Peter Longerich | 992 pages | 16 Jun 2016 | Vintage Publishing | 9780099523697 | English | London, United Kingdom () | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion. We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear's work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come. It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise. We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection. The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it. If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth. The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street. The masses need something that will give them a thrill of horror. There is no need for propaganda to be rich in intellectual content. A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity. If you tell a lie, tell a big one. To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole. You have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide. Every day we present the best quotes! Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends. 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Goal , Laughing , Sacred. Winning , Essence , Ideas. Lying , Long , Interesting. Lying , Bigger. Running , Roots , History. Giving , Needs , Thrill. Ein Zeichen des Schicksals? In , thank God, we've already taken care of that. I hope that the world will follow this example. Nun, Volk, steh auf, und Sturm, brich los! It is so unpleasant and filthy that one shudders. When one hears the pious nonsense of the Jewish-led world plutocracy over the radio or reads it in the press, one need only to look behind the scenes to feel pity for the miseries of mankind. Were there only such people in the world, one would have to despise humanity. The best place for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family, in motherhood. The misfortunes that have struck us cannot destroy this faith. The tests that we have to withstand today are enormous and put the German people through trials it has only seldom faced in its history. Nonetheless we must stand firm, or else everything will be lost. This war will be decided one second before midnight. Should we lay down our weapons before that, things can only go against us. Each of us knows what that would mean. Our enemy has told us that himself often and openly enough so that no one any longer can have the least doubt. It is no time to forgive weakness or faintheartedness. Our focus is entirely and only on our people, which is in the midst of a severe life crisis. Only we can resolve this crisis. If we succeed, we win everything; if we fall, we lose everything. The Jews! Their newspapers and radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have deceived are led to the slaughter. Who is it that invents new plans of hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life and its economy, education and culture? Who devised the unnatural marriage between England and the USA on one side and Bolshevism on the other, building it up and jealously ensuring its continuance? Who covers the most perverse political situations with cynical hypocrisy from a trembling fear that a new way could lead the nations to realize the true causes of this terrible human catastrophe? The Jews, only the Jews! They are named Morgenthau and Lehmann and stand behind Roosevelt as a so-called brain trust. Wherever you look, you see Jews. They march as political commissars behind the Red army and organize murder and terror in the areas conquered by the Soviets. They sit behind the lines in and Brussels, Rome and Athens, and fashion their reins from the skin of the unhappy nations that have fallen under their power. We did what we promised. Neither good fortune nor ill fortune changed us; we remained what we always were, and what we will remain until death calls us: fighters for the eternal Reich of the Germans, which has withstood the storms of two millennia, and which has been so hardened in this war that it will be able to withstand the storms of two more millennia. In good times, we stood by its side with festivals and songs. In hard times, our hands and our hearts, and if need be our lives, belong to it. Sure, you want to, but doing it is something rather different, gentlemen! The whole affair has a certain tragicomic tone. The Jews talk as if they were really strong, but soon they have to move their tents and run like rabbits from the approaching German soldiers. Qui mange du juif, en meurt! One could almost say that anyone with the Jews on his side has already lost. They are the best pillar of the coming defeat. They carry the seed of destruction. They hoped this war would bring the last desperate blow against National Socialist Germany and an awakening Europe. They will collapse. The Jews are guilty! We do not need to do anything ourselves. It will come because it must come. Just as the fist of an awakened Germany has struck this racial filth, the fist of an awakened Europe will surely follow. