Issue No. 36 Autumn 2006

A roundup of news from around the parish members and friends. Ellerker Scarecrow Festival 2006 Maisie was a regular churchgoer and liked to fulfil her duties greeting the congregation as I think it’s safe to say that this year’s Scare- they entered, putting up the Hymn numbers, crow Festival was a resounding success! closing the door curtains on a cold day and so Hopefully, you will all have received our “Thank on. She was a good flower arranger and the You” note through your letterboxes, which also two rear windows in the church were known as detailed the balance sheet for the weekend. Maisie’s windows. We’re happy to repeat that the total takings for the weekend amounted to £2,885.41 (including She actively supported the Hull and East Rid- monies retained by some groups) with ing Institute for the Blind and was a founder £1,715.41 being distributed amongst the vari- member of the Countrywomen’s As- ous village organisations. sociation. A minute’s silence was held in her

The creativity and ingenuity shown by all ex- memory recently. hibitors was absolutely marvellous and we are very grateful to everyone who played a part, in She was devoted to her family and leaves her whatever way, in contributing to such an excel- husband Bill, together with their son Maxwell lent weekend. Feedback was extremely posi- who is a Customs & Excise Officer based tive, both on the day and since. Many people largely in Immingham. Maxwell and his wife already have ideas on what they’re going to do Maureen have a daughter Caroline, a graduate next year so if you haven’t decided yet use of Hull University. these coming winter months to dream up your project! Maisie’s twin brother, Frank, is still resident in the village and keeps up the position of A huge thank you once again for everyone’s Churchwarden for St Anne’s, the Church she support and we look forward to working with so faithfully attended. you again in 2007. - MD - WAM ELLERKER SHOW 2007 Acknowledgement It seems unbelievable that the next Show will Many thanks to Morgan Lloyd Jones be the Ninth in the series! It will take place on Partnership for their generous help in Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 25 th , 26 th and producing this publication. 27 th January, 2007 in the Village Hall. – Ed. This is the time of year when much of the plan- ning is taking place and once again the Com- Dorothy May Douglass mittee will welcome like-minded folk who would (nee Barratt) like to ‘strut their stuff’ (for want of a better ex- pression) on stage in front of others.

1922-2006 If you feel you have a particular talent why not Maisie Douglass lived all her life of 83 years in contact David Wood on 424474. Group re- Ellerker, apart from the period of her last ill- hearsals will start at the end of November and ness. In June 1942 she married William (Bill) tickets will go on sale early- to mid-December. Douglass as a bride of 19 years old. They lived So now you know! to celebrate their diamond wedding with a party - DRW in Ellerker Village Hall attended by many family

Views expressed are not necessarily those of the Ed i t o r

- 1 - BUSY BIBLE CLUB well as selling plants, books and other items. The Busy Bible Club meets on the first and third Sundays of each month during term time, Our annual outing took place in excluding the half-term weekend. August to the North Yorkshire Railway. Members, friends and The ‘new year’ starts in the Autumn and, at any families enjoyed a lovely day at time, we would welcome new members between Grosmont and Pickering. the ages of 5 and 11 inclusive. We meet at the Village Hall at 9-20 a.m., in time for the morning September heralds our Produce and Handicraft service at St Anne’s Church. The first ten to fif- Show. We had many entries in the 27 classes teen minutes are spent in Church and the rest of and the judges had been impressed by the high the hour, until half past ten, is spent in the Vil- standards. Margaret Brooker presented cups to lage Hall in discussion, with quizzes, teachings, the following members games and, finally, refreshments. Additionally, Produce – shared between Audrey Hutchinson our group ‘perform’ at the Carol Service just be- and Ann Walters, fore Christmas and again in the Village Variety Flowers/Plants – Audrey Hutchinson, Show which takes place, with adults, on the last Handicrafts – Patsy Harrison, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in January (see Cookery – Margaret Brooker, who also had the note elsewhere in the Newsletter). most points gained in all sections. This usually results in extra fun rehearsals on Best in Show – Dorothy Clarkson, for her paint- additional Sundays in December and January. ing of flowers on velvet.

We open for business on Sunday, 17 th Septem- Members then enjoyed a very informative talk on ber, continuing on the 1 st October and so on. If “The History of Lace” by Frances Bell. She you would like further details on what we are showed us many beautiful examples of different about please do ring Claire or David Wood at types of lace as well as costumes from Victorian 424474 or Heather Ohikere at 423411. times up to the present day.

