TERAPROOF:User:GREGMCCANNDate:22/04/2010Time:14:29:39Edition:24/04/2010WeekendWX2404Page:14 Zone:WX feature feature 14 WX - V2 WX - V2 15 A new book gives voice to the six forgotten children murdered by their mother as the Third Reich fell, writes Suzanne Harrington HAPPY FAMILY: German Nazi politician and minister of propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) with his wife Magda and their children, Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Hedwig, Holdine and Heidrun, 1942. Also present is Harald Quandt (in uniform), Magda Goebbels’ son by her first marriage. Picture:Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images ITLER always insisted Magda Goebbels, says Craigie, was a fas- was so isolated — too old to be one of the that Helga Goebbels, the cinating character. “She was brought up by little children and too young for the adults. eldest child of his propa- a Jewish step-father whose name she took, She knew there was something seriously ganda minister, was his and in her teens she had a Zionist wrong.” H favourite little girl. Yo u boyfriend,” she says of Mrs Goebbels prior Until now, Helga Goebbels and the other can see from the picture that his affection to her ideological shift to Nazism. “Her children have been largely ignored by his- was not so visibly reciprocated — Helga, natural father introduced her to Buddhism, tory. When Rochus Misch, the last living then aged around three, holds herself tight- and a belief in reincarnation may have in- survivor of the bunker, called for a memo- ly away from the Fuhrer, her limbs closed, fluenced her decision to kill her children. rial at the site of the bunker to commemo- her entire body language repulsing him. She believed that remaining alive in rate the Goebbels children, at the 2005 un- Nine years later on May 1, 1945, she post-war Berlin would have been worse veiling of the Holocaust Memorial in would die in Hitler’s bunker, killed by her than death. Berlin, he was widely criticised. own mother. Her five younger siblings “Magda had a horrible childhood herself. “Misch was the telephone operator in the were also killed, all wearing white night Her real father ignored her until she was bunker, and he formed a connection with clothes, the little girls with white ribbons five, and then took her off and sent her to the children,” says Craigie. “It was he who in their hair. a convent in Brussels when she was still a suggested a memorial plaque for the chil- “That picture of Helga with Hitler is very little girl who didn’t speak any French. dren on the site of the bunker, but it was what really drew me in,” says writer Emma She was extremely emotionally neglected, rejected because he never renounced Craigie. “I liked the little girl who had got which may explain why she didn’t appear Nazism. But those children were not Nazis. him sussed. Yo u can see her instinctive re- to be very connected to her own children.” then got a Nazi dentist, Helmut Kunz, to the six children were dead in their bunk They were victims.” vulsion.” Craigie also imagined the child’s On the last day of their lives, Uncle Adi inject the children with morphine, but beds — all had died peacefully, except Six little blonde children all sharing the later loneliness and isolation, surrounded by and Auntie Eva were already dead in an ad- he refused to help her actually kill them. Helga, whose face showed signs of bruis- same initials, who regularly gave singing adults who were not telling her the truth joining sitting room, shot in the head and Some reports say that Hitler’s own doc- ing. She had woken up as the marzi- recitals for their relatives, the doomed about what was about to happen to them at poisoned by cyanide, although the children tor, Ludwig Stumpfegger, helped admin- pan-smelling poison had been pushed in- Goebbels children were like the Von Trapp the close of World War II. didn’t know this. Their mother told them ister the fatal cyanide pills into the sleep- to her mouth, and struggled. family — gone horribly, horribly wrong. Emma Craigie has just published Choco- that they were leaving the bunker but prior ing children’s mouths. When the Rus- “Their end was unbearably poignant, ■ Chocolate Cake With Hitler by Emma late Cake With Hitler, the untold story of to departure, needed a ‘vaccination’. She sians entered the bunker on May 3, 1945, especially for Helga,” says Craigie. “She Craigie is published by Short Books. Helga Goebbels, who was 12 when she died, alongside her sisters, Hedwig, six, Heidrun, four, Hildegard, 11, and Holdine, eight, and brother Helmut, who died aged nine. Using source material from a member of the Goebbles’ domestic staff, Craigie traced the 10 days spent by the children and their parents — along with Hitler and Eva Braun — in the Berlin bunker before Bunker the suicides of the adults and the murder of Bunker the children, fictionalising the final days from the perspective of Helga. Taking their six children to the bunker on April 22, 1945, as the Russians were closing in, Joseph and Magda Goebbels re- fused to try and escape, or to help the chil- dren flee Berlin. Instead they chose to die children alongside Hitler, whom the children called Uncle Adi, or Uncle Leader. An untranslat- ed memoir from Kathe Hubner, a gov- DOOMED TO DIE: Adolf Hitler, with his ‘favourite little girl’, the eldest Goebbels daughter, Helga. ���� ������� erness who taught the Goebbels children, was an important source of information for Craigie; she was further inspired to write of Hitler’s secretaries, Traudl Junge, who er when assured by Magda that Hitler It was Magda, however, who so fervently