Ellerker Parish Council

Minutes of the Ellerker Parish Council meeting held Wednesday 19 th August 2015 at 7.30pm, in the village Hall, Ellerker.

Present: Mrs Claire Wood (Chair), Mr Damian Johns, Mr Tony Barratt, Mr Owynn Baker, Miss Nicola Bean, Mrs Angela Mooring (Retiring clerk), Mrs Sarah Watson (New clerk), ERYC Cllr Pat Smith, Members of the Public Mr and Mrs Mellor, and Mrs Lynn Waddingham.

1. Apologies for absence: Mrs Diana Bushby, ERYC Cllrs. Richard Meredith and Tony Galbraith.

2. Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests: Mr Owynn Baker declared an interest in the allotments as an allotment tenant.

3. Reading of last Meetings minutes: Minutes dated 11 th June 2015 had previously been distributed and read and needed one amendment to change Barr ett to Barr att. Proposed by OB. Seconded by DJ. All in favour. Signed by AM and CW. Minutes of the AGM dated 11 th June 2015 had also previously been distributed and read and needed no amendment. Proposed by TB. Seconded by OB. All in favour. Signed by AM and CW.

4. 4. Matters arising:

A. Parish Clerk – Recruitment arrangement, appointment of new Clerk and arrangements for retiring Clerk The recruitment process for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council involved advertisements placed on various noticeboards and the Grapevine magazine. There were 10 expressions of interest in the post. 7 candidates took up the offer of an informal meeting with the Chairwomen to discuss the role. 5 candidates came forward to interview. Application was by CV, and at least one reference was obtained for each candidate. Interviews were held on Monday 3 rd August in the village hall with Councillors Bushby, Bean and Wood on the interview panel. The field was strong and 3 of the candidates were judged as being appointable. The strongest candidate according to the points system and with the best personal skills for the post was Sarah Watson. Sarah started on Monday 17 th August; this allows a 2 week handover period between her and Angie Mooring. Sarah’s letter of appointment states the hours are 4 per week to be worked flexibly and to accommodate the workload along with her other personal commitments. The pay is £8-60 per hour. The Chairman will review her performance annually, when consideration will be given to pay and the hours. Her out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed on the presentation of receipts. A notice period of 3 calendar months if leaving the post has also been included. Any councillors who wish to know more about the process are welcome to see the master recruitment file.

CW explained the clerks hours were increased to 4 hours from 2 hours because Angie Mooring, who retires as clerk on August 31 st , has exceeded her 2 hours on a regular basis and this has not been adequately recognised. This has come about as the PC has become more proactive over the years.

Angie has not had a pay rise since 2013/2014, the latest remuneration equates to £8-59 per hour for a 2 hour week. Angie is due to receive remuneration for the period 1 st April to 31 st August. This amounts to £373, based on 2 hours per week. CW proposed we uplift and backdate her hours to 4 per week from 1 st October 2014. This in effect will pay her £746 for the period 1 st April to 31 st August and additional remuneration of £448 for the period 1 st October 2014 to 31 st March 2015. Her final pay cheque will therefore be £746 + £448 = £1,194. In CW’s opinion this is fair and affordable and within our budget. DJ said this is well and truly deserved as he is aware how hard Angie has worked for EPC and how many hours she has put in. Seconded by TB, and all agreed. Mrs Waddingham (member of the public) said “will have to well & truly show this to the auditors”. DJ explained this is a time limited back pay issue being dealt with. CW has all emails related to this.

CW presented AM with a gift of flowers and said thank you for her years as Clerk.

B. Future plans for village projects

Verge next to post box on Ringbeck The work has been completed and it looks nice. Awaiting invoice.

Dog Pooh Bin Cave Lane New bin put into place on Cave Lane by ERYC, INVOICE for £428.48 received. On Monday 7 th September three people will attend the dog pooh training at Walkington Village Hall, 21 Eastend, Walkington, at 6.30pm. Will feedback at next meeting.

