Research at the Norwegian Police University College Slemdalsveien 5 Postboks 2109, Vika 0125 Oslo Tlf: 23 19 99 00
[email protected] 2018 © Politihøgskolen, Oslo 2019 Translation: Kirsti Spaven Layout: Eileen Schreiner Berglie Print: Staples Research at the Norwegian Police University College 2018 2016 and 2017 were reco- funded by the EU. In addition, active groups. One of the aims of rd years for the Norwegian there were twelve projects fun- these groups is to strengthen the Police University College ded by other external sources, academic environment at the (PHS) in terms of the and ten projects funded by PHS college across the various depart- number of publications with a collaborating partner. ments and locations. The groups and publication points These numbers show an increase are working on topics covering achieved. In 2018, however, the in the number of projects with different professional challenges number of published articles in external funding. for the police: organisation and professional journals was halved, This year’s introductory article management, education and trai- and the number of publication “Research into police reform and ning, and research methods. STRATEGI 2017-2021 points subsequently reduced. On the elephants in the room” uses as Relevant research and know- the other hand there was a doub- its starting point the book Politire- ledge development is vital for the ling in the number of monographs former: Idealer, realiteter, reto- Norwegian police and the judicia- from 2017 to 2018, so colleagues rikk og praksis (concerning the ry. This is of particular importan- have been actively participating ideals, the reality, the rhetoric and ce during the current times of 2017 was the first year in the new strategic period 2017-2021.