about the children’s fate after watching the survived the war. Although Junge re- would defeat the Allies. Instead she saw believed in Nazi ideology that she killed �� ��� ������� �������� award-winning 2004 German film Down- members the younger children being un- through her mother’s fear, despite the her children rather than allow them to live fall, which concentrated on what happened aware of what was really happening, she daily chocolate cake and the jugs of hot on after the regime’s collapse. Writing to ��������� ��������� ��������������� ��� ���� �� ������ �� ���� ��������� to the adults. “Nobody had told the chil- sensed that the 12-year-old was not en- chocolate they shared with the Fuhrer. Harald Quandt, her eldest son from a pre- dren’s story before,” she says. tirely fooled by the adults’ all-is-well cha- Also, her father did little to protect the vious relationship, on April 28, 1945, she “During the war the children had spent rade. “Helga sometimes had a sad know- children from overhearing the horror sto- praises the children — “they make do in time in the mountains and with their ing expression in her big, brown eyes,” ries of the approaching Russians, which these very primitive conditions without any grandmother, but then they were brought Craigie reports Junge as recalling. undermined Magda’s attempts to protect help... never a word of complaint or a ���� ����� �� ����������� back to Berlin at the end,” she continues. “Sometimes I think with horror that in their peace of mind. Goebbels even tried tear... from time to time they can [even] “Lots of Nazis disappeared around this her heart the child saw through the pre- to have his two eldest daughters appear in get a smile from the Fuhrer.” ������������ ��������� time, which disgusted Goebbels as disloyal. tence of the grown-ups.” a propaganda film in late 1944, which And then she adds chillingly, “God grant And many other Nazi leaders got their The governess’s account verifies this. In would have shown the children giving that I retain the strength to do the last and children out, but at some point the Die Kinder des Reichministers, Kathe flowers to wounded soldiers in a field most difficult thing. We have only one aim Goebbels decided their children would go Hubner told of how the eldest child, un- hospital; the idea was abandoned because in life now — to remain loyal to the �������� ��� �������� ������������������������� �������� down with the ship. It would most likely like the others, did not believe her moth- the children could not hide their horror. Fuhrer unto death.” ��������� ����� ���������� ��������� ��������������� have been Magda’s decision. Her husband was far more removed from them.” In his private diary, their father mentions his children only in passing, as though they When the Russians entered the bunker on May 3, 1945, were pets: “They are all so sweet. How at- tached one can become to such tiny, in- “the six children were dead in their bunk beds — all had died ������� �������� ����� ������� ����� ��� ���� ��� ��� ���� ���� ��� ��� ���� significant beings.” ������������ ������� ����� ��� ���� ��� ���� ��� ���� ��� ���� ��� Once in the bunker, their mother could peacefully, except Helga, whose face showed signs of ���� ����� ������������ ���� ��� ��� ���� ���� ��� ��� ���� not bear to spend time with the children as she most likely knew that they were all go- bruising. She had woken up as the marzipan-smelling poison ������� ������������ �� �������������� ������� ing to die — one way or another. So Mag- ������ ������������������������ ����������������������� da avoided them, leaving the trusting and had been pushed into her mouth, and struggled uncomplaining children to the care of one ” WeekendWSATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2010 eekend SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2010.
American Intelligence and the Question of Hitler's Death
American Intelligence and the Question of Hitler’s Death Undergraduate Research Thesis Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with honors research distinction in History in the Undergraduate colleges of The Ohio State University by Kelsey Mullen The Ohio State University November 2014 Project Advisor: Professor Alice Conklin, Department of History Project Mentor: Doctoral Candidate Sarah K. Douglas, Department of History American Intelligence and the Question of Hitler’s Death 2 Introduction The fall of Berlin marked the end of the European theatre of the Second World War. The Red Army ravaged the city and laid much of it to waste in the early days of May 1945. A large portion of Hitler’s inner circle, including the Führer himself, had been holed up in the Führerbunker underneath the old Reich Chancellery garden since January of 1945. Many top Nazi Party officials fled or attempted to flee the city ruins in the final moments before their destruction at the Russians’ hands. When the dust settled, the German army’s capitulation was complete. There were many unanswered questions for the Allies of World War II following the Nazi surrender. Invading Russian troops, despite recovering Hitler’s body, failed to disclose this fact to their Allies when the battle ended. In September of 1945, Dick White, the head of counter intelligence in the British zone of occupation, assigned a young scholar named Hugh Trevor- Roper to conduct an investigation into Hitler’s last days in order to refute the idea the Russians promoted and perpetuated that the Führer had escaped.1 Major Trevor-Roper began his investigation on September 18, 1945 and presented his conclusions to the international press on November 1, 1945.
INTRODUCTION Recognizing the Past in the Present Sabine Hildebrandt, Miriam Offer, and Michael A. Grodin The past matters, as it continues to reach into the present and infl uence the fu- ture. The acknowledgment that this holds true for the legacies of medicine in the Holocaust has long been denied by the medical professions after World War II, to the point that systematic research into this history only began in the 1980s.1 Too easy was it to point to the results of the Nuremberg Doctors Trial and claim that only a criminal few had been responsible for the atrocities committed by physi- cians in the extermination of those considered unworthy of life and the Euro- pean Jewry.2 Too easy was it to claim that medicine itself had been abused by the criminal regime of National Socialism.3 Research into the complicity of medical scientists, physicians, nurses, midwives, and other health personnel gained mo- mentum only after the perpetrators of crimes—and in academic medicine often their pupils too—had left their positions that they had reclaimed after the war. And the potential failings of the theory of scientifi c medicine itself have come into the focus of historical analysis only late.4 Many threads of this history are currently under investigation, their roots traced back to the time before 1933, and they need to be placed in the larger framework of continuities of persons, thought patterns and epistemology, and legacies that include the trauma of vic- tims, the published results, and the physical remains of Nazi research. These continuities
Whose Hi/Story Is It? the U.S. Reception of Downfall
Whose Hi/story Is It? The U.S. Reception of Downfall David Bathrick Before I address the U.S. media response to the fi lm Downfall, I would like to mention a methodological problem that I encountered time and again when researching this essay: whether it is possible to speak of reception in purely national terms in this age of globalization, be it a foreign fi lm or any other cultural artifact. Generally speaking, Bernd Eichinger’s large-scale production Downfall can be considered a success in America both fi nancially and critically. On its fi rst weekend alone in New York City it broke box-offi ce records for the small repertory movie theater Film Forum, grossing $24,220, despite its consider- able length, some two and a half hours, and the fact that it was shown in the original with subtitles. Nationally, audience attendance remained unusually high for the following twelve weeks, compared with average fi gures for other German fi lms made for export markets.1 Downfall, which grossed $5,501,940 to the end of October 2005, was an unequivocal box-offi ce hit. One major reason for its success was certainly the content. Adolf Hit- ler, in his capacity as star of the silver screen, has always been a suffi cient This article originally appeared in Das Böse im Blick: Die Gegenwart des Nationalsozialismus im Film, ed. Margrit Frölich, Christian Schneider, and Karsten Visarius (Munich: edition text und kritik, 2007). 1. The only more recent fi lm to earn equivalent revenue was Nirgendwo in Afrika.
MARTIN BORMANN GRATIS Auteur: Emerson Vermaat Aantal pagina's: 176 pagina's Verschijningsdatum: 2020-05-14 Uitgever: Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij EAN: 9789463388801 Taal: nl Link: Download hier martin bormann Anderen dachten dat hij door de Sovjets als gevangene naar Moskou was overgebracht. Volgens nog anderen verbleef hij in de VS of in Groot- Brittannië. Op 8 december werden tijdens werkzaamheden bij de Berlijnse Tiergarten twee stoffelijke overschotten aangetroffen. Een tandarts identificeerde Bormann aan de hand van oude gebitfoto's. Het andere lichaam zou toebehoren aan Dr. Ludwig Stumpfegger, Hitlers lijfarts. Resten van cyaankalicapsules wezen op eventuele zelfmoord om niet in handen van de Geallieerden te vallen. Een tweede onderzoek in bevestigde dat het gevonden stoffelijk overschot wel degelijk dat van Bormann was. Op verzoek van de familie werden de stoffelijke resten gecremeerd en verstrooid. Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie. Martin Bormann. Gezien op 17 dec. Laatste bewoners van de Führerbunker op datum van vertrek Naamruimten Artikel Overleg. Weergaven Lezen Bewerken Brontekst bewerken Geschiedenis. Gebruikersportaal Snelcursus Hulp en contact Donaties. Links naar deze pagina Verwante wijzigingen Bestand uploaden Speciale pagina's Permanente koppeling Paginagegevens Deze pagina citeren Wikidata-item. Wikimedia Commons. Wegeleben , Koninkrijk Pruisen , Duitse Keizerrijk. Berlijn , nazi-Duitsland. Secretaris v. Adolf Hitler. Reichsleiter SS - Obergruppenführer. Tweede Wereldoorlog. San Jose, CA: R. James Bender. ISBN Geraadpleegd op 10 april Zie de categorie Martin Bormann van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp. De Engelstalige Wikiquote heeft een of meer citaten van of over Martin Bormann. Hermann Göring · Heinrich Himmler. Robert Ley · Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer. Topics Alle artikelen uit 13 kwaliteitskranten.
