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Rnr-• F 1 T Li..1 1 , # •R - Ri 11.'• ...• P• 6- 1• .. ... .;4'' . .1 ..1 .:lillI :. 1. I'... • ...18494<.1 • 1111 :..Ilt' • .. 6-/ ed."Ell':• *+1 1 -.1• • • 1• • • 111111-111-;lit - 1 -- 111 ® - A\.b.·\ • ·• ·LJ··i -.-L'I---1,/6,-1---7.rnr-• f 1 T li..1 1 , # •r - ri 11.'• ...• p• 6- 1• ./... .»-. * 036. ., U Volume 2, Number 4 Subscription $2.50 Per Year 10 Issues Annually 35c Per Copy May, 1973 Le ©gai,b IlmikeE,ImrmitO@guaotl Regimitita and ©,Futl@Mitita C- itt-. : bri - x5t . :1. r 1 8..1.3...... ' • - tf,f ., - -A · -/ C• .ZD.- 5*:.i - t. 9---ill-W=Pp 0• . 0'3 1-:. .... -... 1' 1. Liaillimill'llill/"Illf /.11 . I *0 *.1.. ...., r - -./"f ': 4 .- .. *i-Ft,1 - .........:t. - -.·.3· ·' +.:ic : 447" . 036•I• r...:. .. ......,1.-t..... 1., I.N ..... 0 Oil'• 'i-nof,2 ' 9%//• /A#*T, ,.7 18121, 7--===• . =44• 4 , 430#• • . & 5*.4 4* a jil, 1 2..3. - ... .- Notice to Hot Line Subscribers The editors.pf the ilot Line have been exploring ·ways to make your it's kind, many see it as the leader in the class association field and are Hobie Cat Class ' Association newsletter a more viable. interesting and curious to know what goes on at a Hobie regatta or just what is the Hobie informative publication. The) staff has been expanded to facilitate this life style that they have heard so much about. The best #-ay to find out move, however the onlkreal limit to our planned expansion is funds. In a short of being there is to read the Hot Line. recent issue we asked for comment on the possibility of including paid Here to fore the Hot Line has 'been available exclusively to Hobie advertising in the Hot Line. To date the response has been affirmative. owners, but in giving consideration to the many requests that are coming We feel that the Hot Line can be of a better service to subscribing in for copies of the Hot line and combining this with the need for skippers and crews by offering to accept advertising of items that can make additional funds to bolster the.production, mailing and computer Iist Hobie sailing and racing safer, more effecient and enjoyable, at the same maintenance, the decision was made to accept paid advertising and make time "Dittting buyers living in areas of the country and overseas in touch the Hot Eine aDailable to any non-boat owner who wanted it for a with tHe manufactdrers and distributors of hardware and items not subscription price of $2.50 per year or 35c per copy starting with the May available to tHem through regular channels. issue. In further consideration of·the role the Hot Line fills, in serving the Hobie' 16 skippers may now give a subscription to that faithful, long needs andinfdrmaTion sou• ces for Hobie Skippers. We have found that the suffering, diaper wearing crew member instead of sharing his personal request for features and informative articles far exceeded the space in our copy. Or maybelyou have a friend of relative that'you would like to have old size publication so we have had to expand both in size and number of share the excitdment of Hobie happenings with. Fill out the following pages to meet'- this.. The size of the mailing list has forced us to go to subscription blanks for a one-year subscription. Remember, the Hot Lind is' computer to insure the delivery of the Hot Line to all subscribers. and always will be free of charge to Hobie Cat Owners. Just send your Combine this. with increased postage and productions costs and you name, sail number Hind the size of your boat on the blank to Coast haye the bails for a'growing problem. In addition, we are receiving many Catamaran and you will be put on the mailing list and receive your· requests forcopies.of our.Hot Line from non.boat owning individuals who expanded Hot Line free of charge. ( subscription blank on Page 16 ) want to know what the whdle Hobie thing is all about. As the Hobie Cat The Editor fl Class Association is thelbrgest and most active one dexign sailing group of . -\7.,.0 4 5* '4. • 036,E. 036- 1/ 1 Fwi036 /141,.lf.•A 1\ i E- ,/.)A -- A.-r Kl_k// 4 FIE-lill-ifiejigilic/1-/Flifti1Ii illilliinitillilibiliEct --- /-2- ..../-4 .../..7-• -/0- HOTLINE PUBLICATIONS P. O. BOX 10278 Advertisement.,.·- SANTA ANA, CA. 92711 dill What's your bid for this Hobie Class Associatiod Director:. Keith Fuller 1 Cat Skillper? Hot Line Editor: . .Bob Joh,ison.. Advertising: .......... Bob Johnson, Lee Valverde • Certainly Alo, a Beverly Hillbilly when it comes to Caton,arcuBlue Wliter ra(ing. Buddy Eb£en might be Circulation:...............Mary Soderberg a bargoin al any p,ke when the- Cakutta BWding '1• starts. Subscription: $2.50 per year, $5.00 foreign and Can- -- and. Single copies 35c. V Change of Address: Allow four weeks notice. Please send old address when writing. To find our what Hoble and 12 top skippers '• • are worth, you Will have to be presdnt at,the , V,tiA#fR=• / Hot Line: Volume 2, NOmber 4, published monthly except Le Club International, Ft. Lauderdale. FlorIBaj ;.