CARN 143 – Summer 2009
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No. 143 Summer 2009 €4.00 Stg£3.00 Bring back Mary Queen of Scots ! The Struggle for the Unity of Brittany Bring Welsh Language Powers to Cardiff! Irish Lisbon Treaty Rerun – a Denial of Democracy ! Cornwall – make St Piran’s Day a holiday. Death of Colin Jerry, R.I.P Soie er Cheeraghyn Beggey ayns Ennym Chairys Basque Country - Fact Finding Mission By League Officials Breton Language – Breton Councillors must react urgently ALBA: AN COMANN CEILTEACH BREIZH: AR C’HEVRE KELTIEK CYMRU: YR UNDEB CELTAIDD ÉIRE: AN CONRADH CEILTEACH KERNOW: AN KESUNYANS KELTEK MANNIN: YN COMMEEYS CELTIAGH Ollamh Robasdan, a tha air leth toilichte a bhith air ainmeachadh mar ‘Àrd-Ollamh’, ‘Tha seo a’ sealltainn an eòlais agus an dìchill a th’ aig luchd-obrach an t-Sabhail Alba Mhòir agus math na h-àrainneachd ionnsachaidh. Tha toraidhean an RAE nas sònraichte buileach air sàilleabh ‘s gur e seo a’ chiad cur a-steach le luchd-obrach Shabhal Mòr Ostaig.’ Thuirt Ruairidh Iain MacLeòid, Cathraiche COLA-DEUG GU MATH SOIRBHEACHAIL an Urrais, agus e a’ cur fàilte air na leasachaidhean seo: ‘Tha an naidheachd seo DO LUCHD-ACADAIMIGICH AN T-SABHAIL anabarrach sòlasach agus i a’ dearbhadh cliù is ainm Shabhal Mòr Ostaig mar shàr ionad- Tha a’ chiad chola-deug de 2009 air a bhith rannsachaidh agus tha mi a’ cur meal-a- gu math soirbheachail do Shabhal Mòr naidheachd air Gillian Rothach agus an Ostaig. Chaidh rannsachadh ann an Eòlas luchd-rannsachaidh a choisinn na Ceilteach a rinn luchd-obrach an t-Sabhail, molaidhean seo. Tha an naidheachd gu bheil aithneachadh aig an ìre as àirde ann an OGE air Boyd aithneachadh mar àrd-ollamh Eacarsaich Sgrùdadh Rannsachaidh (RAE) o na dhearbhadh air an eòlas acadaimigich a chionn goirid. ‘S e sgrùdadh nàiseanta a th’ th’ aig Boyd agus a’ sealltainn an t-sàr chliù anns an RAE far am bi eòlaichean anns gach a tha Sabhal Mòr Ostaig air cosnadh taobh a- seòrsa rannsachaidh a’ toirt breith air buaidh staigh OGE. Tha sinn cuideachd air leth rannsachaidh. An uair sin, thèid maoin a toilichte a chluinntinn gu bheil Tormod thoirt seachad a rèir mar a rinn gach ionad MacGillÌosa air aithneachadh mar ‘Ollamh anns an RAE. Emeritus’ às dèidh dha a’ cholaiste a Thuirt an t-ollamh Gillian Rothach, Co- stiùireadh cho fada agus le deagh chliù. òrdanaiche Rannsachaidh aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig: ‘Tha sinn glè thoilichte leis na Summary toraidhean a fhuair sinn bhon RAE, a chionn Boyd Roberson Director of the The first two weeks of 2009 heralded ‘s gur e seo a’ chiad dreach den rannsachadh Sabhal Mòr Ostaig academic success and recognition for Sabhal ann an Eòlas Ceilteach a chuir sinn a-steach. Mòr Ostaig, the National Centre for Gaelic ‘S e ceathrar luchd-obrach aig Sabhal Mòr Language and Culture on the Isle of Skye. dèanamh cinnteach gun dèan sinn fiù ‘s nas Ostaig a rinn an rannsachadh seo; an t-Oll. Researchers at Sabhal Mòr have achieved fhèarr anns na measaidhean rannsachaidh Meg Bateman, an t-Oll. Mike Cormack, an t- world-leading classification for Celtic eile a bhios ri thighinn. Oll. Richard Cox agus an t-Oll. John Purser. Studies research in the recent Research Chaidh Boyd Robasdan, a thòisich an Chaidh an dàrna leth dhen rannsachadh aca a Assessment Exercise (RAE). The RAE is a dreuchd ùr aige mar Stiùiriche na Colaiste mheas mar ‘cudromach aig ìre eadar- UK-wide, discipline-based expert review aig toiseach na bliadhna, ainmeachadh mar nàiseanta’ agus chaidh còig deug sa cheud process where the quality of research is ‘Àrd-Ollaimh’ le OGE. Choisinn Tormod dheth aithneachadh aig ‘an ìre as àirde gu h- judged by experts in each field of research. MacGillÌosa, an Stiùiriche a bha ann roimhe, eadar-nàiseanta’. ‘S e togail air an t- soirbheachadh seo an ath cheum againn gus an tiotal ‘Ollamh Emeritus’. Thuirt an t-Àrd- GUTHAN NAN EILAEAN A’ SGAOILEADH dhen riochdachadh”. Ma tha ùidh agad anns a’ ghnothach, leig fios do Ghòrdan air 07879 Tha am pròiseact cànain cliùiteach, “Chan eil agad ach ri coimhead air YouTube 644984 no [email protected] ‘Guthan nan Eilean’, a tha air a stiùireadh le agus chì thu mar a tha teicneòlas ùr a’ toirt Tha an Dàrna Ìre dhen phròiseact co- Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, air an ath cheum a cothrom do dhuine sam bith a tha airson film cheangailte ris an àrainneachd is cuspairean ghabhail a-nis, an dèidh ionmhas fhaighinn a dhèanamh. Bidh na bùithtean-obrach traidiseanta a leithid gearradh na mòine is on Mhaoin Shòisealta Eòrpaich. Bha a’ againn a’ sealltainn cho sìmplidh ‘s a tha e feannagan cho math ri spòrs an latha an- phròiseact dhà-chànanach do luchd- film a dhèanamh agus ‘s ma dh’fhaoidte gum diugh mar surfadh. Cuiribh post-d no fòn gu ionnsachaidh is luchd-oide na Gàidhlig is na brosnaich e