Black Nights Stars Programme
%ODFN 1RYHPEHU 1LJKWV ,QGXVWU\#7DOOLQQ %DOWLF(YHQW 6WDUV Black Nights Stars is designed to support young actors from ‘It was a tremendously gratifying experience to serve on the the Baltic Sea region, to make their next steps into the in- BLACK NIGHT STARS Jury to select stellar talent from the ternational arena by connecting them to key international Baltics. Though all unique, they share an amazing presence, film professionals, such as casting directors, casting agents, an unexpected force, mystery, soulful beauty, fierce inten- producers and the press and acquire various practical skills sity, intricate sensuality, and deepness which feels unique needed in their future international careers. to their countries and still universal in their sincerity. It is of great value to the film industry to discover these marvellous The five-day online event, highlights the emerging talent of and fresh artists who will shine, not just in their country, but eight young actors and actresses, all selected by an interna- internationally. To bring them to the film industry’s atten- tional jury of experts, based on their first feature films and TV tion so they can further enrich our experience as audiences roles. The program consists of masterclasses, workshops and and bring us closer together is a treasure’. networking events with international casting professionals from Europe and the USA and focuses on the future of cast- Lina Todd, Lina Todd Casting Agency, New York ing and auditioning online, presenting oneself at industry and media events, how to make your best Self Video and about ‘Black Nights Stars is a wonderful way to celebrate local Intimacy in Front of the Camera.
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