
The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP)


ORT (organization for rehabilitation and training) was founded in 1880 as a Russian, Jewish organization to promote vocational training of skilled trades and agriculture and functioned there until the outbreak of World War I, which together with the Bolshevik Revolution caused a virtual cessation of its activities. In 1920 ORT was reestablished in Berlin as an international organization and began operating in Russia and the countries that had formerly been part of Russia – Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia – as well as in Germany, , Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the offices were moved from Berlin to and subsequently to Marseilles after the capture of Paris by the Germans in 1940. After World War II the headquarters of World ORT Union were set up in Genève, from which they later moved to London, where they reside to this day. The list below is arranged according to serial numbers each of which represents a country. The sequencing is based on the original order of photos inside the former metal binders, hence towns within a country are listed randomly, not alphabetically. Displaying the photo collection of the ORT files from the headquarters in London, most of the descriptions are the original captions from the former binders.


ORT/PH 1 Algeria ORT/PH 13 Tunisia ORT/PH 2 Germany ORT/PH 14 South Africa ORT/PH 3 Austria ORT/PH 1 5 Uruguay ORT/PH 4 France ORT/PH 16 Argentina ORT/PH 5 Greece ORT/PH 17 Libya ORT/PH 6 Iran ORT/PH 18 Malta ORT/PH 7 ORT/PH 19 Brazil ORT/PH 8 Poland ORT/PH 20 United ORT/PH 9 Switzerland Kingdom ORT/PH 10 Italy ORT/PH 21 China ORT/PH 11 Netherlands ORT/PH 22 Belgium ORT/PH 12 Morocco ORT/PH 23 Hungary ORT/PH 24 Ethiopia ORT/Ph

ORT/PH 25 Lithuania ORT/PH 31 Czechoslovakia ORT/PH 26 India ORT/PH 32 Russia ORT/PH 27 USA ORT/PH 33 Canada ORT/PH 28 Venezuela ORT/PH 34 Sweden ORT/PH 29 Latvia ORT/PH 35 Romania ORT/PH 30 Bulgaria ORT/PH 36 Unidentified


ORT/PH 1 Algeria ORT/PH 17 Libya ORT/PH 16 Argentina ORT/PH 25 Lithuania ORT/PH 3 Austria ORT/PH 18 Malta ORT/PH 22 Belgium ORT/PH 12 Morocco ORT/PH 19 Brazil ORT/PH 11 Netherlands ORT/PH 30 Bulgaria ORT/PH 8 Poland ORT/PH 33 Canada ORT/PH 35 Romania ORT/PH 21 China ORT/PH 32 Russia ORT/PH 31 Czechoslovakia ORT/PH 14 South Africa ORT/PH 24 Ethiopia ORT/PH 34 Sweden ORT/PH 4 France ORT/PH 9 Switzerland ORT/PH 2 Germany ORT/PH 13 Tunisia ORT/PH 5 Greece ORT/PH 20 United ORT/PH 23 Hungary Kingdom ORT/PH 26 India ORT/PH 15 Uruguay ORT/PH 6 Iran ORT/PH 27 USA ORT/PH 7 Israel ORT/PH 28 Venezuela ORT/PH 10 Italy ORT/PH 36 ZZZ Unidentified ORT/PH 29 Latvia

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 01/001 Algeria Class in theory no date 01/002 Algeria A milling machine in the general mechanics no date workshop 01/003 Algeria Working at the forge no date 01/004 Algeria Visite de l'atelier de réparations automobiles. no date De gauche à droite: M. Saffar, Président du Consistoire. M. le Gd Rabbin Eisenbeth, M. Emsalem, Directeur de l'ORT Algeria. M. Chiche, Président de l'ORT Algeria, M. le Gd Rabbin Kaplan, M. Heller, M. le Gd Rabbin Fingerhut 01/005 Algeria Metal works no date 01/006 Algeria A l'atelier de menuiserie, M. Emsalem montre no date le carnet d'atelier d'un élève à M. le Gd Rabbin Kaplan 01/007 Algeria Mrs. L. Kaphan visite l'atelier de menuiserie no date 01/008 Algeria Alger Centre ORT, bibliothèque exécutée par les no date élèves de 3 ème année 01/009 Algeria Alger École ORT de Garçons, le groupe des no date Machines à l'Atelier de Menuiserie 01/010 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/011 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/012 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/013 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/014 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/015 Algeria ORT Algeria. Objets divers confectionnés par no date les élèves des Écoles du Centre ORT 01/016 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Learning stenography in the 1959 secretarial course 01/017 Algeria Alger ORT Algeria. Exposition des travaux des June 9, élèves de l'école de filles d'Alger (section 1955 Coupe/couture) 01/018 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux des élèves de l'école June 7, de filles d'Alger (section Coupe/couture) 1955 01/019 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux des élèves de l'école June 7, de filles d'Alger (section Coupe / couture) 1955

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 01/020 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux des élèves de l'école June 9, de filles d'Alger (section Coupe / couture) 1955 01/021 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux des élèves de l'école June 9, de filles d'Alger (section Coupe/couture) 1955 01/022 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux des élèves de l'école June 9, de filles d'Alger (section Coupe/couture) 1955 01/023 Algeria Alger Exposition des travaux d'élèves à l'école de no date filles. Un groupe de visiteurs. On reconnait au centre M. Bélaiche, Président du Conseil Général 01/024 Algeria Alger ORT Alger – École de jeunes fille no date Section coupe-couture: Élèves de 3 ème année au travail sous la conduite de Mme Mora 01/025 Algeria Alger Stand de l'ORT Algeria au le salon de la May 30 / jeunesse – nouvel Hôtel de Ville – Alger June 16, 1957 01/026 Algeria Une vue de la salle pendant la distribution des no date prix. On remarque au premier plan les prix qui vont être offertes, et qui consistent soit en ouvrages de librairie, soit en trousses d'outils 01/027 Algeria Alger Centre ORT – Alger. Distribution des prix no date présidée par M. Le Gouverneur Général de l'Algeria 01/028 Algeria Alger Centre ORT – Alger. Tireuse de plans no date exécutés par les élèves du Centre 01/029 Algeria Alger Centre ORT – Alger. Tireuse de plans no date exécutés par les élèves du Centre 01/030 Algeria Alger École ORT de Garçons – Alger. Une salle de no date cours 01/031 Algeria Alger École ORT de Garçons – Alger. Installation no date sanitaire de 2 ème étage

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 01/032 Algeria Vue de la tribute d'honneur pendant la no date distribution des prix. De gauche à droite: Mme ZERMATI, présidente d'œuvre des dames visiteuses. MM. CHAMP, Directeur du travail au Gouvernement Général, ZENOUDA, Représentant le Consistoire. EMSALEM, Directeur de l'ORT ALGER, BOISSONNET, Chargé de mission au Cabinet Civil, représentant le Gouverneur Général, BELAICHE, Délégué à l'Assemblée Algérienne, (prononçant son discours) CECCALDI, Adjoint au Maire, représentant le député-maire d'Alger, CARAYON, Inspecteur Principal de l'enseignement technique, représentant le Recteur de l'Académie d'Alger 01/033 Algeria Remise de prix no date (2 copies, different size) 01/034 Algeria Alger ORT Alger – École de Garçons. La reprise du no date travail 01/035 Algeria Après la remise des diplômes et des prix, M. no date EMSALEM a procédé à la remise de chèques aux élèves boursiers. Le montant de ces chèques est constitué par les retenues effectuées sur les bourses tout au long de la scolarité 01/036 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Mécanique – no date Ajustage, 2 ème année. Travaux sur métaux 01/037 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Deux garçons no date travaillent. Travaux sur métaux 01/038 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Assemblée no date 01/039 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Assemblée no date 01/040 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Cours de dessin no date 01/041 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Classe de dessin no date industriel 01/042 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Salle à manger no date 01/043 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Classe de l'École no date 01/044 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Photo de classe no date 01/045 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Classe de l'École no date 01/046 Algeria Constantine École ORT de Constantine. Salle avec des no date gens et des libres 01/047 Algeria Constantine ORT – Constantine. Chorale des Élèves no date

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 01/048 Algeria Constantine ORT – Constantine. Fête scolaire. Scène d'un no date sketch jouée par les élèves 01/049 Algeria Constantine ORT – Constantine. Photo d'assemblée no date 01/050 Algeria Teachers and students no date 01/051 Algeria Workshop no date 01/052 Algeria Dining Room no date 01/053 Algeria Soldering class no date 01/054 Algeria Alger Blacksmith's workshop no date 01/055 Algeria Alger Album carpentry no date 01/056 Algeria Classroom. Sign with quote from no date Syngalowski: "Un appel a la vie et la creation" 01/057 Algeria Secreterial school Jan. 1958 01/058 Algeria School building, exterior no date 01/059 Algeria The forge no date 01/060 Algeria Machine shop no date 01/061 Algeria Electro-mechanics no date 01/062 Algeria Machine fitting no date 01/063 Algeria Lunch time no date 01/064 Algeria Alger […?]enbeth giving a speech no date 01/065 Algeria Constantine Exhibition no date 01/066 Algeria Constantine Scene from skit no date 01/067 Algeria Constantine Scenes from skits June 1960 02/001 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire à Bad Aibling 02/002 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Leçons de calcul à la no date section de serrurerie de Bad Aibling 02/003 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'auto mécanique no date 02/004 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/005 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier de menuiserie no date 02/006 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier de menuiserie no date 02/007 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'électro-technique no date 02/008 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'électro-technique no date 02/009 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture pour no date dames 02/010 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Atelier de cordonnerie no date

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 02/011 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Travaux ménagers no date 02/012 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Travaux ménagers no date 02/013 Germany Bad Aibling ORT Allemagne – Visite de MM. Spring Dennenberg, Engelamnn et Most 1949 02/014 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'horlogerie no date Gmain 02/015 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'horlogerie no date Gmain 02/016 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier de réparations de no date Gmain machines à écrire 02/017 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier de radio no date Gmain 02/018 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date Gmain 02/019 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier de reliure no date Gmain 02/020 Germany Bayerisch ORT Allemagne – Atelier de reliure no date Gmain 02/021 Germany Bergen-Belsen ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique 1947 02/022 Germany Bergen-Belsen ORT Allemagne – Machine Tool Workshop 1947 02/023 Germany Berlin Foundation of the ORT – Union July 1921 02/024 Germany Berlin Atelier no date 02/025 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Atelier de radio mécanique no date 02/026 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/027 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Atelier de reliure no date 02/028 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Cours de coiffure pour no date dames 02/029 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Cours de coiffure pour no date dames 02/030 Germany Berlin ORT Allemagne – Cours de coiffure pour no date dames 02/031 Germany Berlin School Berlin – Cosmetics – Holbrecht Zusia no date instructor 02/032 Germany Diessen ORT Allemagne – Atelier de céramique no date artistique 02/033 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'auto mécanique Nov. 1952 et de serrurerie 02/034 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours d'horlogerie Nov. 1952 02/035 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours d'horlogerie Nov. 1952

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 02/036 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'horlogerie Nov.1952 02/037 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de radio-mécanique Nov. 1952 02/038 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture Nov. 1952 02/039 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture Nov. 1952 02/040 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture Nov. 1952 02/041 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture Nov. 1952 02/042 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de couture pour Nov. 1952 tailleurs 02/043 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de chemiserie Nov. 1952 02/044 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours théorique de couture approx. 1952 02/045 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours théorique de couture approx. 1952 02/046 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture approx. 1952 02/047 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Coupe hommes approx. 1952 02/048 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique 1952 02/049 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique approx. 1952 02/050 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique approx. 1952 02/051 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique approx. 1952 02/052 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Travaux manuels approx. 1952 02/053 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Travaux manuels approx. 1952 02/054 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Maîtres et étudiants 1952 02/055 Germany Föhrenwald ORT Allemagne – Exposition de l'ORT approx. 1952 02/056 Germany Landsberg ORT Allemagne – ORT Trade school for no date Dental Technics 02/057 Germany Landsberg ORT Allemagne – Exposition à Landsberg no date 02/058 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier no date 02/059 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'auto mécanique no date 02/060 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de serrurerie no date 02/061 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de serrurerie no date 02/062 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'auto mécanique no date 8 8


ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 02/063 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique no date 02/064 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de serrurerie no date 02/065 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique no date 02/066 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique no date 02/067 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique no date 02/068 Germany ORT Allemagne – Réparation de machines à no date écrire 02/069 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de réparations de March, machines à écrire 1947 02/070 Germany ORT Allemagne – Electro – technique March, 1947 02/071 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier d'électromécanique no date 02/072 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de bobinage no date 02/073 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de bobinage no date 02/074 Germany ORT Allemagne – Couture (femmes) Feb. 1947 02/075 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/076 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de lingerie pour no date hommes 02/077 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de coupe et couture no date 02/078 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/079 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de coupe et couture no date 02/080 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de coupe et couture no date 02/081 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de coupe et couture no date 02/082 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de coupe et couture no date 02/083 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/084 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/085 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourreurs no date 02/086 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de couture no date 02/087 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourreurs 1951 02/088 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourreurs approx. 1951 02/089 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourreurs approx. 1951 02/090 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourrure 1951 02/091 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition de 1951 maroquinerie 02/092 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition de 1951 maroquinerie 9 9


ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 02/093 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/094 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/095 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/096 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/097 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/098 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie 1951 02/099 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/100 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie approx. 1951 02/101 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/102 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/103 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/104 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/105 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de technique no date dentaire 02/106 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de tapisserie no date 02/107 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de tapisserie no date 02/108 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de tapisserie no date 02/109 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de tapisserie no date 02/110 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de tapisserie no date 02/111 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique no date 02/112 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de cosmétique no date 02/113 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Atelier de fourreurs no date 02/114 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition permanente à no date l'ORT de München 02/115 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition permanente à no date l'ORT de München 02/116 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Centre de l'ORT no date 02/117 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition de l'ORT 1951

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ORT/Ph Location Town Title Date 02/118 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Exposition de l'ORT 1951 02/119 Germany München ORT Allemagne – L'internat de l'ORT no date 02/120 Germany München ORT Allemagne – L'internat de l'ORT no date 02/121 Germany München ORT Allemagne – L'internat de l'ORT no date 02/122 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours d'anglais de l'ORT no date 02/123 Germany München ORT Allemagne – Cours de théorie de l'ORT no date 02/124 Germany Neustadt ORT Allemagne – Atelier de mécanique no date 02/125 Germany Ulm ORT Allemagne – Atelier de maroquinerie 1948 02/126a Germany Ulm Atelier no date 02/126b Germany Neustadt General store no date 02/127 Germany Dressmaking no date 02/128 Germany Transport truck Genève-München Post war 02/129 Germany Newspaper-clipping in German no date 02/130 Germany München Dressmaking 1946 02/131 Germany München area Welding school 1946 02/132 Germany Berlin Bookbinding Post war 02/133 Germany München Welding Post war 02/134 Germany München Electrical training Post war 02/135 Germany München Leather work Post war 02/136 Germany München Typewriter repair Post war 02/137 Germany Belsen Machine tool workshop no date 02/138 Germany Heidenheim Machine shop no date 02/139 Germany Heidenheim Machine shop no date 02/140 Germany Pocking Morse code student no date 02/141 Germany Hesenberg Building exterior no date 02/142 Germany Hesenberg Carpentry no date 02/143 Germany Pocking Album: upholstery – a good trade no date 02/144 Germany Pocking Album: the upholsterers' course no date 02/145 Germany Pocking Album: a student and the instructor of the no date upholsterers' course 02/146 Germany Pocking Album: a student of the weaving course at no date work 02/147 Germany Pocking Album: the forge no date 02/148 Germany Pocking Album: students at work no date 02/149 Germany Pocking Album: operating a grIndiar no date 02/150 Germany Pocking Album: automechanics at work no date 11 11


02/151 Germany Pocking Album: the theoretical lesson of the auto no date mechanics course 02/152 Germany Pocking Album: welding no date 02/153 Germany Pocking Album: how is a watch working? A no date theoretical lesson of the watchmakers course 02/154 Germany Pocking Album: students of the dental mechanics no date course 02/155 Germany Pocking Album: a lesson of the gallantry course no date 02/156 Germany Pocking Album: taking measures no date 02/157 Germany Pocking Album: the women's tailoring course no date 02/158 Germany Pocking Album: the second shift of the women's no date tailoring course 02/159 Germany Neustadt Radio mechanics classes Post war 02/160 Germany Neustadt Radio mechanics classes Post war 02/161 Germany Neustadt Group photo at entrance Post war 02/162 Germany Bergen-Belsen Group photo, entrance to school Post war 02/163 Germany Wasser- Girl students at weaving machines Post war alfingen 02/164 Germany Leipheim Student at the Emery wheel Post war 02/165 Germany Neustadt? Dressmaking class Post war 02/166 Germany Neustadt? Congratulations Post war 02/167 Germany Neustadt? Congratulations Post war 02/168 Germany Neustadt? Carpentry Post war 02/169 Germany München? Exhibition Post war 02/170 Germany Hannover? Students at work? Post war 02/171 Germany Stuttgart? Student at work Post war 02/172 Germany Dachau? Marker at the mass grave of 5000 bodies no date 03/001 Austria Glasenbach Exposition USEP-ORT Dec. 1954 03/002 Austria Korneuburg Optik May 1958 03/003 Austria Korneuburg Optik May 1958 03/004 Austria Meeting of Vienna ORT Committee May 1958 03/005 Austria Korneuburg Damenschneiderei May 1958 03/006 Austria Korneuburg Damenschneiderei May 1958 03/007 Austria Korneuburg Feinmechanik May 1958 03/008 Austria Korneuburg Feinmechanik May 1958 03/009 Austria Korneuburg Feinmechanik May 1958 03/010 Austria Korneuburg 75 Jahre ORT, Jubiläumstorte May 1958 03/011 Austria Korneuburg Ausfertigung mech. Strickerei May 1958 12 12


03/012 Austria Korneuburg Ausfertigung mech. Strickerei May 1958 03/013 Austria Korneuburg Mechanik May 1958 03/014 Austria Korneuburg Mechanik May 1958 03/015 Austria Korneuburg Handstrickerei May 1958 03/016 Austria Korneuburg Handstrickerei May 1958 03/017 Austria Korneuburg Handstrickerei für Kinder May 1958 03/018 Austria Korneuburg Handstrickerei für Kinder May 1958 03/019 Austria Korneuburg Handschuhe werden genäht May 1958 03/020 Austria Korneuburg Fotolabor May 1958 03/021 Austria Korneuburg Weberei May 1958 03/022 Austria Korneuburg Kosmetik May 1958 03/023 Austria Korneuburg Kosmetik May 1958 03/024 Austria Korneuburg Damenfriseure May 1958 03/025 Austria Korneuburg Damenfriseure May 1958 03/026 Austria Linz Installation électrique complète d'une voiture no date de tourisme, construite par les participants au cours, sous la direction de l'instructeur 03/027 Austria Linz Kosmetikkurs no date 03/028 Austria Linz Wegscheid-Mauer no date 03/029 Austria Salzburg Schreinerei no date 03/030 Austria Salzburg Näherei no date 03/031 Austria Wien Festakt 80 Jahre ORT. Sektionsrat Dr Wlach, April 10, Generalsekretär des Österr. Komitees für das 1960 Weltflüchtlingsjahr 03/032 Austria Wien Festakt 80 Jahre ORT. Herr Y. Sahar, April 10, Botschafter des Staates Israel 1960 03/033 Austria Wien Festakt 80 Jahre ORT. April 10, Sektionsrat Dr. Wlach (Weltflüchtlingsjahr), 1960 Sektionschef Dr. Hantschk (Innenministerium), S. Ex. Yeheskel Sahar (Botschafter von Israel), Dr. Sankowsky (Voluntary Agencies), A. Goldman (ORT) (von links nach rechts) 03/034 Austria Wien Festakt 80 Jahre ORT. April 10, Sektionschef Dr. Hantschk im Namen des 1960 Innenministers Afritsch 03/035 Austria Wien Festakt 80 Jahre ORT. April 10, Dirigent Prof. J. Ebenstein 1960 03/036 Austria Wien Adults' workshop Sept. 1957 03/037 Austria Wien Dressmaking Class at the ORT School 1958/1959

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03/038 Austria Korneuburg Women's Hairdressing Course for Hungarian 1958/1959 refugees 03/039 Austria Wien Adults' workshop Sept. 1957 03/040 Austria Wien Technisches Zeichen May 1958 03/041 Austria Wien Auto-mechanics course for a student group of 1958/1959 Hungarian refugees 03/042 Austria Wien Auto-mechanics course for a student group of 1958/1959 Hungarian refugees (Lerner Josef and Horvarth Lajos) 03/043 Austria Wien Typewriter repair course for a student group 1958/1959 of Hungarian refugees 03/044 Austria Wien MM. Goldman (ORT) et Feder (JOINT) avant Feb. 23, la remise de la décoration 1959 03/045 Austria Wien MM. Goldman et Feder après la remise de la Feb. 23, décoration 1959 03/046 Austria Wien MM. Braude et Jordan lors de la remise de Feb. 23, décoration à MM. Goldman (ORT) et Feder 1959 (JOINT) 03/047 Austria Wien M. Goldman recevant la décoration Feb. 23, 1959 03/048 Austria Wien MMES. Goldman et Feder Feb. 23, 1959 03/049 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/050 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/051 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/052 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/053 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/054 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/055 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/056 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/057 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/058 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/059 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/060 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/061 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/062 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/063 Austria Wien défilé de mode June 1958 03/064 Austria Wien Feinmechanik Ausstellung June 1958 03/065 Austria Wien Exposition d'article d'ORT Wien June 1958

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03/066 Austria Wien Banquet June 1958 03/067 Austria Wien Banquet June 1958 03/068 Austria Wien Banquet June 1958 03/069 Austria Wien Démonstration de notions – coiffeuse June 1958 03/070 Austria Wien Exposition de photos June 1958 03/071 Austria Wien Women's Make Up show June 1958 03/072 Austria Wien Exposition d'articles de tricotage mécanique June 1958 03/073 Austria Wien Défilé de mode June 1958 03/074 Austria Wien Discours June 1958 Madame Bard, A. Goldman, Dr. Broczyner (Vorstandsmitglied ORT Österreich), Dr. Romanek (Ministerialrat Unterrichtsministerium), Dr. Ted Feder (ASDC), Dr. Liehr (Ministerialrat Innenministerium) (von links nach rechts) 03/075 Austria Wien Exposition d'articles June 1958 03/076 Austria Wien Démonstration de notions – coiffeuses June 1958 03/077 Austria Wien Exposition d'articles June 1958 03/078 Austria Wien Exposition d'articles d'emplacements divers June 1958 d'ORT en Autriche 03/079 Austria Wien Exposition d'articles d'emplacements divers June 1958 d'ORT en Autriche 03/080 Austria Wien M. Bard et sa famille, Ambassadeur d'Israël June 1958 03/081 Austria Wien Konditorei und kalte Küche June 1958 03/082 Austria Wien Damenschneiderei. Arbeit auf Husqvarna May 1958 Nähmaschinen aus Dänemark 03/083 Austria Wien Damenschneiderei. Arbeit auf Husqvarna May 1958 Nähmaschinen aus Dänemark 03/084 Austria Wien Damenschneiderei May 1958 03/085 Austria Wien Damenschneiderei. Arbeit auf Singer May 1958 Nähmaschinen 03/086 Austria Wien Damenschneiderei. Arbeit auf Singer May 1958 Nähmaschinen 03/087 Austria Wien Kosmetik May 1958 03/088 Austria Wien Lesson "Ernährung und Kosmetik" May 1958 03/089 Austria Wien Kosmetik May 1958 03/090 Austria Wien Damenfriseure May 1958 03/091 Austria Wien Damenfriseure May 1958 03/092 Austria Wien Konditorei und kalte Küche May 1958

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03/093 Austria Wien Maniküre May 1958 03/094 Austria Wien Wäscheerzeugung May 1958 03/095 Austria Wien Wäscheerzeugung May 1958 03/096 Austria Wien Leçon d'anglais May 1958 03/097 Austria Wien Leçon d'anglais May 1958 03/098 Austria Wien Radiotechnik May 1958 03/099 Austria Wien Radiotechnik May 1958 03/100 Austria Wien Radiotechnik May 1958 03/101 Austria Wien Mechanisches Stricken May 1958 03/102 Austria Wien Mechanisches Stricken May 1958 03/103 Austria Wien Mechanisches Stricken May 1958 03/104 Austria Wien Automechanik May 1958 03/105 Austria Wien Automechanik May 1958 03/106 Austria Wien Automechanik May 1958 03/107 Austria Wien Schweißen May 1958 03/108 Austria Wien Sténomaschinenschreiben May 1958 03/109 Austria Wien Nähmaschinenreparatur May 1958 03/110 Austria Wien Nähmaschinenreparatur May 1958 03/111 Austria Wien Exposition d'ORT à Wien 1948 03/112 Austria Wien Automechanik May 1958 03/113 Austria Wien Cours de radiotechnique à Wien June 1947 03/114 Austria Wien Cours de radiotechnique à Wien approx. June 1947 03/115 Austria Wien Cours de radiotechnique à Wien approx. June 1947 03/116 Austria Wien Cours de radio-électricité approx. June 1947 03/117 Austria Wien Atelier de Couture approx. June 1947 03/118 Austria Wien Atelier de Couture approx. June 1947 03/119 Austria Wien Les tours de l'école prof. De Wels mis à la July 21, disposition des participants au cours 1953 d'ajustage (Fotobeschriftung: Am 23. Juli 1953 fanden in der Berufsschule in Wels Schlussprüfungen von Kursen für Autoelektriker, Automechaniker und Dreher statt. Alle Prüflinge waren politische Flüchtlinge aus den Volksdemokratien, die vom US Escapee Program betreut werden und im Lager 1002 untergebracht sind. Jeder der Kursteilnehmer wurde in 120 Stunden soweit geschult, dass er sich in den USA, oder in einem 16 16


anderen Land, das ihm in nächster Zeit zur österreichischen Mission der World ORT Union organisiert und durchgeführt. Ähnliche Lehrgänge fanden in Salzburg, Asten bei Linz und Wien statt. Die Kosten dieser Kurse, $40 pro Teilnehmer, werden zur Gänze vom US Escapee Program getragen. Den Teilnehmern des Dreherlehrganges stellte die Berufsschule Wels ihre Maschinenhalle mit modernen Drehbänken zur Verfügung.) 03/120 Austria Wien Exposition USEP – ORT au camp de Dec. 1954 Glasenbach près de Salzburg, USEP ( Escapee Program) 03/121 Austria Wien Exposition USEP – ORT [Dec. Glasenbach für Salzburg 1954?] 04/001 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Adult course workshop Dec. 1967 04/002 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Recreation time Dec. 1967 04/003 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Recreation time Dec. 1967 04/004 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Front view Dec. 1967 04/005 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Secretarial course Dec. 1967 04/006 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Mechanics workshop Dec. 1967 04/007 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Electricity workshop Dec. 1967 04/008 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Dining room, gymnasium, Dec. 1967 administration wing 04/009 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Telephone operator workshop Dec. 1967 04/010 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – The new ORT Center Dec. 1967 04/011 France Villiers-le-Bel ORT France – Kitchen Dec. 1967 04/012 France Strasbourg ORT France – Mechanics workshop at the no date ORT center in Strasbourg, the only boarding school in the ORT France network 04/013 France Strasbourg ORT France – Electronics laboratory at the no date ORT center in Strasbourg, the only boarding school in the ORT France network 04/014 France Paris ORT France – Learning mechanics at ORT- Oct. 1966 Ecole de Travail 04/015 France Paris ORT France – An exercice in plumbing at Oct. 1966 ORT-Ecole de Travail 04/016 France Paris ORT France – Student at ORT-Ecole de Oct. 1966 Travail 04/017 France Paris ORT France – Learning mechanics at the Oct. 1966 ORT-Ecole de Travail 04/018 France Paris ORT France – Sidney M..., le dix millième no date candidat du service d'Apprentissage Patronal de l'ORT-Paris vient d'être placé dans un atelier de Confection daim et cuir

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04/019 France Paris ORT-France – Sidney (à gauche) travaille no date dans le même atelier que son frère, également placé par le S.A.P. et qui est aujourd'hui ouvrier spécialisé 04/020 France Paris ORT-France – A pupil in the welding school, Oct. 1963 Ecole de Travail, Paris 04/021 France Paris ORT-France – "The Madonna of Electronics", Oct. 1963 Danielle, 20 years old, came to Paris from Algeria with her family in 1959, and is taking an accelerated course in electronics for adults and hopes to become a technician in nuclear energy 04/022 France Paris ORT-France – an eager pupil at the Ecole de Oct. 1963 Travail, Paris 04/023 France Paris ORT-France –Learning to use mechanical Oct. 1963 drawing at the Ecole de Travail 04/024 France Paris ORT-France – Instruction given and received Oct. 1963 in the welding workshop, Ecole de Travail, Paris 04/025 France Montreuil ORT France – Instructions to use a machine April 1966 04/026 France Montreuil ORT France – Lessons at technical machines April 1966 04/027 France Montreuil ORT France – Electronic teaching machine April 1966 04/028 France Montreuil ORT France – The enlargement of a no date 18lase18a of a radio-circuit created at the ORT school in Montreuil resembles an abstract picture 04/029 France Montreuil ORT France – Learning carpentry-cabinet Oct. 1963 making at ORT, Montreuil 04/030 France Montreuil ORT France – Learning can be fun Oct. 1963 04/031 France Montreuil ORT France – Two sisters, Liliane and Annie, Oct. 1963 who came from Tunisia to take the accelerated secretarial course at the same time 04/032 France Toulouse ORT France – A view of the garden – Summer recreational hall of the adult training center in 1964 Toulouse 04/033 France Toulouse ORT France – The radio-TV repair course at Summer the adult training center in Toulouse 1964 04/034 France Toulouse ORT France – Industrious faces in the class of Summer men's clothing at the ORT center in Toulouse 1964 04/035 France Toulouse ORT France – Learning bookkeeping at the Summer ORT center for adults in Toulouse 1964 04/036 France Toulouse ORT France – The radio-TV repair course for Nov. 1963 Algerian repatriates at the new ORT center in Toulouse 18 18


04/037 France Toulouse ORT France – The new ORT center in Nov. 1963 Toulouse 04/038 France Toulouse ORT France – Secretarial Course at the new Nov. 1963 ORT center in Toulouse 04/039 France Toulouse ORT France – The first filing lesson in the Nov. 1963 electricity mechanics workshop at the new ORT center in Toulouse 04/040 France Divonne Conseil Central – Waiting for dinner 1963 04/041 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/042 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/043 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/044 France Divonne Conseil Central – Festive small talk 1963 04/045 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/046 France Divonne Conseil Central – The auditory 1963 04/047 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/048 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/049 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/050 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/051 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/052 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/053 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/054 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/055 France Divonne Conseil Central – The speaker's auditory 1963 04/056 France Divonne Conseil Central – The chairmen of the 1963 congress 04/057 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/058 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/059 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/060 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/061 France Divonne Conseil Central – Recreation and coffee 1963 04/062 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speakers at the lecture 1963 04/063 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/064 France Divonne Conseil Central – The auditory 1963 04/065 France Divonne Conseil Central – The auditory 1963 04/066 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/067 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/068 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963

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talk and smoking a pipe 04/069 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/070 France Divonne Conseil Central – Three ladies posing for the 1963 camera 04/071 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/072 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/073 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/074 France Divonne During the conference 1963 04/075 France Divonne During the conference 1963 04/076 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/077 France Divonne Conseil Central – Three men posing for the 1963 camera 04/078 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/079 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/080 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/081 France Divonne Conseil Central – Waiting for the meal 1963 04/082 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/083 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/084 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/085 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/086 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/087 France Divonne Conseil Central – Two chairmen (on the right 1963 side: D. Mayer from France) during the conference 04/088 France Divonne Conseil Central – The auditory 1963 04/089 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/090 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/091 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/092 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/093 France Divonne Conseil Central – A chairman holds a speech 1963 04/094 France Divonne Conseil Central – A chairman holds a speech 1963 04/095 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/096 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/097 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/098 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/099 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963

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04/100 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/101 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/102 France Divonne Conseil Central – During the conference 1963 04/103 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/104 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/105 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/106 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/107 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lectern 1963 04/108 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants posing for the 1963 camera 04/109 France Divonne Conseil Central – Conseil Central – During 1963 the conference 04/110 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/111 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants posing for the 1963 camera 04/112 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants posing for the 1963 camera 04/113 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/114 France Divonne Conseil Central – Information board of 1963 "Women's American ORT" 04/115 France Divonne Conseil Central – Information board "The 1963 Union during the Years 1945-1963" 04/116 France Divonne Conseil Central – Information board with an 1963 overview on structure of ORT 04/117 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/118 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/119 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/120 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/121 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/122 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/123 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk and smoking a pipe 04/124 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants posing for the 1963 camera, in the background there are further participants holding small talk 04/125 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/126 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963

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04/127 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/128 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/129 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants posing for the 1963 camera 04/130 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants at the banquet 1963 04/131 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/132 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/133 France Divonne Conseil Central – Participants holding small 1963 talk 04/134 France Divonne Conseil Central – Speaker at the lecture 1963 04/135 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/136 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/137 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/138 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/139 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/140 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/141 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/142 France Paris International meeting 1952 04/143 France Paris ORT France – Conférence de l'ORT Français July 1952 en juillet 1952. Tout à gauche Mm. Levi et Brunschwig. Au milleu: MMs Kaphan, Feldman et Roubach 04/144 France Paris ORT France de l'ORT Français 1952 04/145 France Paris ORT France – Conférence Nationale de Aug. 8, l'ORT Français: Monsieur Pierre Bloch, 1952 ancien Ministre, prononce son discours, à sa droite Monsieur A. Gilboa, Consul Général d'Israël 04/146 France Montreuil ORT France – Les délégués à la conférence Nov. 18, Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation visitent 1948 l'école de mécanique de l'ORT à Montreuil. De gauche à droite: M. F. Bruck, Directeur-adjoint des écoles ORT M. L. Cayani, Trésorier de l'A.Y.U.D.A. en Argentine M. J. Murmis, Vice-Président de l'A.Y.U.D.A en Argentine M. S. Bronfman, Président du Congrès canadien juif M. le Dr. D. Lvovitch, Président de l'Exécutif de l'Union ORT Mme S. Bronfman M. Sol Kanee, Vice-Président du Congrès canadien juif M. E. Schieber, Chargé des relations publiques de l'ORT Français

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04/147 France Strasbourg ORT France – Visite à l'ORT Strasbourg, Dec. 1958 Mm. Braude et Gould 04/148 France Montreuil ORT France – Madame Rachel Dreyfus- Feb. 11, Bokanowski, Vice-Président du Comité 1963 Féminin de l'ORT, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honeur. Durant la réception au Centre ORT de Montreuil. De gauche à droite: M. Michel Maurice-Bokanowski, Ministre de l'Industrie Madame R. Dreyfus-Bokanowski M. Leon Meiss, Président de l'ORT France Madame M. Roubach, Présidente de Comité Féminin de l'ORT M. Blanc, Inspecteur Divisionnaire du Travail M. Armand, Inspecteur Principal du Travail, chargé de la Direction F.P.A. de la Région Parisienne 04/149 France Montreuil ORT France – M- Michel Maurice- Feb. 11, Bokanowski, Ministre de l'Industrie visite le 1963 centre ORT de Montreuil De droite à gauche: M. Michel Maurice-Bokanowski, Ministre de l'Industrie M. Daniel Meyer, Président du Comité Exécutif de l'Union Mondial ORT M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT 04/150 France Montreuil ORT France – La Présidente du Comité no date Féminin de l'ORT à Genève visite le centre ORT-Montreuil De gauche à droite: Madame Jacqueline Maus, Présidente du Comité Féminin de l'ORT à Genève Madame Marcelle Roubach, Présidente du Comité Féminin de l'ORT de France 04/151 France Montreuil ORT France – M. Ami Assaf, Vice-Ministre June 19, Israélien de l'Education et de la Culture, visite 1962 le Centre ORT de Montreuil. Dans le Laboratoire de l'Ecole de Radio- Eléctricité et Télévision. De droite à gouche: Mme Assaf, M. le Ministre, MM. Jacob Sarid, Directeur du Cabinet, Jacques Bramson, Directeur de l'Ecole, M. Joseph Lubetzki, Vice-Président et Eric Schieber, Directeur-Adjoint de l'ORT-France 04/152 France Montreuil ORT France – M. Ami Assaf, Vice-Ministre June 19, Israélien de l'Education et de la Culture, visite 1962 le Centre ORT de Montreuil. Dans le Laboratoire de l'Ecole de Radio- Eléctricité et Télévision. De droite à gouche: Mme Assaf, M. le Ministre, MM. Jacob Sarid, Directeur du Cabinet, Jacques Bramson, Directeur de l'Ecole, M. Joseph Lubetzki, Vice-Président et Eric 23 23


Schieber, Directeur-Adjoint de l'ORT-France 04/153 France Conférence de M. l'Ingénieur Général Louis Oct. 18, Kahn, Vice-Président de l'ORT France-Lyon 1961 Au premier rang, de gauche à droite: Mme , Mme Jacques Dreyfus, M. Jacques Dreyfus, Président du Consistoire Israélite de Lyon, M. A. Boccara, Vice-Président et Trésorier du Comité ORT de Lyon, M. Elie Cohen, Président de la Communauté Sépharadite, M. J. Bendayan, Membre du Bureau du Comité ORT de Lyon, Mme Bendayan, Mme Pierre Levy, M. Pierre Levy, Secrétaire Général du Comité ORT de Lyon 04/154 France Montreuil L'Ambassadeur d'Israël et Madame Walter March 30, Eytan visitent le Centre ORT de Montreuil. 1960 Au laboratoire de Radio-Télévision. De gauche à droite: M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT France L'Ambassadeur Mme M. L. Roubach, Présidente de Comité Féminin de l'ORT France M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur du Centre ORT de Montreuil M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT (dérrière M. Bramson) Mme Walter Eytan M. Zeew Shek, Conseiller auprès de l'Ambassade d'Israel M. E. Schieber, Directeur Adjoint de l'ORT M. May, Chef des travaux de la section Radio- Télévision 04/155 France Montreuil L'Ambassadeur d'Israël et Madame Walter March 30, Eytan visitent le Centre ORT de Montreuil. 1960 Au cours de Dessin Artistiques. De gauche à droite: Mme M. L. Roubach, Présidente de Comité Féminin de l'ORT France M. Zeew Shek, Conseiller auprès de l'Ambassade d'Israel Mme Walter Eytan M. Roger Worms, Professeur de dessin M. E. Schieber, Directeur Adjoint de l'ORT L'Ambassadeur M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT France M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur du Centre ORT de Montreuil 04/156 France Montreuil La Présidente du Comité féminin de l'ORT à no date Genève visite le Centre ORT-Montreuil Sur cette photo on voit de gauche à droite: Madame Jacquline Maus, Présidente du Comité féminin de l'ORT à Génève Madame Mercelle Roubach, Présidente du Comité féminin de l'ORT de France 04/157 France Montreuil Monsieur Charles H. Jordan, Directeur March 2, Général de l'AJDC visite le Centre ORT de 1956 Montreuil. Sur cette photo on voit M. Jordan en conversation avec l'instructeur M. Suchot. 24 24


De gauche à droite: M. Milton Steinberg, AJDC Eric Schieber, ORT F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT France 04/158 France Montreuil Monsieur Charles H. Jordan, Directeur March 2, Général de l'AJDC, visite le Centre ORT de 1956 Montreuil. A l'Ecole de Mécanique 04/159 France Montreuil ORT France – La Délégation de l'United Nov. 18, Jewish Appeal de New York en Europe et 1948 Israël en visite à l'Ecole ORT de Montreuil. La Délégation en train de déjeuner à la cantine des élèves. 04/160 France Montreuil ORT France – Les délégués à la conférence Nov. 1948 "Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation" visitent l'école de couture à l'ORT de Montreuil. De gauche à droite: M. Sol Kanee, Vice-Président du Congrès canadien juif M. L. Becker, membre du Comité du Congrès canadien juif M. J. Murmis, Vice-Président de l'A.Y.U.D.A en Argentine Mme S. Bronfman M. S. Bronfman, Président du congrès canadien juif M. L. Cayani, Trésorier de l'A.Y.U.D.A en Argentine 04/161 France Montreuil ORT France – Les délégués à la conférence Nov. 18, "Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation" visitent 1948 l'école de couture à l'ORT de Montreuil, Section de maroquinerie. De gauche à droite: Dr. D. Lvovitch, Président de l'Exécutif de l'ORT- UNION M. F. Bruck, Directeur adjoint de l'école ORT Mme S. Bronfman M. Sol Kanee, Vice-Président du Congrès canadien juif M. J. Murmis, Vice-Président de l'A.Y.U.D.A en Argentine M. L. Cayani, Trésorier de l'A.Y.U.D.A en Argentine 04/162 France Montreuil ORT France – La Délégation de l'United Nov., Jewish Appeal en Europe et Israel visite 1948 l'école de radio- technique de Montreuil De gauche à droite: M. Max Ogust M. Benjamin Schalleck 04/163 France Montreuil ORT France – Les délégués à la conférence Nov. 18, Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation visitent 1948 l'école de couture de l'ORT à Montreuil De gauche à droite: M. Sol Kanee, M. J. Murmis, M. S. Bronfman, Mme Coutant, M. L. Becker 04/164 France Montreuil ORT France – La Délégation de l'United Nov. 18, Jewish Appeal de New York en Europe et 1948