luchd-oide gus obrachadh Gordon ma tha beachd sam bith agaibh a Beurla stèidhichte an toiseach ann an còmhla ri luchd-ionnsachaidh aig gach ìre chuireadh ris a’ phròiseact. Uibhist, ach, aig an dàrna ìre seo, sgaoilidh am pròiseact a-mach a dh’àiteachan eile anns Summary na h-Eileanan. The award-winning “Guthan nan Eilean/ Mar phàirt dhen phròiseact, bidh Island Voices” language-teaching project trèanadh air a thabhann do luchd-oide agus led by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig has entered a new an cuid oileanach a tha airson na sgilean phase of development. In collaboration with bhideo aca a leasachadh. Ann an co-bhoinn Cothrom the college is now planning a series ri Cothrom agus buidhnean eile, cuiridh of one-day workshops, concentrating on Sabhal Mòr Ostaig sreath de bhùithtean- environmental aspects, to run through the obrach air dòigh sna h-Eileanan Siar agus basics of video filming and editing. Anyone san Eilean Sgitheanach airson cothrom a interested should contact Gordon Wells, thoirt do dhaoine a tha airson an sgilean project co-ordinator, at info@gordonwells. clàraidh is deasachaidh a leasachadh. Thuirt or visit Gòrdan Wells, Co-òrdanaiche na pròiseict, Peat cutting as part of the new programme 2 Carn Campaign to bring back Obituary- Professor Neil McCormick the remains of Professor Sir Neil MacCormick died on April 5, 2009 from stomach cancer. Born Mary, Queen of Scots in 1941, Neil grew up in a flat overlooking Kelvingrove Park. After leaving Glasgow to Scotland. High School he studied philosophy and I am defending and fighting for the return of English literature at Glasgow University the remains of Mary Queen of Scots on many and then jurisprudence at Balliol, Oxford fronts and have done so for many years. My earning first class honours in both. campaign is in the Scottish Parliament with His own academic career began at St MSP Christine Grahame and on the BBC Andrews in ’65 where he lectured in website Scotland’s History. Professor Sir Neil MacCormick jurisprudence. He was then a fellow and I have written to a many people and lodged tutor – again in the same subject- at Balliol the following Petition at the PM petition site. from ’68 to ’72. His meteoric rise in The petition read: We the undersigned peti- The Glasgow Herald Political Awards academia continued. Still only 31, he was tion the Prime Minister to: ‘Return the subsequently saw him voted Euro MP of appointed Regius Professor of Public Law remains of Mary Queen of Scots to Scotland’ the Year on three separate occasions. He at Edinburgh University. It was a post he I have launched my campaign to bring back retired as an MEP in 2004 but three years would he would hold for a record 36 years to Scotland the remains of Mary Queen of later – after the SNP’s minority and one that would afford him the Scots. She was illegally tried and executed of administration took power at Holyrood- opportunity to write and talk widely on fabricated charges by the English Alex Salmond made him a Special Adviser matters of legal philosophy. Government and Elizabeth I. 1587. I have the on European Affairs. Neil came from a prominent nationalist support of Christine Grahame MSP in the MacCormick was said to believe in an family. His father, “King John” Scottish Parliament and Scottish Classical inclusive, “utilitarian” nationalism. He MacCormick, had helped to found the SNP composer James MacMillan. I have been in saw independence as the “best means to and had organised the famous “National communication with Westminster Abbey the well being of the Scottish people.” He Covenant.” Neil himself joined the SNP in where the remains of Mary have been held also believed that, after independence, 1968. He wanted it to have a left of centre, since 1612’. Scotland would automatically remain a Scandinavian style social democratic This petition was rejected because it was member of the EU. outlook. Unfortunately his several ‘Outside the remit or powers of the Prime Alex Salmond has described attempts to win a seat at Westminster were Minister and Government. This is a matter MacCormick as a “man of immense unsuccessful but in 1999 he did finally for the Church of England’. Zoe Tough of the warmth and intellect.” become both an MEP and a Party Vice- Public Petitions Committee also informed Alan Stewart President. me that only the Queen of England has the authority to deal with this matter. As for being a matter for the Church of England, Lambeth Palace claim they have no jurisdic- The SNP recently celebrated its’ tion on this. Who then has responsibility for Mary Stuart? 75th anniversary This year Scotland has been initiated Scottish Homecoming Year by the Scottish Alan Stewart looks back at the Party’s Wolfe, soon to be a SNP Vice Chair, was a Government, inviting Scots decedents to early years.