Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, , HU19 2HH Tel: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web: www.withernseatowncouncil.co.uk

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of the Withernsea Town Council to be held on Monday 13th May 2019 at 7pm, in The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen St, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda, (issued 7.5.19) is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J. Moxon

Mrs. J. Moxon, PSLCC, Clerk to the Council.

Abbreviations: ERYC=East Riding of Council WTC=Withernsea Town Council *= Circulated to Councillors


1. Election of Town Mayor. 2. To accept apologies for absence and reasons if given. 3. Election of Deputy Mayor. 4. To receive the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s declaration of acceptance of office. 5. All members to complete new Register of Members Interest* form. 6. Declarations of Interest. a. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 7. Public Participation including Police report: To receive the police report and open the meeting for for both police and public participation. 8. Confirmation of standing committees and groups and to re-affirm powers as per Standing Orders. a. Christmas Lights and Tourism Committee (min’ 4). b. Withstock Committee – (min’ 4). c. Emergency Plan Group – All Cllrs. d. Newsletter Working Group. e. Property Officers – (min 2). f. Safety Officer. g. Memorial Gardens Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. To confirm committee members. h. Town War Memorial Clock Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. To confirm committee members and guardian. i. Finance Committee (min’ 4). j. Personnel Committee (min’ 4). k. Bank account signatories: The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk.

9. To elect representatives to the following:- a. Millennium Green Trust (1). b. Millennium Play Park (1). c. ERNLLCA District Committee (2). d. Hidden Holderness (1). e. Youth Service/Coalition/Groups. (1). f. Big Local Steering Group representative (1). g. Active Withernsea (1). h. Police and Partners Community Forum (2). i. Citizens Advice Bureau (1). j. Withernsea & District Health Forum (2). k. East Yorkshire Local Council Network (Chairman and Clerk). l. The Hut Friends/Steering Group. m. Le Maistre Trust (1). n. SHORES Management Group (1). o. WTC representation on Meridian Centre CIO. p. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership Board. (W&SEHRP) (2). q. W&SEHRP – Seafront and Promenade Sub Group (2). r. Southcliffe Road W.C. custodian. s. SHAPE. t. Skate park representative. u. Public transport champion. v. Internal Drainage Board. w. FLAG and commercial fishing compound representative. x. Neighbourhood Watch representative. y. Withernsea Housing Group.

10. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes are a true and correct record of the meetings held: a. Town Council minutes – 08.04.19. b. Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting minutes – 17.04.19. c. Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting minutes – 30.04.19. d. To receive draft Annual Parish Meeting minutes – 29.04.19. e. To receive Withstock Committee minutes – 16.04.19. f. To receive Finance Committee minutes – 23.04.19. e. To receive Tourism and Christmas Lights Minutes – 10.04.19.

11. Town Clerks report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

12. Reports by Ward Councillors. To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community

13. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

14. Resolution: This Town Council in accordance with the power of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1982 should incur the following expenditure, which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure: To contribute £3500 to the Withernsea Pier & Promenade Association for remaining funds required as recommended by the Finance Committee.

15. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. Request from Cllr Hardcastle to light beacon on D Day Anniversary 6th June. b. Invitation to ERYC Town & Parish Council Liaison Meetings.* c. Invitation to ERNLLCA Member Council Development Programme – Chairmanship Course.* d. Invitation from D. to Mayor, Councillors and staff to 75th Anniversary of D Day Commemorations at the flag pole, Municipal Buildings 10:50am 06.06.19. e. Consider Annual Path Audit.* f. To consider quotes for website update.*

16. Financial matters: a. To approve payment schedule for April 2019 £ b. To approve amended asset register.*

17. To approve and sign the annual audit documentation. a. Annual accounts year ending 31.3.19 (recommended by Finance Committee).* b. To review and consider findings of Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Return).* c. To approve the annual governance statement (Section 1).* d. To consider accounting statement (Part 2).* e. To resolve to approve the accounting statement. f. To receive the 6 month internal audit report to 31.3.19. g. To appoint the internal auditor for 2019/20. h. To consider scope of audit required by Withernsea Town Council, as per draft letter of appointment.* i. The annual risk assessment review will be undertaken by the Clerk, Property Officers and reported to the next meeting.

17. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below or source access to hardcopies.

a. Application 19/01259/PLF for the erection of a single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing. 35 Park Avenue, Withernsea for Mr & Mrs Ellis.


b. Application 19/01263/PLF for the erection of two storey extension to rear, single storey extension to side and installation of first floor windows to side. Joivy Cottage, 52 Hollym Road, Withernsea for Mr Playfoot.


c. Application 19/00979/PLF for the creation of vehicular access and construction of hard-standing to front garden for off-street parking. 144 North Road, Withernsea for Mrs Tracey Battye.


d. Notice of Decision. Erection of a modular building for use as day nursery in connection with existing Teenyworld Nursery. Land South East of Tennyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Teenyworld. GRANTED.

e. Notice of Decision. Erection of dormer extensions to the front and rear. 71 Louville Avenue, Withernsea for Mr G Booth. GRANTED.

f. Information only. Removal of existing hipped roof and replace with gable roof, construction of dormer window to rear and installation of rooflights to front. 79 Queen Street, Withernsea for Mr Ross. Considered not to require formal planning permission.

18. Councillors reports.


Part 2. Private session.

1. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

2. In Camera

a. PopIn lease.


The minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: Mayor Councillor T. Dagnall (TD), Deputy Mayor Councillor F Walmsley (FW), and Councillors: I. Blackburn (IB), J. Blackburn (JqB), J. Blake (JB), B.Cloke (BC), D. Edwards (DE), K. Hardcastle (KH), L. Healing (LH), C. Hollingworth (CH), and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KG) Public: 8 Press: 2 Police: 0. Abbreviations: WTC (Withernsea Town Council), ERYC ( Council) * = circulated previously. Minute Points raised or agreed Actio n By Mayor Councillor Terry Dagnall welcomed everyone to the meeting and addressed the recording policy of meetings and fire evacuation procedure.

Part I. 4597. Election of Town Mayor. Councillor Terry Dagnall elected with 4 against and 1 abstention.

4598. To accept apologies for absence and reasons if given. All present.

4599. Election of Deputy Mayor. Councillor Felicity Walmsley elected with 1 against. Chains were presented by the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor’s seat was taken. Photos by Terry Bearpark.

4600. To receive the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s declaration of acceptance of office. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor both signed their declaration of acceptance of office. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor signed acceptance of office form.

4601. All members to complete their Register of Members Interest* form. The Clerk reminded Councillors that the deadline for submission is the end of May 2019.

4602. Declarations of Interest. a. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. (i) Cllr BC declared an interest in 9a & b of the agenda as a Trustee and Treasurer of the Millennium Green Trust and Millennium Play Park, 9j as Deputy Chair of the Health JM Forum and 9q as Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership Seafront and Promenade Group. (ii) Cllr LH declared a non-pecuniary interest in 17a-f of the agenda and 9n as a Director of JM SHORES. (iii) Cllr KH declared an interest in 9a of the agenda as of Trustee of Millennium Green Trust, JM 9m as a Trustee of Le Maistre Trust, 9o as a member of the Meridian CIO, 14 as member of the Pier & Promenade Association and 15a. (iv) Cllr FW declared an interest in 9f of the agenda as a member of Big Local Steering Group JM and 8b Chair of Withstock committee.

(v) Cllr DE declared an interest in 9x of the agenda as a member of the Neighbourhood Watch JM and 14 as Chair of the Pier & Promenade Association. (vi) Cllr JB declared an interest in 9x of the agenda as a member of the Neighbourhood Watch. JM (vii) Cllr CH declared an interest in 9y of the agenda as a member of Withernsea Housing JM Group. (viii) Cllr TD declared an interest in 9c, 9f, 9g,9k, 9o, 9q, 9r, 9w, 9y of the agenda as a member JM of the committees. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None.

4603. Public Participation including Police report: To receive the police report and open the meeting for both police and public participation. AGREED. No Police present. Former Councillor P. Wilkinson congratulated the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the new Councillors. As the out-going clock guardian under item 8h of the agenda suggested that one of the Council’s outside workers take on the role of guardian. Cllr BC also indicated that Mr P Cook MBE is available for this role.

4604. Confirmation of standing committees and groups and to re-affirm powers as per Standing Orders. a. Christmas Lights and Tourism Committee (min’ 4). Members confirmed as: DE, JB, BC, IB. Cllr CH suggest that the Mayor sit on this committee. Cllr TD confirmed he would attend the next meeting to hand over. b. Withstock Committee – (min’ 4). Members confirmed as: FW, DE c. Emergency Plan Group – All Cllrs. All Cllrs will be called out as per the contents of the plan, if required. Cllrs should make themselves familiar with the contents of the plan. d. Newsletter Working Group. Members were confirmed as: JB, JqB, IB, BC, FW. e. Property Officers. Officers were confirmed as: TD, FW f. Safety Officer(s). The Officer was confirmed as DE g. Memorial Gardens Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. To confirm committee members. WTC is the Trustee. h. Town War Memorial Clock Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. To confirm committee members and guardian. WTC is the Trustee. Cllr BC proposed Mr P Cook MBE be asked to be the Guardian, then if he is not available one of the Council’s outside workers. i. Finance Committee (min’ 4). Members were confirmed as: LH,BC, SaW, CH, TD.

j. Personnel Committee (min’ 4). Members were confirmed as: TD, LH, DE, CH. k. Bank account signatories: As per financial regulations, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Clerk will be bank signatories. JM

4605. To elect representatives to the following:- a. Millennium Green Trust (1). KH, BC elected. AGREED. b. Millennium Play Park (1). BC elected. AGREED. c. ERNLLCA District Committee (2). TD and IB elected. AGREED d. Hidden Holderness (1). FW and JqB elected. AGREED. e. Youth Service/Coalition/Groups. (1). LH elected. AGREED. f. Big Local Steering Group representative (1). JB elected. AGREED. g. Active Withernsea representative (1). JqB and DE elected. AGREED. h. Police and Partners Community Forum) (2). LH, IB, CH and FW elected. AGREED. i. Citizens Advice Bureau (1). FW elected (watching brief). AGREED. j. Withernsea & District Health Forum (2). BC, LH, JB and JqB elected. AGREED. k. East Yorkshire Local Council Network TD and JM elected. AGREED. l. The Hut Friends/Steering Group. DE elected. AGREED. m. Le Maistre Trust (1). KH elected. AGREED. n. SHORES Management Group (1). LH elected. AGREED.

o. WTC representation on Meridian Centre CIO. FW elected. AGREED. p. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership Board. (W&SEHRP) (2). TD, BC and IB elected. AGREED.

q. (W&SEHRP) – Seafront and Promenade Sub Group (2). JB and JqB elected. AGREED. r. Southcliff Road W.C. custodian. TD elected. AGREED. s. SHAPE. BC & TD elected. AGREED. t. Skate park representative. DE elected. AGREED. u. Public transport champion. DE elected. AGREED. v. Internal Drainage Board. DE and SaW elected. AGREED. w. FLAG and commercial fishing compound representative. TD elected. AGREED. x. Neighbourhood Watch representative. DE and IB elected. AGREED. y. Withernsea Housing Group. CH elected. AGREED.

