143 bus time schedule & line map

143 <-> North Ferriby View In Website Mode

The 143 bus line (Beverley <-> North Ferriby) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Beverley <-> North Ferriby: 12:00 PM - 4:55 PM (2) North Ferriby <-> Beverley: 8:45 AM - 1:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 143 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 143 bus arriving.

Direction: Beverley <-> North Ferriby 143 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Beverley <-> North Ferriby Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 12:00 PM Beverley Bs, Beverley Sow Hill Road, Beverley Tuesday Not Operational

Beverley New Walkergate, Beverley Wednesday 12:00 PM - 4:55 PM Citadel Court, Beverley Thursday Not Operational Beverley Lord Roberts Rd, Beverley Friday Not Operational Minster Towers, Beverley Saturday 12:00 PM - 4:55 PM Beverley Lairgate, Beverley Lairgate, Beverley

Beverley Admiral Walker Rd, Beverley 143 bus Info Beverley Cartwright Lane, Beverley Direction: Beverley <-> North Ferriby Cartwright Lane, Beverley Stops: 58 Trip Duration: 74 min Walkington Broadgate Est, Beverley Line Summary: Beverley Bs, Beverley, Beverley New Walkergate, Beverley, Beverley Lord Roberts Rd, Walkington Broadgate, Walkington Beverley, Beverley Lairgate, Beverley, Beverley Admiral Walker Rd, Beverley, Beverley Cartwright Walkington Beverley Road, Walkington Lane, Beverley, Walkington Broadgate Est, Beverley, Walkington Broadgate, Walkington, Walkington Walkington East End, Walkington Beverley Road, Walkington, Walkington East End, Walkington, Walkington East End, Walkington, Walkington East End, Walkington Walkington West End, Walkington, Walkington West End, Walkington, North Eastgate, Newbald, Walkington West End, Walkington Church, North Newbald, Hotham Main Street, Hotham, Hotham Road, Hotham, North Cave Westgate, North Cave, North Walkington West End, Walkington Cave Westgate, North Cave, North Cave Station Road, North Cave, North Cave Sand Lane, North North Newbald Eastgate, Newbald Cave, Wolds Prison, Wolds Remand Prison, The Green, Newbald Everthorpe Prison Complex, Wolds Remand Prison, Everthorpe Prison Grounds, Wolds Remand Prison, North Newbald Church, North Newbald Ferry Road, South Cave, South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave, South Cave West End, South Hotham Main Street, Hotham Cave, South Cave Main Street, South Cave, South Rectory Lane, Hotham Civil Parish Cave Church Street, South Cave, South Cave Church Street, South Cave, South Cave Market Place, South Hotham North Cave Road, Hotham Cave, Ellerker Ings Lane, Ellerker, Ellerker Croft Hill, Ellerker, Nr Ellerker Ring Beck Ln, Ellerker, North Cave Westgate, North Cave Village, Brantingham, Elloughton Brantingham Road, Elloughton, Elloughton Main North Cave Westgate, North Cave Street, Elloughton, Elloughton Ey Depot, Elloughton, Milestone Court, North Cave Civil Parish Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton, Elloughton Westeld Park, Elloughton, Brough Elloughton Road, North Cave Station Road, North Cave Brough, Brough Elloughton Road, Brough, Brough Welton Road, Brough, Elloughton Welton Road, North Cave Sand Lane, North Cave Brough, Elloughton Welton Road, Brough, Welton Cowgate, Welton, Welton Cowgate, Welton, Welton Sand Lane, North Cave Civil Parish Road, Welton, Melton East Dale Road, Melton, Melton Wolds Prison, Wolds Remand Prison Bottom, Melton, North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby, North Ferriby High Street, North Ferriby, North Everthorpe Prison Complex, Wolds Remand Ferriby Library, North Ferriby, North Ferriby New Prison Walk, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby, Everthorpe Prison Grounds, Wolds Remand North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby Prison

South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave Ferry Road, West End

South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave The Moorlands, West End

South Cave West End, South Cave

South Cave Main Street, South Cave West End Farm Close, West End

South Cave Church Street, South Cave

South Cave Church Street, South Cave 40-44 Church Street, South Cave

South Cave Market Place, South Cave 53 Market Place, South Cave

Ellerker Ings Lane, Ellerker Sands Lane, South Cave

Ellerker Howden Croft Hill, Ellerker

Nr Ellerker Ring Beck Ln, Ellerker Brantingham Road, Ellerker Civil Parish

Brantingham Village, Brantingham

Elloughton Brantingham Road, Elloughton

Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Elloughton Ey Depot, Elloughton

Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton

Elloughton Westeld Park, Elloughton Birch Croft, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Brough Elloughton Road, Brough 44 Elloughton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Brough Elloughton Road, Brough 12 Elloughton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Brough Welton Road, Brough 83 Welton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Elloughton Welton Road, Brough Crescent, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Elloughton Welton Road, Brough 21 Broadacre Park, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish

Welton Cowgate, Welton Springeld Close, Welton Civil Parish

Welton Cowgate, Welton Brookside, Welton Civil Parish

Welton Road, Welton

Melton East Dale Road, Melton East Dale Road, Welton Civil Parish

Melton Bottom, Melton 7 Melton Bottom, Welton Civil Parish

North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby 28 Melton Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby 20 Melton Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby High Street, North Ferriby 6 High Street, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby Library, North Ferriby 6 Church Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby New Walk, North Ferriby 2 Station Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby 86 Corby Park, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby 32 Corby Park, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby 100 Plantation Drive, North Ferriby Civil Parish Direction: North Ferriby <-> Beverley 143 bus Time Schedule 52 stops North Ferriby <-> Beverley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:45 AM North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby 28 Melton Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish Tuesday Not Operational

North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby Wednesday 8:45 AM - 1:15 PM 20 Melton Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish Thursday Not Operational North Ferriby High Street, North Ferriby Friday Not Operational 6 High Street, North Ferriby Civil Parish Saturday 8:45 AM - 1:15 PM North Ferriby Library, North Ferriby 6 Church Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish

North Ferriby New Walk, North Ferriby 2 Station Road, North Ferriby Civil Parish 143 bus Info Direction: North Ferriby <-> Beverley North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby Stops: 52 86 Corby Park, North Ferriby Civil Parish Trip Duration: 80 min Line Summary: North Ferriby Melton Road, North North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby Ferriby, North Ferriby Melton Road, North Ferriby, 32 Corby Park, North Ferriby Civil Parish North Ferriby High Street, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Library, North Ferriby, North Ferriby New North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby Walk, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Corby Park, North 100 Plantation Drive, North Ferriby Civil Parish Ferriby, North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby, North Ferriby Corby Park, North Ferriby, Melton Melton Bottom, Melton Bottom, Melton, Melton East Dale Road, Melton, Melton Bottom, Welton Civil Parish Welton Holly Hill, Welton, Welton Church Street, Welton, Welton Cowgate, Welton, Brough Welton Melton East Dale Road, Melton Road, Brough, Brough Welton Road, Brough, Brough East Dale Road, Welton Civil Parish Welton Road, Brough, Brough Elloughton Road, Brough, Brough Elloughton Road, Brough, Welton Holly Hill, Welton Elloughton Road, Elloughton, Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton, Elloughton Ey Depot, Elloughton, Welton Church Street, Welton Elloughton Brantingham Road, Elloughton, Church Street, Welton Civil Parish Brantingham Village, Brantingham, Nr Ellerker Ring Beck Ln, Ellerker, Ellerker Howden Croft Hill, Ellerker, Welton Cowgate, Welton Ellerker Main Street, Ellerker, South Cave Market Springeld Close, Welton Civil Parish Place, South Cave, South Cave Church Street, South Cave, South Cave West End, South Cave, South Cave Brough Welton Road, Brough West End, South Cave, South Cave Ferry Road, South Dearne Court, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Cave, South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave, Everthorpe Prison Grounds, Wolds Remand Prison, Brough Welton Road, Brough Everthorpe Prison Complex, Wolds Remand Prison, Humber Crescent, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Wolds Prison, Wolds Remand Prison, North Cave Station Road, North Cave, North Cave Station Road, Brough Welton Road, Brough North Cave, North Cave Westgate, North Cave, 83 Welton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Hotham Main Street, Hotham, South Newbald Rd, South Newbald, North Newbald Church, North Brough Elloughton Road, Brough Newbald, North Newbald Burgate, Newbald, 5 Elloughton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Walkington West End, Walkington, Walkington East End, Walkington, Walkington East End, Walkington, Brough Elloughton Road, Brough Walkington East End, Walkington, Walkington 31 Elloughton Road, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Broadgate, Walkington, Walkington Broadgate Est, Beverley, Beverley Cartwright Lane, Beverley, Elloughton Road, Elloughton Birch Croft, Elloughton-Cum-Brough Civil Parish Beverley Cartwright Lane, Beverley, Beverley Admiral Walker Rd, Beverley, Beverley Bs, Beverley Elloughton Main Street, Elloughton

Elloughton Ey Depot, Elloughton

Elloughton Brantingham Road, Elloughton

Brantingham Village, Brantingham

Nr Ellerker Ring Beck Ln, Ellerker

Ellerker Howden Croft Hill, Ellerker

Ellerker Main Street, Ellerker Sands Lane, South Cave

South Cave Market Place, South Cave 49 Market Place, South Cave

South Cave Church Street, South Cave

South Cave West End, South Cave

South Cave West End, South Cave

South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave The Moorlands, West End

South Cave Ferry Road, South Cave Ferry Road, West End

Everthorpe Prison Grounds, Wolds Remand Prison

Everthorpe Prison Complex, Wolds Remand Prison

Wolds Prison, Wolds Remand Prison

North Cave Station Road, North Cave Station Road, North Cave Civil Parish

North Cave Station Road, North Cave

North Cave Westgate, North Cave Milestone Court, North Cave Civil Parish

Hotham Main Street, Hotham Rectory Lane, Hotham Civil Parish

South Newbald Rd, South Newbald

North Newbald Church, North Newbald

North Newbald Burgate, Newbald Eastgate, Newbald Civil Parish

Walkington West End, Walkington Walkington East End, Walkington

Walkington East End, Walkington

Walkington East End, Walkington

Walkington Broadgate, Walkington

Walkington Broadgate Est, Beverley

Beverley Cartwright Lane, Beverley

Beverley Cartwright Lane, Beverley

Beverley Admiral Walker Rd, Beverley Minster Moorgate West, Beverley

Beverley Bs, Beverley Sow Hill Road, Beverley 143 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved