...-I , :92 -- ·M 4 A.lijwOBIE CAT r• r..... /A ..Ill.--/&'»-\ • A 1'«SK-f= \,1 1.h &- -U- n /1 j 4. .. --43. -= ..Tit'..•- . .../'• -. . - L-J ......

Clean Sweep For Hobies In PMA Championships

1 1 1 I

1 t 11 11* ., ..... 1 -, * li I ./ - ! 1 i 1 , · t ) 1 -_ 036_ 11/ f"


1- ,· 0420'· '· t. A«,*,• 4 - U• *

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* ' &&".-_1• -I. 73:T,& r,»-3*1/0/9//Ime:/5""W1/• *"..- 6,

..'0, SAFE BOATING SAI• N• 4• IS NO ACCIDENT• 1/1 .-• ---* ****A*

.;i:· Physical Fitness and Sailing a Hobie Cat

We have all experienced 'the Monday mdrning blues, back to . At a recent regatta a close competitor and close friend of the job or the housework, after an exhilarating ' fun-filled Jeff Canepa, Hobie 14 National Champion, made a classic weekend of sailing. Quite often,the.Blue Mon'day• ' feeling is remark, "I sail as well as Jeff does, I have the boat speed he accompanied by some quarterbacking; if you:had only turned has and quite often we are in close competition and I realize the boat thus or so, had you only taken the port tack away from that the difference is Jeff's physical condition. He is an athlete, th6'line, if you had only won that protest, etc'. %- Then to add to his strength and endurance beats me". We have seen Jeff in this mental anguish is a body of aches andpains, sore' hands action and agree that to compete effectivelly you must be in from pulling sheets, back and leg muscle.cramps and · aches, shape. every move is a constant reminder. ·'of·' the poor.' physical A brief word in behalf of that extra bit of strength and condition you find yourself in: But what to.do. about:it? Your stamina that it takes to win a Hobie.race.'How about those long desk job or general working.'conditions are.not toAdusive to reaches holding the back corner dowh, playing the main sheet maintaining a good sailing physical condition...You.just• cannot with one hand and the tiller.baE with the other. Do you run out seem to find the time to exercise and to keep in shape. .. of gas? Or on a hard beat to wind'Ward hanging out in the hiking • A breif word in behalf of that extra bit · of strength and. straps, gut muscles give·out?.Or out in the trapeze trying to stamina that it takes to win a,Hobie race. How about those long hold the whole thing down, .leg and back muscles ache and reaches holding the back corner down, playing the main sheet crannp? with one hand and the tiller bar with the other.' D(i you run out Lets make time to exercis 254,after all to come home after a pf g,s? Or on a hard beat to windward hanging out in the hiking racing Hobie weekend, feeling good physically, for the next , strpps, gut muscles give out? Or out in the trapeze trying to Monday Morning certainly'wpuld be worth the effort required =hold the whole thing'down, leg and back· muscles ache and :cr»p? --fC«ntinued on Page 17 2 # I ./.. #:Ar ·.' .....-='...;: 036 45• ...:*:6.....'.*.A:'.i.· '. ': 23.-.. 2_ L&/t'... Hobie 14' s and 16' s Sweep the 8*h ./ 7 Annual Pacific Mu/fihu// Championships / f '1'he hydrodynamically and aerodynamically superior design of the fast Hobie Cats was again proven at the World . ;L Championships and Time Trials held at Cabrillo Beach, California August 17-18-19. The competition consisted of gigantic international C and D #. 65 class , Toronados, Alphas, Sol Cats and a number of one of a kind prototypes some with hydrofoils. : Stock Hobies, 3-14's and 3-16's were weighed, measured and ....., .. given a rating that is figured against all of the fleets of 46 ...... --'...... i . contestants to arrive at an equitable rating. In spite of the . . -- 71.4-*.: 4,3. Tz -4-012- & '- A. - . .. 1 handicap ratings, the Hobies also placed high by elapsed·time in all competition. ·- " 042Ir"-S-··-• :w:--_· -I _ PE --. 042d ,*i - ,- - ./- 1 The Hobies made a clean sweep of the Time Trials as well as :---, -i - . -- .5..54 ., 1• 124. .. z -: - .- %-: ---* ....3.• .: around the buoys regatta. - . - -t==-- - -/ 042 I - - -" .·t: .."1'.3/q ,··_·-- - 6 ·· ···· - *· ·-1_- ..f -1' :14 --2 1: tp -- :469".m.i Jeff Canepas Little Hobie 14 surrounded by some of the largest most This is the third year in a row that the Hobie 14 and 16 have sophisticated sailing machines afloat. In spite of the size and appearance of the made a clean sweep at this annual event. Having performed of the competition the Hobie 14's and 16's bold their own. with a maximum speed of 25.9 for a and 23.2 for a 14 in 1971, to place first and second in both the Time Trails and the r ..D Regatta. -A6BIIE CAT The Hobies returned again in 1972 for a clean sweep of the competition only to be disqualified by a technicality. After jumping through what we thought were all of the hoops, inadvertently someone forgot to renew the dues to the Pacific Multihull Association; no dues, no trophy. , .V,.-/-, 036.-b-A-49-.I =£illm .*K: : . 1973 HOTLINE PUBLICATIONS ,8th ANNUAL WORLD'S MULTIHULL P. O. BOX 10278 CHAMPIONSHIP & SPEED TRIALS SANTA ANA. CA. 9271 r CABRILLO BEACH, CALIFORNIA Class Association Directors: West ...... Kevin Summerell Again a USA West Coast attempt was made to claim the South ...... ·.....Rich Reed coveted John Player Speed Record in Midwest & East ...... Bill Pankhurst conjunction with the 8th Annual Worlds Multihull Championship August 17-18-19 at Hurricane Gulch, San Pedro Hot Line Editor: ...... Bob Johnson Harbor, California. Advertising: ...... , . . . Peggy Swank The Player, ( British Tobacco Manufacturer ) award is a 500 Circulation: ....' " ' 0 ..Mary Soderberg 1b sterling cash award put up each year for the sailing vessel of Subscription: $2.50 per year, 55.00 foreign and Can- any size, shape or design that can exceed the existing record by ada. Single copies 35c. 2%. Change of Address: Allow four weeks notice. Please The West Coast of the U.S. claims an aggressive compe- send old address when writing. titive group of Multihull enthusiasts, The Pacific Multihull Hot Line: Volume 2, Number 4, published monthly except Association, that approach this annual event with November and January. enthusiasm and expertise. The Committee consists of: Alex Second Class Postage Pending at Santa Ana. Ca. 92711 Kozloff Commodre; ratings, Norm Riise, measurement, Rick Advertising Deadline: 1st of month preceding month 9f Continued on Page 14 publication. Advertising Rates: Rat6s and mechanical requirements A forwarded on request. INDEX

CREDITS ( P - 2 Physical Fittness and I Sailing a Hobie Cat P - 2 Physical Fittness Arthur Ellison MD & Sail Magazine P - 3 Pacific Multihull Championships

P - 22 Poem Hobie Skipper Christopher Straub - Palo Alto, Calif. P -4-5-6-7 Hobie 14 Nationals

PHOTOS . • P -8-9-10·11 Hobie 16 Nationals

Page 23 Insurance Ad Photo John Dean Enterprizes Cover Photo:. The 13 Divisional Championships are now complete, the 4 area championships are now in progress, the top Hobie skippers in the country have Cover and Remaining Photos Bob Johnson survired many Regattas to come through ready for the Nationals in October. Hoble 14 skipper will qualify as National Champion to To on to the 1973 Worlds Championship in Tahiti in early summer 1974. Bob Johnson Photo I.-73tlp..1.'...., ... 036: ..., . / / ...9.h .»"f..S..i..."i*• 92..j• .... 1• /A67/.4as Ill.....%--»'•'4/4*filit:<406461*·6 «**=•··9.·· :-•Nationals Lake Tlils,ig your Last Chance to Join the Fun 9 ),Ai·t i.j• :.3:9'...... : • .... ./'....'.... accompanying page.) The savings in accommodations, food and S• Hdble Cat 14 Nationals transportation made possible by this plan makes it well worth r.,·4':tt.-1,• ·· investigating. ( See order blank page for further details.) '. ····Eft,Tlle growing popularity of Hoble lake sailing will be proven this year ....::" r The 1973 Hobie 14 Nationals promise to be the most popular ever and ;,ti,the' .1978 Hobie: Cat 14 Nationals. Final plans are complete for this ''. »ular event to be held in the center of the California/Arizona desert, site the first one within driving distance of the large "Hobie population" on lof the historical London Bridge. This lake is created by the Colorado River the West Coast and many skippers who have never attended a Nationals are planning for this one. Reservations should be made early if.you are ditin at Parker, Arizona, and extends over 45 miles in length and is 3 miles ·e·Z'ie planning to attend. wjqe at the Lake Havasu City location. The water is deep blue, with many Your hosts and co-sponsors for the 1973 Nationals will be The ft 254ebeaches, quiet coves and inlets, and affords excellent swimming and McCulloch Corporation, headed by Hobie-owner Robert McCulloch Jr., • d-ating the year round. The lake offers superb sailing from early spring to. regatta chairman, The Lawrence Laurie Agency, Lake Havasu Yacht Club, Idle fall with winds generally out of the north at j to 20 mph daiJy. Winnebago Motor Homes, Lake Havasu Chamber of Commerce and, of October 8 through 7 this year has been set aside by McCulloch Ccirp course, Coast . as the time for the dedication of the famed and historical London Bridge., Lake Havasu has been the scene of an annual Catamaraii Regatta The bridge was dismantled and shipped stone-by-stone to Lake Havasu every spring for the past 10 years, hosting some 235 catamarans early this and authentically re-built to link the Arizona shore with the island, where year. The Lake Havasu Yacht Club Regatta Committee, under the all the action of the 1973 14' Nationals will take place. direction of Dave Shay, regatta chairman ( a vachtsman of extensive A quaint old English village, complete with red phone booths, double- experience and an Americas Cup defending skipper), and Jess Underhill. decker London bus and London taxi service, offers excellent dining, communications and administration, offers professional assistance in entertainment and gift shops. An area under the first span of the bridge has conducting regattas on this beautiful lake. been prepared for dancing and outdoor entertainment: The natural You would be well advised to make an early application for this event amphitheater formed by the span echoes the sound of rock and dance as a capacity regatta is expected-see Reservations Forms, Pages 21 and 22. bands. The dedication of the London Bridge will be kicked-off by the A form has been furnished for those requiring rental boats ( see Page 23 ), Hobie 14 Nationals and will include many excit.idg events. If skippers are due to tr:insportation costs, a limited number will be available. Use the planning to stay over to take in the bridge dedication, they sh• ,uld so reservation forms in the accompanying section of your Hot Line and mall indicate when making reservations. today! 042SE- An attractive part of this year' s Nationals will be the availability of a Flash' You Will Never Winnebago Brave motor home for transportation and aca,mmodations Be Without6 Beer Because You from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Lake Havasu and return. taking in all of the Will Never Be Without Schhtz - many sights along the way. ( See the recreational map of the area on ait Courtesy Schhtz Brew,ng Co

14 Nationals Boat Reservations Close September 26

Hobie Catamaran Nationals Boat Reservation Form Lake Havasu, Arizona October 3-7,

I wjsh to reserve a Hobje Cat 14' for the 1973 Nationals.

Enclosed find my non-refundable deposit check for $100.00 made payable to Coast Catamaran.


Address: -

City/State 7ip


Business Address:

Business Phone:

Please mail to: Coast Catamaran Only A Limited Number of Rental 2026 McGaw Avenue Hobie 14's Will Be Avaialble, So Irvine, California 92705 Get Your Reservations in Early

'= 4 HavasuArizona October)t07

55< , ., 4, 1 1 r -• &6• 1- • 4• • • 9- -J:r• t -49 .=--- i-- -r.-,• - • t_ "_1 9• ,' -- * -- - - i:. - 1------• -1, 6,9, . , - 71 ---I '11'• til /1 r- - .1 I '1-. --= ti -

t=rs--/-.A.-1 1- 11-L:f'.-,97-46*,Ii f.1,1. *Liti:,3-,Aa 1 4 L , 042I'-,· 042 * 042, -S .:ez--. P 25432<:tE=*• 042lm L _4. -M C- - 036 '7• - , V LJ 4-: 10 --6-1 • ". --• ------7-- ,1 Illp• • 401* 4 1 -- 7 '_.1- -- , : - 1----1-• >--- - -1-, • .49& • • -• _-_ _ fl . . .----.-a'.==12 • 72• 3,5 --1 r.72 - ls.41 --- •- -11 -,- 7 -f*1 • -1 -- r 7 i• r i , 036 -- /-1...I: --I.- 1 • -1--I- - ..iN·---- . Ru..-15-:*,_ ..LE-1 2-,«.2-,- --6-- -Illllmi -z_13' - .i•

The Nautical Inn, Lake Havasu, Arizona is the site of a Catamaran gathering The lawn in front of the Hotel is a popular gathering place, here a skippers each year. This is just a part of the 230 Boat Fleet this spring. meeting is in progress, officiated 6y the Lake Havasu Yacht Club, Dave Shay Race Chairman. Bill Jones, Scoring.

