Laboratory 12: Caryophyllids 2

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Laboratory 12: Caryophyllids 2 IB 168 – Plant Systematics Laboratory 12: Caryophyllids 2 Today we are dealing with the remainder of the Caryophillid clade, the core Caryophyllales. The Caryophyllales are united by having perisperm nutritive tissue (no functioning endosperm). The families we see in this lab contain betalains. This group of pigments are responsible for the bright, showy flowers in this group (recall: betalains are also present in the Amaranthaceae). Note that “Portulacaceae” is written here with quotation marks because the phylogenetic relationships between members of this family and other families remain unresolved. The “Portulacaceae” may be a paraphyletic family from which the Cactaceae is derived. “Portulacaceae”: 32 genera, ~375 spp., worldwide May be herbs or shrubs; leaves ± fleshy, simple, entire and may be either alternate or opposite or basal; stipules present; flowers generally small, regular and bisexual; flowers with 4 bracteoles, inner 2 appearing to form a calyx; tepals typically 5, free, ± petaloid; stamens opposite tepals; ovary generally superior, composed of three fused carpels; ovary with a single locule containing 2-many ovules; fruit a capsule. Claytonia Lewisia Portulaca Cactaceae: 97 genera, ~1400 spp., New World, typically in deserts Stem-succulents; leaves simple and alternate, often highly reduced to spines borne on reduced lateral buds (i.e. areoles), sometimes with irritating hairs (i.e. glochids); stipules lacking; flowers solitary, regular and bisexual, with a false hypanthium; tepals numerous, spirally arranged (sometimes a grade from sepaloid to petaloid); stamens numerous; ovary strongly inferior, composed of two to many carpels; a single locule contains numerous ovules; one style with two to many stigma branches or lobes; fruit typically a berry. Mammillaria Opuntia Rhipsalis Aizoaceae: 128 genera, 1850 spp., tropical-subtropical, most South Africa Herbs or small shrubs, generally succulent; leaves simple, generally fleshy with clear cells in center of leaf blade, entire, usually opposite; stipules typically lacking; flowers generally regular and usually bisexual, with a hypanthium; tepals generally five, generally green and ± connate; petals numerous, extremely brightly colored and showy (derived from staminodes); stamens generally numerous; ovary usually inferior (sometimes superior) with carpels variable in number; fruit usually capsule (rarely a berry or a nut). Carpobrotus Mesembryanthemum Lithops 1 IB 168 – Plant Systematics Phytolaccaceae: 18 genera, 65 spp., tropical and warm, mostly American Herbs, shrubs and trees; leaves alternate, simple and entire; stipules generally lacking, or if present, then very small; inflorescence indeterminate (spike or raceme), typically appearing opposite to a leaf; flowers generally small, regular and bisexual; tepals a single whorl of 5 (4), free; stamens variable in number; 1 carpel, ovary usually superior; fruit typically a fleshy berry. Phytolacca Rivina Nyctaginaceae: 30 genera, ~400 spp., tropical and warm, mostly American May be herbs, trees or shrubs; leaves simple, typically opposite; stipules absent; inflorescence determinate; flowers usually perfect and regular, sometimes surrounded by colorful bracts; tepals 5, fused, tubular, appressed to ovary so it appears inferior; stamens vary from 1-many; 1 carpel, ovary superior; single, long style present; fruit an achene. Abronia Bougainvillea Mirabilis 2 .
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