4606. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes are a true and correct record of the meetings held: a. The Minutes of the Town Council minutes – 08.04.19. The Minutes of the Town Council KG meeting 08.04.19 were CONFIRMED, with 3 abstentions, as a true record and signed by the Mayor. b. The Minutes of the Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting minutes – 17.04.19. The KG Minutes of the Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting 17.04.19, were CONFIRMED, with 4 abstentions, as a true record and signed by the Mayor. c. The Minutes of the Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting minutes – 17.04.19. The KG Minutes of the Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting 30.04.19 were CONFIRMED, with 5 abstentions, as a true record and signed by the Mayor. d. To receive draft Annual Parish Meeting minutes 29.4.19. RECEIVED. e. To receive Withstock Committee minutes 16.4.19. RECEIVED. f. To receive Finance Committee minutes 23.4.19. RECEIVED. g. To receive Tourism and Christmas Lights Minutes 10.04.19. RECEIVED.

4607. Town Clerks report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Nothing to report.

4608. Reports by Ward Councillors. Cllr LH reported. a. Cllr LH attended a meeting with CCG & CHCP no useful information came out of the meeting. Cllr LH and the Health Forum continue to push for answers. b. Bus Survey results are due to be report very soon. c. A meeting held with A Menzies and J Read (ERYC) to discuss why the Town Council could not fulfil the requirements asked of it for the Pier and Promenade Association’s lease agreement, the situation was looked upon favourably by ERYC. A letter was sent to ERYC outlining the Town Council’s situation and ERYC are confident they will meet the deadline. The matter will be put before ERYC Cabinet; the next meeting of which is Wednesday 15th May

4609. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr KH as one of three trustees has not received any communication from the Le Maistre Trust in sometime. Mrs V. Ward, one of the other two Trustees has passed away. Mr D. Macnamara, third Trustee, spoke some 18-24 months ago about giving the remaining funds to Withernsea Lighthouse. It was agreed to send a letter to Mr Macnamara to JM establish the current situation. b. Cllr TD attended East Yorkshire Local Councils Network meeting on 10th April where the decline of the youth services offered through The Hut was considered. Grants for families and youths are available through PAG award; this may possibly be a source of funding for the skate park. The current Code of Conduct was under review as it is not considered robust enough. It was reported that local affordable housing schemes are not looking after the properties to an appropriate standard. c. Cllr TD attended the Active Withernsea meeting on the 16th April and the Showcase event on the 4th-6th May. d. Cllr TD attend Big Local meeting, 16th April, an update on the Credit Union was received and news of the appointment of Matthew Lloyd as Development Manager for the Withernsea branch. The Withernsea CAB will be up and running soon. e. Cllr TD attend the ERNCLLA Executive meeting 27th April, NALC representative reported a new set of standing orders are in production, ERYC and North Lincolnshire Council will work together to prepare the new documentation. f. Cllr TD attended FLAG meeting 1st May where the 2 grant applications for Withernsea were granted, Slipway Lighting and Shellfish Trail.

4610. Resolution: This Town Council in accordance with the power of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1982 should incur the following expenditure, which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure: To contribute £3500 to the Withernsea Pier & Promenade Association for remaining funds required as recommended by the Finance Committee. It was AGREED with 1 abstention to grant the contribution of £3500 to the Withernsea Pier & Promenade Association as recommended at the Extra Ordinary meeting of the JM 30.04.19.

4611. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. Request from Cllr Hardcastle to light beacon on D Day Anniversary 6th June. TG/ It was AGREED to light the beacon on the request of the new Royal British Legion. DT/ b. Invitation to ERYC Town & Parish Council Liaison Meetings. CH Cllrs BC & DE agreed to attend the meeting on the 5th June.

c. Invitation to ERNLLCA Member Council Development Programme – Chairmanship Course. Cllrs TD & FW agreed to attend the training course. d. Invitation from D. England to Mayor, Councillors and staff to 75th Anniversary of D Day Commemorations at the flag pole, Municipal Buildings 10:50am 06.06.19. Invitation was received. e. Consider Annual Path Audit. Annual Footpath Audit undertaken by Property Officers 30.04.19 Footpaths continue to be repaired as issues are identified, nothing currently identified as dangerous. However due to cost of more extensive remedial work, grant funding will be required in the future for Valley Gardens. f. To consider quotes for website update. It was AGREED to accept Dale Baxter’s proposal for IT and website services. KG

4612. Financial matters: a. To approve payment schedule for April 2019 £22,235.37. APPROVED. b. To approve amended asset register. APPROVED.