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Here a beast of prey, there a housepet, but always an animal. Aristocracy with the meaning - the best are ruling. Peoples do never govern themselves. That lunacy was concocted by liberalism. Behind its "people's sovereignty" the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don't want to be recognized. National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel. We are getting somewhere. The Americans and English fall easily to this kind of propaganda. We are therefore pressing into service all star witnesses of occult prophecy. Nostradamus must once again submit to being quoted. Those are my pillars. We have to be the bridge to the future. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives. Ein Zeichen des Schicksals? Goebbels quickly ascended the ranks of the Nazi Party. First he broke away from Gregor Strasser , the leader of the more anti-capitalistic party bloc, who he initially supported, and joined ranks with the more conservative Hitler. Then, in , he became a party district leader in . The following year, he established and wrote commentary in Der Angriff The Attack , a weekly newspaper that espoused the Nazi Party line. In , Goebbels was elected to the Reichstag, the German Parliament. More significantly, Hitler named him the Nazi Party propaganda director. It was in this capacity that Goebbels began formulating the strategy that fashioned the myth of Hitler as a brilliant and decisive leader. He arranged massive political gatherings at which Hitler was presented as the savior of a new Germany. Such events and maneuverings played a pivotal role in convincing the German people that their country would regain its honor only by giving unwavering support to Hitler. In this capacity, Goebbels had complete jurisdiction over the content of German newspapers, magazines, books, music, films, stage plays, radio programs and fine arts. His mission was to censor all opposition to Hitler and present the chancellor and the Nazi Party in the most positive light while stirring up hatred for Jewish people. In September , Goebbels became director of the newly formed Reich Chamber of Culture, whose mission was to control all aspects of the creative arts. An offshoot of the formation of the chamber was the forced unemployment of all Jewish creative artists, including writers, musicians and theater and film actors and directors. Then in October came the passage of the Reich Press Law, which ordered the removal of all Jewish and non-Nazi editors from German newspapers and magazines. At the start of World War II in , Goebbels was entrusted with the task of uplifting the spirit of the German people and employing the media, and specifically the cinema, to convince the population to support the war effort. In the film, however, Jews are depicted as parasites who disrupt an otherwise tidy world. Its purpose was to bolster the resolve of the German people by exposing the chicanery of Jewish Bolsheviks. On May 18, Herbert Baum , a Berlin-based German-Jewish Resistance leader, and his accomplices partly demolished the exhibition by setting it on fire. Goebbels refused to allow this act to be reported in the German media. Nonetheless, Baum and his small but determined group succeeded in striking a sizeable psychological blow to Goebbels and his propaganda machine. As the war plodded on and German casualties mounted, Goebbels became a proponent of an all-out battle to the death against the Allied forces. Although the spectacular rise in the Nazi vote in and July was caused mainly by the effects of the Depression, Goebbels as party campaign manager was naturally given much of the credit. When Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor of Germany on January 30, , Goebbels was initially given no office: The coalition cabinet which headed contained only a minority of Nazis as part of the deal he had negotiated with President Paul von Hindenburg and the conservative parties. On May 1, Goebbels organized the massive demonstrations and parades to mark the "Day of National Labor," which preceded the Nazi takeover and destruction of the German trade union movement. Goebbels soon established bureaucracies within his ministry dealing with press , radio , film, theater, music , literature, and publishing. Many prominent Jews in the arts and the mass media emigrated in large numbers, as did many socialists and liberals. Soon the content of every newspaper, book, novel, play, film, broadcast, and concert—from the level of nationally known publishers and orchestras to local newspapers and village choirs—was subject to supervision by the Propaganda Ministry. As a result, a process of self-censorship was soon effectively operating in all these fields, leaving the Ministry in Berlin free to concentrate on the most politically sensitive areas such as major newspapers and the state radio. No author could publish, no painter could exhibit, no singer could broadcast, no critic could criticize, unless they were a member of the appropriate Reich Chamber, and membership was conditional, based on good behavior. However, Goebbels became to some extent the protector of the arts as well as their regulator. In this, he had the support of Hitler, a passionate devotee of Richard Wagner. However, Hitler loathed modernism of all kinds, and Goebbels, whose own tastes were sympathetic to modernism, was forced to acquiesce in imposing traditionalist forms on the artistic and musical worlds. The music of