Lake Havasu, Site of Many Exciting Hobie Regattas

Many sites were considered for this years London Bridge filled the bill perfectly. Hobie 14 Nationals. The first requirement was We are proud to be a part of the planned a West Coast location, as the Hobie 16 celebration honoring the Second Anniversary of Nationals were planned for the East Coast. the dedication of this historical landmark. Next, was the need for a warm climate and water in early October and an area offering a The colorful 1973 Hobie National Regatta will sufficieilt history of wind conditions for the be the opening event of the week long period in question. celebration and promises to make an exciting addition to the National activities for Hobie Lake Havasu, home of the famous historical Skippers and families.

Motel reservation form for Lake Havasu City:

Average rates, Lake Havasu Motels: Single room $12.00, Double room $18.00

1·plan to arrive in Lake Havasu City

I plan to depart Lake Havasu City




TELEPHONE: Write To: Please find check enclosed $ payable to: Lake Havasu City Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 707 The Nautical Inn is filled, you will be placed in near by motels. Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403

5 , Deadline September I 5*h Make Youir it·Winnebago • 116*or Home Reservaitions Now, 40.4 I ' i#• • '04-2 Accommodation information

Nob#e 141 PJa##ona#s October 2-7, 18749

PLEASE COMPLETE THE'REOUIRED FORM AND FORWARD EARLY TO INSURE ACCOMMODATIONS. ; · S=. • L-- . I would like to reserve a WInnebago "Brave" Motor Home to be picked up in Las Vegas V k .11.-1 on gnrl returned I '. I ./mil. It .3.1 - : ..ill .

Name:. LM./*91,-i...B•


City Rt:qtA 7ip Phone·

Attached is my deposit of $200.00 which is non-refundable after September 1, 1973.

I plan to arrive in Las veoRci

I plan to depart Las,Vegas

Winnebago Motor Homes Corporation, P.O. Box 152, Forrest City, Iowa 50436 Lake Havasu Motel Reservation form on reverse side.

r f • .1- 1• --, Crazy Horse Camp Ground Special Package: I. : * ,-.5., 036*5: 1 - ,• ,n

5 nights at $4.00 each; 6th night free of charge. Tour the Lake Meade, Boulder Dam, Colorado River Recreation Area and "-= * save on air fares from Las Vegas to Lake Havasu and return. Save on motel rentals, and focid 66sts. + 1 I


$250.00 Winnebago Rental 20.00 Camp Ground Fee 270.00 Total cost for 6 people, An• ntique Double Deck Lon- don Bus will make scheduled 44.00 Less air fare Phoenix Arizona to Lake Havasu & return runs between Crazy Horse 226.00 $37.67 per person or $6.28 per day Camp Ground and the Nauti- per person plus gas, oil and mileage ($75.34 per couple for the week) cal Inn, Race Headquarters. *8• #Re--OO@[lf'.adedoe3 r 1 I• :09% 1- -- B.as Vegas, AVer,ada to 475 ESCONDIOO 95 *0 1t BRAWLEY it \ .... i 68/ .- 0 SAN 80 8 GILA BEND NN • C, DIEGO EL CENTRO- 1t --- WMA MEX 1• :0 ---»-• -- TUCSON -1»• ..• '• -· -%*, 9 \

FOR DIRECTIONAL USE ONLY- NOT TO EXACT SCALE . Highway Distances: Los Angeles, 314 Miles, Phoenix, 198 Miles; Las Vegas, 150 Miles J.>. •/ MOJAVE COUNTY z 042ds.CAY A - - MUSEUki oF ;79 1 036fJ \ _3- L.7• w )4 TIer- KINGMAN '-- t - J HISTORYAND Ams lill• 21,• • RM *%- --1< 1 • 1 - St"'"s 1,425A 10M I. -,..t 036,3.1,-'..71• 11,11 t»0 :,• b--4.7 -*Y- ..&--1 -'J * F/$98. k -Itjt• • *• . 7/*,1 . r. t. 1.i,• 4/ ffhri_• ,• d: 2,000 YEARS of HISToRY <• , ..1 IS ONVIEW HERE WHERE ENGLANO• < 9.AE#, FABLEO LONDO N BRIOBE IS AUTHENTICALLY REAGGEMBLED < ='WASU OVER A MILE-LONa SCENIC WATERWA¥• AT LAKE HAVAsu CrTy... THE WESTERN \ a -40--:.6."El :• m COMMUNNY WITH AN HISTORIC MONUMENT AND MEMORABLE FUN 94 -54• 11 . I A... foR vISITORS oF ALL Aae61 *A .- .._ -339.• .%. W#.*-6 _ -ic-67 1 C.'. t.» -8"III .' BILLION aALL-ONS FRESH WATER OMLY CARRMO ...1 5. 7##R TO TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA , -4.t 4, RIVE 8:=N'. .@

EARP- -NAMED _,1- 11 *fl• -0--. * , - -AFTER - 44• 4 --- 1 1 j'li--:• • Zi• 23 =r P• "*ER 11 & Wart-> -L• 93 '.fe, . 1115111(> ,-. • '• em• r· C= 0'P %-&*Ill -Pr.4 To wKILER•--- --r--- -* 441 /**k--_ _ ...3/A-

Hoble Cat 16 Nationals Florida would not be complete without a stop-over at the famous Disney The Hobie Cat Class Association has put it together on this one! As World near Tampa. ii now stands, the competing skippers and crews will be able to to Key Biscayne is blessed with plenty of sun, warm, clear water and a Florida round trip, participate in the Nationals and join in a 8 day cruise to dependable tradewind that assures good sailing conditions for this event Naisau-all for a package price that will make staying at home seem which is co-sponsored by National Air Lines. National Air.Line Logo will expensive by comparison! be affixed to all furnished Hoble 16's. National will be furnishing, Key Biscayne, an island ciff of the southern tip of Florida, is the complimentary personalized accessories for the contestants and, of course, location of the Florida White House and is a popular winter "sun spot" for Coast Catamaran is going all out to insure. an enjoyable trip for every those who can affort it. Our friend in the travel industry, Pat Hogan, and skipper and his family. The Neptune Yacht Club of Miami Beach has Studio City Travel have brought together a package for this tour that can offered the services of their members' yachts. These are large beautiful give the best in accommodations at the Royal Biscayne Hotel and Racquet vessels and we certainly appreciate their offer Club. For a slight additional charge, a 8-day/2-night cruise to Nassau on the Historically speaking, Key Biscayne is a gem. One should hike down motor vessel Freeport II is available after the regatta for those who would the 1 Y miles of unspoiled beach through New Cape Florida State Park. To like to enjoy fabulous Nassau. Nassau boasts a unique International flavor, see Cape Florida Light House ( newly restored ) is a dramatic reminder of exciting casinos, glamorous night clubs and a jet-set atmosphere laced with young America, shipwrecks, pirates and savage Indian wars. Over 30,000 the elegance of British tradition and romantic Bahamian charm. You can palm trees line the streets in the area of the Key, which was once a great shop on Bay Street, where delightful duty-free bargains are to be found coconut plantation. Entering the island over the Rickenbacker Causeway, from every part of the globe. This will be the highlight of the 1978 Hobie you pass through Crandon Park, one of the country's finest, offering a 16 Nationals for those fortunate enough to be able to spend the extra 8 vast oceanside beach with over 600 acres of beautiful shade trees and lawn, days. Plan now to take the time to enjoy this wonderful 16 Nationals the famous Crandon Zoo with its outstanding collection of wild animals package. Also, for an unheard-of low fee, the package will include a rental and birds, a roller skating arena and a train ride through a Jungle of tropical automobile to use while you are in the Key Biscayne-Miami area. Please gardens, see Page 17 for reservation forms. 50 Near-by Miami offers all of the sights and sounds of the fabulous Flash f You Will Never. Florida gold coast. Included is the Miami Seaquarium where sea life bf all Be Wfthout Beer Because You varieties perform seeiningly impossible feats; and, of course, a trip to Will Never Be Without Schlitz Courtesy Schlitz Brewing Co. 16 Nationals Boat Reservations Close October 10

Hobie Catamaran Nationals Boat Reservation Form Key Biscayne, Florida October 17-22

I wish to reserve a Hobie Cat 16' for the.1973 Nationals. * Enclosed find my non-refundable deposit check for $100.00 made payable to Coast Catamaran.



City/State 7ip


Business Address:

Business Phone:.

Please mail to: Coast Catamaran Only A Few Rental Boats Remain 2026 McGaw Avenue Reserve your Hobie 16 Today Irvine, California 92705

8 Biscayne Fla. October 17 #02 1 . 11 - - .9 ,- ' , , ,·.. 042rf ,... - 042'.t.'-,.. 036a. .''1 ; 1 ·"" ' t ·-4 -I· 1··e t.,- , 2' it. 1 4 A 1£ 9.5• . 4..• ] ; . •, r \ ': 1 3,-,# 21,- 4: - 1/. 1** 042e.#,1 *5.21..i , ti ' • »*'1 - ti M i " 036 \ 1 i'13-t, 1.:tp,21. . 7/ I - %.1. • - I ' I. e 042 » .: 1, , 84 ..· "• ti'• I . i - -. k ·4., f'·,-- .. F' 1- 4 4- * - 1. ts- r '. 1. .k 1 r L - 1- - - Key Biscayne Beach Hotel ming and sociability over informal cocktails and lunch. Hoble sailing along the Key Biscayne coast. Deep-sea fishing in some of the world's greatest Fun in the sun: tennis on 10 cushion-surface courts (4-lighted for night play) game-fishing waters. Bicycling. A visit to the Caranclon Park Zoo and the Championship golf on the famous Key Biscayne course, five minutes away. Miami Seaquarium. Seeing the speedboat races at the famous Marine Miles of wild beach to stroll on leading to historic Cape Florida Lighthouse on Stadium. The list of diversions goes on and on. Plenty to do and see after a the island's southern tip. Two seaside fresh-Water pools for sunning, swim- busy day of racing during the 16 Nationals. Sign on this once in a lifetime excursion today and enjoy the warm and balmy October weather of the country's most desirable sun and sea resort, Key Biscayne, Florida.

The Freeport II 3 Day and 2 Night Cruise to Nassau

An Exciting Hobie Jet Set Ocean Cruise Space is Limited Make Your Cruise Reservations Now An ocean full of fun. Give yourself the treat of a lifetime . three fabu- ---«El' 2-1-0• • 8)*bil-/.--'I *. lous days and two glorious nights filled with all the glamour and r-4 . excitement, elegant wining and dining, that only a vacation afloat can *i -,f,- - .1/' 1 . offer you. Plus the charm of our cabin accommodations. The fun never T - .• ' ,• ..,- -· -, ·.' 036•-*'.. ,• r- sets aboard the st/s Freeport II . , it's a floating palace of a thousand ..c .' r'" 1,,fri ,- , - F + delights, 24 hours a day. As she glides through gentle waters, you can -1 -- - - , - _ ..til' 1 &,1 i You'll· , 14- A- + A ' set your own relaxed style. Join in the pool-side antics, sightseeing ashore, 1*1't'.45 ,* , ..' marvel shuffleboard, skeetshooting, exciting casino action . . .or just rest ; -- 1.1 1 1 0' ' - 174·11 ; #S; _. 11 at ihe qitietly in the sun and sea air. Swing in the Dolphin Lounge . . -- «, - • , 1 St ,;1:1, »'•f' .• : ''t- ....;r.'- delectable enjoy all the glamour of an intimate late night spot in the__ -- j •, •• . _• ,- r dining'11 l *it New Orleans Lounge... sip the most enjoyable =«· aboard the drinks you've ever tasted... dance the I.. - . ' .' 14/ 042tlr- - . ., - wee small hours away . . . make --1-=-f:".,1 '4 1 ;,,I '/fi-,• " '" I '- -7. / . - Fine foodl friends with happy holiday people · ._r·i,(r , '.-. - makes a happy like yourselves! .4*.--1 ... sallor . . . and - s/s Freeport II- ./ 1.7 .''St• . • . . • -• - · , -« offers some of A//7 ' ighr - ; i 7 5 ' . ...«L. 1 ' · ' the finest afloat! The '3* 14 ...... , fabulous buffets ard -=-=-- a feast for the eyes as well as a treat for the itinerary• t r palate! Start the day . .., , ....1 .... right with the Breakfast 3 DAY 2 NIGHT CRUISE TO NASSAU Banquet Buffet ···d Lv: Miami. . . . Sunday, . . · 4:45 PM tempting array of tropical fruits and juices, eggs just the way you like them, '. Arr: Nassau. . . Monday,· . 8:00 AM succulent kippers and meats and much more. And the world-famous Lv: Nassau . . Tuesday,. . 12:30 AM Bahamas Buffet presents a feast that includes many hot gourmet dishes' Arr: Miami . . . Tuesday,. . . 1:30 PM plus the magnificent "Steamship Round of Beef," carved to your wishes. 9 •,9. Act Today, Nationals TpurSpace is Limited I 1 1 3: 0, Tour Reservation information K..."·. Hobie 16 Nationals, October 17-21,1973 Key Biscayne, Florida, Royal Bisca*ne Hotel 4 ...... -....ROYAL BIGGAYWE 036..-- Every effort has been made this year to make your 16 Nationals the best yet and more exciting than ever before. Patrick Hogan of Studio City Travel has put together three plans for the Hobie Cat Class Associa- tion that will save Hobie Skippers, crew and families money and guarantee everyone a super time in Sun- ny Florida. Just select the plan below that suits your particular situation the best, complete the attached registration form, cut out or duplicate and keep your Hotline intact, and forward with full payment to Stu- 'dio Travel. This package is limited; first come first served. Return today.