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Israel visite l'école de radiotechnique de Montreuil 04/165 France Montreuil ORT France – Délégation de l'United Jewish Nov. 18, Appeal de New York en Europe et Israël 1948 visite de l'école de couture ORT à Montreuil. Le premier à gauche : M. le Juge Benjamin Schallek, Chef de la délégation 04/166 France Montreuil ORT France – Les membres de la Aug. 6, Communauté juive de New York visitent le 1951 Centre ORT de Montreuil. A l'atelier de soudure, M. et Mme J. Nathan 04/167 France Montreuil ORT France – Les membres de la Aug. 6, Communauté juive de New York visitent le 1951 Centre ORT de Montreuil. De gauche à droite: M. Schieber, Mme Nathan, M. J. Nathan, M. J. Cohen 04/168 France Montreuil ORT France – Les membres de la Aug. 6, Communauté juive de New York visitent le 1951 Centre ORT de Montreuil. A l'école de mécanique. De gauche à droite: M. Melamed, M. Schieber, M. Joseph H. Cohen, M. le Juge Edgar J. Nathan, Mme Nathan, M. Kovarsky et M. Bramson 04/169 France Montreuil Des personnalités marquantes du Judaïsme July, 1951 Anglais visitent le Centre ORT de Montreuil. Dans l'Atelier de Soudure on voit de gauche à droite: M. M. Cang, Directeur Jewish Chronicle Mme Cang M. Weisel, Correspondent Jewish Chronicle Mme Scheuer, British ORT M. Meyer, Directeur Die Zeit Col. Lipton, Membre du Parlement M. Wolf, Vice-Président British ORT Mme Henriques, Cons. D'Adm. British ORT Lord Silkin, Anc. Ministre Rabbin Dr. Medalie Silbermann, United Synagogue 04/170 France Montreuil Des personnalités marquantes du Judaïsme July 9, Anglais visitent le Centre ORT de Montreuil. 1951 Lord and Lady Solkin en conversation avec quelques élèves dans l'atelier de Haute Couture. De gauche à droite: M. Meyer, Directeur Die Zeit Mme Scheuer, British ORT Lord Silkin, Anc. Ministre Lady Silkin Col. Lipton, Membre du Parlement M. Wolf, Vice-Président British ORT 04/171 France Montreuil ORT France – "Workmen's Circle" à Aug. 1952 Montreuil

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04/172 France Montreuil ORT France – Ecole de Montreuil Aug. 1951 04/173 France Montreuil Robert Myers (chief, program review 1951 division, ECA Mission to France, Mr. Bingham,(chief, ECA Mission to France) and Al Desser (labour adviser, French Mission) chat with typewriter repair student at school at Ecole de Montreuil 04/174 France Montreuil Mr. Bingham chats with students and 1951 instructor in school's crafts shop at Ecole de Montreuils 04/175 France Paris ORT France – La Délégation du "US Labor" April 1949 visite le Centre d'Education professionelle de Paris. M. Louis Hollander, Vice-Président de l'Association des travailleurs de l'habillement d'Amerique et Président du "New York State CIO" et M. Israel Feinberg, Viceprésident du "International Ladies Garment Workers' Union" 04/176 France Paris Paris célèbre le 80 ème Anniversaire de l'Union Feb. 22, Mondiale ORT et le 40 ème Anniversaire de 1961 l'ORT France De gauche à droite: M. Léon Meiss, Conseller à la Cour de Cassation, Président de l'ORT France M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT France M. le Grand Rabbin Meyer Jais, Grand Rabbin de Paris Dr. V. Modiano, Président du Conseil Représentatif des Juifs de France M. Louis Jacquinot, Ministre d'Etat, présidant la cérémonie M. Daniel Mayer, Ancien Ministre, Président du Comité Exécutif de l'Union Mondiale ORT M. Zeev Shek, Ministre Plénipentotiaire auprès de l'Ambassade d'Israel Mme Marcelle L. Roubach, Présidente du Comité Féminin de l'ORT France Amirel Louis Kahn, Vice-Président de l'ORT France 04/177 France Paris Paris célèbre le 80 ème Anniversaire de l'Union Feb. 22, Mondiale ORT et le 40 ème Anniversaire de 1961 l'ORT France 04/178 France L'ORT à la Télévision Française – L'oeuvre Nov. 1, de l'ORT, ses buts et ses réalisations ont été 1958 [?] exposées par Mme M. L. Roubach, Présidente du Comité Féminin et Vice-Présidente de l'ORT Français, et par l'Admiral Louis Kahn, Vice-Président de l'ORT Français. Cette interview a eu lieu le 1 er Novembre à la veille de la Vente annuelle du Comité Féminin. Sur cette photo de droite à gauche: M. L. Roubach Admiral Louis Kahn Le Docteur Soubiran Roger Feral, reporter de le R.T.F. 27 27


04/179 France Montreuil Promotion de David Dubinsky au Centre June 27, ORT de Montreuil – La 10 ème promotion du 1958 Centre ORT de Montreuil a porté la nom David Dubinsky Président de l'International Ladies' Garment Worker's Union en reconnaissance de l'aide généreuse du Syndicat Américain des Ouvriers de l'Habillement qui permis l'acquisition de l'immeuble. M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur de l'Ecole ORT, remet le diplôme à un des élèves 04/180 France Montreuil Promotion de David Dubinsky au Centre June 27, ORT de Montreuil – La 10 ème promotion du 1958 Centre ORT de Montreuil a porté la nom David Dubinsky Président de l'International Ladies' Garment Worker's Union en reconnaissance de l'aide généreuse du Syndicat Américain des Ouvriers de l'Habillement qui permis l'acquisition de l'immeuble. M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur de l'Ecole ORT, remet le diplôme à un des élèves 04/181 France Montreuil ORT Montreuil – View on the entrance of 1949 ORT Montreuil 04/182 France Paris Conference in Paris 1946 04/183 France Paris Conference in Paris 1946 04/184 France Paris Conference in Paris 1946 04/185 France Paris ORT France – Cours d'histoire et de culture no date juives donné par M. Horowitz à l'ORT de Paris 04/186 France ORT France – Comité féminin de l'ORT no date Français, soirée-cinéma 04/187 France Lyon Les triplés Maurice, Elie et Joseph Cazado no date serruriers à l'ORT Lyon 04/188 France Nice ORT France – Exposition de fin d'année July 19, scolaire à l'ORT de Nice 1948 04/189 France Strasbourg ORT France – Theory class at ORT no date Strasbourg 04/190 France Strasbourg Manufactured product of work item no date 04/191 France Strasbourg Centre ORT avec internat à Strasbourg, Ecole no date d'électromontage, exercice d'épissure 04/192 France Strasbourg Grande exposition de travaux d'élèves de June 18, l'école ORT de Strasbourg, la section de 1951 radio-électricité 04/193 France Strasbourg Centre ORT avec internat à Strasbourg, Ecole no date

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d'électromontage: Essai d'un moteur. L'instructeur, M. Friedmann, a été formé à l'Institut Central de l'ORT à Anières 04/194 France Strasbourg Centre ORT avec internat, Ecole no date d'électromontage 04/195 France Strasbourg ORT France – Ecole d'électro-mécanique no date 04/196 France Strasbourg ORT France – Ecole de radio-életricité no date 04/197 France Strasbourg ORT France – Une des cellules de Montage no date d'électricité à l'école ORT 04/198 France Strasbourg Conférence de M. J: Meyer "L'émancipation March 16, par le travail". 80è anniversaire de l'ORT- 1961 UNION; 40è anniversaire de l'ORT France 1er rang (de gauche à droite): M. Deutsch, Grand Rabbin; M. Revel, président de l'action jumelée; M. Lévy, président de l'école du travail, ancien bâtonier; M. Weil-Sulzer, vice-président du Consistoire, bâtonier; M. Keltz-Bloch, vice- président de la communauté; M. Félix Lévy, membre de la Commission Asministrative, juge; M. Ab Neher, professeur; M. René Weil, membre de la Commission Administrative; secrétaire du Comité ORT de Strasbourg 2è rang (de gauche à droite): Mme Schmidt; Mlle F. Schwab, présidente du home Laure Weil; Dr. Cayet; président de l'A.R.S.E.A.; Dr. Sitter, service social, caisse d'allocations familiales; M. Schreyec, directeur de l'A.R.S.E.A. 04/199 France Strasbourg Conférence de M. J: Meyer "L'émancipation March 16, par le travail". 80ème anniversaire de l'ORT- 1961 UNION; 40ème anniversaire de l'ORT France à Strasbourg. M. A. Blum, Président du comité PRT de Strasbourg présentant le conférencier, M. Meyer 04/200 France Strasbourg Visite à l'ORT Strasbourg, MM. Braude et Dec. 1958 Gould 04/201 France Strasbourg Strasbourg, M. Deutsch holds a speach no date 04/202 France Strasbourg ORT France – Inauguration de l'école ORT à May 4, Strasbourg par M. M. E. Naegelen, Ministre 1947 de l'Education Nationale 04/203 France Strasbourg Cinquieme anniversaire de l'ORT-Strasbourg. June 18, Une grande exposition de travaux d'élèves 1951 Sous le haut patronage de M. le Préfet du Bas-Rhin et de M. le Maire de Strasbourg, une exposition de travaux d'élèves de l'Ecole ORT a été inaugurée le 18 Juin 1951. De gauche à droite: M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT Français, prononçant sons discours inaugural, M. Arthur Blum; Président du Comité ORT de Strasbourg, M, E. Schieber, ORT France, M. le Dr. Revel, Me Jules Weill, vice président du Consistoire du Bas-Rhin

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04/204 France Strasbourg ORT France – Exposition de l'ORT à 1952 Strasbourg 04/205 France Strasbourg M. Friedmann, ancien élève de l'Institut ORT no date d'Anières, faisant un cours aux élèves de 1 ère année (Promotion 53/54) à l'école ORT de Strasbourg 04/206 France Montreuil Inauguration de l'exposition de l'ORT – March 28, Montreuil, à l'Ecole de Radio-Eléctricité, 1958 De gauche à droite: M. P. Bacon, Ministre de Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale M. J. Bramson, Directeur du Centre M. L. Meiss, Président de l'ORT Français M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT Français 04/207 France Cours de confection pour enfants, no date au premier plan: veste avec capuchon, robes et maneau pour fillette 04/208 France Montreuil Exposition des travaux d'élèves à l'occasion March 28, du 10 e Anniversaire de l'ORT Montreuil. 1958 Inauguration de l'Exposition par Monsieur Paul Bacon, Ministre de Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale. M. L. Meiss, Président de l'ORT Français, à sa gauche Monsieur le Ministre 04/209 France Montreuil Exposition des travaux d'élèves à l'occasion March 28, du 10 e Anniversaire de l'ORT Montreuil. 1958 M. Paul Bacon, Ministre du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale prononce son discours 04/210 France Montreuil Exposition de Travaux d'élèves et stagiaires March 28, du Centre de Formation Professionelle de 1958 l'ORT à Montreuil, inauguré e par M. Paul Bacon, Ministre du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale. De gauche à droite: Mme L. Roubach, Vice-Présidente de l'ORT M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur du Centre M. le Ministre M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT 04/211 France Montreuil Exposition de Travaux d'élèves et stagiaires March 28, du Centre de Formation Professionelle de 1958 l'ORT à Montreuil, inauguré par M. Paul Bacon, Ministre du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale. A l'Ecole d'Ebénisterie (de gauche à droite): M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT M. le Ministre M. Piton, Inspecteur Divisionnaire du Travail L'Admiral Louis Kahn, Vice-Président de l'ORT M. G. Melamed, Directeur-Adjoint de l'ORT Français 04/212 France Montreuil Exposition de Travaux d'élèves et stagiaires March 28, 30 30


du Centre de Formation Professionelle de 1958 l'ORT à Montreuil, inauguré par M. Paul Bacon, Ministre du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale. Au Laboratoire de Radio (des monteuses- aligneuses) (de gauche à droite): M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT M. le Ministre M. Jacques Bramson, Directeur du Centre 04/213 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – M. Jean Minjoz, Ministre May 15, du Travail et de ka Sécurité Sociale, inaugre 1956 l'exposition de travaux d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil. De gauche à droite: Mrs Rebecca Segal, Présidente du Women's American ORT M. A. Rosier, Directeur Général de la Main d'Oeuvre au Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale M. E. Schieber, Chef du Service de l'Information de l'ORT Mme B. Brunschwieg, Directeur du Cabinet du Ministre du Travail M. J. Bramson, Directeur du Centre de Montreuil M. le Ministre M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT Français 04/214 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – M. Jean Minjoz, Ministre May 15, du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale, inaugre 1956 l'exposition de travaux d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil, Ecole de mécanique. De gauche à droite: M. Léon Meiss, Président de l'ORT Français Mlle Lafouge, Directrice de la Formation Professionelle au Ministère du Travail M. A. Rosier, Directeur Général de la Main d'Oeuvre au Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale M. le Ministre 04/215 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – M. Jean Minjoz, Ministre May 15, du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale, inaugre 1956 l'exposition de travaux d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil, Atelier de mécanique. De gauche à droite: M. Lewis, membre du Conseil Technique de l'ORT M. A. Rosier, Directeur Général de la Main d'Oeuvre au Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale M. J. Bramson, Directeur du Centre de Montreuil M. le Ministre 04/216 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – M. Jean Minjoz, Ministre May 15, du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale, inaugre 1956 l'exposition de travaux d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil. M. le Ministre en conversation avec un élève de l'école de mécanique 04/217 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – M. Jean Minjoz, Ministre May 15,

31 31


du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale, inaugre 1956 l'exposition de travaux d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil, l'école de mécanique. De gauche à droite: M. le Ministre M. A. Rosier, Directeur Général de la Main d'Oeuvre au Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale Mlle Lafouge, Directrice de la Formation Professionelle au Ministère du Travail 04/218 France Montreuil Exposition ORT – Exposition de travaux May 15, d'élèves au Centre de Montreuil 1956 04/219 France ORT France – Exposition de l'ORT Français 1949 en 1949, en présence du Ministre du Travail 04/220 France Marseille Inauguration de la nouvelle Ecole ORT – July, 1962 Plaque des Donateurs 04/221 France Marseille Inauguration de la nouvelle Ecole ORT – Oct. 4, Pose de la Mezouzah 1962 04/222 France Marseille Inauguration de la nouvelle Ecole ORT – M. Oct. 4, Max Braude, Directeur Général de l'Union 1962 ORT prononce son discours. De gauche à droite: M. Andrieux, Adjoint au Marie, représentant M. Gaston Deffere, Maire de Marseille, Sénateur des Bouches du Rhône Wilheilm B ǿe, Sécretaire Général du Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés M. Anglaret, Inspecteur d'Académie Mme B. Galtung, ORT Norvège M. F. Schrager, Directeur de l'ORT France 04/223 France Marseille Inauguration de la nouvelle Ecole ORT de Oct. 4, Marseille – M. B ǿe remet la Medaille à M. 1962 Max Braude De gauche à droite: M. Andrieux, Adjoint au Marie, représentant M. Gaston Deffere, Maire de Marseille, Sénateur des Bouches du Rhône Wilhelm B ǿe, Sécretaire Général du Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés Max Braude, Directeur Général de l'Union ORT M. Anglaret, Inspecteur d'Académie, représentant M. J. capelle, Directeur Général du Ministère de l'Education Nationale à Marseille Mme B. Galtung, ORT Norvège 04/224 France Marseille Inauguration de la nouvelle Ecole ORT de Oct. 4, Marseille – M. Andrieux, Adjoint au Maire de 1962 Marseille, prononce son discours. De gauche à droite: MM. Israel Salzer, Grand Rabbin de Marseille Daniel Meyer, Président du Comité Exécutif de l'Union Mondiale ORT Denieul, Directeur du Cabinet du Préfet, représentant M. Haas-Picard Amiral Louis Kahn, Vice-Président de l'ORT France Andrieux, Adjoint au Maire, représentant M. Faston 32 32


Defferre, Maire de Marseille, Sénateur des Bouches du Rhône Wilhelm B ǿe, Sécretaire Général du Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés Anglaret, Inspecteur d'Académie à Marseille, représentant M. J. capelle, Directeur Général du Ministère de l'Education Nationale Mme B. Galtung, ORT Norvège Max Braude, Directeur Général de l'Union ORT 04/225 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/226 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/227 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/228 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/229 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/230 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/231 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/232 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale – Mr. Jordon June 30, 1957 04/233 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale – Mr. June 30, Maurice Osbach 1957 04/234 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale –Mr. Eugène June 30, Weill 1957 04/235 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/236 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/237 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/238 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/239 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/240 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/241 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/242 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 33 33


04/243 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/244 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/245 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale – Mr. C. June 30, Weiler 1957 04/246 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/247 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/248 France Paris Session de la Direction Centrale June 30, 1957 04/249 France Paris Dressmaking 1951 04/250 France Paris Corset making no date 04/251 France Dressmaking. Students, teacher, mannequin no date 04/252 France Paris Developing artistic skills no date 04/253 France Paris Patternmaking no date 04/254 France Paris Hatmaking no date 04/255 France Paris Hatmaking no date 04/256 France Paris School for training for the professions no date 04/257 France Paris Dressmaking no date 04/258 France Paris Learning to sew suits for women no date 04/259 France Menorah in front of children's home of the no date O.P.E.J. 04/260 France Lyon Menorah no date 04/261 France Lyon Model of gate no date 04/262 France Lyon Menorah exhibited 1946 04/263 France Welding course no date 04/264 France Paris David Dubinsky, President of International July 15, Ladies' Garment Works Union addresses 1948 opening of vocational center at Montreuil- sous-Bois 04/265 France Paris Inauguration of vocational center at July 15, Montreuil-sous-Bois. representative 1948 addresses 04/266 France Paris Dressmaking class, designing no date 04/267 France Paris Training for dressmaking no date 04/268 France Paris Mechanics school no date 04/269 France Paris Electrical workshop no date 04/270 France Paris Classes in shirtmaking no date 34 34


04/271 France Distribution of diplomas. M.G. Melamed in April, photo 1949 04/272 France Paris Exhibition of soldering class no date 04/273 France Paris Leather workshop no date 04/274 France Paris "the forge" at mechanics school no date 04/275 France Paris Course for electrical installation no date 04/276 France Paris Mechanics school no date 04/277 France Course in refrigeration no date 04/278 France Paris Course in soldering no date 04/279 France Marseille Workshop for boys Oct. 1962 04/280 France Paris Mechanics school no date 04/281 France Miss Viviane Salma ZERKA, the 100 th no date student at Montreuil 04/282 France Paris Leather workshop 1951 04/283 France Drafting exhibit no date 04/284 France Paris Dressmaking school no date 04/285 France Paris Dressmaking school, design no date 04/286 France Paris, Building no date Montreuil 04/287 France Paris (?) Class photo taken on monument no date 04/288 France Lyon Mechanics no date 04/289 France Lyon Inauguration of new school Nov. 1960 04/290 France Lyon Inauguration of new school 1960 04/291 France Lyon Inspection of the equipment in the new 1960 school, at the time of inauguration 04/292 France Paris, Student at his machinery no date Montreuil 04/293 France Models and their clothes no date 04/294 France Dressmaking class no date 04/295 France Paris Tailoring class no date 04/296 France Paris Tailoring no date 04/297 France Paris Tailoring 1951 04/298 France Paris Furriers 1951 04/299 France Paris Tailoring no date 04/300 France Strasbourg Dressmaking and cutting no date 04/301 France Neuilly Sewing class 1954 04/302 France Summer camp run by women's ORT [Cambes no date de Pujois] (only scan available, original lost)

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04/303 France Summer camp run by women's ORT [Cambes no date de Pujois] (only scan available, original lost) 04/304 France Summer camp run by women's ORT [Cambes no date de Pujois] (only scan available, original lost) 04/305 France Summer camp run by women's ORT [Cambes no date de Pujois] (only scan available, original lost) 04/306 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/307 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/308 France Paris, Soldering school(only scan available, original no date Montreuil lost) 04/309 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/310 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/311 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/312 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/313 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) 04/314 France Paris, Soldering school (only scan available, no date Montreuil original lost) (only scan available, original lost) 04/315 France Paris Carpentry school (only scan available, no date original lost) 04/316 France Paris Carpentry school (only scan available, no date original lost) 04/317 France Paris Carpentry school (only scan available, no date original lost) 04/318 France Paris Carpentry school (only scan available, no date original lost) 04/319 France Paris Carpentry school (only scan available, no date original lost) 04/320 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date 04/321 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date 04/322 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date 04/323 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date 04/324 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date 04/325 France Paris Electro-mechanical school no date

36 36


04/326 France Paris Typewriter repair school no date 04/327 France Paris Typewriter repair school no date 04/328 France Paris Typewriter repair school no date 04/329 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/330 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/331 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/332 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/333 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/334 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/335 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/336 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/337 France Paris Radio repair school no date 04/338 France Paris School for electricians no date 04/339 France Paris School for electricians no date 04/340 France Paris School for electricians no date 04/341 France Paris Refrigeration school no date 04/342 France Paris Refrigeration school no date 04/343 France Metals school no date 04/344 France Metals school no date 04/346 France Mechanics school no date 04/347 France Sewing school no date 04/348 France Paris Sewing school no date 04/349 France Paris Sewing school no date 04/350 France Paris Sewing school no date 04/351 France Paris Oxygen tank no date 04/352 France Paris Generators, oxygen tanks no date 04/353 France Paris Mechanic no date 04/354 France Paris Sewing class no date 04/355 France Paris Sewing class no date 04/356 France Paris Les sports: une place importante dans le no date programme d'études et dans les activités périscolaires. Exercice de gymnastique corrective 04/357 France Paris The new Ambassador of Israel, Mr. Jacob Feb. 1, Tsur, visits the ORT Centre in Montreuil, 1954 Paris. In the Mecanic School, from right to left: Mr. M. Palgi, Economic Councillor of the Embassy, the Ambassador, Mr. A. Gilboa, General Consul, in front(turning the back) 37 37


Mr. J. Bramson, Director of the ORT Centre 04/358 France Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/359 France Paris Exhibition with Jacob Tzur, Israeli 1954 ambassador 04/360 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/361 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/362 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/363 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/364 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/365 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/366 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/367 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/368 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/369 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/370 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/371 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/372 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/373 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/374 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/375 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/376 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/377 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/378 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/379 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/380 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/381 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/382 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/383 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/384 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/385 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/386 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/387 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1954 04/388 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1952 04/389 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1952 04/390 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1956 04/391 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1956 04/392 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1956 38 38


04/393 France Paris Exhibition – works of vocational courses 1956 04/394 France Paris ORT students on the playgound no date 04/395 France Vaccination of chicken May 1942 04/396 France Paris Service d'apprentissage patronal. Avant leur no date placement dans un atelier artisanal ou industriel, les candites passent un examen d'orientation professionelle 04/397 France Villiers-le-Del recreation time Dec. 1967 04/398 France Chantals home no date 04/399 France Chantals home no date 04/400 France Women in their classroom, secretarial, no date sewing, English 04/401 France Women in their classroom, secretarial, no date sewing, English 04/402 France Women in their classroom, secretarial, no date sewing, English 04/403 France Women in their classroom, secretarial, no date sewing, English 04/404 France Apptitude exams for men no date 04/405 France Paris Course in ladies' ready-to-wear no date 04/406 France Paris Carpentry-cabinet making no date 04/407 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/408 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/409 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/410 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/411 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/412 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/413 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others

39 39


04/414 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/415 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/416 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/417 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, 40rench40se40ion, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/418 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/419 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/420 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/421 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/422 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/423 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/424 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/425 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/426 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/427 France Paris Students at various trades. Mechanics, no date electrical, welding, radio, plumbing and others 04/428 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/429 France Exhibition – display of items no date

40 40


04/430 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/431 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/432 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/433 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/434 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/435 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/436 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/437 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/438 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/439 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/440 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/441 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/442 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/443 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/444 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/445 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/446 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/447 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/448 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/449 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/450 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/451 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/452 France Exhibition – display of items no date

04/453 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/454 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/455 France Exhibition – display of items no date 04/456 France Exhibition – display of items March 1956 04/457 France Exhibition – display of items March 1956 04/458 France Exhibition – display of items March 1956 04/459 France Paris Graduation certificates distributed in the name June 1958 of David Dubinsky by J. Bramson 04/460 France Paris Graduation certificates distributed in the name June 1958 of David Dubinsky by J. Bramson 04/461 France Paris Choral group of students June 1958 41 41


04/462 France Dr. Syngalowski visits students no date 04/463 France Portrait Dr. Syngalowski no date 04/464 France At the exhibition of May, 1960: M. Rougerie, May, 1960 M.J. Bramson, M. Georges Mercier, M. Leon Meiss and M.F. Schrager 04/465 France At the exhibition? Visit? no date 04/466 France M. Belard, Kiev no date 04/467 France Portrait no date 04/468 France Myrthil Weil, Sec. General French ORT, died no date in Auschwitz 04/469 France Speech no date 04/470 France Group of French Govt officials visit exhibit no date 04/471 France Group of French Govt officials visit exhibit no date 04/472 France A visit to a mechanics class no date 04/473 France Paris Succeeding generations of ORT trained 1963 teachers in Paris hold a faculty meeting 04/474 France Dr. Syngalowski and ? no date 04/475 France Portrait no date 04/476 France Lyon Desk no date 04/477 France Lyon Dressmaking no date 04/478 France Lyon Dressmaking no date 04/479 France Lyon Dressmaking no date 04/480 France Lyon Electricity course no date 04/481 France Lyon Precision mechanics Spring 1969 04/482 France Marseille Bramson School no date 04/483 France Marseille Bramson School no date 04/484 France Marseille Bramson school, recreation yard Spring 1969 04/485 France Marseille Bramson school, recreation yard no date 04/486 France Marseille Sign honouring the friends of ORT no date 04/487 France Marseille Bramson school, recreation yard Spring 1969 04/488 France Marseille Sign at the Bramson School no date 04/489 France Marseille Classe de dessin Oct. 4, 1962 04/490 France Marseille Atelier de confection no date 04/491 France Strasbourg Students at their classes no date 04/492 France Strasbourg Students at their classes no date 42 42


04/493 France Strasbourg Students at their classes no date 04/494 France Strasbourg Students at their classes no date 04/495 France Strasbourg Official meeting no date 04/496 France Strasbourg Official meeting no date 04/497 France Strasbourg Students at their classes no date 04/498 France Strasbourg Electricity course, second year no date 04/499 France Strasbourg Radio mechanics school, second year no date 04/500 France Strasbourg Mm Schott and Friedmann during an 1953/54? electricity course 04/501 France Strasbourg Electricity workshop no date 04/502 France Strasbourg Electriciy school, third year no date 04/503 France Strasbourg Radio mechanics no date 04/504 France Strasbourg Radio electricity no date 04/505 France Strasbourg Mechanics no date 04/506 France Strasbourg Blacksmithing no date 04/507 France Strasbourg Dressmaking class no date 04/508 France Strasbourg Radio laboratory rooms no date 04/509 France Strasbourg Exhibit of students work no date 04/510 France Strasbourg Electricity laboratory no date 04/511 France Strasbourg Mechanics workshop no date 04/512 France Strasbourg Technical design no date 04/513 France Lyon Technical design no date 04/514 France Lyon Electricity work no date 04/515 France Strasbourg Working on kitchen's equipment no date 04/516 France Strasbourg In the dining room, anniversary celebration no date 04/517 France Strasbourg The Great Rabbi teaches religion no date 04/518 France Lyon Techincal design Spring 1969 04/519 France Lyon Drafting course May 1968 04/520 France Lyon The triplets Maurice, Elie and Jospeh Cazado no date 04/521 France Marseille New school in Marseilles no date 04/522 France Marseille Diving school no date 04/523 France Paris Cooking school no date 04/524 France Paris Cooking school no date 04/525 France Paris Convention: UJA visits ORT school no date 04/526 France Paris Furniture exhibition no date 04/527 France Paris, Villiers- Secretarial school. Telephone school no date 43 43


le-Bel 04/528 France Paris, Villiers- Secretarial school. Telephone school no date le-Bel 04/529 France Paris, Villiers- Corridor no date le-Bel 04/530 France Paris Album: radio technicians drafting 1945 04/531 France Paris Album: mechanics school, drawing lesson 1945 04/532 France Strasbourg Album: Franch minister of education Mr. no date Maegelen with student 04/533 France Hénonville Album: Gardening course no date 04/534 France Paris Album: mechanics course 1945 04/535 France Paris Welding course no date 04/536 France Paris Engineering no date 04/537 France Paris Sewing no date 04/538 France Paris Welding no date 04/539 France Paris Exhibition no date 04/540 France Paris Exhibition no date 04/541 France Paris Simone Veil, Health and Family Minister, June 1, visits ORT school 1978 04/542 France Paris Pierre Dreyfus on the podium June 1, 1978 04/543 France Paris Exhibition May 15, 1956 04/544 France Paris Medical and social services no date 04/545 France Paris Radio technicians no date 04/546 France Marseille Inauguration of Marine School March 1947 04/547 France Marseille Inauguration of Marine School March 1947 04/548 France Marseille Marine school student diver no date 04/549 France Marseille Newspaper article no date 04/550 France Strasbourg Group. M. Schrager, M. Smaga, Mme Braude Dec. 1958 04/551 France Strasbourg Inauguration of ORT school. Marcel E. May 4, Naegelen 1947 04/552 France Strasbourg Inauguration of ORT school. Marcel E. May 4, Naegelen 1947 04/553 France Paris, Villiers- Entrance to the ORT school no date le-Bel 04/554 France Gardening course in connection with no date Maimonides High School, at Boulogne-sur- 44 44


Seine 04/555 France Course in floral art at children's home in no date Bellevue-Meudon 04/556 France Electrical insullation course no date 04/557 France Lyon Adults course in industrial lingerie May 1968 04/558 France ORT in internment camps (1941-1944) no date 04/559 France Placing a wreath. American flag in no date background 04/560 France (?) Monuments and wreaths no date 04/561 France Sewing classes no date 04/562 France Sewing classes no date 04/563 France Sewing classes no date 04/564 France Sewing classes no date 04/565 France Channuka celebration no date 04/566 France Exhibition of agricultural products no date 04/567 France Theatre no date 04/568 France Workshops no date 04/569 France Workshops no date 04/570 France Workshops no date 04/571 France Workshops no date 04/572 France Workshops no date 04/573 France Sewing class no date 04/574 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/575 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/576 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/577 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/578 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/579 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/580 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/581 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/582 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/583 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/584 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/585 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/586 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/587 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/588 France Exhibitions of students works no date 45 45


04/589 France Exhibitions of students works no date 04/590 France Jacov J. Javits and others Dec. 1949 04/591 France Gov. Herbert L. Lehman and others. Visitors April 22, ? book inscription included 04/592 France Pierre Dumas Villiers-le Bel Feb. 11, 1969 04/593 France U.S. ambassador Jefferson Caffery delivers a July 15, speech at the inauguration of new vocational 1948 center in Montreuil-sous-Bois 04/594 France Daniel Mayer, Minister of Labour, and others April 1949 04/595 France Paris Lord Silkin visits Paris July 1951 04/596 France ? Lord and Lady Silkin no date 04/597 France Conference of National ORT France with the no date participation of the British ORT President A. Halpern and others 04/598 France Paris A. Rosier delivers a speech July 8, 1951 04/599 France 80 th anniversary of ORT. Exhibition. J. May 25, Bramson with ministers 1960 04/600 France Paris Inauguration of new school at Montreuil. July 14, Leon Meiss, president of ORT-France 1948 04/601 France Paris Personalities of British-ORT visit Paris July 9, 1951 04/602 France Paris M. Pierre Paraf speaks at a conference on March "Judaism and France" 1949 04/603 France 30 years of ORT outside of Russia. Dr. April 1950 Lvovitch; Leon Meiss; Solomon Grumbach and others 04/604 France Paris Lord Silkin visits Paris no date 04/605 France Paris Mr E. Schieber; Mrs H. Sonnabend; Ms J. Sept. 1950 Pellar; Mrs I. Pellar; Ms B. Birstein; Mrs Friedman-Lvow; Mr G. Melamed; Mrs Ziporah Friedman-Lvow (sister of B. Gurion); Mr Icchaikin; Mr B. Janner, M.P.; Dr. H. Sonnabend; Mrs B. Janner 04/606 France Paris, Inauguration of a new school at Montreuil. July 15, Montreuil Daniel Mayer, Minister of Labour, delivering 1948 his speech 04/607 France Dr. Zadoc-Kahn (1879-1943) Chairman of no date French ORT (1936-1942) who perished in Auschwitz 04/608 France Commemorating the M. Soskin memorial. no date Renee Soskin, M. Braude, Halperin, Robin

46 46


Gilbert and others 04/609 France Paris, Paul Bacon, French Labour Minister June 11, Montreuil 1950 04/610 France Paris Students work exhibition, viewed by Labour no date and Education Ministers 04/611 France Paris Dressmaking school 1951 04/612 France Paris Plumbing school no date 04/613 France Paris Typewriter repair school no date 04/614 France Paris Carpentry no date 04/615 France Paris Gem polishing (?) no date 04/616 France Paris Electro-machanics no date 04/617 France Paris Distribution of diplomas; Madame Baur, M. July 6, Minkowski, M. Bramson 1947 04/618 France Paris Furrier school no date 04/619 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/620 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/621 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/622 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/623 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/624 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/625 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/626 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/627 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/628 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/629 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/630 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/631 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/632 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/633 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/634 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/635 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/636 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/637 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/638 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/639 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/640 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/641 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948

47 47


04/642 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/643 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/644 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/645 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/646 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/647 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/648 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/649 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/650 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/651 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/652 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/653 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/654 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/655 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/656 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/657 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/658 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/659 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/660 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/661 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/662 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/663 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/664 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/665 France Paris Album: report of activities. Photos and text 1945-1948 04/666 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/667 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/668 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/669 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/670 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/671 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/672 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/673 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/674 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/675 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/676 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/677 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953

48 48


04/678 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/679 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/680 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/681 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/682 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/683 France Paris Album: 18 photos 1953 04/684 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/685 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/686 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/687 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/688 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/689 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/690 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/691 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/692 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/693 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/694 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/695 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/696 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/697 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/698 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/699 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/700 France Lyon Album. 17 photos of new ORT school 1975 04/701 France Strasbourg Exhibition. Drill press. ORT school no date 04/702 France Paris Exhibition: graphics no date 04/703 France ? Soldering. Design no date 04/706 France Rivesaltes Woodworking class, shoemaking class no date 04/707 France Rivesaltes Photo of ORT Poster no date (former detention camp) 04/708 France Rivesaltes Photo of ORT Poster no date (former detention camp) 04/709 France Michel Rosenfeld working on machinery no date 04/710 France Marseilles Leon Bramson ORT Center. Industrial no date dressmaking workshop

49 49


04/711 France Paris Welding school no date 04/712 France Paris, Relaxing at chess no date Montreuil 04/713 France Paris, Sewing class no date Montreuil 04/714 France Paris, Sewing class no date Montreuil 04/715 France Paris Poster, exhibition in connection with United Oct. 1956 Nations Day 04/716 France Paris Exhibition of work done by pupils. Electrical no date display 04/717 France Paris, Exterior of building ORT Center no date Montreuil 04/718 France Strasbourg Exhibition for the celebration of the 125 th April, year of vocational School Bas-Rhin, and the 1957 10 th anniversary of ORT in Strasbourg 04/719 France Strasbourg Channukia, the work of students at the ORT no date school in Strasbourg 04/720 France Strasbourg Celebrating 125 th Anniversary Bas-Rhin. 1957 Celebrating the 10 th anniversary of ORT. Seen are: G. Bloch, Dr. J. Weill, G. Levy, M.L. Meiss, A.Blum 04/721 France Paris, Park scene no date Montreuil 04/722 France Paris, Building exterior no date Montreuil 04/722 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/723 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/724 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/725 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/726 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/727 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel no date 04/728 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/729 France Paris Exhibition: work done in Israel 1957 04/730 France Paris Children learning the names of tools 1962 04/731 France Motreuil Centre de Formation Professionelle, cours de no date soudure 04/732 France Motreuil Centre de Formation Professionelle, cours de no date soudure 04/733 France Paris Centre de Formation Professionelle, cours de no date soudure

50 50


04/734 France Montreuil Centre de Formation Professionelle, cours de no date soudure 04/735 France Montreuil Centre de Formation Professionelle, cours de no date soudure 04/736 France Montreuil Colonie de vacances du comité feminine, à no date Cambes de Pujois 04/737 France Montreuil Colonie de vacances du comité feminine, à no date Cambes de Pujois 04/738 France Montreuil Colonie de vacances du comité feminine, à no date Cambes de Pujois 04/739 France Montreuil Colonie de vacances du comité feminine, à no date Cambes de Pujois 04/740 France Paris Typewriters school no date 04/741 France Paris Technical drawing no date 04/742 France Montreuil Carpentry school no date 04/743 France Montreuil Carpentry school no date 04/744 France Montreuil Carpentry school no date 04/745 France Paris ORT exhibition, Galerie de Boëtie, pupils Oct. 12, work 1947 04/746 France Montreuil Welding course for adults no date 04/747 France Montreuil Welding course for adults no date 04/748 France Paris Electrotechnics no date 04/749 France Montreuil Electro-technicians no date 05/001 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Distribution des prix 1953 05/002 Greece Athens ORT Athens. A l'atelier de mécanique no date 05/003 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Mécanique, travail sur étau no date limeur 05/004 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Mécanique, travail sur tour no date 05/005 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Mécanique, travail sur fraiseuse no date 05/006 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Mécanique, à l'atelier d'ajustage no date 05/007 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Mécanique, à salle des Oct. 1950 machines 05/008 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Atelier de réparation de no date machines de l'ORT Hellénique 05/009 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Atelier de réparation de no date machines de l'ORT Hellénique 05/010 Greece Athens ORT Athens. M. Athanas Kallendjis, no date instructeur de l'atelier de soudure autogène acev ses élèves 05/011 Greece Athens ORT Athens. M. Jean Kritikos, instructeur à no date

51 51


l'atelier d'installations électriques, avec ses élèves 05/012 Greece Athens ORT Athens. A pupil draws an electrical Oct. 1950 circuitry 05/013 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/014 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/015 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/016 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/017 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/018 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/019 Greece Athens ORT Grèce, Athens. At the fashion studio 1954 05/020 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à no date l'école de couture 05/021 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à Oct. 1950 l'école de couture 05/022 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à no date l'école de couture 05/023 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à no date l'école de couture 05/024 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à no date l'école de couture 05/025 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Présentation de modèles à no date l'école de couture 05/026 Greece Athens ORT Athens. Coupe et couture – Mme no date Allegra Bottoy, instructrice, avec ses élèves 05/027 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier d'électricité USEP no date 05/028 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de soudure USEP no date 05/029 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de soudure USEP no date 05/030 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de mécanique USEP no date 05/031 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de mécanique USEP no date 05/032 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de mécanique USEP no date 05/033 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier d'électricité USEP no date 05/034 Greece Athens Athens. Atelier de mécanique USEP no date 05/035 Greece Athens Athens. Visite aux ateliers USEP no date De gauche à droite: Brig. Gén. Anthony Souraitis, député R.S.G., contrôleur du projet M. Nissim Alkalai, directeur de l'ORT M. Constantine Markidis, assistant du USEP- Programme Major Gregorios Tsalkalides, du département des étrangers du Ministère de l'Interieur H. James H. Campell, chef de USEP en Grèce 52 52


05/036 Greece Athens Athens. Mme Kaphan visite l'ORT Hellénique 1954 05/037 Greece Athens Athens. Mme Kaphan visite l'ORT Hellénique 1954 05/038 Greece Athens Les dix élèves diplômés de l'Ecole ORT no date Hellénique à Athens entourés de leurs professeurs. Assis: au millieu Mr. Benusiglio, Président, à droite Mr. Noah, Directeur Techinque, à gauche Mr. Alcalay, Directeur Administratif 05/039 Greece Athens Le Président, Mr. Benusiglio, remet le no date diplôme de fin d'études à une élève du Cours de Coupe et Couture. Debout le Directeur Administratif, Mr. Alcalay 05/040 Greece Athens Athens. Distribution de prix, Mme Crestohl Oct. 1950 prononçant son discours 05/041 Greece Athens Athens. Distribution de prix, M. Moissis, Oct. 1950 Consul d'Israel, prononçant son discours 05/042 Greece Athens Athens. Distribution de prix no date 05/043 Greece Athens Athens. Distribution de prix, M. Nadiari, Oct. 1950 président, remet les prix aux élèves 05/044 Greece Athens Athens. De gauche à droite: no date assis: MM Jean Romanos, Nissim Alcalay, Dem. Saholarides debout: MM. Periclès Daramousis, Jean Kritikos, Mme Allegra Bottoy, MM. Victor Bensoussan, Athanas Kallendyis 05/045 Greece Athens Teaching young Greeks new village trades: Greek 1956 youths whose parents were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes, are cared for in institutions called the "King's schools". At one of these schools near Athens, young Greeks aged 16-20 years are receiving accelerated training as masons, carpentiers, mechanics and wheelwrights, with the help of a team of vocational training experts from the International Labour Organisation. The task of the ILO team is to demonstrate modern methods of instruction in the building trades. Two pilot classes, one in masonry and the other in carpentry, have been established in this school at Amaroussion, 15km north of Athens. Equipment and tools are supplied by the ILO. Under the watchful eye of ILO expert Albert Ayel (right), 16-year old Constantine Psathas uses a saw for the first time. 05/046 Greece Athens Teaching young greeks new village trades: Greek 1956 youths whose parents were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes, are cared for in institutions called the "King's schools". At one of these schools near Athens, young Greeks aged 16-20 years are receiving accelerated training as masons, carpentiers, mechanics and wheelwrights, with the help of a team of vocational 53 53


training experts from the International Labour Organisation. The task of the ILO team is to demonstrate modern methods of instruction in the building trades. Two pilot classes, one in masonry and the other in carpentry, have been established in this school at Amaroussion, 15km north of Athens. Equipment and tools are supplied by the ILO. Shown is a practical carpentry lesson in session 05/047 Greece Athens Teaching young Greeks new village trades: Greek 1956 youths whose parents were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes, are cared for in institutions called the "King's schools". At one of these schools near Athens, young Greeks aged 16-20 years are receiving accelerated training as masons, carpentiers, mechanics and wheelwrights, with the help of a team of vocational training experts from the International Labour Organisation. The task of the ILO team is to demonstrate modern methods of instruction in the building trades. Two pilot classes, one in masonry and the other in carpentry, have been established in this school at Amaroussion, 15km north of Athens. Equipment and tools are supplied by the ILO. The Greek instructor on carpentry, S. Yamalis, shows a student how to set a gauge. 05/048 Greece Athens Teaching young Greeks new village trades: Greek 1956 youths whose parents were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes, are cared for in institutions called the "King's schools". At one of these schools near Athens, young Greeks aged 16-20 years are receiving accelerated training as masons, carpentiers, mechanics and wheelwrights, with the help of a team of vocational training experts from the International Labour Organisation. The task of the ILO team is to demonstrate modern methods of instruction in the building trades. Two pilot classes, one in masonry and the other in carpentry, have been established in this school at Amaroussion, 15km north of Athens. Equipment and tools are supplied by the ILO. Shown is a general class scene. When these boys return to their villages they will be trained to operate as masons, carpenters, mechanics, wheelwrights, etc. 05/049 Greece Athens Rebuilding towns and men: The parents of these Greek 1956 youths were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes. Now they are being trained at the "King's Schools" with the help of the International Labour Organisation in the trades most needed in Greek towns and villages. Together with other young Greeks aged 16-20, they receive accelerated training in masons, carpenters, mechanics and wheelwrights. Here, ILO experts Louis Roguier (2 nd from right), instructor in masonry and reinforced concrete from a French apprenticeship centre, demonstrates how to erect the fomrs for a concrete column.

