East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council: Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Reg 25 Issues and Options Report This report has been produced for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council by Atkins Ltd. If you would like a summary of this document in a different format such as large print, Braille of tape, or in a different language, please contact your Council’s Information Centre on East Riding of Yorkshire 01482 393939 Or email
[email protected] City of Kingston upon Hull 01482 300 300 Or email
[email protected] The Joint Authorities are keen to obtain the views of everyone with an interest in minerals planning on the issues raised in this Issues and Options Report. A response form is provided and further copies can be downloaded from our respective websites. www.eastriding.gov.uk and www.hullcc.gov.uk Alternatively, responses can be made online through the websites. The consultation period ends on 16 June 2008, and completed forms should be sent to Atkins Limited c/o Mark Hewlett 5th Floor, Milford House 1 Milford Street Swindon SN1 1DW Email:
[email protected] Fax: 01793 516916 For further information contact either Andy Wainwright at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council offices on 01482 393730 or Anthea Hoey of Atkins Ltd on 01392 352900. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL AND KINGSTON UPON HULL CITY COUNCIL: JOINT MINERALS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT – ISSUES AND OPTIONS REPORT CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LOCAL CONTEXT 6 3. ISSUES FOR THE JOINT MINERALS DPD 14 4.