Brantingham-With-Thorpe Township. Ellerker Township
BRANTINGHAM AND BROOMFLEET PARISHES. 559 The National school stands on the road between Ellerker and Brantingham, 1Lnd was erected in 1845, at a cost of £300. There is accommodation for 80 ~hildren, and an average attendance of 59. BRANTINGHAM-WITH-THORPE TOWNSHIP. Letters via Brough. Wall Box cleared at 1-30 p.m. and 7-15 p.m.; Sundays, 9 a.m. Andrews Wm. Brayshaw, architect Underwood Hy., carrier to Hull (Tues. & Fri.) Apthorpe John Gardiner Wade John Edward, Esq., J.P., Brantingham Clements Hamilton, Langtry lodge Thorpe Kingston William Watson George, joiner, blacksmith, a.nd vict., J ewison Charles Harold, horse dealer The Triton l\Iitchell Wm., farm bailiff, BrantinghamThorpe West Mrs. Ann, Glenrock l\loore John, bootmaker Westmorland Rev. Thomas, M.A., vicar Palmer Miss Eleanor, Thornleigh Prescott Robert, gravel, stone, and sand mrcht. Farmers. Pridmore Charles, farm bailiff Goundrill George William, Thorpe wold Sykes Chris., Esq., J.P., D.L., l\LP., Thorpe Green Robert Brantingham Parker Wm. (& corn merchant), Brantingham Taylor Robert Ellis, Providence house hall Taylor William, parish clerk Payne John Richard Thompson Francis, Holly lodge Tomlinson J ames Wilson, Brook farm ELLERKER TOWNSHIP. Let~ers via Brough. Wall Box cleared 5-45 p.m., week-days only. Nearest Post, Money Order, and Telegraph Office-So Cave (one mile). Barnett Fenley, parish clerk Underwood Benjamin Carr Isaac, vict., Black Horse Watson Thomas, joiner and wheelwright Carr Thomas, carrier to Hull (Tuesday and York John, vict., Plough Inn Friday), & l\larket Weighton (Wednesday) Dean J ames, tailor Farmers. Downes Peter, steam threshing machine propr. Adamson George, hind for Edward Ellerker El1erker l\'[iss Emma Ellerker sands Forster J ames (Forster and Andrews, organ Allison William builders, Hull) Ellerker hall Ellerker Edward Harper George, grocer, and carrier to Hull Ellerker RaliJh, Manor house (Tuesday & Friday) & Market Weighton English George, Temperance villa (Wednesday) Ford Robert Jameson Mrs.
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