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05/050 Greece Athens Teaching young Greeks new village trades: Greek 1956 youths whose parents were killed or disabled during the second world war, the Greek civil war or as a result of earthquakes, are cared for in institutions called the "King's schools". At one of these schools near Athens, young Greeks aged 16-20 years are receiving accelerated training as masons, carpentiers, mechanics and wheelwrights, with the help of a team of vocational training experts from the International Labour Organisation. The task of the ILO team is to demonstrate modern methods of instruction in the building trades. Two pilot classes, one in masonry and the other in carpentry, have been established in this school at Amaroussion, 15km north of Athens. Equipment and tools are supplied by the ILO. A carpentry class in session. 16 years old Constantine Psathas, (left) comes from Drama in northern Greece. His father was killed in Albania during World War II. He recently finished his elementary education in his village. Now he is training to become a carpenter. The family has saved the fathers small pension to start Constantine up in business as soon as he returns to the village. Photo shows him earnestly watching ILO expert Albert Ayel as he shows him how to use a saw. ILO experts Ayel is an instructor in cabinet/making at the College d'Oullins. 06/001 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visit of Hans J. Baer Nov. 1961 06/002 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visit of Hans J. Baer Nov. 1961 06/003 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, l'Ambassadeur de Switzerland M. Nov. 1961 Marcionelli 06/004 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, l'Ambassadeur de Switzerland M. Nov. 1961 Marcionelli 06/005 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran – L'impératrice Farah au stand de Jan. 1961 l'ORT à l'éxposition des femmes à Téhéran 06/006 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/007 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/008 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/009 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/010 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/011 Iran ORT Iran – La princesse Shannaz visite notre 1960 école 06/012 Iran Visite de M. D. Mayer sur le tombeau de April 1960 Reza Shah le Grand

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06/013 Iran Visite de M. D. Mayer April 1960 06/014 Iran Visite de M. D. Mayer sur le tombeau de April 1960 Reza Shah le Grand 06/015 Iran ORT Iran – Exposition des travaux de l'ORT May 5, Téhéran sous le patronage de S. E. le Dr. M. 1959 Mehran, ministre de l'Education 06/016 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr. Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/017 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/018 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/019 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/020 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/021 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/022 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/023 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/024 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/025 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/026 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/027 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mr Hossein Ala, ministre Dec. 1957 de la Cour Impériale et du Dr Mehran ministre de l'Education Nationale 06/028 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Mr K. Fatemi, Director general of April 1957 the Iranian Ministry of Education visiting students' electrical exibit. 56 56


06/029 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Mr K. Fatemi, Director general of April 1957 the Iranian Ministry of Education visiting one of the dressmaking school classes. 06/030 Iran Téhéran Visite du baron Ed. De Rothschild à l'ORT no date 06/031 Iran Téhéran M. le Président de l'ORT visite les écoles de Jan. 27, l'ORT 1954 06/032 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman Aug. 2, 1951 06/033 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman à la Aug. 2, section d'agromécanique 1951 06/034 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman Aug. 2, 1951 06/035 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/036 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/037 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Beckelman et M. Datner signet no date le livre des invités 06/038 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/039 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/040 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/041 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/042 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de M. Beckelman 1951 06/043 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/044 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/045 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept.1951 06/046 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/047 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/048 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/049 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/050 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, visite de Mme Sylverman Sept. 1951 06/051 Iran Téhéran Cérémonie de ditribution de prix. M. Shapiro Sept. 4, représentant de l'Agence Juive 1951 06/052 Iran Téhéran Visite d'élèves d'autres écoles à notre no date exposition 06/053 Iran Téhéran MM. Jean Hess, remplaçant du délégué de March 20, l'ONU en Iran, de Baer, délégué de l'ONU, 1953 Datner et Shapiro de l'Immigration Office d'Israel visitent les écoles de l'ORT 06/054 Iran ORT Iran – M. Van Euven Goethart signe le Jan. 27, livre des invités 1954 06/055 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Van Euven Goethart visite Jan. 27,

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l'école 1954 06/056 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Van Euven Goethart visite Jan. 27, l'école 1954 06/057 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Brodbek, conseiller d'Education Feb. 15, professionelle de l'UNESCO en Iran visite 1952 l'école de Téhéran 06/058 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, l'ingénieur Elie, chef du June 1, département technique donnant des 1952 éxplications à M. Adjoudani sur nos méthodes d'enseignement 06/059 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Brodbek, conseiller d'Education Feb. 15, professionelle de l'UNESCO en Iran visite 1952 l'école 06/060 Iran Téhéran Visite à l'ORT no date 06/061 Iran Téhéran Les femmes de Téhéran visitent les écoles de Aug. 1, l'ORT 1951 06/062 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Beckelman visite la classe de 1951 théorie mécanique 06/063 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Beckelman visite la classe de 1951 mécanique 06/064 Iran Téhéran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/065 Iran Visite à l'ORT Iran no date 06/066 Iran Visite à l'ORT Iran no date 06/067 Iran Visite à l'ORT Iran no date 06/068 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/069 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/070 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/071 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/072 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/073 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/074 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/075 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/076 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955

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visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/077 Iran Le ministre de l'Education nationale d'Iran 1955 visite les écoles de l'ORT 06/078 Iran Téhéran Instructeurs de l'ORT Sept. 1951 06/079 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Mr. Warnock du Bureau du Travail Jan. 13, des USA (Washington) dans le jardin de 1952 l'école de l'ORT à Téhéran 06/080 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, des élèves de l'école d'électro- no date mécanique branchent des machines sous la conduite de M. Jules Goldsmith, instructeur d'Anières 06/081 Iran A class in theory of electricity in ORT school no date 06/082 Iran Learning the intridacies of machine shop at no date the ORT school 06/083 Iran Mechanics course at the ORT school no date 06/084 Iran Learning technical drawing at the ORT school no date 06/085 Iran A future auto mechanic is born at the ORT no date school 06/086 Iran Practical demonstration in the electricity class no date in the ORT school 06/087 Iran ORT Iran – Visite des Ecoles ORT par Mr. Nov. 1961 Marcionelli, Ambassadeur de Switzerland en Iran, Werner Sigg, Secrétaire d'Ambassade et Max Fischer 06/088 Iran ORT Iran – Téhéran, l'Ambassadeur de Nov. 1961 Switzerland M. Marcionelli 06/089 Iran L'Ambassadeur Switzerland écoutant les Nov. 1961 explications donnés par l'instructrice de l'école des filles 06/090 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crées grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Nourollah Khagchour (20 ans) 06/091 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crées grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Ereh Ben Yaghoub près de son tour 06/092 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crées grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Farajollah Rahmanpour (23 ans) das son atelier 06/093 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crées grace au 59 59


"Fonds Lvovitch", Nourollah Khagchour (20 ans) 06/094 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crées grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Eshab Moshe (19 ans) 06/095 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crée grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Nourollah Khagchour (20 ans) 06/096 Iran ORT Iran – Les élèves diplomés de l'ORT no date travaillent dans les ateliers crée grace au "Fonds Lvovitch", Nourollah Khagchour (20 ans) et Emrami Attollah (22 ans) dans leur atelier de mécanique générale Khiabané Bahar à Téhéran 06/097 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Section d'électro-mécanique no date 06/098 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Leskov visite l'école Feb. 12, d'automécanique 1954 06/099 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Ecole de mécanique no date 06/100 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Visite à l'école d'automécanique no date 06/101 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Visite à l'école d'automécanique no date 06/102 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Visite à l'école d'automécanique no date 06/103 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Visite à l'école d'automécanique no date 06/104 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Visite à l'école d'automécanique no date 06/105 Iran Téhéran Le Dr. Ispandari, directeur du Ministère de Feb. 15, l'Education visite l'école d'agromécanique 1952 06/106 Iran Téhéran Les examens d'agromécanique June 19 - July 4, 1951 06/107 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition agromécanique 1952 06/108 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition, Département April 12- d'agromécanique 13, 1952 06/109 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition, Serrurerie – mécanique April 12- 13, 1952 06/110 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition, Serrurerie – mécanique April 12- 13, 1952 06/111 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition, Serrurerie – mécanique April 12- 13, 1952 06/112 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, dans la clase de théorie de June 1, serrurerie-mécanique M. Adjoudani contrôle 1952 les dessins techniques des élèves

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06/113 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, explication donées par un élève de June 1, serrurerie-mécanique sur un travail de forge à 1952 M. Adjoudani, directeur général du Ministère de l'Education Nationale pendant sa visite à nos écoles 06/114 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, D. Ispandari visite l'école de no date serrurerie 06/115 Iran Téhéran Ecole des garçons, M. Rubinovitch, no date instructeur d'Anières expliquant les travaux de mécanique 06/116 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, exposition des travaux d'élèves à Dec. 1954 l'école de garçons. A l'atelier de mécanique: (de droite à gauche) M. Sadjadian, directeur de l'einseignement technique en Iran, Ing. Elie, directeur de l'école de garçons (de l'ORT à Téhéran), M. Moussa Toub, président d'honneur de l'ORT Iran, et M. le Délégué de l'ORT Union en Iran 06/117 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, le baron Edmond de Rothschild Feb. 1955 visite les écoles de Téhéran. Dans l'atelier de mécanique. Devant une perceuse ultra- moderne le visiteur se documente auprès du directeur l'ORT, pendant que M. Rubinovitch, instructeur sortant d'Anières suit attentivement le travail d'un jeune élève 06/118 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, le baron Edmond de Rothschild no date visite les écoles de Téhéran. A l'atelier de mécanique le visiteur apprécite l'outillage moderne. De gauch à droite: M. Abe Loskove, directeur de l'AJDC en Iran, M. le Baron E. de Rothschild et M. Albertstein, directeur de l'ORT 06/119 Iran Téhéran Les examens d'agromécanique 1951 06/120 Iran Téhéran Les examens d'agromécanique 1951 06/121 Iran Téhéran Les examens d'agromécanique 1951 06/122 Iran Téhéran M. Warnik visite la section d'agromécanique Jan. 13, 1952 06/123 Iran Téhéran Ecole de mécanique no date 06/124 Iran Téhéran Exposition, Section d'agromécanique Dec. 23, 1952 06/125 Iran Téhéran Visite à l'école de serrurerie-mécanique. 2ème no date de drtoite: M. Varnok, du Ministère du Travail des U.S.A., 3ème de droite: M. ShIndialdeker de l'Ambassade des U.S.A 06/126 Iran Téhéran Les examens d'agromécanique no date

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06/127 Iran Téhéran Atelier de mécanique Dec. 1950 06/128 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Ecole de mécanique no date 06/129 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Ecole de mécanique no date 06/130 Iran ORT Iran – Tableau du commande 1960 06/131 Iran ORT Iran – Ingénieur Elie et l'Instructeur 1960 Nessi contrôlent la reanipulation 06/132 Iran ORT Iran – Cable haute tension 1960 06/133 Iran ORT Iran – Cable haute tension 1960 06/134 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves de la deuxième 62lase no date de menuiserie pendant l'heure du dessin technique 06/135 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves des deuxièmes no date 62lase62, pendant l'heure d'Hébreu 06/136 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves de la menuiserie devant Dec. 4, le "Hanukia" fait par eux-mêmes 1950 06/137 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Premiers travaux à l'école de no date menuiserie 06/138 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Ménora faite par les élèves de la Dec. 4, menuiserie à l'occasion de la fête de Hanouka 1950 06/139 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves déposent la 1ère Nov. 19, 62lase62 fondatrice de l'école central de 1950 menuiserie 06/140 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. M. Manfred Hildesheim, no date instructeur d'Anières, guide le travail d'un élève de l'école de menuiserie 06/141 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves déposent la 1ère pierre Nov. 19, fondatrice de l'école central de menuiserie 1950 06/142 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition, Département de April 12- marqueterie et de menuiserie 13, 1952 06/143 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition, Département de April 12- marqueterie et de menuiserie 13, 1952 06/144 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition, Département de April 12- marqueterie et de menuiserie 13, 1952 06/145 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition de l'ORT Iran, travaux April 12- sur bois 13, 1952 06/146 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition, Département de April 12- marqueterie et de menuiserie 13, 1952 06/147 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Exposition, Département de April 12- marqueterie et de menuiserie 13, 1952 06/148 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Ecole de menuiserie no date 06/149 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Ecole de menuiserie no date

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06/150 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves de menuiserie préparent Dec. 23, les tables pour l'école de menuiserie 1952 06/151 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves du menuiserie préparent no date les tables l'école de menuiserie 06/152 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres 1952 menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 06/153 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres Dec. 23, menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 1952 06/154 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres 1952 menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 06/155 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres Dec. 23, menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 1952 06/156 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres 1952 menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 06/157 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Exposition bois 1952 06/158 Iran Téhéran Ecole de menuiserie June 1, 1952 06/159 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Séminaire pour les maîtres Dec. 23, menuisiers de Chiraz et d'Isphahan 1952 06/160 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. M. Manfred Hildesheim, no date instructeur d'Anières, guide le travail d'un élève de l'école de menuiserie 06/161 Iran Téhéran Ecole de menuiserie Aug. 3, 1951 06/162 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Le développement de la Dec. 4, construction de l'Ecole Centrale ORT à 1950 Téhéran 06/163 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Construction de l'école Dec. 1950 06/164 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Le développement de la 1951 construction de l'Ecole Centrale ORT 06/165 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Les élèves de l'ORT Sept. 1951 06/166 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Construction du centre des écoles. 1951 Les élèves au travail 06/167 Iran Téhéran Avant le commencement de la construction no date 06/168 Iran A group photo of the workers at the no date construction site 06/169 Iran Workmen at work no date 06/170 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Le développement de la no date construction de l'Ecole Centrale ORT 06/171 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran. Le développement de la no date construction de l'Ecole Centrale ORT 06/172 Iran At the construction site no date 63 63


06/173 Iran At the construction site no date 06/174 Iran Téhéran Bâtiments provisoires de l'ORT 1949 06/175 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Discours de S. E. M. Naficy, sous May 1958 secrétaire d'Etat à l'Education Nationale 06/176 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Discours de S. E. Mr. Mouzayani May 1958 avant la pose de la première pierre 06/177 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Inauguration du terrain de sport May 1958 offert par Mr. Ibrahim Mizrahi 06/178 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Pose de la première pierre d'une May 1958 aile de l'école des filles de Téhéran, par S. E. Mr Mouzayani, sous secrétaire d'Etat à l'Education Nationale 06/179 Iran Iran – Three women drinking coffee 1957 06/180 Iran Iran – Three women drinking coffee 1957 06/181 Iran Iran – Women's group photograph 1957 06/182 Iran First Jewish Congress in Iran Nov. 25- 28, 1957 06/183 Iran Ornate penholder in Jewish style 1957 06/184 Iran ORT Iran – Tehran – Summer activities Aug. 1957 06/185 Iran ORT Iran – Sefer Torah ceremony April 1958 06/186 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, summer acitivities Aug. 1957 06/187 Iran Téhéran ORT, Audience visiting the new kitchen after April 1957 inauguration 06/188 Iran Téhéran ORT, Audience at the inauguration of the new April 1957 kitchen. Left to right seated first row: Mr. Aryeh, Deputy of the Iranian Parliament Mr. Fatemi, Director general of the Iranian Ministry of Education Rabbi Levi, Directeur of Ozar Hatorah in Iran Mr. Loscove, Director of the local A.J.D.C. Mr. Benissan, Director of the local Jewish Agency Mr. Lippian, Deputy Director of the local A.J.D.C. Left to right seated second row: The fifth: Mr. Cuenca, Director "Alliance" in Iran 06/189 Iran ORT Iran – Photos des cuisines abattues par 1956 un ouragan 06/190 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran – Ecole de Filles no date 06/191 Iran ORT Iran – Photos des cuisines abattues par 1956 un ouragan 06/192 Iran ORT Iran – Photos des cuisines abattues par 1956 un ouragan 06/193 Iran Téhéran Visite de M. Surovitch Sept. 1950 06/194 Iran Téhéran Different examples of woodwork 1950 64 64


06/195 Iran Téhéran Visite de M. Surovitch 1950 06/196 Iran Téhéran Visite de M. Surovitch Sept. 1950 06/197 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, group photograph Sept. 1950 06/198 Iran Téhéran Pupil in front of the class Sept. 1950 06/199 Iran Téhéran Pupils in the class room Oct. 1950 06/200 Iran Téhéran During the lesson Dec.1950 06/201 Iran Téhéran La sécretaire du Comité Féminin ORT Iran no date parlant devant les femmes de Téhéran 06/202 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, M. Sénéhy, président de l'ORT no date Iran pendant son discours 06/203 Iran Téhéran M. Raanan, membre du conseil de l'ORT 1951 invitant la population juive d'inscrire ses enfants aux école de l'ORT 06/204 Iran Téhéran Elèves et maîtres Sept. 4, 1951 06/205 Iran Téhéran Chorale des élèves 1951 06/206 Iran Téhéran Leçon de classe physique no date 06/207 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, class photo no date 06/208 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, class photo no date 06/209 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran no date 06/210 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran no date 06/211 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran no date 06/212 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Le meilleur élève de l'école de Oct. 1953 garçons 06/213 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran no date 06/214 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran no date 06/215 Iran Téhéran Le Dr. Tov, représentant du comité de l'ORT no date Iran 06/216 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Mme Sénéhy, parle aux élèves no date pendant le plantation d'arbres devant l'école 06/217 Iran Téhéran Comité de Women's ORT no date 06/218 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Plantation des arbres devant no date l'école, le 15 Chevat Monsieur Moré parle pendant la fête 06/219 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les élèves plantent des arbres no date devant l'école 06/220 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les élèves plantent des arbres no date devant l'école 06/221 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les élèves plantent des arbres no date devant l'école

65 65


06/222 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran , Les élèves plantent des arbres no date devant l'école 06/223 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Terrain de sport de l'école no date 06/224 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Plantation des arbres devant no date l'école 06/225 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Plantation des arbres devant l'école no date 06/226 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Plantation des arbres devant no date l'école, le 15 Chevat De gauche à droite: M. Rassanen, le Dr. Bechal, M. Tov, Président du Comité 06/227 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Transport des machines no date 06/228 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Machines dans les entrepôts de no date l'ORT 06/229 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Machines arrivées de Genève no date 06/230 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Machines arrivées de Genève no date 06/231 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Machines arrivées de Genève no date 06/232 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les machines de Genève sont no date transportées de la douane dans les dépôts de l'ORT 06/233 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Transport des machines no date 06/234 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Transport des machines dans les no date dépots de l'ORT 06/235 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les machines quittent la douane no date 06/236 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Au dispensaire scolaire aménagé no date avec l'aide de la W.A.O. 06/237 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Classes de théorie no date 06/238 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Les élèves s'amusent no date 06/239 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Conférence nationale des Sept. 19, instructeurs de l'ORT Iran 1952 06/240 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Conférence nationale des Sept. 19, instructeurs de l'ORT Iran 1952 06/241 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Conférence nationale des Sept. 19, instructeurs de l'ORT Iran 1952 06/242 Iran Téhéran ORT Iran, Conférence nationale des Sept. 19, instructeurs de l'ORT Iran 1952 06/243 Iran Téhéran Instructeurs de l'ORT Sept. 1951 06/244 Iran ORT Iran – Voyage des élèves de l'ORT Iran 1953 en Israel 06/245 Iran ORT Iran – Voyage des élèves de l'ORT Iran 1953 en Israel 06/246 Iran ORT Iran – Voyage des élèves de l'ORT Iran 1953

66 66


en Israel 06/247 Iran ORT Iran – Voyage des élèves de l'ORT Iran 1953 en Israel 06/248 Iran Téhéran Miniatures, bible scenes no date 06/260 Iran Class photo at dressmaking school no date 06/261 Iran Pattern making in dressmaking school no date 06/262 Iran Téhéran Mechanic students no date 06/263 Iran Exterior of building no date 06/264 Iran Gate to entrance of school no date 06/265 Iran Téhéran Building additions to school no date 06/266 Iran Téhéran Preparation and dishwashing room no date 06/267 Iran Téhéran Kitchen no date 06/268 Iran Téhéran Chanukah at school no date 06/269 Iran Téhéran Swimming at free time no date 06/270 Iran Cooking at school no date 06/271 Iran Classes no date 06/272 Iran Téhéran Classes no date 06/273 Iran Téhéran Classes no date 06/274 Iran Téhéran Classes no date 06/275 Iran Téhéran Classes no date 06/276 Iran Téhéran Classes no date 06/277 Iran Classes no date 06/278 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/279 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/280 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/281 Iran Téhéran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/282 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/283 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/284 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/285 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/286 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/287 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/288 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/289 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/290 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/291 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/292 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 67 67


06/293 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/294 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/295 Iran Furniture exhibition 1952 06/296 Iran Exhibition 1952 06/297 Iran Exhibition 1952 06/298 Iran Exhibition 1952 06/299 Iran Mosaic tables no date 06/300 Iran Mosaic tables no date 06/301 Iran Mosaic tables no date 06/302 Iran Furniture exhibition 1953 06/303 Iran Furniture exhibition 1953 06/304 Iran Furniture exhibition 1953 06/305 Iran Furniture exhibition 1953 06/306 Iran Exhibition 1953 06/307 Iran Exhibition 1953 06/308 Iran Exhibition 1953 06/309 Iran Exhibition 1953 06/310 Iran Téhéran Sign outside of school building no date 06/311 Iran Téhéran Celebration of Jewish holidays at school. no date Girls school 06/312 Iran Téhéran Celebration of Jewish holidays at school. no date Girls school 06/313 Iran Téhéran Celebration of Jewish holidays at school. no date Girls school 06/314 Iran Téhéran Celebration of Jewish holidays at school. no date Girls school 06/315 Iran Course in hairdressing no date 06/316 Iran Téhéran Physical education. Girls school no date 06/317 Iran Téhéran Physical education. Girls school no date 06/318 Iran Téhéran Physical education. Girls school no date 06/319 Iran Téhéran Physical education. Girls school no date 06/320 Iran Téhéran Physical education. Girls school no date 06/321 Iran Téhéran Stage perfomances no date 06/322 Iran Téhéran Stage perfomances no date 06/323 Iran Téhéran Stage perfomances no date 06/324 Iran Stage perfomances no date 06/325 Iran Téhéran Stage perfomances no date

68 68


06/326 Iran Téhéran Dressmaking no date 06/327 Iran Dressmaking no date 06/328 Iran Téhéran Dressmaking no date 06/329 Iran Téhéran Dressmaking no date 06/330 Iran Téhéran Socond class stundent does electrical 1957 installations in new AJDC hospital builing 06/331 Iran Téhéran VIP visit Sept. 1950 06/332 Iran Exhibit no date 06/333 Iran Album: learning English no date 06/334 Iran Téhéran Album: mechanics class no date 06/335 Iran Téhéran Album: mechanics class no date 06/336 Iran Téhéran Album: mechanics class no date 06/337 Iran Téhéran Album: machines built by students after their no date second year of training 06/338 Iran Téhéran Album: agricultural machines built by no date students after one and a half year of training 06/339 Iran Téhéran Album: carpentry school no date 06/340 Iran Téhéran Album: carpentry school no date 06/341 Iran Téhéran Album: electrical installations workshop no date 06/342 Iran Téhéran Album: class no date 06/343 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/344 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/345 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/346 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/347 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/349 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/350 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/351 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/352 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/353 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/354 Iran Téhéran Miniatures pictures, bible scenes no date 06/355 Iran Téhéran Woodworking exhibition no date 06/356 Iran Téhéran Woodworking exhibition no date 06/357 Iran Chiraz Album: carpentry no date 06/358 Iran Chiraz Album: carpentry no date 06/359 Iran Chiraz Album: dressmaking no date 06/360 Iran Chiraz Album: dressmaking no date

69 69


06/361 Iran Téhéran Students at Lvovitch: Ereh Ben Yaghoub, age no date 19; Farajollah Rahmanpour, age 23 06/362 Iran Exterior of entrance no date 06/363 Iran Carpentry no date 06/364 Iran Carpentry no date 06/365 Iran Electronic section no date 06/366 Iran Publicizing school in Persian no date 06/367 Iran Téhéran Construction of the new kitchen Oct. 1956 06/368 Iran Téhéran Construction of school Dec. 1950 06/369 Iran Téhéran Construction of building Jan. 1951 06/370 Iran Téhéran Students work on costruction of school 1951 06/371 Iran Téhéran Students work on costruction of school Jan. 1951 06/372 Iran Téhéran Students help in costruction of school 1951 06/373 Iran Téhéran Construction of school, building the roof Jan. 1951 06/374 Iran Téhéran Construction of agronomy building no date 06/375 Iran Téhéran Construction of agronomy building no date 06/376 Iran Téhéran Construction of school building Jan. 1951 06/377 Iran Téhéran ORT Teheran 1951 06/378 Iran Téhéran School for sewing and design Jan. 1951 06/379 Iran Téhéran Opening day (?). ORT Iran no date 06/380 Iran Téhéran Mme Barre demonstrates fitting to students. no date Sewing school 06/381 Iran Téhéran Sewing school. Fitting class no date 06/382 Iran Téhéran Girls school no date 06/383 Iran Téhéran Girls school. Facade of building no date 06/384 Iran Téhéran Girls school. Exercise class. Coloured photo no date 06/385 Iran Téhéran Soldiers guard ORT equipment no date 06/386 Iran Téhéran Sewing class. Instructor: Rosa (S)tepanian no date 06/387 Iran Téhéran Teacher's seminar sewing Dec. 23, 1952 06/388 Iran Téhéran Class in the history of fashion Dec. 1952 06/389 Iran Téhéran Classroom. Girls school no date 06/390 Iran Téhéran Girls school. Sewing class no date 06/391 Iran Téhéran 13th class in fashion 1960 06/392 Iran Téhéran Students put up a channukiah on the roof of Dec. 1950 the school 06/393 Iran Téhéran Mr E. Rubinovitch, instructor St. Anières, in a no date mechanics class in Tehran 70 70


06/394 Iran Téhéran Transporting machinery no date 06/395 Iran Téhéran Mr E. Rubinovitch of Anières watches no date students as they work 06/396 Iran Téhéran Mechanics class Jan. 1954 06/397 Iran Téhéran Exposition of furniture 1953 06/398 Iran Téhéran Exposition of dresses Feb. 1959 06/399 Iran Téhéran Wearing the gowns they have made no date 06/400 Iran Téhéran Exhibit of letter holder on the day of the no date distribution of the end-of-year prizes 06/401 Iran Téhéran Display of objects on the day of distribution no date of the end-of-year prizes. Ivory embroidery boxes 06/402 Iran Shiraz Ivory inlay, Torah container (?) June 1956 06/403 Iran Téhéran Main entrance to ORT no date 06/404 Iran Téhéran Building exterior A&B no date 06/405 Iran Téhéran Building exterior of girls school, built in 1959 no date 06/406 Iran Téhéran Building exterior, view from street no date 06/407 Iran Téhéran Haute couture class April 1958 06/408 Iran Téhéran Cutting patterns in sewing class no date 06/409 Iran Téhéran English class no date 06/410 Iran Téhéran Drafting class no date 06/411 Iran Téhéran Auto mechanics class no date 06/412 Iran Téhéran Experience in welding Nov. 1966 06/413 Iran Téhéran Drafting class (technical drawing) no date 06/414 Iran Téhéran Machine shop no date 06/415 Iran Téhéran Machine shop, classroom no date 06/416 Iran Téhéran Machine shop no date 06/417 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of machinery July 1953 06/418 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of crafts 1958 06/419 Iran Téhéran Girls school (with channukiah) no date 06/420 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of agricultural machinery 1953 06/421 Iran Téhéran Exhibition: furniture, crafts, clothing no date 06/422 Iran Téhéran Scene from purim play Purim 1957 06/423 Iran Téhéran Scene from purim play Purim 1957 06/424 Iran Téhéran Two students no date 06/425 Iran Téhéran Mme Fahim Parvine and students no date

71 71


06/426 Iran Tapestry, Moses in the weeds no date 06/427 Iran Téhéran General view of Central ORT school no date 06/428 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/429 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/430 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/431 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/432 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/433 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/434 Iran "Care", exhibition June 1960 06/435 Iran Téhéran Dance night, general view Feb. 28, 1959 06/436 Iran Téhéran Dance night, official table Feb. 28, 1959 06/437 Iran Téhéran Dance night, lottery Feb. 28, 1959 06/438 Iran Téhéran Dance night, exhibit Feb. 28, 1959 06/439 Iran Téhéran Dance night, one of the electricity students Feb. 28, demonstrates their work to one of the invités 1959 06/440 Iran Téhéran Dance night, exhibit Feb. 28, 1959 06/441 Iran Téhéran Dance night, exhibit Feb. 28, 1959 06/442 Iran Téhéran Garden party of ORT professors June 3, 1951 06/443 Iran Téhéran Garden party of ORT professors June 3, 1951 06/444 Iran Téhéran Purim feast Feb. 2, 1952 06/445 Iran Téhéran Purim feast Feb. 2, 1952 06/446 Iran Téhéran ORT party Sept. 1951 06/447 Iran Téhéran ORT party Sept. 1951 06/448 Iran Téhéran Annual ORT party Sept. 1951 06/449 Iran Téhéran Stand Women's International Exlient Jan. 1961 06/450 Iran Téhéran Diploma distribution, M. Aryeh hands over July 1954 his diploma to M. Moussa Elie, 20 years old, graduate of ORT Central Institute at Anières 06/451 Iran Téhéran Diploma distribution, M. Aryeh gives a July 1954 speech

72 72


06/452 Iran Téhéran Diploma distribution, a group of graduates July 1954 after the handing over. In the middle, Mr. Aryeh, depute of Majlhis, to his left Mr. Ben Nissan, director of the Jewish Agency 06/453 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution, M. Banin at the Feb. 2, microphone 1952 06/454 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution no date 06/455 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution no date 06/456 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution no date 06/457 Iran Téhéran Planting trees in front of the school Shvat 15 06/458 Iran Téhéran A student after having received his diploma Feb. 2, 1952 06/459 Iran Téhéran Diploma distribution Feb. 2, 1952 06/460 Iran Téhéran A student after having received her diploma Feb. 2, 1952 06/461 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony, Dr. Bral, Sept. 4, Parliament member 1951 06/462 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony Sept. 4, 1951 06/463 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony no date 06/464 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony no date 06/465 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony, listening to the Sept. 4, national anthem 1951 06/466 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony, the pupils Sept. 4, 1951 06/467 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony no date 06/468 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony no date 06/469 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony, M. Mousef Sept. 4, 1951 06/470 Iran Téhéran Prize distribution ceremony Sept. 4, 1951 06/471 Iran Téhéran Exposition "La Quinzaine de la Technique Nov. 1-15, Francaise" 1959 06/472 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 Education 06/473 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 Education 06/474 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 73 73


Education 06/475 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 Education 06/476 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 Education 06/477 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students' work under the May 14, patronage of S.E. Dr. M. Mehran, Minister of 1959 Education 06/478 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/479 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/480 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/481 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/482 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/483 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/484 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/485 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/486 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/487 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/488 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/489 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/490 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/491 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/492 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/493 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/494 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/495 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, M. Patry, education office chief 1953 06/496 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, students' dining room 1953 06/497 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, M. Patry, education office chief 1953 06/498 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/499 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1953 06/500 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, M. Banayan, engineer, director of April 12- the Central School 13, 1952 06/501 Iran Téhéran Representative of the government visits April 12- exhibition 13, 1952 06/502 Iran Téhéran Exhibition 1952 06/503 Iran Téhéran During the exhibition: volleyball among the 1952 teams of mechanics- and agriculture-students 74 74


06/504 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, mosaic 1952 06/505 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, foto table 1952 06/506 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, foto table 1952 06/507 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, from left to right: Mr. Khatami, Mr. April 12- Banayan, Mr. Mofazaz Kar, Mr. Mossavar-ol-Molk, 13, 1952 Mr. Blass, Mr. Prof. Zaviye, prominent miniaturist of Iran and director of the State's School for Miniature in Teheran, M. Emami, great miniaturist of Iran 06/508 Iran Téhéran During the exhibition: volleyball among the April 12- teams of mechanics- and agriculture-students 13, 1952 06/509 Iran Téhéran During the exhibition: visitors write their April 12- impressions into the guest book 13, 1952 06/510 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, look-over April 12- 13, 1952 06/511 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, miniature works of instructor and April 12- his students 13, 1952 06/512 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, look-over April 12- 13, 1952 06/513 Iran Téhéran Parliament deputies visit the ORT exhibition Dec. 23, 1952 06/514 Iran Téhéran Parliament deputies visit the ORT exhibition Dec. 23, 1952 06/515 Iran Téhéran Parliament deputies visit the ORT exhibition Dec. 23, 1952 06/516 Iran Téhéran Parliament deputies visit the ORT exhibition Dec. 23, 1952 06/517 Iran Téhéran Exhibition Dec. 23, 1952 06/518 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing Dec. 23, 1952 06/519 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, foto table April 12- 13, 1952 06/520 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, general view April 12- 13, 1952 06/521 Iran Téhéran Girls school, new wing in construction Aug., 1960 06/522 Iran Téhéran Girls school, new wing in construction Aug., 1960 06/523 Iran Téhéran Students of the girls' school Jan. 15, 1951 06/524 Iran Téhéran Students of the girls' school Sept. 4, 1951 06/525 Iran Téhéran Girls school, teacher and a few students June 3,

75 75


1951 06/526 Iran Téhéran Girls school, teacher and students doing 1951 propaganda 06/527 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party no date 06/528 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution in honor of the Feb. 2, one year existence of the school 1952 06/529 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution in honor of the Feb. 2, one year existence of the school 1952 06/530 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution in honor of the Feb. 2, one year existence of the school 1952 06/531 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/532 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/533 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/534 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/535 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/536 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/537 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/538 Iran Téhéran Girls school no date 06/539 Iran Téhéran Girls school no date 06/540 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party Feb. 25, 1952 06/541 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/542 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/543 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/544 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/545 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/546 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/547 Iran Téhéran Instructor's seminar Dec. 23, 1952 06/548 Iran Téhéran Women's ORT Committee visits the Central Aug. 1, ORT School 1951 06/549 Iran Téhéran Questions and answers during the seminar Dec. 23, 1952 06/550 Iran Téhéran Instructor's seminar Dec. 23, 76 76


1952 06/551 Iran Téhéran Instructor's seminar Dec. 23, 1952 06/552 Iran Téhéran Instructor's seminar Dec. 23, 1952 06/553 Iran Téhéran Literary Friday at the girls school no date 06/554 Iran Téhéran The ORT Iran Secretary speaks in front of the no date ORT Women 06/555 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing from Isphahan April 12- 13, 1952 06/556 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing April 12- 13, 1952 06/557 Iran Téhéran Mr. Ben Dov, vice-director of the Jewish Feb. 2, Agency during the prize distribution at the 1952 girls school 06/558 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/559 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing 1952 06/560 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing April 12- 13, 1952 06/561 Iran Téhéran Exhibition, sewing April 12- 13, 1952 06/562 Iran Téhéran Girls school, physical education no date 06/563 Iran Téhéran Girls school, physical education no date 06/564 Iran Téhéran Girls school, physical education no date 06/565 Iran Téhéran Girls school, party no date 06/566 Iran Téhéran Girls school, group photo no date 06/567 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution no date 06/568 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution no date 06/569 Iran Téhéran Girls school, prize distribution no date 06/570 Iran Téhéran Girls school, best student Oct. 1953 06/571 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, dance Dec. 1954 06/572 Iran Téhéran Miss Hélène Lankamérian, embroidery no date instructor 06/573 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of pupils work Dec. 1954 06/574 Iran Téhéran Girls school no date 06/575 Iran Téhéran Chanukah Dec. 1954 06/576 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, first row on the right: Mr. Dec. 1954 Sadjadian, director of the technical teaching Iran 06/577 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, sketch completely played in Dec. 1954 77 77


Hebrew 06/578 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, game Dec. 1954 06/579 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, dance Dec. 1954 06/580 Iran Téhéran Chanukah, dance Dec. 1954 06/581 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students work at school. The Dec. 1954 school's director explains our teaching method to Mr. Sadjadian, director of technical teaching Iran. 06/582 Iran Téhéran Diploma distribution. Mr. Mossanen, Member July 1954 of the ORT Iran Committee, hands over the diploma to Miss Touba Israel, 17 years old 06/583 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students work at girls school Dec. 1954 06/584 Iran Téhéran Exhibition of students work at girls school Dec. 1954 06/585 Iran Téhéran Shavuot celebration 1955 06/586 Iran Téhéran Shavuot celebration, gymnastics 1955 06/587 Iran Téhéran Shavuot celebration, coreographic dance 1955 06/588 Iran Téhéran Girls school, sewing exam under the eye of 1955 Mrs. Fahim, instructor 06/589 Iran Téhéran Girls school, sewing exam under the eye of 1955 Mrs. Fahim, instructor 06/590 Iran Téhéran Girls school for dressmaking June 1951 06/591 Iran Téhéran Miss Rosa Stepanian, sewing instructor no date 06/592 Iran Téhéran Miss Lucienne Barre, workers chief of the no date girls school, gives a lesson in moulding 06/593 Iran Téhéran Mrs. Roza Rintzler, responsible of the no date advanced workshop in a fitting course 06/594 Iran Téhéran Shavuot celebration, scene played and 1955 chanted in Hebrew 06/595 Iran Téhéran Mrs. Fahim Parvine gives a theoretical sewing no date lesson 06/596 Iran Téhéran Shavuot celebration, a student explains the 1955 significance of this holiday 06/597 Iran Téhéran Girls school, exam under the eye of Mrs no date Barre, chief of work 07/001 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, Mechanics course no date 07/002 Israel Jerusalem Course de Mécanique générale école ORT no date 07/003 Israel Jerusalem Course de Mécanique générale école ORT no date 07/004 Israel Jerusalem Course de Mécanique générale école ORT no date 07/005 Israel Jerusalem Auto mechanics School no date 07/006 Israel Jerusalem Two pupils working on a machine no date

78 78


07/007 Israel Jerusalem Several pupils working on a machine no date 07/008 Israel Jerusalem Pupils working on a machine supervised by no date their teacher 07/009 Israel Jerusalem In the ORT Auto Mechanics School no date 07/010 Israel Jerusalem Exhibition of the mechanics course April 1956 07/011 Israel Jerusalem Pupils working on a machine supervised by no date their teacher 07/012 Israel Jerusalem Centre de l'ORT, Section Soudure no date 07/013 Israel Jerusalem Centre de l'ORT, Section Soudure no date 07/014 Israel Jerusalem Centre du l'ORT, Horlogerie 1952 07/015 Israel Jerusalem Centre du l'ORT, Horlogerie no date 07/016 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, Mécanique de précision no date 07/017 Israel Jerusalem ORT Watchmaking School, General view of no date school during lessons 07/018 Israel Jerusalem Centre de l'ORT, Technique Dentaire no date 07/019 Israel Jerusalem Centre de l'ORT, Technique Dentaire no date 07/020 Israel Jerusalem Ecole de filles, Coupe et couture no date 07/021 Israel Jerusalem ORT Girl's school (in building of Rivka no date Somekh Foundation) 07/022 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, school no date 07/023 Israel Jerusalem ORT Center, Class in theory no date 07/024 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, Opening of the countrywide exhibition of April 24, ORT, Mister Radai Deputy Secretary of State for 1956 Employment looking at the exhibition of the dental technics school. Next to him, Mr. Gewuerzman, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, opening the ORT exhibition 07/025 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, construction of new buildings for no date classrooms 07/026 Israel Jerusalem Mr Avizohar no date 07/027 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, Opening of the countrywide April 24, exhibition of ORT, a pupil explains an 1956 electrical gadget to Education Secretary Salman Aran 07/028 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, Opening of the countrywide April 24, exhibition of ORT, Education Secretary Mr. 1956 Salman Aran talking to Mr. Oliesky, directeur of ORT Israel. Next to him, Mr. Reingart, head of the ORT school in Jerusalem 07/029 Israel Jerusalem Le début de l'année scolaire 1954/1955 1954 07/030 Israel Jerusalem Le début de l'année scolaire 1954/1955 1954 07/031 Israel Jerusalem Girls' school of ORT March

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1952 07/032 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/033 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/034 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/035 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/036 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/037 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel, exposition des travaux des élèves May 28, de couture 1950 07/038 Israel ORT Israel, Serrurerie no date 07/039 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel, Serrurerie no date 07/040 Israel Tel Aviv Group of cabinetmaking pupils no date 07/041 Israel Cabinetmaking pupils at a practical lesson no date 07/042 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized no date Soldiers, Graduation Ceremony, graduates view with satisfaction the diplomas received 07/043 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized no date Soldiers, A pupil, demobilized soldier, practicing 07/044 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized no date Soldiers 07/045 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized Soldiers, no date Graduation Ceremony – Mrs. M. Weinshall, Head of the Vocational Training Division of the Rehabilitation Department for Demobilized Soldiers, hands a diploma to a student, a demobilized soldier. To her right: the Director of ORT in Israel, Dr. J. Wirklich, and to her extreme left: Eng. E. Ruebner of the Technical Department of ORT in Israel 07/046 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized Soldiers, no date Graduation Ceremony – Eng. J. Yanovsky, Head of the Division for Vocational Training, speaks to the students. From right to left: Dr. J. Wirklich, Director ORT Israel; Mrs. M. Weinshall, Head of the Vocational Training Division of the Rehabilitation Department for Demobilized Soldiers; Eng. Z. Friedman, teacher; Eng. E. Ruebner of the Technical Department of ORT in Israel 07/047 Israel Tel Aviv Carpentry School. Theoretical Lesson no date 07/048 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Carpentry Course for Demobilized no date Soldiers, Students at theoretical studies 07/049 Israel Tel Aviv Mrs. Ogden Reid, wife of the American Ambassador to no date Israel visiting the ORT girl's School. 80 80