De fibrillator An EPC representative needs to attend the next Village Hall Committee meeting on Wednesday 9 th September. Either DJ or TB might be able to attend. DJ needs information on power supply as the defibrillator needs this to recharge, therefore DJ will collect the file from Maxine Moses. A defibrillator is needed for the village events. We do not have any first responders in the village.

C. Wind Farm The developer has withdrawn the application on Ellerker Wind Farm. DJ thanked all concerned for that. The anemometer 2 year planning permission requested by Baglett’s Wind Farm expires this month or next. CW asked EYRC Cllr Pat Smith to inform the planning enforcement officer to have it removed.

We are awaiting further developments on the wind turbine Mires Beck, Common Lane application.

D. Flooding Update CW has corresponded via email with Elliott Davis at Water regarding the overflow issues onto Angela Puckering’s land. CW read out Elliott’s emailed letter dated August 11 th “I am happy to confirm that we have increased the capacity of the outfall pumping station. Our technical optimiser says it has stabilised the outfall pumping and we are hopeful this will help prevent area flooding in the future. With the recent rainfall we have experienced we have not received reports of any sewage escapes. We also now have the ability to handle and move more water when it rains thanks to a storm tank. This will likely be used when needed during periods of heavy and extreme rainfall.” CW commented we have not had heavy rainfall in the last 2 months, so will need to monitor this. CW has written to Angela Puckering.

E. Parish Councillor Vacancy Tony Barratt completed and returned the forms. AM will send the forms to Mr Tim Pickles to put them onto the website.

We currently have one vacancy to fill. All to consider any possible candidates.

F. Safe and Sound Grant AM has spoken to Amy Dean at ERYC. The Safe and Sound Grant is for home owners and private tenants, to help minimise the fear of crime by providing additional home security measures to enable residents to feel safer in their homes. They can visit you at home to discuss your circumstances and additional home security options available. Home security measures available include, but are not limited to: Additional locks for doors and windows, Door chains, Door viewers, Security lights. To qualify for assistances applicants must be: Aged over 60 or disabled. In receipt of a means tested benefit. A homeowner or private sector tenant / Housing Association tenant. To discuss the service and make an appointment contact Amy Dean, Tel: 01482-396259, email: [email protected] or write to Amy Dean, Safe & Sound, Housing Assistance, DF33, Cross Street, County Hall, , East Yorkshire, HU17 9BA. SW to ask Mr Tim Pickles to put this into the Ellerker News, so people can apply themselves. SW to let Neighbourhood Watch have the info for there newsletter.

G. Allotments CW has the Feb/March 2014 agreements that the tenants signed.

Mrs Waddingham (parishioner) said the land was originally owned by Beverley Borough Council, and Ellerker Parish Council paid £1-00 for it, and the Deeds say it is for Ellerker residents only as an allotment. Her concerns are: The allotments are not cultivated as they should be. Agreement says boundary hedges cut once in autumn and have not been done. It is not an orchard or playing field, so refer to Deeds as it is an allotment.

CW thanked Mrs Waddingham, and explained what was discussed and agreed at the last meeting/AGM, and also at the recent Allotment site meeting, and the two stage action plan that was then developed [see Allotment Action Plan]. Stage one is to re-advertise the allotments to Ellerker residents with a closing date of Friday 9/10/2015 for expressions of interest. SW to put adverts on both village noticeboards, and in the Ellerker News.