List of Significant Historical Characters in Der Untergang / the Downfall
list of significant historical characters in Der Untergang / The Downfall Adolf Hitler (played by Bruno Ganz) Traudl Humps Junge (played by Alexandra Maria Lara): Hitler’s youngest personal secretary, 1942-1945. Released an autobiography in 2002 and appeared in the documentary Im toten Winkel / Blind Spot, also in 2002. She died in Munich that same year. Eva Braun (played by Juliane Köhler): Hitler’s girlfriend and, very briefly, his wife. Committed suicide together with Hitler in April 1945. Hermann Fegelein (played by Thomas Kretschmann): Obergruppenführer or General in SS. Part of Hitler’s inner circle, due in part to marriage to Eva Braun’s sister and service as Himmler’s adjutant starting 1943. Fled bunker in April 1945 but was caught. Circumstances of death uncertain, but most likely executed in April 1945. Alfred Jodl (played by Christian Redl): A top officer in the Wehrmacht High Command. Signed the unconditional surrender in May 1945. Hanged October 1946 after Nuremberg Trial. Magda Goebbels (played by Corinna Harfouch): Joseph Goebbels’s wife. Had some role in the murder of their six children in Hitler’s bunker. Died May 1, 1945 along with Joseph Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels (played by Ulrich Matthes): Propaganda Minister, architect of Kristallnacht, directed book burnings. Died May 1, 1945 outside the bunker in an unconfirmed manner. Albert Speer (played by Heino Ferch): Hitler’s architect, also Minister of Armaments and War Production. Known as “the Nazi who said sorry.” At Nuremberg, sentenced to 20 years at Spandau. Released 1966, published two autobiographies. Died 1981 in London. Wilhelm Mohnke (played by André Hennicke): High-ranking General in the SS.
Military History Anniversaries 1 thru 15 May Events in History over the next 15 day period that had U.S. military involvement or impacted in some way on U.S military operations or American interests May 01 1778 – American Revolution: The Battle of Crooked Billet begins in Hatboro, Pennsylvania » On 1 JAN John Lacey was appointed brigadier-general and given command of a large body of militia with the aim of interrupting British supply lines, especially those reaching Philadelphia. Crooked Billet was the Headquarters of Lacey, and became the target of the British commander in Philadelphia, Gen. William Howe. Lacey had been charged with patrolling the area north of Philadelphia, between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers, with responsibility for warning Valley Forge of attacks, checking British foraging raids, and preventing local trade with the British. Most of the enlistments of the few troops he had were due to expire shortly. Promised, and desperately needed, reinforcements were slow arriving or simply not coming. The British dispatched a joint force of British troops and Hessians on 30 APR and they surprised the American forces whose commander was still in bed. The British had surprised the Americans and attempted to cut them off with a "pincer" type movement. Bands of Loyalists and British horsemen grew increasingly bold, and their raids into Lacey's sector were becoming more frequent. On 1 MAY, during the morning, Lacey found his camp near the Crooked Billet Tavern virtually surrounded by the British. Though outnumbered, Lacey rallied his troops during the initial attack and was able to withdraw to a nearby wooded area and make a stand.