From left to right: Mrs. Kotlarski, principal of the school, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Oleiski, Superior of ORT dressmaking schools; Mrs. Cadouri, Superior of the ministry of labor for dressmaking schools 07/050 Israel Tel Aviv Lighting of the Candles Ceremony at a no date Chanukah Party held at the Girl's School 07/051 Israel Dressmaking class at practical studies no date 07/052 Israel Tel Aviv Couture no date 07/053 Israel Tel Aviv Dressmaking course for underwear and work no date clothes 07/054 Israel Tel Aviv Dressmaking course for underwear and work no date clothes 07/055 Israel Dressmaking course in practical studies no date 07/056 Israel Dressmaking course in practical studies no date 07/057 Israel Tel Aviv Couture 1956 07/058 Israel Tel Aviv Exposition de tapis April, 1954 07/059 Israel Tel Aviv Tissage 1953 07/060 Israel Tel Aviv The Minister of Labor visiting the building no date area of the new Tel Aviv Centre 07/061 Israel Tel Aviv Ecole de coiffure no date 07/062 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel, Coiffure, nouveaux modèles 1952 07/063 Israel Tel Aviv Beauty Parlour at the ORT Girl's School no date 07/064 Israel Tel Aviv Hairdressing school no date 07/065 Israel Tel Aviv Coiffure no date 07/066 Israel Tel Aviv Atelier de soins de beauté no date 07/067 Israel Tel Aviv Atelier de soins de beauté no date 07/068 Israel Tel Aviv Atelier de soins de beauté no date 07/069 Israel Tel Aviv S. Lebensbaum new workshop 1955 07/070 Israel Tel Aviv Atelier de Mr. Lebensbaum, machines livrées no date par ORT Tool Supply Israel 07/071 Israel Atelier de Mr. A. Horovitz, machines livrées no date par ORT Tool Supply 07/072 Israel Atelier de Mr. David, machines livrées par no date ORT Tool Supply 07/073 Israel Atelier de Mme Sarah Rotmistrz, machines no date fournies livrées par ORT Tool Supply 07/074 Israel Atelier de Mr. D. Michael, machines livrées no date par ORT Tool Supply 07/075 Israel Atelier de Mme Sarah Rotmistrz, machines no date fournies livrées par ORT Tool Supply 81 81


07/076 Israel Atelier de Mme Sarah Rotmistrz, machines no date fournies livrées par ORT Tool Supply 07/077 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Center, corner workshop and no date electronics building with antenna 07/078 Israel Tel Aviv Ilan Tamshes and students of his class 1960 07/079 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – M. E. no date Bisang, The Swiss Ambassador with students of second year class, in workshop of tool & dye making 07/080 Israel Tel Aviv Eleazar and Joseph Futterman, two pupils, no date presenting paintings 07/081 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – M. E. N date Bisang, the Swiss Ambassador, talking to Mr. Bernstein, editor of Journal de Geneve (Centre), Right: Mr. J. Oleiski, Left: Mr. Rivlin, Mrs. Eren 07/082 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – Left to right: no date Mr. J. Oleiski, M. E. Bisang, the Swiss Ambassador, Mr. Z. Rivlin, the school Principal, at the Principal's Office 07/083 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre – Electrical installations no date 07/084 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre – bicycle shed, main no date building 07/085 Israel Tel Aviv Visite des femmes de l'ORT a un course de no date réfrigération 07/086 Israel Tel Aviv H. E. Osten Lundborg, Swedish Ambassador no date to Israel, visiting the Syngalowski Centre, admiring the Swedish lathes 07/087 Israel Tel Aviv Mr. David Morse, Director-General, ILO, Dec. 24, Syngalowski Centre 1959 07/088 Israel Tel Aviv Visit of Mr. Walter Eytan, Ambassador- no date designate to France, at Syngalowski Centre. With Eng. Z. Rivlin, Principal of the school in the precision mechanics department 07/089 Israel Tel Aviv Dr. Weizman at the dining hall of the no date Syngalowski Centre 07/090 Israel Tel Aviv Dr. V. Weizman visting the Syngalowski no date Centre. Left to right: J. Oleiski, Mrs. Horn, Dr. Weizman, Mr. J. S. Shapiro, Eng. Rivlin 07/091 Israel Tel Aviv Visit of the Canadian Parliamentarian Nov. 20, Délégation at the Syngalowski Centre 1959 07/092 Israel Tel Aviv Visite d'un groupe des members des femmes no date de l'ORT au Syngalowski Centre 07/093 Israel Tel Aviv Visite d'un groupe des members des femmes no date 82 82


de l'ORT au Syngalowski Centre 07/094 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre. At the Opening Nov. 10, ceremony for adult courses 1958 07/095 Israel Tel Aviv Opening for the 1958/59 school-year at the Sept. 1, Syngalowski Centre 1958 07/096 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – Front view no date of Building. Completed part and part under construction 07/097 Israel Tel Aviv Opening ceremony of the courses for adults at Nov. 10, the Syngalowski Centre, View from outside 1958 07/098 Israel Tel Aviv Interior of the building, workshop of the no date Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/099 Israel Tel Aviv Applicants for registration for school-year no date 1959/60 in corridor 07/100 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre, from right no date round the table: Mr. Rivlin, Principal of the school, Mr. J. Oleiski, Mr. Mayer, Mr. P. Gilbert, French Ambassador to Israel, Mr. M. Braude, Mr. J. Shapira 07/101 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre Workshop – Left to no date right: student, Mr. M. Braude, M. P. Gilbert, French Ambassador to Israel, Mr. J. Shapira, student, Mr. D. Mayer, Mr. Rivlin, principal of the school 07/102 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – During the June final exams of the adult course 14/15, 1961 07/103 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – During the June final exams of the adult course 14/15, 1961 07/104 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre – Mr. Z. no date Arrane, Minister of Education and Culture with students. To righ – Mr. Oleisky, Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Lurie 07/105 Israel Tel Aviv A group of new members of Women's Israel no date ORT, visiting Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/106 Israel Tel Aviv A group of new members of Women's Israel no date ORT, visiting Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/107 Israel Tel Aviv Mrs. W.O. Baxter, wife of the Chargé Jan. 14, d'Affaires of the American Embassy, and 1959 other ladies, wives of the Staff of the American Embassy; Mrs. J.J. Haggerty, wife of the Director of USOM, and wives of the members of USOM Staff, were guests of WISORT at a tour to ORT schools – The

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ladies at the Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/108 Israel Tel Aviv Mrs. W.O. Baxter, wife of the Chargé no date d'Affaires of the American Embassy, and other ladies, wives of the Staff of the American Embassy; Mrs. J.J. Haggerty, wife of the Director of USOM, and wives of the members of USOM Staff, were guests of WISORT at a tour to ORT schools – L. to R.: Mrs. J.J. Haggerty, Mrs. W.O. Baxter, Mrs. M. Horn 07/109 Israel Tel Aviv A group of new members of Women's Israel no date ORT, visiting Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/110 Israel Tel Aviv Charles Lutz, who was Swiss Consul in no date Hungary during World War II, and rescued thousands of Jews, now Swiss Consul in Austria, visiting Israel as guest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His first visit in the country was to the ORT School – Syngalowski Memorial Centre Mr. Lutz with student of the Mechanics Department 07/111 Israel Tel Aviv Charles Lutz, who was Swiss Consul in no date Hungary during World War II, and rescued thousands of Jews, now Swiss Consul in Austria, visiting Israel as guest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His first visit in the country was to the ORT School – Syngalowski Memorial Centre Mechanics Department – From left to right: Mrs. Lutz; student; Mr. Rivlin, Principal of the School; Mr. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel; Mr. Lutz 07/112 Israel Tel Aviv H.E. Uhla Maung, Burmese Amb. and wife 1960 visiting the ORT Syngalowski Center. With them Eng. Z. Tivlin, principal of the school 07/113 Israel Tel Aviv Part of Syngalowski Center's exhibit at the Passover Electronics Exhibition 1960 07/114 Israel Tel Aviv The Blue and the White, two teams of no date students of the Syngalowski Centre playing a Basketball game for a pocal donated by the students of the fourth grade in Electromechanics in memory of late classmate. The White won the pocal 07/115 Israel Tel Aviv Senator H.H. Lehman's visit to the April 20, Syngalowski Centre – In front of the main 1959 building. Left to right: Mr. Z. Rivlin, Principal, Mrs. Lehman, Senator Lehman, Mr. J. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel, Dr. H. 84 84


Eren, Director of Public Relations Dept., Mr. Avizur, Assit. Director of ORT in Israel 07/116 Israel Tel Aviv Rabbi Solomon affixing the Mesusa at the May 28, dedication ceremony 1958 07/117 Israel Tel Aviv A group of new members of Women's Israel no date ORT, visiting Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/118 Israel Tel Aviv Mr. M. Namir, The Minister of Labour, May 28, speaking at the Dedication ceremony 1958 07/119 Israel Tel Aviv Mr. J. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel May 28, handing over the key to Mr. Z. Rivlin, 1958 Director of the Jaffa ORT school and future director of the Syngalowski Memorial Centre 07/120 Israel Tel Aviv Mrs. S. Senzer, Vice-President Women's May 28, American ORT, Chairman of the Tel Aviv 1958 Project, handing over the key to Mr. J. Oleiski, director of ORT in Israel 07/121 Israel Tel Aviv A group of ORT Yaffo students parading at May 28, the dedication ceremony 1958 07/122 Israel Tel Aviv Students of the Jaffa school performing at the May 28, dedication ceremony 1958 07/123 Israel Tel Aviv Students of the Jaffa school at the dedication May 28, ceremony 1958 07/124 Israel Tel Aviv The Minister of Finance, Mr. , no date and the Head of Israel Mission to West Germany, Dr. E. Shinnar, visiting Syngalowski Centre. Left of Mr. Eshkol – Mr. Goldway, Supervisor of Electronics for Ministry of Labour. Right of Dr. Shinnar – Mr. Oleiski and Mr. Avitzour 07/125 Israel Tel Aviv Mr. Kadish Luz, the Speaker for the no date (the Israeli Parliament) visited ORT schools in Tel Aviv and Nathanya. He ist shown here at the Mechanics' Department of the Syngalowski Centre, where one of the students explained to him a bench drilling machine, one of those made by the students of the Syngalowski Centre 07/126 Israel Tel Aviv Exposition d'élèves no date 07/127 Israel Tel Aviv Exposition d'élèves no date 07/128 Israel Tel Aviv Exposition d'élèves no date 07/129 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Tel Aviv March 2, 1962 07/130 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Tel Aviv March 2, 1962

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07/131 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel. students no date 07/132 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel. At the assembly hall Nov. 11, 1959 07/133 Israel Tel Aviv First grade of Electronics students at the ORT no date Netanya Centre in one of the classrooms of the new Electronics building. Electronics ist one of the trades, introduced this year to the range of trades taught at the ORT Netanya centre 07/134 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Syngalowski Centre. Waiting for March 23, registration 1961 07/135 Israel Tel Aviv Visite de Mr. Jean Treina, conseiller d'Etat, March, ORT Israel, Tel Aviv 1962 07/136 Israel Tel Aviv Visite de Mr. Jean Treina, conseiller d'Etat, et March, Mr. Shapiro et Mr. Kimelmon 1962 07/137 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Syngalowski Centre, Ing. Charpak, the March 23, head of the Electronics Department and Ing. 1961 Rosenblatt, one of the teachers there, examining applicants. The parents are waiting outside 07/138 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel, Center Aaron Syngalowski, Mr. March, D. Albertsteins, Mr. et Mrs. Jean Treina, 1962 conseiller d'Etat 07/139 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel Nov. 11, 1959 07/140 Israel Tel Aviv Laying the corner stone for new ORT school May 11, building at Herzlia – speaking: Dr. G. 1961 Josephtal, Minister of Labour 07/141 Israel Tel Aviv Fashion show at the opening of exhibition at no date the Tel Aviv Girls school. Right to Left: Mr. M. Braude, Mrs. M. Braude, Mr. Shapira, Mr. D. Mayer, Mrs. Mayer, Mr. J. Oleiski 07/142 Israel Tel Aviv Four students working at a machine no date 07/143 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Israel, Inauguration cours pour adultes Nov. 1959 07/144 Israel Tel Aviv Déjeuner des diplômés de l'ORT no date 07/145 Israel Tel Aviv At the workshop no date 07/146 Israel Tel Aviv Tel Aviv, Première conférence des anciens 1955 élèves de l'ORT 07/147 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Stand at the Tel Aviv Jubilee Exhibition Oct. 1959 07/148 Israel Tel Aviv Fashion Show of the works of pupils from the 1958 ORT Dressmaking Schools, which took place at the garden of Ramat-Aviv Hotel 07/149 Israel Tel Aviv Fashion Show of the works of pupils from the 1958 ORT Dressmaking Schools, which took place 86 86


at the garden of Ramat-Aviv Hotel 07/150 Israel Tel Aviv Fashion Show of the works of pupils from the 1958 ORT Dressmaking Schools, which took place at the garden of Ramat-Aviv Hotel 07/151 Israel Tel Aviv Bazar traditional du comité féminin de l'ORT Juni 2/3, dans le club du Commerce et de l'Industrie 1957 07/152 Israel Tel Aviv Bazar traditional du comité féminin de l'ORT Juni 2/3, dans le club du Commerce et de l'Industrie 1957 07/153 Israel Tel Aviv Bazar traditional du comité féminin de l'ORT Juni 2/3, dans le club du Commerce et de l'Industrie 1957 07/154 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Alumni's assembly no date 07/155 Israel Tel Aviv Farewell party for the ORT women from the June 13, U.S. , fashion show 1956 07/156 Israel Tel Aviv Première conférence des anciens élèves de 1955 l'ORT 07/157 Israel Tel Aviv Première conférence des anciens élèves de 1955 l'ORT, Discours de Dr. Syngalowski 07/158 Israel Tel Aviv Première conférence des anciens élèves de 1955 l'ORT, Le discours d'un ancien élève 07/159 Israel Tel Aviv Première conférence des anciens élèves de 1955 l'ORT, Le discours de Mme Golda Meyerson 07/160 Israel Tel Aviv Pause café avec les anciens élèves de l'ORT 1953 de Génève 07/161 Israel Tel Aviv Pause café avec les anciens élèves de l'ORT 1953 de Génève 07/162 Israel Tel Aviv Entry to the cinema at Allenby Road on ORT March 8, Women's Day in Israel 1956 07/163 Israel Tel Aviv Mr. Joseph S. Shapira, chairman of ORT in June 7, Israel, at the laying of the cornerstone of the 1956 new ORT Center 07/164 Israel Tel Aviv The chief of the American Délégation to no date Israel, at the laying of the cornerstone of the new ORT Center, on his left: Joseph Shapira, chairman of ORT in Israel, on his right: Mr. Rivlin, headmaster of the ORT school in Yaffo 07/165 Israel Tel Aviv Presentation of a white evening dress at no date farewell party for Women's ORT from the US 07/166 Israel Tel Aviv The audience at the laying of the cornerstone June 7, of the new ORT Center 1956 07/167 Israel Tel Aviv The laying of the cornerstone of the new ORT June 7, Center at Kwisch HaTaiassim 1956 07/168 Israel Tel Aviv A group of pupils of the ORT school in Yaffo June 7,

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laying of the cornerstone of the new ORT 1956 Center at Kwisch HaTaiassim 07/169 Israel Tel Aviv The end of Shabbat at the sewing school 1949 07/170 Israel Tel Aviv Le premier écusson de l'ORT fixé Bureau 1949 Central de Tel Aviv par un Yéménite 07/171 Israel Locksmith's workshop no date 07/172 Israel Afula Locksmith's workshop no date 07/173 Israel Afula Cabinetmaker's workshop no date 07/174 Israel Afula Couture 1956 07/175 Israel Ashkelon Carpentry class with Arie Kurzweil Feb. 1956 07/176 Israel Ashkelon Couture class Feb. 1956 07/177 Israel Ashkelon Carpentry class with Arie Kurzweil Feb. 1956 07/178 Israel Ashkelon Locksmithery class April 1956 07/179 Israel Ben Shemen Pupils of the locksmith school at work 1949 07/180 Israel Ben Shemen Pupils of the locksmith school at work 1952 07/181 Israel Ben Shemen Pupils of the locksmith school at work 1952 07/182 Israel Ben Shemen Leçon de soudure no date 07/183 Israel Ben Shemen View on the schoolyard no date 07/184 Israel Ben Shemen Pupil using a drill machine no date 07/185 Israel Ben Shemen Practical class no date 07/186 Israel Ben Shemen Practical class no date 07/187 Israel Ben Shemen Practical class no date 07/188 Israel Ben Shemen Practical class no date 07/189 Israel Ben Shemen ORT sign of the Vocational Center Emek no date Hefer 07/190 Israel Ben Shemen Pupils at work supervised by their teacher no date 07/191 Israel Ben Shemen Pupils working at a plow no date 07/192 Israel Ben Shemen Section d'agromécanique 1952 07/193 Israel Ben Shemen Section d'agromécanique March 1952 07/194 Israel Ben Shemen Section d'agromécanique March 1952 07/195 Israel Ben Shemen Cours de Tissage no date 07/196 Israel Ben Shemen Cours de Tissage no date 07/197 Israel Ben Shemen Two girls yarning 1952 07/198 Israel Ben Shemen Artistic weaving 1952 07/199 Israel Ben Shemen Mme Roosevelt visite le centre de l'ORT 1952 07/200 Israel Ben Shemen Mme Roosevelt à l'école de l'agromécanique 1952 88 88


07/201 Israel Ben Shemen In the fitting workshop: Mr. Oleiski explains 1952 to Mrs Roosevelt the programme of the school 07/202 Israel Ben Shemen The chairman of ORT Israel answers the 1949 questions of journalists in the dining room 07/203 Israel Ben Shemen Tea time 1949 07/204 Israel Givatayim Visite des femmes de l'ORT Israel à l'école Dec. 20, 1958 07/205 Israel Givatayim Laying of the cornerstone for the Givatayim no date ORT Handicrafts school. Left to right: Dr. Y. Beham, Mr. Ben Zwi, Chairman of the Givatayim Local Council (speaking), Mr. Goldstein, vice chairman of the Local Council Eng. Yanovski of the Ministry of Labour, Dr. J. Wirklich 07/206 Israel Givatayim Laying of the corner-stone for the Givatayim no date ORT Handicraft school. Dr. Y. Beham, Chairman executive committee of Israeli ORT, speaking 07/207 Israel Givatayim Atelier de technique frigorifique, Givatayim no date 07/208 Israel Givatayim Atelier de technique frigorifique, Givatayim no date 07/210 Israel Givatayim Soudure 1956 07/211 Israel Givatayim Soudure 1956 07/212 Israel Givatayim The Minister of Labour, Mr. Namir, on his no date visit to the Givatayim school 07/213 Israel Givatayim The Minister of Labour, Mr. Namir, on his no date visit to the Givatayim school 07/214 Israel Givatayim The Minister of Labour, Mr. Namir, on his no date visit to the Givatayim school. On his left: Mr. Radai, the deputy director of the Ministry 07/215 Israel Givatayim Mr. Francis Randall, ambassadeur de Grande June 18, Bretagne, visite les écoles de l'ORT 1957 07/216 Israel Givatayim Mr. Francis Randall, ambassadeur de Grande June 18, Bretagne, visite les écoles de l'ORT 1957 07/217 Israel Givatayim Kanadian ambassador McDermott with an June 7, ORT student 1956 07/218 Israel Givatayim Ambassador 's visit to the school. On June 7, the right: Mr Yorker, vice-executive of the 1956 ORT school, Kanadian ambassador McDermot 07/219 Israel Givatayim Kandian ambassador McDermott on his visit June 7, of the ORT school. Next to him, Mr. Oleiski, 1956 general director of ORT in Israel, and Mrs 89 89


Wikton, board member of the ORT women organization 07/220 Israel Givatayim Kandian ambassador McDermott with a June 7, stundent of the ORT school in Givatayim 1956 07/221 Israel Givatayim Visites des écoles par des membres de l'ORT- Dec. 1955 ISRAEL féminin 07/222 Israel Givatayim Visite de l'école par des members de l'ORT- Dec. 1955 ISRAEL féminin. De d. à g. Mme Beham secrétaire honoraire et Mme Horn, Présidente 07/223 Israel Givatayim Laying of the corner-stone for the Givatayim no date ORT-Handicrafts-School. Left to right: Dr. Y. Beham, Mr. Ben-Zvi, Chairman of the Givatayim Local Council, (speaking), Mr. Goldstein, Vic-Chairman of the Local Council, Eng. Yanovski of the Ministry of Labour, Dr. J. Wirklich 07/224 Israel Givatayim Laying of the corner-stone for the Givatayim no date ORT-Handicrafts-School: Dr. Y. Beham, Chairman Executive Committee of Israeli ORT, speaking 07/225 Israel Givatayim ORT-Handicrafts-School. Building in no date construction 07/226 Israel Givatayim ORT-Handicrafts-School. Building in no date construction 07/227 Israel Herzeliah Pupils working in the ORT-school no date 07/228 Israel Herzeliah Ecole pour nouveaux immigrants no date 07/229 Israel Holon Plaque at the ORT School no date 07/230 Israel Holon Mechanical Knitting School no date 07/231 Israel Holon Holon March 1952 07/232 Israel Holon Holon March 1952 07/233 Israel Holon Mechanical Knitting School no date 07/234 Israel Holon Mechanical Knitting School no date 07/235 Israel Holon Les invités visitent la section de mécanique à no date l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'école de l'ORT 07/236 Israel Holon Dr.H.Kugel , maire de Holon, pronounce un discour à l'occasion de l'ouverture de l' école de l'ORT 07/237 France Paris Ecole de Radio – Elect – Television, ORT no date (Montreuil) France, ORT Paris 07/238 Israel Tel Litvinski Menuserie Feb. 1957 07/239 Israel Kfar Abraham Mécanique serrurerie no date 90 90


07/240 Israel Kfar Abraham Mécanique serrurerie Feb. 1956 07/241 Israel Kfar Abraham Mécanique Feb. 1956 07/242 Israel Kfar Abraham Mécanique 1956 07/243 Israel Kfar Abraham École d'entretien de machines "Tora 1952 u'mlacha" 07/244 Israel Kfar Abraham École d'entretien de machines "Tora 1952 u'mlacha" 07/245 Israel Kfar Abraham École d'entretien de machines "Tora 1952 u'mlacha" 07/246 Israel Kfar Abraham Pupils in a class 1949 07/247 Israel Kfar Abraham A pupil of the locksmith school presents the 1949 Management with pieces of his own handiwork 07/248 Israel Kfar Ganim Menuiserie no date 07/249 Israel Kfar Vitkin Women's Israel ORT summer camp July 1958 07/250 Israel Kfar Vitkin Women's Israel ORT summer camp July 1958 07/251 Israel Kfar Vitkin Women's Israel ORT summer camp July 1958 07/252 Israel Kfar Vitkin Women's Israel ORT summer camp July 1958 07/253 Israel Kfar Vitkin Ecole de Menuiserie no date 07/254 Israel Kfar Vitkin Les "Olim" aprennent la menuiserie dans les no date cours accélérés 07/255 Israel Kfar Vitkin Tissage no date 07/256 Israel Kyriat Menuserie Feb. 1956 Shmoneh 07/257 Israel Kiryat Couture Feb. 1956 Shmoneh 07/258 Israel Dining room at the Lydda School for no date Immigrant Children 07/259 Israel Dining room at the Lydda School for no date Immigrant Children 07/260 Israel Lod Dr. Becker, expert for professional education June 12, from the US, with a student of a school in 1956 Lod 07/261 Israel Lod From right to left: Dr. Becker , expert for June 12, professional education from the US, Mrs. 1956 Lemley Vice-President of Women's ORT in the USA, Mrs. Sachs, President of Women's ORT in the USA in the area of Manhattan, Mrs. Sigal, President of Women's ORT in the USA, Mr. Bakar, instructor of the ORT School in Lod 07/262 Israel Lod From right to left: Dr. Becker , expert for June 12, 91 91


professional education from the US, Mrs. 1956 Lemley Vice-President of Women's ORT in the USA, Mrs. Sachs, President of Women's ORT in the USA in the area of Manhattan, Mrs Sigal, Presidrnt of Women's ORT in the USA, Mr. Bakar, instructor of the ORT School in Lod 07/263 Israel Lod The first two classes of the ORT School in no date Lod 07/264 Israel Lod Mr Natan Gold, General Director of the June 12, Women's ORT, with a student of the ORT 1956 School in Lod 07/265 Israel Lod Mrs Lemley, Vice-President of Women's June 12, ORT in the USA, with two students on her 1956 visit of the ORT School in Lod 07/266 Israel Lod Mrs Lemley, Vice-President of Women's June 12, ORT in the USA, with a student of the 1956 Couture School in Lod 07/267 Israel Netanya Sigurd Halvorsen (Norwegen) visiting the July, 1962 school 07/268 Israel Netanya L'immeuble neuf du department de l'electro- no date mecanique et l'aile d'electronique a l'Ecole de l'ORT 07/269 Israel Netanya Official opening of the Second Course for Oct. 25, Instructors for Foreign Trade School (Africa) 1962 at the ORT School 07/270 Israel Netanya Official opening of the second Course for Oct. 1962 Instructors for Foreign Trade Schools (Africa) at the ORT School. Seated, left to right, are Mr. Aharaon Remez, chief of the department of technical assistance, Israeli Foreign Office; Mr. Abba Eban, Minister of Education and Culture; Mr. A. Reichman, director of the ORT School; Mr. E. Nielsen, vice-president of the Danish Federation of Labour who was visiting ORT schools in Israel; Mr. Jacob Oleiski, director of ORT Israel 07/271 Israel Mr. Abba Eban, Minister of Education and Oct. 25, Culture, addressing the guests 1962 07/272 Israel Netanya A lesson in French at the 2 year school for no date cooking and catering which was opened at the beginning of the current school year at the ORT Netanya Centre. Boys and girls at the age of 14, graduates of Primary school are admitted to this course 07/273 Israel Netanya The corridor of the new Electronics Building no date

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at the ORT Netanya Centre. One of the African students working on the electrical installation 07/274 Israel Drilling machines Feb. 1962 07/275 Israel Jerusalem ORT Israel no date 07/276 Israel Netanya Electro-mechanics Building Jan. 1961 07/277 Israel Netanya The 5 th graduation class no date 07/278 Israel Netanya Plaque of ORT Netanya High School, Aug. 17, dedicated to Dr. David V. Lvovitch 1961 07/279 Israel Netanya Monsieur Carlo Schmidt, Vice Président du no date Parlement Allemand, visite les écoles de l'ORT 07/280 Israel Netanya Drawing of the ORT Agricultural School no date 07/281 Israel Netanya Netanya Centre: Left to right: Mr. Shaked, the no date Mayor of Netanya; Mr. J. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel; Mr. Enrico Giotta Lucifero, Italian Consul in ; Mr. A. Reichman, the school principal of the ORT Vocational Training Centre at Netanya. 07/282 Israel Netanya Mr. Z. Aranne, Minister of Education and Dec. 20, Culture in Israel, on a visit to the Netanya 1958 Centre. From left to right: Mr. Reichman , the Principal of the Netanya School; Mr. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel; Mr. Aranne; Mr. Shapiro, President of ORT in Israel 07/283 Israel Netanya Mr. J. J. Haggerty, Director of USOM in no date Israel, Mr. Reichman, the school of principal, Mr. J. Oleiski, Director of ORT in Israel with students in workshop of the school 07/284 Israel Netanya Left to right – Mrs Haggerty, Mr. J. J. no date Haggerty, Director of USOM in Israel 07/285 Israel Netanya Délégation française des Bond d'Israel visite March 23, l'ORT à Netanya 1958 07/286 Israel Netanya Délégation francaise des Bond d'Israel visite March 23, l'ORT à Netanya 1958 07/287 Israel Netanya Minister of Labour, M. Namir, in the welding no date department 07/288 Israel Minister of Labour M. Namir, visits the no date Electronics department in the ORT School. From left to right: S. Ben-Zvi, Head of the Council in Givataayim; Mr. Reichman, Director of ORT in Israel 07/289 Israel Netanya Minister of Labour M. Namir, accepts a gift no date from a student of the ORT School in Netanya,

93 93


in the school's dining hall. On his right: Mr. Shapiro, President of ORT in Israel 07/290 Israel Netanya Auto-Mechanics no date 07/291 Israel Netanya Electrontechnique Feb. 1957 07/292 Israel Netanya Electrontechnique Feb. 1957 07/293 Israel Netanya Electrontechnique Feb. 1957 07/294 Israel Netanya Educational exhibition in the ORT School March 18 Netanya - April 10, 1956 07/295 Israel Netanya Educational exhibition in the ORT School March 18 Netanya - April 10, 1956 07/296 Israel Netanya Kitchen no date 07/297 Israel Netanya Dining-Room no date 07/298 Israel Netanya Kitchen no date 07/299 Israel Netanya Mécanique 1956 07/300 Israel Netanya School sign of the ORT School in Netanya no date 07/301 Israel Netanya Visite au Centre de l'ORT à Netanya. De g. à 1954 d:Mme Kay, Mme Kaphan, Mr. Bernstein, Dr. Beham, Mr. Ben Ami , Mme Bernstein 07/302 Israel Netanya Mr. Oleiski donne des explications sur la 1954 marche de la machine à Mme Kaphan, et Mme Kay 07/303 Israel Netanya Mr. Bernstein à l'atelier pendant le travail 1954 07/304 Israel Netanya Mr. Bernstein reçoit un cadeau d'un élève 1954 07/305 Israel In principal's office, sitting; left to right: Rav- no date Aloof M. Makleff, Mr. J. S. Shapiro Chairman Is.ORT, Mayor Ben-Ami Netanya, Mrs. Roosevelt. Standing left to right: Mr. G. Tadmor Foreign office, journalist, Mr. Oleiski 07/306 Israel Mrs Roosevelt inspecting classroom. On her no date left: Mrs. M. Horn Chairman Women's Israel ORT and Mrs. Witkon. On her right Mr. Oleiski and Mayor Ben Ami 07/307 Israel Mrs. Roosevelt greeted by Anieres graduate no date Isakow, electromechanic dept. Netanya 07/308 Israel Mrs. Roosevelt and Mr. Oleiski no date 07/309 Israel Pardes-Hanna Pupils of the building school at work. no date 07/310 Israel Pardes-Hanna Mrs. Cresthel, President of Canadian 1949 Women's ORT, visiting the joinery at Pardes- Hanna 07/311 Israel Pardes-Hanna Building-School instructor at Pardes-Hanna 1949 94 94


(first on right) explains procedure of work to group of visitors 07/312 Israel Pardes-Hanna Dr. Y. Beham, Chairman of the Board of 1949 Directors, cuts the tape at the opening ceremony of the building school at Pardes- Hanna 07/313 Israel Pardes-Hanna Visitors from Canada in the building School 1949 07/314 Israel Pardes-Hanna A group of journalists on their way to an ORT 1949 school at the Immigrants Camp 07/315 Israel Pardes-Hanna Students of the Building School no date 07/316 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines July 1961 07/317 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines July 1961 07/318 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines July 1961 07/319 Israel Ramat-Gan Plaque of the ORT Vocational Centre July 1961 07/320 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines July 1961 07/321 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines July 1961 07/322 Israel Ramat-Gan Students of the Arieh Shenkar Textile School 1958 07/323 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines en construction July1960 07/324 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines en construction July 1960 07/325 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines en construction July, 1960 07/326 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines en construction July 1960 07/327 Israel Ramat-Gan Ecole de laborantines en construction July 1960 07/328 Israel Ramat-Gan Textiles school. Inauguration ceremony of the no date new machinery. Left to right: M. Krinitzki, Mayor of Ramat-Gan, Mr. J.J. Haggerty, Director of USO, Mr. J. Oleiski, Mr. A.Shenkar, Director of the Manufactures Association, Mr. M. Braude, Mr. S. Skosovski, Principal of the school 07/329 Israel Ramat-Gan Textiles school: On the occasion of the no date inauguration of new machinery 07/330 Israel Ramat-Gan / M. Felix Schnyder, Ministre de Switzerland Dec. 1957 Givatayim en Israel, et Mme Schnyder visitent les écoles ORT de Rama-Gan et Givatayim 07/331 Israel Ramat-Gan / M. Felix Schnyder, Ministre de Switzerland Dec. 1957 Givatayim en Israel, et Mme Schnyder visitent les écoles ORT de Ramat-Gan et Givatayim 07/332 Israel Ramat-Gan Eleves de l'école de couture 1957 07/333 Israel Ramat-Gan Ouverture solennelle de l'école de cuisine 1957 07/334 Israel Netanya African students – ORT Netanya Centre no date Right to left: Pierre Balossa and Bartholome

95 95


Badiobio, Congo Brazaville 07/335 Israel Ramat-Gan Class of the Laboratory Assistant School 1957 07/336 Israel Ramat-Gan Part of Machine Shop of ORT Ariah Shenkar no date Textile School 07/337 Israel Ramat-Gan Dr. A. Syngalowski et M. Krinitzi, maire de no date Ramat-Gan 07/338 Israel Ramat-Gan Dr. A. Syngalowski et M. Krinitzi, maire de no date Ramat-Gan 07/339 Israel Ramat-Gan M. Krinitzki, maire de Ramat Gan- Dr A. no date Syngalowski – M. Oleiski - M. Chorin – M. M. Braude – Mme Lewinson 07/340 Israel Ramat-Gan Before the entrance of the ORT Children's Aug. 24, Workshops for the Boy-Scouts Organization 1941 at 'Beth-Zvi', Ramat Gan. Left to right: Mr. A. Krinitzi, Mayor of Ramat-Gan, Mrs. N. Klir, Dr. J. Wirklich, Director of ORT Israel, Eng. R Goldstein of the Technical Department of ORT Israel 07/341 Israel Ramat-Gan Opening Ceremony of ORT Children's Aug. 24, Workshops for the Boy-Scouts Organization 1941 at 'Beth-Zvi', Ramat Gan. Left to right: Dr. J. Wirklich, Director of ORT Israel, Mr. A. Krinitzi, Mayor of Ramat-Gan (speaking), , Mrs. N. Klir, Eng. R Goldstein of the Technical Department of ORT Israel 07/342 Israel Knitting class no date 07/343 Israel Ramle Ecole de couture 1950 07/344 Israel Ramle Ecole de couture 1950 07/345 Israel Ramle ORT Girl's School: At the entrance, from no date right to left: Mr. H. Glasser of the Council of Jewish Federation and Welfare Funds, New York, Miss B. Zel – Public Relations Officer of ORT Israel, Mrs. Y. Yulsary, instructress at ORT Rugmaking School, Mr. Y. Kantorovitz – instructor at ORT Rugmaking School, Mrs. A. Levin of the Ministry for Social Welfare, Dr. J. Wirklich – Director ORT Israel, Mrs. H. Glasser of New York 07/346 Israel School for Automechanics. Exhibition of Aug. 1950 pupils work 07/347 Israel Rehovot Inauguration d'une l'école en presence du June 1952 Prof. W. Haber 07/348 Israel Rehovot Inauguration d'une l'école en presence du June 1952 Prof. W. Haber 07/349 Israel Tel Aviv School for demobilized soldiers no date 96 96


07/350 Israel Jerusalem Automechanics school no date 07/351 Israel Jerusalem Automechanics school no date 07/352 Israel Jaffa Toolmaking school no date 07/353 Israel Tel Aviv Aerodynamics no date 07/354 Israel Independence Day celebration. Parents and 1971 students 07/355 Israel Independence Day celebration. Parents and 1971 students 07/356 Israel Independence Day celebration. Parents and 1971 students 07/357 Israel Independence Day celebration. Parents and 1971 students 07/358 Israel Independence Day celebration. Parents and 1971 students 07/359 Israel Tel Aviv Tabor school no date 07/360 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Center. Hungarian immigrant 1961 07/361 Israel Aerodynamics no date 07/362 Israel Afula Carpentry class no date 07/363 Israel Tel Aviv Hairdressing school. With Mrs. M. Hadow, 1966 wife of the British ambassador 07/364 Israel Carpentry school no date 07/365 Israel Ashkelon Metal class. Teacher: Dov Breier 1956 07/366 Israel Aerodynamics no date 07/367 Israel Netanya Afro-Asians 1961 07/368 Israel Field course 1961 07/369 Israel Jaffa Building a school no date 07/370 Israel East Jerusalem El-Mahmounia girls school. Typing class 1970 07/371 Israel Syngalowki electronics graduates. Honour March student: Arye Charko 1970 07/372 Israel Kfar Habad Carpentry school 1969 07/373 Israel Shafir Cooking class 1969 07/374 Israel Jerusalem Yad Kennedy, electrical class 1969 07/375 Israel Jerusalem Entrance to offices, first building, built in 1969 Jerusalem 07/376 Israel Ramat Gan School for laboratory assistance 1969 07/377 Israel Afula Vocational High School, electrical workshop 1969 07/378 Israel Kiriat Bialik Physics laboratory 1969 07/379 Israel Jerusalem Site of the technical college on the Hebrew 1970 University Campus 97 97


07/380 Israel Jerusalem Site of the technical college on the Hebrew 1970 University Campus 07/381 Israel Holon Electronics and television laboratory 1964 07/382 Israel Ramat Gan Girls school, dressmaking class 1969 07/383 Israel Lod Zale Vocational High School. Arab student 1969 and Jewish student study together 07/384 Israel Jerusalem Aviation mechanics, ORT Alliance School 1969 07/385 Israel Netanya Campus of the ORT Lvovich Centre 1965 07/386 Israel Jerusalem Auto mechanics class no date 07/387 Israel Holon Knitting instructions no date 07/388 Israel Bricklaying no date 07/389 Israel Bet Shemen Agricultaural machinery no date 07/390 Israel Jerusalem? Agro-mechanics school. International no date Hervester School 07/391 Israel Jerusalem? Agro-mechanics school. International no date Hervester School 07/392 Israel Jaffa Toolmaking school. Rebbecca Yulsary, no date formerly from Sofia 07/393 Israel Jaffa Training centre (graphics) no date 07/394 Israel Ramat Gan Shenkar Textile School no date 07/395 Israel Netanya Photo of "Johnny", grandson of chef of Ghana no date tribe 07/396 Israel Jerusalem Welding no date 07/397 Israel Shafir Agromachanics workshop Spring 1969 07/398 Israel Ben Shemesh Carpentry no date 07/399 Israel Netanya Electro-technical and chemistry laboratory no date 07/400 Israel Jerusalem Dental technicians no date 07/401 Israel Haifa Applied arts bazaar vocational high school June 1971 07/402 Israel Ein Harod Agromachanics workshop Spring 1969 07/403 Israel Midrasha, Sde Technical drawing Spring Boker 1969 07/404 Israel Syngalowski school being built no date 07/405 Israel Jerusalem Yad Kennedy visited by no date 07/406 Israel Ramat Gan Textile school 1956 07/407 Israel Radar device? no date 07/408 Israel Netanya (?) African students at ORT school no date 07/409 Israel Trainee group in machine workshop (photo no date 98 98


damaged) 07/410 Israel Welcome sign for Mr. Syngalowski no date 07/411 Israel Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 07/412 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre in process of no date being built 07/413 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre being built no date 07/414 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre being built Jan. 1959 07/415 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Memorial Centre no date 07/416 Israel Training centre. Syngalowski? 1959 07/417 Israel Stundent of ORT school no date 07/418 Israel Tel Aviv Representatives of developing states visit Aug. 1969 Syngalowski school to Rehovot Conference of Science and Education. Ivory coast representatives 07/419 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre. Electromachanics no date 07/420 Israel Jaffa Toolmaking school. Shelly Meshulam, from no date Sofia 07/421 Israel Tel Aviv Carpentry school for demobilized soldiers no date 07/422 Israel Jerusalem Automechanics school no date 07/423 Israel Tel Aviv Beauty parlour training no date 07/424 Israel Givatayim ORT school, building exterior no date 07/425 Israel Tel Aviv Weaving 1953 07/426 Israel Metalwork, aquiring skill no date 07/427 Israel Gathering of the International Conference of no date Jewish Communal Service. addresses gathering 07/428 Israel Gathering of the International Conference of no date Jewish Communal Service 07/429 Israel Gathering of the International Conference of no date Jewish Communal Service 07/430 Israel Tel Aviv? Building ORT no date 07/431 Israel Tel Aviv Typewriter repair school no date 07/432 Israel Netanya British ambassador visits ORT May 5, 1964 07/433 Israel Electronics class no date 07/434 Israel Jaffa Building school no date 07/435 Israel ORT school film. Srceening room? no date 07/436 Israel ORT school film. Srceening room? no date 07/437 Israel Laboratory technicians no date

99 99


07/438 Israel Laboratory technicians no date 07/439 Israel Kfar Avraham Locksmith and machinery workshop no date 07/440 Israel Ramat Gan Shenkar textile school. Machine shop- no date weaving 07/441 Israel Ramat Gan Building exterior no date 07/442 Israel Jerusalem Dental technicians no date 07/443 Israel Mivza (?) factory school cornerstone laying no date ceremony 07/444 Israel Netanya Visit of Labour Minister Yosef Almogi at 1969 mechanical workshop 07/445 Israel Rehovot Telecommunications graduate Yehudit Jan. 1970 Hamish repairing instrument at telephone exchange 07/446 Israel Tel Aviv Telecommunications graduate Beira Molcho, Jan. 1979 checking writing at exchange 07/447 Israel Jerusalem Yad Kennedy. Electricity course 1969 07/448 Israel Netanya Hotels trades school. Student chef Feb. 1969 07/449 Israel Holon Exterior, students relax during recess Feb. 1969 07/450 Israel Jerusalem Yad Kennedy apprenticeship centre. Tool- Feb. 1969 and dye making 07/451 Israel Jerusalem Electricity course 1969 07/452 Israel Jerusalem Signing of agreement for ORT technical no date college. HU in background 07/453 Israel Rishon LeZion Class assignments to mechanics workshop Feb. 1969 07/454 Israel Campers, courtesy of women's Israel ORT Nov. 1969 07/455 Israel Netanya Gym class, Lvovich Centre 1965 07/456 Israel Ben Shemen Agro.mechanics no date 07/457 Israel Tel Aviv Independence Day. ORT offices decorated no date 07/458 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre. Bicycle shed no date 07/459 Israel Map of Israel, marking the location of ORT no date institutions 07/460 Israel Kiryat Bialik Precision mechanics workshop 1969 07/461 Israel Jerusalem Entrance gate no date 07/462 Israel Jerusalem Centre. Exterior view no date 07/463 Israel Netanya Vocational traing centre, exterior no date 07/464 Israel Mechanics no date 07/465 Israel Tel Aviv Playing basketball in the courtyard at no date Syngalowski Center 07/466 Israel Student at work no date