4613. To approve and sign the annual audit documentation. a. Annual accounts year ending 31.3.19. APPROVED. Cllr BC Congratulated the Clerk. b. To review and consider findings of Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Return). Each items reviewed, no further considerations required. c. To approve the annual governance statement (Section 1). APPROVED and signed. JM To consider accounting statement (Part 2). All considered. d. To resolve to approve the accounting statement. APPROVED and signed. JM e. To receive the 6 month internal audit report to 31.3.19. Received – matters arising will be auctioned by the Clerk. f. To appoint the internal auditor for 2019/20. Cllr BC proposed the continued use of the current auditor, Mr A Johnson, seconded by Cllr DE and AGREED unanimously. JM g. To consider scope of audit required by Withernsea Town Council. The scope of the audit required is laid out as per the internal auditor’s letter of appointment and agreed. h. The annual risk assessment review will be undertaken by the Clerk, Property Officers and JM reported to the next meeting.

4614. Development Control. Notice of Decisions received. a. Application 19/01259/PLF for the erection of a single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing. 35 Park Avenue, Withernsea for Mr & Mrs Ellis. APPROVED, with 2 absentions. JM b. Application 19/01263/PLF for the erection of two storey extension to rear, single storey extension to side and installation of first floor windows to side. Joivy Cottage, 52 Hollym Road, Withernsea for Mr Playfoot. Approved, with 2 JM abstentions. c. Application 19/00979/PLF for the creation of vehicular access and construction of hard-standing to front garden for off-street parking. 144 North Road, Withernsea for Mrs Tracey Battye. APPROVED, with 2 abstentions. JM

d. Notice of Decision. Erection of a modular building for use as day nursery in connection with existing Teenyworld Nursery. Land South East of Tennyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Teenyworld. GRANTED. NOTED. e. Notice of Decision. Erection of dormer extensions to the front and rear. 71 Louville Avenue, Withernsea for Mr G Booth. GRANTED. NOTED. f. Information only. Removal of existing hipped roof and replace with gable roof, construction of dormer window to rear and installation of rooflights to front. 79 Queen Street, Withernsea for Mr Ross. Considered not to require formal planning permission. NOTED.

4615. Councillors questions: a. Cllr SaW – Received request from a resident for communal bins in Butchers Place. Contact ERYC. b. Cllr SaW – Update requested on signage for Withernsea AFC signage from Northern Gas. No communication has been received, the request is to be followed up. JM c. Cllr JB – Caravan parked on the road in Bannister Street or a month or so. Contact ERYC. d. Cllr KH – Lack of double yellow lines at the corner of Seacroft Road and Queen Street has resulted in vehicles parking on or too close to the corner, creating the potential for accidents. ERYC – Highways to be contacted. JM e. Cllr IB – Since the demolition of Cherry Tree Flats problem appears to have moved to another address around the corner. Cllr LH suggested contacting Police & ERYC housing. f. Cllr BC – recommends the use of a Humberside Police Online initiative called www.mycommunityalert.co.uk, which provides real time information about the local area. g. Cllr FW – reported hearing loud bangs on Ryecroft, later identified as homemade fireworks. h. Cllr TD – Civic/Mayoral functions: 25th April Civic Function. 26th April Elloughton Cum Brough Civic Arts Night. 1st May & Cowick Town Council St Georges Day Celebrations. i. Cllr TD – Reminder to all Councillors of the Code of Conduct and the expectation that all Councillors and staff are treated in accordance with the Code.

Part 2. Private session.

4616. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. AGREED

4617 In Camera PopIn lease. It was AGREED, with 1 against, to grant a 1 year lease for the PopIn to Men in Sheds. JM

Meeting closed 8:45pm. End.