SKIDBY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday 2 February 2021 at 7.30Pm
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MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF SKIDBY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday 2 February 2021 at 7.30pm PRESENT : Councillors L Varey, P Browning, G Foster, S Hooker, T Hasnip, M Hall, P Roustoby. Clerk J Price IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Meredith, (minutes 220/20 to 233/20) ERYC, K Goforth, (minutes 220/20 to 224/20) This meeting was held via Zoom in accordance with the provisions of The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020 220/20 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C Browning.. 221/20 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 January 2021 Resolved: that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 January 2021 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 222/20 Declarations of interest – Members Code of Conduct. To record any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest by any member in respect of items on this agenda. Councillor Roustoby declared a pecuniary interest in minute number 235/20 insofar as a family member had an interest in the land concerned and did not take part in discussions on this item. 223/20 Minutes of the Playing Fields Committee Meeting 27 January 2021 Resolved: that the minutes of the playing Fields Committee held on 27 January 2021 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 224/20 Public Questions A resident attended the meeting to ask for the Parish Council’s support for a footpath along Eppleworth Road and Beverley Road up to Skidby Mill in light of the increase in pedestrians using this route as well as children accessing school. Councillor Meredith reported that Cottingham ward councillors were in support of the proposal. Members discussed the issue and noted that it had been raised previously and that it made sense to join up existing pathways and that adjustments could be made to fencing on Eppleworth Road to accommodate a path. Resolved: i. that the resident be thanked for attending and raising the issue; ii. that the Clerk contacts ERYC to raise the matter; iii. that Councillor Meredith be requested to pursue the request with ERYC, and 490 iv. that a meeting be arranged with Councillor Meredith, Skidby and Cottingham councillors, ERYC Highways officers and the resident to discuss the matter further. 225/20 Planning Matters a) 20/04108/PLF - Alteration to roof from hipped to gable end with dormer extension in roof at rear, 19 Riplingham Road Skidby Resolved: that the Planning Authority be advised that Skidby Parish Council has no objections to the proposals 20/04245/PLF - Erection of a single storey storage unit to serve Lodge Park ancillary to management building, Raywell Hall Country Lodges Riplingham Road Raywell Resolved: that the Planning Authority be advised that Skidby Parish Council has no objections to the proposals 20/04212/PLF - Erection of first floor extension to side with balcony to rear, Grange House Riplingham Road West Ella Resolved: that the Planning Authority be advised that Skidby Parish Council has no objections to the proposals b) Urgent Planning Applications received after the publication of the agenda None received. 226/20 Governance Matters a) Arrangements for advertising co-option opportunities The Clerk referred to the three vacancies for councillors and that the Parish Council had been advised it could now move to co-option. She suggested that the co-option opportunity would be more effectively advertised once the new noticeboards and website were in place. Resolved: that the co-option opportunities be advertised once new noticeboards and website were in place. b) Review of Parish Council’s Risk Assessment The Clerk submitted a risk assessment which had been updated and amended to reflect current risks. Resolved: that the revised Risk Assessment be agreed. 227/20 Correspondence and Communications a) Planting in verges – request from resident The Clerk referred to two requests from residents seeking permission to plant wildflowers in verges and grassed areas. She advised members that she had sought comments from ERYC regarding the verges on Little Weighton Road, but had not yet received a response. She also advised members that there were management and maintenance issues in relation to wildflower meadows which needed to be taken into consideration in any decision. Members commented on proposals to develop Skidby in Bloom and that they were generally supportive of bulb planting rather than wildflowers. 