07/467 Israel Tel Aviv Opening school year at Syngalowski Centre Sept. 1, 1964 07/468 Israel Netanya First graduates of ORT-Israel Technical 1964 Center for African Studies 07/469 Israel Tel Aviv A judo match in the courtyard of Syngalowski 1965 Center 07/470 Israel Jerusalem Mechanics no date 07/471 Israel Rishon LeZion Exterior view of a school 1969 07/472 Israel Tel Aviv Graduation Day at Syngalowski Centre 1964 07/473 Israel Dressmaking class no date 07/474 Israel Tel Aviv Amir Agai, born in Iraq, student of the third 1957 class of toolmaking at the Jaffa school, reads at a memorial meeting at Sokolov House. Seated among others, J. Zerubavel 07/475 Israel Tel Aviv Syngaloski Centre. Buldings' exterior no date 07/476 Israel Netanya Catering lessons conducted in French at the no date ORT Netanya Centre 07/477 Israel Jerusalem Auto-mechanics school no date 07/478 Israel Jerusalem ORT-Alliance vocational high school. 1969 Aeromachanics workshop 07/479 Israel Tel Aviv Carpentry workshop no date 07/480 Israel Tel Aviv Bus stop in front of Syngalowski Center no date 07/481 Israel Netanya Lvovich Center workshop 1965 07/482 Israel Tel Aviv Workshop at Syngalowski Centre 1965 07/483 Israel Netanya Classroom at Lvovich Centre 1965 07/484 Israel Tel Aviv Hairdressing school no date 07/485 Israel Technicians at Tel Hashomer Hospital 1966 graduate from ORT schools 07/486 Israel Lod Aerodynamics (photo damaged) 1965 07/487 Israel Netanya Basketball 1964 07/488 Israel Jerusalem Mechanical trainees no date 07/489 Israel Nazareth Entrance to school April 1964 07/490 Israel Jerusalem - Vocational workshop 1970 East 07/491 Israel Jerusalem Teacher trains youth no date 07/492 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre, drafting class no date 07/493 Israel Kfar Saba Machine shop 1964 07/494 Israel Nazareth workshop 1965 07/495 Israel Kfar Avraham Students 1956



07/496 Israel Jaffa Training center no date 07/497 Israel Netanya Hotel school, Lvovich Center. Budding 1965 waiters 07/498 Israel Lod Airplane mechanics 1965 07/499 Israel Kfar Avraham Locksmith shop? no date 07/500 Israel Kfar Avraham Locksmith shop? no date 07/501 Israel Student oleh from Russia 1960's 07/502 Israel Jerusalem Dental technicians. Students polish teeth no date (false teeth) 07/503 Israel Toolmaking? no date 07/504 Israel Ramat Gan Rear view of laboratory assistance and 1964 carpentry schools 07/505 Israel Kfar Avraham Locksmith shop no date 07/506 Israel Netanya Lvovich School, exterior view of dining hall 1964 and hotel trades 07/507 Israel Girl student in summer uniform no date 07/508 Israel Netanya Mr. Michael Koroma of Sierra Leone delivers June 1965 graduation speech in Hebrew 07/509 Israel Jaffa ORT graduate now operates a successful plant 1965 in Jaffa 07/510 Israel Netanya Campus of Lvovich Center Sept. 1965 07/511 Israel ORT provides vacations for needy students at 1969 the shore 07/512 Israel Netanya Dormitory room in Charles Jordan Boarding 1969 Centre 07/513 Israel Megiddo Student entertainment at dedication ceremony 1968 07/514 Israel Ramat Gan Architectural drawing, interior decoration 1969 course 07/515 Israel Tel Aviv, Yad Artist Ella Shiffroni of Kibbutz Ein 1969 Shapira Hachoresh completes a terra cotta mural 07/516 Israel Jerusalem Yad Kennedy, hairdressing course 1969 07/517 Israel Students with their ORT caps no date 07/518 Israel Ashkelon Young student at carpentry workshop 1956 07/519 Israel Jerusalem Broken windows due to bomb damage at June 1967 ORT Jerusalem during Six-Day War 07/520 Israel Student and teacher no date 07/521 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Center student Amram Amano no date at work 07/522 Israel Givatayim British ambassador, Sir Francis Rundall, at 1957 ORT



07/523 Israel Givatayim British ambassador, Sir Francis Rundall, at 1957 ORT 07/524 Israel Givatayim British ambassador, Sir Francis Rundall, at 1957 ORT 07/525 Israel Ort fashion show at the Ramat Aviv Hotel 1957 with Lady Rundall in attendance 07/526 Israel Jerusalem Dining room, students waiting to eat no date 07/527 Israel Student looks through mikroscope no date 07/528 Israel Ramat Gan Entrance to Shenkar Textile School no date 07/529 Israel Lining up at entrance to school no date (Syngalowski?) 07/530 Israel Jaffa Building school no date 07/531 Israel Tel Aviv Hairdressing school, pupils at work no date 07/532 Israel Tel Aviv Pupils at typewriter repair school no date 07/533 Israel Tel Aviv Collection of coloured postcards. no date Syngalowski Centre 07/534 Israel Tel Aviv Collection of coloured postcards. no date Syngalowski Centre 07/535 Israel Jerusalem Collection of coloured postcards. Electronics no date building 07/536 Israel Givatayim Collection of coloured postcards. no date 07/537 Israel Netanya Collection of coloured postcards. Lvovitch no date Center 07/538 Israel Netanya Collection of coloured postcards. Lvovitch no date Center 07/539 Two young girls doing lessons no date 07/540 Israel Jerusalem Watchmaking school. Postcard no date 07/541 Israel Emchanical workshop. Postcard no date 07/542 Israel Jaffa Young lady at toolmaking school. postcard no date 07/543 Israel Tel Aviv School for demobilized soldiers. Carpentry. no date Postcard 07/544 Israel ORT girls school for dressmaking (sewing), no date building of Rivka Somek Foundation. Postcard 07/545 Israel Ramla Weaving school. Immigrant from Turkey. no date Postcard 07/546 Israel Jaffa Toolmaking school. Postcard no date 07/547 Israel Kfar Avraham Exterior of school for carpentry and no date machinery 07/548 Israel Kfar Juliano Carpentry no date



07/549 Israel Tel Aviv Adult students at opening ceremony at 1958 Syngalowski school 07/550 Israel Tel Aviv Students gather in front of Syngalowski no date school 07/551 Israel Exterior of building. ORT school, Yeshiva no date Torah u'melacha 07/552 Israel Nursery? no date 07/553 Israel Emergency exit window. Donation plaque no date 07/554 Israel Givatayim Yigal Allon visits with students ORT Oct. 27, Technicum 1970 07/555 Israel Electrical repair training, young girl no date 07/556 Israel Electrical repair training, two young boys no date 07/557 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/558 Israel Ashdod Carpentry school (?) no date 07/559 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/560 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/561 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/562 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/563 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/564 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/565 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/566 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/567 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/568 Israel Ashdod Cadet school. Marine training centre no date 07/569 Israel Joseph Taragan, blinded as a child, learns to no date weave 07/570 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Working on a no date plane 07/571 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 07/572 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 07/573 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 07/574 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 07/575 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 07/576 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Mechanics no date classes 104


07/577 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Gate and door no date 07/578 Israel Jerusalem Aeronautical training centre. Gate and door no date 07/579 Israel Jerusalem Garage on Koresh Street. Graduates from no date ORT schools 07/580 Israel Jerusalem Garage on Koresh Street. Graduates from no date ORT schools 07/581 Israel Jaffa Workshop for steel furniture parts, operated no date by ORT graduate 07/582 Israel Tel Aviv Telecommunications laboratory class 1970 07/583 Israel Holon Electronic training centre March 1952 07/584 Israel Building exterior no date 07/585 Israel Netanya Marne department, vocational school 1970 07/586 Israel Sde Boker Midrasha. Technical drawing course 1969 07/587 Israel Tel Aviv, Yad Shapira. Recess in student club 1969 07/588 Israel Women's Israel ORT summer camp 1969 07/589 Israel Three young ladies, chatting no date 07/590 Israel Jaffa ORT professional school no date 07/591 Israel Jerusalem Metal class 1952 07/592 Israel Carpentry no date 07/593 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski centre, graduation class 1964 07/594 Ladies (Colour) no date 07/595 Dressmaking (Colour) no date 07/596 Israel Jersualem John F. Kennedy Center, classroom 1967 07/597 Israel Jaffa Students demonstrate signaling at Marine no date school 07/598 Israel Tel Aviv Carpentry school no date 07/599 Israel Metal class no date 07/600 Israel Jerusalem Bomb damage at ORT school June 1967 07/601 Israel Page from magazine. Electronics at ORT no date Center for African students 07/602 Israel Beauty parlour training. Tabor Girls School no date 07/603 Israel Ashkelon ORT students 1956 07/604 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Centre. Corridor of electronics no date building 07/605 Israel Holon Exterior view of ORT building 1956 07/606 Israel Netanya Gymnasium at ORT school, building exterior no date 07/607 Israel Ramat Gan Laboratory assistance school, entrance no date



07/608 Israel Ramat Gan Model of Carpentry school 1964 07/609 Israel Netanya Electro-mechanics and electronics wing, no date building exterior 07/610 Israel Ashdod Young lady in uniform. ORT graduate on Nov. 1970 duty at Ashdod Naval Base 07/611 Israel Tel Aviv Graduation ceremony at Syngalowski Centre. no date Mr. Eliyahu Sasson addresses graduates 07/612 Israel Jerusalem Iraqi born Yizchak Yecheziel, ORT graduate, no date is instructor at ORT 07/613 Israel Netanya African and Israeli students dancing the Hora June 1964 at graduation ceremony 07/614 Israel Netanya Lvovich school, dining hall (ground floor), 1964 hotel trades (first floor) 07/615 Israel Netanya Lvovich school, two students stroll past no date gymnasium building 07/616 Israel Nazareth Entrance to school. Instructor is seen at right. April 1964 07/617 Israel Israel Army tanks no date 07/618 Israel Afula Assad Shbli, a Bedouin Arab, studying 1969 metalworking at ORT vocational high school 07/619 Israel Tel Aviv Carpentry course for demobilized soldiers no date 07/620 Israel Tel Aviv Rav Solomon affixing Mesusah at May 28, Syngalowski school 1958 07/621 Israel Kfar Avraham Yeshiva 1956 07/622 Israel Tel Aviv Senator Herbert Lehman visits Syngalowski April 20, school 1959 07/623 Israel Netanya Mr. Halperin, Mr. Jordan Nov. 11, 1959 07/624 Israel Negative of unknown young man no date 07/625 Israel Exhibit 1955 (?) 07/626 Israel Eliezer Futerman examines a plane no date 07/627 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski school, exterior no date 07/628 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski school, exterior no date 07/629 Israel Tel Aviv Students wait at bus stop in front of no date Syngalowski school 07/630 Israel Tel Aviv Senator and Mrs. Herbert Lehman visit April 20, Syngalowski school. 1959 07/631 Israel Tel Aviv Senator and Mrs. Herbert Lehman visit April 20, Syngalowski school. Senator Lehman's 1959 inscription in the visitor book 07/632 Israel Jerusalem Workshop no date 07/633 Israel Jerusalem Workshop no date 106


07/634 Israel Jerusalem Workshop no date 07/635 Israel Jerusalem Workshop [Poland?] no date 07/636 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollek and his wife Tamar visit new no date ORT site on the Hebrew University Campus 07/637 Israel Visitors to ORT: Korman, Daniel Meir, David no date Slobodkin, Yitzhak Wasserstrum, Eng. Fucks, Freddy Romik 07/638 Israel Jerusalem Workshop no date 07/639 Israel / Israelis in Genève: Touboul, Giladi, no date Switzerland Rabinovitch, Ury, Nathan, Golan from Avihail (Naim Natan from Kfar Rupin) 07/640 Israel Tel Aviv Syngalowski Center. Electronics' graduate March Arnon Livit 1970 07/641 Israel Workshop no date 07/642 Israel Workshop no date 07/643 Israel Workshop: watch repair no date 07/644 Israel Jerusalem Workshop: iron forging no date 07/645 Israel Tel Aviv Demobilized soldiers Shlomo Greenberg and no date Benjamin Schnizer, learning carpentry 07/646 Israel Jaffa Women, workshop March 1952 07/647 Israel Jaffa Welding workshop no date 07/648 Israel Arab student Mohamad Jarah with Jewish Nov. 1969 classmates in carpentry workshop 07/649 Israel Kiryat Bialik Physics laboratory Summer 1969 07/650 Israel Ben Shemen Agromechanics no date 07/651 Israel Ben Shemen Agromechanics no date 07/652 Israel Ben Shemen Agromechanics no date 07/653 Israel Ben Shemen Agromechanics no date 07/654 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/655 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/656 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/657 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in



Hanevi'im Street 07/658 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/659 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/660 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/661 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Haneviim Street. With Mr. Sharon, principal at Haneviim 07/662 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/663 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/664 Israel Jerusalem Teddy Kollak, mayor of Jerusalem, visits after 1965 facility at Yad Kennedy and school in Hanevi'im Street 07/665 Israel Joseph Almog, labour minister. Joseph no date Haramtx, Director ORT 07/666 Israel Golda Meyerson (Meir) and Dr. Syngalowski no date 07/667 Israel Yigal Allon and ORT teacher, Yochanan Eliel 1970

07/668 Israel Tel Aviv Graduation Syngalowski Centre. Eliyahu July 1964 Sasson speaks 07/669 Israel Jerusalem Speach no date 07/670 Israel Jerusalem Speach no date 07/671 Israel Ben Zvi at the President's house with ? no date 07/672 Israel Airport (Aliya?) no date 07/673 Israel Netanya Foreign Minister Golda Me'ir addresses a June 1964 class in Netanya 07/674 Israel Facsimile of autograph and greetings from no date President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi 07/675 Israel Holon Exhibits. Facsimile of autograph of Albert no date Picot, MP (see also: Switzerland) 07/676 Israel Tel Aviv Demobilized soldiers at ORT carpentry no date course



07/677 Israel Tel Aviv Demobilized soldiers at ORT carpentry no date course 07/678 Israel Tel Aviv Demobilized soldiers at ORT carpentry no date course 07/679 Israel Tel Aviv Weaving course 1953 07/680 Israel The first sewing machine supplied to Mr. M. no date David by ORT Tools Supply Ltd. 07/681 Israel Tel Aviv ORT Director General J. Harmatz briefing Aug. 22, session with delegates from Swaziland, 1969 Dahomey and Ivory Coast 07/682 Israel Ashdod Electrical course equipment no date 07/683 Israel Ashdod Electrical course plan no date 07/684 Israel Ashdod Electrical course equipment no date 07/685 Israel Jaffa Tool making course. Students at their work no date 07/686 Israel Jaffa Tool making course. Students at their work no date 07/687 Israel Jaffa Tool making course. Students at their work no date 07/688 Israel Jaffa Tool making course. Students at their work no date 07/689 Israel Afula Young child learns dressmaking no date 07/690 Israel Beer-Sheva Laboratory assistants school Sept. 1964 07/691 Israel Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and his wife on a visit to ? no date 07/692 Israel Ramla Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, inc. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/693 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/694 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/695 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/696 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/697 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/698 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/699 Israel Jaffa Album - Students at work and exhibition no date 109


photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/700 Israel Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/701 Israel Ramla Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/702 Israel Ramla Album - Students at work and exhibition no date photos, incl. samples of needlework (inscriptions in Hebrew) 07/703 Israel Kfar Ganim Album - Boys carpentry school, Yemen no date Immigrants (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/704 Israel Kfar Ganim Album - Boys carpentry school, Yemen no date Immigrants (inscriptions in Hebrew and English 07/705 Israel Album - Man working on knitting machine no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English 07/706 Israel Album - People working on knitting machines no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/707 Israel Jaffa Album - Young Bulgarian pupils during lunch no date break (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/708 Israel Jaffa Album - Woman working on sewing-machine no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/709 Israel Jaffa Album - Students in Chemiserie school no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/710 Israel Album - Students working on machines no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/711 Israel Jaffa Album - Picture of "Merkas", Center for no date Vocational Training (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/712 Israel Jaffa Album - Picture of building school no date (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/713 Israel Jaffa Album – A group of men talking at the no date building school (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/714 Israel Jaffa Album - First work by the pupils of the no date building school in Jaffa, a tool store (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/715 Israel Jaffa Album - Delegation of Jewish Labour no date Committee in the United States in Locksmith School at Jaffa Centre (inscriptions in Hebrew and English)



07/716 Israel Jaffa Album - Mrs. Konov of the United States no date visits the "Merkas" (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/717 Israel Jaffa Album - Mr. Wein of the United States, no date Resentative of ORT in Greece visits ORT "Merkas" (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/718 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/719 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/720 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/721 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/722 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/723 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/724 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/725 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the building school at no date Pardes-Hanna Manufacturing Blocs (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/726 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the building school at no date Pardes-Hanna Manufacturing Blocs (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/727 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the building school at no date Pardes-Hanna Manufacturing Blocs (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/728 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the school for readymade no date children's clothes in the immigrants camp of Pardes Hanna at work, visitors (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/729 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the school for readymade no date children's clothes in the immigrants camp of Pardes Hanna at work, visitors (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/730 Israel Pardes Hanna Album - Students of the school for readymade no date children's clothes in the immigrants camp of Pardes Hanna at work, visitors (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/731 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English)



07/732 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/733 Israel Jaffa Album - Students of the building school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/734 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the rural hand-weaving no date school at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/735 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the rural hand-weaving no date school at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/736 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the rural hand-weaving no date school at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/737 Israel Kfar Avraham Album - Students of the locksmith and no date machinery school of the Jeshiva (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/738 Israel Kfar Avraham Album - Students of the locksmith and no date machinery school of the Jeshiva at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/739 Israel Kfar Avraham Album - Picture of locksmith and machinery no date school of the Jeshiva at work, visitors (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/740 Israel Tel Aviv Album - Students of the dressmaking school no date at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/741 Israel Tel Aviv Album - Students of the dressmaking school no date at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/742 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the locksmith-school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/743 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the locksmith-school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/744 Israel Ben Shemen Album - Students of the locksmith-school at no date work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/745 Israel Kfar Avraham Album – Group picture of students of the no date locksmith school of the Jeshiva (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/746 Israel Kfar Avraham Album - Students of the locksmith school of no date the Jeshiva at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/747 Israel Kfar Avraham Album - Students of the locksmith school of no date the Jeshiva at work (inscriptions in Hebrew and English) 07/748 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/749 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? 112


Campus in Jerusalem 07/750 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/751 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/752 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/753 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/754 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/755 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/756 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/757 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/758 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/759 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/760 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/761 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/762 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 07/763 Israel Jerusalem Album - Pictures of the Hebrew University 1953? Campus in Jerusalem 08/001 Poland Warzawa ORT Warsaw: Teaching lampworking 1958 08/002 Poland Lignica ORT Legnica: Teaching to craft toys June 1958 08/003 Poland Health Protection Association nursery at no date Dzierzanow 08/004 Poland Toolmaking (?) no date 08/005 Poland Toolmaking no date 08/006 Poland Lignica Grand atelier de tournage no date 08/007 Poland Lignica Grand atelier de tournage no date 08/008 Poland Gdansk ORT leaders at Danzig conference. Photo 1923 from magazine (damaged) 08/009 Poland Zary Young stundents learn electrotechnics no date 08/010 Poland Class 1963



08/011 Poland Warzawa Class 1963 08/012 Poland Class May, 1964 08/013 Poland Warzawa Exhibit of ORT logos in electric sign 1963 08/014 Poland workshops no date 08/015 Poland workshops 1958 08/016 Poland Warzawa Ventilator made by students of the electro- no date mechanics school 08/017 Poland Warzawa J. Jaszunski, director, deported 1942 1963 08/018 Poland Lignica Adult re-training programmes 1958 08/018 Poland Lignica Adult re-training programmes 1958 08/019 Poland Lignica Adult re-training programmes 1958 08/020 Poland Lignica Adult re-training programmes 1958, 1960 08/021 Poland Wroclaw Adult re-training programmes 1958 08/022 Poland Youth training (negative, 15 x 20) no date 08/023 Poland Learning to be a glass blower no date 08/024 Poland Lesson for released war captives no date 08/025 Poland Walbrzych Mechanics course no date 08/026 Poland Szczecin [Hachshara?] Gardening no date 08/027 Poland Walbrzych Dressmaking no date 08/028 Poland Walbrzych Carpentry no date 08/029 Poland Lignica Automechanics 1958 08/030 Poland Lignica Masonry 1958 08/031 Poland Lignica Electromachanics 1958 08/032 Poland Lignica Electromachanics 1958 08/033 Poland Lignica Soldering 1958 08/034 Poland Lignica Mechanics 1958 08/035 Poland Lignica Weaving 1958 08/036 Poland Glassblowing no date 08/037 Poland Workshop no date 08/038 Poland Tailoring no date 08/039 Poland Mechanics 1958 08/040 Poland Workshop no date 08/041 Poland Fundraising pamphlet cover (Yiddish) "Mir no date Veren Poiyerim". Farming 08/042 Poland Bialystok Women farmers no date 08/043 Poland Wroclaw Maria Richter, 18 years old, weaving no date



08/044 Poland Wroclow Electronics courses no date 08/045 Poland Wroclaw Workshops for men and women: millinery no date 08/046 Poland Wroclaw Workshops for men and women: making no date cases 08/048 Poland Krzemieniec Furniture making 1923 08/049 Poland Krzemieniec Group of students 1923 08/050 Poland Wroclaw Retraining programme 1947 08/051 Poland Dr. Eiger, member of the Central ORT no date Committee 08/052 Poland ORT activities in the ghetto. Photo of Jews 1941-1942 with their hands up. Report of ORT activities 08/053 Poland Walbrzych Puppet making in sewing class. Instructor: A. no date Lichtenberg 08/054 Poland Walbrzych Puppet making in sewing class. Instructor: A. no date Lichtenberg 08/055 Poland Walbrzych Puppet making in sewing class. Instructor: A. no date Lichtenberg 08/056 Poland Stowarzyszenie Standing in front of school. Names appear on no date back of photo 08/057 Poland Lignica Knitting machines class 1959 08/058 Poland Lignica Locksmith no date 08/059 Poland Lignica weaving 1958 08/060 Poland Lignica woodworking 1958 08/061 Poland Lignica Exhibit 1963 08/062 Poland Exhibit no date 08/063 Poland Walbrzych Woodworking no date 09/001 Switzerland A Guinean trainee at the drafting table, 1965 designed and built at the Institute 09/002 Switzerland African trainee from Guinea learns at the 1965 Institute 09/003 Switzerland Anières Theory joins practice in importance at the 1965 Central ORT Institute 09/004 Switzerland Dormitory life 1965 09/005 Switzerland Language Laboratory at Central ORT Institute 1965 09/006 Switzerland Conference in an electricity workshop 1965 09/007 Switzerland Conference 1965 09/008 Switzerland Anières An Israeli student 1965 09/009 Switzerland Anières Friday night Service at Synagoge 1965 09/010 Switzerland Studying is a serious business at the ORT 1965



Central Institute 09/011 Switzerland Anières Guinean and Malian trainees at the ORT 1965 Central Institute 09/012 Switzerland Anières Learning is a serious business at Anieres 1965 09/013 Switzerland Anières Mealtime at the ORT Central Institute 1965 09/014 Switzerland The slide rule is indispensable in modern 1965 technology 09/015 Switzerland The library is a center for work and studious 1965 recreation 09/016 Switzerland Sports help make the man 1965 09/017 Switzerland Going to town in the school bus 1965 09/018 Switzerland Genève Picture of Building where the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. is held in Genève 09/019 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/020 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/021 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/022 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/023 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/024 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/025 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/026 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/027 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/028 Switzerland Front view of the conference building June 1955 09/029 Switzerland The conference hall full with participants and June 1955 representatives of O.R.T during a speech 09/030 Switzerland Genève Dr. A. Syngalowski, Chairman of the June 1955 Executive of the World ORT Union, opening the International ORT Congress in Genève 09/031 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/032 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/033 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/034 Switzerland The General Consul of France in Switzerland June 1955



giving a speech 09/035 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/036 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/037 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/038 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/039 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/040 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/041 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/042 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/043 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/044 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/045 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/046 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/047 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/048 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/049 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/050 Switzerland Miss Frances E. Willis, U.S. Ambassador to June 26, Switzerland, addressing the opening session 1955 of the ORT Congress 09/051 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/052 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/053 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/054 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/055 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/056 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/057 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/058 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/059 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/060 Switzerland Conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/061 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/062 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/063 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/064 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/065 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955



Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/066 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/067 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/068 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/069 Switzerland Genève The audience of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/070 Switzerland Genève The audience of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/071 Switzerland Genève French Representatives during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T 09/072 Switzerland Genève South African, Australian and Iranian June 1955 Representatives during the Congrès Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/073 Switzerland Genève Danish Representavtives during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/074 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/075 Switzerland Genève ORT Representatives during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/076 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/077 Switzerland The conference hall during the conference June 1955 09/078 Switzerland The conference hall during the conference June 1955 09/079 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/080 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T 09/081 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/082 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/083 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/084 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/085 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/086 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T.



09/087 Switzerland A Turkish Representative during the June 1955 conference 09/088 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/089 Switzerland German Representatives during the June 1955 conference 09/090 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/091 Switzerland Italian Representatives during the conference June 1955 09/092 Switzerland Tunisian Representatives listening to a June 1955 translation 09/093 Switzerland Iranian Representatives during the conference June 1955 09/094 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/095 Switzerland Participants listening to a translation June 1955 09/096 Switzerland Finnish Representatives during the conference June 1955 09/097 Switzerland Italian Representatives during the conference June 1955 09/098 Switzerland A Participant during the conference June 1955 09/099 Switzerland Participants during the conference June 1955 09/100 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/101 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/102 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/103 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/104 Switzerland Genève A Canadian representative during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/105 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/106 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/107 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/108 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/109 Switzerland Genève At the Congrès Mondial de l'O.R.T. speaking June 1955 09/110 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/111 Switzerland Genève Two participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955



l'O.R.T. 09/112 Switzerland Participants applauding June 1955 09/113 Switzerland Participants during the conference June 1955 09/114 Switzerland Participants during the conference June 1955 09/115 Switzerland Participants during the conference June 1955 09/116 Switzerland Participants during the conference June 1955 09/117 Switzerland Conference Participants gathering at June 1955 Document Distribution Stand 09/118 Switzerland Genève Listening to a translation during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/119 Switzerland Genève Listening to a translation during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/120 Switzerland Conference Participants gathering at June 1955 Document Distribution Stand 09/121 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/122 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/123 Switzerland Genève Participants during the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/124 Switzerland Genève Photomontage of the U.S Representatives of June 1955 the Congrès Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/125 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. in Genève, reading material 09/126 Switzerland Genève British Representatives of the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/127 Switzerland Genève Audience during the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. in Genève 09/128 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/129 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/130 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/131 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/132 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/133 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/134 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/135 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/136 Switzerland A conference participant giving a speech June 1955 09/137 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/138 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 120


l'O.R.T. 09/139 Switzerland A conference Participant giving a speech June 1955 09/140 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/141 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/142 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/143 Switzerland Genève Group picture of women during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/144 Switzerland Genève Group of participants overviewing notes June 1955 during the Congrès Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/145 Switzerland Genève Group picture of women during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/146 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/147 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/148 Switzerland Genève Listening to a speech during the Congrès June 1955 Mondial de l'O.R.T. 09/149 Switzerland Genève Three participants of the ORT Congress June 1955 09/150 Switzerland Genève Two participants of the ORT Congress June 1955 09/151 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/152 Switzerland Genève Participants of the Congrès Mondial de June 1955 l'O.R.T. 09/153 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/154 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/155 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/156 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/157 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/158 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/159 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/160 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/161 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/162 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/163 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/164 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962 09/165 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1962



09/166 Switzerland Genève Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/167 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/168 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/169 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/170 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/171 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/172 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/173 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/174 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/175 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/176 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/177 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/178 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/179 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/180 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions 1961 09/181 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/182 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, De g. à d.: M. Safran, Grand Rabbin; M. 1960 Armand Brunschusg; M. Halpénin (à l'arrière plan); M. Jean Treina, président du Conseil d'Etat de Genève; M. Daniel Mayer, président du comité exécutif de l'ORT; M. Roberet Ginchat, le vice president du grand Conseil; M. Villan (à l'arrière plan) – Maire d'Anières; David Moise, directeur du B.I.T.; Erich Messmer de Berne 09/183 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/184 Switzerland Genève Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/185 Switzerland Genève Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/186 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/187 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/188 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, Au premièr plan de g. à d.: M. Robert 1960 Gindrat, premièr vice président du Grand Conseil; M. David Moise, directeur général du B.I.T.; M. Erich Messmer, division assistance technique de la politique Fédérale de Berne Au deuxième plan: M. Halpénin; M. Grünberg 09/189 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27,



M. Jean Treina remet un prix à Benschlomo 1960 Jehouda 09/190 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, M.W. Buard, professeur, dirige le choeur des 1960 élèves 09/191 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, De g. à d.: M. James Read, haut commissaire 1960 adjoint des U.N. pour les réfugiés; M. Fernand Cottier, maire de Génève; M. le Grand Rabbin (denier debout M. Roth); invisible: M. Armand Brunschusg; M. Jean Treina, president du conseil d'Etat; Daniel Mayer, president du comité executive de l'ORT-UNION. En bas: l'élève Nachumias Isaac, premier de sa classe en deuxième de l'E.S.T. 09/192 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, De g. à d.: M. Robin Gillert, directeur de 1960 l'Institut Central ORT; M. James Read, haut commissaire adjoint des U.N. pour les réfugiés; M. Fernand Cottier, maire de Génève; M. le Grand Rabbin 09/193 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions. June 27, De g. à d., au premier plan: M. Robert 1960 Gindrat, premier vice président de grand conseil; M. David Moise, directeur général du B.I.T.; M. Erich Messmer, division assistance technique de la politique fédéral de Berne Au deuxième plan: M. Daniel Mayer; M. Halpénin; M. Grünberg; M. Bounant, clebent, faisant son parole 09/194 Switzerland Anières A. Safran, Grand-Rabbin; Institut Central June 27, ORT. Promotions 1960 09/195 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/196 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/197 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Promotions June 1960 09/198 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/199 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/200 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/201 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/202 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/203 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/204 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962 09/205 Switzerland Anières Cours Silverman à l'Institut ORT June, 1962



09/206 Switzerland Anières Mr. Arne Fjellbu visits Congolese students at no date work 09/207 Switzerland Anières L'archevêque de Trondheim Mr. Arne Fjellbu no date visite les Congolais à l'Institut 09/208 Switzerland Anières Réception des Congolais. Institut Central May 5, ORT 1961 09/209 Switzerland Anières Réception des Congolais. Institut Central May 5, ORT 1961 09/210 Switzerland Anières Réception des Congolais. Institut Central May 5, ORT 1961 09/211 Switzerland Anières Inauguration du cours des Congolais. Institut May 5, Central ORT 1961 09/212 Switzerland Anières Inauguration du cours des Congolais. Institut May 5, Central ORT 1961 09/213 Switzerland Anières Inauguration du cours des Congolais. Institut May 5, Central ORT 1961 09/214 Switzerland Anières Inauguration du cours des Congolais. Institut May 5, Central ORT 1961 09/215 Switzerland Anières Inauguration cours Congolais: M M. Braude, May 5, A. Brunschvig,, Remy Godet, D[] Pol. Féd. 1961 (Cooperation Technique), Halpenin et Alonphanem du B.I.T. 09/216 Switzerland Group de 11 contremaitres lors d'un petit no date stage aux établissement Castolin à St. Sulpice (Vaud) 09/217 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/218 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/219 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/220 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/221 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/222 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/223 Switzerland Arrivé des agro-mécaniciens à Victoria 1958/1959 Station, Londres. A leurs reception de gauche à droite: Mr. Pellouchoud, Mr. Turner directeur de l'école Ford, la sécretaire du consul d'Israel, Mr. Goldberg, Mr. Leew, Consul d'Israel 09/224 Switzerland Les agro-mécaniciens dans un cours sur les 1958/1959 124


accessoires Ramsons, école Ford 09/225 Switzerland Les agro-mécaniciens et leur instructeurs à 1958/1959 l'école Massey-Ferguson, Stoneleigh 09/226 Switzerland Les agro-mécaniciens et leur instructeurs à 1958/1959 l'école Massey-Ferguson, Stoneleigh 09/227 Switzerland Les agro-mécaniciens et leur instructeurs à 1958/1959 l'école Massey-Ferguson Debout à l'extrémité gauche: Mr Fredricksen, instructeur chef. Debout et à genou en habits foncés à l'extrémité droite trois instructeur- adjoints 09/228 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/229 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester Oct. 1958 School to Mai Cours d'agromécanique, groupe d'Israel, 1959 Anières 09/230 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/231 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/232 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/233 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/234 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/235 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/236 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/237 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/238 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/239 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/240 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/241 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester 1958/1959 School 09/242 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints)



09/243 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints) 09/244 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints) 09/245 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints) 09/246 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints) 09/247 Switzerland Anières International Harvester School (contact 1958/1959 prints) 09/248 Switzerland Anières Members of the group of 17 Israeli agro- no date mechanics taking proficiency training at the Central ORT Institute, Anières, near Genève, Switzerland David, Touboul, Apth, Ury, Goren, Ronen, Nathan, Zelechover, Giladi, Amami, Golan, Joshua, Peled, and Rabinowitch, an Anières instructor Standing centre: Mr. Maurice L. Volski, director of the ORT Central Teacher's Training Institute 09/249 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester Oct. 1958 School to Mai, Cours d'agromécanique, groupe d'Israel, 1959 Anières 09/250 Switzerland Anières Agro-mechanics at the International Harvester Oct. 1958 School to Mai, Cours d'agromécanique, groupe d'Israel, 1959 Anières 09/251 Switzerland Le groupe des agro-mécaniciens dans un 1958/1959 cours d'instruction sur les charrues Ford 09/252 Switzerland Le groupe des agro-mécaniciens dans la cour 1958/1959 de l'école Ford 09/253 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/254 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/255 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/256 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/257 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/258 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute, yearly gathering 1951 09/259 Switzerland Burgdorf Cours de perfectionnement de mécanique 1960 agricole Groupe d'agromécaniciens venant d'Israel, chez Aebi & Cie à Burgdorf, Switzerland Controle du pont d'un tracteur mono-axe



09/260 Switzerland Burgdorf Cours de perfectionnement de mécanique 1960 agricole Groupe d'agromécaniciens venant d'Israel, chez Aebi & Cie à Burgdorf, Switzerland Visite des ateliers de construction de tracteurs 09/261 Switzerland Burgdorf Cours de perfectionnement de mécanique 1960 agricole Groupe d'agromécaniciens venant d'Israel, chez Aebi & Cie à Burgdorf, Switzerland Démonstration d'un petit tracteur mono-axe 09/262 Switzerland Burgdorf Cours de perfectionnement de mécanique 1960 agricole Agromécaniciens, faisant partie du groupe venant d'Israel, essayent le tracteur mono-axe sur un terrain qui a une pente de 40% 09/263 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/264 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/265 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/266 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/267 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/268 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/269 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/270 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/271 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/272 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/273 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/274 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/275 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/276 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/277 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/278 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/279 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/280 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/281 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/282 Switzerland Burgdorf Agromécaniciens d'Israel Sept. 1960 09/283 Switzerland Anières Central ORT Institute. Sculpting class 1949 09/284 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Model of building no date 09/285 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, group of students 1961 playing ball 09/286 Switzerland(?) ORT students in front of building [?] no date



09/287 Switzerland(?) ORT students in front of building [?] no date 09/288 Switzerland(?) ORT students leaving by bus [?] no date 09/289 Switzerland(?) ORT students leaving by bus [?] no date 09/290 Switzerland(?) Lecture hall no date 09/291 Switzerland(?) Students playing ball no date 09/292 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Vitrine du vestibule no date 09/293 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Bâtiment face nord no date 09/294 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Groupe d'élèves Feb. 1955 09/295 Switzerland(?) Classroom no date 09/296 Switzerland(?) Classroom, teacher explaining no date 09/297 Switzerland(?) Classroom no date 09/298 Switzerland Anières ORT Union Anières, fête de Hannouca 1955 09/299 Switzerland Bathroom no date 09/300 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Séance des maîtres no date 09/301 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Groupe d'élèves no date 09/302 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Group of students 1949 09/303 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT. Group of students 1949 09/304 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, Oneg Shabat 1953 09/305 Switzerland Anières Instruction de professeurs de l'Institut Nov. 19?? 09/306 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, groupe d'élèves 1951 09/307 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, lecture hall Nov. 1949 09/308 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, Course in plaqtic arts Dec. 1949 09/309 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, Course in plaqtic arts Dec. 1949 09/310 France Paris Centre de Neuilly, Chambre d'élève June 1954 09/311 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 09/312 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 09/313 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 09/314 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 09/315 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland, Nov. 1962 Charles Jordan 09/316 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 (2 photos in different perspectives) 09/317 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 (contact prints) 09/318 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Nov. 1962 miniatures 09/319 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, 1960 128


09/320 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, 1960 09/321 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, (contact prints) 1960 09/322 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, (contact prints) 1960 09/323 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, Zürich 1960 De g. à d.: MM. […] Treina, A. Brunschvig, D. Mayer 09/324 Switzerland Zürich Assemblée générale de l'ORT Switzerland Sept. 18, 1960 09/325 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/326 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/327 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/328 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/329 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/330 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/331 Switzerland Anières Mr. Joseph Sprintzak, president de la Knesset Sept. 6, et Mme Sprintzak visitent l'Institut Central 1957 ORT 09/332 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/333 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/334 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/335 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/336 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/337 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/338 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/339 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT



09/340 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/341 Switzerland Anières Sept. 1958 Sept. 1958 09/342 Switzerland Anières Visite M.H. Naficy, Sécretaire d'Etat Téhéran, Sept. 1958 à l'Institut Central ORT 09/343 Switzerland Anières Mme Freda Feldman de Johannesburg visite April 1958 l'Institut ORT 09/344 Switzerland Anières Mme Freda Feldman de Johannesburg visite April 1958 l'Institut ORT 09/345 Switzerland Anières Mme Freda Feldman de Johannesburg visite April 1958 l'Institut ORT 09/346 Switzerland Anières S.E. Bisang reçoit de Mr Volski, directeur de March l'Institut, des explications sur les méthodes 1958 didactiques 09/347 Switzerland Anières S.E. Bisang visite l'Institut March 1958 09/348 Switzerland Anières S.E. Bisang, ambassadeur de Switzerland en March Israel, visite l'Institut ORT pour la […] 1958 d'instructeurs S.E. M. Bisang, ambassadeur de Switzerland en Israel; M. M.L. Volski, directeur de l'Institut; de dos: M.A. Brunschvig, […] de l'ORT Switzerland; H.V. Halpenin, directeur de l'ORT Union 09/349 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de Danilo Dolci Feb. 12, 1958 09/350 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de Danilo Dolci Feb. 12, 1958 09/351 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de Danilo Dolci Feb. 12, 1958 09/352 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de Danilo Dolci Feb. 12, 1958 09/353 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite d'experts du Dec. 1957 CIME 09/354 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite d'experts du Dec. 1957 CIME 09/355 Switzerland Anières M. Joseph Sprintzak, président de la Knesset, Sept. 6, et Mme Sprintzak visitent l'Institut Central 1957 ORT 09/356 Switzerland Anières M. Joseph Sprintzak, président de la Knesset, Sept. 6, et Mme Sprintzak visitent l'Institut Central 1957 ORT 09/357 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/358 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 130


09/359 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/360 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/361 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/362 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/363 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/364 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/365 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/366 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/367 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/368 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/369 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/370 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/371 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/372 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/373 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/374 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/375 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/376 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/377 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/378 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/379 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/380 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/381 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/382 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/383 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/384 Switzerland Anières Institut Central. Visites experts BIT 1956 09/385 Switzerland Anières ORT Union. Conférence de M. Gottschalk 1956 09/386 Switzerland Anières Chanukah celebration 1949 09/387 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/388 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/389 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/390 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/391 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de M. Tolkowsky 1952 09/392 Switzerland Anières Institut Central ORT, visite de M. Naegelen Sept. 8, 1954 09/393 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/394 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, visite de M. Naegelen Sept. 8, 131


