summer so during summer when tourists flock which makes it great for people-watch- in Marbella and this year she is par- from all over the world with inten- ing and window-shopping!” ticularly looking forward to a new tions to spend, spend, spend. Great Kara Jaye, who owns The Boardwalk “super club” that has just opened its news for local businesses... restaurant in Marbella with her twin doors in Puerto Banús. From sun-worshippers and avid sister, describes summer in Marbella She refers to Marbella as the “it” golfers, to hard-core party animals as “showy, fabulous and trendy”. place in Spain, where competition is and celebrity stalkers, Marbella offers Why? “The lifestyle, the luxury and rife “to be better, richer and more suc- something for everyone - including opulence, and most of all the chance cessful than the rest”. And she wouldn’t the chance to live life on the red car- to show off your wealth - this seems change it if she could. pet, even just for a day or two.


Bathing the natural way

The Costa del Sol boasts numerous nudist beaches that attract both local residents and visitors

Fifty years ago, it would have tion which provides information on beach stretches between the mouth been unthinkable, but now the latest news and upcoming events the Guadalhorce river and the golf on its website course, and is indicated by appropriate there are nudist zones at the Nevertheless, places where you can signs. heart of the most popular bathe and sunbathe without clothing You won’t find too many visitors are mostly secluded, beyond the den- here, even in the summer, although it tourism resorts such as sely popular, extensive beaches of Tor- is very easy to get to. For visitors co- Torremolinos remolinos or . They do not ming with their own vehicle, parking PATRICK STAMANN always have the same facilities as you is available, and there are bus stops might find on textile beaches, but not too far away. A chiringuito provi- many of the visitors like to be in close des refreshment for bathers in sum- For some it is taboo, for others a philo- contact with nature and can easily mer. Showers, litter bins, a public tele- sophy of life: naked bathing produces cope with this lack of amenities. For phone and cleaning services all contri- very divided opinions. Some love it many an informal atmosphere free bute to a pleasant day by the sea. Ac- and do it whenever they can; others from restricting clothing makes up for cess is via N-340 or A-7 via the exit do not, but basically it is tolerated. On a lack of bars and services. 232 San Julián / Guadalmar. From the- the Costa del Sol, some naturist bea- re, a road runs parallel to the motor- ches have been established since the Beaches along the western Costa way, until a sandy path branches off to fall of the Franco regime, and over the The Playa de San Julián in Guadalmar the car parks at the beach. years other places have opened their is located in the urban area of the pro- On the beach of the Torrequebrada doors for fans of what is known in vincial capital near the airport and the estate in Benalmádena, you find the some parts of the world as “free body Guadalmar residential estate on the Playa Benalnatura, hidden in a small culture”. There is now even an associa- border with Torremolinos. This open bay several metres below the national


Playa Benalnatura. The extremely friendly and family Take atmosphere in the lovingly maintained bay is not only note pleasant, but also gives a bit of security from uninvited guests such as voyeurs or thieves.

PATRICK STAMANN road N-340. Because of its small di- sed Calahonda. This narrow, open and path down to the sea. Private vehicles mensions, it can get crowded on sum- elongated dune beach, which was de- were banned from this area some time mer weekends here. However the cosy clared a natural monument two years ago. At the bottom, you have to deci- and pleasant ambience attracts regular ago, is lined with pine trees and pro- de: wearers of bikinis and swimming visitors all year round to this stretch tected by wooden footpaths. Even in trunks go left, nudists turn right. of beach where nude bathing is com- summer, it is not overcrowded, and is pulsory. particularly popular with homosexu- No need to dress up The nudist association Benalnatura als. The transition from the adjacent Driving further towards Cadiz, nudists itself takes care of the beach and also textile beach is indicated by a simple also have their space at Estepona, runs the chiringuito and maintains sign. Restaurants, first aid stations and Playa Arroyo Vaquero Costa Natura. the rest of the facilities such as sho- toilets can be found on the textile The beach is quite narrow, but more wers, toilets, a barbecue, benches and side, but not on the nudist beach. than three kilometres long and even tables, litter bins and ashtrays as well You can get to this beach heading in the summer not overrun. The the as trees and other plants. Driving from west on the N-340 from Fuengirola. residential buildings behind it do not Fuengirola, take the N-340 to Benal- Once you have past Calahonda, exit at limit nude bathing. Chiringuitos, sun- mádena, pass the Torrequebrada casi- Cabopino and just follow the signs. beds, litter bins, showers and regular no and exit the first roundabout, hea- Cross the highway on the bridge and beach cleaning ensure a pleasant stay, ding towards the beach. The small road turn right at the next roundabout. Just and signs clarify that the nude bathing you turn onto also runs in the directi- a few metres further along you are led paradise is limited to on of Benalmádena, but parallel to the to an enormous car park. some 300 N-340. After 100 metres a sign bet- From there you have ween residential blocks points to the to follow a wide access via stairs to the bay. You can get wooden there by bus from Malaga, Torremoli- foot- nos or Fuengirola or by car early in the morning, otherwise parking can be difficult. Continuing towards Marbella, the next nudist beach is the one-kilome- tre-long Playa Marina between La Cala and El Faro in Costa. Access to the sea from this san- dy beach is a bit bumpy, as the ground is covered by rocks. The beach has, however, all the amenities that guaran- tee a nice day in the sun: a chiringuito provides re- freshment, sunloungers and parasols are available as well as toilets, sho- wers and bins. You can get there by taking the N-340 road towards Marbella. Use the Playa Marina exit to get to the car park. Pedestrians re- ach the beach crossing the bridge over the highway. There are also buses from Fuengirola, Malaga or Marbella.