Three Exciting Ways to Go

Package # 1 Package # 2 Package #3 7 days round trip from Los Angeles, in- cluding a Nassau cruise. Here is the ulti- mate in a Hoble tour package. National 5 days in Florida for the Nationals. If Key Biscayne Beach Hotel Special, ar- Air Lines flight from Los Angeles to You can only spare 5 days from your range your own transportation. This pack- Miami, 5 nights at the Royal Biscayne busy schedule, here is a savings package. age is for the driver or the short air hop Beach Hotel, ( does not include meals ) You cannot afford to pass up. National skipper. 5 nights at the Royal Biscayne 3 days 2 nights cruise on the Freeport Air Lines jet from Los Angeles. 5 nights Beach Hotel, starting October 16 through 11 to Nassau including food. All transpor- at the Royal Biscayne Beach Hotel. All the 21st. Let Studio City Travel arrange tation and taxes. Leaves Los Angeles traosportation and taxes. Book now for the best air connections and rates from Tuesday, October 16 at 9:00 A.M., re- this budget package. Leaves October 16; your home at no extra charge. turns October 23. at 9:00 A.M.: returns October 21st.

00 per person • 320°° per person $300 42 50 per person Double Occupancy Double Occupancy Double Occupancy


Dear Pat: Sign us up for Hobie 16 Nationals tour package # for persons.

Enclosed please find $ to cover full amount for the following persons:





If selecting package # 3 Please arrange air tickets for us FROM

We do not need air tickets

A money saving 6 day auto rental package is available with the above tours.

Auto Package # 1 $60.00 6 days including 250 miles free, Pinto, Vega, Gremlin.

Auto Package # 2 $100.00 6 days including 250 miles free, station wagon.

I wish to reserve an auto: Auto Package Desired:

Please make all checks payable to: Studio City Travel 12192 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, Calif. 91604 For additional information please phone Pat Hogan, 213/766-3100. Key Biscayne Florida Royal Biscayne Hotel

11*4*3**· t. *i-7 · X,- ' -4 ' ' MIAMI lur ''3£*1"f#ZA,LF, i:'=. ' -*S' ...... ,0 402.0 * BEACH .'.1 1 4179.1-, - C - ...7.- .....- -• .4 ep s 9 0/FVWirML . 4:' ' ' :' 4 ,• *· 2 4 1 1 , 11=... IP ., b ..al 0 "L' 21 t' "t,W ' 1 . 41 1 '' **'El 042C-'411.0* 4 12. '' 4 0 4 ...: =*1 S.W. 25th ST 41 EXIT i 1 5 i CORALWAY e. 1 8 »i•'1' t''Il •i 40• 4 56 + 4 ;54*At# 13 '• 43-4 - .m,la.. 4 '. .. 1 -VP.,..* • 4':1,4,-• .- 4«= -I./26/W•U..'.1*'- • '• .2'1., KEY 1 Illillvi,0'" BISCAYNE 8AY BISCAYNE • //'L , . 0420' .. - ' - 0420=* .." .- KEY POINTS OF INTEREST I .-1 1 - Presidential Compound '.9; I. {al 2 - Cape Florida State Park and Lighthouse 13' 3 - Key Biscayne Bank and Chamber of Ccinmerce 4 - Key Biscayne Hotel 5 - Key Biscayne Beach Club 1.,1 6 - Royal Biscayne Hotel ( Hobie Headquarters) 7 - Silver Sands Motel 8 - Sonesta Beach Hotel 9 - Quality Motel Key Biscayne 10 - Crandon Park Motel 11 - Key Colony Motel (F, 12 - Golf Course 23 1 13 - 3 Shopping Centers 14 - Catholic Church -3 15 - Presbyterian Church Illi 16-Community Church 171 17 - Medical Center --,19"1 . 113 18 - Post Office .LL. II,- 1. -,12 1 19 - Key Biscayne Yacht Club ,1· If) 20 - Key Biscayne Elementary School ;El ':, i: . '11 4 21 - County Fire Station t:, 22 - Calusa Park ''#13-• ii ' 23 - Crandon Park Recreational Area 7., Rj 24 - Crandon Park Marina '25 - Crandon Park Zoo 26 - Golf Course 27 - Federal, Bureau.of Fisheries 28 - Environmental Sciehce Service Administration 29 - University of Miami Institute of Oceanography 1 1.-2.,/1 30 - Seaquarium .:.f': '*.,IUM: 31 - Marine Stadium 32 - St. Christophers Church .1 - 036 33 - Cove Motel 4* "*i 11 • 973 8·th Annual Pacific Multihull Time Trials m 9 I '1 1 i l. 1\ t. 1, + .1.73 1** . .• '- - 3 f.- _i 55 i. .lid i 41... -L.Ir *m -.-. *i. - .*49, - 27/ 1 ,= 1. * - -,5:'... /-4/6,4:642/166-,..2 r.. •1 /...... 1 1 I. %464 *.-.'. Ul- /1.*rl*i.• . 4 .--7.-,f . 9-122 M• #r)*k't<"1• '• '• • • 4 036*.-,-:'.,•.....1 • •• . lail• .*'.1/1/ - 0 ...... I--/il./"14//2/0/ *'.-'' :1 I• .1. t-1-_-• , i--:-• -' -4122. 1• t;• ,3'02Z"'i-_.= 5• 3 -_ 23* _.1=*;liz-F»=El...... i .· 1·e':• *·-1· •1 . 1*Oq' 036 2 '.4 7• 42: 3 ) fli' - 1 * * 1 2 1 * :,t 1 1 Si i 'ti il , 8 1 5 1 '... 9, •imi.-,4 t i 9 .{ 4 2 1 1... '2.5 ft 1 + 1 i lil' ...j-/ . i:...... , 1 ./ 51 - 1 1 1 \.· f • • 1' 4 u, . ---t,4 - . 036-/, ..,..=...1=99=.=., '...&...."/ r.im...... -...T.,=--.---'• ---*****=a-=...T..4 :. ....':U.i9 036t7....al• -=---• :"·" # #/Pr• • 'FE • .4::-di -C.:• i.,· ·. .• '• . .• ·.. :-• .: , ·····.:- :·.·:·« 036s..,-...21 • ·:r.:1 ..'2• i... - 4..:...... A....'· f...': ·: ".'1 ..4%..'. • ....·.*···'• L,-·.:, 042,1--- . .. ..i -·• 44• •-/.* i -- I-,·-·.--··----I --

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The Hobie team consisted of 34 Hoble 165 and 3 Hobie 14s and were pitted against Skipper. Next row: Jeff Canepa, National 14 Champion. Don Ohmons was top the Big Guns on the opposite page - Upper left: Wayne Schafer 1971 Hobie 14 Top efficienty boat. Randy Hatfield in a 14 trapeze. Bottom row: John Ross - Duggan Finisher. Worlds Champion Richard Loufek proving that he can also sail Hobie Jr. going through the timed run. The Editor was drafted to complete the last 16. Bob Seaman a relatively New Hobie owner has proven his ability as Hobie race with the Hatfield boat. Richard Loufek going to weather.