1954 09/395 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. le Ministre Naegelen à l'Institut 1955 09/396 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, visite de M. Naegelen Sept. 8, 1954 09/397 Switzerland Anières Institut Central, S.E.M. Tolkhovsky, ministre 1951 d'Israel en Switzerland, visite l'Institut 09/398 Switzerland Anières ORT Union, fête de Hannouca, vue de la salle 1955 (au milieu M le rabbin Safran) 09/399 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT 1960 09/400 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; Monsieur 1960 J. Masséna dans une salle de classe de l'Institut 09/401 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 De gauche à droite: M. R. Noiroux, attaché de cabinet de M. Masséna: M. H. Reymond, chef de mission du B.I.T. au Congo: M. J. Masséna, Ministre du Travail du Congo; M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT; M. L. Aleinick, chef du Département Pédagogique de l'Union ORT 09/402 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 Dans la cuisine de l'Institut. De gauche à droite: M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT; M. J. Masséna, Ministre du Travail du Congo; M. H. Reymond, chef du mission du B.I.T. au Congo 09/403 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 A l'atelier de mécanique. De gauche à droite: M. H. Reymond, chef du mission du B.I.T. au Congo; M. L. Aleinick, chef du Département Pédagogique de l'Union ORT; M. J. Masséna, Ministre du Travail du Congo; M. R. Noiroux, attaché de cabinet de M. Masséna; M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT 09/404 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 De gauche à droite: M. J. Masséna, Ministre du Travail du Congo; M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT; M. H. Reymond, chef du mission du B.I.T. au Congo; M. L. Aleinick, chef du Département Pédagogique 132


de l'Union ORT A l'arrière plan: M. R. Noiroux, attaché de cabinet de M. Masséna 09/405 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 De gauche à droite: M. L. Aleinick, chef du Département Pédagogique de l'Union ORT; M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT; M. J. Masséna, Ministre du Travail du Congo; M. R. Noiroux, attaché de cabinet de M. Masséna; M. H. Reymond, chef du mission du B.I.T. au Congo 09/406 Switzerland Anières Visite de M. J. Masséna, ministre du Travail Sept. 8, du Congo, à l'Institut Central ORT; 1960 Monsieur J. Masséna en conversation amicable avec M. A. Magat, directeur de l'Institut Central ORT 09/407 Switzerland? Transport pour ORT Varsovie no date 09/408 Switzerland Genève Transport of machines and tools to München 1945 and Budapest 09/409 Switzerland Genève Transport of machines and tools to München 1945 and Budapest 09/410 Switzerland St. Margrethen Expedition à München 1945 09/411 Switzerland? ORT storage room no date 09/412 Switzerland Zürich ORT Celebration, sharing out diplomas May 8 [?] 09/413 Switzerland Genève M. Goldmann et Mlle Rubinovitch au bureau 1944 d'ORT 09/414 Switzerland Genève M. Goldman et M. Leiner (avant son départ 1945 pour Mexique) 09/415 Switzerland Genève Group photo 1945 09/416 Switzerland Toolmaking? no date (Central Union) 09/417 Switzerland Genève Institute at Arnières, exterior no date 09/418 Switzerland Genève Institute at Arnières, exterior no date 09/419 Switzerland Anières Students activities 1965 09/420 Switzerland Anières Students activities 1965 09/421 Switzerland Anières Students activities 1962 09/422 Switzerland Anières Students activities no date 09/423 Switzerland Anières Students activities no date 09/424 Switzerland Anières Entrance hall of the Institute no date 09/425 Switzerland Anières Students activities no date 09/426 Switzerland Genève Modelling work Dec. 1949 133


09/427 Switzerland Genève Demonstration of the Second Teaching July 1965 Machine at the ORT Central Institute 09/428 Switzerland Physics lesson no date 09/429 Switzerland Genève French lesson. Listening: Richard Touitou Jan. 1963 from Algeria, Salomon Cohen from Israel, Alberto Zafarti from Italy, Parvis Benyamini from Iran, Davis Habadou from Tunis and Isaac Benguigui from Morocco. Their teacher is the daughter of ORT pioneer Dr. Syngalowski 09/430 Switzerland Genève Congolese students 1965 09/431 Switzerland Genève Congolese students 1962 09/432 Switzerland Genève Congolese students no date 09/433 Switzerland Genève Congolese students no date 09/434 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of sewing no date 09/435 Switzerland Sports activities 1965 09/436 Switzerland Sports activities Jan. 1964 09/437 Switzerland Conferences 1955 / 1969 09/438 Switzerland Promotions 1955 09/439 Switzerland Conferences 1969 09/440 Switzerland Conferences 1969 09/441 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/442 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/443 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/444 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/445 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/446 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/447 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/448 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/449 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/450 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/451 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/452 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/453 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/454 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/455 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/456 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/457 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 134


09/458 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/459 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/460 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/461 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/462 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/463 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/464 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/465 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/466 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/467 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/468 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/469 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/470 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/471 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/472 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/473 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/474 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/475 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/476 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/477 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/478 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/479 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/480 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / youth no date 09/481 Switzerland Zürich Training class for adults / no date 09/482 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/483 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/484 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/485 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/486 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German)



09/487 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/488 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/489 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/490 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/491 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/492 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/493 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/494 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/495 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/496 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/497 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/498 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/499 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/500 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/501 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German)



09/502 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/503 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/504 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/505 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/506 Switzerland Bern Personal album, Mrs .Ferdinand Kaufmann, no date New Rochelle, New York (descriptions in German) 09/507 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/508 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/509 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/510 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/511 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/512 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/513 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/514 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/515 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/516 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/517 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/518 Switzerland Zürich Sewing course no date 09/519 Switzerland Zürich Shoemaking 1945 09/520 Switzerland Montana Sewing course 1949 09/521 Switzerland Montana Sewing course 1949 09/522 Switzerland Montana Sewing course 1949 09/523 Switzerland Genève Dancing the Hora no date 09/524 Switzerland Montana Electrio-installation course 1949 09/525 Switzerland Basle Shirtmaking course 1945 09/526 Switzerland Basle Shirtmaking course 1945 09/527 Switzerland Zürich Film operators no date 09/528 Switzerland Zürich Electricians? no date 09/529 Switzerland Zürich Pattern cutting no date 09/530 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Building exterior Dec. 1949



09/531 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Group photo with Dr. no date Syngalowski 09/532 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Classroom no date 09/533 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Soldering 1943-1946 (?) 09/534 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Tin work 1949 09/535 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Promotions 1955 09/536 Switzerland Anières Central Institute. Promotions 1955 09/537 Switzerland Anières Israeli machanics study: at the teachers no date institute under the auspice of the Rubin Institute and ORT agro-mechanics 09/538 Switzerland Anières Israeli machanics study: at the teachers no date institute under the auspice of the Rubin Institute and ORT agro-mechanics 09/539 Switzerland Anières Israeli machanics study: at the teachers no date institute under the auspice of the Rubin Institute and ORT agro-mechanics 09/540 Switzerland Anières Israeli machanics study: at the teachers no date institute under the auspice of the Rubin Institute and ORT agro-mechanics 09/541 Switzerland Anières Israeli machanics study: at the teachers no date institute under the auspice of the Rubin Institute and ORT agro-mechanics 09/542 Switzerland Anières Group of Israelis, names included no date 09/543 Switzerland Opening ceremony of the 20th anniversary of July 1969 Central Institute, view of audience and Mrs Monroe M. Rosenthal, President Women's American ORT 09/544 Switzerland Genève A. Safran, grand-Rabbi 1960 09/545 Switzerland Anières Student and slide-rule. Photo: Jean Mohr 1965 09/546 Switzerland Anières On the school bus. Photo: Jean Mohr 1965 09/547 Switzerland Genève Central Institue. Guinean and Malian trainees. 1965 Photo: Jean Mohr 09/548 Switzerland Genève Central Institute. Student. Photo: Jean Mohr 1965 09/549 Switzerland Genève Central Institute. Dormitory. Photo: Jean 1965 Mohr 09/550 Switzerland Genève Central Institute. Class in chemistry. Photo: 1965 Jean Mohr 09/551 Switzerland Genève Central Institute. Guinean and Israeli. Photo: 1965 Jean Mohr 09/552 Switzerland Congolese students study under arrangement no date with the Swiss Government



09/553 Switzerland Congolese students study under arrangement no date with the Swiss Government 09/554 Switzerland Congolese students study under arrangement no date with the Swiss Government 09/555 Switzerland Congolese students study under arrangement no date with the Swiss Government 09/556 Switzerland Congolese students study under arrangement no date with the Swiss Government 09/557 Switzerland Free time for basketball and skiing no date 09/558 Switzerland Free time for basketball and skiing no date 09/559 Switzerland Free time for basketball and skiing no date 09/560 Switzerland Free time for basketball and skiing no date 09/561 Switzerland Free time for basketball and skiing no date 09/562 Switzerland Classroom. Teacher: daughter of Dr. no date Syngalowski 09/563 Switzerland Classroom. Teacher: daughter of Dr. no date Syngalowski 09/564 Switzerland Classroom. Teacher: daughter of Dr. no date Syngalowski 09/565 Switzerland Anières Relaxing in a room with mosaic floor and no date wall murals depicting ORT. Dancing folk dances 09/566 Switzerland Anières Relaxing in a room with mosaic floor and no date wall murals depicting ORT. Dancing folk dances 09/567 Switzerland Anières Relaxing in a room with mosaic floor and no date wall murals depicting ORT. Dancing folk dances 09/568 Switzerland Anières Relaxing in a room with mosaic floor and no date wall murals depicting ORT. Dancing folk dances 09/569 Switzerland Anières Visitors no date 09/570 Switzerland Anières In the library no date 09/571 Switzerland Anières In the library no date 09/572 Switzerland Anières Congolese student choir no date 09/573 Switzerland Anières Demonstration of teaching machine July 1965 09/574 Switzerland Anières Demonstration of teaching machine July 1965 09/575 Switzerland Workshops no date 09/576 Switzerland Workshops no date 09/577 Switzerland Anières Workshops 1956 09/578 Switzerland Workshops no date 139


09/579 Switzerland Workshops no date 09/580 Switzerland Workshops no date 09/581 Switzerland Workshops no date 09/582 Switzerland Free time. In an ORT vehicle no date 09/583 Switzerland Free time. Basketball team no date 09/584 Switzerland Free time. On the balcony of the building, no date flags ands students 09/585 Switzerland Bern BEA international prize award. Federal May 1971 Palace 09/586 Switzerland Bern Members of prize committee no date 09/587 Switzerland Bern Swiss President R. Gnagi giving prize to no date Cardinal Frings for Misereor 09/588 Switzerland Bern Barry Holland, Alan Booth, Father Schmidt, no date Cardinal Frings, Mr. D. Myer, Mr. M.A. Braude 09/589 Switzerland Genève, Kaus Torgaard and Kare Tronsmo, May 1964 Anières Norwegian experts in vocational training, on a visit 09/590 Switzerland Genève Dr. Syngalowski addresses 75th anniversary no date 09/591 Switzerland Genève Dr. Syngalowski addresses 75th anniversary no date 09/592 Switzerland Genève Dinner guests. Speech no date 09/593 Switzerland Genève Dinner guests. Speech no date 09/594 Switzerland Genève Dinner guests. Speech no date 09/595 Switzerland Genève Dinner guests. Speech no date 09/596 Switzerland Genève Exhibition World ORT 1957 09/597 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/598 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/599 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/600 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/601 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/602 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/603 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/604 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/605 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/606 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/607 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/608 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date 09/609 Switzerland Genève Central Union exhibit. Woodworking no date



09/610 Switzerland Genève Woodworking tables? no date 09/611 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/612 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/613 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/614 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/615 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/616 Switzerland Genève Exhibition no date 09/617 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/618 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/619 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/620 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of machinery no date 09/621 Switzerland Genève Photo of kitchen utensils. Photo: Kovarsky no date 09/622 Switzerland Genève Dressmaking. Paris, Casablanca, Holland no date 09/623 Switzerland Genève Dressmaking. Paris, Casablanca, Holland no date 09/624 Switzerland Genève Dressmaking. Paris, Casablanca, Holland no date 09/625 Switzerland Genève Dressmaking. Paris, Casablanca, Holland no date 09/626 Switzerland Genève Exhibit no date 09/627 Switzerland Genève Exhibit no date 09/628 Switzerland Genève Exhibit no date 09/629 Switzerland Genève Exhibit no date 09/630 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: tools no date 09/631 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: mechanics (Tunisia) no date 09/632 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: mechanics (Tunisia) no date 09/633 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: mechanics (Tunisia) no date 09/634 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: electro-mechanics , Tunis no date 09/635 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: electro-mechanics, Tunis no date 09/636 Switzerland Genève Exhibiton: statistics no date 09/637 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: architecture, models of synagogue no date in Russia, executed by students in Casablanca 09/638 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: architecture, models of synagogue no date in Russia, executed by students in Casablanca 09/639 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: architecture, models of synagogue no date in Russia, executed by students in Casablanca 09/640 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: furniture: Louis XV done at no date Anières 09/641 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: furniture: Louis XV done at no date Anières 09/642 Switzerland Genève Exhibition: furniture: Louis XV done at no date 141


Anières 09/643 Switzerland Genève Didactic chart of automobile electricity done no date in Anières 09/644 Switzerland Genève Exhibit: electronics no date 09/645 Switzerland Genève Exhibit of children's work in Antwerpen 1954 09/646 Switzerland Genève Exhibit of work done in Budapest, mechanics 1955, 1947 09/647 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of work done in Israel, Holon no date 09/648 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of work done in Israel. Holon, no date Rehovot, Jaffa 09/649 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of work done in Israel. Rehovot no date 09/650 Switzerland Genève Exhibition of work done in Israel. Jaffa no date 09/651 Switzerland Genève United Nations refugee conference no date 09/652 Switzerland Genève ORT offices. Part of historical room of ORT no date 09/653 Switzerland Basel Day classes in sewing June 1945 09/654 Switzerland Basel Day classes in sewing June 1945 09/655 Switzerland Basel Day classes in sewing June 1945 09/656 Switzerland Basel Day classes in sewing June 1945 09/657 Switzerland Versoix Workshop: children's ORT model no date construction. Youth Aliya home 09/658 Switzerland A young boy at children's ORT school no date 09/659 Switzerland Demonstration of electrical instrument to no date teachers? 09/660 Switzerland Speicher ORT school for children, working with no date cardboard 09/661 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/662 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/663 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/664 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/665 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/666 Switzerland? Youth at training class no date 09/667 Switzerland? New building for girls school. "Arts no date menagers" course 09/668 Switzerland Document photo addressed to Minister of Aug. 1940 Interior attesting to indispensability of 18 ORT employees nationals of Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia 09/669 Switzerland Anieres Students in electric laboritory 1956 09/670 Switzerland Anieres Mechanics no date



09/671 Switzerland Anières Graduation. Institut Central 1962 09/672 Switzerland Anières Building an outhouse 1950 09/673 Switzerland Zürich School for cinematography no date 09/674 Switzerland Zürich School for cinematography no date 09/675 Switzerland Anières Workshops: sanitation, mechanics, electric. no date Building: corridor, student bedroom. Machinery: donared by Martha Rosenberger 09/676 Switzerland Anières Sanitation workshop no date 09/677 Switzerland Anières Mechanics workshop no date 09/678 Switzerland Anières Tinsmiths workshop for sanitation no date 09/679 Switzerland Anières Sanitation workshop no date 09/680 Switzerland Anières Electronical installation workshop no date 09/681 Switzerland Anières Ground floor corridor no date 09/682 Switzerland Anières Students bedroom no date 09/683 Switzerland Anières Corridor cabinet no date 09/684 Switzerland Anières Machine, donated in memory of Martha no date Rosenberger 09/685 Switzerland Genève Training in electromachanics 1950 09/686 Switzerland Genève Training in electromachanics 1950 09/687 Switzerland Genève Training in precision mechanics 1950 09/688 Switzerland Genève Training in welding 1950 09/689 Switzerland Genève Training in welding 1950 09/690 Switzerland Genève Classroom 1950 09/691 Switzerland Genève Students from Africa no date 09/692 Switzerland Genève Students from Africa no date 09/693 Switzerland Genève Frontbuilding of school no date 09/694 Switzerland Genève Frontbuilding of school no date 09/695 Switzerland Genève Students in town no date 09/696 Switzerland Genève Students in town no date 09/697 Switzerland Genève Students in town in the Jewish quarter no date 09/698 Switzerland Logos for the celebration of the founding of 1880 ORT? 09/699 Switzerland Sierre ORT inscription with flowers at entrance to no date camp 09/700 Switzerland Sierre Working the fields no date 09/701 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/702 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/703 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 143


09/704 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/705 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/706 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/707 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/708 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/709 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/710 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/711 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1958 09/712 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering June 1957 09/713 Switzerland Anieres ORT Union, Conference of M. Got... 1956 09/714 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/715 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/716 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/717 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/718 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/719 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/720 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/721 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1957 09/722 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/723 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/724 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/725 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/726 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/727 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/728 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/729 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/730 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/731 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/732 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/733 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1955 09/734 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/735 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/736 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/737 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering: Dr. 1954 A. Syngalowski receives the Legion of Honour from M. A. de Manziarly, French consul



09/738 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/739 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/740 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/741 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/742 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/743 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/744 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering: Dr. 1954 A. Syngalowski receives the Legion of Honour from M. A. de Manziarly, French consul 09/745 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/746 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/747 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/748 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/749 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/750 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/751 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/752 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/753 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/754 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/755 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/756 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/757 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/758 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/759 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/760 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/761 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/762 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/763 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/764 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/765 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/766 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/767 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/768 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/769 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/770 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/771 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954



09/772 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/773 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/774 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/775 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/776 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/777 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/778 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/779 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/780 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/781 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/782 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/783 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/784 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/785 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/786 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/787 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/788 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/789 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954

09/790 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/791 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/792 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/793 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/794 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/795 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/796 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/797 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/798 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/799 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/800 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/801 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/802 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/803 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/804 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/805 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954



09/806 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/807 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/808 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/809 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/810 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/811 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/812 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/813 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/814 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/815 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/816 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/817 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/818 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/819 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/820 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/821 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1954 09/822 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/823 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/824 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/825 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/826 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/827 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/828 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/829 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/830 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/831 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/832 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/833 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/834 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/835 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/836 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/837 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/838 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/839 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/840 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/841 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953



09/842 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/843 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/844 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/845 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/846 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1953 09/847 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/848 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/849 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/850 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/851 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/852 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/853 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/854 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/855 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/856 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/857 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/858 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/859 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/860 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/861 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/862 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/863 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/864 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/865 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/866 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/867 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/868 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/869 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/870 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/871 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/872 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/873 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/874 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/875 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/876 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/877 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951



09/878 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/879 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 09/880 Switzerland Genève Central ORT Institute. Yearly gathering 1951 10/001 Italy Milano Chanukah celebration: from left to right: no date Mrs. Gerbi Vice President of the A.D.E.I. Milanoo, Rabbi Bonfil, Mrs. Fernanda Jarach Vice President of the ORT Women's Committee Milanoo 10/002 Italy Milano Chanukah Celebration: Pupils giving a toast no date 10/003 Italy Milano Sejour de la Délégation WAO, Dejeuner au Jan. 21- Pennsionnat ORT 23, 1964 10/004 Italy Milano no date 10/005 Italy Milano no date 10/006 Italy Milano Chanukah Celebration: First ground, left to no date right: Mrs. Ester Modene Vice President of the ORT Women's Committee of Milano, Mrs Gerbi, Vice President of the ADEI Milano, Mr. Benyacov Consulship of Israel, Mrs. Fernanda Jarech Vice President of the ORT Women's Committee in Milano. Back ground, left to right: Mr. Andrea Schapira General Consulship Honorary of Israel, Mrs. Guastella membership of ORT Women's Committee 10/007 Italy Milano Chanukah Celebration: First ground, left to no date right: Mrs. Ester Modena Vice President of ORT Women's Committee Milano; Mrs. Gerbi Vice President of ADEI Milano; Mr. Moise Levi Vice President of ORT Italia; background left to right: Mr. Andrea Shapira General Honorary Consulship of Israel, Mrs. Guastalla, membership of ORT Women's Committee; Mr. Benyacov Consulship of Israel; Mr. I. Alcalay Director of ORT Milano; Rabbi Bonfil 10/008 Italy Milano Hanuccah Celebration: Pupils during the no date ceremony 10/009 Italy Milano Hanuccah Celebration: left to right: Mrs. no date Andrea Shapira; Mr. Andrea Shapira General Honorary Consulship of Israel; Mrs. Guastalla membership of ORT Women's Committee 10/010 Italy Milano Sejour de la Délégation WAO; Dejeuner au Jan. 21- Pensionnat ORT 23, 1964 10/011 Italy Milano Students in dining room no date 10/012 Italy Milano Speech no date 10/013 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 149


10/014 Italy Milano Eleves de la 2. classe de télévision no date 10/015 Italy Milano Students in their room no date 10/016 Italy Milano Eleves de la 2. classe de dessin no date 10/017 Italy Milano Eleves de la 3. classe de dessin no date 10/018 Italy Milano Séjour de la Délégation WAO; Dejeuner au Jan. 21- Pensionnat ORT 23, 1964 10/019 Italy Milano Séjour de la Délégation WAO; Dejeuner au Jan. 21- Pensionnat ORT 23, 1964 10/020 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 10/021 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 10/022 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 10/023 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 10/024 Italy Milano Student's Dormitory no date 10/025 Italy Milano Séjour de la Délégation WAO; Dejeuner au Jan. 21- Pensionnat ORT 23, 1964 10/026 Italy Roma ORT Italy no date 10/027 Italy Roma ORT Italy no date 10/028 Italy Roma Infront of the OSE building no date 10/121 Italy Vitervo, Ascarelli, Argentini, Saly Mayer, 1951 Moshe Ishay, Isacco Levi, Rabbi Dr. Friedenthal, Anselmo Colombo, General Pugliese, Herman Newmark, Renzo Bonfiglioli 10/122 Italy Roma ORT school. Purim celebration 1955 10/123 Italy Roma Inauguration of the ORT Roma. The president March 29, of ORT Italy, Ing. G. Jarach greets the guests 1953 10/124 Italy Roma Mr Renzo Levi greets the guests to the Oct. 25, ceremony at the speech-day of the ORT 1953 school 10/125 Italy Roma Purim celebration. The minister of Israel and March 2, Mrs E. Ascarelli distribute the Diplomas to 1953 the graduates of the ORT girls' vocational trainning centre 10/126 Italy Roma ORT reception concerning the Italian Jewish March 25, Communities Congress: Prof. Joseph 1951 Colombo explains the idea of ORT 10/127 Italy Roma ORT Day celebration. On the microphone: May 11, Mrs. Marella Ascarelli, President of the ORT 1961 Women Committee in Roma, next to her the speaker Mr. Aldo Sestieri, member of the ORT Italy Executive Committee 10/128 Italy Roma The prefect of Roma, Liuti, during his visit of May 26, 150


the ORT schol for secretaries. From left to 1961 right: H.E. Liuti, prefect of Roma, Mr. Richard Fsicher, Director of ORT Italy, Mr. Renzo Levi, President of the Executive Committee of ORT Italy 10/129 Italy Roma President of the Executive Committee, Mr. no date Renzo Levi, delivers certificate to ORT student 10/130 Italy Roma Radiomechanics laboratory no date 10/131 Italy Milano Learning to be mechanics no date 10/132 Italy Mechanics school no date 10/133 Italy Sewing lesson no date 10/134 Italy ORT students' protest no date 10/135 Italy Roma Secretarial class 1964 10/136 Italy Roma Dressmaking class for refugees organized at Summer the ORT Centre. Newcomer from Lybia being 1969 fitted by the teacher. The teacher originally from Poland, is a survivor of Auschwitz. She has been in Italy since shortly after WWII 10/137 Italy Roma Secretary school, to be started at the no date beginning of the schoolyear 1958/59 10/138 Italy Roma Secretarial class 1964 10/139 Italy Divoli Tinsmiths' workshop no date 10/140 Italy Student at work no date 10/141 Italy Roma Mechanics workshop 1964 10/142 Italy Roma Television workshop 1964 10/143 Italy Sewing class no date 10/144 Italy Roma 80th anniversary of the World ORT Union, May 21, with the participation of the WAO Caravan to 1960 Israel. Fashion show. At the left: Mrs. Isaac Richman, National ORT Cravan Chairman 10/145 Italy Sweing class: women's clothing no date 10/146 Italy Roma Libyan refugee in the language laboratory 1968 10/147 Italy Roma Needle trade no date 10/148 Italy Milano Mechanic student no date 10/149 Italy Roma Hairdressing course no date 10/150 Italy Cremona Locksmith mechanics workshop no date 10/151 Italy Milano Television laboratory, third year Nov. 1964 10/152 Italy Milano New premises, outward part of the building no date 10/153 Italy Barletta Children's gardening school no date



10/154 Italy Barletta Shoe making no date 10/155 Italy Barletta Dressmaking no date 10/156 Italy Radio mechanics workshop no date 10/157 Italy Dental mechanics workshop no date 10/158 Italy Milano Television school's visit at the Molino radio no date station 10/159 Italy Milano Television laboratory, first year Nov. 1964 10/160 Italy Milano Television school, teacher: Romolo Muratore no date 10/161 Italy Milano Carpentry shop no date 10/162 Italy Milano Recreation room of school no date 10/163 Italy Milano Classroom and students no date 10/164 Italy Milano Classroom and students no date 10/165 Italy Milano Learning the construction trade no date 10/166 Italy Milano Learning the construction trade no date 10/167 Italy Milano Mechanics school no date 10/168 Italy Milano Mechanics school, repairing automobiles no date 10/169 Italy Rivoli Occupational workshop for children no date 10/170 Italy Rivoli Tinsmith workshop no date 10/171 Italy Rivoli Tinsmith workshop no date 10/172 Italy Milano Reception no date 10/173 Italy Milano Technical drawing 1964 10/174 Italy Milano Exhibition no date 10/175 Italy Milano Building exerior no date 10/176 Italy Milano Building exerior no date 10/177 Italy Roma Dr. Syngalowski visits dressmaking school no date 10/178 Italy Roma Mr. Hil, Mr. Thain, Irma Rennit visit school 1955 10/179 Italy Roma In cooperation with AJDC AND HIAS: Aug. 1969 English classes for refugees from Eastern Europe 10/180 Italy Roma Weaving class no date 10/181 Italy Roma A dance 1952 10/182 Italy Roma A dance 1952 10/183 Italy Roma Reception. 80th anniversary of ORT with May 21, participation of WAO caravan to Israel. Dr. 1960 A. Altarelli 10/184 Italy Roma Reception. 80th anniversary of ORT with May 21, participation of WAO caravan to Israel. Dr. 1960 A. Altarelli



10/185 Italy Roma ORT day May 11, 1961 10/186 Italy Roma ORT day May 11, 1961 10/187 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/188 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/189 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/190 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/191 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/192 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/193 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/194 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/195 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/196 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/197 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/198 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/199 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/200 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/201 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/202 Italy Grottaferrata Album. Written in German 1949 10/203 Italy Firenze Carpentry no date 10/204 Italy Firenze Carpentry no date 10/205 Italy Firenze Carpentry no date 10/206 Italy Firenze Carpentry no date 10/207 Italy Roma Conference. Chief Rabbi speaks Jan. 25, 1962 10/208 Italy Roma Conference. Chief Rabbi speaks Jan. 25, 1962 10/209 Italy Roma Conference. Chief Rabbi speaks Jan. 25, 1962 10/210 Italy Pilot school 1948 10/211 Italy Tailoring no date 10/212 Italy Cevoli Agricultural training 1948 10/213 Italy Cevoli Agricultural training 1948 10/214 Italy Cevoli Agricultural training 1948 10/215 Italy Cevoli Agricultural training 1948 10/216 Italy Roma Mrs. Kaphan distributes prizes to students 1953 10/217 Italy Roma Mrs. Kaphan distributes prizes to students 1953 153


10/218 Italy Roma Mrs. Kaphan distributes prizes to students. 1953 Students sing Hatikva 10/219 Italy Roma Representative of the Ministry of Education Ocot. 25, distributes diplomas 1953 10/220 Italy Roma The chief Rabbi, Elio Toaf, congratulates Ocot. 25, students 1953 10/221 Italy Roma Inauguration of new premises of ORT Roma. March 29, Chief Rabbi, Prof. Elio Toaf, speaks 1953 10/222 Italy Roma Inauguration of new premises of ORT Roma. March 29, Dr. N.Giorgi speaks in the name of the 1953 Ministry of Public Instruction 10/223 Italy Roma Purim celebration. March 2, 1953 10/224 Italy Roma Purim celebration. Rosa di Veroli, graduate, March 2, explains Purim 1953 10/225 Italy Purim. The minister of Israel, Eliyahu Sasson, March 2, visits the school 1953 10/226 Italy Purim. 1955 10/227 Italy Roma Seder celebration in the girls' school Via S. March 31, Francesco di Sales 5 1953 10/228 Italy Roma Seder celebration in the girls' school Via S. March 31, Francesco di Sales 5 1953 10/229 Italy Chanukah celebration. Chief Rabbi in front Dec. 22, row 1954 10/230 Italy Roma Guests waiting for fashion show May 18, 1958 10/231 Italy Roma Reception for Caravan to Israel. American May 18, guests on terrace 1958 10/232 Italy Roma Mr. Braude at the FAO building during May 18, reception 1958 10/233 Italy Roma Distribution of certificates and diplomas. June 2, Front row: Ing. Zambito, Dr. Massa, Mr. 1959 Pescine 10/234 Italy Roma Distribution of certificates and diplomas. Dr. June 2, Massa adresses guests 1959 10/235 Italy Roma Distribution of certificates and diplomas. June 2, Grand Rabbi adresses guests 1959 10/236 Italy Roma Training children no date 10/237 Italy Roma School building exterior no date 10/238 Italy Roma Children learning woodworking no date 10/239 Italy Roma Children learning bookbinding no date 10/240 Italy Roma Exhibition of knitting done by children no date 154


10/241 Italy Roma Exhibition of children's work 1958 11/001 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours de coupe pour dames a Amsterdam no date 11/002 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours du soir d'automecanique a Amsterdam no date 11/003 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours du soir d'automecanique a Amsterdam no date 11/004 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours du soir d'automecanique a Amsterdam no date 11/005 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours du soir d'automecanique a Amsterdam no date 11/006 Netherlands Amsterdam Atelier de réparation de machines a écrire a no date Amsterdam 11/007 Netherlands Amsterdam Cabinet making; Amsterdam no date 11/008 Netherlands Amsterdam Travaux sur bois dans l'atelier pour enfants no date 11/009 Netherlands Amsterdam Exposition des travaux exécutes par les no date enfants de l'atelier de menuiserie 11/010 Netherlands Amsterdam Travaux sur bois dans l'atelier pour enfants 1949 11/011 Netherlands Amsterdam Travaux sur bois dans l'atelier pour enfants 1949 11/012 Netherlands Amsterdam Coupe pour dames dans un cours du soir no date 11/013 Netherlands Amsterdam Coupe pour dames, cours des matins no date 11/014 Netherlands Amsterdam Dessin d'anatomie a l'école secondaire de no date jeunes filles 11/015 Netherlands Amsterdam Leçon de broderie a l'école secondaire de no date jeunes filles 11/016 Netherlands Amsterdam Maroquinerie Home de Beth Menouchat no date 11/017 Netherlands Amsterdam Cours de maroquinerie pour enfants no date 11/018 Netherlands Amsterdam Atelier de modistes 1949 11/019 Netherlands Amsterdam Machine knitting 1949 11/020 Netherlands Amsterdam Tricotage a l'ORT Amsterdam no date 11/021 Netherlands Amsterdam M. Aronson, Directeur de l'ORT-Hollande, no date donnant des explications sur les machines à tricoter mécaniques, à l'exposition 11/022 Netherlands Amsterdam Atelier de tricotage mécanique no date 11/023 Netherlands Amsterdam Atelier de tricotage mécanique no date 11/024 Netherlands Amsterdam Atelier de tricotage mécanique no date 11/025 Netherlands Amsterdam Maroquinerie Home " Beth Menoechah no date 11/026 Netherlands Amsterdam Remembrance of the late W. Winberg, of the Dec. 1959 center of the Jewish Appeal, "Cefna" Amsterdam 11/027 Netherlands Amsterdam Remembrance of the late W. Winberg, of the Dec. 1959 center of the Jewish Appeal, "Cefna" Amsterdam. From right to left: Mr. J. Mansfeld, Mr. Meyer, Mrs. Wijsmuller, A. Goudsnit, S. Gassan, E. Spier, and J.Reyzer. 155


Speaker Mr. W. Speyer 11/028 Netherlands Amsterdam Visite du Dr. Syngalowski. De gauche à no date droite: Mrs. Fuks, Raffalowitch, Mmes. Wijsmuller, Mme Raffalowitch, Mr. Aronson, Mme Aronson, Mr. Ehrlich, Dr. Syngalowski, Dr. Vedder, président de l'ORT Holland, Mme Vedder, président de l'ORT Féminin 11/029 Netherlands Amsterdam Visite du Dr.Syngalowski. De droite à no date gauche: Dr. A. Vedder, président de l'ORT Hollande, Dr. Syngalowski, Mr. Aronson, Directeur de l'ORT Hollande. 11/030 Netherlands Amsterdam Entrée de l'ORT hollandais à Amsterdam no date 11/031 Netherlands Amsterdam Equipe sportive de l'ORT à Amsterdam no date 11/032 Netherlands Amsterdam Cartonnage dans un atelier pour enfants à no date Apeldoorn 11/033 Netherlands Amsterdam Visite de Son. Exc. L'Ambassadeur et Mme April 1959 Cidor d'Israel à l'ecole ORT Amsterdam. Traveaux sur bois 11/034 Netherlands Apeldoorn Site of school (?) no date 11/035 Netherlands Apeldoorn dressmaking no date 11/036 Netherlands Apeldoorn dressmaking no date 11/037 Netherlands Apeldoorn Hand-made Chanukiah no date 11/038 Netherlands Amsterdam Exhibition no date 11/039 Netherlands Amsterdam Woodworking no date 11/040 Netherlands Amsterdam Sewing for young girls no date 11/041 Netherlands Amsterdam Classes in hat making no date 11/042 Netherlands Night classes in dressmaking no date 11/043 Netherlands Apeldoorn Weaving no date 11/044 Netherlands Apeldoorn Carpentry for boys no date 11/045 Netherlands Amsterdam Metal working classes 1950 11/046 Netherlands Weaving no date 11/047 Netherlands Carpentry no date 11/048 Netherlands Mechanical joinery 1950 11/049 Netherlands Maroquinerie no date 11/050 Netherlands Maroquinerie no date 11/051 Netherlands Amsterdam Inner renovation of the Lekstraat synagogue, no date done by ORT Amsterdam students 11/052 Netherlands Amsterdam Album: dressmaking no date 11/053 Netherlands Amsterdam Cardboard workshop 1949



11/054 Netherlands Amsterdam Puppet dressmaking no date 11/055 Netherlands Amsterdam Sewing no date 12/001 Morocco S.A.R. la princesse Lalla Aicha, fille fanée du June 1957 sultan du Morocco, accepte la présidence d'honneur, du Comité feminine de l'ORT Moroc 12/002 Morocco Casablanca Institut pour enfants sourds, Instructeur no date Salomon Medina 12/003 Morocco An instructor with his student at the Institut no date pour enfants sourds 12/004 Morocco Casablanca An instructor demonstrates his craft skills to 1958 his students, Casablanca – Institut pour enfants sourds 12/005 Morocco Casablanca Institut pour enfants sourds – 3, rue de l'Olive Oct. 1957 12/006 Morocco Eléves et instructeur no date 12/007 Morocco Eléve et instructeur no date 12/008 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Dortoir garçons no date 12/009 Morocco Réfectoire dans une école de l'ORT no date 12/010 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Réfectoire, éléves avant le repas Jan. 1956 12/011 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Vue des cuisines no date 12/012 Morocco Visite auf réfectoire d'une école de filles. De no date g. à d.: M. le Rabbin Weiler de Johnnesburg, et M. Senouf, Pdt. de l'ORT Moroc 12/013 Morocco Visite de Mme Kaphan, Présidente de la 1950 "Women's American ORT" à la cuisine de l'école ORT 12/014 Morocco Fumoir avec garniture expédié à l'AOF, Dec. 1956 représentant la cooperation du JDC et de l'ORT 12/015 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Déjeuner au grand air 12/016 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Groupe de jeunes filles au repos 12/017 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Groupe de jeunes filles au repos 12/018 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Groupe de jeunes filles au repos 12/019 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Groupe de jeunes filles au repos 12/020 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Vue Sep. 1948 partielle de la colonie 12/021 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. 270 Sep. 1948 157


m. altitude: Groupe de fillettes entourant M. J. Senouf, Président de l'ORT au Moroc 12/022 Morocco Boulhaut Colonie de Vacances de Camp Boulhaut. Sep. 1948 Jeunes Filles dansant une Hora 12/023 Morocco Groupe d'éleves de l'ORT en excursion no date 12/024 Morocco Choeur d'élèves no date 12/025 Morocco Choeur d'élèves no date 12/026 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Physical training class with Miriam Earle 1955 auditorium in background at Aïn Sebaâ school in Morocco 12/027 Morocco Casablanca Students going home from ANFA school in no date Casablanca 12/028 Morocco Students of an all-girls ORT school in the Feb. 1952 school's court yard 12/029 Morocco Val d'Anfa La cour de l'école no date 12/030 Morocco Vue générale d'une école no date 12/031 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Dortoir no date 12/032 Morocco Dortoir dans une école no date 12/033 Morocco Réfectoire dans une école no date 12/034 Morocco Lavabos dans une école no date 12/035 Morocco Réfectoire dans une école no date 12/036 Morocco Chambre de chaufe dans une école no date 12/037 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/038 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/039 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/040 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/041 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/042 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/043 Morocco Salle de conférences d'une école no date 12/044 Morocco Armoire frigorifique no date 12/045 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Visite Gouverneur April 9, 1962 12/046 Morocco Anfa Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9, 1962 12/047 Morocco Anfa Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9, 1962 12/048 Morocco Anfa Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9, 1962 12/049 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9,



1962 12/050 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9, 1962 12/051 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Visite Gouverneur et Herhad Abbas April 9, 1962 12/052 Morocco Dinner party no date 12/053 Morocco Bazar no date 12/054 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 18, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Arrivée au Camf Cazes 12/055 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 18, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Arrivée au Camf Cazes 12/056 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 18, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Arrivée au Camf Cazes 12/057 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 18, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Arrivée au Camf Cazes 12/058 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 20, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Dîner de gala, Hotel El Mansoue. La table du Président Mayer 12/059 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 20, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Dîner de gala, Hotel El Mansoue. La table du Président Mayer 12/060 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 20, 18 au 23 Déembre 1958. 1958 Dîner de gala, Hotel El Mansoue. A droite du Président Mayer Mr. Ford Consul Général des USA, à gauche Mr. Jules Genouf Président de l'ORT Morocco 12/061 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 20, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Dîner de gala, Hotel El Mansoue. A droite du Président Mayer Monsieur Bachèz Beu Abbes Ministre du Travail 12/062 Morocco Casablanca Voyage au Maroc, Mr.s Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 20, 18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Dîner de gala, Hotel El Mansoue. A gauche du Président Mayer Monsieur Bachèz Beu Abbes Ministre du Travail, à droite M. et Mme Jules Genouf 12/063 Morocco Val d"anfa Voyage au Maroc, Mrs. Mayer and Halperin, Dec. 21,



18 au 23 Décembre 1958. 1958 Visite école ORT Val d'Anfa 12/064 Morocco Marrakech Visite M. Daniel Mayer au Maroc Dec. 1958 12/065 Morocco Marrakech Visite M. Daniel Mayer au Maroc Dec. 1958 12/066 Morocco Marrakech Visite M. Daniel Mayer au Maroc Dec. 1958 12/067 Morocco Marrakech Visite M. Daniel Mayer au Maroc Dec. 1958 12/068 Morocco Marrakech Visite M. Daniel Mayer au Maroc Dec. 1958 12/069 Morocco Visite de M le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/070 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole d'ORT, visite de M. le Ministre du March 5, Travail, une classe d'enseignement général 1958 12/071 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole d'ORT, visite de M. le Ministre du March 5, Travail, S.E. Abdallah Ibrahim. 1958 Section de radio. De gauche à droite: M. Obadia, Président de la Communauté Israélite de Casablanca; M. Kirsh, Deputy Director de l'A.J.D.C.-Morocco; M. Langlais, pert du B.I.T.; S.E. Abdalah Ibrahim, Ministre du Travail; M.B. Wand-Polak, directeur de l'ORT Maroc 12/072 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole d'ORT, visite de M. le Ministre du March 5, Travail, S.E. Abdallah Ibrahim. 1958 Section Ebénisterie, M. J. Sadoun, instructeur d'Anières, remet à M. le Ministre un coffret execute par les élèves de l'école 12/073 Morocco Val d'Anfa Exposition à l'école des filles. Les princesses May 1956 Lalla Aïche et Lalla Malika, Mme Sion, directrice de l'école 12/074 Morocco Val d'Anfa Exposition à l'école des filles. Les princesses May 1956 Lalla Aïche et Lalla Malika, Mme Sion, directrice de l'école 12/075 Morocco Val d'Anfa Exposition à l'école des filles. May 1956 Dans une sale reserve aux travaux de garçons on reconnait de gauche à droite: M. Bargach, Gouverneur de Casablanca; les princesses Lalla Aïche et Lalla Malika; Mme Sion, directrice de l'école; M. Lyasidi, Ministre du Comerce; ainsi que M. Allaoui chargé de la presse et de l'information du Palais Impérial 12/076 Morocco Val d'Anfa Exposition à l'école des filles. May 1956 Les princesses Lalla Aïche et Lalla Malika; Mme Sion, directrice de l'école 12/077 Morocco Val d'Anfa Exposition à l'école des filles. May 1956 Les princesses Lalla Aïche et Lalla Malika; Mme Sion, directrice de l'école



12/078 Morocco Gathering 1953 12/079 Morocco Gathering 1953 12/080 Morocco Festivity 1954 12/081 Morocco Exhibition? 1954 12/082 Morocco Exhibition? 1954 12/083 Morocco Group of people 1954 12/084 Morocco Gathering 1954 12/085 Morocco Audience 1954 12/086 Morocco Audience 1954 12/087 Morocco Buffet 1954 12/088 Morocco Visite des cuisines 1954 12/089 Morocco Réception en l'honneur de Mme Kaphan de 1954 l'American Women's ORT 12/090 Morocco Réception en l'honneur de Mme Kaphan de 1954 l'American Women's ORT 12/091 Morocco Visit de Mme Kaphan de l'American 1954 Women's ORT 12/092 Morocco Bâtiments des écoles après und réception 1954 12/093 Morocco Réception en l'honneur de Mme kaphan et des 1954 membres de l'American Women's ORT 12/094 Morocco Casablanca Mme Athias no date 12/095 Morocco Casablanca Venue de Mme Kaphan 1953 12/096 Morocco Thé des Dames en l'honneur de Mme Kaphan, 1950 Présidente de l'American Women's ORT 12/097 Morocco Thé des Dames en l'honneur de Mme Kaphan, 1950 Présidente de l'American Women's ORT 12/098 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/099 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/100 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/101 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/102 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/103 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg 12/104 Morocco Visite de M. le Rabbin C. Weiler de 1954 Johannesburg