OB said it wants to remain as a community asset, and suggested some outdoor gym equipment. CW replied this would come as options to consider way down the path if not any expressions of interest. DJ said we have gone from a single tenant to multi-tenants, so need to investigate & then make decisions. CW has received one expression of interest from someone who wants to take over as a single allotment. All to action as detailed in the Action Plan, and report back at the next EPC meeting. H. Membership of East Riding North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association AM read points 1 to 10 of ‘List 3 – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PROCEDURES’, which tells us what would be needed of EPC if we were chosen in the future by the Audit Commission as one of the 5% sample of councils who have to do an Intermediate level procedure. AM passed some 2002 standing orders to CW. AM contacted Alan Barker of East Riding North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association, as Cllr Galbraith’s suggested at the last meeting, to ask what we need for the audit and they charge £60 + postage cost for a manual of standing orders, or £245-50 for a full years membership, or £169-40 for membership from 1/8/2015 to the year end. CW suggested we could join for one year only and get all the information we could to help our new Clerk. AM asks the Democratic Services, at Beverley, if she needs any help. SW to find out what info/help the East Riding North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association can provide and report back.

5. Finance: No receipts/Income.

Npower: The whole Npower bill is in dispute regarding CCL and admin fees. New bill and reminder that payment is due have both been received. David Wood is sorting this.

No charge from PKF Littlejohn the external Auditors as EPC turnover is less than 10K.

Payments - Cheque No. 100607 £428-48 ERYC for New Bin. Cheque No. 100608 £9-88 Angie Mooring for Expenses: Telephone Calls, Files & placing adverts. Cheque No. 100609 £373-00 Angie Mooring for 1/4/15 to 31/8/15 wages based on 2 hours per week. Cheque No. 100610 £821-00 Angie Mooring for uplift & backdate of hours to 4 per week from 1/10/2014 to 31/08/2015.

Following the changes in EPC Cllrs; the mandates for both bank accounts need the signatories changing as we only have DJ & DB for HSBC, and DJ only for the other account with NS&I. AM suggested we deal with the signatories changes first, and once completed she will send the banks the change of contact details for the new Clerk. For HSBC: CW suggested CW, NB, DJ, and DB as signatures, so any 2 of the 4 can sign at one time. All agreed. NB to go into the bank herself, after CW has read the papers and given them to NB at the start of September. AM asked DJ how long he has lived at his address, for 9 years. DJ signed the cheques awaiting signature. AM will see DB to counter sign the cheques. For NS&I: They require 3 people named as signatories, and 3 people named who agree to it. So need just 3 signatories. It was agreed the 3 signatories will be DJ, NB, & CW, and the 3 who agree will be OB, TB, & DB. AM got those present to complete and sign the 2 bank forms, and AM will see DB for her to sign the NS&I form, and signature card, and send them off to NS&I.

6. Planning: 3 applications: • 288/15 West Holme, Ings Lane. Mr C Corke. Fell willow tree in Conservation Area. • [South Cave Application] Cave Road, Willow Flatts. 10 mobile homes. Strongly objected. • 289/15 Willow Garth, Croft Hill. Mr & Mrs Meltham. Proposed roof alterations to provide 1 st floor bedrooms. Dormer window. EPC sent one objection and comments to EYRC - CW put residents are concerned of lack of privacy. Mr and Mrs Mellor (Parishioners) explained they put in their own objections Re: Willow Garth planning permission to ERYC twice and ERYC lost it twice, so he has sent it again via email. The windows will overlook their garden, and they are concerned the hedge will be cut down if they get planning permission. NB said Mrs Macpherson does not want it either. Cllr Pat Smith said Cllr Meredith is on the planning committee, and Mr & Mrs Mellor can go to the ERYC planning meeting, the next is 25 th August, and have 3 minutes to speak but they must call ERYC and arrange for them to attend to speak. AM read what she wrote for EPC objection and comment. DJ suggested they ring ERYC & speak at the meeting. CW suggested they write a script of what they want to say.

SW has today received 2 emails from ERYC Planning and Development Management team to inform us of 2 valid applications they have received. SW forwarded the 2 emails onto CW and AM. These are: • ERYC Ref: 15/02328/PLF, Proposal: Construction of roof over existing swimming pool, Location: The Old Barn Ings Lane Ellerker HU15 2DW, Application: Mr Ian Sawyer, Application type: Full Planning Permission. Comments must be submitted no later than 9 th September. • ERYC Ref: 15/02341/PLF, Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to rear and first floor extension to side (Re-submission of 15/00189/PLF), Location: 15 Mill Hill Ellerker East Riding of Yorkshire HU15 2DG, Application: Mr & Mrs P Wedgner, Application type: Full Planning Permission. Comments must be submitted no later than 9 th September. SW asked what procedure do I need to do now.