- D&CW Next month, Mr. A. Tomlinson from the Yorkshire branch of The National Trust, will be speaking on St Anne’s “Housekeeping & Conservation with the National Trust” at 7.30pm. Wednesday 4 th October. Any- Phew, what a scorcher!! After being a beautiful one wishing to join us is very welcome – contact shade of brown during the hot weather, the the Secretary, Patsy Harrison (tel: 421593). Churchyard grass absolutely leapt when the rains came. The mower threw a wobbly at the - PH thought. Thus the ‘A team’ had to pitch in to help Frank Walker with a backlog and get back to Parish Council normal. Councillor Vacancies The vestry window has been fully restored, al- There are still two vacancies on the Parish though it was in worse condition than we ex- Council. pected. If you feel that you wish to contribute something to your community by becoming a Councillor, or The BBC is back in action after the summer want to discuss what it involves, please contact break and the Harvest Festival services will be the Parish Clerk, Michelle Scott on 471364. on Friday, 29 th September, followed by pie and The five members currently in place are: Mike pea supper in the village Hall and a gift service Harrison (Chairman), Lynn Waddingham, Jessie at 9.30 am on the 1 st October. Puckering, Keith Brooker and Tim Pickles. There will be an election next year. - AS th Beck Clearing – The next one is on 15 Octo- Women's Institute ber. The session starts at 10am, meeting at the entrance to Pigeoncote Farm. Anyone wishing to At our July Meeting, members listened to Jo Pot- come along and help will be very welcome - ter relating her interest in exhibiting dahlias at lo- bring your own garden tools. cal shows as well as her interest in growing Planning Applications herbs whether for medicinal or cooking pur- Blacksmith’s Cottage, Main St. - single storey poses. Later, that month, we worked hard at the extension to rear – APPROVED Scarecrow Festival, providing refreshments as Magpie Cottage, Ings Lane – removal of 3 condi-

Views expressed are not necessarily those of the Ed i t o r

- 2 - tions relating to original approval – dents for the first time this year and the cup went REFUSED to Maxine Moses whilst Pat Jorna took first prize Camelia House, Ring Beck in the Houseplant section (East’s) – demolition of garage, erection of two storey extension to Pat also displayed a fungi found in her garden side, erection of conservatory to and the judges, Rita Nicholls and Phil Copeland, rear – REFUSED were impressed with the exhibit, unfortunately 5 Mill Hill, extension to side and rear, & bay win- was not a class for ingenuity. Perhaps there dows – APPROVED should be one next year. The Committee is al- Hill Top, Croft Hill, pitched roof & 1 st ways keen to hear new ideas for classes. floor balcony – APPROVED Hunsdale Farm, roadside sign – REFUSED A new class was tentatively introduced this year. Wintergreen, Ings Lane, building change of use Just like the Olympics, where they trial competi- to Offices/Recreation – APPROVED tions before entering them in the main event, we had a Men's Cooking Contest. Some residents Note. Parish Council decisions on planning ap- were disappointed not to know about the event plications, forwarded to ERYC, are based on a in advance, so we are pleased that there ap- majority vote and are frequently not unanimous. pears to be enough support to make this an an- Posters/Notices nual event. Thank you to all the men brave If you display notices on the notice boards or any enough to enter this year, with the rumour of other place within the village, please remove only one casualty, who was going to have to re- them once the event has taken place. decorate the Kitchen in any case. The eventual winner was Bill Morris with Zachary Gray coming Web-site rd second. [and. Clive Gray in 3 place – Ed.] We ERYC has offered to host a web site for any Par- assume our Playing Field insurance includes ish which is interested. This one has expressed Dental care for the Judges. an interest.

Parish Plans In the Children's events the cup for most points Parishes which have strong views about the way was won by Bethany Gray with notable art work their environment develops in the future have an by Daniel Johns and a fine piece of sculpture opportunity to make a statement by defining a from vegetables by Emma Williamson. Parish Plan. The Plan is defined by a project group drawn from residents of the Parish – not The afternoon brought a series of hotly con- by the Parish Council. If anyone who has strong tested races by the Children with Abbie Jackson views and is interested in forming such a group eventually winning the trophy for most points contact a Parish Councillor for more information. gained. Lily Toffilo won the Ellerker Dash, with a great running display. Street Scene

Work by ERYC started at the end of July making Lily's Mum kept up the sporting family tradition repairs and changes based on requests by the by retaining the Ladies Welly Throwing Trophy. Parish Council. These are essentially to high- Rory Moses won the junior trophy. Last years way, footpaths and verges. Not all the changes Junior Champion, James Williams, competed have been appreciated. against Dad for the first time with a good throw. Next meetings: Bill Morris, with a tremendous throw that had the 26 th October and 14 th December at 7.30 p.m. in residents of Sebastopol Cottage worried about the Village Hall. their windows, won the competition.