Paul Hindemith , for example, was banned only because Hitler did not like it. Goebbels also resisted the complete Nazification of the arts, knowing that the masses must be allowed some respite from slogans and propaganda. He ensured that film studios such as UFA at Babelsberg near Berlin continued to produce a stream of comedies and light romances, which drew mass audiences to the cinema where they would also watch propaganda newsreels and Nazi epics. He resisted pressure from Nazi xenophobes to ban all foreign films—helped by the fact that Hitler enjoyed Walt Disney 's Mickey Mouse. This was because the real business of the Nazi regime was preparation for war. Now, however, Goebbels took every opportunity to attack the Jews. There was some respite during , while Berlin hosted the Olympic Games, but from , the intensity of his antisemitic words and actions began to increase again. In November , a Jewish youth, , shot a German diplomat in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, in revenge for the deportation of his family to Poland and the persecution of German Jews generally. On November 9, vom Rath died of his wounds. With Hitler's approval Goebbels organized a massive, nationwide pogrom against the Jews. The longer-term effect was to drive 80, Jews to emigrate, most leaving behind all their property in their desperation to escape. Foreign opinion reacted with horror, bringing to a sudden end the climate of appeasement of in the western democracies. Goebbels, however, was delighted. Our darling Jews will think twice in future before gunning down German diplomats. Hitler was a conservative in sexual matters and ordered Goebbels to break off his affair, leading to a suicide attempt by Goebbels. He had also become a wealthy man, and continued his womanizing despite being forced to send away his lover Baarova. Since his offices were close to the Chancellery, he was a frequent guest for lunch. In the months leading up to the war, his influence began to increase again. However, Goebbels was not kept directly informed of military and diplomatic developments, relying on second-hand accounts to hear what Hitler was doing. Goebbels was one of the most enthusiastic proponents of aggressively pursuing Germany's territorial claims sooner rather than later, along with and Foreign Minister von Joachim Ribbentrop. He saw it as his job to make the German people accept this and if possible welcome it. At the time of the Sudetenland crisis in , Goebbels was well aware that the great majority of Germans did not want a war, and used every propaganda resource at his disposal to overcome what he called this "war psychosis," by whipping up sympathy for the Sudeten Germans and hatred of the Czechs. After the western powers conceded to Hitler's demands concerning Czechoslovakia in , Goebbels soon redirected his propaganda machine against Poland. From May onwards, he orchestrated a hate campaign against the Poles, fabricating stories about atrocities against ethnic Germans in Danzig and other cities. Even so, he was unable to persuade the majority of Germans to welcome the prospect of war. Once the war began in September , Goebbels began a steady process of extending his influence over domestic policy. After , Hitler made few public appearances, and even his broadcasts became less frequent, so Goebbels increasingly became the face and the voice of the Nazi regime for the German people. Since civilian morale was his responsibility, he increasingly concerned himself with matters such as wages, rationing, and housing, which affected morale and therefore productivity. The crushing German defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in January , however, produced a crisis in the regime. However, this proposal was doomed to failure. In February, Goebbels launched a new effort to place himself at the center of policy-making. He hoped in this way to persuade Hitler to give him control of domestic policy for a program of total commitment to arms production and full labor conscription, including of women. Goebbels immediately pressed for the Berlin Jews to be deported first. The first cities to be made Jew-free are Berlin, Vienna, and Prague. His November article in Das Reich was part of his campaign to have the pace of deportation accelerated. There, they could be worked into extinction in accordance with the plan agreed on at the Wannsee Conference convened by Heydrich in January. It was a constant annoyance to Goebbels that, at a time when Germany was fighting for its life on the eastern front, there were still 40, Jews in Berlin. For Goebbels, and were years of struggle to rally the German people behind a regime which was increasingly obviously facing military defeat. Following the Allied invasion of Italy and the fall of Benito Mussolini , Goebbels and Ribbentrop raised with Hitler the possibility of secretly approaching Josef Stalin and negotiating a separate peace behind the backs of the western Allies. Hitler, surprisingly, did not reject the idea of a separate peace with either side, but he told Goebbels that he should not negotiate from a position of weakness. In July, following the Allied landings in France and the Soviet advances in Byelorussia, Hitler finally agreed to grant both Goebbels and Speer increased powers. At the same time, Himmler took over the Interior Ministry. This trio—Goebbels, Himmler, and Speer—became the real center of German government in the last year of the war. Goebbels promised Hitler that he could raise a million new soldiers by means of a reorganization of the Army, transferring personnel from the Navy and . However, by July , it was already too late for Goebbels and Speer to make any real difference to the outcome of the war. Goebbels children - Wikipedia