13 PMA Multihull Continued From Page-3. Taylor; entries,. John Conser. All top qualified Multihull 0 . skippers in their own right. The 1973 event started with the Time Trials on August 17, an A New Protection for overcast morning with a later clearing and a delayed wind. The first run through by the 36 entries of the 500 meter distance was Hoble Hulls and Anodized Aluminum made in winds of 5 to 10 knots. The exact distance is calibrated Why ARMORALL with GT-10 is idoal for boats electronically by Mini Ranger Radar. Midway through the Armorall protects vinyl, fiberglass, rubber, plexiglass, and other mater- second run through, the north westerlies freshened to a varying IMs on your boat from the sun, salt water,and ozone of the marine en- 12 to 20 knots giving the best times. The top efficiency rating of vironment. Life of thase.materials is extended many times, and Armorall gives the day was won by a stock Hobie 16 skippered by Don 01tmans them striking new beauty. of Fleet 57, Marina del Rey, California with an *efficiency Vinyl cabin interiors are protected. by Armorall's touch, smooth, pro- factor of 2.18; Second place was a Toronado with an efficiency tective shield from hardening, discoloring, and cracking from sunlight and heat. factor of 1.96; Third was a Hobie 14 with 1.7 times wind speed: . Armorall makes urethane varnisli:.(and acrylic lacquer) finishes look Fourth and Fifth were experimental models with a factor of 1.6 theit best and protects them too. On'chromed metal. anodized aluminum. or and 1.5 followed by two Hobie 16's for Sixth and Seyenth at lacquered brass it forms a barrier, agairist corrosion and keeps them bright about 1.4 factor. aind shipshape. *Efficiency Factor-Boat speed/speed x P.M.A. rating x Armorall is so easy to. use,that 'it's fun! It is harmless to fabrics and wind velocity correction factor. most all dther materials: It • makes paint, metals. and chrome shine. We guarantee that you will be amazed and delighted when you protect and 1n the overall boat speea category, the beautiful D Class Cat beautify your boat with Armorall. Beowolf V Skippered by Steve Dashew came through.with' 18.05 knots in 18 knots of wind followed by the graceful C-Class Wing, Send -$2.98 plus $1.00 for postage. insurance and handling to skippered by P.0'Driscall with 18 knots in 13 knots of wind. Hobie Cat Class Association Third was a Hobie 16 with 17.6 knots in 11 knots of wind, fourth an - experimental combination of single hull with ahmas P.O. Box 12078 Santa Ana, Calif. 92711 outriding skiis and hydrofoil that resembled a mosquito on top of the water. Second run met with disaster when the whole • thing came unglued, at speed, actually exploding spraying parts and skipper Shutt over the course. Shutt came back for Hot Line Subscription Blank the fourth run, reglued for his best run of 17.05 knots in 12 knots of wind. Two Hobie 16's took fifth and sixth with 16.8 & 16.4 IF YOU RECEIVE THE HOT LINE. DO NOT RETURN THIS AD. knots in 14 and 13 knots of wind. The top run made by a fleet of Sol Cats was 16.60 knots in 20 knots of wild to place seventh. Name Continued on Page-18 '·' Address ..• • City·· State Zip HOBIE SUPER TRAVELER lam a Hobie Owner, please put my name The only no Binding Hinge Action traveler -m on the list for a free subscription -to the ------. 03651·Hot'Line. ' on the Market. Includes All -iR• - Installation, Hardware 012 014 016 -7*1&-$=r__ I. • 11.-«i Guaranteed One Year Sail No. Against Mechanical ,--- i--- - '- - : Defects z Hull No. Positive 042 Movement Regardless of Laterol Load Direction fleet No. 4 042inch Delrim Slide Guarantees "Slipperg Movement" Color 042 Coded trimming Line 10' Long i .r., '1 do not belong to a fleet and wish information Sheet 042 in From any Position on the Boat t,·1., LI aboul Fleet Activities in my area. Heavy 042 Aluminum Cam Cleat Mounting Plate *f ,+Ii Swivel 042 Adiustable Cam, Cam Cleat r-·i' 1 Ido not own a Hobie Cat but would like to »«-1-/33, Low 042profile stainless steel Hinge --41 3.3 0421/.7./:« 5 U feceive the Hot Line. Enclosed is $2.50 for 1 2 042to 1 Mechanical Advantage 442 /r 036 036:-./.1'-Lf-»Z-frs- tr /-3.- , years subscription of 10 issues. .-IS /0:// -• / -- »• s.. 1 r-1·. l wish.to, purchase a subscription for a friend. />-- · ,· - Z/-- /'..*... .:44....En#16#e-d is·$2.50, 76-4 -- =f:f -.4-::6 6-''i,Narn'e·"·.· 4.'f':'.· i.·;:.L.,6' ';.· . 042 .· · · . ·. · ·· · · 042· "Ice -7,«Lift,w<3..«A,=,•- .-,lit'**rf IS. • 40°° =rt>=...,. - Addrevq. . , .- .. ... I Shipping pre paid p• LHAA .1 .n § City State -Zip .EfF See your Hobie Dealer or Write Today AE_ HOM CAT Sailing Systems Associates CLASS ASSOCIATION " P. 0. Box 10278 Santa Ana, Calif. 92711 Silicam or Danburg Conn. 06810 .--1 : 14 Division 6 Championships POSI- rOTAL.'.I 11.21 3%!!i BOAT KRE SAIL# · - 1 2 '3 ·· r01\TS Lake Charles, L6uisana 16. D. South 4870 64 3/4 1. Schafer llcble Cat 315 3 3 1 ·12 17. G. Broussard 1201 66 2. Sewn/n 11oble Cat 13 5 3 5 13 .. 18. R. Nute 4583 67 3, Canepa liobic Cat' 333 3/4 7 9 13 3/4 19. W. Chiles 1. Ilior Alpha Cat 27 7 1 3 14 Hobie 14 661 79 S. Oltmans Ilobie Cat 1819 6 11 3/4 17 3/4 20. D. O'Day 3330 83 6. ilatfield Iloble m. 378 1 6 8- 18 In S. 'iRET 5313 8a 7. Loufek Ilobie {klt 5283 2 2 18 32 A FLEET 22. B. Oswald 8. Boyd Sol Cat. 98 8 10 IS POSI- TOTAL 618 93 9, Rolind Cyrano 52 23 3/4 1 25 3/4 23. It. Seybold 3835 95 10· letter Firebird 1-1 11 8 10 29 TION NAME SAIL# POINTS 11. 0'keefe, unicorn 316 17 9935 12. Christian Sol Cit 72 12 12 11 35 1. D. Blocker tiOBIE CAT 14 13. Conser Sol Cat 246 9 19 12 10 2196 13 3/4 14. .kff l·, Sol Cat U• 1.1 042 15 13 17 2. T. Gayle 257 16 1/2 B FLEET 13. \enton Set Cat 123 13 13 21 48 3, U. Teddlie 5155 26 16. Scott SO 1 Ca t 50 22 1.1 14 50 4. A. kieatii POSI- TOTAL lr. 'lhurmun Sol Cat .5 2 1/rl: 03 8526 28 TION NME SAIL# POINTS 18. Laila Sol Cat 93 20 18 1. 31 5. D. Mshaffic 1123 31 19. ,·ounK 'Sol C:t 40 13 16 23 31 6. G. Beliling 5844 34 20. Schneider rri....an 1 16 19 23 38 7. D. Balthaser 1 C. 1• ite 5621 7 1/4 21· 11011"d Seaspral zo 1-1 23 23 60 1036 34 3/4 2 J. Cline 2950 10 1/2 -,i. Armstron• Sol Cat 250 18 23 23 61 8. B. Dorchester 4463 37 3/4 3 G. Cliurcli 23. Armstrong L.. soi cat 1 18 23 23 61 9. D. Freed 8566 38 655 12 10. J. Shaddock 4 G. Stewart 2597 13 3/4 8343 43 5 1 ). Johnson 3365 22 11. H. McHaffie 5835 44 6 E. Callahan Pacific Multihull Time Trials 12. C. Blackman 3880 32 8651 45 7 Fontenot 8061 36 ./.'." 1:. 1,/.., 13. S. Wolff 5081 51 8 H. Reed 8048 14. J. Van Dyke 6022 51 3/4 38 3110 metres, ali brated 1,>· Mini Ranger It:idar 15. B. Groves 8339 54 Efficiency Results SK] Prill IFIICIL./ Hobie 16 "0./'1'./'". t. ' Hobie 16 1. Ii. 01 t.uns 1101,le M 16 11Al"j 3.1-1 B FLEET 2. A. lehial .11 1,1># A FLEET 3. ·j. Can.1.3 Ilobic Cat 11 #3331 1.-2.3 POSI- POSI- TOTAL 4. S. Shutt \-3 13) 1..21 3 TOTAL TION NAME SAIL# POINTS 3. 1 , Rot:ind • lnhst Cat (32) 1.1863 TION iNA\E SAIL# POINTS li. K. Mehafc. 1101,i' Cat 10 (313) 1.6319 -5 R. Se:lilian liable C.,r 16 (13) 1.4001 1 R. Koenig 5 1 R. Eddington 830 13 1/4 5048 2 B. Geisler 2 R. Wood 2297 11 1/2 1356 15 3 W. Humbird 4591 13 3 R. liolleyman 1232 27 3/4 4 R. Comeaux 6096 19 Maximum Boat Speed 4 N. Plumer 53 32 5 C. Hunter 6993 5 M: Kimball 2303 35 3/4 19 SKI I'l' 1 R mi· N.·• 111 6 4 sri.131 11• 1'11 6 J. Duggin 6 R. Kelley 2301 35 1373 37 7 D. Delaye 879 36 1. S. 11ashe, 11-('at M 18.t13 18 7 D. Powell 770 41 . /. 0'"r '. oil C-Cat (65) 1 -. w 13 8 J. Ryan 4307 42 3 R. 4 Ilobic Cat 1(, ( 13} 1-.19 1, 9 D. Foote 4803 47 1-3 17.05 12 P.\Cll-IC MULT NjULL ASSOC lATIOX K. 1.(}lit . 1101,1. Cal 1. (3282) 16·83 11 10 11, Mcilaffie 4325 48 - 9·11 X\·1:11\L. hORL11 >IUL'rIIRILL al,WPIONSHIP RE(;1774 .. lioble (·at 16 ( 3131 16.61 13 11 C. Birch 7106 •9 CABR1 LW BLAa[ Y.ACM CLUB " ' lion Sol-Cat ( 1231 16.60 ZB 11 D. Commings 827 57 AUGUSI 18-19, 1973 1:.isn:ST - Ste• ·eI}ashew - 1• -Cat "Beck·ult' l" 13 R. Nixon 962 62 M'mON 1 Glascraft l'erpetual Trophy 14 R. Eddington 619 63 13 D. .·IcCredie 4010 64 Continued on Page 18 Ii--m 042i=ADVERTISEMENT m I * I - R. TRAPEZE HARNESS W LOST, BORROWED, STRAYED OR STOLEN HOBIE INSIGNIA - Padded b/lllllililll*A for comfort and flotation with • \ closed cell foam ( can't soak up Sail Only Hobie 14 White #3810 Marty Epstein <7 • / waterl. With proper adjust- 2210 E. 3rd St. Santa Monica, Calif. i W /1 ment, this should be the most • 213/396-8487 \ comfortable harness available. 1:.9-0 1 Comes in yellow w/blue in- '. 8..#e Hobie 16: Lime, Ivory Deck, White Trampoline, No Sail or 2/7, Sizes: Med. to 5'7"; Lge. 5'6" Boom - Hull #586 Bernard Mason -21:1:1.11-:t:.,Improved "Keeper"3.:.1.21or Trapeze 1417 Valencia St. \ i• Hook - won't jam. and avoids New Orleans, La. 70115 9\/ \, inadvertent un-hooking. Avail- 504/581-5976 1,-- - .3' able only with Harness.

TRAPEZE/LIFE JACKET - Hobie 16: Burnt Orange and Red - White Sail #1937 Sup.er·flotation, Coast GOard Dave Freeman aPBrovai panding. Same sizes as 38 W. Fairmont regular harness. Yellow, blue. Savannah, Ga. 31406 Price-pending C.G. approval. ,, 803/671-3426 $49.50 jf • ASK YOUR DEALER. or order direct. • 9 •.