- TJP The last Trophy of the day saw the Round the Green Race Playing Fields won by Gary Jackson with a close finish between second Glorious sunshine greeted the annual Sports and third seeing James Wil- Day, a contrast to the rain-affected event last liams ahead of a Mr Leach year. The morning saw a small but good quality from South Cave. selection of entries for the indoor classes. Best performance was by David Wood whose roses The Committee would like to thank all the com- scooped first, second and third prizes and he re- petitors; judges, friends and family who helped gains the Rose Bowl. made this a memorable Sports Day.

The Three Blooms section was open to all resi- - CG

Views expressed are not necessarily those of the Ed i t o r

- 3 - Yorkshire Countrywomen Everyone who took part in the Festival, organis- ers and participants, acclaimed the success of Ellerker YCA held a successful the events, and you will be pleased to hear that Strawberry Tea with a view to the Festival will be held again next year, with yet presenting the proceeds to the another mix of events, although favourites, like RNLI at the August meeting. Un- the big band will appear again next year. fortunately the Lifeboats speaker was detained in a traffic jam on The Committee would like to appoint an events the M62 and could not attend our co-ordinator for next year, so if anyone would meeting. like to take on this organisational role, a small honorarium will be paid. Please contact Kathryn For the first time in over 20 years we had a sec- at the South Cave Parish Office if you are inter- ond successive disappointment when our Sep- ested. tember speaker was taken ill and could not come. She is Jill Quarmby who regularly visits Finally, on behalf of the community of South Belarus and organises East Riding holidays for Cave, our thanks go to all those that gave their the children of Chernobyl. time and efforts to make this festival such a suc- cess, and especially to Karen Warren for her ini- Our Summer outing was to the Oswaldtwistle tial idea and driving force. Mills Shopping Village and we also recently en- - Kathryn Richmond tertained YCA Branch for tea. [Bethany Gray of The Old Byre won the junior art Mrs Hilary Ward retired as Chairman after over event. – Ed.] five years. She was thanked for her work by Mrs Lynn Waddingham and was later presented with STOP PRESS an arrangement of flowers by Mrs Betty Pybus, who succeeds her as Chairman. There are still tickets available for the 70s/80s Disco at Park - MD on 30th September (fancy dress op- tional). The Caves Festival of Tickets are £6 from Philip Wood, Ash- ley House, phone 422689 or Nicky Literature and the Arts Baker, Rosedene phone 424507. Thanks to an amazing amount of hard work, Proceeds to Playing Field funds. South Cave became the centre for a successful Arts and Literature event at the end of June. The weeklong series of activities began with a multi- media Art Exhibition at the school, with pieces of ELLERKER EVENT DIARY an astonishingly high standard. The Poetry and OCTOBER — DECEMBER Music Evening on Tuesday was a most enjoy- able event, with readings from local poets, some October quite serious, others amusing. Music, by Debbie 1 Harvest Festival, St Anne’s, 9.30am Henderson closed the evening on a very high 4 WI, Village Hall, 7.30pm note indeed. Although there can be only one 5 YCA, Village Hall, 7.30pm winner, the Pub Quiz with a literary theme was 15 Beck Clearing, 10am great fun on Wednesday night. Thursday saw 26 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm two events, one for our youngest residents, a Teddy Hunt, and the other, a special presenta- tion by Cave Players, “Wish you were here”, holi- November days through the ages. The Frank Cleveland Or- 1 WI, Village Hall, 7.30pm chestra got the toes tapping on Friday night at 2 YCA, Village Hall, 7.30pm Brantingham Park with their big band sound. To close the Festival, on the Saturday, there was a December Creative Writing Workshop with Gina 6 WI, Village Hall, 7.30pm Douthwaite, and a Book Sale at the Playgroup 7 YCA, Village Hall, 7.30pm Hall, with local charities benefiting from the pro- 14 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm ceeds.

EllerkerViews News , supportedexpressed by 7 Ellerker are village organisations,not necessarily produced for the benefitthose of those of living the in Ellerker Ed i& t Hilldales. o r Editor - Tim Pickles (422585) Distribution - Pam Dalton (425699) - 4 -