Although the Allies were by then winning the war, and insisting on unconditional surrender, Goebbels whipped the crowd into a frenzy and mobilized them for a near-suicidal "total war. Their bodies were burned, left unburied, and quickly found by Soviet troops. Before his death, Goebbels declared, "We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals. The converging forces, circumstances, personalities and events that propelled a group of English men and women west across the Atlantic in One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic culmination story of the hard-fought campaign waged by American women for the right to vote, a transformative cultural and political movement that resulted in the largest expansion of voting rights in U. Tornado is the remarkable story of the man whose groundbreaking work in research and applied science saved thousands of lives and helped Americans prepare for and respond to dangerous weather phenomena. Together with U. Support Provided by: Learn More. Now Streaming The Pilgrims The converging forces, circumstances, personalities and events that propelled a group of English men and women west across the Atlantic in Goebbels quickly ascended the ranks of the Nazi Party. First he broke away from Gregor Strasser , the leader of the more anti-capitalistic party bloc, who he initially supported, and joined ranks with the more conservative Hitler. Then, in , he became a party district leader in Berlin. The following year, he established and wrote commentary in Der Angriff The Attack , a weekly newspaper that espoused the Nazi Party line. In , Goebbels was elected to the Reichstag, the German Parliament. More significantly, Hitler named him the Nazi Party propaganda director. It was in this capacity that Goebbels began formulating the strategy that fashioned the myth of Hitler as a brilliant and decisive leader. He arranged massive political gatherings at which Hitler was presented as the savior of a new Germany. Such events and maneuverings played a pivotal role in convincing the German people that their country would regain its honor only by giving unwavering support to Hitler. In this capacity, Goebbels had complete jurisdiction over the content of German newspapers, magazines, books, music, films, stage plays, radio programs and fine arts. His mission was to censor all opposition to Hitler and present the chancellor and the Nazi Party in the most positive light while stirring up hatred for Jewish people. In September , Goebbels became director of the newly formed Reich Chamber of Culture, whose mission was to control all aspects of the creative arts. An offshoot of the formation of the chamber was the forced unemployment of all Jewish creative artists, including writers, musicians and theater and film actors and directors. Then in October came the passage of the Reich Press Law, which ordered the removal of all Jewish and non-Nazi editors from German newspapers and magazines. At the start of World War II in , Goebbels was entrusted with the task of uplifting the spirit of the German people and employing the media, and specifically the cinema, to convince the population to support the war effort. In the film, however, Jews are depicted as parasites who disrupt an otherwise tidy world. Its purpose was to bolster the resolve of the German people by exposing the chicanery of Jewish Bolsheviks. On May 18, Herbert Baum , a Berlin-based German-Jewish Resistance leader, and his accomplices partly demolished the exhibition by setting it on fire. Goebbels refused to allow this act to be reported in the German media. Nonetheless, Baum and his small but determined group succeeded in striking a sizeable psychological blow to Goebbels and his propaganda machine. As the war plodded on and German casualties mounted, Goebbels became a proponent of an all-out battle to the death against the Allied forces. War , Drug , Intellectual. A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity Joseph Goebbels. Dark , Media , Diversity. Lying , Bigs , Ifs. Sacrifice , Individualism , Socialism. You have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide Joseph Goebbels. Send Report. Mistake: Choose Email for contact not necessary :. Related Authors Heinrich Himmler. Adolf Hitler Former Chancellor of Germany. Hermann Goring. Photographer. Rudolf Hess. Leni Riefenstahl Film director. . Jesse Owens Olympic athlete. Architect. Reinhard Heydrich. Adolf Eichmann. Karl Donitz Armed force officer. Benito Mussolini Former Duce. Ernst Rohm. Alfred Eisenstaedt Photographer. Author. Rudolf Hoss. Reporter. Joseph Goebbels Follow Unfollow. Login with your account. Create an Account. Password: Forgot Password? Create account.