Joseph Goebbels Tagebücher 1945 Die letzten Aufzeichnungen Einführung Rolf Hochhuth Hoffmann und Campe Inhalt Einführung von Rolf Hochhuth Goebbels in seinen Tagebüchern 13 Tagebucheintragungen 53 28. Februar 194$ Mittwoch 55 Gespräch mit Hitler in der Reichskanzlei-Kritik an Göring-Lob für Dönitz i. März 1945 Donnerstag 58 General Wlassow bei Goebbels - Stalins Charakter - Gefährliche bolsche wistische Propaganda - Goebbels hört sich seine Rundfunkansprache an - Vergleich der Gegenwart mit dem Punischen und dem Siebenjährigen Krieg 2. März 194s Freitag 71 Internationales Presse-Echo auf die Konferenz von Jalta - Franco eine »Krampfhenne« - »Zu allem Leid kommt jetzt auch noch der Hunger« - Eine neue Armee aus Einheiten des Ersatzheeres - »Der Luftkrieg feiert tollste Orgien« - »Das Reich wird allmählich in eine Wüste verwandelt« 3. März 194s Sonnabend 80 Sepp Dietrich kritisiert Hitlers Maßnahmen - »Leidensthema Luftkrieg« - Goebbels für Urlaubssperre - Speer der richtige Mann am richtigen Platz - Graf Schwerin von Krosigks Finanzreform - Energieversorgung Berlins wird immer schlechter - Etwa sechs Millionen Wohnungen im Reich völlig zer stört - Goebbels liest Denkschriften von Gneisenau und Scharnhorst über die Vorbereitung des Volkskrieges aus dem Jahr 1808 5 4- März 194s Sonntag 91 Streiks in den USA und in England - Keine Evakuierungen mehr aus dem Westen - Hitler besucht die Front im Osten - Rundfunkansprache des Gau leiters Hanke aus dem eingeschlossenen Breslau 5. März 1945 Montag 102 »Ein schwieriges Problem«: das entgegenkommende
Joseph Goebbels 1 Joseph Goebbels Joseph Goebbels Reich propaganda minister Goebbels Chancellor of Germany In office 30 April 1945 – 1 May 1945 President Karl Dönitz Preceded by Adolf Hitler Succeeded by Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk (acting) Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda In office 13 March 1933 – 30 April 1945 Chancellor Adolf Hitler Preceded by Office created Succeeded by Werner Naumann Gauleiter of Berlin In office 9 November 1926 – 1 May 1945 Appointed by Adolf Hitler Preceded by Ernst Schlange Succeeded by None Reichsleiter In office 1933–1945 Appointed by Adolf Hitler Preceded by Office created Succeeded by None Personal details Born Paul Joseph Goebbels 29 October 1897 Rheydt, Prussia, Germany Joseph Goebbels 2 Died 1 May 1945 (aged 47) Berlin, Germany Political party National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) Spouse(s) Magda Ritschel Children 6 Alma mater University of Bonn University of Würzburg University of Freiburg University of Heidelberg Occupation Politician Cabinet Hitler Cabinet Signature [1] Paul Joseph Goebbels (German: [ˈɡœbəls] ( ); 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. As one of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers, he was known for his zealous orations and deep and virulent antisemitism, which led him to support the extermination of the Jews and to be one of the mentors of the Final Solution. Goebbels earned a PhD from Heidelberg University in 1921, writing his doctoral thesis on 19th century literature of the romantic school; he then went on to work as a journalist and later a bank clerk and caller on the stock exchange.
GOEBBELS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Peter Longerich | 992 pages | 16 Jun 2016 | Vintage Publishing | 9780099523697 | English | London, United Kingdom Joseph Goebbels () | American Experience | Official Site | PBS There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion. We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear's work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come. It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise. We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection. The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it. If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth. The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.
Buddhism from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Jump To: Navigation, Search
Buddhism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search A statue of Gautama Buddha in Bodhgaya, India. Bodhgaya is traditionally considered the place of his awakening[1] Part of a series on Buddhism Outline · Portal History Timeline · Councils Gautama Buddha Disciples Later Buddhists Dharma or Concepts Four Noble Truths Dependent Origination Impermanence Suffering · Middle Way Non-self · Emptiness Five Aggregates Karma · Rebirth Samsara · Cosmology Practices Three Jewels Precepts · Perfections Meditation · Wisdom Noble Eightfold Path Wings to Awakening Monasticism · Laity Nirvāṇa Four Stages · Arhat Buddha · Bodhisattva Schools · Canons Theravāda · Pali Mahāyāna · Chinese Vajrayāna · Tibetan Countries and Regions Related topics Comparative studies Cultural elements Criticism v • d • e Buddhism (Pali/Sanskrit: बौद धमर Buddh Dharma) is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.[2] He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (or dukkha), achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada—the oldest surviving branch—has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tendai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications Vajrayana, a subcategory of Mahayana, is recognized as a third branch.