A nudist’s Mecca The beach of Guadalmar If you continue westwards, is never crowded, not you will come to Cabopino even in summer. :: SUR and Artola, once you have pas- BY THE SEA

The beach of Almayate is very close to a nudist campsite. :: SUR

metres. This area stretches alongside hing zone, although it is also a the naturist hotel complex Costa Na- sought-after destination to tura (, which is also numerous textile bathers. open to non-resident customers. To The latter have therefore ex- get to Playa Arroyo Vaquero, exit the tended their space. The be- N-340 about one kilometre before Es- ach is always very well kept tepona, following the sign at a roun- and enjoys great popularity dabout. There are several free and gu- in good weather. arded car parks belonging to the hotel To get there, take the N- complex. This nudist spot is very po- 340 national road towards pular with international naturists. Nerja and take the exit just before Almayate. At the go-kart The eastern Costa del Sol track, turn right onto a sandy But also the eastern part of this beau- track. The nudist beach starts be- Cabopino, Marbella. tiful coast offers nudism lovers many hind the chiringuito. Parking is also :: SUR opportunities to take off all their clo- available at the nudist Almanat camp- thes. Only a short distance from the site (, which is rea- provincial capital lies the small and ched by going straight on at the kart pretty Playa El Candado next to the track. To get to the beach, you cross is divided into two sections: one is a marina of the same name. The beach is some grain fields. The campsite of- mixed beach while the other one is a equipped with showers and toilets as fers bungalows, a restaurant, a sauna pure naturist zone. In the first there well as a sunbathing and parasol rental and a swimming pool. are two chiringuitos, as well as sho- service, and in the summer lifeguards Take the opportunity to bathe na- wers and beach loungers. To get there, ensure the safety of the bathers. The ked on the beautiful, 350-metre-long take the N-340 from Nerja to Almuñé- sandy beach, which is only 200 metres Playa Cala del Pino which is visited by car and exit at the Mirador de Cerro long, is quickly crowded due to its re- both textile and nudist bathers. The Gordo a few kilometres before rea- duced dimensions and the proximity ambience is characterised by tolerance ching the town. In the low season, it is to the city of Malaga. Parking is availa- among both groups. You can get there possible to take the car down to the ble nearby, but you can also go by bus via the N-340. Exit behind Maro at the bay while shuttle buses operate bet- to avoid parking problems. sign saying ‘Torre del Pino’, where you ween the upper parking area and the can park in a canyon not far from the chiringuitos during the summer. Beach and campsite road. The walk down to the beach ta- As you see, the Costa del Sol has Further east, in Vélez-Málaga’s dis- kes you about five minutes. also opened its doors to naturism and trict of Torre del Mar lies the Playa And close to the provincial border, offers numerous opportunities to en- Almayate, a long sandy beach, which we come to the Playa Cantarriján in joy this particular way to feel free not is officially declared as a nude bat- . The bay where it stretches only on the beach, but also in hotels.



Summer thrills and skills on the water Adventure sports suit anyone looking for an active summer Kitesurfing and cable skiing are Andalucía is home to among the sports that continue important to grow, with more regattas. :: SUR organisations offering lessons in English than ever before KISHAN VAGHELA

Watersports feature among the most diverse and wide-ranging opportuni- ties available to visitors and residents of all ages on the Costa del Sol. With favourable weather conditions an al- most guaranteed supplement, cable skiing, kitesurfing and diving, among many other activities continue to attract novices and enthusiasts from across the province.