• 1• 1• 1• J• ., Noveniberand January. Filday May 11, Dinner and Calculta. , ,_,• • !Eit• '. Second Class Postage Pending at Santa Ana, Ca. 92711 M.9 The Hobie Cats Have Done It Again « 1• Advertising Deadline: 1st'of month preceding month of pu6,lication. Advertising Rates: Rates and mechanifal requirements , A multitude of history making Hobie activities will,take biace.ai· ttie Fleet 44/Gulf' Stream Sailing Club, Hobie Cat Championships,· May. 11-13, . forwarded on request. i . climaxed by the first Ocean Crossing Race of 60 miles ·of,Blue' Water . : fro'm Cat Cay to FL Lauderdale, by 12 Top Hoble,16• Skippers·and Hobie CREDITS THIS EDITION ·Hi• self. Photos: Page 12 &;1'3; H. Okamoto, Tokyo:Japaq Kazi Magazine. All Hobie Owners Are In*ited Page 14, Bill Am6erg, Sail Magazine. Join in ibe fun, "Buy a Piece'; of Hobie or ani, one of the idp• ':11:· Page 9-5-15, Keith Fuller. 68mpetitors at the Calcutta and participate in the Regular Hobie 14:16:: Back Cover, Ralph Linero. Regattal A.and B Fleet May 12-13 across the bay from Schraffts.inn Ft. Front Cover, Bob Johnson, Midwinters West a Laudetdi• . Guaymas, Mexico. For Full Information Contact , ,- Tom Wickenhauser Port Tack Sail Boats Features: Page 16, Ferro Fiberglass, Page 9, Hobie Sail- 1305) 523-0888 ing and Assembly Manual. Page 6 and 17, or Yacht Racing Magazine. .: . : 036,__ Le Club International (305) 563-5733 '... ./ de#6• . ,, *.lt '. Saturday, May 12th Le Club ilnternational 8:00 A.M.- 9:00 A.M. Flett Registration at beach across from Slates Ocean Crossing Regatta Schrafft's 9:00 A.M. Fleet Skippers Meeting at Schrafft's Inn and Charity Calcutta With Buddy Ebsen Co-host and Competitor 10: 00 A.M. Division I The First Annual Le Clul) International Invitational Fleet Race No. 1 Hobie Cat Championship Regatta. Cat Car in the Bahamas 12:00 Noon Division II to Ft. Lauderdale. Florida and Charity Calcutta. Fleet Race No. 2 2:00 P.M. May 10 and 13 is the date set for the festivities for the first Hobie Cat Fleet Race No. 3 16 Ocean Crossing Regatta sponsored by the exclusive Le Club Interna- 3:00 P.M. Pro Skippers to Cat Cay by Power Boat tional Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Coast Catamaran: Hobie Class Association Sunday, May 13th Fleet No. 441 Gulf Stream Sailing Club, Port Track Sailboata. 7:00 A.M. Division III Depart Cat Cay - ETA Ft. Much planning has gone into this affair and at this time this regatta Lauderdale is 11:OOA.M. tol:OOP.M, promises to be one of the highlights of the Fort Lauderdale winter season. 9:00 A.M. Fleet Skippers Meeting The championship is a four day fund raising Calcutta in conjunction with a 10:00 A. M. Fleet Race No. 4 ( Final Race) Gulf Stream Sailing Club Regatta, with all proceeds being donated to the 10:00 A.M.-On Coast Catamaran Beer Bust at Schrafft's US International Sailing Association, specifically to the Olympic Multi- 8:00 P.M. Awards Banquet hill Sailing Fund, Competing Skippers and Crews The climax to the invitational event will be an international race by Buddy Ebsen, Hobie Alter and eleven top Hobie Cat skippers and ex- The following Hobie 16' skippers were chosen by, Le Club perienced crews of more than sixty miles from Cat Cay, Bahamas to Ft, International, as competitors in the first Ocean Crossing Lauderdale using new Hobie 16's furnished by Coast Catamaran. This is Regatta: Pro Skippers guests of Schrafft's Inn..Ft. Lauderdale. the first ocean crossing via Hobie Cats, limited to the 18 unexcelled Hobie skippers chosen by Le Club International from all the Hobie 16 skippers Buddy Ebsen from throughout the U.S. and Caribbean and Hawaii. So. California Skippers selected for participation in the event by Le Club 1st place 1968 Multihull Trans Pacific 036 Yacht Race " Skipper Polynesian Concept International were picked for their extensive heavy water Hobie 16 sailing experience and record of wins. Wayne Schafer Many precautions have been put intc, effect tc, insure absolute safety Capistrano Beach, California for all cre 036·s,primarily each bc,at ·will be accompanied all of the way by a. 1st-So. California Skipper .1970, 1st-Mid-Winters West 1971; dth- personal "chase boat" manned by qualified skippers and crews. These World's Championships 1972 Honolulu, Hawaii bc,ats will be in radio contact and fitlly equipped fc,r any emergetic>·.
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