AM explained ERYC planning comments system is changing and this will now be done online rather than sending out paperwork, although anyone can still visit ERYC to view the application. This procedure is new to her also.

CW explained the email invites you to open ERYC planning website and make comments on the application. She suggested EPC find an alternative to the paper system procedure we have used till now. A discussion took place and it was agreed that when SW receives a planning application email she will forward it to all EPC Cllrs, then all EPC Cllrs will view the planning applications online and forward their own comments to SW, SW will then enter everyones comments as one comment entry from EPC onto the ERYC planning website for the application. SW to investigate, and send step by step guides to all 6 EPC Cllrs for the ERYC planning website on ‘How to register on Consultee Access’, ‘How to view/look at planning applications and plans’, and ‘How to comment on a planning application online’.

Mrs Waddingham said residents don’t know they can contact Cllr’s individually regarding planning concerns.

7. Correspondence: AM received a letter from Andrew Jackson Solicitors Re: Land on Ings Lane that used to be the allotments; and passed all letters relating to this to CW and advised her to contact Maxine Moses, who works for the Land Registry.

Letter received from Pension regulator, saying the EPC to register with them by 31 st July, so AM has done this. AM will now change the contact for this to SW.

AM sent the following: • Copies of paid ERYC invoices for the new street lights to ERYC to prove we have used the Local Grant Funding we received towards their cost. • Two large crates of EPC documents to ERYC Archives

AM read a letter received from Mr Chattaway regarding the Allotments & his concerns. He has offered to take the full plot. CW has responded to him that we are looking at it.

AM has answered the emailed freedom of information request we received from a group called Making Parishes Better Places, and asked them to see our website.

8. Any Other Business: • Parish Website : Tim Pickles is working hard to update and liven up the website. CW suggested a photo of all EPC Cllrs and the Clerk, and words about ourselves with contact info, so people will approach us. NB, OB, DJ, TB agreed Ok to publish their photo and address. Not to include their email addresses. CW will ask Tim to take our photos at next EPC meeting. AM will send Cllr’s declaration of interests forms, and declarations of acceptance of Office, and the 2014/2015 Audit, with the signatures covered up, to Tim for him to put them onto the website.

• Appointment of Internal Auditor : Following the resignation of Mr David Wood from the role of Internal Auditor, Mr Chris Williamson has been approached to take over the role. He is prepared to take this on. Chris is a Chartered Accountant (FCA). He acted as the external auditor for the Ellerker Action Group’s Annual Accounts and did an excellent job. Proposed by DJ, Seconded by OB, and all agreed. SW to send two letters: 1) Thanks to David Wood, 2) Letter of appointment to Chris Williamson and attach Job Description (Summary of the role as follows: Be available to advise/comment on all financial matters. Perform the annual check that all formal financial recording has been completed and fully documented via the cashbook. Complete the appropriate sections of the statutory annual report which incorporates pages completed by the Clerk and the internal and external auditors. This report also includes the ‘signing off’ of the accounts by the officers of the council. Suggested fee for the role £50 per annum .)

• OB said a child fell at the playing field due to a surface fault, and the Village Playing Field Committee is aware and has the issue in hand. Mrs Waddingham said on Friday a boy and his grandfather said it’s dangerous so she referred them to Philip Wood of the Playing Field Committee. She asked does the Playing Field Committee have permission to put steps into the beck? Someone replied it’s safer than children climbing down the bank side.

Date and time of Next meetings Thursday 15 th October 2015 at 7.30pm, Thursday 10 th December 2015 at 7.30pm.

Meeting brought to a close at 9.15 pm.