Hobie 16: Sail #1351 Robert D. Davis i 1 127 Oliver Ave. -. 1 -' 4 1 Savannah, Ga. : mURRjig'SSports Center • . -a...4.4.1 F 7 \ 0 5 1/ Competition Hobie 14: White Hull, Blue Deck, Blue Trampoline, Hull #5045, J' Catomaron Sail #4946, Blue panel in the sail. ( 213)477-3015 Components W ...., t., :'* ..: Robert C. Hart ( 29 Grove Avenue 1 44 11727 Gateway Blvd • Madison, Ct. 06443 I ..4/<• 9• . Los Angeles Calif 90064 I Fli//Il"/-li ...... i 15 Regatta Schedule, September,October,November September Date Event Div Location Sponsor October '718 Roton Point Sailing 12 Rowayton, Ct, Raton Pt. Sailing Ass'n Regatta Dick Blanchard 914/698-6158 7-8 South Area Champion- Pensacola, Fla· ship Date Event Div. Location Sponsor 7-8 West Area Champion- Lake Comanche ship Calif. 3-7 14' Nationals 2 Lake Havasu, 8-9 Chesapeake 1{obi.e' Cat 11 Gunpowder State Fleet 54-contact Calif. Fleet 54 Fall Se.ries Park, Md. John Flanigan 301/ 821-5217 or 821-7700 6-7 Folsom Lake Regatta 3 Folsom Lake, Ca Fleet 17 6 Tradewinds Sailing 9 Fleet Series 5 Lake 1!avasu Fleet 88 - contact Doug Lent Ariz. Terry Niemeyer P,0. Box 42601 916/428-9409 Lake liavasu City, Az. 6-7 Fall Series 5 Callville Bay Fleet 51 - contact Nevada Terry Fulbright 9 Weekend Rae, 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36 - contact 734-2904 Causeway, Fla. John llogg 592-1702 6-7 9 Lake Norman Fleet 92 - contact N.C. Bill Roosa - 6323 10 Monday Nite Race 2. Sewport Bch. Fleet 2-contact Bridlewood, Charlotte Calif. Mike Mullen *N. Carolina 645-2062 6-7 Connecticut State 12 Lake Candal- Fleet 31 6 Candal- Championship wood, Ct wood Yacht Club 15 Fleet 3 Regatta 2 Long Bch, Calif. Fleet 3-contact Hugh Greenwald Bill Butler 203/792-1284- 714/496-2756 7 Points Race 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36 - contact 15 1st .Annual jIC 12' 2 Lake Forest Causeway. Fla: John Hogg Regatta Calif. 593-1702 15 Fleet 12 Regatta 9 Lake Lanier Fleet 12-contact 13 Fleet 12 Regatta 9 Lake Lanier, Fleet 12-contact Georgia Stan Sunderland Georgia Stan Sunderland 404/ 404/945-6266 945-6266 or 945-4816 15-16 Travel Lod4e/Treasure 3 San Francisco Fleet 87 - contact 13-14 Foreplay Regatta 8 Royal Biscalne Fleet 36 - contact Island Regatta Bay, Calif. Mike Douglas Hotel, Fla. John 1bgg 332-5138 592-1702 15-16 9 Lake Norman, Fleet 92 - contact 14 Fleet Series 5 Lake Ilavasu, Fleet 88 - contact N.C. Bill Roosa, 6323 Az. Terry Niemeyer Bridlewood, Charlotte P.O. Box 42601 N. Carolina i.Ike 1!avasu City, Az. 15 -16 Outer Banks -Sailing 11 Manteo, N.C· Joey Sparks 14 Points Race 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36-contact Association Regatta 703/488-1852 Causeway, Fla. John Hogg 592-1702 15-16 East Area Champion- Wildwood, N.J. 17-21 16' Nationals 8 Key Biscayne .ship Fla. 15-16 .Hoble Regatta 13 11yanlis-Cape Goodhue Enterprises Cod, Ma. Joe Goodhue 20-21 Lakeway Open Regatta 6 Lake Travis Fleet 64 4 Austin YC 617/537-0991 Texas Larry Smith 512/266-1336 16 K,S 036C.Invitat ion/1 1 Kaneohe Bay Kokoahi Sai.ling Club Ilawali Larry MacArthur MSA Fall Seri es 6 Galveston, MSA-contact 839-4511 21 Texas John Gonnerman 16 Fleet 21 Regatta 3 Lake Woodward Fleet 21-contact 713/526-0545 Calif. Gail Qualle 27-28 Open Race S Lake Havasu Fleet 88 - contact 209/883-4104 Arizona Terry Niemeyer P.O. Box 42601 16. ·Summer Regatta 8 Boca Ciega Bay Fleet 5-contact Lake Havasu City, Az: Fla. Harrlson Noble 6 Lake Clarborne Fleet 46-contact 813/581-2260 27-28 Fall Regatta Louisiana Ben Miller 16 Fun Races 4 Bar-B-Q 8 Ft. Lauderdale Port Tack 318/746-7540 Fla. 523z0888 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36-contact 17 Monday Nite Race 2 Newport Bcti. Fleet 2-contact 28 Weekend Race Calif. Mike Mullen Causeway, Fla. John Hogg 592-1702 645-2062 22-23 Ancient Mariner 2 Newport Bch, Coast Catamaran & Calif. Ilobie Newport - contact November Kevin Summer.11 714/979-2880 22-23 $horebird Regatta, 3 Ilalf Moon Bay Fleet 20 - contact Calif· Ed Mabie 408/289-3119 23 Disneyworld Regatta 8 Orlando, Fla. Jim MICann 305/241-2481 Date Event Div. Location Sponsor 23 Series 'RaEe 6 Unknown Fleet 8-contact Jeff Shaddock 3-4 Fall Series 5 Callyille Bay Fleet 51 - contact 713/649-8385 Nevada Terry Fulbright 734-2904 23. Disneyland Regatta 8 Orlando. Fla. Jim McCann 305/241-2481 10 11 Fall. Florida • lultiliull 8 CIermont, Fla. Contact Jim McCann 23 Weekend Race 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36-contact Regatta 241-2481 Causeway, Fal. John Hogg 592-1702 11 Fleet Series 5 Lake liavasu Fleet 88 - • ontact Arizona TerTy Niemeyer 23-24 Indiana Hobie Champ- 10 Lake Monroe L.M.S.A. &Fleet 26 P.O. Box 42601 ionship Indiana Bob Kirch Lake Havasu City, AZ. 317/283-2371 24 Monday Nite Race 2 Newport Bch· Fleet 2-contact ··= 17 Turkey Regatta 2 Long Beach, Ca. Fleet 3 - contact Calif. Mike Mullen Bill Butler 645-2002 714/496-2756 29-30 Chesapeake. HC Fleet 11 Gunpowder State Fleet 54-contact 18 Capistrano Bch Regatta 2 Capistrano Capistrano Chamber of 54 fall Series ·· park, MdI. John Flanigan 301/ Beach, Ca. Commerce - contact 821-5217 or 821-7700 Jim Elliot 714/493-3528 29-30 Ware River YCRegatta 11 Ware,Neck, Va. Joey Sparks 703/488-1852 18 MSA Fall Seri es 6 Galveston, Tx. MSA - contact 30 Fleet 12 Regatta 9 Lake Lanier Fleet 12-contact S . t; n* 9.:'. 4 -..f :,L.: r Jobn Gonnerman Georgia Stan Sunderland 404/ 713/526-0545 945-6266 or 945-4816 18 Fowey Light Point Race 8 Rickenbacker Fleet 36 - contact ? MSA Summer Series 6 Unknown John Gonnerman Causeway, Fla. John Ilogg 713/526-0545 592-1702 16 , ..i Physical Fitnels Continued From R 2 to set aside 20-30 minutes to improve the condition of the ·oId 1 , machine and not just for sailing sake, but for general all around P good health. The human body has over 600 sets of muscles, "use L them or you lose them". Of course you never know when the 232• last amount of energy and extra strength may be called upon to save a life, maybe your own. Following is a simple routine that is guaranteed to put more fun in your Hobie and is offered by a prominent orthopedic 4 surgeon and sailor, Arthur E. Ellison, M.D. 4. . t rudic' If one is interested in racing and begins the season with a physical disadvantage, a conditioning program will not only vastly enhance the enjoyment of the sport, but reduce the health hazards as well. It is critcal in all aspects.of boating to maintain constant respect for the sea, and in times of urgency or true emergency a health margin of physical reserve may : spell the difference between sucess and disaster. One does not need a fancy gym or vast amounts of time to get in shape for the boating season. I have found that four basic . activities have stood the test of time, and, I believe, would be of help to most boating enthusiasts. These four activities " presuppose that you are in good general health. Certainly if there is any question, particularly if you have had any its ...: Suggestion of a significant health problem, the sporting season 1 . . .· . '.,'... should begin as any athlete would begin, with a thorough physical examination by your physician. If you are over 40 this LI-Ii»3"575 )1<37&1%1-tsifAY -. - ---*- *.\ \ \ --1..:. .. , should include a stress electrocardiogram, particularly if you \-44 4-,--* *, A" .T have not had one previously. .4-45=,a**4 . , H*@11*hal With a sound base line of good health assured, we may • • --».wit-ir proceed to our four activities. The first of these I call the jog- *h4L.. swim exercise. ·, • il'*0 --1.*)--*.*,i=-2 -.-'• It is essential that we develdp both strength and endurance if we are to perform effectively at sea. Endurance is more than Advertisement muscle conditioning. It is total body conditioning with Joe Neales particular emphasis on the heart and lungs. For the human body one of most effective conditioning methods is .running. Given the satisfactory health base line mentioned above, everyone can improve their body tone through jogging. You "SLIDER" may begin by jogging only 10 to 20 yards and then walking 10 to Chosen as Official Equipment 20, and repeatihg this exercise. It is essential, however, that at the 1973 Hobie 14 & 16 Nationals. you. elevate your pulse level if you are to make progress. This '1'ritwl,·r ( i,litrill S>·st<·111 Sc·lii·trcl should be repeated on a daily basis. :i,ic| I 'red 1,> thi, Natic,iial lfIT• icT Running permits us to start early in the spring, but as the t ( Jit Absticiaticiti .4 1111' 1\'i irlil warmer weather approaches swimming can be substituted. 1/ (:It,11"1 )it,"Sltil ) it, 11:1".di: This is particularly helpful since it develops a skill that is of critical importance to all, boatmen. This again sh6uld be 1 6,· ,· • , .*F "• .'"I• • s.;1't 036Ii,t.i°'•'1'"l'""- pursued with interval swimming ultilizing sprints to elevate -2 · " '1'11.\\'/21.1·,11 (:(),r 7 R()1. 83'57'E\1 the pulse rate - thus gaining both strength and - followed by Al:\DE gentle swimming for the recovery phase. If you are a blue water sailor you should try to swim each day, particularly in 1. 316 Staitil(·ss St('c'1'1'Iii·citiglic,ilt the surf, to gain both familiatity and maintain physical 2, Acty,mt,(laii·* 111 ) ti, 7 16 9wi,t I.1,1(, conditioning. 8. E:iN· aticl (:i,mi,lett' 111.tull.Ilicill ill The second activity is rope climbing. This is not a commonly ili+'"tp• #11·./- 4. 31(,jt 1114 ),irtaitt-·-F• ,tir8-siclt'cl 'l'('flon - --k,3• --- , - used exercise for physical conditioning, but it is particularly B,·t,rii,g, 1·51>i|> 11(·i,1.Ici·(111,r 11 St,1*·r ' • ,00-' '-, helpful for boatmen. It accomplishes several purposes. Most of Sli( 1,· 40 us need to tougen our hands to pull on the lines that we all work with so constantly. Secondly, it is extremely important that we have good strength in our upper extremities to handle the ( 5)'Il'ict 'c"11 de.11(41 <" "riti, 0r caN winches, booms and lines with ease and dexterity. Both of J 036,·i,·t,1,·-11,11'i<· 16 X,I, 1(,1. ' -Lioullillilli• ti• illilillill these are easily accomplished by finding a suitable spot around -l -: the house or boat yard to put up a 12-ft. half-incti line. You PACIFIC SOUTHWEST MARINE should be able to ascend this hand over hand with relative ease. 2820 SHELTER ISLAND DRIVE If you have difficulty, begin with a simple bar and gradully SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92106 develop your ability to chin yourself. Then return to your rope. Lastly, I use an exercise that I prescribe for a great many of (714) 224-2417 Continued on Page 19 17 Continued from Page 15. Rega*ta Results C. Collin* 9477 4 10 8 10 11 ( 121 43 11. J. Kate 5432 12 9 (12) 7 9 12 49 Midwest Area Championships Hobie Cat 16 12. A. Hunta MD · 10 11 12 11 12 (12) 56 Evans*on illinois. Blleet TOTAL Hobie Cat 74 Hobie Cat 14 TIOY NAME 211/ 1 23 1 John Lamping 365 2 • T 4 5 POINTS13 3/4 • • -fll• ' 2!!L ' 2 3 '4 #Fleet TOTAL 2 Chris Watson 2682 3 2 3/4 14 3/4 • I& TION NAVE 233£ 1 23 4 5 POINTS 3 James PerIle 5767 53/4 2 3 4 14 3/4 1. B. Fields 360 3/4 3/4 (4) 3/4 3 2 7 1/4 . 4 George Herman 1821 4 3 6 3/4 2 153/4 2. M. Rudge 12411 (4) 2 2 2 4 3/4 10 3/4 1 Edd 5251 2 3 3/4 3/4 3 91/2 S James Criss 604 3/4 936 6 24 3/4 3. M. Aumann 2596 3534(6)419 2 Jim Young 8870 3254 2 16 6 Horst Perra 4869 B 677 3 31 , 4. T. Tompkins 12074 5 3 3/4 6 5 0 19 3/4 3 Jack Young 6406 3/4 3/4 12 2 3/4 16 1/4 7 Dr. J. Hernly 5473 7 5 4 5 13 34 S. F. Willis 876 24(7)33/43 25 3/4» 4 . Marilyn Tripp 10523 4443 7 22 8 Bill Diamond 6019 10 899 7 43 .6. D. Belli 581 66(7)547 28 S Karen Tripp 10526 5737 6 28 9 S. Enos 485 610 8 10 13 47 7. J. Gino 5732 7_.7. -7 7 -.7,• (7) 35 6 Kurz 2929 8578 4 31 10 Mike Gillian 3116 13 7 11 8 13 52 7 Robinson 7900 11665 5 33 11 D. Schuman 5895 910 10 10 13 52 8 Johns 9419 66 8 10 8 38 12 Jim Miller 3461 11 1 0 13 13 13 60 Hobie Cat 16 9. 01.:wall 12418 108106 · 9 43 13 Bill Blair 2482 12 1 0 ' 13 13 13 61 10. Gantzer 2319 7 10 11 9 10 47 B, Fieet TOTAL 11. Herbert 3733 9 9 9 10 11 48 Division 2 Championships LION. Ng .1. 234 56 £91EIi 1. R. Max,y 2013 S.25 S (7) 1 2. J. Cotton 540 3441 3/4 (13) 13/4 3. A. Johnston 4380 3/4 12 (17) 3 4212 71/2 Hobie Cat 14 Long Beach, California 4. S. Trainor 3444 (21) 11. 2 48 5, D. Soden 3617 8 10 8 (2 32 6. "P. Hart 1650 (13) 5 9 95 TOTAL Hobie Cat 14 7. j. Pos'er 3314 1463 (14) 4 6 Alflee' SAILL 1 2.34 5 POINTS 8. R. Brown 1922 9 3 3/4 1 16 (29) 9 3/4 ' I!9!i NAME A Fleet 9. J. McGraw 2755 2 15 13 7 (29) 1. Goodrich POSI- TOTAL 10. R. 5.ruer 4138 17 14 (21) 12 3/4 8 3/4 823 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 . 036811 TIM NK 21!:, 1 234 56 POINTS· It. R. Kim 1469 20 (22) 10 1 63 2. Bolek 8581 5 2,23 374 12 3/4 12. B. Watson 4238 25 3/4 ( 291 1 89 7 3/4 3. C. Smith 40404342 3 16 1. R. Hatfield 378 3/4 3/4 2 3/4 3 (3) 61/4 13. 8. Giles 6148 4 18 ,(291 10 20 4. Anderson 23213534419 2. J. Ress-Duggan 4520 7 5 3/4 (18) 3/4 3/4 141/4 .. M. Calkins 358 11 17 11 21 (29) 2· S. hheeler 30302755 2 21 3, C. Barte 1315 63(6)452 20 15. D· Brown 4510 19 9 20 ( 2 ) 11 6 6. Swardson 8389 666 5 10 33 4. G. Hagen 561 11 (20) 827 , i: i 16. M. McCormick 7 10 (27) 16 1 .13 16 7. Clark 2342 7 4 8 5 10 34 S. B. khwon 399 (22) 4 4 15 10 9 I. D. Woodside 787 15 126) 14 1 17 11 . 8. Berardi 8791 10 10 7 5 10 42 6. B. Rose 868 46225 6 (23) 43 , 18. E. Attleser 167 6 (21) 7 1 20 18 9. Botti 3716 10 10 8 5 10 43 7. J...... 5 3102 14 (18) 7 10 11 5 47 19. N. Martin 1234 7 16 21 (2 3 15 17 10. Porter 1805 8 8 10 10 10 46 8, E. Baggs 633 (16) 12 5913 8 47 20. D. Crocker 2279 12 (24) 12 2 22 14 9. J. Wood 7840 S 11 22 6 3 (23) 47 21. T. Smith 171 27761 . 19 /29 ) 10. R. Wagniere 90 (19) 14 317 86'8 • 22· P. liernandez 1832 (26) 19 18 S 18 15 0 Hobie Cat 16 lt. T. Mclonnell 1749 3 (15) 91315144 23. J. 1.user 4328 26 20 19 1 [29) 10 12. P. Hinkle 2691 2 (23) 14 7 19 13 S 24. G. Knutson 4701 , 16 28 29 2 24 (29) 4 13. D. Boyle 606 9 10 02) 16 17 4 6 25. P. Collins 374 23 16. 15 2 - 19 (291 1.0 4J.leet TOTAL 14. P. Benedict 1539 10 (21) 10 8 14 15 7 15. 0. Ulamon 4200 13 (16) 11 12 12 12 0 Hobie Cat 16 TWN NAME 33.12 1 2 3 4 5, POINTS 16. L. Walcker 3573 15 17 22 3 4 (23) 1 17. B. Scott 868X 17 19 13 (23) 9 11 9 1. A. Grootendorst 801 3/4 11 3/4 3/4 3/4 14 18. J. Cockrell 406 8 13 22 (23) 18 10 1 CPOSI-Fleet 2. G. Treuter 6965 7 3/4 6 4 2 19 3/4 19. 8, Schwtick 32 20 9 15 TCTAL 3. Gary Pet,ja 3265 2 5 724 20 20. R. Fikes 6468 21 8 12 M Z On i . Ila IME S8111123456 '0152 4. Tom Welch 6845 4 2 37622 21* M. Bolmon 7678 18 2 16 23 23 (23) 2 1. S. .0 1099 2 3/4 3/4 ( 131 3 4 1/4 5. Stan Woodruff 7439 3 13 45 9 34 12 7 22 23 23 (23) 7 2. R. Howland 7577 3 7 (12) 6 6. Vercruysse 838 5 4 19 14 11 * 53 23.22. A.P' EgenBeman 1,2 23 22 22 23 23 (23) 1 3 ,#3. T. Eckles 3300 16 A- 2 8 (1) 7. Bill Settle 443 13 10 12 3 15 53 4. N. Farquhar 4700 4 14 5 {31 ) 8. Dwight Motz 415 15 8 919354 5. 8. Summewille 2824 6138 3 (2) 1 9. R. fleathcote 2970 10 14 10 10 10 54 K. Kerr 4573 9 (19) 13 5 1 10. J. Steverding 7017 6 17 15 11 5 54 Hobie Cat 14 - 7,6. G. Fol/er 8156 10 6 6 (22) 1 208855 8. R. Weismann 486 1427121 (3) 11. M. Alexander t288 12 7