Joseph Goebbels Quotes (Author of The Goebbels Diaries, )

We are therefore pressing into service all star witnesses of occult prophecy. Nostradamus must once again submit to being quoted. Those are my pillars. We have to be the bridge to the future. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives. Ein Zeichen des Schicksals? In Germany, thank God, we've already taken care of that. I hope that the world will follow this example. Nun, Volk, steh auf, und Sturm, brich los! It is so unpleasant and filthy that one shudders. When one hears the pious nonsense of the Jewish-led world plutocracy over the radio or reads it in the press, one need only to look behind the scenes to feel pity for the miseries of mankind. Were there only such people in the world, one would have to despise humanity. The best place for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family, in motherhood. The misfortunes that have struck us cannot destroy this faith. The tests that we have to withstand today are enormous and put the German people through trials it has only seldom faced in its history. Nonetheless we must stand firm, or else everything will be lost. This war will be decided one second before midnight. Should we lay down our weapons before that, things can only go against us. Each of us knows what that would mean. Our enemy has told us that himself often and openly enough so that no one any longer can have the least doubt. It is no time to forgive weakness or faintheartedness. Our focus is entirely and only on our people, which is in the midst of a severe life crisis. Only we can resolve this crisis. If we succeed, we win everything; if we fall, we lose everything. The Jews! Their newspapers and radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have deceived are led to the slaughter. Who is it that invents new plans of hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life and its economy, education and culture? But, although she was a devoted wife and committed Nazi, Magda was never the only woman in his life. As his propaganda ministry oversaw virtually all aspects of cultural production in Germany, he was in a position to decide which actors were to become stars in plays and movies. Goebbels exploited this position of power to the full and slept with countless aspiring actors. His wife tolerated the affairs until one woman, the Czech actor Lida Baarova, posed a serious threat to their marriage, in Magda complained to Hitler, who immediately intervened and insisted that Goebbels stay with his wife. Goebbels complied, once again underlining that pleasing Hitler was one of his greatest desires. The result is a painstakingly detailed biography that could have done with some tightening. Robert Gerwarth is professor of modern history at University College Dublin. Irish owned children's bookshop Tales for Tadpoles is launching a new gift box subscription service, the Tales for Tadpoles Wonderbox, to keep loved ones connected and uplifted. Robert Gerwarth. Sat, Jul 4, , First published: Sat, Jul 4, , More from The Irish Times Books. Sponsored Brexit bears down on businesses. Helping employers to build resilience at crucial stage in the pandemic. Although no one is certain, experts speculate that he made roughly 1, instruments before his death in Far fewer are extant. Suwa received the violin, she was already a violinist on the rise. She had her debut in Paris on May 19, , just a year before the Nazi invasion of France. Suwa performed throughout Europe during the war. She was a featured soloist with the Berlin Philharmonic in October , and two months later Goebbels wrote his second and last diary entry about her:. The famous Japanese violinist Nejiko Suwa plays for us a concert by Grieg and some smaller bravura pieces, with a superb technique and a brilliant display of art. I had given this violinist recently a Stradivarius violin as a present. By the way she plays I noticed that the instrument is in good hands with her. Employment was restricted to Aryan musicians. Composers like Mahler, Martinu and Mendelssohn were blacklisted on the basis of religion, politics and race. Goebbels also equipped musicians with high-end instruments. In his diary on Dec. His ministry was also involved in this process, lending 18th-century Italian violins to expert players, including musicians in the Berlin Philharmonic. When the Allies liberated Paris in , Ms. Suwa fled to Berlin, traveling by train with the singer Yoshiko Kurachi. Kurachi recalled that the train made several emergency stops because of Allied airstrikes, and the two women were forced to jump from the train to take cover under nearby trees, or under the train. But Ms. In Berlin Ms. Suwa rejoined the Japanese ambassador and in April , when the Japanese diplomatic staff evacuated, she fled by train for the Austrian Alps, where she was captured by soldiers from the United States Seventh Army in May, according to records in the United States National Archives. She was at sea in August when America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Customs officials removed and inspected pieces of baggage from the ship. Records show that daggers, knives, revolvers and a sword were taken into custody, but no violin. The following day Ms. Suwa and others from the Japanese diplomatic corps were taken to the Bedford Springs Hotel, a luxury spot in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania that served as a detention center. Twenty rooms had been secretly wired with microphones by the State Department in anticipation of the arrival of the Japanese.

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