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Histology Review Summary © Medical Board Review Services Histology Review Summary © Medical Board Review Services A. Tissues 1. Epithelial a. Simple Epithelium (1) Simple Squamous (a) Loop of Henle (b) Pulmonary Alveoli (2) Simple Cuboidal (a) Ovarian Surface Covering (b) Gland Ducts (3) Simple Columnar (a) Absorptive Lining of Digestive Tract (b) Larger Ducts (c) May be Ciliated or Non Ciliated b. Pseudostratified Epithelium (1) Several Cell Types (2) All contact Basal Lamina (3) Not all reach Lumen (4) Locations (a) Male Urethra (b) Larger Respiratory Passages c. Stratified Epithelium (1) Trauma Resistant (2) Lower Absorption (3) May be Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar or Transitional types (4) Locations (a) Vagina (Nonkeratinized) (b) Esophagus (Nonkeratinized) (c) Skin (Keratinized) 2. Connective Tissue Cells a. Mesenchymal Cells (1) Perivascular Locations (2) Embryonic Leftover Cells (3) Possibly Precursors to Adipose Cells b. Reticular Cells (1) Framework for (a) Lymphoid Tissue (b) Bone Marrow (c) Liver (2) Primitave Tissues like Mesenchyme c. Fibroblasts (1) Synthesize Glycosaminoglycans (2) Synthesize Amorphous Ground Substance (3) Collagenous, Reticular, Elastic Fiber formation d. Macrophages "Histiocytes" (1) Fixed and Free (Wandering) types (2) When stimulated, move via pseudopods (3) Phagocytosis (4) Together form Foreign Body Giant Cells (5) Secrete Enzymes e. Plasma Cells (1) Larger than Lymphocytes (2) Rare in Connective Tissue (3) Common in (a) Lymphoid Tissue (b) G.I. Lamina Propria (c) Sites of Chronic Inflammation f. Mast Cells (1) Common in C.T. in groups (2) Contain Granules (a) Heparin (Anticoagulant) (b) Histamine (Bronchiole Smooth Muscle contraction, Capillary Dilation, increased Capillary Permeability) (c) Serotonin (Vasoconstrictive) (d) ECF-A (Attracts Eosinophils) (e) SRS-A (Increased Vascular Perm.) (f) Ag + IgE = Degranulation g. Leukocytes (1) Transported via Blood (2) Major actions in Extravascular Spaces (3) Lymphocytes & Eosinophils most common Leukocytes in C.T. h. Fat Cells (Adipose) (1) White and Brown Types (2) Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Organelles all pushed to Edge by Lipid Droplets 3. Connective Tissue Fibers a. Collagen Fibers (1) In all C.T. types (2) Formed of the Protein Collagen (3) White and Tough (i.e. Tendon) (4) 5 Sub-types b. Elastic Fibers (1) In Loose Fibrous C.T. (2) Formed of the Albuminoid Elastin (3) Many in Major Blood Vessel Walls c. Reticular Fibers (1) Support Network Fibers (2) Formed primarily of Type III Collagen 4. Loose Connective Tissue a. Reticular (1) Primative C.T. Type (2) Lots of Reticular Fibers (3) Locations (a) Lymphoid Tissue (b) Bone Marrow (c) Liver b. Areolar Tissue (Loose C.T.) (1) Loose Fibroelastic C.T. (2) Everywhere c. Adipose Tissue (1) Brown Adipose (a) Heat Generation (b) More common in children and Hibernating animals (c) Adults Retain some in Neck, around Abdominal Aorta and Kidney (d) Mobilized by Direct Sympathetic Adrenergic Innervation (2) White Adipose (a) Rich Vascular Supply (b) Most commonly in Subcutaneous Tissue (c) May accumulate anywhere (d) Deposits received from 3 sources -- Fat Cell + Insulin + CHO = More Fat -- Fat Cell + Dietary Fatty Acids = More Fat -- Glucose in Liver == Triglycerides (VLDL's) taken to the Fat Cells = more Fat (e) Withdrawls (Loss) -- High Blood Glucose = Low Withdrawls -- Norepinephrine Stimulates Lipases which increases Fat mobilization -- Insulin converts Glucose to TAG's + into Fat Cells 5. Dense Connective Tissue a. Collagen and some Elastin b. Dense Irregular C.T. (1) Fascia (2) Capsules (a) Testes (b) Liver (c) Lymph Nodes (d) Periosteum (Bone) (e) Perichondrium (Cartilage) c. Dense Regular C.T. (1) Tendons (2) Ligaments (3) Aponeuroses B. Blood (Specialized C.T.) 1. Erythrocytes (RBCs) a. O2 - CO2 Transportation b. No Nucleus c. Biconcave to increase Surface Area d. Formed from Reticulocytes e. Average 33% Hemoglobin 2. Leukocytes (WBC's) a. More active in C.T. than in Serum b. Cellular and Humoral Immunity c. Agranular Types (Clear Cytoplasm) (1) Lymphocytes (2) Monocytes d. Granular Types (1) Neutrophil (Granular Cytoplasm) (2) Eosinophil (Acidophile) (3) Basophil 3. Platelets a. Dense - core granules (1) Serotonin (2) ADP (3) ATP (4) Calcium b. Alpha granules (1) Blood Clotting Factors (2) Neutrophil Attracting Factors C. Cartilage (Specialized C.T.) 1. Hyaline a. Covers Articular Surface of most joints b. Costal Cartilages c. Nasal Cartilages d. Most of the Fetal Skeleton 2. Elastic a. Like Hyaline with more Elastic Fibers b. Areas which need support with flexibility (1) Arytenoid Cartilages (2) External Ear (3) Auditory Tube (4) Epiglottis 3. Fibrous a. Tough Supportive Cartilage b. Never occurs alone, always merges with Hyaline c. Locations (1) Glenoid Labrum (2) Acetabular Labrum (3) S.C. and A.C. Joints (4) T.M.J. (5) Pubic Symphysis (6) Intervertebral Discs D. Bone (Specialized C.T.) 1. Composition of Bone a. Inorganic Salts (Rigidity) (1) Calcium Phosphate (85%) (2) Calcium Carbonate (10%) (3) Calcium Flouride (4) Magnesium Flouride b. Organic Portion (Strength & Resilience) (1) Collagen Fibers 2. Periosteum a. Outer Surface of Compact Bone (except Articular Surfaces) b. Type of C.T. c. Collagen and Elastic Fibers d. Sharpey's Fibers anchor Periosteum to Bone 3. Compact bone a. Haversian System (Osteons) (1) 5 - 20 Lamellae surround each Haversian Canal (2) Blood Vessels and Nerves run through each Canal (3) Haversian Canal = Longitudinal (4) Volkmann Canal = Lateral b. Interstitial Lamellae (1) Laminar Rings around each Haversian Canal (2) Held together by Canaliculi 4. Spongy Bone (Cancellous Bone) a. Contained inside Compact Bone (Dipole) b. Trabecular Meshwork 5. Bone Marrow a. Red Marrow (Epiphyseal Area) (1) Hematopoiesis (2) Fat, Macrophages, Immature Blood Cells (3) In adult = Humerus, Femur, Ribs, Sternum, Vertebrae and Pelvis b. Yellow Marrow (Diaphyseal Area) (1) "Fatty Marrow" (2) Fat and very few Blood Cells 6. Growth of Bone a. Osteoclast (1) Erode Bone Matrix (2) Produce Collagen (3) Secrete Alkaline Phosphatase to increase Calcification b. Osteoblasts: Bone building cells E. Muscle Tissue 1. Smooth Muscle - "Involuntary" a. Locations (1) Much of the G.I. Tract (2) Respiratory, Urinary, Genital Systems (3) Arteries, Veins, Lymphatics (4) Iris and Ciliary Body of the Eye b. Autonomic Innervation c. Contraction (1) Slow, Rhythmic, Involuntary (2) Low Fatigability 2. Skeletal Muscle a. Location (1) Skeletal Attachments (2) Limbs, Trunk b. Somatic Innervation c. Contraction (1) Powerful, Voluntary (2) Variable fatigue between White and Red Fibers 3. Cardiac Muscle a. Location (1) Myocardium (2) Major Blood Vessels b. Autonomic Innervation c. Contraction (1) Powerful, Constant, Involuntary (2) Low Fatigability d. Intercalated discs F. Blood Vessels 1. General Structural Plan a. Tunica Intima (1) Innermost Coat (2) Endothelium, Basal Lamina, C.T. Layer, Int. Elastic Membrane b. Tunica Media (1) Middle Coat (2) Muscle Cells, C.T. c. Tunica Adventitia (1) Outermost Coat (2) Fibroelastic C.T., Vasa Vasorum 2. Capillaries a. Simple Endothelial Lined Tubes b. Types (1) Continuous (Type I) (a) Lung, Muscle, Skin, C.N.S (b) "Large Pore" Vesicular Permeability (2) Fenestrated (Type II) (a) Intestinal Mucosa, Glomerulus, Endocrine Glands (b) Macromolecule Transport (3) Sinusoidal (Type III) (a) Liver, Spleen, Bone Marrow (b) Largest Capillaries, wide gaps between Endothelial Cells only covered by Reticular Fibers c. Control by Precapillary Sphincters 3. Arterioles a. 3 Tunica layers with Lower volume of contents b. Primary Controllers of Systemic B.P. 4. Arteries a. Large Elastic Arteries (1) Aorta and Major Branches (2) Thin wall with high Elastin content b. Muscular Arteries (1) All Medium to Small Arteries (2) Thick Muscular Walls (3) Distribute Blood via Contraction or Relaxtion 5. Venules a. Smallest Venous Branches b. Thin Walls 6. Veins a. Less Muscle than comparably sized Artery b. More Distendable c. Most have Valves to prevent Retrograde Flow G. Splanchnology 1. Spleen a. White Pulp (1) Typical Lymphatic Tissue, follows the Arteries (2) Aggregations of Lymphocytes (3) Splenic Nodules (Thick Ares of White Pulp) (4) Decreases with age (5) T & B Cells Present (6) Lymphocyte formation b. Red Pulp (1) More Abundant (2) Associated with Erythrocytes (3) Monitoring RBCs (4) Phagocytosis of RBCs (5) Platelet Storage c. Immunity (1) Detains Antigens for Identification (2) Eosinophile Maturation (3) Secretion of Monocyte Induction Factor - Stimulates Marrow to Produce Monocytes 2. Thymus a. Maximum size reached at Puberty then decreases b. Lymphopoiesis (Cortical Portion) (1) Pre and Early Postnatal Life (2) T-Cell Production (3) Adults still receive small Lymphocytes from the Thymus (4) No Anitbody Production 3. Thyroid Gland a. Cell Types (1) Follicular Cells (2) Parafollicular Cells b. Function (Follicular) (1) Synthesis of Thyroglobulin (2) Release and Iodination of Thyroglobulin (3) Storage and Hydrolysis of Thyroglobulin (4) Release of T-3, T-4 (5) Metabolic Rate Maintenance c. Function (Parafollicular) (1) Produce Thyrocalcitonin (Calcitonin) (2) Blocks Bone Resorption of Calcium (3) Lowers Plasma Calcium (4) Inhibits Parathyroid Hormone 4. Parathyroid Glands a. Two pair b. Location at Lower Poles of the Thyroid Gland c. Principal (chief) Cells (1) Parathormone (2) Withdrawl of Bone Calcium (3) Decreases Kidney clearance of Calcium (4) Increases Kidney excretion of Phosphate, Sodium and Potassium d. Oxyphil Cells (1) Possibly altered Chief Cells (2) Will secrete Parathormone in Disease States 5. Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland) a. Most Complex
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