NNI - Rapport nr. 520 Bergen, november 2018 Tittel: Testing of Kitemill’s Airborne Wind Energy System at Lista, Norway. Assessing the impacts on birds. A pilot study. NNI-Report 520 Forfatter: Prosjektansvarlig: Arnold Håland Zoo-økolog, Cand. real. Arnold Testing of Kitemill’s AirborneHåland, Leder NNI Wind Resources AS Energy SystemProsjektmedarbeider at Lista,: Norway. Assessing ISSN / ISBN: the impacts Arnold Håland on birds. A pilot study. Oppdragsgiver Kitemill AS NNI Resources AS © Postadresse: Postboks 54 NESTTUN, 5852 Bergen. Tlf. + 47 55 17 77 10. E-post:
[email protected] På nettet: http://www.nni.no Forside: Grågås A. anser i trekk mot øst, langs søndre avsnitt på Lista flyplass 6. sept 2018. Foto: Arnold Håland. Arnold Håland NNI-Report 520 Bergen, Norway December 2018 NNI Resources AS ISSN: 1504 - 2367 NNI-Report 520 Testing of Kitemill’s Airborne Wind Energy System at Lista, Norway. Assessing the impacts on birds. A pilot study 1 NNI – Report 520 Bergen, december 2018 Tittel: Testing of Kitemill’s Airborne Wind Energy System at Lista, Norway. Assessing the impacts on birds. A pilot study Author: Project leader: Arnold Håland Cand. real. Arnold Håland, Avian Ecologist & CEO NNI Resources AS Fieldwork ana analysis: ISSN / ISBN: Arnold Håland 1504 - 2367 Financing Kitemill AS NNI Resources AS© Address: Paradisleitet 14, 5232 Paradis, Norway. Phone: + 47 55 17 77 10. E-mail:
[email protected] Web: http://www.nni.no Front page: Migrating Greyleg Goose Anser at Lista, Southern Norway. 5. september 2018. Photo: A. Håland. NNI-Report 520 Testing of Kitemill’s Airborne Wind Energy System at Lista, Norway.