12/105 Morocco Large group of people 1954 12/106 Morocco Group of people 1954 12/107 Morocco Travaux d'élèves 1950 12/108 Morocco Travaux d'élèves 1950 12/109 Morocco Travaux d'élèves 1950 12/110 Morocco Travaux d'élèves 1950 12/111 Morocco Travaux d'élèves no date 12/112 Morocco Travaux d'élèves no date 12/113 Morocco Travaux d'élèves no date 12/114 Morocco Travaux d'élèves no date 12/115 Morocco Travaux d'élèves no date 12/116 Morocco Exposition de travaux des élèves à l'occasion March 22, de l'inauguration de la nouvelle école 1948 12/117 Morocco Val d'Anfa Internat de l'école des filles Val d'Anfa en no date construction (Photo 1 of 3) 12/118 Morocco Val d'Anfa Internat de l'école des filles Val d'Anfa en no date construction (Photo 2 of 3) 12/119 Morocco Val d'Anfa Internat de l'école des filles Val d'Anfa en no date construction (Photo 3 of 3) 12/120 Morocco Val d'Anfa L'ORT- Maroc en travail – une future Carita no date est peut-être née à l'école à Val d'Anfa 12/121 Morocco Val d'Anfa L'ORT- Maroc en travail – le cours no date d'étalagiste à l'école du Val d'Anfa 12/122 Morocco Val d'Anfa L'ORT- Maroc en travail – la classe de no date couture industrielle à l'école du Val d'Anfa 12/123 Morocco Val d'Anfa L'ORT- Maroc en travail – la classe de no date couture industrielle à l'école du Val d'Anfa 12/124 Morocco L'ORT- Maroc en travail – la classe de no date couture industrielle 12/125 Morocco Val d'Anfa Couture 1958 12/126 Morocco A student reading in her bed no date 12/127 Morocco Val d'Anfa Foyer de l'internat 1958 12/128 Morocco Val d'Anfa Couture 1958 12/129 Morocco Val d'Anfa Couture 1958 12/130 Morocco Val d'Anfa Couture 3e année 1958 12/131 Morocco Visite de Mme Kaphan, Présidente de la 1950 Women's American ORT à une classe de couture 12/132 Morocco Visite de Mme Kaphan, Présidente de la 1950 Women's American ORT à une classe de 162


couture 12/133 Morocco Ecole des filles. Leçon de couture no date 12/134 Morocco Ecole des filles. Visite à und classe de couture no date 12/135 Morocco Casablanca Sewing class Nov. 6, 1951 12/136 Morocco Ecole des filles. Mode et couture no date (including negative) 12/137 Morocco Ecole des filles. Mode et couture no date (including negative) 12/138 Morocco Ecole des filles. Mode et couture no date (including negative) 12/139 Morocco Cours de cosmétique no date (including negative) 12/140 Morocco Ecole de filles. Esthéticiennes no date (including negative) 12/141 Morocco Val d'Anfa Photo-montage: laborantines et arts ménagers no date 12/142 Morocco Ecole de filles. Esthéticiennes no date (including negative) 12/143 Morocco Casablanca Cours de cosmétique et coiffure Jan. 1954 12/144 Morocco Casablanca Cours d'arts ménagers Jan. 1954 12/145 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles. Cours d'arts ménagers no date 12/146 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles, cours d'arts ménagers no date (including negative) 12/147 Morocco Val d'Anfa Cooking class at Anfa school no date 12/148 Morocco Val d'Anfa Anatomy in art class at Anfa school no date 12/149 Morocco Ecole des filles. Cours de Hébreu no date 12/150 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles 1958 12/151 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles. Visite à une classe de dessin no date 12/152 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles. Classe de chants hébraiques no date 12/153 Morocco Val d'Anfa Ecole des filles. Cours d'Hébreu no date 12/154 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Learning about an airplane engine at the ORT no date school 12/155 Morocco Ecole de garçons, vue générale d'un atelier no date 12/156 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Vue particielle d'un atelier de menuiserie no date 12/157 Morocco Atelier de menuiserie no date 12/158 Morocco Casablanca Ecole de la rue Barsac. Vue particielle de no date l'atelier de menuiserie. De g. à d. Mr Senouf, Mr Weiler de Johannesburg, Mr Meusouman et L. Olivar de New-York 12/159 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole des garçons, vue particielle d'un atelier no date 163


de minuiserie 12/160 Morocco Casablanca Centre de Formation Accélérée pour Adultes no date ORT-AIU de Casablanca. Section de mécanique générale 12/161 Morocco Casablanca Atelier de mécanique no date 12/162 Morocco Eleve ébeniste (repr. interdite) no date 12/163 Morocco Ecole des garçons de menuiserie no date 12/164 Morocco Ecole des garçons, vue particielle d'un atelier no date de minuiserie 12/165 Morocco Visite de Mme Kaphan à l'Ecole de Garçons Summer 1950 12/166 Morocco Eleve au travail dans un atelier de mécanique no date (including negative) 12/167 Morocco Partial view of a workshop(including no date nagetive) 12/168 Morocco Students at work at a carpentry workshop no date (including negative) 12/169 Morocco Visite à un atelier de mécanique. On reconnait no date de g. à d. Mmes Kaphan et Haimson du "Women's American ORT" 12/170 Morocco Students at work at a carpentry workshop no date 12/171 Morocco Élève et instructeur dans un atelier de no date mécanique 12/172 Morocco Partial view of a garage (including negative) no date 12/173 Morocco Casablanca Atelier d'électricité à l'Eco le professionelle May 1951 Israéite de Casablanca 12/174 Morocco Casablanca 25. mechanicak drawing class in ORT-AIU no date school of apprenticeship in Casablanca 12/175 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Laboratoire d'électricité no date 12/176 Morocco Casablanca Cours de dessin 1958 12/177 Morocco Vue partielle d'une classe de technologie no date 12/178 Morocco Casablanca 26. mechanical drawing class at ORT school no date of apprenticeship in cooperation with AIU in Casablanca 12/179 Morocco Cours de dessin industriel (including no date negative) 12/180 Morocco Pupitre pour dessin industriel (including no date negative) 12/181 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Une salle de dessin no date 12/182 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Leçon de dessin no date 12/183 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Classe de géométrie no date



12/184 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Classe de géographie no date 12/185 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons. Classe de géographie no date 12/186 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons, vue partielle de la classe de no date la géométrie 12/187 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons, vue partielle de la classe no date d'Hébreu 12/188 Morocco Ecole de garçons, cours d'Hébreu no date 12/189 Morocco Ecole de garçons, vue partielle d'une classe no date 12/190 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Ecole de garçons, vue partielle d'une classe no date 12/191 Morocco Marrakech Studenst at carpentry workshop 1958 12/192 Morocco Merrakech Students at carpentry workshop 1958 12/193 Morocco Marrakech Students at carpentry workshop no date 12/194 Morocco Marrakech Students at carpentry workshop 1958 12/195 Morocco Manicure student no date 12/196 Morocco Student in the laboratory. Assistance course no date 12/197 Morocco Students and teacher in carpentry (?) class no date 12/198 Morocco? Girl in uniform no date 12/199 Morocco Casablanca Testing the hearing of students no date 12/200 Morocco Casablanca Testing the hearing of students no date 12/201 Morocco Casablanca Testing the hearing of students no date 12/202 Morocco Casablanca Testing the hearing of students no date 12/203 Morocco Stanford-Benet test in Morocco given to no date young student 12/204 Morocco Val d'Anfa Studying Hebrew no date 12/205 Morocco Val d'Anfa Industrial sewing class no date 12/206 Morocco Student at blackbord during graphics class no date 12/207 Morocco Student at desk no date 12/208 Morocco Students and teacher in locksmith (?) school no date 12/209 Morocco Miriam Earle Auditorium no date 12/210 Morocco Classroom no date 12/211 Morocco A Jewish "artisan" no date 12/212 Morocco Joinery workshop no date 12/213 Morocco Street scene no date 12/214 Morocco Eleanor Roosevelt visits. Dinner 1957 12/215 Morocco Eleanor Roosevelt visits. Dinner 1957 12/216 Morocco Woodworking shop no date 12/217 Morocco Woodworking shop no date



12/218 Morocco Woodworking shop no date 12/219 Morocco Casablanca Street scene in Mellah no date 12/220 Morocco Sewing class no date 12/221 Morocco Visitors to Rue Barsac no date 12/222 Morocco The princesses vist the girls' school no date 12/223 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/224 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/225 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/226 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/227 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/228 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/229 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/230 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/231 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/232 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/233 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/234 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/235 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/236 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/237 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/238 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/239 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/240 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/241 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/242 Morocco Exhibition 1957 12/243 Morocco Facade of school Nov. 30, 1961 12/244 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/245 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/246 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/247 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/248 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/249 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30,



1961 12/250 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/251 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/252 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/253 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/254 Morocco Classroom Nov. 30, 1961 12/255 Morocco Classroom no date 12/256 Morocco Casablanca Album. Dressmaking no date 12/257 Morocco Casablanca Album. Metalworkshops no date 12/258 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ American women visit school no date 12/259 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Exterior of building no date 12/260 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Collective Bar-Mitzvah April 1963 12/261 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Student reads in library no date 12/262 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Welding class no date 12/263 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Shabbat services (magazine clipping) no date 12/264 Morocco Casablanca Young children playing ball no date 12/265 Morocco Casablanca Young children playing ball no date 12/266 Morocco Casablanca Recess at school 1964 12/267 Morocco Casablanca Recess at school no date 12/268 Morocco Summer camp in the mountains no date 12/269 Morocco Casablanca Checking for trachoma in the Mellah no date 12/270 Morocco School for the deaf no date 12/271 Morocco School for the deaf no date 12/272 Morocco School for the deaf no date 12/273 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Building, exterior no date 12/274 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Exercising no date 12/275 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Chemistry labs no date 12/276 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Art class no date 12/277 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Dressmaking no date 12/278 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Dressmaking no date 12/279 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Model their work no date 12/280 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Hairdressing no date 12/281 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Manicure no date 167


12/282 Morocco Fez Learning dressmaking no date 12/283 Morocco Religious services no date 12/284 Morocco Casablanca Boys' school. Woodworking no date 12/285 Morocco Casablanca Boys school. Welding no date 12/286 Morocco Casablanca Boys' school. Auto mechanics no date 12/287 Morocco Casablanca Boys' school. Woodworking no date 12/288 Morocco Casablanca Boys' school. Mechanics no date 12/289 Morocco Casablanca Boys' school. Woodworking no date 12/290 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Building exterior no date 12/291 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Building exterior no date 12/292 Morocco Val d'Anfa School for girls (negatives included) no date 12/293 Morocco Val d'Anfa School for girls (negatives included) no date 12/294 Morocco Val d'Anfa School for girls (negatives included) no date 12/295 Morocco Tetouan Woodworking Feb. 1958 12/296 Morocco Tetouan Dressmaking Feb. 1958 12/297 Morocco Casablanca Swiss consul in Casablanca: M. Joseph no date Bichler 12/298 Morocco Plaque: "This building was constructed with 1961 the generous help of the Zürich community" 12/299 Morocco Hairdresser no date 12/300 Morocco Sewing 1951 12/301 Morocco Use of sewing machines no date 12/302 Morocco Use of sewing machines no date 12/303 Morocco Use of sewing machines no date 12/304 Morocco Casablanca Use of sewing machines no date 12/305 Morocco Mr. Frenkel of ORT-France visits classes 1959 12/306 Morocco Visitors to mechanics class no date 12/307 Morocco Upholstery class 1957 12/308 Morocco Upholstery class 1957 12/309 Morocco Casablanca Dormitory Aïn Sebaâ no date 12/310 Morocco Casablanca Gym classes no date 12/311 Morocco Casablanca General view no date 12/312 Morocco Casablanca General view no date 12/313 Morocco Val d'Anfa Learning to use a sewing machine for no date shoemaking 12/314 Morocco Val d'Anfa Learning to use a sewing machine for no date shoemaking



12/315 Morocco Val d'Anfa Learning to use a sewing machine for no date shoemaking 12/316 Morocco Val d'Anfa Learning to use a sewing machine for no date shoemaking 12/317 Morocco Student paintings no date 12/318 Morocco Student paintings no date 12/319 Morocco Window dressing no date 12/320 Morocco Woodworking no date 12/321 Morocco Furniture design 1958 12/322 Morocco Electricity, instructor David Levy, adult edu. no date 12/323 Morocco Val d'Anfa Fashion no date 12/324 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/325 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/326 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/327 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/328 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/329 Morocco Laboratory assistants no date 12/329 Morocco Class in domestic arts. Cooking no date 12/330 Morocco Fashion exhibition no date 12/330 Morocco Fashion no date 12/331 Morocco Class in domestic arts. Cooking no date 12/332 Morocco Val d'Anfa Sewing class no date 12/333 Morocco Class in domestic arts. Laundry no date 12/334 Morocco Casablanca General view no date 12/335 Morocco Casablanca Building school no date 12/336 Morocco Anfa girls. Model of building no date 12/337 Morocco Hungarian refugees in camp Esten no date 12/338 Morocco Casablanca, Hungarian refugees no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/339 Morocco Casablanca, Hungarian refugees no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/340 Morocco Casablanca, Hungarian refugees no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/341 Morocco Casablanca, Woodworking no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/342 Morocco Casablanca, Woodworking no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/343 Morocco Casablanca, Telephone repair no date Aïn Sebaâ 169


12/344 Morocco Casablanca, Mechanics no date Aïn Sebaâ 12/345 Morocco Val d'Anfa Tapestry presented to Eleanor Roosevelt 1957 12/346 Morocco Aiu Classes in mechanics no date 12/347 Morocco Classes in mechanics no date 12/348 Morocco Aiu Leaving school no date 12/349 Morocco (??) Paris? Visitors to la rue Malesherbes no date 12/350 Morocco (??) Paris? Visitors to la rue Malesherbes no date 12/351 Morocco (??) Paris? Visitors to la rue Malesherbes no date 12/352 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Bar Mitzvah no date 12/353 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Returning Torah to ark no date 12/354 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Reading the Torah. Rimonim on display no date 12/355 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Baal tefila no date 12/356 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Hall used for services during Shabbat service no date 12/357 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Kissing the Thorah no date 12/358 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Zot Hatorah no date 12/359 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Reading the Torah no date 12/360 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Sharing a siddur no date 12/361 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Basket ball 1950 12/362 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Israeli dancing no date 12/363 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Members of scout troup no date 12/364 Morocco Aïn Sebaâ Instructors 1959 12/365 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Physical education 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/366 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Physical education, 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/367 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Self-defense 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/368 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Arrival 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/369 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Arrival 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/370 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. Cooking 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/371 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation camp. In front of tent 1948 (Boulhaut) 12/372 Morocco Ben-Smine Summer vacation. Camp-Boulhaut, girls and 1948 (Boulhaut) tents 12/373 Morocco Summer vacation. Eating in a circle 1948 170


12/374 Morocco Summer vacation. Sports for boys 1948 12/375 Morocco Summer vacation. Sitting in formation. 1948 "letters ORT" 12/376 Morocco Summer vacation. Preparing dinner 1948 12/377 Morocco Summer vacation. Leaving for camp: Ras el 1950 Ma 12/378 Morocco Summer vacation. Leaving for camp: Ras el 1950 Ma 12/379 Morocco Memorial service? Speaker no date 12/380 Morocco Marrakech Woodworking no date 12/381 Morocco Marrakech Mechanics 1958 12/382 Morocco Casablanca Deaf children in school no date 12/383 Morocco Children learn to sew 1950 12/384 Morocco One student no date 12/385 Morocco Casablanca Disabled children no date 12/386 Morocco Recreation, circle game no date 12/387 Morocco Casablanca ORT institue for the deaf: at dinner no date 12/388 Morocco Casablanca The Mellah: Jewish men no date 12/389 Morocco Casablanca The Mellah: Jewish men no date 12/390 Morocco Casablanca The Mellah: Jewish men 1953 12/391 Morocco Casablanca Children 1953 12/392 Morocco Pessach in a Marrocan home no date 12/393 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Dressmaking. (negatives no date included) 12/394 Morocco Val d'Anfa Girls' school. Cooking (negatives included) no date 12/395 Morocco School inspection in class Dec. 1958 12/396 Morocco School inspection in class Dec. 1958 12/397 Morocco Two people talking Dec. 1958 12/398 Morocco Inspecting a bool Dec. 1958 12/399 Morocco Two people talking Dec. 1958 12/400 Morocco School inspection Dec. 1958 12/401 Morocco School inspection no date 12/402 Morocco Attending a speech no date 12/403 Morocco Writing into a book (guestbook?) Dec. 1958 12/404 Morocco Group of people (school inspection?) Dec. 1958 12/405 Morocco Official dinner Dec. 1958 12/406 Morocco School inspection in class (technical Dec. 1958 drawing?) 171


12/407 Morocco School inspection in class (technical Dec. 1958 drawing?) 12/408 Morocco Attending a speech no date 12/409 Morocco Empty classroom no date 12/410 Morocco Presents no date 12/411 Morocco M. Edery, General Culture Professor no date 12/412 Morocco M. Cohen, President of the Jewish no date Community 12/413 Morocco Jubilee gathering? no date 12/414 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/415 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/416 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/417 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/418 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/419 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/420 Morocco Jubilee gathering? no date 12/421 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/422 Morocco Giving presents no date 12/423 Morocco Jubilee gathering? no date 12/424 Morocco Sewing class no date 12/425 Morocco Sewing class no date 12/426 Morocco Sewing class. Drawing no date 12/427 Morocco Classroom no date 12/428 Morocco Classroom no date 13/001 Tunisia Tunis-Ariana Ecole de Tunis Jan. 1953 13/002 Tunisia Tunis Ecole SAP no date 13/003 Tunisia Tunis SAP-school no date 13/004 Tunisia Tunis SAP soudure no date 13/005 Tunisia Tunis-Ariana Façade de l'école de garçons no date 13/006 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprentice ORT-SAP, travaillant sur March 15, machines ultra modernes, fabriquant des 1961 chaussures (machines généralement utilisées par des hommes) 13/007 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprentice ORT-SAP, travaillant sur March 15, machines electroniques coupant, soudant les 1961 matières plastiques 13/008 Tunisia Tunis Bitar Max, habitant 18, Rue Rebbi Chmila, à March 15, la Goulette, né le 25/4/39, s'est inscrit à notre 1961 service le 22/10/53, il a fait son apprentissage 172


dans la Bijouterie, possède actuellement un atelier, 11, Souk El Bey, où il emploie des apprentis de l'ORT SAP 13/009 Tunisi Tunis Un de nos apprentis, devenu chef d'atelier March 15, dans une grande manufacture de 1961 Maroquinerie et de fabrication de produits en plastique 13/010 Tunisia Tunis Douleb François, demeurant 54, Rue Achour, March 15, Tunis, né le 3/10/41 à Tunis inscrit à notre 1961 service le 12/7/54 a fait son apprentissage dans la Confection Pour Hommes, il possède actuellement un atelier, où il emploie à son tour des apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/011 Tunisia Tunis Tuil Jacob, demeurant Rue dr. Cassar, 2ème March 15, Imm. Esc.B., né le 21/1/36à Tunis inscrit à 1961 notre service le 27/1/53 a fait son apprentissage dans la Confection Pour Hommes, il est actuellement patron d'un atelier 12, Rue , où il emploie des jeunes apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/012 Tunisia Tunis Une vingtaine de nos apprentis garçons et March 15, filles travaillant dans des grands ateliers de 1961 confection 13/013 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprentie SAP-ORT, travaillant dans March 15, importante imprimerie et cartonnage (travail 1961 habituellement reserve aux hommes) 13/014 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprentice SAP-ORT, travaillant sur de March 15, grand métier mécanique de tissage (machines 1961 généralement utilisées par des hommes) 13/015 Tunisia Tunis Jeunes apprenties travaillant dans une March 15, fabrique de cartonnage (travail habituellement 1961 effectué par des hommes) 13/016 Tunisia Tunis Sujets d'exames. Dessinateurs en bâtiment 1960 13/017 Tunisia Tunis Quelques sujets de dessin 1960 13/018 Tunisia Tunis Groupe 5 préapprentis italiens en atelier 1960 13/019 Tunisia Tunis Préapprentis italiens en classe 1960 13/020 Tunisia Tunis Cours de dactyl graphie 1960 13/021 Tunisia Tunis Correction de sujet architecture 1960 13/022 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Divers plans éxécutés Mai 1961 par nos élèves 13/023 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Divers plans éxécutés Mai 1961 par nos élèves 13/024 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Jury éxaminent et Mai 1961 notant les diverses épreuves



13/025 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Divers plans éxécutés Mai 1961 par nos élèves 13/026 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Plan d'un projet Mai 1961 d'immeuble éxécuté par un de nos élèves 13/027 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Plans éxécutés par nos Mai 1961 élèves, le jury éxaminent les épreuves 13/028 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Divers plans éxécutés Mai 1961 par nos élèves 13/029 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Plan d'un projet Mai 1961 d'immeuble éxécuté par un de nos élèves 13/030 Tunisia Tunis FPA Dessin Bâtiment. Quelques épreuves 1961 d'examen 13/031 Tunisia Tunis Quelques épreuves d'examen 1960 13/032 Tunisia Tunis Cours de dactylographie 1960 13/033 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA, cours de no date dactylographie 13/034 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA, cours de no date dactylographie 13/035 Tunisia Tunis Cours de dactylographie 1961 13/036 Tunisia Tunis Cours de dactylographie 1961 13/037 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/038 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/039 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/040 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/041 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/042 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/043 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/044 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du



Consultat Général d'Italie 13/045 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/046 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/047 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/048 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/049 Tunisia Tunis Nouveau cours de préapprentissage no date électromécanique organisé pour le compte du Consultat Général d'Italie 13/050 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA ORT- no date Tunisie, cours de dactylographie 13/051 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA ORT- no date Tunisie, cours de dactylographie 13/052 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA ORT- no date Tunisie, cours de dactylographie 13/053 Tunisia Tunis Nouvelles activités du SAP-FPA ORT- no date Tunisie, cours de dactylographie 13/054 Tunisia Tunis Groupe d'apprentissage italien en atelier 1960 13/055 Tunisia Tunis Groupe de 5 apprentis italiens en atelier 1960 13/056 Tunisia Tunis Douies François, démeurant 54, Rue Achour, March 15, Tunis, né le 3/10/41 à Tunis, inscrit à notre 1961 service le 12/7/54 a fait son apprentissage dans la Confection Pour Hommes, il possède actuellement un atelier, où il emploie à son tour des apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/057 Tunisia Tunis Georgette Douieb, apprentie ORT-SAP, née March 15, le 3 Avril 1939, inscrite à nos services le 5 1961 Septembre possède actuellement un atelier utilisant plusieurs machines et, emploie à son tour des patites apprenties de l'ORT 13/058 Tunisia Tunis Tuil Jacob, demeurant Rue dr. Cassar, 2ème March 15, Imm. Esc.B., né le 21/1/36à Tunis inscrit à 1961 notre service le 27/1/53 a fait son apprentissage dans la Confection Pour Hommes, il est actuellement patron d'un atelier 12, Rue Charles de Gaulle, où il emploie des jeunes apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/059 Tunisia Tunis Nos jeunes apprentis garçons et filles March 15, 175


travaillant dans importantes manufacture de 1961 Maroquinerie et produits en matières plastiques 13/060 Tunisia Tunis Nos jeunes apprentis garçons et filles March 15, travaillant dans importantes manufacture de 1961 Maroquinerie et produits en matières plastiques 13/061 Tunisia Tunis Le jeune Acoli Albert, demeurant 16, Rue Et- March 15, Toumi, Tunis, né le 19/7/1938 à Tunis, s'est 1961 inscrit à notre centre le 2/1/53, a fait son apprentissage dans la Bijuoterie, il est actuellement patron et emploie à son tour des apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/062 Tunisia Tunis Nos apprentis garçons et filles travaillant dans March 15, grands ateliers Confection 1961 13/063 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprentie ORT-SAP travaillant sur March 15, machines ultra modernes fabriquant des 1961 chaussures (machines généralement utilisées par des hommes) 13/064 Tunisia Tunis Jeune apprenties ORT-SAP travaillant sur March 15, machines électroniques, coupant, soudant les 1961 matières plastiques 13/065 Tunisia Tunis Elguir Alfed, demeurant 10, Impasse El March 15, Meski, Ariana, né le 22/11/1938, s'est inscrit à 1961 notre service le 30/7/1952, a fait son apprentissage dans la Vulcanisation, actuellement il et patron et emploie des apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/066 Tunisia Tunis Zeitoun André, habitant Rue Dr Cassar, 2ème March 15, Imm. Esc.B., né le 18 Mars 1943 à Tunis, 1961 s'est inscrit à notre service le 24/9/56, a fait son apprentissage dans l'électricité-Auto, est actuellement patron et emploie à son tour des apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/067 Tunisia Tunis Licha Guy, demeurant Rue El Karamed N22, March 15, né le 8/9/1942, s'est inscrit à notre service le 1961 7/11/1955, a fait son apprentissage dans la Menuiserie et a suivi les cours Complémentaires du Dimanche matin dans cette branche, énormement perfectionné dans sa branche, pourrait facilement s'installer à son compte, mais faute de capital prend du travail à son compte dans un atelier qu'il dirige 13/068 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP, instructeur Attal, cours April 24, d’apprentissage 1956 13/069 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 176


13/070 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/071 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/072 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/073 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/074 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/075 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/076 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/077 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/078 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/079 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/080 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/081 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/082 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie SAP 1958 13/083 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un groupe d'apprentis prennent Nov. 11, leur goûter dimanche matin pendant la 1956 récréation, cours de perfectionement 13/084 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Adultes et apprentis, dimanche Nov. 11, matin depart pour l’école de l’Ariana 1956 13/085 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, nouveau cours cordonnerie 1956 13/086 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, section coup couture 1956 13/087 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, nos apprenties viennent se 1956 perfectionner dans nos ateliers de la Rue des Salines, cours de confection 13/088 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, section confection 1956 13/089 Tunisia Tunis Rue des salines, SAP. Cours de Feb. 13, préapprentissage, section de mécanique 1956 13/090 Tunisia Tunis Rue des salines, SAP. Cours de Feb. 13, préapprentissage, section de mécanique 1956 13/091 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, cours de cordonnerie 1956 13/092 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours de perfectionnement du Dec. 2, dimanche, nos petits cordonniers au travail 1956 13/093 Tunisia Tunis Mécanique (préapprentissage). Premiers pas Feb. 16, ein dessin industriel 1956 13/094 Tunisia Tunis Mécanique (préapprentissage). Premiers pas Feb. 16, ein dessin industriel 1956 13/095 Tunisia Tunis Mécanique (préapprentissage). Premiers pas Feb. 16, 177


ein dessin industriel 1956 13/096 Tunisia Tunis Mécanique (préapprentissage). Premiers pas Feb. 16, ein dessin industriel 1956 13/097 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Promotions 1957 remise d’un 1957 diplome à un soudeur 13/098 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Promotions 1957 remise d’un 1957 diplome à un soudeur 13/099 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Vue d’ensembles à la distribution 1957 des diplomes 13/100 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Distribution des diplomes à 60 1957 adultes (tourners, soudeurs et éléctriciens) 13/101 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Maison prevue pour l’école des Nov. 11, filles vue de gauche 1956 13/102 Tunisia Tunis Tuil Jacob, demeurant Rue dr. Cassar, 2ème March 15, Imm. Esc.B., né le 21/1/36 à Tunis inscrit à 1961 notre service le 27/1/53 a fait son apprentissage dans la Confection Pour Hommes, il est actuellement patron d'un atelier 12, Rue Charles de Gaulle, où il emploie des jeunes apprentis de l'ORT-SAP 13/103 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Maison prevue pour l’école des Nov. 11, filles vue de droite 1956 13/104 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Mme Boccara présidente du Aug. 3, comité feminine ORT Tunisie félicite une 1956 apprentice SAP laureate fin d’année 13/105 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. M. Elie Nataf président ORT Aug. 3, Tunisie offer un prix à une jeune élève en fin 1956 d’année 13/106 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis, la tribune officielle au cours de la Aug. 3, distribution des prix à l’école Ariana. Au leur 1956 rang M. le Grand Rabbin de Tunisie voisinant avec notre Président M. Elie Nataf 13/107 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Planche execute à l’examen par Aug. 3, un élève préapprentissage électricien 1956 13/108 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Elèves préapprentissage en Aug. 3, examen 1956 13/109 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Les apprentis s’amusent pendant April 24, la récréation dans la cour de la rue des Salines 1956 dimanche matin, cours perfectionneent 13/110 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. En recreation des apprentis April 24, garcons et filles dans la cour de la rue des 1956 salines dimanche matin 13/111 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un expert faisant subir les Aug. 1, épreuves à un adulte électricien (fil volant) 1956



13/112 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un adulte électricien diplomé Aug. 1, prononce une allocution, cour de l’immeuble 1956 de la rue des Salines 13/113 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Mr. Szajn s’adresse à ses élèves Aug. 1, adultes après la distribution des diplomes 1956 13/114 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un adulte électricien diplomé Aug. 1, prononce une allocution 1956 13/115 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Distribution des diplomes FPA, Aug. 1, un Tourneur reçois le diplome avec mention 1956 très bien 13/116 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. M. Elie Nataf président de ORT Aug. 1, Tunisie remet au meilleur adulte électricien 1956 (père de trois enfants) le diplôme de fin de stage 13/117 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un adulte électricien passé Aug. 1, l’épreuve “Mesures” sous le regard de 1956 l’expert 13/118 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Panneau execute par un adult Aug. 1, électricien CAP 1955 1956 13/119 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un élève de 3ème année April 24, (installation sanitaire) adulte soude des tubes 1956 pour l’installation de la rue des Salines 13/120 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Apprentis garçon set filles en April 24, récréation dans la cour de la rue des Salines 1956 dimanche matin 13/121 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Adultes section installations April 24, sanitaires travaillant pour la rue des Salines 1956 13/122 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis, adultes travaillant pour le SAP, April 24, plombérie 1956 13/123 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis April 24, 1956 13/124 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis April 24, 1956 13/125 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Examen théorique d’ub stagiaire Oct. 29, Tourneur, 2ème session 1956 13/126 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Remise des diplomes aux Oct. 29, stagiaires FPA tourneurs 1956 13/127 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Distribution des diplomes 72 Oct. 29, adultes 2ème promotion, allocutation de notre 1956 vice president M Cohen Hadria René 13/128 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Notre inspecteur SAP remet à un Oct. 29, adulte son diplôme de fin de stage “tour” 1956 13/129 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Distribution des diplômes 72 Oct. 29, adultes 2ème promotion, vue générale des 1956 179


stagiaires 13/130 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Adultes FPA, 3èm session, Oct. 8, examen psychotechnique 1956 13/131 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Brickner en visite à l’Ecole de no date Mécanique. A gauche de dos M. Berlnat délégué de l’ORT à Tunis 13/132 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Brickner à l’Ecole de Mécanique. no date A droite de dos M Berlnat délégué de l’ORT Union à Tunis 13/133 Tunisia Tunis Le groupe “laborantines” au travail dans notre Aug. 1, laboratoire de la rue des Salines. Les autres 1956 étant en stage dans des laboratoires de la ville 13/134 Tunisia Tunis Au cour de la distribution annuelle des prix, Aug. 3, une apprentie reçois un prix et les felicitations 1956 de M. le Grand Rabbin de Tunisie 13/135 Tunisia Tunis Elèves préapprentissage électriciens durant Aug. 3, les examens 1956 13/136 Tunisia Tunis Sujet examen final, cours FPA, tour Oct. 7, 1956 13/137 Tunisia Tunis Examen adultes FPA, section adultes, tour, Oct. 7, 2ème session 1956 13/138 Tunisia Tunis SAP Cours accélérés pour adultes (électricité- 1956 bâtiment) 13/139 Tunisia Tunis SAP rue des Salines, cours du soir pour Feb. 1956 apprentis et analphabètes 13/140 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours théorique de laborantines 1956 13/141 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours théorique de laborantines 1956 13/142 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Des élèves de 3ème année Jan. 1956 precedent à une installation électrique rue des Salines 13/143 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Des élèves de 3ème année Jan. 1956 precedent à une installation électrique rue des Salines 13/144 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Des élèves de 3ème année Jan. 1956 precedent à une installation électrique rue des Salines 13/145 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, cours du soir Feb. 1956 pour apprentis analphabètes 13/146 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours complémentaires pratiques Feb. 1955 pour apprentis (soudure autogène) 13/147 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours complémentaires pratiques Feb. 1955 pour apprentis (soudure autogène) 13/148 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Apprenti marbrier à l’atelier Jan. 1955



13/149 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours complémentaires pratiques Jan. 1955 pour apprentis. Mécanique Auto (Rectification d’une soupape) 13/150 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, cours du soir Feb. 1956 pour apprentis analphabètes 13/151 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, section 1956 mécanique en séance de culture physique 13/152 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, section 1956 mécanique en séance de culture physique 13/153 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, section 1956 mécanique en séance de culture physique 13/154 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Rue des Salines, section 1956 mécanique en séance de culture physique 13/155 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours accélérés pour adultes, 1956 section tours 13/156 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Cours pour adultes April 24, 1956 13/157 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis 1956 13/158 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Remise du présent à M. Muller Dec. 16, par notre inspecteur à l’occasion du 10ème 1956 anniversaire de collaboration au sein de l’ORT en presence de M. Schach, directeur de l’école 13/159 Tunisia Tunis SAP. Cours complémentaires pratiques pour Jan. 1955 apprentis-tourneurs 13/160 Tunisia Tunis SAP Tunis. Un groupe de professeurs et Dec. 16, instructeurs au cours de l’apéritif donné à 1956 l’occasion du 10ème anniversaire du Mr Muller au sein de l’ORT 13/161 Tunisia Tunis Assemblée Générale. M. le Batonnier E. Feb. 24, Boccard signe la feuille de présence 1952 13/162 Tunisia Tunis Assemblée Générale. Une partie de Feb. 24, l’assistance. Au leur rang de g. à d. Dr. I. 1952 Hayat, M. A. Bessis et M. Horwitz, directeur de l’AJDC 13/163 Tunisia Tunis M. Alberstein, directeur de l’ORT-Tunisie, no date commente le rapport financier 13/164 Tunisia Tunis Le président Nataf présente le rapport général Feb. 24, sur l’activité de l’association ORT à son 1952 Assemblée Générale 13/165 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 4, à l’ORT Tunis 1959 13/166 Tunisia Tunis M. Elie Nataf, president de l’ORT remet un June 1953 prix à un élève. Distribution des prix 181


13/167 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer au Président June 1959 Bourguiba 13/168 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/169 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/170 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/171 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/172 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/173 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/174 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/175 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/176 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/177 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/178 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/179 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/180 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/181 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. Daniel Mayer et V. Halperin June 1959 13/182 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/183 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/184 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/185 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/186 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/187 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/188 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/189 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/190 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/191 Tunisia Tunis ORT Tunisie June 5, 1959 13/192 Tunisia Tunis Visite de M. A. Shaban March 25, 1957 13/193 Tunisia Tunis Visite de les déléguées de la Women’s no date American ORT arrive à El Arouina. De g. à



d.: M. Paul Bernick, Mme Lola Bader, Mme Kaphan, M. Alberstein, M. Charles Haddad, Président du Conseil de la Communauté Israelite de Tunis, Mme Haimson 13/194 Tunisia Tunis ORT-Tunisie, le nouveau comité, élu Feb. 24, 24.2.1952 1952 13/195 Tunisia Tunis Visite de Mr. A. Shaban March 25, 1957 13/196 Tunisia Tunis Visite de Mr. A. Shaban March 25, 1957 13/197 Tunisia Tunis Visite de Mr. A. Shaban March 25, 1957 13/198 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/199 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/200 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/201 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/202 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/203 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/204 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/205 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/206 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/207 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/208 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/209 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/210 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/211 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/212 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/213 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/214 Tunisia Tunis Visite de Vice-Président de l’AJDC à la no date nouvelle école de l’ORT en Tunisie. M. Berlant, délégué de l’ORT-Union, présente les plans de la nouvelle construction. de g. à d.: M. M. Cohen-Solal, Jourdan, Berlant, Horwitz, Leavitt, Beckelman (derrière M. Leavitt en partie cache), M. Alberstein et M. Taieb 13/215 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/216 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/217 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/218 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954



13/219 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/220 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/221 Tunisia Voyage Dr A. S. en Tunisie Oct. 1954 13/222 Tunisia Tunis ORT-Tunisie. Le Rabbin Brickner visite no date l’école de Mécanique 13/223 Tunisia Tunis Tunis SAP. M. le secrétaire d’Etat à la March 5, Jeunesse et aux Sports A. Rebai remet au 1957 capitaine de notre équipe de base-ball Asso une coupe 13/224 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Brickner visite un atelier de no date mécanique 13/225 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Brickner visite un atelier de no date mécanique 13/226 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Barnett Brickner en visite no date 13/227 Tunisia Tunis Le Rabbin Brickner s’entretenant avec un no date élève 13/228 Tunisia Tunis Ecole de l’Ariana, visite des déléguées de no date l’American Women’s ORT dans un atelier de soudure. De g. à d.: Mmes Kaphan, Bader et Haimson 13/229 Tunisia Tunis Ecole de l’Ariana, visite des déléguées de no date l’American Women’s ORT dans une classe 13/230 Tunisia Tunis Comité Féminin de l’ORT-Tunisie, no date accompagne de Mmes Kaphan, Bader et Haimson 13/231 Tunisia Tunis Ecole de garçons Tunis-Ariana, le directeur no date de l’école montre un tableau de synoptique aux déléguées de la Women’s American ORT et à M. Paul Bernick 13/232 Tunisia Tunis Apéritif d’honneur réunissant les comités no date ORT-Tunisie et ORT-Féminin avec Mmes Kaphan, Bader, Haimson, déléguées de la Women’s American ORT 13/233 Tunisia Tunis Arrivée des déléguées de l’ORT Féminin no date Américain à Tunis 13/234 Tunisia Tunis Visite des déléguées de l’ORT Féminin no date Américain à Tunis 13/235 Tunisia Tunis- Ariana Déléguées de la Women’s American ORT no date dans un atelier d’ajustage. De g. à d.: Mme Bader, Mme Haimson et Mme Kaphan 13/236 Tunisia Tunis M.P. Bernick et les déléguées de la Women’s no date American ORT à la cuisine de l’école de l’Ariana 13/237 Tunisia Tunis Assemblée Générale de l’ORT. M. René no date 184


Cohen-Hadria, Secrétaire Général de l’ORT présente le rapport moral 13/238 Tunisia Tunis Distribution des prix aux élèves des écoles no date ORT-Tunis. Le professeur Haber s’adresse aux élèves des écoles. 13/239 Tunisia Tunis Distribution annuelle des prix. De g. à d.: M. no date Schach, M. Pautrat, M. Dana, M. Albert Bessis, M. Mazel, M. Elie Nataf, le professeur Haber, le Président du Tribunal Rabbinique, M. Henry Levy, Directeur de l’AJDC 13/240 Tunisia Tunis Distribution des prix aux élèves des écoles. no date Vue de la salle 13/241 Tunisia Tunis Distribution des prix aux élèves. de g. à d.: R. no date Cohen-Hadria, M. Levy de l’AIU, Mazel, directeur de l’ET, prof. Haber de l’Américain ORT, M. Rembaron, Grand Rabbin de Tunisie 13/242 Tunisia Tunis Distribution des prix. M. Mazel, directeur de no date l’Enseignement technique remettant un prix 13/243 Tunisia Tunis Arrivée de professeur Haber à l’aérogare d’El no date Aouina (Tunis). De gauche à droite: Mme Dwinger, déléguée de l’Agence Juive, M. Elie Nataf, Président de l’ORT-Tunisie, M. Jaoui, Trésorier, Professeur Haber, M. Horwitz, Directeur du Joint, M. René Cohen-Hadria, Secrétaire Général de l’ORT-Tunisie, M. Allberstein, directeur des écoles 13/244 Tunisia Tunis Distribution des prix aux élèves des écoles no date ORT-Tunisie. A gauche du professeur Haber, M. Mazel, Directeur de l’Enseignement Technique en Tunisie 13/245 Tunisia Tunis ORT-Tunisie. Distribution des prix aux no date élèves. M C. Hadda, président de la Communauté Juive félicite un son prix de français 13/246 Tunisia Tunis Classroom scene in school for mechanics no date (Postcard) 13/247 Tunisia Tunis Student and teacher in school for mechanics no date (Postcard) 13/248 Tunisia Tunis Portrait of Elie Nataf, President of ORT-Tunis no date 13/249 Tunisia Tunis Street scene "La Hara" 1951 13/250 Tunisia Tunis Street scene "La Hara" 1951 13/251 Tunisia Tunis Landscape no date 13/252 Tunisia Tunis Landscape no date



13/253 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes 1958 13/254 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes 1958 13/255 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes 1958 13/256 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes 1958 13/257 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes 1958 13/258 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/259 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/260 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/261 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/262 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/263 Tunisia Tunis Girls school. Classes no date 13/264 Tunisia Tunis Exhibition June 25, 1953 13/265 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/266 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes 1958 13/267 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/268 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/269 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/270 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/272 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes 1958 13/273 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes 1958 13/274 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes 1958 13/275 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/276 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/277 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Classes no date 13/278 Tunisia Tunis Lunch recess. Boys school 1953 13/279 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Recreation yard no date 13/280 Tunisia Tunis Lunch recess. Boys school 1958 13/281 Tunisia Tunis Lunch recess. Boys school 1953 13/282 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Building and office no date 13/283 Tunisia Tunis Boys school. Studying no date 13/284 Tunisia Tunis Recreation at the boys school no date 13/285 Tunisia Tunis Recreation at the boys school no date 13/286 Tunisia Tunis Recreation at the boys school no date 13/287 Tunisia Tunis Recreation at the boys school no date 13/288 Tunisia Tunis School building exterior no date 13/289 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 186