PMA Continued From Page 14 Advertisement The one spectacular event of the day was the capsize of Lee CAT§ CIL.A• Griswold's beautifully prepared C-Class Cat Taku, during his second run. Skipper and crew were in the harness making good time past the committee boat when the weather hulllifted with the slide thalt Yed,se a gust being unable to let the sheets run for some unknown Single Hand Operation Quick Release reason continued to go over, going turtle immediately. Compact One Piece Design Fully adjustable mailisheet traveler rig Bruises and abrasions were suffered with the resulting 16 Eas¥ movement with large Delrin slide 14-4 foot fall from the trapeze above the high weather hull, through even under sail load Delrin Pulley Fairleads gives low friction ; all of the hardware to the water. A number of attempts to right 2:1 purchase -..0/,P WA ./ Large aluminum (8111 Cleat handles 1 2·' line : the Taku by towing proved futile. Fortunately, no material Single rope• 11 adjustment use : 036dof 4• *, ,- mainsheet lor traveler line damage was done in these attempts which is usually the case. Great for single hand trapeze work High polislied Stainless steel constructio,1 \ In order to avoid a long and questionable tow of an upside- high strength, low co• roston Use on both 14' and 16' Hobie catainarans ...,,i-1-- 4 down 39' mast, a method was devised to right the Taku of Slide and all other parts are .vaildble V , ...7 1 3 necessity, which is worth mentioning here and having been Price S27,95 FOB J 036piter.Florida '- 4.- - - -..Z,>. proven will work on any size cat up to C Class at least, or a Hobie with a waterloged mast. Main by a tender, an additional line was bent on to give a good flat angle into the water power $2195 .6'Ki• 9..=-)A'.*9 applied and mast brought to the surface, the mast was then -*./.--.r.irm: lifted aboard tender and the tender "walked" down the shrouds toward the hull, until the top hull passes the center of gravity. **• 61.. = Crews iveight:on righting lines then becomes effective in bringing thetcraft back to its "feet". This can be accomplished with sail up or down, depending on sea and wind conditions. Had the Time Trials been held on either of the two following • • 1• k Ackit#.• I• • or preceding days, surely records would have been broken as the North Westerlies, that gave Cabrillo Beach area its name of Hurricane Gulch, blew in full force of 25 to 30 knots making See your Hobie dealer or address iliquiries to: the around the buoys race an endurance test for the A&B P.O. BOX 1065 JUPITER FLORIDA 33458 Continued on Page 20 18 r. -t--' 4 i , ...'.'.'..'.".'...'- Physical Fittness Continued From Page 17 1 :2 2.,ii: .. i:-..• /r:i• ,ii .3,1-·, 036 .*....•-, &.. 036.'...I .;, .-,-.4 , , I I ' , ... I --I-.'.- my patients. Not only is this a good year-round· body' i - ·--1.- 411 conditioner, but it is a part of the flexion exercise routine that - . -. . .-,4, we use,to both treat and prevent low back pain. It is extremely :.-4,1,1- A. helpful for the boatman. ... -- Lie on your back on a firm surface and draw up both knees to ! · 1 .... '.3,1, -: ' 4 7 8,r·=* , -I, the chest. Grasp the knees and bring them as close to the chest *f I#4- . --4.%-*m.-/1-+ - = 4/. - -- I ....:.1 *1114 as possible and repeat. When one has loosened up in this ./ .. I. , 042- 042 042·Z'li"AMI- 042 - ·'1- ; M 042-24 042_- , I.2 Li- · fashion, draw one knee up to the chest at a time and then .- .--16- ... .*6 .-I - -, .*'9 straighten that knee pointing the leg upward as far as possible. r. + ...... -./.Ii/,//'..i '..• -*.-....='*I' .. i If this can be accomplished, proceed to doing both legs at the '... I-- I ·, 9,2. ·46*99'./• 'I...... r.lill'll./4.#Al.4//..• •.1 ./ same time. The next phase requires a stronger back and f- -12*44*#4..2-_1LLL_ 7 _-1 "M"'m abdominal musculature. Keeping your back flat on the surface, 036te'.i::9.-' 036I..-14/0• raise your legs up as close to'a right angle as possible and at a -.I ./-- ... 042·..·, 042•-7. ·• , · ..../.Ill-Ill--5--I.'ll-Ille--Ill--Ill-- slow rate. When one has accomplished this, put a small roll under the Jeff Canepa, National Champion displays the proper Hobie Lightair Style. knees, tuck the feet under a piece of heavy furniture or some similar restraint, and pull yourself up to a sitting position. up in repititious and out of the bar each day until the back of the Keep the knees flexed at all times. knee is resting on the bar. The Hawiian Hobie Skippers all have An area that is generally overlooked, but is of utmost a saying and has been used as a crutch many times after being importance to the Hobbie Skipper and Crew is the grip, defeated by Leith Anderson because of having to sail against forearm and bicep development. There are a number of Leith's "gut muscles". In the strong Hawiian trade winds it is patented gadgets for grip development; simplest is a soft absolutely essential that a 14' Skipper hike out the limit for sponge rubber ball, repeated squeezing in differenct ways, will sustrained periods. Everyone that sails against Leith is sailing improve grip and forearm muscles. The push-up is a good arm against his "gut muscles"; he never seems to tire of hanging exercise, dumbell weights will develop the main sheet pull and all the way out, maintaining that flat hull position that makes help avoid cramps in the elbow area. the Hobie 14 go in heavy air. The best Hobie gut muscle builder is the Hobie trampoline, This series of exercises can be adapted toyour own situation. sitting on the beach or on a trailer. Hook your legs under the Everyone, no matter how out of shape they are, should be able hiking straps and start with the trampoline frame under your to start this program. You may rest assured that your body thigh. Do a Bgries of situps in this position, gradually working quality will improve as you progress. 1 (4 - - • . ADVERTISEyENT 1101]ie Cat Accessories You Cannot Do Without c Shown'here are six top quality products, iust a brief them over and realize their maintenance and func- sample of a complete line 6f Hobie oriented products tional value. All attractively priced. Send for a free designed and fabricated by a Hobie Skipper. Look bro ure m Trampoline Wiast Cover • ..2 and Flag 1 - --- • ' -./. rE Gear Pouch H-14 $23.00 • 7" x 9" $6.00 H-16 $25.00 • Only $6 can save money D.N.F. caused by not having that 8 oz. blue nylon protects mast from dust grime and wear ' r spare part, tools, protest flag on board while trailering complete with sewn in red clearance flag. Sail & Boom r -4 Bags Ouffel ,/ ' f- ,• -• 14 -:46 H-14 - $12.00 Clothes Bag 1 - ... - - 4 ri 11 x 30$18.00. --'.• ------=-04--• - 1 - * 9• • - H-16- $14.00 1- ----Ena-*-/'.1 14 x 30 $20.00 --i--/- -7 . - ly-*lay- J-16--$9.00 Tri-color sail cloth duffel bags with Double trallese kit complete, 2 vinyl covered wires, handles, shock 16 x 30 $22.00 2 sewn in pockets, strap handles cord $25.00 and delrin zipper. Colors white and blue with red stripe, Trapese harness, flotation, red, orange, blue camoflage with blue and blue with white stripe. Hobie H...... $30.00 Vinyl no-sew sail number 10" and 12" 50: Ditty Bag 7 x 11 $6.00 - Nylon protest fl• $2.50 Tool Bag 9 x 14 $8.00 :.'Sh /3- id 662<• >A# Air 2 1• 1. t · . I.<.t'4' Tr " : ·3 Straight Aero Marine Red, white and blue solid blue plastic .b. b.4) i. '. I '. , , ' P. 0. Box 323, Oarona lei • ar, 08 92625 see through pockets draw string. ·t'.,4 , i, ':..,9 f...., i. 4.-- ...... 036.i.*...'4--I :. ...: 1 19 .'.,8 :t 042,Ii 0361.1· . 036··,. iQualifying Information for Nationals Typical Daily Schedule WEDNESDAY »iThe Division, Area and 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. & Registration Also skippers can 2:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. check out their rental boats if they National Championship Evening have them This year Coast Catamaran ahd,the.Hoble.'Cat Class Association are - Activities revising the method for qualifying for'the Nationals. We will place the THURSDAY emphasis on the Division champiodship and.area championship. The - Registration 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. areas are outlined on the map acdompanying this article. The Division - Skippers' Meeting' 9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. championship will qualify the top skipper in the 14 and and top skipper in - First Race - Qualifying and Fleet 10:00 a.m. the 16 to sa• l in the Nationals. Each.Area Championship will qualify six Break-Out Race; 4 Races Skippers. This will lea48 9:spots open for last minute qualifying at the 5:00 p.m. Nationals. The Total Fleet of Qualified A Fleet skippers will be 50 boats, - Tap the Beer 7:0Op.m. the remaining 50 will go into a B or a C Fleet depending on the attendance - Activities at each National. The area championship will be held in a location central FRIDAY - Skippers' Meeting to each area and will be organized similar· to small scale Nationals. Coast 9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Catamaran will actively sponsor each area championship and will try to 10:00 a.m. - First Nationals Race; 2 Races Back- to-Back make it one of the most fun regattas of the year for that area. 5:00 p.m. - Tap the Beer The reason for the shift in our planning is two-fold. First, we are trying 7:00 p.m. to eliminate· the day of fleet breakdown sailing for the Nationals; we are - Activities SATURDAY going back to the system where a skipper qualifies directly into A fleet. Secondly, we want to have at least one Coast Cat sponsored major regatta 10:00 a.m. - First Race; 3 races,1&28.108. convenient to almost everyone in the country at least once in the year. We 4:0Op.m. - Tap the Beer feel by having the championships like this we can put a major Coast Cata- Evening - Activities maran sponsored regatta within 800 miles of almost everyone. SUNDAY Boats will be furnished at the Nationals to the following contestants 10:00 a.m. - Last Race it no charge. (All Day) - Tap the Beer 1st Place Winners 14 & 16 A Fleets-Division Championships 3:00 p.m. ( If not sooner) - Trophy Presentation Ist Place Winners 14 & 16 A Fleets-Area Championships Defending 14 & 16 A Fleet Champions PMA Championships Boat reservations for the 14' and 16' Nationals for all non-qualified con- testants will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. A non-refundable deposit Continued From Page 18 of $25 will now be 042acceptedwith the $75 balance due on Sept. 1st. Classes and a lot of flying white water for the C&D Classes A. Following is a qualifyind breakdown by area and division. during the sea legs of the three races held during the two day 1 ) The top skipper A Fleets from each divislon championship on the event. continental United States automatically qualifies. The three races were completed without breakdowns with 2 ) The top six A Fleets from each of the four area champion- some stiff competition between boats in classes. ships qualify. In Division II, the Toronados pushed the C&D Class Cats for 8 ) Hawaii qualifies three, Division 18 qualifies two. corrected time with Rick Taylor taking First overall. 4 ) Nine spots are held open for last minute qualifying at the Nationals Division I was a clean sweep by Hobie Cats with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, -total fleet equals fifty. 5th, 6th & 7th for corrected time going to Hobies with the First 5 ) See chart for complete diagram of areas and divisions. to Finish Alpha Cat, taking 4th by corrected time. The Sol Cats B. Timing for each event is being moved up. gave each other stiff competition, led by Willis Boyd, an 1 ) Division championships·to be held by August 20th, 1978. excellent skipper, who normally sails a Hobie, taking 8th, 2 ) Area championships must be held by the end of August, 1973. Plans are now underway for a Spring Multihull Competition 3 ) Nationals to be held early & mid-October, 1973. and Time Trials; dates to be announced. Credits go to the The following are the major regatta locations and dates as they stand currently. Any suggestions or recommendations should be relayed to the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club and Regatta Committee for their Class Association as soon as possible. A.. excellent handling of this event and the use of their launching facilities, to the Hobie Cat Class Association for their chase NATIONALS boat and tender assistance. 14' Nationals-Lake Havasu, Oct. 3-7, 1978 Another Pacific Multihull Association championship and · 16' Nationals-Key Biscayne, Florida Oct. 17-21, 1978 speed trials is history. The excitement and thrill of flying hulls AREA CHAMPIONSHIPS and water for contestants as well as onlookers will be well East Wildwood, New Jersey Sept. 15 & 16 remembered. 1. South Pensacola, Florida Sept. 7,8&9 ------8 6 i• 1 SKIPPER'S TOOL TO ALL HOBIE CAT NATIONAL PARTICIPANTS GETS YOU SAIL READY ..·., ·, for Hobie Cat 14/16 , KEEPS YOU THAT WAY 5.3 042,issemblyI M 036intentince• -=a Precision machined and satin finished in heavy • In order to avoid conflict during the 14' & 16' Hobie Cat - -=* 1 8" stainless steel. Complete with 30" nylon Nationals, it is hereby announced that all present Hobie Cat lanyard for.on board emergency use. rules will be strictly adhered to if a protest is made on * ( • t,lit.let wur clc·.115·r t,r 1, rite - / UNI Name equipment violation. -Zri _ -1 cur". Address Exceptions to the rules will be the amendment to Rule F-3 of 1 the Hobie Cat Class rules and should also read 'bridle wire 1 --61• 11.• • 1• I...,<"State Zip lengths may not be changed'. It is amended on the basis that 4 NUT WRENCH glaso 1 SKIPPER'S TOOL possible structural damage could occur by shortening or 4--5 SHACKLE lowering of bridle wires, Rule F-3 implies that all wire lengths WINCH •= 1=:u.; C..9,60, • may be changed, but was originally meant for forestay and -6 &&4 5% Tax shrouds and not bridle wires. X1- ---- 20 - • 27*r ----" r.\ 3,3:5 4 LJ// 1.'.. 036,»4 =-7 0367=-F-,.-. 4 - -6 7 -'C.... 036- A, f,3 - -»... .*Zft- 4 9.,-,I.AJ·'f<..;.*- 'i...•/ t: '.. . .,-r.i-p-..· :,-r-G.e..1-7- ¥- ---»- --'1»,3.<2, »..6.:=...3,: 2 1---r'4..Q• LZ.1• -, , '/'. .'e" .L -I. Il 1. . -"If , I .01-1- . -tr.9 -6/-.i,./r ) 4>,..Y'" 45.#.2, r. - 1 .1 i...... :. . -, .7..../.1. 7.4 -, ,-" t ..Tk ., . i...... • ...... f r -:''. .8 036.5 . :.:,e ..1"1 - , 9-,1-'4:1. ; • .--r.r--2.L 036,: * 036---•,-.t.-1,-14...-'.U::: -53*.1.A#,/Sm#-3 -1 1 . -. f..3.,»-fas--1,·'ret• 4• <73 % '"' 4 -1 LE.ril.'3 *-4 - 4 254-e -2/ 9 7 -'c'··r...:rs-3-*z: . 63 » pr=.3 1 -41--•-4 _.. i -32L %..'-*/. r 7.1...... ',- , ->.,-,'···' k :',...# 22 A ,= 2.# ,"-'.-t. 442 A ,# 1- ·.. · *2 .0 4 - .r t• 036n:;• *.u-,z.:Z=: -t -*9 t[-:»- .-- 7-' - • EAST-* '' 4 =.4 --- --S.B.Y4.-- -4 ... 4• ...... -,....·&·.··+XI./.,-t-/11'9 -e= 036%'.9.- •- 7• - - I-.. 036,/f & WEST. 7- t. : 4....i·.«'1 •.' ; .Y. .,; M.·- 7-7 . 7 l- «,-• E--4-- 1- )3GL • 9 _ A. .7.---2 -4 .1 - . ---..:ll:...... ; 1.- ../ '.. r . : --S-- Z *21 »z::I'S·=2-.r • :• .O -1. 036witai# -A- \ L 442..·...., ··'« --i·,:r ,.' 042• -,:*r=.Tr./.ip.·- :·.·, -.,26/6/2<.1-•.*. 1,0- - -5/F--"4/1/ 5. 4--4- ."- -- . -: I r J#SE. f.- -- .- I . - -I 036. . 1- 12 - - .... 036-- ... - 3'- •- \ I «*-1 1.-z ,- - --... ,··X···f 042,»--s-jeG« • -=* . I/1/// =1399 ./.....· D.00.24 il...... 3-'' --- -- • i-1./t.-2- =- - -- 036- :·. - ..1:--gj- -i -- 4 - ...... -- - ...... 036•.r - 7.- -- '39 .': .. :I .- ..... =-'. ...4 -- -1i -- - t•- 'r , - 254I ,.i --1.... 5- . r..... • ·-1- *.·3· E.FU'>i b I .....Il-• -- r "· :-I - - f y. .rl - f - .I.: ,• :