Kitesurfing One watersport that has undoubtedly evolved in recently years along the Andalusian coastline is kitesurfing, while there has been a commensurate increase in kitesurfing schools and In- ternational Kiteboarding Organiza- tion (IKO) instructors on the Costa del Sol, especially in the last five years. Kitesurfing lessons for children as young as eight who are accompa- nied by an adult take place at the Freedom Kite School in Estepona and in Tarifa in Cádiz, just one of the com- panies which has welcomed kitesur- fers and windsurfers alike for a few decades now, depending on the height of the waves and wind conditions. The sport sees aspects of other wa- tersports such as wakeboarding, windsurfing and surfing, as well as Tarifa is a favourite location for kitesurfers. :: SUR more indoor activities such as gym- dited with the PADI 5 Star Career Deve- nastics brought together. lopment and IDC Dive Centre award Lessons can be given in English, from the Professional Association of Di- French and Spanish. ving Instructors (PADI) and are the only CoolHot Kite School also offer British-run centre of this kind in Spain. lessons in both Tarifa and Malaga for An international team of PADI ins- people of all abilities in El Candado, tructors can lead scuba divers through with private, semi-private and indivi- courses which take place in over 100 dual classes usually lasting between different dive sites on the Costa del two to four hours for one or two days. Sol. The Costa del Sol can offer various Diving other locations to learn scuba diving, Those who prefer to spend more time such as through another five-star dive under the water and simultaenously ex- centre, the Abysub diving school in plore some of the magnificent marine Fuengirola. Not only does it offer va- life in the Costa’s waters. The Punto rious dive trips to Marbella and the Atalaya and Arrecife and Las Bovedas are Straits of , but a wide range just some of the famous dive sites which of PADI courses, including a first aid diving companies in the are make use of. programme, and open water diving Simply Diving’s two centres in Marbella course and training to become a res- and Torremolinos have both been accre- Competing in Tarifa. :: SUR cue diver.

21 A cable skier on the Las Medranas reservoir in San Pedro Alcántara. :: JOSELE-LANZA

Cable Skiing Yachting Association Sailing School Cable skiing is a form of water in Sotogrande can offer. skiing, with the difference from the A centre of the UK’s national gover- traditional sport being an electric ning body for sailing, it offers cable that pulls the skier’s rope as lessons which see learners enter Bri- opposed to a motorboat. The waters- tish, Spanish and Moroccan ports, as ports centre on Las Medranas reser- well as the Straits of Gibraltar to voir in Marbella is the only centre to gain knowledge of the tidal aspects offer cable ski lessons to those keen that come with sailing. to try the sport over the age of ten on the Costa del Sol. The centre gives lessons between 11am and 3pm and 4pm to 8:30pm, CONTACTS although those timings are subject to change depending on sunlight. Freedom Kite School: Telephone: 610 89 91 65 Costa Jump The water can also provide a fun ac- sol-kite-school/index.html tivity for children thanks to Costa- Jump. While the company are known Simply Diving : for the trampoline parks on land in Telephone: 600 50 65 26 Marbella and soon in Malaga city, Costa Jump have taken the initiative to place floating parks in the sea for Wakeboard Center Marbella: children to begin their adventures in Telephone: 952 78 55 79 the water.

Sailing RYA Sailing School Sotogrande: Of all the watersport courses availa- Telephone: 680 681233 ble this summer, none can match the diverse locations that the Royal Divers take to the waters. :: SUR



The Vithas Xanit international hospi- tal, which is part of the Vithas health group and is accredited by Joint Commission International, is the benchmark private hospital on the Cos- ta del Sol. The hospital is situated in Be- nalmádena, just 15 minutes from Mala- ga, and offers a wide range of services including more than 40 medical and VITHAS XANIT surgical specialities. It includes two major departments: the Vithas Xanit Oncology Institute and the Heart Unit. Vithas Xanit International in Benalmádena . :: VITHAS XANIT The Vithas Xanit hospital has now obtained an accreditation for safety in 2014 and this has now been re- patients of more than 115 nationalities and quality from the Joint Commis- newed by the organisation, which is in 16 languages, including English, sion International (JCI) for the second the most prestigious of its type in the Chinese, German, Swedish, Danish, time, and it is one of just 10 hospitals world. It is a division of Joint Commis- Finnish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, in Spain with this accreditation. Joint sion Healthcare Organisations Arabic etc. The team is specially trai- Commission International is the lea- (JCAHO), which aims to improve the ned to adapt to the needs and the cul- ding entity in the world in evaluating quality of service in the international ture of foreign patients and works in and accrediting the standards of qua- community by facilitating accredita- coordination with the different de- lity in medical centres. tion all over the world. partments of the hospital to ensure The Vithas Xanit International Hos- Vithas Xanit has an International that patients and their families receive pital was accredited for the first time Services Department which attends to excellent medical assistance.


Seaside devotion

She is the patron of sailors and fisher- Ten curious facts about the origins men, hence her popularity in coastal and history of the Carmen festivities regions, but some inland churches also house a statue of this Virgin; the faithful pray to her all year round, but The month of July sees the July 16th is the Feast of Our Lady of especially so at this time of year. Pictu- most cheerful of religious Mount Carmel, known in Spain as the res and images of her can also be found festival of the Virgen del Carmen. On in private homes, hospitals and fish festivals, a procession that this day, in towns along the coast, the stalls in local markets. involves sun, sea and sand and image of this Virgin is carried in proces- Visitors enjoy the festivities on 16 sion through the streets and often ta- July each year, but may not know whose history involves a garden ken into the sea or , watched by hun- much about the history behind them. in Israel and an English saint dreds of people on the seafront prome- Here are some facts that shed more JESÚS HINOJOSA nades, the beaches or from brightly de- light on the origins of this summer tra- corated fishing boats close to the shore. dition. Devotion to the Virgen del Carmen is very deep-seated in Malaga province. 1. A religious order whose origins lie in Israel The origins of the devotion to the Vir- gen del