491 Resolved: i. that the residents be thanked for their interest; ii. that a response be awaited from ERYC regarding verges, and iii. that the residents be informed that the Parish Council would support the planting of bulbs but not wildflowers. b) Correspondence from resident regarding concerns about the flood alleviation works on Little Weighton Road The Clerk referred to correspondence from several residents regarding flooding on Little Weighton Road and the response from ERYC which had been sent to all members. Members felt that the response was unsatisfactory and that there had been an expectation the work would have had a greater impact. Members also commented on problems being caused by water being directed to the back of Orchard Road and the need for Yorkshire Water to address the issues there. Resolved: i. that the Clerk writes to ERYC expressing dissatisfaction with the response and asking for further action, enclosing video or photographic evidence of the issues, and ii. that the support of the local Member of Parliament be sought to make progress with Yorkshire Water. c) Correspondence from resident regarding excess water on Westfield Road at the Wastewise/IVC cross over and vehicles from the IVC site using Westfield Road The Clerk referred to correspondence from a resident regarding excess water on Westfield Road at the Wastewise/IVC cross over and vehicles from the site using Westfield Road. She advised that she had contacted ERYC about the matter but had not yet received a response. Members clarified that the vehicles concerned did not have any restrictions on their use of Westfield Road. Resolved: that the Clerk chase up a response from ERYC. d) Motion to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill The Clerk referred to the request from the CEE Bill Alliance to support its actions. Resolved: i. that the Parish Council expresses its support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill; ii. that the local media be informed of this decision; iii. that the local MP be requested to support the Bill, and iv. that the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, be advised of the Parish Council’s support. e) Census 2021 The Clerk referred to correspondence from the Census Engagement Manager for the East Riding of Yorkshire and Selby Districts providing information about the census and seeking support for promoting participation. Resolved: 492 i. that the Parish Council uses its website and other social media channels to encourage participation, and ii. that Parish Councillors offer support for any local activity or to residents needing support. 228/20 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Matters a) To receive an update from Dale Ward Councillors Councillor Meredith attended the meeting and updated the Parish Council on correspondence about speeding and parking on Riplingham Road in Raywell, St David’s Close parking issues and the 2021 Census. Councillor Gill had sent his apologies and the Clerk submitted the updates he had sent relating to the A164 Compulsory Purchase Orders, Council Tax and a planning application relating to the Milhouse Restaurant. Resolved i. that the reports be noted, and ii. that the Parish Council would support a 40mph speed limit in Raywell up to the junction with Westfield Road. b) Request for comments on the draft Model Code of Conduct The Clerk submitted a request from ERYC for any comments on the Model Code of Conduct which the Parish Council had considered earlier in the year. Resolved: that the Parish Council had no additional comments on the draft Model Code. c) Request for comments on the draft Flood Risk Sequential and Exception Test Supplementary Planning Document The Clerk submitted a request from ERYC for comments on the draft Flood Sequential and Exception Test Supplementary Planning Document. Resolved: that ERYC Planning Authority be advised that Skidby Parish Council had no comments on the draft document. 229/20 Neighbourhood Plan The Clerk reported that it had not yet been possible to arrange a handover. Resolved: that a report be submitted to the March meeting of the Parish Council. 230/20 Updates on ongoing Projects a) Review of Action List The Clerk reported on progress against agreed actions. Resolved: that the update be noted. 231/20 Issues raised by members a) Removal of trees on bank adjacent to Beverley Road A member referred to the recent removal of trees on Beverley Road which had originally been planted to prevent unlawful encampments on the adjacent land and raised concerns that this problem may now recur. Resolved: that the Clerk contact ERYC raising concerns and requesting the erection of an alternative barrier to protect this land. 493 b) Damage to verges -Trinity Garth and Little Weighton Road A member reported damage to a number of verges due to over-running by vehicles carrying put work on properties nearby. Resolved: that the Clerk contact ERYC to establish what action can be taken. 232/20 Finance Update a) Bank Reconciliation The Clerk submitted the Bank Reconciliation as at 28 January 2021. Resolved: that the report be noted. b) Budget update The Clerk submitted an updated budget report showing spend to date and current commitments. Resolved: that the budget update be noted. c) To agree Direct Debit arrangement for electricity supply at the Pavilion.