/- 74-* &7. "*«9i»441 (-'S«-15,5drErril« -«st««' .- --L-4• .• A- . L -f• •- 16 ,• 4»,»t»Its '• ..«Ast.-I-.- 111.4• .=, 11,1 1 ,· . -*.* 7' :. , ·· 81«Ye o ·1.-1., p:tril 2, 04206 036/[snud: m=. / . =- • 4• -_• .• s• ».4'*'1£/4#*AM#B/<• *-- _ ,/r- ••»LT L,34,7 itf-Ed#lamm/Erl»Le:Git ji 74% • ..,1.'3.1 6-1 2&6%:1-1>z32 ,-'• 3*• 01%• %g&/95,4722££6-- . .t r 44,2 .I«·33 5.k».9.-.,- 3-#i ,/C:6:SisE...4 -aN:41*nmal:jill,13£5'et'f -,l-T 4 ' ...:, . ..7.1-• 7;r- . -- --- 036: 036.--*....:e:...=.='r=:'.-·5• • 592'*4,*.'5A4• . - *3:« ·<. r. .. '·f·.-7tr '··' - -·- - "-'-C,6-,Ti--:6; 257. -136:rEE«t• • ·-f • .. ··,- -i» , 1 "• -:%-* 4• .-i-t' * 1 .·• ." ,:.- r--36,727 14tt#01;• uztiE-.- f• =611*.:.&%31.• . - ..= 042A.. · - *-Lu-ertwaA#... 3 4 . i... .aE.- .. --··-·# ..#3.-i-·r ,• r»«--·i' K.£18£=.. - .,- -I rt. 03%32/U:8/4 . : , -1--• . 1.&fl-...,...... '.....'.'.'•.-' '1' '-' 6"" .• TYLLWitgO:1-,-ti<"R1- :TY-...#:f'*.• ,I• .• • 3• 41• ,.74/• -I.# I...... "...... - <: . ••- r-=* . :T ' #-,*t.#IS,Re/kWiZ.·• L.I• •I.# ' 036-, , H.C.C.A. - 042-• --• IF•-1,• • • =31 1• --\ /..--i• - The Caribbean • Of'Fr.--·171_i31 I \51, -2 In an effort .to more efficiently serve the ever-growing Hobie Cat the upper maps. The division breakdown within these areas is as per the Class Association liegatta program and expanded fleet activities at the local lower map. the fleet and the division breakdown by number is listed below. level, H.C.C.A. has appointed three experienced and highly qualified Please retain this edition of the Hot Line for future referehce for division, H.C.A.A district directors. area and national regatta activities, . The areas of the country to be served by each of these men is as per Hobie Cat Class Association South District Hobie Cat Class Association West District Hobie Cat Class Association Midwest & Northeast Direct(,r: Rich Ree(l Directcir: Kevin Summerell Direct<,r. Bill Pankli,irst District' 4825 D,1111>.irt<11 A\'etitie 2026 Me('aw 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California 92664 7'a11111.1. Florid.1 Irvitie. Califi )rnia 92664 (714) 979-2880 (818) 881-8941 ( 714 • 979-2380 Di·'.%1' 0421(,tlS 6.8 &9 Divisicms: 1.2,8,4 & 5 Divisicms: 7,10,11&12 tlth 5,*.2;1,2.3184.85,86, Fleets: 2,8,4,6,,17.20. FI• .£Its: 10,18,18,19,25,26,28,29,31.82,83. 89,41.42,48,44,45.46,59,68, 21,24.27,80.87,48.51,57.61, 38,40,47,49,50,52,54,55,56,58, 62,66,69,72,77 60,65,73,74,76 21 Regatta Results• Hobie 16 Confinued from Page 18 A Fleet J( POSt- TOTAL TION N.E SAILI 1234 5 6 POINTS \I" 1. R. Beanchap 2 3/4 2 3/4 3/4 3/4 (16) 5 2. E. Mabie 8508 24 2 (S) 2 3 13 DIVISION 02 OWIr IONSHIP 3. N. Warrum 1981 45 3(713520 A. 3. Carep. 5425 3 3/4 7 4 ( 141 7 213/4 ( e S. J. Foley 339 53 6 (8) 8 2 24 6. R. Lowe 4497 98(9124427 3£-2-I'll Hobie Cat 16 7. A. Lorentzen 269 8 6 (13) 6 9 3/4 29 3/4 C.• 8. B. Quallie 2164 7 7 4(10) 6933 A Fleet 9. J. Corrie 1003 /5 16 ( 161 3 S 8 47 POSI- 10. R. Keller 367 69 8 14 (14) 13 50 TiON NIE 1 3456 TOTAL 11. J. .]u• per 4818 10 12 (16) 15 7 6 50 MUi mIKIi 12. F. Lamonica 356 12 (14) 11 9 10 11 53 AA- 1 B. Loufek 4856 (15) 2 2 3 3/4 3'4 6206 11 10 9 (16) 14 10 54 .- 2 0. Beauch#mp 6 3/4 3/4 2 (21} • ••i ·'43: 1%: • • :' 3430 (14) 11 12 11 11 12 57 3 8. Seaman 13 8333 9 (11 6 15* P. Mackby 694 13 13 10 12 12 (14) 60 4 J. King 2414 3 1 883/4 (12) 8 3/4 16. T. • ilzer 6880 16 16 ( 161 13 13 15 73 5 W. Schafer 315 (13) 6 7 12 2 · 6 K. St.- 1972 4 l I [17 ) 5 4 0 7 I. Piety 1238 9 (17) 4 10 3 8 8. hauchamp 1400 (20) 4 1166 Hobie Cat 16 9 D. Hatfield 66 12 (15) 6 7 5 S 10 N. Stee• e 2414 3/4 9 (19) 871 11 P. Mihoky 2453 (26) 5 9 17 10 1 5 3/4 B F/eet 12 ..Cooke 4S S 16 5 13 21 (2) 4 POSI- TOTAL 13 R. Lowe 4497 • TIM Ni SAILL 1234 5 6 POINTS 14 D. Wickstrom 9 5 D. Churchill 5081 4 1. 8. Gester 6616 3/4 4 3/4 7 3/4 (11) 131/4 0 e ¢' 16 J. Black 1461 FLE•14 20 12 15 *111 (2) : 2. F. 036/bb/ 5332 332 4 (S) 2 14 7 8. Jacobs 1991 7 13 23 19 16 (21 3. J. Whitticom 2122 4 3/4 (9) 3/4 2 7 141/2 18 N. Warrum 1981 22 19 15 (28) 17 1 8 4. T. Dost 5147 670 16 24 16 22 8 (2) 6 5. D. Turner 5860 60 17 23 21 14 15 (Z) 0 6. W. Olivier 7351 . 11. f • E• ,M 542 19 . 26 10 18 21 (2 1 4 7. G. Fletcher 3737 Ti2 9 10i ( 121i 3i Ii'9 338 22 D. Oltmans 1/9 23 25 (25) 16 20 1 10 8. R. Helionds 3218 10 5 7 (11) 11 3 36 , 23 J. Neale - 101 28 10 1 1 9. R. Gurney 974 9 (13} IZ 41 24 R. Jeffries 1902 16 10. D. Noll 1542 6616 13 (23) 3/4 42 4< 25 J. Pfeifer 6969 2125 2218 li E il 4 1 11 11. D. Moseley 239I 14 12 14 5 (15) 8 53 26 M. Staut 24 14 26 28 21 {2 ) 113 12. C. Coldeen 2121 (17) to 81491354 27 D. tenahan 1831 10 28 28 28 21 (2) 1 t S 13. R. Stout 5235 16 16 22 3 s E23) 65 14. G. Pitts 2916 13 22 (221 15 14 10 74 IS. G. Mabie Z47 20 14 12 16 16 (23} 78 16. J. Gilmore 4539 11 13 22 10 (23) 23 79 17. D. Anders• 6551 15 15 22 17 12 (23) 81 Division 3 Championships 18. K. Stahr 2321 17 10 11 21 19 (23) 87 19. B. Hoffsetz 5331 18 22 (22) 18 17 15 90 20. R. Aughinbaugh 5509 19 22 22 19 10 (23) 92 Alameda California " 21. R. McDonald 7614 22 22 ( 22} 20 18 14 96 22. B.*ight 1029 12 22 22 (23) 23 23 102 23. T. Miller 22 22 22 (23) 23 23 112 Grey skies and prediction of 10 to 20 knot westerly wimts :relied 76 Hobie Cat kkippers and their crews and families as Chey prepared their boats for the Fourth Annual Nortli- ern California Ch• pionship Regatta July 28-29 at Alameda Division 5 Championships on San Francisco Bay. As Saturday noming progressed toward the first gun for the 16-A Fleet. the sun came out, Dillon Reservoir, Colorado the wind st;/ted blowing and conditions becaae almost ideal for Hobie Cat racing. Hobie 14 John Beery donated a perpetual trophy for the regatta which 9051- 2, TOTAL Was to be awarded to the skipper with the lowest point TION 6/2/ al-'. /1/5 total. For the Founh year in a row, this skipper has bew 1 A. Uelies 602. 3/4 Z 3/4 3/4 3/4 (2) from Santa Cruz. In 70, '71 and '72 /.ff Canepa won the 2 J. Stiles 4974 24342(5) 15 perpetual on his way to the 1972 Hobte 14 National Title. A. Parker 5187 (6)32334 1S 4 F. Lederle 3487 3 3/4 (S) 543 111is year, fri the way he was sailing. Jack Halterman just 5 U. Holland 12008 4(7)42 5 3/4 IS15 3/4 may have started his climb to the 14 National (bampionship. 6 D. Larsen /79 5(6)6666 29 If he continues to sail Is he did on Ballena Bay, he will 7 J. Peacock 2262 588a8 36 place quite high al Like liavasu thi5 year. 8 P.·.ittOh 5507 ( 8)88888 40