13/290 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/291 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/292 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/293 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/294 Tunisia Tunis Mother and aunt of student preparing food for no date dinner 13/295 Tunisia Tunis Turning class Sept. 1963 13/296 Tunisia Tunis Electricity class Sept. 1963 13/297 Tunisia Tunis Student with instructor Autumn 1966 13/298 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshop no date 13/299 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/300 Tunisia Tunis Fitting workshop Dec. 1963 13/301 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/302 Tunisia Tunis Students in workshops no date 13/303 Tunisia Tunis Welding class Jan. 1955 13/304 Tunisia Tunis Dressmaking no date 13/305 Tunisia Tunis Dressmaking no date 13/306 Tunisia Tunis Dressmaking no date 13/307 Tunisia Tunis Dressmaking no date 13/308 Tunisia Tunis Lunchroom? with students no date 14/001 South-Africa Johannesburg Visit of Mr. Braude und Mrs. Feldmann in March South-Africa-Johannesburg 1962 14/002 South-Africa Johannesburg Besuch von Mr. Braude und Prof. Haber in March South-Africa-Johannesburg 1962 14/003 South-Africa Johannesburg ORT Johannesburg, cuttering and designing no date class exhibit 14/004 South-Africa Johannesburg Final year exhibition of handwork at the 1956 Jewish Government School 14/005 South-Africa Johannesburg Final year exhibition of handwork at the 1956 Jewish Government School 14/006 South-Africa Johannesburg Final year exhibition f handwork at the 1956 Jewish Government School 14/007 South-Africa Johannesburg Girls learn woodwork. 17 girls at the King Mai 1952 David School avail themselves of the training facilities offered by the South African ORT to learn woodwork. The picture shows the girls with Mr. E. Brown, the Instructor and the extreme right Mr. Abe Lipschitz, Headmaster of the school



14/008 South-Africa Johannesburg 50 pupils of the Doornfontain School with Mai 1952 their Headmaster, Mr. Jacobs, who attend the wood and metal work classes organised by the South African ORT, Johannesburg 14/009 South-Africa Johannesburg South-African ORT, a group of eager no date youngsters and their parents listen to the speeches at the ceremony which marked the conclusion of the first wood and metal work class 14/010 South-Africa Johannesburg A group of people listening to speeches no date 14/011 South-Africa Johannesburg Speeches no date 15/001 Uruguay Montevideo Visita del Dr. Vladimir Halperin de la Union Nov. 12- ORT Mundial de Suiza a la Comisión 14, 1962 Directiva de la Asociación Uruguaya ORT, Hotel Victoria Plaza 15/002 Uruguay Montevideo Visita del Dr. Vladimir Halperin de la Union Nov. 12, ORT Mundial de Suiza a la Escuela Técnica 1962 ORT en Marcelino Sosa 15/003 Uruguay Montevideo Apareil de soudure autogène fabriqué par les no date élèves de l'école de l'ORT et offert aux Haloutzim du Hanoar Hazioni 15/004 Uruguay Montevideo Apareil de soudure autogène fabriqué par les no date élèves de l'école de l'ORT 15/005 Uruguay Montevideo Students and teachers at Said Act no date 15/006 Uruguay Montevideo Comisión de damas. Sitting in the Center of no date the picture: Mrs. Orsolina O. de Momigliano, Mrs. Rosa de Silberman 15/007 Uruguay Montevideo M. Cicery parle lors de la "Journée de la no date Sécurité" à l'école de l'ORT 15/008 Uruguay Montevideo Exhibition of Israel Nov. 1950 15/009 Uruguay Montevideo Exhibition of Israel Nov. 1950 16/001 Argentina Buenos Aires De g. à d.: assis: Mme Wengrower, M D.J. no date Schweitzer, Mme Silbermann, M. M. Avenburg, M. Silbermann (de Montevideo), le Dr. Surowich Debout: Mme Kuschnir, M. J.M. Wengrower, Mme Jasker 16/002 Argentina Domingues ORT Argentina. Exposition Dec. 16- 17, 1961 16/003 Argentina Domingues ORT Argentina. Exposition Dec. 16- 17, 1961 16/004 Argentina Domingues ORT Argentina. Exposition Dec. 16- 17, 1961 16/005 Argentina Domingues Signing ceremony ORT, Nachum Goldmann no date 188


among the participants 16/006 Argentina Buenos Aires ORT Argentina 1960 16/007 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration of the television course Oct. 1957 16/008 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration of the television course Oct. 1957 16/009 Argentina Buenos Aires Gathering of authorities and pupils taken in no date the BA ORT School during the visit of the canceler of the Israeli delegation Dr. M. Schnerson & the president of Alliance Israélite de New York Mr. Marcel Franco 16/010 Argentina Buenos Aires Congress of the Federación ORT Sept. 1952 Sudamericana 16/011 Argentina Buenos Aires Some of the delegates to the Congress of the Sept. 1952 Federación ORT Sudamericana 16/012 Argentina Buenos Aires Delegates to the Congress of the Federación Sept. 1952 ORT Sudamericana 16/013 Argentina Buenos Aires Dr. Kellar from Rio de Janeiro, president of Sept. 1952 the ORT school RIO, addressing the Congress of the Federación ORT Sudamericana 16/014 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr. D.J. Schweitzer addressing the Congress Sept. 1952 of the Federación ORT Sudamericana 16/015 Argentina Buenos Aires M. Wengrower addressing the Congress of Sept. 1952 the Federación ORT Sudamericana 16/016 Argentina Buenos Aires M. Silberman from Montevideo addressing Sept. 1952 the Congress of the Federación ORT Sudamericana. Chairman meeting Mr. David Hirsch 16/017 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr. Schweitzer pronouncing his final speech Sept. 1952 during his farewell party 16/018 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr. Kobryn addressing the Congress of the Sept. 1952 Federación ORT Sudamericana 16/019 Argentina Buenos Aires Newly elected Board of ORT Argentina. First Sept. 1952 meeting, president Mr. J. M. Wengrower 16/020 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr Schweitzer pronouncing his final speech Sept. 1952 during his farewell party 16/021 Argentina Buenos Aires Press conference prior to the opening of the Oct. 8, inauguration 1951 16/022 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, Mr. J. M. Oct. 8, Wengrower, General Secretary of ORT 1951 Argentina 16/023 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, Dr. J. D. Schweitzer Oct. 8, addressing a speech to the gathering 1951 16/024 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, Mr. Galius, Director Oct. 8, of the JCA, directing a speech 1951



16/025 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, Mr. M. Avenburg, Oct. 8, President of the ORT Argentina, directing a 1951 speech 16/026 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, a speech in name of Oct. 8, the pupils 1951 16/027 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration Ceremony, the honorary Oct. 8, president, Mr. Jacob Saslavsky addressing a 1951 speech 16/028 Argentina Buenos Aires Visit to ORT school followed by luncheon no date with pupils by WIZO prior to inauguration of the school 16/029 Argentina Buenos Aires Visit to ORT Argentina school by the entire no date board of banco israelita del Rio de la Plata including luncheon with children, prior to inauguration of the school 16/030 Argentina Buenos Aires Visit to ORT Argentina school, followed by Oct. 1951 luncheon in the canteen with the pupils, by Association of Furniture Manufacturers, prior to inauguration of the school 16/031 Argentina Buenos Aires In remembrance of Julio Lewin, the aula "C" no date has been given his name 16/032 Argentina Buenos Aires Visit to ORT Argentine school, left to right: Oct. 8, David Avenburg, M. Marcovich, Dr. M. 1951 Merkin, Moises Avenburg, G. Kuschnir, Ing. J.L. Tenenbaum, David Hirsch, J.M. Wengrower, J. Saslavsky, Dr. M. Schnerson, Marcel Franco, David J. Schweitzer. M.M. Muhlfelder 16/033 Argentina Buenos Aires Visit to ORT Argentine school by a number Oct. 8, of personalities including industrialist Mr. 1951 Kupferschmidt also Mordechai Schnerson, Counsellor of Israel Embassy and Mr. Marcel Franco, New York 16/034 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr. Lifshitz from South Africa visits Nov. 1950 Southern America 16/035 Argentina Buenos Aires Mr. Lifshitz from South Africa visits Nov. 1950 Southern America 16/036 US (ORT NYC Dr. Boris Surowitch was tendered a luncheon Nov. 1950 Argentina) on the occasion of his farewell to the United States and departure to Buenos Aires. Seated l. to r. Dr. Jacob Frumkin, Dr. Boris Surowitch, David Rosenstein, Julius Hochman, Mrs. Naomi Finkelstein, Mr. Alexander Dolwitz. Standing l. to r. Paul Bernick, Hyman A. Schulson, Joseph Gold, Alexander Dolowitz, George J. Mintzer,



Harry Grennberg, M. Maldwin Fertig, Mrs. David Rosenstein, Joseph Weinberg, Simon Siegal, Joseph Weintraub 16/037 Argentina Buenos Aires Photographic exposition of World ORT 1951 Activities 16/038 Argentina Buenos Aires General view of Photographic exposition of Nov. 1951 World ORT Activities 16/039 Argentina Buenos Aires ORT Exposition Nov. 1951 16/040 Argentina Buenos Aires ORT Exposition Nov. 1951 16/041 Argentina Students at typewriter workshop no date 16/042 Argentina Buenos Aires Concert. Grand Synagogue July 13, 1978 16/043 Argentina Buenos Aires Concert. Grand Synagogue July 13, 1978 16/044 Argentina Buenos Aires Seder. Technical school (including letter) 1979 16/045 Argentina Buenos Aires ORT exhibition regarding 40 ORT schools in 1951 Israel 16/046 Argentina Buenos Aires Inauguration ceremony. Dr. Surovich gives a Oct. 8, speech 1951 17/001 Libya After the Second World War Libya gained its no date independence and joined the family of nations. She needed urgently trained people to run the new administration and skilled workers for her public works departments. UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation offered to help the young nation and working together they set up Technical and Clerical Training Centre at Tripoli. Subsequently the ILO staffed the school with 30 instructors from abroad. Today the international team is being withdrawn gradually and it is expected that by 1960 the school will be staffed by local instructors. Our photo shows a young trainee turning a piece of metal in a chunk under the watchful eye of an instructor. 17/002 Libya Libyan students are learning useful no date handicrafts, like this young ceramist on his work. 17/002 Libya Libyan students are learning useful no date handicrafts, like this young ceramist on his work. 17/003 Libya Young Libyans are learning new skills as no date fitters, turners, blacksmiths, carpenters, electricians and automobile mechanics



17/004 Libya New trades for a new Libya: 300 young no date Libyans are learning new skills at the Technical and Clerical Training Centre in Tripoli, run by the International Labour Organisation. The centre, originally set up by Unesco in 1951 – the year Libya gained her independence – was taken over and expanded by the ILO in 1953 and has since made a big contribution to the economic life of this new country. Our photo shows a touch-typewriting class in progress. Nine graduates from the Centre are now working at Libya's National Bank. 17/005 Libya Technical and Clerical Training Centre, no date Libya: The Centre is staffed by a director and 35 instructors provided by the International Labour Organisation. They are helping to supply the government with trained technical and clerical staff for its ministries, shops and administrative offices. An instructor supervises the work of a student in a carpentry class. 17/006 Libya New trades for a new Libya: 300 young no date Libyans are learning new skills at the Technical and Clerical Training Centre in Tripoli, run by the International Labour Organisation. The centre, originally set up by Unesco in 1951 – the year Libya gained her independence – was taken over and expanded by the ILO in 1953 and has since made a big contribution to the economic life of this new country. Our photo shows a lesson in general science in progress. 17/007 Libya New trades for a new Libya: 300 young no date Libyans are learning new skills at the Technical and Clerical Training Centre in Tripoli, run by the International Labour Organisation. The centre, originally set up by Unesco in 1951 – the year Libya gained her independence – was taken over and expanded by the ILO in 1953 and has since made a big contribution to the economic life of this new country. At the Centre, fitters, turners, blacksmiths, carpenters, electricians and automobile mechanics are trained to meet the varying needs of Libyan economy. 18/001 Malta Marsa These lads are being trained as motor- no date



mechanics at the Marsa vocational training centre at Malta under the technical assistance programme of the International Labour Organisation, a specialized agency of the United Nations. An ILO team in the building, metal and mechanical trades industries is giving short term courses for potential migrants to fit them for employment abroad as semi-skilled workers, and for the registered unemployed in Malta. The centre is designed to provide training for tiling and plastering; painting; carpentry; welding and blacksmithing; panel beating and sheet metal-working; metal machining; motor mechanics and agricultural fitting. Training for general agricultural work will be provided at an agricultural centre. The team is also conducting training courses for local instructors to be employed at the Marsa Centre. 18/002 Malta Marsa These lads are being trained as motor- no date mechanics at the Marsa vocational training centre at Malta under the technical assistance programme of the International Labour Organisation, a specialized agency of the United Nations. An ILO team in the building, metal and mechanical trades industries is giving short term courses for potential migrants to fit them for employment abroad as semi-skilled workers, and for the registered unemployed in Malta. The centre is designed to provide training for tiling and plastering; painting; carpentry; welding and blacksmithing; panel beating and sheet metal-working; metal machining; motor mechanics and agricultural fitting. Training for general agricultural work will be provided at an agricultural centre. The team is also conducting training courses for local instructors to be employed at the Marsa Centre. 18/003 Malta Marsa These lads are being trained as motor- no date mechanics at the Marsa vocational training centre at Malta under the technical assistance programme of the International Labour Organisation, a specialized agency of the United Nations. An ILO team in the building, metal and



mechanical trades industries is giving short term courses for potential migrants to fit them for employment abroad as semi-skilled workers, and for the registered unemployed in Malta. The centre is designed to provide training for tiling and plastering; painting; carpentry; welding and blacksmithing; panel beating and sheet metal-working; metal machining; motor mechanics and agricultural fitting. Training for general agricultural work will be provided at an agricultural centre. The team is also conducting training courses for local instructors to be employed at the Marsa Centre. 18/004 Malta Marsa These plumbing trainees are being given no date welding instructions at the Marsa vocational training centre at Malta under the technical assistance programme of the International Labour Organisation, a specialized agency of the United Nations. An ILO team in the building, metal and mechanical trades industries is giving short term courses for potential migrants to fit them for employment abroad as semi-skilled workers, and for the registered unemployed in Malta. The centre is designed to provide training for tiling and plastering; painting; carpentry; welding and blacksmithing; panel beating and sheet metal-working; metal machining; motor mechanics and agricultural fitting. Training for general agricultural work will be provided at an agricultural centre. The instructor shown here is one of a group who are being taught the technique of teaching under a training course for local instructors 19/001 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Cardinal Don Jaime Camara visits the ORT no date School in Rio de Janeiro. It was the first time in the over 300 years history of Jews in Brazil that a Roman Catholic Cardinal accepted an invitation to visit a Jewish institution. Cardinal Camara is shown here viewing an exhibit of students' work, together with Jewish leaders who received him. To the Cardinal's left is Jacob Parnes, editor The Yiddishe Zeitung , and to his right are Rabbis Jacob Fink and Dr. H. Lemle 19/002 Brazil Rio de Janeiro M. Malmut, Président honoraire de l'ORT à no date 194


Rio de Janeiro 19/003 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Dr. Keller, Président honoraire du comité de no date l'ORT à Rio de Janeiro 19/004 Brazil Sao Paulo Salle de machines à l'école industrielle de 1947 l'ORT 19/005 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Cardinal Don Jaime Camara visits the ORT no date school 19/006 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Cardinal Don Jaime Camara visits the ORT no date school 19/007 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/008 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/009 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/010 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/011 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/012 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 19/013 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Inauguration de la maison de l'ORT Sept. 1951 20/001 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/002 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/003 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/004 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/005 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/006 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/007 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/008 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/009 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/010 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/011 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/012 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/013 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/014 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/015 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/016 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/017 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/018 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/019 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/020 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/021 United Kingdom London Congress 1960



20/022 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/023 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/024 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/025 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/026 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/027 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/028 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/029 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/030 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/031 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/032 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/033 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/034 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/035 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/036 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/037 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/038 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/039 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/040 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/041 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/042 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/043 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/044 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/045 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/046 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/047 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/048 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/049 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/050 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/051 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/052 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/053 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/054 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/055 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/056 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/057 United Kingdom London Congress 1960



20/058 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/059 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/060 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/061 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/062 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/063 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/064 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/065 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/066 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/067 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/068 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/069 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/070 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/071 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/072 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/073 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/074 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/075 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/076 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/077 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/078 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/079 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/080 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/081 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/082 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/083 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/084 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/085 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/086 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/087 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/088 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/089 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/090 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/091 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/092 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/093 United Kingdom London Congress 1960



20/094 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/095 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/096 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/097 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/098 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/099 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/100 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/101 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/102 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/103 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/104 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/105 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/106 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/107 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/108 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/109 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/110 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/111 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/112 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/113 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/114 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/115 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/116 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/117 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/118 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/119 United Kingdom London Congress 1960 20/120 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Contact prints no date 20/121 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Contact prints no date 20/122 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Contact prints no date 20/123 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Photomontage. no date Committee people 20/124 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/125 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/126 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/127 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/128 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/129 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 198


20/130 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/131 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/132 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/133 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/134 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/135 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/136 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/137 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/138 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/139 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/140 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. VIP's at a gala ball no date 20/141 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Committee ladies no date 20/142 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Committee ladies no date 20/143 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists; VIP's 20/144 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists; VIP's 20/145 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Contact prints no date 20/145 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/146 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. Contact prints no date 20/147 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/148 United Kingdom Fundraising activity: contact prints no date 20/149 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/150 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/151 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/152 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/153 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/154 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/155 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/156 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 199


20/157 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/158 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/159 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/160 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/161 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/162 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/163 United Kingdom Fundraising activity. English Chamber no date Orchestra and soloists. VIP's 20/164 United Kingdom Exhibit of craft no date 20/165 United Kingdom Facade of building no date 20/166 United Kingdom Students pose in front of boiling no date 20/167 United Kingdom Students at check-out? no date ? 20/168 United Kingdom Electricians workshop no date ? 20/169 United Kingdom Workdesk for radio repair no date ? 20/170 United Kingdom Dower House Farm. Dairy buildings no date ? 20/171 United Kingdom Orchard and gardens at Goldington no date Agricultural Center 20/172 United Kingdom Israeli Navy visit no date ? 20/173 United Kingdom Tailoring class for adults no date ? 20/174 United Kingdom London Sewing machine class for adults Jan. 1950 20/175 United Kingdom Students present a report (?) no date ? 20/176 United Kingdom Sewing class for women no date ? 20/177 United Kingdom Students (?) at exhibit no date ? 20/178 United Kingdom Young lady learns to use office machine no date ? 20/179 United Kingdom Learning shorthand no date ? 200


20/180 United Kingdom Learning to type no date ? 20/181 United Kingdom Gymnastics no date ? 20/182 United Kingdom Basketball in front of entrance to school no date ? 20/183 United Kingdom Basket ball no date ? 20/184 United Kingdom Learning plumbing no date ? 20/185 United Kingdom Metals class no date ? 20/186 United Kingdom Carpentry no date ? 20/187 United Kingdom Carpentry no date ? 20/188 United Kingdom Carpentry no date ? 20/189 United Kingdom [A new machine? Note Chanukiah in shelf] no date ? 20/190 United Kingdom Metals work no date ? 20/191 United Kingdom Metals work no date ? 20/192 United Kingdom Carpentry [?] drill work no date ? 20/193 United Kingdom Teacher and student discuss varnish [?] no date 20/194 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/195 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/196 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/197 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/198 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/199 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/200 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/201 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date



? 20/202 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/203 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/204 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/205 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/206 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/207 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/208 United Kingdom Learning to weld no date ? 20/209 United Kingdom Students at their machines no date ? 20/210 United Kingdom Workshop no date 20/211 United Kingdom Conference no date 20/212 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming, visit by no date Syngalowski 20/213 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/214 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/215 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/216 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/217 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/218 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/219 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/220 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/221 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/222 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/223 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date 202


work, visit by Syngalowski 20/224 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/225 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/226 United Kingdom Bedford Goldington Training Center. Farming. Vies no date work, visit by Syngalowski 20/227 United Kingdom Bedford ? Group in front of building no date ? 20/228 United Kingdom Bedford ? House in park no date ? 20/229 United Kingdom London Classes in woodworking, dressmaking, no date mechanics 20/230 United Kingdom London Classes in woodworking, dressmaking, no date mechanics 20/231 United Kingdom London Classes in woodworking, dressmaking, Jan. 1950 mechanics 20/232 United Kingdom London Classes in woodworking, dressmaking, no date mechanics 20/233 United Kingdom Leather work no date 20/234 United Kingdom Unknown group photo no date 20/235 United Kingdom Gathering no date 20/236 United Kingdom Gathering no date 20/237 United Kingdom Gathering no date 20/238 United Kingdom Street scene no date 20/239 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/240 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/241 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/242 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/243 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/244 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/245 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/246 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/247 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/248 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/249 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/250 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/251 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/252 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 203


20/253 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/254 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/255 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/256 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/257 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/258 United Kingdom Album. Training classes 1951 20/259 United Kingdom Drafting course no date 20/260 United Kingdom Mechanics workshop no date 20/261 United Kingdom Mechanics workshop no date 20/262 United Kingdom London Sewing class 1950 20/263 United Kingdom Party no date 20/264 United Kingdom Boxing viewed by VIP's no date 20/265 United Kingdom Boxing viewed by VIP's no date 20/266 United Kingdom Boxing viewed by VIP's no date 20/267 Grand-Bretagne London Students on a trip no date 20/268 Grand-Bretagne London Students on a trip no date 20/269 Grand-Bretagne London Students on a trip no date 20/270 United Kingdom Lunch at Kensington Palace. Mrs. H.H. no date Wingate, Lady Crosfield, Anthony Greenwook 20/271 United Arthur L. Lollond LL. B Hon. Treasurer no date Kingdom? 20/272 United Kingdom London Agro mechanics 1963 20/273 United Kingdom London Tailoring 1950 20/274 United Kingdom London Welding. Smith's Dept no date 20/275 United Kingdom London Electricians no date 20/276 United Kingdom London Listening to a lecture no date 20/277 United Kingdom Bedford At the forge. Goldington Training Center no date 20/278 United Kingdom London Machine shop no date 20/279 United Kingdom London Machine shop no date 20/280 United Kingdom Class photo taken in front of building no date entrance 20/281 United Kingdom London Goldington listening to lecture no date 20/282 United Kingdom Tailoring no date 20/283 United Kingdom Listening to lecturer no date 20/284 United Kingdom Drafting class no date 20/285 United Kingdom London Chanukah party no date



20/286 United Kingdom Viewing exhibition of photos no date 20/287 United Kingdom Sewing machine practice no date 20/288 United Kingdom Electricians no date 20/289 United Kingdom Guests of ORT. Volunteers? no date 20/290 United Kingdom Guests of ORT. Volunteers? no date 20/291 United Kingdom Guests of ORT. Volunteers? no date 20/292 United Kingdom Guests of ORT. Volunteers? no date 20/293 United Kingdom Hens at the agricultural school no date 20/294 United Kingdom Room prepared for awards show no date 20/295 United Kingdom Israel's ambassador Mr. Aaharon Amlassadon Oct. 11, speaks at the McDonold Hotel 1966 20/296 United Kingdom ORT volunteers? no date 20/297 United Kingdom Storage room for small equipment no date 20/298 United Kingdom Goldington Center Welding no date 20/299 United Kingdom Goldington Center Welding no date 20/300 United Kingdom Sewing class Jan. 1950 20/301 United Kingdom London Student clocks in no date 20/302 United Kingdom Five men sit at head table no date 20/303 United Kingdom London Students in front of school building no date 20/304 United Kingdom Machine shop no date 20/305 United Kingdom Goldington choir practice no date 20/306 United Kingdom Dressmaking class. Evening class no date 20/307 United Kingdom Machine shop no date 20/308 United Kingdom Machine shop no date 20/309 United Kingdom Electro-mechanics installation no date 20/310 United Kingdom The armed forces speak no date 20/311 United Kingdom Exhibition of handicraft no date 20/312 United Kingdom Applauding a speaker at a formal dinner no date 20/313 United Kingdom Playing games at a formal dinner no date 20/314 United Kingdom Manchester Plaque in memory of Miss meta Nothmann no date 20/315 United Kingdom London Shirtmaking evening classes no date 20/316 United Kingdom London Shirtmaking evening classes no date 20/317 United Kingdom London Shirtmaking evening classes no date 20/318 United Kingdom London Shirtmaking evening classes no date 20/319 United Kingdom London Dressmaking classes in the evening no date 20/320 United Kingdom London Dressmaking classes in the evening no date 20/321 United Kingdom London Dressmaking classes in the evening no date 205


20/322 United Kingdom London Handicraft no date 20/323 United Kingdom London Toolmaking course no date 20/324 United Kingdom London Toolmaking course no date 20/325 United Kingdom London Mrs. W. Wingate [?] at a fundraising concert no date 20/326 United Kingdom Bower house farm. Potato field no date 20/327 United Kingdom London Joint British Committee, Appeal Dinner Oct. 28, Large format (25cm x 50cm) 1930 20/328 United Kingdom Stoneleigh Some of the seventeen Israeli farm no date technicians who recently attended a three weeks course of training at the Massey- Ferguson School of farm mechanization, Stoneleigh near Coventry, at work in the 300 acre training ground which surround the school 20/329 United Kingdom Stoneleigh Some of the seventeen Israeli farm no date technicians who recently attended a three weeks course of training at the Massey- Ferguson School of farm mechanization, Stoneleigh near Coventry, study the operation of the tractor hydraulic system 20/330 United Kingdom Stoneleigh Israeli farm technicians who visited the no date Massey-Ferguson School of Farm Mechanisation, Stoneleigh near Coventry, for a special three weeks course of training, at their meal 20/331 United Kingdom Stoneleigh Israeli farm technicians who visited the no date Massey-Ferguson School of Farm Mechanisation, Stoneleigh near Coventry, for a special three weeks course of training, study the operation of the two-furrow hydraulically controlled plough 20/332 United Kingdom Stoneleigh Israeli farm technicians study tractor no date maintenance in the well-equipped modern workshops of the Massey-Ferguson School of Farm Mechanisation at Stoneleigh, near Coventry. This was part of a three weeks training programme which also included work with harvesting machinery and the practical operation of implements in the field. 20/333 United Kingdom London Agromécaniciens d'Israël June 1960 21/001 Chine Facade and floor plan of building in no date Shanghai. 511 Dalny Rd. 21/002 Chine Shanghai Logos, description of ORT no date 21/003 Chine Shanghai Front cover of magazine. ORT established no date 1941 by Ch. Rozenbes



22/001 Belgium Antwerpenen Dressmaking class no date 22/002 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Radio-technicians no date 22/003 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Building of the ORT school for no date electro-metal 22/004 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Carpentry no date 22/005 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Carpentry no date 22/006 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Children workshop for cardboard no date work 22/007 Belgium Kessel-Loo Album. Farming school no date 22/008 Belgium Antwerpen Album. Shirt-making no date 22/009 Belgium Bruxelles Album. Carpentry no date 22/010 Belgium Antwerpen Knitting workshop Dec. 1948 22/011 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition for children Dec. 1948 22/012 Belgium Bruxelles Electro-metal workshop no date 22/013 Belgium Bruxelles Electro-metal school, building exterior Nov. 1950 22/014 Belgium Bruxelles Puppets exhibition no date 22/015 Belgium Bruxelles Puppets exhibition no date 22/016 Belgium Bruxelles Puppets exhibition no date 22/017 Belgium Antwerpen dressmaking Aug. 1947 22/018 Belgium Bruxelles Open-house at the center for electro- June 6, mechanics 1948 22/019 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for adults. Exercise at the cutting Nov. 1950 machine 22/020 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for adults. Dressmaking Nov. 1950 22/021 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for adults. Dressmaking Nov. 1950 22/022 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for adults. Dressmaking Nov. 1950 22/023 Belgium Bruxelles Workshop for classes for adults. Examen Nov. 1950 pieces 22/024 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/025 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/026 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/027 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/028 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/029 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/030 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/031 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/032 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/033 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 207


22/034 Belgium Bruxelles Classes for young men. Electro-metal Nov. 1950 22/035 Belgium Bruxelles General tailoring class Nov. 1950 22/036 Belgium Bruxelles General tailoring class Nov. 1950 22/037 Belgium Antwerpen Demonstration of television May 1951 22/038 Belgium Antwerpen Demonstration of television May 1951 22/039 Belgium Antwerpen School for fashion March 1951 22/040 Belgium Antwerpen School for fashion March 1951 22/041 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Electricity Nov. 1950 22/042 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Radio March 1951 22/043 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Radio March 1951 22/044 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Radio March 1951 22/045 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Geometry March 1951 22/046 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Mechanics March 1951 22/047 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Mechanics March 1951 22/048 Belgium Antwerpen Classes for young men. Mechanics March 1951 22/049 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition. Fashion June 1952 22/050 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition. Fashion June 1952 22/051 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition. Electricity June 1952 22/052 Belgium Antwerpen Open-house at the radio-technicians school June 1952 22/053 Belgium Antwerpen Open-house at the radio-technicians school June 1952 22/054 Belgium Antwerpen Open-house at the mechanics school June 1952 22/055 Belgium Antwerpen Open-house at the mechanics school June 1952 22/056 Belgium Bruxelles exhibition May 1951 22/057 Belgium Antwerpen Friends of ORT, Belgium Congo, Nov. 13, Elizabethville. Messieurs: J. Soriano, A. 1956 Soriano, Raoul Ami, J. Benatar, CD. Ralsbin Levy, M. Soriano 22/058 Belgium Antwerpen Tachkemoni school exhibition June 1954 22/059 Belgium Antwerpen Tachkemoni school exhibition June 1954 22/060 Belgium Antwerpen Tachkemoni school exhibition June 1954 22/061 Belgium Antwerpen Tachkemoni school exhibition June 1954 208


22/062 Belgium Antwerpen Yesod Hatorah school. Students at exhibition June 1954 22/063 Belgium Antwerpen Yesod Hatorah school. Students at exhibition June 1954 22/064 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/065 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/066 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/067 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/068 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/069 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanicsradio May 1954 22/070 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanics May 1954 22/071 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Mechanics May 1954 22/072 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Forge May 1954 22/073 Belgium Antwerpen School for young men. Forge May 1954 22/074 Belgium Antwerpen Yesod Hatorah school. Classes in June 1954 woodworking for children 22/075 Belgium Antwerpen Yesod Hatorah school. Classes in June 1954 woodworking for children 22/076 Belgium Antwerpen Manual training for children June 1956 22/077 Belgium Antwerpen Manual training for children June 1956 22/078 Belgium Antwerpen Manual training for children June 1956 22/079 Belgium Antwerpen Manual training for children June 1956 22/080 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibiton June 12, 1956 22/081 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition June 12, 1956 22/082 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition June 12, 1956 22/083 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition June 12, 1956 22/084 Belgium Bruxelles Classes in machine sewing July 1959 22/085 Belgium Bruxelles Classes in machine sewing July 1959 22/086 Belgium Bruxelles Classes in machine sewing July 1959 22/087 Belgium Bruxelles Classes in machine sewing July 1959 22/088 Belgium Bruxelles Classes in machine sewing July 1959 22/089 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date 22/090 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date 22/091 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date 22/092 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date 22/093 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date



22/094 Belgium Antwerpen Exhibition no date 22/095 Belgium Selling Exhibition no date 22/096 Belgium Exhibition no date 22/097 Belgium Bruxelles School for mechanics no date (Anderlecht) 22/098 Belgium Bruxelles School for mechanics no date (Anderlecht) 22/099 Belgium Bruxelles Graduation. Promotion 1950-1951 22/100 Belgium Bruxelles Graduation. Promotion 1950-1951 22/101 Belgium Bruxelles Graduation. Promotion 1950-1951 22/102 Belgium Bruxelles Graduation. Promotion 1950-1951 22/103 Belgium Bruxelles Graduation. Promotion 1950-1951 22/104 Belgium Antwerpen Hallways of the school no date 22/105 Belgium Antwerpen Hallways of the school no date 23/001 Hungary Exhibition. Photo 18cm x 25cm no date 23/002 Hungary Building exterior Sept. 1948 23/003 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/004 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/005 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/006 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/007 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/008 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/009 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 23/010 Hungary Xerox copy of photograph of ORT in no date Hungary 24/001 Èthiopia Ethiopian Jew (color, 18 x 25 plus negative) no date 25/001 Lithuania Vina Technical school opened 1921 (including no date negative) 26/001 India Thana Embroidery class exhibit 1970 26/002 India Thana Exhibition of students work in manual March training 1970 27/001 USA Warsaw- Americans at a fund-raising dinner Sept. 12, American (?) 1921



27/002 USA New York Eleanor Roosevelt at a fundraising dinner at Nov. 9, Hotel Commodore 1941 27/003 USA Fundraising dinner. Guest of honour: A. no date Syngalowski. Names of guests attached to photo 27/004 USA A. Syngalowski and ? no date 27/005 USA Federation dinner. General view of guests no date 27/006 USA Federation dinner. Close up of head table no date guests 27/007 USA Federation dinner. Close up of head table no date guests 27/008 USA Federation dinner. Close up of head table no date guests 27/009 USA Federation dinner. Close up of head table no date guests 27/010 USA Federation dinner. Close up of head table no date guests 27/011 USA Anna Schneiderman, National Vice-President no date of Women's American ORT. Recreation room at Jaffa school in her memory 27/012 USA NYC A. Halperin Feb. 1949 27/013 USA Dr. Syngalowski 1932 27/014 USA Reception for Dr. Syngalowski in the USA by Dec. 27, American Labor ORT (In glass frame) 1954 28/001 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/002 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/003 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/004 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/005 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/006 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976 Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/007 Venezuela Santa Ana de Souvenir photos of Dr. Halperin's visit to 1976



Carapita / Caracas, sent to him by Jean Pignol of the Caracas Van Leer foundation 28/008 Venezuela Group photo March 1970 29/001 Latvia Dvinsk Machine shop Before WW1 29/002 Latvia Riga S. Levitas no date 29/003 Latvia Dvinsk Newspaper copy of inside of a factory with no date workers 30/001 Bulgaria Sofia Training workshop for weaving April 1947 31/001 Czechoslovakia Theresin. Drawing done in Theresienstadt by no date Malvina Schalkova 32/001 Russia Map of statistics of Jews in USSR. Paces no date were extermination maps existed 32/002 Russia ORT Central Committee. Sitting (right to 1910 left): Marcon, H. Siosberg, D. Feinberg, J. Halpern, Bomze, Shafir, and N. Wessioler. Standing: A. Press, L. Bramson, Meirson 32/003 Russia Printed collage, Yiddish inscriptions. Yitzhak 1788-1860 BerLevinsohn 32/004 Russia Jews at work. Agriculture no date 32/005 Russia Jews at work. Agriculture no date 32/006 Russia Sign: long live world ORT, written in Russian no date 32/007 Russia Kishinev Poster. Painting to the memory of the dead in no date Kishinev by Max Gorki 32/008 Russia Learning to use a sewing machine no date 32/009 Russia Composite of young people farming 1930s 32/010 Russia Composite of young people farming 1930s 33/001 Canada Montreal Official opening at school, Brigadier E. De B. Feb. 1943 Panet (only scan available, original lost) 33/002 Canada Montreal Watching a student are: Senator Hugessen, Feb. 1943 Dr. Coleman, Undersecretary of State, Group Captain Delhaye (only scan available, original lost) 33/003 Canada Lord Marley 1937 33/004 Canada Lord Marley 1937 34/001 Sweden Stockholm Exposition, Graphic statistics world locations Sept. 1953 34/002 Sweden Stockholm Exposition, Graphic statistics vocations Sept. 1953 34/003 Sweden Stockholm Exhibition of work done in Switzerland Sept. 1953 35/001 Romania Hachshara farm of Hechalutz no date 35/002 Romania Safran speaks (photo damaged) no date 212


36/001 Unidentified Adult re-training course [Walbrzych, no date Poland?] 36/002 Unidentified Electricity course ? [Bulgaria?] Before 1949 36/003 Unidentified Street scene "La Hara" [Tunisia, Tunis?] no date 36/004 Unidentified Cloth symbol of ORT no date 36/005 Unidentified Exhibition, students work. Puppets? no date [Belgium, Antwerpen?] 36/006 Unidentified Exhibition [Israel (see also: France, Paris)?] no date 36/007 Unidentified Workshops [Israel (Poland?)] no date 36/007 Unidentified Casablanca Exhibits [Morocco (see also: Switzerland)] no date 36/008 Unidentified Poland? no date 36/009 Unidentified Workshops [Israel (Poland?)] no date 36/010 Unidentified Poland? no date 36/011 Unidentified Workshops [Israel (Poland?)] no date 36/012 Unidentified Poland? no date 36/013 Unidentified Workshops [Israel (Poland?) no date 36/014 Unidentified Poland? no date 36/015 Unidentified Jewish farmer, [Russia? Poland?] no date 36/016 Unidentified Jews arrested during the Shoa, [Poland?] no date 36/017 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/018 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/019 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/020 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/021 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/022 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/023 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/024 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/025 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/026 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/027 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/028 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/029 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/030 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/031 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/032 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/033 Unidentified Workshop no date



36/034 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/035 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/036 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/037 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/038 Unidentified Hebrew class no date 36/039 Unidentified Cooking class no date 36/040 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/041 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/042 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/043 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/044 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/045 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/046 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/047 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/048 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/049 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/050 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/051 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/052 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/053 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/054 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/055 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/056 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/057 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/058 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/059 Unidentified Agricultural training no date 36/060 Unidentified Agricultural training no date 36/061 Unidentified Agricultural training no date 36/062 Unidentified Agricultural training. Bessarabia, vineyard no date 36/063 Unidentified Agricultural training no date 36/064 Unidentified Agricultural training no date 36/065 Unidentified Construction work no date 36/066 Unidentified Metal work no date 36/067 Unidentified Returning dishes to kitchen after meal no date 36/068 Unidentified "I made this blouse" no date 36/069 Unidentified Sewing class no date



36/070 Unidentified Sewing class no date 36/071 Unidentified Sewing class no date 36/072 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/073 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/074 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/075 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/076 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/077 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/078 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/079 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/080 Unidentified Visitors [?] to factory no date 36/081 Unidentified International Relief Organisation no date Headquarters. Three uniformed women [Lenigo ?] 36/082 Unidentified Playing chess no date 36/083 Unidentified In prayer no date 36/084 Unidentified Outside the synagogue [Chirez ?] no date 36/085 Unidentified Breaking bread in the Succah? no date 36/086 Unidentified Exhibition of claywork no date 36/087 Unidentified A decorated cake no date 36/088 Unidentified Workshop no date 36/089 Unidentified Commission no date 36/090 Unidentified Jubilee speech of Dr. Syngalowski no date 36/091 Unidentified Statistics of children in ORT schools in Paris no date 1942-1944 (written in French) 36/092 Unidentified Exterior of buildings. Somewhere in Europe? no date 36/093 Unidentified Exterior of buildings. Somewhere in Europe? no date 36/094 Unidentified Exterior of building no date 36/095 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/096 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/097 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/098 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/099 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/100 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/101 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski at agro-technical school no date 36/102 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski with friends in Bialystok no date 36/103 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski with daughter no date



36/104 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski speaking at 75 anniversary 1955 36/105 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others at Strasbourg no date 36/106 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski and others no date 36/107 Unidentified Dr. Syngalowski at head table with Prof. no date Haber and others 36/108 Unidentified Prof. Haber; Daniel Mayer; Max Braude, no date British ORT 36/109 Unidentified Mr. Israel, M. Siebt Jan. 1963 36/110 Unidentified Max Braude no date 36/111 Unidentified F. Schrager 1957 36/112 Unidentified Prof. Hirsch [United Kingdom ?] no date 36/113 Unidentified Dr. William Haber, Chairman of Central no date Board, Portrait 36/114 Unidentified Daniel Mayer, executive committee no date 36/115 Unidentified Mrs. A. Maus; Prof. Max Gottschalk, no date Bruxelles; M. Braude; David Morse; Rabbi Safran; M. Cottier; Jean Treina; A. Chavanne; D. Mayer; Remy Godet; Prof. Haber; Mrs. H. Rosenberg; M. Blanchard; Mrs. L. Kaufman 36/116 Unidentified Syngalowski at a dinner no date 36/117 Unidentified Composite: , 2 unknown no date portraits [United Kingdom ?] 36/118 Unidentified Women's group visits artist no date 36/119 Unidentified Members of the Polish Army? Prewar 36/120 Unidentified Chanukah celebration no date 36/121 Unidentified Chanukah celebration no date 36/122 Unidentified Chanukah celebration no date 36/123 Unidentified Chanukah celebration no date 36/124 Unidentified Chanukah celebration no date 36/125 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/126 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/127 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/128 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/129 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/130 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/131 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/132 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/133 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/134 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 216


36/135 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/136 Unidentified Portrait of unknown man no date 36/137 Unidentified Visit to Bavaria? [Germany?] no date 36/138 Unidentified University graduation? Honorary degree? no date 36/139 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/140 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/141 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/142 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/143 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/144 Unidentified Womens ORT. Dinner / Festivity no date 36/145 Unidentified Speech no date 36/146 Unidentified Speech no date 36/147 Unidentified Speech no date 36/148 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/149 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/150 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/151 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/152 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/153 Unidentified 80 years of ORT. Head table (podium) no date 36/154 Unidentified Meeting / speech no date 36/155 Unidentified Meeting / speech no date 36/156 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/157 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/158 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/159 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/160 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/161 Unidentified Visiting ORT installation [Switzerland?] no date 36/162 Unidentified President Ben-Zvi and Rachel no date 36/163 Unidentified Gershon Ellenbogen (British ORT) no date 36/164 Unidentified William Qualid (French ORT) (A) no date 36/165 Unidentified A. Einstein, Lord Rothschild, George Bernard no date Shaw (B) 36/166 Unidentified Prof. G. Wallach (?) no date 36/167 Unidentified Wilhelm Boe, M. Braude, Ms Galtung Nor. no date Committee for world refugees 36/168 Unidentified Dr. Zadoc-Kahn no date 36/169 Unidentified Baron P. de Guenzbu no date 217


36/170-193 Unidentified Fundraising material: newspaper clippings, no date photographs, Xerox copies, photo booklets 36/194-251 Unidentified Brochure: "Les Promotions de 1953 à no date l'Institut Central ORT pour la Formation des Maitres d'Ecoles Professionelles", 36/252 Unidentified Class in electricity no date