Hobie 16 1POSI- Li SMiL 1 23456 miTOTAL A Winner from Any Angle ! Hobie 14 t. 8. Beauchamp 140 ( 4} 2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 5 Designed exclusively for the Hobie 16 2. G. Foust 346 3/4 4 3 S (9) 3 15 3/4 A Fleet 3. S. Mkinn 11 3/4 2 [191 3 4 20 -Seaway's new S-065 racing block POSI- 4. I. Guthrie 480 7772 ( 101 8 31 TION NAME MIL' 1 2 3 '4 5 6 POINTSTOTAL 6.5. S.11.letterMCDowell 319143 ,311 6 0366 (12) 9 935 036allows 036adjustment 0362,of the becket to - 7. ...'.6.- 370 15 (19) 8 4 5 10 42 1. J. Halteman 4431 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 (16) 3 3/4 8. C. Otoys 635 • 23 ) 10 12 8 7 7 44 any of five different positions for a 2966 322(41 2 3/4 9 3/4 9. R. Johnson 840 10 {26) 5 /6 036 i: •: ttliffe 11731 4. D. Hack 333 257 (15) 6347 (8) 7 32 23 J.M. SchusterSmith . 537I I8' 3'°""4 13 18" (27)" 56*' wide variety of cleating angles. A full S. D. Snyder 2345 643 5 (11) 8 26 - S.C....rwolfe 15394 .8( 0361,18 042 9 036,10 04214. (27) 0366,SO universal joint makes any angle of 6. L. Peterson 4427 4 8 (11) 10 3 6 31 D. Chappell 193 6817 IS (22) 10 64 7. T. Walsh 675 9 (9) 5 7 6 5 32 .*. Parton 500 9 14 15 12 ( 161 16 66 lead possible. Deluxe components : 1%9 5869 10 6 ( 121 11 5 4 36 J. Tay'cr 801 (20) 9187 13 20 67 10. K. Hall 481 128749IO 9 6 108 {161(16) 4736 ·· T.B. PostCrew 719181 (27)19 22/ 1013 {23244568) 6 21 71 throughout, including Seaway's pre- 2519 13 14 8 2 13 (16) 50 p. .cRae 791 14 (24) 16 9 19 17 75 R H- H.D.·KerrSpuit 531 5 3 10 • 16) 16 16 SO · L. Thof,on' 764 1, u 036, 042, 042 036 0367 cision mini-block which glides the 13. D. Gurney 8342 (14) 13 13 12 9 7 / , M. //hee 435 21 12 /1 18 (21) 12 84 14. G. Hill 5414 T. F/b/ight 6,5 13 11 24 21 17 07, s, sheets smoothly and effortlessly over 15. B. Biddle 7095 16 16 (16) 13 12 9 66 T. Byrnes 124 16 20 22 {26) 23 11 92 16. J. Theiring 899 1511 1112 1415 (16)14 (16161 16 70 : :. :=, 654305 (25)11 U25 2325 (22271 2415 2219 109"' 16 needle bearings. Also featured is a L. Epperly 826_ 26 16 (27) 25 26 27 120 37. p. Arnold 3038 , 042on , 042» 036 036= slide for 5/8 " internal track and invest- Hobie Cat 14 Hobie Happy, A Poem ment cast stainless steel cleats. Plus B Fleet the new jib block accommodates a 'POSI- 'NON NAME 21!1 1 2 3 4 S. 6 ,v,•POINTS Streaming along on the oceans green wing larger diameter line than ever before I. L. Brewer .9205 3/4 3 3/4 3 3/4 (4) - the steel is taut and a vibration does sing - up to 316" braid. Any way you look 2. J. North 4127 4 3/4 5 3/4 (11) 5 81/4 3. B. Cochran 1034 3 2 4 (9) 15 1/2 you move like a cloud, suspended on nothing at it, Seaway's new S-065 jib block 4. L. Hefner 9156485 20 5. D. COX 7166 (/3 9 3 10 f7 (':,3/4 2928 3/4 you're a bird of a type, you can fly over the water comes out a winner. List price & 6. W. Diecke 3078662 8 (9) 7. R. Gross 9680 2 9 (12) 6 3 10 8. D. Anderson 205 7 5 9 (11) 2 8 4 and slide through a wave like a frisky Sea $16.00. Look for the complete line of 9. L. Allison 1736 10 (12) 2 4105 31 10. R. Moore 2952 (9)77766 036your mind is alive with excitment and joy Seaway racing blocks at your marine 11. 8. Bryan 5728 5 8 {10) 893 33 12. B. MacLellan 5042 12 12 12 14 12 (12) 60 036it plays with this feeling like a child with a toy hardware dealer now. •0 *• AT

Hobie Cat 14 It is wild!... It is tamel... It is elusive to explain Send 50c for -Al'R CPOSI-Fleet this craft you must master or soon meet disaster Seaway color catalog. 2162':1.1, TION NAME 5Mit 1 2 3 0423 « $%54, but in attaining this "feeling" none can surpass her Dealers Inquire *385: *E:Ea 1. H. Mathiasen 1528 5 2 2. B. Gulet z 728 3 3 3/42 3/42 3/42 (4)A 101/210 3/4 She's a cat that's got spirit plus a true heart ilillill, 3. C· Valencia 3748 4 5 £4. '...... --...'.L. Darrow 12137 3/4 8 i '1' i :i' 1: u. and once this "feeling" has struck you, 6. J. Williams 12138 7 3/4 it will never depart. 1. J. Lancara 11761 7 8 8(9)99 33 3/4 8. T. Enkelbrecht 9783 5 6 56 6 U) 35 9. W. Darrow 861 7 8 87{98 (9) 9)9399 37 Christopher Straub 18 years old SEAWAY 4201 Redwood Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90066 22 ADVERTISEMENT J:.1 e.; I ' ..< t. " 036'.t..... 6. - -- 7.- - . - -'.'- ...... 1' - ....61..' I - ' ·, g··• &1·A·.5.. 1%2. Are=Your Hobie Sails In Nee[1 of Repair? 1 1 The Only Guarantee of Hobie Cut, Set and Quality 3 '14 I · c ·135' • I•r.. .'..,tl..,&

Is To Return Your Worn Sails"To The;Hobiet..,11,%. 4 -9...... A Loft ...., ...'.2 DO ..7 I McKibbin Sails The precision cut and set of the Hobie Catamaran 14 &16 sails has been tleesstteedd MCK ' and proven in 3 Pacific Multihull Time- trials, why take a chance with a sail you k'noW.is 1. the best money can buy. let us recondition.your · It '·' sail to exact Hobie specifications. t....,

: Prompt Service By Return Mail 1 -4*.#i Your sails will be promptly repaired and returned by surface or air mail '4'7. - -J + - --gui .,Kivmir 1 -0-aw'A-W.'-- •

..2 •--' #,0,15'*08':244 0.-2,i • .... 0 M 254KibbinSAILS

, ..., - • =.3=::• ..-:# ...... - . ' ---• -• rrr .. -Il.--7 - - --=· 1B21 Reynolds Ave.Irvine,CA 927054714) 540-3684 _ • ADVERTISEMENT• ' . - A• - NOWYOU CAN OWN HOBIE CAT INSURANCE '.r-- r, - * It is our pleasure to announce a special insurance *- package, policy for Hobie Cat Class Association £* '4...... 4, . ... 1 - i. )f members in California effective September 1,

.. 14'"* , 1973. -11/1 I , 6-6 -i I.;-=,1,• -4,*An/mi'...... #..i. • .. • • -:-f.... 5, Full Coverage Including Racing _ • /.-i-litilit1 /pit- . ' .,45 Vilillilimi• ix-fml:ti":lf//"pr'- ji-:1/lip. , 254>....i• This policy,will provide 24-hour all risk coverage • tgi• ;**'• I• • 1• -,-----9 -1---t:--_I-• 2541* # on boat, trailer, sails, etc. anywhere in- th'e world., ':• "- «' ·. DON'T GET RIPPED'OFf-' This includes racing. Underwritten By Safeco Insurance Co.

:--Liability coverage will be offered as an option. Tbis insurance will be underwritten by SAFECO IN- d SURANCE COMPANY ulbicb is,one of.tbe finest and largest companies in tbe United States. Tbis policy '1'bas been designed specifical(y for Hobie Cats ataspeciallowl,ate witb savings between 20% and 30% , Tbis Hobie insuranceis now available toall members in California and Florida and sbortly tbereafter in i • all other states. Brochure.i 'witb ::all. mlormation, rates and applications will be forwarded directly - to all· members in tbe near· future and also will be available at local dealers. 4 ·.·Please'write for free information ioday to: i 1• 2 . : - '4 AeTH 036*.:3:t,Minor Harkness Insurance 49 S. Baldwin - Sierra Madre, California 91024 - (213) 355-8019


• • <2.-·.1:,----- .- . / ... " ...... 5../.,I . - ,

.j 3Ebr-2.,.i <:.gtfd.3·hte-S.8iR· f...3 i...... ,. I ' 6PiL- DOC[Dod[][5" a&err CLASS ASSOCIATION 3 . at,·P40• 80)(• 10278 SANTA ANA, CALIF. 92711

': M ..' ·Z'fr -e . f g . I.'-li• .I . C.I- •- V 3. £/ $Y



'44• px A-- ... 'i. - 1--4 2- 5 - e " '. / . . '• 1ii ·· :- . .. :,d#.12.1 0.» ,• Se> -1.'·...M --- 1 t. . 41. I


-6.: 4,- 1:44... I ... /. 036 Whyshould we? We're in a class Write today lor tree brochure and by ourselves. Oyer 12,000 strong, name ol your nearest dealer. Specily now. And growing.'We know' Hoble Cat 14 0 Hoble Cat 16 0 Hobie 12 Mono-Cal 0 Send $1 for we're the best and you'll have to 5 32-page Hobie Cat Sailing Manual and - pardon us if we'rea little proud. 1 "Have a Hobie Day" bumper sticker. We'restrd,ng,.Durable.,Fun. Fast. Exciting Hobie films available to clubs, World's Record fast, in fact. We are schools and civic organizations for nominal charge. more than 75 active fleets, , , throughout the country .... partici- pate in more than 500 regattas each year. We're a way of Nfe, you 21 see. The ultimate of life, we engeman• (9519 7 think. Join our uniqueand exclusive: : ...away of life fraternity. Product of Coast Catamaran Corp. . 2026 McGaw.Avenue ' Irvine,'Ca. 92705 S 0.=• 043£,CH,<1£,CHO<,ck) d